#unexpected rejuvenation
viridiansilverwing · 4 months
Prowl was never late for their gaming afternoons; he was, after all, one of the most dependable mecha in the New Cybertronian Empire. When Viridian asked Howlback where he was, and Howlback couldn't get him to return her comms--the enforcer network went into motion. Viridian, however, was still left with nothing to do.
Her mother and her aunt allowed her to go outside, as long as she stayed within the walls of the compound, so outside she went.
That was when she heard the beeping.
There was a little sparkling that vaguely resembled Prowl sitting down at the base of the tree that she liked to climb when there was a lot of chase and tag being played and she preferred not to engage with it.
Viridian wondered where he had come from. She stretched out on the ground and blinked at him slowly, hoping he would understand that she was friendly.
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namitha · 10 months
Occasionally, one yearns for a bit of solitude, to wander aimlessly and become immersed in the unknown. It's essential to step back, take a breather, and momentarily vanish from the daily grind. Allow life's currents to carry you away, surrender to the flow. Release the burdens that have accumulated over time. In this moment of reprieve, look past the confines of your expectations, and you may just discover the astonishing beauty that has been waiting right in front of you. As you traverse this uncharted path, embrace the serendipitous encounters and unexpected joys that are bound to arise. Let the world surprise you with its hidden wonders, and in the midst of getting lost, you might find yourself anew.
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argonianfeather · 10 months
stuck between deciding whether to put in the work to either re-install my mod setup for skyrim or figuring out my control scheme for baldurs gate 3 and HERE COMES SPORE (2008) WITH THE STEEL CHAIR
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The fact that canonically Zetta and Geara are both the tallest and shortest Xen admins respectively lives in my head rent free.
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cupidlovesastro · 11 days
symbols and their meaning (bug edition)
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🌸moths- transformation, healing, endings, death, rebirth (pluto/ scorpio energy !!)
🌿butterflies- freedom, beauty, hope, transformation. in chinese culture it’s also said to symbolize the human soul !
🌸beetles- prosperity, luck, wealth, growth (mainly from chinese & native american cultures)
🌿ants- unity, team work, power of collaboration and cooperation. in native american culture they can also represent allies
🌸bees- dedication, prosperity, fertility, focus, team work, hard work, kindness, success, positivity. in christianity it can represent forgiveness
🌿scorpions- protection, independence, intelligence, solitude, transformation, sex, lust, fertility, defensiveness
🌸spiders- patience, persistence, omens, fate. native american culture also believe they represent creation, protection, and wisdom
🌿ladybug- positivity, good luck, spiritual guidance, trusting the universe, protection, past lives, wishes being fulfilled, abundance preying
🌸mantis- clairvoyance, meditation, stillness, awareness, balance, peace. christian’s believe it symbolizes piety or that angels are watching you
🌿dragonfly- rejuvenation, unexpected, self realization, mental & emotional maturity, fantasy, adaptability, joy, courage. in buddhism, they believe that dragon flies represent overcoming illusion, through the transformation of your perceptions.
🌸firefly- attraction, self illumination, hope, unity, harmony. the ancient japanese also thought that they were to represent love and war
🌿centipede- healing, hidden things, doubts. although in other cultures such as chinese and african, they believe centipede’s bring wealth, and prosperity
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adore-laur · 9 days
would love to see how dadrry would react if his girls asked him for a baby brother 🤭
During dinner, after Harry picked the girls up from preschool and daycare, your eldest rambles on about her classroom adventures through spoonfuls of homemade fruit pasta. You smile at her with an undefinable amount of fondness while hanging on to every word. She seems to be loving school and adapting just fine to not seeing her parents as often throughout the weekdays. It could crumble your heart into ruins if you let it, but you focus on the bright side: it's one less thing to worry about when you're away from your babies. She's safe, she's happy, and while you miss her dearly during the day, her independence is blooming beautifully. It's evident in how she can hardly sit still in the morning.
Harry listens intently, only interspersing questions when appropriate so as not to make her lose her train of thought. Your youngest is sitting on his lap, secured by his fingers splayed across her tummy, while his other hand absentmindedly pretends to be an airplane serving applesauce straight into her awaiting mouth. It's a blissfully domestic scene, and you sometimes wish you could view it outside of your body and witness the pure, tangible love surrounding the kitchen table from an outsider's perspective.
The mellow evening sunlight washes the room in a dandelion-colored hue, and the California heat floats through the window to warm your soul. Crashing ocean waves accompany the sound of silverware clinking and the sweet lilt of your daughter's voice. With the weekend ahead, you feel a strong sense of contentedness. Being at home with the entire family, with no obligations pulling you apart, feels like diving into a pool on a hot summer day—it relaxes your muscles and rejuvenates your mind.
In the middle of a story about finding worms on the pavement at recess, your daughter, with unbridled enthusiasm, says, "A friend I talked to today told me she has a baby brother."
"Really?" Harry replies, matching her enthusiasm. "Did you tell her you have a sister?"
"Yeah, and I also told her I want a brother."
The bite of grilled chicken you swallow almost gets stuck on the way down your esophagus. Your eyes shoot to Harry, whose eyes are already locked on yours with humorous shock swimming in them. He hides his smile against the baby's head before kissing it and waving his hand, silently signaling for you to take the lead.
"A brother," you say slowly, fidgeting with the napkin beside your plate. "You want a baby brother. When... sorry, how long have you been thinking about this?"
"Since today at school!" On the high chair, she sits on her knees and beams with excitement. "My friend says her brother is cute and fat. Now I want one."
Harry, your savior, jumps in by saying, "Your baby sister is cute. And, well, she's chubby." He pats her precious little potbelly and bounces her in his lap. "Like most babies are."
"I want a baby sister and brother."
"Why do you want a brother?" you ask, mystified by the unexpected dinner conversation. Before her little sister was conceived, she only asked for a sibling. Now she's getting specific, and you're lost on how to answer adequately.
"Because." Dead silence follows her response as she stabs her silicone fork into the last pineapple tidbit in her bowl.
"Fair enough," Harry says. There's a sneaky glint in his gaze, and you know he's enjoying this subject matter far too much. You never have to worry about bringing up the prospect of having another baby together since you know he's all in. But since you're the one who carries the babies and pushes them out, he understands you're not quite ready yet. Or, at least, your body isn't.
"We can't guarantee you a brother," you say gently. "That's not how it works."
She frowns, looking at you and then at Harry. "How does it work?"
Harry snorts and stands up to begin clearing the empty dishes. "You should save that question for another time, lovebug." He kisses her cheek as he passes by. "C'mon, show me how Mommy taught you to wash your hands."
Later that night in bed, you lay your head on Harry's bare chest and delicately trace your fingers along the length of his bicep. The room is still, and his breathing is a constant sound and rhythm against your skin. Knowing you get to bask in his presence all day tomorrow is a wonderful thought to fall asleep to.
The weekend plans are still in discussion. Maybe you'll all just stay home and have a beach day. Maybe you'll take the kids to the park and fly the kites Harry recently bought for a breezy day. Whatever may come, you know there will be love and laughter in abundance.
"I need your breakfast order for tomorrow," Harry says, his voice gruff. He had a busy day at work, so you took over the kid's bedtime routine while he luxuriated in a long, hot shower and did his nightly stretches.
"I can get up to help," you reply. You know it's quite literally his job to cook meals for people, but you want to take a load off his shoulders. Going into parent mode after a long work week is no easy feat for anyone. It requires teamwork.
"No, you're sleeping in." He wraps you in his arms and buries his nose into your hair. "I'm serving you breakfast in bed with a side of cuddles."
You smile sleepily. "I'd like that. I'll eat whatever you make, by the way. Surprise me."
He squeezes you, slides his thigh between yours, and murmurs, "Think I'll eat you instead."
You lift your head and kiss his mint-flavored lips to shut him up. He always likes to start things right before bedtime. There's something about the intimacy of being alone with the door locked in the quiet of the night with the man who you wake up to every morning. It's rare to indulge in moments like these.
"So, a baby brother, huh?" you say, switching gears to more innocent matters. You need all the sleep you can get tonight.
Harry laughs, his eyebrows raised as he rubs a hand down his face. "She kind of demanded it, didn't she?"
"Oh, don't even start with that." He'll use anything as a way to inspire the idea of baby number three.
"You know my answer. And hers, apparently. I'll be patiently waiting here until you say the word."
"What's the word?"
He hums a deep rumble beneath you. "Um... let's make another baby."
"How discreet," you say, laying your head back on his chest. "Anyway, I think a two-year gap is what works best. It gives me time to, you know, recover from the craziness and sleep deprivation."
"You want another baby with me?"
The fact that he even has to ask is befuddling. There is no one you'd rather do this with. He's the best husband and the best father, and the family you created with him is just beginning.
"Yeah," you say softly, admiring the vulnerable look in his eyes. "One more. Maybe two."
Harry pleasurably groans and shifts his hips, the mere idea of knocking you up again somehow turning him on. You feel his hardness, which makes you roll your eyes. Men are too easy. "Take all the time you need, sweetheart. I'm tremendously happy with what we have right now."
"What if we have another girl?"
"Then consider me the luckiest man in the universe." He tilts his head on the pillow. "Is it bad if I secretly hope that happens?"
"Three princesses to spoil rotten."
"Four," he whispers, tapping his fingers along your spine. With a sigh, he adds, "It's been hard being away from them. From you."
Although he keeps his promise of always being home by dinnertime, he doesn't always get to drop the girls off in the morning. By the time you get them settled in the car, he's already in the trenches at work. To make up for it, he cooks their breakfasts and kisses them goodbye before he leaves.
"We have our trip to Italy next month," you mention.
"Fuck, that's right." Harry seamlessly flips you over so that he's hovering over you. "Perfect time and place for babymaking. Maybe we should start practicing right now."
You place your palm over his mouth and say, "Shut up."
For the next hour, he uses his mouth for… other reasons.
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95rkives · 1 year
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summary: jungkook had an undeniable fondness for your vanilla-flavored chapstick, so it came as a surprise to him when you decided to switch up the flavor one day. the unexpected change left him pleasantly taken aback.
pairings: bf!jungkook x fem!reader
genre/warnings: established relationship, kissing, fluff
wc: 1.5k
a/n: here’s some jk fluff until i find the motivation to write ur requests :p haven’t proof read!
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you perched on a stool beside the kitchen island, propping one leg up on the seat and resting your chin on your knee. in an attempt to ease your anxiety, you absentmindedly chewed on a small plastic spoon—the kind typically used to serve ice cream samples. it had become a peculiar habit of yours, seeking solace in chewing on random objects.
with unwavering focus, your gaze remained fixed on the vibrant glow of your laptop screen. as you effortlessly typed away, your glasses perched slightly lower on the bridge of your nose, yet you paid no mind to readjusting them.
the hushed echoes of soft footsteps resonated through the hallway, heralding jungkook's arrival in the kitchen. a gentle yawn escaped his lips, a telltale sign of him awakening from his midday nap. after his routine gym session, he often indulged in these power naps, finding solace and rejuvenation in their brief respite.
as you stole a brief glance at him, you couldn't help but find his tousled hair endearingly adorable as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. with deliberate and unhurried steps, he made his way towards you. a low, rumbling sound akin to a contented growl escaped him before he mumbled a sleepy "morning," despite the fact that it was well past 2 p.m.
a soft chuckle escaped your lips as you inquired, "slept well?" a gentle smile adorned your face as he leaned in to plant a kiss on your temple, his arms enveloping you from behind, and his cheek resting against your shoulder. in response to your question, he emitted a contented purr, conveying his satisfaction.
as you directed your attention back to the screen, a gentle smile graced your lips while a melodic hum escaped in response to his presence. meanwhile, the plastic spoon in your mouth clinked against your teeth. time ticked by as he slouched against you before eventually straightening up, his tattooed hand tenderly ruffling his own hair. as he positioned himself beside you, he posed the question, "coffee?" to which you replied with a nonchalant, "i already had one."
a gentle, low hum resonated from his throat as his hand, previously occupied with ruffling his hair, extended gracefully to retrieve the small spoon from your mouth. in an exchange, he planted a sequence of brief, velvety kisses upon your lips, prompting a soft giggle to escape from you against his mouth. his lips curled into a smile in response.
with a subtle, sly grin playing on his lips, he pulled back, his eyes still partly closed in the lingering embrace of sleep. he ran his tongue over his lips, detecting an unfamiliar yet oddly sweet taste that enveloped his senses, causing a slight crease to form between his eyebrows in bewilderment. maintaining close proximity to your face, he gazed at you intently. "what?" you inquired, your voice tinged with a low, curious tone, accompanied by a raised eyebrow.
his gaze descended upon your lips, and with a swift motion, he kissed you once more. this time, his tongue lightly traced over your bottom lip, evoking a soft, surprised utterance of "mm" from you.
after a few fleeting seconds, he gradually pulled back, his gaze meeting your amused eyes. the faint furrow in his eyebrows lingered as he tilted his head to the side, his tongue tracing over his lips once more. "cherry?" he inquired, causing you to mirror the slight crease on his brows. however, a soft, laughter-tinged scoff escaped you as realization dawned. returning your attention to the laptop screen, you watched as he straightened up, shaking your head with a hint of amusement. "raspberry," you corrected, a playful lilt present in your voice.
a hum escaped him as he leaned against the counter, propping himself up on his elbow, his fingers idly toying with the small spoon he still held. a soft pout graced his lips out of habit as he fixed his gaze upon you, fully engrossed in your work, observing your unwavering focus.
"that's new." his words escaped as a muttered observation, prompting a soft laugh to escape your lips. Intrigued, you ceased typing and leaned back against the stool, crossing your arms over your chest, meeting his gaze with playful curiosity. "do you not like it?" you questioned, feigning a hint of mock hurt as your eyebrows furrowed deeply, your voice carrying a tinge of playful theatrics.
a soft click of his tongue accompanied an amused laugh, laced with playful offense. he mirrored your posture, crossing his own arms against his chest in a charming display. "i never said that," he retorted, his words carrying a slight pout as he defended himself, provoking an amused, sly grin from you.
"that's certainly what you implied," you countered, playfully teasing him.
"if I did," he began, his voice trailing off as he casually discarded the little spoon into the trash. "would i do this?" without further hesitation, he swiftly leaned in, capturing your lips in an assault of soft kisses. his hands delicately cradled your cheeks, ensuring your unyielding presence in that moment. you playfully whined, your hands instinctively reaching to grasp his wrists as you emitted a soft laughter, intermingling with the exchange of affection against your lips.
"stop!" your voice pleaded, muffled against his persistent kisses. despite your plea, you could sense the curve of his lips forming into a smile, intermixed with soft giggles escaping from him. he pressed closer to you, firmly holding your lips against his, indulging in the moment a little longer than your lungs desired, before finally pulling back. the brief separation left you both breathless, yet utterly captivated.
a breathless laugh escapes him as he shielded himself with his arms, attempting to evade your playful smacks. With each successful strike, he exaggeratedly exhaled faux sounds of pain, adding a touch of dramatic flair to the moment.
after the playful exchange, he eventually seized both of your wrists, firmly yet gently, to halt your actions. bringing your arms around his waist, he drew you into a warm and affectionate embrace. he wrapped his own arms around you, one hand tenderly cradling the back of your head, urging you to bury your face against his neck.
"you're an annoying little rat." you playfully muttered against his neck, eliciting an amused laugh from him. "a rat?" he feigned offense, his voice carrying a slight, teasing high pitch as he struggled to contain the widening smile tugging at his lips while keeping you securely held against him.
"you just kissed a rat." he teased in response, playing along to taunt you further.
"the rat kissed me."
"you kissed back."
"did not."
he emitted a gentle giggle, the sound mingling with the strands of your hair as he tightened his embrace around you. in a playful retaliation, you teasingly sank your teeth into his neck, evoking a soft sound of pain from him. he instinctively pulled back, his eyes searching yours, only to find you grinning widely, a mischievous glimmer in your eyes, as if reveling in your victorious prank.
"does raspberry flavored chapsticks come with an attitude?" he quipped sarcastically, causing a genuine gasp to escape your lips. you couldn't help but be amused, a laughter-tinged scoff escaping as your mouth remained slightly agape, caught between surprise and amusement.
"you're insufferable." you declared, narrowing your eyes in mock annoyance. with a huff, you turned your head away from him, crossing your arms against your chest, a subtle display of defiance. meanwhile, he couldn't help but wear a self-satisfied smirk, reveling in the mischievous banter between you.
"don't be such a baby," he teased, his voice laced with playful amusement. his arms skillfully encircled you from the side. with a mischievous intent, he maneuvered his face in front of yours, attempting to meet your gaze once more, but you averted your eyes, purposefully turning your head further away.
narrowing his eyes in mock annoyance, he swiftly retaliated by tickling you, catching you off guard. you flinched in surprise, a sound of startled amusement escaping your lips before you burst into frustrated bursts of laughter. despite your feeble attempts to push him away, you failed miserably, only fueling his amusement. he chuckled, his bottom lip caught between his teeth, barely containing the urge to laugh further at your delightful struggle.
"you're such a pain!" you exclaimed, delivering a light smack to his chest once he finally relented. your breaths were heavier than usual from the tickling, and he couldn't help but throw his head back in a fit of laughter. his arms instinctively clutched his stomach.
"we could've avoided all of this if you had just cooperated," he exclaimed, a mischievous smirk adorning his lips once his laughter subsided. his arms found you once again, this time lifting you effortlessly from the chair and throwing you over his shoulder. you let out a startled yelp, your eyes widening. "i believe it's time to teach my little cherry a lesson," he teased in a low, flirty tone, beginning to make his way towards the bedroom while you struggled.
"it's raspberry!" you protested with a mix of laughter and determination.
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gangplanksorenji · 9 months
No Control
Pairing: IVE Gaeul x Male Reader
Word Count: 3229
A/N: Hello Orenjideul! This is a legit BFH fic induced because I've been so down bad for 7 Rings Gaeul and you probably know why though... Also, this is unedited and rushed and hoping y'all enjoy reading this BFH fic. Have a great day!
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The fanchants uproaring alongside the ebullient shouts of the crowd never fails to send shivers down your spine, maybe, another cause would be the performance of the girl that absolutely killed the stage with her charisma. She never fails to make everyone drop their jaws on how incredible she performs and it's in her blood—and you swear to god, she's going to break the Internet with this remarkably hot performance.
You've been with her through thick and thin, comforting her whenever she's at her lowest point and being the paramount of all fanboys whenever she performs—all you ever know is that you're her number one fan and no history books can erase that even until the end of time.
The way her hips sway; her expressions exuding class and charisma; her vocals ringing around your ear that can absolutely melt you—it's everything you could expect for, well, you always expected her to serve and nail every performance she becomes in but not this hard.
God, you can't help it. She probably knows what she's doing and maybe you're the only one who can decipher the context clues—let me give you a hint: it's the way her eyes flirtatiously winked at the camera and lets her know how much she'll seduce you.
Well, you expected that—you always know she's giving her two-hundred percent on stage and knowing that you'll be watching and coming, she almost doubles those efforts and she doesn't really need to but she has to.
Maybe for her… to you…
As the stage ended, the pandaemonium of cheers broke out loose, every person admiring Gaeul's performance and anticipating for the others. As you're in the same boat with the others, a single notification lit up your phone enough to capture your attention as your eyes averted towards the blue pixels and oh god… it's her.
It was nothing much, maybe just Gaeul texting you immediately, wanting to know if you liked the performance—of course you did and probably else will be answering the same too—but it was something out of the blue… and you like it.
“Come to the dressing room quickly. Go in a hurry, I had let the staff know you're coming so they'll let you in…”
Well, that was unexpected but you didn't care. So, immediately, you excused yourself in the crowd and rushed towards their dressing room and once you got there, you couldn't believe what you're seeing.
Of course before that, you knocked on the door, nervous yet anticipating something only to know that it's only Gaeul inside the room and nobody else was there, not even a single one. 
“Where… are the o-others, Gaeul?” You furrowed your eyebrows, feeling uneasy as you didn't expect that it's just her inside yet you didn't really complain about it further—in fact, you love it when it's just the both of you alone together.
“Oh, they're preparing for other members' stages. I said to my manager and the staff that I need to be alone for a moment because of you!”
And then, she suddenly hugs you tight as you can see her gleeful smile, radiating around the room and rejuvenating your happiness. She faces you again with those endearing eyes and asked you if you like what she performed—
“Oh come on, Gaeulie—of course I really love it! God, you don't know how great your performance was! The crowd is absolutely screaming and really cheering for you!”
That earns a sheepish smile from the eldest, the curvature of her lips forming a smile that's too radiant to be described as thanking the fans and especially, you. You then kiss her forehead as a reassurance, and she whimpers silently because of your actions.
“Well, Gaeul, I know I'm here for a reason, right? Then what is it?”
“Hah, that? Oh, baby—” Gaeul places her hands on your chest, feeling the emanating heat of it even still with her gloves on as she looks at you right in the eyes, a look capturing your soul, demanding to be under her spell as she captivates you with her seductive aura. “—you don't know how much I'm feeling so different once I perform on that stage. You know the buttplug you gifted me a month ago?”
No, she didn't. No way on this earth she had that on—
“Yes, baby. I know what you're thinking…” Gaeul traces her finger onto your chest up to the heat of your abdomen, feeling the rock-hard abs she always loved to touch. “You can't believe it, right? But, yes, I performed it with that on and hope to god no one notices because that would be a little embarrassing if someone notices and of course baby, I made it sexier just for you—” Gaeul inches her face closer towards yours, her hot breath brushing towards you cheek as she allured you even more, yourself flustered upon this sudden escalation of this situation. “—and I became so horny after the stage to the point that I want to relieve it with your help, baby.”
God, she invites you so fucking well—you want to resist the temptation but seeing Gaeul being this needy and hot makes it hard for you to resist
Luring you to her utmost lustful desires is the first thing you wanted to hear escaping her lips, and you're loving this.
Yet, of course, she's still going to perform later so you're really hesitant about this—
“That's the point, baby. Let's not waste time here. Come on, now, baby—please, I want to feel you inside me…” Gaeul unbuckles her belt, getting ready for what's about to come. You then warned her about everything that may happen if they get caught and the possible consequences but she didn't seem to care at this point, the primal lust taking over her and letting it control over her body.
“Please, baby—I want you right now—”
And you agree. She kissed you because of it and there's no reluctant thing that brushed off your mind while thinking of it. You then kiss her neck, suckling on the soft skin gently and nibbling your tongue onto it as she moans silently in response. 
“I'm s-still sweaty, b-baby—ahh…”
“Doesn't matter, Gaeul. I love it when you're this hot.”
You continue suckling onto the porcelain skin as courses her way on undressing her bottom half. Still with that faint concern, you ask her how much time the both of you have until the no-return.
“Probably twelve minutes, baby—please, I need you inside right now! Please!”
Undressing your bottom-half completely as well, you tell her how she wants you as an answer immediately linger around your ear, your eyes lit up because of the thought of what she likes to do with you.
“I want to ride you, baby—oh god!” Brushing your fingers over her labia, she squeals uncontrollably as she tries to silent herself but fails to do so, earning a glare of trepidity directed towards her. She then brings her hands on her mouth, closing it as you continue teasing the heat of her lower lips. In response of your 
“Please, we don't have much time! I sweat, baby—please! Just do this sometime but not now!”
She begs for you and teases her within your own accord. You just need her to get herself wet enough for what you're about to do and with the thought of not prolonging the tease, you then stop fingering her pussy and immediately lay down at the leather couch, getting ready for what's about to come. Gaeul pounces at you like a wolf on its prey—and the only thing she's preying is your cock and you. 
You really hate to see her outfit get undressed—that's the reason why you got down bad for her at the moment: they way she looks spectacular and sexy in it. But, it doesn't matter, because you also wanna feel her walls clenching around your shaft at this given moment, also considering how the both of you have such a limited time for a hot, steamy session.
“God, Gaeul—if your pants only had a hole, I would love to see you riding me with these pants on—you looks so fucking sexy in this.”
“Oh, thank you, baby~ Glad you liked it!”
Getting a better angle at straddling your lap, she places her hand at your chest for support and strokes your shaft gently with the other, getting you fully-erect and in no time, she's now a step closer to engulfing the desired promised land.
“Oh god—baby! You're s-so fucking big—s-s-shit!”
And she’s so fucking tight. Her pussy grips onto your entire length like there’s no tomorrow and it’s probably for the best since the time is limited. She supports herself for the time being, getting used to the entire length of your cock as she gyrates her hips, herself starting to move up and down is probably the most euphoric thing the both of you are experiencing. 
Of course, it’s natural. The both of you are just exchanging moans and praises towards each other as the sudden serotonin running down your veins unable to make you think straight nor articulate such words—her pussy clenching in each bounce she does hypnotizes you into the abyss of lust that you couldn’t escape and all you need to do is to submerge through it, deeper.
In response, your hips thrust upwards as a recoil from her actions but she stops you, saying that she wants to ride you at a pace that she likes and not in accordance with what you want. She knows you want to help her, but being the (im)pure angel that she is, she lets herself do the job as you completely relax yourself, in a state of bliss and tranquility. The clapping of her cheeks towards yours becomes so redundant that it reverberates around the room. You find it hotter as you can see her thighs jiggle, the muscles ricocheting in every contact it makes on your skin.
“Gaeul—god, you ride me so well. You missed this, didn't you?”
It takes her seconds to respond as the overstimulation makes it hard to comprehend your question. “Y-yes, b-baby! I m-missed riding t-this big cock of y-yours! Y-you don’t know h-how long I’ve been w-wanting this!”
With minutes and minutes of Gaeul fucking herself onto your cock and riding you until her own ecstasy, she orgasms without even warning you, her legs convulsing and her pussy constricting around your cock as her nectar streams like a rivulet. She almost screams because of the sudden course of pleasure as your hands assist her as she came harder than what you’ve expected. Even after her orgasm, the cock-drunken Gaeul still wants more and you’re willing to give it to her no matter what happens.
“Yes, Gaeul?”
She then immediately reaches for your necktie and pulls you closer to her, unsure about what trick she’s going to show up her sleeve. As she bounces onto your raging length with a leisurely slow pace, you feel the urge of just pinning her down to the couch and fucking her there but on how hard she grips onto your necktie, you probably know it’s one of her growing kinks that she’s now showing you.
“Wanted like a collar to hold on whenever you ride me, hm, Gaeul?”
“Fuck—b-baby—you know me s-so well.”
Yes, read her like a book since she’s been gripping on it for dear life and possibly choking you—you even wanted this thought and made sure that you’ll take note of that whenever the two of you fuck again.
With this pace of hers, there’s nowhere on earth you'll be able to last for a minute as you can feel the tingling sensation on your loins, signaling your near high and probably releasing everything inside her.
“Gaeul—I’m s-so fucking close!”
When she immediately picks up the pace, you lose it. Symphony of moans escapes your filthy mouth as you’re already getting too close but she decides to stop riding you which earns a frustrated expression towards her, puzzled and perplexed on why she suddenly stopped once you’re chasing your own high.
“But why would y-you stop, Gaeul? I was so fucking close!”
She pouts cutely yet seduces you, her eyes burning in deep lust as she wanted to do something more with you as there’s still time left.
“Sorry, baby, but—you can’t cum in my p-pussy right now—no, no, no…”
Gaeul then lifts herself up, getting off on your raging length as she whimpers, feeling empty without your rod inside her. You’re still unaware on what she’s about to offer you as see the silver shining at her buttplug with the help from the fluorescent lights above and the thought of fucking her ass at this moment is beyond exceptional—probably, you’re foreshadowing yourself about it but you could never be so sure. 
She then positions herself on all fours and god—she just looks so damn fuckable and ruinable on that position. You really can’t tell how she wanted you from the first and up to now, you really can’t read what her thoughts might be at the moment but you know she’ll be liking—
“Yes, baby—see this buttplug? I’m just getting ready for what you’re really going to give me for today. You can reach out for the lube inside my purse and you probably know where this is going, right?”
You damn sure know where this is going and you could never be so sure about what’s on her mind. Gaeul isn’t really a stranger to anal sex—the both of you probably onto it even months ago—and that’s the beauty of it: you can experiment different things with her even in these risky situations.
Getting the lube on her purse, you hurriedly squeeze a desirable amount on your hand and spread it onto your still fully-erect cock as you play with the buttplug inside her snug hole, earning a small whimper in need escaping her lips.
“Please, baby—we don’t have that much of a time left—just fuck me in the ass real good!”
And you concur with her in this given moment. You swear to god, you just can’t wait until you feel her snug walls around your shaft and it twitches just by the thought of it. Now with just a few seconds of teasing her asshole with the buttplug, you give her the best stimulation possible before ejecting the metallic object outside her hole and replacing it with your lube-lathered fingers. You spread a good amount inside her hole and onto the rim of it, earning plenty of lustful moans from her as the noise outside it just a background sound as you averted all of your senses towards Gaeul and her only. 
You’ve been longing for this god knows how long and you could never feel better. Within a single second, the adrenaline kicks in like a truck as her walls wraps around your rod, hugging it for dear life as the tightness of her rim makes you groan in pain and pleasure, the lube aiding you to go deeper but she calms you down, letting you know how she needs to get used to the entirety of your member before doing the unthinkable. You give her a breather, a time to comprehend the sudden set of things happening within just a second as she pushes herself, impaling herself more onto your shaft as the both of you add up to the sea of moans that sails down on the ocean of lust.
“Fuck me hard, b-baby. Fill my little asshole u-up all the way to the hilt—god!”
She screams in delight as you push your shaft into her, developing a moderate pace that will soon increase as you’ve only just started revving up your engines. With a harsh grip on her hair, you pound her snug hole in the point of no-return, your hips in full throttle as you’re only clouded with lust and the urge to break her. The both of you didn’t care about the consequences that may happen as the both of you let your primal desires take over you—your animalistic urges dominating every action the both of you do. With the makeshift ponytail you made while ramming her asshole, there’s a point where you pull her head up as the once muffled moans now become deafening screams of pleasure as she cries in every thrust you do.
“God, baby! Please fuck me h-hard and fast, please! Use me, use me, use me, please! Hngg—ahh!”
She’s just uttering useless, repetitive syllables at this point—too broken to think articulately as you pound her asshole, bringing in an onslaught of thrusts which only aims to ruin her.
She’s broken and there’s probably a little time left before your breaking point and it’s all going to break loose from here.
“Gaeul—I’m going to fucking c-cum—please let me cum inside y-you!”
“J-just cum inside m-me, baby! I’m going t-to cum too!”
You’ve never noticed that she’s been fingering herself in tandem with your thrust as you're going to explode within a given second. Count off to five and you wouldn’t even last until four as you groan, giving her the last hammering thrusts before burying your entire shaft in her and letting everything break loose. You paint her insides as you let out your carnal desires fulfilled, filling her up to the brim. After like a full-fifteen seconds of an entire state of bliss, you pull out slowly only to see the little semen leaking out of her hole as she commands you to pass her buttplug, plugging it back onto her hole and wanting to store the cum that you gave her.
“God, baby—that feels, so fucking good… Oh god, you came a lot in me…”
“You felt incredible too, Gaeul…”
You then lean in to kiss her passionately, also exchanging hot breaths in the process. She immediately reciprocates as you smile at her, satisfied with what just happened as she faintly laughs because of the short discourse.
“Oh shit—” Gaeul quickly realizes that she’ll be up for a short amount of time so you hurriedly helped her get dressed as gratefully, her makeup didn’t get messed-up and her hair is somewhat, still styled perfectly. 
“This is not good. Help me get dressed?”
“Sure—are you okay though? Did I fuck you too hard?”
“No, my legs are a bit painful but I can still perform. Don’t worry about me, hihi~ Glad you trained me well in these kinds of situations.”
“You’re crazy, Gaeul…” You mouthed as you can’t believe how risky she took this but somehow, the both of you managed to get off without getting caught. Without wasting a time, you help her put her pants back on as she receives a text from her manager, saying that she only has two minutes left before they group together. 
“Thank you, baby. I’ll text you whenever we are already all set-up, okay? Just enjoy the rest of the concert from the crowd, bye!”
You waved goodbye at her as you still ask her if she’s fine and thankfully, she is and walked out of the room like nothing ever happened, maybe of course with a little leg pain and absolutely used holes.
She’s crazy and you love it, and it’s only a matter of time before everything comes to the right place…
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ivesambrose · 9 months
𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 🎐
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Personal Readings
Thank you for the tip! 🌹
Picture 1
You're focused on the materialistic aspects of your life currently. You could be the sole provider when it comes to yourself as well as your family. You'll gain an unexpected source of income or a boost in your income which will help you in either - buying a new house, redecorating your house to your liking, paying off any bills or any domestic related matters, any debt whatsoever. You may have to deal with certain paperwork or administrative work for some things but this will go smoothly even if it seems stressful initially.
Be mindful of how much toil and labour you're putting into things. This may have been your go to when it comes to earning revenue, studying/grades, getting something that you want etc but this route will no longer work for you since you're unable to enjoy the fruits of your labour properly. You have to act smart and Intuitively aswell as change your dominant mindset/dominant state when it comes to this. Sometimes the hardest work you'll have to do is simply put in effort to change your mindset.
You have high expectations for yourself and a refined taste. You want luxury in your life now, you'll have this too. As your expectations in yourself has risen so has your expectations when it comes to relationships romantic or otherwise. The bare minimum simply isn't cutting it anymore. You'll have what you want. You'll connect with new people and have the romance you've been dreaming of.
Some of you might buy a vintage car or it could be significant. You may also meet someone while travelling. This individual would really want to spoil you and be there for you emotionally even if you're used to handling things by yourself.
You'll have a better grip on your life in the sense it won't feel like it's passing you by and you can't even enjoy it.
For now invest in some cooling mud masks or sheet masks and skincare with ceramides. You need some soothing and maybe even a deep tissue massage. If you can't afford that at the moment you can always look up lymphatic draining massages on YouTube. Additionally, don't sleep on your communication, writing, self expression and persuasion skills.
Significant timings: January and May
Picture 2
You're concerned with a few people in your life. Their opinions, their projections, approval etc to some of you this could be an older male or maybe a boss. On top of that concern you have so much on your plate that it feels overwhelming, it isn't even something you enjoy. However, there are many things that you do enjoy and want to cherish but don't know when, where and how to even start.
You have been compromising yourself and your peace for so long you've lost your sleep in the process or are having sleep related issues. You're apprehensive most of the times. Some of you I'm seeing have bursts of energy where you take all of your pent up emotions mostly anger and sorrow peppered with motivation, joy and hope and get things done and once that burst of energy is gone you feel empty again. You feel as though you'll be punished if you choose yourself, that someone has a knife to your back.
Good news is although you feel as though you're stuck between two choices, you will inevitably choose the one that rejuvenates you.
It'll feel as though you have been swipping dirt for so long and someone finally offers you a glass of chilled water. The wise thing to do then would be to drop the broom and take that glass. Take the emotionally fulfilling new beginning that's been offered to you. Whether it be in a form of a new relationship, new career, new path, anything. You deserve it.
You'll be nurturing yourself a lot more and likely pick up a new hobby that makes you happy.
Some of you could get into content creation or modelling or cooking/baking, even fitness and nutrition.
You'll gain recognition and success. It will happen.
This will attract some side eyes from people who have a stubborn mindset and want to control you cuz they have no control over their lives. It doesn't matter.
I see you putting firmer boundaries and basking in your rewards. A lot of you might also quit a 9-5 and start working from home. You might also switch to a better house/apartment/location.
What's coming into your life is a lot of luck, sucess and attention which in turn will boost your confidence as well as charisma. Remember to count your blessings then and extend gratitude to the ones who have stuck by you. Albiet very few but very honest individuals. This newfound confidence will take you to places. Have faith.
Significant timings: Libra season (things are getting balanced behind the scenes and justice is being served), Taurus season (specifically) and January.
Picture 3
You'll be glad that you walked away and you walked far. You'll have the answers you have been seeking. You are indeed being guided by a higher force even if that is your own soul.
You do tend to knowingly or unknowingly block your own blessings. It's high time you stop doing that just because things aren't currently making sense and you can't see the intricacies. You're supposed to look at the bigger picture and stop dimming your own light.
The lesson here is to stop being so afraid of your blessings just because you assume that something bad is going to happen. Life is happening for you.
Additionally you'll have a closure in regards to something that you had almost achieved in the past but lost due to whatever reason. But you'll realize that it doesn't matter anymore because there are indeed better achievements ahead. Your whole idea of what you once wanted will change so if anything leaves your life abruptly it's for the best, it was meant to be that way. It has served it's purpose.
You no longer have to mourn your losses.
But you'll have a lot to celebrate and you won't be alone.
Some of you might leave your hometown or start over in regards to something. You feel very left out in your current place but this will change.
You have likely endured a lot and forgot about the gifts you posses. Either someone or you will remind yourself of that. There are many promising connections ahead and existence is not supposed to be so dire.
In the past if you've felt your pantry has lacked food or you have lacked resources of any kind, you'll be blessed with an abundance of it.
Be mindful of the world you have build within your mind, the one around you will eventually reflect it back.
Significant timings: Coming 5 weeks, November and January. (Will speed up if you stick to your vision)
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kurogane2512 · 7 months
I see so many breeding fics with some family-oriented characters like Childe, Arlecchino etc but rarely ever with Signora.... Ya'll can't tell me she wouldn't be into it. Okay, granted she wouldn't want it immediately but HEAR ME OUT
I very much believe she wanted to have a perfect little family with Rostam but ofc it never happened. Then eventually her body lost the functionality (could be due to liquid fire or just ageing as she's literally 500+). Then due to all the tragedy she became completely untouchable as a Harbinger and suppressed these 'maiden' desires but.... what if she starts thinking of them again when she finds new love? UGH IDK I JUST WANNA BREED HER SDOHWOEIFHWF
Fluff + Smut below
Reader has a cock but no gender stated (I imagine g!p but others are also welcome)
It was another cold winter night at Snezhnaya when you returned home from work. You were exhausted and wanted to immediately rest, you opened to door to your room only to be met by an unexpected yet pleasant sight.
"Oh, welcome home, my love~" your partner, Signora, the 8th Harbinger of the Fatui was already back and currently undressing herself in your shared room. You watched her dress slide down her exquisite body as soon as you entered and almost became flustered despite having seen her that way plenty of times by now.
"Ah, sorry, I should have knocked...." you averted your gaze and she simply chuckled before beginning to walk towards you, a small smirk adorning her beautiful face.
"Well, you came back at the perfect time. I was just going to take a bath so...." she paused before sliding her hands down the lapel of your coat and leaning in to whisper seductively, "Care to join in?~"
All the exhaustion from before suddenly vanished as you speedily undressed and walked in the bath together with her. The tub was already filled with warm water, a scented bath wash and rose petals. Signora stepped in first and sat on one edge then pulled you inside and made you sit in her embrace, your back facing her as you comfortably rested back on her body.
You relaxed together as the warm water seeped in your skin and rejuvenated you, complimented by the feeling of your lover's presence and touch. Signora wrapped her arms around your waist and rested her chin on your shoulder followed by planting soft kisses on it, you giggled from the ticklish feeling and she only continued doing that more to tease you.
"How was your day, Rosa?"
"Mm, just the usual.... Jester still doesn't allow me to take field missions, says I need to continue resting and that others are handling them...." she sighed in dejection then cuddled into you.
"Do you feel bad?"
"Certainly, I understand why he says that but it just makes me feel worse...."
She sighed again and embraced you tighter before continuing, "But at the same time, it's not so bad. I get to come home early and spend time with you more~"
She pecked your cheek as you chuckled together. La Signora would have never said that until a few months ago, nothing mattered to her over her mission and Tsaritsa's dream. She was a ruthless and untouchable Harbinger of the Fatui, the people who had sworn their life in service of their Queen. Such frivolous moments of pleasure and indulgence were useless to her, yet she could no longer ignore the feelings rising in her recently.
She pondered about your current situation, the way you were lying in each other's arms in a warm bath with no care of the outside world. Everything felt perfect. She could never picture this scenario for a long time, she knew her life was drastically different. Yet, the bliss and relaxation of this moment caught up to her. She could picture a life with you, living together as any ordinary family even when there was nothing ordinary about you both.
Her thoughts almost scared her, how could she? How could she have these feelings again? She was supposed to have forgotten them, she was supposed to have embraced the pain she suffered and look forward to a future the Tsaritsa promised. But she could no longer ignore the beating of her heart right now as she pictured you both living together somewhere faraway in a little house of your own, with a perfect family of your own....
"Y/n, I wanted to ask something...."
"Hm, what is it?"
She remained silent for some time which caused you become worried, you sat up and turned to face her and saw a rather serious look on her face.
"Rosa? Are you okay?"
She nodded then spoke, "....Have you ever thought of having.... children with me?"
The question surprised you to no end, your eyes becoming wide in shock.
"W-Why this all of a sudden....?"
Her brows furrowed, "Just answer.... Do you want to have a family with me?"
You fumbled on your words, "I-I mean....Uh, y-yes I do but family doesn't necessarily require...c-children, you know?"
"Then.... you don't want children with me?"
"T-That's not what I meant! I-I...." you trailed off and struggled to reply, unsure of what was happening. You looked at her expression which was filled with a strange sense of longing and affection, something you had never seen on her before.
"....Ideally, yes, I would want to have a family with you, a proper family but...."
"I know it's not possible and I don't want you to blame yourself or anything, I accepted our situation long ago and am perfectly fine with the way things are...."
Signora's eye widened now; of course, how could she forget? How could she forget the limitations of her own body, one of the many prices she had to pay for her sins. How could she even for a moment think she was deserving of wanting that perfect life?
"R-Rosa, what happened? Why did you ask that?"
You became increasingly worried as she stayed silent and looked down, you had no idea why she had this thought now of all times. You were well aware of everything that had happened to her and how her current condition was, you had accepted it all the moment you fell in love and never thought of anything more. Yes, a perfect family life would indeed be ideal but you never bat an eye to it.
"I...." she finally spoke and looked up to meet your gaze, her eye filled with tears which she held back from falling then suddenly lunged forward to embrace you tightly.
"I imagined that life with you.... living together as a family, away from all these things, doing simple jobs, having children and raising them together....and much more." she confesssed her deepest desires and you were speechless.
"....Did you want all of this in the past? Before.... things turned the way they did?"
"Somewhat. I never pictured it too far but.... I suppose it was the dreams of a young maiden heart who fell in love with a knight, to gaze upon each other and think of a future together...."
Your grip almost tightened hearing that, you understood what she wanted to say.
"But I no longer think of it that way.... I hadn't had these thoughts until recently and now I think of you in them, even if it's not possible anymore...."
She cupped your face and lovingly gazed at you with a small smile before kissing your forehead, "I'm sorry for this, you don't have to brood over it. Just.... think of it as a silly little thought."
She let go of you and proceeded to step out of the tub then dry herself with a towel, you pondered for a moment then stepped out as well and suddenly hugged her from behind.
"....Let's do it then."
Signora was caught by surprise, "What? What are you saying, Y/n?"
"I'm saying let's do it. Let's have the perfect life you want."
"B-But, Y/n—"
"I know, I know what you want to say. And I mean.... let's have that experience at least, that feeling.... Even if in the end nothing would change, we can still experience the feeling a little."
Signora was shocked at your proposition but pondered over it a little before turning around to passionately kiss you, "Yes, let's do it."
The next few moments happened in the blink of an eye as you two made your way over to the bed while kissing and clawing at each other. Neither of you required any prep time, you were needy and desperate enough that she was soaking down her thighs and your cock was throbbing hard. This wasn't going to be your usual session, no matter how passionate and hardcore your previous sessions had been, this was going to be completely different.
"Do it deep and hard, Y/n. Breed me like you mean to, impregnate me like you would!"
She pleaded while holding you close, your cock rubbing against her eager folds. Hearing those words only made you want to do it more, you wanted her to feel what she wanted. You pushed inside soon after, penetrating her hot walls and sliding to her deepest parts. She arched up feeling you push so deeply, her legs dangling over your shoulders to give you the best angle.
You didn't have to be fast, you only wanted her to feel you deeply and understand how much you wanted this. Your thrusts were moderate and controlled but everytime you made an effort to push deeper than before, to explore the spots you had never touched before. Her angelic moans resounded in your ears, your hands fondled her supple breasts and you leaned down to suck her hardned nipple, causing yourself to push deeper.
She gasped at the feeling, your hard and thick member was filling her up so well. It indeed felt different than your previous sessions, perhaps it was really due to the fact that the purpose right now was different. You pushed her legs closer to her chest, folding her in a mating press as you angled even deeper and continued pistoning in and out.
"Yes! Yes! Do it, my love! Cum in me! Give it all to me!"
She chanted her sinful thoughts as if she was lovestruck, you cock splitting her open then suddenly felt a rush of hot and thick liquid fill her insides. She arched up as you filled her up with your seed, pushing in every single drop and ensuring none fell out.
"More! Y/n! Do it more! I want you inside more!"
You needn't be told twice. You flipped her to lay her on the stomach and she automatically stood on all fours and you hilted deep in one go. You moaned at the contact together, her back arching down as you began pounding deep and hard. This position was even better than before, you were deeply connected with each other and no obstacles were in your way.
"Aah!~ Yes! Right there! Yes! Mmmmm!~"
You grinned looking at her figure, she was moaning out so messily and needily, nobody could imagine her this way. You suddenly held her hands and pulled her up to make her stand on her knees and hugged her close, your face being buried in her neck as you continued thrusting. She almost whimpered feeling you inside, your right hand roamed down her abdomen and pressed on a particular spot as you slowed down your movements but still kept going deep.
"Feel it here.... Touch it, feel where I am~" you whispered, making her move her hand to the same spot as well and she could feel it, your cock was making a small buldge every time you thrusted. She couldn't describe how she felt at that, she could see how deep you were, feel the lining of your cock deep inside her as you pounded into her. She wanted this forever, she wanted this so much.
Your hands were busy playing with her breasts now, pinching on her pointed nipples. She moaned so loudly, breathless gasps leaving her lips as she couldn't take her hand away from that place. Her other hand looped around your neck and pulled you closer, giving you the chance to kiss and suck on her neck.
"Aah...I told you, Rosa.... I'll give you that feeling.... Do you like it? Mhm~ Is this what you wanted?~"
"Yes! I feel you so deep! I love you, Y/n! I love you so much, my darling! Keep going! Fill me up all night!~"
Well, if she kept being this way then you could indeed go all night. She was irressitble to you, so tempting and captivating. You let go of your hold on her and pushed her down in an arch again, roughly gripping her hips and squeezing them as you fastened your thrusts. You came another bout, thick ropes of cum painting her insides and filling her up once again. But you were far from over, and she knew that too- she wanted that.
You ended up in so many positions all night, tossing and turning each other and finding yourselves all entangled with desire. She was now on top of you, straddling your lap as you rested on the bed and she wanted control now. She aligned your hard cock with her cunt and pushed it all the way in, immediately touching her deepest part. And she wasted no time to grind and bounce on your cock, she wanted to milk it dry and have every last drop of your cum inside her.
You gripped her waist and thrusted up as well, a delicious rhythm forming of your bodies. She then leaned forward and deeply kissed you, your tongues intertwining messily before leaning back and continuing to ride you. Her walls had a deathly grip on your cock, it was evident she was going to keep you inside all night. You had lost count of your orgasms, the amount of times you came inside her but she was ready to still hold more.
"Mmmm~ Cumming, my love... Aaaah... Y/n! Together.... come on, inside me! Breed me!~"
And yet another spurt of cum deep inside her, she too came at the same time and arched back with a loud guttural moan. Your bodies were still connected, you sat up and embraced her as you breathed out together. You nuzzled into her neck and she softly caressed your hair, the feeling of your cum drip down made her feel euphoric.
"I love you so much, Y/n... Thank you for this." she whispered in a low voice and you smiled to yourself before suddenly turning over and placing her on the bed, your dick still inside.
"We aren't done yet, I still have lot more to give. You'll hold it in, right?~"
She smirked then pulled you down by your jaw, "Who do you think you are talking to? That's not even a challenge for me~"
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hotmentransformed · 11 months
Skin-Care Routine
Alex was a bright young man living in a small city. Proudly embracing his identity as a gay individual, he radiated charm and confidence that drew people to him. He was popular in college and got good grades, which allowed him to have a stable job. He was happy and had a great social life. It helped that he was attractive, and he spent a lot of time taking care of himself. That included his nightly skin-care routine. One day, an advertisement for a revolutionary face mask promising unparalleled hydration caught his eye. Eager to try something new to rejuvenate his face, he ordered the mask and continued with his life.
By the time package finally arrived, Alex had completely forgotten to he had ordered it. It looked like any normal face-mask, so that night, Alex decided to try it. After rinsing his face, he applied the mask. Its cool, rejuvenating gel settled onto his skin, and he sat down, ready to continue his routine. However, something unexpected began to happen.
The coolness shifted into a strange warmth that spread across his face, soon extending down to the rest of his body. He was consumed by an intense, pleasurable, tingling sensation, that left his mind feeling vaguely… blank.
His jaw drooped open, as all thoughts left his head. The pleasure overtook his mind. His curly hair straightened out and sleeked back onto his scalp. A thick, manly, mustache pushed its way from his above his lips, which began to plump up into kissable mounds on his face. Stubble formed around his jaw, which was still covered in this strange mask.
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His chest, once slim and unimpressive, began to take on new dimensions. Pectoral muscles emerged, rising and falling with every breath. The skin on his chest tightened as his chest bulged further and further in front of him. Hair pushed its way from his chest, swirling around his nipples and covering his entire torso, which stretch up, growing longer and wider.
His former twig arms were now swelling and expanding with strength and masculinity. Biceps and triceps carved themselves beneath his skin, involuntarily flexing and exposing the prominent veins that now snaked across his forearms, which widened. His hands cracked as they expanded, his fingers growing meatier and thicker, splaying out. He reveled in these strange pleasurable sensations, a soft moan escaping his lips.
Deep chiseled ridges and valleys carved their way along his abdomen, a trail of thick hair navigating further down his waist, which now sported an intense V-line that accentuated his transforming physique. He moaned deeply as he felt his member expand and pulsate in his pants, which were beginning to strain at his expanding lower body.
Alex felt his ass plump up, lifting him higher on his chair, and his thigh muscles swell, stretching his pants and accentuating the massive bulge at the front of his pelvis, squeezing his genitals and sending waves of intense pleasure throughout his body. His calves bulged as dark hairs spread across both of his legs, which stretched longer and longer, giving him several more inches to his height. His feet began to stretch longer and wider, his toes involuntarily flexing as they grew longer and bigger, with dark hairs growing on the tops of them. His now-size 16 feet were the perfect size to support his massive 6'4" frame.
Even in the fog, Alex couldn't help but notice the smell coming from his armpits. Thick, wet hair had sprouted there producing seemingly uncontrollable body odor. His arms brushed against his sides, and the tickling sensation of the hair against his skin sent shivers down his spine, eliciting a soft gasp.
Almost as suddenly as the mask changed from cool to warm, the warmth quickly changed from warm to fucking hot as hell. It burned! Fuck, of course it did, this stupid skin-care junk is nonsense! Why did he even bother listening to his girlfriend and try it? Alex jolted back from his haze and ran into the bathroom to rinse off the mask in the sink. The water rinsed the gel down the drain along with his old self.
Skincare routines were for girls, and he was a strong man. All he cared about was working out and looking sexy, which he did! Looking in the mirror, he decided to go back out to the gym and get a pump. Putting on his gym gear, he snapped a selfie to send to his girlfriend with the accompanying message, “after the gym, im going to ur place for a second workout 😈”
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badgerbl00d · 1 year
omg can ypu write something with one bed trope with shanks, rayleigh, rosinante/corazon and (if you’re comfortable writing him) maybe doffy?
I’d love if it could be like mutual pining ish and not established relationships 🫶
i don’t have a preference for how it’s written (like headcanons, blurbs etc) so just however you like it! i love to read the things you write 🤩
only one bed trope with the one piece boys
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☆ characters: shanks, roger, benn, rayleigh
☆ up next: taking an aphrodisiac with them and seeing who gives in first w/ one piece boys
☆ a/n: absolutely loved this request! i'm still on marineford so i'm not super familiar with cora and doffy, but i promise i'll make up for their absence in this fic in the future ;3. enjoy!
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It was a calm day at sea, with steady winds and vibrant sunlight.
Being a Red-Haired pirate meant drinking, and fighting, and a lot of playing cards, and more drinking.
As time passed you’d grown somewhat envious of crews with women on them. You longed to spend your idle time with other women, painting your nails, gossiping, even just spending time together. 
Your crewmates tried as best they could, but there was only so much hair braiding grown men could tolerate. 
Shanks, out of all of them, was the most eager to help you feel more at home. He let you paint his nails- though you were limited to red and black polish. He let you teach him how to make sugar scrubs, and even sometimes, if he wanted to “relax and rejuvenate” himself, he’d do facemasks with you.
You’d always thought he was handsome, even before you’d joined the crew. And had more than once found yourself staring at his wanted posters. But to be on the seas with him was an entirely different experience. The friendship that accompanied piracy was unexpected, but an unbelievably close bond. 
You felt the same about all your crewmates, they were family and you knew you’d readily die for them. But you didn’t get the same butterflied around all of them that you got around Shanks.
When it was late at night and you were still outside completely unaware of the dropping temperatures and waning moonlight, he’d find himself making his way out of his cabin to find you and lead you back to bed, offering to braid your hair the way you taught him.
More often than not, you’d accept his offer, soaking in how gently he took your hair into his hands, his knuckles softly grazing the back of your neck. 
You’d been lounging outside on the deck where the sun shone brightest, taking advantage of the unusually pleasant weather.
 You laid out on a towel, the sun bathing you in that kind of pleasantly ebbing heat that makes you feel like it was coming from within. 
You could feel your skin tanning, glowing, and glistening as the ship gently rocked back and forth. 
Your bikini was tiny, a necessary measure to ensure that you got evenly bronzed, and you’d happily sauntered past your crewmates, unbothered by their playful whistles and cheers as you walked past them toward your spot. 
After a peaceful fifteen minutes of sunbathing, you were joined by your captain.
“Mind if I tan with you?”
“Not at all, Captain.”
Shanks smiled, you knew he liked when you called him that. 
He laid down next to you, your arms grazing one another. 
You felt yourself dozing off, before a loud bang! woke you up.
You and Shanks both shot up, running toward the source of the sound, along with the rest of the crew. 
A plug had gotten shot out of the hull of the ship and water had started flooding it. 
Fuck, you thought, my room’s gonna flood.
Shanks and Benn barked commands at the crew and you all started working towards plugging the source of the flooding. 
You were limited in your ability to help, given that you were still in a bikini and knew a lot less than your crewmates about plugging holes. 
Shanks laughed as you got soaked by the water and by the time the problem was solved, he was out of breath. 
You made your way back up to where you’d been, hoping to have caught some more sun before having to face your definitely flooded room. When you were greeted with the warm orange and purple hues of sunset, you headed to the kitchen for a beer. 
You sat on the counter and turned when a slight knock on the wall beckoned your attention.
“Hey, Shanks.”
“So,” he started, not wanting to upset you, “Your room got-”
“Flooded. Yeah, I figured.”
You sighed, there was nothing of significant importance in there, and you knew you could buy new things, but it was going to be a pain in the ass.
“Thanks for confirming, though. I’ll go and buy new stuff next time we dock. The lack of a bed kind of sucks though,” you polished off the beer in your hand. 
“Sleep with me,” he said.
“Ha. ha.” 
“What? I’m being serious!”
You paused to consider it. 
“Shanks, c’mon. I’ll take a bunk in the men’s quarters.”
“Not sure that’s any better.”
You laughed, “It’s definitely not.”
He got up and extended a hand toward you, which, after a moment of hesitation, you took. 
“You don’t even need to grab anything, I have a bunch of extra shirts.”
“And an extra toothbrush?”
He smiled at you, “We can share that too.”
“Ugh, gross.”
You waited until you were really tired to actually make your way over to his bedroom, hesitating before you finally knocked on the door. 
He opened it, and it was clear he’d made his best attempt to clean up his room for you. 
You sat on the poorly made bed and told him his room looked nice. 
“Good enough to sleep in?”
He smiled with pride. It was sort of adorable. 
He sat on the other edge of the bed, unexpectedly awkwardly. 
You decided to lay down and make yourself comfortable, you pulled the covers over yourself.
“Very soft,” you noted.
He lightly laughed and followed in suit, situating himself under the covers. 
You had your backs to one another- it felt too foreign like you didn’t know one another. 
You flipped over, “Shanks turn around.”
He happily obliged, turning with a goofy smile plastered on his face.
Reaching down, he pulled the covers up to cover your arms and the two of you talked about anything and everything. 
Neither of you remembered falling asleep. 
You woke up later than usual the next morning, the sun was already high and beaming through the Captain’s window. The soft duvet that covered you seemed as though it was trying to keep you in bed, and it had the generous aid of Shanks, who had a strong arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him. 
He was still asleep, it seemed, and was breathing gently. 
You should’ve been up hours ago to get all your chores and work done…  but you had a feeling that the Captain might let you off the hook this one time.
Sleep started to weigh down your eyelids again, and you let it wash over you, snuggling back into Shanks’ chest. You fell asleep quickly, but not before feeling him press a soft kiss 
to the back of your head. 
The warm bath water, full of bubbles and essential oils, soaked into your skin, slowly sloshing back and forth and back and forth along with the steady lull of the ship.
The few moments you got to yourself were always cherished. They were rare, and when they did happen you always felt anxious, but you finally felt as though you could relax. 
You dipped your head below the water a few times, letting your hair soak, braiding it over your shoulder as you closed your eyes and let yourself let go of all the anxieties, and worries, and stresses that came with being a Roger pirate. 
The dim warmth from the candles paired perfectly with the bit of moonlight that made its way through the bathroom window.
And, like clockwork, when you’d allowed yourself to indulge in the moment and started to finally relax;
Knock. Knock.
You sat up, sighing.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
“Come in,” you arranged the bubbled around yourself as the door opened.
Roger walked his head in, and just as quickly covered his eyes when he saw you in the bath.
“Sorry, Y/n,” he laughed, “Didn’t know you were taking a bath!”
“Right. Because that definitely isn’t what bath-rooms are for.”
He sheepishly tugged at the collar of his shirt, his hand still resting on his face.
“So…” he started, clearly guilty of something.
“Just tell me what happened.”
“Right. Right, well, you see, Rayleigh and I thought we might work on getting the boys to bond a bit more.. Since they fight so much.”
You sat in the tub, watching as he struggled to tell you why he really interrupted your alone time, not saying anything.
“Companionship is the most important thing for good pirates. Establishing connections. There is no better greatness than being loved, than having a partner, someone to rely on. And well, the boys are so young and they bicker so much and fight day in and day out, and so we figured we’d try and start patching that up while they’re still just kids-”
“The point, Roger?”
“Yes-” he stumbled over his words, “Yes- the point. Alright, so Rayleigh suggests a friendly game of catch, seeing as they were in good spirits and they agreed and so we started, just with simple baseballs at first.”
He slowly took his hand off his eyes and searched your face for some kind of expression, anything.
You gave him nothing, but your impatience was evident.
He cleared his throat, “And the boys seemed to enjoy it so I- so we suggested using something more challenging and… R-rayleigh found a bowling ball.”
You’d tried to keep a completely neutral expression, to keep him on edge. But at this, your eyebrows failed you and furrowed. 
Still, you said nothing.
“And Shanks- strong boy, very adept and- and promising.. He, well, unintentionally of course-”
He nodded and swallowed hard. “He threw it through your window. There’s glass everywhere. It broke the bedframe, there’s a dent in your wall. It-it’s a mess. That they’re cleaning.”
You remained silent. Wordlessly you stood up, earning an uneasy laugh from your Captain as he debated whether or not to cover his eyes again. He chose not to.
You walked toward him, reached past his shoulder, your nose grazing the tip of his, and grabbed your towel. 
You dried yourself off and wrapped the towel around yourself.
“So where am I sleeping tonight?”
Roger smiled.
“Would you rather sleep with Rayleigh? Or share a bed with the boys?”
You huffed. 
You’d decided to take the right side of the bed, since it was closer to the door and, as you had so eloquently put it, “Get the hell out of here” in the morning. 
Roger had laughed when you’d said that and despite your best efforts to stay upset you smiled at him. 
The two of you lay down on your backs, facing the ceiling. 
“Comfortable?” he asked. “No.”
He shifted and brought two arms around your waist pulling you into him.
Your cheeks turned a violent shade of pink, you didn’t like not being in control.
“Nuh-uh,” he said, “Captain’s orders.”
You sighed but obliged, letting him spoon you. 
His arms were strong and you could feel the muscles of his chest through the thin t-shirt he wore. 
“You’re hugging too tight!”
He relented, albeit slightly.
You pushed his arms out and crawled on top of him, laying down on his chest, resting your head on your hand which was propped up by your elbow.
He laced his hands together and brought his arms up behind his head, laying on the pillow and looking at you.
You liked this more, you were on top.
“Better?” he asked.
You nodded. 
“Do you ever worry about those two?”
He smiled one of his signature smiles at you, “No.”
You pinched his chest.
“Ok! Ok- yes,” he admitted, bringing a hand down to rub at the spot you pinched, “Christ, woman.”
You ignored him, “So do I. But it’s only because I know they’ll both be great. In one way or another.”
“Or another,” he laughed.
You woke up in the middle of the night, your arms wrapped around your Captain’s neck, head on his chest. His arms were around your waist and he was out cold, lightly snoring. 
You smiled and pressed kisses wherever you could reach.
In the morning, your anger would return and you’d give both him and the boys an earful. Rayleigh, too, if he wasn’t smart enough to wait out your temper. 
But for now? 
You’d sleep. 
When Roger woke up the next morning your side of his bed was empty. He groggily sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
When was the last time I slept that well? he thought to himself.
There was more sunlight entering his room than usual and he turned toward the source of it.
There, right in the center of his wall was a gaping hole, perfectly round. 
On the floor beneath it was a bowling ball. 
He stood up, contemplating the mess in his room. He looked through the whole to find you barking at Shanks and Buggy to continue mopping the floors. You had a ruler in your hands and Buggy was rubbing the back of his head. 
He laughed, loudly. 
‘I think I’m in love,’ he thought, before going out to join you in yelling at the two. 
“I’d like to apologize in advance,” Shanks announced to the crew, earning several groans in return.
“Yes, yes,” he continued, “Well, as it would happen, I miscounted. Two people are going to have to share a bed.”
This time the crew responded with some cheers and whoops, and you heard more than one person mention your name. 
You sighed.
Hopefully, it was Lucky and Yasopp. They probably shared their bed anyway.
“To decide fairly, Benny here suggested we draw straws.”
More groans from the crew.
“Tough crowd,” Benn mused. 
Shanks held up a plastic cup with a bunch of wooden sticks in it like a child at an arts and crafts fair. 
He shuffled them around before drawing two. 
The air was hilariously tense. 
Who cares if they have to share a bed? you thought to yourself. 
“Benn! Haha!” he laughed, “And…. Y/n!”
The crew erupted into a cacophony of whoops and cheers. 
Your cheeks darkened and you nibbled at the inside of your cheek. 
Of course.
You made brief eye contact with Benn, who looked as cool and composed as ever. 
Noticed only by your Captain, was the slight blush that dusted his cheeks. 
The room was smaller than either of you had expected. 
And so was the bed. You’d have to practically be on top of each other. 
“I’m more than good on the floor, you take the bed. I only ask for a pillow.”
You gave him a look.
“I’m not gonna let you sleep on the floor Benn, and there’s only one pillow.”
You both sat in silence staring at the bed.
“I’m sure there’s a way… to work this out.”
You giggled, “In a 2-foot wide bed?”
Benn smiled. 
“It’s funny. We’d die for each other in battle but a bed is where things get awkward.”
“It’s only awkward ‘cause you’re so awkward.”
He looked down at you, a somewhat insulted expression resting on his face. 
“I’m fine sleeping with you!” 
He raised a brow.
“N-no! No! Not like that! I’d never- I just meant like…” you gestured broadly toward the bed
“You’d never, hm?”
“See what I meant about you making things awkward?”
He laughed.
Sitting on the bed made things less tense, you folded your legs, sat on your heels, and faced Benn who sat leaning against the wall with his legs hanging off the bed.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette, searching for a lighter. 
He came up empty-handed.
“I have one,” you said, reaching into the front pocket of your bag to grab your pink lighter.
“Cute,” he leaned forward, cigarette between his lips, lighting it. 
You flipped through some pages of a magazine as Benn read.
“Can I try it?”
“Be a little more specific, sweetheart.”
Your body warmed up at the nickname.
“Are you sure?”
You nodded eagerly, reaching for the cigarette that still resided between your vice-captain’s lips.
A large hand wrapped around your wrist before you could reach it. 
You blinked to look up at Benn, “Let me help.”
He took the cigarette from his lips and brought it to yours, which were already so obediently parted. 
You inhaled the smoke, your lips closing around the cigarette, gently brushing Beckman’s fingers. 
“Take it easy,” he said. 
You breathed in, tears pooling in the bottom of your eyes, and tried to hold it in, but found yourself stuck in a spasm of coughing. 
Benn laughed, and rubbed your back, before taking another puff himself. 
You scooted closer to him, emboldened by the burning heat in your lungs, and were practically on his lap.
“Let me try again,” you asked, “Guide me.”
He held the cigarette to your lips, and you awaited instruction.
“Gently suck in the smoke- don’t inhale, just suck lightly.”
You obeyed, your lips softly closing around the soft paper, drawing in the smoke to the back of your throat.
“Good,” he praised, pulling the cig away from your lips, “Now hold it there for a moment, let it warm your mouth.”
You held it, turning to look up at him.
It took him a moment to find the words he was looking for, what with a majority of your ass on his lap, your hands resting on his chest, your eager doe eyes looking up at him- he was getting rather distracted.
“L-like that, yeah.”
“Mm-mmm?” What’s next?
He smiled, lightly laughing, “Now just inhale through your mouth as you normally would, but do it slowly.
Your lips formed a perfect ‘O’ as you inhaled the smoke, feeling a deeply satisfying burning sensation spreading through your lungs. 
Benn had opened the room’s main window earlier, and a cool breeze had found its way in. You got up, to Benn’s obvious disappointment, and closed it. 
This time when you sat back down, you inched yourself the rest of the way forward, making your way fully onto his lap. 
Maybe it was the smoke that had started filling the room or the fact that now you two were alone and touching there was no point in denying what you’d been feeling for one another, but this time, as he drew the cigarette from his mouth you leaned forward and placed your lips on his. 
His lips closed back around yours, slowly at first- not out of hesitation but indulgence. 
You felt his tongue lightly swipe your plump lower lip, teeth gently pressing down against it, and you released a staggered breath into his mouth.
Your heart was pounding against your chest as your mouth flooded with the flavors of tobacco and an unidentifiable clean taste, almost like lemon. 
His hands found the fat of your ass, and as he laid his back against the bedrest, now fully taking up the bed, he lifted you up so you were fully on his lap, your thighs straddling his hips. 
A strong arm trailed up your back, resting his hand against the base of your neck, gently pulling backward to give him access to your throat. 
He placed hot, open-mouthed kisses to your neck, his tongue swiping over every place he kissed. It made you incredibly sensitive and you started to softly squirm in his grip, moaning his name between kisses, holding half-lidded eye contact as strings of saliva connected your mouths. 
You didn’t sleep much, despite Benn’s sincere efforts to get you both to bed.  The last thing you vividly recalled before sleep outweighed your desire for more of him was how overwhelmingly sweet and sensitive his touch was on your body- how softly he handled you. His strong arms massaging your back and palming your tits. 
The next morning you both awoke to a violent knocking on your door.
“Vice Captain! The Captain is requesting your presence, immediately!”
You groaned as you slowly opened your eyes, the idea of leaving the intoxicating warmth of your bed making your head hurt. 
To your delight, Benn simply wrapped his arms tighter around you and flipped you both over to face away from the door. 
“Tell him to fuck off! I’m busy!”
You giggled, knowing that the crew would put two and two together. 
For a moment you worried about how they’d react- was this something that could potentially be dangerous? 
As though reading your thoughts Benn gave you another reassuring hug, his hands finding your boobs, lightly squeezing them. 
“Worry about it later, Sweetheart.”
And just like that, you fell back asleep. 
“Tired already?” Rayleigh teased, handing you the beer you’d sent him to grab.
“It’s ten past three, I should’ve been in bed hours ago.”
He laughed, rubbing your back.
“I figured you’d have gotten used to the late nights after a good expedition.”
You shrugged, “I guess, but I’m never more tired than when we’re done with an ‘expedition’.”
He smiled at your air quotes around his term. 
You popped open the can of beer he’d handed you and took a few big sips. 
The moon was full and the clear sky ahead meant perfect travel conditions for when the crew set sail tomorrow morning. 
The salty air smelled like home, and you took a few deep breaths. 
It was chilly out, but the fire in front of you more than made up for it, and you felt warm inside from the several beers you’d downed. 
The ship was still full of life, but it was now concentrated into small groups of partiers that were somehow still awake. 
Your captain was, of course, one of the main contributors.
You leant against Rayleigh as the both of you watched him and laughed. 
Your vision slowly blurred as you closed your eyes. 
A not-so-gentle tap on your shoulder woke you up. You blinked your eyes open, suddenly aware of how cold it was. 
A pair of strong arms were wrapped around your body, carrying you bridal style.
“What the hell?”
“Calm down,” Rayleigh replied, “You fell asleep and I figured I’d bring you to your room but it’s- uh, occupied.”
“What does that mean?”
You jumped out of Rayleigh’s arms and peeked into your room to see what was going on.
Shanks and Buggy were passed out on your bed, several alcohol bottles littering the floor. They were sleeping back to back like a pair of milk-drunk kittens. 
“I don’t wanna move them,” Rayleigh explained, “Or they won’t sleep for a week- what with all that alcohol in their system.”
You hated to agree but the two boys were energy houses if you’d ever seen one, it was best to let them sleep when they slept. 
“Okay, I’ll take one of their bunks then. Not ideal but if it keeps them out of the way…”
You walked into the room to grab your toothbrush and makeup remover and slipped past your vice-captain to head toward the men’s barracks. 
“Y/n, sweetheart,” he called out to you, “Hold on a sec, will ya?”
You turned, “Rayleigh, I’m tired and I haven’t showered yet- what do you want?”
He walked toward you, approaching you with his typical confidence, standing in front of you so as to block your path. 
“Why don’t you spend the night in my room, hm?”
You rolled your eyes, and pushed him to the side, too tired to entertain him. 
He grabbed your wrists as you tried to walk away, pulling you into his chest.
He stood you still, wrist still in hand, and bent down to talk in your ear, and for some reason you let him. 
“I’d like to use this opportunity to remind you that my room has its own private shower.”
You sighed.
“And a bath.”
Private bathroom… clean sheets…. Rayleigh. You thought about it for a second.  
“Okay, fine but only this once.”
His room was bigger than expected. You had half a mind to chew him out for living like this while half the crew was stuck sharing bathrooms and beds, but you supposed that was one of the perks of being vice-captain.
“What do you think?”
He winked at you.
“It’ll do, I guess. Where’s the shower?”
He laughed, and despite your best efforts to not inflate his ego, you also smiled.
He pointed toward the bathroom and you entered.
You stepped out of the shower and looked for a towel, failing to find one.
“Rayleigh! Where are your towels?”
“Top drawer, sweetheart!”
Double fuck. 
You inhaled, “Rayleigh?”
“I can’t… reach.”
You could practically hear the infuriating smile spreading over his face.
“Coming,” he said, his voice had a slight lilt to it. 
He knocked before he entered and you covered yourself as best you could. Not like he hadn’t seen this much before, right? You’d worn bikinis on board. 
Wrong. He walked in and was struggling to keep his eyes off of you, a light blush spreading across his cheeks.
This made you feel good- great, even. To have Silvers Rayleigh blushing at the sight of you? Scoundrel or not, you’d take it. 
He grabbed you a towel and eagerly turned around to hand it to you. 
“You know you’re gonna have to remove at least one hand to grab it right?”
“Which would you like me to remove?”
He seemed slightly taken aback at your sudden reciprocation of energy. 
“Surprise me.”
He looked down at you with an intensity that you almost recognized- but this was different. You’d seen how he looked at enemies, at pirates and warlords he was planning on killing, but this? This was full of desire and lust.
Surprise me, his words echoed in your head. 
He was so irritatingly arrogant. So self assured. You figured a lesson might be useful. 
Before he could register what was happening you landed a heavy slap to his face, and wrapped the towel around yourself.
He held his cheek in shock, watching you walk out.
You got into his bed, not bothering to put on any clothes. 
Extremely aware of his hawk-like watch on you, you sat up in bed and peeled the towel off. You faced away from him, to ensure he wouldn’t get the satisfaction of seeing anything. 
You slipped under the covers and turned off the lamp at your bedside. 
Within seconds you felt Rayleigh crawling into bed, wrapping an arm around your waist and pressing kisses to your neck.
“Pretty as you are, you give me a headache, you know that?”
“I know.”
Another kiss to your neck. 
He trailed a hand up and down your arm, lulling you to sleep. 
Yawning, you felt sleep start to settle into your body, feeling as though gravity was pulling you down further into the mattress. 
“This won’t happen again, Ray.”
“I know.”
Three weeks later, you woke up in your Vice Captain’s bedroom for the ninth time since that night. 
His hands were tangled on and around you and he was snoring loudly. 
You turned to face him, his arms stayed wrapped around you. 
“G’morning,” he yawned, “Sleep good?”
You kissed him, and then kissed him again, and again. 
“I did.”
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stellayuta · 1 year
Rin doing Yoga in the anime had me bawlinggg idk why It also put the image of Yoga Sex with Rin in my mind and now I can't stop thinking about ittt
How about writing something about that?
thanks for putting the image in my head too
mdni, 18+ only
★Rin Itoshi - Yoga S*x☆
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The 'R' in Rin stood for routine. He was awake by 5 AM and done with his early morning strength training and jog by 7 AM. To ease the pain of exhausting his stamina and muscles at dawn, he chose Yoga as a means to stretch his body out and soothe the soreness. The upkeep of being a pro footballer was not a regular man's deal after all.
You had never seen his routine ever before because you loved your sleep more than Rin did. In fact, you only knew about his routine in detail because his sports manager scolded him because he refused to take a break from working out even during his off time from the football season. You on the other hand, if there wasn't a reason to wake up before 8:00 AM, you won't. That was the law. Usually, you'd just join a freshly rejuvenated Rin for a hearty breakfast with a yawn and kickstart your day.
One fine morning though, you were forced awake by the sheer heat of the house. It was the middle of the harshest summer Japan had to offer as of late, and you were hoping that for whatever reason the AC was off, it'd better be a good one. You got out of the bed, kicking the musty sheets away from you and swiped at the sweat forming on your forehead. You were melting away even when you were only in a pair of skimpy shorts and a paper-thin tank top. You checked the time before you made your way out of your bedroom - 7:00 AM. The rest of the house was a degree cooler than your oven-like bedroom, but it was enough for you to forget where the thermostat was. That's when you remember that it was Rin who usually handled the thermostat. Maybe it was him who switched the AC off? But... why?
You make your way to the living room to locate the thermostat and are greeted by the most astonishing and unexpected sight right in front of you.
Rin Itoshi's bare back is facing you as he stretches himself out into complicated poses on his yoga mat while soaking in the radiant sun seeping in from the open windows. There is not a single item of clothing on his body. He sighs as he skillfully changes positions and focuses on the left side of his body, balancing himself on the mat. You gawk at his marvelous form as Rin's body shines lusciously under the sunlight, as if lathered by coconut oil and Epsom salts and his own sweat - which it probably is.
"Rin?" you call out without meaning to, making the Itoshi jerk his head up in confusion and smiling when he sees you.
"You up early?" he asks as if he isn't laid out in front of you like a whole meal ready to be ravished.
"Well, the AC woke me up." you say honestly, approaching him as he seats himself on his mat in a lotus pose. You stare at how his limp member and ball sack hang, tucked inside his folded thighs. That's all you can stare at or pay attention to now as you feel a shiver creep up your core and you press your legs together.
"That was my bad. I'm sorry, I usually do this out on the balcony but the neighbors are doing garden-work and obviously, I don't want them to see." he says. Foolish Rin...
"Have you been out on the balcony doing yoga butt naked everyday?" you exclaim. "Rin! People other than the neighbors can see you too you idiot!"
"Are you worried someone might click pictures?" he asks coyly, holding out his hand to entrap yours. It is all slick and sticky with oil and heats up your body even more.
"Have you seen yourself? Anyone would." You say, playing with the hem of your shorts with your other hand. Things are getting sticky inside your body too now.
"Want to try it?" Rin asks, already sliding your shorts down your bare thighs. You don't sleep with underwear on when wearing those pair of shorts. "Oh, look at that." Rin says, cocking his head at the bare delta of your womanhood.
"Come here." he says, kissing your mound generously making you whimper. You grab at his green hair and try to stop yourself from crumbling.
"Y/N. Position your knee like this." he says, folding you knee and pressing your foot to the thigh of your other leg.
"Hands up and palms together." he demands and you follow, keenly trying to balance on one leg. "That's the tree pose." he tells you and you nod. "Great position for what I'm about to do." he says with a smirk, inching closer, his lower lashes hitting your thighs.
The way Rin ravages you over the next few minutes has you praying you don't fall over. The position gives Rin enough freedom to hit some of the most stubborn and well-hidden bundles of nerve inside you with relative ease. His tongue is as flexible as his body was a while ago. You are left croaking as Rin digs his nails into the sides of thighs, shamelessly making slurping noises as he eats you out. Soon enough, you let your hands free from the pose and start rolling your hips onto his face, eyeing him from the top - his reactions, the way his brows tense up, the way he looks up at you occasionally. You force him to hit your most sensitive innards as you finally come undone on his tongue and face without asking. Unbeknownst to you, the lewdness of the whole situation and Rin's skill made you come a LOT. As your eyes are shut and you are unable to process anything around you, Rin is collecting your plentiful essence in his palms. When you finally come to and regain your usual breathing rhythm you find Rin playing with the sticky substance in his hands.
"R-rin?" you ask, eyelids half closed. "What are you doing with that, wipe it off!"
"Nah." Rin says, keeping his eyes on your cum in his hands. "I was in a dilemma since I ran out of oil for you, but you solved my problem." he says and it takes a second for you to understand what he's about to do.
He takes his palms and rubs them all over your body. Your chest, your hips, your navel and your thighs.
"Feel good?" he asks, pressing your back to make you lay on the ground on all fours. "Feels good to be covered in your own slick?"
"Anything for you, Rinnie." you say, wondering why he is pulling one of your legs horizontally. "You're so weird you know."
"I know." he admits. "Balancing Table Pose."
"Wha-?" Before you can finish your question though, Rin rams full force into you from behind. "Keep you other hand up, pretty please. I don't like it when the form is incorrect."
you sniff as your muscles hurt from maintaining the pose. Yet still, after a few seconds your body gets used to it and the pleasure doubles as one each of your arms and legs is up in the air while Rin's pace increases. He presses his chest against your back and keeps the rhythm going, pounding in and out savagely. His angle is so unpredictable, his length is going left and right and top and bottom inside of you, making you scream his name in pleasure. You feel the head of his member in full intensity with one leg up and you feel it's bulbous shape ebb at your cervix with how long Rin is. You so want to see how red his tip is, how angrily it must be leaking out pre-cum right now.
"Ah, just a bit more." he says next to your ear, huffing and puffing as he increases the power of his thrust as you feel your eyes roll back into your head.
"Ah, There. Yes!" Rin scrunches up his face. "Yes!" his tongue lolls out - an occurrence when he is at peak pleasure.
He empties himself inside of you as you feel your abdomen fill up with his sticky liquid.
"There we go." he says, gasping and pulling himself out of you as you drip all over onto his mat, sinking to your knees.
"Session Complete." he says, bringing his towel to your hole.
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psychedelic-ink · 6 months
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𝐀𝐬 𝐈𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐬 - 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫'𝐬 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐝
pairing: pre outbreak!joel miller x f!reader, one sided tommy miller x f!reader
series summary: After your grandfather’s passing, you find yourself moving into his home in Texas. You meet the Millers; Tommy, his older brother Joel and his daughter Sarah. With time, you and Tommy become close friends and Sarah visits you often. But Joel…Joel keeps his distance. The reason for this is due to one crucial fact you don’t know but he does; Tommy has a crush on you. Which means you’re off limits no matter what. But as your own feelings for Joel grow, things start to get more and more complicated.
word count: 2.6k
chapter summary: you decide to host a New Year's party and when Joel shows up soaked to the bone thanks to the rain, you lead him to the bathroom to dry him up.
warnings: piv, secret relationship, dirty talk, joel getting really creative with the shower head
a/n: let's just consider this little fic an alternative version of the question "what if the outbreak didn't happen plus tommy still doesn't know about you and joel" Normally he would learn before outbreak day no matter if the outbreak happens or not but I wanted to keep the sneaking around bit for this one soooo
I would also like to thank everyone who has been following the story! Every comment is precious to me and I appreciate it more than you realize. I'm so happy people are still enjoying it, I have big plans for this series and I will be finishing it spring time. I hope the new year brings you all peace and happiness, happy new year everyone!
**divider by the talented @saradika-graphics xx
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Rain washes away everything. It washes away the dirt of the street, rejuvenates the drying trees, makes the grass greener. In Austin rain truly is a blessing. Every living thing hungers for it. To you, it symbolizes the new beginnings and the losses. You half listen to the chatter between Olivia and Tommy as you peek out the window, smooth drops cascading down the surface. For some, the rain wasn’t an ideal weather to have during New Year’s, but to you, it only made the atmosphere cozier. 
The crowded party buzzes around you, people laughing, dancing, and sharing stories. You can't help but notice familiar faces from the community seamlessly mingling with Tommy and Olivia's friends, since you were still relatively new you didn’t know many people other than neighbors and asked them to invite people. The room echoes with the joy of New Year's Eve.
It’s been a painful yet surprising year, to say the least. The loss of your grandfather, the unexpected move, the journey to find yourself. . . all of it had been a bit much, a bit daunting. However, as your mind drifts off to the new room in the old house you realize that some things are truly different. You have people who care about you now. You have the Miller’s, Olivia, your art. All in all, it had also been an amazing year. 
The thought makes guilt gnaw at your insides. Tommy still doesn’t know about you and Joel, you were supposed to tell him. . .Joel was supposed to tell him but alas neither of you found the courage to come clean. The past couple of months had been so blissful with him. Neither of you wanted to give that up. 
The faint smell of cinnamon reaches your nose and you find yourself smiling even though you’re only slightly worried. 
Joel’s late. 
“He’s fine,” you hear Tommy whine, turning around you see him rolling his eyes. “He’s a big boy, sweetheart. He’ll be okay in a little bit of rain.” 
Big boy, indeed. 
“Where is he anyway?” Olivia asks, stuffing her mouth full of crackers. 
“He went to drop off Sarah—and there’s plenty of food, you’re not off to war you know. You can eat one at a time.” 
Olivia slapped Tommy’s shoulder and took a seat next to him, “Bit weird she’s not gonna be here with us.” 
“Sarah’s been beggin’ Joel for months. Finally, he caved when she pulled the ‘you know how hard it’s been for me to make friends’ card. Poor man didn’t stand a chance.” 
“So,” you continue, sitting across from them. “They spent Christmas together, just the two of them. That was Joel’s deal. And she’s doing her own laundry for two months.” 
“Damn, I hope the party is worth it.” Olivia gives you a mischievous grin, her eyes lighting up as they meet your gaze. "You know," she starts, leaning in slightly, "I have this friend, Jake. . .” 
You cut her off, "I'm good, Liv. I'm not looking for anything right now."
"Oh, come on! He's sweet, handsome, and he's got a great sense of humor. You two would hit it off."
Your gaze quickly shifts between Tommy and Olivia. His expression tightens ever so slightly, and you catch the subtle change. Olivia, oblivious, or at least choosing to be, continues.
"Just imagine it. A romantic date, a nice dinner, maybe a movie... He’ll treat you right and if he doesn’t I’ll break his arms."
"Liv, really, I appreciate it, but I'm not ready for that kind of thing. Besides, I'm pretty content with how things are right now."
Olivia narrows her eyes. "It’s been a year, you’re ready for one date. Trust me." Then, much to your horror, she turns to Tommy and gestures to you. “Back me up Tommy, isn’t she ready?” 
Tommy clears his throat, looking uncomfortable as ever. He parts his lips and worry knots itself deep in your stomach. 
Luckily, you’re saved by a slightly drunk woman you don’t recognize and let out a break of relief. She situates herself next to Tommy, throwing a hand over his broad shoulder, she pulls him close and whispers something in his ear, fingers playfılly dancing over the fabric of his shirt. Olivia rolls her eyes but honestly, you’re happy and grateful for the distraction. 
You’re saved a second time when the door opens, the sudden sound of rain drawing your attention. You smile instinctively upon seeing Joel, which is a bit rude you figure, because he looks miserable. His leather jacket is dripping, hair sticking to his forehead. Just how hard was it pouring outside? Must’ve picked up when you, Olivia, and Tommy were chatting along. 
Joel, with dropped shoulders and head, spots Tommy first and then you. He makes his way, the defeated walk making him look like a teenager. Tommy bursts out laughing when he sees his older brother, the sound deepens the furrow between Joel’s brows. 
“You look like shit!” Tommy says and you notice Olivia desperately trying to hide her laughter behind her palm. 
“It’s rainin’ cats and dogs you jackass.” Your eyes move up gradually up his body. The rain had darkened the color of his shirt, the flimsy fabric sticking to the planes of his chest. Heat rises to your cheeks. “Is there anythin’ I can burrow sweet tea? Maybe somethin’ that August left behind?” 
“What?” you clear your throat, blinking, you meet his gaze. His knowing smile is enough to set fire between your legs. “Sorry didn’t quite catch that.” 
“Shirt,” he says, lips curling. “Unless you want me drippin’ all over your couch, somethin’ dry would be nice.” He raises a brow when you continue to stare at him, dazed. “Maybe your brother left behind somethin’?” 
Oh god, he’s spelling every word slow and careful meaning he definitely knows you’ve been ogling him. You get up quickly, ignoring the proximity between your bodies, you’d expected him to take a step back but he was as still as stone. You’re like an open book, hopefully, the pretty lady perched next to Tommy is enough to distract him. 
“Yeah, sure,” you answer, breathing a bit heavily. You don’t need to say anything else as you begin to part the crowd, leading him upstairs to the bathroom. You can feel him right behind you, the heat radiating off of him warming your back. 
Finally reaching the bathroom, you push him inside and quickly close the door, leaning against it, you let out a breath. 
However, you don’t get to breathe in when you feel a pair of lips against your own. You shudder as his soaked chest presses against yours, hands cupping your waist, Joel guides your hips towards him. He’s hard as a rock. He swallows the soft voices climbing up your throat and grinds roughly against you. 
“Fuck, honey,” he rasps, dragging his lips to your cheek. “You really know how to get a man goin’.” 
“I didn’t even do anything.” 
“You starin’ at me like you’re about to devour me ain’t nothin’.” he nips at your neck, your body burning at the sharpness. “I’ve missed you too.” 
“Don’t remember saying that,” you tease and thread your finger through the wet locks. “You’re cold.”
“You should warm me up then.” 
You slip your hands under his shirt, not missing the way he shudders against you. He brings his lips back up, only an inch away, but refuses to close the distance. You keep stroking him. Warm palms moving up and down against cold and damp skin. Joel’s forehead drops onto yours. 
“You do realize there’s a party going on outside right? A part that includes your brother, who we are keeping us a secret from.” 
“For someone worried about the crowd you’re doin’ a whole lot to tempt me, darlin’.” he kisses your jaw. “You look beautiful by the way.” 
You’re happy to hear that because he was the only reason why you decided to wear a low-cut shimmering silver dress. You had also opted to wear an almost sheer pair of black stockings underneath, giving your legs a lovely glow.  
“Why thank you, kind sir.” 
“I love it when you call me sir,” he groans and presses harder against you. Your eyes flutter closed but despite it, you can feel his gaze taking in the bathroom. “You fancied up the place quite a bit.” 
A hoarse laughter escapes your throat, “You should thank the crowd downstairs for the fancy towels and the smell of vanilla.” 
“You know. . . now that I’m thinkin’ about it it ain’t fair I’m the only one wet.” 
“Believe me, Joel, I am soaking wet.” 
“That’s not what I meant sunshine,” he gives you a lopsided smile before tugging you towards the tub. “Come’re.”
You wordlessly follow him into the porcelain, your curiosity piqued. His fingertips trace up your waist and find the hidden zipper, slowly, he tugs it down, the sound of it inaudible from the beating of your heart. The dress pools under your knees and your gaze is fixed on him as you step out of the soft fabric. While you’re taking in the sight of his hair curling on his forehead, he takes in the sight of the soft contours of your body. He presses a soft kiss against your stomach, a shudder crawls up your spine. 
“Turn around.” He orders, voice dropping to a whisper. 
“What about my stockings?” 
“I’ll take care of’em.” 
You brace your hand against the wall, sticking your ass out, you smile when you hear the hitch of his breath. His knuckles follow the curve of your spine and a second later you hear a loud rip. 
“I’ll get you new ones.” You feel him reaching up and at the same time, he slides your panties to the side. He hums. “You are wet.”
“Told you so.”
You hear a soft click, you’re barely able to register the sound as he begins to dip between your folds and stroke. Somehow your brain whispers to you that he’s adjusting the pressure of the shower head. “What are you doing back there?” 
“Remember when you told me how much you enjoyed the different settings when I changed the pipes and the shower head?” You honestly didn’t. “Well, I haven’t, darlin’.” 
He turns on the water, away from you thankfully, but you still tense at how cold it is as it gathers at the bottoms of your feet. 
“I know baby, I know. It’ll get warmer soon.” 
And it does. Your body relaxes, the subtle warmth prompting the arch of your back. Joel gently pushes your legs apart, pushing the shower head between your legs directly onto your—
“Oh god—Joel, fuck—“
“Such a filthy mouth for such a good girl,” he says into your ear. “Bet you’ve done this before sweetheart.” 
You had, well. . . You tried. But it hadn’t felt as good at this. A single forceful stream of insistent water massages your clit. The arousal that pulses between your legs is washed away down your thighs. Without even realizing you start to hold your breath and embarrassingly enough you roll your hips. 
You need more. You need him. 
Your legs part wider, trembling as you try to tell him but instead of sentences needy whimpers echo from your throat. You feel his smile on the back of your neck, teeth scraping your warm skin every time your hips twitch. He starts moving the showerhead and your entire body goes numb. It’s so much but so little at the same time. 
“You’re being loud, sweetheart.” You shake your head, trying desperately to bite back the moans. “But maybe you like the idea of our friends hearing how needy you get for me.” 
You clench at the words, nails scraping against the smooth surface of the wall. 
“Please. . .” 
“Please what?” 
Damn him. 
“Fuck me,” you gasp out. “Fuck me please—I’m. . . I’m going insane.” As if to demonstrate your words, you grind down until the shower head spreads your folds, a groan reverberating in your throat as the water fills every inch. “Just fuck me, give me your cock.” 
“What if I say I want you to come like this?” 
You don’t even think as you answer, “I’ll cry.” 
He stills like the calm before the storm then bursts out laughing. Some logical part of your brain is urging you to shush him, remind him that people might hear but you can’t when he sounds so joyful. His deep voice full of life. 
“Fine, sweet tea, you win. Wouldn’t want you to cry durin’ New Year’s.” 
Joel turns off the water and you turn, facing him as he does. His eyes widen when you cup his cheeks, he’s so warm now, so soft from the steam. “Let’s head to my bedroom,” you mutter. “Auggie’s spare clothes are there anyway.” 
His hands softly land on your hips, thumbs moving over the waistband of your stockings. “You sure?” 
“I want to see you when you bury yourself into me.” 
That’s all he needs to hear before dragging you out of the bathroom. You both hurry, the sound of the party still lively downstairs. Luckily your bedroom is close to the bathroom so there isn’t much risk as you follow him out half naked, your sparkling dress in hand. 
As soon as you both enter the bedroom, his lips are on yours, pushing you towards the bed until the back of your knees hits the edge and you fall. He follows your dive, his weight pleasant on top of you. 
Feeling numb with want, you quickly tug his shirt off of him, and his hands fumble with his belt. Joel doesn’t even bother to take his pants off completely. He frees himself with one hand and pushes in without a word. You both moan, mouths inches apart from each other. Neither of you breaks away from the eye contact. It’s so intimate like this. Your cheeks burning at how naked you feel having him witness the parting of your lips, the flutter of your gaze. 
You feel so full, so complete. The slow drag of his cock making you see starts every time he presses forward, brushing against something devastating inside you with every move. Tears gather in your lashes and he kisses them away. Then he drags his lips down to your neck, sucking at nipping. Your breath catches in your throat, your back arching as you clench around him. He groans into your skin, thrusts becoming shallow and quick. 
“I’m not gonna last, honey,” he rasps. “Tell me where.” 
Just as he says that his hand slides between your bodies, finding your throbbing clit. He draws quick circles, your muscles constricting immediately. At the very last second Joel covers your mouth with his own, muffling your cry as you gush around him, insides twitching and pulsing. He swallows the sounds hungrily. “Where?” he growls against your lips. 
“On my pussy,” you gasp. “Want to feel you there.” 
He tugs at your bottom lip with his teeth before moving away, you spread your legs further, pushing yourself apart with two fingers. Your mouth waters at the sight of him. His hand wrapped tightly around his cock as he strokes himself. It doesn’t take him long to come undone. Your eyes roll when you feel it. The vicious spurt of his come, the way it drips. It feels like it lasts forever. He comes and comes and comes— painting you with his seed. 
When he’s done, he slips his softening cock back inside, pushing himself deeper into you. You both whimper in unison, and he nuzzles the crook of your neck.  You begin to play with the ends of his hair, nails scratching the back of his neck. 
“Happy New Year, Joel.” 
“Happy New Year, sweet tea.” 
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sunny44 · 6 months
What about us (Part 3)
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of retirement
Summary: deep talks and discussions about Lewis’ future.
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The days that followed the Monaco Grand Prix were a mix of tranquil moments and shared laughter. Lewis, seemingly rejuvenated by his unexpected victory, began to engage more with Harley and me. The burden that had weighed on his shoulders seemed to dissipate, replaced by a newfound lightness.
One evening, after putting Harley to bed, Lewis and I found ourselves on the balcony again, the city below us bathed in the soft glow of streetlights.
"I never expected to win that race," he admitted, his eyes fixed on the distant lights. "But being on the podium... I felt something different this time."
I leaned against the railing, watching him closely.
"Different how?" He hesitated, then met my gaze.
"I realized that my identity isn't exclusively defined by Formula 1. Even though people might know me just as a driver, I feel like I'm more than that. There's more to life, more to me. I was so caught up in the pursuit of success and winning again that I forgot about other aspects of living."
"Like what?"
"The woman I love and our daughter." He smiled, and I sat on his lap as we embraced.
A gentle breeze carried the scent of the sea, and I felt a subtle shift in the air, as if transformation were settling into our lives.
"You know you're much more than the Mercedes driver, right?" He looked at me and nodded. "You're a great person, always supporting those you love, putting others' needs before yours without resentment. And above all, you're the best father Harley could have. So, never define yourself solely as a Formula 1 driver because you're so much more than that."
"Thank you for that; you don't know how important it is for me to hear you say that." He tucked a strand of hair that fell on my face behind my ear. "I don't need much, just my girls."
In the days that followed, Lewis began exploring more interests beyond racing and his usual routine. He joined my work events, attended Harley's school performances, took her to the park and spent afternoons playing with her and Roscoe, returning home sweaty, tired, and hungry.
On a weekend, we decided to take a spontaneous trip to the countryside outside London, away from the streets and the bustling life of Monaco. Surrounded by nature, we had a moment of peace, just watching the trees, feeling the breeze on our faces, and enjoying family time before the second part of the racing season resumed.
As we walked through a sunlit field, Lewis turned to me with a sincere expression.
"I've been thinking about what comes next. For us."
I listened, feeling a mix of anticipation and apprehension.
"I want to be there for Harley, for you. These past few weeks where I could be her dad 100% of the time, driving her to school and spending the whole day with her, made me realize that I want this to be more recurring in my life. But I also want to explore this new chapter, whatever it brings."
"And what does that mean?"
"It means I'm considering stepping back from racing full-time and embracing a different pace of life."
His words hung in the air, and I sensed the significance of the moment. It was a crossroads, a juncture where our paths could diverge or converge.
"Are you sure?"
"I’m not, actually."
"You know you don't have to stop for our sake."
"But I feel that because of this, I haven't spent enough time with you guys." He looked at Harley running and laughing with Roscoe. "I feel like I've missed so much of her life and yours during the time we were apart, and I don't want that anymore."
"Love, you didn't miss that time because of your career but because we weren't living together. I know you want to spend more time with us, and we'll figure out how to make that happen. Formula 1 is your life, and..."
"You and Harley are my life." He interrupted me.
"And you're ours, but I don't want you to make this decision without really thinking about it. I don't want you to resent leaving and finding that the quieter life isn't what you imagined. But let's not talk about it now, okay? Let's enjoy the rest of our break, and if, by the end of the season, you still feel the same and want to step back, we'll be here for you. We can navigate this together, and whatever you choose, we'll face it as a family."
Those two weeks were what we needed to relax and sort out our lives, and we decided to live together. We had an open conversation about our future, and one of the things we wanted was to spend more time as a family. As we don't have a typical life, any time we have together, we want to make the most of it.
So, the best thing to do was to move back into the same house. Harley and I moved into Lewis's apartment. In reality, there were still many things left for a complete move. The time we had before Lewis had to travel again was too short, and we could only bring our clothes.
"Mommy, where's Daddy?" I heard her ask as soon as she entered the kitchen.
"He's still sleeping."
"What are you doing?" Her voice was sleepy, and I felt her cling to my legs.
"I'm making a smoothie; do you want one?" She shook her head and reached out her arms.
I picked her up, and I continued preparing the smoothies. Somehow, Harley fell asleep in my arms amid the noise of the blender.
"Good morning." I heard his husky voice and felt him hug me from behind.
"Good morning."
"Want to give get to me?" I agreed since my arm was numb, and she almost woke up, but I think she felt it was her dad and just hugged him more.
"I missed this so much."
"Waking up, and you're the first person I see in the morning." I smiled and gave him a peck, serving the smoothies in glasses.
"I missed this too." I handed him his glass, and he started drinking.
"And you know what's even better?"
"The fact that this is the first time we're living together as parents."
That was true; when I found out about the pregnancy, we were no longer together, so this was the first time we were living together as a family.
"It's a bit strange, actually."
"How so?"
"It's just been the two of us for so long that it's still hard to believe that we're finally all together." He smiled. "Do you think she's okay with all of this?"
"What do you mean?"
"It's a huge change for her. We understand the situation because we lived it, but Harley is small, and her whole life has been with us living different lives. So, I'm worried that we're so wrapped up in our love bubble that we might be forgetting her feelings."
"I understand, and I completely agree with what you're saying. I can talk to her later if you want me to."
"I'll talk to her." I said, and he agreed.
"Look, I have to catch a flight to Vegas tonight and then after that to Abhu Dhabi and I don't know if you guys want to come with me or…”
"I don't know; I think it's a bit last minute. We'd have to pack our things and hers, and we have to adapt gradually to this. You know she gets really restless when we have to take flights."
"I know; she doesn't like it much." He agreed. "But, as you said, we have all the time in the world, and we can take it easy."
"We really do." He smiled, and as soon as we finished our smoothies, I washed the glasses, and after he took her upstairs and put her on her bed, we spent some time together on the couch since he would have to travel soon.
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Bonus Scene!
Yourusername Instagram stories
“Lazy days with my favorite girl”
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Tag list: @ironmaiden1313 @myloverjk-blog @leoramage @ricciardosheart
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cupidlovesastro · 22 days
𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒚
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[long post ahead]
🩶paid readings🩶
“𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒅𝒐 𝒊 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒊𝒕?”
🔗closure is usually wanting the answer to something or ending of something, so you won’t be left unsure, confused, scared, etc.
🔗we often want closure after something traumatic or sad has happened. this can be things like a break up, ab*se, violence, etc. you may frequently wonder things like “why did it happen” and feelings of confusion, conflict, pain, sadness, and anger can reoccur when the topic is mentioned or thought of.
“𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒚 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒆 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆?”
🔗although people often use astrology for love, aesthetics, and getting to know their self better, it can also help you navigate through trauma !
🔗there are asteroids, charts, placements, and houses that can help you understand how to heal
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𝒏𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆/𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒖𝒎𝒂 𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒊𝒅𝒔
lilith(1181)- where we are rejected, an outcast, and rebel
chiron(2060)- chiron can be used to show your trauma and how you are damaged, but also how you can heal others and be healed
nessus(7066)-trauma, abuse, negative transformations in relationships or it’s dynamic, revenge, manipulation, power, guilt
bambi(15845)- something you can devastatingly lose, being prayed on, victimization, being over powered, innocence, naivety
hazard(9305)- causing harm or how you could be harmed, dangerous themes in people or your life
prey(6157)- where you could be prayed on, or feel that you will, where you could be easily attacked
hylonome(10370)- self sacrificing, deep grief, equal partnerships, love, s*icide
paine(5188)- what pain you will suffer with in life, things you could be a victim of
ophelia(171)- rejection from love, love disappointment, doubt or hopelessness in relationships, insanity, abandonment
karma(3811)- how people might’ve betrayed/ hurt you, and how it will come back to bite them
orcus(90482)- broken promises, destruction, punishment, notoriety, intensity, extreme behavior
chaos(19521)- our evil temptations/ tendencies, our demons, the part of us that could lead to our ultimate ruin
dejanira(157)- naivety, your insecurities, being a victim, possessiveness, having trust issues, fear
myrrha(381)- sexual ab*se, inappropriate sexual relationships, inc*st
pratoclus(617)- rage, lashing out on others, your pain, vengeance, anger
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𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆/𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒊𝒅𝒔
chiron(2060)-chiron can be used to show your trauma and how you are damaged, but also how you can heal others and be healed
pallas(2)- strength, courage, intelligence, wisdom, victory
vesta(4)- goals, aspirations, devotion, what keeps you going, things that are most important to you
chariklo(10199)- miracle, destiny, compassion, spiritual awakening, astral travel, self care, self respect
metis(9)- wisdom, practicality, issuing your intelligence to master skills, strategy, problem solving
haumea(136108)- connection to the world around you, trust in the universe
spirit(37452)- your spirit/ spirituality, spirit guides, your psychic abilities
icarus(1566)- mistakes, attempts at improvement and growth, falling and getting back up, risk taking, hope, liberation, taking good things too far
serendipity(6568)- miracles, pleasant surprises, unexpected blessing
zeus(5731)- leadership, your goals, your authority, achievements
bless(92891)- blessings that could happen to you, ways that you are blessed
induna(176)- fresh starts, high expectations, youthfulness, rejuvenation, fertility, beauty, how you give people their youthful side
tortali(2687)- something coming to light, being outed, being open/ honest about something
champion(8732)- being a champion, winning, what ways you could win
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“𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒚 𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒑 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈?”
🔗12th house can directly correlate to healing and closure
🔗6th house doesn’t really relate to closure, but it does relate to health
🔗jupiter can show where you’re growing
🔗saturn can show where you need be discipline and struggles you may occur
🔗pluto can show karmic energies you need to worth through
🔗north node can show where you future is and what path to go on
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𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒕
“𝒘𝒉𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕?”
this chart can show you where your healing is going and what kind of healing journey you will have this year
(i’m using chiron because it’s usually one of the asteroids that websites show by default)
chiron in 3rd house can mean you will speak about your traumas more, venting, ranting, and journaling can help you heal
aries chiron can mean that you may be healing faster this year or you can feel more ambitious about healing
chiron aspecting venus can mean love (doesn’t have to be romantic) can heal you
capricorn or aquarius chiron can mean you may feel distant from your healing journey or like your far away from being healed
chiron in 11th house can mean your friends can be helping with your healing process or a community
chiron aspecting pluto can mean you will be working through karmic energy to continue your healing journey
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𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒆𝒙𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒔
𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒉 𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒊
𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒂 𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒍𝒆𝒇𝒕 𝒂𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒊𝒕
nessus(7066) in 9th house- trauma related towards religion, philosophy, learning, and ethics. in the cult that she was in, she has said how they were constantly making you learn about the way of the community, and she had to spend millions on books. her cult has also tried to paint themselves as a religion, rather than a cult
orcus(90482) in 10th house- for a long time she could’ve had a negative public image, especially when her cult was mentioned and people were aware of what went on inside of it. her career has also been affected by the cult, although she has now left
chiron(2060) in 7th house- she has stated how she fears to get close to others or work with others in suspicion that they are apart of her ex cult. despite that, she also has a tv show where she shared (7th house=sharing) others stories and helped exposed what happened.
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𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒘 𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆
𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒂 𝒅𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒅𝒓𝒖𝒈 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒃𝒍𝒆𝒎 𝒂𝒕 𝒂 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒈𝒆, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒂𝒅𝒖𝒍𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒂𝒕 𝒂 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒂𝒔 𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒍. 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒎𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒔𝒐 𝒂 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒃𝒖𝒕𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒐 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒖𝒎𝒂
paine(5188) in 2nd house cancer- this shows that she suffered a lot in her jobs and even her work ethic since her addiction got in the way of her acting career. her mother (mothers/motherly figures correlate with cancers) also got in the way of what she was genuinely passionate about because her mother wanted to make money off of her
prey(6157) in 7th house- drew could’ve been her most vulnerable self to people she was close with, meaning that was where she was victimized. people she was close with could’ve put her in bad situations or attacked her in some form. she stated that her mom pretty much allowed her to be around grown ups at a young age, and exposed her to clubs, drugs, alcohol, etc
bless(92891) in 6th house scorpio - drew now has a tv show that brings celebrities on and talks about her traumas and sometimes the celebrities traumas as well. she also says how she feels a “magnetic pull” to get close to people on her show. (scorpio usually correlates with magnetism)
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𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒏𝒆𝒚 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔
𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒑𝒐𝒑 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒃𝒊𝒈 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝟗𝟎𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒚 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟎𝒔. 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒈𝒈𝒍𝒆𝒅 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒚
nessus(7066) and bambi(15845) in 10th house- these placements show that she unfortunately has been victimized by her father, and also stopped touring so her dad wouldn’t make more money off of her which affected her career and fame. she was also pushed very hard (to the point of exhaustion) when she was touring and actively making music.
rhiannon(16912) in 1st house- this can show that britney has wanted to escape her life or her public image. (rhiannon=abductions) this can show that it’s quite public that she is in a situation where she is not allowed freedom
induna(176) in 1st house- this shows that she could eventually be in her “redemption” era and it will be quite public. people will see that she is is starting new, and it can remind many people of when she was younger, or even when they were younger and seeing britney on tv, live, or hearing her music !
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