#umbrella academy 2 spoilers
feralnumberfive · 1 month
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kacievvbbbb · 21 days
You know what I think is really fucked up is that this Ben obviously misses his siblings, his academy, soooo much and the narrative just..... doesn't care.
Whatever their problems were they were his siblings, his family and he watched them all die terrible tragic deaths before they ever got a chance to escape the clutches of their abusive father. And now he's stuck with this group who is insistent on seeing him as an asshole version of their ben that they and the narrative kinda act like his family never existed and that is so fucked up and such a missed opportunity.
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tinned-beef · 2 months
i’m just gonna say that season 1 five would not have done this
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giant-ball-of-twine · 2 months
Five straight up predicted the future when he told Luther to “stop hovering like an ambitious stripper” in season 2
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avnasace · 1 month
i do find it incredibly funny that in season 4 ben noticeably eyes the marigold bottle, takes the marigold bottle, disappears with said marigold bottle and then reappears with a round of glowing(!!!) drinks, yet the writers still decided that it wasnt obvious enough to us as the audience, and then made sure to verbally tell us that ben spiked the drinks with marigold. then they turn to klaus wondering why he is still normal, and then feel like they have to again verbally explain to us "ohhh you're sober!! thats why!!" when it was so clearly obvious.
but then they rushed everything else and left fifty thousand plotholes behind...
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laurrelise · 1 month
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ok cool so this all makes total sense but quick question, and seriously, correct me if i’m wrong
but wasn’t five 13 when he disappeared? in 2002? or was that just a general headcanon by fans? i could’ve sworn it was completely canon in the show…?
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paranoia-art · 1 month
Luther: OK, so we're gonna do some acting, are you guys ready?
Ben: Shouldn't you call Allison in for this?
Luther: Nah, it's fine. So I'm gonna pretend to be a burglar, alright? We're gonna learn some self defense right now.
Five: Why can't we just use our powers?
Luther: Just pretend you can't, come.on.
All: Fine
Luther: OK so, gimme all your money or im gonna kill you!
Klaus: That's not very convincing Luth-y
Ben: Bold of you to assume I've got any money.
Five: Bold of you to assume I want to live.
Diego: Bold of you to assume you can kill me.
Klaus: Bold of you to assume I can be killed.
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crispy0nion · 1 month
honestly i think the main issue with tua s4 is that steve blackman produced something that was exclusively aimed at himself. he is the target audience. "i felt like five needed a love story" you felt? so you didn't consider the opinions of all the people who are actually behind the success of this show, aka the fandom? it's actually not surprising at all, seeing as he also didn't take into consideration the actors' opinions.
season 4 is bad because he didn't make it for us, he made it for himself.
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The last thing Ben ever did in both timelines (umbrella and sparrow ben) was to save Viktor's life at the expense of his own and I think that's beautiful.
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And the flashback scene where Viktor was in Ben's room trying on his mask and the fact that Viktor would've been waiting at home for Ben to return from that mission only for him to never come back and never be able to say goodbye and when Viktor gets the chance to save Ben in S4, Ben sacrifices himself for Viktor and Viktor once again never gets the chance to say goodbye. The Fact that the 2 siblings with the most destructive siblings were the quietest and most timid (umbrella ben at least). They are my favourite brothers and I will never forgive them for not giving sparrow Ben a proper goodbye.
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pigeonriot · 2 months
umbrella academy has become a vein parody of what it once was why does everything feel so off
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stephsageek · 2 months
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tua-five · 2 months
Season 2 Episode 3
Can we just talk about how cute and sweet all the siblings' meetings are? I mean, not [Viktor] and Luther last episode, but Five and [Viktor], first of all, was sweet. He was gentle and softly explained (sort of) who he was and whatnot. And how he didn't tell him that HE was the cause of the apocalypse. (Which could be argued that he should've, and it leads to later problems, but that's okay. He was just looking out for [Viktor]). He looked so happy to see [Viktor], too. And then Klaus and Allison??? They were so happy to see each other! I mean, Allison jumped into the pool with her dress on to hug Klaus. And the playful banter 😭
And how Klaus IMMEDIATELY gets Raymond out??? Also, I think it is so funny how he goes, "I told you I had friends in high places."
Like, he emphasizes high because he used Ben, who's dead 😂😭
Speaking of reunions, Klaus and Dave 😭 That's all 😭
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kacievvbbbb · 17 days
The rewriting of the entire series that was witnessed in season 4 is really astounding to me. Cause why are they trying to gaslight us into believeubv that Allison and Klaus have always had a parasitic codependent relationship. Like please correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t even think they had that much screen time together before season 4. There were those moments in season 2 when they found each other but even then nothing to imply they had a codependant relationship where Allison was constantly dragging Klaus out of his messes. Hell if anyone did that it was ghost Ben. This is ghost Ben erasure. They where the ones with the parasitic codependency. Ben couldn’t be seen by anyone else so he needed Klaus and Klaus needed Ben not to completely go of the deep.
Ben is the one that’s there when Klaus is forced into sobriety and later when he is mourning Dave. Like a whole plot point in season 1 is how Klaus was kidnapped for like a day and nobody noticed. Another thing brought in season 1 is that as a child Allison was generally self centered and was really wrapped in her and Luther’s relationship. Why are they trying to gaslight us that she’s been taking care of him since childhood like those weren’t plot points the show itself set up.
I really liked their dynamic at the beginning of season 4 I thought it was a nice return to the real top shop they had in season 2 but like to try and force drama with their fight like it was a long time coming like it wouldn’t matter if this was just a new aspect of their relationship for both of them just really frustrated me. Especially for an arc that has no real pay off and really just works to show that Allison was right Klaus can’t be sober with out her. Which what?
What was the reasoning Steve?
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cardinalcheerio · 10 months
Diego: god, you have daddy issues
Lila: Can't have daddy issues if I've never had a dad!
Five: that's literally the definition of daddy issues
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firstpersonnarrator · 2 months
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Beautiful ingraving. Source: @sobadbad (X)
Rob Being Beautiful, The Masterlist 2/X
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christopher-the-cube · 3 months
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hello??? is that lila
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