#undertale sans offspring
carlyraejepsans · 4 months
is sans a nightcore fan be real
no i think he listens to ytp songs exclusively
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corn-smoker · 2 years
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@smertalicious made me draw this sad little child who is somehow related to my lovely ink and error
IG: @/smokin.corn
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purrpletiger · 10 months
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Hello everybody, I've come to give you all this absurd reference guide for drawing Fresh. yep. I decided to spend hours slapping this together.
If I got anything wrong or should add anything PLEEEASE lemme know! All ideas welcome!
If you want to see my "research" on this character, let me know in the replies, because there's so much to talk about with him and I'd love to do a character analysis or two, I couldn't put much about his personality or source posts in this because it's just a drawing guide!
Link to all the full images
Transcript and close-ups of the text on the image: (May be in a strange order)
Fresh was created by @loverofpiggies (CQ)
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Main Outfit:
YOLO sunglasses
Backwards propeller cap
Pink Polo shirt
Crayola Jacket
Gold Tooth
SWAG fannypack
Convertible Zip-off pants
White Heelie shoes
Pink socks
He has thick eyebrows to emote! (The eyebrows are usually depicted with black hair but one human design has eyebrows that match the pink hair color!)
The bag says SWAG on it
His glasses say YOLO by default, but the letters can magically change mid-scene...
this design for Fresh is Tall, we dunno how tall but taller than CQ's Sans characters (or just Geno since he's literally sans undertale with some added steps). But his height is just his host's height sooo it can vary.
those (cyan and yellow) shoe details are on the innerside but not outerside
Pink glove cuffs!
his skateboard is inconsistent dont worry about it
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Glasses Off:
The host's soul shows up in their left eyesocket
- The soul tends to look unstable (cracks & a sortve stroboscopic effect.. i couldn't think of a better word.) but not in some cases...
It doesn't have to be a white upside-down heart, that's just a reference to an undertale monster soul.
He has a purple substance full of little RADs that emanate from his eyesockets (when his sunglasses are off)
"The soul in Fresh's eyes CAN be cracked. That soul isn't his. it belongs to his host. And.... after a while.... things go bad for the host, and he needs a new one." -CQ
(example of soul with unstable effect with no cracks) (example of soul with cracks but lacking the effect)
The purple aura(?) can glow and emanate from the eyes when his glasses are on too
i miss this one design specifically. the colors and the SK8 OR B SK8 shirt were peak
I miss the SWAG necklace...
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Fresh leaves a rainbow cloud of smoke when he "poofs". Either teleporting him and his host body somewhere or leaving his host behind.
Human Designs:
Fresh can possess humans too.
They all look physically different because they're different people that he's possessing.
Fresh can possess pretty much any body, but I thought I'd show the varied examples of humans anyway
Don't forget the orange jacket flaps! or his hat propeller!
I dunno what's up with the multicolor tongue thing. I think it was extra parasites in the host's mouth? I feel like it was scrapped at some point... but I could be wrong
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Oh yeah, he also does this: (no image for the bat tho)
"I mean when he fights he pulls Furbies out of his magical fanny pack. takes out a wiffle bat. and hits the furby at his enemies.
And then the furby explodes in a blaze of glory." -CQ
Despite using some furbies as explosives, he seems to 'care' about and treat these two like precious babies:
This one is potentially named McFreshby The Fresh Furbrah (Fresh is mentioned to have one named that, and this is the only other furby he's been depicted with)
It can also do THIS: (roll its eyes back into a spookier look)
This is DJ FurBs. that's all i know about him
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The REAL Parasite:
Fresh is actually this little parasite controlling a host body. (if you didn't know that why are you reading this post rn!?! but nah I love new Fresh fans, welcome!)
The main parasite is this purple one with the eyemouth and four(?) tendrils, the other colored tentacles are prrrobably Fresh's offspring (freshmageddon moment?) (I'm not actually sure, I'm just pretty sure they're not part of the main parasite but are parasite tentacles)
You can also see Fresh's five or more purple tendrils here stretching out all over his host's body
All art from CrayonQueen/@loverofpiggies
Reference guide made by PurrpleParrasite/@purrpletiger
pls suggest changes or additions if u have ideas!
That's all!
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ranmagender · 1 year
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More stuff I'm working on, this time to do with undertale of all things. This is Granjon, son of Sans & Toriel. He's mischievous and gets into all sorts of hijinks. His right eye got damaged and its never really healed since.
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Sabon, the younger brother of Granjon. He's also the son of Sans & Toriel but like Desiree (here) during the conception a black sludge from the beast from otgw was in Toriel's system so Sabon is also partly the offspring of the Beast and therefore Desiree's half-brother. He's rather laid back and flirty, tends to get along with most people.
Made these two with this thing, its sort of like picrew, i think.
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toy-tracks · 2 years
I never wanted to breed with anyone more than I want to with Sans Undertale. That perfect, calcium-rich body. That big, blue, glowing cock.. The smooth, silky skull. It honestly fucking hurts knowing that I'll never mate with him, have his genes pass through me, and have me birth a set of perfect offspring. I'd do fucking ANYTHING for the chance to get pregnant by Sans. A N Y T H I N G. And the fact that I can't is quite honestly too much to fucking bear. Why would Toby Fox create something so perfect? To fucking tantalize us? Fucking laugh in our faces?! Honestly guys, I just fucking can't anymore. Fuck.
god giveth and god taketh away
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skitteringjunbug · 3 years
My offspring...made me a broomie....in errors strings. I am so proud and love it so much!!!
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friisans · 2 years
UT Fankids Week 2022
hey yall! so as the title would suggest, i'll be hosting another UT Fankids week this year for anyone that would like to participate. submissions will be held from April 1st to April 7th, and late submissions will be accepted from April 8th to April 11th! if interested, keep reading:
(quick reminder: Fankids are non-canon offspring derived from canon characters)
(Apr. 1st): “first words”
(Apr. 2nd): "3rd birthday"
(Apr. 3rd): “learning to ride a bike”
(Apr. 4th): “first day of middle school or highschool”
(Apr. 5th): “going through The Phase™”
(Apr. 6th): “first date and / or senior prom”
(Apr. 7th): Free Day
Wanted to make these as straightforward as possible, and figured making them progressional would be a fun and interesting way to show them growing up!
You need a fankid to participate. How many you’d like to use to participate in the event it entirely up to you, but make sure you have at least one to show everyone!
The Please DOs:
Please use pairings that consist of canon UT characters (Sans, Papyrus, Toriel, etc).
Pairings from AUs are also alright and encouraged (Underswap, Underfell, Outertale, etc).
Not much of an artist? Don't worry, fanfics / short stories are allowed!
The Please DONTs:
Please do not use pairings that consist of 1 or more OCs.
Please do not use incestuous or pedophilic pairings.
All UT related pairings are allowed -except the ones that consist of incest, pedophilia, or OCs.
However, Undertale Red (an OC by @taxiderby) is fine and can be used to participate.
The tag I’d like participants to use in addition to whatever is tagged for your entry is #utfankidsweek2022.
Please do NOT submit anything to my personal blog for this event! If you'd like me to check out your awesome fankid(s), simply tag me and I'll be sure to take a look. :)
Aaand that’s a wrap~ I’m sure there are some of you out there that still have a UT fankid of your own that you’d like to share, and if you haven’t already, this’ll be another great opportunity to do so. And it's been a hot minute since we've had an event celebrating fankids, so hopefully afew of you will participate again this year!
Have fun~
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underlust-revisited · 3 years
Explaining The ULR Timeline
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Underlust revisited much like the original Underlust au is split into different parts or eras.
Eros Era
Post Eros Era/Reformation Era
Pre-War is identical to The classic Undertale Story/Classic Underlust Au so no need the re-explain that...
Post-War/Pre-Eros is were a change in canon happens...
First off Asriel is born but sadly doesn't make it past infancy and thus throws both the King and Queen into a depressive state. And not to long after the king couldn’t even properly rule and this depression like a virus spread across the underground causing not only a stagnation in productivity but also a decrease in the population. And Monsters were quickly becoming scarce in numbers and since the king couldn't bring himself to doing anything let alone lead a kingdom. Toriel took over all jurisdiction of the kingdom and passed the Eros Law is essentially made sex and the creation of offspring mandatory in the Underground.
Keep in mind Gaster had completed the Core by this time and began work on the creation of weapons to use against humans since before the king fell into a depression that was his last order to Gaster. Since the Queen passed the Eros law Gaster had to drastically change his experiments (Papyrus and Sans)
Alphys and MTT are friends already and mockups of his body are already being made but since the Eros Law happened MTT requested for a body more fitting to be a bit more sensual with. She then went from Classic MTT design to the Classic MTT Ex design.
Undyne had been training with Asgore but had to start training alone when the king fell into his depression. She then quickly had to change her training when the Royal Guard was essentially useless and turned into the Royal Harem.
Eros-Era(current Era) is the time period that the mutation in the monsters magic took full swing.
As monster began to shift to the new way of living a mutation in their magic occured the began to crave sex and it spread to everyone in the underground. The Queen noticed this but it was helping in the population increase so she saw it as a positive. 6 humans had fallen during this time and all of them had succumbed to the underground an die of the mutated magic of the monsters.
During this time Asgore started to use sex as a means to distract himself from his grief. Soon he had developed a kink to being dominanted and thus he didn't attempt to take reign over the kingdom again and leaving it to Toriel to keep ruling. Toriel loves the control and it soon manifested into her dominant kink.
During the mutation of magic(and before the 6 humans fell in the underground) Chara had fallen into the underground as a child. During this time in the underground they were sheltered from the outside world since it was nothing but sex and Toriel wanted to protect them from it for as long as she could but Charge had a different idea. Since they were essentially locked in the kingdom they would constantly leave the kingdom to satisfy their sexual hunger (they are like 20 at this point). They indulged themselves so much that they became addicted to sex and even more so the deviant kinks that were found. And as they became more addicted to sex they soon didn't care for the consent or comfort of their partners. This went on until Chara grew ill, the queen had no clue why and Chara's health depleted so quickly it was to late to find out and they die no more than a week into their sickness. (They died before the 6 humans fell down)
The queen grew bitter after the death of yet another child and soon stop even leaving the castle a well a governing the people. Soon taboos like r*pe and nonconsentual behaviors ran rapid in the underground.
Undyne was quickly made the lead of the Royal Harem and became a well know Dom (specialty pet play) she had become increasingly busy to prevent the assaults from happening but when the queen retreated into her castle it became so difficult to keep up and soon she had to expand the Royal harem to offer *ahem* alternatives to keep up with the growing sex drive of the underground as well as hopefully cut down on the number of assaults.
MTT was at the height of his career and he was popular to all in the underground. He was so popular that he had a growing number of "fans" that simply worshipped him. But one night after his show he was heading back home only to be attacked and assaulted by a group that had been stalking him for a while. He was so badly damaged after the attack that he had to retreat to alphys for repairs. Alphys was able to fix him up the best she could but couldn't change to much due to the damage it would cause to his soul and it was already cracked from the attack. She was able to edit some of his body but not a lot. This is start of MTT' fall in popularity and his depressive state and self loathing.
Gaster had made great progress on the editing of his sons to fit the new way of the underground. But he didn't give up on his old inventions, he continued working on his creation. He didn't meet a good end how ever he much like classic Gaster fell into his own creation and was wiped from existences. His sons left behind to fend on their own and flee to Snowdin to live.
Alphys had become the new Royal scientist and had been working on a cure for the mutation of magic at the time she saw the increase in sexual assaults and figured this cure would help it lowering them as well as returning some normalicy to the underground but when she was met with her friend destroyed and begging to be changed. She felt miserable she couldn't help him the way she needed to. Feeling it was her fault for make his body that way in the first place she soon locked herself in her lab and didn't leave unless she absolutely needed to thus is how she met Undyne and she being one of the one people she spoke to became her friend then soon crush.
(Flowey)Rosey had become sentient during the time Alphys was actively looking for a cure to the Magic Mutation. They had no previous memory of being Asriel since he only existence for less than a minute. Rosey went around the underground simply existing and occasionally talking to the residents including Chara. He had no soul/magic to mutate so he never craved sex or attached monster arousal. He soon settle in the Castle feeling a connection to the place and happily (and lonely) live in peace until on day a human fell down-
Current Day this is still in the Eros era until Frisk falls down marking this the start of the Reformation Era in which the underground is finally moving towards healing and growth.
Frisk is a 23 yr old College student. They are (Aroace- bi curious) and had planned to start experimenting in their sexuality to satisfy their curiosity. They were in the woods planning on going on a "date" but that changed when that had to a misstep an fell into the underground and the story begins here.
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franstastic-ideas · 3 years
Hey so I was wondering what would happen if the Frans and Papara Aus meet their future children? Elys, Arno, etc.
Ok, so I love Elys and Arno lot, but I have different fankids (or rather Franskids) in my works. All the Frans couples have a daughter named Vivaldi and all the Papara couples have a son named Corbel.
And some of the couples have universe-exclusive kids, like Underfell Sans: he has Vivaldi, an adopted daughter named Cambria, and a third daughter, Banzai.
This is set shortly after the skeletons meet their human for the first time and/or when they realize they're in love.
So, starting with Undertale, Sans would be so thrown off when he sees Vivaldi, because this perfect little lady is HIS daughter?? Well, all that loveliness must have come from Frisk's side of the family.
Papyrus is very, VERY proud of his son! But he kinda can't get over the fact that him existing must mean he and Chara tied the knot and had babies.
Underfell Sans kind of has a mental shutdown, because... he and Frisk are happily married in the future?? They have not one, not two, but THREE beautiful, beautiful daughters??? He cries out of happiness over this for literal days.
And Papyrus, he's just going 'NO, NO, NO...!' over and over again to himself, because... he doesn't know how to care for a child, and he's so sure his future self doesn't know either. His normal superiority complex dramatically shifts to an inferiority complex in that moment.
Sans of Underswap is moved to tender tears at the revelation of his children's existence. He immediately bounces over to the very much confused Frisk and takes her hands in his, thanks her profusely for these wonderful future gifts, and then declares that they should get married. And he means, like, right now.
Papples is in denial. Not for a BAD reason, mind you, but because this just seems too good to be true. He keeps waiting to either wake up, or for the boy in front of him to admit this was all a big prank that some other monster put him up to. But no, the longer he spends in this child's presence and the more he talks about his life in the future, the more Paps is assured this is a possibly reality - one he desperately wants to ensure comes to be.
On the outside, Swapfell Sans seems perfectly calm, as though children of the future coming to visit their parents in the past is a completely common occurrence. Inside, he's freaking out though. He's heard of The Butterfly Effect and he's terrified that the smallest of actions will terminate his child's existence.
Papyrus too is concerned about the possibility of his son disappearing due to any seemingly small action, but he also can't contain the immense joy he feels knowing that in some timeline, he got to marry the love of his life and have a child with her on the surface. He has a strange but deep faith that this wonderful future will come to be in his timeline as well.
Gaster!Sans and Gaster!Papyrus, ironically, have some of the most extreme reactions of the bunch. Like SF!Sans, G is cool as a cucumber on the outside, but as soon as he's alone, he's running to Green and shaking him around like a ragdoll yelling, "Bro! WHAT DO I DO?! I'm cool with kids, but I don't know nothing about raising 'em!!"
Meanwhile, Green is doing as much research as he can about childcare, and looking up accounts of monsters and humans having offspring in the past so he'll have some awareness as to what specific challenges may come with having a mixed child. Simultaneously, he's working on sewing and knitting an entire wardrobe for his future son, from infancy to adulthood. Boys... calm down...
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allesiathehedge · 3 years
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I personally love this unpopular ship quite a lot. Their lovely interaction did show more or less potential every now and then. Back in old times, I remember brainstorming one or two fun things about these characters, even made drawings and roleplayed with some friends as well. It was a fun-ride while it lasted, at least for a while before the Super Genesis Wave event occurred in comics. Good memories tho’~
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It would be weird if Papyrus ever revives like a Phoenix does. 
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Some dogs/wolves have a primitive system that isn’t sufficient to offer them a benefit to use a complex method of communication but interacting with them for a long time, or from generation to another, helps dogs/wolves understand them better. Others just happen to be lucky to have one of parents with “modern” gene transferred into their offspring. Or ancestors too, etc etc. 
Furthermore, they’re monsters, not humans, and I like to consider that some act more like animals than others.
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The same thing Alphys felt. Exhaustion and happiness.
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It depends. As long as these kid movies don’t insert any suggestive topics or jokes in them, then nothing’s wrong with that. Basically, skeletons really have nothing on them but bare bones lol 
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Just like what his alternate from Undertale would do. A COOL one. Always up to cheer them up and makes sure that kids feel satisfied with any activities/games, whenever Sans and Alphys need a break.
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
So my partner and I are canonmates and together a metric Frick-ton. Today I learned that a canon shared between him, myself, and one of my alters has the weirdest implication because of how the Undertale Multiverse worked. Needless to say, he stole me from my home verse as XGaster (stealing me from my partner, Swap Papyeus), and then AS FELL SANS HE AND SWAP PAPYRUS WERE PARTNERS AND ACTIVELY TRYING FOR OFFSPRING! HELL YEAH!
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Since I Feel Better, I Want To Talk About Undertale/Deltarune Theories
 okay I decided to post one more post up,
but I will say again “Happy Late New Year Everyone”
anyway this might not be canon to any of the Fan AUs.
but besides believing that Chara, The True-Chara.
their own soul is in the true lab’s power generator thing.
I have this crazy theory about Flowey and Ralsei,
being two parts of the Original Late Prince Asriel,
not to be confused with the one that we haven’t seen that lived in Deltarune.
but yeah I believe that having Asriel’s memories from the dust,
Flowey would be the part of the original Prince that remembers, but might not have all the memories, as he could suffer from amnesia.
I believe that Ralsei makes up the Soul part, and is a creation of The Knight.
or Gaster, we all love the adorkable goofball Dadster & Broster
(and I like the idea of those two versions of Gaster being father & son, aka Wingdings Gaster Sr. & Jr.)
 but if the theory is true, and Gaster brought Asriel’s back to life,
and kind of made him be reborn in the dark world...which is maybe underground of Deltarune....?
then wouldn’t that make Gaster technically Ralsei’s Dad?
the same with how Alphys from Undertale,
is technically Flowey’s Mom.
I don’t think I can fully trust Toriel from Undertale,
I believe Papyrus was correct about her being Asgore’s Clone.
why is it that she is the only one’s who’s eyes turn red?
I mean I think with some monsters a type of red eyes can be normal.
but the new theory I had explained before at another place I go to...
is that Kris’s Mom Toriel, is the REAL Queen Toriel from Undertale.
her eyes are never red, even when she gets annoyed.
and I get that other characters that the Player/Frisk fights in Undertale,
their eyes glow too, but Asgore’s eyes NEVER glowed red.
but most eye glows (not counting Fluffybuns.)
their eyes will glow during a Geno Route.
and I think I’m not sure, but I think Toriel’s eyes do turn red
if we keep trying to leave and she ends up becoming mad.
I’m not sure, I will need to check once I do decide to open up the game and reset...
even if I did spare everyone BUT Toriel in Undertale,
I ended up not being able to befriend Undyne.
so yeah even if you do spare everyone in the ruins and even outside it,
and even befriend all of them and even Papyrus,
Undyne will just know you took out someone in that game.
even if the only one you gave a Bad Time, was Toriel.
plus even after beating Asgore, I did show him Mercy in the end.
but Flowey ends up taking that mercy I gave him away.
Asgore is a big Fluffy Sweetie Pie, in both Undertale and the Deltarune.
anyway I believe that the Toriel we know from Undertale,
is really a clone of Asgore, that was made to appear like his wife that took off after the death of their children.
(and she in theory, ran away to Deltarune.)
also I’m kind of hoping that the whole Steven Universe and Sans being one and the same, does get confirmed to be true, I know I had watched a video
where someone said that I think it was Rebecca Sugar,
I will need to try to find that video again to be 100% sure.
but I know the person that was talking about it, said that they said,
that it is up to the creators of Undertale to decide.
and I hope the one who made that video wasn’t pulling everyone’s leg. 
 if it turned out to be canon, I can bring a whole new theory into the mother of all theories....
that when White, Blue, and Yellow shot that light of corruption.
they not only corrupted the gems (well all but Rose, Garnet, Pearl, and those that were bubbled or trapped in a mirror.)
but it caused half of the humans on that planet, to be “corrupted” too.
but it could be seen as a magical evolution.
so that would mean that all the monsters who were forced into the underground, are all descendants of the first humans that were hit by the corruption light by White, Blue and Yellow Diamond.
and the reason why they don’t have a physical forms, and their bodies are made up of mostly magic, is because those who were the first to get hit by those three diamond’s corrupted light, had in deed hit their physical forms.
but any offspring they had later on after the change, would not hold a physical form and would be made up of mostly magic.
so even if by using the same method to heal the corrupted gems,
it will not necessary make them “human”,
in theory it will give the descendants of those humans who were turned into monsters by the diamonds, some physical bodies that can still have magic,
and if they ended up being cut, they can bleed.
they will stay the same when they were born, but the only difference is that they have the same physical body as their distant human cousins who escape the blast from the diamonds.
but it could be magical soul conciseness physical manifestation of light.
they might still be very in tuned with their souls,
and I know that theory is really crazy.
but it is most like a Crossover Theory, that has to do if it is confirmed by the games and show’s creators, about Sans and Steven being one and the same.
there are already Crossover AUs of that theory.
now back to the whole Toriel....
even if we can still trust her Fanon Counterparts.
she might have a split personality,
one that is trying to fulfill capturing humans and using them to free everyone.
 plus the way she asks Frisk to not come back, or the whole if we say we have other places to go, she is like see you around.
there has to be a hidden meaning behind that.
like she knows about the Resets but at the same time,
Gaster programmed her to not know about them at the same time.
and here is a theory, the more we do a pacifist route,
as well as befriending everyone.
the more likely the dark personality that was programmed into her by Gaster,
has less control.
and if we should decide not to let Frisk go and live with her,
the dark personality will take over once again.
I guess that theory is a bit insane, but I believe she is hiding something.
how do we know that after replacing the original Toriel, who left that universe to go live in the Delta Universe....
didn’t take Chara’s body not just to give it a proper burial,
but she might of known that the determination that was created by Gaster as first, would infected someone like Frisk.
plus if two parts of Asriel could end up going to a Flower like Flowey
and the other being reborn as Ralsei.
then it might be possible that Chara was cleaved into some parts too.
the true them being used to power the generator in the true lab.
and the other that has Toriel take Chara’s body to the ruins.
but no one has to agree about these theories.
but I hope some like the the theories about the monsters
being descendants of humans who were changed
by White, Blue and Yellow Diamond.
anyway thanks for listening to these theories.
plus the Toriel we know in Undertale,
could turn out to be a clone like Papyrus had pointed out.
and could of been injected with determination,
so her soul breaking on it’s own, could be from her being a clone
and she had lost her determination when we decide to show no mercy to her.
but no one has to agree about that theory either.
anyway I’m tired, so I am just gonna go now.
so see ya later and stay safe.  
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s-e-sagas · 4 years
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PATREON | Ko-fi | Twitter | Deviantart | AO3
This Ask Box was originately posted on DeviantArt, but we decided to share it here as well. You can ask Goldie something here or here.
Info about LustGold (shamelessly copied from our DA description) WARNING: the content of this AU will be kept Safe For Work (unless you are one of our Patrons ;D), but proceed with caution as some sensitive topics may be addressed. Here are some general information on LustGold Sans: ● His nickname is Goldie, which he chose for himself. He's flirty and mischievous, acts immature to put up with an overall stressful situation, and tends to rely on his brother when he doesn't want to comply with certain things. ● He has heterochromia, the left eyelight has a golden shade and the right one is purple. Though he can see and channel magic through both. ● He’s very short, around 1,50 cm (5ft).
Something about the LustGold AU: ● After King Asgore and Queen Toriel lost their children, there has been a slow but steady decrease in SOUL fertility for unknown reasons. ● The remedial action taken went through various stages, and properly took root only in a handful of monsters, Goldie and his brother included. Other than an overall increase of lust, very few monsters regained the ability to sire offspring. ● This caused Goldie and the other SOUL-positive monsters to need providing children for the whole Underground. Simply put, they are the only fertile males. 
LustGold © S-E-Sagas UnderLust © NSFWShameCave / Undertale Community Undertale © Toby Fox
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chyrafuse · 4 years
Ideas for Sans AU’s?
You’re probably gonna be skeptic about this, but I came up with two cool Sans AU’s. Well, more like alternate versions of Sans without their own universes. Here they are!
This version of Sans was originally named “prototype 16”. I thought up a design of Sans wearing a red hoodie and a yellow bow-tie. He was more upstart and youthful than Classic Sans. Whenever he told a pun, instead of making the traditional trombone noise, would “ba-dum-cha” the drums. He was created before Papyrus, so would not know who Papyrus is. 
Despite his high hopes, he was deleted before he could be a part of UnderTale. After spending 23 months in the Trash (once you hit 24 months, you are fully deleted with no way of being restored), with the help of W.D Gaster, he escaped.
However, he didn’t get out clean. He lost his left arm and small parts of his body in the process, such as his cheek, a portion of his side, and a bit of his leg. These parts of his body are constantly worsening and disappearing more and more. After escaping he woke up in the AntiVoid.
Now Control!Sans simply goes by “Sans” at this point and doesn’t have any powers. He wasn’t developed with any attacks, and has no defense whatsoever. But he is not weak in the least. While escaping the Trash, he fused with a mysterious power called “Control”. You know the button on your computer that says, CTRL? That’s his ability. He slowly develops the power to do things like “copy”, “paste”, “escape”, “inspect”, and, most importantly, “delete”. He can use any of your attacks agains you, duplicate your HP, so you’ll always be at a stalemate with him. 
He eventually meets Ink in the AntiVoid, who tries fixing his arm (only works temporarily, but keeps Control alive). He meets Error, who is sort of skeptic of this new person, but feels a little sympathy for him because he reminds Error of himself, and is the first person who Control reveals his powers to. He meets PaperJam as well. Now this is where Control begins to develop a family relationship. He views PaperJam as a brother, and is almost always near him. PaperJam is surprisingly older than Control, which excites him because PJ has never had a little brother. 
He lastly meets Fresh. PJ has a kid crush on Fresh, and likes to vent to Control about it. Control acts cool and casual around Fresh, but as soon as they’re alone, they are full on serious. Control knows exactly what Fresh is, a parasite. And Fresh would love nothing more than to have Control’s power to duplicate things, he would be able to make infinite souls for himself to feed on. So there’s a silent tension between them.
Alright, so Bling isn’t necessarily a Sans AU. He’s my idea of Fresh’s offspring. Not in a weird way, either. He’s a product of Fresh (stupidly) attempting to absorb a piece of Nightmare’s soul, but his parasitic body naturally rejecting it and a bit of his original hosts soul as well. The two souls, the powerful corrupted soul and the host Sans’s soul merge together and create a new parasite named Bling. 
Bling is unusually small, pure white, and his arms are tipped black. He is slightly deformed as well, as he has five arms instead of four. Fresh does not like having other parasites to complicate his infection processes (and is afraid of it revealing his identity), so he tries to kill Bling. He almost succeeds, leaving a jagged scar across the new parasite’s eye (talk about daddy issues). Bling runs off. 
Remember Nightmare? Well, his soul regenerated, but that’s not the problem. Nightmare is completely unaware that he now technically has a kid. With Fresh. I don’t ship it, it’s just how it worked out. Neither of them are attracted to each other, quite the opposite, actually. He doesn’t know about Bling, but meets him in the future.
So while Fresh is hunting down Bling, our new parasite friend is trying to figure out what he is and how to survive in this new environment. Bling’s main issue on the table is that he develops negative emotions, which is unusual for a parasite of his species. This is because he is partially made of Nightmare’s corrupt soul. So his survival instincts and his overpowered negative emotions are constantly at war with each other. He does not like hurting or infecting people and feels less parasite than otherwise.
Bling is naturally attracted to shiny things, and likes to stay “spiffy”. He is a charming playboy when he talks to people, and is constantly risking things and gambling. He likes collared shirts and always wears them so people can see a bit of his rib-cage. He wears jeans (kill me). He wears star-shapes sunglasses like Fresh wears YOLO shades, and likes spying on people. He’s a people-watcher. He has a main goal of learning to love and feel happiness.
Bling is best friends with Dream, ironically. Dream is technically his uncle. But he doesn't know that. Neither of them do. Bling only knows he associates to Fresh. Dream helps him figure out how to stay in tune with his emotions, and how to control anger and sadness. Sometimes Bling has flashes where he completely lacks emotions, as well. Bling does not feel much hatred, except towards Fresh.
Okay that’s it! My two stupid dumbass ideas! Now find out where I live and kill me before I make a comic about this!
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lucyhblack · 4 years
Ready for a "rehearsal" with another Pokesans Class?
Right now that we talk about the two classes (*cough* most dangerous *cough*) evolutionary, let's talk about the (most enjoyable) remaining.
This Class has no physical differences from those already seen in Families, what makes them a distinguishable Class is their magic and behavior.
These pokesans exhibit rhythmic, fluid movements that we can only classify as a kind of (surprise!) dance.
These movements, or dancing as I will call her from now on, are not only a behavioral trait, but also magic.
Dancers use dance for everything! As a way of showing affection, imparting teachings, challenging opponents, etc. Dance acts as a channel for your intentions (and may affect your magic) and has often been classified as a language of its own for these pokemons.
They have dances that are common to everyone (regardless of Genre or Family), others that are only found in certain packs, but all pokesans of this Class are born with a unique dance, a set of movements and rhythms that belong to them only (as digital printing on some types of Monsters).
Some pokesans spend their entire lives training and perfecting their movements (whether they are their own or common to everyone).
As for its magic, it emits something like a "vibration" (many Monsters say they even hear a kind of music coming from these pokemons) somewhat similar to the Soul Resonance of a Heat Cycle. This "vibration" like resonance can affect other Pokemon and even Montros (even more strongly than resonance).
Usually this phenomenon is seen more intensely in its Heat Cycle (there are studies that indicate that there is a synchronization between both, which corroborates that they are similar effects) or when the pokesans are in a very altered state (very happy, excited, scared...) causing the affected Pokemon (and Monsters) to end up entering the dance, so to speak, he, he, he...
(Just let me warn you that this will not magically turn you into a good dancer. If you have two left feet, you will stay that way)
It is still under study whether it is the compulsion to dance that causes its magic to change to suit this strange need or whether it is the peculiarity in its magic that creates this need to dance.
What we do know for sure is that dance is an intrinsic part of this pokemon and may even affect your health (a Dancer who refuses to dance is a clear indication that the pokemon is in poor health and should be watched very carefully).
They have fighting dances, which increase the power of a blow, dances that stun an enemy, celebratory dances and even say that a bunch of these pokesans have the power to alter the nature (the weather or surrounding environment, things like that).
As you can imagine, they are widely used in Skill and Beauty Competitions and are known to be demanding (with themselves, your partners and masters), perfectionists and competitive.
The Classics are adept at dances that increase defense and special attack status and their movements are smooth and elaborate. They are perfectionists and do not have much resistance, but will give their all in a challenge. Although they will not be carried away by provocations or challenges, they will hold a grudge longer than other Classes / Families.
The Fells are dance specialists who increase combat status. Their movements are usually fast and blunt. They often fall for taunts, but just like the Classic do not have much resistance and quickly give up the challenge (basically they are straw fire).
Swaps, on the other hand, prefer dances that increase agility with energetic and cheerful movements. They are a bit exhibitionist and love to be praised. A friendly challenge can stimulate them, but they are rarely motivated by them (they would rather try to outdo themselves than overcome a challenger).
This Class is one of the few that has most frequently seen a Swapfells. They are even more proud, but also have a less combative or explosive tendency. They are dance specialists who increase attack status and their movements are elaborate and intense. They are unaffected by teasing, and challengers are looked down upon (they see creatures who need to tease and challenge others as weak who have to assert themselves).
Your overalls always go to the feet (no matter what the evolutionary stage) and sometimes have a hood like a flap resembling something like a cap. Their clothing colors and magic are respective to each Family.
We usually find them in the Normal and Wrestler Types.
They live in packs, sometimes even mixed with other Pokemon, but always from the Dance Class. Even if you find any of these pokesans alone in the woods there must be a group of them not far away (the strayer most likely must be a young man who has gone off to train in secret).
Of course, they have the habit of displaying elaborate and contagious choreography as mating rituals, and because of this their Cycles are often mild, as they often end up expending a lot of energy on their exhibitions.
They do not usually look for Heat partners (these pokesans are very picky with their choices and therefore it is very unusual to have a partner just to relieve themselves) and they will only generate offspring with mated partners and usually only in a second Heat Cycle (since the first is spent with the courtship).
Sorry for the stupid puns (I'm terrible at that).
At first I had little to say about them, so this chapter took so long.
Special thanks to @kamari333. Your vision of Dancetale Sans and some of your headcanons inspired me and helped to write this chapter.
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argentdandelion · 5 years
Possible Health Problems of Hybrid Fanchildren
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No, think of the children!...your hybrid children, that is. Contains lovely ideas for angst.
Hybrid fanchildren are common in the Undertale fandom. It is likely this is because the main characters of the game cover multiple "breeds" of monster, and there are in fact canon cross-breed couples (Undyne and Alphys, RG01 and RG02). Fanchildren are also a creative exercise where one combines the looks and personalities of the parents into a new, distinct character design.
In-universe, if hybridization is even possible, it's likely common. However, hybridizing could cause problems.
Where potential mates of their own species are rare, animals might hybridize with closely related species. Furthermore, animals might make hybrids if they're compatible species kept in the same enclosure (e.g., lions and tigers in zoos). In birds when one species parasitically lays its eggs in the nests of another species, the offspring might imprint after its host parents in looks or song, and so only be interested in birds that look or sound like its host parents.
All these things likely happened when monsters were sealed underground. While it’s unclear if different monster breeds interbred before the war, given monsterkind’s massive casualties it’s likely monsters’ options within their own breed were limited. (This would surely be especially true for monster breeds that were rare to begin with.) Staying underground, especially if they all stayed in just one city for a long time, would also work like captive conditions. Furthermore, the devastation might have meant a whole lot of orphans, which might have been raised by different breeds. Such orphans might, like the parasitic birds, prefer breeds like the ones they were raised by. It’s certainly clear monsters have variable preferences and can imitate other monsters (e.g., Papyrus catching a thrown stick in his mouth)/have variable behavior, after all.
Biological Problems
For some breeds, even if hybridizing is possible it would likely cause health problems. This is especially obvious for fire monsters, such as offspring of the Sans X Grillby ("Sansby") pairing. Though skeleton monsters are apparently1 insensitive to cold, it's unclear whether they're insensitive or immune to heat too. Fan works often assume Grillby's fire is painfully hot, and becomes much hotter when angry. While (dry, human) bones can withstand greater temperatures than human flesh without (visible) damage, being on fire constantly might be a problem. Even if the hybrid children can withstand it, it's possible (and more likely) that they might hurt themselves from the higher temperatures if they ever get angry.
Pain can make people easier to anger, so being burned by their own flames might cause a self-destructive feedback loop of pain and burning. If they can't quickly heal burn markings from such events, they might become anxious about it, akin to obvious scars or burn wounds.
Environmental Unsuitability
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Environmental unsuitability is also a problem. While a hybrid's parents might be well-suited to distinct environments, the hybrid may be unsuited for either or require unpredictable intermediate environments.
For example, the fish monster Undyne is vulnerable to heat stroke/dehydration when travelling through the dry, hot caverns of Hotland; Alphys is not. Evidently travelling through Hotland is enough of a danger to Undyne that Alphys installed a water cooler for her halfway to her lab, even though Alphys' lab is only a few screens into Hotland. While Undyne says she dislikes "snow", she's evidently not in danger standing outside Papyrus's house indefinitely. This might not be true for Alphys: while some fish can live in cold water, reptiles either die or hibernate in cold environments like Snowdin.
A hybrid child of the two might do well in an intermediate environment (e.g., hot but humid, like south Florida) or take after one or the other unpredictably.
Some assume Undyne can breathe underwater through gills; what if the child prefers most of their body to be dry but needs to keep their gills moist? What if the child prefers dry, but not hot, environments? With such a potential blend of preferred environments, they all might need custom rooms (e.g., humidifiers, pools) in one house.
Most dangerously, what if Undyne can breathe water through her skin, but a reptile-skinned but otherwise fishlike child cannot? One work, Scramble Saga, suggests Undyne sleeps in a water-filled bathtub rather than a bed. If a helpless baby that can't breathe underwater is put in a tub-crib, the baby might drown. The child might drown, too, if Undyne is playing boldly and aggressively in the water and mistakenly assumes the child can breathe underwater.
Psychological Problems
No Horns
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(The picture is based on goat skulls; notice they don't have horns. Picture modified from here.)
In goats, horn buds don’t grow directly from the skull, but from a specialized patch of skin. Only later do they start to merge to the skull.
Assuming Boss Monsters’ horns grow like that of goats, a Boss Monster-skeleton hybrid might not have horns. (Many such fanchildren have no skin, after all.) While many monsters do not have horns, this might still make the fanchild self-conscious about not having horns. (Perhaps similarly to Kris of Deltarune, though Kris is a human.)
The Problems of Papyrus x Mettaton
“Us ghosts spend our whole lives looking for a proper vessel. Slowly, slowly, we grow closer to our new bodies... Until one day, we too may become corporeal beings. Beings able to laugh, love, and dance like any other...” - Mad Dummy
It is unclear whether ghosts’ desire for vessels (or “bodies”) is biologically or culturally driven. Either way, hypothetical fanchildren of Papyrus and Mettaton are likely to be dissatisfied with their bodies.
LordLaharl’s Vassal made a convincing point that Papyrus may have body dysmorphia issues. The Wikipedia article on the subject suggests part of the variation in body dysmorphia issues in the population (or “heritability”) can be explained by genetics. If this is true, and also true for monsters, a Papyrus x Mettaton child could have twice the body issues of either parent.
It’s unclear whether the child would be born/the equivalent of born a ghost fused with a skeleton body, a ghost possessing but not fused with a skeleton body, or be born separately as a ghost body and a skeleton body. If the Papyton child has a handy skeleton body from birth/the equivalent of birth, the child might not develop ghostly psychological problems, as the child could do normal non-ghost things with it.
Related Reading
Inter-Species Socialization
Do Monsters Have Instincts?
Dialogue from Papyrus is contradictory; he explains how he can live in Snowdin's cold environment saying "I have no skin" but complains about the Annoying Dog having cold feet. ↩︎
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