oldassfuck · 7 years
My everything
Okay. I'm looking for a story where Sirius realizes that she means the whole world to him (fluff) while they are dating. Something like she stands beside him whenever he's down
Pairing: Sirius Black x reader
Warnings: none, excessive fluff maybe???
Word count:
   I just started watching Dance Moms and I FLIPPIN’ LOVE IT! anyways, hope you like this as much as I enjoyed writing it @drinix
   The graduation ceremony was one of the biggest, if not the biggest and most important days of the school year. some might say that it was even more important than the sorting, seeing as it was the end of an era and the official enter to the true world of magic. Sirius Black, although he tried his hardest to not get emotional and keep up with the whole bad-boy facade he had going on all this time, he couldn’t help but tear up as he looked down to his beautiful girlfriend of two years. 
   He hasn’t seen her smile so brightly, nor look so pretty ever before. Looking down to her, he couldn’t help but smile as he remembered all the good-and bad-times they’ve gone through together. When his family was sending him daily howlers during breakfast, it was her shoulder he would lean on, trying to keep strong.  
   She was beautiful, with big, bright (Y/E/C) eyes, and the softest lips he has ever kissed, and that’s saying a lot. He loved the scent of strawberries and champagne that always seems to be following her around wherever she went, her soft, (Y/H/C) locks that framed her face perfectly and bounced with every step she took. Her smile, that was contagious and always seemed to light up the room more than the brightest star in the sky ever could. Her voice, that if she wanted to, could make her do whatever she wanted him to do. Her touch, which calmed him down instantly. 
   Her god-like looks weren’t the only thing that had made him fall for her in the first place. Her personality, bold, yet soft and caring. She could put you down with words just as easy as she could use them to console you and make you feel better. She didn’t fall for his looks like all the other girls did, she saw behind his mask, behind his bad-boy facade, to the broken and hurt teenager beneath. She helped him through the hard times, and he couldn’t be more grateful. she wasn’t afraid to hex someone, right in the middle of the hallway, or punch him straight in the nose if she couldn’ t get to her wand fast enough. She was a phenomenal witch, perfecting every new spell she learned in a matter of minutes. 
   That’s what he was thinking, looking down to the beautiful, in every aspect, girl that he couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with.  
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drinix · 7 years
List 9 albums you love and tag 9 people!
Thank you for tagging me @padfootagain Okeydokey let’s do this ! 1. Divide - Ed Sheeran 2. + - Ed Sheeran 3. x - Ed Sheeran 4. Kaleidoscope Heart - Sara Bareilles 5. 21- Adele 6. More Than This - Trading Yesterday 7. My Head Is An Animal - Of Monsters And Men 8. Wildfire - Rachel Platten 9. Fearless - Taylor Swift I’m tagging : @benbarnesescape @i-dream-of-space @ladyblablabla @daphneambix @delos-mio @marauderhead55 @@americanhistorylover @benbarnesfanforever @starless-skyox @undercovermarauder
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oldassfuck · 7 years
Beginning ~ Part 4 of 'Nightmares'
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Pairing: Young!Sirius Black x reader
Requested: yeah, in the comments section
warnings: a little bit of swearing
word count: tbh, I’m writing this at 02:49 AM, I don’t really ave the energy to count words, or even copy&paste it in word
   like I said (^) in my country, the time is currently 02:49 AM, so I apologize if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes (just please keep in mind that English is my 2nd language).  + THIS BLOG HIT 500 FOLLOWERS, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! I finally got a new computer (my brother spilled water all over my MacBook, so I had to go computer-free for about a week and a half, until my parents could return from their trip and buy me a new one) BUT FEAR NOT, FOR I HAVE A BRAND NEW COMPUTER, AND I WILL BE UPLOADING MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE OFTEN. This is just ONE of the reasons so as to why I wasn’t uploading all this time, again, sorry about that, but if you are pissed, and want to find out WHY THE HELL I DISAPPEARED FOR ABOUT A MONTH AND A HALF, check the rest of them here. (check out the A/N at the end of this post since I have some more things to tell you there) 
Fay <3
“What are you going to do about it?“asks James
“I don’t think you should make a move tonight” states Remus “she’s still pretty pissed at you”
“so I just let this guy take her?” I huff in frustration
“okay, firstly, she’s going to chose herself, no one’s gonna ‘take her’“ says Remus sternly “and, no, not exactly, but you let her enjoy her night”
   I huff in frustration
““what if she chooses him over me?”
“she won’t.” the other two boys say in unison, and I look at James for further explanation
“dude! wake up! you’re Sirius Black, Padfoot, her best friend! But, most importantly, you’re a marauder! The Sirius I know, wouldn’t worry about these kind of things! She likes you, and you’re gonna make you’re move, which, let’s be honest, will be smooth as fu-”
“James!” interrupted Remus
“-as always. You’re just not going to make that move tonight” finishes talking James
“he’s right, you know. now, where’s your date?” asks Remus
“I, uh, I don’t really have one one. with everything that been going on…”
““then go find one!” urges me James as Remus clucked his tongue
“m’kay…uh, hey! Maria Hamplanket, right?” I shout across the room and she nods “how do you feel about being my date tonight?”
“sure!” she shouts back
    I turn back to look at the boys.
“Doesn’t she have a date?” asks Remus
“Of  course she has, with me!”  I reply while Remus and James chuckle “anyways, James, you got the stuff?”
   He nodds.
“Stuff? What’s stuff?” asks Remus with a worried look
“Don’t worry, we’re not pranking anyone, at least that’s not what I’m talking about right now” I add with a sly smile “I’m talking about what we’re going to use to spike the drinks”
“James, you’re head boy, you shouldn’t approve of this” says Remus to James
“Moony, did that stop me from turning every single Slytherin’s robes bright, vibrant pink, about two months ago?” he replies “Did it stop me from dying the girl’s hair each a different color a week and a half ago? Did i-”
“Okay, I think we get it” I cut him off  
  I notice James and Remus practically dragging Sirius to a more remote end of the common room, for a moment, I worry that Remus might tell him, but I quickly shake that thought away, it wasn’t like Remus at all. Plus, this was my night, no more Sirius-related drama.
“Hey beautiful.” I hear a voice I recognize
“Oh, hi…” I reply, still thinking about what the boys were talking about
“What’s on your mind? A pretty lady like you shouldn’t really be worrying about anything” my date, Thomas Smith asks
“Nothing, I just feel like something’s going to go terribly wrong tonight”
“Nothing’s going to happen! We’re going to relax, drink- I can bet your friends are going to find a way to spike the drinks- and have fun!” he sighs
“What’s wrong with you now?” I ask
“Nothing, I’m just worrying about leaving my sister all alone for so long” he says
“Relax, I bet she’s going to be fine!” I try to reassure him
“You’re right, I just have this feeling-”
“That something’s going to go ‘terribly wrong’?” I cut him off, repeating what I said earlier, as we both laugh
“Now, if you excuse me, I have to go check on my sister real quick”
    I nod, understanding. His sister, Milena, was three years younger and had caught the goblin’s flew about a week and a half ago. Madame Pomfrey had dismissed her from the infirmary, because all she needed was rest, and due to the fact that it was full of Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs, because of the events in the Quiditch match three days prior. And that’s how poor Milena had ended up in her brother’s dorm, so that he could check on her.
  As he left, Lily and Marleen were trying to convince Alice that her hair wasn’t a disaster, and that Frank didn’t really care about these things anyways. I think at some point they asked me something, but I wasn’t paying attention. All I could think about was how Sirius didn’t even consider me being his date.  
“stop it.” I suddenly hear Marleen say
“Hm?” I ask
“Stop what you’re doing.” she repeats
“I’m not doing anything” I say defensively
“yeas, you are, and stop it” she says again, and then, she sighs when she realizes that I’m not going to say anything “stop thinking about him”
I sigh and look down at my feet “is it that obvious?”
“yes” they all say in unison
“this is our last night here! and I’m not going to spend it thinking about and ugly-”
“ahem” interrupts lily 
“okay, fine, an extremely hot guy, who is so blind, he literally can’t see the beautiful girl that is standing right in front of him!”
“thanks Mar, I really needed that…” I say, slightly laughing 
“Hey, by the way, where is Alice?” asks Lily
    We turn our heads around, looking for Alice, until we hear the boys, from the other end of the common room,
“get some frank!” shouts James 
“get a room you two!” yells Remus
   we immediately turn around, to see Alice, flushing a red from head to toe, and Frank, grinning stupidly. I guess they were making out, but I don’t really understand why the boys had to make such a deal about this.
  out of the corner of my eye, I see Thomas coming down the stairs. 
“is everything ok?” I ask
“yeah, she’s fine, she was about to go to sleep, and I woke her up by coming into the room, so she was pissed, but now she’s sleeping again. 
“that’s great!” I say, and we fall into an uncomfortable silence
“yeah… shall we?” he asks, and extends an arm for me to take
“we shall!” I respond
“we shall!” I hear (Y/N) say
     my head snaps towards her direction and I see her placing her small hand inside Thomas’s. A feeling that was uncrown to me until these past few days bubbles inside me, fighting to get out. It's not anger, it’s something more. it is  jealousy. I want to be the one that she is looking at. I want to be the one who gets to hold her hand. I want to be the one that gets to hold her all night long. I now knew why James was so angry all the time when Lily was hanging out with Snivellus all the time. I feel the exact way now. 
“You do?” I suddenly hear a small voice talking to me 
“I said everything out loud didn’t I?” I ask, flushing red
“Do you mean everything you just said?” (Y/N) repeats the question
I sigh, before I answer her “yes, I did, I meant every single word.” 
“Why did it take you so long?” she asks, and I realize she is still not convinced
“I-I’m just not used to-” I can’t believe I’m actually stuttering in front of a girl, what the hell is happening to me? “I’m jus not used to having a girl make me weak in the knees, feeling jealous when you do so much as to dance as another guys’ direction. And when you wouldn’t talk to me, it literally tore me apart.”
     I draw in a sharp breath, waiting for her to reject me right there and then. Instead of rejection hitting me right in the face, I feel her fingers lacing with mine. I open my eyes, and look down to our linked hands. After realizing what that meant, I smile and look up. 
  (Y/N) was looking straight at me, and she was smiling the biggest and brightest and most beautiful smile I had ever seen. Without hesitation, I take her chin in my arm, lift it up and kiss her gently on the lips. When we pull away, she is smiling even brighter than she was before, if that’s even possible, and I have a feeling that I am too. 
“By the way, where is everyone?” I ask, and we both laugh 
“They all left about twenty minutes ago...” she says “And don’t worry about Thomas, we’re not going to be seeing him much often from now on” 
    again, I am terribly sorry for the delay, but I hope it was worth the wait! I’m thinking of making some more parts, but let me know in the comments, or just message me. in the meantime, don’t forget that my inbox is always open, and for the next three weeks (until the 12th of August 2017), I will be accepting requests for imagines with any character you guys might like. I hope this was worth the wait, and you weren’t disappointed. Please give me feedback so that I can improve my work! 
    Fay 😘
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oldassfuck · 7 years
Pairing: Young!Sirius Black x reader
Requested: nope
Warnings: none
Word count: 969 (I know it’s small don’t judge please)
A/N OKAY, this is something I spent a lot of time writing, and actually got detention because I was writing part of it during an EXTREMELY BORING history class, so I really hope you like it!
   (Y/N) woke up into the night. The attacks were getting more frequent each day, and so were her nightmares. Sitting up and resting her head on the headboard of her bed, acknowledging the fact that she wouldn’t be going to sleep anytime soon, she grudgingly got out of bed dragging her blanket with her, and headed downstairs to the golden and red common room. 
   She threw herself on the couch opposite the fireplace. With a flick of her wand, a roaring fire appeared in it. She covered herself with the blanket, also covering her nearly bare feet. She was only wearing a pair of shorts and a shirt that belong to her best friend since third year, Sirius Black. Although his scent still lingered off of the shirt and provided some comfort, it wasn’t enough to help her fall back asleep. She shifted on the couch, so that her face reflected the light of the fire as she stared absent mindlessly into the fireplace.
   Sirius Black woke up in the middle of the night due to a noise that came from downstairs. After multiple attempts to fall asleep, he gave up and headed towards the common room.
   He had reached the top of the staircase when the light coming from downstairs made him wince. Once his ayes adjusted to the light, he saw his best friend, (Y/N) Lawson lying on t he couch.
“Couldn’t sleep, Lawson?” he asked
   (Y/N) turned upon hearing her friend’s voice, seeing him descend the stairs half naked. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, revealing a toned chest and a more-than-generous six-pack.
“Like what you see?” he asked, a smirk already finding itself on his face
“don’t flatter yourself Black, and no, I couldn’t sleep” she stated, and then, so silently so that he couldn’t hear “the nightmares are getting worse”
       But he heard. The smirk immediately disappeared from his face, turning into a frown. She sat upright, making space for her friend to sit besides her. He placed a hand around her shoulders, and she rested her head on the crook of his neck.
“How bad?” he sighed
   She hesitated a bit before deciding to tell him
“I dream of… attacks… everywhere. We’re on the train, when suddenly a group of Death Eaters march in, heading straight for our compartment.
   Sirius sighed, (Y/N)’s parents are muggles, putting (Y/N) in great danger.
“they grab me” (Y/N) continued “use the cruciatus curse on me, torture me until I’m practically begging for death. Then, they kill me, slowly. The rest of you just sat there chatting, like you couldn’t see, or hear m, or you just didn’t care.”
(Y/N) hadn’t realized she had started crying.
   Sirius hugged her, pulling her even closer to him. His heart broke seeing her like this. (Y/N) was normally such a happy person. But ever since Voldermort had started gaining more power and followers, the mischievous glint behind her eyes was nearly gone.
   But that last statement had really shocked him ‘or you just didn’t care’ what the hell was she even talking about? Placing a hand under her chin, he gently pushed it upwards so that he was looking directly into her eyes.
“(Y/N) Lawson, you listen to me, and you listen to me good. You have been one of my best friends-if not my best- since third year. And being so close to me means that all James, Remus and Peter care deeply about you”he paused, not knowing how to continue “Remember in out fifth year, when that Ravenclaw broke your heart?” 
“Yeah..” she chuckled a bit despite the situation “you punched him, breaking his nose, James hexed him into puking birds for a little over a month and Remus, given his prefect status, gave him detention for a good two months.”
“Exactly! So don’t you ever think, not even for a second, that the four out of five marauders would abandon the fifth one during a death eater attack” 
   These words brought new tears to (Y/N)’s eyes, tears of happiness. Something about knowing that she had friends that would go to such lengths to protect her, and that one of them was Sirius Black, made her feel all warm, despite the chilly weather of February.
   Because, although she hated to admit it, she had developed a slight pretty big big crush on her friend.
   Sirius was watching his friend, ‘more than a friend’ he thought with a chuckle, closely. He had to admit that she was perfect. Her big, (Y/H/C) locks that framed her beautiful face perfectly, her big, (Y/E/C) almond shaped eyes filled with curiosity and mischief, her full, yet not too thick, lips that were just teasing him, her tiny waist…
   But, contrary to common belief, it was her personality that made him fall for her. She had a strong personality, that’s how they became friends. The marauders had pranked (Y/N) and the rest of the girls, charming the shower heads into turning whoever used them red with gold polka dots, the Gryffindor house colors. (Y/N), after removing the color with a simple spell, had managed to get them back by doing the same thing to them, with the sole difference that whoever showered using them, would be turned bright, vibrant, glow-in-the-dark, PINK. And the four boys were stuck like that fro a week and a half until, finally, Madame Pomfrey managed to find the antidote that would turn them back to normal. She was the first, and the last, person to have ever out-pranked them, and he admired her for that.
   She fell asleep on the couch, cuddled next to him. He watched her for a little while, admiring her, admiring her beauty and her strong personality…
   Sirius Black fell asleep with only one thought on his mind, he was in love with (Y/N) Lawson.
AHHHHH! HOW DID YOU GUYS LIKE IT? please leave feedback, follow me etc. etc Be sure to check Pt.2 & 3 (I'd put a link but something's wrong with my computer and it won't let me) .
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oldassfuck · 7 years
I'm working on the next part of 'Nightmares' and if you want to be tagged comment on this post. xoxo, Fay 😘
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oldassfuck · 7 years
( @undercovermarauder )
   J.K. Rowling is releasing TWO new books for us Potterheads to add in our library!
Let me repeat that: on October 20th, two new Harry Potter books will be added to the series!!!
1) Harry Potter: A history of Magic
tells us all about the subjects studied at Hogwarts, such as Potions, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures and so on
2) Harry Potter: A journey through the history of magic
this is the one I’m most excited about, it is full of unseen sketches, manuscript pages FROM THE QUEEN HERSELF! Some of Jim Kay’s illustrations and other magical artifacts!
They are already available on amazon.co.uk for preorder (just click on the titles of the books above and you will automatically be transported to the web page where you can preorder them) 
  Fay 😘
P.S. let’s hope that on the 30th anniversary of the HArry Potter books, the Queen rewards us with a marauder series *fingers crossed* 
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oldassfuck · 7 years
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UNDERCOVERMARAUDER JUST HIT 200 FOLLOWERS! Thank you all so so so so so so so much, and, because of this, I’ll try to post Pt.3 of ‘Nightmares’ sometime this week, even though I’m supposed to be studying for my final exams which are only 23 days away! 😶
Again, thank you all so much!
Xoxo, Fay 😘
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