#uni set it up like that lol so there weren’t any options for anything else
applepidotcom · 8 months
Oh boy the world is looking unbelievably bleak again I wonder if it’s my incoming period or a chemical imbalance in the brain lol
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dvinefem · 4 years
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                         [ ARIANA GRANDE / KALLOS / CHARIS / MUSE 26 ] / [ GIADA VITALE ] is a  [ TWENTY ONE ] year old [ FASHION DESIGN ] major. [ SHE ] is known for being [ VIBRANT & NURTURING ] but [ GUARDED & VAIN ].  when i think of them, i imagine [ SKETCHBOOKS AND FABRIC SWATCHES, THE LINGERING SCENT OF FRESHLY SMUDGED PALO SANTO, SUCCULENTS ADORNING A WINDOWSILL ]. and even though they’re a proud HU student now, we all have our roots. theirs run back to them being a [ MHP ( AQUA ) ] graduate.  i asked around and it turns out they [ AREN’T ] an AOP student. in their interview, they managed to woo the admissions team by [ PRESENTING SOME PROTOTYPES FROM A MOCK-UP CLOTHING LINE ]. i guess that’s all there is to know! unless…
✧ °˖ — hi there folks ! it’s me, your friendly neighborhood ki. i’m super duper excited for this to start asdfghj. ok ok onto the intro. 
G E N E R A L !
FULL NAME: giada marie vitale
NICKNAMES: gigi, gi
BIRTHDATE: october 1st 1998
STAR SIGN: libra 
LABEL: charis ( grace )
SUBPLOT: muse 26 ( not a catfish , only a shark )
S C H O O L I N G !
MHP HOUSE: aqua ( authentic, imaginative, intuitive )
HU HOUSE: kallos ( aesthetics, imagination, elegance, creation )
MAJOR: fashion design
CLUBS: forces of nature club president, artistic horizons member, eleusinian circle member
S I M I L A R I T I E S !
BROOKE DAVIS ( one tree hill ) , CAROLINE FORBES ( the vampire diaries ) , ALICE ( alice in wonderland ) , ELLE WOODS ( legally blonde ) , also a touch of MISTY DAY ( american horror story )
T R A I T S !
+ vibrant , nurturing ,confident 
- guarded , vain , coquettish
I N F O !
giada was the only child born to two high profile italian lawyers who didn’t exactly have much time for her. so, an in-house nanny was their prime solution.
practically raised by a kind woman named antonella, a nanny who took care of her every whim until the age of 16.
she doesn’t talk about her home life with many people — not relating to anybody who has a close relationship with their parents. whenever she mentions her mum, she’s usually referring to antonella.
being an only child with busy parents meant having tons of hobbies. antonella had a bit of a green thumb, so the two were often found out in the garden for hours on end. the nanny went into extensive detail with giada about every plant known to mankind. she ended up taking a liking to it. when night fell, antonella would set up a blanket beneath the the stars — teaching her all of the constellations names.
her nanny also taught her palm and tarot reading — an art giada’s practiced for years. a pretty cool party trick she whips out often.
very vocal about her big dreams of being a luxury designer, she’ll talk your ear off about colors, ask you for your opinion on swatches.. basically you’ll probably have to tell her to hit the road lmao.
while her parents wished she’d take a more practical route like they had, gigi has always had an actively creative mind and a passion for fashion ( bratz anyone ?? ). always in her room talking to her succulents — filling sketchbooks with designs and sewing away. i should note that she’s also into eco-friendly fashion and will be v upset if she sees anyone wearing REAL fur. faux fur only, pls.
although she’s a very spiritual and grounded person, giada can tend to be a tad vain. the way she looks is extremely important to her, obviously.
she has a taste for all things beautiful. refined, sophisticated, and graceful are her design aesthetics. 
huge dreams for such a small girl, but she’s ready and willing to do anything to manifest them into a reality. 
chanel’s classic and feminine aesthetic would be her cup o’ tea any day over gucci.
even if she doesn’t mean to, she can come off a bit bitchy at times as well. she’ll tell it like it is.. but still ask you to grab froyo with her after. she just wants everyone to be the best version of themselves. being unkind to anyone is NEVER her intention. she’d do ANYTHING for the people she cares about most.
pretty much the mom friend in any squad, wanting to take care of everyone else before her self.
it should be noted that she’s a bit guarded and won’t open her entire soul up to many people anymore due to the aftermath of her subplot ! ( peep her subplot on the main for more details here )
also president of the forces of nature club.. so if she sees you with single use plastic of any kind she’s gonna be offended lol.
C O N N E C T I O N S !
ok i know i’m a werido & can’t make a SIMPLE list. a lot of my inspo for a muse goes hand in hand with music SO.. listed below are some wanted connections with a tiny description we can expand on, and it’s correlating song/vibe ! hmu if you’re feelin’ any of them
..and ofc, feel free to suggest other connections that aren’t here ! i’m always very open ! give me frenemies, give me rivals give me aNGST ! pls 
( familial bff / cousin ) -- 00/01
pretty self explanatory here ! either a hardcore best friend that’s so close that they may as well be family, OR ! a legitimate cousin who is basically sibling at this point. i’m open to either option ! they have each others backs through thick and thin, and surely tell each other aLMOST everything. gimmie gimmie. 
( hookup / fwb ) -- 00/01
note ! this spot can be filled by any muse, as giada identifies as pansexual ! we can iron out the details of how this came about together. perhaps they were friends prior, or it just happened out of the blue at a party one night & it’s just been convenient to continue. just remember.. the biggest rule of a casual hookup ?? don’t catch feelings. but.. we’ve all seen the movies.
( ex-boyfriend ) -- 00/01
your typical angsty first love situation. possibly dated for a few years ( in high school or more recently in uni ), they ended up realizing that it just wasn’t working. even though they had love for each other, the pair had to split up. “ i know, you know, we know were weren’t meant for each other and it’s fine. ” they both knew it was just better that way. and now.. they just can’t seem to shake the feelings they had. “ but if the world was ending, you’d come over right ? ” asdfghg gIVE IT TO ME. 
( squad ) -- 00/03
i’ll leave three spots open for this connection because what’s better than a squad ?? NOTHING ! any gender is welcome, of course !  giada is naturally a pretty friendly person ( unless you cross her, people she loves, or are straight up disrespectful ), but when it comes to her main gang -- she’s a ride or die kind of gal. your greatest hypeman. the mom friend. she’ll have your back no matter what, and you can count on that.
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seoulscenarios · 6 years
College AU! Seo Changbin
Sorry this one is out a little later than usual, but my laptop died and wouldn’t turn on so i couldn’t post it T__T but it’s here now. thank you for all your love and support for this series <3
-Major: Music (Vocal) and Composition
-Minor: business studies
-Sports: none,,, he likes sports but not enough to join in when he could be sleeping or writing music
-Clubs: contrary to his sharp image he could be seen frequenting the art department and literature department when the drawing club and poetry club held their meetings. He really liked drawing, deciding that if a music career was out of the question he could really say a big screw you to his parents and become a tattoo artist lmao. He didn’t go to the poetry club as much as he did the drawing club, he went to get inspiration for lyrics and new metaphors n stuff
-So Changbin a vocal major you say???
-Yes he did enjoy singing, he definitely wouldn’t say he was as good as the other students who were professionally trained from a young age but he had his own vocal colour
-Changbin did truly enjoy his course but he wasn’t,,,, passionate about it
-Unlike everyone else on the course who wanted to be singers or train people to sing,,, he just didn’t have that same mentality
-Which is why he chose to do composition as a way to do what he really liked
-Bc Changbin was a rapper
-And was part of the underground rap trio of 3RACHA with 3rd year Chan and fellow 2nd year Jisung
-They were extremely popular on campus,, it’s just a shame his vocal professors thought otherwise when he came in with a sore throat the next day to class
-They frowned upon rap, saying it wasn’t a viable option for Changbin to perform a rap piece about societal issues and that he NEEDED to sing in order to pass the module which needless to say,,, ended with him writing a few more rap tracks where he dissed the school system lmao (these ended up a HIT with the student body and Changbin frequently heard other students listening or quoting the lyrics which made him immensely proud uwu)
-One time he had to redo a module bc he rapped instead of sang at a recital, despite showing his teacher the song he was going to do and he even performed at rehearsal
-He just said screw it on the actual night and changed the track lmao
-Whilst it went down a storm with the students and his friends in the audience, his professors, examiners and the rest of the audience were extremely shocked and unimpressed
-His professor wanted to fail him but said he had too much potential as an artist that he made Changbin perform again in front of the department in order to give him a grade
-Okay so whilst Changbin did like to screw with his department a few times bc they were never lenient towards his ideas about rapping he did genuinely like his course and it meant he could pursue music, albeit different from what he wanted to do
-It was his minor that really gave him trouble
-You see,, he really hated business with a passion like he wanted to burn all his business textbooks n scream in front of the department building
-But he couldn’t bc it was the only reason he was allowed to study music at university
-His parents really did not approve of his career choice, citing how unreliable and unstable it was for the future you know the general consensus a lot of parents have about going into the arts instead of something safe like economics or bsiness or law
-It took countless months of arguing and persuading his parents that he didn’t want to do anything but music that the conceded only IF he picked up business as his minor
-Like,,, don’t get me wrong he could see where his parents were coming from but at the same time,,,, Changbin has such passion for the music world that he couldn’t see himself anywhere but a recording studio writing songs and lyrics, maybe even performing them himself
-He finally wore his parents down by showing them the feedback from his teachers in high school and online where he posted some of his self made tracks that they conceded
-But the business aspect of his course
-Made him want to die :)
-Changbin most certainly did not care for monopolies or business strategies that helped to improve profit margins for a corporate business
-This was exactly what Changbin hated and wrote songs about how it destroyed society but u know,,, it’s fine really
-Until he has to write three 2000 word essays on some business bullshit that he realises just how much he hates business
-Changbin was scarcely passing his business modules, praying to get at least 40% so he could pass instead of having to redo any of the work lmao (if that’s not me @ my modules)
-You could always see him when it was coming up to his deadlines at the library with Woojin cooing over him soothingly, as Changbin was trying NOT to cry about how much he hated business
-If Minho was studying there as well he would buy Changbin stress coffee and they would both sit there complaining about how awful deadlines were lmao
-Though,,,, Changbin was much better at handling the stress than Minho who just downed coffee after coffee
-Changbin just had a idc attitude when it came to his business stuff, saying if he failed it’s not much of a loss bc my parents think I’m wasting my time anyway (oof this hits a little close to home I wont lie)
-But anyway, Woojin would always help him revise for his business exams and would test him on case studies n vocabulary he needed to learn so he never went into them completely clueless
-Once,,, he literally ran to Woojin’s dorm after he got 68% on a business exam and he promised to buy Woojin all the chicken in the world for helping him
-Now, now that’s a tad excessive don’t you think?
-Hyung, I owe you my LIFE
-Changbin NO, just treat me to dinner once and consider it done
-Wow we don’t deserve Woojin
-Speaking of dorms,,,, Changbin rented out an apartment with Hyunjin and Seungmin and well,,,, their apartment was messy as hell
-Okay so first of all,,, they all studied different courses so their lounge area was just a mess of lyrics sheets, bits of fabric and law books strewn all over the place
-Law books served as coasters for left over coffee mugs and more often than not you could always find bits of scrap fabric in them if they’d be left out for too long lmao
-The three of them make Sunday cleaning day bc otherwise,,, well they’re apartment might become inhabitable
-So,,,, back to the plot
-You knew Changbin though it had been a while (read: middle school) since you had last seen him
-One could even say you were really close friends until you had to move away due to your fathers’ job and when u told baby Changbin this,,,, he cried and refused to speak to you and when he finally got round to the fact you were leaving,,,, you had already moved and even though you posted him a letter he didn’t read it out of spite (though he still had the letter uwu,, not that he would let anyone know)
-But ever since you moved away, you never got as close to anyone as you did with Changbin all those years ago and your heart ached a little every time you thought of your childhood friend
-However, you were grown up now and whilst you still got tinges of sadness you were over it and tried your best at your entrance exams so you could get into a good college
-You decided to major in psychology bc you really enjoyed the analysis of people and how the brain worked
-However,,, the uni you went to kinda sucked and you weren’t progressing as much as you thought you would be which made you,,, very frustrated
-So you began to look into other colleges and you contacted one that seemed to have an extremely high satisfaction and employment rate
-When you told your parents that you decided to move college they were apprehensive but when you explained why they did support you
-They were even more supportive bc it was the college that their friends’ son goes to and oh maybe they get in contact with them so their son could show you round campus
-Before you could protest they were on the phone setting up the arrangement
-So when your second year of college rolled round you found yourself at a new college and a new dorm with your stuff in boxes
-Your parents helped you move most of the stuff in but they had to leave early due to a business meeting (lol wasn’t that just ur life though)
-Without so much as a “goodbye sweetie let us know how it all goes” and a hasty kiss to the cheek they left you in the dust with 3 heavy boxes full of stuff you had to move in by yourself
-You sighed, heaving the boxes on top of each other praying that someone would see your struggles
-Luck was on your side that day it would seem
-As you struggled to pick up the three heavy boxes, you felt the weight lighten immensely and a voice piped up
-“You look like you need help, what room are you in?”
-“Uhh, 203”
-“Sweet let’s go”
-Something about the boy seemed familiar but you couldn’t quite place it as you followed him up the stairs to your dorm room
-Once you reached the door you told the boy it was fine and you could take it from here but he insisted on taking the boxes through for you
-Sighing, you fished the keys out of your pocket and unlocked the door, whilst simultaneously apologising for the mess ur room was in
-The boy just laughed, placing the boxes in an empty space as he observed the piles of textbooks and clothes thrown around your room and you froze
-You recognised that laugh
-Your eyes followed him as he took an innocent look around the stuff on your desk, watching him pick up a textbook and flipping through it
-Something seemed to have caught his attention, right at the front of the book and he turned round to look at you scrutinising your face
-The two of you stared at each other, eyes wandering around the now unfamiliar curves and contours of your faces
-“My parents told me that you were transferring but I didn’t think I would actually see you so soon” changbin said warily, hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck
-“Oh, um, yeah bad college for first year thought I’d try my luck some place different” you replied awkwardly, placing the box you were still holding onto the floor
-“Well,, it’s been a while”
-The room lapsed into an awkward silence and Changbin traced the name in the textbook he was holding, in disbelief that he had finally found his childhood best friend again
-You, on the other hand, couldn’t believe how well Changbin had grown up
-Like he wasn’t a chubby kid but he had truly grown up,,, and well u felt ur throat well up in sadness at the fact you weren’t by his side as he grew up
-“I have to go back,,, it was nice seeing you again Y/N and I’ll catch you round?” changbin’s voice cut through your thoughts and you just nodded, not trusting your voice at that moment
-Of all the days to encounter to your old best friend, it just had to be on your first day at your new college you thought bitterly, glaring at the mess all around you before sighing, knowing it was no use being bitter about it before starting the lengthy process of unpacking
-Changbin, however, as soon as he got back to his apartment began to refile through trying to find the letter you had left him all of those years ago
-Hyunjin and Seungmin heard all the noise and decided to investigate
-Nothing could prepare them for the sight of Changbin with tears marking his face and a slip of paper with childish handwriting on, surrounded by hundreds of other sheets
-They just glanced at each other before leaving the doorway, deciding to confront him about it later
-Changbin didn’t notice his two flatmates, too busy tracing your childish scrawl
-“Binnie!! I know you are angry at me for leaving but I can’t help it. Dad got a new job T__T. I wish I could stay with you. If you are reading this, it means I already left. Ahh, what to do I’m crying. Please write to me Binnie, I wrote my new address on another piece of paper! Love your best friend, Y/N xxxxxxx”
-He reached into the envelope, pulling out another piece of paper where you had written your address as neatly as you could,,, obviously you had gone through much pain to get it as neat as possible so he could read it
-His heart began to ache, knowing that he had the means to contact you all those years ago but he had been an angry child
-Changbin wiped the tears from his face before putting the two pieces of paper back in the envelope and placing it delicately on his desk next to his lyrics book
-He sat on the floor, contemplating his options
-Like on the one hand, he wanted to really talk to you and get his best friend back but on the other hand, he was unsure if you wanted to or whether you had really moved on
-Throwing caution to the wind, he decided that he would try and talk to you again
-I mean he knew where you lived,,, he wondered if you still liked strawberry milk and jellies
-The next day you were surprised to see Changbin at your door holding a carton of strawberry milk and a packet of jellies
-You let him, secretly glad that he came to see you after your awkward encounter yesterday
-“I realised yesterday I was a complete ass, and I guess I was all those years ago for not opening your letter and realising that we still could’ve been friends if I just opened it” he said, standing awkwardly at your desk whilst you sat on the bed
-You laughed at how sad he looked, patting the space next to you gesturing for him to sit there
-His eyes widened before perching right on the edge of the bed,,,, you laughed again and just slapped his arm
-“It’s okay Changbin! Fresh start, we’re both ‘adults’ now so no hard feelings. Tell me about yourself and I’ll tell you what happened to me”
-For the next few hours, you found at everything about Changbin
-From how much he hated business to his new friends, all the way to the fact he was part of an underground rap trio with two of his other friends
-You were impressed, you knew Changbin liked to write lyrics from a young age and you were so proud he honed in on that passion to pursue a career in it
-Changbin listened raptly as you told him all about how much you suffered through high school, feeling like you didn’t have your life planned out like everyone else did and how you ended up taking psychology bc you enjoyed watching people and wanted to know more about how humans worked on a psychological level
-Without realising, the two of you fell back into your old rhythm like nothing hadn’t happened in the years you had been apart
-It had turned dark by the time you and Changbin had finished catching up with each other
-Changbin’s eyes widened as he checked his phone, both at the time and the hundreds of notifications he had gotten from all his friends including a concerned Felix (which NEVER happened)
-“Oh my god I really need to go before my friends send out a search party and they think I’m finally dead”
-“It’s fine! I didn’t think we had been talking for so long” you laughed at him, pushing him off the bed and towards the door
-Changbin’s hand was on the handle before he whipped back around so quickly you were worried for a hot second
-“I need your number. I won’t let myself screw this friendship over again” he handed you his phone and you felt your heart get all warm at the sentiment
-You put your number into his phone, with the contact name of “best friend, again” which Changbin smiled at before pulling you into a hug and running out of the door
-You smiled softly at his retreating figure, shutting the door and laying on your bed
-You hadn’t felt this happy in a long while, you finally had your best friend back
-Changbin on the other hand, got back to his apartment full of his 8 friends who all demanded to know where he had been without a single word to any of them for the past 11 hours which was very unlike him
-“Wait,,,, what’s with that look on your face?” hyunjin inquired, leaning forward to study changbin’s face
-“What look?” he asked confusedly
-“You never look this happy unless Felix is hugging you or you finished a particularly diss full track towards your professors or the government hyung” jeongin answered innocently, nestling further into Chan’s arms
-Felix looked particularly smug at this fact, but he too wanted to know what caused his hyung to go AWOL for hours
-“I,,,, met an old friend and we were catching up and lost track of time” Changbin shrugged
-“Hyung…. You never look this happy when meeting old friends? They must be special to you” Felix said, studying Changbin’s face closely and he was surprised to see his ears reddening slightly
-“Um,,,, you could say that we were best friends when we were kids”
-Suddenly Seungmin’s face cracked into a huge smile, piecing the puzzle together
-“Changbin hyung,,,, is the same best friend that, when drunk last year, told me that you were angry that they left you alone at school when they moved away”
-“The one you had a crush on?”
-Whatever Changbin was going to say,,, we will never know as Woojin threw a hand over changbin’s mouth before he could cuss out seungmin who was sat there smugly
-Changbin sighed against Woojin’s hand and slumped back
-Woojin released his hand warily, signalling for Changbin to explain
-“Yes this is that friend, their name is Y/N”
-The boys all smiled, knowing that you meant a lot to changbin and had been the subject of many of Changbin’s songs
-You and changbin quickly rekindled the flames of your friendship extremely quickly despite college starting, you always managed to find time to meet up
-Heck, you even found yourself joining him in the recording studio some nights helping Changbin with lyrics or just giving him some company
-The boys had taken an immense liking to you and quickly adopted you as the 10th member of their squad
-You were even a priority member of the underground club 3RACHA frequented at, much to the chagrin of the many fangirls who had been on the guestlist since last year
-Perks of being childhood friends with one of the members
-It’s here where you see Changbin in his true element
-You saw all his passion and rawness for the issues he spoke up for present themselves in such a beautiful and hard hitting way
-You couldn’t help but cry at one of the tracks he performed with Jisung about the effect bullying could have on students in school
-Changbin pulled you into a hug after the performance had ended, apologising for making you cry during the gig (the other boys began waggling their eyebrows at him suggestively and he had to physically restrain himself from throwing cusses at them, choosing to glare at them whilst hugging you)
-Over the next few weeks you couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment you began to look at Changbin differently than you did
-Sure,,, as a kid you admit you did have a crush on him but then don’t most kids crush on their best friends?
-But this,,, was more than a sweet puppy love
-You began to notice the little things at first, the way his eyes would widen when he had a spark of inspiration, the way his eyebrows would furrow when he tried to study for business and then the bigger things began to form with how he always had an arm slung around your shoulders when you walked across campus or when you had a bad day he would turn up at your dorm with hugs and a carton of strawberry milk
-You fell in love with him naturally, like it was almost fate
-Little did you know, Changbin too felt this way as well
-He noticed everything you did, how you fiddled with your sleeves when you were nervous about something, the way your eyes crinkled as you laughed at a story Felix was telling you or the way you clung to him when you watched a horror film with the boys at Jisung and Jeongin’s dorm
-He began to write songs about you, and decided that this was the only way he could confess confidently
-Every moment he spent with you he wouldn’t exchange it for the world
-Besides, the whole campus seemed to think you were dating anyway
-It was the end of first semester and 3RACHA were holding another gig to celebrate and naturally you had to go hype up your best friend and celebrate your psych essays being over
-Unbeknownst to you, Changbin was going to perform the song he had written for you that night in a hope that you would understand how he felt about you
-As the lights came up, you couldn’t help but be in awe at how beautiful Changbin was in that moment
-As the gig progressed, both Chan and Jisung had performed solo tracks and you knew that Changbin had to be performing one as well
-Just then, a spotlight appeared and your attention was captured immediately as Changbin began to rap about a close friend and how they changed his entire life for the better
-You frowned slightly, trying to figure out who it was
-Felix maybe? He does like Felix a lot
-Towards the end of the song the lyrics seemed familiar and you realised,,, it was the lyrics you had helped with all those weeks ago
-Your eyes widened as they met Changbin’s dark eyes, and moved closer to you table much to the delight of the boys
-As the song reached the end, Changbin was stood in front of you and reached out to cup your face gently
-You leaned into his touch, looking up at him with hooded eyes
-Without much prompt, Changbin leaned down and kissed you gently causing everyone in the room to holler and wolf whistle
-You break apart from him, a grin spreading across your lips and the thought of Changbin’s lips on yours as he goes to finish the rest of the gig
-After that day, you and changbin became an official item much to the surprise of practically everyone on campus who thought you were dating already ooops
-Dude least we can stop hearing you pine about how perfect Y/N is
-Oh that’s what you think,,,, now I can torture you about how much I freaking love them
-Dating Changbin was very much just being best friends, with more skinship
-Bc Changbin LOVED skinship
-He always had an arm around your shoulder or holding your hand as you walked anyway and when you were talking to people he always had you in a back hug,,, which made it uncomfortable for the other person at times esp if they didn’t know changbin
-I mean he looked scary and you were completely unfazed that he was hugging you as you were chatting about some psychology case study you were both studying for Prof Kim’s class
-nOT that Changbin was a jealous or possessive boyfriend, as some were inclined to think, he just a RBF and liked to hug you whenever you were together
-You certainly didn’t have a problem with it, leaning into his touch whenever his arms were around you
-Though he did get a little jealous sometimes when people at bars tried to flirt with you even when he was RIGHT THERE and had his arm around your waist
-He was just more frustrated at the fact the other person couldn’t get a hint so 9 times out 10 he ended up pulling you in for a kiss before pulling away to smile smugly at the other person
-They soon got the hint and stopped trying to hit on you
-You just laughed, leaning in him to kiss again before dragging him home before he got jealous again
-You woke up the next day with Changbin tracing his fingers lightly against your hips and thighs, making random patterns whilst softly smiling at you
-This was your favourite way to wake up tbh, like it was so soft and so utterly intimate that you craved his touch even more
-When the two of you turned up late to a meeting with the boys they just shook their heads at changbin’s messy hair and your slightly swollen lips
-Most of your guys day was spent in the recording studio or music practice room as changbin was writing songs or practice for an upcoming performance for his course, you were there with your psychology textbooks feet in his lap if he was sat at the mixing desk or sat on the floor in the practice room
-The two of you spent hours there, working in relative silence just happy to be in each others presence as you prepared for your upcoming projects and stuff
-Sometimes you helped him with his lyrics if he was struggling with wording a certain phrase or he wanted your opinion on a particular beat
-You also helped him revise for business, which you knew he hated but you wanted him to do well so sometimes you had to bribe him
-Changbin for every right answer ill give you a kiss
-The helping out was mutual as changbin too assisted you when you needed
-He could often be seen in the library or campus café holding your flashcards and notes, quizzing you about psychology case studies and terminology for your upcoming exams
-Changbin also liked to reward you with kisses every time you got an answer right,,,, though sometimes he was feeling childish and purposely said that you got an answer right when u hadn’t just so he could kiss you more lmao
-Changbin you know you don’t need a reason to kiss me…. You’re literally my boyfriend??
-Yeah but reward kisses are good!!!
-Not when you purposely lie to me so you can get kisses!
-How did you know I was lying?????
-Babe,,, I’m literally a psychology student I KNOW when you lie. And we’ve been friends since middle school so I’ve seen you lie for a good long while. Also,,,, I purposely got this answer wrong to see what you did lmao
-You’re too cute sometimes
-You and Changbin are the type of couple to wear couple clothes without realising it
-Like,,,, you would both be wearing oversized black hoodies and black beanies when you go for bbq with the boys one day and Felix was like,,,,, u planned this and ur both like ???? planned what????
-Speaking of hoodies,,, and clothes in general
-Changbin leaves his stuff at yours a lot in the hopes that you wear it one day,,, esp his shirts and hoodies bc he is that kind of boy that loves this kind of stuff then gets all blushy when you do
-Like when you turned up to a date one day wearing his favourite hoodie he MELTED at how cute you looked
-For your 6th month anniversary,,, you decided to get official couple stuff but like,,,, u didn’t want a ring
-You settled on getting a couple earring,,, which was adorable and Felix literally screamed when he saw you both wearing it one day
-Also,,,, at first you didn’t know that Changbin liked to draw until you find his sketches on the desk in his room where he hastily put them last night after drawing club
-You were looking through them when he turned up with a bag of takeout and he began to blush
-BABE these are really good!?!”$”
-They’re really not though!!
-Yes they are wow what can’t you do
-Business studies
-Oh you’re right there
-He told you that night that he wanted to be a tattoo artist if the music career didn’t work out and you clapped your hands in glee
-I mean you always wanted a tattoo so what better way than get your boyfriend to design one for you
-He protested this at first, claiming he wasn’t a great artist that warranted you to have something of him tattooed permanently to your body
-You, however, managed to convince him to design something small that you BOTH could get
-Screw couple rings, you guys went straight for the couple tattoo ;)
-Safe to say when the boys found out they all screamed, Felix sobbed in the corner whilst woochan hugged each other claiming that their kids grow up so fast
-When you finally got them done you couldn’t help but run your fingers over it every day,,, and your fingers always found themselves finding Changbin’s and running your fingers over it softly
-Ugh it was so soft and Hyunjin’s eyes rolled whenever he saw the two of you laying on the sofa hands running over each others tattoos and kissing each other softly
-Baso,,, u and changbin were just best friends who fell in love
-Slowly,, then all at once
-And you wouldn’t change it for the world
again,,, thank you for giving this series so much love it means the world to us!!!
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ac-ars · 7 years
Never had a thing for fairytales
all i can say is that this wasn’t meant to be posted lol
Never had a thing for fairytales
He creeps the shit out of her walking around the class quietly, yet still letting her know that he is moving and she doesn't even need to look at him. That's the safest option to stare at her paper despite the fact she isn't sure what to write, but as long as she's not looking up or checking how's everyone doing, she is safe from him paying attention to her.
He's been the most intimidating guy that has ever taught her anything; not even those old, respected professors, who's been working at uni for years and he isn't a real professor here yet. He is still studying physics, getting master's degree in teaching and he already freezes her blood being only few years older than she is.
The test is hell as always, every week, but Luna is already used to those even if she always is dying zombie, studying whole night before, not wanting to fail anything cause she would be majorly fucked. She looks at him from under her lashes when he is walking towards the desk, so she sees only his back. His hands are behind, his fingers laced and she can see he is playing with the weird ring he is always wearing, keeping her mind wondering whether he is married or not. She doesn’t really care, at all even, it’s just the fact that no one really knows anything about him, just his last name and the fact he is still studying. That’s all and Luna has always been curious person, so no one really should blame her here.
The end of her pen somehow ends up between her teeth, because this dumb question is too complicated for her to even understand, damn him, she studied for this, she knows this, yet the way he constructed the question makes her wants to throw up. He always wants to be sneaky, making different versions of the tests, changing the order of the exercises and all shit possible to let them do absolutely nothing but writing only stuff they have learned.
Luna is absolutely stressed even if the questions she answered and problems she solved are enough to pass, her grades are at good level, she isn’t really endangered specie here yet, but it’s still unsettling how he keeps walking around in his expensive shoes, tight, black pants and always white shirts. She doesn’t even want to know how many of them he possesses; the number would probably scare her away, very, very away. She has never seen him having his hands in the pockets, never laughing loudly or drinking, or eating, at this point she wonders if he is a fucking cyborg or maybe just some kinda creepy vampire and she ended up in weird twilight au, but it really doesn’t seem so.
He just probably is this kinda asshole who has nothing better to do than making student’s life worse and the fact that he has this perfectly shaped jaw and long legs doesn’t pull Luna’s mood up in any way.
Few seconds later he catches her staring and all of the blood leaves all parts of her head, just to end up focused on the cheeks, and yes she is here done, blushing, and he didn’t even open his mouth to tell some shit that will make everyone look at her like at a weirdo who dares to interrupt the test. The pen moves out automatically away from her face before Luna puts it on her paper and wants to put her eyes down as well, but they can’t leave his, staring at his cold brown look.
“Are you done yet?” He asks her, his voice stable, not blank at all, but it’s not changing any tone. Just few people look up to check what happened, who dared to do something earlier, to make Balsano think they are done before the time is up.
Luna just shakes her head, more like moves it to the sides softly, hoping it will be enough for him to leave her alone. One can wish. “Then do you have any question?” She repeats her earlier movement. He frowns softly, still keeping it cool though and Luna just wants to keep writing, to look down, but she really wants to not say a word and it means she has to keep her eyes on him.
“Are you feeling bad? Is your pen not working?” He throws possible reasons of her not solving her test right now and this is the worst, because Luna has like minus one excuses. He is looking at her all the time, expecting any kind of explanation, and here she is, deciding to probably commit suicide in his class. “No, everything is fine.”
Blessing her voice for not shaking, she just waits for him to say some nasty shit or whatever, he is a creep and he is capable of all shit as long as he won’t be sued for it. He crosses his arms with soft hum, one of his eyebrows is softly twitching, Luna wouldn’t notice it if it weren’t for her staring at him.
“Well, then, why aren’t you writing your test, Valente?” He asks eventually, apparently deciding to leave her alone, and bless the stars for that.
“I am, I was just thinking about this one question,” she says and he sighs dramatically. “I am very sorry to inform you, but the answer won’t appear on my face, so just focus on the test. All of you.”
Luna just wants to go home and die.
Her head hurts like bitch and that’s the first thing Luna can feel after she was drinking last night. Every single time she asks herself why is she like this, promises never doing it again and yet she always ends up dying of headache and confusion. Sunlight going through the curtains on the windows blinds her majorly and she just turns around and growls in the pillow.
Something is kinda wrong, because the smell isn’t right; it’s not her pillow definitely, it’s softer and definitely doesn’t have her floral pattern. Luna curses under her breath, of course she pulled this kind of shit, obviously, she wouldn’t be herself if she chilled the one time Pedro wasn’t there to drag her home.
She actually remembers talking so some guy, she remembers that he was hot as fuck and honestly nice so there’s not much damage done. The comforter is wrapped around her body and when she manages to open her eyes she sees it’s all white. The walls are white, and furniture is white, there are books on the shelves and there is this fancy, fancy desk, with laptop and a fuck ton of some weird papers on it. This is getting weirder and weirder honestly, she wants to walk around and see what kind of person she slept with last night, who left her alone in their bed, yet she decides that she should get up and try to not die of awkwardness.
The only thing Luna can put on is the black tshirt someone for sure put next to her on the bed. She throws away the comforter noticing this little hickey under her hip bone and she kinda blesses the fact it’s not on her neck or something. The fabric of the tshirt seems to be too thin and Luna feels a bit uncomfy in it, yet there is nothing else so the tshirt has to be.
There is a voice coming from the, as she guesses, kitchen, because as she leaves the bedroom she ends up in just as light living room, not letting herself stare around for now. Maybe if she gets lucky she will be able to do so later, but for now all Luna needs to do is find the guy, if she actually ended up with that guy.
The only opened door she can see is on the other side of the room and this seems like right door. Luna feels as if she is in this weird horror game, but the place doesn’t look like horrors do. She stops herself on the doorstep, kitchen doorstep and almost falls down, because the drunkest her always picks the hottest guys. She sees bare back facing her, few circle tattoos curling down his spine, another one going over his shoulder blade. His sweatpants are super low on his hips, very, very nice hips, and Luna has no idea what would have to have the front for her to not be dead.
She clears her throat for him to answer and may the lightning strike her in this very moment when he turns to her if she isn’t dreaming at this point, because her own asshole physics ta is apparently the one who left mark under her hip bone.
Smirk appears on his face, this kind of lazy smirk she would never expect him to have, yet at the same time it fits him incredibly much. “Sleeping beauty woke up, good morning.” He says before taking a sip from his cup and putting it on the counter. “Do you want anything? Coffee? Tea?”
Luna is too shook to actually answer anything. She must have been drunk as fuck last night or he must have been impossibly charming, which she decided was because he was drunk as fuck too.
She opens her mouth barely, but no words leave her mouth when she remembers that she is wearing his tshirt and is completely naked underneath. Just after she thought so he carefully eyes her up and down, making her feel actually naked. What Luna tries to ignore is his chest and the fact he doesn’t seem to be any ashamed of standing like this in front of her.
“You know-” he starts, crossing his arms. “You were definitely more talkative with my head between your thighs.”
If she was lost, confused, dying even few seconds ago, now she definitely ended up in hell for cursing at his ass every single class and now it’s karma going back to her. Matteo smirks even more seeing her reaction and she really just wants to go home since it’s misfire of the century.
She clears her throat once again to say anything really, whatever.
“I don’t like coffee, so,” she mumbles and this must be enough for him for now.
He sighs and turns around to reach for another cup in the cupboard above him. Luna doesn’t make a step towards there, staying still in ‘her’ doorstep and hoping that if she stays there long enough he is gonna just disappear and she will wake up in her bed.
“Well then, tea it is, Valente.” He says, setting the water to heat.
“Luna.” She interrupts and he looks at her with raised eyebrows. “What?”
“I think that if we already reached the stage when you have had your head between my thighs, you can use my name. At least now until I leave.” Luna crosses her arms, glaring at him and he seems very amused, but also there is some other small thing in his look, and she can’t catch it yet.
“Are you already planning to leave? I am here making you tea, so you aren’t leaving for now.”
She snorts, leaning against the doorframe. “Where can I find my clothes?”
He chuckles softly, “I have no idea, probably by the entrance door. You were super in hurry last night. Not that I complain.”
Luna covers her face with her hands, this is definitely too much for her, for her patience and for her heart, because with every line like this she is more and more sure of what happened last night and as much as she loves the idea, she still hates the guy and he probably hates her. So, there is something wrong with him right now; he is acting actually chill and definitely not sending her cold stares, quite opposite in this very moment.
He leaves his coffee and her tea on the counter and goes to her. Well, he intends to go through the door to leave the kitchen, but that Luna didn’t think and he bumps into her.
“I don’t really mind you walking around in my tshirt, but if you miss that pretty, little dress-” His hands end up on her hips as he is passing her by and making himself a place in the doorstep, and Luna loses it for a moment, remembering his hands on her the night before and she honestly doesn’t want to leave, but her body is one and her brain is second. She has to go home, take a shower and try to forget about this one time thing and how hot this fucker looks without his shirt on.
She steps softly on the wooden, cold floor until she is by the counter to get her tea and wonders how it’s gonna be now in class when she has been here, seen him like this. He is back quickly anyway, standing too close to her for it to be normal, Luna doesn’t mind, it is not a forced thing and at this point she doesn’t mind his presence.
“I got your dress and all the stuff to the bathroom, if you wanna shower I left you a towel there, so that’s all on you, okay?” He says and lowkey smiles, but it doesn’t end up believable and she nods softly. “Are you always so quiet or it’s just with me?” Matteo asks, nudging her slightly and she looks at him. “No, I am just thinking.”
“About what?” He asks demandingly and it feels like the creep ta and Luna pouts. “You are weird.”
“Weird.” He repeats raising his eyebrows and she nods. “What do you mean by weird though?”
“That you are not- you know.” She mumbles, not sure how to say that.
“An asshole.” Matteo guesses and Luna nods, making him laugh. It feels kind of safe to act chiller here, at least she knows he isn’t as mean right now as in the class. “I can be an asshole if you want though.”
She looks at him with raised eyebrows, because what is he even talking about? She has no idea also if he is making fun of her or not; he is having this almost serious face and apparently doesn’t care about the fact that they are too close for it to be acceptable. Yet Luna doesn’t move away either. “I don’t want you to be mean, enough that I have to stand you in class.” She pouts and tries to not look away.
Matteo sighs dramatically pulling away from the counter and walks slowly towards the white table. His hands are in the pockets of his sweats and he seems to make every movement lazily, which is lowkey surprising how unforced everything is. He is about to sit down on the chair, but something stops him.
“Are you hungry?” He asks before yawning and Luna can only stare at him for first few seconds. “Luna.” His voice wakes her up and she just nods, deciding to use the situation as much as possible.
“So you say you hate me, don’t you?” He asks, reaching for jar with chocolate while Luna takes the sepals away from her strawberry before she puts it on her pancake. “I never said I did.”
“Then what is that?”
“I don’t know,” she rolls her pancake so she can eat it without using any fork and knife, who would really? It’s breakfast. “I know that I never really liked you, because you this weirdo who doesn’t let himself as a question and you always make me feel tiny, tiniest like this.” To show how tiny, Luna points at the strawberry. “See? This small brown seed, that’s how small I feel and I hate this.”
Matteo chuckles shaking his head and she kicks him under the table. “Hey, don’t kick me.” He orders with amused voice. She scrunches her nose.
“You are making fun of me.”
He looks at her through the table and smiles taking a bite of his pancake. “You look very cute like this. And you are very tiny by yourself, why would I try to make you smaller?”
“I don’t know.” Luna shrugs, taking a bite of her pancake. “You seem like a guy who likes to torture people or something.”
Apparently chocolate and strawberries are deleting her chill and filter and at this point she keeps telling whatever her brain is thinking, and Matteo seems to notice this because he is staring at her continuously from over his plate.
“The point is, that you-” she points at him with her chocolate finger. “Have to chill, because we all plus you, will have grey hair by the end of the semester.”
He leans to her and reaches for the wrist of her hand she extended, pulling it to him and taking her finger to his mouth softly. She stares at him speechless, not sure what the hell is going on with this guy, but he seems to be very smug seeing her face. “You had chocolate on the tip of your finger.” That’s all he says and Luna tries to breathe, she can’t really though and they both know it, what makes this asshole even more full of himself.
“So, you can continue your conclusion speech about my working, I will take all advice you have for me.”
She knows he said it ironically, but manages to not look any awkward; or at least more awkward than she was. “I just genuinely think that we all would be happier if you chilled a little. No one is gonna be trying to trick or cheat on you when they all know what shit can you pull, y’know? Maybe someone would finally ask a question after the lecture if they weren’t creeped by you.”
Luna blesses herself for keeping her voice stable and quiet; all she wants to do right now is to hide under the table to make him stop looking at her like she was extra pancake he wants to eat when he is hungry.
“O-kay, do you have anything else, any complaint to make?” He smirks leaning back against his chair and crossing his arms.
She suddenly remembers, and maybe this is not the best moment to touch this topic, but who cares honestly? “Yes, you made me a damn hickey!”
Matteo smirks even more. “Do you want another one?”
The question is weird as fuck, again constructed the way Luna has no idea how to answer and what to answer, since he loves to take points for writing something he never asked. She is sleepy as hell since she overslept and is very mess today (like always, but today more), and morning test was the best thing to woke her up, obviously.
As always he is walking around, between rows of the desks, his arms crossed and steps are quiet. He is doing it slower than usually, maybe even chiller and Luna can’t stop herself from just watching him until he turns around and she can dive into her test again. She crosses her legs with dramatic sigh and pouts, skipping to another question and she wants to give up.
She looks at him hoping that he won’t notice, but he is staring at her and doesn’t take his eyes away. The first thing he does is small frown and he opens his mouth, yet stops himself letting the breath out loudly. He shakes his head very obviously and turns away walking towards his desk again, however this time he moves the chair away and takes his seat, still not stopping looking at the class.
Luna smiles to herself when his eyes lock on her and she raises an eyebrow. Corners of Matteo’s mouth curl up as he sends her a wink and maybe he won’t be that bad himself now.
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