I've just been reminded of the existence of one of my most favourite words in the whole English language: Coolth.
Not a made-up word! It's essentially the cool equivalent of "warmth". It's such a shame this fell out of use, because sometimes I'll feel a nice breeze on a hot day and think, if only there was a nice word that described this pleasant sensation... and then I remember there is! Now you too can luxuriate in the pleasing coolth of a summer breeze.
Plus, it's very satisfying to say! It's quite a silky word, a bit like a descending ski-slope, with the little "th" sound the ramp at the end. Say it with me now:
See? It's such a cool word!... pun very much intended.
So now you know. Go forth and start using coolth in your day-to-day lives. Let's bring this beautiful, forgotten word back into common speech, back where it can be useful and pretty to say and just an all-around cool word.
(a "coolth" word, haha! ...okay I'll stop)
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sw5w · 11 months
Noah Gain, Noah Gain
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:35:35
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sybersonic · 2 years
warmth and coolth
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earhartsease · 2 months
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for our fellow brits this week
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soggypotatoes · 9 months
wherever you are, i hope you are warm :)
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
A 📖 ask, if you're up to it? Sending all the best (and a cooler night breeze!) <3
(drop me a book emoji and I'll explain the plot of a fanfiction I haven't written but daydream about!)
Ok since I dragged you into the pit of Eldacar and family adoration with me you get the idea called, imaginatively, “the Eldacar longfic”! It’s going to be so so good though. Picture: we start off with baby boy aged five moving from Rhovanion to Gondor and into this web of politics and distrust and racism he has NO idea about. (It fascinates me that Eldacar’s grandfather Rómendacil was not actually the King of Gondor when Eldacar was born; he was acting as regent for his pathetic failuncle the actual King, and later for his equally pathetic failfather. It makes the political implications of his son’s unorthodox marriage so much juicier!) Anyway, the fic is basically Eldacar’s entire life story, with a chance for lots of OCs (I am an “Eldacar had younger sisters” truther) and messy and complicated family relationships – the conflict was called the Kin-strife, after all! and I have this vague idea of this extremely extremely tragic betrayal from a cousin he’d always liked who took Castamir’s side – and a chance to tackle some interesting and very Tolkienian themes: racism/xenophobia and also the fear of mortality. PLUS haven’t you always wondered how Eldacar learned of his son’s death 🙃
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coolthes · 1 year
Crie sua Própria Estrela: Camisetas que Expressam Você
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Ei, garotas incríveis! ✨👚 Você já parou para pensar na força que existe em cada uma de nós? Somos feitas de sonhos, histórias e um brilho único que nos define. E, olha, eu sei que nem todos os dias são perfeitos, que nem sempre acordamos sentindo que podemos conquistar o mundo. Mas acredite, existe algo especial guardado dentro de você, algo que merece ser celebrado, abraçado e compartilhado.
E é por isso que estou animada em apresentar as camisetas de estampas autorais da Coolthes. Cada design foi criado pensando em você, na sua jornada, nos altos e baixos que moldam quem você é. Essas camisetas não são apenas tecido e tinta, são uma forma de expressão que diz ao mundo: "Aqui estou eu, com todas as minhas cores e imperfeições".
A verdade é que não precisamos ser perfeitas para sermos lindas. É a nossa autenticidade que nos torna únicas, é a nossa coragem de abraçar nossas singularidades que nos faz verdadeiramente especiais. Então, que tal vestir uma camiseta que não só abraça a sua individualidade, mas também te lembra todos os dias que você é uma estrela em ascensão?
Lembre-se, não é sobre o que os outros pensam, é sobre como você se sente. E se você se sentir confiante, se você se sentir empoderada, então você já está brilhando. ✨💖 Seja você mesma, seja incrível, e se quiser, dê uma olhadinha nas nossas camisetas que estão prontas para serem as aliadas perfeitas da sua jornada. Você merece cada centelha do sucesso que está por vir. 💫🌟
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pyomatic · 2 years
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can i interest you in some nice c.800 Byzantine ducks in this trying time
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juniepops · 2 years
Vriska as a girl who sucks >>>>>> vriska being cool
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mushr0oms-and-m0ss · 1 year
playing totk for me is like "ugh fiiiiiiiine I'll do something that contributes to the story and plot."
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doggirlviscera · 1 year
gonna be lookin or clothes AND webkinz and monster high dolls
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sw5w · 1 year
Jar Jar Activates the Pit Droid
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:33:24
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auckie · 6 months
One coolThing is that. I feel, the older you get,the more access you have to heavy machinery that can hurt yourself others or destroy your personal property and reputation, I think
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fandom-girl-99 · 10 months
Daily Prompt: What's the coolest thing you've ever found (and kept)?
Another Daily Prompt! I thought I couldn't come up with any cool stuff but I couldn't stop writing once I started! Hahaha!
So, growing up I used to collect rocks from every beach I visited and I have visitedhalf of Greece so those are a lot of beaches. I truly thinkthat is one of the coolest things I have collected and found because they had very peculiar shapes and colours so I found them cool! Now, another coolest thing I have found was a chocolate bar that almost hit me on the head as I was coming out of the Metro…
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Where have I been and all that jazz...
Much like most of you out there, life has been seriously up and down for the last few years. I've had some epic epic highs and some seriously fucked up lows. I've learnt a lot, grown up and really found myself in a place where I finally feel like I know who I am and what I want/need. Recently, I decided I wanted to come back to tumblr full time but change things up massively. I'll still be heavily posting content that I love (Arctic Monkeys, Alex Turner, nature, food, music, travel, fitness etc etc etc), however I also want to spend some time writing. Writing to you. Writing to me. Writing to nobody. Just writing. I want to say now that I definitely am not good at this. I'm not a writer, a poet, good with words. I just want to write about how I feel and what stories/ideas/thoughts pass through my mind. Who knows how often I will write. Might be everyday, once a week or just whenever the hell I want I guess. Anyways, I am rambling a little. I think I'm going to approach this by talking about certain topics, albums, seasons, people etc etc but also treat this as somewhat of a diary. I'm looking forward to it. If you come across any of my stories or cool things, reach out. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Take care out there.
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