#and its hard to communicate that to people cause i know if i dont choose my words VERY carefully it can come off as manipulative
cantsaythetword · 1 year
Somehow everything that's gone pear shaped ATM is linked back to it being my fault and I'm realising holy shit I really need to be better
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leelesbo · 1 month
so this may be a bit of an odd request lol. im not personally into tickeling, but my partner is. i find it really attractive how into it he is, and am super willing to participate for him, but as hes into the lee and ler sides of it, sometimes when im taking the ler role, i sort of run out of ideas on what to say and do LOL. it doesnt come naturally to me like you all who actually Do have the fetish. i basically just picked your blog randomly cause we're the same age and you seem to have experience with it and i dont think he follows you already, but i was hoping you could offer some advice or ideas on good things to say and do that may not be obvious? i'd ask him but he gets so flustered over it that its basically impossible HDFJKGKDFHGL
this is the cutest sweetest ask omfg i would LOVE to help out. i love yapping about tickling you came to the right person (this turned out to be really long so it’s all under the cut LMFAO)
so for teasing, a lot of the times it really depends on Who you’re teasing!! for instance, im not personally a huge fan of the whole “coochie coochie coo” “tickle tickle tickle” thing bc its just Way too babyish and infantile for me, but ive found a lot of people in this community really like it and it flusters them a lot!!! if youre unsure, typical teases like that couldn’t hurt to try!
ok i said “tickle tickle tickle” didnt work on me but Actually in the right context that absolutely could work bc the simple act of Hearing The Word is insanely flustering. fr, if you just keep repeating how ticklish he is, asking if something tickles, maybe even figure out a way to force Him to say the word it should work. there’s smth about knismos where our brain overloads hearing that word and it’s even so hard to say, it’s extremely flustering being forced to say it!!
also, focusing on spots and Talking about how that particular spot is affecting them is killer. if you’re tickling his ribs and it’s making him giggle more than belly-laugh, point that out!!! “oh you really like the ribs, don’t you? you’re giggling so much you can’t even talk! try! go on, tell me how much it tickles!” for me and a lot of other knismos, tickling is a lot about feeling Analyzed. experiment with specific spots and see how differently it affects him. verbally take notes on the differences!
also, emphasize how much he’s enjoying it even if/when he’s Begging for you to stop or move spots. knismos love to pretend we hate it, it adds to the fun of the whole thing. but don’t ONLY emphasize that he’s enjoying it, also throw in how horrible it must be!! how he’s too ticklish to take it, how it must be so bad if he’s screaming for mercy.
(i literally keep thinking of new things to add this is going to be so long sorry)
AND AND AND!!! POINT OUT HOW FLUSTERED HE IS!! how red his face has gotten, how he keeps repeating the same thing over and over bc his brain is fuzzy and he can’t Speak Properly, maybe he can’t figure out what to do with his hands, or he keeps trying to hide his face! LET HIM KNOW U CAN SEE EVERY LITTLE REACTION!!! it’s about the attention to detail babyyyy
tickle teasing can also go beyond the actual Act of tickling. tease him when you aren’t even tickling him!! wiggle your fingers his way, throw the word in casual conversation (“what you said earlier really tickled me”), poke him when ur out in public!! little things :3
when you Are tickling him, make him tell you what spots tickle more. make him help you! maybe choose two spots at a time, tickle one spot and then the other, and make him tell you which was worse (this ofc will take Many trials and retests juuuust to be sure he was right the first time 😌). use different methods and make him choose which is worse! hands or teeth? feathers or raspberries? the list can go on and on and you’ll both be sure to have a lot of fun testing out the varieties of the game lol
okay so i could literally keep going FOREVER but ill stop here for now bc ive already written a fucking essay!!! if you want more i’d be elated to go again, my brain is constantly on Tickle Mode so im always happy to yap about it!!
anyway, hope this helped!! hope you guys have fun, im happy to be of service :3
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booksandmore · 12 days
I’m sorry but CC only has herself to blame for making TMI known as “the incest books” in all of the reading communities outside of TSC fandom.
She herself ruined TMI becoming as big as it could’ve been & TSC in general by putting incest in all 6 books of TMI…That’s why no one posts about it on Booktwt or Booktok..
There’s no point in being upset at readers judging TMI for having incest in it when that’s a valid criticism.. Clace kissed multiple times for three books all while not being officially sure whether or not they were related or not..then CC got petty & doubled down on the incest after being criticized for it already & had Clary kiss her biological brother in book three after people already hated it with Clace in the first two books.
Clary’s brother almost rapes her in book five and tries kissing her in the last book. TSC is not GOT where it gets a pass. Non TSC stans really want a LI calling his girlfriend’s Dad his own Dad 💀 Jace was calling Clary’s brother his brother while being romantically involved with Clary. Just because he was adopted by Valentine as a kid didn’t make it normal for Cassie to have Jace call himself a Morgenstern or to call his girlfriend’s brother his own brother.
TMI hate = CC’s own fault.. any TMI stan bitterness should be directed at her own questionable writing choices. Sorry but seeing TMI stans hating that TMI is judged for this all when it’s the authors own fault is weird yk? It’s been too long, Cassie understands why TMI gets hate. As a TMI stan it makes me upset that she dragged the incest on the entire series because I can’t proudly ever talk about Clace, Seb or TMI as a whole because she got weird with the writing in that series on purpose to spite people who criticized the incest in Books 1-2. It was petty for her to drag on incest for that long knowing people hated it..It’s her fault.
I’m tired of people outside of the fandom being judged for not liking the incest for Clary with two Mmc’s when..it’s valid not to like or be comfortable with. TMI stans always having to make excuses for her too is even sadder bc it’s not our fault or other readers’ it’s the authors fault for putting that in a fun YA series that didn’t need incest AT ALL. That’s probably why the show was a flop and the movie, no one could take the series seriously with that arc for Clary with Jace and her brother Sebastian..
no yes i totally get it!! it is frusterating to see tmi get dismissed but im not gonna force anyone to do anything they dont like. it’s valid to not want to interact with something cause it grosses you out, i’ve definitly done that before as well. we all have our limits and that’s okay!! that said feel free to ignore the rest of this i just wanted to explain my thoughts more thoroughly but it got a bit long😭you might not like anon sorry
first of, i do admit it’s been a while since my reread and also, i haven’t touched the other series since i first read them so i can really only speak for tmi rn, and if i get anything wrong that’s on me
i should probably clarify that my original posts were create because i was just so baffled that people were sayong cc has some kind of incest kink and that’s why she was forcing it into her books. like?? an author choosing to engage with darker taboo topics doesn’t mean they’re into it im pretty sure. its not like i know her personally, but if she had a kink i sort of suspect it would show up in the rest of her books yk? is it really that hard to imagine that she’d include it for a reason?😭
for me, maybe because i’m used to books like the secre t history or older classics, i tend to look past the taboo of it and focus on what it does for the story/reveals about charchterization, if that makes sense?
i think that tmi is very much about family, and sebastian having these fucked up views about family (where he mistakes romantic love for familial love) really goes to show how horrible valentine was as a father, and how terribly he was treated and how desperate he was for love. i think he doesnt know what it means to be loved by family and that’s why he substitutes it with something else. cause i think that deep down inside he does have a normal brotherly love for clary, its just that he doesnt know any other way to show that
for me the incest thing is a plot device and it frusterates me how no one wants to engage with it that way. could it have been done differently? probabaly. but they don’t even try to examining why it’s there at all! they don’t bother analyzing or asking, hey, does the author have any particular reason for putting this here, or writing it the way she did? they just dismiss it as gross and go away. but i really do think it has a purpose and point in the story that gets lost on a lot of people
the thing is, it’s meant to be uncomfortable! it’s meant to be gross! it should weird you out!! i doubt cc meant it to be viewed positively, especially when neither the charchters nor the narrative does. it’s meant to show how badly these adults and this society have fucked up these children, and robbed them of being able to love freely and safely yk?
most of my frusteration really just comes from how puritanical fandom has been. you can choose not to engage with something if it grosses you out, that’s fine and valid and we’ve all done that before. but looking down on someone for wanting to engage with it objectively is??? i think it’s just etiquette to not engage with what you don’t like. block the tag. curate your own experience. that kinda stuff
again anon if you chose to read this anyway i really do respect and understand what you’re saying. i’m really sorry if i came across as mean or rude but like. i really really love tmi and i cannot tolerate it being dismissed like that
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n3xii · 2 years
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This reading helps you attune to the message your guardian angel has for you at the moment. We'll explore what they've been trying to say to you and how they're aiding you at this time. Close your eyes and take a few breathes, when you're ready choose an image below
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Pile one
What they've been trying to say 》
Your guardian angel is acknowledging a fear or blockage you have surrounding your own intution. Perhaps it seems unrealistic to you that you would have any ability, impossible even. Others are simply afraid of all this has to offer. What if I'm wrong? What if my I tuition is misguding me? What if it's a coincidence?
Your guardian angel has been trying to communicate the power you have and how you're blocking it off. Awaken to your intution and your subconcious and be receptive to the signs you're getting. let your angel have connection with you through your intutuion. Your angel also wants you to know that you have a whole community of people just like you. whenever you're afraid or unsure about your intuition, confinde in them with your questions. Don't just dismiss yourself or deny yourself the opportunity to understand a sign or Intutive further.
How this angel is supporting you at the moment 》
You've been feeling out of sorts, upside down, you could be having a physical problem or just losing your energy completely. Maybe you've lost the motivation to do things you love to do, or even just the things you need to do. Your angel is helping you rediscover the energy within you so that you can keep moving forward. This angel is recovering your inner strength and willpower and healing you. Be receptive to this energy occurring on the inside out. Your angel is essentially helping you heal and recover, for those who may have e been sick recently your angel is especially helping you with that.
Pile two
What your guardian angel has been saying to you》
Your angel wants you to know that your power has been increasing, now is not a time to be passive or submissive. However, like pile one, there's some blockages to your intution that makes it hard to see where you need to direct this power. Your angel wants you to know that you have the power to create your own destiny at this moment but you lack the vision to actually set it into action. Focus on visualizing or using your senses to create an image of what you want to do. Don't let your innate power to go to waste, they have been trying to tell you to use your power and have a vision for that energy to manifesf
How this angel is helping you at this moment 》 this angel is helping all your wishes to come true, this angel wants to see abundance and prosperity take place in your life. This angel is helping you manifest and take action towards your desires. As we said earlier, you're struggling to use your intution and third eye to visualize what it is you want, this angel is wanting you do that so that all your wishes come to frution. They cant help if they dont know what you want! If you can't visualize, use your senses (taste, smell, touch, hearing) to imagine what your manifestion would be like.
Pile three
What your angel has been trying to communicate》
Your guardian angel is communicating to me that you've been dealing with anxiety- emotionally you're overwhelmed and don't know how much more you can take. You've been brooding over something, something has caused you to spend signifigant mental energy on ruminating or worrying. Your angel has been trying to tell you that the storm is passing, whatever it is your worried about or worked up about, it's actually on its way out of your life it's going to be resolved. Your angel simply wants you to know it's ok, that this period of stress won't last much longer it's ok to let yourself relax.
How this angel is helping you right now 》 this angel is bringing new beginnings in your finances or career. Your angel is helping you expand in abundant ways so that you can embrace opportunities that pay you well. If this is what you were worried about, you angel wants you to know that anxiety is leaving and abundance is coming. Any constraints that were making you anxious is going to be a thing of the past. They are helping you perceive open doors, opportunities and even gifts
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writerswhy · 3 months
do you think hinamori can forgive aizen? he manipulated and used her from the beginning. i dont see why she has to forgive.
Disclaimer: none of this is meant to be apologia, nor am I trying to speak for others. I work in medical, adjacent to law enforcement/legal, and have personally experienced intimate violence. Just trying to let you guys know where I’m coming from. Thank you <3
Also, this is technically part 2 to anon’s question. I feel like I did a better job at elaborating on Hinamori’s character here.
You know, this comes up a lot in both fandom and real-life—this talk of forgiveness and redemption, getting “over” it—and it’s not something that necessarily interests me because of how it’s typically presented. I think it’s pretty reflective of the space and language we lack to explore conversations outside this model of punitive justice and its by-products.
I like to think that for someone like Hinamori who has a solid moral code and tends to shoulder responsibility for a lot of things—her people, her position, her friends, even the work she does for the academy—she’d subscribe to models like transformative justice or restorative justice. 
I think she believes that Soul Society can one day be a better place but also acknowledge that the expression of it is imperfect and not a one-size-fits-all solution. As someone who actually puts in the work, a path forward can manifest in two ways: one for Lieutenant Hinamori and the other for Hinamori Momo.
Hinamori plays an active role in the institution. She’s on the inside of this whole thing. In the aforementioned post I said that Hinamori can choose to bury her head in the sand, rage and follow in Aizen’s footsteps, grow bitter and alienate parts of herself, or hold onto this moral vision of hers and learn to work in and outside the Seireitei for a better Soul Society. We’ve seen her reclaim her lieutenancy on her terms, so I don’t think she’ll have much trouble there. And we know she has no problem challenging authority. I think she can learn to make the system work for her and her cause. I imagine that on the outside she would start some community outreach program to improve the lives of the Rukongai denizens. 
Internally though, it’s complicated. I’m not going to get into it here but I think Hinamori and Aizen have a lot more in common than either would admit and I think a big part of their relationship was almost like a response to the roles they both had to play within the Seireitei, roles they didn’t necessarily agree with. 
While writing this I kept thinking: who would Hinamori be if she had not joined the gotei (and if Soul Society had other avenues for souls like hers)? I think she would still retain her moral compass and ambition, but what would that look like on the outside? Maybe in direct opposition to the Seireitei, participating in or even leading an upheaval? And that’s a hard pill to swallow, that if circumstances were just a little different, she could find herself on the other side. (Not in the same way though, for obvious reasons.)
I think Hinamori would agree with the following: that violence has history, and crime—instead of a law broken—can be seen as a relationship that has been damaged. A relationship between people, between communities, between systems, a relationship of trust. (I mean, isn’t that what the Soul Society arc was about? Isn’t that what Aizen preyed on?) 
I think Hinamori knows that the cause of Aizen and co’s defection was rooted in the history of the underbelly of the system they uphold. I think this goes back to how they lack the language and space to acknowledge this reality and engage in meaningful and productive dialogue to the betterment of the institution, the perpetrators (because they are and have to be a part of this conversation), the victims and community. 
So, do I think Hinamori could forgive Aizen? As lieutenant, I think she would have to come to terms with and understand the greater “why” of his defection to proceed responsibly. For models like restorative and transformative justice, the victim has to be the one to initiate the conversation and it has to be mutually agreed upon. Interestingly, she was not given that choice when the Wandenreich invaded. It may sound defeatist, but I think this is something that must be continuously processed: for as long as she works for the gotei, Aizen becomes more a concept than a person. Every once in a while, when a new enemy rises or when she hears the whisper of a wandering ghost, she’ll remember his words.
For Hinamori Momo, someone who feels deeply and values greatly, I don’t think it’s as simple as to forgive or not forgive (maybe it’s something beyond that). Aizen had a great impact on her and I’m sure some of the knowledge she gained she still believes in and incorporates into her work. I don’t want to take that away from her, nor do I think that means she’s still holding out hope to one day pick up where they left off. It’s not denying his violence or solely championing the good times, it’s about recognizing that in some ways she valued his mentorship and guidance. That he took up a major space in her life that cannot be taken up by another nor can she wave it away like it never happened. It’s a transformative process, taking something and crafting it into your image, and sometimes that’s the hardest path to take.
But like I said, I don’t think their society has the tools to facilitate this type of conversation without alienating another (like, I don’t think the gotei questions her being there, but maybe every once in a while, when she messes up on something they’ll attribute it to her trauma, which can be pretty damaging. It’s a cycle—she’s off her game for whatever reason —> they’ll think it’s because of Aizen —> that makes her even more anxious and resentful because is it? How is she to know if no one wants to openly talk —> so on and so forth). I said I see Hinamori as someone who is always asking herself “am I feeling this right?” and this is definitely one of those instances. 
I don’t think this answers your question, anon, but I hope you see where I’m coming from! Thank you so much for the ask. I had a lot of fun thinking it through<33
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unicornjoking1111 · 5 months
POWER (the nine fundamental aspects)
(Appearance,money,personality,social group/connections,physical health,mental health,popularity/fame,education,rich parents)
The information i am about to share with you is based on my views and its up-to you to whether take it in or not.
I know its irrelevant to talk about these things in this loa/void community but idk i felt like posting it PLUS i moslty have followers from this community (this is based on 3d as it has nothing to do with loa/void)
These things are there in "real" life and we are aware of it.. but i wish someone have told me these things
The things i am gonna share with you might hurt to some since i am gonna share you the "reality" of life
Please excuse me for my bad english...
In this fundamental aspects if you have more than 2 or 3 you have reached your goal in achieving your power
This post is like an introduction but i will add only about the topic appearance here and will be making new posts about other stuff
1) Appearance
I think pretty privilege is the right word for it! we have seen on social media that appearance has a huge role in making our life more easier and get away with things much easier and faster!
Appearance also correlates with other fundamental aspects such as social group/connections,money,popularity/fame and personality
In the topic of power appearance is one of the top 3!
pretty privilege as google says "a concept used to examine the economic, social, and political advantages or benefits that are made to both men and women solely based on their physical appearance."
when your pretty life gets easier! u will have more friends, people will treat you better,people will start to respect you and think you in a positive light which leads to greater social connections, even marry a rich guy/girl,brings you fame,get away with anything even if you did something wrong (please don't take advantage of your pretty privilege :D)
being pretty does not bring you genuine connection as there are disadvantages of its own!
pretty is subjective due to the cultural aspects of what is deemed attractive in society!
in terms of 2000's the beauty standard is skinny and blond but now we are in 2024 the beauty standard has changed in terms of accepting other aspects of beauty and the skinny and blond still remains beautiful up to this point!
is it unfair to keep this "beauty" standard? yes
is it necessary to change our self to fit into the standard? no
you can choose what you want to look like and how you want to look like there is nothing like i have be this to be accepted
dont be delusional into thinking "i love the way i am" when your really not! its like forcing yourself to like something which you actually dont like
beauty is real and we are humans after all! we choose this because that's what is pleasing to the eye
you can change how you look like! its not like you will be stuck with the way you are forever and our human body is always changing! so do what you gotta do! give it some love and don't be harsh with it!
you want to use your pretty privilege by becoming a model,social media influencer,be a pretty wife etc... do it! (mind you there will be negatives of its own)
The Standard
ok this part of the section is gonna be really sensitive and not a lot of people talk about this.. i dont even wanna express my views here cause this is the reality i faced... idk if yall bash me for it but atleast there gotta be someone who has to be honest..
so.. being skinny gives you privilege! let me tell you why! i am a skinny person myself and my parents tell me to eat more cause i am "skinny" but the truth is being skinny is a privilege and a standard! i know a friend of mine who is so beautiful and her body is goals! but she told me she is fat and want to be skinny.. it makes me sad that someone so beautiful wants to be skinny.. its really hard but its the truth! even models and the social media influencers are skinny and it is accepted.. i get complimented by people who tells me that they want to be skinny like me.. it was a shock!
if i tell this to anyone who are not skinny they look at me with a weird face saying "you dont know how its like being fat and no one wants that except if you have big private part that's why people compliment you for being skinny". i am sorry for the people who calls themselves fat i just hate it man...
godddd! if your an asian i am so sorry! but a lot of Asians might relate to this one! its about being "white".
yes us Asians are so obsessed with white skin tone but the more shocking part is western people wants to be tan!!!!
idk bro i am so shocked i have no words honestly! for gods sake we are in 2024 and this colurism part sucks!!! like sucks sucks -.-
colurism is the part which hit me like bomb and ruined my childhood! i had black skin tone but i had to force myself to get rid of my shade and i did.. i went from black to white brown kinda combo... i had a lot of trauma with it.. my mom who used to beat me more for my appearance loves me now when i changed my color and now more "beautiful" to my mothers eye... this is one of the disgusting things i had to face when deep down i am hurt to the core..
but somehow being white is like the safe zone and an advantage apart from the tan or black color.. i think in 2024 people start to notice brownish or tan color to be attractive and more accepted.. but the black skin tone is never accepted and no change unless you have features (featurism such as eyes,nose etc..) which are considered attractive and accepted.. so the only way for people with black skin tone to get away with things is to have features which are accepted which sucks!!! i mean not only for black even for brownish/tan skintone.. idk about for people who have white skin tone.. i think you can have any features u want if your skinny..
i hate to write this part cause i am disgusted!!! i hate it so much but this is the privilege and this is the reality we are living in...
idk a lot about features and what is the standard nowadays.. i think having a small nose and plumpy lips are attractive..? idk man..
i think people with normal features are considered a pretty privilege..? like for example if you have (eye misalignment or anything which stands apart.?) its most likely not accepted as far as i have seen in real life but in modeling industry u can get away with it as they want unique features.
ya the "normal" features are considered beautiful? not much educated in this matter.
yes this is the final part.. i think i have given you much awareness of whats considered a pretty privilege? choose what you want to do.. but i beg you to be gentle and don't be harsh with yourself.. change is ok but you need to have your own permission to allow to change and that's the first priority if you want to gain pretty privilege!
if you want.. i can tell you tips for a good self care routine (comment down if you want)? comment down on your views on this! negatives or positives its accepted.
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so I finally started watching Helluva Boss because of blogs like these and the critical community, cause I had gotten real curious about the show. (I just finished Loo Loo Land)
And its just so. interesting. Loo Loo Land is really fun (mostly because of Octavia, I get the hype behind her. #autism bird swag <3)
and just. Stolas man. I already know how he's going to end up like in the later episodes but MAN. they were cooking with him as an antagonist and UGH. its such a shame.
The whole 'wanting Blitz to be his bodyguard BUT HE ACTUALLY DIDNT NEED A BODYGUARD -he just wanted his Blitzy near him' twist thingie was so good! even if I went in it already knowing that Stolas could petrify people.
it just makes me so sad that he will be completly changed in season 2 TT also that conversation he had with Via at the end (before petrifying that imp) was nice as well! I would have loved for him to be morraly grey character, someone who you can sympathize for/with (idk which one is correct I'm not english) in certain aspects but also point out their flaws INSTEAD OF TURNING HIM INTO A DWEEPY LITTLE POS.
also Stella is very cool I like pwetty birb woman with anger issues 👉👈 (completly justified anger, i would be furious too if my husband coerced a guy into having sex with him)
also robofizz slayed hard even tho i had no idea what he was saying half of the time especially without captions that are just auto-generated and dont work that well for me TT
I’m telling you man, S1 is genuinely really good! It had such a special feel. Flawed? Yes, of course, but still GOOD, because I had fun watching it, which is. You know the point of entertainment lol. I miss the energy it had and how the lore felt really fun and intriguing back then, and how excited I was for characters like Blitz’s sister to appear. I miss how it didn’t choose characters to overly sympathize with for dRaMa~ and how in general there was less drama with fun whacky episodes like the cherubs one. Things have definitely changed and sadly HB has deteriorated a loooot in S2, but it’s still worth a watch to me because even though I’m a critical or at least critical adjacent blog I will stand by that S1 was good. S2 frustrates so much by comparison because there are still pieces there sometimes, of the S1 I loved… it’s just so ARGH. But, S1 will never disappear, it’ll always still exist at least so I take solace in that and try to enjoy what I can from what remains of the show.
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comradeboyhalo · 1 year
I would be interested in seeing the tierlist if you made it
i was going to make this a separate post but ill just answer this here. also im obviously going to be biased bc i see some eggs more than others and ofc i miss out on a good chunk of lore bc i only know english. so if im wrong, theres a reason for that!
my hot take is that roleplaying as a child > any other lore crafted. so that shapes the bulk of this list. AND NO SLANDER THEY ALL DO REALLY WELL, THIS LIST IS NITPICKY BC I OVERALL LOVE THEM ALL.
dapper: I SWEAR IM NOT (COMPLETELY) BIASED. a few months ago, dapper's admin would be quite lower, however he's really gone crazy with rp recently. his body language is really cute and feels very childlike, and i really enjoy how he saves emotional sucker-punches when you least expect it. his deathday signs hit that much harder because he rarely shares his feelings. the soul vulture lore was really well drawn-out with a great pay-off. and it all felt very in character and gave so much character development. if dapper openly shared his feelings all the time with bad, i dont think any of this would feel as powerful.
leo: leo feels so much like a character, and i mean that entirely positively. whenever i see her, i feel like i dont even think of QNPC05, i just think LEO. shes spoiled and bratty but in an adorable way, her body language just screams CHILD, and her use of different heads is so fun. also she was the first egg to use colored signs! she has a lot of worries and social anxiety, but i feel like whenever she communicates these to foolish, it never feels info-dumpy. its actually very impressive how much emotion she can put across just through body language.
richarlyson: i actually was wondering if richas should be lower and everyone raises their pitchforks. i know. hear me out. i really like how detailed richas' admin does his lore HOWEVER i sometimes feel like he doesn't act baby enough. idk. theres something about how leo and dapper emote, and even their worries and insecurities, that makes me see them as much younger. that being said, richas' dedication to family conflict is really well-done and something that more eggs should do. (and for everyone disagreeing with me, i know. i know why im wrong. but i just cant help the vibes i get im sorry?). i get a lot of cuteness agression when he shifts to check if people are following him tho 10/10
tallulah: tallulah and pomme are interchangeable bc they both do what i DONT prefer in rp, which is writing out your feelings. dont get me wrong, its great to know the eggs' thoughts, but those sort of angst dumps just dont hit as hard every stream. tallulah just edges out pomme bc she is a bit more irrational, and makes a lot of mistakes, which i think is a brave move in rp.
pomme: pomme has a really well-crafted character, but, again, i really prefer eggs who are harder to figure out vs eggs who lay all their feelings out. pomme is a bit too influential in bbh's lore decisions imo, sometimes i think she should let things play out a bit further before she tries to reign him back. i know shes just rping, but metawise, i think the admin should let him cook a little longer. i do really think she has a great "child soldier" vibe going on, which feels v much uniquely hers. i just think she could take more risks in rp, pomme is a very logical egg but she's still just a child. i dont want her to always choose the logical answer, i want to see how her young perceptions can force her to make a wrong decision.
ramon: ramon is sort of a weird case in that hes ABOVE tallulah/pomme cause he doesnt do what i dislike. however hes below them in general characterization. that being said, hes really underrated in his relationship with fit, and has some very gut-punching one liners. but hes also kind of like richas where i know LOGICALLY he does roleplay like a kid but i just. the vibes are not the same as dapper and leo. what can i do about that. hes just too competent i guess.
chayanne: chayanne is another egg thats hard for me to catch on stream, but i havent really felt any standout moments from 01 or 06 (however i think 01 plays best cucurucho). idk. i know chayanne's personality pretty well, i just need something...more. maybe i just tune in at the wrong times? i DO love his opinions on philever tho lmaoo. i think his best moment was when he kept trying to fight while quackity repeatedly told him he wasnt strong (reinforcing his greatest fear). and i think the fact that chayanne isnt placed in more dangerous situations really hinders his development (since hes understanding of why phil keeps him protected).
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tf2shipswag · 1 year
ok so first and foremost i dont agree with ppl being mean and insulting you because thats not how you get people to listen to what you have to say so i am sorry about the prev ppl immediately going to attack you but im not going to sit here and minimize their anger because its not baseless and they are well within their right to feel that way. im coming here to try and at least offer my view as a lesbian, which i doubt will do anything but its worth a shot i guess.
i dont agree with the implication that 'bi/mspec lesbian' labels are not harmful when they are fundamentally lesbophobic, biphobic, and transphobic from the talking points ive seen, and hurt us. implying that lesbians can feel attraction to men is the same rhetoric homophobes push onto us in real life to try and imply our sexuality is a phase and can be cured. "you just need to give men a chance." yk things of that nature. im not going to dive deep into the biphohia of it because i do not live the experience of a bisexual and i dont want to talk over bisexuals but i think it speaks for itself when people are so adverse to the label. you must ask yourself why are you so afraid to identify as bisexual? lesbianism has always included nonbinary, trans, gnc, and intersex people. and if its 'too restrictive' then it does not apply to you. lesbians do not and will not ever be attracted to men, i know its hard to believe but yes! people who arent attracted to men exist! we exist! i feel people are so angry and emotionally charged is because we are tired. tired of facing lesbophobia from outside and within the community. sorry for the long ask i tried to keep it short and concise. all i can say is please listen to actual lesbians.
hi, thank you for not being an ass an providing an actual argument, i very much appreciate that /gen. there genuinely is a horrid amount of lesbophobia, biphobia, and transphobia within the community. i know that there are a lot of arguments that the mspec label contributes to such. i just cannot get over the fact we are having fights like this within a community that is actively being attacked so heavily as a whole, especially right now.
your argument's reminiscent of the idea that the pan label is biphobic. genuinely, some people just identify with one label more than another, and sometimes people feel best defined by a combination of labels. even if the difference between the definition of bi and pan is miniscule to you, it might be big enough of a difference to someone else for it to matter.
it's not about "fear" of identifying as a certain label, sometimes it just doesn't. feel. right. once again! i could identify with bi, pan, omni, whatever label! but it's just not me. this has been said before, but nothing about identity is simple. feeling like we need to separate each other all into our own little boxes is incredibly isolating. the point of having this community to begin with, is so we all know that we're not alone.
everyone's just trying to live their lives. you genuinely seem like you have good intentions and god, i KNOW that this argument's tiring, and i can't imagine what it's like to deal with all the other arguments targeted against lesbians in particular, and i won't act like i'll ever understand the struggle with lesbophobic arguments, since i'm not a lesbian.
but people outside of the community are taking advantage of this argument even existing in order to make life worse for us as a whole, regardless of whatever label you choose to use. whether you're bi, a lesbian, or a bi lesbian, doesn't matter to the people passing bills against our rights and healthcare and protection. any difference to them is equally wrong. i'd rather stand against that idea as a whole than go along with it to suit whatever i'm trying to convey.
i just don't want to cause people to struggle to be themselves and live their lives simultaneously. majority of us have that same goal. even if we don't agree with each other along the way, at the end of the day, we all just want to feel safe and happy.
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To All
What’re your favorite games (and why if you want to answer that part)
<TSF> backgammon, and mens erger je niet, are pretty fun! i used to play backgammon, as well as puzzle games, with my administrator, all the time...
<TSF> we used to go into the market, and offer people bills if they won against us. they were practically a master at everything they showed me... i was the one who usually had to pay up~
<TSF> ...for videogames, i, uh, obviously enjoy phighting. and terraria, and...splatoon....i guess...? i know i sort of, have a sort of, ~gamer persona~, but i'll admit, i don't really, play any games...
<BVQT> I greatly enjoy sudoku! And especially the "harder" variations. So far I have found Hyper Sudoku and Jigsaw Sudoku the most amusing so far.
<BVQT> I also find myself enjoying many sports games! Variations of 'football' especially.
<BVQT> Ah. Videogames also count? Well...
<BVQT> I enjoy Minecraft greatly. The slow-burn worldbuilding interests me massively and I appreciate the lengths that they go to enure that the subjects mentioned are interesting for everyone. I wish that the education edition was available on PC! I would love to play mostly unmodded Minecraft with alchemy available to me.
<BVQT> I also enjoy Terraria. The gratuitous gore is a bit of a turn-off at times especially considering the lag it causes. And there are a great deal of aspects that utterly disgust me. But it is incredibly fun otherwise! The lore is intriguing even if it is often decanonized for little to no reason. I do wish that they finished Terraria: Otherworld. Even if it was sort of a Starbound clone wasn't it?
<BVQT> Speaking of! I massively enjoy Starbound! Though sometimes the worlds feel too closed off and the universe itself too open to feel very immersive it is incredibly fun and I like it! I could spend hours upon hours simply building and browsing its many interesting mods! Even the. less appropriate ones have their own charm and interesting quirks! The community is so dedicated to making updates for a long-forgotten game I am honestly impressed.
<BVQT> I also enjoy Don't Starve though I have already mentioned that earlier here. It is fun! If a bit annoying to handle.
<GRP> I LOVE BALL GAME. and JELLYFISHSPEARFISHING!!!!!! ITS FUN!!! AND NOT JUST BC TABBY INVENTED IT but mostly that :} tabbys so good at gaming
<GRP> uhhhh i dont rlly like amny videogames to be honest... sorry i am not a #epic #gamer. I LOVE phighting tho!!! phunny!!!!!! me and tabby always get mvp in itits funnn
<APIS> Man, Phighting IS fun!
<APIS> You guys already know I don't like sports... Puzzle games are really fun! A digital puzzle game I've been getting into lately is Puyo Puyo. It's, like.. okay...
<APIS> I mean, the story's really funny, to be honest. Like, who even thought of this stuff??? I really like Amitie, and Ringo... they're cute. Like Goldy and I!
<WM> I do notte ofte playye videyogaymes.. Splatty is funne.
<UPSILON> I'm the same as my beloved. I just don't really see the appeal... I tried playing some online games, but they're just - why is it that no matter how long I play, everyone else is always fancier than me!? It's absurd-!
<FS> ........
<FS> i play a little of everything, i guess...
<FS> totk is... it's fine. the physics are uncomfortable, and hard to get used to, since everything's so floaty sometimes, but it's silly. i prefer botw's story... but if i had to choose a zelda game i really liked, it'd be triforce heroes, or maybe spirit tracks. all zelda games have... problems.... but they're fun.
<FS> splatoon's also pretty fun. i like th story. wish the translations weren't so terrible... shoutout to the community for fixing them, jeez.
<FS> phighting is pretty fun. i'm planning on trying out banhammer, even if i don't like his character. i can reclaim him.
<FS> starbound's fun... wish you could make yourself have a specific profession, like your crewmembers do. and wish you could bring tailors with you without mods...
<FS> ...i really like baba is you...
<FS> s fun... like baba...
<FS> b
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rin-and-jade · 1 year
We've only just recently figured out that we're a system so forgive us for our lack of language to describe what we want to say and ask.. but we want to know what communication and memory are like for other systems, both yours and others you may have encountered. We feel very atypical, with our emotions leaking into one anothers experience of the world, and flashes of memory too. We dont really lose consciousness when another has control, it's like.. we exchange the video game controller we control the body and experience the world through, and if we want we can reach over and push for control. The one who isnt in control can still tell whats happening to some degree but despite all the changes to thought patterns, speech, the way we move, feel pain, taste things, we cant shake the notion that its all some elaborate fake our mind is tricking us into thinking.
We have a hard time identifying with many of the common ways people describe their experiences with DID, we often feel like multiple heads on the same body than utterly distinct individuals that exist in separate spheres.
There's also the matter of the fact we don't tend to think with words and instead concepts and feelings with no words attached, and often have to speak out loud to communicate with other members that are feeling things that are affecting the rest of us, or to let others know that we should be trying to sleep or to alert them that we should eat...
Are these things that you've heard others talk about before? We're still looking for a psych or something that can tell us more but we just have no one we know who's plural or anyone who can understand even.. sorry for the long rambling post. And thank you for reading.
So i have one friend who has osdd, another with did, and me (did) and from what i've seen,, my osdd friend does tell me about being more aware of things and that applies to every parts they have + capable to keep up with it, not sure about the switches.
My people think differently here about your comment, in this case some goes like "everyone are contrastingly different people" and the other one like "we're faces of the same person" which is similar to your "heads in one body" and not "distinct spheres" so personally think this is how they choose and want to see it as, neither are wrong.
And, bro you're not alone in this, me and my other did friend are also capable of thinking in nonverbal ways (images, concepts, vague feelings) though i just asked him out of curiosity so i don't know anything deeper other than my own experience,, where some can pick it up better and some does worser at it. Sometimes i just stare at this bro and think what i want to think, and they go "ahhh yeah that part of the day". It was a fun experiment though we stray away from nonverbal expression (other than bleeding emotions) as it can cause a misunderstanding between our own peeps, we mainly stick to talking or hunches.
In conclusion, yes i have heard these things before, be it from others or myself,, if you need someone who is plural and understand things, that would be me,, i don't mind being friends and helping you next time.
- j
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ablednt · 1 year
re: tags, i dont think im on the plural spectrum? because aside from the. yknow Mental Anguish of who i REALLY am, everything about it feels so voluntary. The whole daydreaming thing is compulsive, but my paras are very much things i can consciously switch between. Like choosing a hat. It's just a particularly hard to take off hat sometimes. It took me like forever to try and articulate the difference but I think at most i'm just adjacent to some of the plural experiences and don't really Qualify, unless there's some overlap between plurality and neuronarration/maladaptive daydreaming I'm not aware of
Oh yeah there's definitely a lot of overlap there!
The fact that it's hard to take off sometimes sticks out to me + the identity problems. I believe you that it's voluntary but I'd suggest looking into Median systems (median is an umbrella term that talks about the side of the plural spectrum closer to singlethood than plurality. Median systems may not feel like fully separate people but like different modes of the same person but those modes are more developed or have more free will than a singlet putting on a persona. I've heard the hat metaphor from a median system before even)
Plurality is a spectrum and that means that it isn't going to feel the same for everyone so while your experience isn't the one most talked about where everyone feels fully separate it's definitely something that could be on the plural spectrum.
Also with the overlap of plurality and neuronarrating there's a whole thriving subset of the plural community devoted to it with their own terms and experiences. I'm not super familiar with it personally but I have mutuals who are iirc. If anyone knows a good tag to search for that lmk
Ultimately, whether or not you choose to define your experience as plural is up to you. If you would benefit from viewing your different modes as being their own distinct parts of you and touching base with yourself and building a relationship with yourself, then you'll want to identify as plural.
Cause the thing with plurality is that it doesn't hurt to identify as plural, even if it turns out later that you don't feel plural or are singlet. There's entire models of therapy around emulating plurality in order to process emotions which is something singlets have found a lot of comfort in.
As far as I'm concerned if someone with mood swings or delusions wanted to personify them and build a relationship with them to better accept themselves and be kinder to themselves then they're plural enough.
So tldr: you're plural enough. If you feel comfortable trying out that label or the median label (its under the plural umbrella but plenty of ppl use it on its own) then I definitely reccomend giving it a go and spending some time with the community as a questioning system just to see if it'll help you
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i didnt choose the thug life the thug life chose me
i am the bridge to the spiritual realm and the real world like wow makes so much sense why im always going on and on about god and why i always seen angels growing up or why i had the weirdest encounters in my dreams or why i would find jesus in random places when i was playing as a little kid like damn he never did let me forget about him no matter how hard i tried he always somehow brought me back to him its crazy anyways here i am trying to put myself out there trying to share my knowledge and continue doing what i came here to do i know some people may not believe in god and believe me i was that person before but trust me me hes exists i dont know if he just spends his time communicating with me lol but i swear if you try it he is there and he is listening my life is proof of that everyone looks and me and thinks damn the lord really must exist and trust me he does and all yall gatta do is just simply follow his path and thats what ive been doing listen to his wisdom simply carry out the things he preaches god is within us he sees the world through our eyes so live with integrity and just honour him cause he is within you and we are all one.
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stellawolfe30 · 2 years
How does one join a fandom space on here? Asking cause I'm not very good at socializing, I mean I reblog but most of my commentary is in the tags cause I don't want to be rude. I want to start creating stuff but I don't know if it's going to be any good. You don't have to answer this if you don't want to
So heres how tumblr works ,theres no algorithm.
actually well there is. You.
you make your space, to join a fandom space you follow people, you reblog things. its a community where we pass things from one person to the other. you look through notes of other posts to find accounts that reblog alot.
some people dont reblog alot and some people do, this main account of mine here is a reblog account. i reblog a bunhc of stuff all the time. it helps push posts (especially posts that took alot of hard working making like art,writing videos stuff like that)
Reblogs>likes isnt entirely true. people say seeing more likes then reblogsis disheartening but onlt because the reblog button is the algorithm. the like button is nice and everything but the reblog button is what pushes posts through this site. so even if u dont have any comments to add in the tags pressing that reblog button doesnt hurt either
comments in the tags are in my opinion the best way to send ur opinion on something, there are comments under a post as well in the notes but adding commentary on the post as well isnt rude actually. i'd say. when you have something to add to the conversation add ur own post below it if its compliments then the tags are best for that.
then again im sure youve heard all about that from other tumblr users
its also interacting with people outside of reblogs and likes. likes asks. exactly what ur doing here, asks are imo the best thing on tumblr, i like sending and recieving them. its a fun way to interact with creators on here and sometimes you make some really cool friends. hell i adopted like three brothers on here bc i kept sending em asks and then they stormed into my dm's *cough* Kai-sand *cough*
regarding your content.
post it, i bet you anything someone on here is going to like it. just dont look at the numbers. ignore them. tumblr is slowbc theres no algorithm and its hard for blogs with no followers to gain followers and activity on ur blog.
but once people start rebloggging ur stuff its spread with thier followers and then more ppl see it.
so your blog might stat off slow not bc ur content isnt good but bc tumblr is slow for new blogs. hell even my blogs get slow from time to time.
so go for it man! im sure your content is great and if anything it will improve as time goes on, just dont focus on numbers too much. its nice to see people like it but dont make that ur main focus. make it bc your passionate about it and want to make it. my entire lmk (lego monkie kid) blog is stuff i made for myself and decided to post. people just happened to like it :)
anyways yeah, dont be afraid to reblog, send asks, or post your content. you never know whats gonna happen. i certainly never guessed id make a bunch of friends just through a bunch of asks or fanart i made for them (this doesnt always happen)
sooooooooo yeah, have fun, interact with people. especially creatives. also make sure to look for FAQ links in thier blogs. for boundries cause some ppl might not be looking for friends.
let it happen, dont force it.
aaaaaaaaaaaaand yeah thats all i got for ya.
the fandom space you choose is curated by you, so use the tools tumblr gives you and make it. also if u like a specific topic you can find the tags in the post like for example i like lego monkie kid.
I find a post with lego monkie kid in it and look through the tags. then click on #lego monkie kid.
that takes you to a page with ALL kinds of lmk content tagged with that and then on the right side you can choose the option to follow that tag and then tumblr will show u stuff from that tag from time to time. you can follow as many as you want.
there ya go all my knowledge for tumblr fandoms. and remember to have fun!
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thestarseersystem · 2 years
8, 11, 22 for the ask game!
That's right, I was gonna do that sdjklfsdjklfkljsdf
8. Do you enjoy communicating with your parts? Would you like to share about an interaction you’ve recently had?
I don't necessarily think that communicating with my alters is all that fun or enjoyable. Its really hard to differentiate alters speaking from intrusive thoughts, as well as brain fog. So, if it happens, its rather inconsistent/rare. Some of us have an easier time communicating, but it takes effort. I don't really remember this, its vague and I can't exactly remember what we said. But, so,, I have this visual in my head that me and Raven was in this blue-dark room, where it was raining. I held him in my arms as we cried. We shared a conversation that really meant something. He is a persecutor and holds a lot of violent trauma, so this was our way of talking and opening up. He is an introject of someone close to me, mixed with experiences we had of people like the person he's a factive of. Our conversation meant a lot. And, we don't have much in the way of words, and more just sharing visuals and memories. I dont really think in words, but describing things I see in my head. So, if alters do need to speak, it definitely has to be in a private space, cause its hard to hear.
11. Is there any sort of internal organization or structure for your parts? How set-in-place is it?
There is. There are many alters that have roles or know things, and there are many different sections of the innerworld that just align to that part or that role. Like, its these twinges that I feel, that its like "This is what is right and this is what is wrong". I barely go into the innerworld, but there is a whole wealth of things in the innerworld and different realms within it. In the overworld, there is the castle, abandoned town and twisted tree forest. But there's another forest behind the castle, that connects to the mansion and to the shore. There is a pier in the abandoned town. There is realms only connected to by certain alters. So there is like, gatekeepers have information and are somewhat like, the most unhuman, like immortals or deities or something. They are the most cryptic. And then like theres people in deep dark parts in the innerworld, which have information that I am not allowed to know. And then like, Im like experiencing negative lil twinges thinkin about that. It makes me angry somehow. There is a lot of implied structure and organization, like its making me switch just thinking about it. lmaooo im dissociating hghhghfhgh ok i think thats enough ig,,, it just makes me feel things. man. Im so fucked up man
22. Do you have any parts that feel almost opposite to you?
Yeah so like. Tsuki, Yuki and Shiro are triplets. Yuki and Tsuki are often on different sides of emotions, the biggest conflicting thoughts come from them. Rai is split off from Yuki and meant to be a mirror from her, they both have the same connections to innerworld stuff. Aiko is also on a different side of emotion from Yuki, often choosing revenge and anger. Jeremy and Damien are twins, so they're often on opposing viewpoints. Jeremy is a persecutor and Damien is a protector, you can see how that goes, they fight a lot. Emiline/Gwendolyn are opposing alters in the same innerworld body. Like, theyre twins but they share a single body, Emiline is pink and feisty, Gwendolyn is worried and blue. Theyre kind of like that creepy ghost child/ren from some horror movie or game. Persecutor little too. Ashley is also a sort of "male version" of the host, even though there's like 4+ male "versions", so he's opposite in that regard. Etc etc., there's a lot of alters who are "opposites" or "mirrored" or twins. a lot of pairs or trios. (like the hosts are a trio)
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grimescum · 1 month
at first i never understood why people were like "reblog if u save/use" "reblog if u like" at first but now i get it a little too much
inknow ive been complaining abt this a lot. as of really recent (like. yesterday recent) ive been trying to change how i think about my content, saying that i should be doing it for myself instead of for others, but even so.. damn does it kind of hurt to get such little interaction
i get it for doodles and stuff, i dont mind when it comes to them, but for stuff i actually put effort into... it kinda comes off as my stuff being so shit and uninteresting that people don't even bother to like, let alone reblog it so that other people can see
i know that's not true. i have friends who tell me otherwise. ive gotten really nice tags. ive spoken to people who were genuinely interested in my ocs, character designs, anything else i do on the side. even if i was hypothetically the worst artist in the world i know that i should prioritize how i feel over how other people feel
it's definitely my bpd and my constant need for validation causing me to feel this way. i also think the general landscape of tumblr (people choosing not to reblog creative works), being raised on the internet and not having much interaction outside of it plays a big part
i don't like to sound like im begging for attention on my posts when i ask people to reblog. it makes me feel like shit, actually. especially considering that it largely doesn't work; people just straight up ignore it. again, i know it's just my imagination but its hard to think that its not being done purposely out of malicious intent
i dunno. usually when i start feeling this way i step away from tumblr for some time to let my anxiety cool down. i should soon considering that I've been actively getting mad at others internally for not interacting the way i want them to. its just really frustrating and disheartening to me atm
on a lighter note, i think ive already been doing really well at drawing for fun rather than to impress people!! i was very very happy with how the last drawing i made turned out, and i also think ive done really well when it comes to not stressing about my art style as much. im pretty confident that i'll be able to draw without worrying so much about the reception that it gets soon.
in the mean time i think i might visit amino again to see if the editing community is any livelier on there. seeing how it is here on tumblr i kinda doubt but at least i dont have to worry about reblogs there. iirc people also comment more on there as well
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