#S: leverage
harveywritings92 · 1 year
Ghost: How did you both know there would be an extra uniform in the bag?
R/n: Everyone knows flight attendants are required to carry extra uniforms, in case they get called to work unexpectedly.
Soap: Or if something happens to the one they're already wearing.
Gaz: How does everyone know that?
{R/n and Soap answer at the same time.]
R/n: Worked airport security.
Soap: Slept with a flight attendant.
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Lester: Meg saved my life. Twice.
Meg: Once. And a half.
Hazel: How do you half save someone's life?
Meg: I was the one that was sent to kill him, so I figure that only counts as half, right?
Frank: That actually makes sense.
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 1 year
{TW: past child abuse.]
{Taro is listens to Taiga and his friend R/n talk about childhood fears, when she mentions she doesn’t like thunder storms.]
Taiga: Being afraid of thunder is not a bad thing, everyone’s got a fear of something.
Taiga: I used to have claustrophobia when I was little.
R/n: How'd you get over your claustrophobia?
Taiga: I locked myself in a closet for a couple of nights. After that, I was fine.
R/n: That is so funny. I was scared of the dark and my guardian did exactly the same thing.
[flashback to a young R/n being locked in a trunk by her guardian who leaves said trunk outside during a bad thunder storm.]
Taro & Taiga:...
Taiga: That's not the same thing. What the hell was wrong wit- (Notices Taro leaving.) Dad, where are you going?
Taro: To visit your cousin to see if he’ll use his time powers to send me back so I can give R/n’s guardian a proper ass kicking....
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Shigaraki: Do you remember when I said to you next time we'd meet, that I wouldn't be so nice? Midoriya: Yeah. Shigaraki: Okay. Welcome to the next time.
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 5 months
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Leverage Redemption S02E05 The Walk in the Woods Job.
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tinarannosaurus · 1 month
just got caught up with bob's burgers, and so far I'm enjoying season 14 much more than I expected to!
not to say I went into these new episodes assuming I wouldn't like them, but certainly the past few seasons (10–12 for sure) have fallen into a rut where like, there's a handful of episodes that are pretty solid, there's one or two that annoy me enough to skip over on any rewatch, and the majority are deeply neutral. the plots are just okay, the jokes are a little lacking, but the fundamental dynamics are still there, and I like those enough that bob's remains one of my go-to shows to have on in the background, even if I don't feel inspired or compelled enough to engage with the show the way I used to
but season 14 has been an unexpected departure (and actually, I think the back half of 13 as well) — it's funny, because I don't actually think the show is as funny as it used to be, but they're taking bigger swings with the plots in a way that's very rewarding to watch! I don't mind that there are fewer jokes, because I'm invested in the more emotional turns the show is taking
like—holy shit, "the amazing rudy"? a standout from start to finish. and I think a great example of what this season is doing in terms of its emotional arcs, and what I'm glad it's leaning into
I've felt very neutral toward bob's the past couple years, because it's felt so staid. there's an accepted level of consistency that bob's or any other animated sitcom maintains, and I get that, but I think the show really really struggled in its recent seasons with honoring that consistency, roughly maintaining the status quo, while also creating plots that were—and this sounds bad to say—but, plots that were interesting. there were a lot of low stakes, anticlimactic resolutions, unexciting premises—situations where there's not a lot of room for the writing to go, and not a lot for the characters to play off
but what I think this latest season is doing so well is leaning into its history, taking advantage of all the episodes of relationships and interactions and story they've developed to create setups that really fucking land! "the amazing rudy" is a phenomenal episode, but would it have hit as well in season 4 or 5, when we've only met rudy a handful of times? maybe, but I think it's so much more rewarding as this late series entry, when it can pay off all the previous mentions of rudy's home life, his relationship with his dad, his relationship with his—until this ep—unseen mom, his hobbies, his anxieties, his friendship with louise, the role the belchers play in his life—it's so good!!
this season is a couple eps shorter from the strike, but really hoping that the rest of the 14 and what's to come in 15 follows the trend, because it feels like the show is finally starting to figure out its voice and its footing again
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takenene · 9 months
i have one beef with leverage and it's, why in the fuck is parker wearing heels for stealing even when she's not undercover
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wistfulwatcher · 1 year
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Leverage Redemption | 2.13 "The Crowning Achievement Job"
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madfoxx · 11 months
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my favorite thief in the whole wide world
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blog-of-reaction · 2 months
Oh, so that’s why the fandom has so many headcanons about and is so obsessed with Elliot’s hair. It’s not just that it’s gorgeous, it’s cause he had short hair when working for Moreau and the implications that has for the rest of the show, especially season 3 where it is looking extra feminine. I get it now.
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harveywritings92 · 1 year
[sick! Civvy! reader is surprised to see Ghost in her kitchen cooking]
Ghost, notices the look on her face: What, you think the only thing I know how to do is bust heads?
R/n: No! .....Well, yeah.
Ghost, cutting an onion: Look, hold a knife like this, cuts through an onion. Hold a knife like this, *Flips the knife around.* cuts through, like, eight bad guys in four seconds. Screams and carnage.
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faorism · 9 months
[long post with brief risque moment and mentions of murder and prison]
hardison, rambling as he shares an afterglow with eliot: hey, hey... would you help me hide a body
eliot: who you killing?
hardison: idk some guy. hypothetically
eliot: no.
hardison: ....really????? 😭😞 [starts whining about eliots betrayal]
eliot, after a minute, rolling to face his partner: ....you want a serious answer?
hardison: tbh wasnt expecting it BUT if you are willing to share...
eliot: first off, dont talk dead people when the come's still warm.
hardison: .....why does that sound like something you've said before??
eliot: second, yeah. of course. if it had to be done, you gotta tell me first. its not just the body.
hardison: i promise to wear gloves.
eliot, in strategic tactician mode: if it ever comes down to it, and im not there, you might not be able to clean up by yourself. dont try. instead just plant something that points to me, aight? im sure youll think of something.
hardison: ....................
eliot: you're swooning aren't you
hardison: listennnnn, if your martyrdom could sound like 30% less romantic, that would be best for us all. don't kinkshame me, babe
eliot, halfheartedly shoving hardison away: nevermind. just make sure to do it in a state with parole and decent conjugal visit protocols
hardison: noooooo 😭😞
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 5 months
R/n, without turning around: What's got you sneaking up on me?
Jugglus: This isn't sneaking. This is lurking. A big difference.
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"My money's not in my account. That makes me cry inside, in my special angry place."
-Uraraka Ochako, probably
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sophieswundergarten · 10 months
Thinking about how painfully vulnerable it is for a character to scream "Please, stop hurting them!" because it usually means they are helpless to do anything else
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Congrats to the Top 3 Found Families Of All Time as voted by tumblr:
1st: Gaang (Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Suki, Zuko) from Avatar: The Last Airbender
2nd: Leverage Crew (Nate Ford, Sophie Devereaux, Eliot Spencer, Parker, Alec Hardison) from Leverage
3rd: Straw Hat Pirates (Monkey D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Go D. Usopp, Cat Burgular Nami, Sanji, Tony Tony Chopper, Neferati Vivi, Nico Robin, Cyborg Franky, Brook, Jinbei, Yamato + others) from One Piece
Thank you to all who participated and get ready for the next Found Family Face-off: Sibling Edition™. Go forth and submit your favourite found siblings here!
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