#under the moths wing
starflungwaddledee · 4 months
For 💖🎀, what about Marx? Little cute creature concealing incredible magic and uncanny features! I think he could be so mean to her ❤️
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oh... anon you are very big brained for this one. he could unfortunately be so so mean to her.... and he has such pretty pretty wings! she would be enraptured instantly.
bonus eye-anim version (cw eyes/flashing gif):
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corvidaeconundrum · 2 months
I watched like half of the stream (I had it playing in the background while I was drawing) and OMG I LOVE YOUR RENDITION OF MOTH THATCHER 😭😭💞💞
Also apologies for not having any picture links in the masterpost, a few people seem to want to make fanart so I’ll make posts containing the specific references that I use since moth colorings vary a lot, and sexual dimorphism is very prominent in moths!!
I’m glad you liked it! I never usually draw Thatcher like, at all(his hair makes my brain hurt) so Imm glad he didn’t look too fucked up🫶
And its fine! though images would be so awesome, finding the right colours and patterns is so difficult. I did look back a lot through your posts to find the Adam and Jonah ones, same with 6 and Gabriel, but having a spot where all of thats collected would be perfect
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purrincess-chat · 1 year
Under the Moth’s Wing CH6: Lady Wifi
April Fools! The joke is I don’t have anymore of this story ready after this chapter, so this is all you guys get for now. Also Ladrien in Adrinette April? ;) Anyway, I’ve been busy, so I haven’t had much time to write or work on this one, but I promise I’ll be getting back to it soon! Until then enjoy this update ;)
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Chapter 6
“Hey, bugheads! Alya here with another update on Paris’s new superheroine! Our girl has done it again, defeating Stormy Weather earlier this afternoon. I wasn’t able to get much footage because I was stuck under ice, but I haven’t given up on our mission to find out who the girl under the mask really is. None of my current theories have much evidence, so one thing is for sure: Ladybug is seriously good at keeping her identity a secret, but that won’t stop me from investigating! I’ll keep you guys updated. Bye for now, bugheads. Don’t forget to stay connected!”
Adrien dimmed the screen on his phone at the dining table, and his father sipped his coffee pensively.
“Alya is really interested in finding out Ladybug’s identity. I think she could lead us to her,” he said.
“Excellent work, Adrien. I think you’re right, this girl could prove valuable to our cause.” His father smirked, the closest expression to a smile his father was capable of in Adrien’s experience. “Keep an eye on her, and let me know if she finds anything.”
“Yes, Father.”
School was like any other day, and Adrien was finally starting to get into the routine. He greeted various classmates as he passed them on the way to the locker room. Marinette was standing by her locker with her back to him, and he ran his fingers down the soft yarn of his new scarf with a smile.
“Hey,” he called as he approached. Nino got onto him about sneaking up on people, so he’d been making more of an effort to announce himself.
Marinette turned to him, with a cheery smile, though her eyes widened like she was still startled to see him. Drat. He’d have to work harder.
“Hi, Adri-you! You-drien! Ad-you. Hey, hi. What’s down? I mean, what’s going up?” She slapped a palm to her forehead with a sigh.
“Uh…” Adrien tilted his head to the side. Maybe shouting wasn’t the best way to announce himself. He’d clearly made her flustered. “I just wanted to come thank you for my new scarf and wish you luck in the tournament.”
“Oh! Yeah, right. The scarf. You’re so welcome. I mean, it wasn’t any trouble at all.” She giggled. “Does this mean you like it?”
“I love it!” He placed a hand on her shoulder. “No one’s ever made me a gift like this before. I’m just really glad we put our differences aside, and I hope we can become good friends from now on.”
“Me too!” Marinette squeaked.
The bell rang, and Adrien gestured for Marinette to walk with him to class. She offered him a stiff smile and fell into step beside him. Silence stretched between them as they crossed the courtyard, but rather than the hostility Adrien had grown accustomed to with Marinette, this felt more… awkward. Like neither of them knew what to say after being enemies for the first three weeks of knowing each other. Adrien tried not to let it get to him as they made it to class. After all, his friendship with Nino had started off slow too. They’d get there eventually.
Mlle. Bustier’s class was interesting, although literature wasn’t his favorite subject. Adrien surprised himself with how much he enjoyed school, even outside of getting to make new friends. All of the material came quickly to him, and he was consistently one of the highest grades in the class after Max — a fact he used as evidence when proving to his father that letting him go to public school was a good idea.
Midway through a lecture about Shakespeare, Adrien’s phone buzzed in his pocket. With a quick glance up at his teacher to ensure he wouldn’t get caught, Adrien spared a glance at the text.
I’ve akumatized a disgruntled office worker uptown. Stay put and keep an eye on the girl with the blog.
Adrien tucked his phone away with a sigh. At least his father sent a warning text this time, but there was no way he could sneak out of school and make it uptown in time to see Ladybug. Oh well. If Alya managed to learn her identity, Adrien could just ask her out in person.
Everyone’s phones buzzed with an akuma alert — a new emergency broadcast the police had come up with after the Stoneheart incident. Mlle. Bustier instructed everyone to remain calm as the threat was nowhere near the school.
“Mlle. Bustier!” Marinette’s hand shot up. “Can I use the restroom?”
“Yes, but hurry back.” Mlle. Bustier gave a permitting nod, and Marinette darted for the door.
Adrien leaned against his fist as Mlle. Bustier resumed her lesson, the rest of which was uneventful. The akuma threat stayed across town, never giving the school a reason to lockdown, and much to Adrien’s dismay, he never saw Ladybug.
When the bell rang to signal the end of the period, Mlle. Bustier quirked a brow at Marinette’s abandoned backpack.
“Alya, can you make sure Marinette gets her bag back?” she asked.
Alya’s eyes furrowed as she gathered her friend’s belongings and slung the pink bag over her other shoulder.
Adrien tailed her up the hall, keeping enough distance to not seem suspicious. She was watching news footage on her phone as she crossed the courtyard toward the locker room, but she made no moves to sneak out to get in on the action.
The day wore on, but Alya stayed put, shifting from class to class with Marinette’s abandoned bag in tow. Where had she gone anyway? Was her bathroom trip really that much of an emergency? Adrien shrugged it off, seeing as Marinette wasn’t his target, and he really didn’t want to know what she was up to in the bathroom.
After their final class, Adrien followed Alya back to the locker room with a sigh. Nothing exciting happened after all, and he missed seeing Ladybug too! Maybe the whole Ladyblog thing was a bust.
Alya stopped short, ducking behind a row of lockers, so Adrien did the same a few rows down. She peeked around the side to the next row, but Adrien was too far away to see what she was spying on. Or who she was spying on. After a few minutes, she paced swiftly back up the room toward the door, and Adrien fumbled to act natural, though Alya paid him no mind. He waited a few seconds, then followed.
By the time Adrien made it out of the locker room, Alya had already sprinted across the courtyard and up the stairs to the exit. Adrien jogged after her, making it out in time to see her dragging Nino down the steps to the banks of the Seine. His eyes narrowed, but he pursued them quietly.
“You absolutely cannot tell anyone what I’m about to tell you!” Alya was saying when Adrien paused on the stairs above their bench to listen.
“What are you talking about? I have to go pick up my little brother,” Nino said, sounding annoyed.
“My sisters go to the same preschool as your brother, they’ll be fine.” Adrien could picture Alya’s eye roll. “What I’m about to tell you is the biggest scoop.”
Nino sighed. “Fine, but make it quick.”
“I know who Ladybug is!”
“Whoa, no cap?” Nino gasped, a phrase Adrien still couldn’t decipher. “Who is it?”
Alya got quiet for a few moments, and Adrien strained to listen.
“Pfft, yeah right!” Nino’s laughter echoed up the canal. “You really think Chloe Bourgeois has an altruistic bone in her body?”
“Shh!” Alya hissed. “Look, I saw her stuffing Ladybug stuff into her schoolbag in the locker room. What better cover for a superhero than pretending to be a spoiled brat? No one would suspect her!”
“Yeah, because she’s not pretending. Seriously, there’s no way Chloe is Ladybug,” Nino said.
“You don’t know! I’ll prove it!” Alya shot back.
Adrien rolled his eyes and crept back up the stairs. Some journalist she was. First of all, Ladybug was a radiant goddess, and Chloe was… Chloe. Secondly, Ladybug and Chloe were both at the Eiffel Tower when Stoneheart attacked, so there was no physical way it could be her — a fact Adrien remained grateful for. Alya really was a dead end.
Heading back into the school to prepare for his fencing practice, Adrien clicked the phone icon next to his father’s name. He answered on the second ring.
“I take it since you’re calling that you’ve found something?”
A hello would have been nice, but Adrien was used to his father’s curtness.
“Not exactly. Alya thinks Chloe is Ladybug, but that’s not even possible! I’m sorry she wasn’t more useful, Father.” He lowered his gaze, bracing for the scorning.
“Hmm.” His father hummed. “We may still be able to use this to our advantage.”
“Really? How?” Adrien blinked.
“Ladybug is highly esteemed by this girl. She will be disappointed to learn that her idol isn’t who she thought she would be,” his father said. “She will make excellent prey for my akuma. We just need to be patient.”
“I’m glad I could help?” Adrien smiled, still confused, but happy his father wasn’t angry. “I’ve got fencing now, but will I see you at dinner?”
“I have to be prepared in the instance that Chloe proves disappointing. I need to be ready to capitalize on this girl’s negative emotions,” he said.
“Oh.” His shoulders slumped. “That’s okay. Maybe next time.”
His father hung up, and Adrien tucked his phone back into his bag with a sigh. At least something good was going to come from his efforts. Maybe if they brought his mom back, his father would have meals with him again. It was a nice thought anyway.
The next day, Adrien sat back as Alya crept after Chloe into the locker room, dragging a reluctant Nino with her. An akumatized Alya would likely mean a chance to see Ladybug for him, though Adrien did feel a little guilty for setting Alya up. But only a little. He might have made friends with Marinette, but he hadn’t crossed that bridge with Alya yet.
Speaking of, he hadn’t seen Marinette since she left for the bathroom the previous day. Hopefully she was okay. One thing he hadn’t thought about with public school was how often everyone got sick — a fate he’d managed to escape so far. Maybe he’d get her a get well gift when she got back to school. That was acceptable for friends to do, right?
The bell rang, and Adrien headed to class, though Alya was pointedly missing when Mlle. Bustier shut the door. Chloe strutted in with a smirk, so he could only assume that everything was going exactly according to his father’s plan. Nino’s slumped shoulders seemed to confirm the worst as he slipped onto the bench beside Adrien. With a deep breath, Adrien tuned into the lecture, figuring it wouldn’t be long until Alya interrupted.
A few minutes into class, Marinette crept through the door and into her seat quietly. She seemed to be feeling better when she leaned down to tap Nino’s shoulder.
“Where’s Alya?” she whispered.
“She got suspended.”
“What?” Marinette shot up with a gasp.
Mlle. Bustier stopped her lecture and turned to them with a frown. “Marinette, if you’re going to come in late, at least do so quietly.”
“Sorry.” She waited thirty seconds before tapping Nino again. “What happened?”
“She got caught digging through Chloe’s locker because she thinks Chloe might be Ladybug.” Nino rolled his eyes.
“What?” Marinette gasped again.
Mlle. Bustier turned around again with a steely glare. “Marinette, if you interrupt my lecture again, I’m going to send you to the-”
“Hello, people of Paris! Lady Wifi here bringing you the scoop of a lifetime.” The overhead projector sprang to life on its own, and scarlet eyes glared back at them behind a black mask. Lady Wifi spun the chair next to her around to reveal a cowering M. Damocles. “Why don’t you tell us the real story? Is it true you suspended a girl named Alya earlier for no good reason?”
“I did.” He shrank away from her.
“So, you admit that you were biased?”
“I was.” He frowned.
“I thought so.” A purple beam shot out of Lady Wifi’s phone screen, a pause symbol stopping M. Damocles in his tracks. “I’ve got an even bigger scoop for all of you coming very soon. Stay tuned as I unmask Ladybug!”
The broadcast ended, and Adrien’s classmates huddled together in fear. Even Mlle. Bustier seemed shaken.
“Alya…” Marinette glanced at the empty seat beside her, face sinking.
Adrien shifted his weight, his phone weighing heavy in his pocket. He’d known it was coming, but seeing his classmates tremble in fear still made his stomach twist in knots. As much as he enjoyed seeing Ladybug, he really hoped Lady Wifi succeeded in unmasking her, so they could put an end to this nightmare.
“Stay calm, everyone.” Mlle. Bustier clapped her hands. “Ladybug will get this all sorted out soon. Go home until the all clear texts are sent.”
Adrien hung back from the crowd, retrieving his phone from his pocket.
School was dismissed. How can I help?
He retrieved his books from his locker while he awaited a reply. Halfway up the courtyard, his phone buzzed.
Lady Wifi will be targeting Chloe Bourgeois. Head to the Grand Paris and make sure she succeeds in unmasking Ladybug.
Adrien smiled, tucking his phone back into his pocket. His father didn’t have to tell him twice. He’d happily throw himself in front of Ladybug any day. If all went well, he’d know her identity, and if they played their cards right, she didn’t have to know he and his father were the ones that took her Miraculous. He could totally still ask her out.
The hotel was suspiciously empty when Adrien arrived. There wasn’t even a receptionist at the front desk, which could only mean the akuma was close if everyone was hiding. Adrien took the stairs, but halfway up to Chloe’s floor, he heard commotion coming from the dining room. Cracking the door, he peeked into the room where Ladybug was tussling with Lady Wifi.
Smartphones were scattered around on every table, and Lady Wifi was using them to bounce around the room. Frustrated, Ladybug smashed each one, forcing Lady Wifi to face her one-on-one.
Adrien slipped through the door, pressing himself against the wall to watch their fight, ready to swoop in to comfort Ladybug the moment she lost, but his cover was blown when Lady Wifi sent her flying across the room. She landed at his feet, the shock in her eyes melting into a glare.
“What are you doing here? It’s dangerous, go home!” she growled.
Adrien helped her to her feet. “I thought I could help. What do you need me to do?”
“I need you to get out of here!” Ladybug spun her yoyo in front of them, deflecting a shot from Lady Wifi. Pushing him behind the bar, she tossed the cash register at Lady Wifi.
“But I’ve helped in the past! We make a pretty good team, don’t you think?” Adrien flexed.
“Look, I’m really sorry, but without superpowers, you’re too much of a liability. I’m not looking for a sidekick, so please, get out of he-”
Lady Wifi charged in, catching Ladybug in her brief moment of distraction. The two exchanged kicks and jabs, but Lady Wifi drove Ladybug back, launching her into the kitchen and locking the door. When Lady Wifi disappeared in a flash of light, Adrien raced for the door, but it wasn’t budging. Remembering when he and Chloe would play in the hotel halls as kids, Adrien recalled there was a dumbwaiter they used to ride down to the kitchen to sneak desserts and darted for the stairs. It was a much tighter squeeze than he remembered, but the dumbwaiter held out as he descended into darkness.
“-why won’t it come off?” Lady Wifi growled as Adrien drew closer.
“Uh, because it’s magic,” Ladybug said.
Adrien’s lift buzzed loudly when he landed, drawing attention to him as he toppled out. The alarm was new, and probably a direct result of his childhood escapades.
“Oh, look. Your little boyfriend came to rescue you,” Lady Wifi cooed.
“He’s not my boyfriend!”
Ouch. Technically true, but ouch.
“Ya know, for a girl that loves superheroes, you sure had no qualms joining the enemy to fight against her. I think you’re a fake fan.” Adrien crossed his arms over his chest.
“You- What?” Lady Wifi faltered, clutching her head.
Ladybug used the opportunity to kick the phone from her grasp. It slid across the room, freeing her arms from their locks. Lady Wifi scrambled after her phone with a growl, flicking her scarlet gaze between Adrien and Ladybug.
Adrien braced as she charged for him, attempting to dodge her fist, but her foot collided with his stomach, knocking him winded onto the cold floor of the freezer. He rolled over with a wheeze as the door slammed shut and crawled to his feet.
“Why don’t you prove to all of us that you’re the real deal, Ladybug? Let’s see you save your little boyfriend, hero,” Lady Wifi said.
Adrien tried the handle, but the door wouldn’t budge. Cold pricked his skin, trailing goosebumps up his arms. He huddled down into the warmth of Marinette’s scarf, rubbing his arms. He’d never appreciated his new friends more.
“Adrien?” Ladybug beat on the door. “I’m going to get you out of there.”
“Yeah, n-no p-problem. I’ll just chill in here.” Literally.
“Lucky Charm!”
Wait, she was really going to waste her lucky charm on him? That had to mean she was into him, right? She was worried about him getting hurt earlier… The thought warmed him up quick.
“You’re all about to get the scoop of a lifetime!” Adrien’s phone sprang to life in his pocket, Lady Wifi’s broadcast taking over every screen in Paris. The image shifted to the scene of Ladybug scrambling around the kitchen with a red and black spotted box. “We all look up to her, but can we really trust her if we don’t know who she is? In just a few short minutes, she’ll transform back, and all of Paris will know what she’s been hiding!”
Pots and pans clanked on the other side of the door as Ladybug shoved things out of the way. She heaved the microwave onto a cart and placed her lucky charm inside. Plugging it into the outlet outside the freezer, she shoved the cart against the door and turned the microwave on.
Of course! The microwaves would jam the signal to the lock on the door. His lady was so smart, but why was she using it to free him when she could use it to escape the kitchen and take down Lady Wifi? Saving him was a waste of time! Not that he should complain. If she lost, it was a win for them, and his heart skipped knowing she desperately wanted to save him. All in all, his plan to ask her out when all was said and done looked really promising.
The microwave blew on the other side of the door, and Adrien pocketed his phone before she ripped open the door and pulled him out. He collapsed into her arms, nuzzling into her warmth. It was dramatic, but after being locked in a freezer for two whole minutes, he deserved to be snuggled by a beautiful superheroine.
“Are you okay?” Ladybug held him close, rubbing his arms.
Adrien would have savored it more, but the scent of burnt plastic and smoke from the busted microwave in the corner was ruining their moment. Her red and black spotted box lay abandoned on the floor, having fallen out of the microwave when it exploded.
“You used your lucky charm to save me. Why?” Adrien frowned.
“Well, I can’t have my favorite little sidekick freezing to death.” She brushed his nose with the tip of her finger and smiled. ]
His cheeks burned hot, pushing out any traces of cold left in his body. That was a statement he’d be dissecting for hours later.
“Thank you. You really are a hero,” Adrien said.
Ladybug stood up, helping him to his feet, and surveyed the room. The doors were still locked by Lady Wifi’s magic, and with the microwave busted, they weren’t getting out that way any time soon. She touched a hand to her earrings when they beeped and pursed her lips.
“After I defeat Lady Wifi, the doors should open.” She retrieved her lucky charm and crawled into the dumbwaiter. “Please, stay out of trouble. I really mean it this time.”
“I’ll do my best,” Adrien said. He pressed the button on the dumbwaiter and sent her up, rubbing his palms on his jeans.
The camera icon in the corner disappeared, and Adrien retrieved his phone from the freezer, a live feed broadcasting their battle on the roof. Lady Wifi was likely planning to stall Ladybug until her timer ran out, so it would behoove him to stay put until she won. As far as his father was concerned, getting her to waste her lucky charm saving him to start her timer was a valiant effort toward their cause, even if it wasn’t his original intention. But Ladybug chose to save him even though it set her back. The least he could do was return the favor. Comatose mother in need of magical earrings or not, Adrien owed her.
Adrien zoomed in on the wifi box on the roof and pursed his lips. Helping Ladybug was risky, especially being openly broadcast to everyone in Paris — including his villainous father who was counting on him to make sure she lost. He’d think of an excuse later. Right now, his future wife needed him.
Adrien crawled back into the dumbwaiter, lifting out the same way he’d come in. The pool deck had been abruptly abandoned when the akuma broke out as all of Paris moved indoors to avoid getting caught in the crossfire. Only a crazy person would willingly throw themselves in the middle of a battle between two girls with superpowers, but Adrien had always read that love made people do crazy things. So, as Lady Wifi’s camera followed their action on the other side of the pool, he grabbed an abandoned drink from a table and climbed up to pour it on the wifi box.
With the signal around the hotel jammed, Lady Wifi’s powers evaporated, and Ladybug kicked the phone from her hands, smashing it with her yoyo to reveal a black butterfly.
Adrien climbed down as she captured the akuma, slipping into the stairwell while her back was turned. He retreated down to the restaurant, blowing a sigh through his lips. Hopefully his father didn’t see him actively betraying their mission by helping Ladybug. Something told him his father wouldn’t understand Adrien’s life-for-a-life philosophy.
Ladybug’s magical ladybugs swarmed the dining room, fixing all of the damage. They even swirled around Adrien, removing the ache from his ribs where Lady Wifi kicked him — a strange sensation Adrien couldn’t even begin to describe. The lady of the hour emerged from the stairwell, stopping short when she saw him. Relief flooded her expression, bringing back the warmth to Adrien’s cheeks. Why did she have to be so gorgeous and concerned for him?
“I see you figured everything out in the end,” Adrien said.
Ladybug approached him, crossing her arms over her chest. “I know it was you that fried the wifi signal. I couldn’t have defeated her without your help.”
“Well, to be fair, it was my fault you used up your lucky charm.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “And I was really touched when you chose to save me instead of chasing after Lady Wifi.”
“I wouldn’t have to save you so much if you weren’t always throwing yourself into dangerous situations, ya know.” Ladybug chided. Her earrings beeped again, and she glanced around frantically. “I’m about to change back.”
“Here.” Adrien pulled open the janitorial closet.
She rushed in without a second thought, trusting him so easily. Pink light flashed through the cracks, and Adrien’s hand hesitated on the handle. He could open the door and figure out her identity. He could bring it home to his father like a trophy. They’d be one step closer to waking his mother up. But as his fingers slipped from the handle, legs carrying him down the stairs and out to the sidewalk, he couldn’t bring himself to regret the decision.
Ladybug trusted him, and even though he’d have to betray her eventually, he wanted to enjoy the double agent gig for a little while longer. Why did she have to look so beautiful in the dim restaurant lighting? His enemy being the most gorgeous woman in the world was the real crime. The way her mask furrowed over her blue eyes when she was worried about him was to die for. And something told him death wasn’t off the table as he headed home to his father.
Dinner was ready when he arrived home, and to his surprise, his father was already seated in the dining room. He instinctively straightened, taking his normal seat at the opposite end of the table. Was his father dining with him because he did something right or because he knew Adrien helped Ladybug escape again? The silence was deafening.
“So…” Adrien cleared his throat. “We were really close this time.”
“Yes.” His father nodded. “Great work. Baiting out her lucky charm was an excellent idea. I’m proud of the lengths you went to on this mission.”
“Oh.” Adrien perked up. “Yeah, totally. That was my plan all along.”
“I know I was hard on you, but getting your mother back is important to me. I want our family to be whole again. I’m sure you understand,” his father said.
Adrien straightened. “I do, Father. I’ll keep working hard to help you in any way that I can.”
“Thank you, Adrien. I can’t do this without you.”
Adrien bit back a smile, taking a sip of his tea as their staff brought out the first course. Everything worked out in the end. His father didn’t know he helped Ladybug win or that he gave up a chance to learn her identity. Ladybug thought of him as a trusted ally, which meant he would definitely be seeing her more in the future. If Adrien played his cards right, he could get everything he wanted. His mom, the girl of his dreams, his father’s regard…
Adrien’s heart skipped. For the first time since they started, Adrien felt like everything was going to be okay. His skin still crawled at the thought of hurting people, but if they got their wish, they’d set everything right in the end. Until then, he’d keep working hard to help his father. After all, it was the first time he’d ever told Adrien he was proud of him.
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brittlebutch · 1 year
autism moment (trying to categorize the marble hornets characters as bugs)
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moth-dancer · 10 months
"I have been summoned. @lord-danzo...
Allow me to make you proud once more."
The masked Anbu bowed deeply, Something vicious glistening in those eyes hidden behind the feline mask.
Let the hunt begin~.
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vaugarde · 2 years
love kirby designs where they add cat ears to characters that arent even cats or cat-like.
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x-littlemoth · 1 year
I think, realistically, I'd survive in Skyrim as well as a bandit taking on the Dragonborn right after seeing them slay a dragon and suck out it's soul.
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ilaiyayaya · 1 month
My PSP Is So Overpowered >:]
It's insane how vast the PSP modding scene is. Like, to an extent I already knew it was pretty in depth, it's one of the most heavily modded consoles ever made and is generally considered one of the best pieces of hardware ever made for emulation but like, it's way deeper than I even expected. You can practically turn a PSP into an unrecognizable system on the software side, or even probably the hardware side if you know console hard-modding, but I don't, and I don't really care enough to learn, modding hardware isn't going to give me Umineko Background!
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The closest thing to hard modding I'd probably ever do would be like, making a custom shell, but I wouldn't consider that the same thing since it doesn't affect the internal function of the system, and it's also pretty simple.
So far modding this thing has been really simple too, like, I'm dumb, like really really really dumb, and the only console modding I've ever done was some minor Wii U modding like, 3 years ago, but that was extremely minor and was also 3 years ago. But the PSP has some really good guides online and the process itself pretty much just comes down to transferring files onto the memory card and occasionally (that took 3 attempts to spell that correctly and I do this every time I type occasionally, it is an impossible word for me to speel like I said I am very idiot) making a couple of new folders and .txt files.
For now I'm sticking to some pretty entry-level modding, mostly just aesthetic stuff like custom themes (I want that fucking Umineko theme goddammit) and better sorting for the home screen, along with loading a few emulators mostly just to test them out (althooo I may end up actually using this in the long run as my main way to play GBA games cuz like, handheld :) and maybe Game Gear (I LOVE SONIC BLAST!!! I FUCKING LOVE SONIC BLAST!!!!! you could genuinely not pay me any amount of money to ever play that game again. You could however give me a coooool freaking Sonic factoid in exchange for my service on the front lines of Sonic Blast) also possibly the Wonderswan). Depending on how much my neurons activate by the time I'm completely done with my planned modding, I may dive deeper into some more complex stuff, not really sure what exactly I would want to do that's more complex but like, I'm sure there's something I'd find interesting, it's a super deep area there's gotta be some freak shit in there.
BUT that's for later, for now, I am far too absorbed in looking at all the existing custom themes available for download that I can add to MY personal Sony Playstation Portable, there's so many good ones. If it's not super difficult I may also attempt making one myself too, I love making custom UI's and stuff for things I use I love custom Zeedmillenniummon mouse cursor.
So far these are some of my favourites, obviously there's the Umineko one earlier and I just realized I accidentally typed "favourites" instead of "favorites" British typo I'm not fixing it it's funny but there's a lot of outher good ones chew:
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I have still not watched anything beyond the first episode of Monogatari and considering how long it is and since it's still getting new parts, if I ever do it will likely not be soon. But I like the way the show looks! And I think a lot of the character designs are nice so like even though it would make me a fake fan, I'd maybe include this one in the routation.
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I have also not watched the Clannad anime, and by extension After Story, so this would also go into the Fake Fan category, but I did read a bit of the common route of the VN a long time ago, didn't get anywhere near the end though so still a fake fan. But I just really like the way this one looks, I think the yellow silhouette over the pink clouds in the background looks really nice, the plain font text in the center does kinda take away a bit of the charm, but it's not too bad.
No I will not download the Elfen Lied one, moving on.
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Ah yes, my Microusoft Xbox 360 Portable... This one's just a fun meme but like, it's kinda funny, and the UI is like actually different and kinda creative so like, not bad for a lying, cheating, faker console.
I FUCKING LOVE MEGA MAN ZERO!!!! there's a really small image limit on Tumblr posts so I'm not adding this one I just wanted to shill Mega Man Zero.
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I will however add the Chris Paul theme. I know nothing about sports. I know nothing about Chris Paul. But judging him entirely off this PSP theme, I think he seems like a very polite gentleman, and yes I think I do wish for him to be constantly staring at me as I load my pirated games on my Sony Playstation Plokable.
There's a lot of like, just genuinely good looking ones I'm skipping past that I don't have anything to say about, I hid the website link the Umineko Beatrice picture earlier I don't need to write a 12 page essay about all of them
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I could write a 13 page essay on this one however, just look at that beautiful stare. My lovely ex-husband Sanji Weedsmoke on his iconic 77 billion dead poster. Shrimply magnificent.
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This is just the Among Us drip picture like, the fucking angle I can't keep looking at it all I see is fucking shoes, fucking Among Drip Shoes.
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SONIC! GREEN SONIC!!! why is one of them green sonic, I don't think that's his normal colour I think they did something to my favorite little blue guy. And of course it's the fucking 06 renders, I mean they're fine enough renders on their own but like, they look so out of place, and the basic green background. I'm sorry, I'm being so mean but like, it looks so shit I'M SORRY OKAY!!!!
That's all of the noteworthy ones none of the other ones are interesting/funny enough to comment on, I will report back in approximately 800 system hours to report on how cool and epic the Umineko theme is. Thank you and goodbye.
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SHUT THE FUCK UP SLITHER WING AND FLUTTER MANE PLUSHIES GOT ANNOUNCED RIGHT BEFORE I WROTE THIS and also chien pao and whatever the jigglypuff paradox form is called idk i only care about the robots and flutter mane. This was almost a coherent post, with a decent narrative throughline. Almost. But I just had to fuck it all up at the end. This is intentional you know? This is the bit. The joke. The joke is that I'm crazy and there are rats in my brain and they won't let me talk about the PSP like a normal person without also talking about my love of Flutter Mane.
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inkskinned · 3 months
crying because i call myself my dog's mom but i'm probably more like a sister to him and the way i love people is always spilling out over my hands in milk so yes i got told a lot you try too hard as a kid and i didn't know what that meant i just try to shove everything i care about under my wing and hold it there so every feather acts as an umbrella and if you're normal that's okay they'll say you're kind but if you're not normal it is a problem and someone who says they're an empath watched me fall down on the train and refused to give me the hand up
and yeah maybe i'm kind of bitter because every time i try to open up i only get to the bones of the thing before someone else takes up the whole room with meat and gristle and sparknotes of their own life painted in a pelt across my palms and just as i'm tryna clean up one mess another seems to pop up and it's really difficult to explain to your therapist that the problem is that you are too aware of the problem and that you keep fucking up and it's really difficult to explain to your partner i have no faith in the concept of love and life is a lot of sliding down these days, turn my body ice and moth, and that's okay! i am broken upside down like an egg and i am going to love you like an explosion and a star and a fucking galaxy! i'm gonna be too much
because god forbid you feel like me! god forbid you know what it's like! holy shit, god forbid. i'm gonna love you because i didn't get love. i'm gonna love you because otherwise the world is too cruel. i only live in the dark. maybe i'm a martyr. i think it's more like - i need to be right about this, about hope and trying and community. i'm going to be right about this, even if i need to set myself on fire to procure the warmth. come take it then, come latch on. i need you to be okay so someone is okay. so there's a reason i was born. i need it to work. i need to be shelter. a lighthouse. endlessly giving more.
i need to be. holy shit, god forbid. i can't live in a world that's only storm.
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whensecretsrise · 6 months
The monster adoption fair was like nothing you could imagine. It was massive. Feeling as though it stretched on forever. Creatures ranged from mundane to outlandish. Rows upon rows of were-creatures- be it wolves or cats, naga or foxes or great feathered birds and more- all nestled safely within their kennels. A sign directed the way to where the centaurs, minotaurs, and satyrs were kept. You barely gave it a glance before turning down the next row. Tanks held merfolk and sirens, some muzzled for safety, and a number of amphibian and reptilian creatures. One tank in particular seemed impossibly large. The water in it so dark you weren't sure what could be inside. That was until a great suckered tentacle brushed along the glass.
Your heart kicked against your chest at the sight of it. Half primal fear, but the other half. Well, there wasn't any use dwelling on it. There was no way you could imagine what caring for something that large would take.
You wander deeper, giddiness welling inside you. The background checks you had to pass, the rounds and rounds of interviews you had to go through to prove that you would be a responsible owner. All of that and more was worth it to be allowed entry into the fair.
There was a temperature change in the next room you entered. Everything was warm enough that you were already starting to sweat before taking even a dozen steps inside. Demons, incubi, succubi, and plenty more beyond that all stared out at you through their glassed enclosures. The glass was thick enough that you couldn't hear their words, but the way they moved, so languid and sensual, had a blush rising to your cheeks that had nothing to do with the heat. The temperature slowly lowered as you approached the far end of the room. The creatures in those enclosures were more insectoid. Joints that seemed to bend the wrong way, appendages stranger than any you'd seen before. You couldn't help but pause to watch their twitching movements and how they traversed the structures in their enclosures. Beyond those lay more familiar creatures. Giant bees. Wasps with their wings beating so fast you were sure you could hear their buzz. Moths that had left a fine coat of powder from their wings on the glass. After a moment of awe you move on.
The temperature in the next room was considerably lower. A much welcomed respite from the heat. More tanks and enclosures filled this room. Your heart began to speed for you had made it to the room you had come for. Slimes of all sizes and colors pressed against their glass. There were plenty of humanoid slimes with big, soft eyes and coy smiles, but that wasn't what you wanted. You brushed past the larger tanks with barely more than a second glance. A smaller companion was what you were seeking. Something that wouldn't take up too much space, but was easy to cuddle with if you wanted.
You carefully inspected a number of tanks. Some of the slimes gave off a faint glow while others shimmered under the lights. There were even some that seemed to change from one color to another as they moved. Each one had a small description plate in front of it detailing habits, temperament, enrichment suggestions, and more besides. The wiggling masses within regarded you with varying levels of interest.
One, however, immediately perked up when you approached it. It was a beautiful pearl white that sparkled with golds and pinks. It swarmed against its glass, pressing itself as close to you as it could manage. Tentatively you placed a gentle hand against the glass. Doing so wasn't allowed, but you couldn't help the way it was drawn to you. A trickle of warmth passed through the glass and a wave of calm washed over you. This was it. The one you would take home had claimed you for its own.
You quickly scribbled down your guest number on the provided card, and took a copy of the creature's location card. The slime remind pressed against the glass as if watching you work. It was only when you began to walk away did it shrink back down to the bottom of its container.
It took a while to locate a staff member among the vast network of rooms and the other visitors of the fair.
"I would like to adopt this creature please," you said as you handed over the slime's identification card.
The worker scanned the card before giving you a sympathetic look. "Are you sure about this? This particular slime has been bounced back to us at least three times. It's very temperamental."
You recall the wave of calm you had felt when you were only separated from it by the glass beneath your hand. "I'm certain."
"Have you ever had a slime before?"
"No," you admitted, "I've never had the money to adopt one. I've been saving for years though, and I'm certain this is the slime I want."
"You might want to start with an easier one first. You being brand new to this and all. I can almost guarantee that this one will still be around if you decide to go looking later."
You shake your head. "I appreciate the advice, but I'm set on this one," you say firmly.
"Suit yourself," the worker shrugs. "Not like the poor thing isn't used to coming back here."
"I'm going to take great care of it. I've got my apartment set up and everything."
"Alrighty then. You can go ahead and head up front to pay. I'll have your slime brought up by the time you finish." The identification card is handed back to you.
As promised, there was a small, travel sized tank waiting for you after you'd paid and gone through the mandatory speech on slime care. You already knew most of it after years of research, but it did remind you of a few things you seemed to have forgotten.
You carried your new creature out to your car and buckled the tank safely in the front seat.
"Alright little slime, it's me and you now. I'm going to make sure you have a good new life. I'm not going to give up on you like the others." You pat the top of the tank and feel a vibration and a soft noise from the other side of the glass, almost as if the creature was purring.
Back home you carried the case over to the tank you had prepared for it and sat it inside. Only then did you open the travel container so that the slime had a chance to safely explore and get used to its new surroundings. You secured the tank lid and went off to put away the pamphlets that the adoption fair had given you.
When you returned the slime had moved into the big tank. It pressed itself against the glass as though it could sense you.
"Hey there, it looks like you're getting used to your new place. I hope that it’s big enough for you. It'll be a while before I can afford something bigger, but even then I'm not sure it would fit."
The slime vibrated again.
You smile and open the tank to remove the travel container. The slime oozed off of the glass and to the bottom of its tank. You stick your hand back down, fingers brushing affectionately against it. Another purr came from it. This time, the first time you've actually touched it, had it suckling at your fingers. Calmness washed over you again. Your fingertips began to tingle.
"Hey now, what are you doing?" You pull away with a laugh.
The slime follows you up, but releases you once your hand is nearly out of its tank. It sinks back down into a puddle and crawls to a corner as if sulking.
With another laugh you reach both hands down toward it. "Alright, if you're going to be mad about it, I guess I can let you out for a bit. We'll both have a chance to properly meet each other."
It surged upward into your hands. It oozed over the edges of your hands, but retained its overall shape. You carried it over to the couch.
The creature puddled into your lap. Bare seconds had passed before it was sending tendrils out to explore you. It wrapped itself up your arms. Retreated and slid along your neck. It caressed your lips and coated your stomach.
No residue was left in its wake. You had expected needing a full shower after taking it out of its tank, but perhaps not. Calmness had stolen through you, stronger now that the two of you were touching. The soft, lapping movements over your skin lulled you. Before you knew it you were stretching out across the couch, mind hazy with calm. Time passed and your eyes dropped closed. Your slime exploring you had faded into the back of your consciousness.
When it slipped beneath your clothes you barely noticed. Not even when it explored lower, seeking out the warmth between your thighs. By then your body was pliant and wanting. A wanting that stole over you on paws so soft that you couldn't remember not that want. Something secret, just for you. The slime drizzled like honey into your center. So slow and fluid you didn’t register the feeling. No, you existed in a state of such hazy serenity that it was only when the slime began to purr that you clicked back to reality.
The purr sent a jolt through you. A vibration that had your hands clenching into fists on pure instinct. Now you could properly feel the ebb and glide of it within you. Your hazed mind began to clear with your racing heart. Heat bloomed in your cheeks. Seemingly of their own accord, your hips began to rock. The slime began to spread. It filled you in ways it hadn’t before. A moan escapes your mouth. You arch your back, trying desperately to grind on thin air.
The slime moves inside you as if thrusting. Hitting you deep and slow. Even through your first orgasm it doesn't stop. It sent another wave of haze inducing calm washing over you. Keeping you right on the edge. Making sure you felt every millimeter of it. A tendril of slime draws out of you. It spreads to cover your center. The feeling of it sucking at you pulls another orgasm from your pliant body.
It wrings orgasm after orgasm out of you. The state of bliss and arousal is never disrupted for long. It ebbs and flows from orgasm to orgasm until, finally, the slime pulls away. It climbs up your sweat slicked skin to nestle against your chest, purring contentedly.
"Little slime," you whisper, "you and I are going to get along very well."
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after-witch · 5 months
Hazbin Hotel yandere Alastor imagine
note: discussions of sexual abuse, physical abuse, afab reader, misogny
Oh, to be in Hell and working for Valentino, who uses and abuses you, who goes from hot to cold depending on his moods, whims, and whatever might be pissing him off or propping him up at the moment.
It's not the living you wanted to be making. It's not the life--or afterlife--that you envisioned for yourself. But you owe him so much money (he fed you, and clothed you, and kept a roof over your ungrateful head, didn't he?) and you don't know how else you could pay him back.
But one day you happen to catch someone whispering about this new Hotel where you might be able to get better? Where life might be able to get better? Where you might get, and the word refuses to even catch on your tongue despite it dancing in your ears, redeemed?
You want that. All of it. Even it means risking getting the (after) life beaten out of you.
And on a rare free morning you sneak out and make your way to the front door and a tiny (cute, but, horrifying) little maid answers but before she can get a word in edgewise, a blonde woman--the literal princess of Hell, you realize--jumps into the doorway and grabs your hand to shake it vigorously and welcome you in with the biggest smile you've ever seen that isn't (for once) tinged with something awful behind it.
You practically trip inside as she excitedly pulls you into the foyer where a gaggle of people are sitting on a velvet couch and oh, shit, you know one of them.
Angel. You knew he was here--Val would not stop bitching about it--but it's different hearing about him being involved in this little project and actually seeing him out of the studio.
When Angel sees you, he freezes, his eyebrows shoot practically to the sky. And you're about to beg him not to tell Val, please-please-please, Angel might get away with being here but you don't have that kind of sway, when someone slides in front of you.
Red hair, pointy teeth, a fantastically red coat.
Alastor, of course.
You're not supposed to talk to him. Val and Vox made it clear to everyone in the studio. The Radio Demon is an "old timey fuck" who needs to fuck off and any one caught fraternizing with him might as well be fucking dead (or they'd wish they were) so stay away.
And his reputation wasn't any better with what you'd heard on the street.
But... he doesn't seem all that bad. And you were already taking a Big Fucking Risk by coming here, it's not like Val would go easier on you if you pleaded that sure, you snuck out, sure you came here when you knew you shouldn't, but you clamped your mouth shut and didn't talk to Alastor, you swear!
"Greetings," he says, and you want to smile a little. Because he really does sound like a radio, the kind your mom used to listen to when you were young, even though they were going out of style. Sometimes you missed that, sitting around the table while the radio played, tinny voices and music playing.
"Hi," you manage, voice quiet. "I mean, greetings," you say, stupidly, really.
But he doesn't call you a moron (like Val might) or ignore you (like Vox might)--instead he dips and picks up your wrist gently and he actually kisses your hand, a perfunctory gentlemanly peck of a greeting, instead of licking a slimy trail up your arm like Val is prone to do.
Can you help the little "oh!" that escapes your lips? No. Can you help the heated flush that creeps up your chest? No.
And if he, to everyone's surprise, winds up taking you under his wing--can you complain? No.
He doesn't tell you, like Val did, that you'll pay him back every red cent when he conjures up a closet full of clothes to replace your scant wardrobe. The clothes are modest and lovely and again, your mom springs to mind. The stuff she'd pull out of her closet and hold to her chest sometimes, because they no longer fit.
You wish you'd worn those clothes, when you got old enough to fit into them. But they were moth eaten and out of style and you'd look at her aghast when she asked if you wanted them when you were moving out.
So you didn't. But now... well, they don't fit so bad, do they? You even look nice in them. Alastor says "you're a vision of loveliness, dear," when you wear one of the outfits he's picked out. And you're not sure if it's a pun on his name or a genuine compliment, but you thank him all the same.
Charlie agrees to set up a room for you and Alastor helps with that, too. Although his help mostly involved changing out the standard linens for something nicer, stocking your closet and dresser with old fashioned clothes, and removing the TV.
You almost protested, but he reminded you that "your old friend Vox just might pop in and see you" and ah, it all made sense.
Alastor was looking out for you. Like he did with the clothes. Like he does with the way he helps you navigate the vague, ever-changing lessons that Charlie tries to teach.
Everyone here is nice, all things considered, for Hell.
It's not perfect.
Sometimes you would like to wear something more flashy and stylish, but what outfits Charlie manages to procure never seem to make it into your wardrobe.
Angel always looks like he's going to vomit when Val calls because at this point you are considered "missing" and Val does not like it when his "whores try to ghost him," as you'd once heard him screeching on Angel's phone.
Angel always denies that you're here, denies that he's seen you, and for once, you're glad he can act well when it really matters.
And if Alastor gets a little too clingy... if he gets a little too controlling? If sometimes he reminds you of Val, pushing and pulling you in the directions he wants, you just remind yourself that he's not as bad.
He doesn't ever, ever hit you. He doesn't yell at you or even raise his voice, really!
He corrects, that's all.
Steers you to the right outfits, reminds you how to act like a lady (something he never seems to do with anyone else, to your embarrassment); gently grabs your wrist and brings you along with him around the Hotel, into the shadows of the streets where you won't be seen when he thinks you need some good old fashioned exercised or fresh air. (If the air in hell could be considered "fresh" is another thing entirely.)
So yes.
He might be a little controlling. You can admit that. Even if he has your best interest in mind.
But every time that little thought creeps into your head, you just remind yourself. He's not as bad as Val.
And when you're in Hell, "he's not as bad" might as well mean that he's good.
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serene-sky-kid · 6 days
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A young skykid from the limits between Hidden forest and Daylight Prairie, after being adopted under the wings of the forest witch, Orion seeks to rebuild his life. Despite having been a moth with great aspirations, now his only dream is to live a quiet life where everything that happened in the past will not find him again.
I'm making full bodies of all the characters just for fun, I hope this is Orion's final design, I keep changing his cape
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crevicedwelling · 9 months
I see at least one cool bug a day, and usually many more, but it’s not because I live anywhere particularly rich in strange, wonderful creatures (I live in an unremarkable corner of Pennsylvania, USA) or spend all of my free time looking for bugs (well, just *most* of it). in my experience, finding interesting bugs is less about actually locating them and more about looking closely at tiny things you’d otherwise ignore!
this very long post was compiled over a couple days in late July, although I spent less than 10 minutes at a time searching. there’s a lot of fun creatures just out in the open.
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plants are always a good place to start when looking for bugs, and I chose this small fig tree (Ficus carica) with a mulberry sapling friend. feeding on the sap of the fig and mulberry is the first group I’ll take a look at, the planthoppers:
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these two are flatid bugs, Metcalfa pruinosa and Flatormenis proxima. flatids are slow-moving bugs that can be approached closely, but once they get tired of circling around stems to avoid you they may launch themselves into a fluttering flight with spring-loaded rear legs.
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Aplos simplex, a member of the related family Issidae, also likes fig sap. its “tail” is actually a tuft of waxy secretions, which get shed along with the bright colors when it assumes a lumpy, bean-shaped adult form.
cicadellids, or leafhoppers, are just about everywhere on plants, but can be hard to approach without scaring them.
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Agallia constricta on the left is a tiny species that feeds on grass, but many were scared up onto the fig by my footsteps. Jikradia olitoria is a much larger species that does feed on the fig; juveniles like this are curled, creeping goblins while adults’ rounded wings give them a pill-shaped appearance.
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this big, pale leafhopper belongs to genus Gyponana. it’s tricky to get to species ID with these.
Graphocephala are striking little hoppers that eat a variety of native and nonnative plants. G. coccinea is the larger, more boldly colored one and G. versuta is smaller but more common locally. they’ll sit on the tops of leaves but take flight if you get too close quickly.
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another group you’re almost guaranteed to encounter are flies (Diptera). these are a very diverse group, so much more than houseflies and mosquitoes (though I did run into both)
where I live, any plant with broad leaves is almost guaranteed to have a few Condylostylus, long-legged flies that come in shades of blue, green, and red. despite their dainty physique, they’re agile predators, typically feeding on other small flies.
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next, a few hoverflies: the ubiquitous Toxomerus geminatus and a Eumerus that I’ve been seeing a lot of this year (but maybe I’ve just noticed them for the first time). syrphids have varied life histories, but most adults drink nectar and many of the larvae are predaceous on aphids.
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the metallic green soldier fly is Microchrysa flaviventris, nonnative here. Coenosia is a fun example of a “fly that looks like a fly,” with big red eyes and a gray body, and you might think they’re just another dung-sucking pest, but they’re actually aggressive predators! this one seemed to have nabbed itself some sort of nematoceran fly, maybe a fungus gnat.
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many flies are very tiny, just millimeters long. the first two little fellows are lauxaniids, while the last one, an agromyzid leafminer Cerodontha dorsalis, burrows through grass leaves as a larva.
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while moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera) are drawn to plants for their flowers or to lay eggs, many small moths can easily be found resting on or under leaves during the day.
these first two are tortricids, many of which are flat, rectangular moths resembling chips of bark or dead leaves. the apple bud moth, Platynota idaeusalis, feeds on a wide variety of hosts, while this beat-up old Argyrotaenia pinatubana would have developed in an edible tube nest of pine needles.
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Callima argenticinctella feeds in bark and dead wood (a resource used by more caterpillars than you’d realize!) while the last moth, possibly an Aspilanta, is a leafminer.
although beetles (Coleoptera) are famous for their diversity, I didn’t find too many on the fig. the invasive Oriental beetle Exomala orientalis resting here can be found in a wide range of colors, from this common tan to to deep iridescent black. the other beetle is a Photinus pyralis firefly, sleeping under leaves as fireflies do.
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a few spare hemipterans: a Kleidocerys resedae that blew in on a wind, and below, the mulberry whitefly Tetraleurodes mori feeds on its namesake host. as for Hymenoptera, I saw manny tiny parasitic braconid wasps and various ants attracted to the planthoppers’ honeydew excretions—always worth checking underneath roosting hoppers for things having a drink.
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a couple handsome spider boys were scrambling through the fig seeking females, a jumping spider Paraphidippus aurantius and an orbweaver, Mecynogea lemniscata.
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and to round it off, a young Conocephalus meadow katydid and a Carolina mantis, Stagmomantis carolina.
there’s 31 species of arthropod in this post, and I probably saw some 45, not all of which stayed for photos. if you walk slowly and look closely, you can see a sizeable chunk of your local biodiversity in under fifteen minutes! of course this will depend on where you live and what time of year it is, but there’s almost always more cool bugs out there than you’d expect, even on just a single plant.
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purrincess-chat · 2 years
Under the Moth’s Wing (Not-so-Enemies AU) CH4: Bubbler
This chapter gets angsty at the end oops. Nino is the goodest boy in this AU, I swear. Next week will be the last chapter for a while. I will be uploading this story in 5 chapter chunks, so whenever I have the next 5 chapters ready, I’ll start uploading again every Wednesday. I’ve broken this story into smaller arcs that span about 4-5 chapters at a time. This first arc that will wrap up next week is what I call “The Friendship Arc.” Adrien’s sole objective in these first five chapters is to integrate into society and make friends. I’ll see you guys next week with chapter 5 aka Gamer ;)
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Chapter 4
Adrien shot up in bed, a grin stretching his cheeks. A couple weeks had passed since he started attending public school, and while the first few days got off to a rocky start, he was finally starting to settle in. More of his classmates talked to him, and he got picked first for basketball in PE. Of course, it was Nino that picked him, but from what he’d gathered, getting picked first was a big deal!
Marinette and Alya still didn’t pay attention to him, but at least they didn’t glare at him anymore. It was progress, albeit minor, but not even that was going to get him down because today was-
“Happy Birthday, Adrien,” Nathalie said when she entered his room. “Your father has requested to see you in his office.”
Adrien kicked his blanket off and rushed downstairs, biting back a grin. Every year he asked his father to have a birthday party, and he always said no, but this year was different. He and his father were closer than ever. Adrien had a good feeling as he walked through the doors of his father’s office.
“Good morning, Father. You wanted to see me?” Adrien clasped his hands behind his back, veins pumping with excitement.
“Yes, I need you to be on the lookout for a potential candidate for my akumas today. These past two weeks have been nothing but failures. We need someone whose emotions are strong,” he said.
“Oh.” Adrien slumped.
Another day, another briefing. It was true, the last several akumas his father created were all lame. Honestly, they peaked with Stoneheart, though his father could only blame himself for following the rock monster up with a deranged pigeon man. He even akumatized a little girl having a tantrum over some dolls. Surprisingly, their efforts were thwarted more easily than they thought by Ladybug — she filled everyone in Paris with too much hope. Among other things in Adrien’s case, but now wasn’t the time for daydreams. He had party plans.
“Father?” Adrien squeezed his hands into tight fists.
“What is it, Adrien?” his father asked without looking up from his tablet.
“Well, I was just thinking since today is my birthday…”
“Ah, yes.” His father nodded, stooping to retrieve a gray giftbox. “I got you a gift to celebrate.”
“Really?” Adrien perked up as Nathalie carried it over to him. Usually his mother bought all the gifts, but perhaps his father was stepping up in her absence.
Tearing through the delicate wrapping, Adrien pulled the lid to find an assortment of pens, paper clips, safety pins, and post-it notes. He stared down at his “gift” in silence, wondering if it was a joke, but seeing as his father had no sense of humor, it was unfortunately real.
“Uh, thanks, Father.” Adrien closed the lid, biting his lip hard.
“Don’t forget our plans today. With any luck, we may have your mother home for dinner,” his father said.
Adrien returned to his room with a sigh. He should have known better than to expect arcade machines and flat screen TVs from his dad, but a box full of office supplies? What was he thinking, hoping he could have a real party? His father would never change.
He hadn’t thought about it before, but as he packed his father’s gifts into his schoolbag, realization dawned on him: It was his first birthday without his mom. Usually, she’d wake him up singing happy birthday with a big slice of cake and a candle. They’d eat it together in bed before she gave him a big gift. Last year, she got him a basketball hoop and scoreboard. She made him help plant roses in the garden all afternoon just so he wouldn’t catch them installing it…
He missed her. His father’s methods made his skin crawl, but it would have been nice to have her home for dinner, like he said.
“Adrien! Are you ready to go to school?” Nathalie called from the doorway.
He pressed his lips together and zipped his bag closed.
“Morning, dude!” Nino extended a fist when Adrien met him at the base of the stairs outside the school. They exchanged the secret handshake they’d made up — Nino’s idea.
“Hey, Nino,” Adrien replied, lacking his normal enthusiasm.
“Why so down today? You’re usually stoked to come to school.” Nino tilted his head to the side.
“Happy Birthday, Adrikins!” Chloe sprang from the steps into his arms, shoving Nino out of the way and planting kisses on Adrien’s cheeks. “I ordered you a present, but those stupid delivery guys are taking forever to get it here.”
“Thanks, Chlo.” Adrien unlatched her arms from around his neck.
“Yo, it’s your bday? Why didn’t you tell me, dude?” Nino punched his arm.
“Probably because he didn’t want to pretend to enjoy gifts from you poor losers after seeing my amazing gift,” Chloe said.
“Chloe.” Adrien shot her a warning look, and she turned away with a huff.
“Fine, let the peasants give you cheap gifts, but don’t be mad at me when they all pale in comparison.” She sauntered back up the stairs, ponytail flipping over one shoulder.
“I know you guys are tight, but she’s the worst.” Nino shook his head. “But still, you should have told me your bday was coming up. We’ve got to throw you a big bash! I can DJ, and we can invite Marinette and Alya to get some good vibes going between you guys.”
“Thanks, but I’m not having a party.” Adrien sighed as they made their way up the stairs.
“What? Why not?”
“It’s my father. He barely even lets me out of the house. I doubt he’ll let me invite friends over. I think he’s allergic to joy.” Adrien shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Oh, come on. He can’t be that bad,” Nino said.
Adrien looked him in the eye. “He got me office supplies as a gift.”
“Ouch.” Nino winced. “Okay, so your pops is uptight, but he just needs someone with the right vibes to ask him. Let me talk to him today, and I’m sure I can convince him to change his mind.”
“He won’t, but I appreciate the sentiment.” Adrien smiled. “Really, thanks, Nino.”
“Have some faith, my dude. And get your dancing shoes for tonight.” Nino draped an arm over his shoulders.
“I don’t think I have dancing shoes. Should I buy some?”
“I swear, I’m gonna write you a cool kid dictionary.” Nino groaned.
“You’d do that?”
“Ugh.” Nino shook his head, a gesture Adrien was starting to recognize every time he said something lame. Something told him he wouldn’t be getting that dictionary.
“Yo, party at Adrien’s house this afternoon!” Nino called to their classmates as they passed through the locker room.
“Whoa, wait a minute. You haven’t even talked to my dad yet, and besides, he’s gonna say no,” Adrien said.
“Relax, dude. Parents love me. I’ll convince your pops, no sweat.” Nino ruffled his hair. “It’s about time you got out more. Then the idea of a cool kid dictionary won’t be so exciting to you.”
“But it would be so helpful!” Adrien said.
Nino placed his hands on Adrien’s shoulders. “That’s what worries me. You need to hang with more kids your age, so help me spread the party buzz!”
“Come on, don’t you want to have your first party?” Nino asked.
“Well, yeah, but my father isn’t a reasonable person. I just don’t think we’ll be able to convince him.” Adrien lowered his gaze.
“You mean you’ll be unable to convince him without my help.” Nino corrected. “Get hyped, dude. We’re throwing you a party today. There’s no way my bud is gonna miss his own bday.”
Adrien did want a party. Plus, he knew his father’s secret, and he did want Adrien to deliver him someone to akumatize. A party was the perfect way to deliver a lot of potential akumas…
A smile curled on Adrien’s lips. “Okay, yeah. Let’s do it. Thanks, Nino.”
“That’s the spirit.” Nino patted his shoulder. “Spread the word. Tonight’s gonna be sick.”
“Sick means good, right?”
“Yes.” Nino rolled his eyes, spinning Adrien around. “Now, go tell people that.”
The electric giddiness he’d felt that morning returned as he relayed Nino’s party plans to his schoolmates in the locker room. Everyone seemed just as excited as he did, which only added to his enthusiasm. He was finally throwing a party! They still had to convince his father, but Adrien could get anything he wanted out of his father if he said it was for the mission. Besides, Nino sounded so confident.
Rounding the corner to the next row of lockers, Adrien stopped short, breath catching in his throat. Marinette and Alya stood by their lockers, backs turned to him. Nino did recommend inviting them, but Adrien wasn’t sure he had the guts. Would they even want to come? Probably not. But if he didn’t invite them, would they get mad at him and ruin the small steps toward friendship they’d already taken? Forget the cool kid dictionary, Adrien needed a whole textbook on friendship.
Their conversation slowed to a stop when Adrien approached, and Alya quirked a brow at him. Taking a deep breath, he squared his shoulders.
“Um, I don’t know if you’ve heard, but today is my birthday,” he said.
“No, we haven’t heard,” Alya said.
“Oh, well, uh, Nino is kind of planning to throw me a party this afternoon, and it probably won’t happen because I’m pretty sure my father is going to say no, but if it does happen, you two can come. If you want!” Nailed it.
Alya and Marinette exchanged looks, and Marinette turned to him.
“I don’t think we’ll be able to-”
“We’ll be there,” Alya said.
“What?” Adrien and Marinette said in unison.
“I said we’ll be there.” Alya winked at Marinette, linking their arms together. “See you later, birthday boy.”
Adrien blinked a few times, a smile spreading across his lips. “Awesome! See you there.”
It worked! They wanted to come. Adrien was no expert, but that had to be good news. Who knew? With the luck he was having, his father might say yes to a party after all. And even if he didn’t, it was already one of the best birthdays he’d ever had. Sure, he didn’t get a fancy gift, though the thought of whatever Chloe bought him both worried and intrigued him, but he had friends now. Friends that wanted to celebrate with him. He’d take that over a basketball hoop any day.
Nino rode home with him that afternoon, and Adrien’s good mood plummeted with each passing block. The idea of convincing his father was nice in theory, but in actuality…
“This was a bad idea.” Adrien hugged his knees to his chest as Gorilla pulled into the front gate.
“Relax, dude. I got this.” Nino nudged him, but Adrien felt far from encouraged.
Nathalie’s eyes narrowed when they entered, the first crack in their plan. Adrien’s shoulders curled.
“Your father didn’t give you permission to bring a friend home.” She looked Nino up and down. “I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
Nino shot Adrien a wink and cleared his throat. “I’m sorry to barge in unannounced, but I was hoping to speak to M. Agreste regarding Adrien’s birthday party.”
“M. Agreste is very busy. Besides, Adrien isn’t having a party,” Nathalie said.
“Yeah, but that’s the problem!” Nino blurted. He paused to regain his composure and continued, “I understand it’s an inconvenience, but is there any way you could make an exception?”
Nathalie flicked her gaze to Adrien.
“Please, Nathalie? I’m sure my father will find that this will suit his plans today.” Adrien pressed his palms together.
Nathalie pushed her glasses up with a sigh and beckoned them to follow her. Nino glanced around the tall ceilings and sparkling tile floor in awe, but when they entered his father’s studio, he straightened his hat.
“What is the meaning of this?” his father asked.
“Remember what we talked about this morning, Father?” Adrien said. “I think what my friend has to say will be of interest to you.”
“Go on.” His father narrowed his eyes.
“Well, du- er, sir! Adrien has never had a birthday party, and that’s so messed up! He does all of the modeling stuff for you and makes good grades. Don’t you think it’s about time he had a real party for his bday?” Nino asked.
“But it’s all he wants! It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, just some pals from school. Please, du- sir!” Nino pressed his palms together.
His father stroked his chin in thought, and Adrien shot him a pleading look for good measure. A small smile tugged on the corner of his father’s lips, a rarity Adrien had only ever heard stories of.
“You’re right, Adrien. This is of interest to me,” he said. “I’m now concerned that you’ve been given too much freedom. Your so-called friends are a bad influence, and I never want any of them to set foot in this house again. Do you understand?”
“Nathalie, see this young boy out and make sure Adrien returns to his room.” His father dismissed them with a wave of his hand.
“But that’s so unfair, dude!” Nino pleaded.
“M. Agreste has a lot of work to do. It’s time for you to leave.” Nathalie gestured to the door.
Nino flashed Adrien a panicked look, those golden eyes wide with fear as Nathalie and Gorilla flanked him through the foyer, ensuring he made it out the door.
“Great work, Adrien. I can already feel his negative emotions.” His father turned toward the portrait where the buttons for the secret elevator were concealed.
Adrien’s heart dropped. He had intended for the party guests to supply a victim for his father’s akuma, but his father thought he was delivering Nino! He’d unknowingly lead the best friend he had right into a trap.
“Nino!” He took off after him, catching the door before Gorilla could close it. “Nino, I’m really sorry.”
“You were right, dude. Your old man is impossible!” Nino threw his hands up with a huff.
Adrien lowered his head with a sigh. “I know. Thanks anyway, Nino.”
“Adrien.” Nathalie’s voice was a warning behind him.
“I’ll see you at school.” Adrien waved, but Nino was already stalking up the driveway.
His eyes burned hot when he shut the door to his bedroom and flopped onto his bed. How could he have been so stupid? Of course his father wasn’t going to let him have a party! Now Nino was probably going to get akumatized, and he wouldn’t even get to see Ladybug because he was stuck inside. He rolled onto his stomach, burying his face in a pillow with a sigh. So much for the best birthday ever.
An alert beeped on his phone, reminding him to do his homework. Great. He didn’t even have time to sulk. Not that it would matter because Nino was bound to be akumatized in a few minutes, so he’d have to go support his father in the lair anyway. Not even the sweetness of Ladybug’s angelic face could overcome the sour taste from getting his best friend akumatized on accident. He and his father really needed to work out a system of hand signals.
He set to work on their maths problems, figuring they’d be easy enough to knock out before his akuma duties. Things were still quiet after maths, so he moved onto physics. After an hour, he crept out into the empty halls, finding the house silent. Maybe his father hadn’t akumatized Nino after all?
“Nathalie?” Adrien’s voice echoed through the foyer.
They must have been in his father’s lair. He pushed open the door to his father’s studio, nearly jumping out of his skin at the red and blue figure standing just inside.
“Hey, dude!” Golden eyes glinted behind a blue and red mask. “I was just about to come get you. You ready to party?”
Adrien blinked. “Nino?”
“Yeah, dude!” He draped an arm over Adrien’s shoulders. “Well, technically it’s Bubbler now, but don’t worry. I still know how to hang.”
Bubbler extended a fist, and the two exchanged their secret handshake.
“See? Still me, now come on. My best bud isn’t going to spend his bday inside,” he said.
“As validating as it is to hear that I’m your best friend, my father said no, remember?” Adrien said.
“Well, I did come in here to give your pops another talking to.” Bubbler reached back to pat the large bubble wand in the container on his back. “But he wasn’t here, so I sent his assistant and that beefy dude to time out.” He pointed to the window where Gorilla and Nathalie were floating outside in large green bubbles. “Either way, dude. I’ve bubbled like all the adults in this city, so let’s go have some bday fun!”
Adrien eyed the portrait of his mother. His father would want him to help the akuma defeat Ladybug, and if Bubbler wanted to throw him a party, then…
“Okay, let’s do it.” Adrien grinned.
Bubbler pumped a fist, leading Adrien to the front door. All of their classmates cheered when they walked into the courtyard, party banners and tables of food lining the driveway. Adrien could barely contain his grin.
“Happy Birthday, dude.” Bubbler patted Adrien’s shoulder. “Now, let’s get this party started!”
Bubbler had pulled out all the stops. There were lights, confetti, music, dancing, cake, all of their friends and classmates. It was the party of Adrien’s dreams. Sure, his best friend was akumatized, but it guaranteed that Ladybug would show up sooner or later. In a weird way, it was the best birthday ever, and Adrien was starting to learn what Nino meant by putting on his dancing shoes.
Somewhere in the middle of dancing with Rose and Juleka, Adrien spotted Marinette walking through the front gates. She had come after all! Should he go talk to her? It would be polite to welcome her to his party, right? Were cool kids polite? What would Nino say? That cool kid dictionary would have come in handy.
Stay calm.
He was overthinking it. She and Alya were both over by the snack table, and the fact that they were both at his party meant that they liked him a little bit. He was confident. No second-guessing. Just the start of two new friendships. He could do this.
“Hey.” He waved. Their conversation petered out when he approached, but he didn’t let that faze him. “Are you two enjoying the party?”
“Uh, yeah,” Alya said. “Totally awesome.”
“Yeah.” Marinette sipped her drink, side eyeing Bubbler. “You’re not concerned at all that Nino has been akumatized?”
Adrien rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, I am, but Nino just really wanted to throw me a birthday party. Besides, Ladybug will show up to save us sooner or later.”
“Rumor has it you got to work with her when Mr. Pigeon attacked. Care to talk about it?” Alya pulled out her phone.
“If by work with, you mean acted as bait, then spent the whole night draped over a humidifier, then yeah. I worked with Ladybug.” Adrien shrugged.
“Wow, what a scoop, Alya.” Marinette smirked.
Alya tucked her phone back into her pocket with a pout. “Can I use your bathroom?”
“Uh, yeah, it’s inside up the stairs to the right.” Adrien instructed.
Alya quirked a brow at Marinette and scurried off, leaving the two of them alone. The perfect chance to talk to Marinette without anyone looming and finally make friends!
“So, uh, how are you liking the party so far?” he asked.
“I just got here.” She shrugged, swirling her drink.
“Right.” Adrien nodded, shoving his hands into his pockets. He read somewhere that it made people more at ease. “Do you want to dance, or we could just stay here and talk if you want.”
“Actually, I think I’m gonna join Alya in the bathroom.” Marinette gestured over her shoulder with her thumb.
“You don’t want to hang out with me because I’m friends with Chloe, right?” Adrien sighed. “Look, I know she’s awful, but I didn’t know she was like that until I started coming to school. She and I were friends as kids, but we’re not even that close anymore.”
As if on cue, Chloe materialized beside him, latching onto his neck.
“Ugh, get lost, Dupain-Cheng. It’s Adrikin’s birthday, and he doesn’t need to waste it talking to a loser like you,” she said.
Marinette rolled her eyes. “Yeah, you two are totally distant.” She set her drink on the table and stalked off.
“Come slow dance with me, Adrikins.” Chloe insisted, preventing him from chasing after Marinette. She stretched up, lips puckered, but Adrien pulled away.
Horrified shrieks saved him from having to evade her advances, and everyone stared at the giant green bubble floating in the air above them. Ivan twisted and fumbled clumsily inside, face blanched in terror.
“If any of you peeps think you can sit this party out, then you can join the adults in the sky, got it?” Bubbler brandished his bubble wand. “Now, dance!”
Whimpering, their classmates complied, and Adrien searched their terrified expressions with a frown. As it turned out, having your best friend turned supervillain throw you a birthday party where everyone was forced to attend didn’t make for a very lighthearted party atmosphere. What was Adrien thinking, letting Bubbler host his party? He should have gone to his father’s lair instead of taking advantage of the situation to get what he wanted. Now everyone was suffering because of him. This was all his fault in more ways than one.  
The music screeched to an abrupt halt, and Bubbler turned over his shoulder with a growl.
“Who turned off my mix?”
“Sorry, Bubbler, but the party’s over.” Ladybug snapped her yoyo back to her palm on top of the wall.
Adrien’s classmates cheered her on, much to Bubbler’s annoyance.
“I don’t remember inviting an insect to this party. Only true VIPs are allowed for my boy,” Bubbler said.
It was a tense situation for everyone, but Adrien had to admit, he was touched.
“When you take innocent people hostage, you can always count on me to crash the party.” Ladybug tossed her yoyo, but Bubbler deflected it with his wand.
Classmates dove out of the way as Bubbler and Ladybug sparred, cowering behind the walls of the front porch. Adrien hung back, looking for an opening to assist Bubbler, but he couldn’t help admiring how powerful Ladybug was. The way her muscles moved under her suit with each twist and kick. Why did she have to be so stunning?
“Ah!” Ladybug gasped as a bubble encased her. She kicked the sides, but it was no use — she was trapped.
Bubbler threw his head back with a triumphant laugh. “You should have just been cool, Ladybug, but you’re even lamer than the adults.”
“No, you’re lame if you think a world without adults is better.” She shot back.
“Oh, come on. Adults are the worst. They’re always setting these unfair rules and forcing us to do stuff we don’t want to.” Bubbler had a point.
“Kids need adults! They keep us safe. They love us!” Ladybug said.
Most adults anyway…
“If you love the adults so much, why don’t you join them?” Bubbler said.
The earrings!
“Nino, wait!” Adrien stepped in. “Look, I appreciate you wanting to throw me a birthday party. Really, it’s like the coolest thing anyone’s ever done for me, but I don’t want to force our friends to be here against their will.”
“What, so you’re on her side?” Bubbler grunted.
Their classmates huddled together, hands trembling and eyes wide. Adrien had always wanted a birthday party — he’d always wanted friends — but what kind of friend was he if he forced them all to like him? The truth of the matter was, Adrien didn’t know how to make friends. Alya and Marinette couldn’t stand him. Chloe only liked him because he was rich and famous. All of their other classmates didn’t know what to think of him.
Nino was the only person at school that considered him a true friend, the only person that wanted to throw him a birthday party, and Adrien delivered him on a silver platter for his father to chew up and spit out. This mess was all his fault. He never should have let Nino come. He didn’t need a big party, and he certainly didn’t deserve one. Adrien would have been content with just the two of them, his friend on his birthday.
“I’m not saying I’m on her side, but I’d much rather spend my birthday with my best friend Nino, not the Bubbler.” He retrieved a safety pin from his back pocket and slipped it through the slippery outer layer of Ladybug’s bubble behind his back. Might as well make his father’s gift useful, besides if it earned him a kiss from Ladybug, it really would be the best birthday ever. He held up cautioning hands to Bubbler when he reached for his wand and approached slowly. “I’m really happy that you did all of this for me, but please, Nino. Let all of our friends go.”
Sadness flashed in Bubbler’s eyes, but just as quickly as it came, it vanished. Bubbler clenched his jaw. He brushed past Adrien, sprinting toward Ladybug’s bubble and kicking it into the sky. Her adorable shrieks grew fainter the higher she soared. Bubbler turned back to their classmates and crossed his arms.
“Fine. All you haters can leave if you’re so unhappy, but once I get Ladybug’s earrings, we’re gonna be partying without adults forever.” Bubbler jumped over the wall, chasing after Ladybug’s bubble as their classmates clambered for the gate.
Adrien rushed into his father’s office, nearly colliding with Alya just inside. She hid her phone behind her back and pressed her lips together.
“I wasn’t snooping to find dirt on you!” she said. “Uh, I mean, this isn’t the bathroom?”
There was no time to deal with that.
“Bubbler captured Ladybug. They’re heading for the Eiffel Tower,” he said.
“What? Ladybug showed up and I missed it?” Alya raced out the door.
Adrien eyed his mother’s portrait, biting his lip, and followed after her. Alya was strapping on her helmet when Adrien caught up with her by the front gate.
“I’ll go with you,” he said, and when she quirked a skeptical brow at him, he added, “Nino is my best friend. Maybe I can talk some sense into him.”
“Fine.” Alya rolled her eyes and pointed to her bike. “But you’re peddling.”
Adrien considered himself physically fit between his fencing and karate classes, but peddling two people across the Trocadero on a small bike was a lot harder than it sounded. When they made it to the base of the Eiffel Tower, he leaned the bike on the ground, gasping between ragged breaths.
Alya charged straight for the elevator without so much as a thank you, and Adrien hobbled after her. While Adrien was happy for the adventurous birthday to shake things up, he could have done without the exercise.
When the elevator made it to the top, Alya jumped out, pressing record on her camera. Ladybug summoned her Lucky Charm, a pipe wrench, and surveyed the scene with pursed lips. She deflected another bubble with her yoyo that curved straight for Alya.
“Hey!” she gasped as she floated off.
Everything moved in slow motion. Adrien flicked his gaze between Bubbler and Ladybug, thoughts racing. What should he do? Help Ladybug put an end to this birthday nightmare? Or help his friend at the expense of the girl he loved? She still hadn’t figured out what to do with her lucky charm. If he was going to sabotage her, it would have been the perfect opportunity, but his legs wouldn’t move in either direction.
What kind of birthday did he want? One with his mother? Of course he wanted her there, but part of him wished his father had just given him the day off instead. That they were spending the day together, even in her absence. That Nino could have come over just to hang out and play games, even for a little while. Anything other than spending another birthday locked alone in his room with a shiny new toy.
Bubbler might have been the one to throw him a party, but he wasn’t Nino. And Adrien was starting to miss his real friend. His only friend.
Red flashed across the ducts as Ladybug charged for the air pipes and fit her wrench to the bolt perfectly. Her mask narrowed over her eyes when Adrien raced over to help.
“What are you doing here?” she growled.
“Getting my friend back,” he said.
Together they loosened the screw, and Adrien caught the tube as it burst free. He held it steady, blowing bubbles away from Ladybug as she grappled with Bubbler. She hooked her yoyo around his wand, yanking it into her hands and snapping it over her knee. The black butterfly fluttered out, and Nino collapsed to his knees as dark energy washed away from him.
Adrien sat back with a sigh, catching his breath as Ladybug’s magic repaired all of the damage to the city. She approached him, offering a hand to help him up.
“Thank you. I couldn’t have done that without you,” she said. Not even her soft smile was enough to cheer him up.
Adrien shrugged. “I guess this isn’t exactly the birthday I wanted.”
“Bro!” Nino raced to his side, enveloping him in a tight hug. “I’m sorry, dude. I lost my cool and totally wrecked your bday.”
Adrien leaned against his shoulder, squeezing his eyes shut to prevent tears from spilling over. “It’s okay, Nino. It wasn’t your fault.” It was mine.
“Hawkmoth will take advantage of any negative emotion he can find. Don’t be too hard on yourself.” Ladybug patted Nino’s shoulder.
Nino pulled away with a frown, squeezing Adrien’s shoulders. “We’ll have a better party for you next year. Something totally chill with just a few friends and sick beats, and we won’t tell your pops about it, okay?” He extended a fist, and they exchanged their secret handshake.
Adrien smiled. “Thanks for everything, Nino.”
When Ladybug’s earrings beeped, she palmed her yoyo. “I’ll only have time to take one of you home.”
Adrien stepped back, nudging Nino forward. “Take him. I don’t live that far from here.”
“You sure, dude?” Nino asked.
Adrien flicked his gaze to Ladybug, mask furrowed in an expression of concern more beautiful than any statue at the Louvre. Of course he wanted to nuzzle close to her while she carried him over the rooftops, and his father would have insisted he swipe the earrings the moment they landed. But after everything, he was just ready for his birthday to be over.  
“Yeah. I’m sure.” He nodded.
Ladybug wrapped an arm around Nino’s waist, but her hands hesitated on her yoyo. “Happy Birthday, Adrien. I’m sorry things didn’t work out.”
Adrien offered her a small smile, an expression she returned before tossing her yoyo and swinging off with Nino. Shoving his hands into his pockets, Adrien headed for the elevator with a sigh.
His father was waiting in the foyer when he made it home, but Adrien wasn’t fazed by the frown darkening his father’s expression. It wasn’t that different from any other day, and Adrien was too numb to care.
“It’s disappointing that we lost today. I was really hoping we could get your mother back to celebrate your birthday,” his father said.
“Yeah, Ladybug pretty much already had him beat by the time I got there.” Adrien lied.
His father patted his shoulder. “I’m sorry things didn’t work out the way we wanted, Adrien. We will succeed next time.”
Adrien nodded and paced past him toward the back door. “I’m gonna sit in the garden for a while.”
His father gave a relenting nod and disappeared back into his office. Adrien shoved open the door to the kitchen, riffling through the drawers until he found what he was looking for. He paced down the corridor and out into the garden, the towering walls casting late afternoon shadows over the yard. His mother’s statue was cold against his cheek as Adrien curled up by her feet, resting his face in her lap. Retrieving the candle from his pocket, he struck a match and lit the wick.
“Joyeux anniversaire. Joyeux anniversaire…” Adrien sang, watching the flame dance between his fingers.
He’d ended up alone on his birthday after all. It wasn’t exactly the party he wanted, but he should have expected as much from his father. Even if they saved his mother, Adrien’s father would never be comfortable with his friends — what few he had anyway. At least Nino was okay in the end. The last thing Adrien wanted was to lose him.
He blew out the candle with a sigh, hugging his knees to his chest. Maybe his father would come around some day. Maybe they’d succeed in bringing back his mother. He just wished his next birthday would be better than the last.
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aphrogeneias · 5 months
37 w Eddie 🫡
roommate!eddie munson x fem!reader + we always snuggle, and this shouldn’t be any different, but i’m trying not to press my lips to yours because they’re right there and i don’t want to pass up another chance, but you take initiative and do it yourself. oh.
warnings: fluff, a little suggestiveness, kissing. eddie being a soft boy.
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There is no excuse, at this point.
The only excuse he could give himself, at first, was that he's a tactile person. His uncle used to tell him he had eyes in his hands, always picking things up in order to look at them. His hands are always fidgeting, reaching, touching.
Eddie’s friends are all used to it. He hugs, holds, and squeezes. Hands on their backs and arms, guiding, reassuring. Excitedly pulling and slapping when he's telling a story, or laughing.
This only grew tenfold when it came to you.
At first, he kept a safe distance. You weren't his friend, after all. Just Nancy’s friend from college, someone who needed a place to stay after your last roommate bailed on you. Coincidentally, Gareth had left their apartment to move in with his girlfriend not too long before.
Fate, it seemed — or just two broke young adults trying to make ends meet, which was, in a way, fateful too.
His caution was thrown out the window when he realized you were just like him in that aspect. It all started with small, delicate touches.
A hand on his back while you were sharing the kitchen space in the morning, too tired to get off each other's way. Messing his hair to tease him, kissing his cheek as a greeting anytime you got home. You'd put your feet on his lap during your self-appointed movie nights, and his hands would carefully land on your calves, rubbing your legs under his rough palms, and you wouldn't pull away.
The blue light of the television, the only source of light in the room, had him feeling light. Your soft skin on his hands, and the warmth under it, the fuzzy feeling of the hair there. He let them wander, squeezing your knee, massaging your feet, always keeping an eye for your reactions. It seemed as if you preened under his touch, leaning into it. As if, if he'd pull away, you'd ask for more.
After that, he grew bolder. Hungrier. It didn't help that you were always within his reach.
An arm around your waist while you bumped into each other in the hallway. Hovering over your back when you both had to use the bathroom in the morning, letting his chest graze your back. Pulling you closer on the couch, his arm over your shoulders, your head on his chest. Hands eagerly looking for your warmth, for your skin.
Hugs from behind in the kitchen, climbing into each other's beds at night. A habit that started because you simply didn't want to stop your late night conversations, so you'd drag yourselves from the dining table with mismatching chairs, or from the couch, and into each other's rooms.
Talking about the latest book you finished reading, the last band he got obsessed with, your hopes, your fears, whatever silly conspiracy theory he read about and couldn't stop thinking of. Sharing the same blanket, hands touching, legs too.
It doesn't take long until you're in each other's arms more often than not. There is no excuse. Eddie is a tactile person, and he longs for your touch. He'll seek it until you turn him away, but that doesn't seem like it's something you'd want either.
Tonight, your faces are almost touching. You're sharing the same pillow, the one that smells just like your hair. Vanilla and coconut, sweet like you. He chases the shadows on your face, dancing with the lamp light that comes from the opened window. You're speaking, but he's not entirely listening — until you stop.
“What is it?” He whispers. The silence feels sacred.
It's not nothing, not when you lean in, neither when your lips touch his. Softly, and slowly, testing the waters. You catch his upper lip between yours, and kiss it. It makes his stomach flutter, like the wings of a moth, searching for the light. It's over too soon, and he almost whimpers with the loss.
He's learning forward, trying to catch your lips again. You giggle, putting a finger to his aching lips.
“I'm sorry. Is that okay?” You're whispering too. Neither of you know why.
“Depends. Is it okay if I tell you that I've wanted to do this since the first time I saw you?” Eddie is honest. There's no excuse not to be.
You kiss him again, firmer this time. Your mouth lingers on his, and it tastes like sunlight. “Me too.”
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victoria-grimesss · 10 months
tear you apart - part II
-> Pairing: König x fem!reader
-> Words: 3.5k
-> Warning: MDNI! nfsw, fem!reader, dominant!könig, size difference, over the desk, blindfold, unprotected sex, rough sex but there’s aftercare, google translate German.  
~> A/N: first time writing smut please go easy on me I beg of thee. 
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It’s been a couple days since the training session with König. You've built up a nice routine around the new base and made some friendly conversations with some other new recruits both bonding over the complexities of your new home away from home. 
Would it be weird to say you miss the presence of the colonel? 
Is it strange that you’ve already become so attached to having him near those few times. Having his eyes gaze into you as though you’re all that exists? 
No right? 
 He haunts your dreams, appears to you when you’re most restless to smooth your hair under his touch and whisper sweet things to you, how he wants to be your eternal love, to live a life filled with passion and fire. Your veins run with lava as his hand in your hair traces down to your neck, so small in my grasp, he tells you, how easy it would be to wrap my hand around and squeeze, he says it so sweetly to you. You hum listlessly, lost in his gaze and willing for his touch. You are mine and mine only you understand? You always wake before he even takes off a glove, you're drenched in sweat and the blankets stick to you. But these dreams are common since you’ve met him. You wonder if he dreams the same; if he’s coming to you in these dreams and expressing his deepest desires. 
Silly girl you think, he wouldn’t. 
 Sometimes you think you see him, the corner of your eyes play tricks on you. He’s too big to move that fast, but you feel the burn of his eyes on the back of your head when you’re in the kitchen making your morning drink at times. It feels the same as it did when he laid eyes on you in the meeting room, electric.
 “L/N!” You turn, it’s your captain.
“Look honey I’m runnin late and these papers need to go to the big guy you mind handing them over? Thanks a lot.” He basically shoved them into your arms and you have to gather them up quickly as to not let them end up as a heap on the cold floor. This whole interaction lasts the better of 30 second.
Your eyes roll at the pet name and how this work could have been shoved on anyone else but no, gotta be the new girl. 
A new girl who most definitely totally doesn’t have a crush *ehem* ~ creepy infatuation with the boss. ~ 
 You vaguely remember the way to his office; the captain shot some directions at you as he walked away from handing off his task to you. 
To the left then the right then the door second to last one on the right. You repeat these as you readjust your grip on the papers.
 As you approach you grow more and more nervous, it’s just your super-hot boss who you’re giving papers to nothing more nothing less. But your hand stays still at your side, your other full of papers.
Just knock.
Your hand is in front of the door, and you knock loudly making your presence known.
 “Enter.” He sounds just as he did last time. Domineering.
You open the door slowly, the light in the hall behind you flickers and your heart beats in time with the moth's wings that fly directly towards that light. You feel like that moth drawn to the light. 
He sits at his desk, papers in his hand, he’s shed his utility helmet and usual mask for a plain black baklava which is fitting all the same for him. The whole room smells like him, it envelopes you and swallows you whole as you close the door. 
His eyes stay on the papers but his concentration isn’t on them anymore, it’s on you.
You’ve come to him, as he thought you would. His mind has been on nothing but you, your file is always on his desk, he’s memorized every word on it.
His favorite colors are now those of your eyes, hair, lips and skin. You’ve become his very own Medusa and he can’t help but become stone when he sees you. If only you knew the grasp you had on him. If only you would grasp him and hold him tight.
 “You have something for me yes?” The lamp behind him casts him as a shadow and illuminates his figure but his eyes are bright.
You walk closer, the room is quiet besides some soft music on the record player on the far side of the room next to another door. 
“The captain requested I bring you these papers, important intel I suppose.”
“Shame. And here I was thinking you’ve just come to visit me.” There’s that teasing tone again. 
Your cheeks heat up despite your best effort to maintain a cool façade. You’re upset you don’t have a mask to hide your expression.
 You hand him the papers, neatly organized now. He reaches with one hand and takes them from you, his gloved hand brushes yours and you lock eyes, goosebumps race up your arm from the point of contact.
You grin and look down.
“I would think you’d have more interesting visitors than me colonel.”
He grows stiff at your mention of rank, calling him by his title. 
His eyes scan the papers noting the important parts.
“Schatz, you are the most important visitor I’ve had the honor of having.” His gaze is heavy on you.
You are still at his words, is he insinuating what you think he is? 
He’s holding bait right in front of your face. 
“I highly doubt that sir, a guy like you must have many visitors….I’m sure you have many beautiful suitors.”
You bite.
He chuckles, it’s low and deep and he groans at the end. 
“I have my eyes on one Ja. She has become the object of my attraction.”
Your heart skips a beat wondering if he means another woman besides you. You bite your lip wearing at the skin. You open your mouth to start and then close it.
He watches your mouth as you do so and wishes to feel it upon him, as you take him wholly.
“Speak, do not hold your tongue.” 
“I-I um I suppose I’m just curious as to what woman could gain your attraction. To be honest sir I thought you were married.”
His attention is most definitely no longer on the papers, or anything job related. His mind wholly encompassed by you and your words. 
He hums lowly and you imagine that it vibrates his chest.
“Come to this side of my desk Schatz.”
You obey, walking to the other side of his desk and standing next to him, facing the door you entered in.
“My desk, do you see any family portraits?”
“No sir.”
He takes off his gloves and you feel like a Victorian man seeing an ankle.
“Do you see a wedding band?”
“No sir.”
After this he stands, his full height towering above you combined with the soft music, dim lighting, and the way he looks down at you makes your knees weak and your lower stomach burn. He walks over to the door you entered and stands for a moment. You wonder if you’ve asked too much, dug yourself a hole and he’s about to ask you to leave.
“I’m sorry if I stepped over the line I didn’t mean it, I can leave if you want.” He locks the door. Your heart locks up all the same at the sound.
“No, Schatz I’d rather you stay, and I think you'd rather stay too. Am I right?” He turns his head to look at you and the way he’s standing you can see all the muscles in his back defined from the lighting and you yearn to rake your nails over them and leave a well-deserved mark. 
“I would.” Your words are breathy, and you hardly know if you spoke at all but his response confirms you did.
He walks back over to you and your feet are stuck in cement. He stops when he's behind you. You can hear his breathing behind you so you know he’s actually there, he's real and this is real.
“You know I watch you right? Does it frighten you?”
“No colonel.”
“None of that here, not anymore. Just König ok Süßes Mädchen
Your knees actually nearly do give out this time, God he’s too much. Your breathing is quick now and you feel feverish he’s not even touching you yet but standing there and you don’t know what will kill you first your rapid heart rate or the anticipation.
“You want me, Ja?
“God yes.” You nearly whine and he lets out a deep laugh. He readjusts his stance.
“Do you usually get this worked up before you’re even touched?” His voice is lighter now, he’s teasing.
“Only for you.” You say almost immediately.
“Say that again.” His voice is dark again and it makes your stomach twirl.
“Only for you König.” You’ve stepped headfirst into the lion’s den and you know there's no going back from this, you thought it was just a silly crush but this is so much more, for the both of you.
He inhales deeply and lets it out, even with his mask you can feel it lightly on the back of your head. 
His head is spinning with thoughts of what he wants to do to you, you were making him crazy. 
“Ich schwöre bei Gott, Liebling, du wirst mein Tod sein.” [I swear to God darling, you will be my death.] You're not sure what he said but you hear his groan at the end so it must be erotic. 
“Konig, please.”
“Shhh quiet Schätzchen.” 
There's a beat of silence and you think your heart stops then you feel his hand on your back. It travels up until he gets to your hair, he grabs a handful of it but doesn't pull or tug, just holds. You’re growing wetter by the minute and you ache deeply. You rub your thighs together and that’s when he pulls. 
He tugs you back into him and your head is pointed up now so he's looking directly down at you. You whimper and his eyes are nearly pitch black as he stares at you, he drinks you in as if you’re the last bit of water on earth.
“Scheisse you know if we do this there is not going back, I will not let you lay with another and I will never lay with anyone besides you.” His words echo in your head and you weigh your options,
Option A: sleep with König, your superior and maybe face some very serious consequences.
Options B: go back to your room and absolutely resort you what’s in your bedside drawer to relieve yourself…..
Survey says, option A all the way.
“I wouldn't want it any other way sir.” You make sure to say it extra breathily as to draw him into the spiral he's sent you into.
His grip tightens ever so before he releases and you stumble a bit but a hand on your waist catches you and the coals within you are stoked even more to where they rage into an inferno.
“I would like to share more of myself with you eventually but for now... This will have to do.”
He says no more before fabric is enclosed around your eyes and your vision darkens. It must be his regular mask because it smells so strongly of him it makes you dizzy, his scent all encompassing.
“My name sounds so sweet when it comes from your lips, I beg to hear more of it.”
His hands, both of them, are on your middle now he holds you steady and moves them upwards and cups your breasts above your uniform you let out a soft breath.
He closes his eyes and inhales deep against your crown.
“I knew you would smell wonderful Mein Schatz. You feel like heaven in my hands you know that?”
His hands move to the buttons of your uniform and he wastes no time in discarding it to the ground along with your undershirt. 
“Turn around.” 
You turn around and he once again grabs tight on your hair pulling your head back and exposing your neck.
He pulls up his baklava knowing he won’t be seen.
He bites.
You let out a shameless moan and quickly slap a hand over your mouth, but he grabs your wrist and holds it behind you back your other hand is grabbing onto his hair.
“You’ll express your pleasure. I want everyone to hear so they know I’m occupied.”
He’s sucking dark bruises into your neck and leaving teeth marks in his wake. He lavishes in the way your skin tastes. He knows you sweat at some point today and your perfume is on his tongue.
“König please, I need more.”
“Gladly.” You feel him smile on your skin.
Next thing you know you’re spun around again and you’re pushed down over the desk his hand heavy on your neck.
“Stay.” He commands.
His hand is removed and he works at your pants pulling them down and to your ankles, he slides his hands all around the newly exposed skin and you hear his drop to his knees.
“Mein Gott, you are something to behold, you are beautiful you know that?”
You blush the heat growing hotter between your thighs.
There’s no time to respond before he’s diving into your heat tongue hot and wet upon you as he sucks and licks like his life depends on it.
“You taste divine, I could die here and die a happy man Liebling, scheiße” 
You moan and your cheek touches the cold wood of the desk as he continues his ravaging.
“König please, I need-need more.”
He hears your pleas and it spurs him on, he’s desperately hard in his pants and palms at it a few times before collecting your wetness and entering one then two fingers. 
“Is this enough for you? Or do you need more? So bedürftig.” He teases as he pumps them in the out in a come-hither motion getting quicker and quicker. 
Your breathing picks up. It’s in short pants now as you get close and closer to the edge. He can feel you squeezing his fingers tighter and he latches his mouth back on as his fingers works faster.
“Come on Schatz give me a show.” He smiles and teases and he just can’t get enough even as you try to thrash and tense on his fingers reaching your high you chant his name and he’s heard nothing sweeter.
“You make such beautiful noises Meine Liebe .” He bites at the inside of your thighs as he stands.
You hear a belt buckle and a zipper undone, mouthwatering in anticipation as you’re still coming down from your previous high.
He takes himself out and strokes it slowly a few times placing a hard harshly on your hip as he lines himself up and teases the tip at your entrance.
He’s massive compared to you and he’s burning up looking and predicting the way you’ll feel around him.
“Schatz, one last chance to change your mind.” He grits through his teeth.
“Please König, I need you badly.” 
He takes not a second longer after you answer to sink fully into you and to say you’re surprised is an understatement. He’s huge, incredible deliciously huge and the stretch of him knocks the breath from your lungs and he bends over you, his whole body laying just above you so his mouth is right next to your ear.
“You feel even more incredible than I could ever dream, you wrap around me so sweetly.”
He pulls back and braces both of his hands on your hips with a bruising grip and starts moving, he’s deliberate and calculated with his movements thrusting deep and harsh.
You moan loudly with the blindfold all your other senses are heightened. You grasp and scratch behind you trying to slow his movements you mind hazy with only thought of how good he’s making you feel. 
“P-please, god König.” You can hardly make out your own thoughts, he groans and continues his onslaught of torture on you.
You try to slow him again but this time he takes a hold of your wrists and slams them down onto the desk. You continue to moan with abandonment.
“You’ll take what given to you, understand?” He leans down and kisses your cheek, panting you can feel the sweat on his face combining with yours.
Leaning back, he watches the way he enters you and the noises are unholy, seeing you bent over his desk so willing and drunk off of him nearly makes him cum right then and there.
Suddenly a knock at the door.
He doesn’t stop and you clamp both hands over your mouth now. He growls deep in his chest.
“Busy.” He grits out.
They knock again but he doesn’t stop.
“Are you fucking kidding me? c’mon be a good girl and let them know I’m busy.” His accent is heavy and laced with need.
You can hardly think straight and his words sound underwater. You only become semi-conscious again when he picks you by your shoulder, up holding you up to his chest by your neck as he continues his onslaught.
“Take your hands off your mouth unless you want me to tie those up too, I told you to tell them I’m busy.” He growls right by your ear and he thrust particularly hard and deep you choke on your sobs and a moan rips from your throat. It’s so erotic you hardly recognize yourself, the last knock was cut short, and you hear quick shuffling down the hallway. 
“Braves Mädchen, so good for me. Fuck, need you to cum with me I won’t last much longer.”
“F-fuuck don’t stop.”
The coil within you is growing and winding and you feel you’re heading headfirst into a spiral panting and calling his name with no care for the outside world you reach up and claw at what you can reach of his expansive shoulders certainly leaving marks and he groans and grinds to show his appreciation.
“Cmon, give it to me, give it to me.” He says, each thrust his hand on your hips growing even tighter and his thrusts getting sloppy as he nears his high. He grips your jaw now slipping a finger into your mouth and you taste yourself on them and the coil snaps.
Your ears are ringing, white blinds your vision, and you’re overcome with oxytocin unlike no other.
König fills you deeply grinding to the hilt so none of him is left exposed.
You feel boneless and limp in his arms but completely and utterly satisfied.
The blindfold is removed and he’s tapping your cheek, the finger that was in your mouth leaving spit in its wake but you have no care.
“Y/N, Y/N, come in back to me Schatz.” You open your eyes and hum.
“So good.” You hiccup and you see he has his baklava fully on but his eyes are crescent shape, his eyes look lovely when he’s smiling.
“I take it you enjoyed yourself?” He’s pulling out and you wince but he’s quickly pulling his desk chair out for you to sit and gain you sanity back.
“That’s putting it lightly...” you can’t seem to wipe the dumb smile plastered on your face.
He’s pulling up his pants and re-buckling his belt, you get butterflies watching him do it.
He then walks to what looks like a bathroom connected to the office, coming back with a washcloth and cleans you gently kissing the top of your head.
“Cmon let’s get you dressed then yeah. As much as I love seeing you in my chair like that, we’ll play that scenario out another day.” He picks up your panties and stuffs them into his pocket and helps you put on your pants.
“I need those König.” 
“I’ll buy you some more, these are for my personal collection.” You huff, legs feeling like jelly, and he rubs your back as you’re buttoning your jacket.
“Very well, I won’t fight a losing battle for those, at least they’re not my favorite pair-
“I’d like those as well.”
“Stop it!” You both laugh and he sounds so wonderful worry free. 
He gives you some water and sits back at his desk. You stand in the same spot you were in before everything happened.
“That was a great pleasure and I hope it brought you the same.” God he’s so formal after just rearranging your guts, you laugh like a schoolgirl.
“I did, I um, would love to do this again, or just spend more time with you.”
His heart lights up and he knows he’s got you for good,
“Schatz, my door is always open to you, granted both my office and bedroom door.” He winks at you and you blush.
You walk to the door and look back at him before you leave.
“Don’t forget about those papers I brought you.” You fake authority.
“Yes ma’am.” He laughs and watches you until the door is closed.
He takes your panties out of his pocket already missing your presence next to him, next time can’t come soon enough.
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