#underwolrd flowers
persephoneflowerpetals · 11 months
What exactly is the job that the children of hades have?
Does Thanatos exist in your universe? Because I think Zagreus would be a great soul collector.
Macaria, I am sure that Zeus would give her the Elysian fields once she was named goddess of blessed death and Hades would give her the Asphodel fields.
Melione, however I can't find a suitable job for her, I know she is the goddess of ghosts, but she could also be the goddess of funerary rites. A friend once told me that she could basically be the organizer and make sure that the offerings and prayers to the other gods are done correctly.
However, if this were the case, I feel that, like her father, they would be overloaded with work, something Hades surely doesn't want for his children.
So, for Zagreus, his role is Prince of the Underwolrd. He’s pretty much Hades’ second in command. He still has authority and whatnot, but for really important things he has to check in with his father. But yeah, he basically does all the stuff Hades does on a daily basis if he hasn’t already gotten to it lol. Sometimes Zagreus will just take over when Hades decides he wants to have a little vacation day or something lol, but that’s after Zagreus has been prince for a while lol. He trusts his son, but if he’s not super experienced in ruling the underworld by himself then he’s not gonna let him rule the whole place alone. But yeah, Hades pretty much teaches Zagreus everything he knows about ruling the place lol. You know that one scene in the Drama Festival episode where Hades is showing Icarus how he lives his life and how he does things to help him get into character of playing Hades in the school drama festival? Yeah, that’s pretty much how Hades teaches Zagreus how to rule the underworld.
Hades: Now, you don’t fry the minions, okay? You scorch them. See? *uses his fire powers to burn Pain and Panic* You’re taking notes on this, right?
Zagreus: *holding a quill and a piece of paper, rolls his eyes* Yes, dad.
Oh and no, I don’t think Thanatos exists in my universe. My au is based mainly off of the movie with little things from the series thrown in there that goes along with the canon of the movie and since Thanatos wasn’t really mentioned or shown in the movie or series, I just didn’t put him in there. But hey, you never know! I may add him in there one day lol! But for now though, Thanatos isn’t in my au lol.
For Melinoe, she’s goddess of ghosts and propitiation, so she takes care of the mortals that are “stuck in limbo” so to speak, like they’re not alive, but for some reason they never made it to the underworld, so their sprits are stuck on earth. Melinoe watches and rules over those souls. She also makes sure that mortals respect the dead by giving proper funerals and (in some cases) leaving offerings or flowers and stuff like that. She also has the power to bring souls from the underworld onto the earth. I mean, most gods can do that (because Hercules did it in the movie with Meg’s soul after he became a god), but Melinoe can literally do like a whole spooky thing where she can go the the grave of the person that died and raise their soul from the dead. She thinks it’s really cool and she loves the scare people by doing that lol. Honestly, she just uses her role for fun lmao. She loves to pull pranks on unsuspecting mortals that deserve it, like if someone ended up killing someone else, Melinoe will take that soul and be like “Hey, you wanna get some revenge on the dude that killed you? Let’s go scare the crap out of him and haunt the heck out of him!” Lmao
Oh, also Hades will constantly try to get Melinoe to bring the souls on earth to the underworld, but she likes the company up there when she’s on earth and it’s part of her job to watch over them until they can get to the underworld (the souls that get stuck on earth are usually ones that weren’t ready to die and had issues and stuff on earth to deal with) so she just makes up excuses like
Melinoe: They’re not ready yet, dad. They still have unfinished business.
Hades: Mel, honey, you know I love you, but with all do respect…they’re DEAD! They don’t have anymore business! They should’ve handled all that stuff before they died!
Melinoe: Dad, they had a deadly illness. You didn’t really give them time to hash things out up there.
Hades: Hey, it’s not my fault those mortals don’t know how to cover their mouths when they cough.
And for Macaria, she’s goddess of blessed death, so the idea I had for her was that she was basically gonna be the caretaker or sorta the ruler of Asphodel Meadows. She makes sure all the souls are happy with their afterlife and watches over them to make sure everyone who is supposed to be there is in there.
I was also thinking about her also being the caretaker/ruler of the Elysian Fields, but I’m still deciding lol. Because I know in the series Hades was never allowed to enter the Elysian Fields (even though it’s a part of his domain) because it’s very exclusive and it’s supposed to be a final resting place and paradise for the souls of heroes. I don’t think Zeus wanted Hades “ruining” the place by doing things to it (i.e. building his own little “summer home” there) or messing with the souls there, so that’s why Hades was restricted from entering.
However, I like the idea of Macaria being a caretaker/ruler of the Elysian Fields just because it goes along with the whole “goddess of blessed death” thing and I think Hades would be so proud of his youngest baby for getting full access to the Elysian Fields, something he was never able to do even as god of the underworld. Also, I just find it so funny to imagine Hades constantly pestering his daughter to let him enter the Elysian Fields lmao.
Hades: Mac, sweetie, I’m your father! It’ll be fine! I’ll just be in and out! Zeus won’t even know I’ve been in there!
Macaria: Daddy, you know the rules. I can’t let you in. I’m sorry. I really would let you in, but I just don’t want to get in trouble with Uncle Zeus.
Hades: *sighs and smiles then chuckles* You really are just like your mother, aren’t you? *kisses her forehead* But trust me, I’d totally take the hit for you from Uncle Zeus if you let me in.
Macaria: Daddy…
Hades: Alright, alright. Sorry. I’ll drop the subject.
But yeah, like, at the same time, I just feel like Hades having a kid who’s allowed to enter the Elysian Fields would be too easy of a way for him to get in there. Like, Elysian Fields is supposed to be really exclusive and we all know Zeus doesn’t really trust Hades all that much (especially after the whole Olympus takeover thing), so would he really trust his child with Elysian Fields? Even if she’s the sweetest and most well behaved of his kids and takes the most after her mother lol? Idk, like I said, I really do love the idea, so I’m still considering it lol
So yeah, that’s all the roles the kids have and their jobs when they grow up lol! Oh and yeah, Hades DEFINITELY doesn’t want his kids to be overwhelmed or stressed with their roles, so if they ever need help doing things he will honestly drop everything to help them finish what they need to get done (and same goes for Persephone as well, she will do anything to help her kids with their roles too). Like, even if he still has stuff to do, he’ll help his kids. Zagreus needs help counting souls? He’s got it. Macaria needs help tending to the animal souls in Asphodel Meadows? Don’t worry, he’ll be there. Melinoe can’t find a missing soul on earth? Dad’s on the way lol.
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yurawrites · 2 years
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Outfit based on the last episode.
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eclectic-soulss · 4 years
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oiSo the 2020 autumn equinox is just around the corner, taking place September 22 at 13:30 UTC on the Northern Hemisphere.
The autumn equinox is a time of balance, when night and day are equal. It also marks the beginning of days getting shorter while nights keep getting longer. This, in an occult way can be seen as a person slowly transitioning from outwards to inwards, from social to personal, from light to darkness, from the sun to the moon. Meaning that the focus will now be on his emotions, spirituality and shadow aspects rather than on the ego, the group and the light aspects....
In this post I will ramble a bit about my personal view and interpretation of this event. I will talk about it from a Hellenic perspective and also an Astrological perspective. And how we can use it for personal growth.
The Greeks viewed the Equinox as the return of the Goddess Persephone to the Underworld with his husband Hades, God of the death and King of the Underworld.
Persephone is a goddess of Spring, the Underworld, flowers, and vegetation.
She has a dual nature, one that deals with the freshness, opportunity and renewal of spring and one that deals with the coldness, culmination and transition of autumn.
She remains me of the zodiac sign Gemini, a sign well known for having a “double personality” or being “double faceted. “
She also reminds me of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a mutable sign, meaning it is associated with adaptability and flexibility. Sagittarians are born to explore, and it is critical they have the freedom to roam and explore.
Another thing is that Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, Jupiter being heavily associated with Zeus, father of Persephone. The one who made an arrangement so Persephone would have the freedom to go and explore the Underworld once a year. (my personal view of the myth of the abduction of Persephone is slightly different to what it usually is seen as.)
Due to this annual change and travel of Persephone, I interpret it as she having a deep understanding of both aspects, Spring and Autumn, complementary opposites. I believe she understands and its able to adapt to both, the light and the darkness. Thus, I believe she is a more than suitable goddess to work with if a person wants to work on balancing, integrating and/or adapting to both of those aspects within itself. In fewer words, she can assist a person with shadow work. And Autumn is an already associated time to do shadow work, so double points for that.
Now, onto the Astrological side:
The moon will be on Sagittarius, making of this a great astrological time to work on exploring our emotions.
Pluto, planet associated with Hades and the Underworld will still be on Capricorn, great time for personal transformation through evolution. But because it is on Retrograde, we must let our fear of death and letting go aside in order to archive real tangible evolution.
The Sun will be on Libra, further empowering the theme of balance the equinox already has.
— Take a deep glance at your emotions, allow yourself to fully explore your emotional nature.
— Prepare yourself for the transition into darkness by being thankful for what you have accomplished, you can do this by:
Writing down a gratitude list
Having a feast (or a Zoom call) with your friends and family
Setting intentions on personal transformation for the rest of the year
Writing an uplifting letter to your future self to read during the dark and cold days.
— Take it slow and easy, appreciate the moment and spend some time in quiet reflection
— Make an offering to Persephone, Demeter, Hades or any Underwolrd deities.
~ Eclectic Souls ~ Original Content
— Start a Shadow Work practice, keep a shadow journal, ask for the assistance of Persephone or any Underworld deity
For more Hellenic content search the tag #HellenicSouls on my blog.
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wanderingtrash · 7 years
It’s a Hell of a Feeling
The euphoria Harry feels with her is ungodly. But the pain he feels when she goes away is torment
A/N: My first one shot yay! Includes Hades! Harry and Persephone! inspired reader. Also requests are open!
When (Y/N) learned that Hades or Harry (as she was soon told to adress him) had made her his wife. (Y/N) was infuriated. This stranger that she had not known but had heard many gruesome things about. Had elpoed her without her permission. For the first two months of being wedded to him she refused to speak to him. Dreading every moment she had to spend with him. Shivering everytime she was called upon by a maiden to see him in the court. A hate that could not be condemned.
Not even by the thickest cage.
To say her hate towards him hurt Harry would be an understatement. He loathed the hate she felt towards him. A dagger being pushed even further every time she sent to cold stare his way. A one worded answer with the sweet nectar of her voice completely gone. Instead replaced with a sour bitter tone. It send a wave of shame to course through his body.
His change in personality to the staff of his kingdom did not go unoticed either. His usual cold rath of a persona lessened. Not a lot but whatever made him not execute 3 people a day was something. They would take what they could. The staff loved (Y/N) no doubt. Her voice ringing throughout the mansion as she sang. Her white flowy dress moving along with her in a graceful way as she walked.
Whenever she walked in the garden the flowers rose. As if to greet her. The previous garden filled with dead plants and flowers begging to be saved. Now it was filled with colorful growing flowers. Healthy green grass. And the once grey sky that towered over the garden filled with sun. Sending plenty for the flowers and all living things to use.
This was one of the thousands of reasons Harry loved her. Her smile could patch the wounds of his heart. Her touch would give his pale skin life. Her stare could heal every traumatizing moment his eyes had seen.
She cured him
She saved him
Months passed and (Y/N) did learn to love her malicious God. She learned about him. Studied him. She saw the pain no one not even a God could have without going unharmed. A state of isolation and madness.
A state where all you have to keep you company is the demons in your head and the screams of the victims sent to the underwolrd to suffer for all their sins.
She was his savior.
When the ground split open on that faithful day (Y/N) was certain she would be doomed to a life of torture. A life filled with darkness only because the king of the Underworld had been selfish. Deciding to have her all to himself. Her mother Demeter left in sorrow and in desperation.
But Harry needed her.
(Y/N)’s life consisted of being in the open earth. In spring and summer. Being with her mother. Helping the crops and plants and flowers grow to the best of their fulfilment. An earth filled with the blessing presence of their (Y/N).
And then when those two seasons were up she went back to the Underworld to return with her husband and rule the Underworld as queen. For fall and winter. The earth filled with sorror, cold, and a some what darkness. As she had left.
Her leave didn’t only effect all the things on earth. But it affected Harry as well.
Harry dreaded and cursed at the arrival of spring. Meaning his queen was away from him. His heart building a cold steel wall. Waiting for his (Y/N) to come back and warm all the frost off again once again.
Summer was a bit more tolerable for Harry. He was only a few months away from holding her after all. But her absence still left a great deal of trouble in his mind.
As Harry watched (Y/N) tend to the flowers in the garden from the opened stained glass door that leaded to the entrance of the vast garden. His green-blue eyes clouded with tears.
This was her last day in the Underworld.
For 6 months
6 bloody gastly months
(Y/N) smiled as she touched the petal of a Dahlia. Watching with mesmerized eyes as the dark pink petal grew at the slight touch of her finger. The white tips fading a bit.
“When is it that you’ll be returning?” Harry called to her. With a pained disappointed voice.
(Y/N)’s eyes drifted from the Dahlia to the voice of her husband. Standing their with a black trench coat. Held up by his broad shoulders. His short brown curls umtamed. Walking closer to him she looked down momentarily.
"Soon my love. Already so desperate to get rid of me?" She joked weakly. Hoping up to lighten up his mood just a tiny bit.
Harry's mood remained the same. Intense eye looking at her.
"Never" Is all he said as he wrapped his strong arm around her waist. Digging his face on the crook of her neck. Her sweet smell filling his nostrils giving him some sort of comfort. "If I had it my way you'd be here with me for all 12 months. To hell with those weak beings." Harry said with a muffled voice.
(Y/N) couldn't help but laugh softly. The harmony sending shivers down Harry's back.
(Y/N) wrapped her arms around his neck. "They need me up there just like you need me here. I'll be back before you know it. I promise my King that 6 months will fly fast. You know time isn't a always thief."
Lifiting his head from her warm neck he looked into her eyes. Piercing green- blue eyes sparkling a bit. "He's a thief to me if 6 months I get with you feels like 6 seconds" Harry said closing his eyes. A single tear rolling down his pale cheek. (Y/N)'s heart scrunching in pain at the sight. Wiping away his tear with her thumb she kissed him softly. Her warm lips kissing his cold ones.
Pulling away after a few seconds. "He's a friend. He teaches us that every moment we must cherish because it eventually runs out" (Y/N) explained softly.
And so (Y/N)'s chariot came to get her. Waving a soft goodbye to her husband as he stood there. The chariot taking off.
Leaving Harry alone once again.
With the demons in his head.
And the screams of the sinful souls trapped in the Underworld for eternity.
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