#unlike Tori who has Yuzuru to do it
yume-fanfare · 6 months
about your ibatori post—there’s a home screen interaction between tori and wataru(i think) where tori mentions that someone from cospro gave him a piece of candy and said “let’s get along, salute~”, obviously the salute implies that ‘someone’ is ibara. so that might’ve been their ACTUAL first meeting, depending on how canon you consider homescreen lines. but of course cradle of turbulence was the first time they had a proper conversation…i’d really like to see them talk more, i’d especially like to see akira’s take on their rlship
YESSS i know!!! and there are follow up interactions too hsdjhfgjks
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(unsure if that fourth one is related, but thought it was worth adding!)
warning you before you get to the rest of the ask i have thought about this at length so. information that may not be of interest to most people
because although funny, it's an odd line to me bcs if we're being realistic, it's imposible for tori to not recognize ibara given hes. a really important guy you know, cospro's deputy director and part of eden who were in the ss and that tori's admired hiyori-sama is part of. and in cradle of turbulence he indeed recognizes him perfectly and refers to him as saegusa senpai like it's not a big deal. so i guess they had somewhat met before offscreen 🤔 gotta wait for rainbow translation and see if there's anything there
and i find it suuuuch an interesting interaction too ! ill read too much into it because i can. it's macarons, so ibara most likely knows tori has a sweet tooth. not something too hard to find out about given they have many contractions, but it's one of those moments where ibara's penchant for collecting information "for evil purposes" comes across as a sweet gesture hskjflsjdkfhs picking a gift he'd like. but i also like how nonchalant tori is about it gajskdhfslds he did learn to not accept food from strangers. and it Is a pretty weird thing to do. i wonder if he really did it just to piss off yuzuru lmao but he's not the type to actively look for conflict so idk, he def knew it was not a way to actually get tori's favor either. i once in fact read it as a post cradle of turbulence interaction, like some odd way of saying "i like you" but yeah, it doesn't quite track with the "someone"
AND YEAHHH AKIRA WITJ THEM i need that so bad. adding this to the mental "tori finds out about the military facility" ideal event. it's precisely because there is such a heavy link between them that cradle of turbulence is a perfect first one-on-one interaction. a situation where ibara has to protect someone he has many reasons to dislike, because tori is a cute and lovely child that almost inadvertantly has that kind of effect on you ("his loveliness is a centripetal force // the people around him won't let him be sad"* and so on). by seeing tori in a vulnerable position it makes it more unlikely that he'll later do something that could be bad for tori.................. and at the same time it's so telling how casual tori is about ibara, as he just makes simple small talk like there's nothing to be awkward about, because to him there isn't.................. much to think about. i really want to see how akira makes ibara grapple with tori as a person and everything he signifies. a cute child, partly responsible of many terrible experiences ibara has had, yuzuru would kill ibara if he ever laid a finger on him, hiyori sees him as a small version of himself somewhat, eichi's successor of sorts... jimenyan's best friend, even. there is so much there. i kind of really want him to be the one to tell tori about the military facility. there is Something there that has potential idk. maybe put yuzuru in some sort of danger and have tori be more in charge or something mhmmm.....
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boozuru · 1 year
Ghostic - Epilogue 1
⇠  chapter select  ⇢
Season: Autumn
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<Several days later, on the morning of event day>
Tori: I’m going out now, Yuzuru.
Yuzuru: Yes. Take care, now.
But are you really sure that it was fine for me not to show my face in the student council?
Tori: I told you yesterday, didn’t I?~  For the time being, you were on sick leave!
Also, it’s best if you don’t run around here and there today, today is filled with plans so you should save your energy!
Plus, I have the new council president and Shinobu helping me out.
And Akatsuki is doing the opening act, so Hasumi-senpai will be there. If anything, I think we have too many people onboard.
So, Yuzuru, just chill and wait at ES. Don’t do the same thing as last time and make a fuss when leaving the medical office!
Yuzuru: Fufu. If Young Master says so, I have no choice but to comply.
Well then, I’ll leave Yumenosaki Academy in your hands.
Tori: Thanks. Once I’ve overseen the event opening, I’ll come back to join the organising efforts at ES. So just relax and wait for me ♪
Yuzuru: …I just wanted to show concern for Young Master, but it seems like all I did was cause him more trouble.
Eichi-sama and Hibiki-sama also said that “You don’t have to do any work till today’s live performance” and now I’m practically forced to be on break. This is true torture.
But even so, I can feel fine’s love through these irritating things they do.
Thinking of each other, gratitude, respect - those things are too grand to be spent on me.
I hope I can repay for them through this live performance, even if just a little.
…Maybe I should head for ES as well. I hope Young Master will be safe and well during the Halloween party.
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Wataru: One, two, three… Everyone’s here!
Ah, this is it. No one has been late even once, the staff structure is truly wonderful! ★ We are ever so grateful that you are helping us build our ideal haunted house, truly… ★
Well then, it’s time for us to go check on how well it’s operating! Ready to go, right Eichi?
Eichi: Yeah. Let’s go, Wataru.
Well, we’ll leave bag watching to you then, Yuzuru. Make sure to take care of the staff’s things too.
Yuzuru: Yes. Leave it to me, Eichi-sama.
(…We had to go through a lot of ups and downs, but the ES Haunted House is finally opening its doors.)
(Eichi-sama and Wataru-sama are doing their last check of the haunted house.)
(Young Master, as the student council vice president, is in charge of Yumenosaki Academy - I can’t deny that I feel at loss just watching after people’s belongings here.)
(I want to recover here from the disgrace that was me, disturbed by delusions of ghosts.)
(Especially since unlike last year, Halloween is going to be a big-scale festival extending even to ES.)
(Us idols are not allowed to parade around grounds where the customers are to prevent confusion.)
(We will do our fan service work at our respective posts.)
(fine will be here giving out candy to the customers who got to the goal, the haunted house.)
(Things are what they are, and there is no other way around it. But it feels like I have some distance from my fans now, and it makes me just a little lonely.)
(And thus, I should make sure to deliver a performance that will reach far, all the way to those very people.)
…Oh? There’s something behind me…
What is with this white cloth…? Even if you hide your face, I can still see your cute little feet peeking out, miss ghost.
"Trick or Treat"...?
Oh, so that is what you were after. If you want candy, then you should head over there - I’ll show you the way.
But more importantly, could you show me your true form, Anzu-san? ♪
Fufu. I’m glad to see you this happy. I wished for you to come have fun at the haunted house, but wondered if it would be even possible.
We could not be more honoured if you moved your schedule around just to come see us.
But I never imagined that you would wish to play the role of a ghost.
If I recall correctly, you will be assisting us just for a little bit for the sake of future reference, yes? Eichi-sama has filled me in already.
It is a good thing to be serious about your studies, but please make sure to have fun as well.
Yes. All staff members are deeper inside. Eichi-sama and Hibiki-sama are also there, would you like to go greet them?
If you greet them with a “trick or treat”, I’m sure they will reward you with candy ♪
Yes. Until we meet again, Anzu-san.
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turkey-sandwich · 2 years
Okay so maybe I have an idea abt who punched yuzu that he ended up in the infirmary (kind of a long post, oops)
It's Tori.
Like. He's the only one capable of punching yuzuru, make him all sad and get away with it. But... Why would Tori result to violence? Sure, he can be a bit bratty, but I don't think that he'd go out of his way to harm yuzuru bcs he didn't get his way. Would it be something concerning the graduation or fine? Or something completely different?
But also looking at the cg closely, yuzuru has the bruise on his right cheek. The person who punched him is left handed. Tori is right handed... So Tori couldn't have done it, right? RIGHT??
The only left handed idols are Eichi, ritsu, ibara, yuta, Niki and Leo probably counts here since he's ambidextrous...
Eichi wouldn't. He just wouldn't. He's not in Yumenosaki anymore, and even if he did go there, why would this even happen. Eichi can be pissed off, but he'd never raise his hand to anyone. Especially if it's yuzuru. He just won't... Same with Leo, he would never.
Ritsu wouldn't have punched him either. Idk maybe he might bcs of something dramatic, but very unlikely. Ritsu is a chill guy who wouldn't punch yuzuru who's also a chill guy
Ibara WOULD, but. He wouldn't just go to Yumenosaki just for the sake of punching yuzuru
Literally, yuta would never do such a thing either. I believe in yuta, he'd never
And what would Niki be even doing in Yumenosaki in the first place. Least likely guy to do it tbh
Really, most, if not all of the left handed idols would not have a reason to punch yuzuru. Ibara is the biggest suspect, but again, he would not just drive to Yumenosaki to punch yuzuru. And if it was indeed Tori who did it, then... My god. What happened between them...
Also, according to fan translations, yuzuru says, "My deepest apologies that I must rely on your care" and I'm??? Who's he talking to?? It's probably Jin most likely, bcs infirmary, sensei, y'know. That stuff. Or maybe someone else who's also in the infirmary at the time and got put in charge into looking out for him???
Literally I'm just here losing it abt who fucking punched my yuzu-kun and maybe I'm looking too hard into this and he probably just accidentally got hit or smth
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sannome707 · 2 years
Enough Tori Ramuda posts. What about Ramuda AND KOHAKU.
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Face it Crazy:B is just Fling Posse but with an extra victim. (Nikki)
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vianna-orchidia · 5 years
Summer Vacation - The Wild and The Noble (2)
(This is an unproofed version)
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Location: Soundproofed Lesson Room
Wataru: In any case, I believe I am the one with least pre-arrangement and most free time...... So I shall follow your schedules.
I don't mind if you want to play around like a proper holiday, or if you want to have lessons or even jobs.
Eichi: Hmm, what to do... This is a bit perplexing. I don't think about the future much, so trying to make plans like this is new to me.
Wataru: By the way, do you not go to summer resorts? I have the impression that wealthy people like to do that, or is that just a prejudice?
Eichi: Well, before high school my family usually go to resorts overseas during summer. Though in my case there's also recuperation purposes there.
The summer's sun is like poison to me, even if I'm no vampire.
Yuzuru: I shall report. The Himemiya family also goes to resorts, every year around the middle of summer break.
But it seems the masters are too busy to come back to Japan, so this year it may be a pass.
Eichi: Aah, I heard about it too. The plans I made also took the possibility of you two being absent into consideration.
But I see, so the Himemiya family is busy now. Recently they made a sudden business expansion, after all... But I believe Tori's parent will do a perfect job at it.
Tori: Yes. I know it can't be helped, but it does get lonely because Papa and Mama aren't home much.
Wataru: Aaah, how pitiful! Don't worry, we will shower you with love in exchange of your Papa and Mama~ ☆
Tori: Eeeits, don't hug me like that! Listen here, I am Himemiya Tori! You can't just touch me all you want!
(......eheheh. Actually, I'm not that lonely even though Papa and Mama aren't here, because there's fine.)
(As I thought, I can't keep getting spoiled.)
(Because we are the strongest unit who reigns over Yumenosaki Academy, fine.)
(We can't be playing around, acting like friends or family, like those commoners outside.)
(But still, summer......... If we all could go together somewhere, like the southern islands, it must be fun.)
(Without having to worry about work, we could play in the sea, or chit-chat until late in the night.......)
(But that's like taking an unnecessary detour as fine.)
Yuzuru: (Hmm, I can read Bocchama's thoughts like the back of my mind. I didn't stay as his personal butler for a long time for nothing.)
(However, somehow Bocchama tends to hold himself back around fine members, even though at home he does what he wants...)
(He tends to keep his thoughts to himself, without being able to turn it into words.)
(I suppose this is where I help him and make the suggestion myself.)
If I may speak freely......... What do you say about using that blank period to have a vacation to the south, just us fine members?
Eichi: A vacation? That's unlike you, hmm....?
Tori: Wh-what're you saying all of a sudden, Yuzuru? Vacation.... are you stupid? Even though it sounds fun!
But fine doesn't have that much free time for something like that, okay?!
Eichi: Not really, I think it's worth considering.
I do have international expansion as fine's next vision. I think getting to know the land and atmosphere overseas is necessary before we actually hold a live tour there.
How about looking at it like that, dear Tori? It won't be a mere vacation; it's a training camp, a preliminary practice for our international tour.
It will be a special lesson, a test for us in the foreign land that will be our next stage.
We'll have lessons in the best condition possible, away from Japan's stifling heat. Besides, if we perform overseas and gain audience, it would be beneficial for us in the long run.
I think it's a nice idea, Yuzuru. If the others don't have any objection, let's do that.
By the way, because we keep getting free tickets sent, there's a pile of that at home. Just pick one for our destination.
Maybe the best option is still a cool plateau, or a southern island. Fufu, I'm getting excited.
Tori: E-eh?? Are you sure, Kaichou......?
Eichi: Of course. Restoration Live the other day made me realize that sometimes, taking a longer walk and having a playful heart are also important.
Eichi: Sure, just spending time without a specific activity is foolish, so I'd like to add as much meaning and value as possible to it. Let's discuss and decide the concrete details together.
Ah... Before that, let's confirm something. Wataru, do you have a passport?
Almost the whole country is under undesirable condition to stay, so going overseas is our best bet.
Wataru: I do. I've been doing shows internationally ever since I was young.
I believe the passport I used then has not expired yet.
Tori: Woah, really.....? I'm so happy, I really can go on a trip with everyone?
I-I mean it's a training camp? And we're gonna have work too?
(Ehehe....... Thanks Yuzuru, you noticed my feelings and spoke up in my place, right?)
Yuzuru: (Of course. It is a butler's job to grant their master's wish as much as possible.)
Eichi: Don't make a conversation using eye contact................ Yuzuru, because you came up with this plan, can you also handle the details?
Yuzuru: Me...?
Eichi: Yes. You're not usually active, so I do hope you can stand in the center once in a while.
Isn't this a good chance...... It's not a project that would turn into something big even if you make a mistake.
Yuzuru: Ah........ Well, I do think I can do it decently, because making plans is my forte.
Eichi: How reliable. Well then, let's raise the hurdle for you. We have to keep scaling high walls if we want to grow, after all.
I will add some requests for this vacation project.
I want you to plan, design, and lead a pleasant vacation while also completing my unreasonable... I mean, the conditions I set up.
I have high hopes for you, so do your best, Yuzuru... Let us have a fantastic summer vacation to remember.
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What about the Knights+Fine reacting to an S/O who has a Protective older brother?
Ahhh I’m totally not procrastinating on Matchups whaat-
These were so fun to write! I’m not as used to Fine’s personalities so I’ve been learning so much about those four! They’re growing on me… I used to hate Eichi, but I don’t know-
Hope you enjoy !!
Around their brother, Leo acts like the perfect boyfriend. Like a true knight; the same way he acts around his younger sister. He can tell that it would be better for both of them to lay off his usual antics while their brother is around.
He usually doesn’t mind how protective he is. After all, Leo is the same for his younger sister. You’d think they could bond over their love for their younger siblings, and sometimesthey do.
That is, until something sets Leo off. If he’s told to stop dating his s/o, or something of the sort, he can’t stand for it. He’ll start arguments, stand up for the both of them, and put their brother in his place. Being protective is one thing. But taking away his sibling’s happiness just because he doesn’t want to see them dating? That makes him a terrible person.
No matter what, Leo stands up for himself and his s/o without fear. He’s not going to let their brother ruin their relationship.
He’s ready to fight this dude. He understands being protective, that’s something Sena can relate to. Wanting to protect them. But they belong to him, not to their brother.
Their brother is his most hated person in the world. He has never hated anyone as much as he does this guy. He’s always trying to get Sena to leave when he comes over, stop him from taking his s/o on dates, and purposefully makes situations awkward.
Constantly throwing dirty looks and glares his way. Anything that brother tries to do to intimidate him never even makes the silverette budge. The two tend to get into rather… heated arguments.
It’s Sena’s favorite thing to rub it in their brother’s face, that the two of them are dating. He’ll come over bearing gifts for no reason, sneaking in a glance his direction. Those two hate each other, but Sena knows he’s winning. His s/o is always told by their brother that he’s a terrible person, and Sena complains about him from time to time.
Arashi doesn’t mind much. He understands that their brother is only looking out for them. He is always super sweet to their brother, even if he’s being insulted. He guessed that if he’s nice enough, maybe he’ll earn trust somehow. When he comes over to their house, he usually brings stuff for their family and gives it to their brother. Hopefully he’ll warm up…
But when their brother tries to stop them from going on a date, Arashi tries to reason with him. He rarely gets too forceful, in fear he will lose all progress. Usually he somehow makes a compromise.
Sometimes Arashi will invite their brother out with the couple. That way, they can still go on a date, and their brother can see that Arashi really makes his sibling happy.
Though he’ll admit that it can be slightly annoying at times, he’s willing to wait until he proves himself as a worthy boyfriend for his s/o. Hopefully it doesn’t take too long…
Brothers. Something Ritsu had come to despise, thanks to his own brother. Luckily, he knows how to deal with annoying brothers. He hates their brother almost as much as he hates Rei. Rei is a special case. If there were levels of how he classifies people on a hate scale, their brother would be on the dirt bottom. But Rei would score below the scale.
Ritsu treats their brother a lot like how he treats Rei. (really, he thinks of their brother as their own version of Rei) He usually just avoids him, dragging his s/o along. And when he can’t manage to avoid their brother completely, he pretends that he doesn’t exist.
Before making plans to come over, Ritsu always asks if their brother is home. If they say yes, then he insists that they come over to his house. Rei usually leaves him alone, unlike their brother.
Ritsu disregards everything that their brother tries to say. Sometimes it really seems like he doesn’t exist, with Ritsu talking over him or just ignoring him.
This poor boy. Is a nervous wreck. He’s definitely not used to being hated; sure, Leo might say he’s annoying, and Sena might call him bratty, but they still care for him. When it comes to his s/o’s brother, he honestly can’t tell. And it frustrates him beyond belief.
He’s always super cautious around their brother, trying to impress both his s/o and their brother. Usually he fails miserably, and does something clumsy and embarrasses himself.
Once they get alone time away from their brother, Suou will apologize over and over for how nervous he gets. He wishes he could just magically get confidence.
Hates having to share them with their brother. He’s really greedy, and easily jealous. He wants to have his s/o all to himself, without having to share with anyone. So having no power to stand up for himself makes him terribly hard on himself. He tends to stress eat after he gets home, especially if he encounters their brother.
Eichi finds it honestly amusing how his s/o’s brother tries so hard to keep the two of them apart. He never seems afraid or worried in the slightest; instead, laughing at his attempts. Their brother really thinks he can scare Eichi off? It’s really innocent; almost cute.
Whenever given the chance, he loves to go to their house and taunt their brother. He’ll be awfully touchy around him; even kissing them right in front of their brother. Sometimes, he’s told to “get his hands off them,” or something similar. He just laughs, teasing “Oh? You mean stop… this?” as he continues to do as he pleases. The only one that can get him to stop is his s/o.
Unlike most of the other boys, Eichi prefers having their brother being so protective. It’s his favorite form of entertainment. He often thanks their brother for bringing him so much joy. Their s/o is always apologizing to their brother, while dragging Eichi off.
Tori absolutely hates their brother’s guts. How dare a commoner tell him what to do! Ugh, he thinks he’s so special. He’s nothing more than cattle. It’s kinda funny, having him all worked up over it. He’s not used to having people stand up to him, let alone tell him what to do.
Arguments are inevitable. If their brother even hints at saying something against Tori, he’ll throw a fit. These fits include whining to his s/o, insulting their brother, crying, and other things that kids do when they throw tantrums. Though the arguments usually start with Tori “putting their brother in his place,” and refusing to listen to him, it can escalate very quickly into crying.
He’s constantly complaining to his s/o. “Why is your brother so annoying?!” He’ll whine about how their brother doesn’t deserve to be siblings with them- they’re too good for him! It’s mostly just the fact that he has to share something that’s supposed to be his, and his only.
Having a bit of competition is fun for Wataru. He’s constantly challenging their brother to competitions and such, usually ones that he wins. He claims that it’s exciting to have to fight for their love; and often makes it more dramatic than necessary.
He’s always trying to show their brother up, proving that he’s a more suitable protector for his s/o. Their brother is always keeping him on his toes, which Wataru loves. He claims that it adds drama and excitement to their “love tale.” It’s like one of those classic love triangle dramas, except against a sibling relationship and a romantic relationship. Recently, he’s been preparing a similar play for the theater club.
Wataru, unlike the others, doesn’t specifically try to avoid or seek out their brother. He won’t care about him being there or not, but if he is, Wataru won’t mind. Sure, it’s fun having the competition that their brother provides, but he won’t want to purposefully go to their house just to encounter him.
It always makes Yuzuru feel guilty when his s/o’s brother goes off on him. All of his words are taken sincerely, which make Yuzuru question whether he’s really worthy of dating them. As a butler, it’s his duty to keep everyone he works for happy. But the fact that their brother is never happy with him really brings him down.
He tries his best to befriend their brother, but it never seems to work. When he comes to their house, he’ll offer to do many things for them. He often cleans while he’s over, as well as serving tea for the two. It’s not just him trying to win their brother’s favor, he just feels like he needs to earn his time there.
If he’s told to do something, he has to obey. That’s what was drilled into him from his past as a servant. So if he’s told to not take his s/o out somewhere, he doesn’t have the ability to disagree. Many plans have been canceled because of it. He’ll apologize endlessly over the phone, and even thought about asking Tori how to be more self-centered. (He did, and Tori slapped him)
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imagineyourstars · 7 years
I am going to request a headcanon/scenario on like a special sports event(1B and 3A are going to be girls then 3A will be cheerleaders and 1A , Tenkousei and 3B are the announcers/failicators)Everyone will form in groups of 3(Format:1 from 2A,1 from 2B and 1 from 1B) Then the 1B one must stand on top of 2A and 2B members who will be squatting down.(I also want a match up but it will be in the next ask as not enough space)
whew it’s here !!! this one ended up longer than usual… i had a lot of fun with it though ! as you’ll see i reinterpreted things a little bit to make it fit better into the story, but the original elements are still here~ those poor boys, forced to be cheerleaders… also i’m not sure what to tag this as since everyone is here, even if just for a line wwww - mod mademoiselle
Sports Festival - The Cavalry Battle Event ✰
read more’d for length !
The sports festivalin Yumenosaki Academy was going great ! ….. Well, it was great so far, anyway.You were named as one of the facilitators, and were mainly workingbehind the scenes to make for an easy festival. Fortunately, youweren’t alone : the students from classes 1A and 3B were giving you a hand.
So you were mainlymoving stuff around, making sure the festival’s timing was right and smoothingeverything along. Kuro, Tetora and Tomoya were working with you, andyou were really glad they were here. For once, Kuro was taking chargeof moving around all the heavy stuff. “Don’t go ‘round hurtingyourself, little miss”, he’d said earlier, patting yourback. Tetora was mainly here to fuel your enthusiasm and make jokes.Tomoya was a bit intimidated by the other two but was glad he wasbeing useful. He’d just follow your every command and run about likea little puppy. That was pretty cute… When you were done cleaningup the mess the earlier group had made during one of the events, youwent to the broadcasting committee’s tent. You had only a little bitof time to spare before the next sports event would start, and youwere looking at the students sitting in the shade with enviouseyes…
When you arrivedthere, you let yourself fall onto one of the available chairs,dead-beat. Hinata, who was busy taking care of the music playedon the speakers, gave you a sympathetic smile and handed you hishalf-empty sports drink. You accepted without second thoughts :sweet, sweet fresh liquid… Maybe that was what heaven felt like.Before you had the time to ponder about that, a familiar, anxiousvoice brought you back to earth.
“Um, nii-chan,we’re running late… the next event should have started threeminutes ago, actually… What should we do ?”Hajime wasnervously biting down on his fingers, while Nazuna, seated in frontof the mic, was frowning at his phone. Apparently he didn’t have muchluck trying to call whoever was causing trouble.
“It’sWataru-chin again… I told him not to make a fuss, but you knowhim.” Unlike his usual behaviour, Nazuna looked as tired aseveryone else. It didn’t help that the afternoon was already welladvanced. He was fanning himself while staring at a balloon soaring inthe sky. Up there was (obviously) Wataru himself, acting as the MCand announcer in place of Nazuna. Leo was trying to communicate withhim using a flashlight, not that he had much success though. Wataruwas (as usual) doing as he pleased. You were about to gently patNazuna’s shoulder to comfort him when Wataru’s voice echoed loudly, making you jump up in surprise.
“… and now,ladies and gentlemen, your very own Hibiki Wataru has the immenseprivilege to announce the beginning of the next event ! Beware, forour proud cavaliers will make your hearts stutter !”
“What the heckdoes that mean, though ?” Hinata whispered in your ear and thetwo of you giggled. Wataru was now throwing confetti, more excitedthan ever.
“Yes, it isthe beginning of the wonderful Cavalry Battle !”
Midori, who wasshielding his eyes to see the event happening further on the grounds,let out a surprised gasp. You and Hinata exchanged a glance andimmediately stood up. If even Midori was surprised, that could onlymean…
You couldn’t helpbut snort when you saw them. That looked like an average cavalrybattle game at first : two students (from classes 2A and 2Brespectively) were carrying one other (from 1B, apparently) andgetting ready to engage in a fight with another group. But one thingwas terribly wrong.
The first yearstudents were dressed as female cheerleaders.
Hinata startedhowling in laughter, pointing at his twin brother. “Yuta too !Oh my god, this is the best thing ever ! I’ve gotta film this !”The other students under the tent had also stood up in surprise…
… but your eyesweren’t deceiving you. That was exactly what was happening. Shinobusomehow managed to be proud of his position, standing on top of anover-enthusiastic Subaru and a sceptical-looking Mao. His rival, onthe other hand, didn’t look nearly as proud. “I’m going todieeeee~ ! I’m really going to die, put me down, Yuzuruuuuuu~ !”Yep, that was Tori all right. Yuzuru seemed to be smiling brightly,while Souma looked concentrated as ever. He even dodged one of Tori’shelpless kicks expertly. Nazuna somehow managed to stay concentrated,as he spoke in the mic again. “On your marks, set… Go !”
The other studentswere laughing uncontrollably. This was ridiculous. The confrontationbetween Shinobu and Tori especially so. Tori seemed to be avoidingthe fight, crying loudly that there would be consequences.
Your gaze shiftedto another fight. An ever-concentrated Natsume and Mika were carryingSora, who was pirouetting and waving to the crowd. Natsume seemed tobe busy thinking of a strategy… That group looked unusuallyserious. And they could be : their opponents were none other than thefearsome Track and Field club members. Adonis was almost carrying avery determined Mitsuru single-handedly : Arashi was barely holdinghis leg. They were rushing to Sora’s group : that one promised to bea fearsome fight. You were about to ask Nazuna about the rules ofthis event when Wataru’s voice echoed loudly in his own mic.
“As you mighthave guessed it, ladies and gentlemen, the whole purpose of thismounted cavalry battle is to dethrone your opponent… ! Make himfall from his mount and give him a taste of humiliation ! Only thatway will you prove your worth as a man…✰”
You weren’t reallysure how to feel about this whole catastrophe of an event, until youturned your head to the third and last fight. Tsukasa was fumblinghelplessly, while Makoto was obviously struggling to carry him andRitsu looked like he was about to pass out. When poor Tsukasa’s eyeslocked with yours, he shamefully averted his gaze, cheeks as red ashis hair. Meanwhile, Yuta was trying his best to hold his miniskirtin place. He looked decidedly pinker than usual, but for his defense,there was quite a lot of wind on that day. His “mount”,Hokuto and Koga, were rushing to their opponents. Koga was shoutinginsults to the other team : maybe they went for an intimidationstrategy… Inbetween fits of laughter, Hinata managed to shout :“Make your big bro proud, Yuta-kun~ ! Fight for your honor as aman !” Yuta apparently heard him, as he shot him a nasty glare.He wasn’t the only one : under the tent opposite yours, Rei waswaving a huge sign that read “DO YOUR BEST RITSU-CHAN” andloudly cheering on his brother. Said brother looked so pale that youwondered if he was even going to make it…
Soon enough, this farce of an event stopped, naming Adonis, Arashi and Mitsuru’steam as the winners. They’d managed to hold until the end and makeall of their opponents fall, after all. Or so you thought : you’d been laughingand joking about it with Hinata the whole time. Kanata and Tsumugiwere busy handing sports drinks to the exhausted students, whileWataru had begun throwing confetti at the crowd again. Wait, thosewere flower petals, not confetti…
“What anAMAZING event ! I hope your eyes are still burning with those vividlybeautiful images we just saw !” Wait, did he laugh ? Youthought you heard him trying to muffle his laughter while speaking…Wataru kept going anyway, pointing at a huge and empty stage. Thevery stage you helped build, and your back was still remembering itbitterly.
“To soothedown your fatigued muscles, let us revel in the beautiful song ourvery own cheerleaders will offer us… ✰” Wait. Morecheerleaders ?
Wataru was actuallyright : the 3A students, whom everyone had forgotten about, were nowstanding on the stage, waving and smiling at the crowd. And they were wearing cheerleader uniforms too ! Thankfully they didn’t wear skirts,but shorts instead. Keito was still flushing hotly. Maybe it was justthe sun getting to him, though.The show was good but you distinctlymade out two groups among the lovely cheerleaders : the “Let’sget the party started” group, composed of Kaoru, Chiaki andMadara, who were ready to shine bright as idols no matter whatclothes they were wearing… and the “Please let me hide in acorner” group, in which you’d put Keito, Shu and Izumi as theyinsisted to hide behind everyone else during the entire duration ofthe show. Special mention goes to Eichi, who winked at the crowd arecord number of times even though he looked like he was about to dieany moment. All of the students cheered a lot, and your hands hurt fromclapping, but all that cheering was probably just to make fun ofthem. Judging by how some guys were doubling over laughing, they werehaving a lot of fun with that situation.
As soon as thatstrange live show was over, you found yourself helping everyoneclean up the school. You were putting away the chairs the audience had used whenyou felt a hand suddenly clasp your shoulder. Surprised, you turnedover, nearly letting the chair you held fall on your feet : behindyou stood Wataru, looking as fresh and amused as ever. “So, dearproducer ? How did you like today’s performance ?” You couldn’thelp but smile, but still went to put the chair away as you shouldbefore answering.
“So you werethe one behind all that crazy stuff, right ?” He smiled proudly,even bowing a little before you when he saw you knew.
“That’s right,and do you want to know the best part about it ? I did it all foryour sake. You deserve to rest a little from time to time, andlaughing is nothing more than resting your heart, after all…”
You stopped in yourtracks, feeling your cheeks grow a little redder. For you… ? Beforeyou even had time to answer, he gently stroked your shoulder, addingin a whisper “Now I really should go, dear producer, lest theunamused bad guys find me… ✰” And sure enough, he went outwith a loud bang and a flash of smoke that left you coughing for amoment. When Keito hurried to you, Wataru was already long gone. As thevice-president was chastising you for refusing to tell him whereexactly he was, you couldn’t help but smile.
After all, theperpetrator was gone, but the memories made on that crazy day werenot.
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bethygauw · 7 years
[1/2] Enstars: B’s-Log March 2017
Released in January 2017.
Unit Song CD 2nd Series Vol.9: fine Cast Interview
English lyrics are not yet up on the wiki, but I’ll eventually refer from other sources!
[edit 6/5/17: I made a mistake in Midorikawa’s Q3. × Wataru is the one who sings, and if that’s the case I wanted them to let me sing that line. ○ Wataru isn’t the one who sings that line, but if that’s the case I wanted them to let me sing it instead. The line “Hibiki wataru kassai o” is sung by Yuzuru and Tori. (source: actual CD)]
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Hikaru Midorikawa (CV of Eichi Tenshouin)
Q: Firstly, please tell us about your impression on the songs when you first listened to them.
Midorikawa: When I first listened to Fortissimo of Fluttering Wings, I thought, “Oh, this time (the key) is low.” I thought maybe all but Murase-kun’s opinion got through, but it turned out it was a slip up. In the end, the finalized key made me go, yeah, this is how it should be (laugh). There’s no way it would change so drastically all of the sudden. But it’s also because I’m already so used to the songs from the first series, the finalized key gives out more of that fine vibe after all. So I thought, well, I guess I have do my best (laugh).
Q: Then how did the actual recording go?
Midorikawa: Unlike the first series, I was the first member to go into the recording. In the first series, I was the last and the fact that I had to follow up the others put me on a pressure. So this time I guess I’ll take advantage of the opportunity (laugh). I can experience this feeling of “Everyone, I’ll leave the rest to you!”
Q: Please tell us the appeal of each song.
Midorikawa: I really like the lyrics of both songs. Just like the first series, the lyrics take the content from the game, which is great. I bet everyone will enjoy the songs by connecting the dots. But the lyrics can’t simply write out the content – it has to establish itself into proper lyrics of a song. I think that’s wonderful. Also, I cracked up a bit at the line “Hibiki wataru kassai o” in Neo Sanctuary. Wataru isn’t the one who sings that line, but if that’s the case I wanted them to let me sing it instead (laugh). Speaking of Eichi’s lines, “fine (the end)” [1] has a nuance of a spoken line, and indeed it felt like Eichi had to do the job for this one (laugh). As for myself, it was a line I was looking forward to sing as well, and I hope it can please everyone.
Q: Ensemble Stars has been extending its reach through appearances in various kinds of media. Could you promote the series to the readers who have not yet been exposed to it?
Midorikawa: I think there are times you may think his true feelings are still somewhat unclear. I wonder if it will be addressed in the future event stories. No matter what people say, I like my own character the best, so I want to really treasure those who are giving their support. I also think if a villain isn’t worth defeating, the protagonists and the others won’t shine so brightly, so I thought I should also reach the very limits of the evil (laugh).
Q: Please give a message to the fans who are looking forward to the release!
Midorikawa: There’s a long time between the excitement of knowing a CD release is planned until it’s actually released, so the heat of that excitement may be cooling down, (laugh) but thank you so much for waiting! But to make up for that, I hope you’ll enjoy listening to it, and it’ll make me happy if you can tell me your thoughts no matter how small it is. So please give us your support.
1. “Owari”, the quiet bit right before the last chorus.
Takuya Eguchi (VA of Wataru Hibiki)
Q: Firstly, please tell us about your impression on the songs when you first listened to them.
Eguchi: Fine has released two songs. But this time I love how you can feel the beat in the songs, so I was looking forward to singing them. They are good songs that won’t lose to their predecessors, and I enjoyed listening to the demo. If you have been following fine’s stories, the lyrics will take you on a ride, so I think that’s something you can enjoy.
Q: Then how did the actual recording go?
Eguchi: Unexpectedly, fine is a unit that has a lot going on. So if I were to get more in-character and put too much emotion into every single line, it may be a bit dangerous (laugh). Things such as his carefreeness, or how much Wataru’s character should be put into the singing are what I think about every time, including this time. The previous series was fun with its circus theme and the like, and I think the entertainer side of Wataru was able to be put under a spotlight. But this time, rather than to entertain, they’re singing about themselves and they value things such as fine’s established situation and feelings. In that sense, the ‘flavoring’ may not be that strong this time.
Q: Please tell us the appeal of each song.
Eguchi: The lyrics in Fortissimo of Fluttering Wings talk about the importance of comrades and their wish to move forward with everyone. At the end of the first chorus, there’s a line “Now let’s go, with these friends” [1] which feels like fine is brought together and I like it. As for Neo Sanctuary, I was the second to record after Midorikawa-san, and in the chorus before climax, Midorikawa’s solo line, “fine” that was read as “the end” [see Midorikawa’s t/n #1] left a deep impression – it was really wonderful. Combined with Midorikawa-san’s way of singing, it’s a really awesome part!
Q: Ensemble Stars has been extending its reach through appearances in various kinds of media. Could you promote the series to the readers who have not yet been exposed to it?
Eguchi: Story-wise, I wonder what fine’s charm is? I mean you can say they’re the roots of all evil (laugh). I think the way you can enjoy fine is how you follow them along with the story, as you ask yourself how they ended up that way. For those who had only recently taken interest in Ensemble Stars!, I think you’ll be able to find all sorts of fun if you follow the story. If you listen to these songs again after that, you may have a different point of view. Wataru’s charm… On the surface, he seems carefree and you can’t tell what he’s thinking, but I also think you can’t really see his core. I think the gap between his outside and inside is his charm. I hope someday there’ll be opportunity where I’ll be able to act out that part of him.
Q: Please give a message to the fans who are looking forward to the release!
Eguchi: I think those who listened to fine’s songs in the first series were able to have a lot of fun, but this time we also have wonderful songs. I really want you to look forward to them, and I also can’t help but look forward to the finished product. They’re songs I can recommend with pride, so please check them out.
1. The romaji is “Saa ikou, kono nakama to”
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Koutarou Hashimoto (VA of Yuzuru Fushimi)
Q: Firstly, please tell us about your impression on the songs when you first listened to them.
Hashimoto: Firstly, the song names are so cool! Apparently the name “fine” also means “the end” in music term, so I thought it’s very like them to have “Fortissimo” this time, following “Symphonia” from last time. Fine’s image is the color white, but Neo Sanctuary has a dark image and you can see its coolness that has a slight edge to it. This song was a bit unexpected, but the moment I knew fine can also bring out coolness like this, I was looking forward to the recording.
Q: Then how did the actual recording go?
Hashimoto: The vocal balance in Fortissimo of Fluttering Wings is nice, but in it there’s also an atmosphere that is brought out from the relationship among the four members, which is something I kept in mind while singing. In the parts “We are not alone | We chose the irreplaceable present | These are new wings that fly across the new sky” [1] and also where everyone sings together at the end, I could also feel they’re saying, “Let’s go with the four of us!” – I hope I was able to show that in my singing. I was also thinking of bringing out lots of cool points in Neo Sanctuary, but after listening to Midorikawa-san’s “fine (the end)” [see Midorikawa’s t/n #1], what I was thinking didn’t matter anymore (laugh). It was just so cool, there’s nothing I can do about it! Even when I listened to the demo tape, I tried to predict how Midorikawa-san would handle that line, but after actually listening to it, you are struck with this addicting feeling that surpasses even that of taking pictures with a side peace sign! It’s really wonderful.
Q: Please tell us the appeal of each song.
Hashimoto: In Neo Sanctuary, it would be the parts before the chorus like “It will no longer be shaken by anything | This story that was made | It crosses the glittering rainbow” [2] and “Our hearts still refuse to lament | This resounding applause | We will accept it with all we have.” [3] I think these parts show what fine is pursuing. You can picture the scene of fine accepting the resounding applause with all they have. I thought lines like these may be what they’re after, and I like it quite a lot. As for Fortissimo of Fluttering Wings, it simply felt like I was the one who sang, and it felt nice. The line “I want to burn the scene into your eyes” [4] felt so good to sing! At first it was just [Yuzuru] and Tori, but after that the four of them sing the line together. Yeah, it’s so cool, isn’t it? (laugh) It felt good being able to head out with style with everyone.
Q: Ensemble Stars has been extending its reach through appearances in various kinds of media. Could you promote the series to the readers who have not yet been exposed to it?
Hashimoto: Yuzuru’s position is a butler, but as a member of fine, I intend to act as him so that fine can shine brightly. Fine members get along, but there’s this peculiar sense of distance. Wataru and the young master like Eichi way too much, and when Yuzuru is with someone other than Tori, he basically becomes a bit more modest. When he’s alone with Tori, he would say terrible things, but when the four of them are together he’s back being a butler, so I mean, it’s a mysterious relationship. But, if they have something in common it would be how everyone inclines themselves towards Eichi-sama. So please witness Eichi-sama’s mesmerizing coolness! Also, recently I have started to feel Yuzuru’s sensuality. I’ve always loved moles under the eyes, and top that with how much the cards exhibit the menacing atmosphere! I think Yuzuru is in charge of fine’s sexual appeal (laugh). But when he’s together with Tori, he shows his cute side and shows so much love, so I want you to observe that kind of Yuzuru too. It would be great if everyone can understand Yuzuru’s character.
Q: Please give a message to the fans who are looking forward to the release!
Hashimoto: The world of Ensemble Stars! is expanding, and I believe there are many things to look forward to such as anime and stage adaptations, and the second series of the CDs. First, I’d like you to purchase the CD and listen to it until your eardrums are torn! (laugh) This time we have cool songs, so I think you’ll be able to see a different side to fine. I’m looking forward to it, and I hope all of you feel the same. Please give us your support.
1. Bridge: “Bokutachi wa hitori janai | Kagegaenai kyou erabi | Atarashii sora wo kakeru tsubasa da” 2. Whole first prechorus: “Subete wa mou yuruganai | Egakiageta monogatari | Kagayakashii niji o watatte” 3. Whole second prechorus: “Kokoro wa mada nagekanai | Hibiki wataru kassai o | Karada-juu de uketomeru made” 4. End of first chorus: “Kono me ni yakitsuketai”. To clarify the next sentence after this, Yuzuru and Tori part Hashimoto is talking about is in the same chorus: “Hashiridashita tashika na Glory Days”
Ayumu Murase (VA of Tori Himemiya)
Q: Firstly, please tell us about your impression on the songs when you first listened to them.
Murase: When I sang in the first CD, I remember they were really cool songs, so this time I was looking forward to singing the new songs as well. As for the two songs, it wouldn’t be surprising to have either one as the A-side. The tempo is nice, but it’s still very like fine. They’re really cool, and I was enchanted by them.
Q: Then how did the actual recording go?
Murase: I kept in mind to sing with fun, carefreely and untainted. I’d also treasure the feeling of “the four of them are having fun working together.” I’d heard much of the background to Neo Sanctuary. While I thought it’s going to be difficult, I tried to sing giving out a wafting feel of a ruler and with more power than usual.
Q: Please tell us the appeal of each song.
Murase: In Fortissimo of Fluttering Wings, although it’s not my part, I think its appeal would be the line in the second verse: “Surely, next time we can use different means | To wish for a future.” [1] Fine is not a ruler anymore, but it seems like they have found something else. It has a bright melody that points towards the future, and it’s overflowing with hope. In the midst of that, I could feel that they are looking at the future with positivity. As for Neo Sanctuary, I guess it would be “fine (the end)”, after all! [see Midorikawa’s t/n #1] Of course from when I looked at the lyrics, I thought, “Ah, ‘the end’ came up” and it already left an impact at that time. But when I listened to Midorikawa-san’s singing, it’s right before the last chorus; it’s the most climatic part. So it left a really deep impression. It’s a spoken line, so it’s a great contrast to the part that followed. Sound-wise, it’s also a cool part.
Q: Ensemble Stars has been extending its reach through appearances in various kinds of media. Could you promote the series to the readers who have not yet been exposed to it?
Murase: Tori is overconfident, but he also has a careless side, and there are people who would keep him in check. He would put his energy and do his utmost best in all sorts of things, and I think that hardworking side of him is his charm. I think he’s a boy who will look adorable when getting bullied, so I hope you can enjoy his interaction with characters other than fine members as well. Fine has a strong impression of it being Eichi-san’s unit, doesn’t it? (laugh) Tori adores him very much, and there are also others who are also the same, so I feel his existence is a must in this unit.
Q: Please give a message to the fans who are looking forward to the release!ine
Murase: This time, we have songs that are cool with cool tunes, and bring out the feel of the characters and the personality of the unit. Please look forward to them as you wait for the release.
1. Second verse: “Kitto tsugi wa chigau yarikata de | Mirai o negaeru kara”
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enstaries · 8 years
YASS OMG but eh i only accept 5 charas max sorry,, so i chose 5 at random ok??
tomoya~ ☆
→ you wouldn’t think there could be anything lackluster about being a mermaid, but you’d think differently when you see tomoya
→ unlike his peers with sleek and vibrant tails, tomoya’s is a dull brown, resembling a dead fish. he’s very self-conscious about it and gets teased very often; surprisingly enough, his club president wataru is the first to compliment it and even tell him it’s an amazing blank canvas one can utilise to achieve perfection.
→ from then on, tomoya and his friends collect bits of shimmering scales and attach them to his tail. while they do come off a little too easily for now, many envy how sparkling his tail is, and how often he can switch things up to bring out a whole new masterpiece.
makoto~ ☆
→ the most awkward one by far
→ despite being in this form all of his life, he still has difficulties swimming properly and often crashes into other merman or rocks. this can easily be brushed off, but no one lets it go that he’d been chased by sharks too many times to count on one hand from accidents.
→ makoto is also very interested in what goes on in the land. he’ll prop himself up on a distant rock and observe from far the happenings. he always flees when humans try to talk to him, and little does he know many girls have chased after him and drowned after being enamoured by his dreamy appearance.
yuzuru~ ☆
→ one of the gentlest merman
→ his naturally caring disposition does not leave him even as a merman; yuzuru still works diligently in cleaning or caring for his master. he has befriended schools of fish and sometimes admonish them for pooing all over the place.
→ on the other hand, yuzuru is terrified of sea lions and the like. tori often teases him about his fear and threatens to feed him to sea lions, but even if they do eat merfolk, yuzuru has trained himself to swim fast enough away from their slimy grasp.
shu~ ☆
→ the fussiest of mermen
→ shu is obsessed with how his tail looks, and spends copious amounts of time picking dirt out of it or primping it to tip-top position. he’s even known to accessorise himself to match with his pink tail! needless to say, he has a hissy fit every time his tail touches anything remotely unclean.
→ shu is also not the most appreciative about the sea creatures he lives with. he moans all the time over having to share his all important dissolved oxygen with these fishes, and shoos them away whenever they near him, though they are probably just attracted by his tail.
kanata~ ☆
→ the one who cradles the fish shu shoos away
→ every day is a literal blessing for kanata; he loves the sea so, so much! he’s not the best at navigating through the ocean, but with the sheer number of sea creatures who reciprocate his feelings, he gets the all the help and love he needs.
→ however, kanata harbours deep feelings of hatred for the land. the frequent oil spills and pollution have taken the lives of his friends, and he has seen them die in his hands, him helpless. the land is pure evil, and he vows vengeance on all humans who either directly or indirectly have hurt sea creatures of any kind.
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