#ungrateful Sussex
I missed this story.
She "secretly" traveled to the US before the wedding. For security purposes, stayed free of charge in the Beckham's Beverly Hills mansion instead of with her own mother or her own "friends." Did she even bother to see her father?
Millie described the same lovebombing techniques as VBeck: mm requested Millie's London based beauty secrets, etc.
Cotswalds rental home was a "renovated barn."
Meghan accused someone of leaking her details to the press??😂 No one except Sparry believes the Beckham's leaked mm's beauty appointment info to the press. If anything SHE leaked the info as an excuse to sever ties with the couple.
pattern: lovebomb as the helpless/needy damsel in distress, create a crisis to engineer separation, fall to the floor in tears devastated by accusations of betrayal, sparry phones to fix it, revenge/retaliation (uninvited to wedding party, ignored at the Invictus Games)
Bower gets the fashion details wrong:
The Victoria Beckham white coat and "chains" dress was worn for the 2019 Commonwealth Service, not for her final Abbey appearance in 2020.
The VB navy coat was worn 2x: Christmas 2018 & NYC Polo Bar in 2019
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I've noticed that Catherine enjoys her Victoria Beckham white handbag. She carried it post-partum to a Polo Match with the kids and at multiple Wimbledon matches.
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Thanks @poupoune
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skippyv20 · 5 months
We must not forget that although Meghan manoeuvred herself to a place where she was able to trap Harry in her web of lies and deceit, Harry proved to be equally as horrible as she. TV interviews and his fabulous book Spare showed the world what an ungrateful entitled mean jealous little brat he is, relentlessly living off the untimely death of his beautiful mother. And now the Sussexes are going to "tour" Nigeria!!!!!!
Will they get there though? Maybe it’s nothing more than pathetic PR stunt….❤️
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saintmeghanmarkle · 9 months
does Markle fear Hollywood events now? by u/ElectricalAd9212
does Markle fear Hollywood events now? ​I wonder.....Imagine she turned up to the Golden GlobesShe is seated at a tableShe is expecting to be treated like an A list starHer bodyguards are on her tableon the red carpet she was feted by some lowly peasant with a microphone, and in her mind she was shiningin her mind she was crushing Catherine Princess of Wales with her shiningShe is smiling and oh so humbleOnly A listers will be allowed to approach her, is the instruction she gave her bodyguardsif anyone who isn't A list approaches the table, indicate them to keep away..........I, the Duchess, shall appear transcendent above the minion actors and 'talent'......I shall be attended on, and my bodyguards on my table ensure all understand my status....I will receive heads of studios, Oscar winners, at my table. but nothing below that....but something happensThe host begins his introduction routineAnd suddenly.........he mentions her name....a panic and cold fury arise in her.....he mentions her again, and everyone is laughing.........he is making jokes about her.....how....what is happening.....and the cameras are focusing on her face.....and everyone is laughing...........her teeth become clenched, the laughter is loud, he told jokes about me.......she thinks, tell my bodyguards to do something..............her blood boils, her face is a spectacle.....a cold red blood murderous fury arises in her a rage that she tightens the muscles in her face to temporarily subdue.........he tells another joke about her, and everyone laughs....again.....at herShe glares at her bodyguards.....why aren't they doing anything............she is being attacked by laughter, by chortles and giggles and guffaws and laughs......the laughter could be an assassin? why are they sitting there?at the very least they can attack the presenter, on stage......apprehend him!or warn him to stop......how can I be invited here...........to be laughed at......me......Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex.............me.......who laughed at curtseying to the Queen..........don't they know who I am?how can they laugh.......how can such insolence stand?how.....they will pay for this...........eventually she manages to mask this psychotic humiliation rage and she smiles and pretends to be in on the joke....after a minute of filmed darkness contortions as they all laughed at her.............she thinks......did Catherine arrange this.......oh vengeance shall be mine......She has no controlMockery and laughter are anarchic, and she has no control.Hollywood, the ungrateful, insolent serfs, are laughing at the returning Queen that they refused to acknowledge.Guys, I reckon she's apprehensive to go to any Hollywood event now precisely because she fears this scenario​​ post link: https://ift.tt/crPYlaW author: ElectricalAd9212 submitted: January 09, 2024 at 01:35AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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celticcrossanon · 2 years
Will Meghan’s wrong doings be exposed? So many people feel sorry for her, think she is lovely etc. Yet, we royal followers have watched this from the beginning and see things differently.
Hi Nonny,
I don't know anyone who feels sorry for Meghan or thinks she is lovely. The only people that I know who support her are the Sussex Squad and her paid bots. Everyone else I know is either indifferent to her or things she is horrible.
Meghan is being exposed right now. Harry's book paints her in an unflattering light. The Netflix reality show also showed her as a whining, ungrateful, boring person. More and more people have seen her for what she is as a direct result of her behaviour (e.g. Uvalde). I don't know if any more specifics about her wrongdoings will come to light, but even if they don't she is doing a very good job of showing everyone how horrible she is right now, all by herself.
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novumtimes · 2 months
Queen Camilla was never close to Meghan Markle and was suspicious of her motives | Royal | News
Queen Camilla was always suspicious of Meghan Markle’s motives when she first joined the Royal Family, a royal expert has claimed. The Queen had reportedly tried to help the Duchess of Sussex in the early years of her royal life when she was going through a “difficult time” with her father, Thomas Markle. Back in 2022, a friend of Camilla’s told Vanity Fair: “She [Camilla] threw a hand of friendship out to Harry and Meghan at various points. When Meghan was going through a difficult time with her own father, Camilla helped navigate things.” However, a royal expert claimed that the two women never had a “budding friendship” even though the Queen “went out of her way” to help the former Suits actress. Hilary Fordwich told Fox News back in 2023: “Before Prince Harry’s tell-all autobiography, denigrating his own family, and particularly Camilla, she and Meghan Markle didn’t exactly have a budding friendship, to say the least,” Fordwich alleged. “Camilla went out of her way to assist Meghan when she was experiencing difficulties with her own father. Charles is said to have also offered Meghan help.” But Ms Forwich said that after the infamous Oprah Winfrey interview in 2021, Camilla labelled the duchess a “minx” and “ungrateful”. She explained: “Fast-forward, post Oprah interview, Netflix documentary, ‘Spare’ and numerous interviews, Meghan has been labelled ‘that minx’ and ‘ungrateful’ by Camilla who was suspicious from the get-go of Meghan’s motives. “Many say they actually never enjoyed a close relationship. The suspicion is Camilla had been finding it tough to believe Meghan would sacrifice her ‘career and independence’ to serve silently behind her man as a team player devoted to the monarchy.” It comes as the duchess was said to be “ready to sit down” with the Royal Family for reconciliation talks after four years of barely any contact. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been estranged from the Firm ever since their sensational departure in 2020. But now a royal commentator claimed that the Duchess is ready to reunite with her estranged in-laws, despite being “genuinely hurt”. Angela Levin told GB News: “She’s still genuinely hurt by how she was treated by the Royal Family – this is four years on. “And she wants to now at last sit down and talk through things.” Source link via The Novum Times
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almaqead · 4 months
"The Perfect Record." From Surah Hud, "The Notice."
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700 Terror Tunnels dug by the Philistines, the Mormons, under Rafah, Egypt and Israel have been discovered. In spite of international pressure to demonize Israel and demoralize if not deactivate it, are all bunk.
The Mormons are tunneling underneath what is called the Nephi-Lehi Trail in Israel which they believe was the launch pad for their journey to the New World in 600 BC. They are desperate to prove this is right and are tunneling under the Holy Land and murdering their way to do it, just like the Philistines they truly are. The Trail leads far as the Sidon River meaning Israel will have to invade Lebanon and restore order there or the problem will not end.
The Mormons clearly ran away from the kennel in America, and the United States Government, which has lost its stellar reputation as an enemy of terrorism was advocating for leniency against them in Rafah. I have said the Mormons, Hamas, Hezbollah and their benefactors, the Governments of Iran and the United States of America must be held accountable to the last man for the deaths caused on October 7 and before and during the planning stages of the assault.
So far, two American Presidents, George W. Bush and Donald Trump, three Vice Presidents, Dick Cheney, Mike Pence and Kamala Harris are implicated as well as two US Secretaries of State, including Rex Tillerson and Mike Pompeo are implicated in the efforts to attack Israel and kill as many Jews and Muslims as possible, caring very little how this destabilized the entire Middle East.
The current White House was informed there was a wave of attacks stemming from an unholy alliance between the Republican Party, the LDS and their overseas partners as soon as 2016, when it was discovered Donald Trump colluded with the Mormons in order to falsify the election results. It was known Dick Cheney, George Bush and the House of Saud and the Windsors were colluding to attack the World Trade Centers in New York long before that.
It is time for the human race to insist upon the utter annihilation of the Donald Trump and his sons, the Mormons, Republicans, Hamas, Hezbollah, the House of Sud, the Windsors, including Charles and Camilla Mary, the Prince and Princess of Wales and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and the Iranians and cut the lifelines that are supporting a network of state sponsored terrorism all around the planet.
The Surah, called Hud, "The Notice" continues.
11: 5-14:
Indeed, they enfold ˹what is in˺ their hearts, ˹trying˺ to hide it from Him! But even when they cover themselves with their clothes, He knows what they conceal and what they reveal. Surely He knows best what is ˹hidden˺ in the heart.
There is no moving creature on earth whose provision is not guaranteed by Allah. And He knows where it lives and where it is laid to rest. All is ˹written˺ in a perfect Record.1
He is the One Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days1—and His Throne was upon the waters—in order to test which of you is best in deeds. And if you ˹O Prophet˺ say, “Surely you will ˹all˺ be raised up after death,” the disbelievers will certainly say, “That is nothing but pure magic!”
And if We delay their punishment until an appointed time, they will definitely say, “What is holding it back?” Indeed, on the Day it overtakes them, it will not be averted from them, and they will be overwhelmed by what they used to ridicule.
If We give people a taste of Our mercy then take it away from them, they become utterly desperate, ungrateful.
But if We give them a taste of prosperity after being touched with adversity, they say, “My ills are gone,” and become totally prideful and boastful,
except those who patiently endure and do good. It is they who will have forgiveness and a mighty reward.
Perhaps you ˹O Prophet˺ may wish to give up some of what is revealed to you and may be distressed by it because they say, “If only a treasure had been sent down to him, or an angel had come with him!” You are only a warner, and Allah is the Trustee of All Affairs.
Or do they say, “He1 has fabricated this ˹Quran˺!”? Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Produce ten fabricated sûrahs like it and seek help from whoever you can—other than Allah—if what you say is true!”
But if your helpers fail you, then know that it has been revealed with the knowledge of Allah, and that there is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him! Will you ˹not˺ then submit ˹to Allah˺?
God knew the Mormons and their friends were planning to betray all mankind. We pretended not to know about it, but God knew about it. Now everyone knows.
The world has a growing population of desperate persons, whose plights Allah says we cannot ignore. Neither can we ignore the dipshitz, the King of England and his Mormon friends.
We are being given a Notice. Zakah must be restored. Lethal force for those who are corrupt and do evil, and special care for the emigrants and the poor, these are required by Allah. About this the Quran is clear.
Those who disagree must receive a terrible horrible painful public humiliating lasting and severe punishment.
"...those who patiently endure and do good. It is they who will have forgiveness and a mighty reward. You oh Prophet, are a Trustee of their affairs."
Regime changes are required in Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, the UK, Russia, and the Republican Party must be closed down in America and the arrests of all heads of state responsible for what happened on 911 and October 7 must ensue. All Jews and Musims must join hands , voices, and combine their hunger for vengeance against their oppressors and then peace and prosperity in the world must prevail.
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royal-confessions · 2 years
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“William's even more stupid than I thought if he really believed that random and belated letter to the killed capitol police officer would be received well...I mean the guy can't even tell what his support base is.” - Submitted by Anonymous
“What is this letter? Why is William inserting himself in Jan. 6? He's so busy trying to win back the liberal Americans he's lost over the past few years that he's being ungrateful towards the people who still do support him. Fox News spent all the Platinum jubilee hailing the Cambridges and the royal family and trashing the Sussexes and then you betray them like this? Newsflash: you can't compete with the Sussexes for the hearts of liberal America, they're diverse and vocal liberal campaigners.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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ingek73 · 2 years
By Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
i columnist
Meghan and Harry’s Jubilee visit will confirm they were right to leave the UK
The undeniable racism that has been and still is directed at her, as well as the intrusiveness, never ends
June 1, 2022 6:44 am
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FILE - This image provided by Harpo Productions shows Prince Harry, from left, and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, during an interview with Oprah Winfrey. (Joe Pugliese/Harpo Productions via AP, File)
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: ‘What the couple told Oprah Winfrey in that interview was absolutely true, which must be why patriotic Britons found it so intolerable’ (Photo: AP)
Dan Wootton, a GB News anchor and Daily Mail columnist tweeted this week: “I find it unimaginable that Meghan Markle would travel the length of the US for a tacky photo opportunity at the sight [sic] of the Uvalde school shooting but refuse to see her stroke-struck dad…”
Wootton, a wannabe Piers Morgan without the charm, tirelessly excoriates the mixed-race, beautiful, intelligent, world famous woman whom he has, I assume, never met. This week he invited her half-brother, a nonentity, on to his show to denounce his sister. Sadly their father is too ill to appear and do his bit to drag down his daughter.
Other sections of our media have also cursed Meghan for visiting the bereaved Uvalde families – the same lot who extolled the Duchess of Cambridge when she went to the vigil for Sarah Everard last March. That, apparently, was not a photo op, but proof that the future Queen cared deeply about the murdered woman and about female safety.
Over the next few days, when Meghan, Prince Harry and their children are here for the Platinum Jubilee, tabloid haters will go into a frenzy. Ignominies and infamies will be relentlessly piled on the couple. That is to be expected. Harry and Meghan have long been vilified far more and far more often than the real bad boy, Prince Andrew, who, it is rumoured, will be paraded by his mum who is keen on getting him re-established as a proper prince.
And the self-exiled family will once again understand that leaving was the right, indeed only, way to live a sane and happy life. The undeniable racism that has been and still is directed at her, as well as the intrusiveness, never ends.
Royalists and right-wing hacks say that she brought all this on herself. That the nation and the media rejoiced when the couple wedded in the bright sunshine. That there isn’t a whiff of racism in the way Meghan and Harry were and are treated by the “free press” and the Windsors, “who have done everything they could and more to welcome her in with open arms”.
Those are the words of a tabloid diarist I was on a programme with last year. A whiff? It’s a stench now, all around us, a stench no perfume or freshener can cover. Yes, newspapers and TV channels gave us countless pics and much tittle-tattle about the wedding, mostly because royal weddings cause a spike in sales and viewing figures.
What the couple told Oprah Winfrey in that interview was absolutely true, which must be why patriotic Britons found it so intolerable. Prince Harry candidly described the UK tabloid media as “bigoted” and accused it of creating a “toxic environment”.
He also, rightly, observed that racist and biased information about his wife “filters out to the rest of society”. And, furthermore, his birth family did not give them any support.
Two things to clarify here: I don’t think all tabloid journalists and editors are biased and cruel. I write for some of them. Secondly, some of the most bitter and prejudiced articles I have read on this couple were published in illustrious broadsheets.
In Revealing Britain’s Systemic Racism, a recently published book, sociologists Kimberley Ducey and Joe Feagin interrogate the myths about racial progressiveness in Britain.
Meghan Markle is a key case study, first presented as proof that the nation and the royals had become wonderfully inclusive and then, swiftly, turned into an ungrateful wretch and wicked witch. The authors observe that “the political is always personal for women of colour in the limelight” and argue that hers is a story of elite racism.
I think it is also a terrifying story of populism, of Britons being goaded into venting fury against a “coloured” royal, an interloper.
Just as unfair are the constant intrusions into Meghan’s life. What gives journalists and commentators the right to demand that she should placate her father, who did not raise her and who has insulted and stalked his child for money ever since her engagement?
In a recent interview, the broadcaster Kirsty Young said she had been long estranged from her birth father. I don’t see moralistic hacks going after her. Or the Scottish film and TV star Alan Cummings, who described his father as “tyrannical” and cut him out of his life. Why do Meghan’s father, half-sister and half-brother keep on blame-shaming her?
Perhaps, it’s her fame they want to share, perhaps her fortune, too. Perhaps they are envious. They may feel she owes them, but what? And why? Who knows? Not our business.
Meghan’s black mum, Doria Ragland, educated and self-contained, never publicly intervenes in her daughter’s life. But Markle, his son and daughter from his first marriage never stop. These career whingers get airtime, encouragement and credence. Meghan gets no respect and is trashed.
Even now, in so called post-racial Britain, white is right and black always suspect and shady.
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jerseydeanne · 3 years
Prince Harry's complaints about money just got even more distasteful
The self-obsessed Duke relies on his father's generosity in private while insulting him in public
Is there anything more unseemly than rich people complaining about money? By any normal standards, Harry and Meghan are super wealthy. They have an estimated joint worth of nearly £10 million, and live in a luxury pad in California overlooking the Pacific. They mix with millionaires and billionaires. Yet Harry saw fit to moan, in that blockbuster interview with Oprah, that his father had “literally” cut him off. Where do you start with a whine like that? How should we respond to someone worth millions, most of it inherited, saying he should have even more? Let’s keep in mind that Harry isn’t 19 anymore. He’s 36. His wife’s 39. These are not snotty youngsters. They’re mature adults. Frankly, I’d be ashamed to be living off my parents at that age, however much security I needed to pay for. There comes a time – and it shouldn’t take until 36 – when you need to buy your own dinner. In any case, we now discover that Prince Charles did not actually cut Harry off at all – at least not financially. Newly released Clarence House records show that Charles gave the Sussexes and Cambridges a whopping £4.5 million during the last financial year. Just think about that. It’s a huge lottery win. I’m pretty sure that if someone gave me a few million, my first reaction would not be to complain about it. But for Harry and Meghan, different rules obviously apply. Do they realise just how spoiled it sounds? Do they ever consider that the average person in the UK earns less than 1% of that gift? And do they appreciate just how ungrateful it looks to accept a handout of that scale, and then publicly denigrate the man who gave it, saying he’d cut them off? No wonder Prince Charles has hit back. In fact, for the second time in just over a week, Harry’s family has contracted his claims. First we had the matter of Lilibet, and whether Harry had or hadn’t asked the Queen’s permission to use the name. And now this business about cash gifts running to millions. Given how rare it is for the Palace to weigh in on anything at all, particularly when it’s about family, this all looks terrible for Harry and Meghan. Once again, their attempts at PR have backfired, this time with an even louder bang. How different it could all have been. Before all these Oprah and California shenanigans, I have two abiding memories of Harry. The first is of that forlorn, grieving 12-year-old walking behind his mother’s coffin. The second is of the adoration in his eyes as he saw Meghan, on Prince Charles’ arm, walking down the aisle towards him. A wedding and a funeral. Both times, I admit to dabbing my eyes, and I’m sure millions of Britons did the same. We wanted the best for Harry. That’s why no fewer than 30 million of us watched that wedding, wishing him and Meghan a long, happy marriage. Many of us welcomed the new and diverse Royal image, so much so that, even when they left for America, they went with good wishes and sympathy. But Harry’s attitude since he arrived in LA has eaten up that credit and warmth. He has belittled his own family at a time of grief, made questionable claims, and accused one member of his family of racism – a particularly low blow. And at a time of so much global suffering, he has portrayed himself and Meghan as uniquely victimised. Harry could have remained silent and dignified. In doing so he would have gained our respect. Instead, he has appeared self-obsessed, disloyal and spoiled. He needs to get a grip.
source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/06/24/prince-harrys-complaints-money-just-got-even-distasteful/?utm_content=telegraph&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Echobox&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1624542770-1
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Meghan Markle Sussex is "manifesting" again 🥣
One of my fondest memories in the pre-megxit community was our roasting of Meghan Markle's How to COOK Toast 🍞 video. Good Times!🤣
She combined apple butter with /ree-COAT🥼-a*/ cheese & jam 🍓
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Mask slipped by end of video.
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Jessica Mulroney also appeared in this same kitchen as they were both seeking to niche as celebrity influencers.
Jessica actually did receive a bit more press with a 1x nutritional cooking spot for busy familes.
Chef Cory also secured a 1x spot on Chopped Junior for his ungrateful, cheating girlfriend.
*Meghan Markle's mispronunciation of /rĭ-kŏt′ə/ ricotta cheese. Much like Tignanello & Lettuce.🤡
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Edited to include 1 copy of the ridiculous "show"
Daniel Boland roasts Meghan Markle's Toast 15:00
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When MMS began to "manifest" a 2024 cooking show, the Toronto Toast videos (& comments) disappeared from YT. A new video was uploaded by a sussex sewer squad member: Akorful Studio. Posted Feb 21, 2024 just in time for a re-brand. Please don't give Akorful the views.
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Hello from a blustery and wet Sussex village. As a UK tax payer I have to say I do not wish for my tax pounds to fund the Coronation, My strong opinion is because Charles will allow Harry the hater of anything Royal or British to attend with his disgusting wife. (my opinion only ) The Brits pay so Charles should take note if he wishes to remain King and his son to follow. The thoughts are very against Harry and TW in the UK, we have had enough and wish our thoughts to be know and listened too.
I can not in good faith call Charles My King as he fails to take control of a treacherous son who has done much harm to the UK both within the commonwealth and Internationally. Act Charles or forever be regretful of the outcome of problems you should have corrected in 2016. Country before your disgraceful and ungrateful son.
Thank you. It is sounding like they won’t be welcome, and perhaps no invitation will be extended. Time passes, and things change. Lessons are learned along the way. Perhaps this will be dealt with in a manner that makes us all happy. I am sorry this is so upsetting.😔❤️
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mostweakhamlets · 4 years
Aziraphale learns to enjoy food rather quickly. The humans need it, he's told once there's a whole world full of them. And they shouldn't have to go without.
He joins families for dinners once he befriends them, breaking off bites of bread and sipping wines. Food evolves and he learns about it all, partaking in whatever he finds.
Towards the end of one of the first summers, he finds Crawley on the edge of a town and, feeling generous and a touch lonely, invites him to his little hut for a light snack. Crawley accepts and follows him home.
Aziraphale thinks about the bread and fruit he has and then thinks that no, maybe Crawley doesn't eat like humans do. He is a snake after all. Maybe he'd prefer a nice mouse. Or an egg? It'd be awfully rude to offer a snake something he can't eat.
Crawley sits down at the modest table while Aziraphale excuses himself to the back alleyway. He glances around the dark corners and rubs his hands together. He hates thinking about picking up a poor little mouse to present it to it's doom. But it can't be much different than the beef and chicken and fish he eats. It's a food chain. It's natural. It's as God wrote.
He snatches up a little one eating a rotting apple and cups it in his hands.
"Oh, I'm terribly sorry about this. But it's either my colleague in there or another serpent. Or an owl."
He feels the mouse poke around his fingers and the little paws twirling around on his palm. He shivers. It's a nasty feeling. But it's good manners.
He returns inside and shows Crawley, holding the poor thing still in a loose fist. It squeaks as Crawley holds it up by his tail.
"Uh... thanks."
"If you'd like more, I can certainly fetch more."
Crawley stares at it and then looks up to Aziraphale, who's nervously wringing his hands and preparing to look away.
"What am I supposed to do with it?" Crawley asks.
"Do you not--I thought maybe you'd like to have it. I did promise you something to eat."
Crawley gently lays the mouse on the floor, and it scurries through the front door to freedom. "I don't eat mice, angel."
"Oh. Then, what do you eat?"
"I dunno. Never tried it before. But I know what I don't eat."
Aziraphale, cheeks burning, brings his loaf of bread and a plate of fruit to the table and eats in embarrassed silence.
Thousands and thousands years later in a cottage in West Sussex, Aziraphale will ask Crowley what he'd like for dinner and Crowley will respond, "Anything but a mouse."
Aziraphale will turn his nose up and say that Crowley just doesn't understand the effort that goes into good hospitality and that he should be happy to get pasta bolognese for dinner unless he's still too busy being ungrateful.
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celticcrossanon · 2 years
Neil Sean is reporting that Harry is thinking of dropping the Dukedom of Sussex title. And CDAN has a blind that Scobie is being shut out by his master, Megnuts. CDAN also warns don't be surprised if Scobie lashes out and throws Megnuts under the bus. That would be ironic if Scobie was the one to spill the beans on the surrogacies. Things may be picking up, CC! :)
Hi Nonny,
I have just posted my thoughts on Harry giving his Duke of Sussex title back to the crown (some of them, anyway). I will add here that as the Dukedom was a wedding present from Her Majesty to her grandson, it would be ungrateful in the extreme for Harry to throw it back into her face like that.
I would be shocked if Scobie turned on Meghan, as up until now he has always held her secrets, and any rifts they have had in the past have been healed. If they do part ways I wonder if Scobie would spill all on her, or just keep it for blackmail material. It would definitely be ironic if Scobie was the instigator for Meghan's exposure. :)
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causeiwanttoandican · 3 years
The Telegraph
Prince Harry's complaints about money just got even more distasteful
The self-obsessed Duke relies on his father's generosity in private while insulting him in public
Robert Taylor24 June 2021 • 12:35pm
Is there anything more unseemly than rich people complaining about money?
By any normal standards, Harry and Meghan are super wealthy. They have an estimated joint worth of nearly £10 million, and live in a luxury pad in California overlooking the Pacific. They mix with millionaires and billionaires.
Yet Harry saw fit to moan, in that blockbuster interview with Oprah, that his father had “literally” cut him off.
Where do you start with a whine like that? How should we respond to someone worth millions, most of it inherited, saying he should have even more?
Let’s keep in mind that Harry isn’t 19 anymore. He’s 36. His wife’s 39. These are not snotty youngsters. They’re mature adults. Frankly, I’d be ashamed to be living off my parents at that age, however much security I needed to pay for. There comes a time – and it shouldn’t take until 36 – when you need to buy your own dinner.
In any case, we now discover that Prince Charles did not actually cut Harry off at all – at least not financially. Newly released Clarence House records show that Charles gave the Sussexes and Cambridges a whopping £4.5 million during the last financial year.
Just think about that. It’s a huge lottery win. I’m pretty sure that if someone gave me a few million, my first reaction would not be to complain about it. But for Harry and Meghan, different rules obviously apply.
Do they realise just how spoiled it sounds? Do they ever consider that the average person in the UK earns less than 1% of that gift? And do they appreciate just how ungrateful it looks to accept a handout of that scale, and then publicly denigrate the man who gave it, saying he’d cut them off?
No wonder Prince Charles has hit back. In fact, for the second time in just over a week, Harry’s family has contradicted his claims. First we had the matter of Lilibet, and whether Harry had or hadn’t asked the Queen’s permission to use the name. And now this business about cash gifts running to millions.
Given how rare it is for the Palace to weigh in on anything at all, particularly when it’s about family, this all looks terrible for Harry and Meghan. Once again, their attempts at PR have backfired, this time with an even louder bang.
How different it could all have been. Before all these Oprah and California shenanigans, I have two abiding memories of Harry. The first is of that forlorn, grieving 12-year-old walking behind his mother’s coffin. The second is of the adoration in his eyes as he saw Meghan, on Prince Charles’ arm, walking down the aisle towards him. A wedding and a funeral. Both times, I admit to dabbing my eyes, and I’m sure millions of Britons did the same.
We wanted the best for Harry. That’s why no fewer than 30 million of us watched that wedding, wishing him and Meghan a long, happy marriage. Many of us welcomed the new and diverse Royal image, so much so that, even when they left for America, they went with good wishes and sympathy.
But Harry’s attitude since he arrived in LA has eaten up that credit and warmth. He has belittled his own family at a time of grief, made questionable claims, and accused one member of his family of racism – a particularly low blow. And at a time of so much global suffering, he has portrayed himself and Meghan as uniquely victimised.
Harry could have remained silent and dignified. In doing so he would have gained our respect. Instead, he has appeared self-obsessed, disloyal and spoiled. He needs to get a grip.
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the-empress-7 · 4 years
"Through her spokesman, Meghan also said it was 'offensive' to suggest she had wanted to be 'nameless' on her child's birth certificate." How much she had gained from the namelessness now? Talk about being ungrateful and so proud of it. And this is coming from someone who said that Catherine sending her flowers is not enough but The Firm dictates everything for her?
You know why I don’t buy this, because she loved to call herself simply The Duchess of Sussex at every chance she gets. From presss releases to lawsuits, her “name” is always missing because she chooses her title over her name. Over and over again.
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smokeymountaingal · 3 years
Charles and Harry's relationship is 'at rock bottom', say royal experts | Daily Mail Online
Rather obvious DM. We didn't need you to point out that H is an ungrateful, lying, stupid, idiotic, foolish, hateful, spoiled, hypocrite, grade A
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