#ultraman oc: Akari yuri
harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
[Family game night.]
Akari, setting down a card: Ace of spades.
Taro, pulling out an Uno card: +4.
Taiga, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you.
UltraSeven, revealing his hand: Royal flush.
Ultraman Ace, putting down a Pot of greed: Everyone draw two more cards.
Zero, rolling dice: Yahtzee!
Father of Ultra, staring at them baffled:...
Father of Ultra, whispers to his wife: What are we playing again?
Mother of Ultra: I have no idea, but.... *she places down a MarineAngemon card and everyone groans in despair*
Mother of Ultra: I think I'm winning?
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harveywritings92 · 1 year
Akari, to her brother: Hey, are oranges called oranges because oranges are orange, or is orange called orange because oranges are orange?
[Zero's head is filled with computer dial up sounds.]
Zero: …Did you seriously just say orange eight times in one sentence, and it actually makes sense???
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
Seven, to his kids: Call me when you're home safely.
{Zero and Akari get home they decide to mess with their father.]
Zero: We're home dangerously.
Seven: Stop it.
Akari: We're home lethally.
Seven: You're both terrible.
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
[Nayaka is addressing some issues during a UFG staff meeting.]
Nayaka: ...Also, If you're going to use the coffee pot to make coffee, You need to use water, Ok? I don't care what the frickin' internet says. There's no such thing as double coffee!
[Dan (Ultraseven) who is sitting next to his daughter Akari is filled with morbid curiosity asks in low tone.]
Dan, to Akari: I'm gonna regret this. but... What's double coffee?
Akari: It's where someone uses the old coffee that's been sitting out for who knows how long to brew another batch of coffee..
Dan, grimaces in disgust: Urgh...*he pushes his cup of coffee away.*
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
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(Link to site if anyone wants to use it) It's my first time using picrew. I used it to make my Ultraman OCs, This it kind of what I'd picture them looking like, not rock solid but close enough, I really got to get around drawing them myself…]
Starting from the top: we got the Morimoto twins: Nayaka (left) and Mile (Right) their ages are equivalent to a young adult in their early to mid 20s.
Nayaka and Mile are two genetically modified clones of two ultramen that were created on Earth as Anti-Kaiju weapons before being rescued by Anne Yuri and the Ultra Guard. Nayaka's genetic donor is Zoffy and Mile's donor is Leo. Of course neither Zoffy or Leo knew about their existence until recently.
Second row: We got Akari Yuri (left)the teenage daughter of Anne Yuri and Dan Moroboshi (Ultraseven) her age is 54 but but due to her being half alien she ages very slowly so physically she looks around 15 years old.
When she was around 6 Anne passed away; no one knew who her father was since Anne kept it a well guarded secret.
Akari was put into the foster system until they found out she was an alien or at least half-alien, when they noticed she wasn't aging like a normal human would; And Akari was quickly transferred to the Alien Refugee District, She grew up in the slum's orphanage where she was often bullied and ostracized by the other kids and staff due to her human appearance. The scar on her face is from fighting with the older kids at the orphanage before running away at 13.
Next to her we got Z's childhood friend Nieve(Right). She's around 5,000 years old. and is a Cyexian-Ultra hybrid but takes heavily after her Cyexian mother. Nieve is Ultraman Hikari's niece and is an amputee she lost her left arm in an accident.
She currently works as a lab assistant for her uncle Hikari.
(My oc aliens: Cyexians are species of of humanoid aliens who are renowned for being for being some of the best scientists and doctors in the galaxy.)
Final row: We got the aunt & niece duo: Shio (Right) and Reiya (left) in their human forms. Shio and Reiya are from almost extinct race of aliens known as the Zodlestials, whose planet was destroyed when their sun exploded leaving the two of them the last survivors they are… or rather were part of the royal family before the planet's destruction.
Shio's age is around 4,798 which is the equivalent to a young human in their mid-teens. While her aunt Reiya's age is equivalent to an adult human in their 30s.
Reiya was a scientist on her planet and briefly worked with Tregear for a solution in slowing down her Sun's expansion years before his descent into darkness. Reiya's alien form is based of the zodiac sign Scorpio.
The scars on Shio's body are from her aunt using her as a guinea-pig for her experiments before she managed to escape. Shio's alien form is based off of the Ophiuchus and Serpens constellations and her Kaiju form is based off of Jörmungandr.
[Another oc species: Zodlestials (I based them off of the constellations and zodiac signs) they were an introverted people who were wary of all outsiders but reluctantly they sought outside counsel when they noticed that their sun was rapidly expanding without explanation; threatening to wipe out all life on the planet.]
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
Akari, feeling self-conscious: Dad.. Am I ugly?
Ultraseven: Of course you're not! I'm looking at you right now, you're the prettiest girl in the galaxy.
Geed, watching them:...
{Cut to R/n's living room Riku goes up to Belial who is reading 1984}
Riku: Hey, am I ugly?
Belial: Yes, very much.
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
*Zero, Akari and the Tri-Squad are on Earth on a nature hike*
Fuma, enjoying the morning scenery: it’s beautiful out here.
Akari: And quiet.
Taiga: Too quiet...
Zero: Uh-oh... Did we lose someone?
{Cut to Titas who is trying to befriend a grizzly bear.]
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
Ace, fishing with Seven and Taro: Well, we’re having a great adult outing, now aren’t we?
UltraSeven: Of course, and it was such a good idea to leave my son to babysit the kids.
Taro: What could possibly go wrong?
Fuma, from the roof:  WATCH ME DO A BACKFLIP!
Akari, piling up boxes and pillows for Fuma to land on: this is gonna be soo sick!
Taiga, holding a magazine with a bikini clad lady on the cover: Cousin Zero, why does this book say “Cheesecake” when it’s just pictures of ladies?... And why does my dad have so many of them?
[Nieve meanwhile is throwing expensive knickknacks and furniture at Titas who deflects them with his muscles; causing them to bounce in random directions, putting holes in the wall and breaking them on impact.]
Z: Hey Zero I found this neat game but I needed money to keep playing it so I used your dad’s credit card....
Zero, sipping his sixth energy drink of the day: This is fine.
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
Taiga, to his cousin: Hey Akari, I bet you can't roast us!
(He gestures to the rest of the Tri-squad)
Akari, thinks for a moment:...
Akari: Taiga, you look like someone nature took pity on and manifested your last two living brain cells into Titas and Fuma... And both are still fighting over third place.
The Tri-squad:...
Z: ....Wow.
Zero: He said roast them, not incinerate them!
Taro, who standing nearby: *Snort*
Taiga: Dad!
Taro, chortling: I'm sorry, son. But she got you boys good.
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
[Fuma, Titas, Shio, Nieves Z and Geed are hanging out together when they find Akari’s Slugger axe wedged in a stone pillar, thinking she’s forgotten it Fuma decides to return it to her.]
Fuma: I’m sure Akari is freaking out about her...missing.... (pulls the handle.) Axe! rgh...*Keeps pulling* It’s stuck!
Geed: let me try! *Geed pulls at the axe and fails miserably*
Shio: Two’s better than one, right?
Nieve: Right.
*Shio and Nieve tried together...nothing....*
Titas and Beta Smash Z: Let’s go!
{They managed to move the axe a little bit, even their combined effort failed, then Fuma got the idea that they all do it together, they all grabbed the Axe’s handle and pulled... And for brief second it seemed like it was working, until they realized the axe wasn’t moving they were all slipping! the teens all fell back into a pile as Taiga arrives and looks down at his friends oddly.]
Taiga: What are you guys doing?
Titas, pointing at the rock: We found your cousin’s axe wedged into that pillar there!
Fuma: And we were trying to get it out...
Shio: But it’s either wedged in there good, or weighs a bejillion tons!
{Taiga sees Akari’s axe wedge into the stone pillar like they said, Taiga examines it for a moment before he reluctantly grabs the handle and gives it small tug, the axe comes loose with barely any effort, Taiga looks at them all baffled.]
Nieve: What?
Geed: How did you do that?
Taiga: Whaddya mean? I just picked it up!
Fuma: But when we tried to pick it up it -Woah!-
*Fuma went to take the Axe from Taiga and was suddenly was pulled to the ground by the shear weight of it.*
Shio: Taiga pick up the Slugger Axe...
Taiga, again picks the axe up like it weighs nothing: Seriously is this a prank? cos it’s not funny.
Shio:...Huh, neat.
Z: What is?
Shio: I think I figured out why Taiga can lift the axe, but we can’t. but just to be sure...*looks around and spots someone* Hey, master Regulos? Taro? can you help us?
Regulos, coming up to them: Yes?
Taro: what is it?
Shio: Master Regulos, can you hold my friend’s axe for a moment?
Regulos, as Taiga hands him the axe: I don’t see why no-Ack! *gets pulled down by the sudden weight* What the??? *Tries to lift the axe but fails* 
Shio: Okay...Master Taro?
[Taro reluctantly grabs the axe and picks it up with no effort at all]
Regulos, stares in disbelief: What?
Taro, twirls the axe around: *Hums*
Shio: thought so...
Geed: C’mon tell us!
Shio: I think only people who are biologically related to Akari can lift the axe...
Taiga: Like how the AI in Reiya’s lab back on earth would only activate with your blood sample?
Shio: Right.
Titas: So, Besides Taiga and Taro both Zero and Ultraseven can lift it too?
Shio: Well yeah, They’re Akari’s brother and father all. 
(Taiga notices the mischievous glint in his father’s eye)
Taiga : Dad? Are you going to use Akari’s axe to play a prank?
Taro: What??? No!.....
Taro, shifty eyes:  I’m just going to return this to Seven’s daughter now...*Flies away*
Taiga: He’s totally going to use the axe to “test the strength” on the other ultra-brothers...
{The others nod in agreement.)
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
Kidnapper, to Taiga via Video call: We have your little cousin. If you ever want to see her-
Taiga: Five.
Kidnapper: What?
*Distant explosions and screams in the background*
Taiga: Four. Three-
*More explosions getting closer.*
Kidnapper, to someone off screen: WHAT THE FRAK IS WRONG WITH THIS KID?!
Taiga: Two.
*Akari’s slugger ax flies into frame knocking the kidnapper off screen as Zero’s Emerium Slash finishes off the rest*
Taiga: One. Hey, Zero!
Zero on screen with a recued Akari sitting on his shoulder: Hello Taiga, everything is under control. tell our father that we’ll be home around dinnertime.
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
[Glenfire comes over to Zero's place and finds who he thinks is Zoffy sitting on a chair with his head in his hands, he looks at Zero's sister who was comforting him.]
Glenfire, to Akari: What's wrong with him?
Akari: Err, Something happen to today, there was an accident at Hikari's lab; nothing life threatening. But- blah blu...
{Glenfire kind of blocked out the teen when he saw this cute Ultrawoman coming out of the kitchen, Akari was still trying explain the situation, but he immediately pushed the teen aside so he could talk to the hottie.]
Glenfire: Hey there.~ You one of Zero's relatives? Cos I don't think he's introduced us, I'm Glenfire. and your hot new dream.~
????, grossed out: Urgk...More like my worst nightmare.
Glenfire, confused: Huh?
Akari, flatly: Glen... that's Zero.
Glenfire, looks at the Ultrawoman even more confused: Huh...
Zero, does the two finger pose: Yo...
Glenfire, looking between Akari and Zero: h-How?????
Akari: That's what I was telling you. One of Hikari's inventions malfunctioned today and it somehow gender switched my brother and Nayaka!
[Glenfire looks over at the chair where "Zoffy" was sitting and realized it really was Nayaka! (the younger appearance and lack of stars on his chest should've given it away...) and oh, she did not look too happy with Glenfire right now!]
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
Akari: Did you know that when you suddenly jerk awake while falling asleep, it’s because another version of yourself from a different timeline just died?
Zero: ...really?
Mebius: Actually it’s because your heart rate decreased so quickly that your brain jerks awake just to make sure your still alive.
Zero: I don't know which one is worse.
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
Zero, to his sister: you know, we once lost Z for three days after a party. We found him in a cave, curled up next to a baby Pigmon. Isn't that right, Z?
Z, referring to the Pigmon: I named him Gary!  
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
Taiga, with his arm around Shio's shoulder: So, what should we do for the rest of our triple date night?
Grigio, clinging to Titas: Ooooh, we could go axe throwing!
Fuma, shaking his head: No, they asked us not to come back after the Akari incident.
Akari, flustered: In my defence, no one told me I couldn't use my slugger axe...
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
[Zoffy is surprised when he finds out about his daughter's other career, he saw Grigio and Akari reading a magazine with a picture of Nayaka singing at a concert on the cover and the two teens told him about it.]
Zoffy: So you're not only the second in command of the UFG, but an idol as well?
Nayaka, as she's looking over her schedules: That's right.
Zoffy: I hope you're not over working yourself. I mean juggling two careers like that seems very stressful.
Nayaka: Not at all. The team is very understanding when my idol job overtakes my guild duties and they're willing to work around it... That and Commander Sato is pretty serious and diligent at his job, so he doesn't call me off stage unless it's a real emergency and my sister or Akari are unavailable.
{Nayaka's Phone rings}
Nayaka: Excuse me.
Commander Sato, on the phone: Captain Morimoto, I need the full power of UFG's legal team stat! We need to limit how much actual meat you need to legally call something "meatloaf". We can save the budget, man!
Zoffy, stares at his daughter:...A serious and diligent man, indeed.
Nayaka, rubs her temple: *sigh* ...Sato, we need to talk priorities.
{Nayaka being an idol is a nod at Rena Endo/Sayama from the Ultraman manga/Netflix series.]
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