#unreleased item
takahikohayashi · 8 months
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D-23.Oct.2023 Takahiko Hayashi 66x51cm pen drawing, collage on Sukijimai Gampi paper 林孝彦 Takahiko Hayashi 2023
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lesvegas · 3 months
Ever heard of the "Old Chap" petpet?
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Release him NOW @neopets
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jeniffercheck · 7 months
i know many artists have no control over the marketing of their own music but "secret tracks" & vinyl variants piss me the fuck awffff like you're not preserving the art of analog music it's just a cash grab to destroy pockets of tweenagers' parents and every one else who loves your music too much to not participate
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neobastard · 2 months
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unreleased pocket neopet items! each one matches their real world counterpart.
it's unknown if they were meant to be virtual prize code items that your pets could play with, but the concept of our pets playing with virtual pets of their own is pretty meta.
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hclymoonsblog · 4 months
Memory Arc
GN!Child of Aphrodite x Luke Castellan
Author’s note : I imagined the reader as female but could also be read as gender neutral. Listened to Memory Arc from Rivale Consoles as I wrote.
Warnings : Angst to comfort, with a bit of fluff at the end. Mentions of self-isolation, self-deprecation, nostalgia, fear of death, smoking, acne breakouts, implicit depression from the reader, Luke is insensitive but makes up for it. 
The Aphrodite cabin was awfully quiet. It had been for a while, considering all of your step-siblings had, once again, failed at the tedious task of getting you to attend the nightly campfire. 
It wasn’t their fault, really. But there was no try. Putting on a face and trying to maintain somewhat a form of social life among your peers had been the very least of your concerns. They knew it, and so did you, which is why assuring them that spending your evening listening to music, dining off a few snacks and enjoying silence was perfectly fine with you, had been enough to get them to go. The cabin residents had eventually agreed to leave you on your own, abandoning you to your chosen isolation. 
And, indeed, that’s precisely what was happening. Faint Lana Del Rey was playing in the room – Thunder, the unreleased version, to be exact. You could have recognized the song among a thousand, thanks to its distinct first notes and the familiar grain of the device it was being played on: the mp3 Luke had stolen for you about a year ago, when you first arrived at camp. 
A wave of nostalgia hit you as the boy crossed your mind. You mindlessly inspected the small, grey box, letting your manicured nails trace over the small stickers glued onto the metallic surface. He had never outwardly expressed where he got it from, nor why he chose to gift it to you, among all people. 
You remembered the moment vividly.
This was on your second day at camp, at breakfast. You had barely slept, plagued by distressing nightmares all revolving around the implication of being the child of a literal god — or goddess, you weren't sure. It all seemed too surreal to you, and the fact you hadn’t been claimed yet wasn’t helping with it either. Luke Castellan, for some reason, happened to be sitting right next to you at the Hermes table, which welcomed unclaimed children like you, as Mr. D had said in a way that you guessed to be willing to remind you you didn’t belong. Hopefully, that wouldn’t last for long. The thought made you frown unconsciously.
The camp counselor had observed you fiddle with your food for a while, almost thoughtfully. Without a word, he pulled a small object out of his pocket and handed it to you.
“You talk in your sleep.” He commented, giving little to no context regarding his gesture.
Your eyes went from the item, to Luke, to the item again, not moving an inch.
The lack of sleep, combined with all of the information you had to interiorise, made you glare at the box both with curiosity and suspicion, waiting for him to elaborate. Was this another unknown, mystic artefact to, magically, grant you a dreamless sleep?
He blinked, staring back at your emotionless eyes from the insomnia, and cleared his throat awkwardly.
“This, is a mp3,” He explained, gesturing to the small screen and the music note on the back of the device, maintaining the eye contact between the two of you, as if it was trying to get his point across. “You can download songs, and, y’know, listen to music with it.”
“I know what a mp3 is.” You cut him a bit defensively, your cheeks flushing a bit from the slight embarrassment. 
To punctuate your sentence, you pressed a button to switch it on, in order to let him know you actually had owned a similar thing in the past, back when things were still normal for you. Why was this guy showing you off his mp3, anyways?
“I’m sure you do.” The slight mocking tone and the faintest smirk you detected onto Luke’s lips left you questioning the whole point of the conversation. 
Conveniently, the look on your face must have told Luke everything he needed to know as he picked up the conversation. “I thought this might help you relax. Take your mind off things, and, hopefully, make you feel a bit more at home, with songs you like.” 
Your eyes softened. The slight irritation you were feeling towards him evaporated from your body. His friendly gesture had taken you aback, and in a good way. The mp3 may have been in a questionable state, the fact the boy — which was just as much of a stranger than you were to him — had tried to make you feel good, and therefore, welcomed in your new place, was touching.
“… Thank you.”
“Pleasure’s all mine.” Luke’s whole face brightened. An unfamiliar warmth spread across your chest. He ran a hand through his dark curls, looking to the side for a split second.
“How did you get that, though? I didn’t know there was a mystery Apple Store at camp.”
He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. Let’s just say I stumbled upon it.”
Unexpected was the word. Nevertheless, you had truly appreciated the friendly gesture. He had been the first person to act kindly towards you ever since your arrival – at least, not in a way that felt exaggeratingly forced, unlike some other camp residents. You could say this present had sealed the beginning of your friendship. As you stared at it, it left you reflecting onto the day you first met Luke and wondering about where the two of you stood. 
Soon enough, you had no choice but to face the harsh reality of things, which led you inevitably into spiralling into your thoughts.
The two of you hadn’t had a real conversation in months. You didn’t spar together anymore, neither did you share the mp3 he had gifted you, one earbud each, to make him listen to music he claimed to hate — a supposed disdain which had never prevented him from singing, quite awfully, the lyrics along with you. 
You didn’t sit next to one another anymore, didn’t hang out anymore. All of that was quite simply gone.
You had to content yourself of occasional, fleeting from across the hall, nods of acknowledgment. 
People had noticed. They came up to you, asked you about him, probably as much as they asked him about you. 
Of course, you knew. Deep down, you knew why it all went down. 
It is an obligation for demigods to demonstrate constant, unwavering strength and courage. For all you knew, those two had never been qualities that you particularly lacked. 
But when it came to the dark haired boy, it seemed like all the traits you thought you owned came crashing down, and you were left bare, defenseless, while he could see right through your soul.
And you hated that. You thought befriending — though the verb doesn’t quite fit — the best swordsman in camp would help you get rid of the weakness Aphrodite children tend to be associated with. But, truly, it had in fact only been the opposite.
Your barriers all came undone, without fail, one after the other. Your heart only grew fonder, more passionate. And yet, one thing you learned the hard way about being a demigod, is that there is no room for weakness. 
You knew you wouldn’t be capable of balancing both courage and attachment, so the only option left was to flee, to disengage yourself from such a bond, before it was too late. 
Once you got back from your first ever quest, the one in which you almost got violently murdered by a giant scorpion and a bunch of other terrifying creatures, the one which sent you into a concerning amount of sleepless nights, you were convinced of it. 
You wouldn’t be able to bear the thought of forcing yourself through this life without him.
You had believed, foolishly, your avoidance would make things easier.
The truth is that it had only made you feel more heartachingly miserable.
Time had flown by, and despite all your efforts, Luke was still the first thing you thought of when you woke up and the last thing on your mind when you went off to sleep.
For a daughter of Aphrodite, you sure sucked at love. 
The irony of it all left a bitter taste in your mouth.
This was why listening to Lana, despite the affection you held for her, was so dangerous. It always sent you into an uncontrollable overload of emotions.
Fully intending to get rid of the sadness wave before it fully hit you, you stood up from your bed and switched off the device before carefully putting it away in a drawer.
Then, you picked up a pink hoodie, not sure what step-sibling you were borrowing it from, and carelessly put it on. 
As much as you loved the tenth cabin and its coquette aesthetic, you weren’t really feeling that coquette at the moment, which is precisely the reason why you got on your knees in order to grab the pack of Malboro’s carefully hidden under your bed. 
You were glad any of your step-siblings hadn’t picked up on the fact you were smoking, or you would not have ever stopped hearing about it. You could already hear Silena lecturing you about the effect it would have on your lungs, or worse, on your skin. 
Surely the Silena you were imagining in your head was right, though. The frequent smoking, which had been intensifying lately, could explain why you had been breaking out a bit more than usual. 
Thankfully, the perks of being part of the Aphrodite cabin always involved somebody always being kind enough to help the other with spots coverage, so it hadn’t been much of an issue to you. Ever since, you had been perfectly capable of doing it on your own.
You walked out the wooden cabin, shutting the door behind you with a barely audible creak. Immediately met with the cool air, goosebumps erupted on your skin. Maybe cotton shorts weren’t the move for such weather, after all. Too bad. You felt like you had gone through worse — you were more than capable of fighting off the not-so-warm spring evening air. 
It was dark. The moon was your only source of light, since you hadn’t thought about picking up a flashlight before leaving, but that was quite good enough already. Your legs were always bringing you to the precise spot in camp you had in mind, and as you walked, you were straying further away from the woods. 
As tall grass tickled your ankles, you silently prayed to your mother you wouldn’t stumble onto any harpy. The thought still emitted a dry chuckle from you, picturing the creature interrupting your smoking break in the middle of the night. If things went shit, you could always try to charmspeak them away. That would be, in fact, surprisingly entertaining.
Harpies rarely roamed around the beach. That was a reassuring thought to you — firstly because you weren’t too keen on the idea of fighting a monster so late at night, and secondly because that’s precisely where you were heading.
Before you knew it, the smell of salt had invaded your nostrils. The crisp touch of the sand underneath your feet made you shiver as you made your way to the shore, intending to sit down for a while — and enjoy your well-deserved cigarette. 
You put your hand down and shoved it in your pocket, instinctively expecting to get a hold of the familiar surface of your lighter. It was even more unexpected to realize there was no lighter to be found, sending your brain into a haze. The possibilities were endless. You could have either forgotten it in the cabin, accidentally dropped it into the tall grass as you were walking, or dropped it somewhere among the sand–
“Looking for something?”
You spinned around, eyes widening, looking up at the person the masculine voice belonged to.
Luke Castellan. Standing in front of you, holding the silver lighter, but not quite handing it to you. You got a weird sense of deja vu as you both scrutinized the other. 
His hair had definitely grown. The dark curls were more defined than you remembered them to be, and there was a new scar down the sight of his face. The sight made you raise a brow, and you met his eyes once again, examining them as much as the distance allowed you to. As a matter of fact, they looked pretty much the same, except for the lack of emotion. They looked weirdly bland, almost glacial, full of indifference. You weren’t used to him looking at you in such a manner.
“Thank you. I must have dropped it earlier.” You explained, trying your best to keep your voice neutral, hoping he would simply give you the object back, so you could both escape the awkward situation. You didn’t believe for a second he had accidentally found it and magically brought it to you at such a late hour of the night. You didn’t feel like confronting him about it anyways.
“I didn’t know you smoked.” Luke stated, letting his deft fingers trace over the small object. Then, he lit it, as if he were checking if it did work. Was there a slight tinge of disappointment in his voice or had you imagined it? You were unsure.
“Happens, from time to time.”
The dry chuckle your ex-friend let out only left you made you grow more confused about whatever was happening. You were left with an uneasy feeling in the chest.
“Sure. Then, I guess you haven’t bought, like, three packs from Connor in less than a week.”
“It soothes me!” You defended yourself, feeling small under his disapproving glare. “Why do you keep records of who he sells cigs to, anyways?”
“I don’t know, why don’t you try to get into meditation, or some yoga shit, detox tea, guided hypnosis from Cabin 15, or anything else, really, for all I care? Why’d you have to destroy your health for some temporary relief?” The dark-haired boy snapped back, gradually rising in temper.
“I don’t know, maybe because, unless you haven’t noticed during all the years you’ve been stuck at camp, there’s not much to cope with here?” You mirrored his voice, hastily getting up from the small pile of sand you were sitting on.
“Oh, all right then, I get it.” He threw his arms in the air as he spoke, his brown eyes flashing in anger. “You’re a little depressed, but there’s no psychiatrist available here to help you fix your issues, so you choose to ignore the hell out of me and throw your health out the window instead. Real smart choice.”
Your mouth opened in shock, and before you knew it, your vision was blurred from the tears building up in your eyes. You felt your heart twist painfully in your chest at his insensitive words, and you choked back a sob.
“Why would it matter if I fuck up my health, wether that be to me, or to you? (You had to pause to catch your breath, your chest heaving up and down from the mix of negative emotions invading your body.) “I’ll be dead in no more than ten years, maybe less— We’ll all be.” You inhaled, your voice cracking at the end of your sentence. “You know it.”
His brown eyes widened. Your two last sentences seemed to take out the anger out of his body, leaving the two of you in a heavy kind of silence. Luke’s face went from great anger to deep sadness. He took a step up, gradually lessening the distance between you two, and put his two arms on each of your shoulders. The boy knelt down, so the two of you were on eye-level. You were able to see every one of each of his features now.
“Don’t say that.” His voice was lower, and his brown eyes had considerably softened, and it’s as if you were back to when you first fell in love, about three months ago. “We can’t think of life as just an end, or we won’t live at all.”
Your eyes dropped to the sandy ground, unable to hold his gaze any longer. You hadn’t cried in so long that the sensation of the pearly tears dripping down your eyes felt almost foreign, to you. “I can’t help but think of it that way. Knowing our days are counted, threatened by the doings of the gods, is too much to bear, on most days.” You sniffled. “Makes me wonder if there’s truly a point living it all, and if it’s not better to try and lessen the pain as much as you can.” 
Luke was silent for a bit, reflecting onto what you just said, carefully picking out the words he was about to use next. “The one thing about being a demigod is that we’re fundamentally different compared to regular mortals.” He mindlessly wiped a tear off your face with his thumb. “We die young, and most of the time, terribly. This is what differentiates us significantly from mortals.”
You pursed your lips. “Is this how you think you’re gonna make me feel better?”
The dark-haired boy chuckled, a small smile etching its way on his lips. “No. Of course, it’s unfair, but what I mean is that not much mortal philosophy actually applies to us. We have to look up to those who worshipped the same gods we did. See— take Horace, and his whole Carpe Diem belief. He happened, in fact, to be quite right. We need to enjoy our days, live them to the fullest, and make the most of what we have.” He paused, looking away for a split second, before looking back up into your eyes. “You can’t just deny yourself from happiness. Not only you don’t deserve that, it’ll only make your existence as a demigod even more complicated than it already is.” Luke first hesitated before tucking a hair strand of yours behind your ear. “And, especially as a daughter of Aphrodite, you can’t deny yourself from love.” His voice was barely above a whisper now.
His words really resonated with you, for some reason. Of course, all your problems wouldn't disappear out of thin air thanks to his philosophical words, but they were all you needed to close the remaining distance between the two of you, crashing your lips against his. It was a bit bold, and indeed, it took Luke aback. He froze for a split second, but the camp counselor was quick to come to his senses. One hand went up to caress your jaw to deepen the kiss, almost desperately, and the other pulled you in his chest, a strong arm securing you against him. 
You were the first one to pull away, gasping up for air, and he begrudgingly imitated you, his dilated pupils betraying him. He let out a slight chuckle and ran a hand through his hair, trying to play it off cool.
“Didn’t expect you’d be taking my advice so soon.” The boy joked, still squeezing you against his side, practically towering over you. “I’m not complaining, though.” He hurriedly added.
“I didn’t know you’d gotten so wise. If I knew ignoring you would turn into a son of Athena, I would’ve given you silent treatment earlier.” 
Your playful words only made him press you into his side even more, until your cheeks were squished into his hard chest. It was actually quite enjoyable, except for the fact you’d probably end up suffocating and it would then ruin the romantic mood set between the two of you. “Don’t you dare. I’m not letting you go anytime soon.” He replied, a bit of a warning in his voice.  “Even if that means locking you up in the Hermes cabin and tying you down to my bed.”
That made you chuckle. It didn’t exactly sound like a bad situation to you, for numerous reasons, although you wouldn’t admit all of them out loud. Luke must have noticed the slight blush dusting your cheeks since a shit-eating grin appeared on his face. But before he could say anything about it, you spoke up. “I’m sorry. For pushing you away, for keeping you at distance. I—”
“It’s okay, I get it. I appreciate that you’re apologizing, but I’m not blaming you.” He pressed a kiss into the crown of your head, wrapping both his arms around your midsection. “I’m sorry, too, for the way I talked to you, earlier.”
“We’re good, then.”
“Never better.”
“ … ”
“ … ” 
“Does that mean I’m getting my lighter back?”
© hclymoonsblog - Tumblr, 2024.
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weishenyu · 5 months
exchanging fandom merch in 谷圈
homophones abound.....short vocab list on trading merch
谷子 [gǔzi] - millet = homophone for "goods"
吃谷 [chī gǔ] - eat millet = buying goods
谷圈 [gǔ quān] - millet circle = merch trading community
米 [mǐ] - rice = short for 人民幣 (RMB)
同人谷 [tóngrén gǔ] = doujin goods (fanmade merch)
6 - homophone for 留 (leave) = 遛一遛ID (can I have your WX ID)
初伤 [chū shāng] - initial injury = factory defects
薯条 [shǔ tiáo] - french fries = homophone for 数(量)调(查) = quantity survey, i.e. interest check for merchandise
切了 [qièle] - cut it = you/someone else bought the item
拼齐切 [pīn qí qiè] - evenly split - if you only want part of the set and want to split it with someone else after placing the order
不包不刀 [bù bāo bù dāo] - postage not included, no bargaining
对走 [duì zǒu] - 对 is homophone for 隊 (team) = selling in pairs
ddl - deadline (for payment)
云xx [yún] - cloud xx = unreleased items or items that are still being produced, or currently only exist online (in the cloud)
痛包 [tòng bāo] - painful bag = itabag, 痛 (ita/pain) refers to pain inflicted on the owner's wallet/bag or painfully embarrassing to look at
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ofstarsandvibranium · 8 months
Prison For Life
Fandom: Star Wars (Modern AU)
Pairing: Poe Dameron x F!Reader
Summary: Poe is your person. He's your love, your best friend. And you're his. And if anyone were to hurt you? Well...Poe would go to prison for life.
Warning: reader has an altercation with a man, allusions to sex
A/N: based off the unreleased song with the same title by Olivia Rodrigo. BACK ON MY POE HOE SHIT!
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Poe parked his old truck at the famer's market. Fall has truly hit with the orange, red, and yellow leaves littered along the ground. The air no longer warm but with a chill. It's no longer bright and shiny but a bit cloudy and gloomy. You love weather like this.
The door to Poe's truck creaks as he steps out. He slams it hard because it won't stay shut if he doesn't. He rushes to your side, your door also creaking when he opens it.
With the help up Poe, you hop out of his truck and land on the ground. You pecks his lips in thanks and close the door behind you.
Once he locks up, Poe's hand is in yours and you're walking together towards the vendors selling their wares.
"Alright, what's on the list, baby girl?" he asks, waiting for you to pull out your shopping list.
When you do, you name off the items, "apples, honey, those treats that Beebs love so much, celery for the stew I wanted to make, aaaannd tomatoes."
Poe nods, "Sounds good!" He looks around and his eyes brighten, "Baby, the cider vendor's here!"
You gasp, "Oh, we have to grab some before they sell out again!" you move to grab your wallet and Poe chuckles, "I got it, honey."
"You got it last time."
"And I'll get this time and the time after," he gives you a wink and then leaves your side to get in line for the cider you love so much.
You continue down the aisle of vendors. You approach one selling fruit so you check to see if they have the apples you want. Luckily, they do, so you start grabbing some and placing them in your shopping tote.
"Hey," you hear a voice that's definitely not Poe's.
You look over your shoulder to see a man standing behind you. You watch as he looks you up and down and you scowl, "Not interested."
He scoffs, "And what makes you think I was interested in the first place, huh?"
You turn back to picking out apples, but the pushes you, causing the apples in your hands to topple over. You turn to face him, looking at him in disbelief, "The hell is your problem?"
"I was talking to you, bitch!" He grabs your arm, "What makes you think-"
"HEY!" Poe practically throws himself between you and this stranger, "Get your hands off her!" He pushes the man away from you.
"I didn't do anything!" the man yells.
"Then why did I see your hands on my girl, huh?!"
The man marches back to Poe, but the fruit vendor yells, "YOU BETTER QUIT IT OR I'M CALLING THE COPS!"
The man's jaw clenches as he eyes you and then Poe, "Fuck it," he pushes Poe one last time before stomping away.
"Asshole," Poe mutters before turning to you, his eyes softening, "You okay?"
"Yeah. I was ready to punch him until you stepped in."
Poe smirks, "Why do you think I did? Don't want the poor guy to not be able to eat anymore."
You snort and Poe chuckles and then sighs, "I know you could handle yourself, but you know I'd do anything for you, right?" You bite your lip and nod, "Good," he says, "'Cause if anyone were to hurt you...well, they'd have to put me in prison for life." he looks at you with intensity in his eyes and you have to look away. Your body suddenly feeling hot.
You clear your throat as you turn back to the vendor, "Just these, please." the vendor tells you the price and Poe immediately holds out the cash with one hand, while his other is on your waist, giving it a light squeeze.
He knows. He has to know what he's doing to you right now.
"What's next, baby girl?" he murmurs in your ear.
You step away from the stall and reply lowly, "Actually, I think we should go home."
Poe looks at you confused, "You okay?"
"Mhm...I'm just a little hot."
Poe smirks and teasingly asks lowly, "Did I get you hot and bothered, sweetheart?"
"Yes, so you better take me home right now."
Your response makes him laugh, "Whatever my baby wants," he slips his hand in yours and guides you back to his truck.
You can just go to the famer's market next week.
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nonbinary-juno · 6 months
tldr/thesis: the new advent calendar sucks ass and i'm tired of pretending it doesn't
the old advent calendar: themed, pretty, exciting, appeared along with the daily spin every day, you could see all the gifts lined up and see which ones had gems or mp tokens, it was free, it embodied christmas spirit, all gifts were nm and you could refresh for different colors.
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the new one is easier to miss, not jamaaliday-themed anymore because it's just a regular shop you have to click on, you don't get gift previews, and if you want to change the color you have to be a member, THUS CAUSING THIS:
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(that's the same item, same name, same colors, except one is members only, and causes shit like this for the wiki)
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AND to top it off, almost all the new items suck ass because they're just random furniture with this singular poinsettia png slapped on it
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and most of the GOOD gifts are just old unreleased items that they're re-releasing for the advent calendar and all their color variations are members-only.
they sucked all of the whimsy out of the advent calendar! you don't get a gift after logging on! you have to buy it at a shop (i know they're cheap. it still feels crummy to buy your own advent calendar gift.)
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riftclaw · 6 months
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so this isn't a post that i wanted to make but it is one i feel like i have to make, because right now i don't really trust that what i've requested privately will be followed. but:
this is a notice that i'm rescinding my permission for Moderneopets to use my bases, unreleased finished pets and items, and unfinished concepts. this only includes the files i've made from scratch. i'm deeply unsatisfied with the way situations have been handled, with how dismissive the response has been to my concerns and feelings about them, and that it took users coming in for art that was asked to be removed last month to be placeholdered.
i realise that in doing so i am opening myself up to a "hit piece" by the troll that's been slinging insults and false accusations at people since the situation in november, but i'm going to be honest, i want to move on and this may be one of the only ways to actually do that.
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ultrainfinitepit · 9 months
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BizBazClub just updated with the rest of the Eldritch Saints pins and other new items, some of which are sold out in my Etsy shop or unreleased! You can check out their TikTok today, September 22 2023, at 4:30 PM PST for live previews of the items, or head over to their website to purchase them.
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rainbowgod666 · 4 months
Really fucking stupid patch notes, wizardposting edition
Fixed a bug where @the-gnomish-bastard could NOT turn back into a normal gnome when using "Become Lead Statue" in some cases. This somehow applied to every "Become Statue" spell but the Lead one was the most broken one
Fixed a bug where Meme Summons straight up couldnt work if you had more mana than usual. No, we have no idea what the fuck happened
Fixed interactions with every variant of @the-wizard-council-blog, including the Illegal one, the NSFW one, The worse one, The better one, and all other iterations
Fixed a bug where the stew arcanum was straight up uncraftable because all the data was gibberish. This was fixed a few versions ago and now you only need 3 high-tier gods to make it. Also you need Meme-Infused Magic Spellwood Bowls to hold this post-post endgame item. Yes, its still too much stew but we kept it like that because its unironically funny
Speaking of magical trees: fixed a bug where some types of trees straight up Did Not Grow unless some form of "chunk loading" was enabled. In other words, what the fuck.
Fixed a bug where stacking too many attack ups made the damage 0 on any "explosive" spell. @official-megumin can now deal 9 quintillion damage (as long as its not over the positive 64-bit integer limit, because then the bug stays) (also the code is less fucked)
Fixed a bug where some unusual but valid items for wands and staves (such as LITERALLY EVERY NUCLEAR METAL and some fantasy ones like orichalcum and australium) straight up couldnt exist.
Added more items to mythril, but this time everything you can do with mythril can be done with other materials, so now you can choose between mythril orichalcum AND adamantine depending on the color
Adamantium crafting now doesnt require a bordering-on-hyperbole amount of adamantine. Also you now need industrial steel instead of normal one.
Fixed a bug where "Triple Summon of Meth Berserk Chimps" not only was unobtainable, but required over 2.14 billion mana. Granted it was unreleased back then but then it was released and it still was in its testing stage
Fixed a bug with many spider-themed spells not really being "spidery", this one goes out for our boy @autism--wizard, may you find many cute spooders in ur life :3
Fixed a bug where "induce memetic stroke" accidentally... told people about the meme. Whoops.
"TACO BELL TACOSPELL OF INTESTINAL IMPLOSION" fixed to deal less damage than the psychological damage. We know its a forbidden spell but fuck you we are not sending people to the therapist because omega diharrea
Speaking of: fixed a bug where "steal item" could work on vital organs. Youre gonna learn "Spell Of True Thievery" and youre gonna shut the fuck up about it
Fixed a bug where non-sentient kobolds could be... "milked". Yes mr gnome. KILK existed and it was kobold sperm this entire time. This is why you said it didnt exist, CAUSE THAT SHIT WASNT MILK CHIEF! Anyways now KILK actually doesnt exist so y'all better shut the fuck up or FIND A MILKABLE SOMETHING WITH A K IN ITS NAME
Fixed a bug where familiars didnt familiar. Yes it was terrifying in every way ever, so thank @familiar-union for this. Yes thwy cant be tagged by us idfk why
Fixed mithril tools being literal reskins of their steel equivalents. Whoops!
Fixed a bug where that one April Fools joke of "summon cock" actually summoning a penis. Now it actually summons a rooster (and a really big one)
Speaking of that, Summon Rooster has been fixed and now its a better version of the aforementioned spell
Fixed the interaction between A LOT of spells. Turns out that 99% of harry potter being trash doesnt stop people from doing Dragonball Beam Struggles with their spells. Also yes, elements apply
Fixed a few lines of code so that now the "use pokemon typings" option doesnt disintegrate the UI. Over 120k spells and each and every single one of them now has functioning typing. Now shut the fuck up wE DID IT
Fixed retrocompatibility issues. Now runescape can scape the runes! (HR is fully aware that the joke is shit) (but fuck it, it was funny)
Fixed a bug where any "Robot" something would bug up and change colors. Considering that people somehow managed to make trans flags with this, we added a transgender flag skin for every "robot", "wulfrum", and similar tech spells.
Greatrererest Blahaj Blast Barrage now has a hitbox AND a cost. It can be set as your ult and we already have the Gold, Platinum, Uranium and other skins ready. Yes the transgender skin is unlocked by default if you already have the spell, and if you dont- Magical Battlepass has it at levels 10, 32, and 69 (otherwise you get materials and xp) Because the one battlepass that works without FOMO and Whaling had to be the magical one
Fixed a bug where "draconic" items were only easily obtainable by dupe glitches. We may not have fixed those but we upped the drop rates so you dont have to exterminate dragons for one singular heart. Now it takes 3 dragons at most! (Yeah so it turns out the drop rates were HELLA WRONG. Whoopsie daisy!)
Speaking of that: Draconic Evolution Backporting works now! Now when you use a staff of power, people wont think its an euphemism for your di-
Magical swords now can be made woth higher tier elements. No idea why would you need an Entropic Steel Magic Sword but fuck it. You deserve to put some sparkles on that Alien X looking ass blade
The Throngler's Gold Skin now doesnt make it a mess of metal and gold. Now its actually good
Fixed a bug where bad connection made the online version of "the potion seller's strongest potion" unplayable because some elements were only obtainable in multiplayer. Fuck you and your theories about thwnpotion seller being an eldritch dragon eater. LoL. KeK even
The Augur Dragon now doesnt get stuck flying in circles above the Forbidden Volcano Arena. Now it actually CAN hit you from 10000ft in the air!
The marble wyvern boss (and therefore all other marble wyverns) actually drop the dragon marble builders want
Added tier XVII to the Magical Engine. Also recipes for Tier Ascension were fixed.
N2O Blast was fixed to deal hellfire instead of fire. And also being blue. It was easier than you believe
Using "Golden Shower (Metal) actually rains coins instead of being "golden shower but identical and deals steel damage"
Sniler's quests now update in 1 hour instead of 24, and the quests are better. During multiplayer, there are 5 quests avaiable instead of 3
Ghastly Mist now actually blinds opponents instead of being really dense
"F.I.S.T." can no longer be boosted by attack boosts, but nOW its damage is "(999 × your level + (your attack stat × 2)) × 2", and its cast cost went from 1000 mana to 1200.
More scroll duplication bugs were fixed, but the "use Grant Spell Usage onto a low level non-magic enemy so they have a spell that they cant use and then using Turn Into Scroll" has been made into an ACTUAL feature. Go ahead and make a billion "Scroll of Imaginary Technique: Hollow Purple"!
"Starlight Thunderstorm" now has 1% paralysis
Removed the "domain expansion" function until we figure out how THAT works. Theres still the tab, and when it will be implemented just send screenshots of what "domain expansion customizations" and then youre getting them once we implement them
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tajlibracreations · 9 months
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Divine 9 Indoor-Outdoor Sorority and Fraternity Canopies by TajLibra Creations
There is a new addition to the Party Collection, Canopies! These canopies can be set up inside or outside.  They are perfect for events and show everyone who you represent!
Divine 9 Party Decor - Canopy
Decoration (Misc)
Price: $199
Designs: 27 (3 per organization)
--Search TajLibra to find my content in game--
Coordinating items:
Party Decor Collection is 🖱️️ HERE
Round Cakes are 🖱️️ HERE
Find Tumblers, Coffee Cup and Double Cups, 🖱️️ HERE, 🖱️️ HERE, 🖱️️ HERE and 🖱️️ HERE
The Folding Tables are Chairs are available 🖱️ HERE
Download The Divine 9 Canopies on Patreon
File Name(s):
Uploaded on 09/28/2023 by @tajlibracreations @tajlibra @tajlibradesigns
DISCLAIMER: These creations are for The Sims 4 as custom content. This is content is purely for fun. Many simmers love having a piece of reality in their games. Some images were obtained from various online sources and their credit remains on the image.
TajLibra Creations Terms of Use (TOU):
Do not sell or place MY custom content behind paywalls or on paysites. My content is not for sale. Link directly to my Patreon, tumblr, or simfileshare link.
Do not re-upload, re-edit, and/or then claim as your own! Please credit designs to me.
Do not include my content in pay to download lots, rooms, and/or households. Separate my content and provide it as a free download or link to my page.
I credit mesh creators and link to required meshes whenever possible, you should as well. My goal is to never use a mesh that requires payment to download.
Feel free to tag me when you use my creations. @tajlibracreations @tajlibra
Please let me know if links do not work or if you have problems with my content working in your game.
Social Media:
The Sims 4 Gallery: TajLibra (cc free builds & sims),TajLibraCreation & TajLibraCreates
Twitter: @TajLibraCreates
Facebook Page: @TajLibraCreations
Instagram: @Tajlibra
Patreon: patreon.com/TajLibra
LuniverSims: TajLibra
Tumblr: tajlibracreations.tumblr.com & tajlibra.tumblr.com
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Website - TajLibra Creations
Etsy Store for Digital Art - TajLibra Designs
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Buy Me A Coffee (Smoothie) - TajLibra: Click to Visit (accepting donations)
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aisquaredchoco · 4 days
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Getting back to my old habit I guess...
Yep, I'm building again. Though I intended this one to be a 'studio' lot, for playtesting cc, where my simself and her two kitties live. It's a fully furnished home with a huge outdoor space (intended for taking previews for build mode objects or any outdoorsy stuff). Inside meanwhile has a huge empty room for buy mode object previews. Upstairs is a loft bedroom leading to a stairway going to the attic and then to the rooftop balcony. And because I'm in love with industrial elements lately I decided to take a shot decorating in that style. I think I put a fair amount of cc on this one, including some of my own, of course lol..(note: there are some unreleased items shown, will I put them up for download? dunno yet but let's see 👀)
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reverie-starlight · 9 months
btw I got a free hawks shirt on saturday, and it got me thinking...
I genuinely think he'd be offended if he were to come home and find you wearing his merch, but in a really childish, pouty not-actually-upset-but-I'm-gonna-milk-it-for-affection way.
"baby! why would you wear that when you have the real deal in your arms almost every night?"
"sweetheart, why are you laughing at me, this is extremely distressing. you literally have MY shirts lying around the room, why do you need one with my face on it?!"
"well I bet it doesn't smell like me- hey! what do you mean, 'thank goodness for that'?"
he definitely chases you around the house trying to get you into one of his shirts.
but then it turns into...
"wait- please don't tell me you paid full price for that, I could have gotten you one for free if you wanted one that badly."
"what do you mean you got it for free anyways? who's giving my shirts out for free???" *confused birdbrain*
"babe, I literally could have gotten you the unreleased stuff. They always offer me pre-release items, but I've always said no, cause what am I gonna do with a ton of merch of my own face? I'm not that conceited."
he also totally doesn't "forgive you for your sins" immediately after you start cooing at him and planting kisses all over his face to apologize to him. totally not, he's much stronger than that.
then he gets smug and a little proud that you love him so much that you actually want to rep him.
"of course you wanted my merch, you're just that into me, hmm?" as he's leaning in to kiss you properly, hoping his dopey, lovesick expression isn't shining through too much.
just wait until he gets home a few days early one day and realizes when he's on missions you fall asleep cuddling a stuffed toy version of him. then the cycle starts all over again and there will be hell to pay.
god he's so annoying I'm so in love with him.
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elliebyrrdwrites · 3 months
Dramione Blurb 2.5
The Time Turner
Once upon a time, there was a boy who loved a blah blah blah.
The book snapped shut and was thrown across the room, landing beside the latest copy of the Daily Prophet. On it was a moving picture, a reel that repeated over and over and over.
Draco sneered at the paper, eyeing the boy who loved the girl who didn’t look like a girl anymore. The boy didn’t always love the girl. He was intimidated by the her. She was a full of knowledge and heart that was uncanny. The boy was lucky that she had fallen for him.
She had, somehow, been blind to how much he loathed the way she saw the world. The way she was able to pick it apart and piece it all back together. She could manipulate stories and she would show the world, and the people would ooh and aah and say, of course, what a wonderful story!
And all it took was a mere glimpse from her. And she would pierce through all of the bullshit and manage to create something new and beautiful.
So why, then, hadn’t she seen through the bullshit that was the man she had chosen to marry? Why had she said yes to the boy who hated her. The boy who coveted keeping her all to himself, determined to tamper the light that was so fucking brilliant, he should have been blinded!
Draco paced the length of the parlor room. He retraced the space that had once held the girl. Had held her crying bleeding body while this boy had done nothing. Which really doesn’t make him any better than the boy who had won her heart.
But still! Draco was fraught with unreleased tension. With regrets and indecision.
Draco Malfoy was in a bad place.
Which is what might had led him to seek out that Time Turner his father had stolen once upon a time and hidden in the back of his study. Behind a spelled book case that would only reveal itself to the lord of the manor.
Which, with his father now in prison, was him.
And so, it was with little regard and a lot of Fire Whiskey, that Draco tore from the cursed parlor and down the long hallway that would inevitably lead him into his father old study.
He remembered when his father had brought it home. Draco was six years old at the time, having no idea that his life would come down something as mundane as blood. Which every single person possesses. Blood was plenty! In the Muggle world, they had types of blood like O and A and B or C. He really didn’t know what or how they labeled a persons blood. All he knew is that they used it to save lives, not determine if it allowed a person to be hunted by a dark lord or not.
Little Draco, who knew nothing of blood status and wouldn’t until he was eight years old, watched as his father presented it to him. Like a bit of show and tell his class would sometimes do on Fridays. He held it in the palm of his hand, and pivoted it back and forth.
“Look at this, Draco.” His father said, his voice eerily quiet. “This is going to bring our family luck one day. One day, we might need to use it. But until then,” His father cleared his throat and turned to the book case behind his desk. Draco watched in awe as he reached out to place it into the book case. Only it didn’t appear on a shelf. It disappeared and Draco had been amazed. How wonderful and powerful his clever father was.
The nerve of the youth and their ignorance.
But now that he was Lord of Malfoy Manor, he could see it. The glamor of the book case wilted away and in it’s place sat a different kind of shelf. It held at least two dozen little intricate items. Urns and orbs. Jewelry that looked like it had oxidized and wooden crosses. Pearls that were silver and black. Candles that Draco wasn’t entirely sure about. Probably cursed to summon a demon when lit, he thought, just before his eyes fell on the Time Turner.
It sat just between an old wooden shoe — whatever the hell that was — and a painting of an old house by the sea. It was all rather odd but it wasn’t important.
He reached out for the Time Turner.
And hesitated.
What would he actually do, if he went back in time? Would he save Granger from being tortured? If he did, would she have been able to aide Potter in his victory against Voldemort?
If not, that would be...disastrous to say the least.
He paused and looked at the door to the study. Beyond it was the hall that led back to the parlor.
Where he had thrown the book.
It was a book somebody had written about Ronald Weasley after the victory of the battle. A book that was written using interviews from him, his friends, acquaintances. They hadn’t interviewed Draco, of course. Not hat he would have agreed.
But if he could, somehow, go back in time and stop her from going back with Weasley. Stop her from agreeing to be his fucking wife! he had to try.
And so, with only a hint of apprehension, Draco put the chain over his head and rushing through the calculations in his head, he quickly did the math that would cause him to turn the dial several times. Giving him, he assumed, the opportunity to best win her over. To make her his.
Draco finished turning the hourglass and watched as days and months passed.
He felt dizzy, watching it all morph with elapsed time.
When everything settled and he found himself in the same quiet house, Draco took off. Tucking the Time Turner into his shirt, he stepped through the Floo and stepped directly into a home he didn’t belong in.
A home that belonged to the only Pureblood family who wanted nothing to do with Draco Malfoy.
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thisismeracing · 3 months
bono-schumi kiddo thots - godparents edition
once mick and bon’s f1 family find out they are expecting these people are pulling out their credit cards and buying every possible baby item they can set their hands on
kids mini mercedes car? delivered to their house
cute plush they saw at the store? in hand on the way to the register and holding onto it until they see one of them at the next race
the mercedes amg branded stroller and carseat? toto has shown up to their house in the middle of the night to hand deliver it (babe these are real products i just want you to know)
a shit ton of baby tommy hilfiger clothes that are unreleased? lew is folding them and putting it in the new wardrobe he bought for the nursery, before they even woke up (how did he get in?????? [he has a key])
a handmade crib that seb put hours of love into making? he’s setting it up while lew is folding the clothes
a collection of gina’s cowboy hats from her childhood? making space for them in the closet while lew and seb are doing their thing
and it isnt all monetary (even though they get enough items to fully furnish the nursery and have enough toys and clothes for at least another kid and didnt even have to worry about any of the other baby things because their village got it for them already) [seriously they didnt have to buy a damn thing]
like how susie has come over to either cook for them or drop off a dish she’s made
or how the kimi, nando, jensen, seb, lew, etc. come over one day to paint the nursery the color bon and mick have picked out but just haven’t gotten around to painting because of their busy schedules
or how while most of the guys who came over to help paint (how many of these fuckers actually need to be here in order to paint a single room one color?) val has made bon a cup of tea, and a cup of coffee for him to keep her company while mick supervises the painting session
or how lance and esteban will bring over fresh pastry around brunch time, to help in feeding the growing family
and it’s all a bit too much, but they don’t have the heart to tell them to stop so mick and bon just let their family shower their love on them
and bon is a little bit stressed about the whole “who do we put on paper so if anything happens to us they will be taken care of?” situation, but mick reassures her while they are cuddling in bed that there is no wrong answer and he will support whoever she wants to be godparents to their children, while kissing her gently and while sun fills the room they’re occupying
and they eventually land on a consensus
ellie’s godparents are susie and lew
because for one, little miss eloise is named after susie and lew is just so close to bon and she wants him in her daughter's life as much as he has been for her growing up
toto can be an unofficial godparent and i don't feel bad about that because he absolutely just slots himself into the role of grandpa right next to bono. [adding onto this nando absolutely gets called grandpa/abuelo because bon gets a good laugh each time nando reacts to hearing him being referred to as a grandpa.]
mikey’s godparents are gina a seb
seb because again this kid is named after him, but also because we cant leave seb out of being godparent. mick and bon would not let that slide. and then gina cause they also wont let gina not be godparent, and the fact she is mick's sister and bon's sister in law.
yeah people like lance and esteban are close to them, but these four they hold just a smidge closer. but not all is lost because they are very enthusiastically filling the roles of uncles for eloise and mikey. alongside people like val, kimi, jense, etc.
[okay i think im done, hope this made sense and you liked it <3]
I literally googled "mercedes amg branded stroller" bc I've never seen it before lol kinda cute, toto would def get them one of those
seb building a crib for baby bon is something I can totally see happening and it's such a dear thought to me*teary eyes emoji*
one hundred percent agree and love the godparents choice
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