#undyne is so cool though
katyspersonal · 2 years
Hey for the fandom ask let’s change a little i’m curious to know what you think of Deltarune characters (& Undertale if no one else ask)
Oh, alright! Yeah, I do not address UTDR all that often despite avidly awaiting Deltarune's completion... This happens when I am into a thing but choose to not interact with the fandom! I will separate the games because even though UT and DR share some characters, even they are slightly differently portrayed.
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
❤Favorite character
This motherfucker is some of the most intimate and personal a character ever got to be for me:
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I was actually so surprised by Literally Everything about him that I needed several days to process his EXISTENCE xD I absolutely love every single line he makes, and I feel strange deep relation to him (not kinnie one, but it feels spiritual). We are just on the same wavelength about being huge l00sers, being cringe but with a unique charisma, having intense mood swings, using weird humour and, of course, the whole 'perceiving the world as a simulation and going insane because of it'... I wish there was a legit term for 'the character I do not kin yet relate to and feel emotions of like they were my own'. I also once had a weird dream about him fusing with me into one entity to get to be 'real' using my human soul, and trust me, that was a whole TRIP for a considerable time. :')
👿Least favorite character
I will have to say Jevil, but this isn't entirely fair... Like I said, I am not ABLE to dislike a fictional character, ESPECIALLY by Toby, but with Jevil it is a love/hate relationship, so he is the only one who can even approach ;-; He is same category as Patches Fromsoft: the 'You have a lot to love about you, but... WHY.' kind of character. xD
💐Comfort character
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Deltarune version of Asgore is THE definition of the soft man. Somewhat lingers with me that in UT timeline he murdered children, but... this just doesn't get to me. After all, most people are capable of terrible atrocities, it is only a matter of whether they meet the conditions that bring it up in them or not. Hehehe...
😍Character you have the biggest crush on
Surprisingly, not Spamton! We are only [[Serious Business Offer]], my [[babygirl]]! Instead, I fucking HAD to have a crush on the hypocritical weather wane bitch ass motherfucker idiot Rouxls Kaard! x_x I still can't justify it to this fucking day. I tend to only like characters that are smart and complex, but I guess his Style TM and charisma alone are irresistible.
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🤝Character you relate to the most
You probably won't believe me, but... Noelle? Yeah, I know, this is very hard to communicate because she is sweet and soft but I am rude and abrasive, to say the least. Nonetheless, I am as far as kinning this character. There is a side of me that is alas not shown very often, however, close friends know of it. Christmas is my favourite holiday, I am very smart and talented but let people use me, I ask too many questions, I have some kindness to me, I am anxious and get startled easily, I am actually easy to push around the closer you are... Heck, sometimes I switch full mode into speaking like her, feeling like her and envisioning myself as her in my mind. x_x
It is a side of me that no longer shows often, nonetheless, it is still alive, like a soft core under a very thick skin. I also started to SERIOUSLY relate to her history after learning of the Snow Grave route.
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🔥Character you think is overrated
I ammmm gonna say, Spamton NEO version! When this character became really popular, it felt as though everyone only cared about his NEO form! Yeah, they are the same character, actually, but it is more about the delivery! If you don't love Spamton at his 'silly super short failing salesman that lives in the trashcan', you don't deserve him at his 'tall cool robot' form!!!!1! /lh
🧨Character you love to hate
Rouxls Kaard again! I know, it is the only DR character that gave me even a semblance of attraction, but I will always bully him for the coward and hypocrite siding with the winning side that he is XD
🙈Character you always forget exists
That one red blob with a face that characters always act around as if that's their friend and someone famous. See, I do not even remember their name! This is how much I forget about them!
🐰Favorite non-human character
Deltarune has only one human character to begin with, so I will use this field as 'favorite unexplored character' instead. Well, I was actually rather fond of Diamond King in my time! Gave him hella headcanons and all that!
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❤️‍🩹Character who deserved better
ALL THE KINGS!!!!!!!! Diamond, Heart and Club Kings - because they were just a haha funny cameo with only Diamond King having at least SOME lines. Spade King was handled well enough in the canon, but it was the fandom that gave him pretty bad treatment - from neglecting the nuance of his character to the outright ableism (I am serious). But even fandom aside, Spade King deserved better than having endured an obvious divorce from a rather shallow wife, being abandoned by his Knight and living in the bitterness about how Lightners treated the Darkners. No shit he became an unlikeable person. Like... can anyone treat him nicely?
❤Favorite character
I love them all, but THE favorite got to be Undyne!
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She is already the badass fish girlfriend in the normal timeline, however, her best traits sure get to shine in Merciless Route. Her speech about humans and monsters hearts beating as one just to continue existing absolutely won me over. The coolest character, hands down.
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👿Least favorite character
No such thing, sorry! The closest I can think of is Muffet because unlike other bosses, she is Just There and is doing the smug anime girl moves, but she is still cute! Also I still like spiders ;-;
💐Comfort character
W. D. Gaster + Whatever fandom made out of W. D. Gaster (that mostly comes from interpreting Mystery Man sprite as him). But honestly, this character makes me happy! A mad scientist that accidentally cancelled his own existence and transcended beyond his own plane.
😍Character you have the biggest crush on
Stupid motherfucking Mettaton and his pretentious, full of self personality -_- Can you tell yet that I have a type? W. D. Gaster is the close second, however.
🤝Character you relate to the most
Honestly, Papyrus. Almost a kinnie. Again, something hard to explain, because you can see my personality doesn't match, but it is just... the whole 'looser that really wants approval but is THE manifestation of everything that won't make anyone except a few people appreciate him'. He is also silly, that I can relate to. I will turn goddamn full TWENTY SIX in April, but I am still just really silly and naive @_@
🔥Character you think is overrated
I don't know whether I want to say Sans, because he kindaaaaa deserved his popularity... I think it is more about how his potential was overrated. In every Undertale AU, he is the central figure, and like... THIS is my gripe. If you gonna alter universes, why not touch other characters?
🧨Character you love to hate
Mettaton, because he is a huge bitch, actually xd Like, yes, he is very attractive, but I also want to short his circuits and not in the way of a weird euphemism, but in a literal way :( Think of 'I want to strangle him' but in regards of a robot character. Fuck him for abandoning Napstablook and being mean to Alphys when she is clearly struggling with many issues in weird ways :( I still love him tho
🙈Character you always forget exists
Nice Cream guy! Only ever remember about him when he is brought up in his ship with Burgerpants.
🐰Favorite non-human character
Again, Undertale has like... TWO human characters, so I will reverse this point! Picking between All Two of them, I think I like Chara better than Frisk. They invoke so much sympathy, they were the only one who truly understood Asriel (by his OWN admission!), they take lacking trust and bullshit very seriously and were clearly a very strong-willed child.
❤️‍🩹Character who deserved better
The entire Dremurr family, including Chara. I mean... the whole plot sprouts from the tragedy of this family, so I guess this part is a no-brainer. Honorable mention is Alphys in the ending variant where Mettaton becomes the king, because it is heavily implied that she either committed minecraft or simply was in a terrible mental space enough to distance and disappear from society. I am thinking about that timeline every now and then. I even had a lost concept of her trying to run away from everything that fell on her and falling into rift in time, that changed her permanently. A never developed AU because people in a Discord server dissed my overly elaborate idea :(
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Thank you for the ask though! I don't get to talk about UTDR side of me all that often, despite how much it means for me!
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northstarscowboyhat · 5 months
About the older clover au wouldn't asgore know about this and tell the royal guard to look for clover or he just give up looking for them?
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I answered another ask about Asgore here, but to summarize, Asgore (and Undyne and the Royal Guard by extension) don't know with 100% certainty that there's a human living in secret in the Underground. After all, Martlet obviously didn't report Clover in when they decided to live there! There were rumors spread throughout the Underground, though, that a human child was briefly spotted before "disappearing", leading to an official Royal Guard investigation.
Asgore. of course, ordered an investigation into these rumors, but nothing turned up. So he continued to wait in his castle, assuming perhaps that the rumored human died alone somewhere or perhaps never existed. Clover and their family still remain vigilant, though, knowing that it'd take only one sighting or reporting of them for the Royal Guard to come and try and deliver their soul to the King....
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down-thedrain · 1 year
"this world will live on...!" girl no it wont im sorry
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chasmbreach · 2 years
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carlyraejepsans · 7 months
Going off what you said about sans, do you think Papyrus is an extrovert like he appears to be, or secretly an introvert? I've always seen people saying he's an extrovert, but he doesn't hang around people besides Undyne and Sans.
papyrus only appears as an extrovert, and being extroverted shouldn't be confused with the fact that he wants friends.
while it's true that he spends his entire introduction bemoaning his lack of friends, it becomes quickly apparent that this isn't the real conflict of his character. papyrus obviously has some issues with... well not so much his self esteem, as his self image. how to be "someone important" in "the right way". he's built up this idea of what a cool person should be, and that idea includes "having lots of friends who think you're cool" and "showers of kisses every morning" as key elements. which is all fine and dandy, except he... doesn't actually seem to want that?
i mean think about it. you go on a date because he feels like he has to, then he turns you down because he can't make himself fall in love with you. he basically acts as the mayor in town—and sure he's goofy, and ridiculous, but all of snowdin seems to be at least fond of him, if not actively amused by his antics—it would take nothing for him to make friends with them... eeexcept he also hates grillby's, ie the primary hangout spot for his fellow sentires in the area.
it becomes obvious the moment you compare him to his brother. sans, as opposed to papyrus, is depressed to a point that it impacts his energy and executive function, and STILL, where does he spent 99% of his time? at the bar full of people. sans doesn't need to charge his social batteries after interactions, he recharges his batteries BY being in social situations. papyrus, on the other hand, seems at his happiest with a tight knit group of close friends and plenty of personal space as well as private time, either by himself or with his brother at max (he does cite his house as his favorite place to spend time, rather than public spaces, and loves organizing family parties there post-canon)
so nope, not an extrovert imo. though still very much a community-oriented guy.
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Undertale characters see S/O break a bone and then S/O basically just does a Far Cry healing animation and doesn’t even care they got hurt.
Undertale Sans - He grabs your arm gently but firmly, with dark eye sockets. "b u d d y ? N e v e r d o t h a t a g a i n." He hated every second of it. What's wrong with you? Go to the hospital like a normal person, you're going to hurt yourself more.
Undertale Papyrus - He faints. First, the shock of seeing your leg on the wrong side triggered him, but you simply putting it back in place like it's nothing? That's too much man. He can take a lot of things, but this is a big no.
Undertale Toriel - .... She was about to heal you, that for sure stopped her dead in her tracks. She's speechless. And immediately turns into Goat Mom mode and starts lecturing you about how dangerous this is and how it could have hurt you even more. Now you sit down this instant and you let her heal you properly.
Undertale Asgore - He lived hundreds of years and still discovers new things. Though, that one is maybe a bit too much. The noise of the bone snapping back into place made him so uncomfortable he suddenly panics his way out of the house, pretending he needed to get groceries or something.
Undertale Undyne - She stares in awe for a few seconds. Then she explodes. "This was AWESOME. Do it AGAIN!!!" She's very excited about this. She's even ready to break your arm if you need it! Come on!
Undertale Alphys - The scientist in her leaves her body. Why even try? You clearly have no idea how to fix a bone. It's so dangerous and you just act like everything is alright now??? How??? You should be screaming in agony???
Undertale Frisk - Well they can do cool things too. Frisk immediately struggles to lick their elbow with all they have.
Undertale Chara - They roll their eyes at you. You think you're in a video game or something? They're not taking you to the hospital when you realize you're dying because of how painful this is. You did that to yourself.
Undertale Mettaton - He gasps, then runs to you with a camera. Can he break one of your bones so you can do it again and put it in his next movie? Please, please, please, pretty please....
Undertale Gaster - He hisses at you, all his goop puffing like an angry cat. This is the worst sound he has ever heard, please never do that again or he's going to blip into another dimension again!
Undertale Grillby - He stays neutral, but his fire body suddenly burns for real, which means you triggered him. And now the bar is on fire, and Sans is on fire, and all the customers are running in circles screaming for their lives. What have you done?
Undertale Muffet - No big deal, it happens all the time with her eight arms too. She doesn't even notice when one is broken with time, as she has seven other functioning ones. You're not special, who cares.
Undertale Burgerpants - Oh look at that. He's dating another weird person. Welp, that's official. He has a type apparently. He wishes he didn't have one. Why can't he date normal people who do things like normal people should?
Undertale Flowey - Did you just pull out the friendliness pellet he threw inside your arm with your teeth? "You can't do that! That's illegal! I just broke that bone, you can't fix it like it's nothing! Cheater!" He's so mad! Stop breaking his fun. He wants to kill you!
Undertale Gerson - He wiggles his eyebrows at you. You know his back is hurting as well, right? You know. A little trick like that could help like hell. Come on. Don't be shy.
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corpupine · 5 months
I've been doing a lot of thinking...and I feel like I need to scream this out somehow even though I'm sure it's been talked about before (and I'm putting it under a readmore because it gets long).
No matter what, in any playthrough you do and any timeline you create.
UNDERTALE is a game about guilt.
You have Toriel, so guiltridden she couldn't protect her own children that she devotes herself to never letting another child leave again. And then they do!! over and over again, that guilt compounds until it's the center of her life and every choice she makes!!
And obviously Asgore, so guiltridden that he couldn't protect his own children from humans that he spends the rest of his days trying to get out and get revenge on them--as if that will stop the voices in his head saying, if you had been out there with them you could have stopped it, you could have stopped those humans from killing your children, and maybe he could have!! Or maybe not!! He'll never know and it eats him from the inside out!
Alphys, oh my sweet summer child this fandom does not deserve you!! Alphys, so guiltridden from her own perceived failures as a scientist that she began to try anything, anything to make the King happy, and it seemed to be working at first, and then it was so everlastingly worse, how can you cause something worse than death?? without even trying??
And it shows up in little ways, silly ways, too! Ways you wouldn't even think about as guilt! Undyne! She feels guilty that she won't let Papyrus join the Royal Guard so she gives him cooking lessons instead! Papyrus feels guilty that he's not in love with you after one date so he'll "keep being your cool friend and act like this never happened!"
SANS MY BOI don't even get me started. His guilt isn't as physically obvious but he made a promise to toriel, he promised her he would keep the human safe, and in timelines where you save everyone he follows you pretty much all throughout the Underground (even if he doesn't do anything to help smh) because he'd feel guilty not doing it, and in timelines where you kill everyone he feels guilty for not stopping you, AND in those SAME timelines he feels guilty for stopping you because it means he's breaking his promise to Toriel to keep you safe I!!! This boy can fit so much cosmic guilt in him!!!!
Asriel! FLOWEY!! Do you ever wonder if he feels guilty about being the one to wake up again? The one to survive, when Chara had to die twice?? He sits at their grave and he will do anything, anything to drown out those thoughts so he befriends and kills and torments and it's all the same and it's all useless!!
And their guilt compounds each others'! Toriel makes Sans make that promise because of her own guilt, which increases his! Asgore's guilt is what pushes Alphys so far past the limits of ethical science, because he increases hers!
And all of this, all of this, ALL OF THIS pales in comparison to you!!!
You!! The player! You return to the Underground after maybe accidentally killing Toriel or a few others because you didn't know, you never wanted to hurt them!! You listen to Flowey and you come back and you save them all!
You! The player!!! You cry at the ending and you'd feel guilty, so guilty about letting them all go, wouldn't you? So you ignore Flowey's pleas to let it alone, and you come back again, you say hello to your dear friends but this time it isn't the same, this time you kill them all because you want to see everything this game has to offer, might as well get your money's worth, the fights are cool, right?? And then you get hit with the most unsatisfying atomic bomb of an ending and the only thing left is your own reflection staring back at you from the black screen of your computer as the horror dawns, what have you done???
YOU!!! The player! You go back again even though there is no Flowey left to tell you to, and you save them all again because I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, nobody deserves what I did to all of you, and it's all good, nobody remembers, and then you get to the end. The game knows what you did!!! It never forgot, and it'll make certain you never forget either!! Guilt!! Guilt, guilt!!! It's baked into the code of this game!!
Anyways tl;dr, maybe it actually did make sense to give this game to the pope
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g0nefischin · 7 months
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Skeleton time babye
these guys really needed a revamp so here they are :>
lore under cut
Papyrus is technically the deputy sheriff to undyne but she really doesn't let him do much, its more of a title than a job honestly. He keeps trying to prove himself to her by doing risky things to show that he is capable, he's a strong skeleton!
I wanted to give him a classic cowboy look, almost like if someone was dressing up as a sheriff, since his battle body in game is a costume. he has tassels because they look very cool and he is cool. and His special blue attack is a lasso!
Sans is just a guy lmao no fancy title, he is kinda a jack of trade around town though. everyone loves him and he knows pretty much everyone in town on a first name basis. He helps other monsters with their work and and has weaseled himself into getting free drinks at Grillbys.
Sans mended his clothes himself, I like to think both the brothers are very DIY focused honestly. Forgot to note this on the sheet but the brown lower part of the jacket is leather. The ends kept getting dirty and he got tired of washing it.
he sells corn dogs instead of hotdogs, honestly I have no good reason for this it just felt right.
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cas-spirit · 12 days
Have some of my utmv headcannons
Dreamtale is, in universe, called ‘The Tale of Emotions’. Over time, however, It got ‘Killertale’d. This upsets both twins, but there’s an infinite number of au’s with an infinite number of people. Everyone close to the twins, however, calls it the correct name.
While everyone in the multiverse went from calling it ‘The Tale of Emotions’ to ‘Dreamtale’, Ink originally called it ‘Dreamtale’, because that’s what the creators called it. He switched after realizing how upset it made Dream.
After leaving his AU, goopy 6 year old Nightmare wanted to establish himself as the scariest, most dangerous threat in the multiverse. So he followed around Error, the most dangerous threat in the multiverse. Error had a dad arc.
Ink and Error are best friends.
Error’s goal to destroy the multiverse is impossible (that’s canon, I just think it’s really cool). It’s a sunk cost fallacy, which is when you invest so much into something, you can’t stop, or else why for you waste so much?
Ink knows that too. He’ll sometimes fight Error if the au is pretty new, and because he knows their fights inspire creators. Most of the time, however, he leaves Error be. After all, who are they to intrude on Error’s story?
Most AUs fall because they’ve been forgotten. They crumble like a dry, dead leaf, which is when Core Frisk gets monsters out and into the Omega Timeline.
When a creator destroys their own AU, everyone in universe forgets that the AU existed in the first place, Gaster style. The only ones that remember are Ink and Error because they’re both connected to the creators. (For example, Fell knows he’s missing a drinking buddy, but only Ink and Error know that was Flowerfell Sans, or anything about Flowerfell in the first place)
Error and Ink are both Aroace.
The multiverse just… pops shipkids into existence. Most of the time, the parents aren’t even together. (Fr though, why are all ship kid’s origins that their parents are terrible and abusive? I thought we all liked these funky skeletons?)
Ink loves the shipkids. He views them as precious gifts from the creators and takes very good care of them. He’s almost the multiverse’s CPS. Any and all of his kids are absolutely and undeniably loved.
All the Swap universe Sanses know eachother. They take turns having a training day/movie night sleepover in the others AU’s and consider each other cousins.
Blueberry is Swap’s kid.
The Fell brothers are friends with Dust and Horror. They want to fight Horrortale Undyne so bad. They had to be stopped multiple times.
Classic, Red, Swap, and Horror because a friend group after Swap and Horror had began fighting with/for Dream and Nightmare. It was awkward at first, but Swap was determined to make Horror his friend.
Ink didn’t really have a house until he met Dream. When the 6 year old broke out of stone, Ink brought him to his Dad’s house for a few days while he made a home in the doodleshpere for them. Ink had his first father arc of many.
Geno, Error, Fatal Error, and Fresh are siblings.
Geno and Dream friendship my beloved.
Geno has been asked to babysit both Dream and Nightmare at the same time before. It was always very awkward, but no fights broke out (thankfully).
Outer is the youngest Sans. (In the og Undertale, they say all kids wear stripes, and Outertale Sans does wear stripes.) He’s still an adult, and the big brother, he’s just a little bit younger than most other Sanses.
Whether or not an AU has the events of Undertale Yellow is it’s past is entirely random. Most things that happen before Frisk falls down are.
Ink has the ability to look at other multiverses. He just dislikes doing it because other Ink’s unsettle him a bit. He did once, however, because Dream asked him if he and his brother were destined to fight in every universe. Ink chose not to answer.
Despite their being an infinite number of Underswaps, everyone knows the same Swap. Blueberry has, like, a hundred babysitters.
There are a few bittybones aus. Ink has a very firm stance that no one touches them because so many creators go into bitty aus/interact directly with them.
Every story that involves the outcodes on a non multiverse scale is its own AU within the multiverse. (For example, Seabound Souls is it’s own AU, as it’s not on a multiversal scale)
The end of the multiverse is kind of like far lands in Minecraft. It’s a wall with many large, traversable holes in it. The reason people don’t tend to go into other multiverses is just how big of a distance any AU is to the multiverse boarder. If someone did manage to go that distance, however, nothing really stops them from going into another multiverse.
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wily-art · 5 months
I haven't finished it yet, but I watched some of it, and skimmed through the rest (I will finish though at some point; when/if I have the time), and what I did see of it the "Undertale Insomnia: Something Isn't Right" Trailer looks amazing! Ur art and the looks of the characters and the Blasters is on point and great as always! And ur animation is looking awesome too! I think ur comic already had some cool gifs/small animations, but if not; it is cool to see animations from u now too!
The Paps's (both older and younger) and his Casters and/or the Blasters are looking great in the trailer u released!
And Asgore (I think) and the fallen human kid(s) look great in some of the animation WIPs and/or whatever too!
I hope someday to see some of the other Undertale cast in animation form, or at least some of the other Insomnia important and/or etc. cast members like Sans (could be both older or younger), Gaster - before or after getting goopifed, lol (though, I think he might be in this animation and/or at least the full? one), Frisk, Chara, more of Blasters and/or Casters, and/or Alphys (I have gained a soft spot for ur Alphys). Maybe Asriel and/or Flowey too?
Not mentioning Asgore or the kids here, because I think u might have some stuff/ideas/etc. with them already. And not mentioning Undyne either, even though it would be awesome to see her too, bc I don't think she has been in the comic too much yet?
Ofc, u don't have to do any of this. I know animations, and animatics even, can take a long time! Just seeing the Undertale Insomnia (one of my favorite UT, and maybe just in general, comics/series's!) cast brought to life even more through animation like this, has got me excited! ^^
Last of all; I just wanted to clarify, the animation release is just the trailer, and not full thing, or...?? I just wanted to confirm.
Heya! First off thanks! That little tidbit is just a teaser more than a full trailer. IT's definitely not the completed thing. I didn't want to give a solid release time due to genuinely not knowing how long this all would take (at this point a little over a year- Good god). But I wanted to share at least a little something since this whole project has been so all consuming- that from the outside world's perspective I've been more or less absent. It's kind of hard to be active with other things when a singular thing both eats a bunch of time but can't be shared since it's not done X'D. It's a lot of behind the scenes work and not much to show for it yet.
Other characters will definitely be getting way more time to shine in the comic moving forward since I finally hit a particular turning point. Also regarding animations I have a lot of ideas for the other characters and the fallen kids that all more or less tie into the same world in a "how did we arrive to this point" kind of scenario. But due to how long all of this takes and I can't promise how many of them I will get to. Or at least how quickly because right now I'm moving at a blistering speed of _not very fast_ ✨ That said this one with Papyrus is absolutely being released (hopefully later this year) because if I have only one of these in the system it's gonna be for this guy XD The other one that I absolutely want to do as another animated update for Insomnia involves Chara and Frisk to answer what exactly happened at the end of the last run before this one. I'm hoping that since I've learned a lot (this is my first animated project) that that one will go a lot smoother. An account of figuring out a lot of things I Was doing that made my life INFINITELY HARDER. Hope that answers things.
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capricioussun · 1 month
Some more swap bro stuff
When they were younger, Papyrus struggled a bit with sensory overload. Sans knew something was wrong whenever Papyrus would get really quiet and scratch at his chin/cheeks, and would work to get him somewhere quieter/calmer as soon as possible. Usually he'd be touch averse for a little while after, which would be rough, because physical soothing was also one of his preferred methods of comfort.
Muffet and Sans have a slightly strained relationship. She helped them out a bit when they first moved to Snowdin, but when Papyrus was older, Sans felt she was a bit of a bad influence on him. They have two very different ideas of what help is.
Papyrus actually always admired the guards, he thought they were cool and reminded him of the heroes in the ragged old comics they fished out of the dump sometimes. He never understood Sans' aversion, but that didn't stop him from feeling frustrated and guilty when Sans joined the guard to help support financially.
Even before the judging ability manifested, Papyrus was about the only one who could tell when Sans was lying. He lied a lot when they were kids. He still does. Papyrus never really asked why, and felt it was too late by the time he realized he did the same.
Similarly to UT and UF, Sans has a significantly worse view of the previous royal scientist than Papyrus does.
Also similar to UT and UF, Papyrus has the bulk of their shared memory problems, which was the original reason behind carrying a notebook with him at all times. Of course, he wound up forgetting it and rarely ever uses it.
Sans far prefers savory foods, while Papyrus prefers sweets. Due to the lack of cooking knowledge, this leads to Sans often putting sweet things in savory dishes in an attempt to cater to both of their tastes, fruit, sugar, candy, etc. The results are not always horrible but they are very very rarely if ever good.
(Sans doesn't bother trying to learn how to bake since Papyrus loves Muffet's stuff so much, and it's usually harder than cooking anyway)
Papyrus, surprisingly, isn't actually entirely clueless about cooking, but pretty much the most complicated thing he knows how to make is grilled cheese (and he still usually burns it at least a little).
Papyrus and Alphys don't get along because Alphys finds him deeply annoying and Papyrus annoys her because he’s kind of spiteful of her, being the one who hired Sans and insisted on "training him" (sees her as condescending).
Sans and Undyne also do not get along because Sans feels she burdens Papyrus with too much when he already has to act as judge (Undyne does not know he's the judge).
Papyrus still thinks anime are cartoons but is more willing to humor Undyne, while Sans actually lowkey thinks anime fucks.
Sans is unintentionally good at flirting but does not want to be in a relationship, while Papyrus is terrible at flirting but still tries even though he also does not want to be in a relationship.
Instead of sprinkles, Papyrus "feeds" the pet rock various candies, like skittles or candy corn.
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justali-anne · 2 months
Undertale Playing On A Minecraft Server!
This is Post-Pacifist, by the way.
Probably the one who created the server, let's be real. They're also the one who introduced the monsters to Minecraft in the first place.
They sometimes like to play in creative mode, but I bet they're willing to take on some of the hardest Minecraft challenges for kicks. Sometimes to the detriment of others on the server.
They're likely to play along when Alphys wants to roleplay. A well-behaved child.
Spends time with everyone as equally as possible! They love everyone on the server, so of course they would wanna do that!
Shows everyone the ropes and gives them tips. They help out Asgore the most.
Sometimes they like to play survival properly with Papyrus and Undyne, sometimes they like to troll them with Sans. They're kind of a wild card when it comes to that.
Since they're the host, they're always on the server when it's running.
She doesn't play on the server that much - she's often too busy with grading homework and taking care of the school. But when she does join, it's a nice treat.
Because she doesn't play as often, she's further behind than most of the other players on the server. Luckily, Frisk and Papyrus are kind enough to supply her with materials and food.
I'm sure she would love to build a pretty cottage in a forest biome, surrounded by a nice farm and do her own thing.
Sticks by either Frisk or Sans. Often tries to reign them in when they're taking their pranks too far. Sometimes she even distracts Sans while Papyrus and Undyne are doing something important. She's an unsung hero in that regard.
Although, on occasion, she might be prone to a little bit of pranking herself... Mostly on Sans, because he needs a taste of his own medicine.
Trolly troll troll trolly troll trolly troll troll!
No, but seriously, this guy is a menace! He steals important materials, messes up Papyrus' organised chests, knocks players off of cliffs, you name it, he's gonna do it.
Well... apart from griefing. Sans wouldn't go that far. He's not mean-spirited.
He also uses cheats. Like, all the time. It's a miracle he hasn't been kicked off the server yet. Probably because Frisk is too nice to kick him and besides, he's one of their best friends!
Obviously targets Undyne and Papyrus the most, but sometimes he actually stops trolling and helps them out.
Possibly has the dumbest skin on the server, let's be real.
He likes it when someone gets back at him! He finds it very humerus!
If someone genuinely gets upset at him, though, Sans will back down. As stated earlier, he's not mean-spirited.
Plays very often, in fact, he's almost always there when the group plays! What can I say? He just likes spending time with his friends.
Absolutely adores playing Minecraft, and would pester Frisk (kindly) to start up the server so he can play.
He likes to set himself challenges so he would never get bored. He'll defeat all the bosses, then make a challenge to defeat them again and again... IN THE SAME AREA.
Will explore every inch of the server and build landmarks (statues of himself, farms, buildings etc) to keep track of where he's been.
Likes to keep all his chests organised and tidy, and fumes when someone (cough cough Sans cough cough) messes them up.
Rages easily, especially when Sans is around. It takes a lot for him to rage quit, though.
I don't know why, but something tells me Papyrus would be good at redstone. He could use it to make cool Minecraft puzzles! And then test them with his friends! Isn't that cute?
He likes to play along with Alphys' roleplays when Undyne isn't around. He's sweet like that.
Would go out of his way to ration every resource equally and keep some extra for Toriel. Iron, food, heck, even diamonds and netherite. He's very generous.
How often does he play? Pretty often, actually! He and Sans are a bit of a package deal, so when one shows up, the other inevitably will. I forgot to mention that before... Well, unless he's at work. Papyrus is no slacker.
Loves ALL challenges! She's in it for the thrills and would go for every boss and achievement.
She's a pretty intense player. She rages easily and is very reckless, which leads to a lot of deaths and a lot of lost resources. Chill, Undyne.
She doesn't really spend a lot of time building things, so she just leaves the building to Papyrus and Alphys. Thanks to them, she no longer lives in a dirt hole!
Sometimes she will rage quit, only to come back 2 minutes later. It happens so often that everyone is used to it now. "Oh, Undyne quit? Maybe this time she'll- Oh, look, she's back again."
She'll roleplay with Alphys, especially cool anime battles and stuff like that. She has a bit of a guilty pleasure for this. And besides, who could say no to Alphys?
Often sticks by Papyrus since the two are best buds. Though she's just as likely to go adventuring on her own.
She doesn't play as often as Frisk and the brothers, but she's very frequent and plays like 80% of the time... ish? When possible, of course. She's busy too, you know!
She's the type who loves to roleplay. She even builds settings for them.
Heavily inspired by anime. She actually likes to be in Creative Mode most of the time for two reasons. 1. So she can get all the resources she needs to build her humble town. 2. Because she doesn't like the creepy mobs coming out at night and attacking her.
She hates creepers and phantoms with a passion. Creepers destroyed her builds more than once and jumpscare her easily, and she's the one the others have to coax into bed because she insists on building and gathering materials all night, so phantoms are definitely gonna spawn and annoy her.
Building and roleplaying isn't all she does. Like Papyrus, I'd imagine Alphys would pick up on redstone very easily. She's also the one who creates the best material farms so she can gather resources quickly.
Occasionally, she will join Undyne and Papyrus on their challenges.
Avoids Sans most of the time... For obvious reasons. The two definitely still talk to each other, though. No hard feelings.
She doesn't play too often, but she has a lot more free time than Undyne does now that she's on the surface. And let's be honest, she's kind of a shut in already. She'll only join the server when she's up for it, as in, mentally.
Oh, sweet sweet Asgore.
The poor soul, he fumbles most of the time and doesn't know how to play. He dies the most often, but the sweetie is a good sport about it.
Thanks to Frisk, he gets the hang of the basics, but there's still a lot he doesn't know. And to be honest, he doesn't have a lot of time to get to know them, since I imagine he would be busy with other important things.
Will gladly roleplay with Alphys. He doesn't usually take part in the adventures. Not unless someone drags him into it.
He's a pushover and just follows everyone else.
Doesn't play much at all. Like Toriel, it's only on rare occasions, but when he does play, it's a treat.
Other characters:
Flowey - Used to play. Got banned because he was a lot like Sans, just 100X worse.
Monster Kid - They love playing Minecraft, and they like the server too! However, they also have a server of their own, so they just play on that most of the time. They love playing with Frisk and Papyrus, though!
Mettaton - Doesn't play at all. Sorry, darling! He's busy travelling the world and doing tours! He's got fans to please!
Napstablook - Also busy supporting Mettaton with his tours, so they don't play at all. However, they have played ONCE and never again. They didn't know how to play, and just gave up after one little mistake in typical Napstablook fashion. Bless their soul.
W.D. Gaster - ☟︎☜︎🕯︎💧︎ 😐︎✋︎☠︎👎︎✌︎ 💧︎☟︎✌︎❄︎❄︎☜︎☼︎☜︎👎︎ ✌︎👍︎☼︎⚐︎💧︎💧︎ ❄︎✋︎💣︎☜︎ ✌︎☠︎👎︎ 💧︎🏱︎✌︎👍︎☜︎ ☼︎✋︎☝︎☟︎❄︎ ☠︎⚐︎🕈︎✍︎✍︎ ☟︎☜︎🕯︎💧︎ 😐︎✋︎☠︎👎︎ ⚐︎☞︎📬︎📬︎📬︎ 👎︎☜︎✌︎👎︎✍︎✍︎✍︎ ☟︎⚐︎🕈︎ 👍︎✌︎☠︎ ☟︎☜︎ 🏱︎⚐︎💧︎💧︎✋︎👌︎☹︎✡︎ 🏱︎☹︎✌︎✡︎✍︎✍︎✍︎ ✋︎ ☺︎🕆︎💧︎❄︎ 🏱︎🕆︎❄︎ ☟︎✋︎💣︎ ☟︎☜︎☼︎☜︎ ✌︎💧︎ ✌︎ ☺︎⚐︎😐︎☜︎📬︎
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alyimoss · 2 months
I don’t actually know anything about your underswap I’d love to hear about it!
explodes ok so.
this ended up being the length of the average one-shot so it has to go under the cut
tbf my underverse is not super developed. i mostly just have. sans, papyrus, alphys, and undyne figured out (though not fully) and the rest im still thinking through. but nevertheless i love my swaps and would die for them.
between those four, the swaps are pretty standard (so sans and papyrus swap, and so do alphys and undyne), but they generally have a bit more like?? backstory as to why they are the way that they are?? my underswap is like. base ut but something went sideways and now shit's weird. so these characters, for the most part, started out like their classic counterparts, and this is why my swaps have more of their base ut traits than some other swaps.
like- for example, my swap papyrus started out more or less like classic papyrus. he's energetic and ambitious and he puts his all into the things that he does and he believes in everyone!! but he lets his reality wear him down more than classic: where classic keeps up his "fake it til you make it" kind of attitude towards his own popularity and just keeps trying even if he fails, my swap pap realizes that no matter what he does, he's not the person he wants to be. he wants to be the cool popular guy that everyone wants to be friends with, but… through years of rejection and failure, he eventually resigns himself to just being some fucking guy. not important. forgettable.
so he stops trying. he stops trying to make friends, trying to put himself out there, etc. the thought of joining the royal guard doesnt even cross his mind because he'd preemptively decided that its pointless — he wont get in and hell just make a fool of himself trying. why bother? the funny thing, though, is that, as a papyrus, i guess he can never truly stop trying, because he kind of does a 180 here. instead of being some cool extrovert popular guy, he assumes the persona of just the average guy. he masks his effort levels, trying to make it seem like he's someone who really doesnt try that hard (because he doesnt want to look like a tryhard), so like for example, where classic papyrus speaks in all caps to show his effort (and classic sans, conversely, speaks in all lowercase to show the exact opposite thing), my swap papyrus speaks with proper capitalizations because thats what normal, average people do!! and hes just a perfectly normal, average guy… just your average, completely forgettable rando…
i guess at his core, hes someone influenced wildly by shame and a fear of being his true self, because he doesnt see that self as being worthy enough because it doesnt fit his specific criteria (this is smthn that also applies to classic papyrus, at least to a certain extent, but thats not what im here to yap abt)
and then his spiral into depression is what pushes my swap sans into becoming a proper swap. he, like classic, knows about the timeline and resets and whatnot, and has, too, given up. why bother? nothing matters. except then he looks around and he sees the townspeople notice. his friends at the bar ask if hes okay, and when he blatantly lies to them, he can feel their hopes dwindle. he feels the whole town almost become darker, heavier. he cant fathom himself having this kind of impact on others, but he feels it and even if its not his fault, if its just a byproduct of them all being stuck underground for so damn long, he feels like hes doing something wrong. he feels guilty. and then he sees papyrus. his brother, who had always shined like the brightest star in the sky, giving up and losing hope and hiding away from the world. and sans feels responsible.
so he does the only thing he can think of — he decides to try. of course, that doesnt mean that he actually feels any better. he doesnt think this will do anything in the larger scheme of things. but he cant stand seeing his brother like that. he cant stand the guilt. and so he becomes more like classic papyrus — he enrolls in the guard, he makes rounds around snowdin, he cooks and cleans and drags his brother out of the house with him. and even if he has no energy and he feels like hes drowning but the waves are still crashing on top of him one after the other, he keeps going because anything is better than the feeling of failure.
this is where id go in on his backstory and why he feels this way about failure, but. i kind of. dont have anything. and anyway i keep these two's backstories brief in most aus bc canonically we do not know what the fuck is up w them and i dont know if we ever will. and really im fine with that, the mystery makes them. but yeah anyway, due to circumstances, my swap sans is riddler with guilt and the fear of failure, and he will do anything to prove he is not a failure, that he can at least do something right.
oh and also speaking of guilt, papyrus notices this change in his brother. and he recognizes that he has a part in it. and as grateful as he is for his brother's attempts to cheer him up, he also feels immensely guilty because he can see better than anyone else in the whole underground just how much his brother's self-imposed duty weighs on him. he blames himself for letting himself get so bad that now his brother is suffering from it as well, but he also cant get any better. cue the self-loathing cycle. anyway, as a result, he ends up sharing less with sans. its a means of lessening his burden — if he doesnt know the things going wrong in papyrus's life, he wont have to waste time and energy on him and wont have to have more on his already overloaded plate!! its the perfect plan except they drift apart and now their closeness feels so surface-level and papyrus feels guilty about lying and he knows his brother is still worried, perhaps moreso now that he knows less and he's so scared theyll drift further apart but he's committed fully to this so he just keeps digging the hole and he doesnt know how to stop. (theyre still close, but less so than the classic bros, id say)
ok enough abt those two alphyne time.
these two are actually. less developed. and theres one specific part ill talk abt a bit later that im rlly not sure what to do with. but anyway. they, too, had their original roles at first. undyne, the rambunctious, hotheaded kid who kept getting into fights and couldnt sit still long enough to read one paragraph, and alphys, the nerdy kid who practically lived at the dump, collecting comics and anime… and yeah they somehow ended up the royal scientist and head of the royal guard, respectively.
i havent fully thought through why undyne would end up the scientist, but itd probably have something to do with injury. she keeps her eye injury in my swap. but as evidenced by base ut, a simple missing eye cant stop undyne! so she probably had a more. extensive injury, likely coupled with other factors. im not fully sure what happens, but what i am sure of is i want her to have a similar focus on robotics as alphys. she decides that if she cant fulfill the hopes and dreams of monsterkind on the frontlines, she'll become a different kind of hero. i think she mostly makes prosthetics, likely coupling them with weaponry bc thats just cool. she finds the best ways to combine mobility and magic efficiency and is widely respected by monsters for what she does (also, if youre wondering why monsters would need prosthetics when they have op healing and are made of magic, it comes from my personal theory that the longer a wound is left unhealed, the harder it is to heal it perfectly. so like, for example, it's possible to use magic healing to do things like reattach limbs. it will work as long as the recipient of the healing isnt dead. however, this reattachment needs to happen quick. depending on how long you wait, you could lose significant mobility in the limb, or just not be able to attach it at all. also, theres monsters like monster kid who dont have certain limbs. so i guess where some monsters get prosthetics to replace lost body parts, others get them to have entirely new body parts. anyway.)
meanwhile, alphys becomes a guard through a series of events. i think she signs up to be a sentry in hotland or something at first, because positions were open and they didnt exactly have many requirements, and she needed money. she ended up being like- exceptional. she's detail oriented and driven and is good at problem-solving, and her reviews were always stellar, so at some point i think she was approached about a promotion. which i think she took because, again, money. i think the guard has good benefits and pay.
to explain how she becomes the head of the guard, i want to take a moment to talk abt the guard in my swap. because toriel is the queen and is not thrilled at the prospect of killing humans, i think the guard isnt a thing at all until a couple humans in. i think several were less than friendly, killing several monsters. at first, when people brought this up, i think toriel would defend the humans by saying that they were just scared or acting in self-defense etc. but 1) i doubt monsters particularly liked their ruler defending people who killed their loved ones and 2) the human that got the guard established was. probably pretty bad. dont ask me which soul this was, i wont tell you bc i dont know. but they killed a sizeable number of monsters, to the point where not even toriel could defend them. they were probably the only human she killed (ill get to that later). after their death, the guard was established. still not really to kill humans as much as to ensure they got to the queen quickly and safely, as well as to protect monsters in case a particularly violent human fell down.
anyway yeah with this context, alphys was more fitting to be the head of the royal guard than undyne, id say. she's less violent and more mindful than undyne. i think toriel herself talked to her about becoming head of the guard. she said no at first, i think. she still had her ambitions of being a scientist, she was just doing this whole guard thing for the money. i think what pushed her to accepting was undyne getting the position of royal scientist.
this is another part im. not fully sure of. theres something that gets toriel's attention in regard to undyne, but i really dont know what. maybe just her reputation as someone who's making monster lives better day by day. toriel wants to give someone like that more resources and more voice as hope dwindles in the underground (i think its a bot of a more bleak situation in underswap like theyre just. sad. for reason and not. because where in base ut the underground is full of hope because they only need one human soul before theyre freed, interspersed with quiet dread because they dont know when they'll get that final soul, i think its more of the latter in my swap. theres more reason to this but ill touch on that in a bit).
anyway yeah undyne becomes the royal scientist and alphys is like welp. and accepts the position of head of the royal guard on the condition that she is trained to fight (as a member of the guard already, she had some training, but being the head is like. a whole other ballpark, yknow?) and yeah she as a character is. still pretty unsure of herself. she's a bit more confident than classic alphys because of her position and her training, but she's still got a lotta self-loathing and self-esteem issues. she still has her stutter, but she's managed to work through it enough to give speeches and shit without stuttering. catch her off-guard tho and she'll stutter and generally be kinda awkward (her stutter is like one of my fav things abt her as someone who also has a stutter i will never get rid of it ever).
she's very unsure of herself as a leader and constantly wonders if shes worthy of this position. she thinks she got it by pure luck when someone better suited couldve gotten it instead. i think she felt very resentful at the beginning, too. abt someone else getting the job of royal scientist before her. and its interspersed with the self loathing like "of course someone else got it before you, what did you ever do to work towards it? god, why did you accept this job? you shouldve just done fast food or something. or just stuck to science as best you couldve. god, no wonder someone got it before you. youre not worthy of it." i think she held a sort of resentment toward undyne too at first, but after they met and she realized that undynes. kinda chill, actually, she felt incredibly guilty about it. its not like she did this on purpose, she doesnt deserve this hatred…
anyway yeah shes head of the royal guard and she hires sans and trains him and their training is half actual training and half just fucking around and watching anime/movies and whatever. and her training/fighting i think are more. formulaic than classic undyne's. she's more about plan and strategy than raw power. also her section would still be in hotland. mostly because i didnt want to put undyne in hotland bc she hates it. lmao.
anyway undyne!! i think she has some regrets about not being able to become the hero she'd dreamed of being, but she also has come to accept her new role. she's more or less satisfied being who she is. she's one of the few characters who doesnt really feel that pressure of "was i supposed to be something else?" in this au. because at the end of the day, her goal stays the same: help monsterkind and crush humanity!! and she can do that as a nerd, too. i think toriel isnt too thrilled abt her attitude toward humans, but theres not much she can do abt it. i think the underswap underground is generally like. slightly less hostile to humans than undertale? (because the queen doesnt want humans dead, but monsters remember the hurt theyve suffered at the hands of humans) but undyne grew up on stories of the war from gerson and stuff like that, so she feels pretty strongly abt who's right and who's wrong and what should be done about that. i do also think she knows asgore, but this is a part im not fully sure of because i dont fucking know what to do with asgore.
also alphyne are still canon of course they are. this isnt glitchtale. they probably also meet at the dump, as alphys is contemplating things and undyne is searching around for junk to work on. and they talk and share their theories about where that creepy void leads. and they start hanging out and alphys shows undyne anime (and inspires her to go crazier with her prosthetics and other robotics works) and they work on battle strategies as a way of flirting /hj. and theres one problem that they kinda share bc i dont know what to do with it. that being the amalgamates.
so its unclear if the amalgamates would even exist in this au actually, but if they do i have two routes i can go with them i think: 1) undyne is the one responsible for them, but she doesnt lie and hide about it (not that i think she could do that much bc toriel would be expecting reports and stuff). she tells everyone whats going on, letting them see their families and whatnot, but still working on them and trying to figure out how to. fix them. and as a result theres just. amalgamates shambling around the underground sometimes. and the last human runs into them sometimes and gets freaked out and it serves as this foreshadowing moment to who undyne is as a character and serves to paint her as someone absolutely terrifying (which isnt necessarily true but also not necessarily untrue). or 2) alphys is the one responsible.
deciding to do one final science thing because fuck it, shes got nothing to lose (she has everything to lose), she decides to try to make a monster's soul last after death. how would she do this in a position where she cant easily get access to the things she'd need? god fucking knows. the main thing about this route is that it adds even more guilt to alphys's plate, which is pretty fitting for her as a character. and also guilt hi hello another guilt mention. this seemed more thought out in my head moving on.
some minor details abt this swap also are that mtt and mew mew are swapped, and mew mew is a popular streamer (and livestreams herself kicking your ass); bp and catty and bratty are swapped just bc i think its funny; grillby and muffet are in a weird territory of swap. i think theyre swapped but still in the same places as base game (bc grillby likes the cold and muffet will literally die dont do this to her), and maybe grillby gets the miniboss instead of muffet (she just forces you to give her money lolol).
and now the final thing: the dreemurrs. listen. i do not know what the fuck to do with these guys. they kinda fuck with the whole story if swapped in ways that are. not good at all. im including chara and frisk in "the dreemurrs" btw for reasons.
because like- we know what toriel would do if she was queen. she tells us. she would get one soul, cross the barrier, get six more, and then free the underground. and if she did that, there would be no story to tell. so. and asgore couldnt just lock himself in the ruins or smthn like toriel does in base ut, because toriel would break that fucking door down trying to get to him because she knows the humans come from the ruins, and she does not trust asgore in the slightest. and i dont even want to touch on the implications of asriel being alive in underswap. so i do not know what to do with him period. chara and frisk seem like a simple swap, but. theyre still distinct characters, whose personalities and actions do have an effect on the plot of undertale. and swapping them has repercussions. mostly in shit like philosophy which im notoriously bad at. so for now im just not thinking abt them.
ok back to toriel and asgore. i have like. an inkling of an idea as to what to do with them. that idea being that asgore, angry after the deaths of his children, wants to wage war, but toriel gets wind of the idea before he's able to make an official declaration, and grows absolutely disgusted with him. she banishes him and assumes the position of single ruler of the underground. i honestly dont know what to do with asgore past this point, but i do know that at least in the beginning, he is under strict supervision (likely by gerson bc gerson).
so what does toriel do as queen? she waits for a human to fall. she welcomes them as she did the first one. she does not take their soul. she cares for them and gives them the best life she can. as they grow older, she talks to them about using their soul to cross the barrier after they die. and they agree. the first (second) human dies of old age after a good, peaceful life in the underground. toriel absorbs their soul, crosses the barrier… and is nearly killed by the humans, still fearful and angry because it hasn't been that long since the last time they saw a monster. she goes back, deciding to instead wait a little longer. in that time, another human falls, then another… but after the first soul, i think most dont die of old age. several die by accident, several are killed in self defense. as mentioned above, at some point the guard is established due to the violence of one of the humans. toriel doesnt absorb these souls, instead keeping them safe in containment.
we know that when a human's soul is absorbed, they still persist (as evidenced by 1) asriel telling us that chara told him to do things and had control over their body when he absorbed their soul and 2) the photoshop flowey fight), i think toriel kind of feared losing herself and/or hurting the humans somehow by absorbing their souls. and with some of the more violent humans, i think the fears of losing herself grew stronger. so yeah she chooses to wait until the humans no longer fear/want to kill monsters or whatever.
and this has influence on the underground of course because imagine your ruler acquires the necessary means to cross the seal trapping you underground and you think that finally, finally youre free!! and then she comes right back like "yeah uh actually they still want us dead so lets wait a bit longer…"
how crushing is that? knowing that not only was your freedom a lie, you now know for sure that the humans outside want you dead? that chances are that even if you do manage to leave the underground, youll either be killed or forced right back under? this i think is a major reason the underswap underground is lacking in hope compared to the undertale underground. but yeah i. dont know if ill end up going with this, actually. because, again, i do not know what the fuck to do with the dreemurrs and i hate it.
another thing im not sure of is the whole "sans's promise to toriel" thing?? bc i kinda still wanna have that in some form, yknow? and i think it works if he's a guard and shes the queen. he visits her at some point to do a report or smthn (maybe bc alphys is busy who knows) and he notices shes looking kinda gloomy. so he gives her his best knock knock joke and she absolutely loves it. so he keeps going and then she gives him a couple of her own and yeah you get it. i just like sans and toriel they are the besties ever.
anyway yeah i think?? thats it?? for now, anyway. i probably forgot to mention smthn but who cares this is like. wayyyy too fucking long already anyways. thank you for letting me yap, i will continue to do so… forever.
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punsmaster69 · 6 months
"frisk. look."
i open my cupped hands to show them a little frog.
"Little dude..."
"So cool."
they hold up theirs to show me a couple of worms.
"so cool."
"So cool."
"so cool."
"So cool."
"What are you two 𝘥𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨??"
flowey shrieks when i hold the frog up to him.
"lookin' at critters."
"Get that thing AWAY FROM ME!!"
he hissed as i moved it closer to him again.
"not a fan of frogs, then?"
"Not a fan of you putting-"
frisk immediately shoves the worms up to his face.
he rapidly wheels backwards.
"That's it. I'm leaving again. Go bother someone else."
me and frisk stare at each other for a moment.
we look around.
there's toriel, who's trying to teach undyne how to skip rocks on the water.
alphys and napstablook are sitting in the shade on a blanket.
mettaton is watching papyrus try to fill up a water gun while standing calf-deep in it.
we nod in agreement.
frisk shouts for him as we walk over.
"Hey! Papyrus!"
passing the water gun to mtt, papyrus wades through the water over to us.
"check this out."
simultaneously, me and frisk raise our cupped hands to indicate what i was talking about. he crouches in front of me and frisk.
they reveal the worms.
he removes a glove to lightly pet the wriggling creatures.
"She doesn't?"
"Sounds like I've gotta go show her how cool worms are."
upon opening my hands, the frog immediately jumps onto my brother.
there's a loud splash as he shouts in surprise and tumbles backwards.
undyne can be heard cackling from behind me.
toriel shouts over with concern.
"Is he alright?"
a bony thumbs-up rises from the water. not long after rises the upper half of the skeleton.
i watch tori signal the thumbs up to alphys and napsta as well.
"Do you need a hand, darling?"
he shakes his head as he stands up. papyrus sighs as he squeezes water out of his shirt.
water pours from his eyesockets when he leans forward to look at me. i barely dodge getting splashed.
". . ."
turning around, he makes sure to dump the rest of the water out; then rattling his bones for good measure.
spinning to face me again.
"𝘐'𝘮 not above it, though."
mettaton sprays me right in the face with the water gun.
putting my hands up to block the stream.
"hey. that's not nice."
"Neither was assault by frog."
"neither is this."
i push papyrus back into the water. an immediate "SANS!!!-" is shouted before being muffled.
"You're begging for it, now."
again, mettaton sprays the water gun. this time, i dodge the stream.
"can't keep attacking forever."
"you'll run out of water eventually."
he does, in fact, run out of water.
"see? there's nothing you can do now."
"might as well give up."
mettaton's defeated face cracks into a smirk.
a cold hand grabs my shoulder.
i'm suddenly lifted off of my feet and suplexed backwards into the lake.
the conversation outside the water sounds muffled.
"What on Earth is happening over here?"
toriel speaks with a hint of concern, but mostly amusement.
undyne laughs.
"Sans just got OWNED."
"Dunked on, even!"
adds flowey.
"No hugs until you're dried off, darling."
"I have a... hand-fan?"
"...He ever gonna get out of there?"
undyne's voice gets closer.
"Dude, did you drown him?"
alphys interjects.
"...You ARE aware that monsters can drown too, right?"
i'm lifted out of the water by undyne.
everyone watches water empty from my sockets the same way it did from papyrus'.
"It is much like seeing a water fountain."
"That was quite the ruckus."
papyrus sighs at tori's comment.
"THAT'S why you fell?!"
undyne snorted.
napstablook mumbles.
"that really came back and rib𝘣𝘪𝘵 me in the ass."
immediately, i got dropped back into the water with a 𝙨𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝.
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lynxgriffin · 9 months
Hi! I've really enjoyed seeing EldritchRune, and I love how you are really fleshing out this universe. Just a question though, not really important to the story at all but I was curious about. In this universe, would Alphyne still exist, as a couple or just pining for one another? I know it's not important and even if it is a thing, probably wouldn't be mentioned because Kris and their journey in the Dark World is the main focus with Asriel's search for Kris as the side plot, but my Alphyne heart couldn't resist thinking about it haha. Can't wait to see more of your EldritchRune comics! Will be thinking how a ER! Human Alphyne will work in my head while I wait ☺️
(Also, sorry for the long ask)
Thanks so much, I'm glad that you've been enjoying it! It's definitely been a lot of fun working out everything!
There is potential for there to be Alphyne, but it might be fraught with a host of new problems they wouldn't have to normally deal with. Alphys may be the sort to be quietly pining after Undyne because of how cool and strong and upstanding she is...but that heroic image she's built up in her head might fall to pieces if she learned Undyne was in a cult sacrificing children. At least in Undertale she was fully aware of (and directly helping with) Undyne's intentions!
Undyne may also like her back, or at least appreciate how excited she gets over her fantasy stories and enjoy her enthusiasm! But there is that overhanging problem of her keeping a big secret from Alphys.
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
Are you into any other ships?
mmmm well i like soriel and charisk, as you can tell. i like alphyne as much as the next ut fan, and papyton is a classic too! though i also enjoy aro papyrus and aro mtt on their own as work colleagues. oh, oh, salphys is a favorite rarepair of mine! at least, pre canon, or in any ending that doesn't also have undyne. emerson brought up blooky/shyren to me and that is SO cute, i have to draw something for it one day.
I'm starting to realize i don't really "ship" anything in deltarune? hahaha, the meta story is too interesting to me to care about ships. or maybe I just don't have full context for the characters yet. i can't wait to see where Toby goes with... whatever weird queer teen tension is going on between all the main characters. but I don't really have stakes in there. if i can see/deduce sans getting isekaid at some point in the story, I'm cool. that's the only thing i would be sad NOT to see in deltarune lol. for everything else, i trust Toby to tell his own story.
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