#unless its REAL obvious and then its only temporary until even the slightest thing happens
cantsaythetword · 1 year
Somehow everything that's gone pear shaped ATM is linked back to it being my fault and I'm realising holy shit I really need to be better
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quasarsturncoat · 7 years
[[VANAHIEM a small but lush jungle planet located in the middle of its vast star system. A dwarf world, with uninteresting flora and fauna. Very few know where it is, let alone the name of the back water planet. It has no known inhabitants, but a mystery surrounds the slightest energy signature it gives off. Few observing parties have traveled to this planet, only hearing of it by word of mouth, and those who have landed have mysteriously disappeared, never heard from again.]]
SIRIUS: =It sounds like a great place to explore! But really Sirius is somehow drawn to the place, the feeling that she must be there. It was a little different from when she felt she must be somewhere; this separated desire from the pull and despite it all, she was tentative regarding what little stories she had heard from it.=
SIRIUS: =Taking the necessary precautions taught to her time and time again by her parents, Sirius cut the power to her engines after she had broken through the atmosphere for minimum noise, turning her ship into a glider. She would only to turn them on again once she was prepared to land.=
SIRIUS: =After perching Red Comet in what was hopefully somewhere isolated, she locked up her ship with voice and fingerprint controls to where the ship's computer responded.=
COMET: "Valediction: Be safe, my friend!"
SIRIUS: (hehe i always am er...i always try)
[[She happens to land in a quiet clearing, the only noise seems to be bird calls echoing from the tall trees above. Its a gorgeous day, the sun is shining bright, and the humidity is not TOO terrible. The skies are so clear, not a cloud can be seen. Except... perhaps the wisps of chalky smoke puffing into the sky from a far distance. How odd.]]
SIRIUS: (right)
SIRIUS: (that seems the obvious direction to go)
SIRIUS: =and making sure she had a couple foodstuffs, some water, and the weapon she never had to use in real life, she's off!=
[[Its a few hours of walking to get closer towards the source of the smoke. She must leave the clearing and move through a dense location of jungle to get to it, but the further along Sirius goes the more easy the path seems to become. As though its been cut down and pruned over hundreds of years, so the jungle just parts ways for the traveler. Eventually she will stumble across the source of the smoke, a small, sealed hut that is oozing smoke through cracks and a chimney. Its a food smoker.]]
SIRIUS: =She is accustomed to rough terrain and easily able to trek through it. She notices when the path becomes easier and it has her on alert. Nothing really to worry about, right? However, when she finally came across to small structure to see it was not a settlement as she has initially guessed, she turned from it, her eyes skimming over the rest of her surroundings. Maybe heading right for the smoke wasnt such a good idea after all=
[[It is somewhat strange for the smoker to be here, on an unpopulated planet, running on its own without any obvious supervision. It seems to be powered by a beat up, small generator.]]
[[Its really quiet now, just the noise of Sirius moving, and the hum of the working battery. Oh, and now a whistling sound. That gets higher and higher pitched like its getting closer until OH would you look at that!! A red smoke gas grenade landing just a foot from her location!]]
[[BOOM! It goes off and quite suddenly this cleared out area is filling up with over powering, noxious fumes!]]
SIRIUS: =SCREECHES in a surprised yelp!! She first backpedals then stumbles away from the gas grenade, using the long legs of hers to make a quick escape. However, she couldnt prevent herself from inhaling some of it and began coughing and wheezing, trying to breathe through her glove to filter out the air.=
[[That gas is rather potent stuff! Its meant to render those who inhale it unconscious, so Sirius at the very least will start to feel a bit dizzy from breathing in some of it. As she runs, the jungle around her springs to life and there are at least four figures rushing after her through the haze of smoke and gas, however they are protected by identity hiding old fashioned gas masks! They arent chasing Sirius to offer her a spare though, they've got spears and swords in their hands.]]
SIRIUS: =She is able to get a little ways out due to her overall stature, but the effects still took its hold and she brushed against the trunk of a nearby tree to keep her balance. She was still trying to breathe in some normal air and lifted a hand toward the figures, trying to show she didn't mean harm.=
SIRIUS: (no...please)
SIRIUS: =Even in her state, she stumbled into a run again, when she saw them continue their approach. Avoiding them the best she could, Sirius ran.=
[[The pursuers pay no mind to her pleading and spread out, following Sirius not only from behind but now coming up on her sides. Its clear they know the terrain very well, and if she wants to avoid them she is going to have to keep forward on a very specific path. And in another three hundred yards, there is a gathering of ferns and undergrowth that hides a very specifically placed net trap that if stepped on will ensnare and lift its unfortunate victim high up into the air.]]
SIRIUS: =welp, her next plan is out. Unless she can get to a tree quick enough to avoid them. If not, she reluctantly follows the path they have set for her. Along with her blurring surroundings, there's blurry pictures in her head about something(?) lying in wait among the foliage just ahead. Once she gets close enough, she makes a desperate (and messy) leap through the air to try and clear it.=
[[She JUST makes it. For the most part anyways. When she lands it triggers the trap and the very edge of the netting snags her foot. while its not enough to pull her into the air and keep her there, it will at the very least trip her up long enough for the hunting party of four to surround her on all sides.]]
[[They stand around her, blocking off exits, and in complete menacing silence.]]
SIRIUS: =She tumbled horns over heels and landed hard on her side. Her movements were much slower now and she pulled herself up to rest on an elbow while the other hand gripped at the dirt underneath her, lifting her from the ground. She managed to get one leg beneath her and staggered to her feet again. The movement itself made her want to fall back down again, and she held out an arm to steady herself.=
SIRIUS: =Desperate to find another escape route, Sirius glanced above her. Were there any low lying branches she could reach? She wasn't even sure she could make them if there were. Her vision had blurred to the extent she couldn't see straight and Sirius shook her head, trying to refocus.=
SIRIUS: =However, she can tell that she's going to be unconcious soon and this scares her shitless. But as scared as she is, she still doesn't want to hurt anyone and raised her arms defensively=
SIRIUS: (im ssssssorry ill just go) =Her own voice sounded distorted and slurred to her ears as she swayed dangerously in place.=
SIRIUS: (please let me go)
[[The hunters look between themselves and whisper in words that are probably lost on Sirius's hazy mind. And while she sways and rocks unsteady from the effects of the gas one of the gas mask wearing pursuers steps forwards from the ring, closer towards Sirius and removes their mask.]]
[[Underneath is the face of a human woman, older in age and with a scar crossing over her lip. Dark skin, dark hair cut close to her scalp, and the deepest brown eyes you have ever seen. She somehow manages to scowl down her nose at Sirius, despite being almost two feet shorter then the troll.]] CARRIE: -Sirius may not be able to understand her if she can hardly hear her own voice, but she does speak with a rather commanding tone.- Fear not young maiden. No harm will come to you. While you rest.
SIRIUS: (mmphg) =she says intelligently, her arms still shielding her.=
SIRIUS: =Swaying on her feet a little more, Sirius collapsed in place, the effects of the gas finally overcoming her conciousness.=
CARRIE: -The last thing Sirius will see is her blurred form moving towards her when she falls.-
[[When Sirius wakes up she will find herself laying on a cot in a small room. There is some natural light coming from the setting sun that is filtering in through a small window that is barred to prevent anyone climbing through it. The rest of the room is bare except for a small table nearby the cot that supports a glass of fresh water, and there is a grass curtain that hides a very simplistically made "Bathroom" (if it can be called that) There is a wooden door, with a slot, that leads out of this room, but if tried Sirius will find it to be very firmly locked. Sorry Sirius you are in jungle jail.]]
SIRIUS: =her legs are likely hanging off the cot tbh=
SIRIUS: =She jolted awake, her head still throbbing. Slowly, she stood and took in her new area of temporary (hopefully) residence. Creeping to the bars, she peeked out of them, trying to get a glimpse of outside before she tried ripping these bars out the wall.=
[[Sorry no dice! The bars are well stuck in place. What Sirius can see outside is what appears to be......... (Drum roll) ....... LAUNDRY!! Tubs of steaming, sudsy water sitting outside and hanging damp clothes.]]
SIRIUS: =She pats herself, looking for her sylladex. Did they take it? What about her jacket? It was a bit flashy...being red and piratey...and all...=
[[She still has the clothes she was wearing, but her sylladex has been completely emptied out of all useful items like weapons, spare parts, food, electronics, music and extra clothes.]]
SIRIUS: =needless to say, this upsets her. She doesn't care so much about the food, but she's had her weapon since she was a wiggler. Karkat and Terezi had taken her to the UU's armory and told her to pick whatever she liked - she began training that day. Also in her sylladex were all of her most recent personal notes, journals, and captain's logs! There were photos of her family, her entire life! It was a treasure trove of personal information, she might as well have had her social security number in there too! This was bad.=
SIRIUS: =...holy shit, her starmap was in there too. Yes, it was locked by a very specific code, but the very thought that something incredibly dangerous might have fallen into the wrong hands gave her a fright.= SIRIUS: =She swiftly moved to the door and tried it. She might as well. Upon seeing that it was locked, she searches the room for anything else useful, like any intelligent person in Escape the Room games. She eyed that glass of water but did not touch it. It might be spiked with truth serum. She's heard the stories of the UU's own adventures.=
[[Photos and journals have remained within her sylladex, however perhaps not in the same slot they were before. Her star map was indeed gone though. The water is not laced or spiked, but asides from the glass there really is nothing to be seen or found.]] [[Not too long after Sirius starts looking though, scuffling and muffled voices can be heard outside the door.]]
SIRIUS: =dashes across the room as fast and as quietly as she can and hides behind the grass curtain (ie the "bathroom")=
[[The noises get louder and then the slot on the door opens up and out comes a small platform that hooks to the opening, and then moments after that a tray of mashed tubers and cold slices of smoked fish are provided.]]
SIRIUS: =Pokes her head out from behind the curtain, eyeing the food.= SIRIUS; =she cleared her throat=
SIRIUS: (thank you)
?????: !! -Someone speaks from the otherside, not having expected to hear a thank you. First timers rarely ever thanked people who brought food.- Oh!!!!!!!! Well you Are pretty welcome hAhA........
?????: -Whoever it is cant see Sirius from this angle.-
SIRIUS: (its not)
SIRIUS: (poisoned is it)
SIRIUS: =she's still in the bathroom, but leaning partially out to see if there is any way she can see who she's talking to.=
[[The only way to see whoever it is would be to go all the way up to the door and take the food out of the slot.]]
?????: Nope its cleAn!!!!!!!! If it wAsnt A lot of people would be in A bAd way, heheh
SIRIUS: (oh)
SIRIUS: (then i guess i should thank you again)
SIRIUS: (hehe)
SIRIUS: =the person sounds nice...And they didn't kill her when they had the chance, at least?? so Sirius climbs out and knelt on the ground to take the food. Her gloves are a vibrant red, like what only a couple of people wore on the UU.=
?????: -They are pretty nice! Thanks for noticing.-
?????: -When Sirius goes to take the food the voice on the other side of the door gasps a little.- Oh!!!!!!!!
?????: Those Are cool gloves
SIRIUS: (oh thanks) :D
SIRIUS: (my lusii had them made for me from pupation silk) =In her attempt keep from giving information, she only give more. oops=
?????: Oh mAn thAts reAlly neAt your lusus must be reAlly cool
SIRIUS: (yes hehe) =she nibbles a fish, peering through the hole=
SIRIUS: (you seem really friendly so i think there has been a misunderstanding) SIRIUS: (i was led to believe this planet was uninhabited) SIRIUS: (needless to say i now know it obviously isnt)
????: HAhAhA yeAh crAzy right? I thought it wAs too
????: Turns out its ActuAlly crAwling with people........ -She happens to think Sirius is very friendly! And through the hole she can see the knees of whoever is outside because she is also sitting for this lovely chat. Its clearly a troll at least.-
SIRIUS: =she perks at this=
SIRIUS: (how did you come by here if you mind my asking)
????: I dont mind At All
????: I cAme here........ like I think several months Ago???????? MAybe A yeAr????????
????: Me and some buddies I mAde were looking for cool cAmping spots And we heArd About this plAce from An old trAveling guide in A hostel
????: Thought it would be A cool experience you know???????
????: Well A few hours After we lAnded And set up cAmp we get Ambushed And well Im guessing its pretty much the sAme story As you
????: Dont worry though it might be a rough Adjustment At first but this plAce grows on you!!!!!!!!
????: Its pretty much A second home to me now
SIRIUS: =behind the door like D8=
SIRIUS: =it takes a moment to sink in= (a-adjustment) =???=
????: -Well someone had to tell her.- YeAh Adjustment!!!!!!!!
????: You're in quArAntine right now just to be sure you dont hAve Any serious diseAse or contAgious conditions but in 48 hours you'll get out And be Assigned to A job given A plAce to sleep And new clothes
SIRIUS: =this has gotta be a joke...=
SIRIUS: (haha...)
SIRIUS: (what if i like my clothes)
????: Oh you get to keep whAt you Are weAring now!!!!!!!!
????: But you'll be given more
????: Although if you hAd more clothes with you I cAnt promise you will get the sAme ones........
????: We kind of recycle outfits here, And pool together new clothes found And mAde And distribute them where they Are needed
SIRIUS: (hhhhh) =She doesn't mind losing a couple t-shirts and pants. If they take up her jeans, it would literally be a drag, but maybe they can make dresses from her shirts? who knows how far they've gotten with them by now. Hopefully they hadnt found her ship just yet, since she intentionally ran the opposite direction.=
SIRIUS: (um)
SIRIUS: (thats very nice)
SIRIUS: (but i mean no offense when i say i cant stay here)
SIRIUS: (this was supposed to be a day trip see)
SIRIUS: =now the gears are turning to where her things might possibly be kept. Maybe she can convince this girl her star map is a bowling ball=
????: ........................ -She is silent for a time. Its always the worst to break the news to newbies.-
????: Sorry to be the one to tell you but there is no eAsy wAy off this plAnet
????: There Are hArdly Any ships And they belong to the "seArchers"
????: HArdly Anyone gets to use them unless Approved by the ChAncellor And I've never heArd of A Newbie getting permission
SIRIUS: (if its a secret problem i promise i wont tell anyone you guys are here) =there is slight desperation to her voice=
????: Sorry its not me you gottA convince........
????: The high dignitAries Are reAlly serious About not letting Any word About this plAce off world
????: But its reAlly greAt here honest Asides from the whole mAle slAvery thing they hAve going on this plAce is kind of pArAdise???????
????: Food And pArties And this greAt sense of community
????: Once you Are one of us you Are ONE of us your neighbors will do just About Anything for you
????: -See its not all bad!! Shes doing her best to ease Sirius's worries.-
SIRIUS: =CHOKES on this fish=
????: !!!! -Oh dear-
????: Are you okAy in there????????
SIRIUS: =wheezing!!=
????: Oh jeez........
SIRIUS: (but i cant i have a job and a family and friends and...)
SIRIUS: (and people who will worry)
SIRIUS: =truth be told, she's gone for months at a time. She doesn't know when people will realize something isn't right=
????: -A sigh can be heard coming from the other side of the door.-
????: ThAt is kind of Another downside of this plAce isnt it,,,,,,,,,,
????: Sorry I wish I knew A better wAy to help you
????: If it mAkes you feel Any better I know how you feel
SIRIUS: =there's the sounds what appears to be the start of panicked breathing on the other side, but--=
SIRIUS: (you)
SIRIUS: (youre trapped here too)
????: Hhhh well!!!!!!!!
????: TrApped is kind of A word I try to Avoid
????: More like,,,,,,,,
????: I wAsnt expecting to be living here but now I Am
????: I'm mAking the best of it And its not too hArd to do
SIRIUS: =is freaking out a little bit=
SIRIUS: (trapped is exactly the word i would use)
????: -She is really bad at this whole comforting thing isnt she..-
????: But thAt sounds reAlly negAtive And is just going to bum you out if you keep thinking About it
SIRIUS: =tinest and softest sob=
SIRIUS: (i cant stay here)
SIRIUS: (it means ill be stuck here for all my life)
SIRIUS: (i wont be able to go anywhere ever again)
SIRIUS: (theres so much i havent seen yet)
SIRIUS: (what will my family think)
SIRIUS; (i went somewhere and never came back)
SIRIUS: =the way she's talking, it sounds like she's been told she's about to die=
SIRIUS: =it's true, in a way=
????: (Oh geez)
????: Um!!!!!!!!
????: Hey its okAy!!!!!!!
????: Its not so bAd!!!!!!! You'll be okAy its going to be okAy
????: It feels reAl bAd right now but give it time!!!!!! -Ahhh how do you make someone feel better about not being able to ever see their families or go back to their old lives again?? Oh god damn it now SHE is feeling sad too.-
????: HAhAhAhA....... MAn you Are stArting to mAke me A little homesick
SIRIUS: =through muffled crying= (its because youre trapped here) =!=
????: -AW JEEZ-
????: Fffffffffff---
????: Um!!!!!!!!
????: There there??? Its okAy????????
????: Hey whAts your nAme????????
SIRIUS: (whats it matter)
SIRIUS: (boo hoo hoo)
SIRIUS: =then even softer=
SIRIUS: ((my name is sirius))
SIRIUS: =starts to cry again= (i have two sisters my dad was a therapist on the uu and my mom was its communications officer shes now a lawyer and works with government reform on alternia))
SIRIUS; ((the academy just titled me and ive just fucked it like an asshole))
????: .............................................................................. -There is so much silence coming from the other side of the door it is unreal.-
????: S-........S-Sirius????????
????: Sirius Pyrope VAntAs whAtever????????
SIRIUS: ..........................................
SIRIUS: =There is nothing beyond the door now. No sobbing, no whispering, nothing. She's gone silent too.=
SIRIUS: =After ten thousand years (more like ten seconds), Sirius quietly shuffled forward and peered under the food slot at the friendly also-trapped person she'd been speaking with.=
????: -There are already eyes down there peeping and waiting for her to do the same. -
HELENA: AAAAHH Oh my god it IS you!!!!!!!! -WHAT ARE THE ODDS???-
HELENA: Sorry Im yelling but WOW????????
HELENA: This is crAzy
SIRIUS: =her eyes get sphrical when at last she SEES and briefly she doesn't even mind the yelling because she's doing some herself!=
SIRIUS: (helena holy shitballs!! what are you doing here??!)
SIRIUS: (nevermind you already told me that!!)
SIRIUS: (oh my god???)
HELENA: YeAh I did!!!!!!!!
HELENA: Im!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!
HELENA: How hAve you been
SIRIUS: =she's just amazed and has flipped from sad to happy in a nanosecond= (ive been good! i mean as good as one gets here hehe) =She lifted a hand, gesturing the room=
SIRIUS: (how long have you been here???)
HELENA: I think its been like........ mAybe Almost A yeAr????????
HELENA: Uh oh -Frowns a little with concern- AAAAh pleAse dont get upset AgAin
SIRIUS: ((thats so sad....))
SIRIUS: ((did they take your comms devices))
SIRIUS: ((have you tried escape))
HELENA: They did for A little while yeAh,,,,,,,,
HELENA: And by the time I got it bAck it wAs Almost deAd bAttery wise
HELENA: Not thAt it mAttered this plAnet hAs no interstellAr service
SIRIUS: (how did you get here to begin with)
SIRIUS: (did you come in your ship)
HELENA: Like I sAid before I cAme here with some guys I met up with At A trAvel stAtion And when we lAnded BANG
HELENA: Took our stuff And our ships And I've been here since........
HELENA: But hey!!!!!!!! Get this I'm A fArmer now HELENA: And AppArently A greAt one heheh they dont hAve Any other communers here so Im bAsicAlly the best livestock keeper plAnet side -She beams about this information.-
SIRIUS: (helena um thats great you like your job) SIRIUS: (i think) SIRIUS: (but if youre right that its been a year) SIRIUS: (no one knows where youve been) SIRIUS: (for a year)
HELENA: I mAAAy be over exAgerAting I dont know I've kind of lost my sense of time here its been A while since I've thought About it HELENA: MAybe like........ two thirds of A yeAr HELENA: Over six months or something
HELENA: -Trying to make it sound better for Sirius-
SIRIUS: (...) SIRIUS: (what was the date you went camping)
HELENA: Ummmm HELENA: It was eArly June. First week of it mAybe????????
SIRIUS: (im afraid to ask what year)
HELENA: -Scoffs- okAy I hAvent been here THAT long
HELENA: It wAs still this yeAr HELENA: Unless new yeArs hAs been A thing
SIRIUS: :c SIRIUS: (it has) SIRIUS: (todays the sixth)
HELENA: .................Oh
SIRIUS: =awkwardly looks at the dirt= SIRIUS: (happy new year) =?=
HELENA: HAh........ YeAh hAppy new yeAr -Forces her smile back up. Boy... What a day.-
SIRIUS: (...come with me) SIRIUS: (lets get out of here while we still can)
HELENA: WhAt do you meAn?
SIRIUS: (i mean lemme out so we can go home)
HELENA: Oh!!!!!!!!! HELENA: WAit how???????? -80- HELENA: Not how do I let you out but how do we go home????????
SIRIUS: ((how do you think i got here)) SIRIUS: c:
HELENA: CArrie and her troops brought you here -DUH Sirius-
SIRIUS: (hhhh) SIRIUS: (i mean before that) SIRIUS: =she lifted her hands up to mimic steering= SIRIUS: ((nyoom nyoom))
HELENA: OH!!!!!!!! HELENA: Mmmghhhhhhh Sirius I dont know even if they didnt find you with your ship they Are probAbly out looking for it right now HELENA: Unless they've AlreAdy found it........
SIRIUS: (no no helena) SIRIUS: (you mustnt think that way) SIRIUS: (i have it locked up) SIRIUS: (they cant get in without my hand and my voice)
SIRIUS: (we need to stay positive) SIRIUS: :'o
HELENA: You sure???????? HELENA: WhAt if we just wAit HELENA: You'll be out of quArAntine soon And then we cAn try tAlking to CArrie HELENA: She might even be Able to get you A meeting with ChAncellor AnnAeA!!!!!!!! HELENA: The ChAncellor is pretty fAir who knows she might let you go home
SIRIUS: (will she let you go home too) SIRIUS: (what about the others who came with you) SIRIUS: (where are they)
HELENA: Hmm well TrAcy left to work the north outpost two weeks Ago HELENA: And I hAvent seen the two boys since we got Ambushed........
HELENA: YeAAAAhhhh........ 8888(
HELENA: How sure Are you that your ship is still there????????
SIRIUS: (i dont know but i still have to try)
SIRIUS: (also i) SIRIUS; (have a hunch its still there) SIRIUS: (for now) SIRIUS: (hopefully)
HELENA: -Hhhh she isnt really sure how she feels about this plan. But Sirius is a friend and she wants to at least try and help her. So after a few moments of silence the sound of locks being opened sound and then the entire door is being opened a crack.-
HELENA: We got to move quick
HELENA: Do you think it would be possible for you to find your wAy to your ship on your own????????
SIRIUS: (but)
SIRIUS: (what about you)
SIRIUS: (what about your friends)
SIRIUS: =she placed the tray gently on the table and slipped through=
HELENA: -She quickly shuts and locks the door behind her and looks around to be sure no one saw. The hallway they now both stand in is short, and the exit is not far down the end of it.-
HELENA: Well I meAn
HELENA: I wAs thinking I would stAy here And mAke sure you hAd enough cover to get bAck to your ship 8888I
SIRIUS: (no) =???=
HELENA: Oh........
HELENA: Well I kind of AlreAdy put thAt plAn into motion by letting you out
SIRIUS: (now that i know youre here im not leaving you helena)
HELENA: Hgghhhh but Leslie is About to hAtch her bAbies
SIRIUS: (i...)
SIRIUS: (im hazarding a wild guess leslie is a chicken on your farm)
SIRIUS: (she can come too)
HELENA: Leslie is A beAtle bovine 8888)
HELENA: PArt cow pArt some sort of insect thing she's greAt
HELENA: She lAid A clutch of thirteen!!!!!!!!
SIRIUS: (oh)
SIRIUS: (she sounds pretty cool)
HELENA: YeAh shes reAlly greAt And is going to mAke A greAt mom
SIRIUS: (im sure she would)
SIRIUS: (if you dont want to leave her behind we can figure out a way to transport her)
SIRIUS: (we can pick tracy up too)
SIRIUS: (and the others...they didnt die did they) =?=
HELENA: ................Nghhhh I dont reAlly know if they did 8888(
HELENA: All guys go strAight to center city for processing
SIRIUS: (where is that)
HELENA: Well we Are in the outside villAge juts beyond the wAlls
HELENA: Its a reAlly eAsy wAlk And you cAn go through the gAtes And see the big mArket plAce for trAding And the council members live there its reAlly cool
SIRIUS: (i dont suppose theyd let me waltz in there)
SIRIUS: =She's pressing her back flat against the building, feeling a little more anxious now=
HELENA: Well sure you cAn 88880
HELENA: Any citizen is welcomed in Center City
SIRIUS: (hrk)
HELENA: -Chin hands at her while still standing up.- You don't sound convinced 8888T
SIRIUS: (im supposed to be in quarantine for the next two days)
SIRIUS: (right) =?=
SIRIUS: (i dont went to get you in trouble)
HELENA: -Nods- Yep!!!!!!!!
HELENA: Its just to mAke sure you Arent sick with Anything thAt is going to cAtch with the LegAcies-- OH!!!!!!!!
HELENA: Does this meAn you're thinking of mAybe not trying to get off plAnet yet 88880
SIRIUS: (i dunno ive never been sick) =wrings her hands looking around= (im thinking about reconsidering our strategy)
SIRIUS: (it would be easier if it was you and me but your other friends are scattered and we dont know where some of them are exactly)
HELENA: YeAh thAts true 8888(
HELENA: Its A big plAnet
HELENA: Oh but hey!!!!!!!! If you stAy here, just for right now, mAybe I cAn try And find your ship if the scouts hAvent found it yet
HELENA: And then if I do I cAn hide it so you cAn still get off world lAter
SIRIUS: (yeah that would be goo-)
SIRIUS: (we)
SIRIUS; (so we can get off world later)
HELENA: Oh right we
HELENA: WhAt did I sAy???????? 88880
HELENA: Well whAtever it wAs yeAh "we" hAhA
SIRIUS: =looking at Helena all concerned-like=
HELENA: -Shes smiling until Sirius starts looking concerned, shes just really happy to see someone from the UU.- WhAt
SIRIUS: (are you um)
SIRIUS: (planning)
SIRIUS: (to come with me)
HELENA: If we cAn get off world then sure 88883
SIRIUS: =hhhhhhhhh's in relief=
SIRIUS: (that is a thing i promise will happen)
HELENA: -Sirius is great-
HELENA: Well if we Are going to wAit I kind of need you to go bAck into the room Im the only "guArd" tonight but thAt doesnt meAn no one is going to come this wAy
HELENA: Also if you need Anything you cAn AlwAys just Ask Anyone As long As its reAsonAble you should be Able to get it
SIRIUS: (oh yeah it would be a bit awkward wouldnt it if anyone saw me out here)
SIRIUS: (if you can please check where the boys have gone)
SIRIUS: (if theyre still alive they couldnt have gone far right)
SIRIUS: (or there would be signs that they were no more) :c
HELENA: I cAn totAlly Ask Around And see whAt I cAn find out!!!!!!!!
HELENA: No worries Sirius Im on the cAse BBBB)
SIRIUS: =her smile broadens=
SIRIUS: (we can figure this out)
HELENA: Yesssssssss -She then moves aside and opens the door to the room so Sirius can go back in-
SIRIUS: =ducks her head so she wont bonk it on the doorframe as she reenters, smiling=
SIRIUS: =she hold out her fist for a bmp!=
HELENA: I'll stop by tomorrow before I go feed the AnimAls sleep tight Siri!!!!!!!!
HELENA: -She then shuts and locks up the door again before walking away.-
SIRIUS: =Soft voice from behind the door= (see you around helena)
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