#ch: cadence
rad-roche · 5 days
internet! i'm in the market for longform youtube videos to watch as i do the slightly less taxing but lengthy parts of drawing and painting. i'm up for pretty much anything, funny stuff, video essays, streamers. been having kind of a doll customising moment. my only caveat is, and i don't know what to call it specifically, i don't like... i guess youtube cadence? like, talking like a children's tv presenter. the video could be really interesting and informative, but i always feel so patronised that i click right off. anyway, if there's a youtube channel you're dying to talk about, i'm all ears
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artbyace · 4 months
started getting into reading fanfics again and yall i just have to say-
the cadence of part time poets is genuinely my favorite thing i’ve ever read. it’s funny, it’s witty, it’s heart warming and shattering, it’s complex and detailed but easy to read
the characterizations (especially remus and sirius) are my favorite ones i’ve ever seen; and the OCS!!!! omg!! so fucking good
if you’re looking for a long wolfstar fic to commit to, CHOSE THE CADENCE OF PART TIME POETS!!!
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devilsmenu · 2 years
@cquity continued from here​
"I'm so sorry for it. And I do believe it was an accident, I been through almost like the same thing, I was still a child. I was still a kid when my stepfather found out about my biological identity and him and my mom was arguing so much and I was getting desperate and that's how my powers manifested. My father wanted to make me forgot because he knew I was going to blame myself. Now I control my powers very well but I was still a kid. So, no, I don't think you're a monster".
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every-sakura · 10 months
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ripoffstar · 11 months
Phoenix Sonata: Good friends with Blake Winter
Phoenix Cadence: Is going to hit him with a steel chair
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your-bestamericangirl · 3 months
Midnight Love || ch. 1 - see you again
Paige Bueckers x Uconnwbb!reader
previous: 0. - Prologue || next: ch.2 - golden || masterlist
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now playing: See You Again (feat. Kali Uchis) by Tyler, the Creator
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Blue and white banners hung suspended above the rafters, swaying gently in the stillness of the arena. The court itself seemed to exude a sense of tranquillity, its polished surface bathed in the soft glow of overhead lights, casting a warm, inviting ambiance.
Rows upon rows of velvety blue seats remained unoccupied, a stark contrast to the usual fervour and excitement that filled the Harry A. Gamble Pavilion. The absence of fans and spectators lent an eerie calmness to the surroundings, amplifying the solitude that enveloped (Y/n) as she stepped onto the court.
Each footstep echoed softly against the freshly waxed surface, a rhythmic cadence that reverberated throughout the empty arena. The sound of the ball meeting the hardwood floor was met with a quiet hush, punctuated only by the gentle chirp of rubber soles and the faint echo of dribbles bouncing off the walls.
For (Y/n), this moment of solitude offered a brief respite from the chaos of the outside world. It was a fleeting oasis of calm amidst the storm, a sanctuary where she could center herself and focus on the task at hand.
As she stood poised at the top of the three-point line, (Y/n)'s gaze swept across the empty expanse of the court. The swift whip of the net against the basketball's leather was a sound she had yearned for since her arrival, a sweet symphony that echoed throughout the stadium.
This was the closest to comfortable (Y/n) would get in a while. 
Home court at last.
A soft smile found its way onto her face. She would be great. She would work hard to be the best. After her season here at UConn, no one would be able to question her hard work ever again.
Suddenly, the tranquillity was shattered by the distant sound of voices drifting from the tunnel entrance. (Y/n)'s attention was drawn to the source of the disturbance, her curiosity piqued by the conversation unfolding beyond her line of sight.
“Come on, what competition would there even be?" The question itself radiated confidence, if not a hint of genuine disbelief. As for the speaker, their voice drifted from the tunnel entrance, unaware of (Y/n)'s presence on the court. Those words hung in the air like a casual assertion of superiority.
 “Paige, are you actually dumb? National defensive player of the year isn’t something they just throw around to whoever you know.”
“Nah, it’s fine. Out of the two of us, we both know who was first in the state in high school.”
As soon as those words made their way back to (Y/n) on the court a sickeningly sweet smile grew on her features out of irritation.
Who the hell does this girl think she is?
 (Y/n) knew exactly what they were talking about.
“Would you please shut up about that?” There was the other voice again, (Y/n) was already respecting them more and more. 
(Y/n) could feel the pettiness that radiated from the answer to the question.
The sound of the shot that dropped from the net to the floor echoed throughout the stadium. As the ball rolled back to (Y/n), the silence was deafening. (Y/n) stood poised at the top of the three-point line, and just as Paige Bueckers walked in, she witnessed her topic of conversation make a flawless shot.
(Y/n)'s gaze shifted to the entrance, where the voices discussing her basketball history had originated. Standing there were Paige Bueckers, Aaliyah Edwards, and Nika Muhl.
With the situation unfolding rapidly, (Y/n) felt conflicted about how she should handle it. However, before she could gather her thoughts, Paige took the initiative.
"Nice shot, (L/n). Keep it up," Paige's voice rang out. The words might have been flattering if they hadn't been tinged with a hint of condescension, delivered by the blue-eyed blonde.
“Aw,” (Y/n) summoned her fakest smile, accompanied by a hint of sarcastic gratitude. “Thanks, that means so much coming from you.”
At that moment, (Y/n) caught a subtle scoff from the blonde, her ears picking up on the slight disdain in Paige's tone. With a wry tilt on her lips, (Y/n) shifted her attention to the two other girls beside Paige, who were sharing amused glances at the exchange unfolding before them.
“Play nice,” Nika laughed, nudging Paige from the side, prompting a playful eye roll from the blonde in response.
The contrast in (Y/n)'s demeanour as she shifted her gaze from Paige to Nika and Aaliyah was striking. It was as if she had undergone a complete transformation right before their eyes. A bright smile graced (Y/n)'s lips, her eyes softening with warmth as she basked in the attention of the two players. If anyone noticed this change in her demeanour, they made no comment. However, Paige couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as she realized that (Y/n)'s smile was directed towards Nika and Aaliyah instead of herself. That’s how it always was.
Now up close, (Y/n) felt pressured to try to stand a little taller. Standing at just 5'4", (Y/n) was well aware that she was one of the shortest point guards in the nation. However, she refused to let her height define her or serve as an excuse for her abilities. Still, she couldn't ignore the times when people had underestimated her because of her stature. It seemed that no matter how qualified she was, she would always be judged based on her appearance.
“It’s nice to officially meet you as a teammate. I’m Nika,” Nika's smile was inviting, her eyes warm and welcoming. (Y/n) couldn’t help but relax at the genuine warmth in Nika's introduction.
“Can’t wait for the season; your games have been crazy,” spoke Aaliyah, her tone sincere and keen. (Y/n) felt a swell of happiness that people were as hopeful as she was.
“Likewise,” she responded, a soft smile forming on her lips.
As (Y/n), Nika and Aaliyah continued their conversation, Paige observed from the periphery, her gaze flitting between them and her new teammate. A twinge of jealousy tugged at her, watching (Y/n) effortlessly connect with Nika and Aaliyah.
Eventually, curiosity won out, and Paige mustered a tentative smile as she approached (Y/n). "Hey," she greeted, her tone guarded but hinting at something softer beneath the surface.
(Y/n)'s unreadable expression shifted as their eyes met, a momentary tension hanging between them, heavy with the weight of their shared history. Unexpectedly, (Y/n)'s features softened, a faint smile gracing her lips as she returned the greeting with surprising gentleness.
As Nika and Aaliyah excused themselves to shoot around, (Y/n) took the chance to grab water and settle on the bench, needing a moment to collect herself. Paige hesitated nearby, torn between joining her teammates or staying with (Y/n).
In the end, Paige chose the latter, seating herself beside (Y/n) with a tentative smile that did little to mask the unspoken tension between them. For a moment, silence lingered, the air thick with unresolved emotions.
Sensing the need to break the ice, Paige cleared her throat, her voice soft but determined. "So, uh... How's it been going for you?" she ventured, her gaze fixed on (Y/n).
Surprised yet grateful for the attempt at conversation, (Y/n) met Paige's gaze, her tone cautious yet hopeful as she replied, "It's been... good. Excited for the season, you know?"
Paige nodded in understanding, a small smile playing at her lips as she acknowledged (Y/n)'s response before turning her gaze back to the court ahead.
US Weekly - Reunion Sparks Rumors: (Y/n) (L/n) and Paige Bueckers Team Up Again at UConn
Basketball fans are abuzz with excitement as former teammates (Y/n) (L/n) and Paige Bueckers reunite on the UConn team, marking their first collaboration since their time on the USA U19 team.
The dynamic duo, known for their exceptional chemistry on the court, previously showcased their talents together during the U19 tournament, leaving a lasting impression on fans and teammates alike.
Now, with their reunion at UConn, rumours have begun swirling about the possibility of their partnership extending beyond the basketball court. Fans are eagerly watching for any signs of the close bond that once captivated audiences during their time on the national team.
As (L/n) and Bueckers take to the court together once again, supporters can't help but wonder if their undeniable connection will reignite, sparking rumours of romance and camaraderie both on and off the court.
While the truth behind their relationship remains a mystery, one thing is certain: the reunion of (Y/n) (L/n) and Paige Bueckers at UConn promises to be a thrilling chapter in their basketball journey, one that fans will be watching closely.
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a/n: okayyy first chapterrr! sorta short but i wanted to get something out quick because so many people liked the prologue. let me know if i should make a taglist or a masterlist or something i've never done this type of thing before. Any comments are welcome or tips for the plot or writing, thanks for reading!!
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mariasont · 3 months
Our Minds Entwined-----------------------
ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5, ch 6, ch 7, ch 8, ch 9, ch 10, ch 11, ch 12
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pairings: aaron hotchner x oc x spencer reid
summary: in which jason gideon's daughter joins the fbi as the newest, youngest member
warnings: mentions of wet dream, fantasying of 2 guys, oral f receiving, praise, probably more im not sure
A/N: hope you beautiful humans enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing it <3
also requests are still open for aaron hotchner and spencer reid & i would love love to write more so shoot me something :)
haappppy readingggg!
chapter eleven:
With a weary slump of her shoulders, Evelyn followed in Hotch's wake, her feet dragging the ground as though shacked by invisible weights. Her eyelids were heavy, drooping in a slow cadence, fighting the lull of sleep that beckoned with each laboring blink. Her lips parted in a slow, drawn-out motion that mirrored the sluggishness of her body. The latte sat in her hand, a supposed ally against the drowsiness, but her yawns betrayed its ineffectiveness as her eyes grew heavier still. The trip had been a marathon of activity--packing, the airport, the plane--all leading to a touchdown in Somerville just as the sun began to rise.
On the way over, Hotch had briefed her on the details of the case. A couple weeks ago, a polyamorous couple--two older men, and their shared partner, a younger woman--were found dead. Then, two days ago another household with the same victimology were killed. The coincidence wasn't lost on Evelyn as her mind wandered to that god forsaken dream that had haunted her since.
And on top of that, throughout the trip, Hotch's silence was a wall between them, broken only by the case details. Despite herself, Evelyn tried to profile him knowing it was wrong. Evelyn replayed the hot tub scene in her mind, a pang of guilt twisting in her gut. She couldn't shake the feeling that she'd crossed a line, even if it was unintentional... right? Her head was a battlefield of jumbled thoughts and creeping doubts, all clamoring for attention. She blamed the fog in her brain on the lack of sleep.
 Evelyn, under the weight of Hotch's intent gaze, gave way to a yawn so extravagantly drawn out it seemed less a sign of fatigue and more a playful challenge to his enduring patience.
"Stop staring; it's too early for judgment," Evelyn murmured, her eyes slits of defiance as she ambled after him towards the station. "This is just my face before the caffeine kicks in. It gets better, I promise."
Hotch offered no reply, merely casting a glance over his shoulder at her. The warmth of their close encounter in the hot tub enveloped his thoughts, an unwelcome yet intoxicating recollection. He wrestled with the memory, a guilty pleasure, even as he held the door open for her. Yet, he steeled himself, shoving those dangerous reflections to the back of his mind, all too conscious of the professional boundaries that he dared not to cross.
"Okay, Hotch, I get it, we can't all be as chatty as me with zero sleep. But come on, give me a smile, or at least a grunt," Evelyn coaxed, her laughter not quite reaching her eyes. "Anything to show you're still with us."
There was a pause, a look from Hotch that cut through her words, heavy with unvoiced thoughts, before he turned and walked away, his back a silent command to keep up. Evelyn's expression dimmed, her lips curving into a faint frown as she trailed behind him. The team's warm welcomes echoed around them as they entered the conference room. Evelyn's smile spread across her face, skillfully painted on to mask the twinge of disappointment that Hotch had left.
The moment Spencer's eyes found Evelyn, a soft blush bloomed across her face, and she offered him a smile tinged with complicity, which he mirrored back, a small but significant lift to her mood. The brief contact of Spencer's hand grazing her shoulder as she passed was enough to deepen the shade on her cheeks as she fought to maintain composure. 
"How was Miami hot stuff?" Morgan questioned, as his arm sling around her shoulder with a teasing squeeze.
"Hot," Evelyn declared, her hand theatrically waving in front of her face in a mock fan, while her elbow lightly collided with Morgan's side. "Nearly had me seeing stars. Poor Hotch was this close to performing CPR," she said, her words a deliberate prod as her eyes sought out Hotch's, hoping for any form of reaction.
"I'd say it was less about the heat and more about you neglecting to eat properly," Hotch commented dryly, his words carrying a hint of reprimand, but hey at least he was talking.
"Well, we really shouldn't dwell on the past," Evelyn said with a dismissive wave of her hand.
"Speaking of meals," JJ added, sliding a blueberry muffin towards her with a knowing smile. 
"You're a saint, JJ," Evelyn said, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the food. "I'm this close to giving you a thank-you kiss."
"As tempting as that sounds, you can actually thank Hotch for this one," JJ laughed as she nudged her. "He made it clear--no breakfast for you means a mountain of paperwork duties for us."
Evelyn's tension eased a fraction as she shot Hotch a teasing smile, her heart fluttering at the gesture. "Well, sir, rest assured, I strictly adhere to the 'no kissing the boss' clause. It's somewhere in the fine print, right?"
Evelyn's cheeks took a shade of pink at her own words, hanging in the air, laden with the what-ifs she couldn't quite push aside. Hotch's eyes, sharp and discerning, momentarily betrayed him, darting to her lips before he caught himself.
"Agent," he cautioned, his voice low but clear. Evelyn quickly raised her hands, a silent truce, as Hotch redirected his attention to the team. "What do we have?"
"At this rate, they'll be naming the next HR workshop after you," Morgan murmured, barely containing his amusement. 
"What if the unsub is part of a group like this themselves and feels wronged by it?" Rossi muses out loud, his fingers tracing thoughtful patterns against the stubble of his chin as he stands, back pressed against the brick wall.
Reid paced slowly around the table, his fingertips grazing a file as he passed. "It's possible," he began, his voice a soft murmur, eyes narrowing slightly. "The specific targeting and overkill suggest a perceived slight or trauma associated with such relationships."
Prentiss gave a firm nod. "Let's not rule out the possibility of the unsub viewing these groups as a threat to their moral or social beliefs."
"The female-centric dynamic could be important too," Evelyn tossed out, her steps halting beside the pictures of the victims.
As she pondered aloud Spencer found himself focuses intently on her face, her nose scrunching ever so slightly in thought--a gesture that drew a fleeting smile from him as he cast his gaze downwards in hopes no one else noticed how he looked at her. 
"Maybe the unsub feels wronged by the idea of a woman being the main focus? Or it could be jealously. Someone who wanted into a group like this but was rejected," Evelyn continued. 
"Or the opposite," Hotch contemplates, his brow furrowed in thought. "Someone who was in a group and cast out." He pauses, hands clasped as he leaned forward. "Let's dig into the background of the victims and see if there's a common thread."
The conference room was steeped in the day's fatigue, the air heavy with the tang of frustration and the stale scent of coffee. The team had returned from their respective tasks--interviews, crime scenes, and calls--all roads leading to dead ends. 
The room's stillness is shattered by Garcia's voice emanating from the screen. "I've got something," she declares, the pixelated glow casting an ethereal light in the dim room. "Both triads belonged to an ultra-elite society known as 'The Labyrinth.' It's like Fort Knox meets Fight club--no one talks about it, and no one gets in without an invite. I mean, you don't even want to know the lengths I went to find this in the first place."
"I mean, if the society is as exclusive as P says," Evelyn begins, her hand sweeping through her hair in a fluid motion. "Then the unsub is likely also part of it or they have resources that could get them information on it."
Garcia's voice bursts through the speaker. "Prepare to be dazzled," she trills, the clatter of her keystrokes punctuating her excitement. "The Labyrinth is rolling out the red carpet for a gala tomorrow night at the old Whitmore Estate. And you, my darlings, are virtually invited to the ball."
Morgan hunches over the table. "So, we need a cover," he states, "We can't just show up at the doorstep and demand to look around; it'll spook the unsub."
"Evelyn and Reid could blend in," Prentiss nods. "They fit the profile of two of the victims. Maybe they can draw the unsub out." Evelyn's eyes widen as she glances towards Spencer.
JJ chimes in, "And maybe Morgan could--"
But Rossi interrupts, shaking his head. "No, the second male victim's profile is different--older, more experienced. It's more Hotch's profile."
A crease forms between Hotch's eyes, a shadow of concern etching his features as his protective instincts surge to the forefront, coupling with a deep-seated unease about the unfolding plan. A delicate warmth crept up Evelyn's cheeks, her pulse quickening at the thought. The idea of going undercover with Hotch and Reid, a scenario plucked straight from her wet dream, sends a shiver down her spine and her thoughts into a tailspin. She opens her mouth, to joke it off, but it dissolves into a muddled string of half-formed words, leaving her with a bashful silence.
Hotch's words falter, a rare hesitation flickering across his usually impassive features. "I'm not sure if this is the best course of action--," 
Emily interjected swiftly, her words slicing through Hotch's protest. "Hotch, we may not get another shot at this. Using you three as bait isn't ideal, but it might be the only way to corner our unsub."
Hotch's eyes settle on Spencer, who gives a firm nod. His gaze than shifts to Evelyn, and though he resists the urge to analyze, the rosy flush of her skin and the accelerated pace of her breath betray her feelings. It's a jarring contrast to the professional distance he's been striving for. Hotch's nod was there, almost imperceptible, but the frown that follows is deeply etched, a clear sign of his disapproval despite his acceptable. 
The room hums with a focused energy as the team pores over digital and paper archives alike, each article detailed events like this and of the couples who frequent. Garcia curates a comprehensive collection of profiles detailing the Labyrinth and its attendees, while JJ and Morgan sift through social media for the gala's guest list. In a corner, Spencer and Rossi huddled over a cluttered desk examining the blueprint of the Whitmore Estate.
Meanwhile, in a makeshift office provided by the local police chief, Hotch and Evelyn are deep in study. The walls, now a gallery of whiteboards, are dense with the scribbled complexities of polyamorous relationships and the backgrounds of the victims.
"I've come across open relationships in case studies, but an entire society? That's a statistical outlier if I ever heard one--Spence would have a field day with those odds." Evelyn says with a soft shake of her head.
A faint arch forms in Hotch's brow, a muted signal of surprise to the informal reference of Reid. Catching the lift of Hotch's brow, Evelyn quickly adds, "You know, Hotch, the silent treatment isn't going to work when we're undercover," she started with a tilt of her head. "You've going to have to convince everyone we're together soon, remember? So, you might want to start practicing liking me now."
"I'm not giving you the silent treatment, Evelyn." Hotch remarks, his countenance flat, eyes reflecting any readability. 
"Sure, if you say so," Evelyn replied, her eyes thin slits of skepticism. "But if you're not up for this, Rossi could step in. We need to be believable, or people could get hurt."
"That's not going to happen," Hotch assets, his gaze unwavering, the firm set of his jaw sending a flutter to Evelyn's core. "I've played the part before; I can do it again."
"Then what are you so worried about?"
"I just want you to remember boundaries, Evelyn." Hotch reminds. "The seriousness of this cannot be understated, and I need to know your focus will be on the right aspects of the plan."
Hotch could see the subtle crumble of her face, the faint twitch of hurt that flickered across her features. She masked it swiftly, her voice laced with feigned indifference. "Understood. I'll try to keep my inevitable swooning over your pretend affections to a minimum, sir." The lightness of her words contrasted sharply with the hurt in her eyes, and Hotch felt an immediate ache in his stomach for causing it.
"Evelyn, that's not--" Hotch's voice trailed off, the hardness in his eyes giving way to a rare vulnerability. His fingers twitched with the need to reach out, to smooth away the creases of pain from her expression, but the opportunity slipped away as Rossi emerged at the door.
"Hotch, can I see you for a second?" he asked, gesturing subtly with his head.
Hotch offered a silent nod, his gaze holding Evelyn's for a moment longer than necessary, his eyes etching a mental image of her--the tilt of her head, the unresolved tension in her shoulders, before he reluctantly turned to follow Rossi. Spencer, shadowing Rossi's steps, pauses at the threshold, his gaze fixed on the departing figures. With a soft click of the door closing, he turns, the hush of the room settling around him as he turns to Evelyn.
He steps behind her, his hands coming to rest gently upon her shoulders. Evelyn tips her head back, her eyes lifting to meet his. "You okay?" he asks, his voice low and soothing.
Evelyn's laughter bubbled up, slicing through the heavy air. "Had a moment with Hotch. Pretty sure he was subtly hinting that I keep my feelings in check as if I'm incapable of that."
Spencer's lips curled into a half-smile, amusement flickering in his eyes. "Hotch tends to get a bit tense with these high-stakes operations," he reasoned, his thumbs tracing soothing circles on her shoulders, easing the knots. 
Evelyn melts into the warmth of his hands. "That feels good," she sighs, her head gently reclining in contentment. "And tell me about. I'm the one who's going to be all up on my boss and coworker. Talk about awkward."
The thought of sharing Evelyn with Hotch sent an unbidden rush of blood straight to his cock, a visceral response that caught him off caught. He clears his throat, a subtle cover for the fleeting thought that, perhaps, the idea isn't as disconcerting as it should be.
"At least with you I don't have to pretend."
"I don't know, I think additional practice might be beneficial." Reid says, his fingers edging closer to the delicate skin of Evelyn's neck, prompting an involuntary hitch in her breath. "My room tonight? Purely for preparation purposes, of course."
"Dr. Reid, w-what are you suggesting?" Evelyn managed to tease out, despite the gentle pressure of his hand on her pulse point making her senses swim and her focus waver.
He leaned in, his head tilting to plant a gentle kiss in the hollow of her neck. "You're smart enough to deduce it," he murmured softly against her skin, the words almost a sigh, "missed you."
A giggle escaped Evelyn, and she nimbly evaded his grasp. "Spencer, we're practically inviting an audience at this rate."
"Which is precisely why I'm saving it for later, just wanted you to give you a preview, sweetheart."
The remainder of the day unfolded without incident, with Evelyn buried under a towering pile of research papers, its weight causing a dull throb behind her eyes. Every detail was meticulously arranged for tomorrow--the tickets secured, the outfits chose, the escape routes mapped. However, no degree of preparation could quell the fluttering feeling in the pit of her stomach. This is precisely what led Evelyn to Spencer's hotel door, perched anxiously, her knocks rapid and insistent, her gaze sweeping the corridor for onlookers.
The door finally creaked open, and Evelyn breezed inside, her voice a soft tease, "Took you long enough." Spencer, with a quick glance over his shoulder, closed the door with a silent snap.
Spencer's laughter echoed through the room, a carefree sound that made Evelyn pause. "Sorry, I was in the shower," he said, a sheepish grin on his face. 
It was then that Evelyn really looked at him--his hair damp and tousled, clinging to his forehead, chest bare, skin dotted with water beads that caught the light, the soft material of his pajama pants hanging from his hips. Her eyes lingered, almost hypnotized by the sight, and rendered mute. 
Evelyn's lips parted, ready to unleash a clever comeback, yet only a soft, airy giggle escaped. Without thinking, her arms encircled him, her heart thudding erratically from the sheer nearness of him.
His fingers tenderly framed her face, his laughter a comforting hum. "Evelyn, you're going to get all wet," he teased, thumb softly grazing her cheek.
"That's what I'm counting on," Evelyn replies, a coy smile on her lips as she lets her hands wander down his chest, her fingers flirting with the edge of his pants. "I believe I was promise there would be a rehearsal on the agenda this evening."
"Mmm, is that what you want baby?" He questioned teasingly, his hand guiding her gaze to his with a soft tug at her locks. "Be the good girl I know you are, get undressed, and get on the bed."
Evelyn's eyes sparkled with anticipation, her feet barely touching the ground as she hurried to the bed. Her gaze locked with his and with deliberate care, she pinched the hem of her shirt, swiftly gathering the fabric and sending is flying across the room in a fluid motion before she attended to her pants. His eyes followed her every move as he inhaled a sharp breath, his thumb brushing against his bottom lip. Her gaze followed down to his pajama pants and the tent that was growing within them, excitement growing in her chest. 
She carefully turned her back towards him as she hooked her thumbs around her pants and underwear letting them drop to the floor. She crawled on to the bed, arching her back in an exaggerated motion, giving Spencer a full glance at her glistening pussy. She turned quickly, resting on her elbows as she smiled sweetly at Spence who was all but drooling at the sight.
"You're so good sweetheart," Spencer exhaled, each step towards the bed measured, the corners of his mouth lifting at her eagerness, "so pretty."
Evelyn's legs instinctively clasped together in a silent plea for relief as a wave of warmth surged through her cheeks and pussy.
"Take this off, baby," Spencer commanded, the sound of his tongue clicking in disapproval as his fingers drummed a soft rhythm against the material of her bra, "Wanna see all of my beautiful girl."
She quickly complied, sitting up just enough to unclasp the pesky thing. His large hands splayed over the expanse of her thighs, coaxing them open as he settled between them, his gaze penetrating as her tits bounced out of the cups of the bra. "God, you're so pretty sweetheart."
A soft moan escaped Evelyn's lips as she squirmed on the mattress, "Spencer, need you."
Spencer let out a soft chuckle, his hand moving closer to her heat, fingers tracing back and forth in a tantalizing motion. "Gonna take such good care of you baby."
His thumb began to rub slow circles on her swollen clit, Evelyn's breath hitched, her hands frantically searching for something to grasp on to, landing on his wet curls. He teased her slowly, his fingers moving across her soaked folds. Evelyn felt as though she could see stars as she watched Spencer begin to plant soft kisses up her thighs, getting closer and closer to where she wanted him. 
She jutted her hips off the mattress, her fingers curling around his hair as if to move him towards her throbbing cunt. "Evelyn, patience teaches us to regulate our emotions. Neurologically speaking, it's linked to serotonin levels in the brain, did you know that pretty girl?"
"Spencer, please, baby put that good mouth to use."
Spencer let out a soft laugh before placing his mouth to her clit, sucking as if it were his full-time job. The moan that released from her was loud and unrestrained, her body thrusting against his mouth. His tongue curled into her, eating her out like it was his last meal on earth.
"Need you to be quiet, baby. Hotch is on the other side of this wall, don't want him hearing you, do you?" Spencer asked, his voice muffled. "Or maybe you do? Is that what you want? You want Hotch to know how I treat this pussy?"
Evelyn's body trembled with pleasure, her hands grasping against the cool sheets as if to steady herself. His hands wrapped around her thighs, pulling her closer as if to suffocate himself between them. "I-I,"
His tongue lapped greedily through Evelyn's folds, her cunt trembling against the pressure as broken moans escaped her lips. He met her eyes, peering up from his position devouring her aching pussy. 
"Spencer I-oh, fuck, I'm so close," Evelyn moaned out, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she humped against his face, his nose brushing against her clit every so often. "I can't, I'm gonna-"
A knock at the door caused Spencer's motion to freeze, a panicked gasp releasing from Evelyn's lips as her orgasm dissipated into thin air.
"Reid, are you up?" Hotch's voice, firm and unexpected, pierced the silence. Evelyn's mind was a whirlwind of foggy thoughts, her body reacting before her brain could catch up. Beside her, Spencer's limbs flailed in a hasty attempt to feign alertness, both like deer caught in headlights.
"Oh my god," Evelyn hissed, her hands flying to shield herself. She leaped from the bed, her eyes darting desperately around the room for her scattered clothes.
"Just a second!" Spencer called to Hotch. Meanwhile, Evelyn snatched the nearest shirt, one of Spencer's and yanked it over her head. It was a clumsy dance, one that nearly ended with her sprawled on the floor, tripping over the bulky obstacle of his go-bag. "Get under the bed."
"Under the bed?" Evelyn's voice was a hushed blend of disbelief and urgency. Spencer returned her gaze with an unwavering stare. "God, you're lucky you're so good with that scholarly mouth of yours."
"Radio waves... they're the longest wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum," Spencer began, his voice a low hum as he paced the confines of the room. "First predicted by Maxwell in 1864," he continued, more to himself than to Evelyn. Her brow furrowed in confusion. "And they--"
He was cut off as Evelyn interjected. "Spencer, why are you giving me a physics lesson right now?"
"I'm trying to, uh... calm down."
Evelyn's gaze traced the path of Spencer's, her eyes light up at the sight of the tent still evident in his pants. A soft giggle escaped her lips, a delicate sound in the quiet room. Their eyes met once more, and she exhaled a prolonged, "Oh," the syllable stretching out as brought a hand to her mouth.
"Just get under the bed."
Evelyn's laughter was a soft echo, quickly muffled as she deftly maneuvered herself under the bed. Her breath caught in her throat, the only sound the creak of the door swinging open.
Spencer was met by Hotch, his figure framed by the hallway's dim light. "Reid, can I come in?"
With a subtle clearing of his throat, Spencer managed a casual tone, "Uh, yeah, sure, of course."
He swung the door fully open, his expression carefully schooled into one of practiced composure. Hotch stepped over the threshold, his eyes sweeping over the room. Spencer's gaze flitted after his, a silent prayer of gratitude that the room bore no trace of Evelyn's clothes. 
"I just wanted to talk to you about tomorrow," Hotch stated, his voice betraying none of the scrutiny his eyes had just performed. 
"Sure, what's up?" Spencer asked, the words slightly pinched at the edges, his voice climbing a register.
Hotch's arms locked across his chest like a barrier. "This undercover operation is delicate, and we can't afford any... complications."
Spencer swallows hard, his eyes darting to the bed for a fleeting second. "Of course, I understand."
With a casual lean against the desk, Hotch's features relaxed just perceptibly. "I know you understand, but it's not just about the operation. It's about perception too. Evelyn's already under a bit of scrutiny."
An awkward cough escaped Spencer, a clumsy veil over the tension he felt, knowing well that Evelyn hung on every word. "Right," he responded, an unspoken understanding that they were discussing her father.
"Gideon set a high bar, and it's clear Evelyn is rising to meet it," Hotch begins, his voice steady, a tinge of pride in his tone. "She's carved out her own space on this team, a fact we all recognize. But rumors don't always favor the truth, and any suggestion of her involvement with another agent could be damaging..."
"There's nothing unprofessional going on, Hotch," Spencer quickly countered, his voice a swift defense. 
Hotch raised a hand, a gesture of pause and consideration. "I'm not accusing you of anything," he clarified, his voice firm yet fair. "I'm just asking you to exercise caution," he articulated. "For her sake. She has a bright future, and it shouldn't be jeopardized by baseless chatter."
Under the bed, Evelyn's brain was in overdrive, dissecting every word, her mouth suddenly dry. 
"I understand."
"Good," Hotch affirmed with a supportive squeeze on Spencer's shoulder. "Goodnight, Reid."
"Yeah, you too."
taglist: @aceofspades190 @nonamevenus @lukesaprince @doigettokeepyou @tequilya @carley12041 @satellitelh @greatdinosaursalad @malewife-cas
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theetherealbloom · 2 months
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Chapter 3: ​​Dutiful Daughter, All My Plans Were Laid
Summary: After harboring a crush on your dad's charming best friend, Joel Miller, you graduate college only to be confused by something he supposedly said to you, but then he and his daughter Sarah, reluctantly move away due to his work. Six months later, Joel returns to town, and you're desperate to confirm if his words were real. Both you and your dad eagerly await his arrival but for entirely different reasons. As feelings intensify, you realize that falling for him might not be temporary after all.
Paring: Dbf!Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst, AGE-GAP Romance, Reader is Early twenties and Joel is in his late 30s to early 40s, Secret Romance, Sneaking Around, FLUFF, LOTS OF SMUT, SMUT, SMUT, Heavy Make Out Session, Oral Fem Receiving, Kissing, Barely any plot, NOT A SLOW BURN AT ALL, Relationship, Swearing, Depression, Anxiety, Crying, Suggestive content, Flirting, Flattery, Awkward, Virgin reader, inexperienced reader, slightly Self Deprecating, Suggestive Content, Size Kink, Reader is “smaller” than Joel but no further descriptions, Breeding Kink, PWP (wrap it up), Body worship, declaring their love for each other, 
Word Count: 10k
A/N: THERE ARE SO MANY OF YOU… UHM, HI! We’re nearing the end of the mini-series. I believe I have one or two more chapters to write and then we’ll have the epilogue. Thank you for all the comments, reblogs and likes! I look forward to reading all the feedback from ya’ll, it really does give me the motivation to write. Thank you all again!!! 🤍☺️
Side note: I’m dyslexic and English isn’t my first language! So I apologize in advance for the spelling and/or grammatical errors. As always, reblogs, comments, and likes are always appreciated. Thank you and happy reading!
Song: But Daddy I Love Him by Taylor Swift
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As you lay there, wrapped in Joel's arms, you can't help but steal a glance at the small alarm clock on the nightstand. The glowing numbers tell you that it's nearly 3am, and as much as you don't want to leave the warmth of his bed and his embrace, you know that you can't stay forever.
Your dad is expecting you for breakfast in just a few hours, and the thought of him having a heart attack if you don't show up is enough to make you sit up and take notice.
"I don't wanna leave," you murmur, your voice barely above a whisper as you snuggle closer to Joel, inhaling the intoxicating scent of his skin.
"I don't wanna let you go," Joel replies, his accent thick and heavy as he tightens his arms around you, pulling you closer still.
You can feel the heat of his body, the strength of his muscles, and the warmth of his embrace, and you know that you could stay there forever, wrapped up in him.
But reality calls, and you know that you can't ignore it forever.
"I wish we could stay like this forever," you say, your voice filled with longing and sadness.
"Me too, darlin'," Joel replies, his voice filled with emotion. "But we both know that we can't."
You nod, your heart heavy with the weight of the decision you both know you have to make.
"I guess I should get going," you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
"I guess you should," Joel replies, his voice filled with regret.
As you reluctantly pull away from Joel, he surprises you by gently tugging you back into his embrace, his lips seeking yours in a kiss that is both passionate and intense. The taste of him lingers on your lips, a bittersweet reminder of the connection you share.
With a soft sigh, you finally gather the strength to untangle yourself from his arms, a pang of longing tugging at your heart as you begin to get dressed. Joel watches you, his gaze filled with a mix of desire and tenderness, his southern drawl adding a soothing cadence to his words.
"Let me help you, darlin'," Joel offers, his voice warm and comforting as he assists you with your clothes, his touch gentle yet possessive. The intimacy of the moment lingers in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the bond you share.
Once you're dressed, Joel's arms wrap around you, holding you close as if reluctant to let you go. His embrace is both clingy and sweet, a silent plea for you to stay a little longer, to prolong the inevitable parting.
"I wish you didn't have to go," Joel murmurs, his voice filled with longing. "I could hold you like this forever."
You lean into his embrace, savoring the warmth and security he provides. "I wish I could stay too, Joel," you whisper, your voice filled with emotion. "But I have to go."
As you prepare to leave, Joel's gaze lingers on you, his eyes filled with a mixture of love and regret. He presses a soft kiss to your forehead, a silent promise of his affection and devotion.
"I'll be counting the minutes until I can see you again," Joel says, his voice filled with sincerity. "You mean everything to me, darlin'."
As you step out onto Joel's front porch, the cool night air brushes against your skin, a stark contrast to the warmth of his embrace. You take a deep breath, savoring the scent of the night, your heart heavy with the weight of your decision to leave.
You make your way quietly and quickly to the back of your house, tiptoeing through the darkness, your mind filled with thoughts of Joel and the intense connection you share. As you slip back into your bedroom, you can't help but feel a sense of bliss and excitement, knowing that you'll see Joel again in just a few short hours.
The anticipation builds within you, a simmering heat that courses through your veins, fueled by the memories of your time together. You can't wait to feel his touch again, to lose yourself in the passion and intensity of your connection.
As you lay in bed, your mind drifts to thoughts of Joel, his drawl echoing in your mind, his words of love and devotion filling your heart with warmth and joy. You know that what you have together is special, a bond that goes beyond mere physical attraction.
You close your eyes, drifting off to sleep with a smile on your face, your dreams filled with the promise of a future filled with passion and love.
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As the morning sunlight streams through your window, you wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, the memories of the previous night still fresh in your mind. You can't wait to see Joel again, to feel his arms around you, to lose yourself in the intensity of your connection.
With a sense of excitement and anticipation, you get ready for the day, your heart filled with hope and joy, knowing that you have found something truly special in Joel.
You make your way downstairs to find your dad had gotten up extra early today. He glances at you and asks, "Well, someone's happy this morning. Did you sleep well honey?"
"Huh, what? Oh... yeah, I was pretty tired from yesterday so I just kinda passed out," you say, trying to be nonchalant. But you can see your dad give you a suspicious look before taking a long sip of his coffee.
"So... you and Joel..." Your dad begins, and you feel blood rushing into your ears, making you feel dizzy.
You raise your eyebrows at your dad, waiting for him to continue.
He clears his throat and says, "You gonna go with him to pick up Sarah later?"
You nod and smile at the mention of Sarah, "Mhm! I'll text you when we're leaving."
"Alright then, just..." Before your dad could finish that sentence, the doorbell rings, and you watch as your dad moves to the front door. When he opens it, Joel is standing there in a grey tee and those tight jeans with his hands in his pockets.
Your heart skips a beat as you take in the sight of him. "Fuck. He looks so good," you think to yourself, your body responding to his presence in a way that you can't control.
"Hey there, darlin'," Joel says, his deep Southern accent sending shivers down your spine.
"Hey," you reply, your voice barely above a whisper as you take in the sight of him standing on your doorstep.
Your dad has his eyes narrowed between the two of you, before saying, "Be sure to tell Sarah hi for me, I'll be going now."
You and Joel say goodbye, and watch as your dad hops into his car and drives off to work, leaving you alone with Joel.
"I missed you," Joel says, pulling you into a tight embrace.
You melt into his arms, feeling the warmth and strength of his body against yours.
"I missed you too," you reply, your voice filled with longing.
As you pull away, Joel's gaze lingers on you, his eyes filled with desire and affection.
"Let's go pick up Sarah," he says, his voice filled with excitement.
You nod, your heart racing with anticipation as you make your way to the car. The feeling of gratitude for the connection you share with Joel washes over you, knowing that it's something truly special and rare.
As you approach the car, Joel grabs the keys from your hand and gives your ass a playful smack, causing you to jolt in surprise.
"Hey!" you exclaim, looking at him with mock indignation.
Joel's smoldering gaze meets yours, filled with a mischievous glint that makes your heart race.
"Darlin', you just sit back and relax," he drawls in that deliciously Southern accent of his, sending a shiver down your spine. "I'm in charge of the driving, and you're in charge of lookin' like a damn goddess."
You can't help but smile at his playful banter, feeling your heart flutter with excitement as you slide into the passenger seat. Joel's eyes follow your every move, and you can't help but feel a little self-conscious under his intense gaze.
As he starts the car, you can't help but feel a sense of contentment and happiness wash over you. The connection you share with him is electric, a magnetic pull that draws you in and makes you feel alive.
With one hand on the steering wheel, Joel reaches out to place his other hand on your thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. You let out a soft moan, biting your lip as you feel a spark of desire ignite within you.
"You like that, don't you?" Joel murmurs, his voice low and husky. "You like when I touch you like this."
You nod, unable to find the words to respond. Joel's touch is intoxicating, making you feel dizzy with desire.
"Good," he says, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "Because I love touching you, feeling your body respond to my touch. You're mine, and I'm never letting you go."
You lean back in your seat, feeling a sense of contentment and happiness wash over you as Joel's words of love and affection fill your ears.
"So... darlin'... how'd you feel about tellin' Sarah about us?" Joel asks, his Southern accent sending shivers down your spine as he rubs his thumb gently on your thigh.
You play the thought through your mind, considering the implications of sharing your relationship with Sarah.
"You want her to know?" you ask, looking at him with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.
Joel nods, his eyes filled with warmth and affection. "Of course, darlin'. Do you?"
You take a deep breath, thinking it over. "Will she be okay with it?"
Joel smiles, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "With you and I? Yeah. To be honest... I talk about you to her... a lot."
Your heart skips a beat at the thought of Joel sharing his feelings for you with Sarah. "Really?"
Joel nods, his thumb still tracing lazy circles on your thigh. "Yeah, darlin'. I can't help it. I'm crazy about you."
You can't help but smile at his words, feeling a sense of belonging and love that you've never experienced before.
"Okay," you say, your voice barely above a whisper. "Let's tell her."
Joel's face lights up, his eyes shining with happiness. "Really?"
You nod, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation wash over you. "Yeah. I want to share this with her. I want her to know how much you mean to me."
Joel leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to your hand. "Thank you, darlin'. I promise you won't regret it."
As you and Joel make your way to the parking lot of the airport, the anticipation of reuniting with Sarah and Tommy fills the air with excitement. The energy between you and Joel crackles with anticipation as you head towards the arrivals area, scanning the crowd for their familiar faces.
And then, there they are. Sarah and Tommy, standing out in the crowd like beacons of joy. You can't contain your excitement and start waving your arms wildly, practically bouncing up and down with anticipation.
Sarah's eyes light up as she spots you, and she breaks into a wide grin, her steps quickening as she rushes towards you and Joel. Tommy follows closely behind, a smile playing on his lips as he takes in the scene before him.
"Hey, you guys!" Sarah exclaims, throwing her arms around you in a tight hug, her excitement contagious.
Sarah then turns to Joel, her eyes sparkling with joy as she throws her arms around his neck, embracing him with her whole body.
"Hi dad," she says, her voice filled with warmth and affection.
Joel's face lights up at the sight of his daughter, and he wraps his arms around her, pulling her in for a tight hug.
"I missed you too, baby girl," he says, his voice filled with warmth and affection.
He presses a gentle kiss to her forehead, his love for her radiating off of him in waves.
You watch the exchange between Joel and Sarah, feeling a sense of warmth and happiness wash over you. The bond between father and daughter is something special, a testament to the love they share.
Your gaze shifts to Tommy, and you make your way over to him, a friendly smile on your face. You wrap your arms around him in a warm embrace, feeling the strength and warmth of his body against yours.
"Hey there, it's good to see you!" you exclaim, your voice filled with genuine warmth and affection.
Tommy returns your embrace, his arms tightening around you for a moment before releasing you.
"Hey, it's good to see you too!" he replies, his voice filled with genuine warmth.
You take a step back, your hands still resting on his shoulders. "So, how was the flight?" you ask, your curiosity piqued.
Tommy shrugs, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Oh, you know, the usual. Turbulence, crying babies, and the occasional snoring passenger."
You laugh, the sound rich and full. "Sounds like a blast," you say, your voice filled with sarcasm.
Tommy grins, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, it was. Trust me."
As you all make your way to the car, the banter and teasing flow freely, the shared history and inside jokes adding to the sense of closeness between you.
Joel takes the lead, helping Tommy load his and Sarah's suitcases into the trunk of your car. His strong arms lift the heavy bags with ease, his movements fluid and efficient.
Sarah watches him with a proud smile on her face, her eyes filled with admiration and love.
"Hey dad, can I sit up front with you?" she asks, her voice filled with excitement and hope.
Joel shakes his head, a gentle smile on his face. "Sorry, baby girl. It wouldn't be polite to do that since it's not my car."
Sarah pouts, her bottom lip sticking out in disappointment. "But I want to sit up front with you!"
Joel ruffles her hair affectionately. "I know, but we have to be polite. Maybe next time, okay?"
Sarah nods, her disappointment forgotten as quickly as it appeared. She climbs into the back seat, her eyes sparkling with excitement and joy.
Tommy follows suit, his movements easy and relaxed. He slides into the back seat next to Sarah, a friendly smile on his face.
As you all settle into your seats, the car is filled with laughter and chatter, the shared excitement of the journey ahead palpable in the air.
As Joel navigates the car out of the airport and onto the road leading back to his house, a sense of contentment washes over you. The familiar sights pass by outside the windows, the hum of the engine providing a soothing backdrop to the lively conversation inside.
You feel Joel's hand on your upper thigh, his touch warm and reassuring, a silent declaration of his affection for you. Your heart flutters at the intimate gesture, and you steal a glance at him, meeting his gaze with a shy smile.
In the rearview mirror, you catch Tommy raising his eyebrows playfully, a knowing look in his eyes. Sarah, oblivious to the silent exchange, gazes out the window, her expression one of wonder and excitement.
The dynamic in the car is one of comfort and familiarity, each person bringing their own energy to the mix. Joel's presence is a steady anchor, his touch a source of comfort and reassurance. Tommy's playful teasing adds a lightness to the atmosphere, while Sarah's infectious enthusiasm fills the space with joy.
Eventually, you arrive back at Joel's house, the journey from the airport filled with laughter and chatter. As you all step out of the car, you lend a hand to Joel and Tommy, helping them with the suitcases and other items as you all make your way into the house.
Tommy excuses himself to put away his things in the guestroom, while Sarah does the same in her new room. You take the opportunity to help Joel fix up a few snacks for Tommy and Sarah, the two of you working together with ease and familiarity.
As you put the finishing touches on the snacks, you feel Joel's arms wrap around your waist, pulling you close. His lips find your neck, peppering kisses along the sensitive skin as he inhales your scent.
You lean back into his embrace, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. The connection between you two is intense, a magnetic pull that draws you closer together.
As Tommy makes his way back into the living room, Joel releases you, a playful smile on his face.
"I see you two found each other," Tommy says with a wink, a teasing glint in his eye.
You feel your face heat up, but Joel just chuckles, his arm draped around your shoulders.
"Can't help it," Joel says with a shrug, his gaze lingering on you for a moment before turning back to Tommy.
Tommy raises an eyebrow, a teasing glint in his eye. "You gonna tell Sarah?" he asks, grabbing a potato chip from the ceramic bowl on the counter.
Joel nods, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, when she gets down here," he says, his voice filled with warmth and affection.
Just then, Sarah appears from around the corner, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I knew it! Finally! He's been talking about you non-stop and was an absolute grump for the past few months!" she exclaims, a wide grin spreading across her face.
You feel your cheeks flush at the mention of Joel's infatuation with you, but Sarah's excitement is infectious.
Joel chuckles, his arm draped around your shoulders. "I guess the cat's out of the bag now," he says, his gaze softening as he looks at you.
Sarah claps her hands together, her eyes shining with joy. "I'm so happy for you two!" she exclaims, pulling you into a tight hug.
Tommy joins in, a warm smile on his face. "Welcome to the family," he says, his voice filled with genuine warmth.
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You quickly send a message to your dad, updating him on your whereabouts and letting him know that you'll be having dinner with the Millers, and that he's welcome to join you all.
The rest of the evening is filled with laughter and conversation, the four of you sharing stories and memories as you get to know each other better.
As you were nearing finishing dinner, you hear a knock on Joel's front door, and he excuses himself to answer it. You continue to laugh loudly at Sarah's jokes while Tommy rolls his eyes playfully.
But then, you hear a familiar voice call out your name, and you find your dad standing by the entryway of the dining area. The room falls silent as all eyes turn to him.
"Hey Dad... we just had dinner. Do you want anything? I'm sure I can fix you up a plate," you say, standing up to greet him.
Your dad shakes his head. "No, just had dinner with some of the guys back at the shop. I wanted to say hi to Sarah and Tommy. Didn't think you'd still be here... thought you'd be home already," he says, giving you and Joel a pointed look.
Sarah, bless her heart, quickly jumps in to save the day. "Oh! That's my fault. I insisted she stay here for dinner since I missed her so much," she says, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
Your dad chuckles, his gaze softening as he looks at you. "Well, I'm glad you're having a good time. I'll let you all get back to it, just don’t be home too late," he says, giving you a quick hug before turning to leave.
As the door closes behind your dad, a sense of calm settles over the room. You all let out a collective sigh of relief, the tension dissipating as you begin to help clear the table and clean up the dishes. You insist that Sarah and Tommy take a break and get some rest after the meal.
Just as you're elbow-deep in soapy water, scrubbing at a stubborn spot on a plate, you feel Joel's presence behind you. His strong arms wrap around your waist, pulling you gently away from the sink.
"I'll wash 'em, darlin'," he says, his voice soft and reassuring. "You can rest too. You've done so much already. I can take it from here."
You turn to face him, a grateful smile on your lips. "Are you sure? I don't mind helping," you say, your voice filled with appreciation for his thoughtfulness.
Joel's gaze meets yours, his eyes warm and filled with affection. "I'm sure. You've been a big help today. Let me take care of this," he says, his drawl adding a soothing cadence to his words.
"I'll help dry the dishes and put them away," you say, grabbing a towel from the drawer next to the sink.
Joel chuckles, his arms wrapping around your waist as he presses a gentle kiss to the side of your head. "Fine, darlin'," he says with a wink.
You bump your hip with his, a playful grin on your face. "Come on, slowpoke. Let's get these dishes done," you say, sticking your tongue out at him teasingly.
Joel laughs, the sound deep and rich. "Alright, alright. Let's get to work," he says, his arms still wrapped around you as you begin to dry the dishes together.
The warmth of Joel's body against yours, the sound of his laughter, and the easy banter between you creates a sense of comfort and familiarity that you cherish.
As you work together, the pile of dishes slowly dwindles, the kitchen gradually returning to its former state of cleanliness.
Finally, the last dish is dried and put away, and you turn to face Joel, a satisfied smile on your lips. "See, that wasn't so bad, was it?" you say, your voice filled with playful teasing.
Joel grins, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "No, darlin', it wasn't. But I think I'll let you do the dishes next time," he says, his arms still wrapped around you.
You laugh, the sound rich and full. "We'll see about that," you say, your voice filled with playful challenge.
You and Joel make your way back to the living room, the sound of laughter and chatter filling the air. Tommy and Sarah are settled on the couch, their attention focused on the TV as they watch some show they had found.
Sarah turns her head, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she tilts it at the two of you. "So... when are you gonna tell your dad?" she asks, her voice filled with playful teasing.
You glance at Joel, a mixture of emotions swirling in your chest. "I'm not sure... but hopefully... soon," you say, your voice filled with uncertainty.
Joel nods, his arm draped around your shoulders as he pulls you closer. "Yeah, we'll tell him when the time is right," he says, his voice filled with confidence and reassurance.
Tommy turns his head, a knowing look in his eyes as he takes in the exchange between you and Joel. "Well, whenever you're ready, we'll be here to support you," he says, his voice filled with warmth and affection.
Sarah nods, her eyes shining with excitement. "Yeah, we can't wait to see what the future holds for you two," she says, her voice filled with genuine happiness.
The room falls silent for a moment, the weight of the conversation settling over you all. But then, the sound of laughter and chatter fills the air once again, the tension dissipating as you all settle in to enjoy the rest of the evening together.
As you lean into Joel's embrace, his arm wrapped around you, you can't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over you. 
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"I had a lot of fun today," you say softly as Joel walks you back home, the short distance feeling longer with each step as a mix of excitement and nervousness swirls within you.
Joel's hands are tucked away in his jeans, a subtle restraint evident as he refrains from intertwining his fingers with yours, a silent acknowledgment of the need for caution in the presence of your father.
He hums in agreement, a small smile playing on his lips. "I did too," he replies, his voice warm and filled with affection.
You glance up at him, a hint of longing in your eyes. "Wish I could stay over tonight, but y'know... my dad," you sigh, the reality of the situation sinking in as you step onto the familiar steps of your front porch.
Joel nods, understanding the unspoken boundaries that need to be respected. "I get it. We'll have plenty of time for that," he says, his gaze lingering on you with a mix of desire and restraint.
You smile, your heart filled with gratitude. "Yeah, definitely. Thanks for walking me home," you say, your voice soft and sincere.
Joel leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "Anytime, darlin'," he murmurs, his deep baritone sending a shiver down your spine. "I've been meanin' to ask you... d'you mind comin' with me to grab a bite to eat and then head to the store to pick up a few more things for the house tomorrow?"
You nod, a smile spreading across your face. "Of course," you reply, your voice filled with eagerness. But then you remember, “You know what small towns are like. People talk.”
“I can’t guarantee anything,” Joel admits. “But we can only do our best to keep our hands off each other until it’s the right time to have everyone know. If you think that’s for the best,” he susgests, and only try to make you feel better.
You let out a small sigh and eventually nod and give him a small smile in agreement.
Joel's eyes sparkle with affection. "I'll see you soon, darlin'," he says, sweet as whiskey.
As you watch Joel's retreating figure, a smile tugs at the corners of your lips, a silent acknowledgment of the warmth and affection that fills your heart. Reluctantly, you turn and head back towards your house, the day's events still lingering in your mind.
The familiar surroundings of your home envelope you, the sound of the television filtering in from the living room. You pause in the entryway, taking a moment to gather your thoughts before making your way towards the comforting glow of the screen.
"Hey, Dad," you call out, your voice filled with a mix of nervousness and excitement.
Your father looks up from the television, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Hey, kiddo. How was your day?" he asks, his eyes filled with genuine interest.
"It was good," you reply, trying to sound casual. "I'm going with Joel tomorrow to help him pick up some stuff for his house."
Your father raises his eyebrows, a hint of a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Oh, alright. Sarah and Tommy coming too?"
You shake your head, feeling a slight flutter in your stomach. "I don't think so... I think they wanna fix their things and rest up a bit."
Your father nods, his gaze studying you for a moment, a hint of a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Just the two of you, huh?" he says, his voice laced with slight concern.
You feel your cheeks flush, but you hold your father's gaze, determined to be honest. "Yeah, just the two of us," you confirm, your voice soft but steady.
Your father leans back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Alright," he says, his voice calm and reassuring. "Just text me when you leave, okay?"
You nod, a grateful smile spreading across your face. "Thanks, Dad," you say, your voice filled with appreciation.
You feel a warmth spread through your chest, the weight of the day's events finally starting to catch up with you. "I'm gonna head to bed," you say, stifling a yawn. "I'm kinda exhausted."
Your father chuckles, the sound warm and familiar. "Get some rest, kiddo. You've got a big day ahead of you tomorrow," he says.
You nod, leaning in to give your father a quick hug. "Thanks, Dad. I love you," you murmur, your voice filled with emotion.
"Love you too, kiddo," he replies, his arms tightening around you for a moment before you pull away.
You tuck yourself into the cozy comfort of your bed, a big smile spreading across your face as you let out a contented sigh. 
As you settle into the familiar softness of your pillows, your mind can't help but wander to Joel. The thought of spending the day with him tomorrow fills you with a sense of giddiness and anticipation that you can't quite contain.
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You hum a soft, lilting melody to yourself as you move through your morning routine, the excitement for the day ahead bubbling within you. The sound of your father stirring in the kitchen reaches your ears, and you know he's likely headed out for an early shift at the shop.
After quickly whipping up a simple breakfast, you hear a familiar knock at the front door, and you can't help the grin that spreads across your face as you practically bound towards it.
Pulling the door open, your eyes are immediately drawn to the sight of Joel standing there, his tall frame leaning casually against the doorframe. His silver curls are neatly pushed back, and he's dressed in a different colored flannel than the one he wore the day before, paired with his well-worn jeans.
A smirk plays on his lips as he takes in the sight of you, his eyes sparkling with a mix of affection and mischief.
"Mornin', darlin'," he drawls, his deep voice sending a shiver down your spine.
"Hi," you breathe, suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious, yet unable to tear your gaze away from him.
Joel chuckles, the sound low and rich. "You ready to head out?" he asks, his arm reaching out to gently brush against yours.
You nod, your heart fluttering at his touch. "Just let me grab my bag," you say, turning to retrieve it from the nearby table.
As you turn back to face him, you catch a glimpse of your father in the kitchen, offering you a warm smile and a subtle nod of approval. The gesture fills you with a sense of comfort and reassurance.
Turning your attention back to Joel, you can't help but feel a surge of excitement and anticipation. "Okay, I'm all set," you say, your voice brimming with enthusiasm.
Joel grins, his hand finding the small of your back as he guides you out the door. "Then let's get goin', darlin'," he says, his touch sending a thrill through you.
As you step out into the crisp morning air, hand in hand with the man you've come to care for so deeply, a sense of anticipation and uncertainty lingers between you.
"What are we gonna do, Joel?" you ask suddenly as you settle into the car's passenger seat, the weight of the situation pressing down on you.
To be honest, it's the last thing Joel is thinking about, and your question catches him off guard. But he can see and feel how it's affecting you, the worry and doubt etched in your expression.
"You could just sneak over to my house every night. Make sure you're back home in time for breakfast," Joel suggests, trying to lighten the mood, but he knows deep down it's not as simple as that.
"Do you think your dad might already kinda know?" he asks, his voice soft and filled with concern. "Deep down, I kinda mean, darlin'."
You shrug, a mix of emotions swirling within you as Joel drives. You feel annoyed at yourself for even bringing it up, but Joel is grateful that you did.
"Or we could just go. Take off," Joel says, thinking aloud. He feels you turn to look at him, his hand still rubbing comforting circles on your thigh.
"You mean... just leave?" you ask, the idea not entirely foreign to you.
"It's not something we have to think about right this minute, but do you really wanna stay here, in this house? In this town, tutoring kids for a few bucks an hour?" Joel questions, his voice tinged with a hint of restlessness.
He remembers one of the main things he doesn't miss about small towns – how everyone seems to know everyone else's business. And in the case of you and Joel, that would be none of their damned business.
"But you only just bought the place, and Sarah and Tommy just arrived, and I guess the only thing I'm really worried about is Dad. Screw tutoring," you say, your brow furrowed as you grapple with the weight of the decisions ahead.
"I only bought the place... only came back to town to be closer to you, remember?" Joel explains, his voice filled with sincerity. "Sarah's school transfer papers haven't been processed yet, and Tommy has to go back anyways. I didn't think in my wildest dreams that I'd have you all to myself on day one, darlin'."
"You're a pretty fast operator, that's for sure," you tease him, a hint of a smile playing on your lips, but the underlying tension remains unresolved between you.
The realization that you are well and truly Joel's, the depth of your connection with him, fills you with a sense of contentment and joy. It's a problem, but the best kind of problem to have, a testament to the love and bond you share.
Unbeknownst to you, Joel hasn't checked his messages yet, but he's confident that the call he made to boost your dad's business will yield positive results. It may not all happen today, but he's hopeful it will help your dad regain his confidence and pride in his work.
In the meantime, Joel is adamant that you shouldn't do anything you're not comfortable with. He inquires if you're the only tutor available at the college.
"Of course not," you sigh, a hint of resignation in your voice. "It'll just mean a couple of college kids keep their tutoring money from Mom or Dad, is all," you reflect, the weight of the situation settling on your shoulders.
From your perspective, the real challenge lies in explaining to everyone that you've been with Joel the whole time. The thought of facing your father's reaction weighs heavily on your mind, and Joel is keenly aware of the potential conflict that may arise.
He knows that your father's protective instincts will be triggered, and navigating that aspect of your relationship will require patience and understanding from both of you.
"Well, if we're gonna burn for it, we may as well burn together," Joel tells you, his voice filled with a mix of determination and tenderness.
"But there's no point makin' it harder on ourselves either," Joel adds, his tone thoughtful. "Let's just wait and see, huh?" he suggests, his eyes meeting yours with a reassuring gaze.
The idea sinks in – it isn't the end of the world if you stop tutoring, and if nobody has caught on to the fact that you two are together, why stir up unnecessary trouble?
Relieved when you agree, you relax back into your seat, the weight of the situation lifting slightly. Joel parks the car on a street lined with small stores and cafes, the hustle and bustle of the town adding to the charm of the moment.
Despite the external distractions, it feels wrong to be near you and not show you how much you mean to him. The subtle touches and stolen glances have evolved into something deeper, a connection that demands to be acknowledged.
By the time you graduate from those fleeting moments to a full-blown kiss once you're back in the car after your meal, the intensity of your feelings for each other becomes undeniable.
Just as the moment seems to crystallize into something special, a female voice interrupts, shattering the private bubble you and Joel had created.
"Oh! Hi, Professor," you squeak, the sudden intrusion jolting you out of the intimate moment.
Joel, his expression darkening, turns to face the unexpected visitor, a protective instinct rising within him as he assesses the situation with a keen eye.
As the scene unfolds, Joel quickly grasps the situation at hand. A mildly annoyed college professor, Professor Hannah Bennett, catches her star tutor – you – in the arms of a man, instead of where you're expected to be.
The initial tension softens as Professor Bennett's gaze meets Joel's, her expression shifting from annoyance to curiosity. Joel, ever the gentleman, gulps slightly before extending his hand in introduction.
"Professor Hannah Bennett," she says, regaining her composure, though Joel feels her hand limp in his for a brief moment, a sign of her surprise.
Her eyes flicker from Joel to you, who has momentarily lost your voice in the unexpected encounter. The professor, quick to regain her professional demeanor, decides to leave you two to your own devices.
"Your dad mentioned you were helping his friend... uh, new neighbor," she stammers, a deep blush coloring her cheeks.
"Just maybe more notice next time if you're not up for tutoring for the day, that's all I ask," she adds, her tone taking on a more authoritative air as she reverts to her professorial role.
"I think I'll take a rain check on tutoring for a while, Professor Bennett," you declare in a clear, resolute voice, your hand slipping into Joel's for support.
Joel's pride and satisfaction are evident as he grins at your decision. The old professor huffs in disapproval, muttering something about the younger generation, before swiftly retreating from the scene.
"You quit?" Joel asks, his eyes filled with a mix of amusement and admiration, leaning in to kiss you deeply before you can respond.
"I guess I did," you reply, a hint of amazement in your tone at the sudden turn of events.
"Was it hard?" Joel teases, and you shoot him a sidelong glance, a hint of amusement in your eyes.
"The professor's the soul of discretion," you assure him. "But if we're caught like that on our first time out together..."
Joel knows exactly what you mean. The potential fallout from such a public display is looming, and he can feel the weight of it pressing down on you both.
"C'mon," Joel urges, determined to enjoy the moment despite the impending challenges. "Show me around town. Take me grocery shopping," he suggests, his voice filled with enthusiasm.
"We can fill up both our pantries and maybe we can cook up a storm for dinner?" he asks, but he can see the worry etched on your face.
"Hey, your dad was alright with the idea, right? To come with me for the grocery run?" Joel reasons, hoping to ease your concerns.
Relieved when you finally yield, a smile spreading across your face as you relax. "You're right. He did," you agree.
"But easy with those kisses," you're quick to add, a hint of playfulness in your tone. "What if it was Dad that happened by just now?"
Joel bites his tongue, and to keep you happy, he agrees to the new terms and conditions. No aggressive public displays of affection – a small price to pay to maintain the delicate balance of your relationship.
Your little run-in with the professor has only affirmed Joel's feeling that small-town eyes and ears are always connected to big mouths. He knows they'll have to be cautious, at least for now.
"Say," Joel asks once you're back in the car, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Is there like a lingerie store or something in town too?"
You raise an eyebrow, unsure if he's teasing you or not. "I think there is, but I don't think that's where you wanna be seen hanging out, is it?" you ask, a playful challenge in your voice.
Joel chuckles, his gaze focused on the road ahead. "I'll keep it in mind for future reference," he explains, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
As he navigates the quiet streets, Joel makes a mental note that you're going to need a ready supply of all things underwear. The memory of tearing yours off is still fresh enough in his mind to remind him that he wants to make it a regular occurrence.
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As you and Joel make your way through the quiet streets of the town, you can't help but feel a growing sense of unease. It must be your imagination, you tell yourself, trying to push down the nagging feeling that something is off.
But as you step into the local grocery store, the truth becomes undeniable – everyone is staring at the two of you. You're nowhere near touching, and you definitely don't have a sign around your neck proclaiming your newfound intimacy, but the curious gazes and hushed whispers are impossible to ignore.
You keep forgetting that a man of Joel's stature and presence is bound to turn heads in a small town like this. But as quick as the locals are to stare and gawk, they're just as fast to look away, especially when they lock eyes with Joel's unwavering gaze.
"Grab whatever you need, whatever you want. For your place, too, darlin'," Joel says, his voice warm and reassuring, though you can see the strain in his expression, the desire to reach out and touch you palpable.
He focuses his attention on filling the biggest cart he can find, his movements efficient and purposeful. You can't help but wonder how you're going to explain a houseful of food to your father, but you're sure he's well aware of just how naturally generous Joel is by now.
After filling up not one, but two overflowing carts, you can't help but protest the sheer volume of groceries Joel has insisted on purchasing. But he's quick to reason with you, his voice low and conspiratorial.
"The less I have to go out to shop, the more time I have to work on my new house," he says, his words laced with a hidden meaning that's clear to you.
You nod in understanding, realizing that his reasoning is not just about efficiency, but also about maintaining the appearance of propriety in the eyes of the small-town community.
As you check out, the total on the receipt makes your eyes widen, but Joel simply shrugs it off, his focus on ensuring you and your home are well-stocked. You actually think it's a great idea – if you both stock up now, you won't have to venture out for anything later.
No tutoring, no errands to run, at least for the next week. The thought of having all that spare time with Joel has your heart racing with anticipation, and you're pretty sure he has a few ideas of his own.
But as Joel pulls into your street, your breath catches in your throat. There, parked out front, is your father's truck. You swallow hard, the weight of the situation suddenly pressing down on you.
"Your dad's home," Joel says, his voice strained, but there's no hint of worry in his tone. If anything, he sounds more like an animal guarding its prized possession than someone afraid of getting caught.
Taking a deep breath as Joel pulls into the driveway, you brace yourself for the moment of confrontation you've been dreading. But as you both start to unload the groceries, the anticipated showdown never materializes.
Far from it, your dad practically leaps out of the house, a huge smile spreading across his face as he welcomes you both. Joel's mood instantly shifts, a sense of relief and contentment washing over him – if your dad is happy, so is Joel.
And just like that, you're off the hook for now.
"You're home early, Dad," you observe, but he's way too pumped up about something else to ask you two where you've been. He's grinning like a maniac, and you can't help but wonder if he's finally cracked.
Catching Joel's knowing look, you realize that this must be good news somehow. Whatever it is, it's clearly put your father in an exceptionally cheerful mood.
"I dunno what you did, Joel, but it worked!" your dad almost shrieks, pumping the air with his fist before high-fiving Joel, who doesn't seem surprised at all.
"What did you do?" you ask them both, but it's as if you've disappeared or something. Your dad has gone into full Joel-best-buddy mode, slapping his back and whooping and hollering. It's not until you're all inside that you can finally get any sense out of him.
"I'm booked solid for the next three months!" your dad exclaims to Joel, who's trying his best to look excited for your father's good fortune.
"And that, uh, client of yours? The one who collects all those vintage cars? Guess who he wants to be maintaining them all?" your dad asks, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
"That's great news. I'm glad I could..." Joel begins, but your dad is on a roll.
He's re-hiring the mechanics and workers he's laid off, and he's going to "expand the business." He's going to do better than ever from now on.
He's going to...
He's going to make you vomit if he keeps going on about it.
"Dad," you finally say, talking over him to get his attention.
"Yeah, sweetie, what is it?" he asks, holding his thought so he can keep telling Joel all about his fresh business plans.
"Nothing." You smile. "But are you gonna stick around, or do you still have that tractor to fix?" you ask, wondering if you and Joel will have any time alone now.
And you haven't even thought about what's going to happen when it's time to go to bed.
"Oh, yeah. Thanks, honey, but I've got Lucas going out to do it now. Boy! Is he glad to have his old job back!" your dad exclaims loudly, beaming up at Joel.
His admiration for Joel makes you feel like you're not the only one who thinks he's pretty amazing, which he is to a lot of people. But to you, he's the only one.
"You've done the hunting and gathering," your dad proclaims, his eyes sweeping over the abundance of meat and groceries you and Joel have just started to unload. Sarah and Tommy quickly make their way outside, greeting your father and offering to help with the remaining items that belong to them.
"So I'll start making us all a feast to celebrate," your dad announces, asking you if you can finish bringing in the groceries while he and Joel "catch up."
The subtle way he singles you out of the conversation is not lost on you. If this had been a day or two ago, before you had just lived through the best twenty-four hours of your life with Joel, you wouldn't have minded. But you hadn't counted on your dad being home early, nor did you expect him to hijack your man as soon as he saw him again.
You look to Joel for help, but he only shrugs, a strange expression crossing his face when your dad's back is turned that has you stifling a giggle. Instantly, you find yourself forgiving the entire group for being in this crazy situation.
You do as your dad asks, leaving out the items he calls for, the ones he'll need to amaze you all with his cooking skills. But once that task is complete, you're left awkwardly hanging out in the kitchen, feeling miles away from Joel. Maybe you should just go to your room.
No sooner do you glance towards the hallway leading to your bedroom, Joel's stern look stops you in your tracks. The message is clear – he wants you right where he can see you.
"I might just go change," you tell the room, knowing your dad is not paying attention, still talking a million miles a minute to Joel, who gives a little nod of approval.
You haven't seen your dad this excited, ever. Whatever Joel did has clearly done the trick to help your dad out, but are you really going to have to hear about it all night? It feels like you are.
By the time you change clothes, trying to look nice but not overly dressy for Joel, your dad stops long enough to notice you for a change.
"Sorry, honey. I've just been so pumped all day. And I've just gotta talk to the man who made it all happen," he explains, shooting Joel another glowing look.
"Don't let me do all the talking, though, and don't worry about skipping tutoring today. I already spoke to the professor," he adds, making your heart freeze in your chest.
"So? What have you two been up to all day?" he asks, snapping off a celery stalk from one of the brown paper sacks, crunching it loudly as he leans back against the counter.
Now, he's all ears, eager to know what it is that you and Joel have been up to.
He looks from you to Joel, and you can feel your mouth hanging open. You're waiting for Joel to save you both, which he does without effort.
"I had sweet darlin’ here help me run some errands, we did some grocery shopping, and then she showed me around town," he says, and none of it is a lie.
Your dad's brow creases with attention as he listens, already looking bored if he can't keep talking about his own good news. Joel does skip some parts, though, including the more intimate moments you shared – your father wouldn't be interested in those details.
But once Joel suggests you help him out like you did today more often, especially with all the plans Joel has for his new house, and hanging out with Sarah and helping her by tutoring her, it starts to sound more like a job offer than anything else.
"Well, it's up to you, hon," your dad says thoughtfully after a moment, not even a hint of suspicion in his voice anymore.
As your dad busies himself selecting ingredients for the meal he's going to prepare, you can't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling within you. The prospect of spending more hours talking and eating with your family and Joel looms ahead, a bittersweet reminder of the newfound dynamics in your life.
Joel's pivotal role in saving your dad's business is evident, and it's clear that your father is more than willing to follow Joel's lead from now on. Despite the relief and gratitude you feel, there's an underlying longing for the quiet moments alone with the man who has quickly become the center of your world.
"I wasn't getting paid very much to tutor, Dad," you remind him, shooting a playful glance at Joel when your dad's attention is elsewhere. You can't help but ponder what your hourly rate might be if you were to accept his unofficial job offer, a hint of mischief dancing in your eyes.
It takes some time to adjust to the new dynamic in the kitchen with Joel and your dad. You find yourself fighting the urge to seek out Joel's touch every few seconds, a silent reminder of the growing connection between you.
As you call Sarah and Tommy over for dinner, the atmosphere shifts to one of camaraderie and relaxation. It feels good to simply talk, eat, and goof around without the weight of other concerns pressing down on you.
Throughout the evening, you notice the subtle strain on Joel's face, a reminder of the complexities of the situation. Yet, your dad remains your dad, unwavering in his friendship with Joel, creating a unique bond between the three of you.
As the meal progresses and conversations flow, you find yourself washing up alongside Sarah, the men engrossed in their post-dinner discussions out on the porch. Sarah decides to head back to the house early, leaving you with a sense of peace and contentment in the quiet moments that follow.
The realization hits you like a ton of bricks – you might have to spend the night away from Joel, not just tonight, but potentially every night until you both figure out what to do. It's not a happy thought, and you know Joel is thinking the same thing as the time for bed draws closer.
You've spent more hours today not touching and kissing than you two have actually been able to do so, and you just know Joel isn't happy about that either. So when your dad comes back inside without Joel or Tommy, you try not to sound panicked as you ask where they both are.
Your dad chuckles, "He went home, sweetie. He lives next door now, remember?" he asks, stifling a yawn and scratching his belly, letting you know he's about to turn in.
"I gotta huge day tomorrow, so I might not even see ya before or after work, but thanks for helping Joel out. He's really saved our bacon," your dad says, pecking your cheek before stretching out another yawn and heading to his room.
Not long after hearing his door close, there's a light rapping at the back door. You spring around and see Joel, his finger pressed firmly to his lips before he stalks over to you in two steps, kissing you with a desperation that takes your breath away.
"Wait 'til he's asleep again... Then come over," he murmurs, cocking his head and darting back out the door before your dad shuffles down the hall again, this time in his pajamas on the way to the bathroom.
Once your dad goes back to his room, you know he won't be coming out again. And if he does, he'll think you're asleep. So, tidying up the rest of the kitchen in record time, it isn't long before you hear your dad blowing bubbles in his sleep, and you're hot-footing it next door.
The need for Joel's touch is overwhelming, the hours spent apart feeling like an eternity. As you step into his home, the familiar scent of him envelops you, and you can't help but feel a sense of relief and excitement wash over you.
Without a moment's hesitation, you find yourself in his arms, your lips crashing against his in a desperate, passionate kiss. The world around you fades away, and all that matters is the connection you share, the hunger for each other's embrace.
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Joel's deep, southern drawl sends a shiver down your spine as he leans in, his lips brushing against your neck. "You gotta be quiet for me, darlin'," he murmurs, his warm breath caressing your skin. "Can you do that for me?"
You nod eagerly, your heart racing with anticipation. The need for his touch is overwhelming, the hours spent apart feeling like an eternity. As his strong arms wrap around you, pulling you flush against his muscular frame, you melt into his embrace.
Joel's calloused hands roam your body, igniting a fire within you that threatens to consume you. His lips crash against yours in a desperate, passionate kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth with a primal hunger. You whimper softly, the sound muffled by his searing kiss.
"That's it, darlin'," Joel growls, his voice dripping with desire. "Let me hear how much you want me." His hands slide down to your hips, gripping them firmly as he grinds his hardness against you.
You gasp, the sensation sending a jolt of pleasure through your core. "Joel," you breathe, your fingers tangling in his silver curls. "I need you, please..."
He chuckles, the deep rumble vibrating against your skin. "I know, sweetheart. I'm gonna take care of you." Deftly, he lifts you, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist as he carries you towards the bedroom.
The world around you fades away, consumed by the raw, primal need that pulses between you. Joel lays you down on the bed, his calloused hands caressing your curves as he hovers over you, his eyes dark with lust.
"You're so damn beautiful, darlin'," he murmurs, his lips trailing featherlight kisses along your jaw. "I've been waitin' all day to have you like this."
You arch into his touch, a soft moan escaping your lips. "Then take me, Joel," you whisper, your voice dripping with desire. "I'm yours."
With a growl, Joel captures your lips in a searing kiss, his hands roaming your body as he slowly, methodically undresses you. The air is thick with the scent of your arousal, and the sound of your ragged breathing fills the room.
As he buries himself deep within you, you cry out, the sensation of being so completely filled sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. Joel stills for a moment, his forehead pressed against yours.
"That's it, darlin'," he murmurs, his voice strained with restraint. "Let me hear how much you love it."
You whimper, your hips rolling against his. "Joel, please," you beg, your nails digging into the taut muscles of his back. "Don't stop."
With a groan, Joel begins to move, his thrusts slow and deliberate, driving you higher and higher towards the precipice of ecstasy. Your bodies move in perfect harmony, the world around you fading away until all that exists is the two of you, lost in a haze of passion and desire.
The room is filled with the sounds of your shared pleasure, the heady scent of sex hanging in the air as Joel's movements become more urgent, more primal. Your bodies move as one, a symphony of desire and need as you reach the pinnacle of ecstasy together, the intensity of your release washing over you in a wave of pure bliss.
As you come down from the heights of pleasure, Joel holds you close, his heart pounding against yours as you both catch your breath. In the aftermath of your passion, you're left feeling sated, fulfilled, and more connected to Joel than ever before.
In this stolen moment, you know that no matter the challenges that lie ahead, as long as you have Joel by your side, you're equipped to confront almost anything. The future may be uncertain, but in his arms, you've never felt more at home.
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yuuuu16 · 11 months
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“when you rock and roll with me, no one else i'd rather be, nobody here can do it for me” — the cadence of part-time poets ch 21 scene
697 notes · View notes
claymorexpunisher · 2 months
Brats Have More Fun (CH.8) (18+ Fic)
Disclaimer: This is NSFW and contains consensual kink. If that's not your thing, keep scrolling. I try to tag my work appropriately and if you still choose to click and read, do so at your own discretion... Thank you for the love always and I hope you enjoy!
Pairing(s): Reader/Dominik Mysterio/Rhea Ripley
Summary: Rhea introduces Dom to Fem. Reader during an outing at Reader’s club. Dom tries to talk big game, but Reader sees right through it.
Tag(s): 18+, Sub!Dominik, club owner!Reader, Fem Dom, orgasm denial, overstimulation, blowjob, handjob, pegging, dirty talk, begging, honorifics (“Miss”, “Mami”).
Chapter Word Count: 534
Prev. Part
Dom has initially walked into my club talking big game.
He bragged up and down that he was a big man and that the stories that Rhea- his very own Domme. His Mami, who snickered knowingly at me as Dom spoke- had told him involving my job as a club owner/pro domme were just bullshit.
And that because I was much smaller than even Rhea, there was no way that I could get men much bigger than me to submit to let me do whatever I pleased to them.
“Nah, I don’t think you can handle me. Mami has a hard enough time.” Dom had joked, and Rhea and I had continued to laugh, Rhea’s eyes lighting up devilishly because she knew what the result by the end of the night would be.
Me? I took it as a challenge…
“Please, Mamiii… Missss, it’s too much!… Please- shit..!”
A while later, Dominik realized he may have bitten off more than he could chew after Rhea and I brought him into one of the private bedrooms in my club.
“What number is this now?” Rhea asked, delighted with the vision that Dom made, lying on the bed, his legs draped around my hips as I pistoned my hips sharply and drove the strap-on dildo right upon his prostate over and over again.
Rhea was fully clothed, happy to just bring her face in between Dom and I’s bodies, and she busied herself with Dom’s cock and giving it a few lazy sucks and licks, making him shudder as she lapped up every bead of precum that still managed to dribble out of the reddened head with every pleasurable jab at his prostate.
She was careful to keep him right at the edge with me and we both chuckled at the disappointed sound Dom made when she pulled her mouth away from his cock again just to trail her tongue all the way up to his neck.
I smiled as Dom eagerly bared his neck to Rhea, giving her more access as she sucked on the tender flesh already littered with her claiming marks.
“Hmm.. we’re headed to number 5, I believe. It’s too much now, huh, baby?” I giggled softly as Dom gave me a jerky nod in response.
“Y-yeah, i-its too fucking much… Please!” He began to sob, but still didn’t utter his safeword.
His face was beautifully flushed, his eyes bleary with pleasure and his moans and pleas were now coming in a weak and almost raspy cadence, begging us to have mercy on him.
But his hips… fuck, his hips still tried to damnest to roll against mine in jerky motions, trying to work his cock in Rhea’s firm grip and taking me further into him at the same time, muttering soft curses and wondering outloud about how much it hurts yet felt so fucking good, until Rhea stop him with a firm hand over his stomach.
“I’m sorry, Mami- I’m sorry, Miss! I’m sorry, please don’t stop, please-” Dom began to babble and beg until Rhea and I shushed him.
“We’re not stopping until we feel like it. So don’t worry about that, Dom Dom.” Rhea smirked.
“Now, don’t move…”
109 notes · View notes
songmingisthighs · 7 months
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
<< previous | m.list | next >>
ch. iv - dumped
neurosurgeon!hongjoong × reader
buy me coffee ?
where love and peace is held, i never expected for this to happen. i planned and i planned, i expected, and i hoped, but it was never you. you held what i wanted hostage to make room for you, the thing that i needed but has no means of acceptance. deny me, live your best life.
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As much as you hated helping around during the weekends, you have to admit the crowd is interestingly diverse. The lack of rigid schedule and responsibilities allowed people to come or walk by in groups or even alone, even then they seemed busy with their phones. The usually rather calmer cafe became the social hub for certain people with the noise of chatters everywhere and people going back and forth between their seats and the cashier. It was trully interesting.
What's also interesting is the little boy who's hiding under the cashier, drawing a giant circle with a red crayon continuously in his drawing book. You discovered him just as you were about to take over the cashier for Yeonjun who had to go to the back to get some things. The boy only spared you a glance before returning to his drawing book, leaving you to tend to your own thing while he tend to his own. For a moment, you focused on the customer first, though intrigued, you wondered who the kid was and what he was doing there.
Once the customer was tended to, you crouched down to be eye level with him, "And who might you be?" You asked, tilting your head slightly to appear intrigued. The boy spared you one glance before looking back down to his giant red circle. "Don't wanna give me your name, huh? Smart. You should not tell random people your name so maybe I should ask your mom or dad?" At the mention of his parents, you saw his shoulder slumped and he shook his head, "Daddy busy," he mumbled lowly but it was loud enough for you to hear. "Did you came here with your dad?"
Just as he was about to answer, you heard someone call your name which caught your attention. "Who are you talking to?" Wooyoung asked, going around the counter only to see the boy he lost nestling himself in the nook. "Kijoong!" He called and skid over to reach out and grab the boy only to halt abruptly when 'Kijoong' hissed. Yes, he HISSED at Wooyoung, surprising you as evident from your eyes that widened to the size of saucers. "You can't just run and hide like that, I was worried! I was looking for you!" He sighed. "Wait, you know this kid?" You asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as Wooyoung shrugged, "Yeah, his dad is a doctor and I'm helping look over him because he was called in. You know, on call," he explained. Teasingly you nudged your friend and wiggled your eyebrows, "Didn't take you for a nanny, Woo," and much to your surprise, it was Kijoong who answered you, throwing his crayon past you and Wooyoung, frowning deeply, "Not nanny, Kijoong big boy, don't need nanny," he huffed displeasedly.
Wooyoung opened his mouth to scold Kijoong but you cut him off with a scoff, "No you're not a big boy, a big boy wouldn't have ran off without telling the adult he was with, OBVIOUSLY you need a nanny, Kijoong is it?" Both Kijoong and Wooyoung were surprised that you stepped in but as quickly as the surprise came, Kijoong scowled and move to push you down but you dodged his push, rendering him angry. Once again, he tried to push you down again, with both hands this time and Wooyoung tried to step in but you blocked him once again. "No, use your words," you told him in a gentle voice but odd eniygh that was when he began sniffling and soon, tears rolled down his face. While Wooyoung panicked as Kijoong's face grew red and his tiny shoulders shook in sadness, you remained calm and even repositioned yourself to sitting criss-crossed in front of him, "Use your words," you repeated in the same cadence which this time resulted in Kijoong looking up at you from his wet lashes and scooted slightly out. "Didn't know I had to tell," he mumbled through sniffles which thankfully you could hear through the background noise. You nodded in understanding, "Does your daddy usually let you walk around without telling him?" Kijoong shook his head whilst sniffling, prompting you to tell Wooyoung to grab you a couple of tissues, "Daddy holds my hand a-an-d we'll t-talk." "Did you ran off because you're not with daddy?" You asked again, scooting back and gesturing for him to crawl out by opening your arms. At first, Kijoong seem like he hestitated to step out. But after a brief moment and one last sniffle, he crawled out of the small space and stood in front of you sadly. Truly, if he was a cartoon, he'd have droopy, sad puppy ears on his head.
You got up from your position and began fixing his vest and shorts up slightly before wiping his snotty nose with utmost care, "Well, whatever your reason was for running, I think we can understand that, can't we, Woo?" You glaced at Wooyoung who had stood up and leaned his hip on the counter, nodding to your question, "Of course we can." You looked back at Kijoong who now had an ashamed look on his face and smiled, "You were with Wooyoung so he has to make sure you were okay because if you weren't, your daddy will be very sad so Wooyoung has to be able to see you clearly at all times, do you understand?" Kijoong nodded firmly and you noticed his sniffles had started to stop and he even took a step closer to Wooyoung, "I wanted to play so... Hide and seek," he explained. Amused, Wooyoung chuckled and pat the boy on the head gently, "I'd appreciate you telling me when you want to run off so please don't do that again, okay? We can play again later but right now you need to fuel up," he said before he grabbed the boy who squaled happily and bringing him around the counter, mouthing a thank you at you for helping handle the situation.
For a moment you thought you'd just go back to work; handle customers and helping Yeonjun prepare orders. But around 10 minutes later, Wooyoung came trudging back, flailing himself over the pick up counter and groaning.
"(y/n), I told you to bring the trash out back," Yeonjun snickered as he passed by to go to the brewing machine, prompting Wooyoung to shoot him a glare, "Shut up, Yeonjun, I'm facing an issue," he hissed. You stopped in your tracks hearing what Wooyoung said, immediately connecting his issue to the little boy you found under the cashier, "Is Kijoong okay?" You asked but Wooyoung turned to you with a deadpanned look, "Shouldn't you be asking if I was okay?"
Leaning down, you rest your chin on the counter across from Wooyoung with a grin, "Nope." If the pop of the P didn't annoy Wooyoung, it was the peck on his forehead that got him screeching through gritted teeth as he tried to swat you away. "I'm serious, I'm practically in a serious negotiating state with a 4 year old over lunch, it's embarrassing!" He whined.
The words Wooyoung used made you peer over to the table Wooyoung chose for him and Kijoong. You saw the boy back on his drawing book but he was peeking over some people who were sitting around him, looking like he was ready to bolt.
"Mind if I try something?" You asked Wooyoung but you didn't even bother to wait for his actual reply before you rounded the counter and walked over to Kijoong who, upon your arrival, set his crayon gently on the side and placed his hands on the table. "I have a problem and Wooyoung said you might be the right person to help me. Do you think you're up for it?"
That's how you found yourself in the secluded area of the kitchen, two staff members working on orders while you finished up putting bowls of ingredients next to Kijoong who you set on the metal counter. "Okay," you clapped your hands once as you began, "So we have macaroni, shredded cheese, some cream sauce, some marinara sauce, ground beef, some chicken, butter, ketchup, and a little bit of oregano if we're feeling fancy. What do you think would go well?" Kijoong stared at the bowls in front of him with a serious look on his face all the while Wooyoung loomed over your shoulder and frantically tugged your arm, "This is a bad idea I tell you, if he feels mischievous, he'll DEFINITELY start by dumping that marinara on you!" He hissed but you simply waved him off, waiting for Kijoong to give you an order with an empty bowl in your hand.
Kijoong took longer than you expected and you decided that maybe he needed a bit of encouragement. "Well, I'd usually go like this," you narrated the ingredients you picked as you put them in the bowl before you mix them up, "And this is what I would usually eat." Kijoong stared at the bowl with big round eyes and then his gaze shifted to you, as if asking if you really can eat that. To prove your point, you grabbed a spoon and started taking a bite and then two and then three.
Seeing you eat seem to intrigued Kijoong and before you knew it, he tapped your arm and pointed at the things he wanted on his bowl. Sure, it was only some macaroni, tiny bit of beef and chicken and a load of cheese and butter, but he was happy with the bowl and ate it with gusto. He even experimented with the ketchup and the marinara.
Wooyoung stood at the side, amazed at how you got the boy to eat almost effortlessly. Moreover, he almost screames when he saw Kijoong urging you to continue eating as well and even asked about what your bowl tasted like. He refused to try but seeing as how he ate, you were just glad you helped.
"Hey, do you think I can bring him by whenever he's chucked to me so you could take care of him?" Wooyoung asked, hand reaching for your spoon for a bite of your food which you relented but scoffed, "He's entrusted to YOU Woo," "Yeah, but think about what I can charge his dad knowing that not only you tamed this little hurricane, you actually got him to eat!" You stared at him slightly funny, amused and confused, "You talk as if he's such a disaster." Wooyoung knew you didn't know and he knew he could say what he said because he had extensive experience, but he rolled his eyes and nudged his hip with yours, "When you get that job at kq hospital, you'll know what I mean. You've got your interview date, right?" "Yup, got my resume ready too!" You grinned, heart fluttering slightly at the thought of returning to your normalcy. Seeimg you grinning made Wooyoung grin as well, glad that you were finally able to take a step forward after what happened in the past.
Your little moment of relief was cut short however when you saw Kijoong grabbing a squeeze bottle filled with chili sauce up to his face. As cute as he is, you really do hope you didn't have to take care of him anymore.
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justagalwhowrites · 8 months
Yearling - Ch. 17: Stay
You and Joel figure out where you stand. A continuation of Yearling ch. 1-16 found on Tumblr here.
Tumblr media
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings: Insanely mild smut. Allusion to past SA (not described.) Canon-typical violence. No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ Only 
Length: 4.1k 
AO3 | Chapter One | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
The bed was empty and cold when Joel woke up. 
He reached for you instinctively, his fingers searching in the dark and finding nothing but cool sheets, taking him from half asleep to wide awake in an instant. 
“Bambi?” He said into the dark, but he knew you weren’t going to respond. 
He got up and pulled his pants and t-shirt back on before he half walked, half ran to the bathroom. But you weren’t there, either. 
“Bambi?” He called a louder this time, hoping you’d reply but, somehow, knowing you wouldn’t. 
He looked quickly through his house before taking a deep breath and running his fingers through his hair, trying to calm himself down, reminding himself he didn’t have a reason to panic, not really. 
You’d shown up at his door a few hours earlier and literally thrown yourself at him. Not that he was arguing. He was just happy you were still speaking to him, your anxious distance in the days before making him worry. He’d have waited however long you needed him to but damn he wanted to be able to just talk to you, at least talk to you. And then you were there, in his arms, kissing him, pressing your warm, soft body into his and begging for him. 
If he was a stronger man, he would have resisted you. Told you to think about it first, made sure you were actually OK with this and not just caving to a baser instinct. But he wasn’t a strong man, not when you were standing before him, beautiful and wanting and begging for him.
He tugged on his shoes without bothering with socks or to even tie them and he went to your place first. The lamp was off and he doubted that you’d left the house a few hours earlier without turning it on. He knocked and pressed his face to the glass of your front door and saw the chest that you put in front of the door when you were home was shoved to the side. So you’d been here and left again. 
“Fuck,” he spat, forcing himself to breathe for a second. What if he’d driven you away? What if you never wanted to speak to him again after this? Fuck, what if you’d left Jackson entirely? 
It would take a lot to make Joel regret something that felt as good and as right as you in his bed. But he’d regret it for the rest of his life if that’s all he had of you. 
Even though he felt as though he’d like to live inside you if you’d let him, like he wanted to spend the rest of his fucking life making you come around him, he’d be fine never having you like that again if it meant you’d just talk to him, if you’d just stay. He wanted to be near you, to know you, to make you happy more than he wanted to fuck you, so much more. All he wanted in the world, it seemed, was for you to let him love you. You didn’t even need to love him back, just let him near enough to do the loving for the both of you. That would be plenty. 
He ran to the stables, the pink hint of dawn on the horizon, praying that he’d find you there. That he’d find you singing quietly to a horse or mucking a stall, that you’d be safe and comfortable in your most natural space. 
He slowed to a walk when he got close, the lights on inside. It had to be you - it was too early for Olivia to be there - and he didn’t want to scare you. 
But the relief when he actually found you inside was still harsh, almost knocking the air out of him. You were here. You hadn’t left, hadn’t taken off because of him. 
You were brushing down Shimmer, singing something softly to her, so softly that he couldn’t make it out, just hear the cadence of your voice. Another time, another place - somewhere he hadn’t just been inside you and loved it more than anything he’d felt before but would give anything to take it back if it meant that you’d come back and play guitar on his goddamn porch just one more time - and he’d enjoy this. Watching you work, listen to your soft song. 
But he couldn’t wait, not now. 
“Hey,” he said quietly from the doorway. You jumped and spun, your eyes wide for a moment before you slumped against Shimmer’s side. 
“Jesus, Joel,” the hand not holding the brush went to your chest, covering your heart. “Scared the shit outta me. Need to put a damn bell on you, swear to God…” 
You turned and went back to brushing the horse and he frowned, crossing his arms and coming closer to you. You glance over at him but don’t flinch or shrink back or try to hide. A good sign, he figured. 
“What?” You ask after a moment, your eyebrows raised. 
For half a moment, Joel wondered if he’d dreamed the night before. If you’d never come to his house, never been in his bed. But he remembered you too vividly for that. His mind couldn’t create something like you, of that he was certain. 
“What are you doin’ here, Bambi?” He asked gently. 
“My job?” You said it like a question, looked at him like he was insane. 
You stopped brushing Shimmer and instead looked at him, your eyes still wide, almost pleading. 
“You were just… gone,” he said softly. “I woke up and you weren’t there.” 
You pressed your lips together into a thin line and looked over his shoulder, like you weren’t able to really look at him at all. 
“I…” Your voice cracked. “I couldn’t sleep. I could at first but then I couldn’t and I just needed something I could handle for a bit and I…” 
You trailed off and your eyes met his again, all soft and vulnerable and he hoped the fear that he’d managed to fuck things up with you wasn’t showing on his face. 
“Are you OK?” He asked gently, wishing he could just hold you and kiss you and know that it would make things better. He wasn’t sure if it would. 
You nodded but didn’t say anything. 
“Can I help?” He asked after a moment. He’d do anything you asked of him, anything at all, even if that was to leave you alone as much as he desperately hoped that wasn’t what you wanted. 
“Can you hold me for a minute?” You asked softly, uncertain. As if that wasn’t all he wanted to do, anyway. As if he would deny you anything, especially that. 
He wordlessly pulled you against him and felt you hesitate before wrapping your arms around him, fingers knotting in his shirt as you clung to his back to press yourself close. His hand drifted to your head, holding you close and kissing you over your hair, breathing you in. 
“I’m sorry I left,” you said, your strained voice muffled by his shirt. 
“I’m just glad you’re alright,” he said, focusing on the feeling of you in his arms. You were still there. You hadn’t run. You were safe.
After a few minutes, your grip on him lessened and he pulled back enough to look at you, taking your face in his hand. 
“Let me make you breakfast,” he said. You nodded and he took your hand and led you home. 
“I feel bad,” you sat perched on Joel’s counter near the stove, watching him cook. 
“Don’t,” he smiled a little at you. 
“When was the last time someone cooked for you?” He asked. “Because I feel like it’s been a while.” 
“Besides the time you made me chips?” You asked. “And not countin’ the mess hall people?” 
He nodded. You sighed and rapped your nails on the underside of the counter. 
“Yeah, alright, it’s been a few years,” you said. He gave you a look. “Fine, alright, almost 14 years, Jesus…” 
You were pretty sure Marisa was the last person who had cooked for you. There had been other folks you traded with but no one who stayed long enough to do something as intimate cook for you in your home. 
Joel smiled again. 
“So sit there and let me,” he said. “This is part of me lookin’ out for you so get used to it.” 
The walk back to Joel’s should have felt awkward. You thought it should, anyway. You’d basically fled the man’s house under the cover of darkness because you woke up in a panic you couldn’t place and he looked so peaceful in the moonlight that you couldn’t bring yourself to disturb him. 
It was a strange sensation, waking up like that with him. Part of you wanted nothing more than to curl against his side and cling to him, breathe in the smell of his skin and feel the warmth of him and soak up everything that meant. Joel was safety. You knew that, felt it deep in you, especially after the night before. 
But you were still so accustomed to relying on no one else. It’s not like you’d had someone you could lean on, someone to help take care of you or protect you, for most of your time before coming to Jackson. In the years at the cabin, Mark had been there for a while, as had Marisa. But that totaled months over the span of years. You were all you could count on and you were safest on your own. 
So you’d left, trying to shove down the gnawing want to be next to him in favor of satisfying the need to control what you could take control of. You could go home, you could get dressed - not willing to shower to wash the smell of Joel off your skin or the feel of his come from inside yourself - you could go take care of the horses. You could pretend like nothing had happened and nothing had changed and like you hadn’t put yourself in such a vulnerable position. Even if it was with Joel, the person you trusted more than any other. The person you wanted. 
Even after sleeping with him, you wanted him. More than you could remember wanting anyone else. You still wanted him, even when you were afraid of that want. So it was a relief when he showed up at the stables. Relieved that he’d still want to see you when part of you - part that you couldn’t quite pinpoint - was too panicked to go see him. Even though you wanted to. 
Joel, it seemed, understood. 
When you made it in the door at his house, you stopped and pulled him against you, just holding onto him for a moment. His arms went around you and he pressed his lips into your hair as you buried your face in his shoulder, breathing deep. 
“Want to tell me about it?” He asked quietly. 
You sighed, not entirely sure where to start. 
“I’m not used to having people,” you said. “Hell, even here, for a while, I only had Ellie. And she’s a great kid but she’s a kid. I looked out for her, not the other way around. Before you, I haven’t had someone I can turn to in a long time. And I’m really not used it.” 
“Think you can get used to it?” He asked quietly. “Because I want this with you.” 
“Want what?” You asked back. 
He shrugged. 
“As much of you as you’ll give me.” 
You pulled back from him just enough to look up at him, his eyes so soft and deep, like he was totally open to you, like you could reach right inside his mind and he’d welcome you there. 
“I’m kind of a lot, Joel,” you said. 
He shrugged. 
“Like you that way. I’ve been about where you are. I’ve hurt. It’s hard enough, I don’t want you to do it alone, not when you don’t have to. I just want to help, I want to be there for you. If you’ll let me.” 
You didn’t say anything. Instead, you just stretched up and kissed him, your arms going around his neck, pressing yourself tightly against the front of him. He moaned into your mouth for a moment before separating from you. 
“C’mon,” he said, sounding a little breathless. “Promised you breakfast and we both have jobs to get to.” 
Joel fried eggs and potatoes and bacon and toasted bread, all while refusing help from you. But you did grab him by the shirt and pull him between your legs to kiss him as potatoes and bacon sizzled, his hands finding your hips - making you jump, still not used to someone touching you there because you wanted it - and his tongue slipping into your mouth as he did. 
He walked you back to the stables after breakfast and you pulled him inside with you to kiss him properly without the rest of the world seeing it. 
“Can I see you tonight?” He asked, pressing you back against the wall of the barn. 
“Sure hope so,” you smiled. Somehow, all the fear you’d woken up with that morning had faded and eased. In its place was a gentle reassurance, something unexpectedly calm mixed with the passion and the burning need you had for him. “Can I come over?” 
He smiled a little. 
“Unless you want me to come to you.” 
“I like your house,” you replied. “Feels like I can get to know you better in it.” 
He smiled and kissed you again. 
“Mine then.” 
There was a strange feeling in your chest the whole day after he left. It was like the last quarter century hadn’t even happened. The closest thing you had to compare it to was when you and Justin went from fucking to something more, this warm giddiness threatening to explode out of you at any moment. 
Even the horses could feel it in you, the ones you were still training a little friskier than normal that day, bounding through the paddock at top speeds, bouncing a little higher on their trots than usual. 
For the first time you realized that, as much as you’d loved Mark and Marisa, the relationships had developed in such an unnatural state. You had been two people who were isolated, two people so cut off from the rest of humanity that you may as well have been the last people on earth. You may have fallen for them regardless in a less extreme environment because you had genuinely loved them. Loved Mark’s tendency to make silly little songs out of everything and Marisa’s uncanny ability to find something bright in anything. 
But there was an inevitability in those pairings that made it feel less monumental when they came to fruition. 
Joel was different. 
While things with him felt intense to the point that it seemed like you were supposed to know him in this way - as much as any one person is supposed to know another - it wasn’t out of necessity or because you’d been relying on the other to survive for long enough that the only thing left to do was love each other. 
Instead, it was like you’d both identified something alike in each other. You saw in him someone like yourself. Someone who had been alone for a long time, someone who didn’t always belong where others did, someone who knew the agony of profound loss. 
You still weren’t entirely sure what Joel had survived. You weren’t going to ask him about it but you wanted to know it all the same. Not to satisfy some perverse curiosity but because you longed to know him, all of him, and because you hoped he wanted you to know him that way, too. Even the things that were great and terrible. Whatever had gone into making him who he was now you wanted to know. 
But, for now, you wanted to remember how to fold yourself into the life of someone else. It wasn’t something you had a lot of experience in to begin with. You’d been young enough when the outbreak happened that your relationships had been casual and fun. No one you had been with was so established in their life that there was much to adjust around. After the outbreak, there was no one else beyond the people you were with. This was new territory, something that seemed both invigorating and intimidating all at once. 
It started, intentionally or otherwise, that evening. Joel met you at the stable after he finished his work for the day - he and Tommy repairing part of the wall that protected Jackson that had worn down with weather and time. 
“Thought we could head to the mess hall together when you’re done,” he said, looking up at you as you sat on the back of a particularly antsy horse that wasn’t quite well broke. 
“Sure,” you smiled a little at Joel trying to make you a part of his daily life. “Let me finish up with Pandora here, but I’ll be a little bit…” 
“That’s fine,” he shrugged, leaning back against a fence post. “Like watching you with them.” 
You smiled at that. Before Justin, most of the men on the ranch were bothered by your skill with horses. You had your flaws but false modesty wasn’t one of them. You knew you were good with animals, that you were better at training horses than any of the other hands on the ranch. You never tried to act like you weren’t and that got under their skin. They resented it, resented your attitude about it. Like God had given a gift to someone undeserving who didn’t even have the decency to pretend like she was benefitting from some ill-gotten gains. 
Joel was different. Maybe it was just who he was at his core, maybe it was the difference between the young men who were closer to boys you’d been around then and the man he was now but his eyes on you as you worked still settled comfortably over you. 
When Pandora got spooked by a loud, sharp sound and immediately bucked and your hand flew to the rear of the saddle to hold on while she thrashed and hurled her large head, seemingly desperate to dislodge you when she was afraid, you were almost worried that Joel was going to judge you for not having her better controlled. 
Instead, when your eyes found his again once Pandora had settled, he was watching you with a look of almost awe on his face. You smiled at that, at the pride that was lingering there on him. Like the fact that you knew your way around a horse was a reason he liked you, not something he needed to get over.
He went with you to your house after you finished up and did the last of the work you needed to do at the stables and you rushed through your evening shower - feeling better about the idea of washing him off you knowing you were going to be able to press yourself against his skin again later - and packed a small bag that you dropped off at Joel’s before heading to the mess hall. 
You sat with Tommy and Maria like you often did when having dinner there, little William happily gnawing on slices of peach his mother was handing him before you offered to hold him while Maria ate, Joel’s hand on the small of your back the entire time. 
She got up to change him part way through dinner and Tommy watched until she was out of sight before he rounded on you and Joel. 
“You two fucked,” he didn’t ask it so much as state it as fact. You choked on your water, eyes wide. 
“Jesus Christ Tommy,” Joel hissed at him. “Can you keep it down?” 
“I knew it!” He said, triumphant. “About fuckin’ time.” He turned to you. “So, how’d he finally seduce you? He play you sappy song on his guitar?” 
You cleared your throat, water no longer threatening to choke you. 
“Tommy, I swear to God…” 
“It’s fine,” you cut Joel off before looking to Tommy. “I actually threw myself at him. I know, not something that would occur to you because no woman’s ever even thought to try that with you, but…” 
Tommy was silent for a moment before he burst out laughing. 
“Fuckin’ hell, Joel, you keep her,” he said, breathless, as Maria came back with William, frowning at her husband. “She’ll loosen you up a bit.” 
Joel smiled. 
“Was hoping to keep her as long as she’ll have me.” 
You smiled back. 
It was Joel who proposed guitar when the two of you got back to his place. He started with it, playing a Clapton song you hadn’t heard in forever. He passed it off to you next and you went with Something by the Beatles. After a few songs, he stopped taking it back and insisted you keep playing. 
“It’s your guitar,” you said, brows raised. 
He shrugged. 
“You’re better with it than me,” he said. 
“You’re really fucking good, Joel.” 
“I know,” he smiled a little. “You’re still better.” 
It shifted then, to you absentmindedly playing while talking with him, remembering things about life in Texas so many years ago, the fact that he thought he saw you ride at the state fair once, when he thought about it. He went to a rodeo in a year you competed, remembered marveling at bronc and bull riding and that there was one young woman who blew past everyone else’s time in barrels and poles. 
“Just think,” you said, watching him, your hands still on the guitar now. “We were that close to each other and didn’t know it. Then we both wound up here.” 
“Guess I was just always supposed to be amazed by you is all,” he smiled. 
You couldn’t help it then, setting the guitar down and crossing the couch to straddle him. He took a deep, shuddering breath, his hands going to your hips, thumbs sliding up below your shirt to brush the skin below. 
“Don’t have to do this right now,” he said quietly. “If you’re not feeling ready…” 
“I’m ready,” you replied softly before you kissed him. 
“Should be more careful this time,” he said, his hands going below the back of your shirt. “Wasn’t thinkin’ right last night, should have pulled out…” 
“Don’t need to worry about that,” you said, lips back on his, his mouth hungry on your own. “Don’t think I can get pregnant, it’s OK.” 
He pulled back a little and looked up at you, his eyebrows drawn together. 
“What?” You frowned. “Is that… is that OK? I didn’t…” 
“No, course it’s OK,” he shook his head a little. “But are you OK? How do you know?” 
“Think it’s a blessing,” you shrugged. “Don’t exactly want to bring a child into this mess of a world, kept me from getting pregnant when… Seems like it’s the only reason things have gone the way they have for me. Not like I’ve been on the pill the last few years. It’s been a good thing, Joel. I’m OK.” 
He just looked at you for a moment, his eyes so gentle it almost hurt to look at him, and he kissed you again, his hands growing firmer against your skin. 
It was different in his bed that night. You rode him slowly, his hands and lips everywhere on you  as you took him deep inside yourself, the fiery ache in you longing to devour and be devoured. It was slow and steady and patient, getting to know his body as he got to know yours. When you fell asleep tangled in his limbs and his sheets, you pressed your nose to his throat, his skin more a comfort to you than any coat or shirt. 
“Stay with me this time,” he said quietly, his voice on the edge of sleep, his hands splayed wide on your skin so he was touching as much of you as he could. “If you can.” 
You pressed yourself somehow closer to him. 
“I’m staying, Joel,” you yawned in spite of yourself. “Not going anywhere without you.” 
Next Chapter
A/N: Awww they're so happy!
....for now
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demonscantgothere · 4 months
Beasts of the Hill and Serpents of the Den. Galadriel/Sauron | Halbrand. Explicit. 197.2k | 5.2k chapter [39/150] Ch. 39: The Will of the One
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During the First Age, the War of Wrath changes course. On the island of Tol-in-Gaurhoth, the Isle of Werewolves, one of Sauron’s former strongholds—is the seat of the Necromancer’s power. Instead of sending his wolves out to kill Finrod after capturing Felagund in his dungeons, Sauron demands an exchange for his life. Galadriel offers herself.
Slowly, Galadriel attempted to regain her composure. “I apologize,” she murmured to Írimë, smiling at her. “I have never heard anyone call him Lord Lieutenant before—but then, it has just been him and me and—” It struck her, then, out of the blue. “Thuringwethil, of course,” Galadriel finished, “and she only calls him ‘Master.’”
“An old title,” Írimë agreed with a nod, “from days far before you and me. It is not used anymore, save in old bonds. They call him Lord Lieutenant now, for he is Lord of Tol-in-Gaurhoth and Lieutenant of Angband.”
An icy chill seeped down Galadriel’s spine once more, setting the little hairs upon the nape of her neck on end. “And you serve him now?”
Írimë tipped her chin downwards as she regarded Galadriel with her unnaturally cool gaze. “I serve under Thuringwethil,” she revealed, that dark twinkle glimmering within her bright eyes once more, and then she closed them as she bowed her head in submission, “and we all serve the Elder King—” With her head bowed as such, her voice took on the cadence of a song, and Írimë chanted out the rest of it. “King of the World, Master of the Fates of Arda, Lord of All and Giver of Freedom.”
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randomprose · 9 months
set during ch. 411 // inspiration: I Will Destroy You, Nick Flynn
In the wake of She Li’s downfall, in the early hours of the quiet morning, Mo Guan Shan and He Tian stare at each other.
It feels liminal, lying in Mo Guan Shan’s too small bed as sunlight filters in from the window where a small slip of space wasn’t covered by the curtains. An alarm is going to go off any minute now, but for now they have time, and neither speaks for fear of breaking the peaceful bubble. 
It is Mo Guan Shan who moves first. He takes He Tian’s bandaged hand gently, slowly, and He Tian watches as Mo Guan Shan brings it to his lips and  tender kiss lands in the middle of his open palm.
Mo Guan Shan’s lips travel to kiss He Tian’s fingers next, lips warm and soft landing on each knuckles, before returning his attention back to He Tian’s palm. He kisses it again, this time almost reverently, and runs his tongue along where he knows He Tian’s wounds are despite the bandages. They would scar, he thinks, the first one did and this one will too. They would fade in time to be barely visible, but they would always be fresh to Mo Guan Shan. He would always see the blood—red, warm, and oozing—from where He Tian has been punctured in defense of him.
He Tian gasps when he meets Mo Guan Shan’s gaze.
‘Sorry,’ he seems to say with every graze of his lips. ‘Thank you,’ his eyes, a heated heavy gaze conveying more than just gratitude and relief. It’s a vow, an unspoken devotion, ‘I would do the same for you,’
Mo Guan Shan unlatches his mouth from He Tian’s palm and surges up to capture his lips instead. 
It tastes like benediction and He Tian feels his lungs give out the breath he’s been holding all this time. 
He Tian’s hands have moved to rest on Mo Guan Shan’s neck, and when they broke apart, his instincts led his mouth to rest over the bandage around it. He kisses his way around, the bandage a rough texture against his lips, but the warmth of Mo Guan Shan’s still healing tender skin underneath distracts him from it.
Mo Guan Shan is pliant under his ministrations and He Tian takes advantage of this. His lips hovers over Mo Guan Shan’s pulse and he feels rather than hear the whispered plea.
The rhythmic thudding of his pulse is maddening, intoxicating, each pump of it whispering ‘please, please, please’, and the cadence of it is music to He Tian’s ears.
He runs his tongue along it and the pulse quickens further. The grip on his wrists tightens and He Tian moves to kiss and suck on the erratic pulse, smirking as Mo Guan Shan gasps and tenses beneath him.
He Tian moves to kiss lower, charting a path down Mo Guan Shan’s collarbone and moving his hand to go under the latter’s sleep shirt, when an alarm sounds out, blaring and noisy in its chirpy tone, and any and all plans of going further is halted. Mo Guan Shan groans, throwing an arm over his eyes, while He Tian laughs as he plops down beside him again.
Mo Guan Shan peaks at He Tian beside him—hair mussed, eyes alight with mischief, smile still sleep soft despite already being long awake, and oh so radiant in the early morning light—and thinks he would like to keep this boy and wishes that he would be allowed to.
(He doesn’t know that He Tian is smiling because the morning sun illuminates his red face in the prettiest way and wants so badly for Mo Guan Shan to want him too, wishes desperately to be allowed to keep him too.)
“Good morning, Little Mo~"
“Yeah,” Mo Guan Shan mutters, a little annoyed at himself for finding He Tian’s lilting tone endearing. “Good morning.”
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coal15 · 1 month
I'm like 98% sure I'll be able to have Ch.2 of A Weird Kind of Beautiful posted before the end of the day. Teaser tidbit below the cut EXPLICIT! DO NOT READ IF sub/DOM SHIT GIVES YOU HIVES!
Eddie softly kisses Buck’s throat and lips before turning his attention to Tommy. “How deep into this . . . stuff . . . are you?”
“How do I put this . . . ” Tommy crawls from his spot on the floor to pose on his knees in front of his new playmates’ shared armchair. “Does my future dream home include a dungeon? No.” He touches Buck and Eddie’s bodies in tandem, petting, stroking, roaming freely . . . “but do I, as we speak, have a hallway closet dedicated to all sorts of gear and accessories? Yes.”
“That’s, um, well, a nice healthy middle ground.” Eddie’s breath goes shallow as Tommy leans in to brush his lips from Buck’s chest up to his throat.
“I think so.” Tommy whispers, nuzzling Buck for another second or two before locking Eddie in an unblinking stare. “Would you like to end the cuddle break now?” 
“Fuck yeah.”
“Good,” Tommy purrs in a cadence that goes directly to Eddie’s soft slumbering cock. He prompts Buck to swivel and slide off of Eddie’s lap as far as he can. “Theeeeerrrrrreeeee we are. Now Evan, you're going to stroke him hard then stand up and put your hands behind your back-oh, and you are not allowed to get hard. At all. I swear if that cock so much as twitches I’ll make you stick it in ice water. Understand?”
"Yes, Sir."
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gojonanami · 2 months
i just wanted to take a little moment to appreciate how insane it is that you are able to capture their personalities so well??
like, under your penmanship, suguru feels like suguru, satoru feels like satoru, kento feels like kento, choso feels like choso, etc.
it's actually pretty insane & very, very hard to do!!!
to be able to just grasp the essence of their characters and personalities, and capture the cadence of their speech and guess at how they would speak and say and move and navigate this world???
that's so damn hard & i'm so, so appreciative of the fact that you're able to do so super, super well
you're extremely talented, seriously
i'm literally in awe of how you're able to do it !!! it's super hard
i've tried, and i just can't do it – i think you have some god-given talent when it comes to writing
it's seriously very, very cool
(p.s. loved, loved, loved ch. 5 & i'm so, so, so looking forward to ch. 6)
this is so so sweet?? And literally means the world to me 😭🥹 I love you so much — I’m so glad I can do that because I try super hard to try and capture the characters I write for well and it means the world to me that you think I’m doing a good job!!
you’re far too kind and i can’t express to you in words how happy and warm this ask makes me — I love you so much thank you for the kind words 💕🥹
(ahhh I’m so glad you did!! and I’m so excited to write part 6 so much!! 🥹💕)
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