#unidentified Aleena
sw5w · 9 months
I Was Not Elected to Watch My People Suffer and Die...
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:28:43
There are a few species in this shot that are tough to figure out. In the top left corner, we've got a character in spacesuit it looks like. (I made some short video clips to help identify who/what they may be)
In the bottom left, we've got a pod of Quarren but they don't appear to be Senator Tikkes' delegation from Mon Cala. They're all wearing maroon/grey robes. Quarren Isolation League? Some other Quarren colony world?
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Next to the Quarren, we've got a delegation of Aleena. I count at least 9 in the pod.
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Above the Aleena, there's a delegation of Ishi Tib. Senator Gume Saam appears in Episode II so this could be him, or his predecessor, or representatives of another Ishi Tib colony.
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To the upper right of the Ishi Tib, we have what appears to be Aqualish, but wearing lighter colored clothing than Po Nudo and his aides (who we see in a later scene).
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Below the Aqualish, there are what appear to be Rodians. I first thought maybe these were Roonans like Edcel Bar Gane, but for a second you can see some bumps on their heads that look like antennae, so my guess is Rodians (but a separate delegation from Onaconda Farr's).
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Trinkets, Rings, 1: Enough rings and bands to wear three on every finger and toe while still having dozens to spare. Rings, especially magic rings are a very common item of jewelry in fiction and roleplaying. From a basic ring of protection, to the life saving ring of regeneration, the ring of the Nibelungs, the rings of the lantern corps, the ring of Gyges, any wedding ring ever depicted, the ring of Solomon, Sir Perceval's ring, Aladdin's genie housing ring, the nine rings of mortal men and the precious one ring of power, these small circular pieces of gems, metal, wood or bone always add more to the story than the sum of their parts. None of these rings are intensely magical in their own right but can serve as basis for a magical or plot relevant ring. When a DM rolls a d100, the bog standard ring of protection +1 they were going to give out now has a unique look and personality rather than just a mechanical benefit.
A gold band with three small glimmering stones set within. Two glow with a faint reddish light while the third glows pale white.
A ceramic ring that causes it's bearer feel as though gentle hands are constantly caressing their body
A burnished silver ring that shows signs of obvious wear and a few nicks and scrapes mar its surface.
A copper ring that feels abnormally light.
A copper ring that makes the bearer’s fingertips glow a barely perceivable green
A copper ring with a flat shield motif, polished to a mirror like state.
A durable ring made of bluish agafari wood
A gold ring that vibrates when the sun rises in the bearer’s location
A golden ring covered with intricate etchings of wind-blown leaves. Worn runes (possibly of Elvish origin) decorate the ring’s inner surface, but what they say is impossible to determine.
A golden ring forged in the shape of a serpent eating its own tail. The serpent is so finely detailed it eyes and fangs are visible as are the tiny scales covering its body.
---Keep reading for 90 more trinkets.
---Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A gold band with three small glimmering stones set within. Two glow with a faint reddish light while the third glows pale white.
A ceramic ring that causes it's bearer feel as though gentle hands are constantly caressing their body
A burnished silver ring that shows signs of obvious wear and a few nicks and scrapes mar its surface.
A copper ring that feels abnormally light.
A copper ring that makes the bearer’s fingertips glow a barely perceivable green
A copper ring with a flat shield motif, polished to a mirror like state.
A durable ring made of bluish agafari wood
A gold ring that vibrates when the sun rises in the bearer’s location
A golden ring covered with intricate etchings of wind-blown leaves. Worn runes (possibly of Elvish origin) decorate the ring’s inner surface, but what they say is impossible to determine.
A golden ring forged in the shape of a serpent eating its own tail. The serpent is so finely detailed it eyes and fangs are visible as are the tiny scales covering its body.
A ring made of old yellowed bone which causes the bearer to reek of rotting fish.
A golden wedding ring with the word “Always” inscribed on the inside.
A metal ring with a crystal that always hovers an inch above it.
A pair of interlocking steel rings that sometimes fuse into one or separate back into two.
A ring carved from a lump of white-flecked granite. The outer edge is jagged and uneven while the inner band is worn smooth through use. It always feels cool to the touch.
A ring of dark blue stone, that glows brightly in misty areas.
A ring that appears to contain a floating human eye.
A ring with a discrete poison reservoir for slipping into drinks and a tiny razor edge for cutting purse-strings
A signet ring emblazoned with the image of a shooting star hurtling downwards. The ring itself is of beaten gold, and the shooting star etching is picked out with silver.
A silver ring inscribed with strange sigils
A silver ring with the name “Aleena” engraved inside.
A silvery ring in perfect condition, its highly polished band glimmers in the light. Tiny esoteric symbols etched into the inner band speak of the union of magic and the natural world.
A sliver ring that always feel slippery, as if covered in oil no matter how dry it is
A small bronze ring that if flicked, will spin on its edge at great speed for precisely eleven seconds, then fall flat.
A small iron ring that causes anyone who touches it to say “Fanoshil”
A small signet ring with the emblem of a bat on it.
A spongy ring with the consistency and texture of flesh. Upon closer examination, small warts and clumps of hair can be seen upon the band.
A stone ring that mildly reduces the wearer’s sense of touch
A thick, smooth platinum ring would be heavy but for the score or so of holes punched through its band. These holes (of many different sizes) are of various geometric shapes. There doesn’t seem to be a recognizable pattern to the holes’ placement.
An ebony ring carved like entwined vines. If exposed to water the ring sprouts tiny green leaves.  
An engagement ring that always looks vaguely familiar
An iron ring bearing a small rent in its side which almost split the band in twain. The repair (while not crude) is clearly visible.
An iron ring that shines brilliantly despite being completely rusted.
An iron ring that, when worn, makes the wearer feel calm.
An unassuming black ring with a small poison reservoir for slipping into drinks and a tiny razor edge for cutting purse-strings.
An unbreakable, glass ring
A small gold ring set with a magical stone that dimly glows any color the bearer desires.
A bone ring set with a preserved and shrunken eye of a Random Color
An iron band flecked with onyx pieces that's always cold to the touch
A ring crafted from what appears to be fresh rough-cut bark. The smell of conifers and fresh pine sap constantly emanates from the band.
A black steel ring with a pair of demonic eyes etched on the interior of the band
A multicolored cloth ring seemingly created from several twisted scraps of clothing.
A pewter ring with an inlaid gold band that slowly rotates
A gold ring crafted to look like the royal crown of the local kingdom.
A Randomly Colored glass ring that when worn, teleports from finger to finger at random
A signet ring bearing an unidentifiable seal
A signet ring depicting the seal of one of the PC's distant ancestor's
A single setting holding an overly large crystal which dominates the otherwise plain, but exquisitely forged ring. The crystal glows with faint red, blue and yellow hues.
A small gold ring set with a magical stone that dimly glows any color the bearer desires.
A pale ring set with a piece of a viper’s fang. A quiet hissing sound occasionally emanates from it.
A gold ring with green enamel, worked in the shape of leaves
A golden ring affixed with a dark stone chiseled into a cat’s head. It purrs with pleasure and graces the bearer with euphoric sensations whenever a creature with canine blood is slain in its presence
A silver ring flecked with gold, with the final line of a well known poem engraved around the outside. The inside edge has a small spike which pricks the bearer's finger while the ring is worn.
A golden ring with three links of golden chain attached to it. The end of the chain holds a small emerald, with an ancient rune expertly carved into its largest facet.
A mithril ring bearing a miniature figure of wizard standing upon it. Deft fiddling will reveal that the wizard’s hat can be turned, and removed, revealing a small diamond within the figure’s head.
A glass ring which appears, in most respects very plain, However, when light is shone upon it colors weave and dance within the clear glass.
A black ring of an unfamiliar material, which has a large seal on it depicting a droplet falling into a small puddle. The substances being depicted are unclear.
A hollowed ring of transparent glass. The band is filled with water which flows clockwise around the band. Flecks of gold in the water dance and twirl in the ring's current.
A copper ring, with depictions of scales embossed around its edge.
A smooth ring of silver with a band of gold approximately half the ring’s width inlaid around the center of the ring’s outside edge.
A steel ring with several cogs built into it. These cogs are interlocking, and spin freely but have no obvious mechanical purpose.
A gold ring which splits into two bands at the crest, with a darkly tinted lens mounted between them.
A pair of twisting bands, one silver, one gold. Each wraps around the finger twice, forming a single ring.
A red copper ring, masterfully crafted to look like a fox wrapped around the bearer's finger. It has emeralds for eyes and a tail which extends back along the bearer's finger.
A square gold ring with a ruby on each of the four corners. The flat edges fit snugly around a finger.
A ring formed from an arm of gold, clasping an arm of silver, clasping an arm of copper, which in turn clasps the arm of gold.
An ivory ring carved to look like a single long finger, wrapping around in a full 360 degrees.
A ring consisting of interlocking iron bands displaying a speckled purple sphere inset.
A ring constructed of intricately curving strands of silver, supporting a flat skull of jade, painted with bright colors and wearing a large grin.
A gold coin of an ancient empire mounted on a golden ring.
A strand of steel shaped like an arrow and twisted into a ring.
A mithril ring, the exterior of which is covered in dozens of tiny spikes. In the center is a small, ocean blue sapphire, at the center of which is a tiny white sphere. It’s unclear what the sphere is and how is was placed within the gem.
A platinum ring with numerous small images engraved on its outer band. They depict a woman in many stages of life. Being born, learning to walk, growing into a woman, fighting mighty battles, bearing children, growing old, and finally dying. The last phase of life connects seemliness with being born again denoting an eternal cycle of life.
A jade ring whose signet is an elaborate flower, made of numerous gems. Rubies and sapphires make two layers of petals, wrapping around a large amber stone in the center. Within the amber is a petrified bee.
A delicate brass ring shaped to look like a feather, bent so the end of the vein meets the quill.
Carved from ivory, this ring looks like a tiny dragon’s skull with the wearer’s finger going through the skull’s mouth.
A delicate ring carved from platinum to resemble a royal tiara, which fits around a finger instead of a head.
A wooden ring, thick with bark on the outer band. At the crest of the ring, where a gem would normally sit, grows a thick pad of damp moss.
A smooth ring carved from jade with two arms extending from its crest. Between their hands, the arms hold a small ball of glass.
A red stone on whose crest perches a miniature bird exquisitely carved from sapphire.
A pair of iron rings connected by a chain of finest mithril, that are meant to be worn on adjacent fingers.
A simple silver ring with braid embossed around its edge.
A shiny silver ring with a large concave plate in place of a signet. The surface of the plate is bare, save for a ring of tiny obsidian stones around the inside edge.
A ring carved from marble with engravings of a crown, a sword, and a bull’s head along the outside edge. On the inside of the band written in ancient common is the phrase “Power through adversity.”
A gold ring with two large bumps on it, each covered in hundreds of diamond flecks. The bumps appear to be modeled after an insect’s compound eye.
A ring carved from jade depicting a mighty tiger which wraps around the bearer's finger, and bites its own tail.
A sparkling ring carved from a single large sapphire. At the crest of the ring, a tiny copper ship rests, as though it were drifting on a sapphire sea.
A black steel ring resembling a spider laying dead on its back, its eight curling legs clasp tightly to a white pearl.
An iron ring graced with the widely grinning countenance of a goblin lord. The face's wide smile sports three small rubies in place of teeth.
A mithril ring consisting of two circlets attached together by a long, articulated piece of mithril artistry, made to look like the top side of a dragon’s talon. When worn, this will cover the wearer’s entire finger.
A silver ring bearing a pyramidal obsidian inset which is held in place by four demonic claws, one from each corner of the square.
A bizarre platinum band is a sort of reverse signet ring. A large oval pad contains some type of firmly affixed clay. The clay can be smoothed over by working it with a finger for a moment, then pressed to an object so it can take its shape.
A golden ring topped with a large half-sphere of amber. Flanges of gold extend in every direction from the amber in a starburst pattern.
An oak ring with a raised, rectangular opening carved along the top edge. Small pieces of ivory have been fitted into the opening, resembling the bared teeth of a predator.
A tiny shield of steel is mounted atop this otherwise simple ring of silver.
A miniature axe blade rises from the crest of this mithril ring. The blade is quite sharp, and while it may cause the bearer minor cuts from time to time, it can also be used similarly to brass knuckles dealing 1 point of damage.
A bone ring whose inner and outer bands are completely covered in engravings which resemble a top-down map of a city. The map in not familiar to any living creature and may be of another world or so ancient that it has been forgotten entirely.
A brass ring with a miniature candlestick mounted on its crest. A very tiny candle could be mounted there, though it wouldn’t be very useful, and would likely be a burning hazard.
A ring made of layered metals, wrapped one atop the other. The bearer's finger touches the ring’s gold band, atop which is wrapped silver, then brass, and finally platinum.
A thick platinum ring with two dozen protruding stems rising from its crest. Atop each stem is a polished gemstone chip including ruby, emerald, diamond, amber, and sapphire with no two gem being repeated.
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sw5w · 6 months
Aleena Mechanics Scurry About
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace - Deleted Scene: Complete Podrace Grid Sequence 04:52
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sw5w · 9 months
You Can't Have Him, It Wasn't a Fair Bet
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:10:55
I initially thought the Aleena in the background of this shot were Ratts Tyerell's widow and children, but on closer inspection they don't seem to match the CG models we see for the characters in the deleted scenes, so I erred on the side of caution and labeled them unidentified.
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sw5w · 10 months
Chubba Ni Chees Sebulba!
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:02:22
There’s a lot going on in this shot, with many interesting background characters. Here’s a large unlabeled view to see all of them.
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The biggest takeaway is what I believe is a new alien species. They appear to have a conical head inside a spherical clear helmet.
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They may be one of the unidentified spacers in this shot, behind Dud Bolt’s podracer on the right.
They’re also copy-pasted into the top right corner of this shot, with the exact same pose and animation, along with Teyora Rekab (not wearing her helmet!)
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Also interesting to see spectators of the species involved in the podrace: a trio of Aleena (like Ratts Tyerell) and a pair of Veknoids (like Teemto Pagalies).
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This extra sitting beside Aehrrley Rue and Rum Sleg appears to be the same one who was sitting with Sebulba at Akim’s Munch (and packing a Merr-Sonn Model 434 “Deathhammer” blaster pistol!)
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This unidentified spacer appeared twice before, once walking out of an alley just before the podrace, and even earlier when the group first entered Mos Espa standing in font of a repainted Luke's landspeeder (with wheels visible!) alongside another similarly dressed spacer.
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This guy on the far left appeared in an earlier shot, along with the woman in yellow beside him.
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This woman in the bottom left corner looks like the one who passed in front of Anakin at Akim’s Munch, but may be a different extra in similar costume.
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These two appeared in the previous shot, but appear to have switch sides (or just flopped, but definitely in a whole different location in the stands!)
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sw5w · 10 months
Ya Pawa Culka Doe Rundee!
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:58:35
The Rodian in this scene could be either Pax Bonkik or his brother Trax, or either of the other two unnamed similarly dressed Rodians (who you can see in this shot of alien extras).
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0 notes
sw5w · 11 months
Boonta Eve Race Day
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:52:05
Interestingly, Mars Guo's podracer is being attended to by a pit crew of Aleena - something which you'd think would be more appropriate for Ratts Tyerell. (Photos from Episode I Incredible Cross-Sections and Micro Machines Action Fleet toy from https://www.rebelscale.com/action-fleet/episode-i/mars-guos-pod-racer/)
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sw5w · 1 year
Dissen Berry Berry Bad
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:31:17
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sw5w · 1 year
...Havens for Those That Don't Wish to Be Found
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:31:09
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sw5w · 1 year
The Few Spaceports Like This One...
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:31:08
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