#unforgetable love by mr he
afza147 · 3 years
Ep18 Unforgettable Love ( 贺先生的恋恋不忘)
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simpforj · 4 years
I missed you
jaehyun x reader
genre: fluff
a/n: hiiii; be ready because this scenarios has a loooot of fluff moments. Enjoy reading ♡
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Looking in the mirror, emotions began to grow in you more and more. Today is one of the most important and exciting day of your life: graduation day. You couldn’t believe that three years of college had already passed and here you are in front of the mirror, wearing the robe, the hat and and the scarf on which the name of your college was written taking a picture. Not even two minutes have passed since you sent the picture, because someone has already answered you
Jae: Beautiful as always ♡ ♡
The message from your boyfriend made you smile widely replying to him with heart emojies. Him and his members are supposed to arrive next week from a long tour in the USA but little did you know Jaehyun would surprise you. Before you leave the house, you checked if you took everything and then you went to college where the graduation ceremony was about to start. You and your friends arrived on time, and you took your seats. The ceremony was about to begin in 10 minutes so you took your phone from the bag and texted your boyfriend. 
I’m here and the ceremony will begin in 10 minutes
Jae: I’m so sorry I can’t be with you on such an important day :(  
To be honest, you were a little bit sad, since Jaehyun couldn’t be with you wanting to see his reaction once you get on stage to get your diploma. You texted him until it was time to put your phone back into the bag, paying attention to the stage. The principal and several teachers stepped on stage greeting the students and other people present at the ceremony. The principal spoke, presenting the college and some details about it, how well it prepares students for a bright future. Once his speech was over, the principal let one of the teachers speak inviting the students on stage. 
“Good morning everybody and welcome and welcome to our college graduation ceremony. It is a special day, a day filled with emotions, a day in which you all will open your wings even more, offering a better future for everyone.” 
The teacher started naming each student by giving them the diploma and letting each one of them say a few words. You started to get nervous knowing it will be your turn to go on stage. 
“There she is, one of our best students, who never disappointed us and showed us what passion means. I would like y/l/n to come on stage to get her diploma.” You sat up from your seat and approached the stage, everyone cheering you and smiling at you. 
“Thank you so much Mr. Lee, good morning everyone. First of all congratulations everyone. I’m glad to see that we all managed to get here on such a special day for each of us.” As you continued your speech some familiar faces approached leaving you overwhelmed with emotions. “a-and I would like to thank to one of the most special person in my life, who was always beside me and helped me a lot. Thank you s-so much and I love you the most” you started to tear up coming down from the stage and rushing to your boyfriend who was sitting at the back smiling widely at you with a beautiful bouquet of flowers ready to hug you tightly. 
“Congratulations babe” Jaehyun said wiping your tears from your face gently and kissing your forhead before pulling you back to his embrace. 
“Weren’t you all supposed to arrive next week?” you asked him and the other boys who were proud of you as well 
“We pranked you y/n” Haechan said getting hit by Mark and Johnny at the same time
“Don’t listen to him. We’ve finished all the concerts and also we needed to be here for you, especially Jaehyun who was missing you a lot” Johnny said smiling at you two. Jaehyun hugged you one more time before pressing his lips on yours, kissing you softly as the others started to cheer you. 
“Group picture!” one of your teachers yelled everyone getting close for a group picture. You pressed a kiss on Jaehyun’s cheek before leaving to your colleagues ready for the picture. Jaehyun couldn’t keep his eyes off of you smiling even more, staring at you lovingly. He came back to reality once you appeared in front of him again taking your hand in his. 
“Come ooon, let’s take a picture” you said to him as one of your friends had your phone in her hands, capturing this unforgetable moment of your life. 
“Boys, come here” you told them as they came closer to you. 
“Smiiile” your friend said taking a bunch of pictures for you.
“See you at the party y/n, also maybe you can come with your boyfriend and your friends.” your friend winked at you before looking at Jaehyun 
“Thank you for inviting us but she can go without me” said Jaehyun smiling gently. Your friend nodded hugging you once again before leaving, 
“We’ll meet at the dorms Jaehyun and congrats y/n” said Taeyong smiling at yoou before leaving with the boys.
“Do you want to help me pick an outfit for the party?” you took Jaehyun’s hand in yours keeping the contact with him.
“Of course, I thought you’d never ask. I’m not gonna let you go with that extremly short dress you’ve showed me” Jaehyun pulled you closer for another kiss before heading to your house. 
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solarisposting · 5 years
I'm trying to stop talking about myself so much but @kaylor gave me an excuse to KEEP DOING IT
"Go on your music, hit shuffle and report with the first 10 songs that pop up! then tag 10 people!" I'm 乇乂ㄒ尺卂, so I'm adding commentary.
Cinderella Story by Plain White T's - ugh one of my ultimate heartbreak angst anthems. Prime lyric: I can't help but feel a little upset about the things you and I never had
Falling Down by Oasis - Look. I have 5,680 songs on my ipod. I'm unfamiliar with SO much of my music library because my version of music discovery is buying CDs with one song I like on 'em. But listening to this? It's fucking rad and I guess I'll have to listen to this whole album later on today. I bought it for The Shock of the Lightning and mostly listen to I'm Outta Time, but I guess I've beeing ~missing out!~
All These Things by Darren Hanlon - Mr. Darren Hanlon has been ruining my life with his music for several years now and I love him and his work SO MUCH. This is one his happier songs and it's so bouncy and light. His lyrics are clever and goofy. I just........LOVE
Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Queen - A perfect encapsulation of those heady crushes you'd get as a teenager where you'd go WILD with emotions! I say that as if that's not how every ~adult crush~ including my current relationship has gone, but I digress! It swings, WOO WOO
Wish You Well by Bernard Fanning - Guitar at the beginning yessss I love. The whole album is fantastic. The vocal runs in this song in particular are SO fun for shower and car singing. An Lyric: Rolling fog into my room, why'd you give up on me so soon?
All Too Well by Taylor Swift - I have many Swiftie mutuals. I wasn't more than a casual listener of hers until reputation came out. My aforementioned mutuals have been screaming praises about this song and the lyrics and the mystique of the "10-minute version" for years. I never understood it until I elected to listen to all of her albums. This song WRECKED ME and I cried to it on the way home from work several times over the course of a month or two because Josh and I were having issues and I'm dramatic. This song is so worth the hype. MAYBE WE GOT LOST IN TRANSLATION. THERE WE ARE AGAIN, AND I LOVED YOU SO. Kill me!!! Also anybody who says Red doesn't have country music influences at all can suck a sour one because this song ALONE clearly does.
My Everything by Owl City - I downloaded the whole album this is off of and like honestly? I have to laugh. It's too religious, which in all fairness, Adam Young is a dedicated Christian and makes beautiful religious pop songs. But I was thinking I'd be getting lyrics like his older stuff because I don't keep up with him. That aside, it's a really lovely worship song and one I would have loved to do when I was in my youth group's worship band in high school. Harmonies to die for.
Can't Slow Down by Jean-Yves Thibaudet - This is from the Pride & Prejudice (2005) score, and I believe it's from a scene in the first ball (before the one at Netherfield). It's light, airy, exuberant, and so pleasing to the ear! It's my sister's current phone alarm, so I get to hear it each morning and whenever she naps in the afternoons or evenings. No complaints there.
I Can Make You Happy by Davy Jones - Josh has an album of songs used in Scooby-Doo, and this is one of them. The whole album is just like murderously nostalgic and great. I've never actually listened to this particular song, but it's so peppy and cute! And I love Davy Jones. He was the singer for The Monkees, his voice is comfort food for the soul, and he was adorable and I totally would have been in love with him if he was bit during my childhood.
Unforgetful You by Jars of Clay - QUINTESSENTIAL ALTERNATIVE CHRISTIAN SOFT ROCK! They're so fucking good and jammy. I've never listened to this song (like I said, huge music library), but it'd make a nice summer running song.
Tags! Uhhh anyone who'd like to do it. Let me know if you do and I don't tag you! @tswizzledude @appalachianetiquette @mielnette @emmmathompson @ashestoashesjc random bag of folks
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altajackuniverse · 4 years
Use These Customer Service Tales to Make Your UX Better
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7 Unforgettable Customer Service Stories
  Inspirational Customer Experience Stories   Why do consumers enjoy reading stories of great customer experiences?  It might be that these stories personalize your business and provide a constant reminder that there are amazing professionals and companies who create a customer experience with their unforgetable customer service. Every company says that they put their customers #1 on their priority list.  However stories like these show us that some businesses actually go the extra mile for each and every one of their customers. As Benjamin Franklin would put it: “Well done is better than well said.” We wholeheartedly agree, and throughout this post, we’ll take a close look at some memorable stories in an effort to highlight those businesses who “walk the walk” when it comes to delivering the kind of service that wins a customer over for life. Along the way, you’ll find insights for your own business to consider and some exceptional inspiration to pass on to your support team. Enjoy! Trader Joe’s Actually Delivered   A woman was worried that her 89 year old father was snowed in at his Pennsylvania home and wasn't going to have enough food for the holidays because of the bad weather in the area. She frantically called multiple stores in a desperate attempt to find anyone who would deliver to her father’s home.  She finally reached someone at Trader Joe’s.  The Trader Joe's associate politely told her that they do not deliver ... normally.   Given the extreme circumstance, they told her that they would gladly deliver directly to his home, and even suggested additional delivery items that would fit perfectly with his special low-sodium diet. After the daughter placed the order for the food, the employee on the phone told her that she didn’t need to worry about the price; the food would be delivered free of charge.  The employee then wished her a Merry Christmas. Less than 30 minutes later the food was at the man’s doorstep — for free! In refusing to let red tape get in the way of a customer in need, Trader Joe’s shows that customer service doesn’t need to be about the fanfare.  By empowering their employees to act outside of company guidelines, Trader Joe's shows that their company philosophy is customer focused rather than operations focused.   Their employees embrace making the customer the heart of their customer experience.  Your companies core values are integral to making your customer experience simply about doing whats right.   Dying Mother Changes United Airlines Flight Schedule   It’s always heart-wrenching when a close family member passes.  Sharing the final moments with a person we love can be a small respite in a truly difficult situation.   When Kerry Drake got on his United Airlines flight, the mother he was en route to see was facing her final hours.  To add an extra layer of distress, Drake knew that if he missed his connecting flight he would likely not see her before she passed. After his first flight got delayed, Drake broke down into tears on the plane.  The flight attendants soon noticed his state and quickly found out what was wrong.  Within minutes, Drake’s dilemma was re- layed to the captain, who radioed ahead to Drake’s next flight. The flight’s crew responded by delaying the flight’s departure to make sure he got on board. “I was still like maybe 20 yards away when I heard the gate agent say, ‘Mr. Drake, we’ve been expecting you,’” he said. When Drake finally sat on the second flight, he realized how much went into getting him onto the plane.  He realized how the United Airlines flight crews had put his needs above their flight schedule.  They were able to do this because they felt that the customer's needs were greater than any company mandates. Kerry said, “I was overcome with emotion!”   The result of many staff members working together to go above-and-beyond the call of duty.  They helped this customer, Kerry Drake make it to the hospital in time to see his mother. “At one point she opened her eyes, and I think she recognized me,” said Drake, who spent the night at the hospital.  “Around 4 a.m. she had a real moment of coherence, a last rally, although we didn’t know it at the time.  It was the last time.” She died that very morning. Drake wrote the staff a heartfelt thank you letter expressing his immense gratitude for a team who was willing to pull together and pull out all the stops to assist in any way they could.   In the coverage of this story on CNN, consumer advocate Christopher Elliot said: “Airline employees are evaluated based on their ability to keep a schedule.  Airlines compete with each other on who has the best on-time departure record.  When the crew on this flight heard about this distraught passenger trying to make his connection, they must have said, ‘To hell with it’ ... and they made the right call.” We think so, too.   Joshie the Giraffes’ Extended Vacation at Ritz-Carlton   Ritz-Carlton is one of those few large companies that is held to high standards from their consumers.  With an almost legendary reputation for service, one has to wonder: Do they really live up to the hype?   The story of Joshie the giraffe certainly presents a compelling case for “yes!”  In case you’ve never come across this fantastic tale, the story begins when customer Chris Hurn’s son left his favorite stuffed giraffe, “Joshie,” in their hotel room after a recent stay.   Mr. Hurn assured his distraught son that Joshie was just staying a few extra days on vacation.  He then called the staff at the Ritz and relayed the story he had told his son. In an all-star effort to make everything right for their customer, the staff at the Ritz created a series of photographs that included all of the activities Joshie had been involved in during his “extended vacation.” First things first.  They knew Joshie couldn’t just be aimlessly wandering around the Ritz without a staff card ... so they made him one!   After that, Joshie headed over to the pool area to relax.   Not one to sit around and do nothing, Joshie helped out in the loss prevention department.   Joshie then decided to melt away some stress with a spa day.   To top it all off, the Ritz sent Hurn and his son a booklet filled with information about Joshie’s stay as well as a host of pictures showing what a good time he’d had.  What a story!   Bungie Studios Created a Holiday Smile   The belief that you should do your best to “make things right” with customers in tough situations is a recurring theme among those companies with legendary customer service.  That said, even the greats of the customer service world will have a hard time topping this next story. In another outstanding example of taking care of customers, Bungie Studios, one of the most beloved game developers in the industry, raised the bar for their willingness to take care of their fans. The story begins with a distraught father whose son had to receive liver transplant surgery around the holidays. Since being in the hospital left his son unable to play the newest release of his favorite video game franchise, Halo, his dad reached out to Bungie. The response he received from the company went far beyond what anyone expected!  First, the entire Bungie team signed and sent a card with get-well wishes.   To make up for missing out on playing Halo, the team built him a custom helmet based off of the main character and sent it along with shirts, toys and custom art from the game’s designers.   His father later posted a thank you thread and a collection of images on Christmas day, which was when Bungie visited his son in the hospital and brought the gifts.   “He was absolutely shocked when he saw the custom helmet from Halo Reach!  Bungie, you have played a huge part in making this smile!  My family can’t thank you enough!”   A Loyal Customer is 'WOWed' by Gaylord Opryland   It doesn’t take a lot of consumer data to support the argument that your regular customers are the rock you build your business on.  Taking care of them is not just the right thing to do.  It’s also good for business. Let's look at the case of regular Gaylord Opryland hotel customer Christina McMenemy.  She stayed at the resort three years in a row for the annual BlissDom conference. During each stay McMenemy found herself entranced by one of the features in her hotel room.  She loved the alarm clock that played light music, much like the kind of music that you’d experience in a highend spa. McMenemy loved the clock radio.  She felt that she had never slept better than she did while using it. For three years McMenemy tried to find the exact model clock from her hotel room, but to no avail. McMenemy had nearly given up hope when she messaged the company’s Twitter page during her most recent trip to Opryland.
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Christina from OH@mommystory     @GaylordOpryland Where can I buy this Sharper Image clock radio in my room? None in stores have the "spa" sounds & I've never slept better!   4 8:17 PM - Feb 25, 2012 Twitter Ads info and privacy   See Christina from OH's other Tweets      
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Gaylord Opryland Resort@GaylordOpryland   Replying to @mommystory   @mommystory Unfortunately, our version isn't available to the public, but here is a Shaper Image alarm clock like it: http://amzn.to/ADMXzL .   10:20 PM - Feb 25, 2012 Twitter Ads info and privacy   See Gaylord Opryland Resort's other Tweets      
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Christina from OH@mommystory   Replying to @GaylordOpryland   @GaylordOpryland Yeah, that one doesn't have the spa sound.  Been looking for one after loving the 1 in my room for 3yr now at Blissdom. :(   10:23 PM - Feb 25, 2012 Twitter Ads info and privacy   See Christina from OH's other Tweets       Resigned to her fate, she attended the conference and let the alarm clock hunt go. But upon returning to her room she was surprised to find not one but two spa clocks and a letter with her name on it.   Opryland recognized an opportunity to make sure a long-time customer had one of the best experiences ever.  And they didn’t just win a customer for life, they also bought plenty of goodwill with folks at the conference and beyond who subsequently heard about the story.   “You reaffirmed that there are still companies out there focused on great service, and you’ve made a lifelong fan out of me.”–Christina McMenemy   Luka's Day is Saved by a Lego Service Rep   Losing a favorite toy feels devastating to a young child.  Longtime Lego fan Luka Apps spent all of his Christmas money on a Ninjago (Lego ninja) named Jay XZ.  Against his dad’s advisement, he brought his Ninjago on a shopping trip ... and lost it.   Luka wrote a letter to Lego explaining his loss and assuring the Lego staff that he would take extra-special care of his action figure if they sent him another one.   Hello. My name is Luka Apps and I am seven years old. With all my money I got for Christmas I bought the Ninjago kit of the Ultrasonic Raider.  The number is 9449.  It is really good. My Daddy just took me to Sainsbury’s and told me to leave the people at home but I took them and I lost Jay ZX at the shop as it fell out of my coat. I am really upset I have lost him.  Daddy said to send you a email to see if you will send me another one. I promise I won’t take him to the shop again if you can. – Luka   The response he received from Lego customer representative Richard was nothing short of amazing.  Richard told Luke that he had talked to Sensei Wu a Ninjago character, and wrote: Sensei Wu told me to tell you, “Luka, your father seems like a very wise man.  You must always protect your Ninjago minifigures like the dragons protect the Weapons of Spinjitzu!” Sensei Wu also told me it was okay if I sent you a new Jay and told me it would be okay if I included something extra for you because anyone that saves their Christmas money to buy the Ultrasonic Raider must be a really big Ninjago fan.   So, I hope you enjoy your Jay minifigure with all his weapons.  You will actually have the only Jay minifigure that combines 3 different Jays into one!  I am also going to send you a bad guy for him to fight! Just remember, what Sensei Wu said: keep your minifigures protected like the Weapons of Spinjitzu!  And of course, always listen to your dad. It’s so rare to see such a thoughtful, creative response to a distraught customer that this story went viral.   Visit Our Web Accessibility Blog Visit Our Business Sustainability Blog Jim Shukys’ Auto Service Sweats the Small Stuff Many of the memorable stories that we’ve covered so far focus on a company’s stellar response to an usual situation ... but what about those day-to-day service stories?Superb service is not limited to out of the ordinary circumstances. It can be incorporated into the very fabric of your business, showing up in even the most common of instances.That’s why we love this next story shared by a customer in Streetsboro, Ohio. The story was posted on Reddit under the appropriately titled topic of “I have never in my life seen this level of customer service” and included this genuine, thoughtful thank-you note.  The best part of this tale is that despite the fact that this image was shared on the internet, random commenters started pointing out that they knew who this was:“I used to live in Streetsboro and I know exactly who that is.  He’s a good man, stay with him!” Now that’s the definition of memorable service!  The praise continued with noncustomers, too, with one commenter saying,“It’s little things like this that earn business.  If I got this card I would never use another mechanic in my life.”Do you have a great customer service story you can share with us?  Tell us how someone went 'above and beyond' to give you a truly memorable, remarkable and relatable customer service experience....  Read the full article
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abhijeet-tnf · 6 years
Attention Readers :
If you are foodoholic and can’t stop your self from eating some delicious food, please be cautious!!!!!!!!!! Soon you have to take a off from work because once you finish reading the story I am sure you will rush to the streets of Lucknow. 😛 😛 😛
Friends I have been at the city for 2 days, i went to every corners of the city and each streets had unique and delicious food to serve to me.
It was not possible to share the story in single blog so I have to make the series of Lucknow food walk where in each blog I will try and share Lucknow food stories
Lucknow food tales: A story on the culinary capital of India – Part 1
If you have a foodie heart even 1% you should not miss to visit the city of Nawaab’s Lucknow which is also known as the Culinary Capital of India. I have been there for 2 days and i have tried to explore most of the food joints of the city.
I took auto / tuktuk to explore the city as these people are more connected with every corners of the city, while having a conversation with him he was filmy…lollzz… he said Bhaiya subha ka nasta bajpayee poori bhandaar main kariyega dophar ko dastarkhawan jana, raat ko rahim bhai ke nihari ka swad lijyega. or ha nimish or malai paan ka swaad bhi chakiyega
OMG !! He gave me a long list and I was at the city for 2 days so i decided to explore the city and food according to the locations.
But to start with morning breakfast i started with Bajpayee Kachori Bhandar
Bajpayee Kachori Bhandar:
You don’t need any 5 star class service to serve delicious food or ambiance to make your follower. All you need is simplicity in mind and a good heart, Bajpayee sahaab is a perfect example for my aforesaid lines.
They serve the food in a very small shop of not more than 10*10 sqft, but look at the fans of the counter who are in love with the food they serve. It is been said many a times the shop has a queue of 500 meters who wait for their turn to buy the kachoris or puri sabji.
Bajpayee kachori bhandaar was been started by Mr. Bal Kishan Bajpaye who came to Lucknow in early 70′, during then he used to work for a mill. Once he came with an idea to start his own shop selling Indian food. From then to now his son’s managed to won the hearts of the people in the city and even among the tourist.
They serve kachoris, khasta’s , puri with aalo & chole ki sabji, and chole bhature. Honestly the taste of the food is from the simplicity and the fresh ingredients he uses makes the food the tastiest. The poori is served along with aaloo chole sabji, the poori’s were crisp and fried in refined oil and sabji was cooked with simple Indian spices.
Cost: Honestly the poori and sabji had a unforgetable home style like taste, and it is priceless but to quantify it , 1 plate of poori sabji will cost you Rs. 40.
Where: The shop is at Shahnajaf Road, Hazratganj
Click link to get the direction : Bajpayee Kachori Bhandar
Tunday Kababi :
So we are talking about a dish which is in the hall of fame in the world of delicious food. Even when you ask the people of Lucknow about the city they will answer in their own unique manner, Sahab Lucknow main 3 chize Bari famous hai ek Tehzeeb (manners), dusra Chikankari (Lucknavi Embroidery) or teesra famous Tunday Kababi.
Nimish – a melt in mouth dessert :
Nimish also known as Makhan Malai at Mathura and even Daulat ki Chaat at Delhi.
I dont know much about this dessert, it has been originated at Mathura city but believe me this dessert may have been given to us direct from heaven.
As soon as you take a scoop it melts and vanishes in your mouth.
Forget about the quote of the brand lays which says “No one just can have one”. This dessert is a shere example of this proverb.
You will try to hold it in your mouth but it will vanish and ask you for another scoop.
While talking to the Atul a pheriwala who sells Nimish from past 10 years told me about the dessert. He told Bhaiya(brother) Nimish is originally known as Makhan malai the favourite food of Kanha Ji (Lord krishna) and originated in mathura later then it came to Lucknow and offered to Nawab’s who liked it a lot.
Learning about the dessert Atul told that, the delicacy vanishes in mouth within seconds but it takes hours to make Makhan Malai. It is winter delight where it is made by man and the nature itself.
The process starts every afternoon where his mother boils milk at low fire chulah (stove) of cow dung cake, then fresh cream is added in the boiling milk, there after again its boiled. Once the mixture cools down completely, it is kept hung under evening sky for 8-9 hours. Here the mother nature nurturers the dessert with dew.
The dew exposed mixture is churned again for 2-3 hours, by then around 4 am in the morning its time for Atul himself to start his job where he again turn on the chulah to boil milk for getting the malai.
Then he add sugar, yellow food colour in the layers of the mixture. Finally the melt is mouth desert is in final stage, there after he travels to chowk bazaar and to serve the magical Nimish.
A layer of silver work and dry fruit is placed on the top.
Where: You may find many ferry wala’s selling Nimish in the chowk sqaure lucknow and during the evening time you may find it near Roomi Darwaza.
Cost : 1 plate of Nimish will cost Rs. 25.
It was all about the series 1 of Lucknow food walk……………
Be cautious do not care of the calories when you are in the city of Nawabs 😉 😉 the food you will eat will be rich in fat and carbs, but trust me it is rightly said kuch carbs ache hote hai…. lollzz……
Lucknow food tales : Part 1 Attention Readers : If you are foodoholic and can't stop your self from eating some delicious food, please be cautious!!!!!!!!!!
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afza147 · 3 years
Ep18 Unforgettable Love ( 贺先生的恋恋不忘)
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First Kiss❤️
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afza147 · 3 years
Ep18 Unforgettable Love ( 贺先生的恋恋不忘)
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He Qiao Yan confession ❤️
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afza147 · 3 years
Ep18 Unforgettable Love ( 贺先生的恋恋不忘)
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afza147 · 3 years
Ep16 Unforgettable Love ( 贺先生的恋恋不忘)
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afza147 · 3 years
August 2021 Kdrama/Other Drama Watchlist
1.Monthly magazine home ep15(ongoing)
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Ottoke..final week😭���😭..cant believe I already at the finish line for this drama..supposedly it will be a happy ending..might make a short review..seem so short time..😭😭
2.My roommate is gumiho ep8
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So far so good..I watch this in a slow phase coz I was making screenshots for every ep..so far I still stuck at ep4..haha..so..might post all or might not..still in consideration..maybe I just watched all ep and post short review only..but some of the scenes deserved to post individually..haha..
They so cute and sweet😍😍😍
3. Hometown cha Cha cha (upcoming drama)
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This will be on Netflix..so no screenshot will be available..haha..well maybe some..see what I can find on Twitter..so this is on 28/8..end of August..I try to watch whether is good or not..anticipating shin mina drama comeback.
4. Unforgettable Love/unforgettable love by Mr he(贺先生的恋恋不忘) ep23/24
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This is not kdrama..obviously..haha..a china drama I found on iqiyi😍😍😍 and has miles wei..this is based on Chinese manga which I recognize as I just know about but not so much..at first I was going to watch in slow mode..but I got rope in fast by my mother..so I got to catch up and next week also the ending week😭
I did some post on several ep..might make a short review too..probably..we will see🤭
5.Kotaro Live Alone ep4( Netflix)
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I only watch this when I eating..haha..so far so good👍 it's about kotaro a 5 year old live alone in a room .and this shown is fiction as it clearly tell in the begining of episode one and ep3 too
6.So not worth it ep8
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Still on watchlist..might try to finish up in August..
So far I got 2 endings to watch and cry..other drama in slow phase..and 1 new drama in end august👍
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afza147 · 3 years
Ep20 Unforgettable Love ( 贺先生的恋恋不忘)
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afza147 · 3 years
Ep24 Unforgettable Love ( 贺先生的恋恋不忘)ending
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I guess this too..except for the kiss..haha😍😍😍
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afza147 · 3 years
Ep23 Unforgettable Love ( 贺先生的恋恋不忘)
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afza147 · 3 years
Ep23 Unforgettable Love ( 贺先生的恋恋不忘)
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And he remember Yi Yue too❤️
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afza147 · 3 years
Ep23 Unforgettable Love ( 贺先生的恋恋不忘)
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Finally they together💜
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afza147 · 3 years
Ep24 Unforgettable Love ( 贺先生的恋恋不忘) ending
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He Family💜 Wedding 🥲🥲🥲
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