#unfortunately there's no escaping that and they're gonna have to deal with it but
doctorbrown · 8 months
Hey! Rewatching animated series made me realise that Jules might be a papa's boy. What do you think? Any hcs of them??? I genuenly love reading your posts!
Hi!! First off aaaa thank you for popping by and the interactions and questions and liking my stuff—I appreciate it immensely and I'm honoured to hear you enjoy reading my stuff!
Second, okay—I've got lots of headcanons about the boys and I will definitely share some. I adore them immensely and I love how much of their parents you can see passed down to them while they're still doing their own thing.
To start, Jules is absolutely a papa's boy. He's his father's son, there's no question about it, and Doc is one of his greatest role models. While Verne absolutely loves his father and enjoys getting involved in Doc's projects when he can and wants his attention and love too (Doc loves his boys equally, of course, avoiding any shows of favouritism), he's very much a mama's boy. Verne is Clara's son through-and-through and you see that so much in their curiosity, their quick, sometimes snappish wit, and their hot temper. Clara would be the first out of them to engage in a confrontation, as would Verne.
However, one of the big exceptions is when some of the other kids are talking shit and saying nasty things about Doc, Clara, or one of the boys; both of them will jump in a heartbeat to defend their family—and it really annoys them because there are so many great and amazing things their father has done in the field of science that the world will never know about because they're related to the big family secret. They only wish they could rub it in the faces of their classmates so they'll stop calling their family weird and crazy and all manner of other things.
Jules feels it a little more intensely than Verne, because of the two brothers, Jules is the first one to be likened to his father and that doesn't spare him any mockery from his peers.
Both of Doc's sons are exceptionally brilliant, far beyond the level of their peers—the apple doesn't fall far from the tree—but Jules, like Doc, leans much more into the intellectual aspects of life over the emotional (unlike Verne, who lives guided/influenced more by his heart) and is often flaunting his intelligence even when he doesn't mean to. He enjoys learning and will lose himself in whatever new topic he's studying or project he's working on. Like Doc, Jules is on the path to fast-track his life.
However, unlike his father (and even Verne), Jules doesn't have quite the same level of self-confidence for himself that gets him to be more loud and boisterous. His temperament is also much more like Clara's, as Jules isn't as obvious with his feelings, nor is he extremely quick to share them. He's far more cool-headed and relaxed than Doc or Verne. Jules also cares far more about what people think of him, his family, and places a very high value on his intellect, fearing that he'll somehow be seen as lesser if he can't live up to his own standards. Clara and Doc never push him to do things he doesn't want to do—they're always encouraging the boys to pursue whatever it is that makes them happy, whether it's in the sciences or not—or (they hope) make him feel like he has exceptionally large shoes to fill, but Jules has it in his head that he's almost expected to be like his father and that, somehow, he'll disappoint them if he isn't.
Verne, however, lives on the opposite end of the spectrum, letting his heart lead and willing to go wherever he wants, even if he makes a whole slew of mistakes along the way. Confidence is something he grows up to have in spades, especially when he's more certain of himself and where he wants to be. Verne's the kid who might get into a fight trying to defend somebody and his teachers might all think he's just a little troublemaking punk, but other than a few incidents on record, Verne's a fine student with exceptionally high marks.
Verne is a little more calculating with when he lets his intelligence show. In a way, he learns to weaponise it, drawing on everything he's learned from his brilliant parents when it's necessary to do so. He keeps his exam grades a secret in school because while he doesn't want to lie about it per se, he doesn't want his intelligence to become one of his defining features and, really, it's nobody's business. Verne fits more of the picture you'd have of the average kid/teenager. He gets into trouble like it's his job, he likes to play pranks, stay out late, he's got a sharp tongue, he begs Marty to teach him how to skateboard or rent scary movies for him and his friends to watch because they're too young, all of that.
Their personalities clash quite a bit and both of them think it's fun, as siblings to, to try and get under the other's skin and drive them crazy. Sometimes, there's a little sibling rivalry going on—they'd even fought about which one of them their parents loved better. Their arguments got heated enough to the point where they needed Doc and Clara to step in and intervene and say they're being ridiculous, that they don't love one over the other.
But I got a little rambly and sidetracked so more on Jules absolutely being a papa's boy (I hope)—
He was the first kid, so Doc absolutely doted on him. I think Jules was also a little afraid when he was younger that getting a little brother meant that his parents weren't going to love him anymore; Doc and Clara noticed that he was acting strangely and went to great lengths to assure their young boy that they were going to love him just the same. He warmed up to Verne relatively quickly. It still took a little time.
Jules, whenever he was having problems, would typically go seek out his father for advice; he was more comfortable around him. Jules also really loves the way Doc explains things; for a little while, when he was younger, he tried to mimic Doc in the grandiose and enthusiastic way he could talk about anything, especially the stories about his life or the lessons he was teaching, but he never could quite nail that because, for him, it felt awkward and unnatural. Doc noticed this pretty quickly and it was pretty comforting for him to hear that he doesn't need to act like anyone else; he just needs to be himself. What did feel natural was learning how to approach things from a more logical perspective, just like his dad did.
Doc is one of Jules' role models, no question. He's so proud and awed and impressed by his dad and he (and Verne too, tbh) considers himself lucky to be Emmett Brown's son. Even if it's difficult some days.
Both boys spent a lot of time hanging around (when they were allowed) near Doc's workspace or helping out in small ways with building the Time Train. Verne enjoyed the science parts of it to an extent, but he was more excited to be involved than anything else. Jules always had a dozen questions or more ready to throw at his father while they were working and Doc would answer them with as much detail as was appropriate to at the time.
I also see Jules following somewhat in Doc's footsteps and pursuing a career in the sciences, however I can see him leaning more towards medical sciences, just wanting to help people. Who knows; like his dad, he might make a breakthrough in his field someday—
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bodhrancomedy · 9 months
Guess who's on TV!
(Well, iPlayer until the 15th, that's when it airs on BBC One)
Hope Street episode 3.11, let's go!
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First of all, I'd say they did me dirty with this picture, but my university ID was exponentially worse.
Onto the spoilers!
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Our boy Matthew has arrived in Port Devine, looking a little concerned.
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For good reason when he's suddenly confronted by this lad, Dara.
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Ah, a fight which Matthew escapes by slipping out of his coat. (Pretty sure this is the take where we ripped it practically in two...)
Dara's questioned, he claims he's never met Matthew in his life. Hmm.
Police do some investigating (and some character stuff) before Dara makes his way to Matthew's mother (Louise)'s house to have a wee showdown.
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They both in a gang and Matthew's stolen a gun. Dara needs to get it back...
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Matthew's nay having it. "This is my way out. If they want the gun back, they have to let me go."
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Another fight. The gun goes off! (Poor Pete and I were convinced after take one to put some padding on. My arm looks bulky because I'm strapped up with squishy stuff and allergic to plasters so it has to be in a sock)
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Thank fuck no one was hurt. Dara gets the hell out of dodge -
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Leaving Matthew to contemplate his mortality. And other people's, but mostly his own.
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"Oh fuck, my bosses are gonna find me and murder me, oh shit. I'm far too young and pretty to die!"
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Time for Matthew and Louise to follow Dara's example and get the fuck out of here.
The police are now on the Halbridges' trail, but they discover the phone tracking them and leave it in a field.
Meanwhile, Dara's been arrested for drug dealing. He refuses to talk, clearly nervous.
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Ah, what's this on Dara's phone? So Matthew and Dara have been in a relationship for over a year now.
(The poor intimacy coordinator having to walk me through my just about second kiss in my entire life. And the third. And the fourth. And the fifth... Pete is a very sweet person. Made it all funny.) ("Relax your hand, Bodh. Just relax it. Open - open your fingers, just let me position your hand.")
They're both working for the same gang. Matthew was given the gun to hold onto by their bosses' and freaked out, running away with the weapon. His plan was to trade his freedom for the gun, but Dara was sent to get it back for the Brazier Brothers, notorious drug runners and gang leaders.
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These guys.
Unfortunately, now Dara's had to tell the Brazier Brothers that Matthew is refusing. They're going to kill Matthew and then Dara. Oh no.
But Dara has an idea where they might be hiding.
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At the caravan there's a standoff between the police and Halbridges. But when the Braizer Brothers are arrested, they're convinced to come out.
(Side note, my favourite picture of me, ever.)
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Oh no, the Halbridges are going to jail and Matthew's regretting his life choices.
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Matthew walked off to his new life inside a jail cell.
The end.
(This is where Niall Wright accidently sublexed my shoulder. To be fair to the man, I'd never mentioned it and he took his finger sliding in-between bone like a champ)
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Look, it's me!! I was on TV! Bit sad they cut pretty much all the uses of SSE (weren't allowed BSL because we still had to speak the lines), but I got to be queer and Deaf so that's pretty nice.
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itsscromp · 11 months
I have a cute idea! Insomniac Peter and Miles with a Reader who's 15 (so like the age most spiders start their crime fighting) and because their so new to fighting they're a ball of sunshine, but unfortunately bad at smack talk? Like they'll be fighting someone and the criminal will give a hurtful insult and they'll just be all 'yeah? Well you're dumb! 😡'
Peter parker and Miles Morales x reader
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Definitely didn't look up youtube video compilations of all their quips for fun of it after you made this request >D lol, also apologies for the delay. Word count:660
Being the Spider-Hero was the most rewarding and challenging experience you had ever faced in your 15 years of being on this planet. But your mentors Peter and Miles helped you learn and master your powers in no time at all. But the one thing that they didn't help you with... was smack talk.
It was one of the things that made Peter and Miles who they were and roll with the punches. Like today when they have gotten a tip-off of a potential hunter base. The three of you then swung into action.
"Morning fella's, who's ready for there fresh cup of bodily harm ??" Peter called out to them.
"Don't let the spiders escape !!" One hunter shouted and the fight began.
"Is really the best time to do smack talk ??" You told peter as you fought your group of hunters.
"It's pretty much a part of the job !!" You could tell he was smiling under his mask.
Miles was blaring out his own smack talk as well.
"If you guys tried this at a real job, you wouldn't need to be hunters"
You were so baffled but amazed at the same time how they could be able to do this and maintain focus into the fights.
When one hunter was facing you, you prepared for yours...
"You really think, That an incompetent child playing dress up can stop me ??!!" He readied his swords.
"Oh yeah... well... Your just dumb !!" You blurted out as the hunter then lunged at you.
Peter and Miles heard your quip and couldn't help but slightly cringe at that, You really needed some help with your quips and smack talk. So once you were done with dealing with the hunters, Peter and Miles then guided you to a nearby building and then took off their masks.
"What's wrong ??, did I not do good ??" You asked slightly concerned as you took off your mask.
"No no not at all, You did amazing y/n, Your training has paid off. It's just... Your smack talk maaaaay need some work." Peter told you.
"Oh... that..." You looked down embarrassingly.
"Hey It's ok" He smiled softly as he wrapped his arm around you. "Like anything Miles and I will help you."
"Yeah, Look sometimes I still have trouble with my smack talk even if I've done this for nearly a year" Miles pitched in.
"Ok... thank you guys" You smiled.
So over the next week, they began to help you with your smack talk, Slow and steadily they helped you go over different situations and picked perfect moments to bring it out
"Hey... I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye..., Is that good ??" You asked.
"Close... but you really gotta feel the passion and motivation when it comes with it." Miles helped you.
So even when you went home, you practised in the mirror your smack talk and got better and better over time, even coming up with some original lines of your own.
Until one day you were ready to show the two your amazing new quips and puns. You found another hunter base and one of the hunters recognised you and growled.
"After all this time, your still just an ignorant child" He snarled at you.
You smirked under your mask as he said that.
"True, but that's just apart of my charm isn't it ??"
Peter and Miles were surprised and happy when they heard that. Your practice really paid off. And as you continued to fight the hunters, you showed off your new vocabularies.
"You and the other spiders will be crushed by Kraven's hands !!!"
"Awww you can't fool me Mr gruff exterior I know ya love me, and I love ya too !!"
Peter and Miles were so proud of you, once they finished the fight, they congratulated you on graduating into a full Spider-Hero now !!, You couldn't be more proud of yourself.
Taglist: @callofdudes @fun-k-board
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im sorry shadow's backstory is What
oh i LOVE explaining this to people so let me clarify: everything i am about to tell you is one hundred percent canon. everything. you can look it up on the wiki or playthroughs of sonic adventure 2 and shadow the hedgehog if you dont believe me.
shadow the hedgehog was created in a test tube in space we'll start there
he was created on a space colony by eggman's grandfather, dr gerald robotnik.
gerald was working with the government to make an "ultimate lifeform" in order to achieve immortality. his main motivation is to find a cure for his granddaughter maria, who has a rare chronic illness called "NIDS" which is. AIDS. it's just AIDS. anyway she doesn't have long to live unless he can figure out this ultimate lifeform thing
gerald tries to make this thing but it just makes a really big lizard that wants to kill things so he stashes it in the space-basement and hopes that won't cause problems later
in order to actually make the ultimate life form this time he makes a deal with.... a fucking demon alien hivemind leader from a creepy comet that circles the planet
if you have seen the shadow snapcube fandub, this is the devil from the bible. canon name is black doom
so gerald takes some of black doom's dna and uses it to make shadow the ultimate lifeform
yes this means shadow has two dads
gerald does figure out the demon alien is probably gonna betray him tho so he builds a giant fuck-off canon on the space colony in case they need to kill him
shadow is raised on the ark alongside maria as his sister-figure if not like literal sister. the two of them have never been off the space station and dream about seeing earth
unfortunately the military finds out that there's like suuuper deadly weapons on this ship and they're like "wtf we're the us military nobody can make deadly weapons but us" so they do what any sane person would do
they go on the space colony and massacre everyone
seriously. some people managed to escape through escape pods but like they just kill everyone. one survivor in shth clarifies that his entire family died that day
the military also shoots and kills maria in front of shadow. while she doesn't have a canon age in the games, the anime lists her as twelve
maria manages to send shadow off in an escape pod before dying and asks him to take care of the earth for her and give the people on there a chance to be happy because she's a fucking angel
the military finds shadow's escape pod tho oops
anyway gerald was taken into police custody and when he finds out maria is dead he literally SNAPS and decides that blowing up the planet sounds like a good idea
he figures he wont be able to do anything in his prison so he finds shadow and MANIPULATES HIS MEMORIES to make him think maria made him promise revenge, then tells him to use the cannon he built for the demons and use it to blow up the whole planet
the military then puts shadow in cryo and EXECUTES GERALD BY FIRING SQUAD ONSCREEN
shadow is then woken up by eggman after a 50 year timeskip
schenanigans happen and he ends up deciding not to take revenge and then he dies. but wait he didn't die he just fell to earth and lost all his memories so the demon alien dad manipulates him into revenge again. then shadow gets his memories back and kicks his dad's ass
and now he's just kinda hanging out
and we are going to see ALL OF THIS in a CHILDREN'S MOVIE december 20 2024
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wazzappp · 7 months
Alright whose ready to see my lose my mind over continually more ridiculous au ideas? Trick question your gonna see it happen anyway (I have. so much bullshit. i have an entire other au that I havent posted about yet and i am thinking. about the re7 au again brother. I have fallen into the pits don't come save me or I'll drag you down too).
also jesus FUCK @moosemonstrous coming in clutch again with both star wars knowlege and the ability to actually remember things beyond a day and a half of talking about them THANK YOU.
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The Jedi originally came to Tatooine looking for Gabe. Sensing his strength with the light side of the force they thought he would be a prime candidate for training. Unfortunately for them, Robbie and Gabe are a package deal. They begrudgingly allowed him to come along as well because he is also force sensitive, but a little older than they would usually let in for training. Robbie agrees to because 1. if he just says no who KNOWS if they'll just take Gabe away forcefully and 2. STEADY FOOD SOURCE. ROOF OVER THEIR HEADS. ADAQUATE MEDICAL CARE. NO MORE FUCKING SAND. He doesen't trust these people as far as he can throw them but FUCK anything must be better than here.
During a sparring session another padawan purposefully infuriates Robbie, causing him to reach out to the dark side. He nearly kills the other padawan with the strength of his outburst. It then becomes EXTREMELY EVIDENT that Robbie is VERY strong with the dark side of the force. As a result of this outburst, one of his eyes gets the usual 'sith look', he gets special training to try and suppress those feelings, and he gets permanent pariah status in the Jedi Temple (I have. plans. i am being vague on purpose because FUCK I want to draw this scene in my head so bad but I also want to get this out to yall in the same month so it will be coming later. my dramatic bitch syndrome demands it).
After the clone wars get started (he's around 16 at this point) the Jedi realize that they need more people to fight. Robbie, though being previously disqualified for his history, is accepted for training and assigned Jedi Knight Johnny Blaze as a master.
Unfortunately, along the way Johnny starts picking up more solo missions and eventually disappears about 6 months in and everyone thinks he's defected (he's spying on the sepratist's for the republic). Which MEGA sucks for Robbie because 'holy shit the unstable padawans master defected' is getting thrown around and thats really not great. He wanders off deep into the temple where he can hopefully find a place to throw his feelings around in peace and stumbles into the artifact room, which opened in response to sensing the dark side. Bad news, you cant use the same method to get out.
Even MORE unfortunately one of these sith artifacts starts talking to him. After telling him how to get tf out of the vault and convincing Robbie that things are about to get bad ('I FELT what you could to out there kid do you REALLY think they're gonna let you stay? You gotta get out of here. And if you take me with you I can guide us to a ship they can't trace')
So Robbie sets out to run away, fully planning on taking Gabe with him and gets second thoughts while packing to which Gabe goes 'fuck that were GOING' (he's like. 11. But he'll be damned if Robbie goes somewhere and leaves him who knows how long). While escaping via unauthorized ship takeoff, Elis holocron makes it look like Robbie has fully gone to the dark side and there are clones sent to stop him.
Robbie responds by using the force to throw another ship at them and escapes with Gabe. Now they're both on the run. Robbie wanted by the jedi council for kidnapping, and Gabe wanted back to complete his training.
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Eli died as a dark side user and a wannabe Sith. He never really graduated into full sithhood and spent most of his time working for Senator Ivanov and his dealings in Hutt space. He was OBSESSED with the prospect of immortality and sought ways to survive even after death.
When he was used as a scapegoat by Ivanov (he reported Eli to the Jedi council to make him look a little less suspicious), his back up plan of imbuing a holocron with his force presence was put into use. He's been sitting gathering dust in a vault of darksided relics for the past 10 years, just waiting for his chance to get out.
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Gabe is an EXCEPTIONAL student in the Jedi temple. He enjoys learning about the force and how to use it, and for the most part gets along with his peers. His mobility aid has been improved since Robbie first built it for him out of scraps he was allowed to take from working on ships on Tatooine. Some days are still better than others, and there are times when a wheelchair is more appropriate, but generally the braces are good for daily use.
He is VERY defensive of his brother and absolutely will not hear a bad word said about him (many bad words are said about him. everyone things Gabe is incredibly sweet, but also to blinded by his love for his brother to see that he poses a threat). It very much so does frustrate him, he's just better at dealing with those feelings then Robbie is.
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Anakin gets his fun force choking so I think that Robbie should get something fun and funky and special too so enter: JAW BREAK!! Yes it is very ring inspired but I wanted to make it MORE. So fuck it he rips the whole jaw off its hinges I think this would also probably kill you very dead.
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Plus some doodles because brainrot brainrot brainrot brainrot
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indigos-stardust · 3 months
I'm super curious about the fruit bat vampire WIP.
Sorry I took like bajillion years- I was going chronological order, and then some stuff happened irl :') and I might've made an artworks for it
HOWEVER, you chose a very nice (and extremely self indulgent) WIP even though its.. underdeveloped to say the least
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Basically there was a dangerous witch/poe causing shenanigans and the colors were sent out to deal with it. The Poe or whatever definitely was setting up curses, although they don't know what the curses were intended to be.
During their battle with him, he ended up shooting Vio, even though Vio swung it back with the four swords (I mean it is a light magic sword). After the battle though, Vio just... didn't seem cursed at all. He was fine, so they all assumed that the curse didn't hit Vio at all.
But then the side effects started. Around the same time there were investigations on what the poe had actually been up to. Which was starting to look like some sort of evil transformation ritual. (the poe was probably trying to convert life force to magic, but they don't know that.)
Meanwhile, Vios become "ill" and he's sent to the castle infirmary, unable to eat foods (not even bread??), constant headaches from sounds and smells, looking pale, has a horrendous sleeping schedule, and- tiny claws and teeth. Confusion and... loss of speech? They realize this isn't a normal illness. There's a tainted magic in his blood. Slowly, yet surely infecting and warping him.
He's starving.
They put some dots together and well- Yeah he's like just becoming a straight up vampire isn't he?
And then let's just say within the next 24 hours not only has vio hissed and scratched a guard in the face, but he's also escaped and become. :) let us just say it like it is, "freaky as hell"
Unfortunately I do not have a more detailed artworks of that, the best I have is this:
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but I feel like it gives the vibes off appropriately.
hes just acting feral, hiding in the rafters n etc 💀 Yeah its kinda hard to hide the fact that your brother is cursed as hell and might want to eat people when he's just climbing the walls and acting feral.
its ok that he's a lil ugly, he's still cute, like bats are yk?
they tried to "reason" with him and get him to follow them so they could try to undo the magic but the conversation went something like:
"heyyyy viooooooooo"
"wooowwww you.. made a freaky nest up there! thats- thats cool- um, but I'm SURE YOUD LOVE SOME BLANKETS AND SMALL ANIMALS (and not people) TO EAT RIGHT??"
*waves blood packet of animal blood from the kitchen*
"psst psst psst"
vio: *screeching and scampering, tries to 'lunge' on them but then falls down a flight of stairs and disappears*
"well. that didn't go to plan . - . o- o y-y"
XD, anyways some knights up finding THE FERAL VAMPIRE??? and they're like we're gonna kill it!!! and then the colors have to explain that they cant because THATS VIO
and well, to say they get some... divided responses... he might jump red at one point but well...
the truth of everything is that the poe was cursing people into animals, as a way to feast off of their misery. He was trying to turn vio into a bat (the bat being a fruit bat btw) but it only really hit him half way. So now he's taken on physical and mental traits of a bat without a full transformation.
theres a point where he jumps red who, earlier in the day, had spilled juice on himself (lil guy COULD NOT reach the highest shelf and it spilled on his head lol, he was in the kitchen stress baking because they forced him to rest)
They do eventually manage to figure it out (or Zelda does, she realizes that his behaviours are just like Jeremy's... If your'e confused, everyone else was too, she had to explain that when she was trapped under Vaati and Ganon and just fighting for her sanity because of the dark magic n etc, she became friends with a bat that lived there... and named him Jeremy. She is so sane and not effected by her time there, she was totally not shown horribly images of her kingdom falling and being manipulated and etc....)
Anyways there's also a thin where he experienced torpor (mini hibernation) once things chill the hell down lol, but the colors think he dead 0-0, this has spent too long in my drafts so I'm just gonna post it sorry for being 7 decades late
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levitatingbiscuits · 2 years
Do you hve any fav superbat fic recs? Any fics with the trope u talked about recently (bruce tryna charm a slightly bewildered clark)
that particular dynamic is kind of rare, but i just checked my bookmarks and i have a LOT more fic recs that kind of sort of have it than initially anticipated lmao
first up, anything by mithen on ao3 is god tier. they are the definitive superbat writer and have been for over a decade. they wrote both the first superbat fic i ever read (interview with a batman) as well as my favorite superbat fic of all time (heroes of the squared circle). but all of their superbat fics are great, and there are a lot to choose from!
I also really like susiecarter's superbat stuff because she is fantastic at writing "awkwardly trying to make friends" bruce (who is often also pining for clark), which i deeply enjoy.
takes one to know one (the love square) by soetry is a SUPER adorable, very funny fic where supes and bats are besties but (unbeknownst to them) each nursing an embarrassing crush on each other's civilian identities. seeing batman stiltedly interact with cheeky intrepid reporter clark, who is totally unintimidated by him, was great.
The Salmon Incident by CoffioCake is another hilarious love square where batman gets very jealous of superman's growing crush on his new boss, which he whines to his bff about often and at length. of course, he doesn't know that clark's new boss is bruce wayne.
Satisfaction Brought It Back is an adorable fic where bruce gets magically turned into a cat, and who do we know who rescues cats out of trees? initially, bruce does not like supes at all, so it's great to watch him slowly warm up despite himself due to clark's inherent lovability. of course, once he turns human again, clark is not as fond of bruce as bruce is of him, but bruce is gonna make sure it doesn't stay that way for long ;)
Favorite Strangers is set in the DCU before Superman's resurrection. Batman is tortured by guilt and regret, naturally, and ends up dimension hopping to a lighter and softer comic setting where the Justice League is in its heyday and Superman and Batman are best friends (and maybe more). Lots of great angst as Bruce grapples with this vision of how things should have been, falls ever harder for Clark, and deals with his alternate self, who is PISSED that a version of himself hurt Superman.
Learning to Fly is a superbat beauty and the beast au where Clark wanders into a horrific bat monster's mansion in an attempt to escape his odious bald suitor. then the bat monster starts trying to woo him.
On the Half Shell is probably the closest to the dynamic I was talking about. Lois dumps Clark, Bruce jumps at the chance to seduce him Brucie-style, but things go wrong when Clark assumes they're having casual rebound sex and Bruce gets utterly thrown off his rhythm and predictably reacts in the worst way possible because he sucks at communication. Then he has to try to make amends for acting like, well, himself lmao
There are tons of other enjoyable superbat fics in my bookmarks as well, if you're willing to brave them! They don't even slightly have the specific dynamic you're looking for but they're still great. Of the two of them, Clark is my blorbo, so most of my bookmarks have dynamics that are not the typical "superman is in love with batman and tries to win him over" that you often see for this ship. at the very least, they tend to go in depth on clark as a character, which is unfortunately rare :(
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viilpstick · 5 months
Anyways!!! Here's the very very beginning of the event, it's not the event itself it's more of a prologue, and like I said I'll formally post it later once I have stuff figured out (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ enjoy!
Tagging @justm3di0cr3 too!!
“Uhm… I'm sorry if I'm overstepping, Isabelle but…” Poppy began, using her spoon to mix the sugar in her tea, staring at it nervously. “You seem a bit… off today.”
“Off?” Isabelle repeated, lifting her eyebrow.
“I must agree.” Adeline explained. “You’ve been sighing and frowning more than usual. Don't tell me…” the blonde gave her a knowing look and Isabelle rolled her eyes. 
“No, it doesn't involve Leona. Different from what you believe, Delih, my world doesn't revolve around him.” Adeline pouted and Poppy let out a small giggle. Isabelle sighed. “I must return to my kingdom this friday and start preparations for the ball.”
“Ah, you must be referring to the Rose Ball.” The blonde said, a happy smile on her face as Isabelle nodded, but Poppy just continued confused. Adeline chuckled. “In Roseneuve, that is, our housewarden’s kingdom, there's a ball held once every 10 years to celebrate the end of the curse of The Cursed Beast and the bravery of The Fearless Princess for breaking said curse.”
“Wait, our Fearless Princess?” 
“Indeed. My kingdom is where the story of the wonderful princess our dorm is based on originates from.” Isabelle continued and Poppy grinned, a little 'oh!' escaping her lips, making the older one smile from such reaction. Still, Poppy tilted her head in confusion.
“Wait… but why are you upset, Isabelle? Isn't it an honor to prepare for this event? I’d be over the moon!” 
“Well… it should be but… let's just say my considerate older sisters decided to throw all the responsibility onto me this year.” Isabelle clicked her tongue in annoyance. “They're exactly 7 and 10 years older than me, yet they fail to have basic decency… I'm the youngest one yet I'm expected to take care of such an important date…!” Isabelle breathed in and out, trying to calm her nerves and sipped her tea. “Well, it's not like complaining will change anything, so nevermind all that.”
“That's a shame… I wish I could help you in any way.”
“Me too, but unfortunately said ball is destined only to royals and nobility.” Adeline said, sipping in her own tea and Isabelle groaned, hand on her forehead.
“Do not remind me… to think I have to deal with such people…” she complained, but then lifted her eyes to Adeline, her eyes shining in delight as an idea popped in her head. “Wait– that's it! Adeline, Poppy you two are geniuses!”
The two girls looked at each other and then to their housewarden, tilting their heads almost at the same time, creating a comic image. “We are?”
“Papa always insists that in every ball if I want to bring friends over, I can! Exceptions can always be made for the Desrosiers’ acquaintances!” Isabelle clapped her hands in excitement. They didn't need to know that her father only said this to encourage Isabelle to make more friends, and they definitely didn't need to know that it failed hundreds of times. “I must call papa immediately– oh, that is, if you two want to come with.”
“I’d be delighted!” Poppy cheered and Adeline seemed to think it through, an anxious expression on her face.
“Delih? What is it, would you not like to come?”
“No, no– well, it's just…” she looked between the girls and sighed, letting cautious out the window. She could always use her Unique Magic to flee if someone happened to figure out her real status. “I suppose it would be fun.”
“That's wonderful! Oh, girls you two are the best.” Isabelle quickly got up and kissed both of her friends’ faces, running away to her room and letting most of her tea untouched. Poppy sighed dreamily.
“A ball, a royal ball at that! I wonder what Epel’s gonna say once I tell him!”
“Yes, I wonder…” Adeline mumbled, half of her hoping Malleus wasn't invited this year, and another one hoping he did.
ADELINE USING HER UM TO RUN AWAY IS SO REAL LIKE- "Oh, aren't you the princess of-" WOOSH!
she was there than she is no longer there
mah istg i am SO EXITED to see what you are up too LKJAKAJKLJ
giggling as i will anxiously wait for the rest frfr
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emelinstriker · 7 months
Hi! So while scrolling through your AU i rememberd the "Alice Madnes Returns" game, and, you know. I got curious about how would your champions act with reader with Alice experiences.
Let me tell you what she had gone through(worry not, there's no spoilers):
When she was 7 her family home got set on fire, and burned down with her family inside. Alice the sole survivor, if you don't count the cat(name Dinah), which woke Alice up allowing her a chance of escape. Unfortunately she still ended up with severe burns and shattered mental state, hallucinations, after recovering from the burns she was mostly catatonic(stopped by occasional outbursts of agression when someone messed with het doll rabbit(the only thing that survived the fire) or abused her), she was like that for 8 years, the she spent 2 years phasing in and out of the Wonderland(she created it in her mind when she was little as her safe space to play and explore as she didn't have much peers to play with, now her way of exploring her shattered psyche as well as a coping mechanism). And after recovering from the burns got send to a mental assylum, she got out of there at 17. And considering that it was in England 1856, one can assume a lot of the things that happened there.
So what would happen if reader had to go through such things?
Now, i know that the championl not allow them to be sent to a mental assylum, or would break them out the first moment they felt that someting bad is happening there to reader.
I know that it's a small chance, but for the sake of it, let's say that champions didn't found reader yet at time of the fire. How would they deal with reader when they got reader after it?
I wrote more than intended. Sorry i...i like to give every important information, problem is that for me every information is important🥲. Well, hope you have a nice day!😁
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I haven't seen this long of an ask in a while-
Aight so heads up: Since I never played the game and only ever saw pictures of it years ago, nor is my hyperfixation going in its direction, this may not be very accurate to how the boys would act nor do I really have much to say-
But in general, they would most certainly be there to comfort the Reader no matter what. Especially after something as traumatizing as their family dying literally overnight.
If they have to deal with hallucinations, pretty sure they're not gonna leave their Master alone. Just in case anything happens y'know. Or even to just comfort them when need be.
If they're attached to an object and get very emotional over keeping it safe/close, the boys won't dare try take it away.
Any physical wounds would be treated as best as they can, but they know they can't remove certain scars, let alone any of the mental scars. Which makes most of them sad, because they really do want to help, but they're limited in their own capabilities.
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tobiasdrake · 6 months
Alright, we've gathered the keys and have an hour left to go. Where do we go from here?
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Okay. So. Before reality was rewritten via whatever the fuck just happened, Yuki coded the "emergency escape program" which will let us set everything back.
I. Feel like. We need to have a group discussion here. Once the choice has been made to use it or not to use it, the program will be erased. Yuki wanted the group to decide for themselves whether to stay in this reality or return to the old.
Obviously Haruhi would want to go back to a world of magic and aliens and shit but. Like. There are very good reasons for why we should let this pass us by.
Remember how we fucking killed Ryoko? Like. She is for realsies dead now. Are we really about to return her to her grave?
Remember Haruhi nearly deleting the universe because she was jealous of Kyon?
Remember when we had to cheat at a baseball game so Haruhi wouldn't destroy the city with closed space?
Remember 15,000 time loops because Haruhi wanted to help Kyon with homework?
What about Mikuru nearly decapitating Kyon with a photon laser?
The old timeline was a horror movie. I mean. Obviously he makes the choice.
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We're supposed to want this. We're supposed to want Kyon to go back, I know, but. I. Don't? The only good things that happened in the other timeline were the relationships he had with other people, and he can make those again. Hell, Haruhi's literally gung-ho right this second about reforming SOS Brigade.
I have not heard a compelling argument for why Closed Space and Mikuru Beams and World-Cramping are things we should want for the world we live in. This world is much better for the people who live in it.
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And just like that, we're world-cramping again. Here we go. Let's make mistakes.
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Never mind. Time travel. Gotcha. I get it. The escape program is a time travel device because Haruhi having met John Smith in this time period proves that these events were insulated from the change in history.
Uh. Somehow.
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That doesn't sound like changing history. That sounds more like someone cosmically reshuffled reality, similar to the world-cramping.
Haruhi's awakening was previously described as a massive time-quake. So. Is there another Haruhi out there now?
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Guilty look away from Kyon makes it sound like it's Mikuru. Maybe she did something to time so she'd finally be free of Haruhi's torments. Maybe she ate Haruhi or something so she could prove her thesis correct and make Itsuki lose the schism.
That can't be it. If anybody's suspicious here, it's Itsuki. Itsuki ate Haruhi so he didn't have to deal with closed space anymore? I dunno.
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I do not buy that for a second.
They're still trying to convince us that the way the show treats Mikuru is Fine Actually because she secretly loves it and is enjoying every moment of it. This is so post-hoc justification it hurts.
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Why? Did she eat Haruhi?
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Watching this and expecting shadow blades to erupt from her like Pride from Fullmetal Alchemist Mangahood. This is weirdly tense just... knowing that one of us ate Haruhi and we don't know which.
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Yuki sitting here wondering how many Kyon-With-Bookmarks she is going to send back to herself at this exact point in time. Her day has been full of Bookmark Kyons. This is the 17th! She is drowning her past in Bookmark Kyons.
She wishes she had someone to complain to but unfortunately she did this to herself.
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This is so confusing.
So, on December 18th Present Year, somebody ate Haruhi and then used her powers to begin shifting time starting at some point in the three year interim and taking one year to take full effect.
Gonna say Mikuru is off the suspect list 'cause this is way too complex for her. That leaves either Itsuki the Plot Explainer or Yuki herself, the god-tier robot who understands all the things.
Mmm. Not liking that Past Yuki's been shut out from synchronizing with her future self the way she did in the Tanabata episode proper.
Did Yuki eat Haruhi? Why? I mean, I can believe Yuki eating Haruhi. Yuki's been wanting to study Haruhi's capacity for auto-evolution. She let the time loops fly without making any effort to stop them. She's morally ambiguous. I absolutely believe that Yuki would eat Haruhi.
It's the "using Haruhi's powers to rewrite the universe so none of the Haruhi Stuff ever happened" bit I don't understand. Did she just want to give everyone a happier life or something? We know she has a capacity for sentimental value.
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Kyon: That's the restoration program!? Yuki: No. Tetanus shot. To stave off Time Diseases. Kyon: That's not a thing. Mikuru: Oh, no, that's a really big risk of time travel. Have you not been vaccinated? I thought everyone at least got the Time Rabies Shot. Kyon: OKAY WHEN ARE YOU FROM!?
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You're really going to tell Kyon and not me. You prick.
What, did Kyon eat Haruhi? I am so mad right now at the selective information-delivery.
For real, though. It's gotta be Yuki. Right?
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slashingdisneypasta · 9 months
I feel bad since it's the Christmas season and this is more Halloween, but as you can see this isn't stopping me XD idk if you remember, but I made a Slasher AU with the Toon Patrol a while ago. I forgot about it for a bit, but it's flooded my brain again and you're the only one I can vent to XD of course, you don't have to answer this ask if you don't want to ^^
Not much has changed, I'm still figuring things out. But I think I've got a better grip on it and what's going on. And since this is a slasher/horror AU, this is definitely gonna be dark.
Smartass and Stupid are still brothers. They resemble the skashers that are scarred/deformed, like Freddy (and I think Bubba? I can't remember what's under the mask). Stupid, unfortunately, was dropped one too many times as a baby, and that is why he's physically and mentally a little jumbled. But Smartass, despite how mean he is, is who Stu has latched onto. He loves his brother, and doesn't pay it a second thought when he's told they have to go take care of somebody. Smarty got his scarring, however, during an accident. Stupid bumped into the barrel of acid they used at the time to get rid of evidence, and Smartass was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Wheezy would be a slasher like Drayton or Sequel!Otis. As in, he looks and acts completely normal compared to the others. He's pretty unhealthy with his smoking. However, other than that, he looks like an average guy. Though he certainly does not possess the same morality as your average citizen. He still has his tommy in this AU, but he will get up close and personal if need be to finish a job. And he's got the scars to prove it (mostly from having to break up fights between his crazier teammates. But some of them are from his previous victims...)
Greasy is a slasher similar to Stu, or maybe even Charles Lee Ray; he also looks like a normal person, albeit a bit freaky, but I promise you he has a demented mind in that head of his. I do love goofy freaky Greasy, but I think Slasher!Greasy falls more under the sinister/manipulative personality. He's not gonna be so easily rejected by a purse smack if you get what I mean. And has no qualms with using other peoples' modalities against them- threatening another persons life if they don't do as he says. Also is the kind of slasher that falls under the 'virgin = life' rule, but not for pure intentions. He can't cash out their V-Card if they're dead, after all.
Now, my personal favorite, Psycho... WFRR!Psycho is already pretty unhinged, so as one may imagine, Slasher!Psycho is far, far worse. One can argue that he truly is more animal than man with how savage he is. Ruthlessly hunting down his victims with glee, and even going so far as cannibalism to top off his crimes. He'll rip his victims' throats, then take the bodies back home to store in the freezer for later. He has many, many scars littering his body. Bullet wounds, slices, scratches, etc. But the most prominent one is the one spanning across his forehead. That one, he got from the asylum before he escaped.
And of course, we can't forget Judge Doom and how he fits in all this. Greasy, Smartass, and Stupid were all on trial for their crimes. They weren't associated before, but they all were committing murders in the same town at the same time, and just wound up getting grouped together. Doom foresaw their trials, and they were supposed to be sent to prison... But then some paperwork or evidence was mysteriously lost (just like with Freddy), and the three killers were let go. Judge Doom, however, made a deal with them. If they would do his dirty work, he would ensure that they could roam the streets freely. Or they could be tossed right back into jail. As one can imagine, they took the judge's deal and eventually chose to team up.
Wheezy... Honestly, he was just caught at the wrong place at the wrong time. And by now, he's too caught in the serial killer gang to leave. He knows too much, and he'd be killed if he tried to leave. Not that he's a Saint himself. And Psycho was originally meant to be killed; Doom wanted to get rid of him, as he was an uncontrollable menace on the streets. However, somehow, Smartass saw potential in the lunatic and convinced Doom to let him bring him on the team instead.
(This backstory may change as I think about this more. But this is what I've got so far)
Oh- we can't forget masks. We all love slashers with masks. Smartass wears dark glasses, a scarf, and even gloves to hide his scarring and identity. Stupid uses a paper bag, though; Psycho doodled on some nice pictures on it for him ^^ Wheezy, at this point, doesn't care if someone recognizes him (unless it's Y/N 👀). But if the boss makes him, Wheezy will pull on some ragged, burglars mask and call it a night. Psycho still has his face muzzle from the asylum- and you can tell how he plans on killing you depending on whether or not he's wearing it. Greasy... I can't see him wearing a mask. He has no facial scarring, and can blend into a crowd similarly to Wheezy. That and along with the Judges deal, Greasy sees no point in wearing one.
I can't think of reader insert scenarios with this... Though I can't imagine it'd be really happy no matter how it starts/ends. It's a playground for dark writers XD
(We all know what's coming now XD how Poppy and Shiny fit in this. Shiny, I can see playing the role of the trapper(? Idk if that's the official title of the trope). Like that gas station attendant in 2001 Maniacs. Shiny in this AU owns a liquor store. She's been questioned by cops many times, as some of the murders occur near her store. But she has still managed to stay in business and innocent in the eyes of the law. Nobody knows about her association with the Killer Patrol; how Shiny will purposefully misdirect their victims to wandering their way, or how she gets frequent late night visits from them. Especially Greasy. Similar to Wheezy, she's lost the ability to care about what happens- but towards other people rather than herself. And she's crazy enough to actually knowingly associate with these bastards. As long as they leave her alone and don't get her in trouble, she's willing to turn a blind eye on everything they do.
Poppy however, falls more under the final girl category. Every newspaper she reads, every murder talked about on the news, makes the poor girl more petrified of making her way around town. Even in the middle of the day. Poppy isn't a part of some Scooby-Doo gang trying to bring the murderers to justice, though. She knows she'd be done for if she ran into any one of them. The way she sees it, all she can do is hope to God that her town will regain the peace it used to hold... After she comes home, as of lately she's had the misfortune of getting closing shifts. Sometimes she can swear she feels eyes on her as she makes her way home, but she tells herself it's all in her head for her own sake... Let's hope she's right.
I have no idea how you could see Lottie fitting in this AU 😅 that poor child should not be with any of these adults!! But I will admit, I am curious as to how five serial killers would raise a baby and how she'd turn out (of course you don't have to tell me/think about it if you don't want to ^^))
I hope you don't mind this weasel horror- and I'm truly sorry for doing this to our fave weasels 😅
I love all your AU's, they're all bangers, but THIS?? This is two of my favourite things!?? XD O f c o u r s e I'm in love with it XD
And look, Halloween is a state of mind. It can come around any time of the year! XD 😄 Santa wont mind, so don't feel bad XD
!! Smartass and Stupid are giving me major Hoyt & Thomas vibes!! I love that so much!! And?? I'm getting such apathetic evil vibes from Wheezy that I l o v e?? Like, he's not good, he will hurt and kill people, but goddamn he is gettin too old for this XD Especially with the mask stuff!! XDD GREASY AND PSYCHO ARE ABSOLUTELY PERFECT!! They all are but these two have got me buzzing XD And- forgive me for saying but Shiny also sounds pretty damn hot in this AU XD And Poppy girl!! Of course she's the final girl XDD Goodluck to her XDDDD
OH trust me, I will be coming up with some x reader concepts for you (Probably tomorrow) but for now I have Lottie thoughts!! Of course I want her in this AU if/so long as you allow it!! ^^ ✨✨✨
tw for dub con/rape mentions, murder, and corpse mentions.
Lottie definitely shouldn't be with any of these weasels 😅 And yet... Well, the story goes pretty much the same as originally, except this time when Rena was dropping newborn Lottie off at the weasels door Smartass catches her. Seeing her brings back memories of that night they had together, during which he was hammered and Rena was... tipsy, at best. Lightly buzzed at worst. Obviously Smartass is disgusted and pissed, has an episode, and you know-- turns Rena into a corpse. Rena spends the rest of Lottie's upbringing stuffed and rotting in the basement. So um... at least, you know, this time Lottie has her mother growing up? Rena is a very big part of her life actually. At least her bones propped up in a chair in the corner of Lottie's room, are.
Lottie's upbringing is...
Well, she doesn't join the navy when she grows up, thats for sure. This Lottie taught herself to read and add because she wasn't sent to school, she doesn't technically exist (There has been no official paperwork made for her, ever. There was a birth certificate but Greasy was sent to burn it), and she's (along with Greasy) the most normal-looking of the bunch- though she is definitely part feral. Whenever Greasy takes her out, like to do shopping or whatever, he constantly has to keep her in check. Thats what I got so far! Its almost midnight and I gotta go to sleep XD But this was fun to think about!! I cant wait to think more on it later !
Thank you so much for sharing this!!
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mystermoose · 10 months
The country of cunning victors...is an anxious mess? 2
Part 1:
Warning: Still long
Info: Carmedenon (you) sex: female age: 20s
You and your nation's royal family have landed on the nation where meeting is gonna take place, and as foreigners who never stepped foot off your borders. Everyone was excited!...
Well except for you.
After you guys boarded you haven't stopped shaking like hell, before you left you tried to escape the trip a few times. But unfortunately for you, you handpicked this family to be your monarchy for their intelligence, right from when their first ancestor managed to outsmart you of your challenges and riddles. The very reason why you made her your first queen. So ofcourse, they were one step ahead of you in every way, in true Carmedinian fashion.
"Carmedenon! Stop trying to escape this. I thought you and your princess talked and reached an agreement" your queen said getting tired of your shenanigans. "Yeah, I did. That is until I found out that the meeting is next week! Like what the heck guys! You didn't atleast let me mentally prepare myself for this life changing-...change! This is all too sudden for me" you said sinking on your seat in surrender.
"Um for your information, the meeting is still days away. We're only here early so that we could get to know the other world leaders. And hey, maybe even be tourists for a while" the crown princess said in her usual calm voice. You looked up to stare at her with an unimpressed look "I'm starting to think you guys just want a vacation from me than making connections"
"We are making connections, by enjoying the country!" she said as she pats your back. All too soon to your liking the plane has anounced that all were allowed to leave, and peeking through the window was a sight of your nightmares.
Outside the plane, were dozens of journalists with microphones and cameras flashing, all waiting, all for you. While you shrunk in horror, the royal family however are quite estatic of the welcome.
"Oh look at that Carmeden, a warm welcome! Feeling unhated yet?" your boss' daughter ask with a smile. "No, these are just humans showing us support, and like I said I-Im more concernedabout how the countries' feel about me. B-besides, don't you think this crowd is a little too much?!" you said as you look out to the literal sea of people outside the plane. There are so many of them, you fear that they'll break the barricades.
"The people are the refection of the nation, if they're not hostile towards you or us. Then it's a good sign that things will go well, so please stop worrying anymore" your queen stated as she gets ready to be greeted by the crowd. "Mom's right Carms, I heard your fellow nations are like stereotypes of their people. And I've read a bunch of stereotypes of this country and they seem really nice, so you'll be fine" the princess added as she herself gets ready.
"F-fine, but still...what's with this crowd?!" you exclaim as you motion to the window that has the best view of said crowd. "Well, you are an isolated country who refused to show herself for centuries. When nations like you suddenly decide to open up, of course journalists are gonna hyped about you!" she said as she grabbed your nervous hands and lead you to the plane door. "C'mon, we can't keep them waiting~"
"Wha-? Hey! What are you doi-" before you knew it, you were out the door overlooking the sea of journalists and the brightness of the flashing of their cameras. When all of you reached the bottom of the stairs, the interviews began. Of course them being the royal family, every journalist went to them first. And your monarchy being more extroverted than you, happily obliged.
Seeing this calmed you down a bit, thinking that as long as you can hide yourself and not let them see you. You'll be able to get out of here unnoticed as you are not willing to deal with this right now or ever. Unfortunately for you, it appears that the day just doesn't want to go your way. As a sudden question was thrown your way.
"Excuse me? Are you who I think you are?" you turned to stone. Quietly you asked "W-what do you mean?" a little scared. "Well it's just that your being a little too close to the royal family, and I assumed you were a relative until I realized you don't really share any features with them. Then I wondered if you were a politician, then I remembered no politician ever allowed to share a plan with royalty in your country. Which leads to one possibility left, are you Carmedenon?" Your voice too scared to come out, the princess answered for you.
"Yes, she is indeed. I'm sorry she's little shy" hearing the answer everyone wanted to hear, the crowd's attention suddenly diverted to you. Throwing questions at you left, right front and center.
'You've been isolated for years, why now have you decided to open up?'
'Was this planned? Have you been thinking about doing this all along? How long have you thought about it before actually doing it?'
'Ms. Carmedenon! Is it true that you were tricked by your monarchy to come to this trip? How do you feel about it now that you're here?'
So many questions from so many people asking all at once, as you stand there shaking.
"I-I uhm uh-" was all you could manage to say before you mentally stopped working and just stood there as still as a statue. You don't remember much from what happened, all you know is that now you're in your designated space with your boss scolding her daughter for answering the question and causing you to be bambarded until you mentally broke.
After that scene, you just cooped yourself up in your hotel room the princess didn't bother you so much this time tho. Feeling bad for what happened in the airport, especially when you all found out it was caught in live TV. So you spent the days before the dreaded meeting in your room, dreading it. Those countries probably saw how much of a fool you made yourself out to be. But no matter, you're here now and there's no turning back. Might as well mentally prepare, but no matter how much you do so. One thought never left your mind: 'I wanna go home...'
Then meeting day came, and your nerves are through the roof!
"Ugh, stupid cowlick...why won't you flatten down?!" you complained as you try your darndest to brush down the stubborn strand of hair that stood in the middle of your head, leaning to it's left. "Perhaps your hair is meant to be that way, didn't you say your older brother had that to?" her highness as she watches you try to make your hair look its best.
"You think so? Well doesn't really, matter because it looks silly and I don't want it to be seen during such a formal event" you said continuing your hopeless quest of fixing it. "Why are you wearing glasses? Are you trying to look professional?" she further commented. To which you shook your head.
"No that 's not it, I read from somewhere that glasses make people look harmless. I left a dangerous impression then, I want to make a friendlier impression now. Lets just hope conversations will never be about war" you said as you adjust said lenses on your face. Business suit worn, glasses on, the car is prepared, you were physically ready.
As for being mentally ready...is another story.
In a blink of an eye you are now in fron of the designated building, no one's around since you were super late due to you caring a little too much about your physical appearance in an attempt to look friendlier. And also the fact that you really didn't want to go and you stalled for a really long while until the queen demanded you to go.
Well you're here now, there's no going back. Especially considering the fact that you're ride immediately left after you stepped foot out the door.
"Elinor must've instructed them to leave immediately after I got out, so that I won't be able to do a 180 and leave. Now I'm really stuck here..."
Collecting yourself and swallowing your fear, you finally started walking to the building and look for the meeting room. As you anxiously make your way to the designated meeting room, anxiety starts eating you up.
'What are they like? Did they saw me on tv that day? What do they think of me now after that embarassing fiasco? Do they think less of me now? Well atleast that would mean they won't fear me for sure, but still I still want to be respected! That little show is like a "kick me sign" for mockery! Oh God, I don't think I'll be able to even leave my own room if that's the case...'
You stopped on your step and contemplated hiding somewhere in the building and just wait this meeting out, since leaving wasn't an option in courtesy of your queen. But then, different kinds of thoughts start taking over your mind.
'But...that would be a waste wouldn't it? Elinor did everything just to get us to this point, there was massive protest over opening up our borders and the media tho aggressive did seem excited for me finally opening up to the world. And seeing how fascinated Elinor and the others were about everything in this country...maybe they're right- no, they are right. We do need this, I need this!'
The more the though went on the more your resolve becomes stronger, your pace once shy and unsure became braver and a bit excited even.
'It's time I stop depriving my citizens from experiencing the rest of the world, it's not fair to them. And who knows? Maybe the other nations aren't actually as bad as I imagined them to be.'
Now infront of the door of your destination, you take a breath and placed your hand against the fine wood. With one final thought crossing your mind that caused you to push through with the change as you push the door open.
'Besides, this country has the best pancakes I've ever had!'
And right when you swung the meeting room's door wide open, booming with confidence. A plate of pasta came flying at your direction and hit the wall right next to your head.
Part 3:
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
slurps tea loudly
okay as I recap this I am gonna try to navigate my emotions
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Oh its the Fortune Arcana boss from Persona 3 but not as good! But the whole point is Sae's cheating anyway so it's not supposed to be fair or fun, that's fine. After proving she's cheating, she turns into her monster form.
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She looks like if the SAW movies were a person, jesus christ.
Anyway, lets get to the meat of the situation; the big escape.
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Even though Sae's treasure was stolen and the Palace Ruler has been defeated, the casino is not coming apart like normal. (Which is because the treasure they're taking is a decoy, but more on that later.)
And finally we return to the cold open, which admittedly: I fucking loved this. I love that nothing is changed at all, it's just the same sequence again, but now you have context for what the fuck is happening. Now the face the player can use their persona makes sense, now the presence of shadows in a 'real' location makes sense, everything comes together.
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No matter how I fall on my opinion on this game, I have been convinced that Joker is the best protagonist of any of these games. With the unfortunate exception to the lack of Gay Options he gets, he is an enormous improvement from P4MC in every metric. I know who this character is, even absent my own input, and he's weird and funny and kind of a huge bitch and salty as the Dead Sea.
Huge fan.
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This sequence becomes such a victory lap. Like, I'm still figuring out how I feel about the Whole Thing, but this moment of handing the player control and going "Hey, remember this?" and letting them fucking RACE to the end in the hopes of finally figuring out what the fuck is going on, it's a pretty clever trick. /slow claps for the devs
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It's still fucking weird that Kasumi is here tho.
Also: Kasumi has the worst mask of everyone in this game by far. Every time i see it I wanna give her literally anything else.
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I do wonder if its a Bebop reference. Oh well.
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In the present, Sae offers Reverie a plea deal if he gives her the other Thieves. No go.
His beat-up face is so soft and sad, I just wanna hug him close. He needs a bag of peas against his cheek and a hug from dad so bad.
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holy shit the fucking pancakes. Morgana was the one demanding pancakes when the team was talking in the hallway before the studio recording and Akechi walked in saying he heard something about pancakes. He couldn't have heard that unless he'd been to the Metaverse before. He's always known what Morgana's saying from the moment everyone met.
That's really fucking smart honestly. Like, I sussed out Akechi because I'm the audience and I know tropes and story structure so it absolutely had to be Akechi. (Also there were a lot of other hints.) But I'm happy there was a hard piece of evidence for the characters that was more concrete than "have you MET him, he's a murderer."
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As everyone and their dog guessed, when Futaba grabbed Akechi's phone, she slapped one of her wiretaps on there. That part's easy.
After that is where things get tricky.
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The last thing Reverie does as Sae leaves the room is convince her to take his phone with her and to show it to Akechi.
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I am completely convinced that no one in this game has met the real Goro Akechi. Not Sae, not Shido, not anyone. That facade is made of four layers of reinforced cement and the windows are all mirrored glass. He's kind of the inversion of Adachi, who looked like there wasn't a since thought bouncing around in his vacant gaze. Akechi is nothing but loud thoughts, but the container is soundproofed.
Also, it occurs to me right here that someone is directing Akechi, someone has a hand on that leash, and I wanna know what the hell keeps Akechi from spinning around and killing that guy.
Anyway, Sae shows Akechi the phone, he's like ?????? whatever? and they part ways.
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Akechi waltzes in, deep-sixes the guard with his own gun, and shoots Reverie in the head.
Your hair has never looked worst, Beige Boy.
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Out of images.
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More Tea Shop AU changes!
Day of the Departed: -Lloyd is with Mystake during this episode but other than that the plot is basically the same. (Ignore the fact that the time difference would mean the Yin/Yang eclipse happened way earlier. This is Ninjago, we don't care about timeline here.)
Season 7: -Lloyd has no "Master in Training" arc (he also never got Garm's robes because that was just weird in general). -Instead, Cole serves as the leader throughout the entire series and he's the one to achieve the rank of Master after this season. -Obviously the season isn't really Lloyd-focused so it doesn't change all that much, except Mystake is involved a bit in the attempts to reverse Wu's ageing (unfortunately she is out of Yesterday's Tea and by the time she gets some, he's already been reversed and lost in time).
Season 8: -HO BOY THIS IS WHERE THE FUN STARTS -So it starts out pretty much the same, with the Ninja getting hired to protect the royal family against this spooky new "Sons of Garmadon" threat. -Lloyd finds out that they're after the Oni masks and immediately goes to contact Mystake, since she's, y'know, one of the original Oni warlords who owned the masks (my money's on either Decer or Ha-eed), but she's oh-so-conveniently absent from the shop. It's not a huge deal, since she's a cryptic old demon lady who does what she wants, but it's definitely unfortunate timing. -We actually reveal that Mr E is Echo (they only didn't in canon because there was already so much new lore, but since Lloyd already knows about his Oni/Dragon heritage we have time for some Zane/Echo angst). -The season goes normally until, of course, the scene where Lloyd and Harumi go to retrieve the Mask of Hatred. Since Lloyd's heritage is common knowledge by now, there's no "how did you know I was part Oni?" stuff (unclear whether or not the other Ninja figure it out). Instead, they get the mask and get out, but are then promptly "captured" by the Sons of Garmadon. Lloyd is pitching escape plans, which Harumi vetoes, and once they're approaching the Temple of Resurrection or whatever, she reveals her identity as the Quiet One and begins the resurrection ceremony (I'm gonna cut the hair thing because it really didn't make sense). -Resurrection stuff is happening, Harumi's screaming into a portal, the Ninja are trying to stop the ceremony, Mystake chooses now to conveniently come back and help, they stop the ceremony but obviously not fast enough. -Party at Laughy's, Mystake is also here and she takes Misako's place in that whole "hey, this sucks but don't let it ruin you as a person" conversation. -Anyway of course Lloyd does not listen because we have to have a dramatic fight scene where his soul and body are crushed. It's a lot closer of a fight because Lloyd is perfectly capable of accessing his Oni form so there's a LOT of damage done before Garmadon inevitably wins and takes over Ninjago and "kills" the Ninja and stuff.
Season 9: -I lied, THIS is where the fun starts. -Lloyd is a broken mess, his friends are dead and he has no idea where Mystake is or if she's alive, he's powerless and just trying to make it through the next day. Typical Lloyd stuff. -The only thing that gives him any hope is when they find Mystake again with the rest of the Resistance, although there's a pretty heated conversation about maybe TELLING HIM before sending his friends to an unfamiliar realm with no preparation and no clear way of getting home. -Did Mystake send the to the First Realm specifically so they could free the Hunters from their tyrannical ruler? Who knows? Maybe. -The biggest difference from canon is that, upon finding out that Mystake didn't survive her encounter with Garmadon, Lloyd discovers that while his green power still isn't working, his Oni form is back to normal. How does he discover this? By going absolutely apeshit on Garmadon's forces. -Harumi's dead, Mystake's dead, Garmadon is pissed because that's his daughter figure and Lloyd is pissed because that's his mother/grandmother figure. Now there's two Oni beating eachother's asses on top of Borg Tower and no one has any clue how to deal with them. -Eventually the Ninja find their way out of the First Realm, and Lloyd realizes that fighting his father is doing absolutely nothing and tries the whole "I cannot fight you, but I can resist you" thing (though not exactly the same way). Anyway part 3 coming in a sec.
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bozjabun · 11 months
November Prompts Day: Secret
So I'd wanted to do something with the whole "November Write Shit" month for years but had never gotten around to it because I don't particularly -want- to write a whole novel? And of course that's what everybody talks about. I decided to do some prompts for my cavacade of FFXIV characters instead. Most of them are going to be indulgent and silly and varying degrees of anachronistic and absolutely riddled with headcanons, but I think they're fun so we're gonna post 'em anyway. Keep in mind that these are all gonna be very off-the-cuff and have basically zero editing. They also assume you know some things about FF14 already. A very dear friend gave me a list of prompts to finish out the month with, starting with a secret prompt I was supposed to do before I went to bed and didn't do, so. Whoops. Anyway. Today's character is Al'vachir Avagnar, my moody Xaela samurai. https://alvachir.carrd.co ------------------------------------------------------------- "What is your character's go-to karaoke song?"
When he was young, Al'vachir moved to the bustling city of Kugane.
"Moved" is, perhaps, the wrong word. Al'vachir Avagnar, proud child of the Steppes, had wandered for days and nights without end until arriving, starved and bloody and half-crazy, in Kugane. His tribe had long since been absorbed by the Adarkim Xaela, but the Avagnar were proud to a fault. They would not give up their name, their identity, for anything.
Sometimes, "anything" included death. So it was for Al'vachir's mother, and so it was that Al'vachir, in the middle of one terrible night, fled the Steppe altogether and ran until he couldn't run, walked until he collapsed, and crawled until he passed out.
This did not bother Al'vachir. At least, it did not bother Al if you asked him. Al'vachir Avagnar was more concerned with survival: where his next meal was coming from, what roof he'd be sleeping under, whether or not he'd be fighting someone today. It wasn't long before the malnourish Xaela child threw in with one of Kugane's underground groups as a pickpocket and thief, and before long he was muscle and protection.
It didn't sit right with him, most nights.
But this was not most nights. This was a night of festival and fun! This was a celebration! Al'vachir's boss had lived another year, and apparently that was cause for raucous partying. Food came in seemingly endless waves from the kitchen, alcohol flowed like water, there was singing and dancing and gambling and all manner of men and women and both and neither and-
It was honestly a little much for Al'vachir Avagnar, who much preferred the solitude he'd grown accustomed to. Three times he'd tried to sneak out, to stand outside and smoke, to stand at the door and replace one of the security guards in a much quieter, more understood duty. Unfortunately, Al'vachir Avagnar had made a fatal mistake. Al'vachir Avagnar had proven himself useful.
His boss kept Al on a leash - not literally, mind you, nor a particularly tight one. Al'vachir was primarily allowed to do as he pleased so long as it didn't directly interfere with the group's motives. As long as Al'vachir didn't lose them too much money with his idealism and his temperament, it was fine! And Al'vachir's boss loved to dote on the Xaela, showering the man with gifts and what passed for affection in this life.
It was, you may have guessed, a little much for Al'vachir Avagnar. And, unfortunately, as he had failed to escape, Al'vachir had been convinced to partake.
Now, Al'vachir was not one to shy away from good food. Most of the Xaela's time outside of work hours was spent wandering Kugane, and a great deal of Al'vachir's pay went to good food in all corners of the city. He'd grown a reputation for it - Al'vachir was not particularly keen on eating at the best of times, but if your stall or your storefront managed to entice the man into a meal, well, word got around.
Nor was Al'vachir particularly unknown to those peddlers of alcohol, from whom he frequently bought jugs or bottles or casks depending on his needs. Nobody knew what those needs were, of course - Al'vachir had also garnered a reputation as a tight-lipped man. But it was not uncommon to see him walking the streets of Kugane with a bottle in hand or a gourd tied to his belt.
What Al'vachir -was- a stranger to, as far as anybody else knew, was music. He did not frequent the parlors where music was played, he did not request courtesans and musicians for any gatherings or private appointments, he did not join his friends at festivals or events, when he could help it.
So when his boss asked Al'vachir to join the band and sing, it should come as no surprise that the gathered found the idea… not laughable, but certainly unbelievable. Friendly jabs and ribald laughter echoed through the room as a drunken Al'vachir stumbled slowly - carefully - to the stage. Face flushed, the Xaela took a deep breath and faced his friends. Soft music built behind him, something between melancholic and nostalgic. Almost as quickly as the assembled had began their characteristic, loving ridicule… they fell silent.
When Al'vachir's voice, already a rarity among those gathered, felt like a warm embrace nobody had known they needed. It took only one verse before the crowd had jumped to their feet, roaring in equal parts adoration and shock. All the while, the boss was settled in his place of honor, wiping tears from his eyes as Al'vachir sang.
When the song came to a close, there was not a dry eye in the house. The band went into the next piece almost immediately; silence was not what they were being paid for, after all. Al'vachir stepped off the small raised pavilion and made his way, still stumbling, still drunk, through a throng of admirers to the back of the building, where finally, blessedly, he was allowed to leave.
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watcher-wilds · 1 year
Here, Jared might have supposed, was when it had all gone wrong. If he had been thinking about that sort of thing. He was rather busy being interrupted from his pitch, however, by the feeling of cold steel against his throat.
"Turn around, slowly, with your hands in the air." A voice growled into his ear. He did as commanded, and came face to face with the most beautiful man he'd ever seen in his life. Unfortunately, said man was the one holding the knife. Should have seen that one coming, really. The knife twisted in his grip as Jared turned, following his movement with precision and ease.
"What do you want from me?" Jared demanded, eyes narrowing.
"Depends on how you want to play this."
Jared blinked. Fucking helpful response.
The man only stared back at him, his dark eyes piercing and cold. "You can listen to me, and get out of here alive, or you can do something stupid."
"You must not know me very well," said Jared, grinning. "I love doing stupid things."
"Is it worth your life?"
"Depends on how you want to play this," responded Jared in a mocking tone.
The stranger didn't look very impressed with him. "This was a bust," Came his only reply.
"What, you kidnapping me? Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure you'll intimidate the next guy."
"No-" The man's tone was getting more exasperated by the second. "I mean your deal. It was going to get busted. Look."
He grabbed Jared by the shirt and pulled him closer, then down, to the ground where Jared's potential client now lay. Apparently he'd been on the concrete the whole time. Poor guy. Jared's would-be kidnapper reached under the guy's shirt with his free hand, pulling out a thin cord that soon revealed a rather familiar-looking box.
He's mic'd up. I'm gonna say it one more time, to get it through your thick skull- you were gonna get fucking busted by the cops."
"Huh," said Jared. This was starting to get serious, and his brain ran a mile a minute trying to figure out what the fuck was going on. "Okay... Well thanks for rescuing me, I guess. I'll be going now."
He started to back up, but the grip on his shirt tightened, and suddenly- ah, yes, the knife. There it was again.
"Look, I couldn't take out everyone. They're gonna get suspicious any minute now, and I need to get you out of here."
"And you thought the best way to convince me was threats of violence? You're not really inspiring any trust in me, here."
"Most people respond pretty well to that sort of thing."
"I don't even know where to start with that logic, man."
A shout rang out somewhere nearby, and the man's eyes widened. "Can we argue about my trustworthiness when we're not about to get shot at?" He hissed, gesturing with his hand in the direction of the noise.
Jared took the distraction for what it was and peeled off, sprinting as fast as he could from the stranger. Or I can just escape everyone involved and let that random dude handle the cops, He thought to himself as he ran.
"Those two weren't the only ones, and now we've definitely attracted attention. If you go off on your own, you're not going to survive." The voice whispered in his ear again, and Jared shivered.
Great, it had to be the weirdo who made it out. Jared almost wished it had been one of the cops. Almost.
"Doesn't seem like-" Jared wheezed, "- I'll survive if I go with you, either."
Jared felt himself be bodily lifted and flipped, and suddenly he was staring deep into those dark eyes again. The man's face was half shadowed, leaving only pinprick pebbles in the night piercing into him.
"I promise that my current intent is to keep you alive, Jared Al-Noor."
"It's-" Jared coughed a little. This was getting embarrassing. "It's not helping your case that you know my name."
The man released him and stood up in one fluid movement, and offered out a hand. "I'm not good with people, but I do my homework."
"Why me?"
"I can explain that if you let me get you out of here."
Jared eyed the hand warily but took it, letting the tall stranger pull him up. "What's your name?"
"Is that really relevant?"
"If you want me to follow you so bad, yeah."
There was silence for a beat as the man seemed to think on his choices. "It's Damien. Now come on."
And Jared followed him.
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