#underwater reactor
blue-hi · 11 months
has anyone else made the connection between the Blue and Cherenkov radiation?
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nelc · 1 year
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Soviet underwater nuclear reactor ATGU, for powering sonar arrays
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terrasu · 10 months
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Astronauts can get Cherenkov Radiation in their eyes????
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anakinh · 3 months
"is this dungeon the iron throne" "are you going to blow us up" it's not my fault the iron throne is the best dungeon in BG3
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susie-dreemurr · 2 years
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kinkajouwof · 7 months
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A classic example of Cherenkov radiation is the characteristic blue glow of an underwater nuclear reactor.
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priceofreedom · 5 months
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Junon Underwater Reactor 🐟 FF7 replay 73/?
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smash-or-pass-objects · 7 months
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Cherenkov radiation (sometimes Čerenkov or Cerenkov radiation) is electromagnetic radiation emitted when a charged particle (such as an electron) passes through a dielectric medium (such as distilled water) at a speed greater than the phase velocity (speed of propagation of a wavefront in a medium) of light in that medium. A classic example of Cherenkov radiation is the characteristic blue glow of an underwater nuclear reactor. Its cause is similar to the cause of a sonic boom, the sharp sound heard when faster-than-sound movement occurs. The phenomenon is named after Soviet physicist Pavel Cherenkov.
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someartistsammy · 3 months
FF7 Rebirth: All Region Intel
Wanted to make a way to easily access & read all the world/region intel you can get in Rebirth so here's a giant post for that. Everything below the cut.
Kalm: A Recent History
This humble town serves as a transport hub for the grasslands, hence the distinctive bailey built for the monitoring of commercial and private traffic. During the war with the Republic of Junon, Shinra saw fit to occupy Kalm, due to its stout fortifications and strategic value, and it has remained under company control ever since.
As it lacks a reactor of its own, Kalm is reliant on Midgar and its pipelines for a steady supply of mako, which is stored in a large tank for regulated use. This arrangement allows the residents to enjoy both modern conveniences and a healthy environment—a combination that has attracted many new residents of late.
Ten years ago, a significant portion of the town was “damaged,” though Shinra quickly intervened and carried out a comprehensive reconstruction effort. Details regarding the incident and the extent of the destruction are sparse.
Flora and Fauna of the Grasslands
In stark contrast to the barren, mako-ravaged outskirts of Midgar, the ecosystem of the grasslands remains relatively unscathed. Streams flowing from the central mountain range nourish the lush meadows below, which sustain a diverse range of species. Ranchers and farmers also benefit greatly from this bountiful environment.
Vast wetlands make up much of the southern region. In days past, boats and chocobo carriages were a common sight, but as most goods are now transported by sea or air, traffic through the wetlands has steadily decreased. Moreover, as an immense, man-eating serpent dubbed Midgardsormr has been sighted in this area of late, few dare to brave the old trails. Even those capable of evading the gargantuan snake may yet fall victim to one of the many inescapable quagmires.
The Mythril Mine: Changing with the Times.
A natural passage through the mountains between Junon and the grasslands, this mine has long served as a rich source of mithril. The mineral boasts an exquisite shimmer and remarkable strength, and was historically used to fashion the very finest weapons and armor, but it fell out of favor after Shinra developed superior synthetic materials.
After the mine was closed, the Republic of Junon converted it into a tunnel for the general public, allowing travel to and from the grasslands. The glistening mithril deposits drew regular sightseers as well. Following Shinra’s triumph over the republic, however, the tunnel has been effectively abandoned. Various sections have fallen into disrepair, and the depths are host to untold dangers.
The Rise and Fall of the Republic of Junon
The people of Junon were once largely seafarers, who only returned to the shore to peddle the bounty of the ocean. Unlike other communities that settled in a single location and gradually expanded their territory, these sailors preferred the freedom of the open sea, and over time banded together with like-minded souls to form a unique society.
As a republic, they repurposed a flotilla of large vessels to construct a floating city that would serve as the center of their trade network. Having forged a robust infrastructure, they then set their sights on uniting the disparate peoples of the world.
Though Junon ushered in an era of economic and cultural prosperity, it was not to last. Shinra’s revolutionary mako technology put paid to their ambitions, and their once proud city now slumbers beneath the waves.
Junon: The Fortress City
Having conquered the Republic of Junon, Shinra constructed a nigh-impregnable fortress on the coast in the heart of their enemy’s former territory. Powered by the world’s only underwater mako reactor and equipped with a colossal cannon capable of firing as far as Wutai, the stronghold resembles a vast battleship, risen from the deep to defend the eastern continent.
Junon is a city composed of multiple levels, each of which is lined with uniform buildings that were originally designed to serve the needs of military personnel. After the war with Wutai, some were converted into hotels and retail outlets, and the arbor and airport now see a constant stream of civilian visitors.
Military exercises are still conducted frequently, however, and should the need arise, defense countermeasures can be deployed at a moment’s notice, transforming the city in to a fortress, ready to repel would-be invaders.
Costa del Sol: A Recent History
Though Costa del Sol is now a renowned beach resort, it was once home to a string of humble fishing villages. However, when relations between Shinra and the Republic of Junon began to deteriorate, Shinra annexed this portion of the coast. After the war, the company designated the area for redevelopment, transforming it into the must-visit location for avid sunseekers that it is today.
Costa del Sol offers vacation packages to suit any budget, allowing travelers from every corner of the globe to savor the idyllic beaches. Plans that include a trip to the Gold Saucer have proven particularly popular.
Corel: A Tale of Decline
Coal was in high demand in the days of the republic, and the wealth of Mt. Corel drew miners from far and wide. Though the work was hard and dangerous, the laborers banded together to overcome their difficulties, forming a close-knit community in the process.
Alas, the advent of mako saw the price of coal plummet, spelling disaster for the people of Corel. As they struggled to find a way forward, Shinra proposed the construction of a mako reactor, and after much debate, the villagers accepted the offer.
The reactor was constructed with astonishing haste, but just prior to being brought online, it was torn apart by an immense explosion, and has been left in ruins ever since.
The Rise of the Gold Saucer
The tale of the Gold Saucer began with a Shinra employee named Dio, who convinced the company to build a museum called the Reliquary. Although it was doomed to failure, Dio was not to be deterred, and he set about founding the world’s largest theme park, which he first conceived as a small-scale fairground.
In the wake of the Corel Mako Reactor explosion four years ago, plans were set in motion to revitalize the local economy. Hearing this, Dio decided to relocate his fairground to the region, eventually transforming it into a state-of-the-art entertainment complex.
Now known as the Gold Saucer, it is powered by several modular reactors, which are responsible for the surrounding area’s accelerated desertification. In light of this, the reactors are now run at minimum output, in an attempt to mitigate further damage to the environment.
Gongaga: A Recent History
In ancient times, Gongaga was settled by descendants of the Cetra, who lived in quiet seclusion. The region was largely ignored by later kingdoms and empires, until the Republic of Junon thought to expand its influence westward. They soon discovered, though, that the expense of establishing trade routes through such dense jungle far outweighed the benefits of reaching the small communities there, and elected to instead construct an airstrip and little else.
When war erupted between the republic and Shinra, people the world over were impacted to varying degrees. Those in Gongaga were the rare exception, as being so far removed from the theater of war meant that they were not subject to forced conscription, nor were their villages ever host to the bloodshed.
Life in Gongaga
The village of Gongaga lies at the heart of the humid jungle, where many species of moss, fern, and mushroom thrive. Its people have a long tradition of self-sustenance, growing only enough produce and raising only enough livestock to support their collective. Though the village is by no means commercially enterprising, the Gongaga mushroom endemic to the region is renowned for its rich aroma, and commands a high price.
Gongaga’s fortunes took a turn for the worse following an explosion at the nearby mako reactor. Though much of the jungle was temporarily declared a disaster area, due to its elevation position, the village itself escaped the worst of the fallout—a small mercy considering the devastation wrought below.
The Gongaga Mako Reactor Incident
First generation mako reactors based on the one built in Nibel are prone to malfunction due to flaws in the pressurization system’s design. This, however, did not deter Shinra from installing them at various locations throughout the world, including Gongaga.
The company’s failure to follow their own inspection and maintenance procedures led to a disastrous explosion which claimed the lives of many villagers. Acknowledging its part in the incident, Shinra dedicated a monument to the victims.
This accident was not an isolated occurrence, though, as at least one other reactor is known to have exploded in a similar fashion. Stranger yet, Shinra has been investigating alleged sightings of gigantic life-forms known as “Weapons” near the remains of these destroyed mako reactors.
Cosmo Canyon: Environmental Conditions
Cosmo Canyon is located in the south of the western continent, where countless valleys and caverns have formed in the red clay. In ages past, seismic activity forced this soil to the surface, where it was later eroded by the surging lifestream below, giving the region its unique appearance.
Throughout the year, the canyon sees very little rainfall, and the temperature variation between the plateaus and gorges is considerable. As such, it is extremely difficult to grow crops, and the mere act of survival is a daily struggle. Nevertheless, the canyon is a prime destination for students of planetology. In addition to scholars and devotees, many tourists can also be found here, seeking to take in the “mystical” air. In more practical terms, the arid conditions and lack of cloud cover facilitate the observation of celestial bodies, making the canyon popular among astronomers.
Life in Cosmo Canyon
The founders of the canyon’s eponymous village made use of the naturally formed caves, and following the emergence of planetology, more and more people found themselves drawn to the place. The makeshift walkways and tent-like domiciles have only increased in number as the settlement continues to expand to this day.
Rather than rely on mako, the villagers built an array of windmills, and each home is equipped to store the generated electricity. A leading planetologist, Bugenhagen, introduced this form of wind power to Cosmo Canyon, and it is said his technical marvel was inspired by the ways of the Cetra.
When it comes to nutrition, the villagers’ diet consists mainly of grain and legumes grown around the village, supplemented by game meat obtained with traditional hunting methods.
The Cetra and the Gi
In the distant past, the Cetra made contact with the Gi, entities who could not return to the lifestream. Pitying their plight, the Cetra build altars to commune with and calm these tormented souls in the hope of finding a means to coexist peaceably.
Over time, the Cetra grew increasingly aware of the dire fate that would befall the planet, and resolved to entrust their knowledge to the people of Cosmo Canyon. These teachings would become the foundation of planetology, which continues to be refined through research and discourse even as it is spread throughout the world.
When the Cetra finally departed Cosmo Canyon, none remained to provide solace to the Gi, who in their festering anguish and rage were driven to turn on the villagers. Many brave warriors gave their lives to beat back these vengeful spirits, entombing them in their prison once more.
Mt. Nibel and the Birth of Mako Energy
It is said that beyond the desolate, jagged crags of Mt. Nibel lies the land of the dead, and few dare to approach its slopes. Indeed, even plant life struggles to find a foothold here, and with tumbling boulders and rockslides a constant threat, the locals see little reason to make such a perilous journey.
Many of the mountain’s caves are filled with mako vapor, and the inner reaches contain mako springs and naturally formed materia. Shinra’s search for a new energy source led them to Mt. Nibel, and its abundant supply of mako made it the ideal site for the world’s first reactor.
Although it played an instrumental role in the proliferation of mako energy, the Nibel reactor’s time in the spotlight was brief, and it now operates at greatly reduced capacity.
Nibelheim: A Recent History
In the shadow of the jagged formations at the foot of Mt. Nibel, the village of Nibelheim had little to offer the outside world. However, their quiet existence would change dramatically with Shinra’s discovery of vast reserves of mako within the mountain.
The company’s efforts began with the construction of Shinra Manor on a plot of leased land. It was there that the head of Research and Development, Professor Gast, and his assistant, Professor Hojo, pioneered studies on mako and Jenova.
Shinra’s financial investment delivered the people of Nibelheim from poverty. Their newfound happiness and prosperity would be short-lived, though, as the entire village was burned to the ground and countless innocents slaughtered by Sephiroth.
A perfect reconstruction of Nibelheim was later erected on the site in secret, and now serves as a treatment center for victims of mako poisoning.
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oldguydoesstuff · 1 year
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Cherenkov Radiation being emitted by the underwater core of the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) at the Idaho National Laboratory.
The distinctive blue glow occurs when atomic particles become electrically charged and are accelerated beyond the speed of light, emitting photons in the process in a blue/violet spectrum.
Beyond the speed of light you say? Impossible right? In a vacuum, yes. But light travels much slower in water and it becomes possible for electrons and protons to actually move faster because water slows them down less.
Nice explanation of how it works
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alcalexandria · 5 months
Terminator: Dark Fate - Augmented Cut.
Format is MKV and the file size is 3.06GB. Mega doesn't seem to like IE, so if you're having trouble try a different browser or switch between Mobile/Desktop.
A little rough around the edges in points, and not all of the changes I'd daydreamed about here were possible (still no Chinese Cut for that "kill you" line 😔) but here's somethin'.
Link and breakdown of changes are under the cut, but it's up to you if you want to know them in advance :D
Feel free to share around. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Night Scenes - Night scenes have been color graded a little to be more in tune with T1 and T2.
Intro - Movie now cuts directly from Sarah's Pescadero video to Grace's arrival.
Truck Chase - Some of the slow motion has been ditched to give the chase more immediacy, and the odd CGI of Grace being flung from the truck has been removed. I think it's a big improvement, if I say so myself, particularly to the rebar impact.
Remove the ADR’d line about Grace’s augments at 38:37 - "You know, enhanced speed and strength, Thorium reactor?". I just think it's awkward.
The imagined Terminator invasion/John’s death from the start of the movie has been moved into the hotel exposition scene - Not the most graceful cut, but the editor did what they could.
Shoulder touch in the bed of the pickup has been added back in - Not as slick as I'd like, but whaddaya gonna do.
The Crossing Deleted Scene - The alternate Border Crossing scene where Dani's uncle is killed has been edited back in, though the reuse of the computer search animation has been removed and some of the slow motion nixed.
CBP Escape - Dani's relief that Grace is alive and the slow motion handhold shot have been edited back in.
Alicia Confronts Sarah Deleted Scene - The deleted scene of Alicia confronting Sarah about Carl has been restored.
Scavenger Flashback/ “Let Me Save You” Deleted Scene - The concluding part of Grace's ruins flashback (forward?) reshoot has been removed, and replaced with Grace's "Let Me Save You" scene. Removing the reshoot takes the "raised me" line out.
"She's John" line has been removed.
Underwater Humvee sequence - This has been edited down and shortened to remove some of the sketchy CGI and present the scene more from the claustrophobic interior POV as they wait for the Rev 9 to attack.
"It will fry his neural net" line has been removed.
"You killed everything I loved" subtitle has been corrected.
Hope you enjoy. Let me know if you come across any glitches or issues.
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nullifier · 4 months
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0_0 was real inspired by @0046incognito 's recent animation & decided "hey. you know it would be pretty funny to put rocais in this" so she's in it now #I LOVE ROBOTS !!!1 Tried emulating the style for the first one then went in with my more regular sorta linework on the destroyed image
?How does she work?:
"Radi" [I haven't come up with a better name rn] is a Nuclear Power Plant Submersible Technician, you know those pools they put the uranium in to boil water to create power? She lives in the nuclear reactor pool. She was entirely designed to never leave these pools and is perfectly designed for the environment: her hard plastic casing, while normally inert, when introduced to the boiling hot pools becomes more flexible, thus allowing her movement [plus the plastic over time absorbs the fuckin radiation or whatever and starts glowing epically]. Cause she's ALWAYS underwater she has no mouth, but has a Geiger counter on her chest that she can project her voice through if needed. She can't "hear" either, the only way management is able to relay instruction to her is use of special walkie-talkies Specifically for talking to Her and whoever else is also on the line. Totally water-cooled, no fans. She's charged using "rectenna" antenna technology [something something, turning radiation/heat/waves into DC power] Normally rectennas have very limited capabilities because it requires a ton of ambient energy to be able to draw from, but Exclusively for use in these pools she's able to draw enough energy to keep charge. This makes her both dependent on the pool for her cooling, and the radiation of the plant to keep charge [she can't leave!!! =D]
> After the plant ceases operation, the pools become cold so she has to remove her plastic casing. She's running on fumes since the ambient radiation will eventually run out. I imagine she has some desperate attempt to flood the place and escape to anywhere to find SOME source of radiation, maybe the toxic waste containment...
sketches as well =) 92 is the uranium number + her face is the radiation symbol
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aislingyngaio-games · 7 months
Junon and Nibelheim Tifa symbolism through Rebirth lore
This tumblr post is actually further expansion from this twitter thread I made on the relationship between Tifa and Junon that I've noticed. Now that Rebirth is out.... hoo boy idk if I'm overthinking this or if the devs are just this big-brained. Spoiler alert for Rebirth, OBVIOUSLY. You have been warned.
Part 1: Phoenix, Deity of Junon Region
So to begin with, I'd like to draw your attention to what actually first attracted my attention to the possibly deliberate symbolism of Junon: the combination of the regional deity (Phoenix) and the regional chocobo (Belle the mountain chocobo).
As is obvious to any Final Fantasy fan by now, Phoenix is the summon of fire and life/rebirth, two themes important to Cloud and Tifa, both of whose childhoods "died" in the Nibelheim fire and massacre five years ago and yet "reborn", or rather survived, from the ashes of their fallen hometown because of their promise and bond with each other. They are each other's proofs they are who they are: Cloud and Tifa from Nibelheim. As a sea-facing town with an underwater reactor (even Under Junon is named "Sea Dragon Square"), wouldn't it have been more thematically appropriate to have Junon worship either the Leviathan (admittedly Leviathan is the guardian deity of Wutai in FF7 lore, but Wutai was pushed to pt3, and it didn't stop Leviathan from being a Chadley-earned summon in Remake either) or Shiva deities (which is the summon you get in OG Junon from Priscilla) instead of Phoenix, unless the switch was a deliberate narrative choice? After all, as I've posted in my original Twitter thread, Junon is the first place Real Cloud truly tries hard to "awaken" SOLDIER Cloud into speaking with Tifa. This is translated in Rebirth into Cloud and Tifa's reconciliation after their falling out at Kalm, and Tifa's relationship wheel being the non-optional, story-mandated dialogue choice in this chapter. The Rebirth-themed summon in the Rebirth-named game being set in the Junon region over all other regions? HMMMMMMMM. (And nobody better forget that Mr Dolphin <-> Tifa's limit break Dolphin Blow parallel either ;) )
Also, OG callback: Phoenix summon was actually obtained from Fort Condor in OG, and guess what huge ass creature immediately appeared the moment the party exited the Junon-side entrance of Mythril Mines? Aye, the Giant Condor. The protorelic sidequest in Junon is also linked to the Fort Condor minigame (a variation of the boardgame from FF7 Remake Intermission) that specifically chose to magick both Cloud and Tifa (as well as Barret) in to do battle. And of course, the "Dreaming of Blue Skies" Tifa-related sidequest in Junon region involves baiting the Giant Condor with bovine meat to take a picture of (and while waiting, they sky-gazed together at the clouds).
(Side Crisis Core tangent: Phoenix's materia is obtained from - guess where - NIBELHEIM WATER TOWER, as the first part of the Seven Wonders of Nibelheim sidequest)
(Side simulation tangent: The Phoenix simulation Chadley makes for the Rebirth team to fight can summon Bombs, which is one of the two bracelet charms Tifa is prominently featured with in the Retrilogy, the other being Chocobo, which usually symbolizes Cloud)
(Side LOVELESS tangent: The summon that Rosa calls to defeat Varvados looks amazingly like the Phoenix summon, and the resultant ending motif - the fiery destruction of Guardia, the mutual protection of Alphreid and Rosa, and the unpromised promise of fidelity and reunion - most resembles the destruction of Nibelheim, the mutual protection between Cloud and Tifa - Cloud as Tifa's physical protector & Tifa [being Cloud's motivation] as Cloud's emotional protector, and the fulfilled yet voluntarily continual fulfillment of the promise at the water tower between them)
Part 2: Odin, Deity of Nibel Region
Now what of the actual place of Cloud and Tifa's births? Well the regional deity is, appropriately, Odin, Norse god of death, while the regional chocobo is Selena Shirena (in JP romaji), the blue ocean chocobo.
Odin in OG is also obtained from Nibelheim (specifically Shinra Mansion), and interestingly, when linked with "Added Effect" materia on an armour piece, can provide immunity to instant death on the wearer, while if the same pair of linked materia is equipped on a weapon, it can cause instant death. This is a most curious and most pertinent symbolism for the birthplace of not only the only two people in the FF7 party to have ever tasted Masamune blade first and survived (rip to the other Nibel villagers though) but also, thematically tragically, the birthplace of Sephiroth, whose destructive powers with said blade are legendary. Not forgetting of course, that central in the stories of Nibelheim is "the other side of the mountain" being a local reference to the mythical/thematic land of the dead (remember which two characters are pictured on the Mt Nibel side of the two Rebirth Nibelheim keyarts?).
Part 3: Junon/Nibel Connection via Regional Chocobo Abilities
From Junon region, we have Belle the grey mountain chocobo (which btw, is a requirement to reach the Phoenix summon crystals that will both weaken the simulation fight and strengthen the summon materia), and a clearer parallel cannot help being drawn to Cloud and Tifa hailing from the village of Nibelheim located at the base of MOUNT NIBEL, where both share memories being on that mountain (once when Tifa was 8 and Cloud 9, and again when Tifa was 15 and Cloud 16 - SEVEN years apart). Similarly, the Nibel region chocobo - required to access the Odin summon crystal - is Shirena the blue ocean chocobo, making both Junon and Nibel chocobo abilities the diametrically opposite elements of their region's most significant landscape/towns - Junon the ocean-facing city with the mountain chocobo, and Nibelheim the mountain-shadowed village with the ocean chocobo.
(Side Costa del Sol tangent: Cloud's blue shirt swimsuit is named "Ocean Chocobo" which makes for it being the Nibel region Chocobo ability seems accidentally on purpose appropriate, as well as being the more "real Cloud" of the two swimsuit options for him imo, while the Wild Surf option seems too... Zack minus the sunflower, so basically the SOLDIER Cloud option)
So, let's now look at the symbolism of Junon and Nibelheim together, as both mirrors and opposites, as parts of a whole.
Junon and Nibelheim
Phoenix and Odin
Life and death
Mountain and ocean
East continent and west continent
Taken together, the bond between Junon and Nibelheim almost looks like the endless cycle of death and life/rebirth, which is very symbolic of how the Lifestream works (those who are born from the Lifestream return to the Lifestream). Just as Phoenix is both life and destruction, just as Odin can be both death and protection, it is the complementary, symbiotic love of Cloud and Tifa, at once opposites yet similar, at once separate but a team, both strong yet each having their own weaknesses that the other balances, that ultimately is most emblematic of the lifecycle of the planet.
It is no wonder then, that Tifa is the one chosen by the planet and the WEAPONs, both in OG when Sapphire Weapon caused the distraction that allowed her to both embody yet subvert her role as the Andromeda of Greek legend by enabling her to save herself from her execution at Junon with the help of friends, and in Rebirth when the Gongaga WEAPON choose to show her the true struggle of the planet that she might reach Final Heaven, and be the heroine who will save and stay by the hero's side till the end.
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royboyfanpage · 7 months
roygarth headcanons and motifs?
Okay I wanna just give a disclaimer that I am not a Garth expert, I've only really read him in Titans comics (though I did read Tempest 1996 specifically for this ask), also Roygarth isn't my OTP, I do ship it but it's not something I've thought about in great length, so my apologies if I've gotten Garth's character wrong or if my interpretation of the ship is different to yours/OOC. Also I've not made any in depth ship posts before, I'm more of a passive observer of ships, so apologies if this sucks ass generally.
For it to work in canon, a very strong aspect of it would have to be communication. Roy doesn't always pick up on when he's done something that's upset someone, and Garth can become quite vocally angry if someone upsets/hurts him. I really wish that the progress they'd made in Titans (1999) #16 was expanded on in later comics because I think if they got past that initial barrier of miscommunication they could have such a good relationship. They're actually pretty similar in some ways, they both love very strongly and are fiercly protective of the people they love, but there are differences, too. Roy's very much an immediate reactor in a lot of cases, he reacts immediately when something upsets him and forgives just as fast, whereas Garth can let things fester/build over time and then eventually lash out in a much angrier way, so communication is definitely the most important aspect.
I don't think that they'd ever be the perfect honeymoon couple, there are always gonna be some things about both of them that drive each other insane. I can't see Roy completely dropping all the teasing, and I also can't see Garth suddenly becoming totally okay with it because Roy's explained he's only kidding. However, I do see it becoming more of an exasperation rather than actually pissing him off, and if they were to get closer I could see it becoming more mutual, good-natured teasing. I also think that they'd get better at resolving arguments too, and that they wouldn't escalate as far once a mutual level of trust's been built up. I think Garth kinda has an expectation that people are out to get him sometimes or that they underestimate his worth, so once that's been addressed and Garth's assured that Roy has no ill-will or negativity towards him then he'd be less likely to lash out and more understanding that that's just Roy's way of showing affection.
It's absolutely a slowburn relationship that would take a lot of time to develop. They're not gonna wake up one morning and realise they love each other and should date. I think, if anything, Cerdian would be a really good way for them to actually fall in love with each other (let's say for the sake of this, Cerdian's fine and Garth and Dolphin split up). I think being able to bond over being parents would absolutely open new opportunities for their relationship, and one of the things Roy looks for in a romantic partner is how well they get along with Lian, so another parent would definitely be a good choice of partner for him, especially since Garth already adored Lian even before Cerdian was born and he and Roy had their talk in purgatory. Plus them co-parenting Lian and Cerdian would be adorable.
I still think that the nicknames would persist, but they'd definitely become more terms of affection as they entered a relationship. Maybe not Gill-head specifically since Garth's explicitly stated he doesn't like that one, but other affectionate fish-related ones for sure. Also they'd keep calling each other Speedy and Aqualad affectionately.
Aaand from a more fanon-y perspective, I think Roy'd definitely be the one to initiate much of the physical affection. I 100% see him as a hugger, so I can imagine him just pulling Garth into hugs or dragging him over to the sofa to cuddle. Garth I can see as more of a spontanious kisser. Both of them go bright red whenever the other surprises them with affection. Also they should do the percabeth underwater kiss.
Anyway this is a family
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blametheeditor · 3 months
Day 7 | Overbearing
Gt July Prompt List
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When stranded on an uncharted underwater planet, alone and surrounded by hostile lifeforms, there are only two possible outcomes: adapt and survive, or die trying.
Spoilers: For the game Subnautica
Content Warnings: Mentions of death and violence. Mentions of drowning and suffocation. Referring to someone as 'it'.
There’s a reason Fritz manually turned off PDA updates getting audibly read out to him. And not because he found the reminders to eat food and drink water to be annoying, but more so the fact most of what was said never reassured him. Not with the constant reminders its only task is to try and keep him alive on an uncharted planet. The confirmation there was no one left on the Aurora. 
So he muted it. Checks his HUD consistently and heeds every red flash. Makes sure to look through the catalogue once a day to not miss any important information. As nice as it was to hear someone talk even if it’s AI, silence is better than being told devastating news unwarranted. 
To be perfectly honest, if he was told any of the warnings he’s reading now after making it as far as he has into the Aurora, the teenager would already be in his seamoth to try again another day. Seeing the entire ship on fire and having seen it explode from a safe distance away is different from advanced technology stating exploring it is completely at his own risk. One is him living in blissful ignorance. The other is being told he will die. 
He’s already come this far. Extinguished a few fires to get all the way down to the cargo bay, only stopping to look through his PDA because the door needs a code. 
Should Fritz have just looked through the data he downloaded? The answers yes if he didn’t want to end up second guessing himself with hands now noticeably shaking. But the answers no if he uses the information rather than let it scare him. 
It’s only a warning. Despite the fires and the ship having exploded, if he hasn’t so much as felt the ground shake, then everything that would fall already has. He’ll just be extra cautious moving forward. 
After a few moments of tapping quickly through information he scanned from other PDA’s, he spots the cargo bay code. Right under the statement someone isn’t getting paid enough credits. 
That spreads a smile across his face as he types the numbers into the keypad. Because when was the last time he thought about something like credits? It seems like years since worrying about money, even if it’s only been a few weeks. 
Would Fritz get paid his contracted amount? If there’s even a way to? The job he originally was tasked with got completed, they had been returning when...what? The ship got damaged? Suddenly lost power? 
His train of thought is lost when he sees a massive hole in the floor, quick to stumble back so he’s not too close. After staring at it for a moment, he manages to recognize it as one that was built for a reason rather than it being made by something smashing through the floor. 
Focus. I need to get to the reactor.
Fritz forces himself to push forward. Go down even deeper into the ship. Find a way to carefully get down from tall heights rather than let them stop him. Thankful to see water flooding a majority of the bottom floors so if he falls there’s something to catch him, but the water does add a few other problems. Like bleeders that chase after him and exposed wires that electrocute a large area. 
He makes it to the drive room, though. Can almost feel the weight of the radiation now that he’s directly at the center of it all. 
“Okay,” he murmurs as he takes out his PDA. “What do I need to do?” 
Apparently, the only thing he needs is his repair tool. Which is great! Fritz has that and knows how to use it! It just seems like it won’t be enough to repair the damaged cores that contain radiation. 
He’s just a teenager, though. Doesn’t have any training when it comes to things like this. Meaning he’s happy to repair all ten breaches. And like magic, his HUD advises the radiation levels are slowly but surely dropping. His PDA has a message saying everything’s stabilized. There’s no longer the threat of causing a mass extinction. 
Fritz feels a significant weight fall off his shoulders. Feels pride erupt in his chest that he did that, all on his own. He would be a bit more ecstatic, but he’s still in the middle of a burning ship in an area where there’s a leviathan that’s wanted to eat him since it met him. 
“I’m going home,” he proclaims as he exits the drive room. Pointedly ignores the other hallways and open doorways he could explore. There might be more supplies, possibly more fragments, but he did what he came to do. Deserves to leave before his nerves are completely fried. 
At least his journey out of the Aurora is mostly uneventful. Waves excitedly at Lefty, glad he was able to rebuild the seamoth rather than making a completely new one. 
...there’s a shadow waiting for him. 
Fritz almost misses it, thinking it’s just part of the ship, or a trick of the light on water. But it doesn’t stay in one place. Makes a large circle several feet below the surface. 
He hesitates for a moment, fairly confident on what it is. He carefully slips into the water without too much noise in order to check. Has a hard time on keeping his heart from beating too quickly at the sight of a leviathan. The leviathan, actually. The one that attacked him. 
It suddenly roars. Not loud enough to hurt his ears but it’s still startling. And right after it does, the creatures head whips around to lock onto him. 
Fritz runs. Back up to the Aurora as he frantically climbs back out of the water. Fumbles with his pack before tossing five peepers into the water. 
He waits as the only thing he can hear is the blood in his ears, fire burning around him, and water lapping at the ship’s hull. No hand reaches out to snatch him up. His seamoth isn’t pulled down into the depths. 
It won’t last forever. Either he gets back to the lifepod as quickly as possible, or the leviathan becomes hostile again before he can give it more fish. 
Fritz trembles as he carefully so carefully looks back out into the water. Sees the leviathan closer in terms of proximity to the Aurora, not to the surface. It’s no longer moving. Seeming like it’s waiting for him. 
A hand finds a cooked peeper. After taking a moment to steel himself, the teenager throws it into the water. Waits sixty seconds before jumping in after it. Watches as his offering is snapped up by sharp teeth almost as big as he is. 
It stares at him for moment with an expression he can’t quite place. It doesn’t move to attack him, though. Which is good, isn’t it? Unless it eating the fish is the only thing keeping him alive right now? 
Go before it changes its mind.
Fritz doesn’t know how he manages to climb into the seamoth. Or how he navigates it back toward Happy. Especially when he chances a look to see where the leviathan is, only to almost scream at seeing it following him at a lower depth. And if he thought it was just a coincidence, it slowing its pace before making a small loop directly beneath him proves it isn’t. 
He can’t tell if it’s just curious, or if it’s waiting for the right moment. And at this time, he’s fried. Doesn’t have the mental capacity to try and figure it out. He never thought a giant sea creature could be overbearing. 
He weighs his options. Agrees that leading it back to the safe shallows would be catastrophic. So he’ll have to leave his seamoth behind, and therefore needs to find a way to get back home safely. Those seemingly contradictory things ends up with Fritz tossing one peeper, then another, and then a third once he’s only a few feet away from the pipe he’s been using for days now. 
Checking the leviathan is distracted, he lunges out of the seamoth, diving into the metal pipe before swimming back to his lifepod. Never stopping, not daring to look back, only able to cross his fingers Lefty won’t get destroyed for a second time. 
Intact or in pieces, Fritz will come back for it. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe several days from now. All he knows for a fact is he’s staying in the lifepod and not leaving until the sun rises again. 
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akunose · 3 months
Water Element. Wetsuit with a cutoff floater jacket, a play on fishing waders, and wetsuit booties with heels.
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A reference to the Underwater Reactor near Junon? 🤔
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