#una’s library 📖
p0pp3t · 4 months
Gavin x Reader | Special Clientele
gender-neutral reader (freelancer)
2nd person
slightly suggestive near the end
word count: 665
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 “If you can change your appearance, can’t you just ‘paint’ your own nails?”
You sit at the kitchen table across your lover. The little pouch you’ve set down clinks with nail polish bottles, cuticle pushers, and everything else you’d need for an at-home manicure.
“Sure I could, but where’s the fun in that?” Gavin asks. “Anything to have my hands in yours, My Love.”
You roll your eyes, but bring his hand to your lips and press a kiss to his knuckles anyway. Gavin smiles contentedly as you give his nails a closer look.
“Good and strong,” you comment, applying gentle pressure with your thumb. You release his hand and unzip your bag, neatly lining up bottles of nail polish in front of the both of you. “Why don’t you pick your color and,” you open your phone as well; the screen displays a graphic of different nail shapes - “Your shape.”
“With pleasure.”
Taking his time, Gavin’s eyes narrow and brow furrows as he goes through his color options, holding each bottle to the back of his hand and seeing how they complement him. Maybe he’d be a little more decisive choosing his shape.
“Tough choice, isn’t it?” Playful affection tinges your tone. “You can always pick more than one; it’s no trouble.”
“Well, I wanna get this right,” he says in earnest. “You’re the expert. What would you recommend?”
“I’ve always thought that pink suits you; what do you think about this one?” You take a warm shade of magenta and slide it toward Gavin, to which he takes the bottle and holds it against his skin a second time.
“This’ll do perfectly,” he says, satisfied. “And stilettos, if you please.”
Your work is gentle and precise, with soft nudges to Gavin’s cuticles and meticulously laid brushstrokes on his nails. He eyes you the whole time, observing how your brow lowers over your squinted eyes and how constant your hold on each of his fingers is. Looks like you want to get this right, too.
“You have excellent handiwork, but I guess I already knew that,” Gavin offers. You only smile wryly in response, never taking your gaze off the steady lines of paint you’ve left. “You’ve done this before?” he asks, a playful suspicion about his voice.
“Yeah, for a few years by now,” you tell him. “Just my own for a while, but I’ve done other people’s nails a few times before.”
“Well, I feel even better knowing I’m in good hands. And they are very good hands.” Someone’s on his game. You finally take your eyes off Gavin’s nails, if only for a moment to roll them again.
“Enough of that. This is a professional setting,” you tell your client, something barely noticeable tugging the corners of your lips upward.
“My apologies, then. I spoke out of turn.” 
You’re given the peace to carry out the rest of your task undisturbed, with Gavin carefully resting his chin on his free hand and continuing to watch you in quiet fondness. You disrupt his concentration at times to ask that he lays both hands flat on the tabletop, letting you wave a folding fan over the still-drying polish in cool gusts.
“Wouldn’t it be easier to cast a breeze?”
“‘Sure I could, but where’s the fun in that?’” you parrot. 
Eventually, your hard work pays off with a final swipe of top coat and the last few flourishes of your fan. You tap lightly at the corners of the polish, assuring yourself that it’s dry enough to avoid smudging.
“All done. What do you think?”
Gavin holds a hand up to the kitchen light, inspecting the glossy pink at each pointed nail.
“Beautifully done, as expected. Thank you, My Love.” He stands - for the first time in hours (“This takes longer than I thought,”) - and ambles to your side of the table, pressing warm lips to your own.
“Hm, is that my payment?”
“If you’ll accept it. Unless you were looking for more?”
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hermioneblk · 1 year
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La storia continua senza soluzione di continuità e siamo nel combattimento che si era interrotto nel numero precedente e che qui si conclude come era possibile prevedere. Kagome continua ad essere poco credibile troppo capace di fare tutto in un ambiente dove non saprebbe fare niente. Continuo a credere che sarebbe tutto migliore senza mostri che si alternano per prendere i vari pezzi della sfera che si sono sparpagliati quando si è rotta: ottimo escamotage per la ripetitività. I continui combattimenti rendono la storia inoltre troppo splatter. Succede qualcosa nella storia base: arriva Sesshomaru il fantastico fratellastro di Inuyasha. Hanno delle madri diverse, Sesshomaru è un demone completo mentre Inuyasha è un mezzo demone, sono entrambi affascinanti. Sesshomaru si fa vivo perché cerca la tomba del padre dei due dove spera di trovare Tessaiga la spada forgiata direttamente da una zanna del padre il cui scheletro giace in una perla che era stata nascosta nell’occhio di Inuyasha. Nessuno dei due fratelli riesce ad estrarla in una situazione in stile la spada nella roccia ma ci riesce Kagome perennemente con la gonnellina che la rende veramente ridicola. Sesshomaru per l’ennesimo combattimento si trasforma in un lupo gigante che è la sua vera natura ma il fratello lo sconfigge grazie alla spada che come si scoprirà alla fine può essere usata solo da coloro che amano gli umani e desiderano difenderli perché il padre dei due fratelli l’aveva creata per proteggere la donna umana che amava. Una spada dunque che reagisce in base agli intenti e che se non li gradisce rimane dall’aspetto consumata e non funziona. C’è un nuovo spiacevole personaggio: Myoga. Myoga è un demone a forma di pulce, disgustoso e antipatico che è stato inserito per rallegrare un po’ l’ambiente ma che rovina la storia. Si va avanti. Inuyasha 2 💬 feat. Emily 📚 This the Black Cat Library 📚 🐈‍⬛ 📖 #photos of #books 📚 #bookstagram 📚 #manga and #comics 💭 🏡 #hausofhermio #library #photography #digitalart ☠️ da #hermio ci sono #foto di #libri e #fumetti 📚 #Instagram #Inuyasha 🍿 #minifee #doll #bjd assistants 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 #photos of ✨ #toys 🧸 🧸 #home 🧸 #dolls 🐴 #portrait (presso Falconara Marittima) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpslL9eq3am/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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🔖Es evidente que estos artistas no buscaban complacer al público o satisfacer sus deseos estéticos. Pero los artistas de vanguardia tampoco buscaban poner al público en estado de shock y producir imágenes desagradables de lo sublime. En nuestra cultura, la noción de shock está ligada fundamentalmente a las imágenes de la violencia y la sexualidad. Pero ni el Cuadrado negro (1915) de Malevich, ni los poemas fonéticos de Hugo Ball o el Anémic Cinéma (1926) de Marcel Duchamp exhiben violencia o sexualidad de un modo explícito. Estos artistas de vanguardia tampoco infringieron un tabú porque nunca existió un tabú que prohibiera los cuadrados o los monótonos discos rotatorios. Y no sorprendieron, porque los discos y los cuadrados no sorprenden. En su lugar, demostraron las condiciones mínimas para producir un efecto de visibilidad, a partir del grado cero de la forma y el sentido. Estas obras son la encarnación visible de la nada o, lo que es lo mismo, de la pura subjetividad. Y en este sentido son obras puramente autopoéticas, que le otorgan forma visible a una subjetividad que ha sido vaciada, purificada de todo contenido específico. La tematización de la nada y de la negatividad en manos de la vanguardia no es, por lo tanto, un signo de su "nihilismo" ni una protesta contra la "anulación" de la vida en el capitalismo industrial. Es simplemente signo de un nuevo comienzo, de una metanoia que mueve al artista desde cierto interés por el mundo externo hacia la construcción autopoética de su propio Yo. 📖VOLVERSE PÚBLICO LAS TRANSFORMACIONES DEL ARTE EN EL ÁGORA CONTEMPORÁNEA BORIS GROYS COLECCIÓN: FUTUROS PRÓXIMOS TRADUCCIÓN: PAOLA CORTÉS ROCCA ISBN: 978-987-1622-30-6 PÁGINAS: 208 AÑO: 2014 #colecciónpersonal📖 #library📖 #mibibliotecapersonal📚 #mylibrary📚 #Libros #Nonfiction #History #art #artist #popart #popstyle #streetart #painting #omg #monday #italy #graffiti #god #classic #blue #yellow #popartist #studioart #artistinstagram #BORISGROYS https://www.instagram.com/p/CbTenebskKZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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erik595 · 5 years
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"L'esile volume di 146 pagine sfidava la nostra immaginazione di diciottenni innamorati delle visioni di Jim Morrison e di William Blake con una visionarietà ironicamente erudita, minuziosa fino a sembrare perversa e abbastanza vaga da spingerci a cercare di decifrarla come una lingua straniera. Ora 'Finzioni' torna in una nuova e splendida versione italiana accresciuta dai tre racconti che Borges vi aggiunse ... E a percorrere di nuovo i sentieri biforcuti dell'argentino, a rileggere certi memorabili attacchi, ci si accorge non solo che il loro potere pacatamente incantatorio è immutato, ma in qualche modo si è ramificato, come in un racconto di Borges. Che cosa è successo? Solo che quasi tutta la letteratura degli ultimi quarant'anni, da Calvino a Pynchon a Molina a infiniti altri, si è confrontata o scontrata con l'universo onirico e lievemente delirante scaturito da 'Finzioni'." (Giuseppe Montesano) #jorgeluisborges #jorgeluisborges📖 #borges #libro #libri #libros #book #books #writer #escritor #scrittore #autore #author #argentina #library #libreria #bookstagram #bookhaolic #bookphotography #booklover #bookworm #bookporn #consiglidilettura #libridaleggere #poeta #poet @adelphiedizioni #finzioni https://www.instagram.com/p/BrvSDz7F-4L/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ovzo7ztdh1bb
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p0pp3t · 1 year
Auron x Reader | Love to Keep Me Warm
gender-neutral reader
“It’s cold.” Auron stated.
He came from behind, wrapping his arms around you and tucking his head into the crook of your neck. One of your hands landed in his hair, and the other continued to stir the simmering pot over the stove.
“I know, silly, that’s why I’m making the hot chocolate. Now go get warm on the couch and I’ll be there with our drinks.” You kiss his temple before Auron reluctantly pulls away, making his way to the living room while hugging his clothes to himself.
“Sorry about the wait,” you apologize, placing both mugs onto the coffee table. “Leave it to cool for a bit. It’s not the most classy, but it should keep you from freezing.” 
“Thank you, Dear.” He yawns.
You observe Auron’s shivering form, holding the blanket around himself tight.
“Are you still cold?”
“Oh, aren’t I always cold?”
Insufferable, really. You roll your eyes, but still offer a small smile and scoot closer.
“Is it alright if I join you under there?”
With a corner of the blanket in hand, Auron stretches out his arm and puts it around your shoulders. He embraces you fully, leeching off your warmth and melting into your touch.
“Aw, there you are. Sweet thing.” you remark. You kiss his lips softly, met with a satisfied hum and a tighter hug.
“But it is a little strange; you’re acting awfully passive. What’s gotten into you?” 
Auron nestles his head into your shoulder, stubbornly staying in place.
“What’s ‘gotten into me’ is exhaustion,” he admits, almost ashamed. “And the cold. All the fatigue I’ve been repressing is starting to resurface with our few days off.”
“Poor dear.” you coo, lighthearted but nearly taunting him. You comb your fingers through Auron’s silky hair, taking full advantage of such a rare and vulnerable state. He stays quiet for a while, basking in the serenity of it all.
“Hm…Keep this up and I won’t even be awake to drink that hot chocolate you worked so hard on.” 
“I can stop playing with your hair if you’d like.”
“No. I’m just fine here.
You sit together in the quiet for a few moments, until Auron breaks the silence with a warning.
“Also, I may be tired right now but I am not delirious enough to let you tell anyone about this. So don’t.” He only mumbles his caution, but still offers it in full seriousness.
“I wasn’t planning on it, don’t worry.” You soothe him again with a kiss on the forehead, quieting the room once more. “Tell you what,” you offer. “How about you rest your eyes while our drinks cool? I did let it boil, so we have a short while to wait.”
“That’s fine with me,” he finally sits up,  if only for a moment to kiss you. “Thank you, Darling.”
“Oh, anytime. Rest well now, will you?”
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p0pp3t · 1 year
can I have body insecurity comfort w Seth :(
Seth x Reader | Love Enough
gender-neutral reader
body insecurity comfort
Lying in bed dejected, you hold a pillow over your face. A few layers of bankets held you warmly, but maybe someone else’s embrace would be more comforting. A quiet knock comes from the other side of the door and just makes it into the room.
“Sugar, is it alright if I come in?” Seth’s question is gentle and sincere, and hopeful for your invitation.
“Yeah,” you sigh, rubbing your eyes. “Yeah, you can come in.”
The door slowly creaks open. Seth steps inside, making his way toward the bed and taking a seat near you. He finds your hand and takes it in his own.
“There you are. I missed you, y’know. It’s fine that you need space, and it wasn’t a long time but still,” he laughs a little. “Ah, I can’t help but be a bit clingy for ya.” Seth holds your hand more firmly, scared to let you go. “Do you feel any better? Seemed like you were in pretty rough shape before I left.”
“I’m alright, just having a tough day is all.” You avoid eye contact with Seth, who looks concerned as ever.
“I’m sorry, Sugar. Did’ja wanna tell me about it?” 
With a pause, you prepare to spill.
 “Seth, I don’t- I don’t think Iike how I look. Not now, at least.”
His eyes widen, troubled. Seth grips your hand tight in hopes of offering some support. “Oh, Sugar. C’mere,” He welcomes you with open arms. “Mind if I hold ya?”
Your head rests in the crook of his neck as Seth’s arms wrap around your waist.  
“Listen, Sweetheart. Can I tell ya somethin’?” 
You nod, and Seth cups your face, directing your gaze toward his.
“I love you, and there is absolutely nothing you could do to change that. Got it?” 
You nod again, granting him permission to continue.
“And another thing, you’ll always be beautiful in my eyes; physically or otherwise. Until you learn to see yourself the way I do, I’ve got no problem lovin’ you for the both of us. Alright?”
You return Seth’s embrace, holding him a little closer.
“Thank you, Honey. I think I needed that.”
“Ah, it’s nothing. Just telling the truth.”
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p0pp3t · 2 years
HI HI ok so idk if this is gonna be hard but can you write about a roller skating date with Auron? Any gendered terms are alright, tysm!! ♪(^∀^●)ノ
Auron x Reader | “I’ll Be Rolling Place to Place!”
gender-neutral reader
fluff, playful n sweet
"You know, I never would've expected that this was one of your hobbies."
Roller skating seemed an extremely out-of-place idea, especially for someone with Auron’s reputation. Despite that, he couldn't help but give in when he realized how genuinely you wanted him to join you. So here he was now, sat next to you on a bench near an empty area of a roller rink.
"Oh? What gave you that idea?"
"Well, the workplace does have a way of putting people into a professional setting. It's not often our meetings are so . . . casual."
You laugh a little, finding it fitting how formal Auron remained when he wasn't filling the role of a CEO. "You can just call it a date, y'know. I know you said you don't go on those, but I'd like to think I'm a little more than just an employee now."
“Oh, fine,” He sighed. “I’m just saying that this date is far more informal than when we usually meet.” Auron always did have a way of keeping up with your banter, and you with his. Maybe it was just one things that drew you to each other.
You adjusted your skates, tightening their laces to make sure that neither of you would be slipping too much today. The skates fit just fine, but you stalled a little while longer for Auron’s sake, noting how he seemed to still be preparing himself mentally.  
“You’ve really never done this before? Not even as a kid?” 
“No, I never went when I was younger, so I didn’t feel the need to go now; not on my own, at least. So please,” He avoided your gaze now, looking embarrassed; “Don’t judge me too hard. I’ve made a fool of myself in front of you before, and that alone is more than enough.”
“You don’t need to worry yourself so much,” You press a reassuring kiss to his cheek, taking Auron’s hands into your own. “I appreciate you coming with me anyway. Besides, if you end up not liking it, you don’t have to skate with me again. Deal?”
The slightest blush tinged his face. “It’s a deal then. Thank you, dear.” Auron returned your kiss, just as warmly, but this time on the back of your hand. “Now, shall we get going?”
“Oh! Well, if you’re ready. Here,” Still a bit flustered yourself, you stand and extend your hands out in front of you. “Hold onto me, I’ll have to teach you how to walk in these things first.”
He stood slowly and cautiously, taking a moment to steady himself. Hand in hand, the two of you make your way over to the rink. Fortunately, it was relatively empty tonight; so if Auron did end up “making a fool of himself,” he hopefully wouldn’t feel too ashamed.
“Be sure to pick up your feet; you’ll notice these are a lot heavier than you’re used to,” you cautioned. “Also, brace yourself for the rink. It’s kinda jarring with how slippery it is around your first time.”
Auron nodded quietly, and stayed that way most of the time you spent actually skating. You did your best to catch him when he slipped, but to no avail. So, Auron would avert his eyes from you with a furrowed brow whenever you’d pull him up by the hand. Still, you persist. With some time and your patience, he eventually got the hang of things; enough to loosen his grasp on your hand and make a full circle around without falling. Between your stifled laughs and his unusually demeaned expression, Auron strangely found himself enjoying his time with you.
Your night together neared its end as you both rested on the bench again. Looking at him curiously, you wondered how Auron was doing.
“Didn’t hate it too much, did you? You were pretty silent the whole time; I was a little worried.” you ask, lighthearted but still concerned.
“Oh, no it’s nothing like that,” he promised. “You know I’m not the best with new things. But despite that, I actually quite enjoyed this.”
You smile, relieved to hear that you didn’t put Auron through too much. Another kiss to his cheek conveyed your gratitude.
“Also, I wouldn’t mind joining you here again.”
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additional notes:
aaaa sorry for taking so long to write this!! school has been keeping me busy 😔😔 but anyway this request is SO CUTE and i'm more than glad to use it as an excuse to make auron fall on his ass (i'm projecting btw i've gone roller skating like once and sucked major balls at it) hope you enjoyed <3
a little bonus: here’s a song that reminds me of him <3
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p0pp3t · 1 year
Hello dear if it's alright can I get a, bunny hybrid reader comfort auron after a hard day like kisses and cuddles and purrss
Bonus Points: that the reader if really fluffy & soft
Auron x BunnyHybrid!Reader | When Today Is Finally Done
gender-neutral reader
reader w/ rabbit ears and purrs
reverse comfort
(reader isn't necessarily rookie? unless you interpret them as that)
The front door opens sweetly, soon closing and followed by the soft clacking of footsteps on the hard floor. You merely stir from your light nap, eyes opening and ears perking up for only a moment. Sleep takes you again and leaves you falling into the warmth of the couch. 
The footsteps enter the living room, softer now than earlier. They become even lighter as they near the couch, and stop as the cushion next to you is weighed down. A hand rests on our head and gently scratches at the backs of your ears. A satisfied purr escapes your lips, quiet and content.
“Are you awake?”
“Mhm, I was just waiting for you.” You take Auron’s free hand in one of yours, rubbing tenderly with your thumb.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, then. I’ve had quite a bit on my plate lately.”
“Long day?”
He sighs. “Yeah, long day.”
You sit yourself up, moving right next to Auron and holding onto his waist. “Sorry to hear it, Hun. Maybe I can help?” 
He smiles, cupping your face and leaning in for a kiss. “I’m sure you can.” 
Auron stands, letting go of you as your arms unwrap from around him. “And not to leave so soon, but I should get a change of clothes so we can both be more comfortable. Stay put.”
He returns from your shared room, hair down and clad in elegant, silken sleepwear. Auron sinks onto the sofa next to you and opens his arms in your direction.
“Come on, take your place.”
You gladly comply, accepting each other’s embrace again.
“Cute clothes.” You remark.
“Oh, this? Suits aren’t the best for homewear, so I figured I’d have to branch out at least a little. You like it?”
“Of course I do.” You hold him a little closer, keeping near.
Auron’s hand finds its way to the back of your neck, leisurely making small circles and soothing you. Another purr resounds placidly.
Quiet captures the room, some of it only replaced by your slow breathing.
“How was work? You did come home later than usual and you seem tired, so I was just wondering.”
“Well, I did say today was long but not terrible. Just some uncooperative clients, maybe a few incompetent employees. It’s nothing I can’t handle, though; I have picked up after people before.”
You hum in understanding, a short and sympathetic sound. “You take care of yourself, if not for you then for me.”
“I’ll try.”
The room lulls, only for Auron to quell the silence with his gratitude and lips pressed to your forehead.
“Thank you for taking care of me, giving me something to look forward to; someone I can return to.”
“It’s no trouble. Besides, I don’t mind having you here too much.”
Auron tilts your face so that it turns toward his, and warmly steals a kiss from you once more.
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hi dear!! sorry for taking so long to get this out; finding inspiration/motivation and time to write has been difficult lately. but i got into the right mindset just last night and managed to make this! hope you enjoy ♡
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p0pp3t · 1 year
Can you write fic about Big (titted) Red where him and the reader have burrito night and spend the rest of the night watching tv? I’m talking major fluff and tiddy moments galore, please and thank you
Lucien x Reader | Quiet Nights
(I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE, ANON. @ittybittybnnny)
gender-neutral reader
mostly dialogue, some banter in the first half
You shout a thank you to the delivery driver, who waves politely in reply before you close the door. Food in hand, you make your way back to the living room.
“Angel,” Lucien starts, watching you set the food onto the table. “How come you never let me answer the door?
“Because you’re going to scare someone just trying to do their job!” you say in mock exasperation. “Unless you have some human form I don't know about, you’re not answering anybody while I’m here.”
“Hey, you never know- I could be hiding something from you.” he retaliates.
“Well? Are you?”
“No,” he confesses. “There’s no ‘human form’ that I know of at least.”
“That’s what I thought. Now pipe down, our food’s here.”
As you lay out your dinner on the coffee table, Lucien observes intently with slightly widened eyes.
“You know, I never did get to do much exploring before you.” he chimes in.
“Oh? What do you mean by that?”
“Well I wouldn’t have discovered my love for cooking if I wasn’t here. Or my love for you, at that!” he laughs. “Now look at me, broadening my horizons in the culinary world. I’m excited to try this ‘burrito’ I’ve heard so much about.”
You smile, handing Lucien his food while it’s still warm and freshly wrapped in foil. 
“I think you’ll like it. Go on and start; I still have to pick a movie for us.”
He accepts your offering, peeling the foil off his meal and taking a hearty bite. 
“Mmm, you should’ve brought this to me sooner! This is delicious.” Eyes alight, Lucien stays enthusiastic all the way through dinner; nearly too distracted to watch the TV at all.
 Between good food and even better company (and commentary over a bad movie), you eventually drift off. Lucien places an arm around you, holding you close and inspecting your peaceful state.
“Angel? Are you still there?” He receives no response, besides your snoring and slowed breaths.
“How cute.” Lucien remarks, leaving a sweet kiss on your forehead. He pulls you into his chest, soon becoming drowsy himself.
“I’ll see you in the morning, then. Dream of me, Angel.”
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p0pp3t · 2 years
Seth x Alphonse x Reader | Something Sweet
gender-neutral reader
poly relationship
reverse comfort, fluff, sleep
mostly dialogue
You awake to the feeling of a shaky arm clutching onto your side. A head buries itself into your chest. The moon shines softly through the curtains, casting a gentle light onto the bed. Still blinking the drowsiness out of your eyes, you catch a glimpse of brown hair. 
“Hm, Seth? Something wrong?”
Startled and apologetic to have woken you, he whispers his response; “Sugar? Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake ya. I just had a bad dream and needed someone, but didn’t really wanna disturb either of you and-”
Lips pressed to his forehead, you slow Seth’s rushing words and mind. You do, however, quicken his heartbeat. Poor thing was still readjusting to a relationship like this, but you had to admit his reactions were rather cute. You pull away and tenderly cup his cheek in your hand. Seth now blushed a subtle red.
“You’re safe now, Sweetheart. Do you wanna talk about it?” You begin to run your fingers through his hair, lightly caressing his scalp as well.
“Oh, I’m alright Sugar...” he answers, still a bit flustered; “It can wait ‘til morning, I’m sure. Besides, we should probably get back to sleep before I wake Al too.”
The snoring figure behind you begins to stir from his sleep, seemingly gaining awareness of your little exchange. 
“Hmm, you two alright over there? Need anything?” Alphonse spoke low, his voice still raspy from just waking up.
“And speak of the devil,” Seth said in quiet amusement; “We’re okay Al, I just had a bit of a nightmare and Sugar here was helping me out.”
“Mhm, I woke up when he did, but we both figured we’d let you sleep,” you add.
“Aw man, you should’ve woken me sooner! I love taking care of y’all, you know that.” Alphonse reached his hand across, resting it on Seth’s arm and holding lightly. “You feeling a bit better now? Even if it’s just a bit, it’s all good.”
“Oh, I am! A lot better, actually. But with both of you taking care of me all the time, it’s hard not to feel a bit bad...” Seems like Seth’s been keeping that to himself for a while? You just hope it hadn’t been too long. 
“Hey, it’s nothing for you to feel guilty about,” you hold his face again. His eyes meet yours and you continue to make your point, “It’s like Al said, we do like having you.”
“Boo’s right, y’know. You’re more than welcome here, alright?” Alphonse further affirms your sentiment, bringing some reassurance with him.
“Alright, alright I’ve got it,” Seth laughs; “Thank you, I mean it.”
The three of you lie in comfortable silence for a while, basking in the soft glow coming through the window and quietly enjoying each other’s company. It felt like an eternity, and you honestly wouldn’t mind if it was. Such a peaceful scene. It’s times like these that make you realize there’s nowhere else you’d rather be.
“How about I make us a nice breakfast in the morning? Whatever you guys want; I don’t mind getting up a bit earlier either,” you eventually pipe up, talking amidst the quiet. 
Alphonse yawns, delaying his reply; “Yeah that sounds good, but sleeping in sounds just as nice. It’s a day off, and we’re spending it wisely.”
“He’s got a point, I’m honestly fine with anything,” Seth chimes in.
You smile sincerely; “Okay, I guess I’ll decide once I wake up again.”
Warm, sweet, and familiar. It was just like home. Anticipating the day ahead, you all settle back down to doze off again, holding each other close as ever. Exchanged “I love you’s” and a few kisses eased the three of you back to sleep, where you were sure to find sweeter dreams.
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hermioneblk · 2 years
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Il libro ci racconta di una famiglia maschilista fino all’inverosimile composta da uomini che per tutta la vita hanno pensato solo agli affari credendosi i migliori di tutti. Mi fa strano che sia stata una donna a scrivere questo libro dato che denota la totale mancanza di rispetto per il genere. Era l’epoca? No, era il carattere di queste persone che hanno sempre messo gli affari al primo posto. Hanno rinunciato a vivere, si sono dedicati solo a coltivare soldi e non affetti, pensavano solo al potere ed è per questo che sono andata avanti anche a discapito delle donne che stavano loro vicino. Questo libro è una fanfiction storica fatta senza tanti sforzi, leggendo Wikipedia tutti potrebbero scrivere il secondo libro dopo aver letto due pagine del primo: zero passioni, zero sentimenti, zero vitalità. Non c’è stato il minimo sforzo fantastico o personale, sono stati presi fatti realmente accaduti e romanzati in modo molto blando, la scrittrice non ci ha messo niente di suo. Le conversazioni andavano inventate di sana pianta ma già è tanto se arrivavano a tre battute: non sapeva cosa far dire ai suoi personaggi perchè non erano suoi. Le relazioni interpersonali sono state disastrose perchè messe da parte sempre a favore di quello che è successo all’azienda e al commercio: ma che noia, un libro sull’azienda, piatto e sciatto. Come se non bastasse la noia e lo sconforto e anche la frustrazione sono aumentati a dismisura con le enormi note storiche che farcivano il libro rendendolo insopportabile peggio di un libro di storia del liceo! Un libro che è compito in classe: scrivi una fiction sui Florio che verrà poi trasposta in TV. Ah, già perché non è sicuramente un caso né che questa serie di libri abbia avuto successo né che presto sarà una serie, è tutto un meccanismo ingranato oliato e predisposto per fare andare avanti gli editor e i produttori di film. Addio Florio! 📖 #photos #books #bookstagram 📚 #libri #biblioteca 📚 💭 #audiobooks #audible 🏡 #hausofhermio #library #photography ☠️ #hermio in #instagram (presso Falconara Marittima) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cixa2kwKjGA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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