#because I get home so late and then immediately it’s. get a quick snack or meal take a shower get ready for bed and then get into bed
applepidotcom · 8 months
Oh boy the world is looking unbelievably bleak again I wonder if it’s my incoming period or a chemical imbalance in the brain lol
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torasplanet · 3 months
❝𝘿𝘼𝘿’𝙎 𝙂𝙁.ᐟ❞
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𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 ; damian doesn’t particularly like his dad’s girlfriend but soon, she ends up being his favorite family member.
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨; fluff, platonic obvi, age gap between reader and bruce (mid 20s and early 40s), rude damian lmao and skin tone not mentioned
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It wasn’t necessarily a secret that Damian did not like you. You were Bruce’s girlfriend and that wasn’t something that would’ve made him not like you but instead it was the age gap that made him not like you. I mean you were in your twenties and his father was in his early forties, you can’t expect him to not see anything wrong with that. It didn’t really surprise you per se because although the others never hated you for it, they did tell Bruce it was weird for him to date you.
They would always make sure to tell you that they meant no offense to you and that you were a sweetheart but still said it was weird. So Damian not liking you for that reason was not surprising, especially considering the number of people that told you how uhm… let's say ‘stuck-up’ he was before you went to meet him for the first time. Of course, you were still bummed out but it wasn’t a surprise. You tried everything to get Damian to like you but nothing really made him budge.
He’d still make the same snarky remarks, rude comments and sometimes it’d make you a little upset but not all the time. “Dude chill.” “You don’t have to be rude damian…” “Don’t talk to her like that.” They’d all tell him even though you brushed it off and would tell them you didn’t mind. For someone who was just like Damian at first, Jason was very unhappy whenever damian would make his comments.
But maybe it was just because the two of you have never had a time to actually talk before, you thought. And you would prove to be right one late night at the manor.
Damian walked down the long stairs only in his pajamas with a yawn escaping his throat. He had been awoken to a rumbling stomach just begging for a midnight snack so he was going to fulfill that need but he did not expect to see you in the kitchen when he got there.
You sat at the long table very obviously crying your eyes out. Damian didn’t say anything and only stood at the other end of the table staring at you while you sniffled. He wondered why you seemed so upset, Bruce was home from patrol. He hadn’t said anything rude to you all day, actually, he’d barely seen you today. Maybe that was just because he had school but still.
Damian had no idea what was going on. He did not like being in the dark.
With the floorboard uncharacteristically creaking under his footstep, his presence was known to you. Your head snapped up immediately and he was able to see your red eyes more clearly. “Oh, hi…Is everything okay?” You asked, trying to go back to your cheerful mood, but he saw through your facade.
“Everything is alright. I suppose I should be asking you that question.” The younger wayne said walking closer to you and undeniably, it made you quite nervous. “I’m okay, just…uhm.” You muttered not able to come up with a lie quick enough which made Damian quite suspicious of you.
He eyed you up and down before making eye contact once again “Excuse me for asking this but, are you pregnant?” Damian asked out of pure curiosity. In his mind this was the only logical answer.
I mean you were crying in the kitchen at one in the morning and got extremely nervous when your boyfriend's son walked in. Not exactly pointing to pregnancy but the hints are there. “No!” You whisper-shouted out of embarrassment.
“Then why are you upset?” Damian asked now standing by your side and you knew you couldn’t lie to him. He was too smart for that. “I-I just had a hard day, it’s nothing.” Your response only earned blinks from the boy. “You stay home all day. What possible could be hard about that?”” He questioned and it made you feel a bit worse but you didn’t show it. Tim told you not to show weakness to the “demon child” and he was probably right about that.
You glanced side to side awkwardly as you tried to find your words. “Erm…Damian that’s not exactly true but okay. It was mainly about the other people I was around instead of the day itself.” You told him and Damian plopped down on the chair to your left now intrigued with this conversation. Or maybe he was listening to tire himself out you know…because of boredom.
“I was just out buying food for Jason because he’s sick and…he doesn’t exactly have edible things in his fridge.” Damian nodded at your sentence as he observed your expressions whilst you talked. “Graysons place has a better selection.” The boy muttered under his breath before urging you to continue your talking.
“And there were these women in the store talking about me like I wasn’t even in there…saying awful things about me not really loving bruce.” You admitted. It was weird to be confining your feelings in a twelve year old but Damian was hardly a child, he was probably smarter than you. So it wasn’t all that horrible.
You made eye contact with him for the first time in a while and Damian’s cold expression softened at how tears were brimming at your lash line all over again. You were really beat up about this. “I know I shouldn’t because people say it all the time but it’s not like that. If I was with Bruce for the money, I would’ve quit my job a long time ago. It doesn’t even pay that much anyway.” Damian didn’t even know you had a job.
He was rarely home with school and patrol but when he was, you were always there too so he just assumed you stayed at home all day. Damian didn’t really know much about you up until now. “But I really do love Bruce.” He hummed in response not knowing how else to reply.
You became aware of the situation and grew stiff and awkward. “Uhm sorry…I’m keeping you up.” Your words were mumbles as you stood from your chair prepared to leave the room and let Damian be alone. You were probably a bother to him.
Then you were stopped by his voice “Not yet.” You turned around and he was now standing by the fridge and pointed up at the cabinets that contained the breakfast items. “I need you to get cereal for me.” Damian requested and you smiled at him before obliging and grabbing his favorite cereal and handing it to him.
“Goodnight Damian.” Damian hummed in response as he watched you start to walk away “…Have a good night [Y/n].” He told you, making you grin. It wasn’t much but it meant a lot to you.
Little did you know, that was the start of it all. After that night, Damian stuck to you like a koala but not as if he was hugging you but everywhere you went, he was right next to you. Everyone (including you and Alfred) thought it was super weird. It was literally overnight that Damian started to take a liking to you.
You may have thought it was weird but you enjoyed it. It made you feel like you were truly part of the family. Damian only took a liking to you because he saw the real you, not the cheerful one that put on an act for cameras and paparazzi. You had feelings and he realized that he was hurting them for no reason.
I mean you weren’t like the others. You didn’t treat him like a child, you treated him just how he wanted to be. Not babied and not having his intelligence insulted because of his age, you treated him with the respect he deserved and saw his points of arguments like not needing school. He liked that and now that he had realized he was hurting you by saying the same things those women said, he felt bad. So he accepted you, a little too accepting for everyone else’s comfort.
You thought it was weird but you enjoyed it. It truly made you feel like part of the family because now everyone liked you. Damian seemed to like you a bit more than the others though mainly your presence.
“Oh hey, we’re about to watch a movie. Come sit.” Dick said, inviting Damian over as he reached the living room. A frown formed on his lips at the spot next to Bruce that was empty. You weren’t here.
His gaze traveled to his father “Where is [Y/n]?” Damian asked, tilting his head slightly. “In the room. She wanted to catch up on her reading.” Bruce said and without a word, Damian started to make his way back up the stairs and toward you and Bruce’s shared bedroom.
Opening the door, there you were sitting on the bed reading but your focus turned to him when you heard him approach the bed “It’s movie night.” Damian spoke before you even asked what he wanted “Oh I wanted to finish reading this book.” You replied carelessly but Damian did not like that answer.
“But I want you there…you protect me from Grayson’s popcorn when he gets excited.” Damian said, growing a bit flustered mid-sentence after noticing that he had just aired his feelings out. You looked at him as you sighed “I can still read my book, right?” You questioned and Damian nodded as he reached out to grab your wrist.
You allowed him after putting a bookmark in your book. Damian dragged you down stairs, book in hand and everything while you tried not to trip and fall. “You actually went and got her?” Jason asked as you and Damian sat side-by-side next to Bruce while Tim sat at your feet on the floor.
Jason wasn’t here often, honestly he only came here for Alfred and your cooking and to spend time with you. You were probably the only one he could actually stand for longer than five minutes. “You didn’t have to bother her.” Stephanie said from one of the armchairs but you waved your hands in defense of the boy who did not care whatsoever.
“I don’t mind.” “So mind your business Todd.” Jason scowled at Damian’s rude comment after your kind one that wasn’t even directed toward him but stayed quiet and just continued to watch the movie. You continued to read through your book with Damian sometimes leaning over to catch a glimpse at what you were reading.
Movies that Dick picked out didn’t particularly interest him that much. He could usually fish out the plot twists from miles away and it was the same with books but more often than not, books were more interesting.
Halfway through the movie, Damian got intrigued in a certain page he had read through “What book is this?” He asked, blinking up at you with his large green eyes and you thought they were so adorable but you didn’t say anything. “Gone girl, I think you’d like it actually. I found it in the library.” You whispered to him but somehow, with his dog-like hearing, Dick overheard the conversation.
“Oo! Gone girl? I love that movie, we should watch it next.” The oldest boy said and Cassandra and Tim were quick to shush him and he did so but not without rolling his eyes. “It’s a movie?” Damian whispered to you, who nodded. Bruce almost cooed at how cute the two of you were.
Damian considered sticking around for the rest of the night to watch this movie but when less than twenty minutes passed and popcorn went flying everywhere, he was questioning that idea. “Holy shit! Why would he do that!?” Dick shouted as everyone complained about the popcorn in their hair and on their clothes.
Damian, of course, had nothing on him because you shielded his body “How could you be so careless? You got popcorn all over her.” Damian said snarkily while crossing his arms against his chest. Dick rolled his eyes “Oh please, you just started liking her. I was the first to like her!” Dick shouted in defense, making you and Bruce sigh.
Somehow, always, movie nights ended up in arguments that almost always involved Dick. “Whatever! You still put this filth on her.” The young boy cursed while the others merely groaned in annoyance. “Uh, can you guys keep watching the movie? I’m still trying to read.” You said a bit quietly trying not to get in the middle of their argument.
It happened every time. You’d get in the middle and they’d start asking you questions which you’d have no answer to because you didn’t want it to look like you were playing favorites. “Oops. Sorry.” Dick apologized and Damian nodded in agreement. “I’ll be quiet too.” He muttered before beginning to watch the movie again.
You sighed in relief as you leaned against Bruce’s arm. He thought it was so cute how the two of you were finally getting along, it made him so happy. Until you started backing him up even more on stupid shit like the topic of school and patrol.
A few days after movie night, Bruce was getting ready to walk out of the door for work when he spotted you and Damian on the couch still in your pajamas watching Criminal Minds while eating toast. “Um, what are you two doing?” He asked, buttoning his suit as the two of you looked up at your boyfriend.
“We’re watching Criminal Minds father. It is quite an interesting show.” Damian said, shrugging. Initially, he had planned to just jump straight into training after you told him he could stay home but you asked him to watch at least one episode and that episode turned into almost half a season watched.
Bruce sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before pointing at Damian “You need to be at school.” He then pointed at you, “And you need to be at work.” Bruce finished earning an irritated sigh from his son and a loud whine from his girlfriend.
“Damian doesn’t need school and the shop is closed for today.” You said sitting up while Damian continued to lay down while humming in agreement. “Okay well Damian still needs to be at school.” The older man said fairly tired with how Damian upright refused to go to school everyday and now you were helping him.
“No need. I think I’m well off on sex education, slope and how to understand The Lord of the Flies.” Damian said passive-aggressively which made you chuckle a bit but when Bruce gave you a slight glare, you shut your mouth and looked away.
Bruce sighed once more and you grabbed Damian by his shoulders and hugged him close to you. Damian still was not used to your affectionate side but he could live with being hugged by you now. “Please! Brucie, I’ll make sure he doesn’t train too much and Criminal Minds could help him on his patrol and stuff!” You shouted and Damian nodded in agreement as usual despite not exactly agreeing with you.
There wasn’t anything on Criminal Minds that he hadn’t already learned except for maybe the occasional Spencer Reid comment but it’d make his case of staying home better. “Okay fine.” He said putting his hand on the doorknob but then he looked back at you and pointed “I’ll deal with you later.” You looked away awkwardly feeling a bit embarrassed but wished him a goodbye as he left the Manor.
Damian scoffed and continued to eat his cereal “He’s annoying.” He muttered and you looked at him with a shocked face but he only looked confused. “Hm? You say that all the time. I remember when you said that about Kent.” Damian responded and now it was your turn to look confused with a small laugh.
“Which one?” You asked and Damian hummed “You said it to his face.” Yet again you seemed confused and Damian smiled. He loved how mean you could be sometimes “Clark.” Damian responded plainly. You laughed, making him chuckle a bit.
It seemed that life was a bit more pleasant for him because of his and your alliance. He can’t wait for when you start tagging in his arguments with Dick and Todd while you were just happy that your boyfriend’s son finally likes you!
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©torasplanet .ᐟ reblogs and likes are very appreciated! pls do not repost!!
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belovedcloud · 5 months
The Better Man | Best Friend! Leon Kennedy x Fem! Reader
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Notes: It's been a while since I've actually written something. Been having the biggest brainrot over Leon Kennedy so enjoy. :)
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-> PT.2
WC: 1.2K ik it's short
CW: Cheating (reader gets cheated on, not by Leon), soft dom Leon, porn with barely any plot, little bit of overstimulation, petnames (sweetheart, pretty girl), oral.
Something you didn't expect to see when returning home to your boyfriend was to see another woman beneath him. Was it worth it to toss away a relationship just for some pussy? To your ex, yes. So here you are, outside of Leon's apartment, God knows at what hour. Faint knocking echoed down the hallway as you waited for Leon to open the door, I mean it was nearly 2 am... Would he even be awake to see you tonight? Your thoughts were soon swept aside as you hear keys jingling on the other side of the door. Quickly, you wipe your teary eyes as you see Leon open the door.
"Y/N?" He mumbled with a confused tone as he saw you stood in front of him. Turning his head to check the clock hanging on the wall, the hands of the clock displaying 1:55 am. "What are you doing her-" His words came to a stop as he saw a tear stream down your face. "My boyfriend.. well, not boyfriend anymore I guess" Y/N hushed out before wiping her face, "He cheated on me, and I'm sorry for coming to you at such a late hour but you're the only person who I know that woul-" Leon's fingers made her jump as she felt him tap her shoulder. "Don't be sorry, come here.." He whispered as he embraced her. A newfound warmth spread all over your body as you felt his arms tighten.
Leon slowly lead you to his couch, trying to calm down your sobs into his chest for a few minutes as you spill out what you saw on that same evening. Soon enough, no more tears flooded your face and you could see Leon's expression. Nothing but kind. He got up and after a few minutes he came back with a few snacks and drinks. It was his best attempt to cheer you up - it worked.
"I can't believe I even dated him, you even told me how much of an asshole he was." Y/N sighed as she took another sip of her drink. A slight grin spread on Leon's face as she shit-talked about her ex. "He never deserved you y'know, you up him in both looks and personality." He said as he took a pretzel from the bag, snickering at his own comment. The next 30 minutes was just you and Leon bad mouthing your ex and how he acted. Even in bed.
"He couldn't even last like 2 minutes! He sucked at it and didn't even really bother with aftercare. Unless you call a quick kiss on the lips and turning around aftercare." She scoffed, holding onto a bag of chips. "You're serious?" Leon asked looking at her with a teasing expression. "No he was a sex god." She said sarcastically as she placed a chip in her mouth. Leon couldn't help but look at her with doting eyes. A rush of nervousness spread in your system as you caught Leon staring at you like that. "L-leon?" You tried to snap him back but he wouldn't turn away, only giving you a teasing grin as he replayed your conversation in his head. "I'm glad you left him.." He sighed softly before putting his arm on the armrest. "You really deserve someone better who would actually treat you right, I mean who wouldn't want to be their best for you? Especially in bed.." He mumbled the last part.
"Someone like you..?" You hushed out your question but Leon turned his head to your question immediately. "I-I can't do that to you. I mean I don't want to ruin our friendship because of what I wan-" You cut him off after hearing him spew out nonsense. "Leon. I want you too y'know?"
You didn't think this would lead to Leon slowly parting your legs after gently taking off your panties to see your soaked cunt. "God.. You're so pretty for me sweetheart.." His fingers slowly rubbing up and down your folds, eliciting pornographic moans from your throat. Who knew your best friend would be the better man in bed than your ex? The thoughts of your ex slowly dissipated as you felt a warm sensation cover over your pussy. Leon's mouth. He couldn't help but taste you as a deep groan left his throat, your sweetness making his eyes roll back as he tongued at your folds. His eyelids slightly opened as he looked at you as he swirled his tongue. You were beautiful as he ate you out, in fact you were like a goddess. Moans and groans clashed against each other as the room was filled with wet sounds from Leon slowly fingering your pussy and licking your clit. Your fingers waving through his locks - slightly tugging at his hair as he drowned himself in your juices. "L-leon! 'm close oh f-fuck.." Her voice trembled as Leon continued to his hearts content, groaning out a few praises as he felt you tighten around his fingers. "You're taking it so well baby. So proud of you.." "Can't wait to see you do this on my cock.. you're so fuck.. gorgeous."
A coil slowly started to tighten in your stomach as you felt the stimulation of Leon's fingers curling into that sweet spot along with the quick sucks and swipes on your clit. "C'mon baby.. give it to me." He groaned as he rutted himself into the couch, his sweatpants feeling tight as he felt himself throb whilst devouring your sweet little cunt. "'m cumming! Leon!" Was all you could blabber out as the coil snapped and you felt yourself shake in Leon's grasp. His tongue still lapping at your clit, slightly overstimulating you as you felt your thighs tremble. Leon's fingers still continuing to curl inside of you as he licked up your cum, slowly putting his fingers in his mouth after cleaning the mess. "So fucking sweet for me." He kissed your inner thighs as he pulled himself up from between your legs.
Panting and sweating, you wearily lift up your head that was previously buried into the pillow, looking at him as you saw your slick on his chin. A slight smile appearing on your face. "What's so funny?" He looked at you confused with a grin on his face. "Nothing.." You snickered out as you saw his disheveled hair. Laughter slowly died down and you tugged on his sweatpants, looking at him with pleading eyes.
"Tonight's about you" He said as he kissed your neck, a slight whimper coming out of your mouth as you felt him bite down on you. "I wanna make you feel good too..." You murmured as you tugged on his shirt. Leon couldn't help but laugh slightly as he lifted himself up from your neck and looked into your eyes. "Yeah? You wanna make me feel good?" He teased as his hands slowly rode up your shirt, unclasping your bra and tossing it to the side. The pads of his fingers teasing your buds whilst his lips connected onto yours. A passionate kiss coming from both of you. You slowly break away, still determined to make him feel good - he can't help but accept the offer. He picks you up, a small yelp erupting from your throat as he takes you to his room.
"Can't say no to you, pretty girl.."
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! thank u for reading :)
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pls don't steal my work :p
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juuuulez · 6 months
📋 | carmen berzatto nsfw alphabet.
don’t ask what possessed me today. it was definitely all the weed.
soo much nsfw under the cut….this is just paragraphs of porn.
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A= Aftercare (what they’re like after the act):
whatever ur carmy kink headcanons are i think we all agree that he’s really sweet afterwards :( he might suddenly get nervous or anxious and overthink everything you’ve done (“are you sure you’re alright?” “i know, i know, baby ‘m just.. i wanna take care of you, yeah?”) and you’ll have to assure him it’s okay! you loved it, he was perfect, he didn’t hurt you. he just wants some reassurance and then he’ll be finding you some water, a snack, whatever you need! (“just crackers? ‘cus i’ve got this new recipe, it’s a soup, i can make it—“ “nobody wants soup after sex, carm.”)
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers):
carmy doesn’t like many things about himself, initially.. until you’re quick to vocalise exactly how amazing he is. immediately, carmy is enamoured with just what he can do with his hands. his palm covering the entirety of your neck when you kiss, or how his fingers looked splayed over your hip. and fuck, his fingers! they’re really thick, and carmen secretly gets off on the fact that your fingers are so much smaller, so even alone, you’ll never be able to finger yourself as good, never be able to reach those spots that carmy touched with ease.
C= Cum (anything that has to do with it):
let’s be so honest carmen berzatto marking kink is so real. it starts out as a practicality, pulling out to spill over your thighs, sticky white liquid that clung to your curves, and carmy found himself growing more aroused the longer he stared at it. now, even if you’re on the pill, carmy will pull out for the sole purpose of pumping his cum wherever he can, a physical reminder of what’s his, because despite all his flaws, you belong to him.
however, assuming carmy can hold back cumming well enough for this is bold, so it usually ends in covering your already sticky cunt and lower stomach in it.
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory):
he jerked off with your panties once. it was near the start of your relationship, and carmen was so busy with the re-brand, he barely got to see you. so, one of the rare days he was over, he’d done some laundry for the both of you. and found some pink lace panties. and kept them. and, those nights he’d come home late and exhausted and slightly miserable, unable to call you for you were at home fast asleep, carmen.. used them to jerk off! sue him! he felt so guilty about it (poor baby) and admitted to it after a couple months of dating. he seemed so ashamed that you couldn’t help but go easy on the punishment… tying him to the bed and getting him off by only grinding over his swollen cock, wearing those same pink lace panties.
E= Experience (do they know what they’re doing):
of course he doesn’t. not properly, at least. carmy’s never had girlfriends, and maybe had a hook-up or two at fancy chef events in New York or Paris or wherever. nothing that mattered, at least. so this time, he’s careful and attentive. asking questions like he’s studying for a test, watching every single movement, every reaction. you wouldn’t be surprised if he was taking notes.
F= Favorite position:
ooof carmen definitely wants to see your face. he likes holding it in his big palms, whispering sweet words over your lips and swallowing your moans (“c’mon sweetheart, you can do it.. just one more for me, huh? fuck— your cunt fuckin’ wants it yeah? that’s it..”). probably missionary mostly, maybe he fucks you from behind one early-morning, his forehead pressed to your neck while the sun seeps in through the blinds.
G= Goofy (how serious are they):
not exactly serious, but he definitely gets into the zone. for him, sex isn’t casual, and it’s a time that means a lot to him. he’s choosing to be vulnerable for someone, and in turn, feels special that he’s allowed to see you like this. carmen can loose himself in the moment, his mind going uncharacteristically blank, too focused on the pure sensation and emotion connected with it. despite this, carmy can always be found gently tapping your cheek, pushing through the haze to ask “you with me, baby? feel good?”, because his pleasure only comes when you’re still into it.
H= Hair (grooming habits):
carmen doesn’t particularly allocate time to grooming down there, it’s not really a priority, unless his partner explicitly made it clear to him that was of interest. however, i don’t think carmy has the thickest of hair, just dark little curls in all the normal places. idk guys just thinking about shirtless lip…..he’s a pretty smooth guy.
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty):
definitely depends. i wanna say a mix of both? when you’re into it carmen is so lovely, making sure to express how much he loves you, how much you mean to him. but private time doesn’t come around very often, so it’s usually instigated with a needy carmen coming home, exhausted from a long shift, his hands gripping at your waist before the words come out. his actions aren’t demanding at all, still gentle, but hurried and desperate to get inside your cunt.
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often):
carmy is so a shower jerk person. i know guys i just know. he doesn’t like making a mess anywhere else, because it’s just an inconvenience, and cleaning the sheets or another shirt is just another useless task he doesn’t have time for. it’s rare he begins with the intention of jerking off, either. the hot shower melts away a day of tension, and carmen finds himself finally relaxing, finally tuning into his body, only to realise how much he needs this.
K= Kink (kinks what they like possibly unusual):
we’ve already established the marking kink… and now listen 😝 i am a sub carmy truther guys! i can’t help it he’s so baby i need him to cry for me ;( but carmy definitely likes being bossed around, being told what to do, when he gets to cum.. it’s a change from being in control of literally everything, which most of the time carmen feels all he does falls apart, so he enjoys not having to think (which usually means second-guess and reconsider and debate and obsess).
L= Location (where they like to get it on):
every single carmen office quickie fic is SO SO SO SO SO SEXY they always have me foaming and barking like a rabid animal….however i’m gonna have to say his or your bed! he likes the idea of you being comfortable..bonus points for you guys probably fucking more often on the couch, since needy carmen can’t wait long enough to split you open :(
M= Motivation (things that makes them tick/turn ons):
there are a variety of ways to get carmen in the mood, but his #1 is a confident partner who takes what they want. imagine carmy obsessing over the new menu, spending endless hours in the living room, papers and recipes and notes scattered over the table. you’ve barely gotten any attention all night, not necessarily in a needy way, just that this was supposed to be your night off together. the solution is actually quite easy: climbing onto the table, obscuring carmen’s vision of his work. before a protest can leave his lips, brows furrowed in confusion and slight distress, your hands are firmly pressing down on his shoulders. “you’re gonna eat me out, yeah? like you promised?” and he is DOWN on his knees, mind fucking short-circuiting, because suddenly there is nothing he’d rather do.
N= No (turnoffs or absolutely won’t do):
carmen really doesn’t like seriously hurting you, so no intense spanking or choking. however i really love choking 🙄🙄 so i think he’d wrap his hand around your neck, his finger rubbing the hinge of your jaw, his warm palm a gentle assurance of the power he has without fully exercising it.
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are):
pussy eating champ…carmen genuinely gets off on being able to make you feel good. his strong arms bracketing your thighs, fingers digging into the plush skin, holding you to his mouth while his tongue fucks deep. carmy can’t help but rut against the mattress, hips hastily thrusting in tune to your moans, the swollen head of his dick rubbing against the sheets. “please, baby, please.. c’mon, just a little longer, please— i need it so fuckin’ bad.” he’ll cry into your cunt after your first orgasm, needing to eat your sopping pussy in order to cum.
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed):
soft, grinding rolls of his hips against yours, holding your cunt against the base of his cock, letting your clit rub against his skin. carmen takes it slow, making sure to hit the spongy place right up inside you, the one that makes you cry and squirm.
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard):
carmen prefers to take his time with it, but more often you find yourself hurriedly making love on the couch, bench, shower, maybe even his car. clothes scattered around the room, a bra on the chair, carmen’s boxers under the coffee table. he’ll take you wherever he can, whenever the time finally allows it, and he makes it deep and fast.
R= Risk (do they like to try new things):
anything you want, he’ll hear you out. carmen loves to learn, he wants to know everything that makes you tick, and will willingly absorb anything you have to teach. that’s not to say he isn’t nervous, as he finds himself always double-checking you’re still alright, asking if it still feels good.
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts):
definitely a multiple rounds kinda guy. he can’t help it! the sight of you laying there, stripes of cum over your stomach and shiny slick on your thighs, carmen finds himself hard all over again. expect a round two, maybe three from him, and even then he’ll probably eat you out again.
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers):
carmen doesn’t see the use for sex toys, since he’d much prefer to be the one providing you pleasure. definitely not fully opposed, though, he’ll fuck you long and slow with a vibrator on nights where he just wants to watch and study you.
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves):
i 🩷 edging so carmen 🩷’s edging! carmy puts on this needy desperate front (“please, fuck, i need’a cum, ‘m not kidding.”) but there is NOTHING alike to carmy’s mind going completely blank after denying his third orgasm in a row, his cock swollen and throbbing with each pass of your hand, only for you to finally give him permission (“cum for me, carmy, i’ve got you.”)
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk):
think about the lowest, guttural moans you’ve ever heard. as carmen gets closer, they taper off into higher whines, soft whispers into your skin about how much he wants this.
W= Wild card (random sincannon of any sort):
now, carmen does not take disrespect in the kitchen, and clearly doesn’t tolerate people talking back. but you? there’s a certain fire in his stomach, when you glare at him over the pass, or don’t back up whenever he gets into your personal space. if you stand your ground, firm and sure about whatever you’re doing, carmen feels himself fostering a growing mixture of respect and arousal.
X= X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants):
i just KNOW carmen is thick…the stretch seems impossible every time, his cock filling up every inch inside your hot cunt, while carmen whispers that it’s going to be alright, that you can take it.
Y= Yearning (sexdrive level):
higher than carmen has time for. hence the jerking off in the shower, and fucking you on the couch. he’ll take anything that he can get, for he knows time isn’t on his side.
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after):
carmy will ask you a hundred questions about how you’re feeling, if you need anything, what he can do, before finally settling in beside you. sometimes he’ll lay there for a few minutes, before dragging himself up, uttering some excuse about needing to revise the new menu. you’ll fuss, try and pull him back down, and he’ll fold almost instantly.
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achilles-rage · 2 months
Orange Juice
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summary: your boss has you on edge at work, which leads you to forget to eat lunch. as a type 1 diabetic, this means your blood sugar is low, which eddie quickly catches onto when he gets home. he spends the rest of the night taking care of you and making sure you're okay.
word count: 1.9k
request: anon- Would you maybe write a Eddie x reader fic where she has type 1 diabetes and has a rough night of low blood sugar and he helps getting her snacks and juice and then telling her to try to get some rest and he stays up to monitor her sugars on her dexcom app because he's too worried to go back to sleep.
A/N: i tried my best on this, i really hope everything i wrote was accurate! i'm not completely educated on diabetes, but i did a bunch of research to make sure it was as close as possible to what happens with low blood sugar. regardless, i hope you enjoy reading attentive and worried eddie!
warnings: reader has type 1 diabetes, no use of y/n, plus size!reader, fem!reader, race inclusive!reader
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You’re happy to finally be home after a long day of work. Your boss has been on edge lately, meaning she had you doing far more than you’re used to. Today, you’ve been so busy and stressed, that you hadn’t noticed that your lunch is still sitting in your work fridge. Eating was at the bottom of the list of things to worry about today, even though you have type 1 diabetes, and know that skipping meals isn’t the best idea.
You notice you’re feeling a little dizzy as you start pulling things out of the fridge to make dinner, but you ignore it, not even thinking about why. All you’re focused on is that Eddie and Christopher will be home soon, and you know they’ll be hungry.
You smile when you hear the front door open and the small laugh coming from Christopher as Eddie talks to him. You hear their footsteps coming into the kitchen, and you turn from what you’re doing for a moment to greet them, smiling widely at Chris.
You had fallen in love with Christopher as soon as Eddie introduced you to him, and he’s been so welcoming to you. You were a little surprised at how easily he accepted that you were moving in with them, but you didn’t want to question it.
Eddie comes up to you and puts a hand on your soft waist as he gives you a quick kiss, mumbling a greeting against your lips. You smile at him before you turn back to the dinner you’re preparing, swatting his hand playfully as he reaches for a piece of pepper you had cut.
As you listen to him talk about his day, you begin to feel dizzy again, but continue trying to ignore it, nodding as you try to focus on his deep voice. You feel yourself start to sweat, and your hands are shaking ever so slightly, but you’re so focused on dinner and Eddie that it doesn’t click.
The way you’re gripping the counter every now and then doesn’t get past Eddie, and he furrows his brows as he studies you. He keeps his eyes trained on your movements as he continues his story, not wanting you to pick up on his inspection of your actions because he knows you’ll brush him off.
He’s by your side immediately with one hand on your plush tummy and the other on your upper back when you blink slowly and start to sway gently.
“Are you okay, baby?” he asks, worry etched on his face. He’s seen you like this before when your blood sugar is low, so he thinks he knows exactly what’s going on. He’s met with a small nod as you regain your balance, continuing to prepare dinner.
“Is your blood sugar low?” he asks you, getting slightly upset that you’re not taking proper care of yourself. As he speaks, everything suddenly clicks in your brain; you forgot to eat today. He sees the realization on your face and he sighs, slowly leading you to the kitchen table and guiding you gently down into a chair.
“Baby, when’s the last time you ate?” he asks you softly as he kneels down in front of you, his eyes softening as you look down at him with an apologetic look.
“Breakfast.” you mumble, beginning to feel really bad as you see the look on his face. You aren’t trying to worry him, you just want to be truthful with him. He’d figure it out if you weren’t, and lying to him would make you feel worse.
He sighs and gets up, going to the fridge and getting you a cup of orange juice.
“Drink this. I’ll finish dinner while you sit here.” You’re about to tell him that you can finish dinner, but you change your mind before you can get a word out. You realize it’s probably a good idea, and you know he wouldn’t let you lift a finger regardless. You nod, sighing as you pick up the cup, taking a small drink.
“More.” he says once he hears the bottom of the cup hit the table. His back is turned as he makes dinner, but he knows that you aren’t holding the cup long enough to drink an acceptable amount of orange juice. You laugh softly, finding it funny that he knows you so well, and raise the cup back up to your lips, taking a bigger drink of it.
He hums happily as he hears you move, and quickly finishes dinner. He keeps an eye on you as you keep him company, and asks you why you didn’t eat today. You explain to him how much stress you’re under at work, and he can’t help the frown that takes over your face.
“Honey, you’ve gotta eat. I don’t care about what your boss needs you to do. I don’t want you passing out on me.” he tells you, his tone slightly joking as he finishes. You hum softly, nodding. You know he’s right, but you honestly didn’t mean for this to happen.
“I know, I’m sorry. I forgot. I promise I’ll try not to let it happen again.” He smiles at your reassurance, and nods while he places dinner on the table. He calls Christopher, and you all sit down for dinner.
Christopher tells you about his day as you eat, and you laugh every now and then at his words. Once you’re done eating, Christopher is quick to leave the table, saying something about playing a video game with his friends as he goes, which makes you smile.
Eddie clears the table and loads the dishwasher, and once he’s done, he urges you to the bedroom to change.
“We’re gonna sit on the couch and watch a movie. I don’t want you doing much.” he tells you sternly. You’ve learned how stubborn he is, so you don’t put up a fight, instead getting on some comfy clothes and letting Eddie lead you to the couch once you’re both changed.
He sits down beside you on the couch, and turns on the movie you requested. It’s a series of movies, which he thinks is perfect, as he can entice you to watch the second and possibly even the third one tonight too. He wants to keep you close, allowing him to check on you whenever he wants.
He puts his arm on the back of the couch behind you, smiling softly as you lean against him and rest your cheek on his chest. You love how attentive he is towards you, and you think this is your favourite way to spend the night with him. You’re not all that worried about how you’re feeling; you’ve lived with it far longer than Eddie has, but you appreciate how worried he gets. It proves to you that he cares for you, even if you feel bad for how nervous he gets sometimes.
Just as the movie starts, he whispers in your ear to sit up. You oblige with a confused look on your face, brows furrowed as he gets up from the couch. He walks into the hallway, and you wait quietly, only half paying attention to the first few minutes of the movie as you hear him shuffling around the kitchen.
He comes back into the living room with some more juice, and a little plate of various snacks, giving you a small smile as he sets them down on the table. He settles back into his spot, and then puts a hand on the side of your head, gently ushering you to put your head back on his chest.
You obey his silent command and lay back against him, one arm making its way over his torso as you snuggle into his chest, practically feeling the love radiating off of him.
“You don’t need to eat all of this now, but I want it all gone by the time the movie is over.” he tells you firmly, but there’s still a soft edge to his tone as he looks down at the top of your head. He smiles when you nod and hum softly, and he leans down to kiss the top of your head before he turns his attention to the movie.
“I’m okay.” you whisper after a moment, turning your head to look up at him. He gives you a “really?” look as he meets your gaze, raising his hand and rubbing your cheek gently.
“I’m just making sure, honey. I gotta make sure my girl’s okay.” he tells you softly. You lower your gaze, nuzzling your head back into his chest as his arm makes its way from the back of the couch to your shoulders, squeezing them lightly.
“I already had dinner, I really don’t need all this.” you whisper, trying to focus on the movie. You know if you don’t pay attention now, the rest of the movie probably won’t make any sense.
“You’re at least gonna drink the rest of that juice, deal?” He grabs your chin and brings your face back up so you’re looking in his eyes. You nod in his grip, raising your head to kiss him. He smiles into the kiss, chasing your lips as you pull away.
“Let’s focus on the movie. Don’t want you asking questions the whole time because you weren’t paying attention.” you tease as you refocus on the movie. You’re met with a scoff as he rolls his eyes.
“Ha ha.” he says sarcastically, but he doesn’t argue any further. He focuses on the movie, and grabs your phone on the table, checking your dexcom app every few minutes, making sure your blood sugar is rising as it’s supposed to.
He’s not sure when you fell asleep. He knows you were awake when the first movie ended, but he’s met with silence as he makes a joke about the main character around halfway through the second movie.
He opens your dexcom app quickly, sighing in relief once he sees that your blood sugar has increased. It’s still not exactly where it should be, but it’s a good sign. He lowers the tv volume, continuing to watch the movie, but he’s more focused on your steady breathing. He rubs his thumb across your shoulder softly, trying not to wake you, but he can’t help wanting his hands on you.
Once the second movie is over, he still doesn’t want to wake you. He’s content sitting here with you, and he wants you to rest after your stressful day of work. He decides to lay back and close his eyes, deciding to let you sleep for a little while longer before he wakes you up to go to bed.
He keeps his eyes closed for a few minutes, but he can’t seem to get to sleep. He’s still worried about you, even though your blood sugar is returning to normal. You drank the rest of the juice he set out for you, and you even ate a few of the snacks he brought out, but he couldn’t help the nervousness eating at him. He keeps your phone in his hand, checking your app every now and then while he watches whatever is playing on tv.
As he watches over you, feeling you moving slightly as you breathe in and out, he’s filled with so much love for you. He already knew, but he knows for sure now that he would do anything to make sure you’re okay. To make sure you stay with him forever.
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notes: likes/comments/reblogs would be much appreciated if you liked this<33
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fictionalwh0ree · 1 year
the gang dating a stoner hcs
warnings: mentions weed and alcohol
a/n: as someone who's a lowkey stoner, i wrote this with the reader being someone who doesn't look like they'd be a stoner.
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johnny cade
definitely doesn’t mind that you smoke
he’s maybe tried it once but never enough that he felt anything
one day he tries it with you
he immediately understands why you do it
johnny has a lot of issues and has a lot of baggage, smoking weed helps him calm down
you’re happy that it makes him happy
but that can also be dangerous
you worry about him getting hooked to the feeling, so you make sure he only ever does it with you
thankfully its illegal and since johnny is kind of skittish, he doesn’t go after it on his own
smoking with him is a mix of calm and paranoia
hes paranoid while you’re smoking
worrying about the smell, who’s around, your eyes, etc
but once its done, he’s calm
you spend many late nights just dozing off in each others arms after smoking
also many deep talks
overall, he’s grateful for you (and it) and he accepts your habits
dallas winston
he LOVES that you’re lowkey a stoner
there’s something about how you look when your eyes are all droopy and red that turns him onnnnn
(he also finds you being able to roll hot, idk why)
he definitely does it here and there
but he loves to smoke with you
on a rare night, you two will get crossed at bucks and will probably end up fucking
high sex is his favvvvv
he’ll take you to the drive-in after you smoke
those are probably the only times you’ll pay attention to a movie around him
he’s very rebellious so he doesn’t worry about you getting caught very often
he’ll even steal snacks for you
he lets you crash in his bed if you’re super slumped
you love cuddling with him if you’re high
something about the warmth and skin to skin just feels so much better
he definitely finds it funny when you’re high
he’ll laugh about you demolishing your food
he definitely laughs when you start sharing your high thoughts with him
and he finds it especially funny when you find something funny and can’t stop laughing
you’ve definitely been caught in some dumb ass situations where you look at each other and have to find a way to hold in the laughter
ponyboy curtis
definitely has never smoked
he knows its illegal, so he was definitely surprised to find out you do it
at first, you kept it separate from him
you know his brother would kill him if he tried
you didn’t smoke around him and were never really high around him
until one time you were headed home after a smoke session with your friends and you ran into him
he invited you to the drive- in with the gang
steve and dally could definitely tell
ponyboy could tell something was off but couldn’t pinpoint it
he bought you a popcorn and you couldn’t shut up about how much better it tasted
“has this popcorn always been this good?”
“it doesn’t taste any different than the last time we had it”
“are you sure?”
“are you okay”
dally definitely broke the news to him and it hit him quick
after that, pony started asking you questions about weed
“what does it feel like to be high?”
“does food actually taste better?”
“does it taste like a cigarette?”
you asked him if he wanted to try it one day so you waited until a day where his house was completely empty and smoked
after one hit, he was coughing like crazy
no amount of cigarettes could’ve prepared him for that
he couldn’t smoke very much because of the coughing but he got high and finally understood the food thing
tore apart any food available
he really loves to watch the sunset when he’s high
he thinks the colours and scenery are so much more detailed and pretty
he’s the type to turn into a poet when he’s high
but in the end the coughing was not worth it so he only does it very rarely (and only with you)
its a very special occasion when pony smokes, so you always make sure its a good experience and you do everything so darry will never find out
sodapop curtis
he’s definitely tried it before
he was not a fan
(he wasn’t inhaling it right so he never felt it and thought it was pointless)
he was very surprised when he found out you smoked
he always makes sure you’re careful with it
he takes extra care of you when you’re high
he makes sure you don’t have to talk to anyone
will take you to go get whatever you’re craving
he’s also a fan of the high eyes
he thinks its cute when you laugh at dumb things you wouldn’t usually find that funny
he’s very observant so he can definitely tell when you’re high and even if you’ve smoked at all
you taught him how to inhale
unfortunately he’s a bit of a paranoid high person so you don’t smoke with him
he always feels his senses heightened
this boy will hear a cop car coming from five blocks away and then panic as if you’re not sitting inside his house
however he is the type to EAT when he’s high
he’s like a bottomless pit
but hes also sodapop curtis so he’ll stay skinny anyway
darry curtis
darry definitely tried weed in high school
i mean he was on the football team
but he’s not a fan
too much risk not enough reward
so when it comes to dating a stoner
he’d probably rather not
but if he is
you just have to keep it separate
you don’t smoke around him and you’re never really high around him
he doesn’t mind the habit as long as you don’t let it affect your ambition
darry is a workaholic, he looks for a partner with drive
so as long as you smoking weed isn’t interfering with your job its fine
he would never date someone who is always high
he’s okay with it if its more of a couple days a week type thing
once you’ve been dating a while, he makes it clear that you can smoke and be high around him
because he’d rather you do it around him then alone or out on the streets
he thinks its cute when you’re high
he likes how you’re giggly
he’ll cook for you
and he likes how affectionate you get
he smoked with you ONCE
he, like sodapop, is the type to eat like there’s no tomorrow
after it was done, the entire gang unexpectedly showed up at his house
they could tell
darry’s eyes were practically bloodshot red
ponyboy took advantage of calm darry and got to stay out late
“get him high more often y/n”
they tried to keep their laughs to themselves but it didn’t work
two-bit especially could not contain himself around darry and couldn’t look at him without laughing
you definitely fucked after and the high sex was almost enough to get him to smoke again
but he could never EVER let the gang see him like that again
he only got high with you again after you learnt how to make edibles
two-bit matthews
two-bit loves that you smoked
funniest couple ever
you love smoking with and around him because he makes you laugh so hard
funny sober = super funny high
you two will laugh until you’re clutching your stomachs in pain
he’ll finish a whole chocolate cake high
two-bit is not a sit down and relax type of high person
there’s two potential reasons
a) he’s just like that
b) he’s always a little drunk so he just ends up slightly crossed
he’s super social and bounces off the walls
so sometimes you have to let him just go out with his friends
once he comes down from it all he’s super tired
you guys WILL take naps together
you’ll sleep from 11am-4pm
or you’ll go to bed at 2am and wake up at 1pm
it all depends but the two of you are heavy ass sleepers after smoking
the house could’ve blown up and neither of you would notice
steve randle
he has also tried smoking before, but never too much
he had basically forgotten it existed until you
he doesn’t like it when you smoke alone so if you’re not with friends, sometimes he’ll smoke with you
it actually helps him focus a lot
if he can work on a car high, he will
it becomes the only thing that matters
gets you dx discounts on snacks
he’s pretty quiet high so the two of you will often spend your time watching a move with his arm around your shoulder
he’s lowkey strict with it because he doesn’t want you to get caught
so he doesn’t let you smoke in very public places or in broad daylight unless you’re somewhere safe
doesn’t let you meet your dealer alone
he’s protective of you when you’re high because he thinks it makes you a bit more vulnerable
he’ll do all the talking
he doesn’t like people who spend their entire day high
he’s okay with it as long as you’re not a bum because of it
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human world headcanons
a/n: i just know half of the brothers would break into the human world under the excuse of seeing their favourite human, only to be distracted 9 seconds later. and so; human world shenanigans.
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here's one that doesn't stray from his goal.
lucifer heads straight to your house (without warning).
but he forgets that you have work today; he also does not have the key to your front door.
your neighbours start to wonder if the strange man who has been sitting on your doorstep is lost.
one kind-hearted neighbour sends you a picture of the lonely demon on your porch, along with the message "he's been there for hours."
a fit of laughter and a 20 minute drive later, you embrace lucifer tightly.
"sorry, sorry," you manage to giggle out as he tries to scold you for not having your d.d.d. on you.
lucifer finally relents the harsh glare when you tell him you'll cook a special dinner for him.
═  ˎˊ˗
he's distracted in all the right ways.
first, he grabs you a drink from your favourite human world café.
mammon will then head to the grocery store and look for your favourite snacks.
he's so focused on the task at hand that he doesn't notice you side eyeing him from two feet away.
when he finally does notice, he turns on his heel and ducks his head, trying to escape your gaze.
it's too late now, though; you've already got a hand on the edge of his jacket, yanking him towards you.
"mammon. does anyone know you're up here?"
"... you do."
"not good enough!"
═  ˎˊ˗
see, he really wishes he could be distracted.
after all, the human world has so many anime and manga goods stores that he wants to visit.
but being the shut-in he is, he'd rather wait inside your house until you have time to go out.
unlike a certain brother, he remembers the key to your door (mainly because he doesn't want to be stuck waiting outside).
he does also shoot you a quick text before he enters, just in case you're inside and he freaks you out, or in case you're out of the house.
you enjoy having levi over; he doesn't drag you back outside as soon as you've got one foot through the doorway.
but perhaps the real problem is getting him back out.
because, why leave when he can game without his brothers interrupting his boss level speed run?
═  ˎˊ˗
oh lawd he's NOT coming.
he saw a cat on the road; as far as you know, he's gone forever.
satan only stops when he sees a street library box, curiosity getting the better of him.
it's maybe a few hours later that he remembers to text you of his arrival in your realm.
you call him almost immediately, asking where he is, only for the blonde to respond "i'm not quite sure myself. i followed a cat here."
your eyebrow twitches, and you almost want to give satan a taste of his own wrathful medicine.
"if it helps, the cat was a tortoiseshell."
"how is that supposed to help?!"
═  ˎˊ˗
luck is on his side today, as his walk to your place takes him right past the shopping district.
it may have also taken him inside a few stores.
meanwhile, you lounge around at home, blissfully unaware.
that is, until lucifer calls you with much urgency in his voice, saying "MC, please tell me asmodeus is with you."
your neighbours can hear you screaming from the inside of your car as you pull out of your driveway.
a part of you is grateful that it's asmodeus at the mall; although he spends, he's not quite as bad as his older brother.
when you finally find the demon in the shopping center, you grab hold of his scarf, dragging him and his bags towards your car.
"MC, wait! i haven't bought a good lip tint for you yet!"
═  ˎˊ˗
unlike most of his brothers, beel makes it his priority to call you first thing upon arrival.
his second priority is to find the shop where that delicious smell is coming from.
"beel, do NOT move from where you are, or i swear i will call lucifer and have him drag you back to hell himself."
you're glad the shopping and food square is walking (sprinting) distance from your place.
in your panicked rush, you leave your front door wide open, leaving your neighbours to wonder what you're up to this time.
it's a good thing the avatar of gluttony is so tall; you find his orange head standing close to the decorative water fountain in the middle of the square.
"oh, MC. you must be hungry after running like that."
you can only plant your hands on your knees while catching your breath, and beel waits patiently for your approval to go grab a snack.
═  ˎˊ˗
does not call or text you when he heads up to the human world.
you're most likely to come home to him already knocked out cold on your couch.
belphie is a quiet sleeper, so it takes you a few minutes to actually realize that he's there.
when you do realize that he's there, you unwillingly release a yelp, waking up the sloth demon.
belphie's expression shifts from a glare to a smile when he remembers he's in your house and not the house of lamentation.
"welcome home," he mumbles sleepily, stretching his limbs out one by one.
"belphie, how many times do i have to tell you to text me before you come over?"
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he shrugs in response, instead dragging you onto the couch for a well deserved nap with him.
a/n: praying that my demon bro bias does not glare anyone in the face with these headcanons. i'm soft for all of them, i swear.
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daengtokki · 10 months
𝒮𝑒𝒸𝑜𝓃𝒹 𝒟𝒶𝓉𝑒
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Kim Seungmin/Female Reader
wc: 7.1k
rating: Mature, NON-explicit (part 2)
Part 2 of 4
The sun is coming through the trees and leaving freckles of light over Seungmin’s face and chest. His eyes are closed, hands propping him up as he leans back and stares up at the sky.
You’ve been meaning to ask the question bouncing around in your head for several minutes, but you can’t stop staring at him like this. You reach out and gently shake his foot until he looks at you.
“Hey, sorry…I didn’t mean to get quiet.”
- Seungmin is tired.
Car rides are his worst enemy if he’s trying to stay awake, especially if he ends up in the backseat. His head keeps swaying side to side. The ride is far too smooth, and he feels like a baby being lulled to sleep.
The car turns left, then right, then right again. He doesn’t need to feel it come to a stop to know he’s home.
As happy as he is to finally be done with traveling—for now, he doesn’t think he has the energy to get himself back on two feet.
He hits his neatly made bed immediately. No unpacking, no snack, no checking text messages. There is zero time between thinking about sleep and passing out; there is only a deep dreamless sleep.
It’s dark and warm in his room when he wakes up. His eyes stay closed tight, but he can feel how late it is. He knows he’s been sleeping far too long. Nobody bothered waking him for dinner or checking up on him, because that would have been useless. He doesn’t even mind that he missed the Giants game.
He feels much better now, until he looks down at his phone to check the time. The first problem is it’s already past midnight. The second problem is he has 43 notifications to open.
Seungmin scans over them to see if he missed anything important. Most of them look deletable, but a few he duly notes, and definitely needs to answer in the morning.
He opens the text from Choonhee, though.
Are you here for the long weekend?
He doesn’t mind texting her this late. He sends back a quick response without much thought: “I’m here until Wednesday!
Time to shower and eat.
Seungmin stands in the shower for a good fifteen minutes—clearing his mind, easing the tension he always holds in his shoulders— before finally, somewhere in the back of his memory, the part where he puts things and never ever remembers them…he remembers something.
“Oh…” he cups his face in his hands and scrubs at his cheeks, “shit.”
He takes his time getting out. An extra half an hour accidentally ignoring you isn’t going to make much of a difference now. Hair gets dried; fresh clothes thrown on. He clicks the fan in his bedroom so it pushes the warm air around. The cool night air is at least trying to find it’s way in.
Now he notices how hungry he is. Might as well find something in the kitchen before getting into a conversation. One that goes well, hopefully.
A bowl of oi-muchim, a beer, and his phone in hand, Seungmin makes himself comfortable on the couch. He pulls up Choonhee’s text messages again and hopes she still awake…
“Is it too late to text her? Do you think she’s up?”
He sends it off and tries not to watch his phone for her reply. He clicks the tv on and eats, but before his second bite, his phone goes off.
She won’t mind if it’s you
Seungmin hopes Choonhee’s right. And hopes you’ll still actually want to speak after two months of accidental silence.
Now he puts his food down, drinks some of his beer, and thinks…”what am I supposed to say at one in the morning?” He mumbles it to himself. But he starts typing anyway, letting his thumbs and his heart do the work. If he thinks too much, nothing will ever come out.
“Hey, I’m sorry I’m texting you so late. And also sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I hope you can forgive me. I’m in town for a few days if you’re interested in seeing each other.”
He reads it and rereads it. Then sends it away. It’s the best he can do.
The rest of the night is nothing but a long wait. The nap he took served perfectly as a good nights sleep, so the next few hours are spent catching up on baseball highlights, finishing a drama, and then silently obsessing over whether or not he’ll get a text back while a new show plays out in front of him .
At 7:30, Seungmin’s phone buzzes in his hand. He’s sound asleep, but still holding onto it. It wakes him right away, but it takes a moment before he can remember where he is, and what he’s doing there. Too much sleep makes his head fuzzy, and yesterday and this morning must have been a combined eleven hours.
He looks at the notification and remembers. Only the name on the screen registers in his mind before he unlocks his phone and sits up. He shakes the sleep from his head and rubs his eyes before reading…
I would love to see you
A sigh of relief. You’re not mad. Seungmin’s heartbeat picks up in his chest as he types.
“Tonight? Or today. Any time is good.”
This reply takes a little longer. He gets up to change just in case he has to run out the door to meet you. Your reply comes a few minutes later. Seungmin reads it as he’s jumping into his shorts.
I’m free all day. Do you want to come over for breakfast?
“Come over for breakfast? Are you going to make me breakfast?” he thinks out loud. He’s hoping that’s what you mean.
“I’ll be there in an hour”
Your internal alarm hates you. At precisely 7:25, you’re awake. Even on the weekends, you can’t sleep in. It takes a couple of minutes before you can even think about moving, but the warmth in the room and the sun peeking in eventually forces you up. You can only take so much.
Your phone, charging on the nightstand, buzzes softly. Probably an email. It buzzes again. You thought you put it on sleep mode last night, but maybe not. It’s a miracle nothing woke you up. You grab it and unplug it…
Email Spam email Work email you never opened or cleared Instagram
Text from Seungmin
“Seungmin,” you say his name out loud in case you’re still a little bit asleep. Seungmin, who you haven’t had a text from in months; who has probably been very busy and very tired when he isn’t busy, sent you a text at one in the morning.
You open it quickly, butterflies in your stomach, and read. You read it a few times. His texts are always a little longer, never one or two words. And you always read him in his voice. You’ve listened to him singing and speaking enough now that you hear it in your sleep. You don’t have to think much about your reply.
“I would love to see you”
There’s little time to pick up the apartment and figure out what you’re going to make for him. You do your best with what little time you have. Shower, hair, makeup…outfit. You probably should have given yourself a little more time. Too late now, he’ll be on his way soon.
It’s been nearly seven months since your blind date, but it doesn’t feel like it’s been that long. The time between his last text and today somehow felt longer. You feel like it’s going to be a first impression all over again, so you really want to give him your best. Maybe even better than last time, now that you know what you’re getting into.
In the kitchen, you start pulling things out to make, and you’re relieved to find you have something to cook for him.
You hope he likes American breakfast. You do know he likes coffee. Just a few days ago a care package came from your parents; coffee, snacks…things you miss from home. You pull out the bag of beans and start grinding.
Minutes later, or at least it feels like minutes, (the full hour, plus 20 extra minutes, has passed) you hear you phone buzz. Before you can get to it, the intercom buzzes. You grab your phone and run to the door.
“Hi I’m here”
You smile at his message and let him into the lobby before texting back, “543.” You’re surprised and a little flattered that he remembered where your building was and was confident enough to come without even confirming.
He sends a smiling emoji in reply.
Your back is against the door, eyes closed. Your picturing him walking to the elevator, pushing the button, waiting…
The elevator here is pretty slow…
He gets on and hits the 5th floor button. It comes straight up without stopping, considering the early hour. Everyone else in this building is definitely sleeping in. He turns right and walks, maybe a little hesitantly, toward your apartment, looks at the number on the door, then at your text.
He knocks gently. Three soft little knocks. You take in a deep breath; you’re more nervous than you thought you’d be. The deadbolt clicks.
When you crack the door he’s smiling down at you. You pull it open the rest of the way and stand there awkwardly for a moment. You feel like one of your eight-year-olds trying to find the right words in English. You stupidly breath out a wow and desperately hope he didn’t hear it
He stands there with one hand in the pocket of his shorts. The other hand is holding a paper bag. He swings it a little as he takes a careful step over your threshold.
“Morning.” You finally manage to say.
“Good morning,” he closes the door behind him, and his smile grows as he moves closer to you.
His face looks a little different. It’s been long enough that you’re thinking his braces have changed his smile, or maybe he’s just gotten older. The spring sun has turned his skin a few shades darker compared to October. His hair is dark and straight across his forehead; different then the last time you saw him. You’ve also gotten used to seeing him only in videos and photos. None of that does him justice. In front of you, he’s better—and you forgot how much better.
“Are you okay?” Seungmin reaches his hand toward you as if he’s going to touch your cheek, but he stops just short of you, and his hand falls slowly.
“Yeah, yeah…sorry,” you set your hand on your face where his hand should have been. “I uhhm,” you still can’t seem to find the right words. So much for a new first impression. Now what?
You put your other hand around his waist and pull yourself to him. You’re relieved when he reciprocates the embrace. He holds onto you for a while, not letting up on his grip.
“I’m sorry I didn’t keep in touch.”
Even though you had plenty of old texts to return to; to re-convince yourself that Seungmin liked you and wanted to see you again, you still needed this physical reassurance. The last two months were a lot more lonely than you care to admit, and part of you was starting to let go.
“It’s okay, I know you’re busy.”
“Still a bad excuse.” He loosens his hold on you, but doesn’t let go completely. The bag he’s holding shakes a little in his hand. “I brought this for you.”
“Another gift? You’re making me look bad.” You slide away from his grip (very reluctantly) and head toward the kitchen.
“Well, you did make me coffee. It smells good.”
Seungmin follows closely behind. The kitchen is a little bit of a mess, but cooking and cleaning at the same time is not one of your strong suits. You grab a few things and toss them in the trash, the sink, the dishwasher. You don’t even realize he’s right behind you until you turn again to grab two clean glasses.
“I can bring you your coffee. It’s a mess in here, you don’t need to see this.”
“Oh I don’t mind. You are definitely a messy cook, though. You should clean as you go!”
“Believe me, I try.” You pour the cooled coffee into a glass over ice. “I hope you like this…have you ever had Kona coffee?”
Seungmin shakes his head and smiles. You briefly wonder if he realizes how cute it is, then you pour some for yourself, “I’m sure you’ll like it.” He takes it from you and follows as you lead him out of the kitchen and into the living room.
You sit. He sits, and sips his coffee, then adjusts so he’s a little closer to you.
“How long have you been in town?” You bring your knees up to your chest and turn your body to him.
“I got in yesterday afternoon, but I fell asleep and woke up very late.”
“Oh, that explains the late text.”
“Yes, hopefully it didn’t wake you. Choonhee told me you wouldn’t mind if I texted you so late.”
“It didn’t wake me up. It was a nice surprise this morning.”
He’s bouncing his legs up and down; knees are moving together, then apart, then together again. A nervous tick, maybe. All you do know is that the movement of his thighs is distracting. You tear your eyes away, and when you do, he’s looking at you.
“How have you been?” He asks, and he’s not just making conversation. The way he speaks is sincere. “Anymore blind dates?” He whispers the last part.
“Oh, no…no,” you stare into your coffee and shake your head. “Nothing special, not since our date.”
He smiles, but says nothing.
“I did keep up with you. I caught a few of your lives, checked YouTube for new videos…”
Seungmin laughs and lays his head back against the couch, “next time we don’t see each other for a while, I will call, and we can have a real live.”
“Is that a promise?”
He thinks for a moment, “yes, promise. I’ll be a better texter…also.” He adjusts and moves himself a little closer to you.
“I’ll take either.”
“I think I just…don’t know what to say sometimes. I don’t want to say something stupid, so I don’t say anything at all. And then I forget.”
“I don’t mind if you say something stupid.” You reach out and move a piece of hair out of Seungmin’s eyes. “I’d prefer it, actually. Then I can say something stupid back.”
He tilts his head and his hair falls back over his eyes. “Good to know.”
“Are you hungry?” You move his hair again.
He looks at you without answering for a very long moment. His eyes are impossibly big and dark; bottom lip a little bit red from biting down on it. Your eyes jump from the beauty mark on his cheek (you’re also thinking about how nice it is to finally see him again without makeup), to his eyes, his nose, his lips. His hair swings back down in front of his eyes.
He brings his hand up and attempts to fix his hair, but he just shakes his head again and smiles, “yes, I am. Very hungry.”
“I guess you can help me finish up,” you reach for his hand, which he happily takes, and lead him back to the kitchen. You prepped everything, but wanted it to be fresh when you sat down to eat.
“What are we having?” He looks at the counter. Four thick slices of bread and a bowl of something milky, eggs. “Oh these I can do,” Seungmin picks up an egg and holds it next to his face. “I can fry a good egg.”
“Okay, that’s your job.” You freshen his coffee while he examines the half dozen eggs in front of him. “Make however many you want.”
“Can I make all of them?”
“Yeah,” you laugh, “I have more if that’s not enough.”
“French toast?” He examines the milky batter next to the slices of bread. “I’ve had it before, but not for a very long time.”
“Is that okay? I can always make something else.” You turn the burner on low and let the pan get warm.
“No, I want to try your french toast.”
You reach for the butter, taking great care to reach around him by placing your hand on the belt of his shorts. He watches you closely as you dip each slice of bread into the batter, and when the butter melts completely, place them neatly in the pan.
“Nice sizzle,” he whispers. And then he laughs when you laugh. “Oh, I’m doing the eggs…” He turns his burner on low, butters his pan, and cracks four of the six eggs.
Seungmin looks at you, “I don’t want to crowd them.” He nods his head at two intact eggs. “They can wait.”
“You’re the expert.”
“They will be good, I promise.”
“Even if they’re bad, I’m sure I’ll love them.”
You hear him laugh as you tend to the French toast, shaking on the cinnamon, flipping them when they’re just crispy and brown. Seungmin ooohs at them as he seasons his eggs.
“Do you prefer maple syrup or…honey?”
“Hm?” He flips the eggs carefully and takes them off the heat before turning to the selection of toppings you’re setting out.
“Can you turn my burner off?”
He clicks it off, and Seungmin finds his way to the cupboard to get a plate. He gently sets his finished eggs onto it and cracks the remaining ones into the warm pan.
“Do you like maple syrup, or do you want honey?”
“Oh…maple syrup! And strawberries.”
“And whipped cream?”
“Dessert for breakfast…” he takes one of the strawberries and bites into it.
You have one dining table in your tiny apartment. It has two chairs, and it’s right next to the large picture window that sits just between the kitchen and the living room. Outside is a limited view of the city. It’s nice, though. And you can afford it.
Seungmin is watching the city slowly start to move, chin resting in the palm of his hand. He has a smile on his face–it’s very subtle on his lips, but not in his eyes. You made him sit while you got the rest of the food ready, and eventually, he listened.
“Is this enough strawberries?”
He looks at you first and smiles, then at his plate. “Yes, thank you,” he waits for you to sit before whispering jal meokgetseumnida and when you pick up your fork, he follows. Seungmin opted for maple syrup, strawberries, whipped cream. He goes for the whipped cream first, eating a forkful by itself.
“Did you make this, too?” He takes another bite of it, this time with a big piece of strawberry.
You nod.
“It’s very good, it’s not too sweet.” He cuts into his French toast now, getting a bite of all three at once.
“If everything is too sweet, it ruins it.”
“Sometimes…” he says in a singsong voice, almost a whisper.
You sneak glances at him between your own bites. He’s a quiet eater this morning, but you’re comfortable sitting there with him in the silence.
“How has work been?”
“Kind of crazy.” He takes a drink of his coffee, “we will be in Japan in two weeks, and then to the US after that.” Seungmin nods to himself and divides the four eggs between you.
They do look perfect and exactly how you usually make them. Over-easy. “That’s exciting…but I’m sure it’s very exhausting.”
He picks one up and shoves the entire thing in his mouth. You can tell he wants to speak as soon as he does it, but he chews patiently. “I wouldn’t want to do anything else, but some days it is a lot. And very tiring.”
He rests his face in his hands again. He finished his food. Now he’s looking at you with the same tired eyes he’s given you before. 
“Thank you for making time for me.” You say.
He sits back in his seat, smiles, shakes his head a little.
You look at him questioningly. His mannerism are cute, but you’re not quite sure how to interpret them sometimes. “What is it?”
“I’m happy to be here.”
“You are?” When you stand to clean off the table, he stands with you to help. You let him.
“Yes,” he bites into another strawberry when he gets to kitchen sink with his dishes. “I like you. You're...you're relaxing to be around. I don't feel any pressure here."
You look at him and smile, unsure of how to respond at first. "Thank you." It's not enough of a reply, you know that, but you're a little lost for words.
"Is that a weird thing to say?"
"No! Not at all. It might be the sweetest complement a date has ever given me."
Seungmin follows you wordlessly to the living room, and sits when you sit. You move a little closer to him and relax, hoping he continues to mimic you. And he does.
“Can I ask you something…um,” he purses his lips as he thinks, covers his cheeks with his hands. “Something personal I guess. Kind of. Maybe not really personal but-”
“Yes, of course you can.” You take one of his hands away from his face and hold it in yours. It’s starting to feel like the first date, except now he seems a little different than last time. Maybe he’s worn out from performing. Maybe it’s just an off day.
He’s looking down at his hand clasped in yours, “do you ever feel like, um…I guess it’s hard to put into English.”
“That’s okay, we can use whatever words feel best for you.”
Seungmin can’t help but smile at that, and a tiny laugh escapes. “I almost forgot, you teach kids. You do sound like a teacher.”
“Oh, I’m sorry! I mean…whichever language.” You pull his hand closer to you and put your other hand over it. “I’m sure between us we can figure it out.”
“You’re so sweet.”
“What’s bothering you?” You squeeze his hands even harder.
“I don’t know if you will, but if you ever meet my friends…the other members.” He stops for a moment to look at you.
You nod at him, but at the same time you’re completely unprepared for that statement. Meeting his friends? It's a big jump from where you're at right now.
“I guess I’m worried you might like them more than you like me.” His head falls back on the couch and he covers his eyes with his free hand. He sighs loudly.
“Why would you think that?” You pull him closer and shake him a little, “Seungmin…Seungmin, what do they call you when they don’t call you Seungmin?”
You get him to laugh, at least.
“Minnie,” he looks at you through his fingers. He says it again under his breath. “Min…puppy.”
“Puppy?” you scoot even closer to him, until you can almost set your chin on his shoulder. "Puppy."
He closes the gap a little.
Your forehead is almost touching his. You hold his eyes there. Then you kiss the bridge of his nose.
He leans forward and sets his head in the space between your neck and shoulder. His hair is tickling your ear, and his lips are brushing against your skin. You’re certain he can hear your blood pumping through your veins.
He lets out a long sigh. You don’t really want to say anything, you’d prefer it if the two of you could just stay like this for a little bit longer. And suddenly thinking of him leaving again (for another six months, maybe) gives you a horrible sinking feeling in your stomach.
But you need to talk to him.
“Why do you think that?”
He’s quiet for a few seconds as he searches for the right words. “There are eight of us…and sometimes I end up feeling, uhm…”
There's a long pause while you both think. He's searching for the words; you're searching his mind and his face.
”Do you feel like you're stuck behind everyone sometimes?” You think that’s what he’s getting at. You can see it in his eyes.
”Yes, I guess so. I mean, I know I am not as popular.”
It’s a hard comment for you to respond to, but the sad smile on his face makes you a little angry. Not at him, just at every single person outside of your apartment. 
“Well, you’re my favorite.”
A hesitant smile appears.
Your hands close around either side of his face, and you graze your fingertips over his ears, “I’m sure the others are great, and I’m sure I could be friends with them someday...but they’re not you, and I already told you we wouldn’t make very good friends.”
You’re not sure why him being vulnerable and honest is suddenly, making you so bold, but you’re not going to question it. He’s quiet and calm as you speak, so you must be doing something right.
“I wouldn’t want anyone else here with me.” You hope he believes you, but you also aren’t a stranger to the hesitant feelings he’s obviously processing. “And I wish you could stay.”
“I can stay today!”
Seungmin falls asleep on your couch again. This time, though, he’s lying comfortably with his face shoved into one of your pillows and his curled up legs are almost on your lap. It’s a small couch.
You put a movie on, but he didn’t last more than a half an hour. It’s been two hours now, and you really don’t want to wake him. You’re certain he’ll get up on his own soon.
The kitchen is clean, the movie is over. You’re a little tired yourself, honestly, but you don’t think you could fall asleep while he’s here and almost in your lap. He’s a quiet sleeper, and he’s hardly moved, but you can hear his big sighs every few times he exhales.
He shifts a little when your hand touches his leg, but he settles back down immediately, and is out again. Even when your palm slides over his skin, he doesn’t move.
The soft buzz of his phone doesn’t wake him, either. But it’s going off again, and it’s the third time. You’re wondering if it’s important, but you don’t want to pry.
You run your hand over his leg again. Still nothing. It goes off again—this time it’s ringing. You can see the name on the screen without looking very hard.
“Seungmin…” You whisper. This time you gently drag your fingertips across his skin. “Seungmin?”
A little groan. His leg stretches out across your thigh. You squeeze his calf a bit and he seems to react, but not enough, so you gently move him and get up.
“Seungmin?” You kneel down until you’re face to face with him. He looks so peaceful and content, and while you hate to disturb him, you’re kind of looking forward to him slowly waking up. Saying his name isn’t getting through, though, so you place the tip of your finger at his temple and lightly trace a line down the side of his face.
A raspy mmm is all you get in return.
You bury your fingers in his hair and comb through it, kneading into his scalp a little. “Minnie?” You move down toward his neck, knead a little more, this time into a soft part of his shoulder.
His eyes open slowly, eyelashes fluttering a bit as they readjust to the sunlight in the room. He looks around before his gaze settles on you, and for the briefest moment he seems lost. But then he remembers where he is, and he smiles at you.
“Hi,” his voice is sleepy and raspy, like he hasn’t used it in a long time. He closes his eyes again.
“No no, eyes open.”
“I’m awake,” he mumbles.
“Look at me,” you lean toward his face until your noses are almost touching.
Eyes open again and he blinks a few times. “Are you gonna kiss me?” He asks, and the sleepiness in his voice is unbearable.
Yes, if he wants you to, you will kiss him. You lick your lips. But first, “your mom is calling you.”
“Oh, she’s probably wondering why she hasn’t seen me since I got home.”
“Do you want me to call and tell her you’re busy?”
Seungmin laughs and finally seems to be fully awake. He shakes his head and slowly sits himself up. “Do I have bedhead?” He rubs his eyes and runs his hands through his hair.
“A little bit.” You comb a hand through it and fix his part, “it’s cute, though.”
“Nooo it’s not,” he flattens it more and lays back against the couch. “I’m sorry I fell asleep.”
“You apologize too much.”
“Do I?”
You nod and sit down next to him, “I’m glad you were comfortable enough here to fall asleep.”
“Did I snore?” He looks a little embarrassed.
“No, you were pretty quiet. You kicked a few times, though.”
He almost apologizes, but stops himself and picks up his phone. He reads through his messages and eventually types a reply to one of them. Then he turns to you, “what should we do now that I’m well rested? Are you tired?” He throws his phone down and turns the rest of his body to you, “did you sleep at all?”
“I didn’t sleep, but I’m fine.”
“Maybe you should rest,” he smiles and tilts his head. “I can leave for a while and come back, if you’d like.”
“No, I don’t want you to leave.”
He nods, “We can try another movie,” Seungmin relaxes on the couch, pillow at his side, and extends an arm. “And if you fall asleep, we’ll be even.”
You stare at him for a long moment. It’s not until he beckons you with his hand that you realize it’s an invitation to cuddle up to him. And you take it without another moment of hesitation.
Your cheek settles against his chest, open hand spread out over his stomach. He wraps an arm around your shoulder and pulls you in a little tighter.
“Are you comfortable?” He grazes his fingertips over your forearm, very slowly, as if he’s still testing the limit of touch between you.
“I am.” You feel the goosebumps jump up on your skin, and Seungmin runs his fingers over you again, like he notices.
He does notice. You hear a breathy little laugh come from him. “Good.”
Now you think you could definitely fall asleep. He’s warm, but a good warm; not like the summer heat moving around the room. You push your face further into the space under his arm and inhale.
“What should we try to watch? Maybe something funny.”
He browses through Netflix. Meanwhile, you can feel yourself slowly slipping into sleep. But you don’t want to fall asleep. Sleeping now would just be wasted time with Seungmin, so you adjust yourself and sit up a little more.
He sits up, too. His eyes are big and a little worried.
“I don’t want to fall asleep.”
“Okay, how can we keep you awake then?”
You stare at him thoughtlessly for a few seconds. Then you feel like maybe you’re blushing because he probably (probably?) isn’t thinking the same thing your sexually frustrated mind is thinking. Now you can’t get the thought out of your head. You try not to breath out like you’ve just been holding your breath for too long.
He grins a little, so you think the thought may have crossed his mind after he said it. But he stays quiet.
“Maybe we can…go for a walk,” you say it as you exhale and then take a steady breath in. At the same time, your brain is slowly unbuckling his belt and lifting his shirt. “We should go for a walk.”
“Okay, that sounds nice.”
It’s warm out, but not enough to be uncomfortable.
You changed into something to show a little more skin, because you might as well try to get his mind where yours is. He may not even be interested in going there.
“So, are you allowed to date yet?” It comes out before you even decide if it’s a good thing to bring up.
Seungmin giggles. You look at him and see him covering his mouth with his hand, but the smile in his eyes is obvious.
“Sorry, that came out of nowhere…”
“It’s alright. You can ask me anything you want,” he shoves his hands in his pockets and slows his walk a bit.
“Okay, I’ll just throw questions at you as I think of them.”
“Good,” he stops and bounces on the balls of his feet, “ we should get some boba.”
You were already concerned about Seungmin being recognized on your walk, and going into a boba place seems like the most obvious way for him to be seen. But you’re not going to tell him no.
“Maybe I should go in and get us both something, it seems a little busy in there.”
“If that makes you feel better, yes.”
“It doesn’t. I just don’t want you to get any unwanted attention.”
“I think I’ll be okay,” He brushes his hand against your arm and leads you across the street. “I’m not as popular or recognizable as you might think.”
“I don’t believe that.”
“If nobody expects to see me, they’ll miss me,” he hops up on the curb like a kid. It feels like he becomes more and more relaxed as the day goes on. “But…” he pulls a black face mask from his back pocket and loops it around his ears. “I’ll be much happier if you’re more comfortable.”
The sun is coming through the trees and leaving freckles of light over Seungmin’s face and chest. His eyes are closed, hands propping him up as he leans back and stares up at the sky.
You’ve been meaning to ask the question bouncing around in your head for several minutes, but you can’t stop staring at him like this. You reach out and gently shake his foot until he looks at you.
“Hey, sorry…I didn’t mean to get quiet.”
“I have a question.”
He sits up fully and smiles, “oh I never answered you before. No dating. Openly. Technically.” He says it like he’s not sure if he’s using his English words correctly. “Maybe that wasn’t the question.”
“It wasn’t, but I did want to know that, too.” You sip your drink and think about your question again. You had it ready to go, but Seungmin said the word openly and you lost it. “Do you know that I’m older than you?”
“No, I didn’t know. But I don’t mind.” He gets on his hands and knees and crawls closer to you. “If you don’t mind that I’m younger.”
A breeze picks up and his hair is swept across his forehead. He tousles it a little until his bangs fall back in front of his eyes.
You shake your head. “No, I don’t,” the question starts forming in your head again. “Would you ever consider dating, uhm, me? I mean, let’s say you weren’t who you are and we still somehow met. Is that something you’d…consider?
Seungmin looks at you, and his eyes have certainly never been this big before. His ears and cheeks are slowly turning red. And he’s quiet. His mouth opens a bit, but no words come out. You’re afraid you asked the stupidest question you could have possibly thought of.
You made it weird.
“You don’t have to answer. I’m sorry. Please pretend I never said that.” You lift your knees to your chest and bury your face in the space there. You whimper a little to yourself and hope he doesn’t hear it.
“That’s a tough one.”
You can’t see his face, but you can imagine it.
In reality, he’s thinking and playing with his straw. Still blushing, still smiling. If you’d just lift your head and look at him, you’d see that he’s unable to contain his smirk.
“Let’s go back to you looking up at the sky and me not talking.” You relax as much as possible and your back gently hits the grass. You spread yourself out, hoping to sink into the ground.
“No,” he sips his drink and leans back on one hand. “You asked, now it’s out there forever.”
You peek up at him briefly and see his face in the sun again; eyes closed but smirk still tugging at his lips. Quiet and thoughtful.
No answer. You look back at the sky, but you can hear him moving and getting closer. His shadow blocks the sun from your eyes, so you open them.
“It’s okay if you wouldn’t.”
Still no answer. Your eyes close again, and then he lays down next to you. It’s a nice moment, or it would be. The birds are singing and there’s the sound of the wind through the trees. The only other people around are far enough away that you can barely hear them.
You feel like you could cry.
Maybe he just isn’t very good at letting people down. He can’t find the right words to tell you it would never work, and that’s understandable, really. He’s sweet and thoughtful and kind. He doesn’t want to hurt you. He just wants to be friends.
You cover you eyes with both hands and sigh as quietly as possible.
“I would, but…I don’t know…” he hmmms and uumms a few times. “Nobody has ever asked me out before.”
“I don’t believe that.”
“You don’t believe much.”
"If that's true, it's because you're intimidating."
"Me?" He's trying not to laugh. "I'm not intimidating! Am I? Is it my face? Do I look angry?"
"Okay, wrong word to use. You're too handsome to approach, I mean. I would have never, on my own, started a conversation with you had I seen you at that coffee shop by yourself."
Now you sit up and shade him from the sun. There’s a stray eyelash on his cheek, so you lean forward to gently blow it off.
His eyes flutter open. "I am not too handsome to approach." He whispers and lets himself laugh out loud.
“Okay fine…so I’m your first.”
“So you’re not taking it back?”
“You mentioned meeting your friends earlier. Did I interpret that wrong?”
He shakes his head.
“Then no, I guess I’m not taking it back.”
The trip back is not awkward. You expected him to keep his distance, physically and mentally, but he walks almost shoulder to shoulder with you the entire time. He hasn’t given you any type of answer yet, but you’re not worried about it. Part of you still wants to take it back and let things flow at a slower pace. This is, after all, only your second date. The other part of you is already on fire. It’s a tough line to walk.
Inside the apartment it’s gotten much warmer, and you regret not starting the AC before leaving. It’ll take forever to cool down now. You close the windows, lower the shades, and pull the curtains closed. Then you head to the couch and collapse onto it.
Seungmin makes himself at home by heading to the bathroom, then finding himself (and you) something cold to drink. You’re too distracted to even care that he’s digging around in your messy fridge.
“I forgot about this,” he grabs the bag from the side table and dangles it in front of his face. “Your gift.”
You sit up against the arm rest and smile at him, “thank you, Seungmin.” Inside is a small yellow dog plush. “Oh, it’s you!” You squeeze him and adjust the hoodie he’s wearing before bringing him up to your face. “Was he yours?”
“Yeah, he was mine.”
“He smells like you.”
“Is that a good thing?” He sits down by your folded legs and sets a hand just above your knee.
He’s touchy today...almost as much as you. And for never being properly asked out (now you wonder what else he hasn’t experienced), he knows just what to do to make you squirm.
You sit up a little more, bumping his hand off of you by mistake. He pulls it back a little, so you reach out and take it in yours. “Yeah, it is.”
He squeezes your hand and pulls you closer so he can place a kiss on your lips. You kiss back, but your brain takes a second to catch up with your mouth. When it finally does, you kiss hard enough to force him back against the couch.
Seungmin is better in action than he is with words today.
He doesn’t struggle against you or ease up, but pushes on with just as much enthusiasm.
You don’t know what to do with your hands, though. You have a lot of options. Through the hair? No. Neck? Maybe, but you don’t want to be too rough at this angle, and he might not be into that. Face? It’s a good option, and his cheeks are soft and nice to touch. And it's not too much.
Before you can decide, he takes your other hand and pulls until you have no choice but to swing a leg over his lap. And then his hands are on either side of your thighs.
You pull back and look at him.
He stares back, catching his breath. “I’m sorry I’m so bad at answering your questions.”
“You don’t have to.” You let your hands wander over his chest and down his sides. He squirms just a little; probably ticklish. When your hands settle on his belt, you lean in to kiss him again. On his lips, over his cheek. “I shouldn’t have put that on you.”
“I’m glad you did,” he looks down at your hands. “It was nice to be thought of like that. It felt good.”
“If I can see you again, that’s enough for me.”
“Is it?”
It really isn’t, but you decided on the walk back that anything with Seungmin would be okay. “If it’s what you can give me, yeah.”
Your needy, clingy heart feels like it’s crumbling, but you do your best to keep it from showing on your face.
“I can’t promise much, but I can try.”
You kiss him again, and without thinking it through properly; without thinking at all, really, you slide your fingers down and over the zipper of his shorts and feel the significant bulge that you somehow didn’t notice before.
Seungmin’s tiny oh and his hand wrapping around the offending wrist makes your stomach sink. His eyes are wide and fixed on you.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” you gently push yourself away from him and sit against the opposite side of the couch, hands covering your red face. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking…”
“It’s okay,” he giggles and adjusts himself, and you watch from behind one hand as he runs a palm between his thighs. “Please don’t be upset, you didn’t do anything wrong.” His voice softens as he speaks, and the last part is a barely audible whisper, “it was my fault.” But the grin on his face only sharpens. He’s looking down at his hands as they nervously fidget with the hem of his shorts.
“Was that uh, a first, too?” You regret asking it as soon as it leaves your mouth.
He doesn’t answer right away. You’re worried he feels embarrassed about it. And you feel weird for bringing it up. The urge to get closer to him is kept under control for now.
“It’s no big deal, Minnie…if it was.”
Using his nickname breaks him from his trance, and he looks at you, blinks, nods. “Yeah, it was.”
“Did you want that? I mean, when you pulled me on top of you.” Now you scoot a little closer. “You can give me boundaries.”
“I got caught up in the moment.” He starts, thinking and picking his words carefully. “But I did want to kiss you like that.”
“Got it,” closer still, until your knee is brushing against his thigh. “You can always stop me if I go overboard. Sometimes I can be too much.”
“Is that bad? Too much is sometimes nice.”
“I guess it depends…”
You lean forward until your forehead can lay on his shoulder. His cheek rests on your head. You stay that way until you feel yourself relaxing and drifting into a half-sleep.
“I think it’s time to rest.” You don’t move, but Seungmin lifts his head.
“That’s a good idea,” He grabs the pillow to his right and puts it on your side of the couch. “Do you want me to stay?”
You lay back on the couch and sigh. “Yeah, I do. If you want to.”
“I do…move over.”
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jjuniehao · 2 years
will you let me love you regardless?
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pairing: ot5!txt x gn!reader [individual scenarios]
genre: some more angsty, some more fluffy
synopsis: love prevails, no matter how complicated the relationship may be.
noteworthy: some cursing, i got carried away with tae & kai’s (especially kai?? idk why) respectively for no reason so theirs are actually longer— oopsie!
word count: 500-600 for choi line, closer to 700 for kaihyun
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YEONJUN — your ex.
tick. tock. tick. tock.
the rhythmic ticking coming from the clock on the wall is the only sound disrupting the otherwise tense silence between you and yeonjun. frankly, you’re not sure why you let him inside your home. maybe it was the prospect of closure; of talking everything out without yelling and the endless pools of tears.
or maybe it’s just because you still can’t really deny him anything, even six months after having your heart ripped to shreds by the very man sitting right in front of you.
yeonjun clears his throat, his fingers wrapped impossibly tight around the glass of water you had kindly offered him. he can’t help but stare at you sitting across from him. the way you avoid looking at him, your eyes fixated on anything but him, makes his heart sting painfully, eyes beginning to get damp.
“it’s nice to see you again,” yeonjun said almost hesitantly, a tight-lipped smile on his face. you look up and your eyes finally meet properly for the first time in six months, the raging bitterness and agitation from last time now replaced with hurt, longing, and so, so much love buried under heaps of regret.
you nod silently because if you were to speak, you’re sure you’d burst into tears immediately.
“i’m sorry,” you note the way his voice breaks, your fingers twitching in your lap with the urge to hug and kiss him, to tell him it’s alright, “for everything. i’ve been so awful to you, and i’m just…i’m just so sorry.”
you swallow nervously, mustering up the courage to speak without bursting into tears, “it’s fine ju— yeonjun. i’m not mad at you anymore, and…i forgive you, so if that’s what you’re looking for—“
“no! no, no i’m not— i mean, i’m glad, i’m glad that you’re not mad anymore but…i’m not here for closure or anything like that,” he rambles, his voice a little scratchy from holding back tears. the look of confusion you give him makes him swallow, but it also gives him hope. you’re not immediately shutting him out.
“i miss you, so much,” yeonjun blinks rapidly to keep the tears in his eyes at bay, “i’m sorry for being so stubborn and not reaching out for six months and i’m so sorry for coming back like this out of nowhere but i just can’t take it anymore.”
yeonjun looks away, ashamed of himself for letting everything get to this point, for crashing back into your life so suddenly. his head immediately snaps back to you when he hears a sniffle, your face hidden in your hands as you sob.
“i—..i missed you so much,” you sob, your chest heaving with every sob, “it hurt so bad jun, i want to hate you so bad, but i just…can’t.”
yeonjun reacts completely on instinct, and within seconds you’re tightly wrapped in his arms, his hand running along your back while he presses soothing kisses on top of your head, “i’m sorry baby, i’m so sorry. i love you so much, i promise i’ll make it all better if you let me, okay?”
you look up at him, your teary stare making his heart clench painfully. “i..don’t know, jun. you’ve ignored me for so long, just tossed two years together aside like it was nothing and i’m just…hurt. so fucking hurt.”
yeonjun swallows, nodding along in understanding. “i know, and i’ll do anything. anything to get you to trust me again.”
SOOBIN — your best friend’s brother.
standing in front of your best friend’s house in the middle of the night usually means a late night snack trip with an occasional quick round of karaoke downtown. usually, you’d end up on an empty playground, gasping for air between laughs and giggles, gossiping to your heart’s content. usually, a best friend shouldn’t sneak around with their friend’s brother behind their back.
nothing usual is happening tonight, it seems.
a part of you is screaming at yourself while you wait for soobin, berating yourself and refusing to believe you would go behind your best friend’s back like that. another part of you is buzzing with excitement, heart beating in your ears and face flushed with delight at the prospect of spending a few hours with soobin. your soobin.
the nagging, guilty-feeling part of you gets pushed into the background the second your eyes fall on soobin, bundled up all cozy to shield himself from the cold. you can’t see his smile behind his fluffy scarf yet you know it’s there, judging by the little scrunch of his nose and crinkle of his eyes and it makes your heart soar.
you’re an awful best friend.
he wraps you into a tight hug once he’s close enough, sighing happily and rocking you both from side to side a little. soobin looks down at you, pulling his scarf down a little to free his lips before he leans down to kiss you, “ah!” you shriek, turning your face away in time to avoid his kiss.
soobin looks down at you with furrowed brows, sighing loudly, “i know, i know, ‘no kissing in a 200 meter radius of your house’ but, come onnn.” he whines the last part, making you smile at his cuteness, “‘m sorry bin, it just makes me feel guilty,” you pout up at him.
“we have to tell her at some point, you know?” his voice is almost as soft as his gentle touch, brushing a few stray hairs away from your face and cupping your cheek, “she’ll get over it, i promise. she’ll be mad, but she loves you. and she wants you to be happy.”
“yeah, but not with you.” you grumble and soobin clutches his heart in fake hurt. “ouch. so mean.
you giggle and the sound makes soobin grin, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead, “maybe we can—“
“CHOI SOOBIN!” a shrill scream startled you both, though you both immediately realise who it is. oh no.
luckily, the combination of a pitch black winter night and soobin standing in front of you meant you wouldn’t be recognisable when viewed from the choi residence. soobin could sense your panic, your fight or flight starting to kick in.
you chose flight.
with a hasty kiss pressed to your lips and hurried goodbyes you’re off, hurrying back home by yourself, praying to every god, entity and higher being that your best friend didn’t recognise you.
then you got a message from her.
it’s over. she knows. she’ll get mad, she’ll hate you, she’ll hate soobin. au revoir to your years of friendship, all over a guy.
figuring it’s best to get it over with, you take a deep breath and check the messages, ready to cry, apologise, and beg.
just cockblocked soob lol
they ran off too
poor thing
i did them a favour tbh
. . .
BEOMYU — your friend’s crush.
you’re not entirely sure what hurts more, having to watch beomgyu be clung to by none other than your best friend, or the knowledge that said best friend has been in love with him for years while he has never spared her a second glance, always looking past her and focusing on you instead.
it feels mean to even think, but you pity her. she has been pining over him for so long, practically worshipping the ground he walks on, and yet he always kept her at arms length. sometimes entertaining her for a while just to go cold once again. it’s awful, and you hate to see her in such a deep one-sided love with someone who has no genuine interest in her.
because his interest lies with you.
and you would be lying if you’d say you weren’t also interest in him.
but friends come first, always. she has been in love with him since before you even met, and just imagining the hurt and betrayal on her face if she were to find out that you’re also in love with her beomgyu, that he also happens to have been secretly pining over you instead all this time?
she’d lose it, and in turn you’d lose her.
so you keep beomgyu at a distance, avoiding him and his advances as much as you can. but if there’s one thing you can safely say about choi beomgyu, it’s that he’s stubborn. really fucking stubborn.
which is why he immediately excuses himself to be able to follow you the second he sees you go outside to get some fresh air, the stuffy air of the party probably getting to you. or maybe you just got sick of watching someone else throw themselves at him, though that might admittedly be just wishful thinking on his part.
the cool breeze feels nice against your skin, a stark contrast to the hot and suffocating air inside the house. sitting down on the curb you let out a deep sigh, muddled thoughts bouncing around your mind.
it’s ridiculous to feel jealousy over this, right? it’s insane to be jealous of someone getting close to beomgyu, especially when he’s not in the least bit interested in them. you of all people should know that.
a shriek falls from your lips when a jacket is thrown over your shoulders out of nowhere, head whipping around to see who it was.
of course it was beomgyu.
sitting down next to you he immediately grabs your hand, intertwining your fingers together. you try to pull back but you know he won’t budge, so you decide to let yourself bask in a little bit of his attention in secret.
just for tonight.
“she bought that dress just for you, you know,” you mumble and he turns to look at you, pretty eyes meeting yours for the first time tonight, and just studies you face for a bit.
one of his hands comes up to cup your cheek, thumb lightly stroking your skin, goosebumps rising all over your body.
“i won’t fall in love with her just because you reject me,” he says, voice quiet and warm, “so you might as well be selfish with me.”
beomgyu’s face is closer now, and you know he’s letting you decide. it’s a silent invitation, but it will be your call. you swallow nervously, eyes darting all over his face. you’ve never seen him so close before, your eyes desperately drinking in every single detail.
and then your lips are on his.
TAEHYUN — your ‘love does not exist’-roommate.
the relationship between you and taehyun is…an odd one, to say the least. taehyun hasn’t been in a relationship in years, his last one leaving him drained and bitter for way too long after it broke apart. thus, he decided to put the idea of love and relationships on the back burner, focusing on his friends, interests and career.
you on the other hand had been dating continuously throughout the years, much to taehyun’s dismay — not because he’s in love with you or anything, but rather because he hated coming home to you and your darling boo making out all the time.
funnily enough, while you did actively date, it never really amounted to much. nothing ever seemed to work out and you started to believe that taehyun’s anti-romantic attitude had begun to rub off on you.
you’ve been on somewhat of a dating break for a while now, and taehyun and you began to fall into a certain routine.
grocery shopping together on saturdays, always stopping by the little food stall of that sweet old lady a few blocks away from your apartment. taehyun bringing home dinner on wednesdays, you preparing lunch for him on tuesdays. him always making sure your snacks are stocked up, and you helping him colour his roots every few weeks. taehyun playing with your hair to make you sleepy when you can’t seem to fall asleep, you sleeping in his bed cuddled up with him when he spent all day frustrated and finally broke down crying.
occasional forehead or cheek kisses too, but you’re just friends and roomies. with a routine.
a completely platonic, super-appropriate-for-roommates routine.
you’re cuddled up into taehyun’s side, like you are most nights, eyes focused on the drama playing in front of you. his hand was wrapped around your waist, fingers subconsciously tapping against you in an odd rhythm.
taehyun groans when the male lead confesses his love in the most cliché way, running after the main character in the rain, screaming her name and falling to his knees for her. the annoyance radiating off him makes you chuckle, lifting your head from his shoulder to look at him.
you had a witty joke at the tip of your tongue, but you’re caught off guard by how incredibly lovely he looks right now. the lights from the tv hitting his face in the best possible way, his eyes reflecting the light so prettily, his lips looking incredibly kissable.
snapping out of your daze you blink at taehyun, who’s staring at you with furrowed brows and confusion painted all over his face. “you okay?” he asks and you’re suddenly hyperaware of his eyes on you, the way he’s observing you so closely suddenly making you nervous.
you, nervous? around taehyun?
you nod at him, halfhearted smile on your face and turn back to the tv, mind racing. you’re so deep in your thoughts that you didn’t realise taehyun had paused the drama, realisation hitting you a few minutes to late, ears turning red in embarrassment.
the weight of taehyun’s stare can be felt without looking at him, though you don’t seem to have much of a choice when he turns your head with his hand, making you face him.
he’s so pretty.
one minute the two of you are staring at each other, the tension around you rising and the next your back is pressed into the pillows, taehyun leaning over you and his lips on yours.
it makes your insides twist and tingle in a way you haven’t felt before, ears ringing and hands itching to pull him closer.
before you have the chance to, however, his lips left yours just as quickly as they had found them. taehyun’s eyes are blown wide, and he swallows nervously.
he scrambles off of you, creating as much distance as possible between you, “i didn’t mean to— we shouldn’t—“ and he just shakes his head and rushes into his room, locking his door behind him for the first time since living with you.
completely normal roommates.
HUENING KAI — your best friend.
it’s weird having all your friends insist you’re in love with your best friend, always commenting on how the two of you are attached at the hip, how people stopped hitting on both of you because even strangers can pick up on the chemistry between you.
it’s weird having all your friends insist you’re in love with your best friend, especially when they’re right.
most people probably wouldn’t understand, much less your friends, if you were to try to explain why you and kai aren’t dating. you’re both in love with each other, that much is clear even to you.
you’re just both scared. the two of you have an incredible friendship, one you’re sure only exists once in a lifetime. you know everything about each other, you’re at each other’s beck and call, you always have each other’s back no matter the circumstances.
you’d just be jeopardising everything if you were to date.
couples fight. couples argue and yell and say things in the heat of the moment they don’t mean, causing unnecessary heart ache and tears. what if you break up? there is no way you could go back to being friends.
worrying about losing a lifelong friendship over a potential break up in a hypothetical reality where you and kai are dating seems dramatic — which it is — but it’s a valid fear you two share nonetheless.
so you’re just friends. best friends. forever.
every year you give the other a ‘wishing ticket’ for their birthday. one wish, to do whatever the other wants without complaining. that’s how you got him to tag along to the 12 hour ghibli movie marathon at the theatre, and it’s what he used to get you to sign up for an amateur e-sports competition with him.
you ranked 7th out of 10. kai saw this as a win.
“and what did you get your dear boyfriend?” yeonjun jokes, mischief glimmering in his eyes as he plops down next to you on the sofa. you needed a moment to wind down, watching kai joke and play some game with his friends from afar.
rolling your eyes you scoff at yeonjun, “none of your business, jun.” yeonjun faux pouts at you, throwing his arm around your shoulders and pulling you closer to him, “come on, tell me! i won’t tell the birthdayboyfriend, pinky promise.”
you shrug him off you, “i’m giving it to him later when we’re alone so it doesn’t matter.” the man’s eyes widen in surprise, a grin soon taking over his features, “ooooh, that kind of present—“
just when you’re about to hit yeonjun’s shoulder for even insinuating something like that, your attention is ripped away by the birthday boy himself, “y/n! can you come with me for a second?”
you’re in his room while the party for him is still alive and bustling outside, the music and chatter providing a nice white noise. kai searches for something in his pocket, pulling out the wishing ticket and shoving it in your hands.
“already? what, have you been plan—“
“i want a kiss.”
you stare at him, shock and surprise evident on your face while your heart is beating in your throat — out of surprise or excitement you don’t know.
“w-what? you have to be joki—“ he suddenly grips your shoulders and you’ve never seen this amount of determination in his eyes.
“i’m serious. i want a kiss for my birthday. that’s all it is. just…a measly kiss. nothing more,” he sounded so confident, like he had been thinking about this for ages, and it makes you dizzy.
is this really happening?
you swallow, nodding silently. his hands leave your shoulders to cup your face instead, and when you’re close enough to feel his warm breath fan your skin he takes a moment to just drink in the visual of you standing like this in front of him, about to let him kiss you.
he has to engrave it into his brain, because he doesn’t think he will get this chance again.
you’re best friends.
when his lips finally meet yours it feels like being hit by lightening; it’s warm and comforting and feels so, so right.
he pulls away too early for your taste, his eyes dropping back down to your lips and you’re sure he’s going to give you another one.
but he doesn’t.
instead he clears his throat, wipes his sweaty hands on his pants, “uhm..see? just a kiss. nothing..more.”
you nod at him, and you’re sure the disappointment is clear all over your face, because you can see the same conflicted look on his face.
“happy birthday. hyuka.”
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velchronica · 9 months
the little things ♬~*.°₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ blue lock
he’s not the best at the whole ‘talking about your feelings’ thing, or at least not the romantic side of it, but he loves you in subtle ways of his own
content: fluff, established relationship, aged up characters, gn!reader, sfw
wc: 0.8k
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he typically walks fast. he takes quick, long strides and seems to cover twice the walking mileage that most people do in the same amount of time. damn him and his long legs.
but while he very much can walk that fast, and it’s probably more comfortable for him, he doesn’t. instead, he strolls idly by your side, fingers intertwined, without a care in the world. if he begins to pace ahead, he notices almost immediately, and slows back down, his footsteps matching your own.
you don’t even realise he does it, because his expression remains completely deadpan. you don’t notice his quick glance down at the pavement, or how naturally he falls into step with you. never straying too far from your side has become second nature to him. after all, he belongs with you, although it’s way too embarrassing to tell you that out loud. he’s not the verbally romantic type to begin with, so don’t expect him to go around broadcasting stuff like that.
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when you’re out buying groceries at the store together, he sneaks in more of your favourite snacks to buy, even when you’ve sufficiently stocked up on them in the cart. even if he hates your favourite food—whether it’s the smell, the texture or just the taste itself that he despises so vehemently—the last thing he’ll do is deprive you of it. you shouldn’t feel obligated to not get the stuff you want just because he doesn’t like it.
while you’re browsing the aisles, he makes sure you’re always within his field of view, lest you get lost looking for a specific item. when you reach the refrigerated sections, he comes up behind you as you push the trolley together, his hands over yours on the handle bar, huddled up like penguins. he doesn’t want to see you shivering in the cold, even for a minute, and he doesn’t care if people give them odd looks as you point out a product from between his arms and the trolley.
and when you get to the counter and gasp, fretting that you’ve forgotten something, he sighs and almost rolls his eyes, but he still goes running to grab it before you get to the front of the queue. he runs like he’s on the pitch, sprinting past broke college students, off-work corporate workers, elderly couples, newlyweds, parents with brooding teenagers—everyone in the supermarket. everybody’s now openly gawking at the renowned footballer running through the store like he’s headed for the winning goal of the world cup, trainers squeaking against the tiled floor. he snatches two bottles of scented detergent from the shelf before turning on his heel and immediately heading back to you at record speed.
though he didn’t even break a sweat, and made it back to you with incredible haste, his heart flutters when you grin, taking the bottles from his hands and placing them on the conveyor belt. “i’m lucky to have you, aren’t i?” you laugh as he grumbles, taking you into his arms. “thanks, darling.”
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and when he’s running late back from practice, he thinks of you as he’s driving home and pulls into the parking lot of your favourite coffee shop. he knows your order down to the smallest details of the random extras you like to ‘spice up’ your drink, so he orders that alongside a snack he knows you’ll like before heading back to the car.
upon hearing him unlock the door, you immediately get up to greet him and help take his stuff off him to put away. propping yourself up on your tiptoes to give him his daily welcome home kiss, you are pleasantly surprised by him handing over your freshly-made order. you resist the urge to tackle him, since he’s in the process of taking his shoes off at the door, so instead you opt for throwing yourself at him and smothering him with kisses, which is still an affectionate assault, but shhhh, neither of you are complaining.
“you didn’t have to, baby,” you say, beaming, “but thank you.”
he fails miserably at hiding his flushed cheeks. “it’s only ‘cos i feel bad keeping you waiting for me at home.”
“not ‘cos you love me, then?” you harrumph, pouting playfully, only for him to slither his arms around you and wrap you up in a bear hug.
“well, that too,” he relents, clicking his tongue.
“would you be willing to say it yourself, then?” you tease.
“mhm? alright, then,” you say, wryly, playfully prying him off you. “i see how it is.” you turn to walk away when he pulls you back into him, not done with you yet. he buries his face in your shoulder, the action muffling the embarrassing confession that he begrudgingly allows you the privilege of hearing.
“love you.”
you grin. “i love you too, baby.”
— ITOSHI RIN, (wc!)kunigami rensuke, itoshi sae, NAGI SEISHIRO, barou shoei + your fav!
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© velchronica 2024
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ot8archivesblog · 9 months
New Years Eve
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꒰ ͜͡➸ Pairing: ot8 x Reader
꒰ ͜͡➸ Genre: Fluff, cuddling, kiss, tears (of joy), a little sad at Felix pov but still a lot of fluff!!
꒰ ͜͡➸ w/c: 5,6k
꒰ ͜͡➸Masterlist
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New Years Eve approached faster than expected and it had been a tradition for Chan and you, to always keep the Christmas tree until after New Year. The atmosphere seemed more cozy with the little tree in the corner and it made you feel more at home. It was sad that Chan wasn’t able to spend it with his family, but you wanted to make sure that he’d still feel comfortable and happy with spending it with you. You had woken up earlier than normal, being happy that Chan was still asleep and started working on the breakfast first. The dinner would certainly be more fancy but first you’d get the breakfast done. Chan normally worked late, meaning he often slept in on his off days, which was lucky for you. You were nearly done with the breakfast when strong arms wrapped around your waist and his head found its way to your shoulder. “Why are you up so early?” You questioned while turning your head to him, to give him a quick kiss. “You weren’t next to me, so I wanted to see what you’re up to.” His voice extremely deep, as he had just woken up. “I figured I could make some breakfast for us, before I get to dinner.” “Oh, about that…” His tone seemed strained and you wondered what was going on. “We can’t spend the evening together. Something came up at the Company, something about plagiarism… I really have to go and sort it out and that could take a while…” He sighed and you tried to not show your disappointment by smiling at him. “It’s okay Channie. It’s not your fault and those are some serious allegations. Just take care of them, I’ll wait here for you.” He apologised a million times during breakfast and you tried to reassure him as much as possible that it would be okay. After that, he had to leave, leaving you alone at the apartment. That was certainly not what you had planned. Not only couldn’t he spend the evening with his family, but now he couldn’t spend it with you either, which kind of made you sad. Not for yourself, but for Chan. He deserved a break and it bothered you that he couldn’t get one. You started watching a series you really liked, while snacking on some stuff. You figured you could just get something delivered when you felt hungry. However, your phone suddenly went off and you saw Felix’ name on the display. “Felix? Is everything okay?” “Yes, everything is okay. I was wondering if you’re free.” “Free? To do what?” “Well, the boys are all at their houses with their families and I heard Chan-Hyung was caught up by work so I figured you’re free too.” “Weren’t you going to celebrate with Hyunjin and his family?” “Yeah, but something came up.” “Oh, well sure. What did you have in mind?” “Lets meet at that one restaurant we all liked. I’ll send you the address.” With that you hung up and started to get ready. It wasn’t something out of the ordinary for you to spend time with the boys, or one of them but it still felt weird. After you got ready you went to the address that Felix send you and waited for him in front of the restaurant. “Hey there, baby.” You immediately turned around and saw none other than Chan himself. “Channie?” You looked around, searching for Felix but he was nowhere to be seen. “Felix is not here. He’s at Hyunjin’s.” Chan chuckled and you tilted your head, slightly confused now. “I wanted to surprise you. I knew you had dinner planned and everything and that you wouldn’t accept my help, so I figured I’d make up an excuse to leave and get you to come here.” He finally explained yourself and you pouted. “You’re a meanie! I was so worried because you had to work on New Years Eve.” “Sorry, sorry.” Chan chuckled and hugged you. You two entered the restaurant, with a beautiful view over Seoul. You were lost in your conversation when you heard the first fireworks. It was 23:59. “They started early.” “No, the big fireworks have yet to come.” Chan answered but you certainly missed them, as Chan connected his lips with yours.
You were currently getting ready to make your way to Minho’s. Even though you spend more time at his apartment then yours, you still kept yours. You were too lazy to move all your stuff to his, but you two wanted to do so in the new year. It was one of your goals, that you had set together so that you didn’t always have to go back and forth when you two practically lived together anyway. You were looking forward to Minho but also to Soonie, Dori and Doongie. The three little cats had stolen your heart the moment you went to Minho’s for the first time, so you certainly couldn’t imagine a New Years Eve without them. But moving them from Minho’s apartment to yours would be too uncomfortable for them, as it would be a new environment. The evening would be uncomfortable enough because of the noise already, the change of environment didn’t need to be as well. You didn’t mind anyways. You often went to Minho’s, instead of Minho coming to yours, so it was fine. Your phone pulled you out of your thoughts and your screen lit up with Minho’s name. “Hey.” You put the phone on speaker as you were still applying makeup. “Are you on your way yet?” You could hear a soft “miau” from the background and couldn’t help but smile. “No, I’m still getting ready, why?” “I have to go pick something up, so I was just wondering if you’re already on your way or if I still have time.” “I’ll still need a bit so you can go and pick it up.” You also had to pick something up on the way, so it would take you longer anyway. “Okay, that’s great. I’ll see you in a bit then.” You ended the call and soon finished with your makeup as well. After getting into a comfortable dress, you took your bag and left your apartment. You decided to drive to Minho’s today. It wasn’t too far on foot, only about 20 minutes but you still had to pick something up and you didn’t really want to carry it with you all the way to his house. It didn’t take long and you were finally on your way to Minho’s apartment. “Yes?” Minho immediately picked up after you called him. You were close to his apartment now and you wanted to make sure he’s already back. “I’m close now. Are you still at the out? If so, then I can take you with me. I’m with my car.” “No, don’t worry. I’m already home.” It didn’t take you long to arrive at his apartment, parking your car and making your way up to his floor. He opened the door for you, as you had forgotten the key at your apartment and took the bags from your hands. “What did you get?” Minho asked as he placed them on top of the kitchen counter as you were greeted by Soonie, Doongie and Dori. “Just some stuff.” You answered, preoccupied with the little cats. After a few minutes you finally joined him in the kitchen and only then did you notice a cake. “No way… Is that what you went out to get?” “Yes, remember when we both saw it at the store? We both liked it so I figured I could get it for today.” “Minho…” He looked at you and immediately understood. “You got it too?” He couldn’t help but laugh at that, which you immediately joined in. Now two cakes were sitting at the living room table. You had also gotten a lot of snack for Soonie, Doongie and Dori of course. “Sometimes we really do think too alike.” You chuckled as you snuggled up to him on the couch. “True, but great minds think alike so we can’t do anything about it.” You smiled softly and the evening went rather calmly, until the fireworks started. You softly cuddled the three cats, so that they wouldn’t be too scared, offering them a lot of snacks and petting them, taking their minds of the fireworks. As soon as they were finally done, Minho couldn’t help but admire you openly. “I love you.” “I love you too.” A soft kiss followed, sealing your new year. 
“Baby, you don’t have to be so tense.” Changbin’s voice slightly pulled you out of your concentrated state. You had been taking your wardrobe apart since the morning and Changbin finally decided to try and calm you down. His parents had invited you two to spend the New Years Eve together and even though you had met his family quite often, you still got nervous every time. His mother loved you and so did his sister and father, but somehow, even while knowing that, it didn’t calm you. “Binnie, we’re having dinner at your huge house, with your family… I don’t think anyone would be anything but tense.” “But it’s not the first time you’ve been there and met them.” He argued back, leaning back on the chair he had been sitting on for hours now. You had asked him to help you find an outfit and he of course didn’t mind, but the worry on you made him slightly worried too. He hated to see you tense, insecure or sad, so this was really no the setting he had hoped for. He wanted you to be comfortable, not worried. “Listen, baby.” He stood up and softly embraced your form, your head leaning against his chest, listening to his calming heartbeat. “If it’s too much we can cancel.” “No, it’s not that.” “What is it then?” “I don’t know. I just wanna leave a good impression.” “They love you. I doubt you can leave any better impression than you already have.” “You think so?” “Of course, baby. They love you. You know that. My mother and sister literally never leave your side when you’re there and my father likes you a lot too. There’s really nothing to worry about. They're all looking forward to spending today with us both. They even told me I shouldn’t bother showing up without you.” He chuckled at that and you had to join, finally easing your tensed muscles. “Okay, fine. Thank you Bonnie.” He gave you a soft kiss, before he left to get ready as well. It didn’t take long for you to finally choose a dress for the evening and you started to get ready as well. The makeup took you a bit as you weren’t sure what exactly you wanted to do, but you were still on time. “Lets take my car.” Changbin offered, taking the keys for his car, as you both made your way out of the apartment. It was rather chilly and you had forgotten our jacket, but the car was thankfully in front of the apartment so you didn’t walk for long. Changbin’s mother was the one to open the door for your two and she immediately embraced you first, before she did so to Changbin as well. “You two look amazing! Come inside.” She gently took your hands, leading you to the living room. Changbin’s father and sister were also already there and greeted you with the same warmth, his mother had done just seconds ago. You found yourself between his mother and sister, engaged in a conversation while he was talking to his father. It didn’t take long until dinner was ready and the conversation was moved to the dinning room. It was really nice and you felt silly for worrying so much in the first place. You felt Changbin taking your hand under the table and couldn’t help but smile at him softly. It was soon time for the fireworks, so you all went outside. It was even colder than before and you really regretted not taking a jacket. However, as perceptive as he was, Changbin of course had noticed it and draped his jacket over your shoulders. “Thank you.” “Of course.” The soft kiss that followed drowned out the sound of the fireworks completely, as you only focused on him and your beating heart.
You woke up rather early, being extremely excited for the day. It was New Years Eve, but that was certainly not the reason of your excitement. Hyunjin had promised to take you to his art studio today. He had been really inspired the last few weeks and had spend a lot of time there. You had often gone there but it felt different today. It somehow felt special. Hyunjin had already left earlier, claiming that he still had to finish a certain painting before you came, so you fixed yourself a small breakfast and readied some stuff you could eat for dinner together. You doubted that you would be back before midnight, so you could spend the evening at his art studio. After you had fixed up something for dinner, which you could heat up at his studio, you started to get ready. It was a loose dress with a pair of black leggings. You wanted to be comfortable for the evening but also look pretty, so you also fixed your makeup before calling Hyunjin. “Jinnie, are you done?” “Nearly, why did you want to come now?” “I wanted to go pick something up from the store first, but I’d come after that. How much more time do you need?” “Around an hour?” “Sure! Then I’ll walk.” You ended the call, grabbed your bag and made your way to the store. You wanted to get some snacks and sweets before going to his studio. You figured he’d be hungry and if you really were to spend till midnight there you would certainly need some snacks and drinks as well. After getting everything you needed, you finally made your way to his art studio. It wasn’t too far but it still took you a while on foot. It had already gotten dark by the time that you had arrived and knocked on the door. “Come in!” You opened the door and were immediately awestruck. Petals of red roses were scattered around the floor, while candles lit the way. His paintings were nowhere to be seen, which made sense because of the candles. You followed the candles and were met with Hyunjin on the terrace. A cozy little sit-area, made out of cushions and blankets greeted you, being illuminated by little hanging lights. It looked like it came straight out of a fairytale. You knew Hyunjin is romantic, but you certainly hadn’t expected this. “J-Jinnie, was this why you came earlier?” “Yep, I wanted to surprise you so I had to move all the paintings to safety and then start on this.” He smiled softly, giving you a red rose before pulling you into his embrace. He took your bags afterwards and you snuggled up to each other in the little make-shift couch, eating and snacking on the stuff that you had brought with you. “I do get to see what you’ve been painting tho, do I?” “Of course. I only moved them to safety but they’re still here. Even though it’s one painting I have been working on for quite some time now.” He helped you up and lead you to a painting that was covered by a cloth. It was the only painting that was on the terrace with you. He pulled the cloth of in seconds and you were left in awe for a second time. He had painted you. “No way you see me as that beautiful.” You couldn’t take your eyes off it and he couldn’t take his eyes off you, when the fireworks went off. “No… I see you as even more beautiful but it would be impossible to capture that on a canvas.” He admitted and the moment you turned to him to disagree he connected your lips, silencing the complaint in seconds. Not that you minded though, it was certainly the most beautiful way to start the new year.
You really worried about Jisung at this point. He had spent a lot of time in the studio in the past few weeks. At first you had thought that it was because he was working on a song with Chan and Changbin, but they both had told you that they had already finished all the songs they had been planning to finish before New Years Eve. They wanted to take it easy and continue in the New Year with new and fresh motivation. They were of course already planning their next comeback but it wouldn’t be too stressful for now at least. However, Jisung still rarely left the studio and you really wondered what he had been working on. He didn’t tell you and apparently neither did he tell the boys. None of them knew what he had been working on, but Chan suggested that it might be a new solo song or something close to that. Maybe he had gotten some inspiration and was now thriving in it, not wanting to stop until he was finished. Typical for artist and the boys all knew the feeling. You however didn’t, so you worry only got worse whenever you saw him return to the apartment, completely tired. Every night until today. It was New Years Eve and you were surprised when you were met with a sleeping Jisung in your shared bed. It was still rather early and you hadn’t heard him when he had returned last night, so he probably had pulled an all-nighter again. You got up as quietly as possible, so that you wouldn’t wake him, wanting him to rest as much as possible. Wanting to surprise and energise him, you started on making brunch, as you knew he wouldn’t wake up for breakfast, so you would just have to combine them. It wasn’t a rare occasion and you didn’t mind, you just wanted him to have as much rest as he could get, before he would get back to working again. He woke up around 11 am, softly hugging your form when he saw you. “Did you rest enough?” Your voice was quiet, seeing that the sleep hadn’t left him completely yet. “Mhm.” “Should we eat something?” He only nodded at that and you two made your way to the kitchen to eat the brunch you made. “Are you going back to the studio?” You were surprised when he shook his head. “Well not alone at least.” “What do you mean?” “Well it’s New Years Eve, so I was wondering if you wanna come with me.” He smiled softly at you, as he took another bite of his food. “Sure!” You had always wanted to accompany him after you had heard from Chan that he was working on something alone, but you also didn’t want to intrude. You knew that Jisung was often insecure about his lyrics or songs, so you didn’t want to push him to show you. So him asking you to accompany him was a huge thing and it made you super happy. It was already getting dark when you two had gotten ready and made your way towards the studio. It wasn’t too cold, so you two decided to walk, as it wasn’t far away from the apartment either. “What type of song is it?” You asked after a while. “I’ll let you listen to it later.” He answered and surprise took over your features again. Telling you about it was one thing, but letting you listen to it before Chan or Changbin did… was a complete other thing. You always listened to his songs, but he only let it happen after Chan and Changbin had agreed that it was really good. Jisung only wanted to show you amazing songs, even though he knew you would love all of them. You finally arrived at the studio and it was rather close to midnight now, after you had also eaten dinner. You wondered what song it was, as Jisung still didn’t let you listen to it. He took your hand softly and lead you to the rooftop of the studio. “Here.” He gave you headphones and it didn’t take you long to understand that the song was about you. “Sungie, I-…” Tears were welling up in your eyes but he didn’t give you any time to start crying, as his lips found yours the moment the fireworks erupted. “Happy New Year, Jagi.”
You were really happy that Felix had gotten the opportunity to spend the New Years Evening with his family in Australia. You were currently driving him to the airport and even though you were sad that you couldn’t spend it with him, you were still happy he could with his family. “Do you have everything? Passport, clothes?” You asked for the millionth time this day. You were more anxious than Felix was, not wanting him to miss his chance to go see his parents. You had fussed over him the entire time when he had been packing and he could only smile at how cute you were being. “Yes, love. We’ve gone over it at home, in the car and here. I think I have everything. Don’t worry too much.” He smiled, his typical angelic smile, at you. You would certainly miss him tonight. A soft kiss later and he was on his way to his gate. You stayed until you couldn't see him anymore and then left as well, only then letting the tears fall that had threatened to. You went back to your shared apartment but it felt so empty without Felix so you figured you could go out. Getting ready and wearing something warm, you made your way to the beach. It had become quite a tradition to watch the fireworks with Felix together from this beach. You two had done so the first year you started dating and kept doing it every year, until today. Normally, Felix was too busy to fly to Australia, but this year was lucky and he found the time to do so. You strolled through the beach, your eyes fixed on the ocean. It had already gotten dark and it would only be a few hours until midnight. You pondered over calling Felix but you didn’t want him to see you cry. You didn’t want to make him sad. You sat down at your favourite spot on the beach, the spot where Felix had told you that he loved you. The spot where everything with you two had begun, when you suddenly felt someone behind you. You immediately turned, but you certainly hadn’t expected to see your angel of a boyfriend. “Lixie? But how? Why?” You couldn’t believe your eyes. It was really Felix standing in front of you. “I'm sorry for lying.” He softly started while embracing your smaller form, not too tight so you could still look up at him. “What?” “I didn’t book a flight to Australia. I wanted to, but when you said you wouldn’t be able to come, I decided against it as well. We spent Christmas with my family, so that’s more than enough for me.” “But I drove you to the airport.” “I wanted to surprise you. I told Chan-Hyung about it and he helped me. He picked me up after you had left.” Only now did you notice the little bag and flowers he had with him. He gave you the bouquet with flowers and you didn’t know how you had been able to unsee it. It was huge and beautifully arranged. “Lixie, I-…” “Just accept it please. I know what’s going on in your cute little brain now, Love. But this is what I wanted.” He smiled softly and you couldn’t hold your tears back, hiding your face on his chest. After you had calmed down, you two sat down on the blanket he had brought and enjoyed his signature brownies until the fireworks were only minutes away. “Love.” You turned to him. “You have something here.” “Where-…” But he didn’t let you finish as his lips connected with yours the moment the sky was lit up by the fireworks. 
It was finally New Years Eve. You had been l looking forward to it for months now. You had a huge surprise planned for Seungmin. The boys had helped you to keep it a secret from your lovely boyfriend for months now and you were quite sure that Seungmin didn’t suspect a thing. You had prepared it whenever he was with the boys and the boys kept you updated on when he would call you or when he would leave first, to surprise you. It felt a bit mean, as you would always act surprised whenever he was home earlier, but it was all for the sake of your surprise today. His family had gone on a little vacation, so it would be only you two tonight. The moment his parents had said that, you got ready to make it the most beautiful New Years Eve ever. You were currently working on the dinner for later, with Seungmin together. He always helped you out when he was at home, today being no exception. “Is this good?” He always asked you, as he knew you were quite precise on how things had to be on special days. “Yep, thank you.” You beamed at him and he returned it with a soft smile. “By the way, I’ll have to pick something up at the store later but looking at dinner I might not be able to. Could you do it for me?” You needed him out of the house so you could get the last part of the surprise ready. “Of course. Just tell me which store and what you ordered.” His answer came in a heartbeat and you couldn’t help but think of him as adorable. “Thank you, Minnie.” Dinner was done faster than you had expected and it had gotten quite late as well. You started to arrange the plates and make some side-dishes so that it would look as if you’re still busy. “Can you go now, Minnie?” You asked softly, pulling him out of his thoughts, as he had been focused on one of the side-dishes. “Sure.” He got ready and headed out, not a second after the door shut you left the side-dish aside and called Chan. “Chan?” “I’m on my way already. There was a little bit of traffic but I should be there in 5.” “Okay that’s perfect!” You ended the call, getting the table ready now, placing all the dishes and side-dishes on it before you got the drinks. You turned the lights off, letting only the hanging lights illuminate the apartment. You nearly tripped when you heard the door, praying that it was Chan and not Seungmin. Thankfully, it was Chan and you took the little box from him. “Thank you so much, Chan.” “You’re welcome. Don’t forget to film his reaction.” “Camera is already standing, don’t worry.” You chuckled and Chan nodded, before he left. You couldn’t risk Seungmin, seeing Chan now. It didn’t take long for Seungmin to arrive and put the little cake you had ordered on the table. “Jagiya.” He called out and you could hear the confusion in his voice. “I went to pick up the stuff you ordered but the salesman gave me dog food as well. Did you plan on gifting it to one of the boys?” Seungmin asked as he entered the living room, only to let the dog food fall out of his hands. “Nope, I got it for you.” You stood there, with a little puppy in your arms. Chan had gone and picked him up as you had planned for it to be today. It had taken a long time to find the perfect little puppy at the shelter but when you did, you were overjoyed and the workers were more than happy to help with your little surprise. You knew how much Seungmin had wanted one. Chan had told you that he had even thought about buying you one, as he wanted to raise it together with you, so you figured that you could do so, in the new year. “No way… Jagiya you’re… Amazing.” He chuckled softly, before embracing the puppy and you as softly as he could. Connecting your lips the moment the fireworks erupted, while also covering the little puppies ears.
“Should we pick it up before we go or on our way?” Jeongin’s question pulled you out of your thoughts and you turned to look at him. “The cake, Princess.” He chuckled softly. You were completely engrossed in your makeup that you had barely registered what he had said. “Oh. Let’s just pick it up on the way to the boys. If we pick it up now, we would just make the way twice.” “Then we should probably leave earlier tho.” Jeongin notified before he left the bathroom, where you were currently getting ready. You decided to spend this years New Year Eve together with the boys at the shared dorm. Jeongin and you mostly spend your time at your shared apartment so this would certainly be something else. Jeongin was already finished with getting ready and was just making sure you had everything. Everyone had gotten different tasks and Jeongin and you were in charge of the food. You had all decided to order some food, so that you could just enjoy the evening. You had first offered to get a cake too but Felix insisted in making it with Hyunjin as they would be making brownies anyway. You had already called the restaurant in advance, telling them when the food had to be ready. You were at your finishing touch when Jeongin had done so, wanting to make sure they wouldn’t start preparing it too early. He didn’t want it to be too cold. You slipped into your dress and left the bathroom, taking your bag and finally meeting Jeongin at the door. “You look amazing…” He was awestruck but so were you. Jeongin looked amazing no matter what. “Thank you. I can only give that back.” You chuckled softly and you two made your way to the car. It wasn’t too far but you also had to transport all the food, so it would be easier by car. Jeongin drove while you updated the boys. Chan, Changbin, Seungmin, Jisung and Minho were already at the dorm, meaning only Felix, Hyunjin, Jeongin and you were missing. Felix and Hyunjin had apparently run into traffic but they said that they would be there in around 10 minutes. By the time Hyunjin and Felix arrived, Jeongin and you had finally gotten the food and drove off as well. You finally joined the others, taking the bags out of the car. They had heard the car pull in and immediately came outside to help you with the bags of food. The aroma was filling the dorm and you all sat down around the table to start eating and joking around. By the time you had finally started to eat Felix brownies you were full. So you pushed the brownies aside for now and all went out to sit on the terrace, just enjoying the night view. The brownies on a table in between all of you, being there as little snacks, if anyone craved any. Jeongin had never left your side throughout the evening. Even though he knew that you were comfortable around the boys, he still didn’t want to be too far away. It was the first year that you spend New Year with the boys, so it was still something new and you didn’t know them as well as Jeongin did, obviously. He caressed your hand and it made you feel at ease immediately. It was close to midnight when the boys went back inside, using the excuse that they wanted to clean up the dorm a bit. “Tonight was really fun.” You broke the silence first, while leaning on Jeongin’s shoulder. “Yeah. I love you and I love the boys so this was really nice.” You smiled softly at that. “Thank you for inviting me.” “Of course. I love spending time with you and so do the boys.” “Who loves it more?” You turned to look up at him. “I do of course, Princess.” His signature smirk didn’t go unnoticed as he connected your lips, the sound of the fireworks that just erupted went unnoticed by both of you, as you lost yourselves in the kiss. Fully knowing that the boys would certainly tease you in a second about it. “I love you, Innie.” You whispered against his lips. “I love you too, Princess.” 
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Headcanons for Mark, Jonah, and Adam and an S/O who has a bunch of vita carnis Mimics as "helpers."
What would the three of them think of someone who can somehow "tame" these things and just keeps them around as house pets? They just hang out in their home and on their little plot of land (that I'd imagine is isolated because people moved tf away when the rumors started spreading) and keep any threats away. Reader doesn't actively do anything to sate their diet though. Although they aren't opposed to the Mimics stomping out any would-be troublemakers or those who piss them off... They still get their food themselves but use reader's home as a place of refuge.
Maybe the way the three of them meet their S/O was finding out that Alternates were being warded off from there. Idk, I haven't had a chance to get fully invested in MC but the idea just sounds really interesting. Also, I have the mental image of a Mimic putting away the dishes and someone's immediate reaction is screaming "What the FUCK is that?!?!" And just getting this whole explanation of what it is and that this one and all the others are friendly despite it needing to be reminded that the human in front of them is not food.
I LOVE that mental image you described. Mimics just doing chores and human things, only to see an actual human look at them absolutely HORRIFIED
He was relieved to get away from the Alternate-populated Mandela County for a while.
But when you answer the door while preparing dinner, you called out for James (one of the male Mimics you named) to stay in the kitchen...
Without realizing how extremely suspicious that sounded until you saw the look on Mark's face. "Who's James?"
"Oh! He's uh...can you wait here while I-?"
"Is he your new roommate or something?" He jumps to conclusions immediately, thinking you're cheating on him as you never told him you lived with another person.
In anger he storms past you to confront this "James" you were apparently being so secretive about....
Before you could stop him, he sees the Mimic and freaks out, causing it to drop the plate it was holding and screams right back at him.
You're quick to disperse the situation before it becomes a bloodbath, but by then it's too late. Mark was thoroughly traumatized.
When you mentioned living with creatures who kept the local Alternate population out of your town..he didn't think they'd be be skinless humans.
He locked himself in your bathroom, trying to stave off a panic attack as he recites his prayers, convinced there was "evil" hanging over your house.
Eventually he lets you in and you help him calm down, reassuring him that wasn't the case at all before explaining the Mimics and their role in your household, answering whatever questions he had (which were a LOT).
"Even if they're not demons....why would God make something like that?"
"Maybe..it's the same reason he made the platypus."
"......that's not the same, s/o."
"I know, I'm just trying to help."
He's made jokes about the Mimics before.
But he didn't think they were real living and breathing creatures you were coexisting with.
He swears he was smoking something when he saw one wearing your clothes and sweeping the floor with a broom like any ordinary person would.
At first he tries to be chill about it as to not freak you out..
Until he goes into your pantry for a snack and finds shelves with jars filled to the brim with Crawl sticks.
As well as a Mimic curled up on the highest shelf, asleep.
Next thing you know, Jonah's dry heaving over the nearest trash can.
"Babe for the love of GOD please tell me that I'm on some weird ass trip because I can't handle this rn"
"...well maybe if you didn't brush off my research, you wouldn't be as scared." You pat his back before glaring at the Mimic who was just seconds away from lunging at your boyfriend at his most vulnerable moment.
"Jonah, sweetie..rule number one is to never turn your back on a Mimic unless you're running away from it." You make him turn around to face it, and they stare at each other before it eventually calms down and leaves.
Even after you explained how you "tamed" the Mimics, he's too scared to leave your side or be alone in the same room with one.
Their permanent smiles and wide eyes just...give him the chills. Even if they're just staring with curiosity, he always insists it's a look of hunger.
They are aware he's dating you and will playfully threaten to eat him, but never actually go through with it bc you'd probably kick them out and leave them without food.
(gonna make this post-Catalyst)
He's having a tough time keeping the relationship alive and coping with being an Alternate--a secret he only recently shared with you.
Despite him being the first one you've ever encountered, you're not all that afraid. Just surprised.
You confess to having your own secret to share, taking him to your home where you could talk about it more.
He keeps asking how you could trust him with anything when he looked like a hideous monster. But you reassured him he'll understand soon enough.
After you arrive, he sees the Crawl trees behind your house, but thinks nothing of it until you bring him inside.
You whistle and a Baby Mimic comes skittering towards you on all fours, climbing onto you like a koala bear before you turn back to your boyfriend, smiling.
It takes him a second to connect the dots. "....wait, that's a....Vita Carnis...i-it's a real thing??"
"They've always have been."
"Wow, this is...one hell of a secret. D-Does..that Mimic know what I am?"
"The adults can usually tell, but this little bugger thinks you're tasty food." You scratch the baby Mimic's chin, hearing it coo sweetly as it nibbled on your jacket strings. "But you see why I'm not scared of you? Because I've made peace with these "hideous monsters", just like I've made peace with what you told me."
He tears up at your sweet and kind words, though he listens as you introduce him to the "helpers" of your household aka the adult Mimics who wore your clothing and were doing different tasks.
They all kinda stared at Adam as he awkwardly greeted them, but didn't do anything more.
It's strangely comforting that they perceive him as a human.
At the same time, he feels lucky to not look appetizing to them.
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count-alucard-tepes · 2 months
Headcanons and a short fanfic for my Thai God of war, Kaolan Wongsawat 🥊
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He absolutely hates being cold and dreads when he has to travel to during winter months to other countries (I feel the same way, man)
He loves plants so much that the entire palace garden is under his care and he chooses which plants are to be grown.
He does surprise Saw Paing Yoroizuka in Myanmar every now and then just because he always gets surprise visits. It’s not to fight though, it’s just being him snacks and visit his village.
He wants to get married and settled down soon with a few kids running around.
The headband jewel he wears is his birthstone and was a gift from the King’s mother.
A royal affair…
Kaolan was very much acquainted with royals as he was so close to King Rama as well as being so famous due to his status as a boxer so it was normal for him to at royal affairs quite often throughout the year despite how busy he was.
Y/N is a cousin of King Rama who just happened to be a princess/prince of a neighboring country.
“…it is so kind for a God to grace us with his presence”, Y/N said teasingly as they smiled at Kaolan.
Kaolan immediately turned your way and bowed slightly, “…your highness, thank you for having my king and I in your home…I am but the grateful one to be surrounded by your grace”, he said ever so politely as he gently took your hand and kissed the back of it.
“You know you don’t need to do that with us, Kaolan…you are practically family at this point”, Y/N said gently.
He couldn’t help but smile at that, “…I am a mere servant of the king…”.
Y/N smiled gently and took his hand into theirs, “…come, let’s go for a stroll…I fear we have much to catch up on”.
Kaolan was about to decline because he was accompanying the king and also protecting him at the same time but the king was all too quick to give him a thumbs up and began socializing.
He sighed softly as he was dragged into the gardens, “…ah the gardens have changed from the last time I was here”, he commented as he leaned close to touch the flowers and take in the scents.
“Oh yes, you left quite the impression on my father that he redid the whole garden with the seasons in mind…thank you for that”, Y/N said with a smile.
He smiled sheepishly before noticing the rose bed that was unchanged, “…his prized possession still remains though as it should”, he said with a smile.
The rose bush had been there from the day you were born, your father had planted a different rose bush from all over the world on your birthday for as long as you have lived.
Y/N blushed in response, “…it is something pleases him…”.
“Any father who does something that endearing is a father who loves their child dearly…it inspires me for one day when I am in a similar position”, Kaolan said gently as if deep in thought.
That made you both blush and wonder what was on his mind when he said that, was he ready for marriage and children or was that just a random thought he had…one couldn’t tell unless they truly knew him well enough.
“I hope my future husband feels the same way as you do, Kaolan…”, Y/N said absentmindedly before realizing what they had just said. It was too late because he was already looking at them with an all too teasing smile.
“…r…right so what’s been going on in your travels lately? Rama said you were in Japan for three months, I envy you!”, Y/N said with a pout.
He nodded gently in response, “…I got to visit some friends, travel and train during that time…it was outstanding even though it was a little cold, I managed as much as I could”, he said gently as he didn’t want to go into detail about his underground fights.
“Really? You have friends other than my cousin? I didn’t know that you were social”, Y/N teased as Kaolan rolled his eyes in response.
“Yes, I do…I think you’d like them, they’re very sarcastic”, he replied calmly.
Your jaw dropped when he said that, “…that was mean…but if you are inviting me, I’d love to…maybe after our third or fourth date”.
That took the boxer off guard and he snapped back to look at you.
“…d…date?”, he stuttered, “…I mean…if you want to…I’d take you on a date…”.
This left you both blushing in that moment that seemed to last forever and perhaps it was just the silence between you both that make it even more awkward. Standing side by side as you both stared at the garden.
“…I’d like that a lot, Kaolan…”, Y/N finally said as you felt Kaolan’s fingers lace into yours and squeeze a little.
“I’ll plan it out and call you…then we can go on our first date”, he said with a smile as he looked over at you.
You smiled and nodded before gently leaning your head against his shoulder.
The last thing you thought would happen this night would be you having a date with Kaolan but here you were…
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jurox-x · 1 year
Just a prank
Synopsis: How the guys would react to you calling them 'just a friend' on the phone as a prank, but they are your boyfriend.
Featuring: Manjiro Sano, Ryuguji Ken, Baji Keisuke, Matsuno Chifulyu, Mitsuya Takashi, Hanma Shuji
Genre: fluff
TW: none
Manjiro Sano ("Mikey")
Listening in on your conversation was never Mikey's intention, but he was just so bored without you paying attention to him. However, when you said "I'm just hanging out with a friend", he snapped his head in your direction.
Just a friend? He stared at you open mouthed until the phone call ended. You looked at him with a questioning face. Keeping in the laugh that almost slipped was harder than you expected.
"Just a friend, huh? The audacity..." he leapt at you and started his tickling attack.
"I thought I leveled up when I asked you out back then? You better apologize, sweety." You didn't want to give in that easily but his hands had you laughing and catching for your breath in no time.
"I'M SORRY, IT WAS A PRANK! I'M SORRY. STOP IT ALREADY" He himself had a childish grin on his face as he stopped after your confession.
Ryuguji Ken ("Draken")
He was just coming back from the kitchen when he heard you talking to someone on your phone. Draken didn't want to interrupt your conversation at first and just put the snacks he got for your movie marathon on the table in front of you.
"I gotta go now, gonna have a movie night with a friend."
What? Did he just hear that right? He got demoted to 'a friend'? He is so not having it. He snatched your phone from your hand, hung up the call and before you could even ask what he was doing, he crashed his lips on yours.
He started a hot but quick make-out session that left you both panting heavily and after he pulled away, he asked "would someone that is just a friend do this?" His jealous tone almost made you laugh out loud.
You took your phone with a cheeky grin and showed him the conversation you had with your friend just minutes ago, where you asked them to call you so you could pull a prank on your boyfriend.
And boy did he blush. He called you an idiot and started the movie you wanted to watch before laying himself on top of you to cuddle while you combed his untied hair and traced after his tattoo.
Baji Keisuke
He was trying to study for an upcoming math exam while you left the room to pick up that call. However, you made sure he could still hear you talking.
"I can't today, I'm studying with my friend. Maybe tomorrow." You said. Baji got annoyed immediately, but he wouldn't say anything about it at first. You already thought you failed and he did not hear you.
"Hey, it's getting late. Could you drive me home?" Baji looked at you and snapped back "Nah, why don't you ask your ACTUAL boyfriend, cuz appearantly I am just a friend to you."
You burst out laughing. Seems like it actually worked. After confessing the prank you showered him with hugs and kisses to reassure him and he drove you home afterwards.
Matsuno Chifuyu
Chifuyu.exe stopped working... What did you just say? "I am hanging out with a friend right now, call you back this evening?"
Was it because he didn't kiss you goodbye last time? Or has he done something wrong today even? He couldn't think of anything in particular at that moment, so he did the only thing he thought would work as an apology.
"I gotta bring this book back to Draken's place. He needs it for an asignment. Be back in a second." He kissed the top of your head and grabbed the keys before walking out.
Thing is, he didn't go to Draken's place. He drove to the nearest store and bought a bouquet of flowers along with some chocolate. While he was gone you thought the prank didn't work at all.
Shortly after, he came home and gave you your presents with the sincerest apology. At first you didn't understand his actions, but after you figured it out you laughed, hugged and kissed him and told him about the prank.
Mitsuya Takashi
You guys were just chilling at his place. He was reading a book in his chair and you were on his bed on your phone.
"No I'm not home, I'm with a friend, why?" Mitsuya looked up from the book and glanced at you. He kept on reading until you eventually hung up the phone and walked over to him.
He stood up as well, faced you and took your hands. "Why did yu tell them i was 'a friend'? You aren't ashamed of me, right?" His eyes were on yours and his words were full of concern.
"No, not at all. It just slipped, I didn't think it was that big of a deal." His concerned and slightly anxious gaze turned much more light-hearted after your statement.
"That's a relief. I'd still prefer if you called me 'boyfriend' next time, love." He smiled warmly and then gave you a peck on the lips.
Hanma Shuji
He was somewhat glaring at you after he overheard you calling him 'a friend' on the phone. Hanma chose to give you payback as soon as you hung up the phone.
You initially came over for a gaming session and dinner, so you started playing right away. The whole time he called you things like 'bro', 'dude' or 'mate' and you have grown suspicious.
You forgot all about your prank and didn't connect the dots so your confused face felt like a victory to Hanma.
Right as his mom called you over for dinner, he got up, shut down his PC and gave you the bro-fist. "Good game, buddy."
Right then it clicked. You literally threw yourself on him and apologized for your prank. Hanma hugged you back, laughed and pat your head.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
I've been seeing wayyyy tooo many teen reader fics lately here and such I came up with a request I wanted to ask a while ago, how would the family react with teen!reader who steals, like when they were alive, reader had to steal to survive, not too valuable things, but like every now and then to survive, and even now, reader still has this habit and one day reader just breaks down cause reader feels guilty of stealing but can't seem to stop the habit at all
-It was only to survive, that’s what it started off as, stealing only what food and supplies you would need to survive.
-You died young on earth because you had got caught stealing, the adults not caring about the starving and homeless children around them while they lived lavishly and were able to eat with never having to wonder when their next meal was going to be.
-It was only a loaf of bread, one that would have fed you and the three young children you were looking after for at least a few days, but you had been caught, chased down to the little shack you called home, beaten brutally in front of your little siblings who were begging the adults to stop.
-By the time the authorities arrived, you had been beaten so badly that there was no saving you, and the authorities arrested those responsible, and the public outcry was quick, learning that adults gained up on a frail teenager, just trying to survive and feed other abandoned children, killing them, all over a loaf of bread.
-In Valhalla you were skittish and scared when you first arrived, but the valkyries were gentle and patient, seeing the shape you were in, malnourished, dirty, and frail. You had asked about the children, your siblings you had adopted, and Brunnhilde assured you that they were now being well cared for, after the authorities arrived and arrested those who killed you.
-After a long hot bath, you were set in front of a table that was filled with so much food that you almost didn’t want to believe it, and Thrud, who was sitting next to you, told you to eat to your heart’s content.
-You hesitated, thinking this was a trick, tears welling in your eyes as you took a bread roll, finding it soft and warm and tore into it, eating it within seconds. When none of them berated you, you took another, as well as some other food, not caring that you had no table manners at the moment, sobbing quietly as you ate.
-Thrud had to calm you down, as she didn’t want you to make yourself sick or choke, “Nobody is going to take this food away from you, eat until you can’t eat anymore.” You didn’t respond verbally, but took more food, your sobs dying to just sniffles.
-When you were introduced to the gods and warriors of Valhalla, many were furious, seeing the shape you were in, you looked so tiny! Brunnhilde told them of your death, how you were allowed to enter Valhalla and many of them were instantly furious, getting hyped up to go down to earth to teach their own lessons.
-You weren’t sure what was going on, but when Adam came over and hugged you tightly, feeling how thin you really were, he refused to let you go, not even caring that you started to sob again, he was so warm, so gentle. You had never felt so safe before.
-It had been a few weeks since you arrived in Valhalla, your new ‘family’ as they had quickly adopted you, made sure to feed you well, even having you try foods from all over the world, even giving you treats.
-You were with Buddha and Loki, trying snack cakes when Goll came in, “Y/N? I found these bread rolls in your room, they’re stale now but- Y/N?!” you had immediately froze, seeing her holding the small basket of the bread rolls and apples you swiped, hiding them away in your room, as you were still scared that this was a trick.
-You immediately bolted, thinking you were in trouble, remembering what happened just before your death as your tears were quickly blinding you.
-Kojiro tried to grab you to assure you that you weren’t in trouble, but missed and Thor was the one who managed to catch you, sweeping you up into his arms. You curled tightly in on yourself, sobbing quietly, your hands over your head as you stuttered out apologies, shaking like a leaf.
-Thor kneeled down, holding you in his lap as glances were shared all around, realizing that you had been taking extra food to hide it away, making a stash just in case they tried to suddenly take your food away in a cruel twist of fate.
-They didn’t yell at you, didn’t scold you, Thor and Kojiro worked together to calm you down, as you were near hyperventilating, before Buddha shoved an ice cube into your mouth, making you jolt back, but it gave your system the shock you needed.
-They knew you suffered, and you stole only what you needed to survive, and you were making sure you would be able to survive if you found yourself on your own.
-They had to be patient with you, you had to learn to trust them that they wouldn’t do anything like that to you, ever, all they could do was stand by your side and show you that you were safe now and had no reason to worry.
-They let you ‘steal’ and hide food away in your room, telling you to throw it out once it was rotten and letting you get fresh ones, until slowly the amount you took diminished until you stopped all together, now only occasionally doing it.
-It was hard work on all sides, including you, as you opened up, trusting your family more.
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cootiekat · 1 year
The Best Medicine: Elvis
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Warnings: None :)
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Fem! reader
Genre: Teeth rotting fluff
Summary: You aren’t feeling well, so Eddie plays you your favorite songs🥹 Blurb
A/n: I am currently writing a hella long fanfic retelling of the movie ‘10 things I hate about you’ so if you wanna be on the tag list lmk 🫣
You’ve been feeling down the past couple days, but today hit you like a truck. Usually in the mornings you are up cleaning and making breakfast before Eddie has to leave for work. Weirdly, Eddie woke up before you. He checked the clock to make sure it wasn’t super early and to see if he could get more sleep in before he really had to get up, but it was 9:30am. Which means not only did you not get up but he was running extremely late. Eddie went to give you a kiss on your head before he left and he knew something was not right because you turned away from his kiss and mumbled something about “not feeling well” and to “leave you alone.”
Eddie thought about you all day at work. Wondering if you got out of bed to take care of yourself, if you ate or showered, and if you needed something on his way home. Eddie called the house from the phone at work and you didn’t pick up. Eddie officially knew something was up, because you always picked up the phone for him no matter what.
On Eddie’s way home, he made a quick stop at the drug store to pick up some of your favorite snacks, a bouquet of flowers, and a new teddy bear. Eddie walked through the doors and didn’t hear you walking around the house, nor did he hear the TV. Eddie wandered back into the bedroom where you were still sleeping. He lightly shook you awake.
“Sweetheart? Are you feeling alright, I brought you some presents!”
You slowly opened your eyes to the soft sound of his voice. Your heart immediately warmed at the sight of your hardcore boyfriend holding a white and red teddy bear and a bouquet of roses. “Oh my gosh! Thank you, Eddie, I really was not feeling good today.” You explained to him.
“I know, Baby. That’s why I wanted to surprise you.” He says while brushing the hair out of your face.
“Thank you, Eddie , like seriously I don’t think you understand how much I love you.” You say getting teary eyed.
“Well, don’t waste those precious tears on this. I haven’t even played you my song.”
You were surprised at the fact Eddie was going to get his acoustic guitar off the wall, because despite him being an excellent guitar player you haven’t really heard him play just to you, he always wants to impress you so he never plays you anything unless he is 100% certain he won’t make any mistakes.
As he starts playing you hear the starting notes of your favorite Elvis Presley song, Love Me, you gradually start to hear Eddie’s sweet voice when he starts the lyrics.
“Treat me like a fool.”
“Treat me mean and cruel.”
“but love me”
“wring my faithful heart”
“Tear it all apart”
You start cheering for him as he hits the high notes. You love when Eddie plays songs like this for you because its his way of showing is love for you. You walk over the the chair Eddie is sitting in and place yourself on his lap and whisper in his ear.
“Elvis is the best medicine.”
Eddie smiles at you with his perfect teeth and kisses you passionately. You realize that you have everything you need right here.
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