#un grand merci !!!!
lilias42 · 8 days
Nouvel état d'avancement de la BD !
ça faisait un moment qu'un petit état des lieux n'avaient pas été posté alors, j'avais envie de vous en montrer un morceau ! Il vous manque un morceau de l'histoire entre le précédent post et cette scène mais, elle est compréhensible indépendamment du reste.
Je n'ai pas grand chose à préciser pour cette partie, il n'y a pas de jeu sur le vocabulaire comme dans le dernier état des lieux. Il y a juste un point qui pourrait peut-être étonné : Pyrkaïa raconte une histoire mythologique qui existe dans notre monde, celle d'Héraclès (aussi connu sous son nom romain Hercule, notamment grâce au film Superman où il s'appelle Hercule... comment ça le "Hercule" de Disney n'est pas un film Superman ?) mais, elle ne correspond pas forcément à l'histoire mythologique de notre monde (par exemple, l'évènement qui a inspiré le vol de la ceinture d'Hippolithe [9e travail] est juste après la chasse du sanglier d'Erymanthe [4e travail] qui est tué dans cette version plutôt que capturé vivant). C'est justifié dans le texte mais, je préfère prévenir pour que ça n'étonne pas trop. En plus, je trouve ça plus intéressant de ne pas reprendre l'histoire de base mais, de l'adapter au contexte de mon univers.
Ah ! Et aussi, à plusieurs moments, la scène se concentre sur les fiertés de Pyrkaïa mais, vu que j'abime déjà pas mal mes feuilles, je ne voulais pas les creuser encore plus avant de passer le feutre en dessinant ses veines de lave (surtout que c'est ultra long aussi - -' ) alors, sur ces préparations, elles n'apparaissent pas à part sur une planche ^^'
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ninadove · 1 month
de la part d'une fan de clive + des agrestes...je te remercie pour les travaux 🙏🙏
AAAAAW un énorme merci!!! La vie des auteurs de fanfics serait bien triste sans commentaires et sans asks… 📖
Et quel bon goût pour les personnages de fiction! 💙💜💚
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jules-and-company · 5 months
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grabyourpillow · 1 year
Ha ptn le documentaire d'Orelsan
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ladyniniane · 1 year
Nouveau chapitre !
“Un souffle effleura alors sa nuque et Dimitri frissonna. Ce n’était qu’un courant d’air, voilà tout. La consultation avait cependant réveillé ses émotions les plus éprouvantes. Elles erraient comme des goules affamées, des vents brûlants, des lames glacées. La pression et la fatigue des derniers jours pesaient sur ses tempes. Il avait sacrifié son temps, son sommeil, malgré les réprimandes de Byleth et Dedue, pour montrer l’exemple, prouver à ses amis qu’il méritait leur confiance. Dimitri marchait sur un fil. L’angoisse s’éveillait, compressait sa trachée à la moindre faiblesse. Sa vigilance ne se reposait jamais.”
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maviedeneuneu · 2 years
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Quand on a écouté la 1ère adjointe faire son discours au repas du personnel
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laudys83 · 1 year
A la recherche de celleux qui ont voté pour « Venec tu me fais bander » comme proposition de sondage 👀👀👀
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notleclerc · 2 months
Too Hot
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🤍Charles x Fem!Reader
🤍summary: in which the game „Too Hot“ challenges ones desires
🤍warning: getting a little steamy here but nothing to big
🤍a/n: I got inspired by @yuwuta with the JJK version and was like „ok slay lemme try it as well“ // English is not my first language so please have mercy on me🥺
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In the heart of Monaco, where the streets echo with the roar of engines and the glitz of the Grand Prix, a different kind of heat simmers beneath the surface. It's not the scorching sun or the adrenaline of racing that sets hearts racing, but a playful game of Too Hot. And amidst the glamorous backdrop, you find yourself entangled in a steamy encounter with none other than Charles Leclerc.
Ever since Lando started to learn how to be a Dj, he‘s been throwing parties left and right, having only VVIP‘s in the club. Models, Actors, Athlete‘s - you name it. Obviously, that means the whole Grid is always welcome to join the fiesta. Charles, being the supportive friend he is, gets ready to dress up and waits for his girlfriend.
Y/n makes sure to wear a beautful red dress. God, that dress could make the devil go weak in his knees. Charles couldn‘t help but admire her.
„Tu es très belle, mon amour“ (you look beautiful my love)
he says, his voice tender with a soft look on his face.
You smile as you feel your cheeks getting warmer, giving yourself a natural blush. You give him a peck on his chin, as you are smaller even in heels.
„Merci Cha“ (thank you)
The two of you leave his appartement and go straight to his oh-so-famous Ferrari, the one that puts everyone in awe of its beauty (or the beauty driving it). The ride was smooth and no words were exchanged as the two of them enjoyed the calm and warmth.
It didn‘t take them long to reach the club, the music already indicating that Charles and Y/n were fashionably late. Charles hands his keys to a valet since he can‘t, for the love of god, park the car right. You tease him about it way too often.
„Et ils disent que les femmes ne peuvent pas se garer“ (and they say women can‘t park)
you say teasingly.
Charles chuckles and places his hand on your waist, guiding you towards the entrance. He made sure to get down to your ear and whispered softly
„Surveille ta bouche ou je le ferai pour toi, bébé“ (watch your mouth or i‘ll do it for you babe)
As you both enter, one with a smirk and the other with flushed cheeks, Lando greets the two of you with a wave from the DJ booth and makes sure to let you both know where the others are.
The party can begin.
As the night unfolds and the party reaches its peak, you catch sight of Charles across the room, his charismatic smile drawing you in like a magnet. You were dancing with the girlfriends of the drivers and having the time of your life. Your pulse quickens as Charles suddendly approaches, his confident stride sending a thrill down your spine.
"Hey there," he greets you with a charming grin, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Fancy a game of Too Hot?"
You're taken aback by the invitation, but the thrill of the challenge beckons you. "Sure, why not?" you reply, unable to resist the allure of his playful proposal. The two of you love challenges no matter what the situation is.
The rules are simple: two people kiss while keeping their hands to themselves, and the first to touch their partner loses. With a shared glance and a silent agreement, you both dive into the game, the tension between you palpable.
As your lips meet in a teasingly tender kiss, the world around you fades into obscurity, leaving only the electrifying connection between you and Charles. His touch is intoxicating, igniting a fire within you that blazes with each passing moment.
"Tu es un sacré compétiteur“ (You're quite the competitor)
Charles murmurs against your lips, his voice husky with desire.
„Mais je n'y vais pas de main morte avec toi, ma petite fleur“ (But I won't go easy on you, my little flower)
he adds playfully.
You respond with a playful challenge of your own, reveling in the thrill of the chase as you dance on the edge of temptation. Each kiss becomes a daring game of brinkmanship, testing the limits of self-control.
Time loses all meaning as you lose yourself in the heated exchange, the boundaries between reality and desire blurring into a tantalizing haze. The world outside ceases to exist as you and Charles become locked in a battle of wills, neither willing to concede defeat.
But as the game reaches its climax, a surge of longing courses through you, threatening to overwhelm your resolve. With a breathless gasp, you instinctively reach out, your hand brushing against Charles's cheek in a moment of unguarded passion.
"Je gagne“ (I win)
he whispers triumphantly, a smug grin playing on his lips as he leans in to claim victory with a searing kiss.
„Je te laisse gagner parce que c'est la seule fois où tu le fais“ (I let you win because that‘s the only time you do)
You teased him again and couldn‘t help but laugh, seeing his baffled face. He puts his hand on your cheeks and squeezes them together. He looks down at me and shakes his head softly with a certain intensity to his eyes.
„Tu veux vraiment jouer à la cochonne avec moi ? Tu sais ce que les sales gosses obtiennent de mon amour.“ (you really want to play dirty with me? You know what brats get my love)
He caresses your cheek with his thumb as he tilted his head.
Ne m'oblige pas à te faire ça, ma belle. (Don‘t make me do it to you sweetcheeks)
He goes back to squeeze your cheeks together and pulls you closer to him with a warning look in his ocean eyes. As the night draws to a close and the party fades into memory, you carry with you the lingering warmth of Charles's touch, a tantalizing reminder of a fiery encounter that ignited sparks in the heart of Monaco.
As for what happens after the party? Only the two of them and maybe the neighbour will know ;).
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Now that escalted quickly👀 HAVE MERCY ON ME!! I don‘t know how to write intimate moments aka the humpy dumpty so please take this as a chance to let your mind run freely 🥹
Reblog, comments and likes are aprreciated
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lilias42 · 1 year
On se remet au dessin en faisant la tête de Pyrkaïa !
Bon ! Je m'étais dis que j'essayerais de me remettre au dessin alors, j'ai dessiné Pyrkaïa, l'ancêtre de Catherine, dite la Flamme Passionnée et Brave liée au feu ! Son inspiration est surtout à trouver dans la période grecque et la cité de Sparte / Lacédémone.
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Bon, déjà, Pyrkaïa est très musclée ! C'est une sorcière qui s'entraine tous les jours à manier le feu et la chaleur, ainsi qu'une forgeronne qui manie le marteau toute la journée dans des ateliers où il fait très chaud (mais c'est pas elle qui va être gêner par la température) et qui sait se battre pour mener une bataille à elle toute seule à mains nues alors, elle a du muscle Déesse !
En plus, elle est vraiment très grande. Catherine est déjà la plus grande femme jouable du jeu avec son 1m75 mais, elle est limite petite à côté de Pyrkaïa qui fait tout de même 1m90 (ma fanon des Charon, c'est que toutes les femmes de la famille soit très grande, même si c'est souvent moins le cas chez les hommes). Elle est aussi grande qu'Hanneman, Raphaël ou Lambert et dépasse même beaucoup de ses contemporains, ce qui l'aide à obliger les hommes à l'écouter, vu que de toute façon, elle est plus grande et plus forte qu'eux donc, on ne peut pas la faire taire par la force.
Et voici comment elle aime s'habiller quand on ne lui dit rien et qu'on ne lui casse pas les pieds. Sa tenue est composé d'un chiton arrivant à ses genoux qui la laisse libre de ses mouvements, avec très peu d'accessoires ou de fibule pour le tenir mais là, la raison est assez simple : c'est que quand elle utilise ses pouvoirs et sa sorcellerie, elle s'enflamme et la température de son corps augmente beaucoup alors, elle fait fondre à peu près n'importe quoi. C'est aussi la raison pour laquelle, elle se bat toujours à mains nues, elle fait fondre ses armes alors, elle trouve que c'est du métal gâché. Elle préfère donc coudre certains pans de ses vêtements (ça peut arriver avec les vêtements grecques, surtout sur la fin) ou les attacher avec des nœuds, plutôt que de les accrocher avec des fibules qu'elles feraient de toute façon fondre.
Au début, elle était obligée de se couper les cheveux afin de les tisser, pour se refaire des habits qui supportent la chaleur qu'elle dégage quand elle se bat (ou juste s'énerve quand elle était jeune et qu'elle maitrisait encore un peu mal ses pouvoirs, et même sur la fin de sa vie, son contact devient vraiment brûlant dès qu'elle se prépare au combat). L'étoffe qu'elle porte ici par contre est un cadeau de son mari, un nabatéen qui est arrivé à fabriquer avec l'aide du dragon des flammes (celui qui a l'emblème de Daphnel) un tissu qui supporte les températures extrêmes. C'est pour ça que le motif sur le bas de sa tunique est le même que celui que porte Sothis, Rhéa, Seteth et Byleth, c'est l'étoile céruléenne telle que la représente les nabatéens.
Cela lui a aussi permis de garder ces cheveux très longs comme tous les sorciers car à cette époque, ils pensaient que la magie était stocké dans le corps (ce qui est vrai à Fodlan) alors, plus on aurait les cheveux longs, plus on aurait de place pour la stocker. Elle met donc la grosse majorité de ses cheveux en chignon avec une partie qui retombe dans son dos.
Son chiton est un peu particulier car, l'étoffe est en fait plus longue qu'elle en a l'air, assez pour faire un péplos (la tunique féminine grecque pour faire vite) et dans ces cas-là, elle ressemble plus à ça :
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(en bas à droite, vous avez à peu près l'échelle de taille entre - de droite à gauche - Pyrkaïa, Catherine et Shamir [Pyrkaïa rencontre la femme de sa petite-fille en parlant épée ^^])
La jupe est alors bien plus longue et tombe jusqu'à ses pieds ou un peu plus haut étant donné que c'est tout de même une étoffe principalement drapée alors, c'est assez facile pour elle de l'ajuster. Dans le premier dessin, sa jupe est relevé très haute, d'où la sorte de volant / côté bouffant qui est accroché sur ses hanches avec une première ceinture, puis maintenu près du corps avec une seconde ceinture. C'est pour ça qu'elle en porte deux même en péplos, ça lui permet d'ajuster rapidement ses habits en cas de besoin. Le pan de tissu sur sa tête lui sert à se protéger du soleil d'Almyra, étant donné qu'elle est née là-bas avant qu'une partie de sa cité migre en Fodlan afin de trouver de meilleures terres pour nourrir tout le monde. Elle laisse toujours deux mèches de cheveux s'en échapper, simplement parce qu'elle aime bien et ça permet de montrer sa chevelure blonde assez rare en Almyra, tout comme ses yeux bleux qui vont bien avec son teint assez sombre (elle a la couleur de peau de Cyril, et ça passe pour ses cheveux blonds vu que c'est rare mais, on a tout de même des femmes blondes en Grèce, c'est juste plus rare)
Si elle n'est pas tout le temps en chiton, c'est moins parce qu'elle aime aussi porter un péplos que parce qu'elle veut être tranquille dans sa vie de tous les jours. C'est une périèque (soit des libres sans être citoyen) vivant dans l'équivalent de Lacédémone puis une de ses colonies une fois arrivé en Fodlan donc, ça aurait pu être pire, c'est pas une hilote (donc une esclave avec un statut assez particulier car, Sparte est assez particulière au milieu des cités grecques, j'y reviendrais dans son billet) mais son principal problème qui va la suivre toute son existence longue d'environ 800 ans, c'est que c'est une femme dans une cité grecque. Elle n'a donc pas de statut autre que celui de mineur soumise à son père, puis à son mari (et à la cité si vraiment elle a plus personne). Bon, vu le caractère très volontaire, déterminé et fort qu'elle a - elle ne s'est pas tournée vers la maitrise du feu pour rien), c'est pas elle qui va faire la femme parfaite qui reste gentiment dans le gynécée à s'occuper de l'économie domestique et de la famille (surtout que n'étant pas fille de citoyen, elle n'a pas accès à l'éducation qu'on réserve aux femmes spartiates qui est très musclée pour qu'elles fassent des citoyens forts, même si étant fille d'artisan, son père tenant à elle et qu'il a vite remarqué que sa fille ira loin, elle a eu une bonne éducation, rien que pour avoir un bon mariage) elle va vite envoyer ça sur les roses, même si ça va être un combat permanent afin qu'on la respecte. Elle continue à porter un péplos dans la vie de tous les jours afin de ne pas devoir se justifier à chaque coin de rue. Etant donné que cela ne la gêne pas et que ses vêtements restent solides et mis de manière pratique, ça ne la gêne pas, même si elle a dû se battre pour avoir le droit de porter sa tunique comme les hommes.
Pour ses fiertés, il s'agit de vaisseaux qui traversent tout son corps mais, ça fait comme si elle était craquelé, un peu comme j'ai essayé de le dessiner en haut à droite du deuxième dessin. ça fait vraiment une peau assez épaisse et dure (limite pierreuse à l'aspect) qui est séparé par des veines assez sombre quand elle n'utilise pas sa magie mais, qui se mettent à briller et surtout brûler quand elle commence à l'utiliser ou à s'énerver. ça la rend assez résistante à des coups d'épée vu que sa peau est solide et que de toute façon, elle dégage une telle chaleur qu'elle va surement faire fondre la lame de métal ou réduire le bois en cendre dès qu'on l'attaque. Elle a aussi ses orbes où sa magie se concentre et qui sont également extrêmement chaud. C'est de là que partent ses flammes quand elle attaque ou se défend, ou alors quand elle entoure son corps de flammes pour impressionner son adversaire. Elle ne se voie pas très bien ici mais, son oeil gauche est très souvent enflammé en permanence, même si elle peut l'éteindre au besoin.
Son autre fierté la plus importante est son sang qui est très chaud en permanence et qui ressemble plus à de la lave à la fin de sa vie. Faites vous toucher par une seule goutte de son sang, et vous serez brûlé au dernier degré, si elle ne s'en sert pas pour vous enflammer au combat. Pyrkaïa le fait rarement mais, elle peut faire tomber quelques gouttes de ses blessures sur le sol, histoire de montrer de quoi son sang est capable et prévenir son adversaire que si elle s'énerve, il n'a aucune chance de s'en ressortir sans séquelles alors, il ferait mieux de s'enfuir. Elle peut être très dure et ne machera pas ses mots mais, elle préfère éviter devoir finir par tuer quelqu'un alors qu'elle aurait pu trouver d'autres solutions. Pendant sa longue vie, elle a vu que c'est souvent quelque chose qui empire la situation plutôt que l'améliorer alors, elle évite un maximum de devoir en arriver à tuer quelqu'un, surtout avec sa sorcellerie où si elle ne tue pas, laisse gravement brûlé et handicapé à vie donc, Pyrkaïa est très prudente avec son utilisation et se contente souvent de sa force et de son endurance surhumaine pour se battre.
En fait, elle est une personne qui détesterait Lonato de toute son âme et n'aurait aucun problème à le défoncer quand il attaque GM : il prend la décision pour tout le monde sans consulter son peuple, les emporte dans sa décision stupide et les fait tuer stupidement en faisant souffrir ceux qu'ils croisent car LUI était en colère. Elle le traiterait surement de connard irresponsable, surtout qu'étant grecque, elle hallucinerait de voir qu'une seule personne peut décider pour tout un peuple sans passer par le vote, qui n'est même pas élu et verrait cette situation comme une tyrannie bonne qu'à être renversée, surtout que les rois de Lacédémone sont extrêmement contrôlés et ont encadré par les lois de la cité et peuvent être puni s'ils se comporte mal, c'est qu'en expédition militaire qu'ils ont beaucoup de pouvoir (ils sont même deux issus de deux familles différentes à Sparte, comme ça, ils se tirent dans les pattes et c'est les éphores et la gérousia qui dirigent la cité en période de paix)... et Déesse, ce serait vraiment la galère autant pour Lonato que pour GM si elle atterrissait en plein milieu de la mission contre lui ! D'un côté, elle serait un excellent élément pour arrêter Lonato vu que comme côté GM, c'est surtout des mineurs et qu'elle sent que Catherine est de sa famille, elle irait se battre pour les protéger mais de l'autre, elle n'aurait aucun état d'âme à affronter des civils, vu que quand c'est la guerre dans le monde grec, c'est les citoyens qui vont défendre la cité selon l'idéal du citoyen-soldat et là, on prend tout le monde vu qu'il n'y a pas d'armée professionnelle (sauf plus ou moins à Sparte mais, là encore, c'est un cas à part) et techniquement, c'est pas un problème pour un grec d'attaquer quelqu'un qui s'enfuit du champ de bataille, c'est même à ce moment qu'on fait des dégâts (cf cette vidéo et allez voir cette chaine, elle est géniale sur l'histoire militaire), même si elle, elle les laisserait s'enfuir sans trop de souci s'il n'y a pas de risque qu'ils reviennent. Et il y aurait surement de belles incompréhensions entre une grecque qui connait le système de la cité avec une certaine forme de démocratie pour tous ses voisins, et des prises de décisions collégiales ou collectives (on vote la guerre à Athènes par exemple, c'est l'ensemble des citoyens qui disent si oui ou non, on fait / continue la guerre ou non), à des monarchies, ça passerait mal et elle aurait beaucoup de mal à comprendre pourquoi ils acceptent cela, même si elle reconnaitrait qu'il doit y avoir des avantages si les habitants de Fodlan ont adopté ce système plutôt qu'un autre.
Pour sa palette de couleur, c'est assez varié étant donné que les grecs adoraient les couleurs vives et que c'était un symbole de richesse d'avoir de belles couleurs. Elle est cependant issus d'un milieu relativement modeste, même si elle n'a pas trop de problème d'argent (elle a réussi à posséder sa propre forge d'où elle tire ses revenues) alors, Pyrkaïa aborde des couleurs relativement courantes et abordables. Pour les tissus que lui a offert son mari, je pense que c'est plus dans les tons de bordeaux avec des motifs blancs à la nabatéenne qui s'accorde avec ses cheveux blonds, ou des bleus qui vont bien avec sa peau sombre et font ressortir ses yeux et ses flammes qui sont devenus bleus tellement elles sont chaudes. Sinon, elles ressemblent énormément à Catherine pour ce qui est du visage et de son apparence générale.
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pedrithink · 1 year
break up ✩ kylian mbappé
summary: the media spreads that you and kylian broke up.
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Liked by ethanmbappé, neymarjr, and 5.441.219 others
k.mbappe Rien de mieux pour commencer une nouvelle ère. Une grande victoire d’équipe. 🇫🇷🔝
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user2 i just can’t accept this 😭
user3 kylian how can u ignore US
user4 kylian i’m going to die without you guys
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Liked by ynusername, antonelaroccuzzo, and 7,628,728 others
k.mbappe J'ai tendance à avoir une relation très privée mais il semble que les médias aiment inventer des choses de toutes pièces 🙄 Nous sommes ensemble et très heureux, il n'y a rien de mal entre nous et nos problèmes sont résolus entre nous. Merci aux fans pour le soutien mais sachez que nous sommes toujours ensemble donc pas besoin d'être désespéré 😂😅. (I usually have a very private relationship, but it seems like the media likes to make things up out of thin air 🙄 We are together and very happy, there is nothing wrong between us and our problems are solved between us. Thank you fans for the support, but know that we are still together so no need to despair 😂😅)
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ynusername love youuu 😘💕💕
user2 media spreading lies as always 🥱
ethanmbappe 🫡❤️
user4 i just love how your relationship works
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dreamauri · 11 months
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♪ — 𝗜𝗧𝗦 𝗕𝗘𝗘𝗡 𝗔 𝗟𝗢𝗡𝗚 𝗟𝗢𝗡𝗚 𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗘 max verstappen x fem! driver! reader (fluff + smut) “. . . he's always believed you were an angel, he hasn't let go since.”
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( main master list | more of max verstappen ) ( tag list | requests )
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"Please." Max begged as he looked down at his kart, panic settling in his throat as the machine failed to start. Jos had abandoned the race once he figured out the kart wasn't going to move an inch, and Max held onto the tight string of hope that maybe it could still race.
"Please please please." He begged, trying again and again. "Tu es Bien?" Looking up he's met with your eyes. You could see he was hyperventilating, panic in his eyes, his hands shaking.
"C'est bien. C'est bien." You crouched down, putting your hand on his shoulder. Comforting him slowly. "Aller." You gestured for him to get off, and he did. And although he didn't understand you, he was ready to trust you.
Pulling your tool set out of your pocket, you began your work, Max fidgeting with his hands as he watched quietly. "Common tu t'appelle?" "Huh?" He barley understood the basics, let alone with your accent. "She asked what your name is." Charles popped out of no where, explaining.
"Max." "Ahh, le grand Max Verstappen." He felt himself blush understanding the title. You knew who he was? "Quel âge a tu?" "She's asking how old you are." Max glared at Charles huffing, feeling like he ruined the moment. "Ten." He answered.
"Dix? J'ai dix-sept." And although you were a whole 7 years older than him, he felt attracted to you. Fixing a few wires, you quickly finished up patting the seat for Max. He immediately got in, starting the kart successfully.
"Congratulations." You patted his head, pocketing your tools.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"C'est superbe." You put your hand out for him to shake. Without hesitation, Max shook your hand you could see his eyes wrinkle with a hidden smile beneath his helmet as he greeted you at parc freme.
Although he hadn't beaten you to P1, he felt pretty good losing to you. "Ton premier podium, n'est-ce pas sympa?" [your first podium, isnt that nice?] He couldn't understand you, but your voice and accent got him higher than any drug, made him blush more than any compliment.
He had ran after you as soon as you popped the champagne, making sure to empty all the contents of the expensive bottle on you as you tried to escape him, laughs falling from your mouth like waterfalls, music to his ears.
He set his mind to it, to get a podium with you every race to hear this laugh, and to learn French in attempt to rizz you up. Maybe he can ask you out?
"Y/N." He caught up to you after getting off the podium. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner if you're free?" "Ah! C'est une super idée, je connais un super restaurant ici à Monte Carlo." [yes! that's a great idea, i know a great restaurant here in monte carlo] You nodded eagerly handing your trophy to Charles ( who was making grabby hands for it ) and the champagne to Lorenzo.
"Est-ce que ça va si ma famille m'accompagne aussi?" [is it okay if my family tags along] "Quoi? Non! Tu as dit qu'il n'y aurait que nous!" [what? no! you said it would just be us!] "She's asking if it's okay for us to tag along." Lorenzo translates for Max, making the two teens glare at each other. "It's fine I guess. What ever you want." Max shrugged with a small smile.
"C'est une affaire." [its a deal] You shook his hand nodding.
Oh wow your hands were soft. Max felt embarrassed by his own rough and rigidi ones. "Je viendrai vous chercher dans quelques instants." [i'll pick you up in a few] You ruffled his hair before pulling your cousins away.
'Note to self,' max thought, 'Learn French.'
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"Le grand Max." You joked as you watched max receive the P1 trophy. He was overjoyed as he held it, gently pulling you in a hug which you returned laughing, patting his back.
"Merci, Y/N." "P1 vous convient." [P1 suit you] You teased booping his nose before receiving your P2 trophy, raising it for your Ferrari team to see. Max could only smile, admiring your happy glow as you lifted you champagne bottle up.
He's been staring to long, watching you pop the bottle, too distracted to begin his escape from you. He was soaked from head to toe before you were done with him, a chocking and laughing mess. "Allez." You gestured for him to lean backwards on your outstretched arm, raising the bottle up.
"I can't— I—" He cut himself off, letting you dip him down and pour the expensive alcohol down his throat, emptying it in his mouth. He held onto your race suit, doing his best to gulp down the liquid. "Voilà!" [there you go] You cheered once he got back up on his feet, all dizzy and disoriented.
"Y a-t-il quelque chose entre toi et Max?" [is there something between you and max] Charles asked once you handed him your new trophy. 'Me and Max?' You though for the first time. An idea that made your heart flutter. You've never thought about Max that way before, and you're sure he wouldn't think of you that way either.
He was only 18, and you were 25. Plus you two were drivers that competed against each other. It's not like you two could be in a relationship. What would people think?
But now that the idea was given to you, you couldn't get it out of your head. Even with Max sitting beside you on a random rock, watching the sunset in a random location drinking beer. "Hey why do they call it— MHPH~" He was surly taken aback, never in his 18 years of life would he expect this.
You turned your face into his, crashing your lips into his. It was a passionate kiss. Max could feel fireworks erupt in his heart as you moved your soft lips against his. He held onto your shoulder, panting as he squeezed his eyes shut. "Y/N." He begged between kisses.
Snapping out of it, you pulled away with wide eyes as you watched Max catch his breath. "Y/N." He tried to lean in and catch you again only for you to lean back, gulping. "We— we cant. You're— you're just a kid." You tried to reason.
Was max dreaming? He's hearing you speak English? He must be dead.
"I like you, Y/N. I do." "What what the people think? The media? We— we can't— mhh~" You moaned into his lips, gently gripping his hair as he leaned into your body, lips meeting yours once again. "We don't have to tell them. We—we can keep this between us." He promised, holding your hand.
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Making eye contact with Max, you stubbly nod to a random corner gesturing for him to take a time out. You could see his face blush as he struggled to make up an excuse to get away.
You trapped him in a corner once you got the chance, leaning down and connecting your lips with him into a soft and hungry kiss. This has been going on for months now, sneaking away only for you to trap Max between your arms as you made out.
You could feel his hand fist your shirt as you trailed your kisses down his neck, careful not to leave any marks. You could feel him stutter and stumble on his breath as one of your hands traced and danced slowly to where he needed you most.
"Y/N." You could hear him gasp as you helped him get rid of the tension on his pants. "Bon garçon." [good boy] You whispered in his ear once he finished as he struggled to catch his breath, falling on his bum on the floor like putty.
You leaned down, wiping the lipstick off his skin and zipping up his pants, leaving one last kiss in the corner of his mouth before disappearing same way you came.
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"Voyonsssss." [lets seee] You giggled as you adjusted the Santa hat on your head, beginning to pull the wrapper of your gift apart to reach your secret Santa present. "J'espère que c'est soit de kimi parce que je sais que ce serait marrant de sa part, soit de seb. Je parie que seb fait les meilleurs cadeaux." [i hopping it's either from kimi because i know it would be fun from him, or or seb. I bet seb makes the best gifts.]
You chuckled, opening the gift to see a small pink hot wheels Porsche glued to the lid of a box. "Qu'est-ce que c'est?" [what's this] you chuckled confused as you pulled the little box open, pulling the paper out. "Manuel du conducteur?" [drivers manual] You read through the text confused, chuckling nervously.
"Je— Oh non." [I- oh no] You dropped the items covering your face, tears welling up in your eyes. "Pardon, pardon." [sorry sorry] you apologized quickly picking back up the box, pulling out the porsche car keys. "Oh mon dieu." [oh my god]. Looking at the driver's manual you could only squeal as more happy tears ran down your eyes.
"Someone got me a porsche?! Whos in their right mind!?" You wiped your tears pulling out the written card. "So you can go watch all the sunsets you want in style. Who's crazy enough to do this." "Is it your dream car?" "It is, oh my god." You fussed kissing the keys. "It's that idiot Max, I bet. He is so dead."
"Do you like it?" Max asked as he passed by, taking a sip from his Redbull can to try and hide his smile. "C'mere." "Oh shit." He ran away from you quickly as you started to chase him.
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"You're an asshole." You gently smacked his bicep as you undid his shirt. Max visibly gulped, feeling your finger trace down his bare chest. "Do you want to stop? We can stop whenever you want." You assured, looking into his eyes.
Max was quick to shake his head. He wanted his first and only times to be with you. Although to the reasoning as to why he was having his first time in the passenger seat of your 911 targa was a mystery to him. He felt his breath hitch as you trailed kisses down his body, feeling on fire despite the January weather of Belgium.
He couldn't stop his hands from roaming your body once it was your turn to undress, his eyes looking at you with hunger and admiration, memorizing every inch. "I need you." He cursed, hooking his finger and pulling down your underwear slowly.
"Si impatient." [so impatient] You scolded him as you leaned your hands on his chest, sinking all the way down. You've never heard Max moan so loud and so much before. He was a practically in wonderland the whole time, gripping your hips with numerous sounds, whimpers, sinful noises falling from his mouth.
It turned you on knowing you had this effect on him, feeling him buck his hips up every few thrusts, curl his toes, beg for you. "My love— my love, I'm so close." He begged you as he leaned his head on your shoulder, hugging your waist as he practically slammed up into you chasing his orgasm.
"You fit me so perfectly, Y/N. You feel— fuck s—so good." He was a babbling mess to say the least. You could only giggle and encourage him in his ear as he neared you your own high.
"Good boy." You praised in his ear quietly as you stroked his hair, feeling his chest heave against yours. "Such a good boy." You hummed stroking his cheek gently as he brought his knees up, hugging you tighter, nuzzling in your neck. "W—wanna stay like this for a while longer." You could only giggle as you relaxed in his arms, playing with the hair on the nape of neck.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Max immediately recognized you once he felt your hands cover his ears. He turned to face you, a wide smile covering his face as you prevented the loud noise from his car from bothering him any further. "What are you doing here?"
You'd gotten a message from Max about feeling negative. You didn't even hesitate to fly down to Abu Dhabi for the season finally.
Max turned his body to you, pulling you in a gentle hug. "What are you scared about? You're Max Verstappen." You kissed his cheek. gently. You could see Max's blue eyes searching for the blob of blond hair he's come to love.
"Mika's with Sergio." He couldn't hear you, but he could read your lips. "She wearing-" He made a movement gesturing to noise cancelling headphones and you nodded. "You didn't have to fly down, love." He sighed pressing his forehead to yours. "Eh. Ima pretend I didn't hear that." You chuckled pressing a soft peck to his lips.
"Oh come on." Charles put his hands between you pushing you apart. "Char what the—" you playfully kicked his shin before greeting him with a hug. "That's what you get for not coming to see me first." He squeezed you. "Still can't believe you betrayed the Leclerces for him." He pointed accusingly at Max with a frown.
"Mate, you were my best man!" Max defended throwing his hands up. "Doesn't mean i like this." Charles joked pointed between both of you. "You were the first one other than us to hold mika!" "And I don't like the reason behind Mika."
"Boo!" You looked down seeing said child grab Charles calf. Seconds later she sneezed ending up with her falling on her bum. Panic was induced as she began crying with Max quickly falling into action and lifting the 2 year-old up.
"Papa!" Dayum she forgot she was crying real quick. "it's time for me to run away." You whispered taking a few steps back, only for Charles to hold you from your collar and pull you back. "Wait what are you doing here?" "To make fun of you." You told Charles sarcastically, standing beside Max who was showering his daughter with affection and kisses.
"My turn." Charles demanded finally hugging Mika. "You forgot something, again." you told Max as you lifted his left hand up, slipping the golden band on his ring finger. Max could only laugh as he watched you nod in satisfaction, kissing your hand. "I told you I left it behind so I don't lose it. You know I have the outline tattooed." He pulled you in whispering in your ear, making you giggle.
"How about this to make it up for me, after this you win, we can—" You cupped you hand over his ear as you whispered to him. Max made a few faces from impressed to surprised, to smug. Sergio couldn't even imagine as he watched Max pull away and wink at you, already regretting to come greet you when you're within 6 feet of your husband.
"I'll see you after the race, amour." You kissed his cheek, hand lingering on his chest before you took Mika away. "Ah! Salut, Sergio. Comment allez-vous." [hey, sergio. how are you] "Not good after what I just saw." "You have two kids, man up." You joked before taking your daughter away to watch the race. "See you darling." You waved at Max before disappearing.
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zombiewhor3 · 1 year
carl grimes x fem reader
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WARNINGS: mentions of character death (Abraham & Glenn), mentions of gore, traumatic events, mentions of amputation, begging, mentions of pregnancy (Maggie's), Negan, unedited work.
A/N: sorry for the long break, i've been so busy with a lot of things but i have a few scrap drafts i might put together and post so i'll try my best to update my queue this week.
a long night of violence is how she could describe it, a long night of tears pouring down everyone's faces as they watched a cruel man bash in two of their friends heads without even such an ounce of mercy for their poor souls in his mind.
the night felt like the eternity but as the sun had risen and the night faded it was still like a fever dream, like this wasn't all real and she was going to have to wake up soon from this nightmare.
except this was all real, Abraham and Glenn's dead bodies with their heads smashed in that was real, all of the blood splattered on y/n's face from the slinging of Negan's bat that was real.
she watched as Rick was tossed back out onto the gravel, his hands reaching to stop himself as he followed the man's forceful orders to get on all fours while he kneeled down to him.
"i'm giving you a choice Rick and this is your grand prize, what you do next will decide whether it becomes just those twos bad day or the rest of these lovely men and women sitting in front of us"
he gestured with his hands for his men to point guns at the back of their heads and y/n could feel the barrel pressed against the back of her head making her swallow harshly.
her knees started to ache from the rocks that pressed against them, the blood of a father figure had dried on her face and she could almost feel like it had been sinking into the pores of her skin.
she felt gross to have the blood on her, she felt sick each time she even looked at the dead man who was next to her, she felt sick knowing his pregnant wife was a sobbing wreck just a few feet away.
and Carl had hated to see her cry with each strike from Negan's bat that pounded into Glenn's head like he wasn't a person but yet just a piece of meat Negan used as his beating ground.
she watched as Negan had approached Carl making her heart sink as he rested his bat against his shoulder and she watched as some of the blood smeared out onto his leather.
he held out a hand to Carl who cocked his head hesitantly as he tried to ignore the gesture but Negan smiled and cleared his throat before speaking up "take my hand kid" he spoke bitterly watching as the teen finally gave in and took the man's hand.
he was stood up and Negan had waved his arm out to the side to where the boy's father rested on the ground, blood on his face, eye bags and his eyes red as his eye were still looking like they had been watering again, like they were on the brim of tears.
he pointed at the spot empty next to his father as Carl took a few steps watching as Negan stood in front of him taking a quite consideration to the gauze over his missing eye.
"you a south paw?" he asked watching as Carl looked clearly confused by a phrase he never heard before and it made Negan re-phrase his question to him, "you a lefty?" he watched as Carl shook his head while Negan pulled out a belt and un-raveled it.
he tied a belt against the boy's arm, "that hurt?" Negan remarked watching as the boy in the hat snapped back a quick 'no' before looking down at the leather tightened on his arm.
"on the ground next to Daddy and don't forget to spread your wings boy" Negan spoke as he watched Carl lay flat on the ground, his head turning in the direction to where he could see y/n and his father.
he could see the terror on his girlfriends face, the fear stuck in her eyes as her palms were flat and sinking into the same gravel the soft flesh of his cheek had now been resting against.
he could hear the crunching of Negan's boots against the rocks, and it stopped once he could see him crouch next to him thanking Simon for the pen that was given to him,
he himself was scared of what he had planned for him, what Negan had planned to do to Carl especially in front of his father and his girlfriend who had more tears pouring down her face.
he marked Carl's arm and apologized in such an sarcastic way that Carl had never even heard a human being sound so derisive in that way, even in the apocalypse.
he could hear his father start to beg as his girlfriend looked down at the ground using the back of her hand to cover up her sniffles, to cover up the rapid breathing spilling out from her.
he could see the harsh way her body rattled as she tried to manage to stay quiet in the fear that someone else would die, in fear that maybe it'd be her or even Carl that'd be next.
the word please was pouring like a continuous river in his head, the word his father kept repeating over and over as he begged Negan to show his son some mercy, to show he himself some mercy.
"don't beg me because i ain't the one doing shit" Negan spoke roughly patting Rick against the back before he gave his next order at the quite obvious traumatized man who was on all fours before him.
"Rick pick up your ax," he paused licking his chapped lips clean before continuing what he wanted Rick to do, "and cut off your son's left arm, now i know you're gonna have to process that for a second and believe me that makes sense so i'll give you a minute"
a loud gasp of air had erupted from y/n's mouth as she closed her eyes at the feeling of the barrel pressing even harder against the back of her head making her lip shake and her eyes flood.
he stood up and rubbed his hands on the denim of his pants watching as Rick's expression turn into now an even stronger pleading one, like it was just the ocean color of his eyes and the quiver of his lip giving off all the true emotion even more than his words that were spilled in such a babble of emotion.
"i am still gonna need you to do it though or all these people are going to die, then Carl dies, then the people back at your home die, and i'm gonna keep you living for a few years just so you can think about the decision you make right now"
Negan looked around at the men and women all lined up, and yet one had the courage to speak up, y/n to be exact only had the courage to speak up because it was her boyfriends life on the line.
"you d-don't have to do t-this, We understand! please we u-understand!" she looked down at her boyfriend who almost had a few tears slipping of his own as he looked at her,
as he looked at the shaking and sobbing mess this man had turned her into, he watched the sorrow tearing through her like a walker who was hungry for flesh.
he seemed to like the fear that ran though all of them, he liked the idea of watching them all tremble while they payed the price of wiping out one of his out posts because something about the pity and the terror gave him power, it gave him control.
"I'm not so sure Rick does. So i'm gonna need a clean cut right there on that line i drew out for you! now believe me this is a screwed up thing to ask, trust me i know but it's gonna have to be clean nothing messy so our doctors can fold something over."
he watched Rick tremble as he kneeled and continued to spew out his words, "we have great doctors the kid'll be fine, probably. and Rick we're in a time frame so this needs to happen now or i will crush this fella's head in myself"
"please i can take his place" Rick begged over and over as his throat felt sore and his mouth dry while his eyes ached and his head started to pound at the idea of hurting his son.
"please Negan please" Rick begged again watching as the man ran over some stubble of his beard and shook his head with a 'no' to answer Rick's pleas for it to be him instead.
"this is the only way, not making this decision is a big decision. Do you want to see everyone in front of you die? because if you don't pick up that ax you will, and you will see everything"
Rick cleared his throat as his hands remained planted in the rocks still in a pity of confusion from the whole situation, and now Negan had started to count loudly and once he got to one Rick had his ax raised while Carl was yelling at him to go through with it.
Y/n sobbed into her hands as she could hear her boyfriend cry out for his own father to cut off his arm, and when she could hear the soft chuckle of Negan and the soft gasping of Rick and not even a subtle yell or scream from Carl but yet she still buried her face.
Negan had taken the ax away from Rick's raised arm and he reached up a hand to pull Carl up from the ground, "you answer to me, you provide for me, you belong to me" and Rick nodded his head and agreed to the fact that he had now belonged to Negan and his men.
"see that look is the look i wanted to see! and man we did it, even those dead guys with the smashed in brains get a participation award for sure" he sighed as he tossed his bat over his shoulder.
"i hope for everyone's sake you understand how things work around here, things change and right about now they've changed whatever you had going for you is over, now i'll be back in a week Rick so use the truck i'll leave to gather my shit or someone else dies."
"I can't look, I can't, Carl please"
she mumbled feeling as someone in front of her had tugged on her hands softly, but she still held them against her face in fear she would see other blood being shed that she didn't want to see.
"look at me y/n, look at me"
he spoke finally being able to pull her hands away from her face once she realized that it was Carl and he had both of his arms, he furrowed his brows softly watching as she quivered and couldn't keep her eyes away from the line that he had drawn out onto his arm.
once he and his men had left y/n tried to stand but she could only drop back on her knees as she looked over at the dead man on the ground next to her, she gasped as her knees felt weak.
and it was Carl who lifted her up, it was Carl's arms that wrapped around her while he gave her the comfort of burying her face into the soft fabric of his flannel to shield herself from the damage and the violence that had been done to her friend.
she sobbed so hard that she could feel it shake both of their bodies, Carl stroked over her hair and watched as she shook under his grasp, she shook so hard her body started to wobble.
she couldn't speak because every time she tried to get a word out it was just a rush of tears, a rush of gasps for air, a rush of mutters that weren't even comprehensible to him or her.
her vision seemed blurry and her head was pounding so hard and her heart beat so fast she felt like she was dying, she felt like the world had been slipping away from her finger tips.
the only word that had been able to be heard was a loud gasp of 'no' as she looked at the line still on his arm, the line where Negan wanted Rick to chop off his arm, the line that now told trembling stories.
she squeezed her hand on it so tight that even the belt hadn't cut off that much circulation to his arm, she clung to his shirt as she could hear the sound of someone's shoes crunching against the gravel.
she could hear Maggie's cries and Rick who whispered something to his son who held out onto the shaking y/n, Sasha and Rosita frozen in such a terror and disbelief, Eugene still crying softly, Aaron and Michonne who were sitting in such a pity of silence.
and the two bodies around them.
y/n had slipped to her knees and Carl had let her, he let her bury her face into the ground and he rubbed her back as he tried to stop her from hyper ventilating at the shock around her but it was no use because it felt a ton of bricks were pressing against her chest.
She could feel a second hand on her back and she could tell it was Rick's by the wedding ring that she could feel through the cotton t-shirt she had been wearing,
"oh god, t-that c-could've been y-you" she sputtered out as she still felt like she could feel the specks of blood hitting her cheek with each and every strike from Negan's bat smashing into the pour mans head.
her body ached and it felt like her lungs had now finally collapsed in from the harsh beating her heart had pushed off, her bones ached from all the shaking and her cheeks were sore from the amount of tears that had been poured down them.
"i'm right here y/n, i'm right here" he had dropped to his knees and placed his hat down on the ground, he let his knees sink into the same rocks where the bodies laid.
where Maggie's tears had poured and where they knew the rest of the lives had just changed forever because they got the shit end of a deal they should've never even taken.
"Maggie" she managed to gasp out as she could feel her limp body being lifted up by not just Carl but his father, they had lifted her up so she could be taken to Maggie.
the widow's lungs gasped for air as she looked down at the ground, her knees ached and she felt sick even sicker than before, she could feel the teen reach out and place a soft but shaking hand a top of hers and to which she had finally spoken out.
"you need to go, you need to get everyone out of here Rick" Maggie spoke still sounding so brave, like she was keeping it all together when in reality she was spiraling in her mind.
spiraling at the fact her father, her sister and now her husband the father of her child had been killed in front of her, after they had begged and after they had tried their best to bargain.
"he's our family to, we'll do this together" Rick spoke watching as Maggie sniffled and the still distraught teen next to her had nodded along with the idea as her eyes filled with seeping tears.
"he's right we'll do it t-together because we're all family"
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onlyonetifosi · 4 months
Hey, could you write something for Valentine’s day in Behind the camera please 🫶
Bonus behind the camera -> Valentine's day especial
lets pretend Carla and Arthur are still together (i loved them, i miss them) and that Lorenzo and Charlotte are engaged
series masterlist my main masterlist
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The sun had just begun to illuminate the picturesque streets of Monaco as Yn woke up to the sweet aroma of breakfast in bed. She rubbed her eyes, smiling as she saw Joris, her boyfriend and childhood best friend, placing a tray filled with delicious treats on her lap
"Joyeuse Saint-Valentin, ma belle," Joris greeted, presenting her with a tray laden with heart-shaped pancakes, fresh fruits, and a steaming cup of coffee.
"Bon matin, ma belle," Joris greeted, leaning in to give Yn a tender kiss on the cheek.
"Good morning, my love," Yn replied, her heart fluttering at the endearment. She couldn't believe how lucky she was to have Joris in her life. This looks amazing, you're spoiling me already" Yn exclaimed, giving him a sweet kiss.
As they enjoyed their breakfast, Yn and Joris spoke of plans for the day. Little did Yn know, Joris had arranged a surprise spa day for them.
"J'ai réservé une journée au spa pour nous deux, mon amour," Joris revealed with a twinkle in his eye. (I've booked a day at the spa for us, my love.)
Yn's eyes lit up with excitement. "C'est parfait! Merci, Joris!" (That's perfect! Thank you, Joris!)
After a relaxing spa experience and a luxurious massage and some time in the sauna, they felt refreshed and ready for the rest of their day. 
As they relaxed in the spa's thermal pools, Yn sighed contentedly. "C'est vraiment le paradis, Jo." (It's truly paradise, Jo)
Joris chuckled, brushing a strand of hair away from Yn's face. "Je suis heureux que tu apprécies, mon cœur." (I'm glad you're enjoying it)
The couple returned home for a cozy afternoon nap. Wrapped in each other's arms, they exchanged sweet nothings, cherishing the simple pleasure of being together.
"Wake up, sleepyhead. Let's enjoy the city, ma chérie." Joris whispered as Yn stirred from her nap
"Alright, let's go" Yn looked at him with sleepy eyes but agreed
Upon waking, they decided to take a leisurely stroll around Monaco. Hand in hand, they wandered through the charming streets of Monaco, taking in the breathtaking views of the Mediterranean. Yn's favorite boutiques beckoned, and they stopped for coffee at her beloved café.
"Mon amour, j'adore passer du temps avec toi." (My love, I adore spending time with you.) Joris whispered, intertwining his fingers with Yn's
"Et moi aussi, Jojo. C'est une journée parfaite." (And me too. It's a perfect day)
As evening approached, Yn and Joris joined her family for a Valentine's Day dinner. The Leclerc household buzzed with laughter and joy as they all gathered around the table.
"Bonsoir, ma sœur! Joyeuse Saint-Valentin!" Charles exclaimed, kissing Yn on both cheeks.
"Bonsoir, Charlie! Joyeuse Saint-Valentin à toi aussi," Yn replied, returning the gesture.
The dinner table was filled with lively conversations, as they all shared stories and laughter. 
As they sat around the table, Lorenzo had an announcement.
"Nous avons une grande nouvelle à partager," he said, holding Charlotte's hand. (We have some big news to share.)
Yn's eyes widened as Charlotte showed off her engagement ring. "Nous allons nous marier!" Lorenzo announced happily. (We are getting married!)
The room erupted in cheers and congratulations. Yn hugged her brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law, genuinely happy for them.
Yn stole glances at her older brother Charles, happy to see him so content with his girlfriend, Alexandra.
"Je suis tellement heureux pour toi, Cha," Yn said, expressing her happiness for her brother. (I am so happy for you, Charles.)
"Merci, Yn. Et toi, Joris, prends bien soin de ma sœur, d'accord?" Charles playfully warned Joris. (Thank you, Yn. And you, Joris, take good care of my sister, okay?)
Joris nodded with a smile, "Bien sûr, Charles. Toujours." (Of course, Charles. Always.)
The night concluded with shared desserts, laughter, and a feeling of warmth that only family and true love could bring. As Yn and Joris exchanged glances, they knew that this Valentine's Day would be etched in their hearts forever.
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taglist: @love4lando@gcldtom@im-mi@hiireadstuff@celesteblack08@reblog-princess@sunf1ower16@janeholt3@athena-artemis-dorian-gray@minkyungseokie
145 notes · View notes
acrossthewavesoftime · 5 months
Tumblr Dashboard Simulator: 1670s/1680s English Court
🐶 merry-monarch
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#monday motivation #motivational quote #there are indeed good thyngs and bad in this countrie #the good: women #the bad: PARLEMENT
5,112 notes
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💖 mary-clorine
I have two husbands, and that causes me much trouble and torment of the soul, for I may be with childe by one, and have thus given horns to th'other, who is also a lady, and we have been married first. Now she won't writ to me as we did as girles, and my lawfull husband, I have not yett told, for my condition is not certain yet. I cannot talk in honesty whith one, and with the other husband, neither.
'Tis awkward to speak of this, but if not to your friends online, to whom can one talk of such troubles?
#personal #might remove later #aurelia I miss you
2 notes
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There are thyngs the governement, the Kinge in particular, do not wish you to know about: the Royall Successioun is all made false, for instead of the D. of Yorke, the True Heir to H. M. the Kinge shoud be the Duke of Monmouth, for he was lawfully begot by the Kinge, then married in secret to the late Lucy Walter, and must therefore be accepted as Prince before his uncle the D. of Yorke, who is a Catholick.
All ye good people should speak up against this injustice! If you cannot pledge your life (if there be a fight), or some shillings to the cause, you may help it greatly alreadie by re-bloggying, and bringing this mater to greater awareness!
#sociall justice #awareness #politick
798 notes
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🎀 prettywittynell
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@merry-monarch had me painted! For more content like this, and to vote which painter shoud doe me (haha!) next, please visit my OnlieFriendes account!!!
#lely #girlboss #hotter than madam carwell!! ;)))
1,723 notes
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🍊 je-maintiendrai
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Hans Willem et moy!
Vouz pouves nous voir en visitant Stichting Kasteel Amerongen, ou icy, en-ligne (un grand mercy au Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis): https://rkd.nl/images/126807
#meilleur amy #boy best friends #louis n'a pas d'amy si proche que j'ay
905 notes
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👑 catholic-guilty666
Why cannot a man haue normall nepheues. One, @je-maintiendrai, is nigh a Puritan in his Protestant fervour, and th'other dispreads falsehoods about the monarcky (and the Roman Church).
I reported the other one, @dukeofm for his libel, in hopes he shall be deactivated, alas th'other I can but block, and not banished from this place. I also hope my daughter the Princess shall divorce him speedilye.
Tonight, I hope to forgett all about this vexing bussinesse by thinking on going a-stag hunting tomorrow with H. M. my brothere, the King.
#vent #vent post #callout post
14 notes
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#poll #nicknames #mary
244 notes
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💃 annieannieannie
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3. The feeling One experiences when One findes out, that one's weird uncle hath a Tumblr-accountt, too 💀💀💀
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do not follow him
#i thought 'twas my bad eyes but what i was seeing was real #the family #non followeres do not interact
38 notes
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hiromusicarts-blog · 14 days
Où trouvez-vous toutes ces belles fleurs à photographier. Une petite suggestion : pourquoi ne pas mettre, sous chaque photo, le nom de la fleur ?
J'aime beaucoup votre musique et je suis sûre que vous allez devenir un grand artiste 🌹 Oyasumi 🌟
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Merci pour votre suggestion. Certains noms de fleurs sont connus et d’autres inconnus. Les noms ont été délibérément omis pour maintenir un sentiment d'uniformité. Merci beaucoup pour votre évaluation de notre musique. C'est encourageant. Merci
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pinkyjulien · 3 months
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━━━ La Poubelle du RVT0N 🦝 ━━━
🥖 The Frenchiest Fry 🥖
Bonjour 😌 Aujourd'hui, je vous présente un LOT de mods 🥖
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Un ensemble AXL comprenant Quatre (4) vêtements;
Une marinière bien confortable
Un pantalon taille haute
Un petit foulard
Une paire de chaussures (et sa paire de chaussettes assorties!)
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Vous prendriez bien quelques petits accessoires avec ceci?
Une baguette bien croustillante
Un croissant tout aussi délicieux
Un béret pour compléter le look
Une fausse moustache pour passer inaperçu
Et bien sur, la Dame de Fer elle même!
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Nos adorable petites baguettes, Aurore et Aymeric, se sont aussi prêtés au jeu! Un grand merci à Halkuonn pour avoir réussi à les convaincre 💖
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Si ce n'est pas déjà le cas, mettez à jour votre module vocale avec ce pack de traduction Française! Disponible pour tout type d'équipement~ 📡
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💖 Un GRAND merci à Halkuonn, LarRackell, Lucky38 et Lokiina pour le soutien, pour les photos et pour avoir testé les mods!
🥖 Je vous souhaite à tous de passer une merveilleuse journée, et surtout, restez prudent aujourd'hui! 😌🤞
━━━ Sur Nexus ━━━
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