#under a read more cause it be long
signanothername · 3 months
Why do you like Killer?
*Cracks knuckles* get ready
I don’t like Killer, I fucking LOVE HIM
He’s my number 1 fave au sans and has been for a very long time
Now to be clear, I’m talking about canon Killer here, i have mixed feelings about some fanon interpretations, some are good and i genuinely love them, others not so much
That being said, let’s actually talk about why i love my beautiful amazing wonderful son <3333
(All art used in this post is by Killer’s creator: Rahafwabas)
The very first hook for me is his very concept, the mere idea of a sans basically agreeing to go on a killing spree after so many genocide runs is just *chef’s kiss*
Killer knew it was wrong, he knew he shouldn’t, yet he did
Killer doomed himself by his choice, he could’ve stayed as “sans” but he chose to accept Chara’s offer, yet his choice came to be after he saw no point in refusing anymore (important addition and a correction here)
The canon comics had Killer saying that he’s the way he is cause he gave up, he said “you won, you’re the reason I’m like this”, he’s been on so many genocide runs that he felt a little part of him die each run, only to give up and go on said killing spree
It’s interesting how the player is a big part of Killer’s story, cause whether Chara was involved or not, the player is the root cause of his suffering
But what i love the most is that regardless of his backstory or reasons, Killer’s actions led to their inevitable consequences, and it forever changed him
The biggest change? His very soul, it went from a normal monster soul to his signature target soul, infused with Determination, something that supposedly hurts monsters, it’s almost like his soul was infected with it, and you can see how it physically affects him with the black liquid that constantly comes out his eyes, nose and mouth, and even at times, that sludge is too much that he chokes on it
And the amusing yet tragic parallel? Killer aimed to “feel something new” by his genocide runs, only to end up not feeling anything at all, at least at his default stage 2
Which brings me to the concept of his soul’s stages
I love Killer’s stages so so much, it’s such a beautiful unique and wonderful concept
Killer’s individual stages are sooooo intriguing to me, it shows Killer in a different light each time depending on which stage he’s in, stage 1 is the closest he is to being “sans”, the closest to he used to be, he can feel emotions and is generally back to his more lazy bones attitude, as well as his ability to actually show sympathy, and feel the pain he’s always in, but what’s interesting is that regardless of the fact he’s the closest to his old self in this stage, it’s still so clear that Killer isn’t really “sans” anymore, that no matter what, he truly had changed in a way that can never be reversed, a point of no return, even when Color saves him, cause his new habits? His fears? His pain? His trauma? They can never be taken away, Killer has to live with the scars of what he experienced
Stage 2 is who he’d become, he can’t feel anything at this stage, emotions nonexistent, and his nonchalant behavior towards himself and others is most apparent here, a parallel I like to think of is that Killer’s inability to feel anything at all is almost like prolonged sensory deprivation, when you’re deprived of sensory input/ simulation for long periods, your brain needs compensate, and so it does its job, Killer’s soul prevents him from feeling so he resorts to other methods (usually very self destructive) to compensate for his lack of emotional capacity
I also really really love how that especially during stage 2, Killer isn’t trustworthy, cause in stage 1 you can actually trust him to an extent, in stage 2 Killer’s actions, behaviors and mindset are completely unpredictable, but not because he’s random, cause he’s actually extremely calculated, yet regardless, his carelessness when it comes to his own life and other people’s lives is dialed to an 11 here, so he could either choose to kill/attack or simply stay and listen
we even get an actual in depth look at how Killer’s mind works in one of the canon comics, in which Killer contemplates whether to attack Dream or not as he listens to his own stages in his head, one of which tells him to Kill Dream, while the other tells Killer to talk to Dream first
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How Killer comes to a final decision on whether he attacks or not is something I believe his calculated mind makes depending on the situation and the pros/cons of what act he chooses, Killer is pretty smart, he knows when to let his trigger happy self out and when to settle down
Stage 3 or the “crazy stage” is the stage in which he’d attack anyone in his way whether friend or foe, we unfortunately don’t have much canon info regarding this stage, but that ain’t gonna stop me from analyzing the shit outta it (and talk about how i perceive it)
I like to think of this stage as the combination between stage 1 and 2, yet it’s almost like his soul can’t truly decide on which stage to settle on and by extension founding stage 3 as a separate stage by itself, Killer becomes extremely unstable at this stage, his soul moves rapidly and it’s obvious he’s in pain cause of it, whether that pain is just emotional or both physical and emotional isn’t really clear, yet i’d like to believe it’s both, and i feel like Killer’s capacity to attack anyone at this stage is related to that pain, and something I really love to believe is that Killer can’t calm down enough to settle back to stage 1 or 2 unless he either wears himself out by fighting someone, or he’s left alone to his own demons long enough to pull himself together, if he were to be forcefully restrained during this stage, it would only serve to make it worse and prolong the time he stays that way (cough something i may or may not have made a quick comic about but never shared as always vjvjvjj)
Not to mention, one of the canonical responses Killer gives when asked if he’s ok at stage 3 seems to make Killer alternate between answers he wants to give between saying he’s “fine” and “i don’t know” which makes sense, Killer isn’t stable at all, it’s almost like his stage 1 self and stage 2 self are fighting over who gets to talk (stage 2 seems more dominant)
Yet the fact Killer is able to answer and comprehend his surroundings enough at this stage is very intriguing to me, cause it shows how much Killer is able to handle/endure (which is A LOT cause damn) and not only that, but it also gives us a very clear difference between this stage and stage 4
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As for stage 4?? Woooh boi, it’s the stage I like to call “plunging into darkness”
We also don’t have much canon info about this stage, but one of the things i find interesting is the fact Killer deliberately keeps it a secret from everyone, when he tells Color about his stages, he only tells him up to stage 3, never bringing up stage 4, only for Chara to sneer at Killer that he shouldn’t keep it from his new BFF
It’s obvious Killer himself is very uncomfortable with the subject of stage 4, it’s apparent that it’s a stage that he rarely gets to, but it still bothers him enough to not want to even mention it, which makes sense, cause the comic we had of stage 4 shows that Killer gets to that stage when he’s reminded of all the murders he committed, and unsurprisingly, when he’s reminded of his brother, as what triggered this stage is actually a memory of Papyrus telling Sans to “see a puzzle”, only to be followed by memories of screams of anger, fear, and hatred of those he killed immediately afterwards, stage 4 is heavily related to his trauma
Not to mention it’s clear that when Killer gets to stage 4 he blacks out, he’s completely unaware of anything he does during this stage, and is only left to deal with the aftermath when he gets back to his senses, the fact it’s also a stage that seems to be “getting worse” is something that Killer definitely seems to hate
It sometimes makes me think whether Killer had gotten into trouble cause he killed someone Nightmare wanted alive while at this stage, cause with how he keeps it a secret, I’d assume Nightmare would be unaware of it for a while (comic idea perhaps >:) )
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But y’know what’s better than talking about the stages?? Talking about Killer’s personality, behaviors and trauma
Killer can’t distinguish between what’s real or not, and it’s obvious he sometimes sees the world in the third person, as in he’s not completely there at times, not to mention the amount of voices he hears in his head, from his stages talking to him to hallucinations of Chara, Frisk and Papyrus, and oooh boi does he hate these hallucinations, the past obviously haunts Killer and it’s something he tries running away from constantly, yet he can never truly run from it when it follows him everywhere
Killer has a smile on his face most the time, but his attitude changes especially when Chara is mentioned, or when he’s reminded of his past in any way, he literally avoids food that reminds of his past life as “sans”, he freezes up at certain phrases such as “best friend” (something i also made a comic about that i never shared chchhchc)
He just absolutely hates to be reminded of the person he used to be, of all the things he used to have, cause in truth? They were all taken away from him by his own hands, only to be then forced to work under Nightmare, who only ensures that he never finds peace of mind
And the sad part? Killer let’s all those things hurt him, he lets Nightmare have his way with him, he lets Chara torment him, cause he thinks he deserves it, and most importantly, he deluded himself into believing that this is what he wants because it’s what everyone else wants, because it’s what the player wants
Killer even sometimes tries to force himself not to feel anything, cause come on, since when does he feel anything at all?
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Killer, to put it bluntly, hates himself, and he thinks that his suffering is the Karma of what he’s done, and even at one point, he was going to erase himself out of existence cause he believed that’s what he deserved, as in Killer thought of himself as unworthy when it comes to Papyrus, that his brother doesn’t need him, that his brother is better off without him, hell he even tells Color that he needs to kill him if he ever reaches stage 3, it’s an obvious “ i want someone to put me outta my misery” attitude
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Killer feels hopeless, and so he lets himself suffer thinking he can’t ever find peace or hope again
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Yet the interesting part? You’d never know that Killer hates himself unless you’re a being of emotions (Nightmare and Dream) or someone who’s perceptive enough to notice Killer’s self-loathing like Color, that’s how good of an actor Killer can be, you’d think he’s a cold emotionaless killer but the truth only shines to those who actually can see through his act
Killer just has that amazing character depth and his story is genuinely so unique and beautiful, cause you in his story you can find details of other details within the details vhvhvjvj
All that? Mixed with really adorable little things like his love for cats, his silly attitude, his nonchalance with Nightmare, his capacity to be social with whoever, and his friendship with color? That is why I love Killer Anon <33333
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myfanfic-urfantrash · 2 months
Birds Nest
Prompt from Messy Nest: "-> jing yuan teaching his partner how to feed the birds in his garden, and instead of him ending up being the birdhouse, it’s them"
Jing Yuan x GN!Reader (Reader has thick long hair)
A/N: This is wholesome but also just silly :D
Jing Yuan pours a handful of seeds into his partners hand and gently guides them towards the finches they often see in his garden already eating at the seeds he scattered across the ground earlier.
"They're skittish little things but once you earn their trust you'll have a hard time fending them off from any snacks of yours that have seeds."
They kneel down slowly showing the cautious birds the seeds they have. The bravest of the bunch hops onto their fingers and begins feeding from their hand. Soon the others follow and their shoulders and head are covered in little finches.
"It looks like they like you but be careful or they might start nesting in your hair like they do to me." They laugh imagining the mess they'd make in their hair as they let the little birds tug and rearrange their hair this way and that.
'As if that would happen.' Is the thought that runs through their mind and replays as the days go by and they hear chirps they cannot find the origin of.
Weeks later during their weekly tea date in his garden they hear the familiar peeps but still can't find the source of the sound. They try to take a sip of their tea only for their hair to cover their mouth. Jing Yuan smiles from across them putting down his own cup of tea.
"You're hair is in the way, love. Allow me..." Lifting a hand towards their face he's just about to brush their hair away from their face when a familiar little bird pecks at his fingers from within their locks. Unsure if this truly happened he tries again only to get another angry little bird pecking at his fingers. Jing Yuan pulls back huffing in amusement.
"Well...this is certainly a surprise. I was wondering where they had gone." They laugh awkwardly trying to fix their hair themselves only to also get pecked at as well shocking Jing Yuan. They both burst into laughter earning some disgruntled chirps from disturbing the birds.
"If I knew the birds would begin nesting in your hair perhaps I would have hesitated in showing you how to feed them." He lifts his cup to his lips taking a sip of his tea to hide his smile. "How about I teach you how to make them leave your hair once we're done with our tea? I'm certain you need it." They can only nod eagerly earning more upset chirps.
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soppingwetrat · 2 months
I've been seeing a lot of people complaining that tmagp isn't independent from tma, as in, you need to have watched tma in order to understand what is going on in tmagp, but i don't really think that's the case. for example:
- when Sam got and emali from "Jon", tma fans understood that this is a ref to Jonathan Sims. non-tma fans don't have that understanding, but they understand that this is clearly weird, as no one with that name works at the OIAR. the effect is the same
- when Gerry and Gertrude appeared, both non-tma fans and tma fans understood that Gerry used to be in the institute as a kid, and that Gertrude is reluctant and untrusting of Sam and Celia. there is no additional context from tma needed to understand that scene
- the character of Celia is suspicious regardless if you've seen tma or not, her weirdness is very well established outside of the fact that she also appears in tma (keen interest in the incidents, waking up in random places, weird questions etc)
- Gwen's last name (Bouchard) is also something that tma fans would recognize immediately, but recently they specifically mentioned the "Cheshire Bouchards", clearly trying to draw attention to her last name. tma knowledge is no longer needed to understand that her name Means Something
- all the other characters from tma that appeared have (so far) been completely different people. they're an alt version of themselves, so knowing them from tma is not required to understand any of their scenes or dialogue
the only thing that you could make a case for is Chester and Norris' voices and connecting them to Jon and Martin, but even that could be easily solved with a quick google search. all u need to know is that they were 2 main characters from tma, whose faith is left ambiguous at the end of the show, and now their vas are voicing Chester and Norris, the 2 ai programs
so far all tma references have only allowed tma fans to catch on that something is sus quicker, but it's clear that the writers put effort in dropping different clues other than just "this character used to appear in tma too!" and I'm sure there'll be even more as the series goes on
if anyone knows something i missed, feel free to point it out, im very interested! but from what we've seen so far, i really don't think a tmagp-only fan would be confused by the direction of the plot, as i feel that things are well established outside of their connections to tma
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edwinisms · 3 months
#this question is very hard for me to answer so obviously I have to torment everyone else with it#cause like. like I can really see the potential in either answer. both are feasible#I will say. most realistically. to me. edwin first charles harder#because I think…..I think the reasoning behind the other way around usually tends to be about how edwin absolutely was slower to bond and#open up in general whereas charles hit the ground fucking running#but i don’t think that particularly applies to their romantic relationship#if you mean ‘fell for’ in a general sense rather than a romantic one then yes 100%#but that’s not what im talking about here#I have a few different reasons but generally I think edwin fell first because like… the way he attached himself to charles and accepted him#as his person and etc is so unlike him to do with literally anyone- especially at the point where they first met/the first years they knew#each other. charles just seems to have hit him as something very very special and irreplaceable quite quickly for him to open up the way he#did and change and flourish into a fully realized person because of how safe and worthy charles made him feel#he took to charles with an unusual amount of ease and trust and I think that says something about how charles struck his heart Early#whereas with charles… yes on one hand he did stay on the mortal plane largely because of edwin and absolutely would’ve been impacted by the#tender act of mercy that was edwin reading to him as he died so he wouldn’t be scared. that’s absolutely what got him to trust edwin and to#want to be with him and protect him and so on#but charles would still do that and be like that under intense platonic circumstances I think#but most importantly I just think charles fell harder. when he fell is less important to me here- more important is that by GOD that boy is#down so fucking bad and outright SAYS IT in so many ways that he doesn’t realize– the sheer amount he restates how he’s content so long as#he’s with edwin. how he doesn’t want to be anywhere where edwin can’t follow. would and Did go to hell and back for him. believes him#to be the kindest and most incredible person he’s ever met. prioritizes him above anything and everything. etc etc etc#that’s not to say edwin doesn’t feel a similar amount of devotion– but charles just. really loves him with his whole person. loves him as a#fact of his existence and a piece of his very soul#idk man. it just feels like he is so incredibly smitten and he doesn’t even know it.#like I said though I can see both options and give reasons for both options so this question EATS at me I GENUINELY don’t have a super#strong feeling either is absolutely correct. it’s so difficult to answer they’re both so smitten and have such a history and GRAHHHH#payneland#dead boy detectives#rambling#polls
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supercantaloupe · 2 years
What is the antisemitism in TUC season 1? Does it have to do with Wally the golem?/gen
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[ID: an ask from an anonymous tumblr user that reads "would love to hear more about the antisemitism in unsleeping city! was a while ago that i watched it and can't remember what you might be referencing but definitely want to be aware of it.]
no, it's not about willy the golem -- i actually think willy is a great addition to the season (even if i wish we got to see more of him), and an indication to me that brennan/the showrunners were definitely trying to be sincere and inclusive. i want to make it clear that i don't think anything antisemitic in tuc is there intentionally; i think it's there out of simple ignorance, which is also why i think fans don't frequently see/comment on it either. but i don't think that's an excuse, either.
my grief with tuc1 is largely centered around its portrayal of robert moses as the villain. especially by making him a greedy, power-hungry lich working en league with bloodsucking vampires. (also his mini is literally a green skinned skull man in a suit. yikes.) here's the thing; i know robert moses was a real life horrible person, who actually was racist and powerhungry etc etc. and i know that robert moses, the real actual person, was jewish. my grief with tuc1 is not that they chose to use robert moses over literally any other person (real or fictional) to be their season villain (though i'd be really curious to know what tuc1 would have looked like with a different villain), but that they chose to take a real jewish person, turn them into an antisemitic caricature, and then only barely add other portrayals of judaism to balance that out.
like, tuc isn't completely devoid of other jewish representation. as you mention, there's willy the golem -- and again, i really like willy, and i love that it's a portrayal of a golem that's faithful to jewish folklore (ie as a benevolent, guardian construct rather than a mindless destructive monster. i am not a fan of how 'golem' is so frequently misused as a generic enemy creature in other fantasy and ttrpg spaces, including other seasons of d20). but as i said earlier, i wish we see more of him in the season, because he's not around very much, and feels a little more like worldbuilding than a full character to me. also, he's not human. jews are people.
the only other human jewish character in tuc1 is...stephen sondheim. which, again, yeah, that's a real person who really was jewish. but i really wouldn't blame you if you had no idea of that when watching tuc1. maybe from the name you could guess he might be jewish, but i don't think people ought to make a habit of trying to 'clock' someone being jewish by having a 'jewish-sounding' surname. as he's portrayed in tuc1, you'd never know he's jewish, unless you happen to already be pretty knowledgeable about the man in real life. it's far more likely you'll know him as a theater legend than anything else (may his memory be a blessing).
now i'm not saying that brennan or the showrunners should have played up the jewishness of Real Person Stephen Sondheim to counterbalance the depiction of robert moses; that just feels weird to me, especially considering that sondheim was literally alive when tuc1 was filmed and released. it's a tricky thing to portray real people in fiction alongside made up characters, especially when they are contemporaries, and i don't think 'outright caricature' is the way to go about that. nor do i think that moses' jewishness should have been played up at all, because again i don't think that would have been particularly true to the person/character, and also Fucking Yikes. but, c'mon, if you hear the names 'moses' and 'sondheim' next to each other, which one do you associate more with judaism?
and as it stands, these are the only representations of judaism in tuc1. one admittedly nice but very minor nonhuman character; one human character you'd never be able to tell was jewish; and a third human character who, while never explicitly referenced as jewish, plays into some really hurtful antisemitic stereotyping. and it was a choice to not include anything else. maybe not a deliberate one, probably more likely one made out of simple ignorance than anything else, but a choice nonetheless. in a city with one of the largest and most visibly jewish populations in the country, and a culture that is inextricably influenced by that jewish population. a jewish population which has been and continues the target of rising hate crimes for years. i know that nyc means different things to different people, and everyone's nyc is their own -- but my nyc is jewish, and it sucks that that its jewishness is referenced directly in only one very minor way, which is greatly overshadowed by its, in my view, really insidious indirect references.
i don't know exactly how to go about addressing this. obviously, the show can't be changed by now. even if it could, i think the final product would be very significantly different from what it is now if the villain was something/someone else. i think including more references to jews in new york, more (human) jewish characters, hell, even mentioning hanukkah celebrations and menorahs in windows (it takes place in late december, after all; depending on the year it's not at all out of place for hanukkah to coincide with xmas!) would help. having literally any more positive jewish representation in tuc1 would, i think, help balance the bad stuff that's there. because, yeah, robert moses was real and he was terrible and he was jewish. but he's one jewish guy in a city with over a million jews, the vast majority of whom are just normal people. i don't want him to be the only vision of us that people get, in tuc1 alone or in any media. i'm not saying that jews can't or shouldn't be villains in fiction; but especially if you are a goyische creator, you should be really careful in how you're portraying us, and if there are other contrasting depictions in your work, too, in order to not (even accidentally) demonize jewish people as a whole.
#sasha answers#anon#unsleeping city#the unsleeping city#long post#sorry for not putting this under a read more but i think people ought to see this. or at least#if two people felt the need to ask me about it then at least they would want to see the full thing uncovered#also fwiw i do think that they tried to address this to some extent when they made tuc2#with more scenes with willy (and incorporating more golem folklore with the animating word in his mouth -- nice touch!)#the jewish immigrant family in the photo flashback encounter (even if the hanukkiah in the picture isn't exactly kosher lol)#and ESPECIALLY rabbi mike. i ADORE rabbi mike. i think he's a WONDERFUL addition#i do still wish he was a more important/prominent character. cause again he isn't in it all that much.#(and he's still like. the only new jewish human character in the campaign.)#but i recognize what he represents and i am happy about it#i do think brennan & the d20 crew tried to improve after tuc1. i do. i see their efforts and i applaud them for it#but still to my knowledge they haven't ever directly addressed the errors made in season 1#and it's extremely rare that i even see other fans mention it#and like. sorry but i am tired. i am. we deserve better. we deserve portrayals in media that show us as People#not just as evil monsters#anyway you're welcome to rb this but be cool in the notes esp if you're a goy#other jews are welcome to (respectfully) disagree with me if they want#also if you so much as mention the word israel on this post you're getting blocked end of
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8thsniper · 1 year
me and my friend were talking about the whole "every sinner has one item they keep in all ids" thing and how its connected to their icon a while ago so im putting all we came up with here
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yi sang: well hes got a book in at least Some ids and the icon looks like sheets of paper if you squint. couldnt come up with anything better (others under cut)
faust: unsure. we couldnt come up with anything for faust other than "idk it kind of looks like a brain" She might not even have an item since shes set apart from the rest (see: her ego being th eonly one to not have barbed wire over it)
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don quixote: her rocinantes :) they have the horse symbol on them its just hard to see with the quality here
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ryoshu: one of the most obvious (its pretty hard to miss the fact that she has a whole extra sword in every id) in some images you can see theres a butterfly pattern on the hilt
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meursault: i didnt notice this one somehow but his belt buckle looks like a chain link, its got the same shape as the one in his icon
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hong lu: okay maybe a stretch but im pretty sure his is his eye. icon looks like an eyeball, and i think his liu uptie story mentioned it isnt naturally Like that
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heathcliff: the border around his icon is probably supposed to be his ring (unfortunately 2/4 of his ids have gloves on and you cant see it very well in his base id </3)
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ishmael: her headband (this ones pretty clear i think)
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rodion: she has a tattoo of a heart, cant tell if its hte same as her icon with an axe going into it because with most ids we can only see the edge
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sinclair: this ones also a stretch but could be the mark since his icon has the same symbol...? but its only visible in one id
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outis: her watch. shes got it in her ids and appears to be checking the time in her base ego. its got a trojan horse symbol on it too shes up to something
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gregor: roach friend :) little guy that is always with him
okay yeah thats all we got so far
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jheselbraum · 1 month
Saw a very very old post getting reblogged and I turned off reblogs on it just in case but also, for clarity, The Book of Bill sold me on billford.
Back in the day, the idea of Bill and Ford together romantically in any sense beyond general monsterfucking was just your basic Joker and Harley Quinn situation. Ford was obsessed with Bill and Bill couldn't care less, that sort of thing, which didn't really interest me. And then Weirdmageddon 3 dropped and Ford was in chains for all of a minute and Billford shippers went a little feral about it and the ship stopped being an opinion-neutral facet of fics where Ford files a restraining order against Bill or some such nonsense and started being something that actively annoyed me whenever I saw it. Then after Journal 3 came out, the billford shippers stopped being one of the only fandom subgroups that liked Ford (ie, Ford hate started dying down) and in general I was just seeing less fics and fanart where the plot was Ford won't take Bill back and isn't he such a bitch for that. I still didn't go there because I generally preferred their dynamic as an abusive friendship but like, it was fine, it was no longer a squick for me, just... Kinda boring? Like yeah the "bill was obsessed with ford" dynamic was present in some billford fan works since the beginning but it wasn't something that stood out to me at that time.
And then idk the specific way tbob presented that dynamic, from Bill obsessing over Ford in therapy and being genuinely upset after Ford left of their toxic relationship, to the subtle parallels between Bill and Ford's backstories, and the way everyone supports Ford through his complicated grieving process (the Ad Astra Per Aspera page on thisisnotawebsitedotcom will forever hold a special place in my heart, but I HAVE to give the gold to the scene in tbob where Ford, after spending the whole book projecting and paranoid, walks into the living room to see his family laughing at the book and clocking Bill as the needy ex he is, affirming that they dont hold Ford's relationship with Bill against him in the process) that just made it interesting to me. I'm sold. Fiddauthor is still endgame for me but billford as a romantic relationship is fun and interesting again.
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faithfulcat111 · 5 months
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Okay, first season, 7 outfits (I count the emo outfit all as one go). Three pairs of shoes: ratty, scuffy off-whites (our beloved), the black converses, and the scuffy combat boots (you can see how bad they are in the bear trap set up. He wears the white shirt with the red collar not only in the flashback scene, but also after waking up both to find his mom with the lamps and on the couch with the axe. He really kept shifting around layers on his emo outfit too. Not only down to just his jeans and t-shirt while sleeping, but down to the flannel while they are at the middle school as well. We got three jackets: blue Wangler, black denim, and funeral jacket; one hoodie, and one blue overshirt worn as a jacket. Sweater count: thick off-white and dark green/white striped. Clothes I own count: plain brown shirt (pretty sure the same brand too (if so, those shirts can be THIN btw)), blue overshirt, black denim jacket, striped sweater, black jeans, blue jeans, scuffy combat boots.
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Second Season, 7 outfits. This outfit count gets tricky cause he is doubling up a lot from the road trip, I counted everything overall for the road trip as 3. The road trip: day 1: brown t-shirt and flannel, night 1: brown t-shirt from that day; day 2: black sweater; night 2: white thermal and yellow pj pants; day 3: back to the black sweater; exorcism: back to the white thermal. Only wears the scuffy off-white shoes (our beloved), but we get a good close-up of them this time. Two jackets: the black denim returns for most of the season and then he is wearing the funeral jacket for the Snow Ball. Sweater count: yellow, fun red/green/black striped, and black. Clothes I own count (not mentioned before): yellow sweater (actually the only thing on this list I bought with Jonathan in mind)
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Third season, 6 outfits. Ratfit (our beloved). I realized he wears the exact same shirt on both the first day as he wears for the ratfit. He just added a tie on day two. Tie count: 2. He wears the same red one except on the day they get fired. That one is brown and slightly spotted. Two pairs of shoes: old man shoes white working and scuffy off-white ones (our beloved) when not. No sweaters are jackets, but it is summer. Another point towards the clothes hating count is that in the car fight scene, he has started to un-button his shirt and rolled up his sleeves. Not by much, but a starting point. Also this is the only season where we ever see him wear a shirt to sleep in at home. Clothes I own count (not mentioned before): just the red tie. Strangely enough my ugly (beloved) button-ups do not line up at all with Jonathan's in season 3.
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Finally, season four, 4 outfits. All copy-repeats of t-shirt, jeans, blue overshirt. Scuffy off-white shoes (our beloved) are still here. Clothes I own count (not mentioned before): The first blue overshirt with the thick stripes. I own one other blue one (other than the one from season 1), but it doesn't line up with any of Jonathan's.
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ying-doodles · 2 months
// cpsm manhwa spoilers (ep 38)
ehh? a docu-series?? what a funny way to do a flashback lmao- XD
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ahdjdjsk urus just being like 🌸(*¯︶¯*)🌸~
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oh my god, rakiel doing the handshake with just one of his fingers tho dhdjsksk-
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sir, who are you talking to?? 😭😭😭
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augh no, not the evil face again- please don't make that a recurring thing like in tged,, qwq
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holy shxt, that gallstone is just a big old pyramid my god- also the pet name nureong is cute but it sounds like niurou in chinese which means beef LMAO,, XD
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I like how rakiel says my party but it's just zooming in on damien lolol-
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dude, this inspector guy is dumb as rocks,,
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yeah get his ass rakiel!! (and also praise damien in the process hehe-)
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oh the way they look at each other though,,
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eternal-star-rogue · 5 months
Prev Post<== @comms-exe
“Wait wha-“ Zipper didn’t even get to finish that thought as Comms seemingly turned himself off and Zim’s body slumped over. Zipper and Ellie stared at him for a moment and then shared a look.
“Is he like… okayyyy??? He’s not dead right?” Ellie asked, nervously scratching the back of her neck in confusion.
“I don’t think he ever was ok to begin with, ah but no. He’s not dead. I’m not sure if he’s conscious or not though. One things for sure, he’s technically not a person. Zim probably didn’t have the time to make him into one, but I’m gonna change that reeeaaal quick.” Zipper said as she rolled the sleeves of her hoodie up. 
“Riiiight.” Ellie said, somewhat lost on what Zipper meant entirely. She started rifling through the case of medical supplies and pulled out a wound-disinfectant and some cotton balls and began cleaning Comms/Zim’s wounds. 
Zipper set herself to work, unbuckling Comms and laying Zim’s body gingerly down on the floor on his stomach. It was then she realized how much she’d grown in comparison to Zim. She was taller than him now, by at least a half foot or so. He wouldn’t like that very much….
Zipper shook her head and got out her tools and began carefully taking what was technically Comms themself apart piece by piece. Processors and cables and computer chips and wires and plugs and all sorts of little data crystals and usbs all strung together and held in place by a couple shabby outer-shell pieces of scrap metal, with… wait what the-
“Ellie holy fuck there’s a load bearing juice box in the middle of all this mess. If I pull it out he’s all just gonna fall to pieces.” Zipper said, pointing at the box with a mini extendable flashlight.
Ellie stopped stitching together the gash on the back of Comms/Zim’s head and glanced over. “Is it… is it even like doing anything other than holding stuff together?”
“No it’s not it’s- wait oh my god look. There’s a message written on it. It’s in Morse code.” Zipper exclaimed.
“Oh shit what’s it say?” Ellie said, going back to stitching Comms up, not taking her eye off her work for a second. 
Zipper squinted as she tried to read the juice box through the tangled mess and was silent for a few moments until she burst out laughing and cackling, almost scaring Ellie into messing up her stitches.
“BAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAHH, It says, ahahah, it say “pieces of shit all they’ve given me is expired prune juice, fuck them and fuck their juice.” Zipper had to put her tools down for a minute as she laughed. “Oh man, yup. Yeah that’s Zim alright.” 
Ellie rolled her eyes and shook her head, but she was smiling ever so slightly. It was good to hear Zipper laugh at least. 
“Alright, let’s get you fixed up Comms.” Zipper said, carefully removing the juice box and beginning to piece together a more solidly built “pak” for him. She worked tirelessly for hours, even pulling out a few components of her own pak that she didn’t desperately need just to help Comms be more efficient. She felt bad for the circumstances of his “birth” and the lack of personhood he had. Perhaps when this was all over, she could make a robotic body for him to inhabit, or perhaps Zim would clone an Irken body for him. Anything that is given even the resemblance of life, deserves to live it in full. That’s what Zipper believed anyways. 
Zipper sighed, wiping the sweat off her forehead and wiping her oily scuffed up hands on her hoodie. She turned the pain sensing inhibitor all the way down to 2%. Any higher and Comms would wake up screaming in agony from the amount of pain he’d be in. Especially with those wounds that were now very VERY slowly healing and regenerating. Thank goodness Ellie had used the dissolvable stitching wire, otherwise those sutures would fuse into Zim’s skin and he’d have to rip them out. 
“Ok now how do we uh… turn you back on… I actually didn’t see a button of any kind so I’m really hoping you have an automatic startup system.” Zipper said more to herself than anyone. 
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autistic-katara · 1 year
michael wheeler looks at william byers the same way i look at my childhood best friend to intense crush (that could never ever love me back bcz i am not a loveable enough person and also hes not into boys, not like that and if he knew it would ruin EVERYTHING (at least from my/this fictional mfer’s perspective)) that guy is not straight
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i can never understand all the people going “covid’s just a cold” “it’s just like the flu”. it’s not influenza or a rhinovirus. covid sars-cov-2: severe accute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. scientifically, it can never be a cold or flu, and it will cause severe accute respiratory syndrome. that’s not posturing or dramatics, it’s science
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signanothername · 1 year
do you have any spare rescue bots headcanons,,? :]
I’m so glad you asked cause i do >:)
Imma divide them by the four main bots to make it more organized then imma put more generalized headcanons below it
Enjoy and feel free to snatch any of these to become your own if you want to
-When he wants to clear his head, he loves going on a water adventure, and by water adventure i mean he’d turn to a boat and stray as far away from land as possible, then completely stop in the middle of the ocean, letting the waves drift him off to whatever direction they please, the isolation combined with the rhythm of the waves help
-his constant martial arts training is not only his way of venting, but his way to calm the anxious thoughts of being unable to protect his family when they truly need him
-finds difficulty in distinguishing between what he wants and what he truly needs (for example, being on team Prime is what he wants, being a rescue bot alongside his friends who he knew for a millenia is what he needs)
-gives off so much youngst child energy, I like to believe he’s the youngest of the group, ironically, despite his arrangement in the age ladder, he has eldest daughter syndrome
-naver uses words to express his love for his family, but always shows it through the little things he does like chasing zombie hamsters when Blades tells him to, his love language is acts of service
-He and Hightide become good friends actually, grumpy meanie on the outside, absolute softy on the inside duo
-besties with Quickshadow
-the reason he seems angry all the time is cause he doesn’t really know how to express his emotions any other way, anger is easier to translate into actions
-speaking of anger, I’d say he’s become angrier than he used to be, all due to different circumstances like waking up from stasis to find out his home is gone, having to pretend to be a lifeless machine and getting used to their new home, anger is just another word for grief
-and speaking of finding out Cybertron is dead, he blames himself to an extent, self loathing for not being part of the fight, and that’s why he’s so adamant about joining team Prime at the beginning (it absolutely is not his fault)
-greatly enjoys hugs, he’d just never admit it (not that he needs to, his fam got him <3)
-he finds kids incredibly annoying, yet he loves them dearly, he has a big mom mode
-speaking of mom mode, HW is what you’d call a Mama-bear
-he’d never admit it, but he likes his boat mode far more than any of his other modes
-boulder sometimes wishes he could use different art mediums like digital art, but is unable to due to his size, which then is solved when his family makes a screen big enough for him to use with an art program to try out
-while emotionally intelligent, he sometimes struggles with expressing his emotions through words, that’s why art is great for him as a tool to express himself, he doesn’t need words when he can draw his feelings
-outta the bots he misses Cybertron the most, but is the best at coping with his loss compared to the others
-I like to believe he’s the oldest, and while HW is usually the one to take care of the team, Boulder acts as a mediator (and as the voice of reason) when HW’s anger gets the better of him
-he’s the sunshine the team desperately needs, his optimism and kindness is contagious in the best possible way
-he strives to make everyone happy, which means he sometimes forgets that his own happiness matters too
-autism creature
-the best at social interactions
-Chase enjoys games that gives him a challenge and makes him use his brain, like chess and jigsaw puzzles
-also autism creature
-he and Blades are super close, and that’s in part due to the fact they’re both middle children, Chase would be second oldest
-Protective of Blades
-his love for laws is both cause they’re interesting to him, and cause they make more sense to him then the mess that is life which can be really unpredictable
-isn’t afraid to speak what’s on his mind, good at being polite while doing so tho
-loves to go on late night rides with Charlie
-a workaholic night owl, yet an early bird, yes both at the same time, Heatwave keeps an eye on him to make sure he recharges and doesn’t work himself to death
-loves writing actually and while bad at it, it doesn’t stop him from keeping it up, happy creator goals
-relies upon his brain rather than heart most of the time, yet to find a balance between both
-has high pain tolerance and low pain sensitivity, which means he sometimes doesn’t realize how hurt he is unless it’s really bad
-low empathy, compassionate still
-has Thanatophobia (aka death anxiety, which is an intense fear of death whether for one’s own life or the death of people they love, i like to believe his fear is in line with the death of loved ones)
-second youngest
-Adhd-er, fixates super hard on tv shows
-has nightmares, goes to Chase for comfort
-opposite of Chase, low pain tolerance and high pain sensitivity, which makes getting hurt an absolute nightmare, jinxed to always get hurt in some way shape or form
-don’t let him know about horror games, he’d play them nonstop
-really emotionally sensitive, has abandonment issues
-gender? what’s that? Literally uses he/him mainly simply cause people used that for him and he honestly doesn’t care so he went with it, any pronouns queen
-if he could, he’d wear a lot of dresses
-clouds are his worst enemy
-a lot smarter than what he’s given credit for, despite his anxiety, as an emergency medical bot, he has the best sense of danger and is the best at assessing the situation around him
-loves to receive compliments from those who don’t impress easily (Hightide and Heatwave)
General headcanons
-HW and Quickshadow train together sometimes
-Quickshadow loves to finish rescue missions before any of the bots arrive sometimes cause she loves to piss off HW, bestie goals
-despite Blurr’s behavior with HW, Blurr genuinely looks up to him, too bad HW has a bit of a thick skull to realize it
-Blurr loves to make up quotes that he then claims to have been said by some of the great leaders of cybertron, he’d say shit like “ as Optimus Prime himself once said ‘there’s not greater strength than speed’”
-Salvage is a unique embodiment of the “looks like a cinnamon role, can actually kill you” meme, he’s a gentle giant but also can kill you if he gets angry enough, which doesn’t happen easily which means you have to be such a douchebag to anger him tho you can save yourself cause he’s also easy to calm
-Blurr has raced against Knockout at least once without realizing it
-after the war ended, the rescue bots had to deal with some negativity concerning how “they never got their hands dirty” aka never fought in the war, they got through it together tho, Hightide (as a respected bot) doesn’t let them get hated under his watch whenever he’s around
-Hightide’s fave bot is Blades, no one needs to know about that tho
Those are the headcanons i can think of atm hahaha
Hope you enjoyed
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nerime · 8 months
batstarion linocut print lets goooo >:3c
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the sudden urge was there and i got some softcut lino <3 i messed up and of course it looks different than it was meant to initially (I FORGOR THE EYEBAGS.... and accidentally messed up the eyes But Alas!)
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i am literally unable to do digital art recently but at least i am having *some* fun with traditional pieces 🤠
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Nyahoja's Girl - A Nyahoja and Liko Drabble
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[Read on Ao3!]
Rated: G Pokémon Horizons Nyahoja and Liko (Platonic) Content Warnings: None Words: 444
Summary: As much as Liko puzzles through her new found partner, Nyahoja does the same.
Nyahoja’s new girl was a strange one. Not a bad one, not by any means, but… unusual.
Mijumaru’s girl, Nyahoja’s roommate, now that was the sort of trainer most Pokemon were looking for. Nice and spirited, fit with her pokemon just like a puzzle piece.
Nyahoja’s girl isn’t like that.
Forget fitting with Nyahoja, her words and her emotions didn’t even match. Nyahoja could feel the difference.
She’s much too fretful too, jittering this way and that. But Nyahoja doesn’t dislike its trainer. It just wishes she understood it more.
Nyahoja notices her following it about as it goes on her climb up to the roof. The gym’s awning is one of the sunnier spots, especially at midday like this.
Its trainer just seems to watch, scribbling something down.
She’s so strange. Doesn’t she understand it’s nicer in the sunlight? She won’t store up any energy hiding in the shade like that.
Nyahoja thinks it’s trainer might calm down a bit if she got a nice nap in the sunlight to charge up a bit.
Maybe she’s just a bit off pace? Even when it’s nighttime, the perfect time to curl up and nap, Nyahoja’s trainer tends to scribble away just as much! 
Silly girl, Nyahoja doesn’t understand her at all.
Even now, when she’s sleeping, her breathing isn’t even and steady like Mijumaru’s trainer over across the room. Sure, Mijumaru’s trainer was a bit noisy, but at least she was settled sometimes . Nyahoja’s girl frowns when she sleeps, curls herself up tighter. She’s always ever so slightly teetering. Nyahoja can’t say its a fan.
In the dead of night, Nyahoja’s awoken from its sleep by the sheets beneath it shifting. It considers yowling about the matter, but its attention is quickly caught by its trainer. Her face has gone all funny again, and Nyahoja doesn’t like it.
Nyahoja crawls over its trainer’s legs, out from her typical sleeping spot. It’s girl is a strange one, but it’s still Nyahoja’s girl. It’s got a responsibility to look after her, after all.
Nyahoja kneads the blanket beneath itself, letting a sweet scent unfurl off it. Its girl always seems to like that.
Sure enough, it’s trainer’s expression settles just that bit more, softening to neutrality.
Good, at least enough for now.
Satisfied, Nyahoja curls down into the space it’s just created for itself, body resting against its trainer’s leg.
As it settles down into slumber, Nyahoja purrs— only very lightly, only slightly, mind you. But maybe that’ll make its girl feel a bit better.
Nyahoja’s girl is a strange one, but she’s a nice one. She’s Nyahoja’s girl, and so Nyahoja will look after her.
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gaewaren · 2 years
Ooo yes pls (to the pynch rec)
i'm so late answering this sorry. here r some recent favs
transubstantiation, @audikatia my absolute favourite multichapter possibly ever of all time
i'm really enjoying the flood and giving in when you change the subject by @flightspathfic
friends we keep was good kind of 90s romantic film vibe + i do just love when these 2 try acting casual about each other it's not unlike blood to a vampire for me
kissed your scalp and caressed your brain, @behindtheatlantic hot off the press and so good i love everything sophie writes she's like Shakespeare. to me
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