#umm yeah ive told my mom So Many times that i will eventually look at the fuckin. like. dbt or cbt or whatever
my like. official autism screening or whatever said so many times “[redacted] is very willing to learn coping skills” which. i said i was. i was not. lowkey am still not. of the full belief i will figure it out on my own being told how to do things actually just makes it all worse for me
but LMAO like i rlly successfully lied to a therapist
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smitti4thecity · 3 years
Imagine you are reading something and it ends like this?? Can a writer do this to people? Can a writer survive writing like this? And more importantly what is this?? Read along and hey follow along... time to take the brakes off of story telling and introduce the first of many in the "UNTITLED FOR NOW" series...
Untitled for now begins with three characters: Teapot, Treyein and then we have Jug. The opening scene features a cry for help from Teapot and a sad confession of guilt from Treyein... and we start to examine the characters beginning with Jug.
Teapot – Hey Jug? You busy
Jug – Never too busy for you
Teapot – Thank You for your kind words
Can you come over, I would rather talk to you about this face to face.
Jug – GPS says 25 minutes, see you about 2000hrs
Jug has no idea what he is about to walk into and that does not matter because in his world his friend of 22 years needs him and has prioritized her over all things.
Meanwhile Teapot was fuming.. IVE HAD ENOUGH, the jokes, the innaprorpiate touching has to stop, enough is enough and she must escalate things before she finds herself in Wednesday’s episode of SVU.
Text message from Treyein comes in, Teapot begins to read it..
Treyein – look tea, I have decided to check myself into a rehab facility, I recognize in myself that I have demons in my past I must let go of or I will never manifest into the beautiful person I am inside.  I hope this move inspires you to somehow take your leap towards greatness.  You have so much to offer the World and I truly will pray nightly that you live in your gift.
Teapot – My life will never be the same because of you – you have literally taken my (knock, knock, knock) throws phone on the bed.
Teapot – opens door and greets Jug with a hug
Jug – well hello, nice to see you too, you look nice, nails done I see you tea... pot!! knowing damn well I love the white tip nails..… wait!!! what is this??? some sort of setup???. Are you about to tell me we are dating? What did I walk into.. you sittin around lookin all good..... smellin like YSL and lookin even better than you smell.  Look, three letters woman!!! I DO
Teapot – laughing and smiling, no no no no no, we are not dating
Jug – sigh of relief and disappointment, don’t act like if I didn’t really try and holla you wouldn’t oblige
Teapot – shrugs, grabs Jugs hand… more serious now – come in, lets talk things right now for me are….. tear drop
Jug – hugs her closely, sweetheart what is wrong? What is going on? Jug silences his phone, takes off his shoes and hurry’s back to teapot.. grabs her face – look at me? I’m in the moment completely with you – talk to me.
Teapot – I need some time, just be here with me, tell me how you are doing? I will tell you I just need some time to gather myself…
Jug – Well look it doesn’t really matter how I am doing.. Please, you cannot hold this inside of you it is going to drive you down a dark road
Teapot – I know I know I know… just please you go first.
Jug for the first time in his life was asked how he was doing? Jugs mind instantly drifted to where it all started for Jug...
It was hot outside and Jug had to walk home from two a days football practice – now Jug lived below the hill and practice was above the hill so Jug started his journey towards the bottom. His feet draggin.. head down.. he all dirty with the long day face going on…sweaty.. smellin like last weeks practice…whoooo Jug was hurtin that day..… not even halfway into the walk a voice yells out of one of the homes:
Voice: Hey N WORD!!!! Get outta my neighborhood..
Naw I’m just playin, the Voice didnt say that..
Not even halfway into the walk a voice can be heard saying..
Voice: Whats up g? And there she was.. Teapot!!
Teapot goes outside with her wifle ball bat and says you hungry I got some pringles inside.
Jug: with all the life brought back into his body from that statement, Yes I am.
Jug went inside and banged some pepperoni pizza pringles and enjoyed some good conversation.  That day 22 years ago jumpstarted an unbelievable friendship that stands stronger each day that passes.  Jug was introduced to an entire different world on that day he had never seen a two parent home, food in the pantry and refrigerator, candles smelling all good, a garage, Jugs life changed that day.  Jug would have to eventually walk down that hill and go to his home but Jug was completely in that moment wit tea and Jug was and has proven to be forever grateful for the value meeting teapot has brought to his life.  Jug provided entertainment and Jug is good at it, you know the sober guy that’s loving life, the only one on the dancefloor, singing and talking the loudest like hey look at me.  That is Jug, the go to guy for anything you trying to do good or bad because Jug has lived.  Jug travels the country for fun, he has made a living by traveling to countries and providing some of the most epic memories in travel history.  You look at Jug and just automatically get inspired ladies love him, businesses respect his word and opinions. Jug has the President’s personal number and thats him -- the only person that can make the impossible possible – it is so important to have those people in your life that can connect with every age group and just find a common ground between different parties.  You just have to see this man to believe this man.
Growing up Jug went to the community academy that required Jug to spend 7 days at the academy and he would go home for a total of 16 hours and after the 16 hours Jug would head back to the academy to finish out his next 7 days he did this for 6 years in lieu of elementary school.  Well in year three at the academy Jug was minding his own business and Jug went home for his 16 hour leave period and Jugs mom pops Jug in the back of the head like “wtf” Jug?
Jug: Momma what
Jugs Momma: Boy you been cutting your hair?
Jug: no momma
This continues for two continuous weeks and Jug is completely clueless because when Jug looks in the mirror all he sees is a billion dollar smile that he would sell his self short on if he grins... the dreamy eyes authors make up words to describe.  “Let’s call it hazel”
Jug was winning, fresh lineup, clothes was bummy but hey they all wore the same uniform, so LG.. F is the problem.
Jug strolls into his momma house on  summer leave that next week, and Jug momma put the paws on Jug.  You know the whoopen where you gotta go find the belt and you gotta find the one momma talking about or you gonna get hit wit the wrong belt and told to go find the other one…
when yo momma say “go get the belt” vs. “go get MY belt” the difference and  the tone in those two statements are completely different and has two different sides of the type of ass that gets whipped.  
When you get “the belt” only a little bit of ass is getting tore up so you good… when momma says get “MY BELT” well that my friend is all the ass.
That’s one of them beat downs that go like...
Boy (pop) didn’t (pop) I (pop) tell (pop) you (pop) to (pop) stop (pop) cutting (pop) yo (pop) hair (pop)
Huh? (Pop)
Get done you got snot bubbles, had two socks on now one of them outside underneath the car the other in the freezer stuck to the ice tray like its been there for a week.. yeah that type of life
Well a couple days later Jug was in his room iceing his buns when he hears his mothers voice scream out for him under his breath you know what Jug is saying so insert something you’d be saying in lieu of my sentence.
Jug gets up and goes in the other room and his Momma looks at him as if he were a newborn with all the love and desire a mother does and says to Jug.  I scheduled you a doctors appointment I have been talking to some people and they say I should …. Jug interrupts his Mom…
Jug: who is they Mom because if you are about to say what I think you are about to say then I need to meet them immediately.
Jugs Momma: Well what do you think I am about to say
Jug: Well, with all due respect momma - - I think you about to say …. Takes a deep breath and
That …
That umm…
Jugs Momma: say it son, you can tell me
Jug: you sure?
Jugs momma: yes son, you can say whatever it is you are thinking
Jug: I was going to say that I think you are about to say that “they” told you to stop beating my @ and like I been tellin yo xxxx xxx I ain’t been cutting my fxxxx hair, shoot”
Jugs momma: yes son its called alopecia.. wait a second Boy who you talkin.. you know what. Go get the belt…
Jug: sighs and drops his dobber and starts that stroll to the belt room and just as he takes a step momma gone say
Jugs momma: you ain’t gotta go get the belt but you better watch yo mouth, don’t know who you think you in here talkin to like that.. done lost yo mind.. clearly.
Think you talkin to boy.. I…
See when momma told Jug “boy … I” Jug was always curious to know – You’ll what? But Jug is a smart person… Jug takes his Loss… later in life someone told Jug the same phrase .. “boy…I” and Jug being the curious character he is.. Jug said it.. you’ll what? And to Jugs surprise Jug got muffed in the face and Jug would go on to never be curious again about what boy I… means.. because if someone tells you “Boy….I”
That means they are going to muff you.. so take your L.. or say “Boy..I” back to them and get ready for a muffing contest because boy I means nothing more than Boy I will muff you..in the face..
Jugs Momma: Yes son, in grown peoples words that is what I’m saying to you, and "they" is just people that gossip.
Jug: I don’t know momma, I don’t like gossip
Jugs Momma: not like that gossip, boy, shut up, you going to the doctor so go get ready.
School years begins Jug is bald, and Jug gets clowned every single day and Jug laughed along, soaked in the attention and listened to what the kids were saying.  Laughed louder than the other kids, complementing the very kids that were talking so bad about him and Jug had no choice because Jug couldn’t fight and Jug was lost, confused.  Jug knew why they were talking about him but didn’t know how to make it stop so Jug took L’s day in and day out until one day… The King of all Joke makers connected with Jug on a “I’m too great of a jokster to waste time talkin bout yo globe head self” type level...and that Jokster looked at Jug and Jug looked back and it was like the torch was passed to Jug.. and in that moment Jugs mouth opened and said one of the most legendary bars in the history of joke telling.
Jug: If you don’t get yo old…..
.. now “if you don’t get yo old” is the perfect setup however it is tricky to pull off but if you pull it off you are elevated to a different tier of joke telling…and Jug did it...
Jug was invicible from that day forward.. everyone loved Jug and Jug loved everyone.. For years the very kids that talked reckless to Jug was in the laugh of a joke (blink of an eye -- get it?? Laugh of a joke?? No?) Jugs biggest support system.  
Jug transformed that day into a legend, and in that moment Jug knew it was his life’s gift to spread love joy and happiness all over the world and that led to him winning a unanimous decision presidential election.. Yeah..He was not even on the ticket, everyone in the country wrote his name on the ballot..the most unqualified candidate in the history of life ...thats a whole nother story....
Jug has just been asked the most important question in his life, no one has ever asked Jug how he is doing? Jug has made a living by connecting with people and for the very first time in his life Jug must complete one of the most important steps in overcoming and that is answering one very important question.
Teapot – Jug, you okay you kinda went to another place for like 14 minutes, I have literally been calling your name… it was like you were not even here at all – I mean one of the first things that you said to me was that you are in the moment with me… I know that look Jug, I’ve never seen it on you… but Jug!! I know that look.. what is it..???
Jug – tears begin to form
Teapot – NO!! NO!! NO!! No Jug, you do not get to cry your way out of this one… Now open your mouth .. use your words and you get in this moment with me… and you tell me what is going on…
Jug – wipes them tears away that almost dropped, drops his head and unleashes this:
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mocurlyshepard · 6 years
"Just Pretend to be my date" | Two-Bit
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The dance at your school was coming up and you were beginning to be a bit on edge. It was frowned upon if you didn't have a date and it seemed like everyone had one. Hell, even if a girl didn't have a date she'd ask her cousin. The guy you did want to go with didn't seem interested in going to the dance at all.
The guy was Two-Bit Matthew's and he was your best friend and you guys were close ever since you were about six. You started developing a crush on him when you were about 12, probably because he was your first kiss.
It wasn't serious and it was one of your close friends birthday party where you guys decided to spend the bottle. It landed on you and then Two Bit. Initially, you were a bit grossed out. You never really saw Two as a romantic interest. This was the same guy who you ran around naked with in the backyard on hot summer days.
Two Bit being the jokester was never one to turn down a challenge. It was quick kiss, a press of the lips and it was over. Afterward, you found yourself thinking more and more about him and by the time you guys were 17 you were in love with your best friend.
You were jealous of all his other girlfriends, upset when he spent time with them over you. You tried to to brush it off, be happy for Two but you couldn't. That voice was in the back of your head. Reminding you how much you loved him.
You and Two were sitting on the hood of his car, smoking cigarettes and sipping off a shared beer. You decided to ask him to the dance, even though he told you how many times he probably wouldn't go. Especially since him and his latest girlfriend, Kathy, had just broke up abouf a month before.
"Hey Two,"
"What's up baby doll?" it didn't help that he give you adorable nicknames. You blushed and looked at him before taking a drag from his cigarette.
"I um. Umm. I know that you ain't going to the dance and all. But I really need a date. And you'd dont even gotta be my date you can just pretend to be my date."
He looks over at you with raised eyebrows. Your feeling like he might reject you. Two would never be rude to you. But sometimes it was hard whether to know when you guys were joking.
"You want me to be your date?" he grins. "Hell yeah, long as we can get drunk afterward."
You didn't spend that long preparing for the dance. Despite you getting upset because you couldn't find anything to wear. Dresses were usually a no no for you.
Eventually your mom gave you a dress that matched your liking. You were dressed and ready to go, the only problem was that it was 6:50 and Two Bit was nowhere to be found!
You knew he would never stand you up but you feared he was somewhere drunk and probably forgot about the dance.
"Honey, he'll come. Has Two ever let you down?" your mom questions as she fixes your hair.
Two bit was always there for you that was true.
"You're right." you say, agreeing with your mom.
Your heard perked up when you heard his loud ass car pulling into your driveway. You squealed with excitement when you heard him knock on your door.
"Hey sunshine." he greeted once you opened the door.
You were taken aback. You had never seen Two Bit all dressed up and honestly, you were expecting him to wear his normal outfit.
He had on a nice button up and dress pants. His hair actually didn't have that much grease in it.
"Wow, you look gorgeous." he says to you. You blush slightly and invite him in. Your parents take a photo of both of you before sending you guys off to the dance.
You guys are standing off to the side laughing and dancing with each other. "Two, you can go see your friends."
"I'm your date darlin', I can't leave my date." he says while grinning goofily. "Besides, I'm having good ass time with ya'."
You guys are dancing close now during a slow dance. He's cracking jokes the whole time as you guys are swaying. Asking what you would do if he tripped and fell in front of everyone. So you're surprised when you lean up to look at him and he kisses you.
"Two," you say when he pulls back.
"Ive been wanting to do that for a long time." he admits.
"Two-Bit, you jerk!" you say while smacking him in his chest. "God, I've loved you since I was twelve years old."
"Well shit, me too." he laughs. "I always thought you wasn't interested."
"I thought you weren't interested!"
"Well now that we know that both of us are interested. We should go steady." he suggests. "I thought I put hints out there." he says to himself.
You shake your head and sway with Two Bit. This was the best night that you could ask for, you had a date, a good time with your best friend, and now you guys were on the same page about your feelings.
"Yeah we should." you agree. "But first, let's get the hell outta here!" you say while grabbing his hand. You guys leave through the gum doors laughing and giggling, no one else knows whats going on. They shrug it off saying, there goes Two and Y/N.
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