winterbuckwild · 1 year
Steve Harrington as a yarn artist for the simple reason that I want him to be.
He picked up crochet as a way to keep his hands busy and his focus in one place after they killed Vecna. He used to sit by Eddie's bed side at the hospital, crochet stitch book propped up on an unmauled part of Eddie's thigh as he painstakingly moved the hook around the yarn that he'd found at a thrift store.
His first scarf was wonky and about three feet long because he ran out of the right colour and didnt want to leave the hospital, but Robin insisted it was perfect and that she wanted another one.
The second scarf was black. It took longer because he squinted at the stitches but he'd learnt from the first one so it wasn't as wonky. He'd pulled apart a thrifted black sweater that Robin had presented him and reused the yarn from that.
Eddie woke up around foot 3 and finally stayed awake for more than a few minutes at a time at foot 4.
Steve gave him his scarf when he was discharged from hospital, and Eddie insisted on putting it on to go back to his new apartment even though it was August and the temperature was in the 90s.
A hat saw their first kiss.
A sweater saw their first Christmas.
A plush D20 saw Eddie birthday, the day before they moved in together, and six months later there were four throw cushions and a huge afghan on the back of their second hand sofa that they cuddled under in the evenings.
He worked and crocheted when the store was slow, skill climbing and his hands, good at manual exercises, got stronger and more capable. Plush toys, winter wear, delicate lace table cloths, pillows and blankets got churned out and put into a box.
The following Christmas Joyce convinced him to host a table at a craft fair a few towns over and he sold out in the first two hours. He bought Eddie some tapes from the record store down the road and a few cool looking patches with his earnings and pocketed the rest.
Four years later, Eddie's new band had taken off; the lead singer was everything a front woman should be and Eddie enjoyed taking the back seat and concentrating on the music and his beloved guitar. He and Steve had bought it together around craft fair number twelve and the strong strap that held it to his body was fresh off the hook a few days after they picked it up. Eddie was known for his collection.
Another year and Steve gave up his job at the store, bought himself another set of good hooks and some needles and taught himself to knit. After all, the kids kids will need baby clothes in about 7 months and he needed to get to work.
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yourfuckingvamp · 3 months
*the screams die down as human carcasses are left behind. Completely mauled and barely alive*
"Good hunt, good hunt!"
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"Yawnnnn... Jaw is tired."
"Maybe because you kept taking my kills..."
*sniff sniff sniff*
"I smell... living meat, unmauled... But where?"
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saturdaylemon · 4 months
I'm preparing episode 4 for you to write. It'll be about Ringo and Draco Centuaros unlocking their powers? What can you craft from that premise?
Okay, so. With Ringo still in her Travelling Hero transformation and Draco Centauros being Draco Centauros, the story is probably going to be old-school sword and sorcery flavored. Unlampshaded, because Ringo's field of interest is Magical Girl tropes, but for the viewer.
Arle's necklace zapped Schezo, which gives a starting point for further investigation into the gems themselves, spurred on by Accord being unforthcoming with answers as per usual. Meanwhile Sig is trying to look at his own elytra and slowly turning in circles. Rotate the boy.
Basic sword and sorcery involves going into mysterious and badly-lit caves and temples and dungeons and whatnot, finding the monster (human or otherwise) using them as a base, and stabbing. So, Ringo (scientifically minded) and Draco (curious, also a dragon) take a side mission back to the crystal cave to try and collect a sample to study. Actually like five or six samples for reproducing the results reasons. The trek there can be uneventful, dialogue-heavy, the occasional skirmish, you pick. Once they get into the cave, Yogs start showing up. A puntable amount at first, then enough to need heavy casting to clear out around the transition to the crystalline part, then at the heart of the cave where the Puyo Gems came from it's totally quiet. Too quiet.
Sig, presumably, still rotating.
The Crystal Acquisition Team starts trying to acquire some crystals. The crystals in question have passed on their stored power and no longer have plot armor, but are still too tough for the sampling tools available. Ringo status: peeved. Draco status: frustrated. Greater Yog status: right behind them.
Between Raffina and Klug, Primp Team has managed to get two mirrors into position for Sig to see his own back.
Back at the cave, CAT has noticed the miniboss / monster of the week and they're like "crapcrapcrap Puyo Battle RIGHT NOW" about it. (Vegetable based design is extremely optional, but Ringo getting to apply her vegetable-chopping expertise to a MOTW completely in context would be really funny.) It starts off a relatively even match, but the monster gets the upper hand a few exchanges in and keeps getting it, until only the Damage>Nuisance conversion of Owanimo is keeping them unmauled - and that only lasts while they're playing. And just when the girls are one turn from defeat, the transformation kicks in. The monster doesn't last long after that.
Draco has the Bomb Puyo Gem, right? Maybe her finisher is what breaks scienceable pieces off the larger crystals. Not the best spell to use in an enclosed space, but it works!
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deva-arts · 1 year
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And they were siblings!
Times were simpler for a bit, even though the world would soon get really deep really fast. For now enjoy these two totally not lab-made birdy cridders.
Look at smol Sera! and unmauled Vincent! no one would think they'd ever turn out the way they did. Uh...
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Ooh, would you mind sharing something about the sorcerer of Amon Ereb?
Hi @lesbianhaleth! I would love to, thanks!
The Sorcerer is a bit experimental- very much a WIP for sure, and also trying to do something about magical systems as a metaphor for formal systems of authority and Song as both the evading and enforcing of narrative (personal) (immense predestined possibility).
Right now, tho? It's mostly vague thoughts on Elros & Maedhros debating whether turning a hostage situation into an internship opportunity counts as a cultural crime, judicial obligation for education, a cunning hustle or just a dickishly unfilial move, while Maglor and Elrond put ethics aside to do fell, unorthodox and rather ilegal rehab to the monsters in the basement. I've also talked a bit about the process here for @thalion71.
Here's a snippet:
Elros, in particular, had enjoyed it ruthlessly; once, he had almost convinced Maedhros he had found his calling in becoming a swine herder, to watch the prince of Tirion make conversation on how his most gifted student was off to root for mushrooms and make acorn-bread once the snowstorms lifted.
I wonder how many pigs the slaughter of Sirion can be accounted for, Elros had mused in their mind; Elrond would have kicked him under the table, if Maedhros had not narrowed his eyes at him and started bargaining right then and there
That always ended the ruse thoroughly; Elros, at heart, was too much a magistrate to pretend otherwise, and once they started at it no term was left unstudied, no clause unmauled, no degree of ruling or logistics or conquest without consideration.
When they did so, Elrond would end up sharing glances with Maglor, in suffering and laughter - Lordlings! Brothers! What are we to do with them? It was very easy to forget Maglor had been a great lord of a great domain in his own right, before the dragonfire had left him landless and half-blind and charred and altogether mad. He was, or had made himself to be well suited to the business of being seneschal and general and clerk to Maedhros the Marred, prince of Himring and master-of-horses. The sorcerer of Amon Ereb - he had taken very few students in those days, but Elrond had been among them, and his brother as well. Had he chosen it in earnest, none of Elros’s herd would have perished for cold or sickness or wolfbites.
(But it had been Elrond who, from a young age, had stayed closer to Maglor’s tutelage; in Singing, and in Listening as well.)
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sweetvixen1996 · 2 years
So, fun fact, in the RE: Village Gold Edition 3rd Person POV Demo (say that three times fast), both of Ethan's hands are both in tact. I don't think this means anything significant but it does remain me that, back in the demo for the base game, Ethan's fingers were unmauled as well. Though there it was likely to keep from spoiling the surprise.
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ganymedesclock · 3 years
After a while of avoiding subnautica due to being nervous I am coming back to it and deciding I will frolic with every pointy sea creature and damn the consequences, and started a new save file.
Discovered the mesmer for the first time. Discovered that the mesmer apparently influences the fucking PDA which as far as I know is not (fully?) sapient. Like OK I know ooky spooky this squid flower the size of my hand is a phosphorescent siren with secret teeth but this is raising so many questions about the awareness of my AI buddy. how lucid is she. have I just been underestimating her because of her endless corporate jargon.
Coming to realize I was WAY gunshy about the predators, both underestimating Ryley’s health but also way overestimating how aggressive these dudes are. I harassed a Stalker with the scanner at length and left unmauled.
Oxygen on the other hand, now that’s a problem.
found a REALLY cool looking dropoff past the kelp forest with entire floating islands? that I have never seen before. was not able to see the bottom. decided maybe to not go there for now.
I miss my jetsons car, seamoth if you’re out there (it is I just have to go get it)
surreal to me how much progress I made and the aurora hasn’t even blown up yet. The crew of the Sunbeam is still alive even.
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guidingsbolt · 3 years
12, 44, 59, 68 for Cadence
cadence my BELOVED 
12. have they ever been in love?
oh good question. i think yeah she has. i’ve been thinking about cadence’s background and i think she was just a street performer so maybe she fell in love with a juggler or a sword swallower or a singer. or maybe all three :] 
44. what do they need to learn?
WELL where nikola is and how to unmaul frida and ted’s deal and the deal with the museum and how to leave the museum and, 
59. what is a quiet passion of theirs?
cadence loves magic! she’s got a +10 to arcana for a reason despite having 10 int flat. i think she’s fascinated by magic and how it works
68. what was the best moment of their life?
i think she had a really, really good performance. she garnered a HUGE crowd, didn’t make any mistakes, played the crowd really well and made a lot of money. she likes to perform and to make people happy 
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beeatngu · 4 years
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@trcupe​​​  : :   “ I wondered when you were going to wake up. You almost didn’t survive.” (from juliet) ”   👁️  ━     From  : :   TERRIBLE  FIRST  MEETING  STARTERS. 
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𝑪𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑹𝑰𝑬𝑺  𝑨𝑮𝑶  𝑰𝑻  𝑾𝑨𝑺  𝑹𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑬𝑫  𝑨𝑪𝑹𝑶𝑺𝑺  𝑻𝑯𝑬     lands  as  a  great  and  powerful  god.  As  benevolent  as  it  were  vicious,  foul  and  divine,  a  wicked  angel  of  death  and  renewal.  The  scaled  phoenix  ━  the  feathered  serpent.  Before  mankind  became  arrogant,  ignorant  of  themselves  and  their  history,  contemptuous  of  it’s   sacred  mission.  Their  scorn  matters  not,  its  cleanse  would  continue,  albite  occasionally  at  times  far  less  smoothly  than  others.  Human  resistance  was  a  petty  thing,  ultimately  useless.  A  hindrance  at  best.   Many  fought  against  it,  trying  in  vain  to  change  their  fates.  Occasionally  some  attempts  were  better  than  others  but  it  did  not  die,  it  were  an  agent  of  destiny  and  though  destiny  could  be  staled  it  could  not  be  stopped.  As  the  creature  stirs  it  listens,  listens  to  her  quip  about  survival . . .                Ƀ Ł Ɇ S S   Ħ Ɇ Ɍ   Ħ Ɇ Ⱥ Ɍ Ŧ Rising  from  the  place  it  had  ‘rested’,  temporarily  impleaded  by admirable  human  aim,  the  creatures  lips  rise  not  unlike  that  of  a  snarling  wolf,  a  deep,  guttural  growl  escaping  it  in  response.  It  realises  she  has . . .  ‘ helped ’  it,  a  sensation  that had  become  so  foreign  throughout  the  ages,  though  not  unknown  to  it.  She  had  nothing  it  wanted,  nothing  of  use  to  it  otherwise,  only  her  unusual  act  of  ‘ kindness ’.  She  remains  unmauled. 
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knightofaedirn · 5 years
Torben, Knight of Aedirn (Witcher Universe OC)
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The Basics
Name: Torben. Just Torben. 
Age: 28
Birthday: November 7th
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Marital Status: Single
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5′11″
Build: Soldier’s build. But don’t expect him to wrestle a bear or anything. Even if he would get a round of a-claws. Claws all over his face. Ouch.
Distinguishing Marks: Thankfully an unmauled face free of bear claws. He does, however, have a scar across the back of his right hand. Thanks to the perils of learning swordsmanship.
Common Accessories: What more does a true knight need more than their sword and shield? A helmet of course! Don’t get ahead of yourself!
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Personal ––– –
Profession: Knight, Aedirnian cavalry/Hedge Knight
Hobbies: Reading, especially anything surrounding mysticism, old lore and curses. The poor fellow considers most of them to just be stories, of course. Maybe one day he’ll learn.
Languages: The Common Tongue. But he does know how to say ‘Don’t shoot!’ in the Elven tongue.
Residence: Vengerberg/Travels the road, so any stable, inn, or even beneath the hedges will do.
Birthplace: Peasant village, outskirts of Vengerberg, Aedirn
Religion: Eternal Fire, up until witnessing a burning in Novigrad.
Patron Deity: The eternal fire, until recently. 
Fears: Isolation, poverty, not living up to the creed of a true knight.
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: Passed away by plague when he was young.
Siblings: None
Other Relatives: None, that he knows of at the very least.
Pets: Does his horse count?
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Not since he set fire to an inn in Temeria. On accident of course. They shouldn’t have had such flammable curtains.
Drugs: Nope
Alcohol: When it comes between having coin for a smith to hammer dents out of his armor or a bottle of dwarven spirits, well, lets just say his armor looks fabulous.
RP Hooks ––– –
“For Aedirn! For the North!” - Having traveled the length of Aedirn, and more recently a majority of the north as a Hedge Knight there is a good chance he’ll have run into you, or you him, along the path, a roadside inn, or who knows where. The north is a land of chance encounters that lead to glorious adventures.
“Witcher, I got your back!” - Torben would jump to the aid of a Witcher in the wilds in a heartbeat. Was his help exactly asked for? Not explicitly, of course. Did he just get in the way and make their life harder? That is really dependent on one’s definition of ‘harder’.
“That’s my fucking hedge!” - He is a hedge knight after all. Traveling is what he does. Come up with a reason for him to be there, and he’ll be there!
Contact Information ––– –
Discord is preferred for RP, add me at: Slowpoke#9132
Tumblr or Docs works for RP as well, just let me know what you prefer!
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Designated healer anon: *disappointed unmauling*
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You're lucky there's a healer around.
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mitchipedia · 7 years
Trump Administration Considers Far-Reaching Steps for ‘Extreme Vetting’
Foreigners who want to visit the U.S., even for a short trip, could be forced to disclose contacts on their mobile phones, social-media passwords and financial records, and to answer probing questions about their ideology, according to Trump administration officials conducting a review of vetting procedures.
The administration also wants to subject more visa applicants to intense security reviews and have embassies spend more time interviewing each applicant. The changes could apply to people from all over the world, including allies like France and Germany.
This will be ineffective. Terrorists will just use burner phones, and lie.
Hell, decent American citizens will use burner phones, or wipe their phones before crossing the border and restore them from the cloud once done. Who wants a civil servant grubbing through their private files?
If the civil liberties issues don’t bug you, consider the economic cost. Already, foreign tourism is slowing. Soon, international companies will decide America is an unfriendly place for business and they’ll decide to go elsewhere. Not all of them, though – the companies that do business with the Trump family and their pals will find their executives get a fast lane through customs with phones unmauled.
[Laura Meckler/The Wall Street Journal].
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