#undertail fanfic
mags2theythem · 6 months
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I drew my version of the kfc group with @akanemnon versions
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souldew-ut · 7 months
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Did you know? A new collab fic about your favorite glitchy skeleton and guardian of negativity is now on AO3! Fully with 15 Chapters <3
18+ only!!
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hanzidanzi · 2 years
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Stretch and Blue... Chapter 52, from Life With The Bone Brigade! By the lovely @valkyrieofsmut​!
Been reading LWTBB again and I just couldn’t help myself.... VAL YOU WRITE THE SCENES TOO DAMN GOOD!😩
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acousticmeatus · 23 days
Fanfiction Update!
What Happens in Space Vegas (Never) Stays in Space Vegas - Chapter 9: Risky Business
Rating: E
Words: 6.5K
Warnings: Cringe, Pawl Seraph, Minor Misgendering
Red and Sans go to dinner with Pawl Seraph and his entourage. They give stage magic a spin.
Red is wrong about everything, but at least he's not alone.
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cave-of-horrors · 8 days
14/31 kinktober fics done currently totalling (with the half done wips of the others) at 12400 words!
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hollythehills · 2 years
Chapter One: Running On Carbs
First Fanfic guysss <3
It was quiet. As usual.
You mean. You would hope so, right? It is a library after all. But there weren't many people there and although you enjoyed sharing your love of literature with other people you had to admit you liked it like this. There were no children running amuck, parents leaving them here in hopes that some poor librarian will feel bad enough to watch over them, or maybe even hoping that the child will sit down and read a book. There were a couple of teenagers out and about but they were always quiet, too afraid of drawing any attention to themselves. You tried your best to make sure they especially felt at home here, because this was your safe space when you were their age. Probably why you work here now.
But you're not complaining. After all, you were getting paid to read a majority of your day now that you mostly work front desk. Sure you have to deal with the occasional missing book or library card, or angry parent (always for the worst reasons, one time a lady came in demanding why you kept a copy of Catcher in the Rye, as if you specifically had any say in what the library did and did not carry), but all in all it was a nice gig. At that moment you were reading some fantasy trilogy that was just another euphemism for racism without actually including racism, a hierarchy within a hierarchy. But the writing style was easy to follow and refreshing so are you really to blame for becoming so immersed in your novel?
Unfortunately yes. The cough in front of you seems incredibly adamant on getting your attention. You look up from your book ready to help and are met with the gaze of...
Well actually it took you a second to realize you were actually meeting the gaze of anything. Instead of eyes you were met with eyesockets which would be surprising if not for the skeleton they were attached to.
Your eyes widened trying to take in the sight. The skeleton was incredibly tall and wore a beanie. He had on a sweater and some type of gardening pants. He kind of loomed over you in a way, he didn't seem to be trying to intimidate you, but he was absolutely having the affect.
You rose your chin and put on your best customer-service smile, "Hello, sir. How may I help you?", your voice carried to the skeleton clearly, without a hint of a waver.
Wordlessly, the skeleton placed a book on the counter and nodded to it. You caught the cover and it seemed to be a cookbook. You cocked your head, waiting for some kind of clarification. You hadn't ever seen this skeleton here but you assumed he had been here before with how confidently he walked to the counter. Perhaps he was mute, you thought.
You asked carefully, "Do you have a library card, sir?"
There was a pause before he cocked his head. Almost like a puppy. You were about to ask again before he finally spoke, "no."
There was another pause where you waited a moment for him to say more, but he didn't. He had an incredibly deep voice that reverberated through the small corner counter that you sat at and although it puzzled you that someone who probably didn't have vocal cords was talking you nodded and pulled out the forms from the shelf next to you.
"I can get a card set up for you. I'll just need your name and email."
The skeleton stared again, looking down at you from his spot in front of the counter. He seemed confused again so you explained, "The name is for our system, just so we have a clue about what person has what book." You looked up from the form, "If you want I can use a nickname, it doesn't really have to be your 'legal name'," you used air quotes, "and I promise I'm not a snitch." Your lips curled into a natural smile and the skeleton seemed to relax a bit, though he still seemed on edge. His hands were in the pockets of his rough pants, which made him seem even bigger than he was, almost puffed up in a way. Finally after a moment he said quietly, "don't have an email."
"Oh." You said, very intelligently, "That's no problem, if you'd like I can put a phone number in the system too. Or we can set up an email now if I could help with that."
He nodded gruffly, muttering a thanks while you waved him into a room behind the counter. The room was open to the rest of the library, but it was a little more private and you figured the skeleton would like that better than the open counter. He followed and watched as you got up from your chair. He eyelights followed you to the doorway and he trailed behind you, careful to keep a bit of a distance.
"Alright," you sat down with a huff and a flinch at the dull sting in your lower back, it was sore from your mattress (which was beginning to show springs on the outside instead of the inside), you needed to get it replaced but you didn't have the funds for that right now. He seemed to notice with how he eyed you warily, and you quickly tried to wave his concern away, "Oh don't worry about me. Bad back."
He nodded, seeming to understand. It surprised you that he didn't ask any questions, though it shouldn't have considering he's said less than ten words the entire conversation. Maybe it was only because you were so used to the looks and the questions. It was probably a human thing, the nosiness. Heh. Nose. Skeleton.
"Alright," you repeated, shaking that line of thought away. "Do you have a phone with you?"
He raised his brow bone but nodded, "yeah."
"Cool, so open an internet browser and go to..."
The whole ordeal took about fifteen minutes, only because the skeleton, who you knew was named Oak now, didn't seem to completely grasp the whole technology thing. But you get it, technology on the surface is pretty different than the underground so you didn't make a big deal about it.
You led him to the desk to finally check out the books and after you do he stops for a moment.
"hey, uh. I just." He looks at the books and nods, "thanks. for all the help." He looks like he wants to say more, but he doesn't and you smile.
"'Course, hon. Glad to help."
That was the first time you saw him.
But it was not the first time he saw you.
He had been watching from afar. At first it wasn't on purpose. He saw you on the other end of the bread isle at the grocers that he frequented. That became his favorite grocers, because it seemed to be yours. He didn't know what it was about you. At first. He just assumed that he liked you physically. The way your arms looked like they knew how to kneed bread (something he had been doing a lot of lately, since he finally had the time), the way your nose was just a little too big to support those glasses you always wore so that they sat on the very edge. Your legs were big, strong. But they still had a jiggle to them. He knew you really liked bread, he saw you in a bakery once and he thinks he actually saw your eyes sparkle staring at all of the baked goods. He tried it the same day, a couple hours after you left. It wasn't creepy, he said to himself. It was just curiosity. The sour dough there was fine. He knew he could do better.
He found himself constantly thinking about you. Not in an obsessive way, it was very casual. When he was baking he wondered if you would enjoy the cupcakes or the macaroons or the banana bread he was making. During game night he thought about whether you were competitive or not. He hoped you were. Because he wasn't and playing was only fun if someone playing the game was actually trying to win.
When he was out with his brother he spotted you in a cafe. You were in a booth that would've perfectly fit him and his brother too. He convinced Poplar to come into the cafe with him, even though it was a little too crowded for his taste. There weren't a lot of people, but humans tended to stare at him and his brother, maybe because they looked a little menacing, o maybe just because they were monsters he could never really tell. He knew he and his brother were definitely tall, compared to humans. So that could be the reason. But to believe that it were the only reason is naive, he told himself. And he was anything but that.
He ordered a red eye, he didn't know what that was but...c'mon. It's pretty funny. The kid taking his order smiled when he said it, he was glad someone appreciated the joke because his brother surely didn't.
"Sans Please, We Are In Public." His brother huffed but there was a hint of a grin on his skull that Oak saw clearly. He chuckled gruffly and went to sit at a table that had a good view of you. You were cuddled into your booth, a book in one hand with your fingers wrapped around a mug in the other. The drink seemed to be very light in color and the empty sugar packets on the table told him that you liked your coffee sweet. He laughed a bit in his head, how funny is it that he baked all of these sweet things and doesn't like sweets. And here you are. A solution to that problem. It was funny, but just a thought, he told himself. You were just a little crush. He had heard people call it a 'hallway crush', when you see someone around you think is really attractive. And then you keep seeing them around, and now you know all of this stuff about them and you can't really do anything with it but you really want to get to know them better but you cant really work up the courage to just go up to them and say hi so. Yeah. A predicament.
Poplar nudged him. He sat across him in the booth, but because the booth is against the opposite wall from where you were sitting they both have full sight of you. Which means Poplar definitely saw his staring at you.
"She's Cute." He grinned at Oak, his eye-lights twinkling behind his thick glasses. Now that he was looking, Oak saw that his brothers glasses were really similar to yours, though yours were thinner than Poplar's. Oak's face dusted in a light blush, the color a rusty red. He nodded and hoped his brother would come off the topic.
He did not. "We Should Go Talk To Her."
Oak's face snapped up to meet his brother's face. That... didn't seem like a good idea. He knew that you were pretty nice for a human, but he had never seen you interact with a monster before and he did not want to run the risk of you somehow being a monster hater. What if you were a complete bigot? He had no way of knowing. All he knew was that you liked coffee and bread. He was sure bigots also like coffee and bread. Who didn't like coffee and bread? He eyed the book you were reading. Tales from the Cafe. Okay that wasn't a book that bigots usually read, but it wasn't unheard of. "uh. i don't know about that, bro."
Poplar did not look shocked. And that is because he wasn't. Oak was a homebody, it was very rare that he ever found interest in another person that did not live in their house. He did not have friends, and although he claimed that it didn't bother him, Poplar had the suspicion that he was a little lonelier than he led on. "Why Not? I'm Sure She'd Love Someone To Talk To Right Now." That was a lie. Poplar was almost certain that if someone had interrupted him while he was reading at a coffee shop alone, sitting a booth in a coffee shop alone, and sipping coffee alone and someone interrupted him he would be many things among perplexed. And he knew that his brother knew that. But he couldn't squander this moment of interest that he saw in him What if his brother had found a datemate? And Poplar did have to admit, you were quite attractive. He wouldn't mind seeing you around the house everyday.
Oak shook his head a little. "naw, you've got the wrong idea." His brother squinted his eyes at him. He looked away, "I mean. not completely wrong. i just recognized her from that bakery we started going to."
Poplar looked even more delighted, which Oak thought wasn't possible. He practically vibrated in his seat when he said, "Perfect! You Two Have Something In Common."
"i don't think bread is something really significant to bond over, paps."
Poplar lifted his brow bone, "Now We Both Know That Is Completely Untrue. You And Red Ended An Argument With A Focaccia."
"that was different."
Poplar looked smug, but didn't push it any further. His brother was a procrastinator, but he knew that if he really cared about something he would do it. Poplar cringed inwardly at the choice of words in his inner monologue, but he knew what he meant.
The coffee and treats arrived (coffee for Oak, treats for Poplar) and it turns out that a 'Red Eye' is just a black coffee with two shots of espresso. It was very good, Oak finished it all and hoped he wouldn't be too jittery later. His caffeine tolerance was pretty high but his anxiety was higher. He watched his brother eat the chocolate chip biscuits they bought. They looked pretty good, enough fluff and the layers looked decent. Poplar ripped off a small piece and handed it to Oak. He ate it, chewing thoughtfully. It was definitely shipped frozen, but otherwise it was fine. He nodded and Poplar smiled. Oak glanced at you. Still wrapped up in your book, but one of the baristas must have brought you some food while he was talking to Poplar because he saw a plate of three biscuits at you table. Chocolate chip.
They left before you did. You didn't see them, but they saw you.
And then Oak saw you at the library. He was only trying to find some books for his brother. It was his week to cook dinner and he wanted something different. Oak didn't see you until he was done looking through the library. You were just there. He wasn't even looking for you. But there you were, and he guessed now he knew one more thing about you. Where you worked.
You asked him for a library card. He definitely had his brother's card in his pocket. He wasn't a serious reader. But he guessed it was never too late to start.
You helped him get everything he needed, an email (which he definitely had, but now he had one especially for your place of work. you know. just in case), and he has his own library card now. He found out a couple of things that day.
One: You are definitely not a monster hater.
Two: He already kind of knew this from the cafe experience, but when you're reading you have no sense of your surroundings.
Three: He really liked you. And he didn't think it was just a little crush anymore.
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kokoverse-au · 1 year
(Or Love is not forbidden)
Characters' Masterlist
Let's talk!
*Howdy! Attention please, if you click on the links before reading the story, there may be spoilers! Good reading!*
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Ynaa (coming soon...)
Sans (coming soon...)
Papyrus (coming soon...)
Asgore (coming soon...)
Undyne (coming soon...)
Alphys (coming soon...)
Monster Kid (coming soon...)
Toriel (coming soon...)
There are other secondary characters.
All Undertale characters are present in this Alternative Universe.
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The story's synopsys
♡ This summary comes from Wattpad, where I published this AU's story in my first language: French. Soon, I'll post all the chapters on Archive of our own, in English. ♡
•| ��❦⊰ |•
"Fuck, Sans... If you had killed this human the day you found her, we wouldn't be here..." Undyne whispered to him, filled with remorse and guilt.
She passed his hands behind his back, anti-magic handcuffs surrounding them. Checking their placing, she locked them. Sans could not tell if she was hating him. Perhaps she was blaming herself, too. Perhaps everyone was feeling a little responsible. At least, he hoped so.
"Why did you do that?" she sighed, rhetorically.
"I did it out of love." Sans simply replied.
"That's the stupidest excuse you could have chosen..."
•| ⊱❦⊰ |•
Fast summary of the Story
Corrupted by the Lust, monsters live a hell everyday, sex and immorality being a daily routine. Sans is one of the most luxurious of them and then, the one who had always been the most disgusted by all of that. He lost hope. He lost will.
One day, while going to this giant purple door, he found a package. A human baby. And strangely, Sans felt... at peace.
Now, Sans has something to protect from this world. And he is not going to give up, even when everyone seems to be against him. But it might be easier than he thought: it seems that this little girl can change hearts...
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Universe's specifications
Creator: @kokoverse-au/@kokonattsu-tokui (myself)
Protagonists: Ynaa - Sans
At first, it was only a story "for fun" during a RP with a friend of mine. No true plot. A bit sad but fluff mostly. Cross was in a part of the RP too.
And then the RP stopped. I wanted to write this story on Wattpad and it became : "L'amour est permis malgré tout" in French. (I translated here in "Love is not forbidden" because the true translation "Love is allowed, despite all" sounded... weird for me).
Then, I realized that I could not just leave those plot holes and all, so I just "overwrote" anything.
Cross disappeared because... well... he was useless to the story? My friend loved him so he was in the RP but in my Alternative Universe, he has no reason to be here!
So yeah. It is based on Underlust. I kept the fluff and sad parts. I made things darker (like always). And here we go: Anti-LustTale.
AND NO! THERE IS NO PEDOPHILIA OR UNDERAGE! It's a dad-daughter relationship!
There is a reason behind this name and I think it is pretty obvious. The chapters are quite long, with some Sans' POV.
Now, now...
What should I choose? Happy or bad ending? It's been a while since I invented it but it doesn't really have an end now.
This Universe is located in the Original Multiverse and the Kokoverse. There might be a slight chance that the characters will appear in the Kokoverse events.
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Anti-LustTale/Love is not forbidden (Unique Volume)
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I drew the cover.
Underlust belongs to nsfwshamecave-pb.
Anti-LustTale belongs to me.
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mags2theythem · 2 months
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Okay i think i will explain something and if you dont understand something you can ask me or @kinomicidiuz literally only we can answer about this theme,okay so this is an account for roleplay fire aesthetic but i have to talk you about something and we have to start from 4/5 years ago when i met this bitch(love you <3) on insta and i had a grillby rp account he had a nightmare sans one alright it all happened for a game like a joke and we created grillmare,grillmare is grillby x nightmare we are perfectly aware that its "stupid" it isnt canon at all it just couldnt happen we know that. So this is a ship that is dear to us because 1 year ago we got together like grillby and nightmare did grillby tried nightmare didnt want to date him but after a lot of time they got together AND SO HAPPENED TO US so this is why we still role play this ship and sometimes on this blog there will be posts based on this ship nightmare will be my husband aka @kinomicidiuz i sont know if he wants to add another blog for role playing ask him ill ask him lol and im also @writer-samaa surpriseee so i started to write how they met and its almost done so maybe if you want you can read it i will post it on both blogs but if you dont like this ship dont look at posts like this haha and if you put aside the true story of dreamtail and think about a re-write of it all because its not canon we know it i repeat it once again ots like another au just in our stile maybe you will see what we see and you can do this once the story will be finished probably tomorrow people who follow me on @writer-samaa know why and i dont know what to say if you have questions you can ask us 🙃
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marcykinsmaki · 2 years
day three.
list provided by @the-purity-pen
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acousticmeatus · 1 year
Hey I guess I don't post very many of my fics here. Did you know I write fics? Because I do! Like this one! Which has a new chapter!
Title: What Happens in Space Vegas (Never) Stays in Space Vegas
Rating: T So far, E planned
Ship: Kustard
Summary: Sans and Red's semi-annual weekend bender in Space Vegas takes an unexpected turn.
Or, the boys wake up in the aftermath of a hasty Space Vegas Wedding and consistently fail to make any wise decisions.
Warnings: References to excessive alcohol consumption
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apairofpants · 11 months
After making a tumblr blog again I decided to make it for my fanfics. I had been embarrassed by writing them and orphaned them on AO3, but through this blog I can reunite my ReaderxSans fic family.
So, mainly updates about my current fic Another Underground AU and I'll make a masterpost of the other fic(s) -if i can find them- I wrote when I was like 20 and a virgin lol
Thanks for the support :-)
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fuck sansby fuck sansgore, Sanaya is where it is at.
Anaya can do no wrong, even when she does wrong. Women are allowed crimes of passion and occasional skeleton fucking.
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juneisforbabys · 1 year
A bit about me!
Now that I just finished re-blogging all of my old art and fanfiction‘s to this new blog (I definitely missed a couple but whatever) I thought it would be cool to create a little pinned post.
Hi! My name is Archer (he/they) and I am an artist/fanfic writer. Important thing to note, I have very severe dyslexia so I always will misspell at least some thing in a post. if you see something like that don’t be afraid to let me know, but please be polite :)
The reality is that I haven’t really created as much art as I want to and the art that I do made I rarely post because it’s just not some thing I’ve ever gotten in the habit of doing. But I want to, so in an attempt to both make my better by drawing more and creating art to post because I’ve always wanted to I’ve created a blog specifically dedicated to doing so. On this blog I’m going to be almost exclusively posting the art, fanart, and fanfiction that I’ve made but sometimes I’ll probably post other things as well.
 Some of the fandoms I’m in are…
Linked universe
A hat in time
Saiki k
Star Wars (more specifically the clone wars TV show)
Ace attorney
Deltarune & Undertail
Mob psycho 100
One punch man
Disco Elysium
Good omens
Half life
This is not a comprehensive list, it’s just what it came to mind while I was making this post. I’ll updated as time goes on :)
Hope you have fun on my blog!
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mystery-fic-anon · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 Part 2: Lazyberry First Time
This prompt was requested by @sin-cognito, I hope you like it!
Warnings: none, this is just a sweet and loving first time
Thank you to @nugget4550 for beta reading
Read this on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42497793/chapters/107111448
Read the previous chapter: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42497793/chapters/106739454
“Are you sure about this?” Sans asked, hovering over Blue. He hesitantly put one hand on Blue’s bare femur, running his fingers slowly up the bone.
“Yes.” Blue gave him one of his bright, gorgeous smiles, and Sans’ soul felt like it might leap out of his chest. He had no idea how he’d managed to get with someone so cute, and it was a miracle they had gotten this far. Blue frowned a bit, and Sans’ soul dropped. “Are you not interested in doing this with me? I know I was excited for this, but if you don’t want to have sex, you can just tell me.”
“No, that isn’t it.” Sans turned his gaze back down to Blue’s body. Blue’s bones were fully on display, so smooth and beautiful. A few of them glowed a faint shade of blue, but Sans’ eyelights were naturally drawn to the brighter blue glow between his legs. He gulped, gently squeezing Blue’s femur. “It’s just, well… This is my first time.”
“It’s mine too!” Blue took Sans’ hands in his, pulling them up to his face. Blue pressed Sans’ hands against his cheeks, and Sans traced the edges of Blue’s smile with his thumbs. “Isn’t that nice? We get to find out what feels good together.”
“Yeah, but I don’t wanna hurt you.” Now that Sans had started looking at Blue’s face, he couldn’t turn away. The light flush on Blue’s cheeks was adorable, and the way his eyelights sparkled even now made Sans feel weak in the knees.
Sans couldn’t help being nervous, though. His dick wasn’t that long, but it was pretty thick. Even if he had stretched Blue a bit, he had heard some horror stories of what happened when you tried to push into a pussy that wasn’t wet or open enough. Besides, what if he was a one-pump chump? He wanted to give Blue a good first time, but he didn’t know if he would be able to last that long.
“Sans.” Blue squeezed Sans’ wrists, bringing his focus back. “It’s okay. I trust you. If it does hurt, I’ll tell you to stop.” Blue leaned up, pecking Sans’ teeth. “I really want to share this with you. You don’t need to be so nervous.”
“Okay.” Sans leaned in and nuzzled Blue’s face, then sat up again.
He poured some lube into his hand, and made sure he was slicked up. He lined his cock up with Blue’s pussy, then looked up. Blue was staring at him, and Sans snorted.
When Blue made a questioning noise, Sans shook his head. “Heh, sorry. This is just crazy. It’s good though.”
“Yes, it will be better when you—oooh, yes.” Blue shivered as Sans began pushing inside of him, grabbing the bedsheets. “That’s it, keep going.”
Once Sans was fully inside of him, he had to pause. Blue was so hot, and the way he squeezed Sans’ dick felt so good. Sans grabbed Blue’s hips and closed his eyes, focusing on steadying his breathing. He could do this, he just had to relax and get used to it…
Sans gasped as Blue suddenly grabbed his shoulders, pulling him down. Sans practically fell on top of Blue, barely catching himself in time. He gritted his teeth as Blue wrapped his legs around his waist too, holding him close. Shit, why was this so hard?
“Oh wow. That feels good,” Blue murmured, pressing his face into Sans’ shoulder.
“Yeah.” Sans was starting to come down from the edge, and he relaxed as Blue kissed the top of his clavicle. “You’re totally okay? No pain?”
Blue pulled back a bit, looking into Sans’ eyes. “None at all. I’m ready, you can move.”
Sans felt some of the heat from before come back, but he wasn’t close to finishing again, so he nodded. He kissed Blue’s teeth, then shifted his hips.
Sans pulled out slowly. With Blue hugging him like this, he couldn’t really look at where they were connected, so instead he stared at Blue’s face. Blue was always pretty, but Sans didn’t often get the chance to look at him from this close. He was sure that Blue would let him stare if he mentioned it, but Sans didn’t want to seem weird. He got the chance to look all he wanted now, though.
Blue’s cheeks were glowing, and Sans could see a faint blue glow of magic coming between his teeth. He was doing his best to keep his eyes open, but they still fluttered with each of Sans’ shallow thrusts. Every time Sans tried to put how beautiful Blue was into words, it seemed to fall short.
“Gorgeous,” Blue said, squeezing Sans a bit tighter.
Sans chuckled. “I should be saying that to you.”
“Well then say it.”
Sans leaned in, kissing Blue’s neck. He nuzzled into Blue as he spoke, grabbing Blue’s hips. “You’re fucking gorgeous, sweetheart.”
Blue tightened up, and Sans groaned. Blue moaned back, rocking his hips a bit. Sans quickly got the idea, and sped up his thrusts. He could feel that his pace was uneven and a bit jerky, but Blue wasn’t complaining.
There was no way Sans could last long. He’d always gotten off quickly when he was by himself, and that wasn’t half as exciting as this. He moved his thumb to Blue’s clit, hoping that he could finish him off too.
Blue started fondling his own ribs, and Sans knew he was done for. When Blue whined Sans’ name, it was too much.
Blue held Sans close as he came, forcing Sans to finish inside of him. They both moaned, and Sans hid his face in Blue’s chest as he rocked his hips. He felt Blue’s fingers rattling against his back as he trembled, but it felt nice.
After about a minute, Sans blinked, his brain coming back online. “Did you finish?”
He hissed as he pulled out of Blue, his magic dissipating quickly. That orgasm had taken more out of him than he had expected, but damn, it had been worth it.
“No, but I’m sure you don’t mind helping me with that.” Blue twisted to the side, holding on to Sans’ waist with his legs. He easily flipped Sans over on to his back, moving up so that he was sitting on Sans’ chest. A bit of Sans’ cum was dripping out of Blue, staining his femurs the colour of Sans’ magic. “Do you?”
“Uh, s-sure. C’mere.”
As Blue took his place on Sans’ face, Sans kept looking up at Blue. You only got one first time of anything, and he was determined to enjoy all of his.
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mags2theythem · 2 months
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