#Two long haired men pretending to be this hospitalized man
sansaorgana · 2 months
what if benny heard his girl’s friend telling her about how she deserves better. he then notices his gf distancing herself from him because she starts having doubts about their relationship, and he’s not about to let her go that easily
hello 💚 thank you for your request! it turned out to be quite long (nearly 4,5k words) 😌 Benny & Reader are kinda toxic here lol 🤣 but in the movie he was such a red flag sometimes and his relationship with Kathy wasn't that healthy either, so I felt like exploring that trope. it has a happy ending, though! 💒
I had to close my requests for now because I got so many 🙏🏻
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Whenever you were out with your friends, Benny was a big part of your conversations. They were either single or they dated boring men and you couldn’t help but brag a little to them about taming a man like Benny Cross.
Of course, sometimes you were jealous of the stability your friends had. But with Benny it was never boring and you had never had so many wild stories to tell before meeting him. You wore one of his rings proudly and with as much pride you had the Vandals Chicago small patch on your jeans jacket.
And today was no different – you arrived at Molly's place a little bit late by the bus but Benny was supposed to pick you up later. You fixed your hair and your jacket before getting inside the apartment building after some older lady who was walking inside. She looked you up and down and you couldn’t tell if it was because of the patch or the leather pants but you didn’t care either way. You were only wearing trousers these days because sitting in the back of the bike in a skirt or a dress was far from comfortable.
You knocked upon Molly’s door and she opened with a smile but you couldn’t help but notice that the way she looked at you was similar to the old lady’s gaze. And when you walked to the living room and waved at your other friends, they suddenly went quiet, which only meant one thing – they had been talking about you.
“Hi, (Y/N),” Barbara greeted you. “Has your boyfriend dropped you off?”
You furrowed your brows at her oddly mocking tone as other girls tried to hide a giggle.
“Hi, Barbs. No, he hasn’t,” you answered, pretending you hadn’t caught the rude undertone of her question. You sat on the armchair because you didn’t want to sit next to them on the couch.
Molly sat back there, right next to Ursula. On Barbara’s other side sat Susie.
“So, how’s life? What’s up?” You asked as usual, tapping your fingers on the wooden armrest of the armchair. 
You hadn’t seen them in two months and they were your friends since high school. You were naturally interested in hearing their stories.
“Well, I got engaged!” Ursula announced and showed you the ring. Your eyes widened and you gave her a smile.
“Wow, ‘sula, that’s crazy. Congratulations, babe,” you winked at her. “That ring must have cost a fortune!”
“It certainly has. But you know, Dickie’s in the finance,” she reminded you but there was something contemptuous in her voice.
“I remember,” you only nodded. “When’s the wedding?”
“In July, we think,” Ursula answered. “I’m currently dress hunting. I was in the store the other day with the girls and…” She started and then she stopped talking as the other hissed at her.
Your heart skipped a beat.
“Wait, what?” You raised an eyebrow. “You guys are seeing each other without me?” You swallowed thickly and waited for their answer.
It made sense, suddenly. Because you had used to meet every two weeks. But some time ago they had started to come with excuses that they were too busy to meet so often. Now the meetings were taking place once every two months. But… Perhaps it was this way only for you.
The girls looked at each other.
“Oh, please, (Y/N), it was only once,” Barbara quickly spoke up. “You were busy that day anyway. We knew about it so we didn’t even ask you.”
“How did you know I was busy?” You asked.
“We read in the paper that there had been a motorbike accident in the area. We assumed you were at the hospital,” Ursula explained and you nearly snorted at her stupid lie.
She was always the worst at coming up with lies on the go.
“This accident had nothing to do with Benny or anyone in our club for that matter,” you told her although you were sure there had been no accident even.
“Well, we thought…” Ursula started.
“Our club, huh?” Susie suddenly giggled. She was usually the quiet one but it made her pretty observant and she would always pick on the words.
You cracked a smile at that.
“Are you learnin’ how to drive a motorbike now? Is he gettin’ you one as well?” Molly teased.
“No,” you answered. “Anyway…” You tried to change the subject. “July is in three months. I gotta start hunting for a dress for the occasion, too. Is there a dress code?” You asked Ursula.
Ursula looked down and started to fidgeting with her fingers nervously.
“Actually…” Barbara took a deep breath in. “Ursula would like to tell you something but she’s scared…”
“So… We will do it for her,” Molly nodded.
You already knew what it was about and you tried your best to keep your smile on although all you wanted to was to cry.
Not even because you were losing the friendship of these girls – they were clearly treating you like shit anyway – but because it all felt so… humiliating. As if you were the village’s outcast all of the sudden. A local pariah.
“I’m not invited?” You crossed your arms.
“No! It’s not like that!” Ursula protested as she looked up to meet your gaze. “It’s… It’s about Benny. I don’t want him at my wedding. So… If you want to come, you are welcome to come alone,” she finished.
“Well, I’ll see if I can come. In July we are going for vacation anyway. The dates might interfere,” you explained with a shrug of your arms. That was a lie.
“Vacation? With Benny? Where?” Susie seemed to be interested now.
“A trip to Florida where his cousin lives,” you explained. At least that part about his cousin was true.
“Florida… Nice…” Barbara sighed and Molly pushed her with her elbow.
For the rest of the meeting, you were silent. Nodding your head at the things the girls were saying and faking laughs here and there, already coming up with the lies to tell them when they’d ask about you but… They never asked.
When they were in the middle of talking about some stupid movie, you all got startled at the sudden sound of the loud engine. All the girls gave you a dirty look as you chuckled.
“Sorry,” you put your hands up in the air. “It’s Benny. I gotta go now. It was nice to catch up with you,” you stood up and waved at them before going to the hall.
You didn’t feel like hugging them or anything like that. You just wanted to be out of the flat.
However, Molly followed you.
“I’ll walk you outside,” she proposed and you furrowed your brows at her but you nodded. She was your closest friend out of them all.
You took the lift downstairs and walked out of the apartment building. Benny’s motorbike was parked on the opposite side of the parking lot. He was leaning on it and smoking a cigarette.
“Wanna say hello to him?” You asked Molly, squinting your eyes at the sun as you put your hand over your forehead to create a shadow.
“Nah, I’m fine, babe,” Molly shook her head and put her hands inside the pockets of her cardigan. “But, you know, I gotta tell you something…” She continued to walk in the direction of Benny’s motorbike but her steps were small as her voice lowered.
“What is it?”
“You know I like you, (Y/N). I don’t like what’s happened to us. I mean, our friend’s group. You know why and what… Who is the reason,” Molly cleared her throat. “You’ve changed, too.”
“Shouldn’t it matter that I’m happy?” You asked her.
“But… Are you? Darling, is there any future in that?” She glanced at Benny who was observing you carefully but you were sure he was standing too far away to hear the whispers. “I just think you deserve better. We all do. Think about that, will you, doll?” Molly patted your arm before squeezing it in a friendly way and waving at you.
She turned around to hurry back inside the building right before the distance was close enough to greet Benny. It looked like she was avoiding him on purpose and she wasn’t even hiding that. It was rude.
You sighed and turned around to smile at your boyfriend.
“Hi, daddy-o. Sorry for making you wait,” you winked at him playfully. “Where are you takin’ me tonight?” You fixed his jacket and kissed his lips when he was not taking a drag of his cigarette.
“There’s a bonfire,” Benny mumbled out. “Hop on,” he pointed at the motorbike.
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Benny’s hearing was not perfect after all the years of getting slaughtered by the roaring sound of the motorbikes’ engines. But he was an excellent lip reader – it was one of those useful skills he had learnt over the years. Benny was not a man of many words and he usually preferred to observe the environment around him. Reading lips was helpful for that.
You had been standing with your back turned to him so he had no idea what you had been answering to your friend’s words but he knew perfectly well what that girl had been saying. And then she had just looked him up and down and turned around, without even saying hi. Not that he cared to get a hi from a girl like her. And not that he wasn’t used to people treating him this way.
Still, it had planted an insecurity in his head. And now, during the bonfire, you were acting weird, too.
The sun was slowly going down on that day and a huge bonfire had been lit up. One of the guys had taken their radio and played rock and roll songs. There was lots of beer and a small barbecue and everything smelled like alcohol, sweat, meat and gasoline. After having a few beers, lots of boys were showing off their motorbike tricks, including jumping over the fire. The atmosphere was full of testosterone but most girls didn’t mind that. To date a biker, you had to be used to that. Constant risk, constant danger, constant adrenaline. You were sitting by the bonfire and watching the motorbike tricks as you were sipping on your diet coke through the straw. Benny was smoking a cigarette by one of the cars while he talked to his friends but he kept his eye on his girl and he knew you well enough to see that while the other girls were gossiping next to you, you didn't really pay attention as you were clearly dissociating.
When he finished his cigarette, he walked up to you and tugged on the sleeve of your jacket to make you stand up and follow him inside the house but you shrugged him off and looked away. Benny furrowed his brows but he didn’t give up.
“(Y/N), baby, come on,” he whined a little.
“Gee, Benny,” you rolled your eyes before looking up. “Can’t you see I’m talking to the girls?” You pointed out but the girls looked at you; confused at your words since you had been doing nothing but ignoring them for the past hour.
“I wanna talk to ya,” Benny insisted and you sighed.
“Excuse me, darlings,” you told the girls and put your empty bottle of soda on the ground before standing up and facing Benny.
You followed him in the direction of the house but instead of walking inside, Benny guided you to walk behind, where there was no one around.
“What is it?” You raised your eyebrow at him as you leaned on the wall behind you.
“I’m just wonderin’ why you’re acting like that,” Benny scratched himself behind his neck.
“Like what?”
“Like that,” Benny repeated and shrugged his arms. “Dunno, as if I have done somethin’ wrong. Have I?”
“No,” you answered but the answer was very fast and nearly harsh. “No…” You repeated and took a deep breath in as your face softened. “I’m just… That meeting with my friends was weird and I’m overthinkin’ some stuff. That’s it,” you explained. “‘sula’s getting married, you know?” You looked down and played with your foot, drawing circles on the ground with your boot.
Benny’s heart skipped a beat at the word married. 
“Yeah?” He asked, trying to look into your eyes but you kept your gaze low.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “However, I ain’t invited,” you turned your head to look away as you crossed your arms.
“What? Why?” Benny furrowed his brow. He couldn’t understand that. He thought that you were pretty close to those girls.
“It doesn’t matter,” you answered and looked into his eyes. “I was thinkin’... Maybe we could go to Florida in July? To your cousin? I need a vacation, Benny.”
“Florida’s far away,” Benny shook his head. “The guys need me here.”
“Only for a short time…”
“Nah,” Benny insisted. “We can have a weekend by the lake if ya want to.”
“No,” you sighed. “Listen, I’m tired today, ‘kay?”
“‘kay,” Benny nodded awkwardly and hid his hands inside the pockets of his jacket. “Wanna go home?”
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Benny hoped that your odd behaviour would change on the next day but it did not. In the morning he didn’t find you in bed and when he walked downstairs, you were already dressed up and drinking coffee by the kitchen window.
“You up already?” He asked, surprised. “Workin’ today?” 
“No. I just couldn’t sleep,” you told him without looking at him.
“What’s for breakfast?” He asked and looked around the kitchen.
“I had pancakes. You can have whatever you want,” you pointed out and he was a bit taken aback by that response. 
Not that he minded making breakfast for himself but you had always been doing it for him ever since he moved to your place.
“Are you angry at me, kitty?” Benny asked, carefully, as he approached the fridge to take a look inside to see what he could eat.
He decided on scrambled eggs as he grabbed a few from the fridge. He put some butter on the pan and heated it up but there was still no answer from you.
“Kitty?” He cleared his throat and turned his head around to look at you.
You took one last sip of your coffee and stood up with a sigh. You put the coffee cup inside the sink and walked past him.
“I’m going to spend a day with my ma,” you told him.
“With your ma?” Benny furrowed his brows. He didn’t like it when you were going to your mum.
Not because he had something against you spending time with your family. But he knew that your mum absolutely hated his guts and she was begging you to dump him each time you were seeing her. For you to meet with her today – a day after your friend had told you that you deserved better… Well, it was not looking good for Benny.
“Yeah, I don’t know when I’ll be back,” you told him and then you left the kitchen. A few seconds later, he heard the front door closing.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he muttered to himself.
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It was late afternoon, nearly evening already, when you came back home. Now, after the meeting with your mum, your head was full of doubts and insecurities about your relationship.
You loved Benny but was it possible that this relationship was really a doomed affair? All your friends were leaving you behind and treating you like your Vandals patch was a scarlet letter. Your mother was begging you all the time to leave Benny behind because he was “no good for you, baby”. It was annoying but she had every reason to be worried – Benny was trouble. He cost you a lot of money, too, when it came to the lawyers, hospitals and the bills. He didn’t even have a steady job. And all of that for what…? There was not even a ring on your fucking finger.
He would drive around all day and then get drunk at the bonfires. That was all he wanted to do. Was he even treating you seriously? Was he planning to settle down with you? That was doubtful. 
You walked inside the house and closed the door loudly behind you before going to the bathroom to wash your hands. Then you took a deep sigh at the sight of your tired face in the mirror and you went inside the living room where Benny was watching TV. He looked up at you and your heart skipped a beat at the sight of his baby blue eyes that looked extremely sad.
“Hi, baby. Had a good day?” He asked.
“Yeah. You?” You kept standing above him.
“Not really,” Benny admitted. “But, hey, it doesn’t matter, yeah? I called my cousin,” he told you and you raised an eyebrow. “I asked him if we could visit him in July and he said that it’s fine.”
Benny swallowed thickly and waited for your response, staring up at you like a puppy. You took a deep breath in and eventually nodded at him with a sigh before sitting next to him on the couch.
“What you watchin’?” You asked him.
“Some stupid movie,” he shrugged. “You happy about Florida?”
“Yeah,” you answered. 
But just because he had done something like this once, it didn’t mean that everything was suddenly okay.
“You haven’t worn your jacket with the patch today,” Benny pointed out awkwardly.
“My ma would kill me!” You chuckled at that with an eye-roll.
Long silence occurred after that. You were both staring at the TV and only pretending to watch the movie. Eventually, Benny moved in closer and put his arm around you. You flinched a little bit but you didn’t move away as your eyes filled with tears.
You loved him. You wanted this relationship to work but... Sometimes love was not enough. Especially when only one person was putting effort.
“I’m sorry I’m not good enough for ya, baby,” Benny whispered into your ear and you froze at his words. He kissed your cheek delicately and nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck. “I’m tryin’ my best,” he assured you. “But your friend was right. You deserve better.”
“Benny? What are you talking about? You heard Molly?” You turned your head around and lifted his chin to look up at you.
“Nah. I can read from the lips,” he shrugged and your heart pounded faster in your chest. “Don’t worry, I ain’t angry at ya. She was right. I’m just angry at her for making you realise that.”
You clenched your jaw, not knowing what to say. Somehow, you wanted to comfort him but… There were some things you wanted to say first.
“It’s not your fault. You’re just this way,” you caressed his cheek gently. “I don’t think you’re not enough. Maybe it’s me asking for too much. I knew who you were and what you were like when I took you in. I should have known what to expect,” you shrugged. “You’re just…” Your voice trembled and Benny furrowed his brows at you. “You’re just gonna drive away one day, right?”
“What are you talking about?” He shook his head.
“You’re a free spirit, Benny. You’re just gonna hop on the bike and disappear and I’ll be left with the mess to clean and the pieces to pick up. And I was trying not to get too attached but I have. And in return… In return you can’t even make me breakfast. Not even once!” You suddenly snapped as his eyes widened. “I wake up in the morning and make you breakfast every day. I go to work and earn money… Just to spend it later on some shitty lawyers after you get arrested, feeling guilty that I can’t afford a better one. Jesus, and now I can’t even go to my friend’s wedding just because she doesn’t want you there and, guess what, I don’t want to go there alone!” You raised your voice but then you sniffled your tears back and softened again. “I just… I just wish I knew that you were as serious about me as I am about you. That’s it.”
Benny moved uncomfortably and moved his arm away from your shoulder. He took a deep breath in and nodded his head.
“Ya think I’m just gonna drive away one day and leave you without a word?” He asked. “I mean… Yeah, I might. Because I’m clearly a burden. I’m gonna leave, that’s gonna be for the better,” he agreed with you but you could see his jaw clenching and eyes blinking away the fresh tears.
“I didn’t say that you were a burden, Benny,” you tried to explain but he stood up already and went up the stairs.
You followed him and you caught him packing his bag in your bedroom. You leaned on the doorframe and watched him.
“You can’t be serious, Benny. Why can’t we just have a normal conversation about it instead of you running away from the responsibility? You’re kinda provin’ my point at the moment, you know that?” You told him.
“Don’t wanna be a burden,” he insisted and you took a deep breath in before approaching him.
You put your hands on his arms and he flinched a little but he didn’t push you off. However, he kept on packing his things.
“Benny, baby, please, let’s just talk about it, okay?” You tried to talk to him in a soft voice as if he was a wild animal.
In many ways, he was.
“I even called my cousin an’ all that!” He suddenly turned around to look into your eyes. He was visibly angry but at the same time his eyes were glossy. “You wanted a fuckin’ vacation in Florida, so I called and got us a fuckin’ vacation,” he added.
“And I am grateful, baby, I am,” you assured him and placed your hands on his chest. You felt how fast his heart was beating and you caressed him there as if you were trying to soothe his heartbeat itself. “But that’s just… That’s like one time when you show me you’re treatin’ me serious.”
“I’m not treatin’ you serious enough, you say, huh?” Benny straightened his back and looked down at you. “But if I asked you to marry me, you wouldn’t say yes, right? ‘Cuz I ain’t no good enough, am I right?”
You were taken aback by those words. You blinked a few times, very slowly.
“Wha-what are you talking about, Benny?” You tilted your head.
“I wanna make you my wife,” he answered, seriously. “Wanted you as my Mrs. ever since I saw ya,” he confessed. “But I ain’t good enough…” He shook his head and looked away. “And I’ll never be for ya.”
Your heart was pounding in your chest as well. You bit on your lower lip and focused hard on overthinking his words. Suddenly, all your insecurities and doubts had disappeared. Your whole body was filled with butterflies.
Gee, yeah, he was… Different from the most. But he was special, too. And he was your Benny. You would never trade him for a man like Patrick for example – Ursula’s fiancé in finance. You would die of boredom with a guy like him. With Benny even those arguments that you were having with him were exciting. The way he was packing his bags or you were threatening to leave every other day, the way you were smashing plates sometimes, the way a phone call from the police station would wake you up in the middle of the night... It was making you feel alive.
“Oh, Benny!” You felt tears of happiness streaming down your cheeks and he looked at you again, confused. “Yes!” You jumped into his arms and he picked you up instinctively. “Yes, yes, yes!” You added and cupped his face to pepper it with dozens of tiny little kisses. “I’m gonna marry you, baby! Even tomorrow! Even now!”
Benny chuckled at that and kissed your lips properly as you put your hands behind his neck. 
“So, you just wanted a ring, my moody kitty, huh?” He teased playfully and you rolled your eyes with a smile.
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You arrived at Molly’s place and knocked upon the door, fixing your jeans jacket. She opened the door and invited you in as usual.
It was a month since your last meeting with the girls. They looked you up and down as usual these days but then they furrowed their brows at the sight of your huge grin. Molly entered the living room behind you and took a seat on the couch, looking up at you with a questioning look.
“I have something to tell you,” you told them with a smug smile.
They looked at each other.
“You dumped him?” Barbara asked, excitedly.
“He knocked you up?” Molly, on the other hand, was rather scared.
“Don’t be daft. She wouldn’t be so happy then!” Susie pointed out. Clever as usual.
“I got married!” You exclaimed and showed them your hand with two new additions. A pretty engagement ring that you had chosen for yourself in the pawn shop and a brand new wedding band.
You watched with satisfaction how their mouths dropped. Ursula especially seemed to be butthurt, since you had managed to get married before her.
“And how’s dress hunting, ‘sula?” You teased her.
“I still don’t have a dress,” she admitted. You could see her jaw clenching. “And what were you wearing?”
“A short babydoll,” you answered and sat on the armchair nonchalantly.
“Why haven’t you told us?!” Molly asked and you looked at her as if she was crazy.
“Sorry, but… I don’t know how to say it… Benny and the other guys from the club…” You pretended to sound sad. “Well, they didn’t want you girls around, I hope you understand. No outsiders, you know,” you told them.
It was a lie, of course. None of them would have minded your friends coming. But the wedding had taken place a day after your argument with Benny anyway. There had been no time to send out invitations.
“That’s crazy,” Susie commented and you gave her a smug look.
“Gonna tell you somethin’ crazier,” you chuckled and she raised her eyebrows, curiously. “He got my name tatted right on his heart.”
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Sukuna's Wife and Yuuji's Onee-chan (Sukuna x Reincarnated!Y/N) Part 2
Part 1
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Several hundred years ago…
You adored autumn more than any other season. Leaves drying, flowers falling to the ground–you felt most alive surrounded by death.
“The leaves remind me of your hair,” you said to him, holding up a red maple leaf. 
“You did not just compare me to a dead leaf.” He watched with crossed arms as you fiddled with the leaf before letting go. 
“It’s a compliment. Though…I guess the maple is prettier,” you teased him. The rubiness of autumn maple was rich and with a charm incomparable to any flower.
He huffed.
You laughed a bit, though your giggles were covered up with coughing.
He strolled closer, wrapping a scarf around your neck, his large hands careful not to pull on your hair. “You love autumn but can barely stand the cold.”
You snuggled closer to his side, placing your ear close to his heart. “Then it’s a good thing I married you.”
Present day.
Yuuji was the single most precious person to you. He and old man Wasuke were more your family than the actual people who made you. When the toddler first grasped your finger, tightly and warmly, you swore that nothing else mattered in the world.
As the days passed and that little crybaby grew up into a taller crybaby, your sentiments only got stronger.
No one cared, no one mattered, not even yourself.
If anyone deserved to live a long, happy life, it was your sweet, salt of the earth Yuuji. 
That’s why, after the man called Gojo explained everything: from curses and cursed energy to Yuuji’s fate after eating one of Ryomen Sukuna’s fingers, you found yourself getting down on both knees and laying your nose on the ground.
“Please,” you begged, “please spare Yuuji. If you need another host, then transfer Sukuna inside me and take me instead, but leave my brother alone.”
All three men were stunned.
Fushiguro reluctantly opened his mouth, “H-hey–”
“Nee-chan, get up.” Yuuji went to grab your shoulders, but he was taken aback when Gojo knelt down in front of you. 
He hummed, before asking, “You sure are a good sister. You realize that you’re basically asking us to kill you?”
You said nothing as you kept your forehead on the ground.
“So that’s your answer.” Gojo crossed his arms and pretended to think.
“Darling.” Sukuna appeared on Yuuji’s cheek. He growled, “Get up. You shouldn’t be prostrating yourself in front of these scum.” 
Gojo snapped his fingers. “Leave it to me, Y/N-chan!”
“Hey!” “Oy!”
Fushiguro and Sukuna chorused, “You’re not really dragging her into this, are you?” “You damn sorcerer, don’t you dare call her so intimately. Only I can–”
“Raise your head, Y/N-chan.” Gojo chuckled. “I’ll take care of you and Yuuji.”
Despite everything, Gojo needed to be sure of Itadori’s potential as a vessel, so he knocked the boy out and did the same to you before you could try to hit him. 
“You’re not really thinking of using that woman as a vessel, right?” Megumi watched as his teacher held you in his arms. “And how do you even plan on transferring Sukuna into her?”
“Tell me, Megumi, do you want Itadori-kun to live?”
“Of course, I do.”
“How about his darling nee-chan?”
“Yes, but–”
“Sukuna cannot be trusted, but if he really does care for this girl then we can use that to our advantage, don’t you agree?”
Megumi couldn’t protest. He didn’t like the idea of getting civilians involved, but if he had to choose between two people and the rest of the world, then the answer was obvious.
The day Old Man Wasuke was hospitalized, you already took a leave of absence from college. Quitting your part time jobs and packing up your belongings took less than a day, and cutting ties with the rest of the world you knew was easy. You had no warmth for your colleagues, or your classmates, or the lonely old house you grew up in. 
Sukuna was surprisingly quiet the whole ride to the high school, but when Satoru Gojo started flirting with you, an eye and mouth would open up on Yuuji’s cheek and demand he stay away from you. 
“How dare you lay your filthy hand on my beloved–”
“You mad? What’re you gonna do from waaaay over there?” (You seriously started to worry about your brother’s safety while being protected by this moron.)
Yuuji was placed next to Megumi Fushiguro (a polite but reserved boy, you noted) while you were put in the girl’s dormitory, which was practically empty. Sukuna was vocal about “being left behind,” but Gojo was adamant about separating the boys from the girls like the rules state. 
Lies, Megumi thought to himself. He just wants to piss off Sukuna. That and it was for your own safety. Though the King of Curses seemed attached to you, he was still a curse, and his attitude could’ve been a mask. 
You were used to being alone so living without a roommate or “friends” in a large building was no big deal. Once you were settled in, you returned to Yuuji’s dormitory, but when you found him unconscious and tied to a chair by talismans, you threw a shoe at Gojo without thinking.
“Why are you so violent?” Gojo complained as your shoe bounced off his infinity. 
“You said you would protect him!”
“Calm down,” Fushiguro said from behind you. “Please, Gojo-sensei may look and act like that–”
“–oi, what do you mean by ‘that’–”
“–but I promise you, he’s doing this for everybody’s benefit.”
“...You’re lying.” 
Fushiguro’s blood froze as you gazed into his eyes. He has never felt such intense blood lust from a single human before.
“You’re not doing this for my baby’s sake… you’re lying… you’re tricking us…” Your voice dripped with ice, your stare glazed over. 
Fushiguro was speechless. Something told him you weren’t talking about just Yuuji right now. 
“Give him back to me.” You gripped Fushiguro’s arms. “GIVE MY CHILD BACK!”
Fushiguro was at a loss, though your nails dug into him, he couldn’t bring himself to summon his familiars or push you away. You were a bit violent, but he saw Tsumiki in you. 
Wait, did she just say child?
@laurcad123 @aidanstan @deepinballs
Part 3
I'm getting way too lazy to write full fledged prose.
Anyway, I love soft sukuna.
Also, med school is murder T.T
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thatdarkfanficstuff · 11 days
Flutter - Chapter One
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Mafia AU. Characters may act darker than you are used to. There will be adult content in later chapters. Steve is unhappily married at the start so there is cheating but not on Reader.
18+ Only.
Steve Rogers preferred to have meetings in the comfort of his home. On his own territory where there was no question who was in charge. But Stark’s boy had been causing issues at one of Steve’s clubs and he needed to make certain it wasn’t the beginning of a power play. Tony Stark was one of the few in the city that could cause real problems for Steve if he so chose.
So this meeting was taking place on “neutral” territory. An exclusive restaurant with private rooms and respect for its patrons’ privacy. If it was owned by one of Rogers’ shell companies, well, no one needed to know that.
The glow of the candle on the table flickered as Steve finished his meal and leaned back in his chair. His eyes scanned the faces of his companions as they too finished eating. Bucky Barnes sat to his right as always. His best friend since childhood and the only person he trusted without question. They had always been there for one another and Steve saw no reason that would ever change. Sam Wilson was on Steve’s left. He was a newer addition to the family but had proven himself more than reliable.
Across from him, Tony Stark lounged with an easy grace that belied the tension in the room. He sipped at his drink as his dark eyes studied Steve. It wasn’t often they found themselves at odds and neither man liked it. Stark much preferred drinks in Steve’s office than an awkward meal followed by thinly veiled threats. Bruce Banner sat to Tony’s left. He looked more like an accountant than an enforcer but he was one of the most feared men in the city. He was ruthless when it came to protecting Stark and his family. Clint Barton filled the last chair. As usual the man appeared completely at ease. Steve was fairly certain Barton would have a smile on his face and a quip on his tongue in the middle of a slaughter.
“Let’s just cut to the chase, shall we?” Tony began, his voice smooth and strong like aged whiskey. “I have no intention of going against you. I’m not interested in being king. I just want to run my business as I always have. Let me tinker with my toys, let the cash flow and keep the streets just clean enough that the cops stay out of our hair.”
Steve’s gaze lingered on Tony, assessing the truth of his words. They’d operated in this city side-by-side for years. He didn’t see why it should stop now. He trusted Stark. But Peter, Peter was another matter entirely. Steve knew very little about him beyond the fact Tony had adopted him as a teenager. And he was smart, just like Stark. The boy was getting older, nothing said he couldn’t be getting power hungry as he aged.
Steve leaned forward and tapped his fingers on the table. “I like to think I can trust you, Tony. We’ve worked together for a long time. But you’re not the one causing issues. I need a guarantee that this is over. You can promise me anything you want but we both know you can’t control Peter.”
Tony pursed his lips but nodded in agreement. He could try to rein Peter in but there was no guarantee he’d be cooperative. “What do you need from me, Rogers? I don’t want a war but I’m not going to hand my empire over just because my kid stirred up trouble in one of your clubs.”
Bucky snorted a humorless laugh. “Stirred up some trouble? He put two of our men in the hospital. Nearly killed one of them.”
Steve held up a hand to cut off the rant. He rubbed a hand across his mouth and sighed. “I’m not going to pretend what he did was okay but it’s the fact that he claimed to be putting them in their place when he did it that is the real issue here. I can’t have him running around on a power trip, Tony. We both know what that sort of shit leads to.”
Tony rubbed at his forehead before raking his hand through his hair. “What can we do to get back to where we were? What would make you trust us again?”
“An engagement,” Steve said. The surprise of everyone in the room was obvious though they all tried to hide it. It was an unusual move but it would bring the Starks back under his control and might rid him of the irritation of his stepson at the same time. It would make Roman someone else’s problem.
“I’m flattered, but I’m already married,” Tony finally said.
Steve’s lips twitched. “Your daughter, my stepson Roman.” He leaned back and gave a lazy grin. “Everyone knows family is everything to the Starks. So we become family. Peter won’t want to embarrass his sister, he’ll behave and I won’t question your loyalties.”
Tony’s tongue darted out to lick his lips. “An engagement.”
“Family’s important,” Bucky said. “Imagine what ours could do together.”
Tony nodded slowly as he considered his options.
“Pepper won’t like it,” Bruce muttered.
“Pepper will like us having peace with Rogers,” Tony corrected absently as his mind calculated all the possible outcomes, weighed the pros against the cons. Morgan was young yet. He could push the marriage off until she was twenty. Maybe Roman would get himself killed in the meantime. He had a tendency to piss people off. This could work.
“Alright,” Tony murmured. “I agree.”
Steve’s lips curled up ever so slightly in the mere shadow of a smile. “Then we have an understanding.” He leaned forward slightly, the movement minor but deliberate. He held out his hand waiting for Tony to take it, to seal this agreement in the old way. Now it was all contracts and paperwork, but this family started in a time when a man’s word was law and a handshake was as good as a signature.
When Tony didn’t immediately take it, Steve arched a brow and said his name. “Tony.” There was a question in his tone, wondering if his old friend meant to keep to his word or betray it already.
Tony hesitated a moment more as his dark eyes ran over Steve. He was either questioning whether he should actually enter the arrangement or if Pepper was going to kill him for doing so. Morgan was the princess of the family. Which was why she was the perfect inducement for Peter to behave.
Finally, they clasped hands and Tony gave the ghost of a smile. “You’ve got an agreement, Rogers. Guess this makes us family.”
Bucky huffed a humorless laugh. “Make sure to point that out to your son.”
Tony’s jaw tightened. “I’ll make it clear as crystal.”
Steve leaned back and placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder with more force than necessary. “Tony doesn’t need a lecture, Buck. He knows what’s at stake.”
Their business concluded, they rose to their feet in unison. Chairs scraped across the floor as they headed for the door. They exited out the back and stepped out into the quiet of the night. With one last nod goodbye they separated to their own vehicles to head to their own parts of the city.
Steve stepped into his house with a sigh. His gaze immediately found his stepson Roman where he sprawled sideways in a chair, one foot on the floor and the other leg draped over the arm carelessly. He was playing some sort of videogame and ignored Steve’s presence completely.
“Roman.” The name was not a greeting but a summons. A call for attention which Roman ignored as usual. “We need to talk. Now.”
When he still didn’t respond, Steve crossed the room and pushed the power button on the console.
Roman’s head snapped up. “What the fuck are you doing? I was playing that.”
“No shit. I guess you should have paid attention when I told you we needed to talk.” Steve smacked Roman’s foot that was hanging in the air. “Sit up when I talk to you.”
The boy did as instructed, though the resentment was obvious in every movement. Steve resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “I had a meeting with Stark tonight. We came to an agreement. You’re now engaged to his daughter. Congratulations.”
Roman shot up from the chair as if it were on fire. “Are you fucking kidding me? I’m not marrying that bitch. You’re out of your damn mind.”
“Watch the tone,” Steve snapped. “Don’t forget who you’re talking to.”
“And I suppose I’m just supposed to give up the club and the women, for what? A ring and a lifetime of catering to daddy’s little princess?”
“If you know what’s good for you, you will. You know Stark won’t stand for any disrespect. You won’t have to marry right away. Get it out of your system now.”
“What’s going on down here?” Sharon’s grating voice drifted down the stairs in front of her.
Steve glanced over and flicked his eyes over the ridiculous robe she was wearing, a pale blue satin number with fake feathers at the neck and cuffs.
“Mommy, Steve engaged me to Stark’s daughter.” The whine had a headache blossoming behind Steve’s eyes. For fuck’s sake. The kid was twenty-two not ten.
Her eyes snapped to her husband. “You can’t just make decisions like this for him. You’re not his father.”
Steve took a step forward. “Can’t I?”
Roman’s backbone was apparently restored with the presence of his mother. “No, you can’t. You don’t own me.”
The corner of Steve’s lips flicked up in amusement. “It’s cute, really, how you think you have a choice.” He brushed imaginary lint from his shoulder then slid his hands into his pockets. “You both live lavishly because I allow it. Your comfort is due solely to my generosity.”
Sharon swallowed and lifted her chin to stare him down. “If you think you can bully us into—”
“You both,” he said, cutting her off, “enjoy a life others can only dream of. My terms are simple. Comply or forfeit everything.”
He paused to give his words a chance to sink in. “Think it over. The clock is ticking and my patience is in short supply.”
Roman’s gaze dropped first, defeat coloring his features. Sharon followed suit, her defiance crumbling in the face of the reality Steve laid bare. Everything they had, they owed to him.
Steve’s gaze flicked between them. “Good. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have business to attend to.”
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owlwithanapple · 4 months
Bird & Fox
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Chapter 13
After you left Nightwing, you were alone in a quiet and deserted place, staring blankly. At this time, a truck suddenly stopped in front of you, and a group of masked men walked towards you with guns. According to the number, there should be about twenty people. You stood there pretending to be indifferent, just to see what they wanted to do to you with so many people.
You just tilted your head, and more than twenty people pointed guns at you. Such a hospitality means if move again, will be shot to death. These people are really not ordinary idiots. A man who looks like a boss stood in front of me with a gun pointed at your chest. You can tell how much this man has experienced by looking at the scars on his face. You didn't move at all, just wanting to listen to what they have to say.
At this time, someone carried a suitcase in front of you. He opened it and saw a pile of cash. When you were fascinated, he covered it and said, "As long as you work for us, this cash will be yours."
You tilted your head said in a relentless tone, "You want me to work for you? Do you need point more than 20 guns to recruit me now?"
He nodded and laughed, "I've seen the news about you. Your hand is too weird. If I don't do this, I will be unsafe."
You split a clone stood behind him, "It's really weird, but you didn't point it at real me."
Everyone turned their guns to the clone behind him in surprise, and he shouted, "Damn it! What the hell are you doing!"
You just shook your head and told him, "It's nothing."
He laughed confidently and raised his middle finger, "You have two people but you can't beat more than 20 people! Idiot!"
You were annoyed but still applauded him, "Wow then bravo~"
He pushed your clone away and approached you, "Do or not? Money or life? You'd better think it through."
You asked calmly, "What job? I know the salary but don’t know the job content. It's unreasonable, handsome guy."
He pointed back the truck, "This will leave Gotham City from the dock at midnight. You have to eliminate those who come to mess with it."
You understand what they mean, "You mean the truck will sneak out Gotham City from the dock, I'm responsible for stopping Batman and the others, right?"
He smiled so sinisterly, "Correct!"
You think about what to do. A group of more than 20 criminals want to sneak out of Gotham City. You don't know what's in the truck, but it must be valuable. You laugh and say, "But, it's impossible for me to stop Batman alone. He has many helpers~"
He pointed the gun at your chest, "You can leave as soon as the truck leaves. Do you understand!"
He clearly meant he wanted you to delay their time. It's obvious the money in the suitcase will not be given to you. Otherwise, you can use the trick to create a chaotic situation and have fun. It's fun to think about it.
You hold out your hand, "See you tomorrow."
He laughed and held your hand tightly, "Very good!"
Overnight became a sleepless night for you, as Nightwing's words made you lose control of emotions and made it hard to sleep. All night long, his every move and word echoed in your mind countless times, even when you were lying on the bed staring at the ceiling, you could see his face. You had a good time with him, but his influence made you completely sleepless all night.
Looking out the window, the sun has risen and hung in the sky. You sat up from the bed with difficulty. Looking at your hands that he had held countless times, how precious the tenderness he gave you that night was. You covered your forehead tried to make your troubles disappear, but not as simple as you thought. Seeing his appearance as soon as you closed your eyes was not good for your heart, and you were almost mad at him.
"Woof?" Kirin, who was lying next to you, got up and looked confused.
You touched his furry hair to seek comfort, he let you touch without resistance, which meant it was a good thing. You sat cross-legged on the bed, held him over to let him sleep on your legs. You looked outside from the window, the sun was so bright, the night was so beautiful. You wanted to take the first step for him, but didn't have the courage to tell him you were willing to bet on him, because what scared you the most was you would only see each other at night, even if it was just for a short night.
You couldn't guarantee you would become the person he expected, and you couldn't expect him to belong to you alone. The emotional conflict was really uncomfortable, but it made people feel so tempted that they wanted to try it again. You two are different, a knight guards the night, and a fox demon travels at night. Even there is an unbreakable trust between you two, but you are timid. Don't want to hurt each other, don't want to give him any promises, and don't want to look forward to future.
Suddenly you remember that group of illegal immigrants said they would arrive at the dock at midnight. It's really one thing after another. Your head is about to explode. Now have to calmly think about how to deal with the work at the dock. You exhale "What the hell am I doing..."
At the same time, Dick POV
I fell into a complete sleepless confusion overnight. After patrolling, I returned to the bed to rest, but her shadow was hovering in my head. I couldn't forget no matter how hard I tried. This is the so-called lovesickness, which made me go around in circles. As soon I closed my eyes, I could hear her calling me "knight" in my ear. I remembered it deeply in my heart even engraved it in my bones.
While I was still daydreaming, I looked out the window saw it had been light for a long time. I looked at the time displayed on my phone, which was much later than the time I usually get up. I thought it was time to get out of bed, so I put my phone aside, took off my pajamas, and found a set of casual clothes from the closet to change into. After I changed my clothes, there was a knock on the door. I hung my pajamas in the closet rushed to open the door. The person outside the door was Tim.
"Hi. You got up late today." Tim stood outside the door waiting for me.
I left the room, closed the door, and went downstairs with him. "Yeah, I didn't expect it."
Tim is very smart. He quickly knew there was something wrong with me. He stood in front of me. "Do you have something to say?"
I laughed and put my hand on his head. "Yes, a lot."
Tim and I went to dining area and found breakfast for two on the table. Bruce had already gone to work, Damian went to school, Alfred went shopping, and Babybird was probably looking for his crush or checking the condition of his car. Now just Tim and I at home, it seemed much quieter, and felt more relaxed.
Tim sat next to me, "So? What's going on?"
I looked at him and smiled, "Don't laugh at me when you hear that."
He also laughed, "If your content is stupid."
I thought about it for a while and decided to tell him everything, "I've fallen in love with someone recently."
Tim looked at me with a confused expression, and made a gesture with his hands. "Wait, you fallen in love with someone then what about Barbara?"
I clasped my fingers together and clenched them. "We broke up a year ago."
Tim looked very surprised. "I thought you two already talking about marriage."
I smiled and shook my head. "We pursue different goals. Breaking up is the best outcome for her and me."
After hearing what I said, Tim didn't show his reaction, he just nodded to show he understood. Barbara and I have been together for many years, and we both think we are the right people for each other. But as time goes by, we find that we pursue is getting more and more different, gradually we realize we don't yearn for love anymore. So I decided to break up and put an end to this turbulent love. It is enough for us to live our own lives.
He became cautious and asked, "Let me confirm with you first, you didn't fall in love with another girl while dating Barbara... You shouldn't be such a scumbag."
I was amused by his words, I smiled and shook my head, "Jeez! Of course not! I've only known this girl for a short time."
He put his hand on his chest and breathed a sigh of relief, "Huh... That's good, I can't accept my good brother cheating. So who is that girl?"
Suddenly it was difficult to say, after all, the matter of Kitsune was still unclear, "Ermm... She... It's a bit hard to say."
He took a sip of coffee and looked dumbfounded, "Are you serious? You have to keep me in suspense."
I waved my hands in panic to indicate no, "No, let me prepare myself first."
While Alfred was away, Tim crossed his legs, "So? Don't tell me she's a villain or a psychopath..."
I smiled awkwardly, "Um... that girl is Kitsune."
His expression obviously shocked by my answer, "No way! Bruce asked you to investigate her, and you actually... Wait, or is this your trick to make her fall in love with you and asking her for information?"
I looked at him awkwardly, shook my head slightly and sighed, "Sorry, I'm serious this time."
He held his head with both hands, "Damn... Bruce will be pissed to death."
I put my hands together and begged him, "I failed! I wanted to pursue her with all my heart, but she clearly rejected me!"
He looked at my face, bit his lip and sighed, "She clearly rejected you, so will you give up?"
I looked at him awkwardly, "It's a bit difficult..."
Tim tilted his head and stared at me seriously, then asked, "If she is enemy, will you kill her?"
My expression is no longer embarrassed, but serious. I have indeed thought about this question, thought about it for a long time. I would feel more at ease if she stood on my side, but I can't tell which side she is on. What I know now is she doesn't kill indiscriminately, and none of her attacks are fatal. I haven't witnessed her really getting serious about fighting, and I know that I still don't know much about her, but I just want to believe her.
I pressed his shoulder with a serious expression, "If really comes to that, I can't do it, you will do it for me."
He put his hand on mine, "I really don't want you two to end up in that situation."
I chuckled, "I don't want it either."
You thought for a while. As far as you know, more than 20 people with guns wanted to sneak out of Gotham City with the truck. Then the truck is the key, and the more than 20 people are just minions. What the truck is transporting needs more than 20 people to follow, and the condition is fully armed. There must be valuable items in the truck that cannot be ignored.
The job they entrusted you which is delay Batman and his men, and then the cash in the suitcase will belong to you. After thinking for a long time, you know it is not cost-effective. They leave at the same time as the truck, and the cash in the suitcase also leave with them. Otherwise, since this is the case, better take advantage of the situation. You are a fox with a cunning mind. Since they want to disrupt the city, let's do a reversal.
To be honest, you are not interested working for those smugglers. It's not for money, just because they want to commit crimes, you don't want to sit back and do nothing. Since they want you to stop Batman and his men, you must do your best. After all, they are not as easy to deal with as you think. You walk into the armory, turn on the lights, disguise yourself, and change into a set of strong equipment in case you have any accidents.
You arrived at the dock an hour early saw many people talking together with guns in hands. You walked towards curious about what they were talking about. As you expected, they were very vigilant. When saw you coming, they pointed guns at you without hesitation. At this time, the man who was smoking on the side stood up waved his hand to signal them put down their guns. After hesitating for a moment, they chose to obey him.
You walk towards the smoker and say hello. "Hello~ I'm here to help today."
He spits on the ground. "I know."
You look at the truck, they are moving things. "What are those?"
He glares at you with disdain. "Shut up, you don't need to know."
You tilt your head. "You're right, it's not within my job scope."
"Hey, take off that disgusting mask." He suddenly says.
"I advise you to stay out of my business, you rubbish." You leave there after saying that.
You wandered around for a few laps, everyone was fully armed and ready to leave together. The next step was wait for the right time, but before that, you needed to pay more attention to the things in the truck. After all, these people not good people, and the things inside were naturally dangerous. You saw them carefully moving the things, it seemed they were very careful to protect the things inside.
Your walking range was limited, couldn't get close unless you disappeared again. However, disrupting their rhythm would affect your next actions. Now you only watch the fun from the side. Your hands on waist and wandered around for a few circles. You heard their voices talking, you curiously went forward to find out what was going on.
From their screens, you saw drones taking photos of police cars parked nearby. You smirk, you already reported the matter to the police station before coming to dock. One step of the plan was successful, but is not the time to be proud. No matter how many police there are, it is difficult to stop so many people.
You heard the smoking man throw his cigarette on the ground, waving his hands desperately and shouting to urge them to hurry up. As expected, he began anxious. While they were in chaos, you released black fog to blend in and went to the warehouse to check the goods. You glanced at the boxes of goods filled with various weapons and bombs. This makes sense. These people are terrorists hiding in Gotham City and now have to move another place to hide.
You hid in the dark, thinking about how to notify the police. At this time, you heard gunshots. You looked in the direction of the sound and saw Red Hood riding a motorcycle with two guns in hand. Nightwing, holding two sticks, fell from the sky and knocked down some people with gorgeous movements. Red Robin holding a long stick, knocked down several people with flexible steps, and little Robin followed. Wow~ Goddess of luck has come, you waiting for them to mess up!
Your plan is about to succeed, and the next step is to find a way to stop the truck. But you can't be impulsive, because there are still a few people in the truck. The moment you open the door, you will definitely be shot by them. Now the advantage is not control the situation, but the result only be known when the truck succeeds or fails to escape. Now your goal is prevent them from getting away with it.
It's been a long time since the chaotic night, how about a serious one? Although you are sorry use them to mess up the situation, you can't do it alone and not trustworthy. You warm up, take out the swords and hold them in your hands, looking at your mask reflected on the swords. You keep playing with the swords with both hands, doing this is to increase your familiarity with holding the swords.
At this time, the smoking man shouted "Fuck dead fox! Where the hell did you run to?!"
You walked out of the darkness, the irritating and helpless voice reached your ears. You took each heavy step towards the chaotic place. Since you had made a big fuss, there was no need to hold back your murderous aura. Some minions realized your aura was not right, and stood aside in a daze, watching you pass by them step by step. At this time, the voice of the smoking man still echoing in your ears, you directly knocked him down with a heavy punch.
He fell to the ground with his eyes rolled up, the sound of falling attracted the people around him, including Nightwing and others. You took a deep breath and twisted your neck. This time you didn't talk nonsense and didn't make any sound. You stood there silently, with your feet the same width as your shoulders. The person closest to you is Nightwing, the person you least want to see for the time being, but now is not the time to be picky.
Nightwing's expression obviously shocked. "What the hell are you doing here?"
You remained silent just stood there quietly.
"Answer me! What are you doing here!" His heart-breaking cry made you feel suffocated.
Red Robin pulled him, "Nightwing... I'll do it here."
Nightwing took a deep breath adjust his mood, "You go help others, I'll take care of her."
"Nightwing..." Red Robin said silently on the side.
His tone became extremely cold, "Go. Don't make me say it again."
You heard his serious tone, Red Robin couldn't do anything to him, so went to help others first. The current situation is just you and Nightwing, the two of you have just experienced a crisis. But you have no choice, if tell him everything in the truck now, once the matter is exposed, no matter how strong, both of you will be in crisis.
He clenched the two sticks in his hands, at the same time, you were ready to fight at any time. You stepped forward with your left foot and rushed towards him. He dodged and kicked you. You jumped up and put one hand on his raised foot to kick him in the face. His acrobatics were indeed not to be underestimated. He moved his head to the side avoid your kick and then he retracted his foot. You flipped over and landed on the ground.
You jump twice and rush over. You get in front of him and split your legs to lower your height and kick him with your left foot. He does a backflip avoid your attack. You support yourself with both hands on the ground and keep kicking him. He raises his hands to block your attack. After you kick him for the last time, you turn over stand firm and kick him in the front. He grabs your foot with one hand, and you kick him in face with the other.
Nightwing, who was hit repeatedly, retreats and uses his sticks to combo. You use your swords to meet the attack head-on. The two of you disintegrate all the attacks at the fastest speed. In the head-on confrontation, you feel he is showing mercy, only your side keeps attacking him. It really makes you angry after a long time. You obviously enemy, why does he take the beating like a fool.
He suddenly asked, "You'd better give me an explanation. Why are you here? Are you working for them?" You actually already have the answers to these questions. From his tone, you can feel he is waiting for your response. You remain silent.
Your non-response is an answer, but not the one he expects. He gritted his teeth as if he was going to roar at you, but he quickly regained his composure. He suddenly had a confident look on his face, you were confused why he had this expression. At this time, three ropes shot out and tied you tightly. You looked in three directions and saw Red Hood, Little Robin and Red Robin.
"I advise you to surrender. Don't force me, Kitsune." He said calmly.
You didn't expect to be tricked by him. This time it was your mistake. You focused attention on him and forgot about the other accomplices. You moved your body slightly but couldn't break free. The three men were strong tied you up at the same time. You found the warehouse had been closed and the truck had started to escape. Now is the time to catch them all in one fell swoop. The remaining terrorists hid in the truck.
You let go of the swords let it fall to the ground not to surrender, but to take advantage of the situation. The truck drove towards the five of you, and didn't have time to hide. In this case, you took a gamble. You calculated the time found a loophole. You stepped on the sword and kicked it hard. The knife flew towards the tire of the truck. Your sharp sword pierced one of the tires, disrupting the balance of the truck and causing the truck to fall in the other direction.
At this time, several people walked out of the truck. Although it was a mess, you felt something was wrong. You saw two people wearing masks and holding Gatling guns walked out of the truck. The other three realized something was wrong directly loosened the ropes and pulled Nightwing to find cover hide. You broke free from the restraint of the ropes, picked up the sword on the ground and confronted the enemy.
"Fucking fox..." The enemy's tone was very unhappy.
"You lied to us!" Another one shouted at you.
There was no other way after the matter was exposed. You took back the sword raised your hands to make a gesture of surrender. You finally spoke, "I don't need to do a full set work if the money hasn't been paid, right?"
"Fuck you! Did you call the police!"
You nodded made a thumbs-up gesture, "Guessed it right, so smart!"
"You bastard! Traitor!"
You shook your head and opened your palms, "No, I just said I would see you tomorrow, but didn't say I would help you clean up~"
"Fox!" They shouted!
You said in a mocking tone, "Who told you not to pay me first? There is no such thing as free food in the world. If you want me to do something, you have to give me corresponding rewards. That's how business is done."
With a shout, the Gatling gun in his hand was about to fire a round, someone ran towards you. Before you could see who it was, he pulled you aside to take cover. He threw you on ground and used his body to protect you from getting hurt. When you opened your eyes, you saw it was Nightwing who sacrificed himself to save you. This is what they call a hero saving a damsel in distress. You were planning rush to take them both down before the gun started firing, but your plan has been temporarily declared a failure.
You patted his cheek "Knight, get out of the way. You're blocking me."
"Before that, answer my question first. What are you doing?" He blocked you with his body, leaving you no place to escape.
You sighed and compromised "I'm here to stop them."
He snickered, his smile finally returned "Why the hell didn't you say that earlier. What would you do if I made a mistake?"
"Erm... let you beat me up?" You said casually.
He lay on top and hugged you tightly to protect your head "Damn, you fearless bastard..."
The Gatling finally stopped firing, you pushed Nightwing aside and climbed out the bunker to see what was going on. They were reloading the ammunition. You drew sword prepared to attack, but Nightwing held your hand. You shook him off but you didn't have enough strength to get rid of him.
"Idiot! You want to die?" He suddenly scolded you.
You pointed over there, "The Gatling gun is out of bullets, which means it's a good time to attack!"
"What the hell time are you two still flirting with each other!" Suddenly Red Hood appeared behind you.
Red Robin approached, "If want to flirt, wait until finish business, so what now?"
Little Robin followed, "Why flirt with this fox, your appetite is so bad."
Nightwing clenched his fist, "You guys!"
You interrupted mischievously, "You handsome guys flirt first, I'll take them down."
You pull a flashbang and throw it at them. The flashbang explodes and steals their vision. You jump out of cover and throw shuriken at them. When other people come out of the truck to beat you up, Nightwing pulls you back and kicks the enemy in the chin.
Red Robin follows closely hits the enemy with a stick in his hand. Red Hood rushes over grabs the enemy and violently hits his face until faints. Little Robin uses his agility to deal with other enemies. You ride on the enemy's shoulders and throw him to the ground with the power of your feet. Nightwing dodges the vital points with grace and agility then strikes hard.
Everyone's attention was distracted, you took advantage of the gap to quickly investigate the truck. As you expected, the secrets were all weapons, these things were concentrated in the truck, so it took so long to move them. You ran out of the truck saw little Robin being grabbed by someone. You went around behind him, grabbed the enemy's clothes threw him to the ground.
Little Robin fell to the ground, you stood in front of him and stretched out hand to help him up, he slapped your hand away with disdain, "Go away."
You feel speechless but that's just his character. You take your hand back look at his running back with a smile on your face. After a thrilling battle, most of the enemies have been knocked unconscious. Finally, the matter is over. Just in case, you go to the truck check if there are other accomplices. A strange premonition still hovering in your heart. You stand behind and see there is a person hiding. He takes off his shirt you see a bunch of bombs tied to him.
"Stand back! You come any closer, I will blow you up!" he shouted.
You take a few steps back and raise your hands "Hey, calm down first..."
He stares at you, his finger on the button "You don't understand how we live every day! We are people abandoned by the world!"
You can't understand what hardships they have gone through and why they have fallen into such a state. You can't understand and comfort others. You watch him vent his anger. At this time, he no longer hesitates. You see his fingers pressing the button little by little to start the self-destruction. You are standing there and someone pounces on you falls into the water.
You hold your breath in the water. Looking up from the water, the bomb has been activated and that guy have been blown into a bloody fountain. In the water, someone hugs your waist pulls you to the surface. Once you are on the surface, you take a deep breath find that is Nightwing next to you. He holds your waist pushes you up. You climb up smoothly then he supports his whole body with both hands and climbs up again.
He squatted beside you and panted, "Are you okay?"
You saw him nod slightly, "Thank you, I'm fine."
You stand up and walk forward. You see a pool of blood scattered on the ground like fireworks. Everyone else was knocked down and couldn't get up, but he was blown up so badly. You regret not stopping him in time, but it's not worth it for you to sacrifice yourself in exchange for his life. However, the blood spray is really suffocating.
Policemen stepped into the scene with guns, "Don't move!"
You stood aside and didn't move. A policeman shot into the air then pointed at you, "Raise your hands!"
"Wait a minute! She is..." You heard Nightwing trying to stop them, but he was stopped by Red Hood.
"Ahem, please put down the gun." At this time, a man with glasses came over.
"But! This fox is their accomplice!" A policeman was nervous.
The man with glasses put down the gun in his hand and smiled at you. "Thanks to you for delaying them in time, we can bring them to justice."
You bowed to him and saluted. "Thank you for trusting me, Mr. Gordon."
Batman walked out of the darkness. "Everyone did a good job, including you Kitsune."
"What the hell?" Red Hood was confused.
Red Robin pointed you. "So you are helping the police?"
Little Robin looked disgusted. "Huh? Is it the credit of the stinky fox?"
Suddenly you sneezed. "Hachoo! Come on, who has a towel? I'm freezing!" You hugged your cold body. You don't like the heavy atmosphere and feel stressed, just want to sneeze to relieve stress.
Everyone was discussing the issue very seriously, and you the only one who interrupted and shouted it was cold. However, you heard Mr. Gordon squinting his eyes and laughing softly, Batman coughed twice as he trying to hold back laughter, Robin put his hands on his waist and grinned, Red Hood and Red Robin very confused expressions, and Nightwing stood next to Batman and smiled at you.
Mr. Gordon put his coat on your shoulders. "You should get some rest first. You must be exhausted."
You hold the coat nod to him. "Thank you very much."
You find a quiet place sit down and rest. It's really painful to be soaked in cold water. You look back see the police team starting to work. Batman is investigating on the side. The matter has been resolved. You can sleep well tonight. If you don't think of a solution in time when facing a large number of people, your body will not be able to bear it.。
Someone sat next to you and handed you a bottle of water. "Can you give me an explanation?"
You looked at him. It was Nightwing. You took it and opened the bottle cap. "Erm... must it be now?"
"Otherwise, you will disappear again and I won't be able to find you." He took a sip of water.
You sighed and pressed the bottle tightly. "Ask me, I will answer if I can."
He looked at you raised his eyebrows. "What can't you answer?"
You looked at him said in a playful tone. "Then I won't answer anything."
He pulled your arm. "Hahaha, I won't tease you anymore. So what's going on today?"
You thought and decided to tell him, "Erm... those terrorists hired me to delay you all so they can leave Gotham City smoothly. Before coming to the dock, I met James Gordon. I thought they had a lot of people and it would difficult for me to do it alone, so I asked him to ask for support."
After he understood, immediately said, "No wonder Batman suddenly came to me, it was you."
"That's how it happened. So, Mr. Knight, do you have any questions?" You rubbed your hands.
"You risked your life to be double, the risk very high." He said.
You pointed at yourself said confidently, "I'm safe now~"
He held your hand tightly and put his other hand on your hand, "You can rely on me more."
You nervously pulled your hand back. You and Nightwing were still in a delicate relationship and he kept making you waver. You smiled awkwardly and said, "Oh Knight~ I couldn't find you, so of course I asked the police for help."
He speechless, his eyes fixed on you, you held the borrowed coat tightly in your hand. You didn't know what to do, you really didn't dare to meet his eyes. His burning gaze concealed a lot of words, you didn't want to pay attention to him now, lest your emotions be messed up by him. You stood up walked past him without saying goodbye.
You turned around saw him sighing in frustration with his head down. You didn't know what to do with his sudden reaction. You knew he cared about you so much out of kindness, but once the two of you were in a stalemate, you were at a loss. At this time, Red Robin came over to block you, thought you were blocking his way so you moved to the left, and he also moved to block your way.
"Reddy, what are you doing?" You tilt your head.
He crossed his arms "I thought you were smart, but much dumber than I thought."
You were annoyed by what he said. "What do you want to say?"
He chuckled. "His low mood has something to do with you."
"Huh?" You pointed at yourself.
At this time, Red Hood came over with little Robin and put his hand on little Robin's head. "Wow~ The fox made Nightwing cry~"
You looked at Red Hood and pointed at his red helmet. "Your mother's Little Red Riding Hood, when did I make him cry?"
Little Robin got rid of Red Hood and interrupted. "Tsk, idiot fox."
You were annoyed by them after being lectured by them and didn't understand what they said. But they were right. You noticed Nightwing's mood kept changing when he was with you. But comforting people is not your strong point, and afraid of saying the wrong thing and making things worse. You looked at his lonely and lost back, suddenly an inexplicable sadness came over you.
You took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to walk towards and stand behind him "Um...Knight?"
You saw that he didn't even turn his head. You wanted to speak, but your face suddenly turned red. You opened your mouth and said, "I...believed you definitely would come, so I dared to take that risk..."
Damn embarrassing words, you look back awkwardly, seeing the other three raising their hands to show thumbs up, damn you don't understand their crooked thoughts. You look back at Nightwing in front of you, he has turned back to look at you. You didn't notice when he turned, fortunately the mask covered your face, this expression can't be seen by anyone, definitely be embarrassing to death.
"Did you say it for real?" He asked in a surprised tone.
You looked to the side to distract the gaze "Yes..."
He quickly stood in front of you, you fell back in fear but he held your waist to let you stand firm "You said you trust me for real?"
You looked to the side nervously "Don't make me say it second time..."
He approached you with a smug look "I want to hear it again!"
"Go to hell!" You hit his forehead with your head.
Batman helped Mr. Gordon complete the investigation then walked towards the other three. He saw you and Nightwing with back to each other. Nightwing covered his forehead but looked very happy until couldn't hide his smile. However, you were so embarrassed that clenched your fists.
Batman pointed at the two of you and asked the three, "What's going on over there?"
Red Robin shook his shoulders and laughed secretly, "Flirting."
Little Robin looked disgusted and said, "Tsk."
At this time, Red Hood shouted, "If you want to flirt, go to the bed! He can only do three rounds on the bed! Be careful, fox!"
You ran towards them, "You are so noisy! I'm going back first!"
You saw Mr. Gordon looking through the documents. You took off coat, folded it, and stood aside waiting for him to finish. He looked at you, "Hey, Fox. What's wrong?"
You hugged his coat tightly, "I will return your coat after I wash it."
He shook his head wanted to refuse, "It's okay, I can wash it myself."
You quickly said no, thanks to him, you are safe, "I will send it to the police station and return it to you after I wash it."
He looked at you in surprise and happiness, "Fox, I thought you would be a person who disturbs the city, you are much more obedient and sensible than I thought."
"I..." You wanted to explain the sudden praise.
He returned your sword to you, "Since you insist so much, I will let you wash my coat."
You put the sword away, "Leave it to me."
You left the dock with Mr. Gordon's coat, and couldn't help sneezing as you walked down the street. It was so cold, and a life-threatening situation to be in the water. But thanks to him, he pulled you into the water, you would die at any time without a shelter. This matter has come to an end for the time being. It's better for you to rest at home for the next few days, otherwise you will be dragged down by a cold.
"Kitsune!" You turned around, it was Nightwing chasing you.
You were confused as what he was going to do, you ignored him and ran away for some reason.
"Why are you running!" He ran faster.
"I'm asking you what you're doing! Why are you chasing me!" You ran into the alley.
"Hey! Eh?" He rushed into the alley and didn't see you.
You hid on the roof poked your head down, curious about what he was going to do. He just looked up and saw you. You two met eyes and realized something was wrong. You just flipped backwards and ran away. You jumped to the opposite roof. You turned around and saw he was still chasing you. After a fierce battle, he seemed to have not used up all his energy. You stopped and bent down to catch your breath with your cold and exhausted body.
"Hachoo!" Still can't help sneezing.
He stood beside you "Are you okay?"
You looked at him angrily "I just wondering why you chasing me?"
"I wanted to take you home... I saw something wrong with you." He opened his arms tried to touch you.
You slapped his hand away"Really no need. Bye."
Before you could walk far, he yelled "Do you have to be so stubborn all the time! Is it necessary to be so stubborn! Why do you have to force yourself!"
You turned around and complained a few words "I didn't! Mind your own business!"
You feel his gaze still on you, you ignore him and walk away, after walking for a while you look back and see he is gone, he is not following you anymore. You feel a little sad he didn't catch up with you, but no matter how much you make trouble, he doesn't need to be humble to you, and you don't need him to take care of you, just go back quietly and have a good sleep.
You haven't participated in fierce battles for too long, your body almost forgot what it feels like to be exhausted. I'm glad that Mr. Gordon believes in you, Batman and others came to help in time, otherwise you would been exhausted and collapsed. You stopped and looked at endless road. The dock is so far away from your home. How long will it take to drag your tired body back home.
"Damn..." You muttered to yourself.
Chapter 13 End.
If you have any ideas, don’t be shy. Just leave a comment below. Your opinions would be valuable and will be added in story. ♥️💙
AO3 Bird & Fox by owlwithanapple
AO3 Chapter 13
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true--north · 10 months
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All Is Found: The next right things
A spring day of the young queen Anna. She tries to please everyone and be in time for everything, tries to imitate Elsa's style but it doesn't work because Anna is Anna. I liked Anna/Kristoff&Olaf&Sven chaotic good dynamic in this story, they are so funny as a team running through a daily fuss: Anna's social awkwardness, Kristoff's nonchalance and being-raised-in-the-woods past, Olaf's deeply serious remarks and Sven's "I can't help with these two." Elsa was a supportive figure that appeared at the last moment to lift Anna's spirits.
Some quotes:
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This story is a Southern Isles and Hans story, they are well-mentioned here. Anna has an important visit from the Isles, probably that free trade union that was mentioned in "Anna and the King" and "Cold Secrets Deep Down" of All Is Found. Anna kind of still not let her shameful(as she thinks) failure with Hans go.
“Ooh, is this the dress you’re wearing to your meeting with one of the princes from the Southern Isles? I like it. I like it. It says, ‘I’ve forgotten all about your lying youngest brother who pretended to love me and then tried to kill me.’”
“Wait, what?” Anna groaned and yanked on the hairbrush she was using to tame and braid her hair.
There were few things she liked less than being reminded of the very brief period when she’d thought she should marry the evil Prince Hans of the Southern Isles. To be fair, Hans had been the first guy her own age she’d talked to in thirteen years, so maybe it made sense that he’d spun her head a bit.
She was pretty sure that his twelve older brothers were not evil, but some of them delighted in reminding her of her almost-fatal infatuation.
Not evil? Since this book has inherited the Frozen Heart names, validating its existence, does it also inherit their background as it probably should? I see that All Is Found tries to paint Hans as the black sheep of the overall good family.
When Anna rushed into the library, she found Prince Lars of the Southern Isles and his wife, Princess Helga, seated at a long table between two giant stacks of books. Her shoes skidded on the polished wooden floor as she came to a stop above the inlaid design.
Queens were probably not supposed to skid. Or be late. Or get in dubious engagements with men they’d just met. Stupid Hans! He wasn’t even here and he was still making things awkward.
Prince Lars was a tall, round man with a warm smile and large spectacles. Helga was shorter and rounder, with bigger glasses and a bigger smile.
She liked Lars—of the thirteen Southern Isles princes, he might have been her favorite—but he and his wife were the most likely to bore her to sleep with historical facts.
Means that Anna had met the others as well?
Lars and his wife about Elsa and Arendelle:
“Will she be joining us?” asked Helga. “I’ve heard so much about her wonderful powers.”
“My country so enjoyed working with your sister, if only from afar,” added Lars.
“We appreciate the invitation to your home and hope we enjoy working with you just as much.”
Hans's Father the King of the Southern Isles once had given Queen Iduna amber earrings: "They were a symbol of the strong bond between our kingdoms.” Now Anna wears them at the meeting.
“[]Just expressing our gratitude for your hospitality and your willingness to make sure that, er, bit of unpleasantness with Hans doesn’t impact the long friendship between Arendelle and the Southern Isles.” (Lars)
“Unpleasantness? Oh, you mean that time your youngest brother tried to kill me and my sister?” Anna had tried to make it sound like a joke, but the prince and princess winced.
“That would be it,” he said.
Anna probably wasn’t supposed to mention that. Hadn’t she hoped that they wouldn’t mention it? There was a long, uncomfortable silence.
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Anna's Queenship
As she dashed through the castle’s corridors, Anna’s braid began to unravel. She tucked it under her crown and hoped it would stay put. Maybe she’d start a new hair trend. Disheveled chic? That could be a thing.
The best part of being queen was the opportunities it gave her to make people’s lives better
She loved meeting Arendellians
Anna wasn’t a little girl anymore. She was the queen of Arendelle. She had been for a few months now, since her sister, Elsa, moved to the Enchanted Forest to bring balance to the Spirits of Nature. Sometimes that idea still baffled her
As she quickly changed into her gown, she wondered, not for the first time, how Elsa had done it all. She knew her sister was amazing—literally magical—but still. Sometimes Anna felt like she needed two of herself so she could be in more places at once
But different scenes for different queens! She and Elsa had their own ways of doing things
Anna knew she still didn’t look like some storybook’s picture of a perfect, regal queen. Her hair was wet; there was dirt beneath her nails; there were pins in her dress, and probably some sugary children’s handprints on it, too—but each of these was a sign of her connection to Arendelle.
She didn’t have to be a queen like anyone else. She only had to be true to herself… and maybe double-check her schedule… and let those who loved her help.
She beamed at her favorite people. “I don’t know what I’d do without you all.”
Elsa helped Anna fasten the earring, then linked her arm through her sister’s. “Well, good thing you’ll never have to find out.”
(Sounds like a premise for F3: Anna all alone)
“I want to be a good queen, but everyone needs something. How do I do the next right thing when they’re all right things and they’re happening at the same time? How did you make being queen look so easy?”
Elsa laughed. “Easy? Being queen is a huge job; it was never easy. If I made it look easy, it’s only because I had you and Olaf and Kristoff and Sven here to help me.”
“You're a great queen. We all think that you're a great queen.” (Elsa)
“You have such a big heart; you want to help everyone—but people want to help you, too. Let us. It’s what sisters do.”(Elsa) (Is it you, Elsa, who says this?)
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Little Anna's loneliness:
She crushed the invitation to her chest, remembering all her own birthdays after the castle gates had been shut when she was five. On every birthday candle, she’d wished for friends.
She tried to remember what she’d wanted when she was ten. Mostly it had just been Elsa’s company.
It wasn’t right for a child in Arendelle to have to celebrate her birthday alone. Not if Anna could do something about it
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eleni-cherie · 1 year
a thief's end ✨ || bts • myg - chapter 0.1
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"so eager to be in a headlock again?"
"only if it's by you."
he thought he was done with the criminal life and ready for some peace and quiet. but his plans collapsed in the form of a strange girl who was in trouble.
© 2023 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, sexual tensiON, slowburn, mutual pining, strangers to lovers s2l
Yoongi let the wiskey swey lightly in his hand before he drank the last bit from the glass. His brown eyes glanced up then, wandering around the half-empty bar. It wasn't much of a surprise. It was Sunday after all, most people having to go to work early the next day.
He didn't feel tired, nor did he feel like leaving yet. The night seemed young still. And yet, without company it felt quite lonely and dragged out.
He wasn't mad at his friends for ditching him, Jimin going on a spontaneous trip with Arabella - although Yoongi assumed it wasn't just a vacation but the two rather had an object they were interested in stealing again - and Taehyung leaving earlier to pick up Cassandra from her late shift at the hospital.
Legit reasons, and besides Yoongi wasn't the type to be petty or upset about things like this. The two had other commitments and priorities than he did. And now that he was back in the city, they'd spend enough time together anyway.
Still, it felt rather uncomfortable to sit there on his own.
With a sigh, he heaved his hand to order a last drink when something caught his attention then. 
He hadn't noticed first as there were tons of people roaming around the streets still, it was a crowdy area with lots of bars and restaurants after all. So one person more or less passing by the open windows didn't stand out. Only when someone whistled after her and she turned around with a "Cut it, I'm not a dog!" earning a "Wohoo, I like it when they're hard to get" from the guy, Yoongi perked up out of curiosity. Catching a glimpse of the woman who swang around and continued walking down the street.
First, he hadn't noticed anything about her besides that she seemed to be quite attractive. However, as he sat there for a moment a deep frown slowly set on his features, his brain processing something familiar on her. He couldn't really pinpoint what exactly it was, but something about her he recognised.
It took him a few seconds. And then he knew.
The voice. And those eyes.
Obviously he couldn't be entirely certain, but she reminded him of the strange girl he had helped escaping a week ago.
To be honest, he hadn't thought much about her those past days. Everything was quite hectic and he was still getting adjusted to the city life again. However, as he was reminded of her now, he couldn't help but wonder what had happened to that young woman. If she was alright or if those men who had been after her had caught her after all. He hoped not. Now beginning getting worried for the stranger.
Was the woman who had just walked by her? It made him wonder after all.
Contemplating, he nibbled his bottom lip when noticing one of the guys who had called for her, standing up. Laughing at his friend and muttering something incohensive before walking out. And Yoongi's eyes shot open, having a bad feeling in his guts.
He instantly pushed himself off the bar stool and quickly left a few bills on the counter. Heading outside towards the street and passing by the man with quick steps. Making his way left, where she had disappeared to.
It hadn't been too hard to find her among the other passerby. She was the only one with long hair and a short black dress, holding a bottle of soju along with her purse. Earning more than just a few stares. And since she wasn't the tallest either, despite her tall shoes, it hadn't been to hard for him to catch up.
She was only a few steps away, when he stopped in his tracks unsure of his next move. It might not have been her after all, making him look like a fool or worse.
Unsure, he licked over his lips, watching her getting further away. What if it was her though? Wouldn't it be nice to know that she made it?
He took a deep breath. "I see they didn't get you after all!"
He simply hoped he hadn't just embarrassed himself in front of a stranger. And if it was a stranger after all, he could at least pretend having meant someone else as there were enough people around to use as a cover-up.
The woman paused at his words, turning around in a swift move with confusion written all over her face. "You.." Her brows furrowed, seemingly finding him familiar looking as well. Taking a closer sight of him in his black and white patterned shirt. Messy waves swaying on each side of his face as he smiled lightly at her. And her features softened eventually. "My getaway driver!"
His tense shoulders relaxed. 
It was her and he wasn't a creep after all. 
"Yeah, hey," he awkwardly waved.
She walked up to him with a grin and he internally gulped. It was indeed her and yet, she looked nothing like the first time they had met. Nothing alike the brief memory he had of her.
Back then her appearance was rather simple. A baggy t-shirt, shorts and sneakers with no make-up and distress written all over her pixie-like face.
While now, she was the complete opposite. Showing off confidence with her eyeliner-framed eyes and that tight mini-dress. The way her dark almond eyes held his gaze feeling quite bewitching.
"So they didn't get you?" he smirked as he looked down at her. Even with her high heels there was a slight distance between their hights. 
The corner of her red-painted lips tucked into a smirk as well and she straightened herself proudly. "Nope. So far at least."
"I'm glad."
Tilting her head, she gave him an intrigued smile. "Don't tell me you were worried for me."
He shrugged, looking away. An irrational feeling of shyness overcoming him all of a sudden. "Maybe just a little."
She laughed under her breath. Feeling her cheeks blushing lightly.
"Anyway," he cleared his throat then, looking around briefly before his eyes met hers again, "Isn't it kinda dangerous for you to walk around alone here? What if those guys show up?"
"I know, I know," she dragged a sigh, folding her arms in front of her chest. Her fingers tightening around the bottle of peach soju. "I swear I didn't leave my new place in a week. But my friend who lives here, found out I'm in town and would've felt offended if I didn't go to her birthday party.. And since I couldn't tell her the truth and didn't have any other excuse either.. I had no choice but to go outside. I'm heading home now though.."
Yoongi hummed, peeking over his shoulder to make sure the guy from the bar wasn't anywhere near either, then looked back at her. "Yeah, do that.. I'd offer to bring you home, but that might appear intrusive so.." He grinned and took a few steps back, beginning walking back to the bar. "Get home safely."
He turned around, not having expected her to call for him. Seeing her standing there with an uncertain glance in her eyes as they looked down. Her hand scratching her bare arm, feeling a light chilliness picking up in the warm night.
"Would you actually walk me home? Y-you don't have to. It's not far.. but you know, just in case these guys do show up after all." She let out a nervous laugh, trying to cover the fact the only reason she was walking, wasn't because she was actually fearless or brave, it was because she was an idiot. She didn't have any money left and her phone battery had died, so taking a cab or checking for any public transportation options wasn't possible either.
Truth was, she was terrified from the moment she'd left the club. Her eyes scanning everything and everyone close by, flinching at any unknown noises.
Yoongi blinked. "Y-yeah, of course," he shrugged and walked up to her again. "Where to?"
"T-this way," she said, motioning with her chin to the street behind her.
Both beginning walking in silence then. Neither one knowing what to say. It was a weird situation after all. Besides, she wasn't even entirely sure if asking him to walk her home was that much better than walking alone. Sure, he had willingly helped her back then, no questions asked. And it was quite nice that he had apparently worried for her, and yet she couldn't be sure he was that much better than the people who were after her.
"I just noticed, I don't even know your name," Yoongi spoke up then after awhile. Seeing her eyes widening at the realisation she didn't know his either. "Soyeon. My name's Soyeon."
He smiled. "I'm Yoongi."
And somehow the air shifted between them and she smiled as well. "Thanks for your help, Yoongi."
"I-" He paused. Looking away. "You're welcome. It's nothing."
Pursing her lips, she peeked at him walking beside her with a respectful distance. Hands shoved in his pockets. She really couldn't tell what exactly it was about him that gave her both, gentle along with fierce vibes. Although knowing his name didn't change the fact he was a mere stranger to her, her gut feeling didn't send her any warning signs. More the opposite, she felt at ease with his presence. More than she'd be if she walked home alone right now.
A police car suddenly rushed past them and Soyeon noticed him slightly flinching. Only relaxing when seeing it park in front of a small police station between two buildings further down. Two officers getting out and heading inside, probably returning from patrolling.
While passing by, Yoongi instinctively switched sides with her. As if he didn't want the officers to catch a glimpse of him.
And she wondered if there was a reason for him to react this way.
Shaking her head, she looked away again and they turned around a corner. The smell of food filling the air as they past by a small restaurant.
"May I ask.." Yoongi said then, glancing briefly at her. Thinking that perhaps now was a good time to ask the obvious. "Who are these guys and why are they after you anyway?"
Pursing her lips, she shrugged. And for the first time this night she intentionally avoided eye-contact with him. Staring down at the pavement. "Not exactly sure who they are, but.. I got something they want, I guess.."
He nodded. Even if the voice in his mind was dissatisfied with her vague answer, he could understand that she didn't want to elaborate further. They still barely knew each other after all.
"May I ask you something now?"
He perked up, gesturing for her to continue.
"Why were you so nervous when passing by the police station? And why do you own a katana?"
"How do you know about my katana?"
"I saw it in the car. You know, when we met."
"Ah, right."
"I come from a family of swordsmen."
"Oh, that's pretty dope." She frowned then. "And that's why you're afraid of cops?"
It was his turn now to shrug and give a vague answer. Preferring not to scare her off by revealing his past of him and his friends having been worldwide wanted thieves, chased by interpol. "I'm not afraid of them. I just feel uneasy around them. Like many do. That's all."
She hummed. His answer sounded reasonable. And still, she sensed there was more to it. However, she hadn't shared details either so it was only fair he didn't spill his whole life story and secrets to an almost-stranger.
The half-empty bottle of peach soju that she hadn't drank, swayed in her hand while they walked for a bit longer. Occasionally peeking at each other.
"My new place is right around the corner," she explained as they walked in that quieter part of the city. And as they turned around the corner, she bumped into his suddenly outstreched arm, stopping her from going any further. He pushed her back then, startling her. "Wh-"
He held his index finger on his lips, shushing her with a warning stare. Pressing both of them against the wall.
He peeked his head out around the corner again, watching two men climb down the stairs of an apartment building and heading to a car parked in front of it. 
"She must've fled again," he heard one of them say.
"Fck-" one of the others inside the car exclaimed, seemingly upset as he hit the steering wheel, "Fine, you two go back. We'll stay just in case she returns."
"Seems like your friends found you," he whispered with a stern look, seeing her frown.
She cautiously bent forward, taking a glance at what he meant. A quiet gasp leaving her lips then and she retreated quickly, her back colliding with his toned chest. If she hadn't been so distracted by the obvious danger right now, she might've put more thought into it.
"H-how did they find this place? I rented it with a fake-name," she whisper-shouted in confusion, almost starting panicking if it wasn't for his strong grip on her shoulder snapping her out of it.
"Hey, calm down," he whispered with a gentle look on his features. One hand lightly grabbing her chin so she'd look him in the eyes. 
"First of all," he said then, and he took another glance at the parked car. It was indeed only the two men in there left now. He internally groaned, regretting not having his sword with him. Not having expected to need it tonight. He still had his pocket-knife though for a worst-case scenario - which was obviously the case right now.
His eyes scanned the area, realising the street was on a light hill and a plan instantly formed in his mind. "I got a plan. I know it'll be hard since we're practically still strangers but you need to trust me, okay?"
She hesitated first but eventually nodded her head. Too flustered to speak by his hand on her jaw.
"Good," he sighed and let go of her. "We gotta seperate those two idiots first. Meaning I got to lure one out with some noise and knock him off. Then I'll take care of the other."
"And what do I do?"
"That bottle of soju.."
She nodded and looked down at the green glass bottle in her hand, holding it up. "And what do I do with that?"
"Nothing," he grinned, snatching it from her hand. "I'll make their car crash at the streetlamp and need the soju to make them smell of alcohol."
She blinked at him puzzled. "Okay.. and I..?"
"You'll call the cops anonymously and tell them there was a mild car accident with possible injuries."
"So.. so you'll do the dirty work and I'll just get the cops here?" He nodded at her upset expression. "Yoongi, I can't possibly let you do the dirty work for me. Let's just get the cops together and tell them there are some creeps and.. and-"
"And? If we just get the cops they'll ask you questions about these men and why they'd be after you. Questions you most likely don't want to answer. And even if they got here, they'd just talk to them as just sitting in the car isn't something illegal." The more she listened to his reasoning the more it curdled her stomach. A lump forming in her throat as he continued. "And then those guys will definitely know you're close by. And as soon as the cops leave, they'll look around for you. So our best chance is to knock them off and get rid of them for at least tonight."
This was definitely not how she'd expected her night to play out. Whether she liked it or not, she had to agree with his logic though. Buying her some time would be good. "Okay, so should I wait till you're done or.."
"Remember the playground we passed by? Go back there and call them," he said, pointing to the direction they had come from, "You'll need around five minutes to get there and they'll need another five to arrive. I'll already be done by then."
"You- what? You sure?" She stared at him dumbfounded, making him chuckle lightly.
"I am, don't worry."
Soyeon slightly pouted at this, folding her arms in front of her chest as goosebumps appeared on her skin from both, the night breeze and the situation. "Okay, but my phone battery died so I need yours."
He pulled out his phone handing it to her and she put it into her purse. Suddenly feeling something wrapping around her shoulders. She looked up, seeing he had slid off the short-sleeved button up shirt he was wearing, putting it over her shoulders instead. Leaving him only in his white t-shirt. And she let him.
She could feel her breathing picking up, pulse ringing in her ears, heart beating against her ripcage as her eyes followed his fingers' every move when he began buttoning it.
"A-and you're sure that's enough time for you?"
He gave her an reassuring smile, avoiding her gaze while finishing the last button. "Don't worry. Ten minutes are enough for me."
"Alright, I'm going then," she said, straightening herself. She didn't leave, however, without giving him a peck on the cheek. Causing his eyes to go round and he stared down at her bewilderedly, only to find her smirk at him.
It was quite endearing to her, his way of caring and willingly helping her out. Yoongi was quite an enigma to her. A handsome one on top.
"Good luck with your masterplan."
And with that he watched her turn around and walk back up the street, towards the playground. His eyes dwelling on her smaller becoming silhouette and the way her hips moved under his shirt. He shook his head quickly, having to focus after all.
Looking around then, he spotted some empty cans a few metres away. He picked it up and aimed exactly at the car's back window, hitting it with a loud thud before going behind the wall again. It had clearly stirred the occupants' attention as he heard a car door opening. He then proceeded to throw another can onto the street in front of him. The noise loud enough for the men to get curious but not loud enough to wake anyone in the neighbourhood.
"Go check out what that was," the one behind the steering wheel commanded the other. 
With a grin, Yoongi got his knife out. And as soon as the guy turned around the corner, Yoongi pressed his hand on his mouth and nose and in a swift move, cut his blazer in two, pulling both ends to the front. Immobilizing him before he could even realise what was happening. Finishing by a hard hit on the man's head with the back of his knife.
"One down, one left," Yoongi mumbled, wiping the sweat from his forehead. He looked over the corner. Seeing the other man getting impatient, calling out for his partner.
Laughing out dryly, he tightened the grip around his knife and stepped out. Walking with steady steps towards the driver's window.
"Hey," he grinned down at the man then who was just arching a puzzled brow at him.
"And who are y-" Before he could even complete his question, Yoongi had pulled his arm from behind the car door, pulling it harshly towards himself. Causing the gun in the man's hand to drop down at the concrete. Then he opened the door while pulling at the man's arm even more, making him wince in pain as he hit his head at the metallic frame. Sinking unconsciously into his seat.
Yoongi exhaled deeply, looking around to make sure he had made as minimal noise as possible. And indeed, no one seemed to have heard him. He bent down then, heaving the man's gun from the ground. Smirking when taking a closer look on it. The serial number was scratched off. "Police ain't gonna like that." And he tossed it inside the car as well.
He quickly made his way to the other unconscious guy then who he had left laying on the pavement, carrying him back to the car and placing him next to his partner in the passenger seat. He then took the soju bottle he had put aside, spilling the remaining content onto their clothes and into each of their mouths, making them swollow it. Just enough so they'd smell of alcohol and would lead police to conclusions. At last, he switched gears and released the handbreak. Starting pushing the vehicle by taking advantage of the slope.
And indeed, the car soon started rolling on its own and after a few metres, Yoongi let go. Watching it gain speed and roll towards the streetlamp, crashing against it just like planned. Not hard enough to seriously hurt the unconscious men, but hard enough to damage the front of the car. And have police file a detention.
This time, however, the noise was loud enough to stir some attention from sleeping neighbours. Lights in some apartments getting switched on. So he quickly headed back to the side-street in the shadow of the night, before anyone came outside to check. 
The sirens of a police car echoed in the distance then and he exhaled. His timing was on point as always, good thing his skills hadn't become rusty in the past months. 
The sirens became loudef, so he took cover in the dark entrance of a building, waiting for the car to pass by and disappearing into the other street. He was about to step out then, when he heard hasty steps on the pavement coming closer.
And he watched someone pass by, not taking any notice of him. Still wearing his shirt that was way too big for her. Looking even smaller and cuter than she already did.
"Looking for someone?" he asked with a knowing look as he stepped out of his hide-out to approach her. Seeing her stop in her tracks, lips tucking into a smirk. "I assume your little plan worked." She nodded at the direction of all the noise coming from further down the street.
He shrugged non-chalantly. "Always does."
"Kinda sad I missed it.. would've liked to see how you did that," she admitted with a giggle.
Even her giggles were charming, he thought. Laughing under his breath then. "Oh, you're into that?"
They held each other's gaze and Yoongi felt his blood rushing through his veins. His pulse faster than before. It hadn't done so while taking care of those men. But it did now when looking into her dark feline eyes.
"So, uhm did they ask any questions?" he awkwardly coughed then, changing topics.
"Not really. Only if I saw how it happened. Which I didn't, so that wasn't a lie." 
They walked back to her street, ignoring the scene further down. Pretending as if they didn't know what had happened. Bystanders that had left their beds to check out what was going on and the police officers asking everyone to stay back, covering most of it. 
"It was good I approached you. If I hadn't, they might've caught you after all," he quietly mused then to which she heaved a sad sigh.
They climbed up the few steps to her entrance. Her irises travelled back to the car and the police officers in the distance. "Maybe the safest would be to just leave town again.."
"Understandable, although quite a pity."
"Oh, and why so?" She arched a brow a him, challenging him with a smile which he reciprocated.
"Because I'd actually like to see you again."
For a moment they remained sileng and just stood there in front of the door. Silently smiling at each other, giving her the chance to study his features, and lips, before her eyes found his again. More questions rising about the handsome man with the sweet smile in front of her.
"I still got your phone," she quietly said then and pulled it out of her purse. Asking him to unlock it for her and he did so with furrowed brows. She took it from his palm then, typing in something before handing it back to him with a coy smile on her lips.
Their fingers brushing, adding another spark to the already gleaming fervour which he knew to mask, being trained in staying calm in any situation with all the years of sword fighting and thievery.
It was harder doing so, when someone as beautiful and mysterious as her looked at him like that though. 
"I texted myself. You got my number now. And I got yours."
He nodded. His brown eyes never leaving hers. "I'll make good for the peach soju next time."
She couldn't help but bite her bottom lip. "Shouldn't I be the one buying you drinks though? You helped me twice already."
He only laughed dryly, shaking his head. "No need, really."
A hot ache spead in her chest as she watched him take a step back then. Slowly climbing down the stairs and reaching the pavement. Eyes never leaving hers. "If anything happens.. call me."
She nodded. Holding herself back from falling into the urge of doing something rash and reckless now. Like kissing him. Or asking him to stay.
"Goodnight, Yoongi."
"Goodnight, Soyeon."
next chapter: 0.2 here
Don't forget to like, reblog & leave feedback!♡ It motivates me to keep writing :)
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Febuwhump 17) Hostage Situation
(tw: team whump, captivity and some fights going on – I made a cut because it’s long but honestly it’s more adventure than horror)
Fighter had too much hair over her face. The band that’d held her ponytail had snapped when she’d been caught. That was the least of her problems at the moment, but she didn’t like it. Mediator noticed. Mediator had an unnerving instinct for this kind of things. He pulled out a brush and gently arranged her hair behind her ears.
“Still can’t believe you have that,” she said with a wan smile.
Mediator raised an eyebrow:
“I have an afro Blondie, you wouldn’t understand. Yours doesn’t get dry once an hour.”
“Maybe I should do like Leader and buzz them off.”
The mention of their Leader made them stop for a second. According to the number of meals they’d had, he’d been taken out of their cell since at least two days and they had no news since. Their guard had refused to tell them anything.
A couple of days ago, the team had been sent into enemy territory to negotiate. Mediator would have swore then that it’d went very well, and he wouldn’t have been wrong. But while Enemy Leader, their Leader and he were fiercely debating, he hadn’t seen that a guard had pointed a gun on his head, whereas none of the participants had been allowed to bring a weapon. Fighter though, who never paid attention very long when negotiations were going, had noticed. Her first kick had disarmed the man, her second had gone right into his rib cage. Five guards had rushed toward her, and she’d been on her way to knock down the fourth until she’d seen the gun against her Leader’s forehead. They’d immediately been accused of betrayal and sent into jail, then the latter had been dragged...somewhere else. By mutual agreement, they’d tried not to talk too much about this with the Mediator, especially since the guard was obviously listening to them. Sometimes frustration was stronger though, and her teammate whispered:
“I do not understand why that man shot. Weeks of work undone. Why?”
Unable to shrug, Fighter twisted her mouth:
“Sometimes men break.”
The guard had caught on and groaned:
“Or maybe he was sick and tired of hearing you talking shit -”
“Don’t even”, snapped Fighter.
“And you keep your mouth shut, you monster. Do you know how many are still hospitalized ?”
Mediator laid a hand on her knee and shook his head. Fighter gritted her teeth. He was right, it was no use to argue. That was wasting her strength. By what she could only call pure pettiness, the guard had ordered her to be covered in chains, like a gladiator in an old peplum. If he’d wanted to get on her nerves, she was sorry to say that it’d worked. Not being able to move her arms at all all this time had grown to annoying into painful and sometimes just short of unbearable. His teammate, who hadn't been deemed dangerous enough to be tied up, had helped her the best he could. He'd been very delicate and caring as always, but it was maddening having to rely on someone else for eating and other things.
Their bags had been confiscated, but trust Mediator to keep a whole array of objects on him. He never carried any weapons, but aside from the apparently very important brush, he had a pack of gum which had been useful to forget their hunger, and a tiny crosswords magazine which they’d used to kill time. They'd carefully avoided the sensitive subjects. They'd mostly bickered about what was the Wordle of the day they were missing out, a little bit because they were unhealthily interested in the game (that’s what Leader pretended anyway), but mostly because the guard was not-so-politely bored to death by their spats. Fighter had never been a great talker, but Mediator was, and all in all she was really grateful for his presence.
Still, Leader was missing. Mediator had the same train of thought as her, because he whispered a moment after:
“ I'd even gladly listen to his dumb hand puns.”
She couldn’t help but smile. Since Leader had lost his right hand in a mission, his delight and first priority had been to make this everyone else’s problem. A thousand “this got out of hand” had been answered every time he’d been asked how he’d lost it. Mediator and Fighter had applauded him at first, until they’d slowly realized he had no intent of stopping there. That had only been the beginning of an unceasing storm of hand jokes that would have made middle-schoolers groan in agony. Of course, if you’d roll your eyes even a little about that, this grown man would look at you with puppy eyes and whisper with a false tremolo: “Are you oppressing me ?” Basically, only the fact that they both loved him to pieces had prevented his teammates from pulling out a mutiny.
Mediator’s eyes were shining with tears.
“If I’d been convincing enough -”
Fighter did her best to bump his shoulder with hers.
“Don’t think like that,” she gently admonished. “It will get us nowhere.”
“Right.” Mediator sniffed. “I’m sorry. It’s just – that it’s been a while.”
“You’re tired. You should rest a little.”
He nodded and curled up next to her:
“Wake me up if you need anything.”
“I will.”
She didn’t. It was another one who jolted him awake. A tall, bulky and bald man barged into the room, his hands tied behind his back, accompanied with another guard with a sour face. He made an entry as solemn and dignified as usual:
“Heeey kiddos ! Did you have fun without me ? Eesh, can’t say that you did. You look terrible.”
Fighter made a deep sigh of alleviation. Mediator woke up with a gasp and ran towards the bars:
“Leader !”
It was him all right, and it was a huge relief to see him alive and on his feet. He looked fortunately intact. There was not a scratch to be seen on his face. His walk was strange though, like he’d been drunk, and his gaze was unfocused, gleaming with fever. He suddenly stopped, making the guard behind him start, and squinted his eyes:
“Fighter, what the hell are you wearing ?”
She laid down her eyes on her chains and made a face. Leader glanced at the cell guard:
“Seriously, who gave you the right to wrap up my girl like that ? I only have zip-ties and I am their chief ! It’s so goddamn unfair !”
Everyone was unsettled by that yell. He tripped on his feet and nearly fell, but caught himself in time. He burst into laughs before beginning to shake from every limb, leaning his back against the bars for support. Mediator tossed a terrified glance at Fighter; sure, Leader was always a little bombastic, but he’d never sounded that manic. What had they done to him ? Fighter had a look of grim understanding on her face.
“Sleep deprivation,” she mouthed to Mediator.
Leader whistled at her:
“That’s right, give this woman a prize ! Two fucking days, folks, and not a single drop of coffee !”
As he turned around, he had his back to Mediator, his fingers fidgeting wildly behind his back. With a dry gesture he’d already made before, his teammate pulled off the prosthetic hand, leaving the zip-ties to cling uselessly to the left arm. Leader giggled and punched the guard as hard as he could. The latter, who was unprepared, was instantly knocked out. The other rushed to the rescue and met the same fate.
“You do not fucking touch my team.”
Leader’s voice sounded sane now, only very tired. When he faced his teammates, his eyes were as cold and sharp as a steel blade.
“Mediator, gimme a hand, would ya ?”
Mediator literally did that, holding out his prosthetic back to him. In return, Leader threw him the keys found on the guards.
“Brief us,” asked Fighter.
Mediator knelt next to Fighter and opened the lock of her chains. Leader sighed and put his back against the wall, his eyes half-closed.
“You okay, boss ?”
“Take a wild fucking guess,” answered the aforementioned, wiping the sweat from his forehead. “Anyway, long story short, they wanted a pretext to keep us hostage until our beloved Chief relented to their demands. Said beloved Chief being what she is, she threatened them so bad they decided they needed to negotiate again, so their Leader is out with his own counselors and stuff. Meaning, he’s not here right now. Meaning, we’re out of this junk. I’m not gonna stay and play the role of the fancy trinket. We’re far too expensive for our own good.”
“On that point, I agree,” said Mediator. “But um, does that mean the negotiations I worked so hard for were for nothing ? And then they still went back to negotiating ?”
“Sorry, my guy. At least enough people heard them, maybe it will make them think. Then again, their team is made of guys thinking that handcuffing amputees is a great idea, sooooo…”
He threw out his hands in a frustrated gesture. Mediator frowned with a cold determination:
“It’s only the first try. I will make them listen.”
“Sure, yeah, but for now we bail. Fighter, how do you feel ?”
Kicking the chains far from her, she rolled her massive shoulders, stretched with a groan of pain, and made her knuckles crack, a small smile on her face:
“In the mood to go to work.”
“That’s what I like to hear. Come on kiddos, let’s take a walk.”
The Fighter is the Badass Lady from here, with her teammates making a cameo. I still don’t know that the Team does for a living except getting into Situations™ and rescuing themselves, but they love each other very much so that should count for something.
Back to Whump/Horror Masterlist.
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albertasunrise · 2 years
Stuck in the Middle of it - Part 4
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Summary: Years after breaking up, you bump into Benny Miller again one evening at a bar. He was one man you could confidently say you had loved once but you’d both agreed you were better off as friends. When he introduces you to Frankie Morales, you instantly feel connected to the man but unbeknownst to you… You get thrown into a love triangle. The two men crazy about you. Only thing is… you have no idea.
Relationships: Reader x Ben Miller, Reader x Frankie Morales
Warnings: Like AO3, I choose not to give any warnings. This will be an 18+ fic
Series Masterlist, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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Will glanced up when a flicker of movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention. They landed on his brother who was staring at Frankie, brows pulled together as he took in the state of his best friend. Will was about to say something when you appeared from behind him, clutching his hand as you too looked at Frankie with a worried expression. 
Will’s own turned to one of confusion as he took the scene in. Why were you with him? 
“What are the doctors saying?” Ben asked, pulling Will from his thoughts. 
“He’s declining rapidly,” Will replied simply “He’s not responding to the medication. Keeps seizing, got sepsis. It’s uh… well it’s been shit watching him just give up.” Will choked out the last part as he fought to keep his tears at bay. 
"Okay." Ben replied numbly "Where's Isla?" 
"She's with mum." Will replied simply "She offered to have her so we could be with him." 
"Always the saint." Ben replied, giving his brother a weak smile before they both returned their attention to the dying man across from them. 
He wanted to blame someone. Anyone. But in truth, there was no one to blame for this. Fish got sick, and he wasn’t getting better. Ben however let his emotions flow freely. He turned to you and buried his face in your neck, sobbing loudly as you stroked his hair. Will watched the scene unfold, his brow furrowed as he tried to work out what was going on but when Ben pulled back and pressed his lips to yours, Will saw red. He kept his anger at bay though. He knew that Frankie needed them all to be calm... Well, as calm as one could be when their best friend was dying. So Will knew he had to pick his moment to confront his brother about what he'd just witnessed. 
In the three days that followed, Fish continued to cling on but the doctors kept telling you all the same thing. It was only a matter of time. You never left Ben's side. He came with you and left with you and Will suspected that his brother knew he was due a lashing when they were next alone together. For someone who fought for a living, he was king at avoiding conflict. 
He finally got his moment when Monday came around and you had to go to work. Ben had said he wasn't going to go to the hospital so Will decided to go to him. This couldn't wait any longer. He parked on his brother's drive, pulled out his spare key and let himself in, scaring Ben in the process as he walked out of his kitchen. 
"Whats happened?" Ben asked as soon as his initial shock wore off "Is it Fish?... Is he?" 
"Fish is the same." Will replied steadily and Ben nodded "What the hell are you doing?" He asked and Benny pretended to look confused. 
"I don't-" 
"Frank left her because of you... Didn't he?" Will pushed "He loved her, told me as much but then suddenly they're broken up and you're spending almost all your time at hers." 
"She's my friend." He protested and Will scoffed.
"She's your ex Ben... And now she's Frank's too." Will growled "You slept with her yet?" 
"Just answer the damn question." 
"Yes." Ben expelled "We're sleeping together." He confessed and Will nodded. 
"How long?" Will asked and Ben sighed "How long?" 
"Only a few days." He snapped "I went to hers after I found out he was sick and she held me. Let me stay and then in the morning we sorta got carried away and well..." 
"You're an asshole." Will snarled. Never before had he been so disappointed in his brother. 
"Fuck you." Ben snapped and Will flipped.
"Fuck me?" He yelled "Fuck you, Ben! Frankie had been happy... finally he had been happy and he'd had a good thing going with her. Then you get jealous and make him give up the one good thing he had going other than his baby girl." 
"I love her." Ben protested and Will scoffed. 
"You love her? You said that before and then you left her." He replied, "You wanted what you couldn't have Ben... that's the truth of it." 
"That's not-" 
"You know, if by some miracle he gets better..." Will trailed off, scraping a large hand over his face he looked at his brother with piercing blue eyes "He'll never forgive you for this." 
"Will..." Ben pleaded as his brother turned to leave "Will come on-" He was stopped by a hand. 
"I will never forgive you for this." 
Then he was in his truck and he was gone and Ben had never felt worse in his life. 
You'd barely made it through Ben's door before he was on you. Kissing you with a firey passion that had you melting into him. It had been a hard day at the clinic and you were happy to be back with him but as you pulled away to look at him, you could see conflict in his gaze. 
"What is it?" You asked and he sighed. 
"Will came by today." 
"Is everything okay? Frankie, is he?" 
"Fish is the same." Ben replied, "According to the nurse I spoke to earlier, he's actually doing a little better." 
"That's great news." You replied sweetly "So what is it?" 
"He's pissed at me about us." He replied and you frowned. 
"Us? Why?" 
"I dunno." He lied "He thinks it's too soon after you broke up with Fish I guess." 
"He broke up with me." You screeched and Ben sighed "Well it's none of his business." You huffed and Ben smiled.
"No, I suppose not." 
"I care about Frankie getting better but the man broke me... I don't feel like I owe him anything and neither do you." You replied sternly and he smiled at your little pout. 
"Here here." He chuckled, pulling you into a soft kiss that had you swooning. 
His hands started to map out your dips and curves as the kiss got more heated. You moaned as he gripped your ass and squeezed it and he grinned against your lips before one of his hands travelled over your hips and to your belly. You froze, your whole body going rigid and he pulled away to give you a concerned look.
"You okay?" He asked and you nodded. 
"Yeah, it's silly." You replied shaking your head. 
"No, come on, what's up?" 
"Ben it's nothing." You protested and he sighed. 
"Well, it's obviously not nothing." He said sweetly "Come on, you can tell me." 
"It's just... Well, I've put a little weight on and I'm a bit self-conscious about it." You confessed, eyes looking up at him through thick lashes. 
"Baby." He cooed "You're Beautiful no matter what." He said as he kissed you sweetly "Here." He continued, holding out his hand "Let me show you." 
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Will sat with a fussy Isla on his lap whilst he read the toddler her book. She was screeching and giggling with glee as the man changed his voice to suit each character. Both were so engrossed that neither saw movement coming from the bed. 
By some miracle, Frankie had kept on fighting despite the odds. When he started to trigger the vent, they slowly but surely started to ween him off it and then two days ago he had come off it completely. Ben only came to visit with you and Will knew it was because he was afraid of what he might say. Despite their conversation, you and the younger Miller had remained together. 
It was barely audible but Will heard it... His name. 
He looked up to see Frankie looking at him through hooded eyes and he was on his feet in a second, holding Isla close as he checked over his friend. 
"You with me Catfish?" He asked and the other man nodded "I'm going to get a doctor okay?" He said and Fish nodded, his eyes now on his daughter. 
Will was back in a flash, the doctor hot on his heels and then he was pushed to one side so that they could do their thing. A short while later, Frankie was propped up in bed, weakly holding his baby girl as she smiled up at him. 
"FISH?" Ben practically fell through the door, his eyes wild as he made it to his friend's bedside "Sh-iiii-ingles you scared me." He said, upon noticing Isla in Frankie's lap. 
"Sorry." He weakly rasped and Ben shook his head.
"Nothing to be sorry for brother." Ben protested "Just glad you're awake!" 
Frankie gave his friend a weak smile and a slight nod before his eyes drifted to his daughter again. Will called his name and the younger Miller turned his head, noting how Will was motioning for him to follow. 
"I'll be back in a sec Fishcakes." He said before jogging after his sibling "What?" He asked once they were out of earshot. 
"The doctors say he's still got a long road ahead of him." Will started "Can't afford to be stressed." 
"Okay?" Ben replied, unsure of what his brother was trying to say. 
"I think for now... You and Moonshine need to keep your relationship secret." He stated and Ben's face morphed into something else "He was asking for her when he woke up. Guy's clearly still in love with her so if he was to learn that you and she got together whilst he was in a coma for almost three weeks... Well, I'm pretty sure that'd do him in." 
"Okay." Ben replied, nodding his head slightly. 
"Ben... If I'm being completely honest. I think you should break things off but I know you aren't going to do that." Will stated and his younger brother sighed "The truth's going to come out... perhaps you should be the one to tell her." 
"She'll leave me." Ben choked and Will sighed. 
"Should have thought of that before you did what you did." He replied with a shrug before returning to Frankie's room. Leaving a broken brother in his wake. 
You were busy serving up dinner when Ben got home. He'd text you to tell you he needed to tell you something and you'd been in a mad panic ever since. These past few weeks had helped you heal and you couldn't help but worry that Ben was coming to end things with you. When he walked through the door with an expression that could break anyone's heart, your stomach dropped. 
"Dinners ready." You called out, desperately trying to distract yourself. 
"Thank you." He said as he sat down at the table, nodding his thanks as you placed a plate down in front of him. 
You then started to eat in tense silence, the weight of his impending confession hanging over your heads before you finally couldn't take it anymore and you asked. 
"What did you need to tell me?" 
"Oh... Yeah..." Ben trailed off, putting down his cutlery and slumping back in his chair "Well um... it's just..." He was struggling to find the words. 
He hated that he couldn't just be honest with you. 
"Frank's awake." He said and your brows shot up "Woke up today. Doc’s happy with his progress but he'd still gonna be sick for a little while." 
"That's good news." You said, breathing a sigh of relief. 
"Yeah... Yeah, it is." Ben agreed, sitting forward again so he could finish his dinner. 
You wanted to ask him if there was more. You felt like there was but you were too scared to ask so instead you kept quiet. After dinner, you cleared up, laughed as Ben mucked about with the bubbles as you did the washing up together and then stumbled to bed where he fucked you slow and deep. Pouring all his feelings into the act and you allowed yourself to finally feel something for him that you had long since buried. 
It was another two weeks before they let Frankie go home. He'd been itching to leave and Will had been relieved when they gave him the all-clear. They gave the blonde a list of exercises for him, his meds and advice on any complications to look out for. Then sent them on their way. Will had decided that Frank would probably be more comfortable in his own home. So he'd set up in the spare room, which happened to be Isla's room also. He pulled faces at the infant as she watched him from her crib with great interest as she sucked on her mussy. Spending time with her was never a chore.
You on the other hand were having a crisis. Three days after Frankie had woken up, you'd taken a turn at work. You had woken up, laying on the staff couch in the break room before you were forced to go pee in a cup. 
It was another two days before you'd been handed a slip of paper that gave you your diagnosis and later that afternoon you got to see what was causing your stomach to roll at every smell you came into contact with. 
You were pregnant. 
Almost four months pregnant. 
Which meant that it couldn't be Benny's baby. It was Frankies...
Fast forward a week or so and you still hadn't plucked up the courage to tell Ben. How were you supposed to tell your boyfriend that you were pregnant with his best friend's baby? You were in hell. 
Then Ben had told you that Will was throwing a BBQ that weekend to celebrate Frankie's being home you and were suddenly looking for any reason to get out of it. But Ben, ever the arm twister, managed to pick holes in every one of your reasons and so that's how you found yourself sitting in your ex's garden, nursing a lemonade and praying for the evening to be over.
Frankie hadn't been able to stop glancing at you all evening. His heart ached to see you but he knew you were here to support Benny. Will had told him how you'd been a good friend to the youngest Miller whilst he was sick and Frankie was glad that Ben had had someone. He’d always been the more sensitive one. 
When you got up to get another drink from the kitchen, you didn't notice how Frankie's eyes followed you. He longed to just speak to you. To try and clear the air, even a little. Perhaps you could be friends? 
He hoped that you could. 
"You okay?" Ben asked as he emerged from the lounge to find you pouring yourself a drink. "Been really quiet." 
"Just tired." You replied, giving him a weak smile as you looked up at him. 
"Tired?" He said, feigning shock "But I haven't given you a reason to be tired yet." He purred and you giggled. 
"I suppose not." You replied, closing your eyes and his lips slanted over yours. 
You allowed yourself to lose yourself in this kiss and everything else fell away for a moment but it wasn't to last. 
"You've got to be kidding me." Growled a familiar voice and the two of you jumped back as if caught by a parent "You two?" He snapped and Ben started to panic. 
"Fish, please... Let me explain." 
"Fuck you." Frankie snapped, turning around and storming outside. 
You stood there in confusion as Ben sprinted out after him. Then your brain caught up with your feet and you were stumbling outside. Ben was holding his hands out in an attempt to placate Frankie whilst the man paced, his face pale. 
"Please let me explain." Ben pleaded but Frankie was having none of it, his eyes drifted to you and you saw something in them you'd never seen before. It made you shiver. 
"Got over me quickly." He spat and you saw red. 
"Got over you?" You shrieked "Francisco, you broke me." You yelled, "I loved you and you just left me." You choked on the last word. Unable to keep the tears at bay any longer. 
"Ben got me through it." You sobbed. 
"Course he did." Fish scoffed and you felt your anger boil over. 
"What's that supposed to mean?" 
"He never told you the truth huh?" Frankie pushed "Fucking coward." He spat as his eyes flitted to the younger Miller. 
"What the fuck are you talking about?" 
"Ben told me to break up with you." Frankie expelled and you gasped. 
"What?" You breathed, eyes then drifting to Ben. 
"He told me that he was in love with you and that I had to leave you or lose my friendship with him." Frankie clarified and you sobbed.
"Is this true Ben?" You asked, your tears flowing freely as you watched him closely. 
He couldn't say it. He could only nod and you clutched your stomach as your knees gave out. 
"I had to give up the woman I loved because I didn't want to lose my brother too." He sobbed "And now he's got you… Got what he wanted…" He trailed off.
Your head shot up at that. Frankie had slumped into the chair behind him, panting like he'd run a marathon and Will was quick to sprint to his side and check him over. You then looked at Ben who was crying silently from where he stood. He looked at you, eyes filled with conflicting emotions and you wanted to scream at him. But you didn't. 
Suddenly, what you had to tell him wasn't so hard anymore. 
So you stood, looked and Frankie and then at Ben. Your face had morphed into an expression that neither man could read and Ben's blood ran cold as he waited for you to say something... Anything. 
"I'm pregnant." 
That hadn't been what he'd expected. 
His face lit up, heart filled with something he’d never felt before as he took a ginger step towards you.
"Baby that's-"
"I'm four months pregnant." You interrupted and stopping him in his tracks. His expression dropping as his eyes filled with fresh tears "It's not yours, Ben." 
Frankie looked up at you in shock, his eyes then drifting to where you were cradling your small but visible bump. 
"It's yours, Frankie." You said finally as you looked at him and he choked. 
You studied each other a while as the information you'd just fed them all sunk in... And then a smile crossed his face and pushing himself to his feet, he weakly walked over to you. 
You watched as he brought his hands up to cradle your face, studying you a moment before he went to speak. You saw his eyes soften as he formed the words on his tongue. 
"That's wonderful news." He said, his smile growing wider and you grinned back at him "We're going to have a baby." 
"We're going to have a baby." You confirmed, not noticing Ben turn to leave. 
To say Ben was surprised to see you walk through his front door later that evening would be an understatement. He stood gingerly from the couch, placing his beer down on the coffee table before he turned to face you. The two of you stared at each other silently for a moment before finally, how broke it. 
"I fucked up." He rushed out and you snorted "You have every right to hate me but I love you and I don't want this to end." 
"You're right Ben." You started, eyes staring off at something out of his line of sight "You did fuck up. You broke me and Frankie up... All because you wanted me for yourself." 
"Baby, please, I-"
"I'm not done." You stopped him "You made a shitty call. You hurt me and I should hate you for it but I don't." You paused a moment, finally looking at him "I don't want this to end either because for some deranged reason I love you!" 
Ben couldn't hold back his sob any longer "I'll be better I swear." 
You nodded and you let out a sign as one hand scraped over your face as the other went to cradle your baby bump. 
“I’m not saying that I’m not still mad… I am and we have work to do but I’m willing to do it. If you are.”
Ben was nodding eagerly. Relief washing over him at the knowledge you weren’t leaving him.
"We also need to talk about the fact I'm pregnant with Frank's baby." You piped up and he nodded "I'm keeping it, Ben. No question about that... So if you don't want to do this with me then I am giving you an out." 
"You can leave right now and I won't hold it against you." You stated, "But if you stay with me then you're agreeing to help raise this baby with me." You continued "We're gonna be a family Ben. You, me and this little surprise." You looked down at your swollen stomach and smiled "And Frankie's going to be involved too so if we do this, you can't get jealous of him spending time with me and her..." 
Your eyes widened as you realised what you'd just said. 
"Her?" He squeaked "It's a girl?" 
"Yeah." You replied with a shy smile "Doctors pretty sure but they said they can confirm when I have my next scan in a couple of weeks." 
"Shit." Ben breathed as he scaled the room to kiss you, grinning when you pulled him tight "I'm in baby..." He trailed off, pulling back to look you in the eye "I'm all in." 
You smiled sweetly at him, grinning as you placed a sweet kiss on his lips. 
Little did you know that Frankie was sitting at home, grinning like a loon at the sonogram picture you'd given him. He looked at the little life you'd created together and felt something start to stir within him. 
Now he had a reason to fight for you. To try and get you back.
He loved you... This time, he chose you. 
Ben be damned. 
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Tags: @hayley-the-comet @ajeff855 @mavericksicybabe @supernaturalgirl20 @dihra-vesa @nicolethered @practicalghost @theanothersherlockian @gallowsjoker @little-mrs-morales @sunnshineeexoxo @aliwritesfic @maryfanson @sherala007 @ayrusss @greeneyedblondie44 @elegantduckturtle @jediknight122 @goodgriefitsawildworld @voteforpedro09 @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @mishasminion360 @giggly-otter @athalien @mssbridgerton @huitzilinthebudgie3 @samanthacookieone @salome-c @radcollectivesoul @pedrohoe04 @paintlavillered @ktmadden86 @hotchlover @kirsteng42 @djjarins @balekanemohafe @misscampacyn @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @pedromandoverse @destiny-tsukino @mysun-n-stars @tombraider42017 @littlemisspascal @thatpinkshirt @evyiione @girlofchaos @vanemando15
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hummingbird-of-light · 10 months
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Ninth story for @badthingshappenbingo ~
Title: The Perfect Specimen
Fandom: Star Trek (AOS)
Character(s): Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Original Alien Character, Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy, James T. Kirk, Keenser
Relationship(s): Montgomery "Scotty" Scott/Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy (mentioned), Montgomery "Scotty" Scott & Keenser
Rating: M
Words: 1,657
Prompt: Stalking
Warnings: Psychological Horror, Angst, Kidnapping, Humans as products
(You can also find this story on AO3)
~ The Perfect Specimen ~
It was already past midnight when Montgomery Scott made his way back to the hotel. He had been out with Keenser, but the wee Roylan had said that he would stay at the club a little longer. After all, it was their last night on the planet.
It had really been a great shore leave and although the engineer had been separated from his silver lady, he had managed to enjoy the time. Which was also thanks to a certain doctor.
Scotty smiled at the thought of the man in whose hotel room he had spent most of the last few nights. At first he had been a little nervous, but in the end it had really been a good decision to finally tell Dr. McCoy about his feelings for him.
But for the last night, they had both decided to stay in their own rooms. After all, they had to get at least some sleep to be fit to continue the mission the next day.
A strange feeling spread through Scotty's stomach as he felt a tingling sensation on the back of his neck. He wheeled around, looking over his shoulder, but there were only a few people walking through the night streets. No one seemed to be paying any attention to him.
The Scotsman quickly shook his head and continued on his way. Over the last few days, he had often had the strange feeling that someone was watching him or staring at him. But... that was probably normal on the planet. After all, humans were a rarity in this place. The Federation had accepted the planet into its fold not so long ago, but all the locals were still very hospitable. This was also evident from the many different species they encountered in the capital. It was a great planet.
Scotty sighed. Maybe he was just tired and imagining things. And yet... he just couldn't shake the feeling that someone was following him.
The engineer was just turning into a less busy street when he suddenly heard a noise behind him.
"Let go! Hey, let go of me, you creeps!"
As quickly as he could, Scotty wheeled around and what he saw made anger boil up inside him.
Two large males were trying to pull a female of their species into a van. The female was a beautiful lady dressed in blue. Her white hair stood out next to her purple skin.
Scotty clenched his hands to fists and walked back, gritting his teeth in anger.
"Oi! Ye heard what the lass said, didn't ye?"
All three of the purple species looked at the Scotsman in surprise. While the female's eyes were wide, the males only grinned superiorly.
"Of course we heard it. But why should we care about it?"
These bastards! Did they really think they could treat a lady like that?
"Well, where I come from women are treated with respect and-"
The Scotsman didn't get to finish his sentence, because the moment he was close enough to the van, the male creatures suddenly let go of the woman and grabbed him by the arms instead.
"Hurry up. Pull it in."
Scotty couldn't believe it when he heard the female being's voice. It... had been a trap! The men had only pretended to kidnap the woman in order to get to him.
The Scotsman stood no chance against the strong beings when they bound his feet together and tied his hands behind his back. As much as he tried to kick and punch, he was simply helpless.
"Wonderful. A perfect specimen of this new species. A... human, isn't it?"
The lady's grinning face appeared in Scotty's field of vision and he spotted pointed gleaming white teeth.
"How incredibly... exotic."
A shudder went through his body as long fingernails touched one of the engineer's cheeks and brushed gently across it.
"Look, lady, kidnapping a Starfleet officer is a violation of Federation law. If ye don't release me immediately, then-"
Scotty fell silent and suppressed a cry of pain as his counterpart giggled and pinched his cheek.
"Oh, how adorable. It thinks we're abiding by the laws that apply on this planet now, huh? Well... I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you there, human."
Scotty bared his teeth angrily. Who did this woman think she was?
"Ms. Farie, ma'am, we should leave for the shuttle as soon as possible."
One of the males turned to the woman - Ms. Farie - and she just rolled her eyes.
"Well then. Chop, chop. Start the car. I'll take care of the goods myself."
When Scotty heard the word 'goods', his stomach turned. The way that woman said it...
The henchmen quickly left the back of the van and only a short time later Scotty felt them start to move.
"I-if ye want to blackmail my captain or Starfleet, then-"
Once again, Ms. Farie laughed.
"Oh, sweetheart, no. I just want you for now."
Only now did the Scotsman realize that his blood was on the female creature's fingernails. He shuddered as he watched a long, dark red tongue lick up the liquid. Ms. Farie let out a surprised sound.
"Mmm, that's really good. I bet the meat tastes just as delicious."
Scotty's eyes widened in shock. 'Goods', blood, meat - surely this woman couldn't be...
"You know, sweetheart, I just love this planet. So many different species visit it. And every time I visit here, I pick a new one and take a specimen with me."
Slowly, Ms. Farie stood up and wandered around the back of the van. She went to a screen on one of the walls and activated it.
Scotty's breath caught in his throat at what he saw.
Photos. Photos of him and other members of the crew.
"I've been watching you for a while now. I don't know, but you... are just perfect. When I saw you, everything was just right. Size, proportions, body fat. The perfect specimen for a tasting."
The blood froze in the engineer's veins and he shook his head slowly.
That... this woman couldn't be serious! He wasn't a piece of meat!
"Y-ye... this is crazy! Release me immediately!"
Scotty tried again and again to pull at his restraints, but he couldn't free himself. His heart was racing with panic, but his captor didn't seem to care in the slightest.
"Listen, sweetheart, my restaurant is the most culinary on my entire home planet. My guests always expect a variety of dishes. And I think that Human will definitely win them over."
That couldn't be true! It all had to be a cruel joke!
"Help! Can someone hear me! Help!" Scotty screamed as loud as he could, but Ms. Farie just giggled.
"Save yourself the trouble. The walls are soundproofed. No one will hear you."
No... no, no, no! That couldn't be true!
Ms. Farie slowly sat back down on the ground, a tricorder of sorts in her hand. She ran it over the Scotsman's body, a grin on her face.
"Well then... let's see how much of you we can use. What tasty dishes can we whip up from you?"
The lady moved her head back and forth thoughtfully and looked at the screen of the device.
"With the number of guests who have registered for the tasting... A nice soup to start. And for the main course... hmm... roast or steak, what do you think, sweetheart?"
Scotty's voice caught in his throat. He wanted to do or say something, but he was completely helpless. He stared at Ms. Farie with frightened eyes.
He wasn't a piece of meat! He was not an animal to slaughter!
"Oh, I guess I'll decide that on the spur of the moment. But I'm quite sure we can make a lovely wine from your blood, don't you think?"
Slowly, the woman leaned forward and ran her smooth tongue over the gash her fingernails had made. Scotty's whole body trembled.
"P-please... don't."
But Ms. Farie wasn't even listening to him. She sighed dreamily.
"Hah, this is going to be a lovely dinner. I can't wait."
Scotty shook his head in panic as he felt the van come to a halt.
"Oh, I think we're there already. Well then..."
Smiling, Ms. Farie ran her fingers through Scotty's hair once more before standing up and walking to the door.
Scotty felt his heart almost jump out of his chest. He had to do something! He had to get out of here!
"The ride went so fas-"
Scotty narrowed his eyes in confusion when he heard his kidnapper stop talking. He turned his head to see what was going on.
"What the-"
"Get out of the car, ma'am, you're under arrest for kidnapping a Starfleet officer."
When he heard the familiar voice of Lt. Hendorff, Scotty couldn't help but let out a shaky sigh. They had found him! His crew had actually found him!
It wasn't long before Scotty was free of his restraints. His knees trembled as he got to his feet and the security personnel had to support him on the way out.
Kirk and McCoy were already waiting for him there.
"Thank God! Are you okay?"
The Scotsman nodded slowly as he hugged both friends.
"A-aye. But... how did ye know-"
He had lost his communicator with the tracking chip during the abduction. So how had the crew found him?
A smile appeared on Kirk's lips and he nodded his head to the side.
"Keenser must have had a strange feeling and followed you after all. He saw you being pulled into that van. And then he immediately pulled out all the stops to get us to look for you."
Scotty nodded understandingly before falling to his knees in front of Keenser and simply hugging him tightly.
"Thank ye, wee man. Thank ye so much."
Keenser only grunted and wrapped his short arms around his friend. For Scotty, he would do anything.
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latibvles · 1 year
First off, happy one year! 🥳 How exciting! And a classic Poe ask game for the occasion? You know I'll be bothering you with both the girlies 🤭
Though you already know her, we're re-introducing Zenie McGlamery, a young, mixed-race Indigenous woman from the rural south who disguises herself as a man to join the paratroopers. Though Zenie herself is rather shy and reserved, her alter ego, Thomas Driver, allows her to become herself in more ways than she thought possible. Loyal until the end, Zenie is determined to make it through the war without losing anyone else that she cares about - and she just might find something more along the way. You can read about her in Like A Girl (Like A Man) on tumblr and AO3!
Thank you in advance beloved! ❤️
okay, I know we have made so many jokes about Daisy and Zenie being girlfriends however, they would be friends and no one can change my mind. Daisy knows a thing or two about keeping secrets (for better or for worse) and it's the sense of camaraderie and friendship that fuels their later actions. The foundations are there. That being said, you can all find Like A Girl (Like A Man) here on Tumblr and here on AO3! It's a great read. Now here's Zenie getting a certain combat nurse in her corner as well.
Shocked was Daisy’s immediate feeling, and then shortly thereafter, impressed.
It’d been one of her and Gene’s murmured secrets, the situation that “Tommy Driver” found himself in — like the ones she and Joe were more often likely to share within their foxholes. Although, this wasn’t a matter of late-night trysts and a lack thereof; rather the basis of someone’s identity. She grabbed extra tampons and health sponges at the hospital and said nothing of it when Ginny gave her a confused look and asked casually about heavy flow.
Sure, let’s go with that, is what she wants to say, but since this isn’t exactly the time for sarcastic quips, she just nods and pretends to look miserable about the whole affair.
Second Platoon’s outpost is easy to find, even if every bombed out building in Haguenau looks exactly the same. Scurrying along quickly to ensure she isn’t bombed to hell is her first priority, so when she reaches the door she slips inside without a second thought. Sitting in foxholes in the frigid cold waiting for another round of artillery to hail down upon them was hardly the environment for “shooting the shit” — so to see them sat in rickety old chairs with cigarettes and candy bars was a pleasant change of pace.
“Sergeant Driver?” Her voice has a few different gazes shifting to her, to which she waits, expectantly. As usual, Joe’s the first to be spurred into action, calling up the stairs with a ‘Tommy, you’ve got a visitor!’ that practically shakes the house.
It takes a few moments, but he, or rather, she, comes down the stairs, shaggy dark hair peeking through his cap, helmet discarded somewhere. She gives him a smile and a wave.
“Gene wanted to do a follow-up just to see how your stitches are holding up.” A safe enough lie, Gene told her that the rest of the guys thought Tommy was just “shy”, and wholly committed to not stripping in front of the men
That was definitely a way of looking at it. But Tommy looks at her, and then nods all the same, confusion only flashing across her face for a millisecond. Daisy gives her what she hopes is an easy smile.
“Shouldn’t be too long. You boys just move around way too damn much.” She’s turning on her heel, knowing he’ll follow, and walking briskly to a building only a few doors down which she knew to be empty.
Tommy keeps step with her, and they’re quick to enter the next building, its windows caked with dirt and dust, cracks spider-webbing across concrete walls and paint peeling. Daisy waits for the door to shut before taking in a measured breath, turning on her heel. Expectantly, Tommy’s looking around for Gene.
“Okay, there’s really no way to put it delicately so I’m uh… I’m just gonna say it.” Rummaging through her bag, eyes fixed on it, it’s something to do with her hands. “Gene told me about your… your thing,” Finding the bundle of toiletries, she holds them out. Tommy looks up at her, conflicted.
“He did?”  An echo, probably trying to scramble for words, an explanation probably. “I know it’s—”
“Brave,” Daisy finishes quickly, giving what she hopes is a supportive smile. “I mean it would’ve been nice to know earlier, of course. I probably would've done more. But it’s brave,” She presses the products into the other girl’s chest unceremoniously. “I also managed to snatch these from the field hospital. I don’t know how yours are fitting but they might be a little more comfortable.” The standard issue underwear that they gave to the combat nurses, which was probably a better fit.
Tommy takes those too, holding them in her hands and then lets out a sigh of relief.
“Thanks, Lieutenant Clarke,” Something about her seems to shrink, and Daisy just smiles.
“Don’t you go getting shy on me now. It was Daisy all those days in the woods, none of that has to change.” She insists. Tommy lets out a small chuckle, like she’s loosening up again, which is a pleasant sight to bear witness to. He may not have been as loud about it as Bill or Joe — but she knew Tommy was there and keeping an eye on her like everybody else.
“Zena McGlamery. Or Zenie,” she says after a moment, when they lapse into an easier silence. “That’s my actual name.” And to that, Daisy smiles — a piece of her being given over voluntarily. Daisy mutters the name under her breath once, to commit it to memory, then nods before reaching to muss up some of Zenie’s hair.
“We’ll stick with Tommy ‘till it’s just us again.” And Zenie rolls her eyes, trying to duck out of Daisy’s hand. “Pretty name though.”
When Zenie smiles at the compliment, Daisy isn’t sure how she could’ve missed something like this before. But the more she dwells on it, she concludes that it doesn’t really matter — Tommy and Zenie were evidently, one in the same, and that’s all that really mattered to her.
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ermbabyel · 5 months
Hi! I just saw your submission to my matchup trade and I'm more than willing to do it with you! Here’s my half for the trade (Mystic Messenger/Stardew Valley)!
• Name/Nickname: Kaitlyn / Kit
• Age: 20
• Sexuality: Lesbian (However I don’t mind being shipped with fictional men at all!!)
• Pronouns: She/Her
• Age Range: 20-30
• Likes: Gardening, Cats, Ocean Life, Video Games, Coffee, Disney Movies (Frozen, specifically), Fall Out Boy (favorite band) || Dislikes: Fireworks, Hospitals
• Hobbies: Journaling, Writing, Reading
• Love Languages: Gift Giving
• Ideal Type: Someone to joke around with, who listens to me, who hypes me up 24/7
• Personality: I’m very shy at first and it takes some time for me to get used to new people. I tend to be very outgoing when in my friend circle and never really go out of my way to meet new friends, they always just come to me somehow. I like to believe I give good advice and am a good listener, and I back my friends up 100% of the time. I love to laugh and make jokes, and pretend arguing over stupid stuff that doesn’t matter is one of my favorite activities. I could ramble on and on about my favorite activities and I can tend to be stubborn when it comes to my favorite things.
• Astrology Sign: Scorpio
• Aesthetic/Style: My style fluctuates based on my mood of the day. Some days I will be wearing band t-shirts (usually Fall Out Boy) and ripped jeans, paired with a cat beanie, and some (silver) jewelry. Other days I could wear nothing but pastels and pink, paired with lots of sanrio and hello kitty accessories.
• Anything else you can think of: Appearance wise I wear glasses, have green eyes, blonde hair thats a little past shoulder length, and I’m 5’2.
(I’ll have your matchups posted within the next day!!)
Hello~! I’m so excited to do their matchup trade with you. I hope you enjoy your matchups~
Your Mystic Messenger Matchup is…Saeyoung~
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I think this man would love you to bits~!
He would be SO flustered when he meets you, but tries to play it off by cracking jocks. But we know this man will eventually FOLD hard lol.
Seven is your #1 hype man, constant praises and compliments every single minute of every day lmaooo. This sweet boy just wants you to know how much he loves you!
Absolutely LOVES your Hello Kitty/cat accessories! He will ask you from time to time if he can wear some of your accessories and will give some fashion advice here and there.
Playful banter all day long…this man is not holding back! Sometimes Yoosung will watch you two banter and tease back and forth as a form of entertainment lol.
He’d also be the type of person to ask if he can try on your glasses lmao and have you try his on just for the fun of it.
We all know Seven likes to invent gifts and let me tell you this boy has a few ideas up his sleeve! He wants you to use his gifts as mementoes of his love for you.
I believe Saeyoung would love how much of a good listener you are. He has gone through SO much and appreciates being able to confine in you when he gets flashbacks from his past. You are his safe place~ 💜.
Your Matchup in Stardew Valley is…Abigail~
I was debating between Leah and Abigail, but ultimately chose Abigail! I just think you two would mesh really well~
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You caught Abigail’s eyes the first time you walked into The Stardrop Saloon. She’d be absolutely fascinated by your piercing and would ask you so many questions about them lol.
She’s also the one to try to hide her feelings and might get annoyed when Sam or Sebastian tease her about it. But she’ll build up the courage to ask you out on a date!
This girl does not mind your ramblings at all and actually finds this trait of yours quite charming! She’ll ask you what your writing or journaling and will watch you with a gentle gaze as you get lost in your ramblings~
She can be a bit of a spit fire, but I think that’s something you can handle pretty well. I mean you’re not afraid to fire back when Abigail gets a bit sassy…all in good fun though!
You’ll be the type of couple who share each other’s clothes lmao. I think you’d be the one to get her hooked onto listening to Fall out Boy…so expect someone your band shirts “mysteriously” disappear.
I think you’d be the mom of the friend group with Sam and Sebastian. Sam is a bit of a dumb-ass and would appreciate someone to watch out for him lol. And Sebastian also needs a listening ear when he feels troubled by what he’s been dealing with at home. Abigail just appreciates how kind-hearted you are with her friends as well as with her.
I think Abigail would love your more outgoing side. I can see her trying to get caught up in some of her adventures like going to the mines, for example. She’d also would love to lay in bed, snuggled up with you and listen to your writings at the end of the day.
I hope you enjoyed doing this trade as much as I have! I hope you have a good day/night~! 🥰
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I Missed My Flight And I'm Writing This To Avoid Relapsing
And I hunch over the men's toilet in the Tampa International Airport,
choking out my breakfast (I only ate it thinking I wouldn't eat during the hours long layover)
and attempting with careful strength and precision to be at such an angle that my knees hover above the ground,
too afraid of what dirtiness could be on it but not too prideful to be a better person than the type of man who vomits for strangers in the other stalls to hear.
It's funny because when my mother talked to me about the terminal,
I thought she said "terminate" at first.
Oh, you know how this goes.
Don't make me keep repeating the story.
The last time I took this same flight I ended up
lost trying to go bus to bus back to campus from the airport
and ended up lost in the city, a woman petting my hair
telling me I'm beautiful and
"You just look so young, you know?
I just can't believe you're 18, are you sure?
You have such lovely hair.
Are you a student?
Are you really not so young?
Hey, come over here."
One day that little corner is going to be the death of me,
the day these aching bones of mine catch up to me.
I keep these tabs on me,
filed maps in my head of all the street corners everybody avoids,
the parts of each town I visit where I know to stay far away from but I can't pretend are nonexistent forever.
It's like running down empty train tracks:
Right now I am lucky. One day I will not be.
I think I'm always waiting for the sound of that train whistle barrelling towards me.
I once had a boyfriend who caught me with a white lighter.
He took it and tossed it,
told me I didn't know what it meant and I shrugged.
I haven't bought another since but I always knew what I was doing,
just didn't believe in what could happen.
I haven't died yet, so maybe he was right to toss it.
I missed my flight today;
I lost my ID somewhere between my family's house and the airport.
I never was the type to misplace things as a child,
always used to be so organized.
There was a place for everything and I was
so meticulous and so studious and
oh so afraid of ever learning how to fail.
I missed my flight today;
I lost my attention to detail somewhere between
the shelf above my aunt's fridge high enough to keep from children and
the lockbox-
my own fault it even ever got locked,
never in arm's reach after that first time getting caught,
the hospital visit and the charcoal down my throat and-
somewhere between the shelf and the lockbox (my parents have used the same code for everything my entire life.
They don't realize I know. )
I had to call my mother after leaving TSA.
"I'm sorry,
I'm so sorry,
I don't know what happened. I wish I did.
I don't know where it could have gone."
(You are me and you are a college freshman and
you sit in a cold office with
much too many of those doctor-office-shade-of-green decorations, and a man sits across from you.
"You can say no if there's anything you're uncomfortable with talking about right now, alright?
This is just an intake to figure out where you're at."
"You mentioned your Mom dealt with a lot of these issues too in the past, would you care to discuss your relationship with her?"
Pause. Break. Clenched fists, bitten tongue.
"I don't want to talk about this."
Two weeks later you relapserelapserelapsewhyisitsohardand-
You sit in that cold office again and the man is still staring at you with those piercing blue eyes and those unsettling green decorations you hate set up around him.
He asks about your flight home the next weekend,
if you think your mom can help you.
He tells you to tell her everything,
tells you she'll understand.
"Addiction is a disease.
A mother wouldn't love you any less for it."
You think about finding a new therapist.)
And at the end of the day the worst part about missing the flight
is the drive back to the house when the plug texts again asking why I stopped responding,
and it's like the entire sunshine state can feel the craving inside of me.
Florida, I love you,
all the way from the blackout night beaches
to the house my father overdosed in
a couple streets away from my first taste of bliss
and all the way down the road to Suncoast.
I am seven days sober today.
I missed my flight.
A week has never felt so long.
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lindsayrps · 7 months
take a chance on me
eleanor howard was not meant to be a donut dollie but the red cross had needed volunteers and she was cute and highly sociable which, apparently, had been all it took to be considered and it felt like the easiest in to the war effort, so here she was.
(a transfer, eventually, would be in order. every time she asked for one, it seemed like they had no need for nurses in any of the red cross run hospitals in london which was fine, she supposed, but she wanted to put her real skills to use and would just have to bide her time until she could make the switch.)
it wasn’t glamorous and she couldn’t have expected it to be. she’d spent most of her time in a converted truck that smelled overwhelmingly like coffee, donuts and just a hint of tobacco with two other women, mary and helen, driving all over to provide some semblance of home, whatever that meant, to whoever was on the receiving end. bases, air force and military alike, weren’t her favourite but, by far, they were better than being in the battlefield where the red cross on the side of their truck did little to actually protect them from enemy fire. it’s safer, to be sure, and most of the men here are, honestly, pretty harmless. most times, they just wanted a decent cup of coffee that wasn’t just hot, brown liquid and some food that is soft enough to not be used as a door stopper.
other times, they just wanted someone to listen or be a shoulder to cry on and she can do that, too. she’s had nearly two years of practice and she wasn’t all that bad at it before, either.
this time, admittedly, feels a little different. they’re setting up on an air force base for an extended period of time and every time nell asks mary or helen why or for how long, they shrug and tell her to not ask questions. she probably doesn’t want the answer anyways, they say, knowing it’s possible that the potential reasons are far more traumatic than she can stomach and so she doesn’t ask, instead choosing to keep her head down and focus on the task at hand.
the second the men realize they’re here, the base almost turns into a giant game of telephone and they all show up, eager for some food and some company. nell and mary hand out coffee and donuts as quickly as helen can pass both off to them and spend some time talking with a few of the men. they mostly talk about their day, their job or themselves and nell does her best to smile and nod along, pretending she has any clue about planes or anything else they want to talk about that is distinctly related to their jobs here.
a few flirt, not unexpectedly and not for the first time.
as the crowd dissipates and most go on with their days, nell turns away from the window, pushing out a breath as she surveys the damage. they’ve still got enough coffee and donuts to deal with stragglers, of which nell isn’t sure there will be many, but helen and mary make a bee line for the doors, saying they’re going to go find out where the three of them are meant to sleep, if not in the bunks in the truck, while they’re here. nell’s sure there aren’t many women staying on base, if any at all, just as sure as she is that finding out that information is not a two person job but she can handle things here by herself for a little while.
at least she hopes so.
she’d been content to clean and pack up what remains on the off chance that nobody stops by so they can drop it off at the offices for the higher ups but a knock on the side of the truck has her abandoning that task for the time being. when she turns around, she plasters the same smile on her face and is greeted by a man who she wouldn’t quite describe as lanky because he didn’t seem to lack the grace that came along with being as such (at least as far as she could tell) but he is tall, having to duck under the canopy of the truck in order to see beyond it and she was sure that if they were both on level ground, he’d tower over her by at least a foot, if not more. a single, thick twirl of hair peeks out from under his hat and she swears that, if she had a type, he might just be it.
he’s cute, after all, but stories about the airmen around these parts are prolific, at best, and she’s not interested in being another story to tell when times get tough.
(or even more tough than they already were.)
"get you some coffee?" she asks, leaning over the small counter that juts out from the window, fingers twining together.
"is it any good?" he asks, arm raising to rest his elbow against the side of the window. there’s a relaxed air to the way he speaks to her, like she’s not beneath him, and she has to admit that it’s a breath of fresh air from several of the other men who’ve stopped by. most of them were majors, a few of them higher than that but judging by the two bar pin on this man’s collar, he’s a captain.
"haven’t heard any complaints so far." she says, not waiting for an answer before she turns to pour a cup and hand it to him, watching as he appraises it somewhat skeptically. "better than anything you’d get in the mess hall." finally, seeming to take her at her word, he drinks from the cup and she asks, "so?"
"not bad," he says, setting the now empty cup down with a clink. "tastes like it might actually have caffeine in it."
"i’ll be sure to let helen know you think so highly of her coffee making skills." nell straightens up, placing the cup in the sink behind her.
"rumour has it you’re planning on sticking around base for a while."
"that’s what they say," nell shrugs, glancing quickly out the back doors of the truck to see if helen and mary are anywhere close to coming back.
"should stop by the club when you’ve got some time," he offers, "i’ll even save you a dance."
"oh, i’m sure you would." nell shakes her head, unable to stop the hint of a smile from creeping onto her face. "but i’m not sure that’s a good idea. fraternization and all that. seems frowned upon, doesn’t it?"
"i won’t tell if you won’t." he flashes a smile so dazzling that she’s sure it’s gotten him plenty from other women in the past. it’s disarming enough that, for a moment, she doesn’t know what to say or do, choosing instead to chew on the inside of her top lip.
"captain, i—"
"david," he corrects, flashing that smile, again, and this time it takes every ounce of self control to not roll her eyes at his continued persistence.
"captain," nell emphasizes, instead of caving to the offer, pointing just over david’s shoulder. "i think your friend is waiting for you."
he turns, then, ducking down enough to catch sight of the friend in question as he approaches. tall, blonde, also a captain and someone david is more than happy to see, by the looks of it. slinging an arm around his neck, nell watches as he gives david a look that has him, finally, reconsidering his extensive visit to the clubmobile. they chat, for a few moments, about their plans for the day and nell does a good enough job of tuning them out before david is pointing back in her direction, "think about it." he says, then ducks back under the canopy and disappears with his friend, arm still slung around his neck as they wander away.
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I just found your content and I love it! Wondering if you could please do a pacific ship for me? I am female, she/her pronouns, interested in men.
I'm really strong-willed and opinionated, and not too afraid to tell people. I am very caring and can be emotional at times, especially when it comes to the people I care about. But otherwise I'm blunt and have really dry humor. I can be really stubborn and a lot of times awkward around new people as I'm a bit more on the introverted side. I tend to either not care at all or care too much when it comes to people.
I enjoy writing, hiking, gardening, and in general being out in nature. I'm a very homestead minded person and enjoy learning how to do things for myself, like how to crochet or grow a vegetable or raise chickens. That is, when I have time for it. Otherwise, I work as a nurse, and I enjoy the aspect of helping others when they need it the most.
I am 5'3" tall, curvy to chubby body with an hourglass figure. I've got pale skin with light freckles all over the place. Long, straight dark brown hair and dark brown/green eyes. Full lips, fuller face, just a more romantic body type in general. I tend to dress in baggier clothes as I am a bit insecure about my weight and especially my arms. I am working on losing weight but it's definitely a long process.
My personality type is INFJ. My biggest pet peeves are people who don't pull their weight when it comes to helping others and also chewing food really loud. My love language is physical touch, with a healthy sprinkling of words of affirmation. I am an August Virgo (don't know my other two signs, but that's my main one). I am also a proud Slytherin.
Thank you so much!!
Hi dear! Sorry for your wait! I’ve been extremely busy living life the past couple months 😊
I ship you with: John Basilone from The Pacific
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Ship theme song: Marry Me, Archie by Alvvays
I could easily see you two meeting at a training hospital for nurses in California while John is training up recruits
He seems you and is immediately stunned by your beauty
He thinks your curves are so fuckin hot
He makes a pass at you and you don’t really seem to care at first
Until the second time when he formally asks you out
And then you take it seriously (even if you were pretending not to be a bundle of nerves)
Your personality types definitely seem compatible
I would imagine that John is either ENTJ or ESTJ
So that balances out your introverted tendencies and your feeling function
As he gets to know you better, he falls fast for your strong-willed personality and your opinionated takes
That being said, he also loves your soft and tender side as well
It inspires him to be more gentle in dealing with personal matters
He loves to kiss your sweet soft lips
He could do it all day long if you let him
He hates when people bullshit and waste time with flowery words
Which is why he loves your bluntness and dry humor
He knows you tend to be introverted and that dealing with people initially can be tough for you
So he apologizes profusely when you first meet him big Italian family
(Im Italian too and I would also apologize lmao)
He’s really good for you because he knows how to show you how to not give a fuck what other people think about you
You can teach him how to truly appreciate nature and all it’s natural beauty
He’s always wanted to try to grow a windowsill pot of oregano
Just like his Nonna did
You are able to show him how
And he is forever grateful
He really admires your pioneering personality
Like you, this man is very much a slytherin
Try to convince me otherwise
(You won’t ;) )
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mylifeaseverv · 8 months
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004 ➜ Suzy and Linda
THE girls were bragging about their one-night stands and travel experiences, talking over one another. Myla could barely make out bits and pieces of what they were saying. She had not expected to begin her day in this manner. She was unable to handle the needless visit from two chatterbox gals. She didn't like how noisy they were, but that only meant Sienna had to be bubbly herself to hang around with these girls.
"All right, we're done!"  The redhead laughed intermittently as she spoke. "It's your turn, Sienna! Tell us everything, please!
The two girls fell silent and eagerly stared at Myla. Myla was at a loss for words, unsure of how to start discussing a life that wasn't her own. All she needed was a conversation starter that would keep the girls occupied for hours.
She noticed the girls' preference for gossip and recalled that Sienna hadn't received a message from the man with whom she had taken photos together. They either choose to split up peacefully or not. In any case, she decided to go along with that he had ended their relationship.
"He broke up with me!" She blurted out.
The girls gasped in disbelief.
"And I think he was cheating on me!" She added to the story, pouting innocently. "How worse can things get?"
She held herself back from throwing up once she finished speaking. It was going to be more difficult than she had anticipated to pretend to be an outgoing person. To her luck, all it did was have them ask hours' worth of more questions about this topic.
Before she knew it, the sun was fading. After all the chat, she was multitasking and her brain was spinning. The females had done their makeup and styled their long and short hair into gorgeous waves using a curling iron.
Until the girls showed her their dresses for the evening, she hadn't given it any thought. Everything made sense now; the girls, whose names she could now distinguish, had come to take her to the crystal ball, just as they had indicated in their texts.
Heads turned as the females appeared in the ballroom in the blink of an eye.
"We are the center of attention, girls," Linda whispered, pushing a few strands of her crimson hair behind her ear and slightly curling her lips.
"Sienna, keep the plan in mind.” Suzy reminded her of their clever scheme to enrage Sienna's ex-boyfriend. “If a guy asks you to dance, you go to that dance floor with them."
No, Myla thought to herself, the plan is to leave this place and head to the hospital.
"Attention, boy alert!" Linda mouthed. "Show off your natural side, girls!"
Myla raised her brows at her. "We couldn't be more natural..."
A woman in her expensive dress and two men in black tuxedos walked up to them. Myla did not recognize either of them. Were they dancers like Sienna too?
"We'll be leaving now." Linda followed Suzy into the crowd as she excused herself, saying, "We have to catch up with everyone."
Myla smiled and curtly bent to greet them. The three gave the curt bow back.
Myla hurriedly pushed past them and added, "If you'll excuse me too, I have somewhere else to be."
The woman laughed, agitated, and spun around to watch as Myla pushed through the crowd. "Did she just ignore me?"
Since Sienna's friends were preoccupied, this was the ideal opportunity to slip away without being noticed.
"Sienna King!" With her arms crossed, the woman yelled, drawing attention to both of them.
Myla froze in place, seeing the woman agitated as she peered over her shoulder.
"Yes, that's me." Turning to face the woman a few feet away from her, she knitted her brows. Shortly thereafter, the orchestra ceased to play. The ballroom's tension was made open to the public. "I'm waiting for you to tell me the importance of this interruption… Care to enlighten me?"
"Everyone, let's applaud the winner of the dance competition!" The woman gave a phony smile and cheered, clapping. All started clapping, with some people grinning sheepishly. "Then let's continue the celebration!"
The guests went on talking as the orchestra proceeded to play their instruments. Myla couldn't help but be curious about the woman's identity. It was obvious that she didn't think much of Sienna. Myla ultimately decided to stay for a glass of wine at that very moment.
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sannome707 · 2 years
Enough Tori Ramuda posts. What about Ramuda AND KOHAKU.
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Face it Crazy:B is just Fling Posse but with an extra victim. (Nikki)
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