butterflybeestro · 4 years
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Unschooling mom unschooled children funny quote tote bag
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poppieandsage · 5 years
etsy lovin
im kind of in love with handmade. we are lucky ducks to have a home full of beautifully crafted toys, plant dyed books, herbal teas, teapots and teeny totems made by the hands of magic-folk. so from now on, monday will be all abut sharing my latest drool-worthy finds for you, so that you too can drool with me. 
this felted fungi set of gnomes and it’s embroidered game-board is rooted in ancient egypt, and is easy enough for little minds and grown ups like myself who love mushrooms and gnomes [[ and it ties in beautifully with our botany unit this spring ]] made by tinyfairyworlds 
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skippycotton makes these evil-eye beauties that are embroidered and glittery, which alone would be enough to make me weak in the knees..but lavender-filled too? i want one, and i want every witchy lady i know to have one too
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i’ve never been shy about unschooling, and many of our learning tools have come from etsy-shops. theknotholetree shop’s rock subscription boxes arriving in the mail make us all giddy; beautiful illustrated guides, specimens and stickers make us all happy from mama to toddler 
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timgort · 6 years
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This is how #mornings look at the Cabin of Gort. #unschooler #violetlight #yooper
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hotmamashida · 6 years
This was an amazingly fun interview! #Repost @blackunschoolingdoc with @get_repost ・・・ Organizing some footage from last week’s shoot. @hotmamashida makes a good point, what do you think? Homeschoolers/unschoolers, what are your “qualifications”? . . #blackunschoolers #blackhomeschoolers #unschooling #unschoolers #worldschooler #POCinSDE #blackhomeschoolfamily #blackunschooling #blackhomeschooling #unschoolinglife #selfdirectedlearning #blackunschooler #unschooler #funschool
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If you are a  #homeschooler, #unschooler, or a parent looking for ways to supplement your child's education at home, check out our page and make sure to subscribe for updates on educational resources that reflect & affirm Black & Brown brilliance! #myreflectionmatters http://www.myreflectionmatters.org/mrm-in-ct-home-edu/
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quatrus · 7 years
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Doesn't #raphael look just like a typical #unschooler ? Read our new article about him. Link in bio.
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jadorejujuetfifi · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiaRhD6Zpu8)
In, Family Vloggers Ep. 35 | Unschooling Day in the Life 😀 Discovery Museum Family Vlog we share what it's like to be a young unschooling family and how a little bit about our story and how we came to the very personal decision to continue unschooling the kids. It's a great day at the discovery museum until a very dramatic accident.
Tune in for a new French Chefs Family vlog everyday at 4PM PST!
Yesterday's Vlog https://youtu.be/XpgGYr57tSE
Get to know us:
*Our Wedding here, I wore a Red Dress! http://bit.ly/2lBwOjp
*Small snippet of our International Love Story: http://bit.ly/2l5XFCl
*Traveling Standby with 3 kids Alone: http://bit.ly/2mqXClp
*Mama's a Flight Attendant Vlogs: http://bit.ly/2lxP5jb
*Binge Watch Our Family Vlogs From the Beginning: http://bit.ly/2lLGGJe
*Subscribe for family fun, cooking, travel, parenting hacks, and product reviews
#unschooling #unschoolingfamily #earlychildhoodeducation #unschooled #unschoolers #discoverymuseum #ourfamily #youtubefamily #family
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unschoolingsarah · 8 years
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This semester so far feels like a ton of review, but I probably need it. I wish we had more anatomy review. It is just exhausting to remember when compared to techniques but a lot more interesting too.
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We didn’t officially begin unschooling until sometime mid-august I believe, when after much thought and research we decided it was time to break free from traditional mainstream learning and try something new. Ashton’s history in traditional school amounted to an ok time in Kindergarten at a charter school, and then a rocky 1st year at the same school. Ashton was bullied throughout first grade and although we never tested him, we do feel he was at, or on the cusp of gifted so he just wasn’t feeling challenged at all. Both of those factors eventually had him in tears every morning. It was a push to get him in the car everyday, and completely stressful on both him and us!! Once in the car he would gag or dry heave while we were in the drop off line. For months we thought it was caused by illness, he missed allot of school and we had many DR’s visits, but tests showed he was fine. When we returned it was the same ole same ole..... So we contacted the school about the bullying, only to be told boys would be boys, that the teacher never saw anything but to try and let her know when anything happened. No bueno! He was there, I believe another week, and we decided no more. We then switched him to Florida Virtual School. 
Although virtual school was a huge improvement, it was still a struggle to MAKE him do his work. He was so bored with it and many times questioned why he needed to learn this or that. It is funny to think on it now, but in many ways he was schooling us on why unschooling was the way to go :) But we dredged on, fighting all the way, pulling our hair and trying our best!! We did this for the end of 1st, and then all of 2nd grade and as you guessed it, by the end of the year we knew we needed to do something else!! There HAD to be an alternative to the push we were all feeling!
Somehow we found unschooling, and our lives have never been the same ever since. It’s like a breath of fresh air. His demeanor is so nice now, he is happy and sweet to be around, his volume and his yelling ceased, his hyperness and anxiety disappeared. Just a new kid, and we are new parents because of it!! Stress levels have decreased exponentially and parenting has become fun again :)
So without adieu, here is Ashton’s year via photos and brief descriptions that he has informed me he would like to tell me because typing just isn’t his thing and you know what, thats OK!!! 
- Leslie (aka mom)
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alwaysnewmas · 9 years
why am I the ONLY secular homeschooler in the entire state of Wisconsin
asdfgdlkjhedlkhlkedlehljk2hdj SO ANNOYING
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thenewunschooler-blog · 10 years
Long Overdue Update
Hi there! So I haven't touched this blog in a year or more, and a lot of stuff has happened in that time. It's been even longer since I actually posted anything about my education. This is a post in two sections. The first is really long and about my education up until this point. The second is pretty brief and about my plans for the future in terms of my own education and this blog.
My Education Past and Present
If I were still in high school right now, I would just have started my senior year. I started this blog in my sophomore year. I was extremely unhappy with school. I'd been in public school since second grade after being homeschooled by my mother. I was at a third grade level, but the administration felt that I'd be better off with people my own age. In the nine years that I attended public school, I rarely turned in homework assignments, although I did well in class and on tests. My grandmother (I live with her) was called in for tons of parent teacher conferences because my teachers didn't know what to do with me. In tenth grade, I decided I wanted to leave school, because I hated going there and felt I could be doing better things with my time. I did some research and discovered unschooling and felt that it would be perfect for me. I could study what interested me and attend college when and if I felt it was needed. I planned on supplementing my education with classes at the local county college, but my grandmother didn't like the idea at all. She felt that my performance in school showed that I wouldn't put forth the effort needed to actually get anything done on my own. At this point it was nearing the end of the school year, and I was desperate to get out before junior year. I was scrambling to get together some sort of curriculum to show her and evidence that unschooling could work for me. At the same time, I also had to deal with finals, honors choir practice and performances, and keeping my grades up enough to pass my classes (gym was a struggle). I also suffer from bipolar disorder and was extremely manic at the time all of this was going on. I forced my grandma to attend a college fair with me, in the hopes of proving that I was somewhat responsible. I came home with a bag full of books and flyers from various schools. Mixed in with all the material was a poster with information about Bard College at Simon's Rock. Simon's Rock is a four year college for students leaving the 10th or 11th grades. It does all the things a normal college does, just the students are a couple years younger. It seemed interesting, so we decided to visit on a Discovery Day, when prospective students can tour the campus and attend sample classes. The campus is in the Berkshires, and is absolutely beautiful. The class I attended was incredibly interesting. I decided I wanted to go, but wanted to wait a year so that I had time to get myself together. I had also missed all the deadlines for applying. However, the admissions counselor for my state emailed me to see if I was still interested in applying. I decided I would, because even if I didn't get in, I would be used to the process for next year, when I planned on applying. I got all the paperwork in, and managed to get three recommendations from my teachers. After waiting for a few months, the email came. I got in! I had no idea if I would still be able to get in next year, or if I would get any scholarship money next year, so I decided to go. In retrospect, the school has a pretty high acceptance rate and more scholarship money the earlier you apply, so going the next year would have made more sense. I'm not going to post much about Simon's Rock right now, because there's so much I could write about. I made a lot of really good friends there, as well as learning a lot about myself and who I am as a person. Unfortunately, it didn't work out there. After years of not turning in homework assignments, a pattern had formed. I would start the year off strong, but as soon as I missed one homework assignment, I took that as a sign that the entire year was going to go badly, and stopped doing other assignments because I had missed that one. I had to deal with my mood swings and dissociated a lot. I neglected to tell any of my professors what was going on or to ask any of them for extensions on my assignments. I somehow managed to pass all of my classes except for one, but the majority of my classes were pass/fail. My gpa was wrecked and I couldn't return the next semester. I found this out at the end of the winter break, leaving me with very little time to decide what to do. I made a snap decision and decided to study massage therapy at one of the county colleges in my area (there's two). I did well in the hands-on classes, but the core classes were a drag. I was supposed to be placed in a four day review math course, but I had applied to the school too late, and had to take the fifteen week course. That professor didn't care about homework and suggested it as practice if you were struggling with the topic, so I got an A in that class. My Nutrition class was half online, and all of the assignments had to be turned in online by 11 pm. I can't do online classes at all, so that class didn't go well. My third class was an art history class and it was entirely online. That didn't work out too well either. I did a summer semester in an attempt to get more credits faster, but those classes were English and World Civilizations, both of which I was really good at, and eventually lost interest in because of the pace of the class. It was a five week course, so moved pretty quickly, but the professors didn't teach at the same level as those at Simon's Rock. The other students found one of my professors really fun and interesting while I found his teaching simplistic and rather offensive (he would often tell sex jokes, half of which made reference to rape or pedophilia). My gpa there actually ended up lower than at Simon's Rock. The administration sent me a letter telling me that they were revoking my financial aid, which they never gave me because they refused to process it until I obtained my GED. (I did take the TASC test, but my diploma has yet to arrive in the mail and was due two or three months ago.) Anyway, that brings you up until the beginning of the summer that just passed. I planned a trip to Canada with some friends and visited Toronto and Montreal. I decided to take this semester off to figure out what I want to be studying and how I want to study it. I'm considering getting my BFA in music, because that's always been a huge part of my life. I'm torn a bit because I want to do something practical, but I also want to do something to help other people, but I also want to perform. So right now, I'm weighing my options. If I do go back to school, I'll start in the fall most likely, which is when I would have attended if I stayed in high school. However, I'm going to make the most of my time off and keep studying in my free time. This brings me to the next part of this ridiculously long post, which has to do with the future of this blog.
My Education Future
This semester, I'm deciding what I want to do for some of my future. I don't doubt that even after I make a decision, I'll keep learning and studying and will probably end up doing a few different things. My main interests right now are music, psychology, and law. If I do music, I definitely want to perform, but am aware that it takes a lot of hard work and a lot of good luck to make it in the music world. I do have a lot of family members that would be able to help me out with this. I want to attend music school to get a stronger foundation and a larger perspective musically, but I'm not particularly interested in a degree in music. If I do psychology, I don't want to be a therapist, and I don't want to devote 10 years of my life to studying psychology or psychiatry. I might end up becoming a social worker if I focus on psychology more. I had thought about getting a BA in psych before going on to law school. Law school depends on how I do in my undergraduate studies. I don't want to go if school is still a struggle or if I have to sacrifice my mental health. Those are my most solid plans so far. If I do music school, I'll have to audition in January, which means I have to get back into voice lessons. I'm doing piano lessons with a family member once a week right now. That's a bit about what I want to do.
For this blog, I want to make it an active blog once again. I'm thinking I'll post updates on what I'm doing myself, as well as providing more resources for anyone else who's interested in unschooling or alternative education. I'll be editing the content that's already up and getting a new theme and what not. If you have any suggestions about what you want to see on this blog, feel free to send them my way. Also, if you have any questions, I might have answers. Anyway, that's all I've got for now, but I'll have some more stuff up soon, I hope.
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thestressedoutyogi · 10 years
Lately Sierra needs to know what every single word says. My little bookworm.
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melanatedwildseed · 10 years
I definitely plan to be an attachment parent and unschooler. I also don't plan to hit my child. This may be difficult considering that most of my family already considers me weird for simply being natural & being concerned about the foods I put in my body. Also, I was raised very religiously so not "sparing the rod" is a common phrase we lived by. However, it's me and baby in the end so I'll parent how I see best. Oh and daddy also but he trusts my parenting :)
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vegetabledumpling · 11 years
Ahhh... tumblr... i'm not going to be able to be with you for a whole 9 days starting tomorrow afternoon... maybe it's for the best :'(
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unschoolingsarah · 9 years
So far college is
Wonderful, exhausting and satisfying. I dream everyday about my future tiny-house-off-grid-homestead set up and its so cool to be on the path to a stable, free future. I have put in the minimum work in academics which is fine, I am still at a satisfactory grade average for my program. I am motivated to get through the next 12 months as joyfully as possible, cherishing every moment that comes my way. Minimal work in academics leaves me time to do the things I truly love, and to keep a big picture view of the next stages of my life. I am averaging around the 70s-80s. School is not my favourite part of this path but it has introduced me to people that are like minded. I am the youngest person in my program, so it is cool to spend quality learning time with older peers. So overall I have thoroughly enjoyed and succeeded in my first 12 months of full time post secondary.
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