#undertale imagnes
jimekas · 1 year
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Inktober 2023 Day 7/8 - Drip/Toad
His nose was still stinging from his not well-thought-out dive but he moved forward, water dripping from him, until a weird white animal head poked out of water in front of him.
I realized I could also combine those two days so here we go ^^ So have Noa encountering his first Froggit ever. Also yeah, he hurt his nose diving into the water (to avoid the spike puzzle) without knowing its depth XD
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a5tr0n0m1cal · 3 years
Hullo, may I request Crow, Red, Boss, Plum, Stretch, and Sans (you can cut a few if you want no pressure) with a sick SO? They’re slow and feeling blah and they just wanna disappear in their hoodie. What would they do?
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Sans: He’ll disappear with you lol. If he’s got work that day, he’ll call and let them know he’s not coming. He’ll lazily make you some canned soup and gather up some snacks and tissues to leave by your bed and then settle himself beside you to either cuddle and nap with you or watch netflix on his phone.
Stretch: Similar to Sans, he makes an effort to spend time with you while you’re feeling crummy. He’ll whip up some snacks and grab you some water bottles and then chill out with you for the rest of the day.
Plum: He asks you if there’s anything that you need before he goes to work, and when he gets back he brings you a couple things from the store that he knows will cheer you up. Including a well placed forehead kiss and your favorite ice cream <3
Red: He’s not the best with human sicknesses but he tries. He’ll grab whatever you want if you’re hungry, and will offer to let you snuggle into his jacket because he knows you love how soft it is.
Boss: He takes great care of you! Nurse Boss is here to help (don’t call him that tho he hates it sjdjcjfej) Depending on what exact sickness you have he’ll act accordingly. Temperature? He’ll get you a cool pack and some medicine. Stomach flu? He’ll make sure you have plenty of fluids to drink and snacks that won’t upset your stomach. Whatever you need he’ll get it for you! Even cuddles lol.
Crow: He also takes excellent care of you. He might be a bit of a mother hen while doing it, but you’re still in excellent hands. Warm tea, toast, soup, whatever you need he can literally make from scratch. And it’s always delicious too! ;)
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bigoltrashpile · 5 years
How you the yandere mafia react if they reader was also a yandere who was after them, the skeleton kidnaps them in their sleep and when reader wakes up in a new area, their first words are "Well, you saved me the effort of figuring out how to take you without getting caught."
This is so fucking funny to imagine, thank you so much for sending this in.
Is relieved, just wants you to love him back: Papyrus, Hound (Mafiaswapfell Papyrus)
Is confused, he kidnapped you, shouldn’t  you be panicking or something?  No?  Okay then: Slim (Mafiaswap Papyrus), Noir (Mafiafell Papyrus), Scar (Mafiaswapfell Sans)
Thinks that this is the funniest thing to ever happen: Sans, Lucky (Mafiaswap Sans), Butch (Mafiafell Sans)
Papyrus and Hound both just want you to be happy with him, in their own twisted ways, so they’re relieved that you actually want this!  Papyrus is flattered that you would kidnap him first, kind of like proposing to someone and finding out that they bought a ring too, but in a yandere way.
Slim, Noir, and Scar all know that this is wrong, they just don’t care.  They know that most people would be freaked out though, so they’re a little concerned for you, but it’s not like they’re any more sane.
Sans, Lucky, and Butch all think that the whole thing is hilarious!  Honestly, what are the odds that a yandere would fall for a yandere?  This is probably, like, a one in a million thing, like seeing an actual chicken crossing a road.
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detectivehole · 5 years
Toby Fox? More like....Toby Fucks, am i right?
i refuse to believe toby fox has fucked solely because imagne being the dude that fucked sans undertale’s dad? i can’t handle the thought of that person existing
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a5tr0n0m1cal · 3 years
I feel like you may have answered this before, but how tall are your boys? 👀
Also I hope you’re having a good day/night and staying hydrated!
I’m having a great day actually! Idk if it’s the cool air or the caffeine but there’s something about today 💖
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I might have mentioned some heights before but I’ve never explicitly stated the heights of the guys so here we go.
Raz: 4’11 (I decided to be merciful and let him be a bit taller 😌)
Sans, Orbit, Hoodie, Plum, Crescent: 5’0.
Red, Blue, Dash, Candy, Mercury: 5’5.
Wine, G, Straws, Sinter, Atlas: 5’7.
Bear, Wolf, Bull, Brick, Saber: 6’0.
Papyrus, Stretch, Rus, Coffee, Darling: 6’1.
Boss, Equinox, Helios: 6’3.
Cash, Plaid, Twist, Swivel, Busta, Aster, Gibbeous: 6’5.
Gent, Crow: 6’8.
Brace, Timber, Pitch: 7’0.
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a5tr0n0m1cal · 3 years
ASTRO. ASTRO HELP I'M DYing of laughter rn omg.
So I broke my ankle back in February and needed surgery. My bff bought me one of those grabby sticks. Now, I'm starting to walk around but I just started icing and was really comfy but I needed to plug my laptop in to charge, right? You might think you know where this is going but you're not quite right.
I had to unplug my laptop charger from the wall to charge something else, earlier, so. Imagine this:
I look to the wall, shoot my charger isn't plugged in. I look to my grabby grabber. I know what I must do. I begin attempting to unplug the charger from the wall--it takes a couple tries due to the shape of it. Phase 1: complete. I then grabby grab the wall end of my laptop charger and adjust it just right in its claws and proceed to jam it into the wall socket. This also takes a hot second as the grabby grabber is not meant to push plugs into sockets.
How would the Undertale, underfell, underswap, horrortale, swapfell (red) and mafia bros react to their S/O pulling this?
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Sans: he’s going to laugh at how silly you look trying to maneuver around and just watch you try and plug in the charger with the grabby tool. If you ask him to help you out he’ll help out then, but until you ask for help he’s just watching you with an amused grin.
Papyrus: improvise, adapt, and overcome! Good job S/O, he knew you could do it! But he....totally could have helped you out if you really needed it. All you had to do was ask!
Red: he will straight up laugh at you. He doesn’t even try to hide it. What the heck are ya doin’?
Boss: OH MY GOSH, just let him do it! He’ll huff and walk over and plug it in himself. Call him over to help next time!
Bear: he just kinda takes a moment to figure out what exactly it is that you’re doing and then let’s put a small laugh and then asks you if you need him to do anything else for you so you don’t have to do all of that.
Brace: He’s always close by anytime his date mate is hurt or recovering, so chances are when he sees you start to do all of this he just walks over and does it for you so you can relax.
Raz: he’s a lot like Boss, just louder about it. Just call for him! You look ridiculous! just let him help you! It’s what he’s here for! Don’t let his words get to you though, he’s just a worrier.
Rus: he’ll just chuckle at you and watch you struggle to do this and then when you finally manage to do it he does one of those slow claps. “You really did it. I’m so proud.”
Sinter: just raises an amused brow at you and shakes his head. You’re something else, S/O. Just ask for help next time.
Busta: Ah, S\O! Be careful! He would have been more than happy to help you out, but he’s glad you were able to manage on your own.
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a5tr0n0m1cal · 4 years
Brick: I'm 10 times funnier and sexier than you. 
Gent: 10 times 0 is still 0, numbskull.
Brick: Jokes on you, I can't do math.
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a5tr0n0m1cal · 4 years
Stretch: *holding up a microphone* In your opinion, what’s the height of stupidity?
Plum: *turning to Cash* How tall are you?
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a5tr0n0m1cal · 4 years
Hi ! i'm kinda new here and i must admit.. i simp for Cash.. i just love the way you write him !!
So i would like to ask how cash (and others if you want) would react if his SO has the habbit of stealing his clothes and just chilling in it all day. Pants, sweat, everything ! Even if the clothes are way too big and SO just look like a potato bag
(Ps: sorry if i made some mistakes i'm french😅)
Cash has a fan?!??!?! How interesting ʕ •́؈•̀)
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✧ He’s very thankful that his brother takes care of his laundry right now. 
✧ Considering he’s fairly tall, it’s understandable that his clothes would be baggy on you. 
✧ He LOVES it. You’re going to kill him because you’re so cute. It’s not that his clothes are super wide, it’s that they’re super long. 
✧ You have to roll the sleeves up and tie the drawstring on the shorts really right. 
✧ He’s loving it because now his clothes will smell like you. 
✧ And you love it because his clothes smell like him! 
✧ It’s a win/win.
✧ Expect a few clone and mini-me jokes.
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