#until today when he got off the bus and came directly to me with this tender look on his face and said
mrsducky · 1 year
4 notes · View notes
sniigura-archive · 3 months
Multiversal DP (1)
Chapter 2
College Au! Adam x Fem!Reader x Canon! Adam
Summary: You thought God was looking down at you with a pitiful look, when your apartment burned down and the only person who answered your call was your whacky situationship.
But when a weird angel appears, who uncannily looks like Adam just in bigger and even more obnoxious, you realise that God was straight up laughing in your face.
This is based on my College Au! but you don’t need to read it to understand this.
CW/TW: Fire, Porn with slight Plot, Two-Shot, Jealousy, Controlling behaviour, TW ADAM, misogyny, toxic relationship, sci-fi bullshit which makes no sense, Mutual masturbation, slight financial dependency on readers part, possessive behaviour, tell me if i missed anything
A/N: This will be a two shot i swear ‼️‼️ nothing more nothing less
Today was a bad Saturday.
It was exhausting and went on longer than it should. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. First you had to drive to your college library to give back a book otherwise you would be fined, then you had to work an extra shift because someone got sick (hangover from the party yesterday you skipped), then your bus didn’t come without warning? What the fuck was that about? Since it was the last one you had to fucking walk home.
You were tired to your bones.
If you weren’t so tired, maybe you would have noticed the light coming from the floor above your apartments, and the fact that it glowed suspiciously orange and red. Walking up the stairs, the further up you got the more you noticed a heaviness in the air. Is someone using their bbq inside again?
Until the fire alarm went off, while you were one floor away from your apartment. What? You just stood there, frozen in shock. Is this a test? Standing still on the steps you considered continuing your way home, until everyone started spilling out of their own apartments. Ugh. So you’re doing this.
Fleeing with everyone else the building, you stood outside while you watched as the flames finally showed themselves from the outside. Since the apartment where it started was directly above yours, you saw the flames caught over to your own. It smelled like smoke, despair and money you will have to spend to replace everything. You don’t even know if your landlord has insurance. He hasn’t repaired your AC unit in 2 years now.
It felt dreamish, the way the fire department came, being able to see how a big portion was consumed by flames, and in the end sitting at the curb while freezing your ass off. One thing is clear, you won’t be able to sleep in your own bed tonight.
Your neighbours sat with you, together with a fireguy who chatted with everyone about the damage. Some sort of support beam came down. You didn’t bother engaging in the conversation.
It drifted towards where everyone is going to stay, your neighbours already had that figured out. He’s staying with his boyfriend, she’s going to visit her sister and they are going to each take a child and visit their own parents. When the eyes moved to you, you felt uncomfortable. Where will you stay?
“You should start calling your family, sweetie.” The old woman told you, her voice rough from all the cigarettes she smokes.
Everything today got you fucked up. Taking in a shaky breath and wiping your hands on your jeans, you stood up to make a few calls. Walking away from the group and basically hiding behind the firetruck, you didn’t want everyone to see that fact that you have like 3 contacts in your phone. You think they already know, though.
Since it’s in the middle of the night, or more like the new day already, Monica didn’t answer, neither did Dymphna or Bernadette. Maybe you should just crash in a motel. Then you remember what’s in your budget and how the motel in your price range had some weird incidents regarding rats and cockroaches and meth deals.
Tapping your phone against your forehead, you tried to keep calm and think. Then you remembered who gifted you that phone and you sighed.
Opening Adam’s contact, you hit the call button before you could chicken out. Holding your phone against your ear, you felt panic wash over you and before you could fumble around to end the call, Adam picked up.
“Fucking hell, baby, if yer callin’ me for anythin’ but a good dicking down ‘m gonna be pissed.” His voice was gruff and it’s clear to you that you just woke him up. He mumbled out the words.
All you could muster up was a sob and a weak “Sorry.”
“Where the fuck-“ You hang up before he could finish his sentence. Great. Why did you even think about calling Adam? Are you stupid? Desperation makes people do crazy things.
You tried to call your friends again and when everyone went to voicemail you thought about blocking them all in a blind rage because why the fuck can’t they be there during an emergency? Taking deep breath to calm yourself, you reasoned with yourself that you too would be sleeping during the witching hours.
Nervously biting down on your lower lip, you considered throwing yourself off a bridge to cope with everything. Deciding against it, you looked at your notifications instead. Adam was spamming you.
[Adam Godfree]: where r u 1:11 AM
[Adam Godfree]: (Call) 1:12 AM
[Adam Godfree]: send ur location 1:13 AM
[Adam Godfree]: baby 1:14 AM
[Adam Godfree]: (Call) 1:15
[Adam Godfree]: i’m not mad just say where u are 1:15 AM
[Adam Godfree]: (Call) 1:15 AM
[Adam Godfree]: (Call) 1:16 AM
[Adam Godfree]: (Call) 1:17 AM
[Adam Godfree]: answer my fcuikng calls 1:17 AM
[Adam Godfree]: im cuminv over u btter be fucking there 1:17 AM
More messages and call attempts clogged your notifications.
The fact that Adam is the only one answering in your time of need is lowkey so embarrassing. Since you read the messages through your notifications field, you aren’t leaving him on read. You think that would have ticked him off even more.
Taking a sneak back at the street, still covering your body with the fire truck, you noticed that everyone was gone. They all have retired for the night. It was a pretty intense debacle, everyone coming out to watch and film. The fire truck was started and you jumped slightly, fleeing towards the side walk.
If a fire truck drove you over you’d be very very very unhappy.
Sitting down on the street like the loser you are, you rubbed your hands over your face. Don’t cry. You’re all alone. But don’t cry. Don’t cry. Looking up the nearest Motel near you, which you could afford, you got up. Your legs felt weak. You didn’t even have a fucking phone charger with you. At least you took your laptop and the charger with you, if any of your files were gone you’d die.
You couldn’t help but think of everything you need to replace. Ok maybe you can cry a little. Crying and walking is an honest to god awful combination but beggars can’t be choosers or whatever.
Maybe you should text Adam that everything’s fine and that you were just being a bit dramatic. It’s been like, what? 10 minutes? And he usually takes 20 minutes to get here. You feel bad that he had to drive half the way.
Just as you were about to open the chat, a car turned into your street with an illegal speed. Damn.
Is that Adam’s car??? Double damn.
Adam stopped the car besides you with squeaking breaks and tires. He threw open the car door, and even before he fully stepped out he was yelling at you, “Bitch, what the fuck?!? You have the fucking nerve to call me up in the middle of the night and then to ignore me?? Do you even know who the fuck you’re talking to? How many other-“
“My apartment burned down.” You wanted to bawl your eyes out.
Everything you have meticulously worked hard and saved up for is gone. All your memories and trinkets and plants and everything you valued.
“..You’re joking?”
You shook your head, deciding on covering your face with your hands while you full on started sobbing now. Your breathing was hysterical and you thought you were about to full on start hyperventilating now because you have to apply for new documents now and what’s with your class notes and well at least all your cards were with you. Do you have to get a P.o. box now and how much does that cost? Can you even afford to be in a motel so long, do you have to pay for that? What happens if they can’t like restore the apartment complex where will you live the market is horrible and you’re going to be homeless and in debt, won’t you? You will have to drop out or take up more shifts or even get a second job but your grades and scholarship and and and and and and
Adam walked over towards you, but you were too deep in your mental breakdown spiral to notice it, and he carefully placed his hands on your shoulders. You flinched slightly at the unexpected contact, but when you realised it’s just Adam you relaxed again. Taking your hands away from your eyes, you had them resting on your cheeks.
“It’s okay, don’t worry that pretty little head. I will take care of everything, alright?” Adam’s voice was uncharacteristically soft. His fingers were massaging your tense muscles. You looked up at him with wet eyes and nodded pathetically at him. You didn’t trust your voice.
Adam started grinning down at you, “I have always wanted a cum dump at home, anyways.”
This just made you start crying again. Motel it is.
“Ah, bad joke. Don’t cry, cmon. You know me, babe, don’t have ta do anything you don’t wanna do.” He pulled you into his chest, his hand smoothing over your hair while the other rubbed your back. He’s warm and soft. You continued to sob into his sleeping shirt, while clutching at his shirt.
You don’t know for how long you’ve been crying for, but Adam simply stood during that time with you at the side walk, while comforting you. He didn’t speak, which was rare.
Once you have finally made the rational adult decision to calm down, after god knows how much time has passed, you lifted your head up from his chest and took a step back. You were still sniffling and you didn’t even want to image what your face was looking like.
Adam grasped your cheeks into his hands while wiping away your tears with his thumb, “Alright, alright, let’s get you to bed. Must have been exhausting for my poor, little baby.”
He leaned forward, giving your forehead a kiss. Then he grasped you by the shoulders and lead you towards the passenger seat, opening the door for you and helping you in by grasping your hand in his. Once you were sat down, with your bag at your feet, Adam leaned down towards you and put your seatbelt on for you. He closed the door and walked over to sit down in the drivers seat.
Driving to Adam’s apartment was relaxing, music was playing and you were starting to fall asleep.
“Huh?” You lifted your head up from the car window, blinking at Adam sleepily.
“I asked how the fire even happened?” Adam glanced over at you, you were going to be there soon.
You sighed, and rested your head again against the window, “Guy feel asleep with a joint in his hand…Or was it his mouth? Doesn’t matter. Curtains and carpet caught on fire.”
“Oh my fucking…You’re kidding me?” Adam drummed his fingers against the steering wheel.
You stretched your arms, hands and fingers out before you, “I wish.”
Adam continued watching you, glancing at you as if you didn’t notice. He was trying to be slick. Smoothly parking his car, he got out. You opened your car door, taking your bag with you when you left the car. Adam took your bag from you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pressing you into his side. You both made your way to his apartment.
Taking off your thin winter coat, together with your old boots, you were ready to just pass out.
“You want me in the guest room?” You asked him, while rubbing at your eyes.
“The fuck? No. You’re sleeping with me, baby. Pun intended.” He winked at you.
You sighed warily, you’re too exhausted to even glare at Adam. He was still fighting with untying his own boots. Shifting from one leg to the other, you decided on looking around Adam’s living room. Nothing has changed. Still weirdly sterile and empty. His bedroom was at least somewhat different, filled with band posters and guitars.
After Adam finally got his shoes and jacket off, he intervened your fingers with his and lead you to his bedroom. He went and rummaged through his closet, giving you a sweatshirt, “This should do for now, we will get you new fucking clothes tomorrow….”
“Thank you, Adam.”
“Yeah, yeah, how about you remember this next time I want my dick sucked? How I’m such a nice fucking guy, and how you owe me, babe.” Adam pinched your cheek while he spoke, grinning down at you.
Dear god, please fix up your apartment as fast as possible. With lots of love, your saddest creation.
Adam answering your call is literally the devils work, you can’t explain it otherwise. Is this some sort of punishment? What did you do in your last life to deserve this.
Rolling your eyes at Adam, you got out of his grasp and turned your back to him to get dressed. Taking off your own hoodie, and bra you slipped into the sweatshirt Adam gave you. It was soft and the material was thick and nice. It was huge on you, but that’s just because Adam is a big guy. Everywhere.
Taking off your jeans, you folded your clothes messily and put them on Adam’s desk chair. Adam was already in his sleeping wear, since you gracefully woke him up in the middle of the night. He was in bed, watching you get dressed, while he yawned.
Ducking under the blanket with him, Adam grabbed your arm and dragged you towards him. It’s like he wants to live in your skin. He made your head rest against his chest, while he had his arm wrapped tightly around you.
“Wake me up again today, ’m going to spank you so hard you won’t be able to sit down ever fucking again.” He grumbled at you, while giving your ass a pinch.
You gasped slightly, before burying your head into his neck. He always smells nice.
Before you knew it, you were already asleep.
In your dream, a big support beam in your burning building was dropped on you. Crushing your body to the floor, with your back to the ground.
Blinking, you slowly but surely woke up, with your heart hammering against your chest. Trying to turn over, you noticed something heavy laying on you. Adam’s head was on your chest, his arms were wrapped around your back and his breathing was even. Remembering his threat, you decided on letting him sleep. Sighing and burying your hand in his soft hair, you decided on continuing snoozing.
But as soon as you buried your hands in Adam’s hair, Adam lifted his head up and was now resting his chin on your chest. Does he not know that tits are sensitive?
With his oh so charming grin on his face, you just knew he was up to no good. He shifted and was now resting his weight on his arms, besides your head, rather than using your body as a pillow. Instinctively, you wrapped your arms around his neck.
Adam crashed your lips together, he is as shameless as always. His hand roamed your body, till he slipped it under your sweatshirt. Gently fondling your left breast. He rolled his half-hard dick on your thigh.
Disconnecting your lips from his, you whimpered against his lips.
“What happened to ‘Good morning’? ‘How did you sleep?’. What happened to that?”
Adam moved to kiss your ear, cheek and then your neck. Leaving open mouthed kisses against your skin, while he panted against you.
“Mornin’ slut,” Why is his morning voice so fucking sexy? “you jerk me off right now ‘n I’m going to buy you whatfuckingever you want today.”
You would jerk him off for free. You did jerk him off for free. Are you a whore?
Adam sat up, moving so that both his knees were besides your stomach. You were happy he didn’t sit down on you, he could easily crush you. That’s sexy, though. He kneeled over you, and you saw his dick strain against his fuzzy pants.
He grasped your sweatshirt into his big hand, pulling it up towards your chin to expose your tits. Seeing them made him smirk. Taking your hand into his, he placed it on his dick and ground your palm against him.
“Watcha waiting for, baby?” He purred while looking down on you.
Adam always made you horribly nervous. No matter how often you hang out, or fuck, he always has you blushing and stuttering. Fuck. Grasping the hem of Adam’s pants into your hands, you pulled them down together with his underwear.
His dick was heavy, curving downwards and already leaking pre cum. You’ve had this monster inside you more than once, but every time you’re surprised at just how big he is. It’s not only his length, but also the girth. Jesus. Stretching you out mercilessly every time, you struggled with wrapping your fingers around him. His gold prince albert piercing glinted in the dim light.
Realising with your hand wrapped around him, that jerking him off with dry hands was probably not the move. Making sure to lick your other hand, while keeping eye contact with Adam, you wrapped your now wet hand around his member. You started with slow a slow movement, spreading his pre cum across his dick. You licked your other hand, because this was for sure a two hand job, you now were able to use your left hand for the lower part and the right hand for the top part.
Massaging his tip with your thumb, Adam groaned, “Ughh, fuck babe, you loooove serving me, don’t you? Making me cum is, like, your fucking dream job.” He laughed at his own fantasy, “Don’t worry tho, making your pretty pussy cum is my own life work.”
Adam reached back, his hand brushing over your hips and finally getting under your panties, “Sooo wet already? You’re too easy.” The way he grinned and sounds giddy made it obvious how much he enjoyed it. His fingers found your clit and then your weeping hole. He gathered the wetness on his middle and pointer finger, he then went to massage your clit.
Your hips jerked up, at the sudden pleasure cursing through your body. Moaning up at Adam, your hands stuttered their jerking movements. Quickly catching yourself, you speed up your movements while focusing on Adam rubbing at your clit.
He moved his fingers to pinch your clit in between his fingers, you whined while your hips jerked even more, “Stop that. Do it properly.” You hissed at him, while glaring up at him.
Adam simply snickered at you, but he did move back his fingers to continue rubbing your clit. You moved your left hand to massage Adam’s balls, gently moving your fingers across that sensitive part of Adam. Grasping softly in your hands, arching your palm up in a wave motion.
“Fuuuuuck, ha, you’re doing so well.” Adam moaned out, while he intensified his finger movements. Shit, you’re close. But so was Adam, you could tell by his furrowed brow, he was moving his hips to grind his dick further into your hands and fingers, his noises and breathing.
“Pleaseee, Adam, won’t you cum all over..me?” You pouted up at him, massaging his dick.
The pressure build up in your lower stomach, your pussy clenching around nothing as you felt yourself cum. Shit. Adam laughed at you, his fingers never left your clit.
It didn’t take much longer for Adam to cum after you, coating your torso white. It was hot, sticky and thick. Ugh. Adam’s fingers still didn’t left your clit. What an asshole.
“EeeeEeeenough, Adam, Oh fuck-“ You tried to angel your hips in a way that he leaves your most sensitive part alone, he chuckled and wiggled his hand out off your panties. Thank god.
Adam pulled his pants back up, and sat down besides your laying down body. You tried to catch your breath, your clean hand covered your eyes. With Adam’s sweatshirt not covering you anymore properly, you were starting to get cold.
Taking your face in his hands, Adam gave your cheek a wet kiss. He brushed his lips over your ear, before whispering in your ear, “Aren’t you just my precious little slut? Go shower, baby.”
You nodded your head at that, showering would be a smart move. Getting up, you located your clothes, before you started walking Adam gave your ass an stinging slap. Gasping in surprise, you went and covered your ass with your hands.
“Man, I didn’t even wake you up..” You grumbled at him, going over to take your clothes.
“Yeah bitch, but you made me wait till you woke up to drain my balls.” Adam got out of bed, stretching his arms over his head.
You stuck out your tongue towards Adam, with your clothes in hand you took off towards the shower. Using Adam’s stuff always felt weird to you. Obviously he doesn’t have woman shower gel, but still. Smelling like Axe was sure something, having your friends side eye you for your smell was even worse.
Getting out, you towelled yourself dry. Slipping into your clothes form yesterday, you left the bathroom. Seeing Adam in the kitchen, at the stove, you made your way over. Wrapping your arms around his mid section, you buried your head between his shoulder blades.
Adam wrapped his one hand over your intervened hands. God, he’s such a big guy.
“Hey baby, you like french toast?”
You simply mumbled a yeah into his shirt, while smelling how good Adams cologne smells. No wonder he’s so popular. If only it wasn’t for his mouth. Adam rubbed your hands with his thumb while chuckling. He turned the stove off and turned around, taking your face into his hands he gave you a deep kiss.
“You excited to fulfill your womanly role of being in the kitchen while you’re here?” Adam mumbled against your lips.
“…You piss me off beyond believe.” You shoved him away by his shoulders, while he laughed.
He didn’t stay away for long, wrapping his arms around you and pressing your bodies together.
“Why? You don’t wanna be my pretty little housewife? Nah, but seriously you do have to pull your weight ‘round here.” Adam pushed a few wet strands of your hair out of your face.
You nodded at Adam, “Of course….I know it wouldn’t be enough but I could give you the amount of rent I pay?”
Adam looked at you like you were stupid, “Babe, I fucking meant, like, cleaning up after yourself, cooking once in a while and hopping on my awesome dick. Well, it’s more of a bonus to be able to ride me whenever you please. I can make that pussy fucking churn, baby, you know it.”
Rolling your eyes at Adam, you simply hid away by smashing your face into Adam’s chest. His incredibly soft chest. Gliding his hands all over your body, Adam bend his neck to whisper into your ear,
“Sit down before the food gets cold.”
Sitting down, you let Adam fix you and him a plate. It all felt weirdly domestic.
Once you were finished, you put everything in the dishwasher while Adam made his way to the bedroom, to get dressed. You plopped down on the couch, twirling your thumbs basically. Sighing, you laid down on the couch. Adam entered the living room.
“What’s up? Stop looking all depressed and shit, we are bout to empty my fucking wallet. Aren’t woman happy to go shopping on a man’s hard earned dime?” Adam stood in-front of you, with his jacket in hand.
“I just..I can’t believe I’m homeless…..This is my biggest fear coming true. Oh my god….I’m homeless…” You covered your face with your hands and groaned loudly. You’re fucking homeless.
Adam scoffed at you, taking your hands into his own and taking them off your face.
“Baby, you’re living here now. We will put your last name on the fucking mailbox and whatever else you need. I will handle everything, sweet thing, don’t you fucking worry.” Adam grasped your knee into his hand now, shaking it slightly, “Cmon, get fucking up. I need you to lighten my wallet up.”
You stood up, nodding at Adam, “Okay, okay, let’s get going.”
Walking towards your jacket, you put it on, together with your worn out boots. Fall is a bitch and winter was even worse. Adam furrowed his brows at your clothes, he grabbed your jacket and felt your jacket lining.
“Jesus, this thin thing doesn’t do shit for you, and what the fuck’s up with your boots? Woman, we have to get you a whole new wardrobe.” He shook his head at you, like it’s your fault you’re broke.
Shopping with Adam played out as well as you thought. When Adam asked you which store you usually go to, and you said the thrift store he looked unhappy. He grabbed you by the arm and dragged you all across the mall.
Unsurprisingly, his favourite place was the underwear section. When you grabbed a multi pack of basic panties, Adam looked at you like you personally ruined his life with that decision.
This whole thing was tiring, you just wanted to lay down. At least Adam had the time of is life, sending you to the dressing room and getting to play dress up doll with you. Eh, at least he isn’t bitching at you, he complains about how woman sizes are not all standardised, how the stitching is shit and how it can be that they don’t have that top, in that colour, in a bigger size. He’s in his zone. He has you try on stuff in different colours, shapes, sizes and man he’s picky as fuck.
All you wanted was a few sweatshirts, one pair of jeans and some socks and underwear. In the end you got a new fucking closet, your make up items basically replaced with the expensive version of your drug store ones, shampoo and conditioner from brands you couldn’t even pronounce, and some sanitary products. Once Adam started looking at sundresses (summer is like 6 months away??) you put your foot down and told him you wanted to go home. You weren’t sure more bags would fit on his arms and in his hands anyways, since he refuses to let you touch anything.
Standing in line at the last checkout, Adam was preoccupied looking at bras. Telling him your bra size was probably a mistake. Letting him drag you to a lingerie store was the other mistake. You felt your phone vibrate in the back pocket of your jeans.
Pulling it out, it was a group chat call from your friends. Accepting the call, you held your phone against your ear,
“What in Christs name is going on that you call up a storm in the middle of the night?”
You could barley understand a word, with 3 different people talking at once, but that was the gist of it.
“Uhh, nothing bad. Apartment burned down.”
Before you could elaborate, you felt your phone being snatched out of your hand. Looking back, you saw Adam glare at your phone.
“If it isn’t the fucking Hexenzirkel!….Mind your own fucking business, everything here’s alright.” With that he hung up your phone and pocketed it. Great. Now that’s a fire you will have to put out later.
Adam herded you forward, towards a free register. He paid for everything, and then took you towards the parking garage where he left the car. Stacking everything in the backseat and trunk, you sat down at your seat. Adam got in, and he started driving home.
Calming your friends was sure a thing you had to pull off. Explaining to them what happened and why you live now with Adam, off all people, was sure something you did. With lots of interruptions. Monica and Dy both assured you that you could always crash at their apartment, in their guest room.
Well, they won’t be able to make you cum 3 times in the span of 20 minutes, so you were going to ride this out. Literally.
You already realised that living with Adam would include lots of sex. He kind of made it his mission to christen every room in his apartment. More than once.
So across a few weeks, he had you ride him on the couch, eating you out in the bathroom, bending you over the kitchen counter, having you suck his dick in the guest room and romantic missionary in his bedroom. And much more and more frequently. Trying out cock warming sadly didn’t go as well, Adam doesn’t have the self control for that, but tying him down on a chair did help with that. And it was hot as fuck.
What you didn’t take in account for was the domesticity of it all. Cooking with Adam, drying the dishes while he washes, watching shows and movies, talking about each others day at the end of the day, cuddling, sleeping in each others embrace, listening to Adam sing and play his guitar, his rambling about the girls his band and music he enjoys, showering together and washing each others hair, grocery shopping together. It’s all so soft, you didn’t really except it. It scares you.
Adam had a lot of bad qualities, like how he tries to give you a curfew, you have to change your phone password every week, you’re sure he has your phone location somehow (you really have to check your app and settings), he keeps making attempts of convincing you to quit your job, tries to dictate what you wear outside the house (all you wear rn are baggy clothes anyways, not because of Adam but because it’s cold af), he always asks you where you’re going and with who, for how long will you stay out? Should he come with you? Don’t worry, baby, he will give a lift and coincidentally stays there for as long as you. Right besides you. He hid away all the door keys?? He loves scaring you and he has a tendency to make your keys and phone disappear when you’re about to leave.
So yeah, privacy was non existent. But when your landlord sent you an email on how you should still pay rent?? Adam took your phone and told you he would take care of it and lo and behold, another email followed up saying that you don’t need to pay for shit. Who would have fucking thought. A few days after the fire you were allowed inside again, picking out whatever wasn’t fully destroyed. There wasn’t much, Adam came with you, and when you were close to crying again, he gave your head a kiss and bought you your favourite take out.
You’re pretty sure he’s trying to condition you to be dependent on him, since when he makes you cum he has a tendency to whisper to you about how you’d should cancel your lease, how you should quit (again) and how nice wouldn’t it be to be his little housewife? You’re happy you got the copper IUD, otherwise you would be pregnant right now. Since Adam is insatiable.
At the end of the day you get fed, get 8 hours of sleep and Adam tries to drive and pick you up wherever you want. So you have been throughly enjoying the past few weeks. The fact that you have to reassure your friends that you are fine and juggle Adam’s weird behaviour is just something you have to deal with.
You were close to falling asleep. Adam was laying on the couch, with you on his chest. He was mindlessly scrolling on his phone, while you buried your face into his neck. His one hand was under your shirt, his fingers traced heart shapes on your skin. You felt his heart thump through his chest, in a slow rhythm. The TV was playing in the background, some fucking Family Guy episode Adam picked out.
The lights started to flicker, faster and faster.
“What the fuck?” Adam sat up, looking around confused.
All the electronics were starting to go crazy, the TV switched between movies and shows, the microwave started going off, together with the fire alarm. You rubbed your eye, while yawning. Everything came to a hold when everything got shut off. You sat in the dark.
“..Huh?” Is all you could get out. Whats going on?
“Fucking fuck. Did a fucking fuse blow out on me?” Adam ushered you off his lap, you stretched your arms over your head.
“Did you forget to pay utilities? Happened to me once or twice.” You threw into the room.
Adam scoffed at that, “Did you forget or were you too broke? I pay my shit on time, don’t fucking worry about it. Fuck. I think the fuse box is out on the hallway.”
“..Both.” You made an attempt at going back to clinging to Adam, he was comfy and you were tired.
“Can’t get rid of you, huh?” He chuckled at you, wrapping his arms around you and pressing you closer to him, “Need me to carry you to every fucking errand I need to run?”
You nodded at him, humming in agreement. Adam slipped his arm under your knees and the other under your shoulder, when he stood up he took you with him. Carrying you bridal style. You quickly wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Don’t drop me! Ah! Adam!”
“Damn babe, usually you only scream my name like that when I make you cream all around me! Don’t stress yourself, you weigh nothing to me. Watch this.” Adam laughed at you, he spun you around in his arms. Then he proceeded to do squats. You couldn’t help but giggle at his antics. After that, the final round, he did bicep curls, using you as his weight.
“Drop me, gym bro.” You laughed at him.
“Yes, mam.” Adam suddenly let go off you for a second, or at least made it seem like that.
Your heart dropped, genuinely thinking that Adam let go off without warning. But he quickly caught you again, laughing at your screaming and horrified expression. He set you back on your feet, grinning at you.
“Chillax babe, as if I would ever drop ya.” He brushed your hair away from your face.
“Fuck off, asshole. How about we look for that fuse box? I don’t wanna live in a lightless apartment.” You hissed at him, swatting away his grabby hands. At least your eyes got adjusted to the dark.
Before Adam could answer, everything started to go crazy again. TV blaring, lights flickering, beeping and fucking sparks flying.
Adam yanked you down with him by your arm, you both were squatting behind the couch.
“Fucking hell?! What the fucks going on??”
A blazing, colourful tear appeared into the air, between the TV and couch. Man were you happy to have said couch as a shield. A high pitched tone sounded through the air, causing both you and Adam to grimace. Covering your ears, you squinted while trying to take a look at the weird slit. It was changing size and form and honestly, you weren’t too sure what you were looking at. So you just ducked behind the couch again, not wanting to know what actually was going on.
Then it just stopped. Everything was pitch black, taking a look out the window you saw that non of the lights in the other buildings were on anymore. Fucking power shut off.
“Let’s get fucking out of here befo-“ Adam started speaking, but was interrupted by a horrible sizzling sound. You were sure that the sound waves which vibrated through the air were touching your soul.
The tear appeared again, just this time in a circle form. Adam and you ducked behind the couch again, while the…thing moved and changed and screeched. It stopped. Again.
“Jesus Christ…” You whispered into the darkness, looking at Adam with big eyes.
“Uhm, fuck no, I’m not the J- Dog. I’m fucking Adam, you know? The first dick on fucking earth?”
Adam and you looked at each other like you have just seen a ghost. You both shoot up from behind the couch at the same time.
What kind of creature appeared in the living room????
He’s very tall. Too tall. And big. His horns hit the ceiling, so he has to awkwardly slouch. What even is his face? Are those golden wings? How fucking big are they? Wingspan of over 9000? Whats that round thing over his head, a halo? With a weird ass robe. Oh my god. What’s even going on anymore?
“Fucking sick, you both can hide your wings and halo? How long did that take you to fucking master? A century or two?” The thing gave you both a once over, his gaze lingered on Adam’s face, but he just shook his head. A century? You weren’t even ready to continue living for another 10 years.
You reached your hand out, grasping Adam’s arm tightly. Adam’s muscles were tense and he seemed to grind his teeth, glaring at the unwanted guest. God help you.
“What? You two to fucking shocked seeing this big of a deal, huh? I totally get it. Want an autograph?”
“..We…Don’t need to….Hide our…Wings. Because we are…People…?” You decided on saying. It’s better if you speak and not Adam, since he looked close to blowing up.
The creature blinked at you, “Oh shit…Don’t fucking worry about this little incident, sugar tits, upstairs we got extra protocol for this.” He turned his huge back towards you and Adam, giving you a nice view of his glowy, golden wings.
Since your heart was starting to calm down, and you were able to think clear, the realisation creeped in that he kind sounded like Adam? Weird coincidence.
Adam’s face soured even more at the pet name, “Al-fucking-right, listen here, A-“
Grabbing Adam by the collar of his hoodie, you yanked him down. Placing your finger against your lips, to signal for him to shut up, you let him go again. It’s best if Adam does not start a fight with a whole ass angel.
Said Angel was snapping his fingers repeatedly. Each time he did, the electronics started going crazy again. All that appeared were sparks around his fingers, and where the tear was it sizzled slightly. Great.
“The fuck? Why isn’t this shit working?”
Adam crossed his arms infront of his chest, looking unhappier with every passing second. This won’t go well. You feel it in your soul.
The angel nervously threw a look over his shoulder, at you and Adam. As if any of this was your fault. Rolling your eyes, you bit your tongue.
“…You sure you’re a fucking angel?” Adam spoke into the tense atmosphere.
“Yes I’m fucking sure I’m an angel! Have some fucking respect, without me non of you fuckers could be frolicking right fucking now!”
And so it starts. While the two men threw insults at each other, you tried to breath through your panic. Taking a good look at the angel, not only did he have the same voice as Adam, his face reminds you off the masks Adam’s band wears whenever they perform. Maybe….
“Take off your mask.” You decided on telling the giant. All eyes were on you now.
“Woah, bossy. And here I fucking thought you were a well trained bitch, who knows not to interrupt when the men are speaking.” Alright, you hate that guy.
He hooked his fingers under, what was finally revealed as a mask, and slipped his face out of it. Even though his hair was a mess, one thing was clear. That was Adam.
It was uncanny to watch, you were uncomfortable. It clearly felt like that they weren’t supposed to be in the same room. The only difference between their faces was that this one didn’t have any piercings, and he looked to be in his thirties. Good to know that Adam still will look hot in like 10 years. DILF. The even have the same facial expressions, and reactions to each other.
“You supposed to be some shitty alternative version of me, or what?” Adam asked, his chin in his hands and head tilted.
“Fuck no, you dumbass didn’t listen to me? I’m fucking Adam, the first man? More like my genes are alive and well in you. Good to know.” He nodded at Adam.
“Are you sure? Because his name is also Adam, and he has two ex girlfriends named Lilith and Eve. Same break up as you had…….Are we in a Bible fan-fiction? Why does everyone I know have biblical names and a fitting background?” Is your whole life a lie??
The angel simply blinked at you, then his gaze shifted towards Adam. He chuckled nervously again, once again snapping his fingers. All it did was make sparks fly and mess further with the electricity, not just in this apartment but also with every other building outside.
“Fucking stop it, shit obviously isn’t working.” Adam dragged his hand over his face, obviously exhausted.
“Well, if you can travel through space just like that, what’s really stopping you from also going through time? We basically already know that alternative universes are a thing, if we think of both timelines as water streams, going at the same speed….or time?” You put your hands infront of each other, not touching having them touch, “You must have accidentally messed something up in your travels, causing you to fall out of your stream into ours…” Moving your right hand to bump it into your left one, you imaged the angel falling and tumbling into your world.
“…That’s so cool.” You whispered under your breath, the angels wings fluffed up, a grin appearing on his face.
“Yeah, I’m pretty fucking cool, babes.” He looked so proud of himself, as if he did it all on purpose. Idiot.
Adam glared at his doppelgänger, while wrapping his arm around your shoulder and yanking you into his side. He rubbed his chin against the top of your head, like an animal marking it’s territory. You were too far into your multiversal fantasies and connecting it to your physics classes, to notice the angle smugly grinning at Adam, as if he won that round. Weird macho behaviour, which you couldn’t care less for.
“What are we fucking supposed to do now?” Adam asked, carefully.
“..Is the couch free, bro?”
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thistransient · 1 month
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Something possessed me to go to the Keelung Ghost Festival parade last night- perhaps literally, as I woke up that morning at an ungodly hour (for me at least) unable to fall back to sleep, and decided to simply get up and go about my day. Somehow by the time afternoon rolled around I had still not taken a nap, and decided to start looking at the best way to get to Keelung (today I learned 基隆 was actually 雞籠 until the govt changed it around 1875, which explains why the signage all said 雞籠中元祭). I hate the Taipei Main Station crowds with a passion so I took the bus from Yuanshan instead. Only the back row was still completely empty. The guy who sat down on the other end from me buckled his seatbelt and on a whim I followed suit; he turned out to know what was up because the bus driver was also driving like he was possessed, and executed some maneuvers that led other passengers to clearly wish they had secured themselves as well.
The bus went directly to the square near Keelung Station, it was already quite crowded with people having claimed their seats on the curb, but there was still over an hour before the parade was set to begin and I couldn't see whatever was going on with some sort of dance performance amidst the crowd so I walked around the harbour and got dinner to pass the time. When I came back to the main road at the designated time it was even more noisy and crowded but nothing seemed to be happening beyond some fireworks and much blowing of those raucous dissonant horns (嗩吶, ikyky). I do not particularly enjoy a disembodied ruckus, so I decided to just walk to 主普壇 (third photo) to see the lights before I got overstimulated. Thus I discovered I could simply amble along the road and peruse the trucks and floats as they were waiting. Eventually I came to the turn off to go up the hill to the park, which was fairly serene (there were some tents with statues set up, but the main event there is tonight) and allowed for some recharging. They've even built a new (at least not there when I visited in 2020) observation bridge sort of thing which gives a nice view, although I walked back down again instead of taking the elevator.
I had planned to just go home then, but the parade had gotten underway by now and I was transfixed by all the illuminated vehicles, lights, lanterns, and blaring music, to which one old lady was dancing maniacally in the street. The photo doesn't do it justice but there was even someone in an oversized gorilla suit on a truck with a stripper pole:
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(I wish I had gotten a clear photo of the person in a frog suit beating an absolutely ginormous drum being wheeled along in a procession.)
The amount of old guys managing to pull around these carts without losing the prodigious amount of ash accumulating on the cigarettes hanging out all their mouths was also impressive:
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It was all certainly a sight worth seeing, although eventually I was feeling a bit sore of foot and deaf of ear, and decided to return to the station and take the train home before everyone had the same idea. (The final event of the night was the burning of water lanterns at Badouzi Harbour around 23:00, but I wasn't going to be able to take public transport home and didn't feel like staying in Keelung overnight either.) By now the party had reached the square where I was initially milling about and the crowds were enthusiastic. I contemplated staying a bit longer to watch but thought better of it, which was good because it was standing room only the whole way back on the train and metro and I was exhausted by the time I finally got home (mainly from being out n about for so long on so little sleep).
All in all, a worthwhile adventure. Next time I might consider staying the weekend in Keelung to see the late night stuff, but for now an evening was certainly enough.
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hidden-poet · 6 months
She waited to tell him. She still had some girls lined up that he might take a shine too. Girls that she had trained and were willing to be trained for a shot a Harry's fortune. But no matter how many months Venessa but into it., they could never convince him.
Still she hesitated throwing a young girl under the bus, especially one that never voiced the desire for the finer thing in life, no matter the actual cost.
Vanessa knew all about the hidden costs of a fortune. While she was under Harry's roof, her and her son were provided for. He brought the crib, he brought the toys, the food, and all the necessities of a comfortable life, the lights remained on and heat filled the home. But his temper and controlling nature were almost too much to bare. Almost.
While Vanessa hated abiding by his rules, and adapting to his quick changing moods, it still beat the cold of the streets.
That's what she told herself as Harry came bustling into the kitchen space with his known look of frustration on his face. Today was going to be a bad day for Vanessa.
She winces as he slams his case down, directly onto the sticky counter. She prayed that he didn't notice the spearing of the jam over his leather case.
But he was an easy read. His eyes went up to hers before back to the mess, and then picking it up and turning it to run his hand over the substance as if he was in disbelief.
"Christ, would it kill you to run a cloth over the counter tops" Harry complained as he rinsed his hand under cold water. He hands his brief case over to Vanessa and she wipe a the jam off with a tea towel before putting it on the clean part of the  counter.
"I am sorry. Hunter is in his throwing phase" Hunter the baby, sit passively in his high chair, smashing his jam on bread against his tray.
"And I pay Maria to wash my clothes and do my cleaning. If I find out you've told her to do anything again. I'll send you her bill at whatever homeless shelter you are staying at"
He grabs too much paper towel to dry his hands.
Venessa walks over to her son, focusing her attention on undoing his bip instead of noticing Harry's intense eyes.
"Speaking of money. I was wondering if you had a hundred pounds on ya?"
Harry laughed at her, picking up his case from the counter and coming over towards her. He lifts her chin to look at him before scolding her. "You're living rent free in my house, eating my food and using my house keeper, and you want me to give you a hundred pounds"
"It's for hunter"
"For a son that isn't mine?"
"I know I've been slow on keeping my end of the bargain" her hand slides up his leg "but you're a hard man to please"
He knocks her hand away, keeping it in a tight grip but it was too late, she already felt that he was hard.
"You've not fucked the last two girls I've set up. Being all sexually pent up isn't good for a man, makes him irrationally angry. I can change that for a few quid"
He pushes back against her, "I want you gone from my house when I return" he says slowly.
Harry picks up his brief case, slamming the door to the garage behind him. His encounter this morning giving him a shorter temper then usual. He beeps at cars going too slow, swerved through the lanes to hastily overtake, otherwise bad driving that he would ignore suddenly was all he could think out.
It was a relief when he got into his reserved parking spot of his office building. He jumps out the car, hurrying his way through his office, using his security tag to enter through the doors. Barley tapping it before shouldering it open.
It proved to be detrimental when the final door in front of his floor refused to open. He bashed against it roughly, letting his frustration run through him.
"Mr styles, let me get that for you" a familiar voice called.
He felt his face redden with embarrassment, as his brain registered that it was his receptionist behind him. Normally, he was the first to enter of a morning with Mary coming in half an hour after him. But this morning he struggled to get out of bed,
"No, no, Mary" he insisted as she reached to swipe her card with his coffee in her hand, "let me"
This time with patience, he waits for the red light to turn green before he try's the handle.
It responded better, clicking open with no hassle.
He holds the door open for Mary to walk through. She shyly thanks him and he nods in return, taking his coffee out of her hands as she walks past him.
He notices now that she was not unhindered as she normally was. Instead she wheels a small trolly, filled with brown boxes.
"Did you carry those up here by yourself?" He asks, shifting his coffee into the same hand as his brief case and tugging the handle away from her. They walk towards their places as she answers.
"They are not too heavy. It was no trouble" her hands reach her desk. Her fingers curling as if she had done something wrong.
"Yes, well next time have security bring them up for you".
"Yes, sir" was her reply as she set up her desk for the day.
He leaves the trolly as close as he can get it to side of her desk before heading into his own office.
"Oh, and Mary, try not to disturb me for the next few hours. I am a bit behind today"
"Yes, sir" was the reply once more.
"Thank you" he offers back.
Once in the safety of his office, he locks the door and darkens the glass panels that form walls around him with the remote. He had them installed because he likes to keep an eye on Mary.
Lord knows she would never do anything wrong by him. But he felt a brotherly protectiveness over her. Liked to know what she was doing and who she was talking with. She was a women in his care and he would ensure her safety and comfort.
He throws his keys to his desk and slumps into his chair, letting his case fall were it may on the floor.
Instantly, his mind wonders back to this morning. He hasn't let the girls touch him. They simply won't good enough. While They knew the words, the actions, dressed to his taste, he knew it was all an act put Together by Vanessa.
Both of them had lacked the unknown quality that Harry was looking for. Even Harry didn't know what it was exactly, but he knew it was something sweet, considerate. A rare soul that he could keep for himself and nurture.
Just at the thought of it,  he felt himself grow hard. He throws his head back into the soft cushion of the chair. He needed to take care of himself before he could get any work done.
She needed to take care of him before he would get any work done.
He imaged her with light brown hair that reached her back but always kept tied up in a ponytail. She wore neutral clothing and always gold jewellery. She took care of herself, always taking time to put on her face. She would do it while Harry took his morning shower and their baby would crawl on the floor around her while their other kids slept. No not a baby. She shouldn't be out across town with a baby, and that's were he needed her to be right now.
Harry unbuckles his belt and opened his trousers, grasping his member in a tight grip. She would come in right now, a glass container in her hand. He would hear her chatting to Mary before he saw her. She would come in announced as quietly as she could in case he was on a call or in a meeting.
Today he was neither.
"Hey, baby" he could get up from his chair to embrace her, "what are you doing here?"
"I made cookies this morning, and thought I'd bring some over to you before the kids got to them" she would say, before placing a tender kiss to his lips.
"That's very kind of you" Her spare hand would go to the side of his face.
"Have you had a hard morning?" Yes, she would be a tentative wife. She would know his moods well and they would be a priority to her. "I can take care of you. Let me take care of you"
She would wiggle out of his hands, only to place the container on his desk before return and using her free hands to take his suit jacket off his and loosen his tie. Harry's hand ran over his shaft and he tisks in response.
She would guide him back into his seat, pushing him down and sink to her knees. Where she would remain with a shy smile, looking at him. He would then place a kind hand on her face to let her know it was alright.
With a lick of her lips she would unbutton his pants, her soft hands would place themselves on his cock, pulling it from its place into her mouth.
His hand speeds up as her imagery sucking does. Although it feels so real. His mind has granted him his request, but still it reminds him that Mary sat outside not 5 feet from his door. No matter how much he was enjoying himself, he must keep quiet.
He reaches his peak and just about when he is ready to release, she laces their fingers together. Keeping hold as he finishes himself in her mouth.
She would only unlace their hands to help herself up by his thighs as he puts himself away. She tightens his tie back up for him before positioning herself behind his chair, and gently running her fingers through his hair.
"Daddy does such a good job at providing for us" a kiss to his forehead would be his reward, as her slender and manicured fingers would scratch at his head. He would feel her gold ring pressed into his scalp and the Dimond as it tugs through his hair.
"I know you work hard, baby, and sometimes you just need a break" her fingers would stop with the pleasure, instead twisting around his curls in pain and bringing his head forward towards his computer, "but right now, I need you to make some money for us".
Harry's eyes shoot open. Her voice was so real. He almost felt her breath against his ear as she said the words. She was right. He needed to start his day and put his cock away.
He reaches for the tissues on his desk, wiping his hand and pants before throwing the used tissues into his trash can and beginning his day as if nothing happened.
A little after five, He pushes away from his desk, frustrated at how little work he got done today. Despite his fantasy this morning, his sexual appetite returned by morning tea. It only served to grow it. He needed the comfort of a warm body, his hand was only a temporary solution until the fact.
"Going home early, mr Styles?" His receptionist, Mary questioned as he bustled out of his office.
"Yes, Mary. You do the same. Take a cab, not rail way. You can charge it to the company card and send me a text when you arrive home"
Normally, Harry was happy to give her a lift back to her apartment, given that they often worked late and she didn't have a father or a husband to pick her up. Although she carpooled in with a few other co-workers. One of which Harry wasn't pleased in. An accountant by the name of Brad, who hung around her whenever he could. Which wasn't often thanks to Harry. He chased him away anytime he found his way to Mary's desk, kept an ear out for any lunch plans that involved him and would make her work through it.
He wasn't a bad guy entirely. He was well combed and well mannered, looked after himself, progressed through his career. If his affections went to anyone else, Harry would have minded his own business. However, he considered Mary very much his business. Not only was she his assistant but she was considered something of a younger sister.
As such, he wanted what was best for her. Including the marriage to a man that would care for her, the way a husband should.
Harry knew that Brad was not such a guy. This was evident in his past relationship with his now ex-wife. In Harry's opinion, Brad past marriage is the perfect example of why modern relationships fail. His wife, firstly, remained at work. Secondly, he failed to ensure that she knew her place below the husband. And thirdly, most critically, he didn't beat her beyond regconision for disgracing him by sleeping with another man.
Not only had he failed to keep control of his wife, displaying his weak character. But failed to retaliate against the man who had tasted what was his. He took no pride in the home life he had built so no hurt when someone came to destroy it. He should have killed him. Harry would have paid for his legal costs if he had. A man needs to protect what's his.
But this afternoon was different. He needed to get home and take care of his problem.
Harry stops by a ATM and takes out a $1,000 pounds shoving it in his breast coat. He was needy now. Almost in physical pain from his appendix.
When he arrives home, he sees Venessa on the couch texting while her son plays in his play pen. Her eyes immediately go to him as he slams the door behind him.
She had half expected him to begin telling her to get out. And how he meant it this morning.
He holds the money high in the air, rubbing it together before he places it on the kitchen counter and storms up stairs. She waits till he is away until she walks over and counts the money. $1,000 the going rate for a fuck not a suck.
She clinched the money in her hand. She didn't particularly like the way he chose to sleep with her. She was a cum rag. He kept his eyes closed, and spoke to an imaginary women instead of the one beneath him. She also had to pretend that she was inexperienced, like he preferred, which meant she couldn't ensure all of her sweet spots were hit. It also meant missionary sex only, unless he initiated otherwise.
Still, she could use the money. Hunter needed new clothes, and the money she stole from Harry's wallet was only small in case he noticed.
Once she has accepted his offer, she kissed her son on the head, placing his monitor on the ground next to him and walked up stairs. She turns the sound off her monitor, trusting it to light and vibrate up when His pitch hit a certain distressed level. Harry had gotten the special monitors so she trusted that they worked.
He had left the door open, knowing she would come and she closes it behind her.
Harry lied on the bed, his tie on the floor but the rest of his business attire still on. Following the routine she goes to the end of the bed. Sitting down and removing his shoes and socks in order to rub his feet.
He allows her to do so in silence. Only the sound of his controlled breathing and the ticking of his watch cutting the empty room.
She waits for him to make the first move as he prefers. He takes longer the usual to enter the head space. She wonders if he is picking a story line or if he is finding it harder and harder to transform Vanessa now that her body has become familiar to him. She is put out of her misery when he finally initiated the starting of the scene.
"Where the kids ok today?" With his eyes still closed and his back still flat he beckons her over.
Vanessa hurries over, sitting by his side waiting for his signal to engage. She doesn't respond, knowing the question was not for her. He was going to talk, and she was aid his fantasy through active movement. Sometimes he would like to pretend his wife, always his wife in these fantasy's, is jealous over female attention he received at a party and he is making it up to her. Other times, he has been away for business and she's missed him terribly. Once they were on a family vaccination and she had just finished putting the kids to bed. This time, it was just an average day in their gated community, and husband and wife were becoming one flesh.
"They were good today. Jessica fell off the swing and cried for you all afternoon"
"Poor little darling"
"Oh? And were was that sympathy when Edward broke his arm in football?"
In Harry's mind, she kissed him to let him know that she was only teasing.
"Boys are different. Built for it. Little girls are little girls"
His deliberation causes Venessa to get worried about leaving her son with no carer. She was sure that the monitor would pick up his distress but she was rarely ever away from him. She couldn't afford day care and had no friends or family to shoulder some of the responsibilities.
She was eager to get back to him before her baby began to worry, so she begins to unbutton his shirt and hope he doesn't get too angry that she was going too fast and ruining his fantasy.
He doesn't stop her. In fact, he welcomed the movement.
"Come here" he beckons with his hand.
She lays down on his chest with his shirt still in her hands and he flips them so he was on top.
He begins to kiss her neck as he moves his hands up her hips and under her t-shirt. He holds the end between his fingers and slowly he lifts it up. His eyes still closed, his mind still far from reality.
"I've had the worse day" he admits, "fucking Brad won't stop hanging around Mary. Might have to transfer him to a different branch. Which will be a fucking bother cuz' he's not a bad accountant"
Rehashing his day made him frustrated and his gentle hands turned rough as he spoke. They now harshly tug down and throw her skirt.
"You'll only make things worse. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Let it fizzle. She's a smart girl. She'll knows she needs someone to take care of her. A big strong man like you"
His fingers hook around the band if her underwear, pulling them down, "let's hope so"
Harry's grips Vanessa's jaw, now knowing the location he lifts his head from her neck and passionately kisses her. She responds to eagerly. Even after he pulls away, she lifts herself to him, peppering his face.
No, no. That wasn't right. That wasn't how it goes.
The fantasy breaks for a split second. Enough time for him to push Venessas face down back to the pillow. Closing his eyes tighter he resumes.
"Help me take my pants off" he orders.
She cautiously does. Slowing her movements to his desired pace. His wife was shy. She liked to be pleasing but was timid going about sexual behaviour. every time was her first.
Venessa had learnt this over the years. Had learnt to deny her own experienced behaviour and let him take the lead. Harry liked whores, just not for his wife.
"Good girl" he praises, his own hands helping her to rid the fabric, "nothing to be scared of"
Venessa rolled her eyes but clung to the back of his neck as if she was embarrassing and in need of comfort.
Just as she expected, Harry ate it up.
"Hey, hey" he called into her ear, wrapping his arm around her waist and bringing her body up to his.
"Why don't you tell me about your day" still holding her, he begins to slip out of his white underpants. Vanessa remained quite but his wife spoke.
"After you left, I took the twins to their swimming lesson and Jessica to her art class. Then I came home and cleaned up, and baked those cookies I cooked for you-"
Harry inserts himself into Vanessa while she talks.
"Oft- then I, Um, dropped them off and went to pick up the kids. They played and I took care of the home and- ah, ah"
He attacks her neck again, wanting their bodies to be as close as possible at all times.
"Sounds like a busy day"
"Hmm, yeah, yeah. Oh, and You'll have to buy Charlie a new helicopter. He flew his onto the roof this morning. Told him you'd get him another one"
Harry kisses down 'his wife's' neck, coming back up to her ear.
"I'll have to buy them all a gift or they'll get jealous. We'll take them to town Saturday. Let 'em' pick out somth'"
Vanessa gently scratches up his arms that cage around her.
"And my baby? What does my baby want?" His thrusts remain consistent and gentle.
"A new pair of earrings? A dress perhaps?" Vanessa watches him as he snoops down with eyes still closed and places a tender kiss to her lips.
"There's these new limited addition shoes but they are not worth the price tag. I didn't want to ask"
"Alright, ok" he trusts quicken and he drops his head into her shoulder, "I'll fuck you in them, that'll be daddy's gift"
Vanessa bite her lip to stop herself from laughing. She was an attractive women so a man openly fantasying about another did not occur before Harry. Still 1,000 pounds was 1,000 pounds so she was determined to not interrupt. Let him have the fantasy at her expense.
In his mind, they were both reaching their high. She clung to him in pure bliss but made little sound, keeping in mind her children in the other rooms.
In reality, Vanessa was only getting started underneath him. Had only just entered the mind set of arousal and began enjoying herself when Harry came inside of her.
He lay on top of her, panting still with his eyes closed. Not ready to leave quite yet.
A ding from his phone broke his state and he rolled off her to reach for his phone on the table.
'Home safe" text read. It erupted an annoyance that he had just worn off. Granted she left after him, but it only took him 20mins in the afternoon to get her home. It was three quarters of an hour now since he told her to go home.
She properly stoped by brads desk on the way out. Son of a bitch. Still the conscious that played his wife was right. He has to let it fizzle before he transfers Brad, otherwise the story becomes the lost lovers.
Harry rolls to his back as he replies, watching out of the corner of his eye, Vanessa start to redress herself.
'Over half an hour late. Don't go out again. I am disappointed, I'll speak to you tomorrow'
Sending the text back, he then goes to his mail box and begins work again with a clear head.
"Harry?" Vanessa stills by the door, her fingers curling around the wood.
He looks away from an email he was drafting to her.
"I have someone you should meet. I think you might like her"
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raquellemonsta · 1 year
the sweet things in life (tsukishima x reader)
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chapter 6: study time
You walked into class half-tired and went directly over to your desk to lay your head down. Some of your classmates had given you confused looks, but you didn't care. The practice match the guys had played yesterday had successfully exhausted you.
The boys had played Aoba Johsai, and to say that team was interesting would be an understatement. Especially because apparently there was history with Kageyama and the other team's egotistical setter, Oikawa Tooru.
He hadn't even shown up until the very last set, but that didn't stop him from showing off his skill. He was a very impressive player, but his attitude was annoying to even his own team at times. One of the other reasons you weren't very fond of him was due to something after the game, that you hadn't told anyone about.
You had been waiting for your team to come outside and join you in waiting for the bus. Honestly thinking back on it, you weren't too sure how you had ended up by yourself. Maybe you shouldn't have rushed through your post-game duties so quickly.
"Hey there, you must be a new manager for the misfits" came a silky, smooth voice. You weren't surprised to look up and see Seijoh's captain.
"What's that supposed to mean? We beat you" you genuinely responded. Who does this guy think he is? To your statement, he merely chuckled and shook his head.
"You might've beaten us but who's to say we were even really trying? Why pull out all the stops for a silly little practice match? It's just bad strategy." You didn't really understand how this guy had so many girls falling over themselves for him. He's conventionally attractive, that you won't deny. But the second he opens his mouth it's all ruined.
"So cocky. Take your loss and let your actual playing speak for you. It's far better than your voice," you pushed. He gave you a strange look, both confused and intrigued with you, when you decided to hit him with something that had just come to mind.
"Why are you talking to me anyway? Did you have something to say or did you just want to try and intimidate me into becoming one of your fangirls?" you sneered. Usually, you weren't nasty like this with people, but him badmouthing your team pissed you off enough to just let it all out.
"Your setter will be the end of you" he suddenly became very serious. It spooked you to hear the change in his tone. You didn't really understand what he meant by that either. What was wrong with Kageyama? You opened your mouth again to speak but you were interrupted by another person.
"Hey loser! Leave the poor girl alone" came a voice from the doorway. Seijoh's ace, Iwaizumi if you remembered correctly. He was looking directly at Oikawa, whose head had jerked up at Iwaizumi's voice.
"If you say so Iwa!" Reaching down, he grabs your hand, closes it, and kisses your knuckle (flirtatiously? threateningly?) before walking back through the open door, not before giving you a mischievous grin.
What the hell had just happened?
When you got off the bus after you guys got back, Ukai had an announcement for everyone.
"Alright everyone keep it down" he began, "we've been invited to a training camp in Tokyo two weekends from now. There's gonna be a lot of strong teams there, so it'll be a great opportunity to improve your skills and get some good practice matches in."
There were some excited shouts and cheers, and it was clear this was a very big deal.
You had spent the rest of the weekend doing some studying and barely being able to get any sleep. With your finals coming up, it was important for you to study, but you might have gone a little overboard. Though you weren't really struggling with any topic, you still thought it would be a good idea to make sure you understood everything.
The teacher was giving you time today to study since finals would be at the end of this week. You guys weren't learning any new material until after the upcoming break.
Finally picking your head up, you looked all over the room. You assumed a lot of kids must have gone to the library or other classrooms, because a lot of desks were empty. Across the room, you saw that Tsukishima had moved to Yamaguchi's desk and they seemed to just be talking for now.
"Hey guys" you had walked over to them after some mental debate.
"Hi (L/n)!" Yamaguchi happily greeted. Tsukishima only made eye contact with you and waited for you to speak again.
"Mind if I sit?" you asked, though you figured you could anyway.
"Of course not" Yamaguchi replied again, so you pulled up a chair to sit opposite Tsukki. They then explained to you that they were just working on some math practice problems. You grabbed your practice sheet from your folder and started to work through them, occasionally you talked with the two boys.
To your surprise, Kageyama and Hinata entered your classroom without warning and made a ruckus in the small amount of time they had been in there.
"Tsukishima, please help us study for our exams!" Hinata shouted. You couldn't help but snicker at him practically begging Tsukishima of all people for help.
"Will you quiet down!? You're attracting too much attention," Tsukishima hissed.
"Please! We have to pass them!" he again begged. Kageyama's cheeks were slightly pink, likely embarrassed at having to ask for help despite not having said anything.
"Why do you guys suddenly care so much about actually doing well?" Yamaguchi interjected. It was a genuine question, which might have sounded rude if anyone but Yamaguchi had asked it.
"Coach told us that we can't go if we fail our exams, because the supplemental ones take place the same day we would be leaving" Kageyama explained. You felt kind of bad for the two. This training camp was a big opportunity that all the boys were very excited about, especially Kageyama and Hinata. They loved showing off their quick attack.
"I'm not helping you" Tsukishima flatly stated. The two boys looked at him in surprise even though they hadn't been expecting him to easily comply.
"Why not?!" Hinata again shouted. You quietly shushed him since you guys started getting looks again.
"I have no reason to? Also I don't want to" he said, turning back to his math work.
"Come on you jerk, please!" Hinata tried once more.
You looked over at Tsukishima, and saw him just staring down at his paper before suddenly smirking and looking back up at the two.
"I'll do it if Kageyama begs" he smirked. You raised an eyebrow and made eye contact with Yamaguchi, who only shrugged. Kageyama looked mortified.
"No" he simply stated.
"Then I'm not helping you" Tsukki turned away again.
"I don't need your help" Kageyama coldly stated before turning around and walking back out the door. Hinata quickly followed after him. You looked back at them in pity.
"You could've been a little bit nicer to them" you told him. While you by no means expected him to actually help them, you didn't think he had gone about it in the best way.
"Whatever" he coldly responded and ignored you. Your heart squeezed at this response, but you tried not to think about it. Luckily, Yamaguchi distracted you with some nicer conversation and the rest of your studying passed by quickly.
You guys had decided to leave for practice early (with permission from the teacher of course). You passed by the classroom for 1-5, and had to do a double take that made you stop in your tracks. Sure enough, you had seen Hinata and Kageyama sat down with a blonde girl. She appeared to be helping them study, as they were intently listening to her even though she seemed very nervous.
"Aw, she looks cute" you said.
"Yeah..." Yamaguchi breathed out. You gave him a knowing look but he was too busy looking through the door. Tsukishima was not impressed. He let out a 'tch' and continued walking, so you followed him with Yamaguchi soon behind.
You waited a little while for everyone to show up. Kiyoko usually gave you small jobs to do, so you walked over to her when she showed up. Rather than have anything for you to do, she let you know that the team would be gaining yet another manager, who was also a first year. Her name was Yachi Hitoka, and she had no experience with volleyball but was very excited to play a part.
"I'm actually introducing her to the team today, she should be here any minute" she told you. The doors opened, and in walked Kageyama and Hinata, followed by the new manager.
The girl was the same one that you had seen Kageyama and Hinata studying with earlier.  Compared to her nerves earlier, she looked entirely terrified now. Kiyoko had her introduce herself to the team.
"I'm Yachi Hitoka! I'm excited to be a manager, I-I hope we can work together well" she stuttered out. She was clearly very nervous and tripped over her words a little but mostly held up.
That was until the boys started closing in on her, introducing themselves. You swore you heard her say something about how big and scary everyone was, which caused you to chuckle a little. She wasn't wrong.
"Let her breathe everyone" Kiyoko came to her rescue. She took her arm and brought her over to you, while the guys started their practice. The girl gave you another nervous look, though different from the one she gave to the guys. It would probably best be described as awe and admiration.
"This is the other manager I was telling you about," Kiyoko began, "she's in the class one higher" she said, mostly to explain to Yachi that you were also a first year and she didn't need to be so afraid.
"(L/n) (Y/n), it's nice to meet you Yachi" you introduced yourself. She already looked like she was going to burst into flames.
"You're really pretty" she told you absent-mindedly. You felt yourself heat up at the unexpected compliment.
"Oh, thank you" you giggled. "You're very sweet."
"Anyway, I'll show you what I do and then have you help (L/n) with some tasks to see how you like it" Kiyoko said, saving the slightly awkward moment.
"O-okay!" Yachi accepted.
She was a very sweet girl, to be sure.
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myveryownfanfiction · 2 years
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chapter 9
warning: swearing, arguing, Dan grows insecure after their last conversation
AN: This is a long one folks. And I'm drawing lines directly from the original Night Court too. Dan's little speech will be from season 2 episode 19. Enjoy!
Tags: @illiana-mystery, @eroticaplush
Abbie texted us the next day asking if we could come in early. Dan had been quiet since we got up and I grew nervous as I entered the bathroom. Steam flowed out of the shower when I opened the door. Standing behind Dan, I wrapped my arms around him. Pressing my cheek to his back, I sighed contentedly.
“You alright?” I asked quietly. Dan stiffened and tried to pull away but he had nowhere to go. “Dan?”
“I’m fine.” He finally pulled away and got out of the shower. I stood there watching as he wrapped a towel around his waist and left the room. The water beat down on me as I stood there in shock. Showering quicker than I ever had in my life, I ran out after him.
“Dan?” I asked hesitantly as I watched him get dressed. He didn’t even look at me.
“If you want a ride you better get ready. Otherwise you’ll have to take the bus.” He walked out of the room as he did his tie. I stood frozen in shock before my phone went off with a text from Abbie. I checked it quickly and got dressed. Dan was waiting by the door with his keys when I emerged from his room.
“Dan please.” I pleaded, my chest tightening as he still refused to look at me. “What’s wrong?” He opened the door and started down the hall. Groaning, I followed him and awkwardly got into the car. I played with my phone as he drove, subtly sending a text to gurgs that I needed to talk with her and Abbie as soon as possible. Sighing, I looked out the window and saw we were a block from the courthouse. I decided to try one last time. “What is going on Dan? Why aren’t you talking to me? What did I do?”
“Just shut up about it will you?” Dan snapped. I jolted at his outburst. I stared at him wide eyed and whatever was holding him back snapped. “You want to know what you did? You got me thinking! About all this. Us.” I tensed up in my seat. “All that talk of kinks and now…” Dan ran a hand through his hair after he parked. “I just need time to think (Y/N). You said I could have that. Let me have that.” I stared at him in shock. Dan looked over at me for the first time today. “Maybe…” he sighed and hung his head before looking pleadingly at me. “Maybe we should take some time apart. Just until I figure this out.” The tears Id been holding back finally spilled. Wiping them frantically, I nodded.
“I understand you need time. I….I just…at least…” Dan shook his head and I shut up.
“It’s nothing against you. But you opened this box. And…” Dan sighed again. “And I need to go through it.”
“Just…” I bit back a sob and nodded to keep myself together. “Just come back to me when you finish. One way or the other.” Dan nodded and I paused. Grabbing my bag, I leaned over and kissed his cheek before getting out of the car. Not looking back, I wiped my tears again as I walked into the building. Once I was past security, I rushed to abbies chambers. Knocking on the door, I sniffled. I tightened my grip on the shoulder strap of my bag and knocked again. Abbie opened the door and looked at me in surprise.
“(Y/N)? What’s wrong?” She asked, quickly hugging me. I took a step forward into her chambers and broke down. “Ok. It’s ok. I’ll text gurgs. It’ll be ok.” I shook my head as she closed the door and sat down next to me on her couch.
“No it won’t.” I looked over at her, hands clasped tightly together. “I opened a Pandora’s box and lost Dan. It’s my fault. It’s all my fault.” I wrapped my arms around myself tightly and tried to hold it together. Gurgs came into the room and instantly wrapped me up in a hug.
“It’s alright. We’re here (Y/N). We’re here.” She soothed as I sobbed. Her grip on me tightened and I started to pant as my sobs grew stronger. Abbie leaned over and hugged me too. They let me cry myself out and held me tightly as I started to come down.
“Do you know what happened?” Abbie whispered to gurgs. She nodded.
“Dan came in and looked like someone killed his family pet. I figured if he was that bad something had happened and (Y/N) would be worse.” Gurgs whispered back. She rubbed my back as I sniffled.
“(Y/N) said something about opening a Pandora’s box and losing Dan.” Abbie caught gurgs’ eye and sighed, resting her head against my shoulder. Tears still streamed down but I sat up, wiping the back of my hand across my cheeks. Tugging the sleeves of my shirt down, I took a shuddering breath as I realized it was dans shirt.
“We were talking last night. About things we liked and didn’t like.” I waved a hand vaguely and gurgs nodded. “And I told him to take some time to think things over. Things that I told him about and things that he wanted to try. We went to sleep and everything was fine.” I ran my hands through my hair and tugged.
“But something happened.” Abbie thought out loud. I nodded.
“I got up this morning and Dan was in the shower. So I got in with him.” I flushed, knowing I was probably sharing a bit too much but not knowing where else to take this. “He pulled away. Emotionally and physically. We drove here together and in the parking lot he…” I trailed off and tugged my hair again. “He told me he needed time to think. That I had opened this box and he needed to sort through it. And I think I know what about.” I ran my hands down my face and felt another wave of tears threaten me.
“Something you said last night?” Gurgs asked. I nodded.
“I told him he was a bit submissive. And explained what it was.” I sighed out, fresh tears spilling down my cheeks. “He got a little defensive. saying that I shouldn’t have to do anything a dominant would do since it’s his job as the man.” Hanging my head, I tugged my hair again and let out a shaky breath at the feeling. As much as it centered me, it also reminded me why I was in this mess.
“oh.” The two said as they shared a look. My shoulders shook as I tried to calm myself.
“(Y/N), take the night off. I’ll ask Neil to drive you home.” Abbie squeezed my shoulder. “Come back when you are ready.” Sitting up, I nodded. Gathering my things, I got up to go search out Neil. Gurgs was already tapping away on her phone.
“He’ll be here in a minute.” Standing facing the door, i steeled myself in case I had to pass Dan. “And (Y/N)?” I turned to look at gurgs. “Text us if you need anything. And I mean anything.” I nodded and turned back to the door as it opened.
“I heard someone needs a ride?” Neil asked, a sad smile directed at me. I nodded and took his outstretched hand. He squeezed it and walked with me back out to the parking lot. “Don’t look.” Neil whispered as we passed the cafe. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dan watch us walk by. “Gurgs gave me the basics. I’m sorry.” Ducking my head, I gave him a slight nod.
“I am too.” I whispered. I held tight to the hem of the sleeves of the shirt. “Wish I could go back and fix all this.” Neil squeezed my hand again and led me to his car.
“He’ll come around.” I hummed in response and got into the car. “(Y/N), I’m serious. It’s Dan. Everything will work out.” I stared out the window as we made our way through traffic.
“I’m not so sure about that anymore Neil.” I sighed as he pulled up in front of my building. “I fucked this up. Big time. I wouldn’t be surprised if he never wanted to talk to me again.” Neil shook his head.
“I’ve known Dan a little longer than you have. (Y/N), Dan loves you. He won’t leave you. Not for long.” Smiling at me, Neil squeezed my arm. “You two will find your way to each other again.” Smiling softly at him, I ducked my head and got out of the car.
“Thanks Neil.” I said and closed the door. Heading into the building, I wrapped my arms around myself. Once I was in my apartment, I changed into a pair of pajama pants. I settled into my bed and let myself drift off. Thoughts ran through my head but I didn’t pay them much mind. Memories played out and more tears made my vision swim.
“I’m sorry Dan.” I murmured as I curled around my pillow. When I woke up the next day, abbie had texted me to let me know that Dan had talked to her and asked a few questions. I didn’t respond to her and set myself up in front of the tv. It became my routine for the next few days as I ignored all texts and calls from everyone. My phone stayed face down on my nightstand.
The only call I answered was from my parents. I hadn’t told them about Dan but they could tell that something had happened.
“Do I need to come kick someone’s ass?” My dad asked. I smiled softly as I scrolled through social media on my computer.
“No. Nothing like that.” I said. “It was my mistake. I took a chance and screwed it up. Been beating myself up over it these last few days.” My dad snorted.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.” My mom added.
“It was pretty bad.” I sighed. Rubbing the back of my neck, I steeled myself to tell them. “I might have called his manliness into question.” My dad chuckled and I could already see my mom getting ready to say something. “Not like that. Just said a few things and he started questioning what I meant by it. I guess there are a few things I wasn’t letting him do that made him feel like less of a man. Not sure what though.”
“Well if it is meant to happen, you two will work it out.” My mom offered.
“How long as it been since you last talked to him?” My dad asked. I looked at the calendar on my screen and felt my throat tighten.
“Almost a week.” I answered, my voice cracking. “But we were talking every day. A lot. Like always talking.” I added quickly. “Now we’re not talking at all.” There was a soft oh on the other end of the line. I jumped as there was a knock on the door.
“you expecting someone?” My dad asked.
“no.” I responded. “Probably just some random person. They’ll go away.” I shrugged it off. There was another knock.
“Doesn’t sound like they are going away.” My mom added. I got up and looked out the peephole. I gasped and scrambled with my phone.
“It's him. Uh...I’ll call you later. Or text you.” I hurried out. “Ok. Love you. Bye.” My parents responded in kind before I hung up. I hurriedly unlocked my door and pulled it open. “Hi.” I breathed out. Dan looked up at me and gave me a sad smile.
“hi.” He said. We stared at each other for a bit. “Uh can I come in?” I nodded and stepped aside. He shuffled in awkwardly and took in my living room. I took a shaky breath as I locked my door back up. Seeing him standing in the living room, I rushed past him and grabbed the empty take out containers and my laptop before tossing them out of the room.
“Sorry.” I mumbled as I looked at him. He looked a little worse for wear, wearing a pajama shirt with jeans. His hair was disheveled and there were bags under his eyes. “Uh sit.” I gestured to the couch and sat down on the other end. Dan nodded and sat down.
“I’m sorry. For how I treated you.” He started, eyes darting over my face. “I should have explained better. Not taken out my frustration on you.” I played with the sleeves on the shirt I was wearing.
“I shouldn’t have opened the box.” I countered. Dan shook his head, hand darting out to grab mine but stopping short. “I’m glad you did.” He shot back. We stared at each other for a minute. “I owe you an explanation.” I waited patiently. “It was the 80s. It was a different time.” I bit back a giggle and dan gave me a shadow of a smile. “Being submissive wasn’t…prospective partners weren’t keen on…” dan wrung his hands. “Most of my prospective partners were women. They wanted a man who was dominant. I cared more about their pleasure than mine. I mean sure I wanted to get off but it was mutual.” I slid a little closer to dan.
“I can understand that.” I cut in. Dan did reach out this time and took my hand.
“I tried. I really did. And it always felt like a punch to the gut when I couldn’t be that way. And I tried. A lot.” He chuckled dryly. “It just kept reminding me of that. How I always thought…” he trailed off and brought my hand up to kiss my knuckles. I squeezed his hand to urge him to continue. “No one is ever going to love me.” Dan looked up at me. “I know that. I’m crude. I’m crass. I’m stuck up. I’m arrogant. I'm a suck up. And a whole bunch more adjectives that Abbie's dad always seemed to want to remind me." I opened my mouth to argue but he kissed my hand again, forcing me to silently wait. Chuckling, he shook his head. "When I first took this job, I was in Abbie's office. I knew it as Harry's office. There was a box on the desk. Said Judge Harry Stone Office." I smiled softly at Dan as he focused on my hand, playing with my fingers like I had done to him countless times. "I had told Abbie I wasn't afraid to open a box. Open up to people..." He looked up at me and laughed, smiling for the first time since he got here. "But a box was easy. I opened it." Dan trailed off and I watched him for a while.
"What was in it?" I asked. Dan chuckled and shook his head.
"When I first met Harry, he had a gun that shot those snakes in a can at you." Dan smiled softly at the memory. "He covered me in them. But I always associated them with him from that point on. So I opened the box and they popped out. Surprised me. And I thought of him. And I took the job." Dan looked up at me. "I was at home. Abbie sent me home too. Apparently I was an even worse public defender than I normally am." He shrugged and I squeezed his hand. "I found this shirt." He tugged on it and sighed. "I had an operation and things didn't go the way they should have. I was in a coma. Harry came and changed me I guess. I'm not entirely sure. But I remember him begging me to wake up. To come back. He was exhausted, in every sense of the word. And he didn't like hospitals. But he came to see me anyway. Fell asleep on my stomach." Dan let go of my hand and leaned back on the couch. "This was the shirt. I remember when he woke up to see me up. We ended up talking. I said the same thing. No one is ever going to love me." Watching me carefully, Dan closed all remaining space between us. He bumped his knee against mine. "Harry said he loved me. First and only time I ever heard him say it. And my heart went crazy. I'm glad medical technology was different back then. Would have been surrounded by nurses and doctors and how would I have explained that the spike they saw was because the person I liked had just told me they loved me." I smiled at him.
"I...I don't see what that has to do with us." I murmured. Dan sighed.
"Harry has a way of reminding me of things even from beyond the grave." Dan finally said. "I hadn't seen this shirt in years. I thought I got rid of it because it was hard to get the hospital smell out. And in doing so..." Dan trailed off and blushed as he looked at me. I nodded in understanding. "But there it was. In the back of my closet. Tucked into a box of my old things. My pre-marriage life I mean." Dan coughed awkwardly. I smiled at him and nodded again. "The entire time I was home, I kept thinking about how hard I was to love back then. How the things I did, wanted to do, even said made me a difficult person to get close to. And how you didn't deserve that." He took my hand again. "I thought the only options were to keep things fairly vanilla," I cut him off with a laugh and a proud smile. "Or to end things. And after that little taste of that life again, I didn't know if I could keep it vanilla." Dan squeezed my hand.
It was quiet for a moment. My phone flashed with a message from my parents asking how it was going but I ignored it. A million thoughts ran through my head as I sat there next to him. Dan tapped my knee again and pulled me close into a hug.
"I was originally getting dressed to come over here to tell you that. Then I saw the shirt. And I thought of Harry, standing in the place he hated most because of me. Because he cared for me as I was enough that he had to come keep me company." Dan kissed my head and lingered there. "I love you (Y/N). I don't know exactly what I want to do in terms of our sex life. But I do know that I don't want to let you go. I haven't felt like this in a long time." I pulled back to look at him.
"I love you too Dan. More than you'll ever know." He hummed happily and kissed me. Pulling away, I cupped his cheeked. Dan turned to kiss my palms and smiled at me.
"In public, I know I'm a bit of an asshole." He started. "A suit of armor against the world. But when we're alone," Dan let me pull away completely and sit on the coffee table in front of him. He adjusted himself so his legs were on either side of me. "I feel good. Very good. Relaxed, wanted and accepted." Smiling at him, I reached out and put my hands on his legs. Dan leaned forward a little. "You know that crazy stuff that we all carry around inside of us? That stuff that eats little holes in your brain and churns at your insides? That stuff that you know you cannot possibly tell another living human being?" Dan started to blush a little and I squeezed his thigh, nodding. Covering my hand with his, Dan took a deep breath. "I can tell you. And you listen and you understand. And you say it's alright." Dan smiled softly at me. "It's alright. And it is." Dan drew me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me tightly. "And just like magic, you make my problems disappear, my anxieties subside. I mean, God's in his heaven, all is right with the world. There's no way to go but up, look for the silver lining, don't give up the ship and I'll be damned if that's not what each and every one of us is looking for." I chuckled at his excitement. "And I just happened to find mine so the best of luck to the rest of them." Dan flushed bright red when I leaned in to kiss him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned my head against his when I pulled away. He chuckled lightly and averted his eyes from mine. "Ladies and gentlemen, a small peek into the guts of Dan Fielding. No cover, no minimum." I laughed as he smiled at me, finally finding my eyes again.
"The rest of the world be damned." I murmured as I ran my thumb over his cheek. "As long as I've got you, the rest of the world be damned." Dan hummed in agreement as he watched me. "When was the last time you got a decent night's sleep?" I asked, eyeing the dark circles under his eyes.
"When was that night you handcuffed me to the bed?" He asked. Smiling softly at him, I turned around and grabbed my phone. I sent my parents a text saying it all worked out for the better before turning it off. Climbing off his lap, I held my hand out to him.
"Come on." I gently waved him up. "Time for bed." Taking my hand, Dan trailed after me to bed. It was the first good night's sleep either of us had in a week.
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carbo-ships · 1 year
Chapter XXIV
Beginning: Chapter I Previous: Chapter XXIII Petrichor once again belongs to @limey-self-inserts 🥰
When Ardis awoke the next morning, it took her a few moments to get her bearings. Right, she remembered, she was on the Ghost tour bus. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light of her bunk, she realized she wasn't in her bunk at all. In fact, she was lying directly on top of Aether. It seemed their idea to cuddle for "just a few minutes" before bed hadn't gone according to plan. She felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She must have dozed off in the middle of their scheduled alone-time, and Aether likely hadn't had the heart to wake her.
He started to stir a moment later and let out a quiet groan. Noticing the weight on his chest, he opened his eyes to find the shy angel. He grinned. “Hey,” came his groggy voice, thick with sleep.
“Hello,” she replied in a whisper, moving to climb off of him.
He stopped her, applying just enough pressure with his broad palm against her back to keep her pressed to his chest. “And where do you think you’re going?” he asked quietly. Ardis stared up at him, not sure how to respond. Instead, she nuzzled her face back into his neck and let out an embarrassed little grumble. He wrapped both arms around her properly and kissed her temple. “I’m so glad you’re here with me.”
Ardis and Aether eventually got up and made their way downstairs to find something to eat. They greeted a few of the other ghouls – Mountain, Petrichor, Rain, and Cumulus – with sleepy “good morning”s. The clock on the wall indicated it was just after 9:30am. Papa was already at the bar brewing the day’s second pot of coffee in the mini coffee maker. He squeezed Ardis’s shoulder as she passed him, smiling at her warmly. “There’s my girl. Did you sleep well?”
“Very well, thank you,” she said with a nod. 
“I’m glad to hear it. Petrichor, my dear, what’s the schedule for today?”
Petrichor produced a clipboard and leafed through the first couple of pages until they found what they were looking for. “We should be arriving at Accor Arena in about half an hour, load-in starts around noon, our sound check is scheduled for two, doors open at six, opening act starts at seven, we’re on at eight.”
“Perfect. Coffee, Ardis? Aether?”
“None for me, thanks,” Ardis said, pulling a small bottle of juice out of the minifridge.
“Yes, please.” Aether accepted his offer. It would be a long day, and he needed a bit of a kick to get him going. He pulled two bananas out of the cupboard – one for him, one for her.
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Ardis stood in the crowd, all the way at the front and about halfway between where she knew Aether and Papa would spend most of their time. The whole afternoon had been a whirlwind. They’d gone into town for brunch and set aside an hour to see the sights, then headed right back to the venue to start unloading. She’d helped Mountain set up his extensive drumset – there were seemingly endless components, and it always helped to have an extra pair of hands to keep things steady while he secured everything the way he liked it. During soundcheck, Papa and Petrichor went through the set order one last time and dictated where and when each costume change would occur. Aether had jokingly warned her that his jacket would come off during “Helvetesfönster” and to brace herself so she wouldn’t faint. She’d rolled her eyes, but he knew she loved how his arms looked when he played. There had been a quick dinner after sound check before once again returning to the venue. Ardis stuck close to Aether’s side as he got himself ready, insisting upon helping him with his neckerchief even though he’d secured it himself countless times, then made her way to the front of the pit before the doors opened.
Ardis had never been around so many people – there were thousands and thousands of fans packed into the arena. She was dressed in casual attire, which the ghoulettes helped her pick out. She’d also completely dimmed her halo and wings, not wanting to attract any attention to herself. The supporting band had come off stage about fifteen minutes ago. She and the other spectators waited eagerly for the large sheet covering the stage to drop. They could just barely make out the shadows of the band members shuffling about. It would be starting soon.
Before much longer, Sodo’s guitar rang from the stage. Thunderous cheers erupted through the arena as Rain’s silhouette was projected onto the curtain. The curtain dropped a few bars later, revealing her friends in all their glory. She spotted Petrichor and another stagehand scrambling to pull the curtain to the side of the stage as quickly as possible. Pet and Ardis shared a smile, and the ghoul mouthed “have fun” before scurrying backstage. With a loud boom, the guitarists moved to the front of the stage. Ardis and the other fans screamed and cheered for them. Aether made quick work of spotting his angel, giving her a quick nod of acknowledgement. She could tell he was smiling ear to ear. Just when she thought the crowd couldn’t get any louder, Papa sprung onto the stage. A deafening cheer filled the stadium before he’d even opened his mouth. The ghouls vacated the front of the stage for him, and he began to sing.
As Papa belted out “Kaisarion”, Ardis realized he was truly in his element. He was a completely different man on stage. She couldn’t help but admire how handsome he looked in his embellished uniform, the tailcoats of his jacket accentuating his smooth movements and his golden epaulettes catching the stage lights perfectly. As he pranced about the stage and worked up the crowd, he pointed a finger her way for a moment to let her know he’d spotted her. She grinned. It was flattering to still get a moment of special attention from the man when nearly twenty-thousand people were screaming his name.
The concert was an exhilarating experience. She’d thought she knew exactly what to expect from sitting in on so many rehearsals, but she couldn’t have been more wrong. Everyone had such incredible stage presence and the stage effects added so much to the performance. Her heart swelled every time Aether approached his microphone to sing. She’d told him countless times how much she loved his voice, and while he insisted she was just trying to flatter him, it was true.
When the guitar duel rolled around so Papa could do a costume change, Aether had never been so determined to prove himself. He usually let Sodo be the show-off, putting on a meek facade to entertain the crowd, but not this time. Sodo thought his newfound aggression was amusing and was more than willing to play along to help him flaunt his talents. They antagonized each other with poorly-hidden grins and Aether periodically glanced to Ardis to ensure she was staring as he hoped she was. Once she and the crowd were thoroughly impressed, they finally broke into “Cirice”. Papa emerged, eliciting yet another deafening scream from the fans. Ardis smiled when she realized he was wearing those ridiculous bat wings. He’d insisted they made him look intimidating, but she always held that he looked silly and adorable in them. As he approached the front of the stage, he sent her another little smile.
She listened attentively as her friends harmonized. “Cirice” had always been one of her favorite songs. When the chorus came around a second time, Papa made a beeline for her. Ardis gasped in delight as he knelt before her at the edge of the stage and reached a gloved hand out to her. The barrier was much too far from the stage to hold her hand as he would have done at smaller venues, but his attention was solely on her. Staring up at him adoringly as he serenaded her, she was certain her face had gone completely red. Papa couldn’t hide his smile either. Before getting off of his knees at the end of the chorus, he blew her a kiss. She pretended to catch it and hugged it close to her chest. Papa only smiled even wider.
The rest of the concert continued in much the same way as Papa and the ghouls periodically checked on their angel to make sure that she was safe and happy amongst the sea of spectators. When the lights dimmed and the ghoulettes started playing “Helvetesfönster”, Ardis felt her cheeks warm. She remembered how Aether had teasingly warned her of what was to come. Just as he’d said, his jacket was missing when he and the others returned from backstage. His sleeves were still rolled down, and she felt her cheeks warm even more when she realized just how eager she’d been to see his arms.
She got her wish soon enough, however, when they started up “Mummy Dust” a few songs later. When her eyes left Papa to peek at Aether again, his sleeves were rolled up well past his elbows. He was watching her, clearly having been waiting for her to notice. She could see his shoulders shake slightly with laughter. It must have been obvious that she liked what she saw. Staring directly at her, he pointed his index and middle finger at his eyes. She couldn't tell if he was demanding her undivided attention, or trying to get her to stop gawking at his recently-revealed biceps. Either way, it was certainly effective. It was rare that Aether cracked a toothy grin on stage, but her flustered expression was enough to do it. He chuckled to himself as he continued on his way across the stage. He and Papa glanced at her from the corner of their eyes as they did their signature “mummy thrusts”, grinning to themselves as she became more and more embarrassed. It thrilled them to get such a reaction out of her. Both men had worried that their concerts might be too much for the angel, but it was clear that she was having the time of her life.
When the concert finally ended and the group took their bows, Aether tossed her one of his guitar picks as if she were any other excited groupie. He wanted her to get the full experience the whole way through. She giggled as she caught it then stuck it in her pocket for safekeeping. The band made their way off the stage, and when the crowd started dispersing, a security guard led her backstage to reunite with her friends.
Next: Chapter XXV
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (277): Sun 18th Dec 2022
I was nice and careful on the bike ride to work today even though the snow and ice looked to have cleared up and it was all but gone on the main roads at least. I figured that as long as I was careful on the slip road that takes me on the final stretch to work and kept a look out for black ice then I should be okay. Unfortunately the council have put up a fucking barrier to stop people going directly down that road and you have to go all the way down the dual carriageway, turn right and then circle back on yourself (which if I’m not mistaken is the first thing the Nazis did when they got into power). I was approaching the right turn and gently put on my brakes but I must have broke too harshly and turned too quickly because the bike slipped out from under me and I went flying onto the road. Luckily the bike literally slid right the fuck out from under me so it didn’t land on me and also I ended up going arse over tit and landed on my back which thankfully was cushioned by my rucksack which was full of all my work shit. I wasn’t hurt at all but more annoyed at the fact that I hadn’t seen this slippery patch and obviously thankful that this had happened on a quiet day when I was travelling relatively slowly because of this had been on a packed dual carriageway and I’d been doing 50 then I’d probably be dictating this blog from a hospital bed to a nurse via blinks of my eyes. A guy in a car saw what had happened and slammed the breaks on his car and backed up to make sure I was okay. I motioned to him that I was fine but this guy must have fucking shat himself when he saw my legs go up in the fucking air like that and the bike go hurtling 10 feet down the road. Plus he kept asking if I was sure I was alright before I got back on the bike and continued on my way. I hate to think that this guy drove off worried that I’d hurt or concussed myself and he just let me go. Unfortunately the right pedal rest has come off the bike so I’m going to have to get that fixed now but to be honest I couldn’t give a shit about this fucking bike at the moment. There’s too much going on with work and Christmas and the holiday that I can’t be dealing with this shit right now. I’ll just wait until the new year to get this sorted and just get the bus / walk to work in the meantime. I don’t know why but I can’t help but feel like this is somehow Matt Hancock’s fault.
While I was working I came up with a few ideas for the sitcom script. I can already tell that this script (which I haven’t even completed the first draft for yet) is immediately better than any of the scripts I’ve written before (which admittedly isn’t many but they were still dogshit compared to this). I’ve followed Graham Linehan’s sitcom writing advice very carefully by writing up all my ideas for jokes / scenarios on individual cards then mixing and matching the cards to look for patterns and trying to build scenes. Ive also tried my best to follow Linehan and Simpsons writer John Swartzwelder’s advice to not let it worry me that the first draft will be patchy and have bits that seem awful because the first draft is just something you need to cobble together so that you have something to change. Linehan seems to be of the opinion that going over their first drafts is the thing that puts off a lot of sitcom writers because the first draft isn’t usually any good and the thought of putting the first draft that they’ve come up with on the air fills them with dread. However he advises people to just keep in mind that no one is ever going to see this first draft and that with a little effort you should be able to turn that awful first draft into a hilarious third / fourth draft. I’m really happy with how this is coming along and after I’ve submitted it to the Sitcommission competition I might post it on here too so my friends / followers can tell me what they think of it (and that’s proof that I must be happy with it because ten years ago the very idea of showing anyone a sitcom script that I’d written would have made me cringe). For this competition they encourage you to submit “episode one” rather than a pilot episode because the winning script gets passed around to industry executives with the intention of making them into full seasons. As such executives want to read a typical episode and a pilot isn’t a typical episode because it will be spent introducing the characters and setting up the premise of the show. I’ve already written a pilot episode of the show and this script that I’m writing now is “episode one” (though really it’s episode two. If I can just churn out four more episodes then I’ll be able to cross “sitcom” off my bucket list because it’s long been an objective of mine to write a full season of a sitcom (I’m glad I’m not American because then I would need to write 22 of the fuckers before I could cross it off.
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darlingshane · 2 years
cross my heart
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Joe Teague x F!Reader
Rating: 18+ Warnings: Explicit. Smut. Angst. Fingering. Vaginal Sex. Smoking. Forced work. Some Love & Fluff.
WC: 1,7k
Summary: You work at a Gentlemen's Club, not by choice, and you're hassled by Detective Teague for information.
-- Read below or at AO3.
A/N: I wasn’t planning on posting anything today, but I was working on a couple of fics, and I got this idea for Joe that I quickly wrote instead of finishing all the wips I have.
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After a long work night, all the girls spread out through the street like busy ants, all dressed in elegant black. A handful of them have cars waiting for them. The rest of you march up towards the bus stop. You lag behind, tired of those damn shoes hurting your feet, and finally decide to take them off. You clutch the heels in one hand and hit the pavement, letting the thin layer of your stockings be the only thing that separates your aching soles from the concrete slab. It feels better, though.
As you walk past the alley, you hear someone calling you sweetheart. It rolls out of his tongue like smoke. It’s so low it vanishes as soon as it touches the air near his lips.
You should keep walking. You really really should. But you stop on your tracks. You don't need to look to the side to know that's Detective Teague waiting in the shadows minutes before the sunrise. It's been a while. Like every man at the gentlemen's club you work at, he uses you, though he doesn't pay like a gentleman would do. He squeezes you for information in exchange for shallow promises of love, and getting you out of their hands safely one day. A day that will never come, you’ve come to accept. You're way too valuable for him to let go of you.
You know what he's after without him having to ask. Something is going down, and you, being Ned's favorite, have exclusive access to most of his deals. Men like to talk in the club, mostly about their business, and especially if they’re shady. That’s why they created this place to begin with. They certainly underestimate what women's brains can grasp on. Whether you're serving drinks, cigars, dancing on stage, or tucked in bed with them, you're all always gathering information.
The only exception between you and the rest of the girls, it's that you've been chosen by the Detective purposely to keep your eyes and ears open, because he has something on you. They all do. Even the men who forced you to work at the club. You have a debt to pay. A debt that wasn’t yours in the first place. It was your late husband’s, who stole something from them, and they’re holding that against you until it’s fully paid. Every dime you make here, goes directly into their pockets, like throwing salt into the ocean.
“I have nothing for you, Detective Teague,” you keep your head straight up, looking at a cab pulling up at the curb as two girls get inside.
“Then, why did you stop?”
“To tell you that I don’t know anything.”
“Why do you always try to protect him? He doesn’t love you.”
“No shit, Sherlock. I’m just trying to stay alive.” You finally glance at him to see him take a long puff of his cigarette under the low brim of his hat, “I heard something interesting about you, though, a couple of weeks ago.”
“That so?”
You nod, “heard you and Ned used to be best buddies.”
“That was a long time ago.”
“He ended up a crook lawyer, you came out a crook cop. It’s kinda ironic.”
“I’m not a crook.”
“No? I beg to differ.”
“Look, I know something is going to happen soon. I just need to know where and when. If we don't stop it, a lot of people are going to get hurt.”
“You care about people?”
“Well, some people,” he scoffs, “I care about you.”
“He’s a better liar than you are,” you shake your head, “and takes better care of me too.”
“Yeah? What has he ever done for you?”
“Tips better than you, for starters. It’s the only thing that’s keeping me from going homeless.”
“If you needed money, you just had to say so, darling.”
“I don’t want your money, Joe,” you turn your head again to see the bus taking off from its station.
“C’mon, get in the car. I’ll give you a ride.”
“No? You’re going to be late for your shift at the diner.”
“You know so much about me; yet I know so little about you.” You sigh heavily, and even if you don’t want to, you stride towards his car and get on the passenger seat, placing your purse on your lap, and your heels on the floor.
“What do you want to know about me, sweetheart?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug, and think for a moment, “do you have a dog?”
His lips pull up at the corners, “no, I can’t take care of a dog.”
He starts the car, and it begins moving as you look out the window, watching the sun slowly rising, turning brighter by the minute.
“Are you married?” you ask next.
“Once. Not anymore.”
He shakes his head.
“Do you like the beach?”
“Not particularly, no.”
“Do you… sleep with all your informants?” you utter with trepidation, and glance at him to see his Adam’s apple bobbing.
“No. I don’t.”
“Do you really care about me, or is it just an act just to get what you want?”
“I do care about you, sweetheart,” he gazes at you, so you can see the honesty in his doe-eyes.
You exhale as he pulls up in front of your building. You stay quiet in your seat, biting the inside of your mouth before asking him to walk you up to your apartment. If he wants to know what’s going down, you damn sure are going to make him earn it, and have him prove that he cares about you.
It’s your usual dance, he hassles you for information, and you use everything in your hand to hold onto it until the last minute. It’s very unhealthy, but it works for both of you. You get to feel loved, even if it’s just for a few minutes, and he gets his precious insight.
As soon as you’re inside the apartment, his eager hands rid you of your skimpy satin, black dress that’s tainted in smoke and Ned’s cologne. You take off his hat and hang it on the rack. Then, you undo his tie, unbutton his shirt, and push it all back over his shoulders along with his jacket. He slips off your underwear; first your bra, then your garter and panties, leaving your stockings on. He tilts his head and captures your lips, as you blindly guide him backwards to the bed. You slowly lower yourself, pulling him on top of you. He buries his face in your neck, as his hand slips between your thighs to rub at your folds with passion.
“You smell like him,” he grumbles against your skin, viciously collecting your arousal between his fingers.
“He smells better than you,” you lie to rile him up, and he pulls his head back to watch you react to his fingers, questioning you at the same time.
“Has he fucked you yet?”
“No,” you pant, gripping at his strong wrist, “go slower, Joe.”
“Why not?” his rough touch doesn’t waver.
“He doesn’t want to… doesn’t let me fuck other men either… Please, Joe,” you beg, clutching desperately to his arm until his fingers grant you some mercy, “figured, he wants me there for as long as possible. The less I fuck, the longer it takes me to pay my debt.”
“That’s nuts.”
“Oh, you think so, champ?” you retort, ironically, of course.
“No. It’s nuts that you have to work there at all,” one of his fingers slips into your slicked entrance, “what does he like to do with you, then?”
“He likes dancing,” you half-moan, as he strokes your walls back and forth, “he lets me touch him sometimes. Touches me too.”
“Like this?” he slips a second finger in.
“No. Not like this.”
“You take him in your mouth?”
“No,” you laugh breathlessly.
“I promise.”
He deeply grunts, pleased, and his fingers slide off you. He kneels between your legs, opens his belt and fly, and releases his erection. He’s already throbbing as he trespasses your opening, stretching your walls with ease. He dominantly thrust into you with great power. He likes the illusion of you belonging to him, and you give it to him, cause you like it just as much. The thought of being only his has your core furiously furling and knotting in a million directions. The temperature of your body rises at the friction of his broad frame. Your nails are pressed hard on his back, seconds away from sinking into ecstasy. Your legs lock and he holds one of your thighs up to his waist, pushing sharply until you both come undone.
Joe kisses you sweetly afterwards; talks your ear off, promising and promising, saying he loves you more than anything, and he’d never let anything happen to you. He absolutely means it, and you half believe it. Actions speak louder than words, you've come to realize, and he’s yet to show you that you’re more than his informant.
Then, you curl against his side and tell him what you’ve heard in the last couple of nights.
“Someone important is coming from New York in a week. They call him The Duke. They're supposed to take him to the new club in San Diego. They’re also bringing some girls there.”
“Not you?” He lifts his head to capture your eyes.
You shake your head, “Ned said it wasn’t safe, he kept me out of it.”
“Good. I don’t want you involved in this, either.”
“What’s this exactly?”
“It’s better if you don't know, sweetheart,” he exhales as if the weight of the world was suddenly pressed against his chest.
“When am I going to see you again?”
“Hmm, soon, darling. If this goes right–”
“Joe,” you interrupt, “don’t say it if you’re not going to keep your word.”
“Shh, I’m gonna,” he wraps his arms tighter around you, and finishes his sentence, “if this goes right, I’m gonna get you out this time. For good. Maybe…” he pauses, smirking bashfully out of your sight, “maybe I could take you to that beach you love so much when it’s over.”
“Cross my heart.”
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pantoneyoongi · 2 years
associative property | kth
title ; associative property
description ; every morning, taehyung drives you to school. and every morning, taehyung annoys you - until he doesn’t.  
cast ; taehyung x you
word count ; 3.4k
tracklist ; this is how u feel - loote, take a chance with me - niki, trust - thuy ft. rini, crema - youngjae 
tags ; popular!taehyung, cranky!y/n, high school!au, fluff, they’re not enemies but y/n does think he’s annoying and taehyung has no qualms with it, i don’t know a single thing about video games please forgive me, idk where this came from honestly, also this is unedited so sorry in advance 
for the record, you don’t hate kim taehyung. what you do hate is mornings, and unlucky for him, he is among the first few faces you see almost every single morning. it’s an associative property sort of thing. 
“that’s bullshit,” jimin counters, trading your pickle for some of his french fries. “you see me every morning and you like me just fine.” 
“do i?” you arch your eyebrows and he narrows his eyes back, earning a small amused twitch to your lips. “he’s just annoying, what do you want me to say?” 
jimin glances over to where taehyung is, surrounded by a myriad of friends and admirers alike. taehyung does well in a crowd - grins wide and enjoys the attention and the company. if you look close enough you might see his tail wagging, but you’re uninterested in all of that. 
“i just think you should give the guy a chance,” jimin says, corners of his lips curving upwards in a friendly smile when taehyung spots him and waves happily. “he’s actually a really nice guy, you know.” 
you bite half a french fry and mull it over for a second. 
taehyung is older than most of the kids in your class, since his birthday is at the very, very, very tail end of december, meaning he missed the cut-off to be with the kids born in his year. which means taehyung got his driver’s license before anyone else did, and being that he’s your neighbor and your parents are friends, he therefore becomes your ride to school every morning. 
so, every morning, you put up with him at the ass crack of dawn for a full ten to fifteen minutes, while he yammers away in your ear at an exhausting pace, topics rolling off his tongue without a care for the way you sink lower and lower in his passenger seat, mentally begging red lights to turn green. 
you’d think a decade of taehyung walking with you to bus stops would train you to tune him out but for some reason you’ve never been able to. you now know an absurd amount about pubg and overwatch, and while you can’t recount any of it directly if asked, you can relay the message of, this one guy’s name is StringBeanz and honestly fuck this guy, first of all who is still using a z-
it was one of few days when you’d actually respond to taehyung, interrupting him halfway. “it’s just a vegetable,” you bemoan. “what even is your username?” 
“t-h-underscore-v,” taehyung says simply. you’re at a red stop light. you loll your head towards him and squint. 
“v,” he reiterates, holding up a peace sign. “victory. i always win, y/n.” 
your eyes roll back and you thank every deity you can name that the light turns green. 
most days taehyung knows better than to approach you in school. most people do leave you alone - “you have an intimidating aura,” jimin once told you. “it makes people avoid you.”
“good,” you’d retorted back. 
you like being left alone. you like being nose deep in a book without anyone else to ask you about mundane things like the calc homework or if you saw the football team play last weekend. you don’t give one fuck about the football team. mostly because you hate their coach, who is a sexist, racist, piece of-
“hiii,” taehyung slides into the seat next to yours. most days taehyung knows better than to approach you. not all days. 
you spare him a glance then go back to your book. “hi, tae,” jimin gives him a reprieve, smiling at the boy beside you. “what brings you to us today, mr. popular?” 
taehyung grins shyly. he knows he’s popular, he’s just not so good at being told to his face that he’s popular. “my mom made fishcakes,” taehyung says, pulling out a container from his backpack. “the kind you like, y/n. i packed an extra box for you.” 
you try not to look. he doesn’t seem to mind that you’re ignoring him, just presses on. “i’m not staying late today, so i’ll drive you home. just give it back to me then, okay?” 
he doesn’t wait for an answer, just pulls out a set of disposable chopsticks and leaves it on top of the box, then bids jimin goodbye before hopping away, immediately intercepted by someone from the basketball team. 
“he’s gone, you can stop pretending now,” jimin says as he pops open the lid to the box taehyung brought you. 
“i don’t know what you’re talking about,” you mutter, and jimin snaps the chopsticks apart. 
“you haven’t flipped a single page since taehyung showed up.” 
you lift your eyes to look at him. he grins smugly. 
you suck your teeth and snatch the chopsticks from his hands. “shut up.” 
he whines. “at least share??” 
you flick your eyes up to him. 
jimin thinks you’re being over-dramatic when you say driving to school with taehyung in the mornings is borderline unbearably painful, and maybe most of the time you are - it’s not your fault you’re not a morning person - but you know for a fact taehyung is doing this on purpose. 
his car trudges along at a snail’s speed, as taehyung belts out but iiiii can’t heeeelp falling in loooooove with yoooouu in as deep a voice as he can muster. maybe if you had even a semblance of caffeine in you, you might be impressed by exactly how low a register he can hit, but it is 6:42am and if he doesn’t step on the goddamn pedal you might just take over his car and do it yourself. 
there’s no other cars on the road right now, which is the only reason taehyung can get away with this. you’re one more syllable away from snapping, head twisting to glare at your designated driver when his eyes catch yours, and he raises his voice back to a comfortable pitch. “take my hand, take my whole life, too,” his eyes are soft, voice smooth and warm. your heart does the unthinkable and stutters in your chest as you freeze, lips parted and eyes widening a fraction. he smiles. 
then he hits the gas, throwing his head back and bellowing as loud as he can get, “FOR I CAN’T HELP FALLING IN LOVE WITH-” 
“taehyung, for the love of god if you don’t shut the fuck up-” 
you’ve known taehyung since you were little. he was the kind of kid who pulled on your pigtails and ran away screaming, but then also came back ten minutes later with an outstretched hand, offering a cookie for your patience. and since at the time you had the attention span of, well, a five year old child, you accepted, settling yourself down on the sidewalk curb next to him to munch on your cookie. 
over a decade later and you’d like to think you have a little more reserve than to be bribed by a cookie, but judging from the way jimin is desperately tamping down on his laughter and the fact that you do, in fact, have a cookie - a brown butter chocolate chip cookie, practically fresh out the oven - in your mouth, maybe you haven’t changed as much as you’d like to think. 
taehyung looks rather pleased with himself, fluffy brown hair falling into his eyes as he beams, watching you as you eat. you might not notice beyond your treat, but jimin sees the way taehyung stares at you with nothing less than overwhelming affection, gaze gentle and bright. the three of you sit at taehyung’s kitchen counter, but jimin can tell taehyung can only see you. 
“take some home later,” taehyung is already packing a box for you, stacking almost all the cookies he’s made into it. “i-” 
you make a noise to stop him. “won’t your family want some?” 
taehyung pauses. “that’s okay,” he resumes. “i can always make more.” 
when he smiles at you, you ignore the shift in your chest. he presses down the clamps on the box and slides it over to you. “just give me the box back later, okay?” 
taehyung drives you to school every single day. he doesn’t drive you home as often, since he usually stays after school for one club or another, but some days he does. either way it means you see taehyung every single weekday, every single morning. 
[9:24pm] taehyung: hey i dnt thnk im going 2 skool tmr
[9:24pm] taehyung: thnk im sick
[9:24pm] taehyung: can u tk the bus pls
[9:27pm] y/n: sure
you don’t know what taehyung has against vowels. you peer at the messages, rereading until it hits you that taehyung is sick, so you won’t be seeing him tomorrow. you don’t think he’s missed a single day of school since the eighth grade when he caught the stomach virus that was going around. 
you frown. your mind replays the few glimpses you saw of him earlier today. he was fine in the morning, and seemed okay throughout the day, but he’d driven you home today quietly, only the radio playing to cover the silence. you’d just figured he was upset about something - it was the only time taehyung ever really got quiet - but now if you think hard enough, you can picture the exhaustion on his face when he’d parked in his driveway and murmured goodbye. 
you glance at your clock. nine-thirty is a little late to be making noise in the kitchen, but not too late. still an acceptable hour, and your parents are still up. you climb out of bed to wander downstairs, gathering pots and ingredients. 
when morning comes, your alarm goes off earlier than usual, and you curse yourself for it. but you force yourself out of bed, running through your morning routine with bleary eyes before heading to your kitchen, heating up what you’d made last night and throwing it all into a thermos before heading to taehyung’s. 
his mom opens the door, surprise coloring her expression before she spies the thermos in your hand. “did you come to bring that for taehyung, honey?” she smiles warmly. taehyung looks more like his dad than he does like his mom, but his mom reminds you more of him than his dad does. she’s friendlier, always smiling. the kind of person who is friends with the whole block, the same way taehyung is friends with the whole school. 
“i just came to drop it off,” you hold it out to her, but she ushers you inside. it’s still early - much too early for the bus. 
“go on upstairs, i know it’s early but i think he’d be happy to see you,” she guides you towards the stairs. “go on, it’s okay.” 
which is how you end up outside taehyung’s bedroom door, staring at it with your hands wrapped around your thermos. it’s not that you haven’t been here before - you’ve lived beside taehyung for almost your whole life, it’d be impossible to not have seen his room - but you suddenly feel awkward standing here, at six in the morning. you’re hesitant when you knock on his door, letting it creak open when you hear him tell you to come in. 
as you peer in, the only thing you can see in the darkness of his room is his hair, wild and wavy, the rest of him buried under a mass of blankets. you creep inside, setting the thermos down on his bedside table. 
“sorry for waking you,” you mumble. “just wanted to drop off some soup-” 
taehyung whirls around fast for someone who is sick. he winces a little and you grimace back, feeling sympathetic. he really doesn’t look so good. 
“y/n,” he breathes. “you made me soup?” his eyes are wide and innocent and grateful. taehyung’s always been earnest with his feelings, the kind of person who doesn’t really hold grudges. he’s always shrugged it off whenever you ignored him, or acted cold towards him. he just moved along, happy little smile and bounce to his step. 
“it’s just soup,” you mutter. “just - you drive me every morning so the least i could do-” 
taehyung’s fingers wrap around your wrist, gently tugging you closer to him. “thank you,” he whispers, and even though the only light coming through his room is the hallway light at your back, you can see in the dimness that he really means it. so genuine for something so small. 
it makes you shrink back, embarrassed. but you don’t want him to see that, so you try to tug out of his grasp, but surprisingly, he doesn’t let you, tightening his grip ever so slightly. his eyes glance to the clock on his bedside table. “there’s still some time till the bus comes,” he says. “just stay a little. it’s cold outside.” 
maybe it’s because you’re still sleepy. or maybe it’s because he’s sick and you don’t want to be the person who says no to a sick person. whatever the case, you stay, let him tug you so you’re sitting on the edge of his bed while he scoots in closer to his wall to give you some space. 
you clear your throat a little. “how are you feeling?” 
he laughs, the sound a little hoarse. “like shit,” he grins crookedly. “but a lot better ‘cause you’re here.” 
you scrunch your nose. 
“turns out you do have a heart in there somewhere,” he teases, poking at your side lightly. you scoff. 
“all i did was make soup,” you push his hand away but there’s no real force behind it. 
“you could’ve just given it to my mom,” he points out. 
“she forced me up here.” 
taehyung snorts. “like you haven’t said no to her before.” 
“it’s - “ you sputter a little. “associative property, or whatever. it’s morning and - and i guess mornings are meant to be with you.” you duck your head to hide your face. 
taehyung chuckles. it’s odd. you know taehyung’s handsome. it’s part of the reason he’s so popular. but even when he’s sick, rumpled and pale with bags under his eyes you somehow still agree with the high school populace. kim taehyung is handsome. 
his voice breaks you out of your staring. “associative property is a math property, y/n.” 
you turn away from him. “you know what i mean.” 
“i do.” his voice makes you turn back to him. it’s rough and he looks quite frankly awfully sick and sweaty but all you can really focus on are his eyes, the way his gaze doesn’t leave yours, a knowing smile on his face. your cheeks feel hot when he looks at you like that. “i know you,” he murmurs. “if you really hated me you would just take the bus.” 
it’s despicable, how much you like that stupid teasing quirk on his lips. how you kind of want to run your fingers through his hair, push it back and away from his forehead. how maybe it would even be nice to curl up beside him, let yourself be surrounded by his warmth. people have always called you cold. you’re aloof, you hold people at arm’s length. it makes them shy away from you, the way you have sharp eyes and a sharper tongue, but taehyung’s never been scared of you. you try to keep him at a distance and he barges right on through, completely disregarding anything you say in favor of engulfing you with his warmth. 
“maybe i just like the free ride,” you argue back to him, just for the sake of it. 
his smile widens. “and the cookies.” 
you huff out a surprised laugh. “and the cookies.”
his hand comes to curl around your wrist again, palm warm against your skin. his thumb brushes back and forth soothingly, a comforting touch. he blinks slowly, sleepily. “you’ve got a soft spot for me, y/n,” he sounds tired and his words sort of slur together, but he also sounds certain. “in the shape of a brown butter chocolate chip cookie.” 
taehyung knows a lot of things about you. more than you think he does. it comes in part due to being your neighbor for over a decade, but also because you’re easier to read than most people think. 
you don’t talk much. not with words, anyway. but you do a lot. you do things like sit next to him at recess in the third grade when you realize the big kids think taehyung’s a fun target because he’s a little small for his age. or you slip a pencil onto his desk when he can’t find his in the fifth grade right before the history test. or you hold up the bus in the eighth grade by asking the bus driver a million questions because taehyung is running late. 
you don’t really like talking much. but you listen, because every year your family and taehyung’s family spend the holidays together and every year your parents give taehyung a perfectly curated gift that even his parents didn’t know he’d wanted, but you do. you remembered when he had a lego obsession and talked about the different kinds every day on the walk to the bus stop. you remembered when he went through a gundam phase. it was always you. you listened to everything he said, every morning, without fail. 
you say you don’t like taehyung, but every year you leave a birthday gift for him with his parents in spite of his birthday being right after the holidays, mumbling, you always get one for me, it’s just polite whenever taehyung brings it up the next time he sees you. you say taehyung’s annoying and too loud but if he asks, you’ll always show up to any of the events his club hosts even when you’d told him you didn’t want to go - claiming jimin forced you to come with. you say a lot of things like that, but even when your eyes are narrowed at him in warning, he sees it. fondness. affection. 
you care about him. 
taehyung’s always been patient with you. he’s waited quietly for you to realize that the irritation you claim to have against him is actually endearment. that there’s no one else you would let bother you every morning the way taehyung does. he’s waited years, giving you just enough space, until you figure it out yourself. 
“i guess you’re all better,” you say as you slide into his passenger seat. taehyung always gets up earlier than you, so he can heat up his car during the winter mornings before you exit your house. 
“hm,” taehyung hums, then shifts himself across the console, the sudden movement startling you backwards. a smile grows slowly on his face as he watches the tips of your ears turn pink. 
you’ve figured it out. 
“i’m missing one thing, i think, before i’m all better,” taehyung leans in a little closer, eyes twinkling in mischief. 
“personal space?” you remark back, one eyebrow arched. 
his smile widens into a grin. he turns a little, so his cheek is facing you. “kiss it better.” 
you sputter, and the scoff you let out comes just a beat too late after. you’ll swear up and down it’s because you were caught off guard, but taehyung knows. he turns back to face you. “you like me,” he beams, relishing in the way the pink has now started to color in your cheeks. 
you face scrunches, but words don’t come out. his eyes shine and you’re enraptured by them, breathless when he comes even closer, the tip of his nose almost touching yours. 
“you should just drive, kim,” you whisper, but he shakes his head, eyes crinkling in the corners. 
“say you like me, y/l/n,” he whispers back, and you stare at him, like you’re gauging how serious he is. his eyes fall to your lips before he can help himself. 
you take that split second of distraction to plant one on him, a quick peck that lasts less than a second before you shove him back over to his side of the console, taehyung falling back with an oof and a stunned expression. 
“i like the free rides,” you say, settling back into your seat. taehyung grins. 
“and the cookies.” 
you glance at him from your peripheral. your lips twitch into a smile. 
“and the cookies.” 
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artificialbreezy · 3 years
high sex w josh pls
High - The twins
AN: Hello, hi, i hope you enjoy. Im still getting better at smutty things so plz bare with me.
The show had just ended and your boy was nowhere to be found. So, as usual you assumed that he was in his tour bus with his brothers. Working your way from the crowd to behind the arena, you found the boys sitting around the bus in camping chairs passing around a blunt and a bong. You made your way over to the boys, looking over at Josh, him smiling at you. “I knew you'd find me.” Josh said to you. “Have a seat, pretty girl.” He added, while tapping his leg. You sat directly on his lap, before you could speak, he handed you the blunt. Taking a puff and passing it over to Sam, you guys just talked while smoking. Until someone came outside asking you guys to return back to your hotel in the next town over. So you all piled onto the bus and made your way back to the hotel.
At this point, you were off your ass. Josh was so smiley and touchy, you knew he was really high too. You made your way into your hotel room. He slowly backed you up until you fell on the bed. With a slight chuckle, you reached up and grabbed him by neck and brought him in for a kiss. He ran his tongue against your lip, asking for permission to deepen this kiss. You moaned into the kiss, and he took that opportunity to gain access. He pulled away rather quickly, and said “God baby, you taste so good.” He leaned down again and started leaving sloppy, wet kisses down your neck. You didn't know if it was the weed, or if Josh really just knew your body that well. But everything felt like heaven. Every move he did, every kiss. He made his way down to your pants, once he reached your jeans button, he slowly peeled those off your bottom half. He looked at you like you were his last meal on earth, and man he was going to devour you.
“Josh, please, you have too many clothes on.” You whined to your boyfriend. He chuckled and took his pants off in a quick motion. Leaving him in just his boxers and a t-shirt. You leaned up and grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head. “That's better now.” He knew you like the back of his hand, he knew how wet you get while you were high, he knew you were ready. Once he got your consent, he lined himself at your entrance, “Josh, please. Stop teasing, just fuck me already.” He smirked at you, “Oh angel, i’m gonna do so much more than just fuck you. I'm gonna make you forget your name.”
Jake was never the one to beg for your love or attention. He was the one to take and take and take. You never minded though, Jake had you wrapped around his finger, he knew it and you knew it. He only ever called when he was high, it's like he only wanted you when he was high. But at the same time, you were just happy to have him above you sometimes. You were happy he would talk to you that nasty, that aggressive. No man ever gave you what you ever needed, except Jake. Jake showed you how nice it was to be properly fucked. He liked he ruined other men for you.
It was 3 in the morning, and you couldnt sleep. Debating on calling Jake for the past hour and a half now. Once you decided to grab your phone, it rang. Your heart picked up once you saw his name pop up on the screen. “Hello?” You said quietly, suddenly feeling shy and inverted. “Bunny, I need you. Real bad. Can I come over?” He said with a slight desperation to his voice, which was odd for Jake. He was always so confident and centered. “Please do.” You replied back to him. He hung up and within 15 minutes he was there.
Jake quickly dragged you up to your room. Once he reached your bed, he pushed you onto it. Leaving you turned on and surprised. He's been rough but not that rough. "Today, the safe word is a must. I've been so up tight and irritated. I need to fuck you to feel better. I need to use your holes for my own pleasure. Not yours this time. Understood?"
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Can I pretty please request a Dwayne Pride x Fem!Reader fic where they’re having a lazy day and stay in bed with prompt #29.....the ones you found on Wattpad
TY 🖤❤️🖤❤️
29. “I know I’ve kissed you like, ten time, but just like another ten, please.”
Lazy day
When you learned why was Dwayne nicknamed ‘King’, you knew you weren’t dating a regular man.
But nothing prepared you for what it would be like. Him being a driven federal agent who loved his city more than reason. Dwayne’s ultimate wish was for New Orleans to be a safe place for its inhabitants and tourists, no matter that he knew it was impossible. He overworked himself and took uncontrollable risks everyday. Pretty much like when he got shot twice and almost died.
You were seriously getting worried about him. He wasn’t taking time for himself, always 100% into work even when he was at home. You even talked to his team and realized that they were worried too, but Dwayne was a stubborn man.
So you came up with a plan to force him to take a day off. You knew it was a risk. He wasn’t the kind of man to get mad at you - especially when your intention was to take care of him - but he could get frustrated with your plan. It could make things worse, but you had to do it for his own sake, for his health - physical and mental.
You planned everything with Tammy one night as the team was having a drink at the Tru Tone. And two days later, it was on.
You woke up before he did, and turned off his alarm. He was deep in his sleep, he didn’t even hear you getting out of bed. Tammy was waiting outside. You opened the door, gave her the keys and she locked the both of you inside. “Let him sleep as much as possible!” She winked and left.
You joined him in bed, and spooned him. For a moment you were afraid he would wake up but all he did was sighing before softly snoring again. With a smile on your face, you fell back asleep.
A little more than an hour later, you felt him rushing out of bed. You opened your eyes and watched him getting dress in a hurry. “I’m late, darling. And so are you, actually.”
He stared, puzzled that you were rushing like he was. “Drop the jeans and come back to bed.” You told him. “You can’t go anywhere anyway.” He looked completely confused now. “We’re locked in. Lazy day for the both of us.”
“Sweetheart, I can’t—“
You stood up on the bed, reaching for his shoulders. “I know I’m taking a risk here. But you need to rest, D. And since I know you won’t do it on your own, I’m forcing your hand.”
“Did you—hide the keys or something?”
“Would’ve been too easy. Someone locked us in. Only way out? Jumping from the balcony.” You watched him taking a look into the living area, where you could reach the balcony. “Tell me you’re not thinking about jumping your way out.”
“It’s not that high.”
“Dwayne Cassius Pride! Seriously!”
He sighed with a small smile. He grabbed you by your hips and pressed your body against his. “What are we supposed to do today then?”
Smiling, you kissed his jawline, cheeks and nose. “Absolutely nothing.” You pressed your lips against his. “Laying in bed, sleeping, eating properly, having sex.”
With his forehead against yours, he exhaled intensely, “that does sound really nice.” He held you tighter.
“So, you’re not upset?” You kissed his neck.
“I am—infuriated. But I’ll take it out on my team later. ‘Cause I guess they are in on it.”
It was mostly Tammy but you weren’t throwing her under the bus. So you just hummed in response, kissing him more intensely until he fell back into bed with you, his strong body covering yours.
He made love to you. It was slow and sweet and very Dwayne Pride. With your schedules, and how worked up he’s been for a year, you weren’t the kind of couple to have sex everyday. But you didn’t mind because when you finally had the opportunity to be intimate, Dwayne was fully there with you. You never admitted it directly to him but he was the best sex you’ve ever had.
As you were laying in bed, you told him the ground rules for the day. You told him that everytime he talked about work, and even think about it - admitting that you can see it on his face when he does - he’d lose ten minutes of his time with you.
“What?” He chuckled, holding you close to his chest.
“You heard me. If there’s a hint of shoptalk today, I’m depriving you of me for ten long minutes.”
He kissed your temple, agreeing to the rule.
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You cooked him breakfast - that you ate in bed - and around noon, Dwayne was fast asleep. Laying shirtless on bed, the sheets only covering his legs, you were softly caressing all over his torso when your fingers focused around the bullet wound right above his heart. “If I’m not allowed to talk or think about work, you’re not allowed to think about this.” He said.
You leaned down to kiss his shoulder, close to the wound. “Just one thing.” He opened his eyes to look at you. “That was when I knew—that you were the love of my life, Dwayne.” You confessed, “I was losing you and I couldn’t help but to think that I’ve never told you just how much I love you.”
Dwayne smiled, squeezing your hand in his. “I knew it, darling. You never had to say it. You and Laurel were the reasons why I fought hard.”
You curled up against him, resting your head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat and you both took a little nap.
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He failed to leave work out of the door. He checked his phone late in the afternoon, thinking that you were in the bathroom.
“Checking your phone is the ultimate offense, Pride. The ten minutes turned into thirty.”
“Aw come on sweetheart!” He whined, “Don’t do this to me.”
He tried to reach for you but you took a step back. You grabbed his phone to set the alarm thirty minutes later. “I’ll see you in half an hour. Nap on the couch.”
He tried to reach for you again but you rushed into the bedroom and locked yourself in the bedroom. You waited for the alarm to go off, and it was thirty very long minutes, knowing that he was just right there.
When you unlocked the door, Dwayne was standing there. Almost like he stood behind the door, waiting for the minutes to be over. He grabbed you in a second and threw the both of you onto the bed. His mouth was all over you. “Don’t ever deprived me of you again.” He groaned.
“You knew the rules.” You chuckled.
He held you and kissed you like he hadn’t seen you in months. Laughing, you tried to get out of his hold but he wasn’t letting you go. “I need to go the bathroom.”
“You had thirty minutes to go.”
“I didn’t want to and now I do.”
With a grown, he let you go. But as soon as you came back, he was all over you again, “I know I’ve kissed you like, ten times, but just like another ten, please.”
You pushed him to make him roll over. You straddled him, and you were the one kissing him. Neither of you had much clothes on, but what you had quickly ended on the floor.
“You wanna know when I knew I won’t be able to love anyone else no matter what happens between us?” He asked, between two kisses.
174 notes · View notes
elysianslove · 4 years
secret relationship; tsukishima kei, tanaka ryūnosuke, yamamoto taketora 
requested by anon(s); their respective teams finding out about their relationships 
pairings; tsukishima kei x reader, tanaka ryūnosuke x fem!reader, yamamoto taketora x fem karasuno manager!reader
genre; fluff
warnings; none! (maybe a few curse words)
note; i’m so sorry tsukki’s so much longer than the other two oh my
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tsukishima kei 
━━  in your defense, neither of you had heard the blaring alarm, and supposedly, no one else in his home had either. after having unintentionally lost track of time with your boyfriend the night prior that it had gotten a little too late for you to head home safely, you’d agreed to kei’s suggestion to spend the night, and fell asleep in his arms. that wasn’t entirely out of the ordinary. you couldn’t count on ten fingers the nights you’d spent at his home, waking up with your limbs tangled with his, despite the fact that he insisted cuddling was his least favorite thing to do. missing the alarm is what’s unusual. kei’s not the heaviest of sleepers, evident in the way he nearly tramples you every night, suffocating you to him and restricting your movements. the fact that he hadn’t heard it, and had left to ring annoyingly loud until it gave up was confusing enough. 
this wouldn’t pose as much of an issue if it weren’t for your situation. on the contrary, really; you loved nothing more than waking up at the hour you desire, kei still sound asleep by you. he always looked a lot calmer, a lot less tense, his mind a little quieter. his arms were caging you in, giving you enough freedom to tilt your head back and admire him, as his chest rose and fell gently, as his eyes fluttered lightly with the remnants of a dream. in the quiet of his room, you wondered what those golden irises could see. 
but of course, a sleepy, fuzzy, lovesick brain wasn’t a luxury for long, and the blurriness began to slip away, just as reality began catching up. your mind began to process the time that the clock that hung opposite you read (too late in the afternoon), then the day of the week (sunday, practice day), then, the cherry on top of the cake — the sound of heavy footsteps, too many footsteps, loud, familiar voices. and finally, the fact that you weren’t supposed to be where you were: in kei’s bed. 
you’d encountered his — friends on countless occasions, just never as his significant other. at first, it had left you slightly insecure, wondering if kei was somehow ashamed of you, embarrassed to be tied to you. eventually, however, you’d figured that it hadn’t been shame or embarrassment. he’s just a private person, and if anything, it’s possessiveness: the desire to keep you and all that you are to himself. not that he’d ever have to share once you were exclusive to his teammates, but it’s more that he also wants the idea and thought of you secret. he wants to luxury of calling you his to be private, just something he can enjoy. and maybe you liked the thrill of it too, seeing as you’d agreed, for the time being. you liked the rushed kisses in fear of getting caught, and the secret glances he’d offer you during school hours, and the way he held your hand beneath the table for no one but you to know about. you liked it, and you respected his wishes. 
when the footsteps drew closer, you realized just how screwed you are, and it would mean a lot worse for you to be caught slipping away through the window than to be caught in bed, so you lean up, hugging yourself tighter to him, and bring your lips by kei’s ear. shaking him slightly, you whisper, “baby, wake up. the boys are here.” 
kei rustles around, blinking slightly, before huffing and wrapping his arms tighter around you, burying his face in the crook of your neck, mumbling incoherently. 
you stifle a laugh at his clingy reaction, wishing that this was somehow being recorded. with laughter behind your tone, you repeat your words, shaking him harsher. “kei,” you drawl, whining. “kei, we’re gonna get caught.” 
he only mumbles again, breath hot on your neck. 
“tsukki! tsukki!” 
shit, nishinoya and tanaka were also here?
“kei, baby, you are going to be mortified when you wake up,” you warn, but nonetheless, you continue to hold him to you, bringing a hand up to his hair and sighing. “don’t kick me for trying to warn you.” 
the door bursts open, followed by tanaka’s sing-song voice calling out for your boyfriend. he leads the way into the bedroom, head high and eyes closed, as him and three of kei’s teammates march in. he’s oblivious to your head peeking out beneath the crook of kei’s neck, until his eyes open, his hands faltering on his hips as he finally registers your face. 
you grin up at him, fingers waving at him in greeting. “hey,” you call out cheekily. 
tanaka freezes, head cocking to the side as he’s pushed away while the other three file in. as soon as nishinoya notices you, he clamps his hand over his mouth, his mouth wide with laughter and eyes lost in shock. yamaguchi’s face is tinted red, glance frozen at you, while sugawara, ever the sadist, laughs freely and loudly. 
“so this is why he’s late?” tanaka yells in a hushed tone. 
sugawara, still laughing, grabs his phone from his jacket’s pocket, switching to the camera app quickly and lifting it up to snap a photo. you throw up a peace sign. 
“tsukki, you ass!” nishinoya shouts, leaping quickly onto the bed, forcing you and kei to shift suddenly. “get up, get up, get the fuck up!”
the boy in your arms groans, his eyes still shut tightly as he finally loosens his hold on you, rolling onto his back. a hand is lifted up to his face as he rubs away the sleep in his eyes, while nishinoya positions himself to stand directly above him, feet on either side of his hips as he leans down, peering straight at his face. 
kei’s eyes finally open, hand falling to his side in search of yours as it always does, before he looks up, and spots nishinoya sporting the cheekiest of expressions. he sighs in preparation of the teasing to come, and exhales sharply. 
sugawara is yet to stop laughing. 
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tanaka ryūnosuke
━━  “ryu, you’re late to practice.” 
the boy in question shushes you quietly, hugging you tighter to him as he whispers out, “five more minutes,” lips brushing against the nape of your neck, down to your shoulder blades. your back is pressed to his bare chest, his arm wrapped tightly around your waist. you rest a hand on that arm, stroking it gently as you try to wake him up. 
with how the boys had been progressing with volleyball, practice hours had increased, and therefore quality time with ryu had decreased. there was a little voice in the back of your head egging him on, urging you to cuddle back into him and let him nuzzle into you more, the part of you that missed him, missed all of him. there was a more logical side of you that knew better, that acknowledged all the work and effort he’d put to get where he is today, and that didn’t want him to miss out any opportunity to grow, or to put all that effort to waste. so you sigh, gripping at his forearm tightly as you try to get away. 
“come on, babe,” you whine, attempting desperately to try and get away from him. 
“woah, ryu, you got a girl with you or something?”
you freeze. ryu freezes. the world stops. 
that had definitely been nishinoya’s voice, there was no doubt about that. and it isn’t like the both of you had kept your relationship a secret from your mutual friends deliberately. it had just never came up in conversation. maybe they were just blind, honestly. there had been no hiding it: you held hands, you hugged him tight after every win, he walked you home after evening practice after school, you hung out during school all the time. so really, it isn’t your fault that no one put two and two together. 
you’d just hoped it wouldn’t be in such a comprising situation. you don’t even have pants on.
“holy shit, you do— what the fuck!” your boyfriend’s teammates scream is piercing, and eardrum shattering. you wince at the sound, fingers tightening around ryu’s arm. once nishinoya processes what he’s seen, and who he’s seen, he storms outside of the bedroom, leaving the door ajar behind him, allowing you to listen in on his yells.
somehow, ryu’s still sleeping. 
“you guys are not going to believe what i just saw,” you hear nishinoya calling out and — holy shit, was the whole team here? was he really that late to practice? 
you manage to break free of ryu’s unrelenting grasp just as the footsteps group by your boyfriend’s bedroom door. they all walk in as you try and fix your bed hair, smiling weakly as one by one, they fill up the room. raising a hand, you sheepishly smile and wave, calling out a low, “morning everyone.” 
looking to your left, you find ryu still sleeping. with the way hinata’s bouncing over to where the two of you lay, you doubt it’ll be for long. secret was meant to be outed at some point, wasn’t it? 
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yamamoto taketora 
━━  as you and your team finally arrive at your destination, nekoma high, the bus comes to a stop, parking off to the side. immediately, the boys are jumping from their seats, eager to stretch their limbs and greet their long distance friends. you, kiyoko and yachi take your time in comparison to them, gathering all your things, stretching yourselves out. yachi and kiyoko are first to leave between the three of you, working on keeping your teammates in check and making sure none drift off, while you stay behind, checking in on the bus to make sure nobody left anything behind (which you’re glad you always do, because both hinata and kageyama had forgotten their phones). stepping off the bus, you raise your arms up in a stretch, bones cracking satisfyingly. you squint up at the sun as you sigh, hand coming up to shield yourself from it. 
“shōyō, kags!” you call out, walking up to the group of boys huddled around each other, both nekoma and karasuno. “forget anything?” you place their phones in either hand, giving them playfully disapproving looks as they shamefully take it from you, red dusting their cheeks and a low sorry spilling from their lips. your expression twists into a cheerful one, and you wave them off. 
as the herd of people begins to move, you plan on following, until you hear your name yelled out loudly, in a very distinct, familiar voice. excitement overtaking you, you turn the other way, dropping your bag to the ground and jumping into the awaiting of your arms of your long distance boyfriend. 
“tora baby, i missed you!” you squeal, arms wrapping tight around his neck and legs around his waist, ankles hooked as he rocks you from side to side. he hugs you with just as much earnest, burying his face in your neck gratefully. 
he hums by your ear, pressing a wet kiss to your neck as he says, “missed you more. more than you could ever imagine.” 
you chuckle lightly to yourself, lifting your head up and leaning back to glance at him. “sap,” you tease, tilting your head closer. 
“hey, you were the one that jumped into my arms,” he argues. 
you quirk an eyebrow. “you were the one that yelled out my name and ran at me,” you retort. “like we’re in some sort of rom-com.” you’re rolling your eyes, but your heart’s beating unsteadily at the way he presses a chaste kiss to your lips. unwilling to continue your banter, having missed him, and missed kissing him too much to do so, you lift a hand to the nape of his neck and push his lips closer to yours, finally kissing him properly. 
you’re not able to enjoy it for long, feeling a hand grab at the collar of your jacket on the back of your neck. it pulls at you until you break from the kiss, until you’re forced out of your boyfriend’s arms, and stumbling onto the ground back on your feet. 
“have some decorum, manager,” daichi teases, and you roll your eyes, reaching out again for taketora. 
he takes you into his arms easily, letting you rest your head on his chest, and wrapping your arms around his waist. “he’s just jealous that we’re in love,” he jokes, and you huff out a laugh, allowing him to steer you away from the small crowd, and towards the gym, leaving your boys and his teammates behind. 
“am i the only one that’s like, shocked?” ennoshita breaks the silence. 
“really? i’m more heartbroken,” nishinoya joins in, earning a smack from daichi. 
tanaka breathes in steadily. “kiyoko-san, please don’t be next,” he pleads. 
“tanaka-san, please stop being dramatic.” 
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yengyangyo · 3 years
berry | k.s.w
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pairings: kim sunwoo x female reader
genre: college au, friends to lovers
summary: you are in denial that you have a crush on your own friend, kim sunwoo until he made you confess your feelings.
word count: 1.9k
note: i wrote this on sunwoo's birthday. its quite late to post it cs i kept on postponing it sksksk but yea this was inspired by sunwoo's berry. enjoy reading! xo
you had sunwoo on your mind for days that you are lacking of sleep. it doesnt sit quite right for you to have this 'romantic' feelings for your bestfriend. meanwhile, sunwoo is not helping you to clear up your mind at all. he's just always there beside you no matter what.
he'd wait at the bus stop just to go to class together with you in the morning even when you're running late. lunch time together is a must unless one of you had other plans. both of you are just stuck together anywhere you go.
so for once, you thought it'd be a good plan to avoid him today. you woke up early that morning to get to class and you texted sunwoo that you had a discussion with your groupmates. this went on for a few days, you were making excuses everyday but sunwoo believed you.
until he couldnt take it anymore.
you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket and you saw sunwoo on the caller id. you were hesitating to pick it up until you felt someone grabbing your wrist from the back, turning you around.
"found ya!"
sunwoo appeared in front of you with the brightest smile. you couldn't help but to feel happy and welcomed by him that you started smiling unknowingly. you get back to your senses seconds later and avoided his eyes.
sunwoo knew something was wrong when he saw your expression fell. he glanced at your phone that kept ringing. he ended the call and your phone went off too.
"why arent you answering my calls? are you still busy?"
you couldnt stand seeing sunwoo looking all gloomy and upset. you felt bad for ignoring him so you tried making up excuses again.
"oh yea i was about to pick it up. sorry,"
sunwoo pouted and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. he's using his favourite perfume again today, you noticed. that scent happened to be your fav of him too. you felt weak and wanting to crawl into a hole or something.
"im craving chicken today. how about chicken and beer for dinner tonight?"
sunwoo turned his head at you, waiting for an answer. you looked up at him and his face was only inches away from you. you looked away, flustered. he had always been this way but only now you noticed how you felt about him which made it more awkward to be this close to him.
"i dont know, sunwoo. i'll have to check with my groupmates," you said, pretending to check your phone for your nonexistent messages.
"its friday come on. i havent hang out with you for days already," sunwoo whined and that made you laugh.
"alright but i get to choose where to eat,"
you chose the chicken restaurant near your neighbourhood where you both are regular customers there. the place was crowded with youngsters like the both of you, drunken with beer and chicken.
you were also getting tipsy from drinking. the first 30 minutes of the dinner went normal. asking how each other had been doing with the college life.
sunwoo sighed and rested his chin on his right palm. his eyes falters on you, searching for something. you looked away, feeling a bit burdened and transparent, because sunwoo knew you werent acting yourself these days.
"hey," he called you but you didnt answer and still avoiding the eye contact.
"hey look at me,"
you were startled at the warmth on both of your cheeks. sunwoo was cupping your cheeks to make you look at him straight in the eyes. you didnt know if this warmth was from his hand or from you blushing.
"what's wrong?" he asked. now his hand moved to yours, holding it tight. "you're avoiding me these days. do you think i didnt notice?"
silence fell between you two, just staring at each other. the guilt creeping up inside you and you didn't know where to start.
its the smallest gesture from him that create butterflies in your stomach.
that one time he opened the water bottle for you when he saw you struggling and saying that you're such a baby. his laughter filled the room when you frowned at the remark. you know how much he loves annoying you and in the end he always made you laugh too.
on rainy days, he'd always share the umbrella with you and keeping you close to him so you wouldnt get drenched. sometimes he'd gently rub your arm so you wouldn't get too cold.
sometimes he'd call you names like how boyfriend and girlfriend do, jokingly. though, you somewhat enjoyed it and played along. pretending to cringe but actually was flattered by him.
at this moment, your hand in his, eyes boring into each other, you just want to scream at him how much you love him.
you smiled in defeat and pulled back your hand.
"there were just so many thoughts going on my mind lately, sunwoo. im so sorry,"
he didn't question you any further and he nodded his head.
"whatever it is youre thinking, i just want you to know i'm always here for you,"
you smiled, this time sincerely at him.
"you always are sunwoo. i appreciate that,"
he smirked, "after all, i am the best that you got,"
you rolled your eyes and gave him your disgusted face.
"so are you gonna tell me what's bugging you?"
"i think i like someone. he's just always running round in my mind these days,"
you didnt know where the courage came from to blurt out that out of your mouth. sunwoo who was halfway shoving a piece of chicken in his mouth, stopped. he put it down and looked at you, doubting himself if he heard that right.
"i couldnt stop thinking about him. that pretty much explains that i like him right? or is it just my mind playing games with me?"
you swore you saw his face fell for a second but he went back to the usual sunwoo after that.
"does he know about your feelings?"
you shrugged, "nah. im still trying to find out what i really feel about him. should i tell him?"
sunwoo didnt say anything and chugged down his beer until its empty.
"yea why not," he answered simply. "he must be really lucky to have you,"
you laughed, "i havent done anything yet. there's a possibility that he'd reject me too anyway,"
its funny how you talk about this like its some stranger to sunwoo when you are talking about him. you felt light hearted a bit after letting that out.
"who'd reject you?" sunwoo said while playing with that piece of chicken, not looking at you anymore. "you're pretty and fun,"
you raised an eyebrow, wondering if you heard that right. he was still poking the chicken with his fork, eyes hazy and lips pouting.
"so you're not gonna tell me who is this guy you have a crush on?"
"you'll find out soon,"
sunwoo offered to walk you home though you kindly told him he didn't have to. he insisted and now you are walking beside him. he was suddenly quiet after the conversation you had with him.
"is that why you're avoiding me? because you have a crush on this guy?"
he asked, hands in his pockets, eyes looking forward. you looked at him, feeling a bit weirded out by his cold tone.
"no... okay maybe? i dont know. i just needed some time to myself,"
sunwoo fell quiet again for the rest of the walk home. when you reached the front gate of your house, you looked back at sunwoo. he looked like he was upset. you walked up to him and pat his side.
"hey thanks for walking me home. i'll tell you everything when i'm ready okay?"
sunwoo didnt say anything and you turned around to get out of that awkward moment.
"no i'll tell you everything right now okay? hear me out,"
you stopped in your tracks and facing him in confusion. he was pacing around, his hands are restless in his pockets.
"before you confess to him i guess i have to make a move on you first," sunwoo said, this time he raised his voice. "this is why people are saying we should always tell what we feel before we regret it and i dont want to regret it but i think im too late,"
you are worried at him. he looked like he was about to break down right in front of you. you wanted to comfort him but you didnt get what he's trying to say.
"sunwoo, i dont understand. what is it?"
sunwoo stopped pacing around and stopped directly in front of you. you swore you saw his eyes tearing up and you wanted to cry too. you thought, the alcohol has made both of you emotional.
"i like you,"
you both felt like the world is weighing down. it was as if the time has stopped for you two. you were staring at each other in disbelief.
"i know you like someone else and i shouldve told you sooner. i kept on putting back my feelings behind," sunwoo halted, gasping for air. "im too late now but i have to tell you this,"
"i dont care who he is. but i want you to know that you deserve of love. you kept on telling yourself you dont deserve anyone. you know how badly i want to tell you that im here? i want to love you," sunwoo was practically shouting at this point. he sighed, "shit im already am in love with you,"
at those words, your tears came streaming down like crazy. you've never seen him cry but tonight he looked beautiful even when he's crying. you lurched forward and wrapped your arms around him. he buried his face in your neck and you felt his warm tears on your skin.
"im sorry. i just wanted to let that out after keeping it for so long. this is the worst timing huh?" he murmured under his breath.
you shook your head and laughed. you let go of the hug first and cupped his face in your hands. teary eyes staring at each other.
"sunwoo its you,"
"i love you too,"
you closed the distance between the two of you, kissing him for the first time. that caught him off guard but then smiled in the kiss. it was sloppy but sunwoo is for sure leading you well at this. you both craved for this for a long time already. you were still crying of relief and touched by his confession.
"you should've told me before i start crying like an idiot," sunwoo looked down at you, smiling with his swollen eyes.
you laughed at him and you snuggled more into his embrace not wanting to let go too soon. you realized how much you miss him after those dreading days of ignoring him. he rested his chin on your head while gently patting you.
"im sorry ive been ignoring and denying my feelings for you,"
"its okay. thank god we actually like each other though," you both laughed at the same time and you havent felt this happy and giddy before.
"so i can actually call you my baby now?" sunwoo asked smirking at you playfully, knowing how much you hated it before.
"that's still cringy but sure, babe,"
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bakubub · 3 years
In which Racer!Kuroo is your roommate and you finally learn more about him...
Warnings: Mentions of loss of loved one, disregard for own life, swearing, innuendos and implied nsfw (but sfw overall), fem!reader with she/her pronouns.
A/N: Idek what this is. Its literally a 4.6 k mixture of fluff, angst and comfort... I rewrote this like 4 times :,) being a perfectionist is so,,, tiring.
This takes part shortly after this, you can definitely read this without reading the 'part 1' if you will, since they don't depend on one another.
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Art belongs to @aikk00 ,, and yes I am still in love with it :D
I stumble out of the lecture hall, my eyes so heavy I bump into about 3 other students and mumble my apologies until I fully wake up and snap out of my daze.
Walking down the stairs and making my way to the bus stop, I watch in horror as the bus I was supposed to be in drives off, going fast for once in its damn life as if mocking me.
Inhaling sharply through my nose, I manage to keep my composure and sit down at the bus stop, telling myself the next bus will be here in a bit.
It's fine. It's fine. I slept through the lecture, and I still have to catch up on 4 subjects and make dinner, but at least the house is clean and I'm caught up in that one subject I picked up for this exact reason.
It's fine. It's going to be just fi-
The rumble of a loud engine breaks my shitty but somewhat effective self-reassurance motto and I open my eyes to see a black and red sports car going 60 km/h in a 30 zone, effectively getting mine and everyone else's attention.
I watched in horror for the second time today as this time it stopped right in front of the bus stop. No, no, no, no.
Please no.
He rolls down the passenger window with that ridiculous hair and a shit-eating grin, as he nods towards the seat, revving his engine.
I look away, pretending he's not looking directly at me and that I don't live with the guy, which I immediately regretted when he beeped the fucking horn.
What did I do to deserve this humiliation?
I hastily put my head down as he beeped it again, giving up and rushing towards his insufferable car, getting into the passenger seat and slumping in my seat to keep my head down low.
"What is wrong with you? What are you even doing here?" I hiss, my glaring up at him from my awkward, folded position.
He laughs, and when I hear the sound of a photo being taken in the split second I looked away to readjust my bag, I sit up straight, watching him continue speeding as he stuffs his phone into his pocket.
"Are. You. Trying. To. Kill. Me?!" I ask, my voice little less than a screech as I slap his arm with each word.
"Ow, ow, I just came to pick my roomie up! I sensed you needed a ride, and this is the thanks I get?" he asks, that smirk I have come to hate returning to grace his features.
I glare at him, but a small, sleep-deprived part of my brain is distracted by his appearance. A tight black tee adorning his built figure, his biceps are on display as he drives with one hand, the other resting on the gear shift. The air from his rolled down window is ruffling his hair this way and that, and I find myself wanting to run my hands through the raven strands, just as I had when I washed his hair that one time...
"Wait- how the fuck did you know I didn't have a ride?" I ask incredulously, my reaction time clearly delayed but here nonetheless.
I narrow my eyes as he hesitates before he answers, "I just knew, ok? It's not like it’s astrodynamics, not that I can't figure that out too."
"Kuroo, what the hell is astrodynamics? Are you like, spying on me or something?" I ask, pretending to look out the window so as to not get distracted by his appearance once more.
"What do you common folk call it? Rocket science?" He says, once again exceeding the speed limit.
"If I'm a commoner, does that make you a peasant? Also, stop going so fast, I feel sick and I do not feel like dying today."
He rolls his eyes in response as he slows down by a smidgen, the speed meter barely even moving. "Seriously, you may have no consideration for yourself, but I still have a lot of things to achieve with my damn life so slow the fuck down." My words finally reach the rational part in him and he slows down considerably, now going within the speed limit.
Taking a deep breath, I rest my elbow on my door and look out the window, my mind flooding with thoughts about Kuroo's reckless driving and how it can all go sour with one delayed reaction.
Before I know it, we're rolling up to our apartment building, driving into his private garage only the penthouse owners get to use.
"I'm sorry," he mutters, filling the silence in the car.
"It's ok. I just... I want you to be safe. I know its hard, but... just try," I say quietly, unable to look at him.
"That's what he said," he says hastily before rushing out of the car before I can hit him.
Getting out of the vehicle myself, I send a murderous look his way and run after his retreating form.
A small part of me is grateful that he's acting like his usual unbearable self again, but the rest of me is just mad at his relentless sex jokes.
He hits the elevator button before I can get there and I watch the doors close, his smirk practically shining through the crack of the closing doors. I jam my foot in the middle at the last possible second, and smile victoriously as I get into the metal box and slap his arm once again.
"Ooh, do it harder," he practically moans, and my eyes just about pop out of their sockets in embarrassment as my face flushes a deep red.
"Oh shut up," I mutter, turning around and waiting patiently for the doors to open on the top floor. I hear him snicker and then the sound of a photo being taken, turning around sharply. I yell in defiance and throw my bag on the floor as I jump onto him in an attempt to grab his phone out of his hand and delete the probably unflattering photo.
I straddle his back and reach for the phone he easily holds out of my reach. Leaning across his shoulder in a feeble attempt to reach it, my feet are hooked around his chest and my other hand is using his shoulder as a brace. He's laughing hard at this point, and I'm screaming at him to give me the damn phone. Neither of us notice the elevator doors opening nor the small woman standing at the threshold staring at us in shock and amusement.
"Kuroo Tetsuro! You let that poor girl down this instant, young man!"
We both froze at the authoritative voice, slowly turning to look at a small dark haired woman with a straight shoulder length cut and narrow gold eyes that were glaring at the man under me.
"MUM!" He exclaims, setting me down and running to hug and kiss the woman, his mum apparently. "What are you doing here?" I hear him ask as I straighten myself out, fixing my jumper and tucking my hair behind my ears, picking up my bag off the floor and quickly following them out of the elevator.
"What, a mother needs an excuse to come visit her boys? Where's Kenma?" She asks, looking in the elevator again as if to check if she missed him.
"Oh, he's at his own place. Apparently he has a booked in session with this famous gamer today. Did he say he'd be here?" Kuroo asks, letting go of the woman and leaning on the wall.
"No, I didn't tell anyone I was coming to visit. Never mind that, who's this pretty young lady here, hmm?" She asks, raising a perfectly shaped brow as she walks towards me, the click of her heels echoing in the lobby of the penthouse.
I smiled down at her, since she was considerably shorter than even me, and introduced myself. "It's very nice to meet you, Mrs. Kuroo." I say, bowing.
"Oh no, no, none of that. You can call me mum too, hmm?" She says, gesturing me up from my bow and pulling me down for a tight hug.
"Oh, um, actually, me and Kuroo aren't-"
"We’ll talk more comfortably inside, no? Tetsuro, is your plan to let me stand here all day?” She asks, letting me go and turning around to look at Kuroo.
Kuroo leaps into action, taking his mum's bag and unlocking the door, helping her out of her heels and leading her into the spotless penthouse.
It was all I could do to nod in response, closing the door behind us and walking down into the kitchen to prepare a meal.
It’s crazy how much I don’t know about this guy. He’d never mentioned his mother before, and briefly mentioned that he has a sister, whether older or younger I have no idea. Kenma, however, I know well. The guy was here all the time when I first started living here, but recently I've seen him less and less. Which is a shame, considering we actually got along quite well, with sharing eye rolls and bonding over our mutual love of Minecraft.
I don't notice silent footsteps following me until Kuroo's Mother says "now, why's a beautiful girl like yourself slaving away in the kitchen? Does that boy make u do all the cooking and cleaning like some mid-century housewife?"
I poke my head out of the fridge, smiling at her fair assumptions, "no, no, it's not like that at all. I actually-"
"Uh, mum! You know I'm incompetent with this stuff. This place would be a mess if she wasn't here to run things! Plus, she loves to cook and finds cleaning therapeutic. Hey, her words not mine," Kuroo quickly jumps in, putting his hands up defensively when she looks at him with a raised brow.
Looks like he doesn't want his mother to know of our little arrangement.
"Right. He's just so hopeless, I can't trust him to do anything," I add on, sending her a smile as I prepare the fish he likes.
"You're making grilled mackerel for dinner?! Oh that's gonna hit the fu- the fun spot," he says, saving himself at the last second.
I hold back a snort as I take out a pan, "open the window, fish boy. It's about to stink here and I can't be bothered with Mrs. Suzuki coming all the way upstairs just to complain about the fish smell, and then complaining that she had to come up here in the first place. God, I hope she isn't sitting on the balcony today," I ramble, trying to see her balcony from outside the window, but fail because of the private location.
Damn these amazing architects.
I hear his mum chuckle at my rambling as she begins to take out ingredients for a salad. "Oh, you don't have to help, please sit and make yourself comfortable," I say, moving towards her to take the lettuce out of her hands.
"No, no, I'd like to pitch in. Now what kind of mother-in-law would I be to let you do everything yourself?" She asks, holding the lettuce away from me and walking over to the sink.
I stare at the back of her head, a flush creeping up my neck, "m-mother-in-law?!" I ask incredulously, glancing over at Kuroo who looked suspiciously... Smug. I look away quickly when he meets my eyes, and I hastily hyper-focus on the fish in front of me, placing it on the heated pan, causing sizzling and popping to fill the awkward silence.
"I'm sorry darling, I don't mean to be overbearing. Tetsuro introduced you as his girlfriend, so I thought things were getting serious since he actually allowed us to meet one another. You see, he’s never introduced me to a girl before, so you can imagine my excitement. I can stop if you're uncomfortable-"
I cut her off, feeling even more embarrassed as I realise the role I am to play in Kuroo's life when his mother is around. I mean, it makes sense, he can't exactly just admit he took a random girl into his house.
"I, um, no really it's fine, I understand" I say, my voice small as I flip the fish.
She lets out a delighted laugh and pulls me down into a hug once more. The smile on my face is genuine as my embarrassment melts away, the bright smile of this woman comforting me.
"So, how did you guys meet?" She asks, chopping up the ingredients for her salad on the bench while I'm at the stove, Kuroo leaning on his elbows on the bench.
"At uni," I answer at the same time as Kuroo states, "at a party."
We both look at each other with wide eyes, and I clear my throat to clarify, "at a uni party. A classmate of ours hosted one and we met each other there."
"I see, so the old boozed up one night stand turned into quite a domestic relationship hmm?" she suggests, wiggling her eyebrows at Kuroo.
"What? No, no, I would never! A one night stand? Booze? Please, what kind of man do you take me for?" Kuroo complains, looking offended.
I turn around towards the stove and roll my eyes. I've heard the rumours around campus, practically every girl in my lecture hall can testify to at least making out with the man. He really puts up a façade for his mum.
I hear the doorbell ring, and quickly take the fish off the stove to go answer it as Kuroo bickers with his mother about how innocent he really is.
"Hello? Who is it?" I ask, pressing the buzzer.
"Uh, hello? Is this Tetsu's place?" A deep voice answers. I look at the camera, seeing Kenma and a bunch of men about Kuroo's age looking confused. The one who answered is a guy with a blond mohawk and piercings adorning both ears.
"Yes, just give me a second," I reply. "Kuroo, I think Kenma and the rest of your friends are here? Should I let 'em up?" I shout out.
"Yeah let 'em in," he calls back. I press another button, letting them into the lobby.
I need to make more food.
Quickly taking out my frozen dumplings I stocked up for emergency dinners for days I couldn't be bothered to make anything better, I whip up a quick sauce, thinking I could split the fish and put it in the middle of the table so everyone can take their share.
"I do apologise darling, I let my Kenma know that I came to visit and he must have told the boys. I think they've all come to see me," Kuroo's mum confesses.
"You must be a very loved woman if they came all this way to see you. And it's no worries really, I'm always prepared for guests," I say, putting her at ease.
She beams at me as the door is banged loudly.
Kuroo mutters something about “rude assholes'' as he goes to open the door, a group of tall men making their way through the threshold.
"Hiya cap'ain," the mohawk guy says, patting Kuroo on the back. A tall, light brown haired man was next to greet him, then proceeded to exclaim "MUMMA KOZUME!!" and practically jumped onto the poor woman.
Wait, did he just say Kozume? Isn't Kenma's surname Kozume?
"Hey mum," Kenma greets, kneeling down to hug Kuroo's mum.
Who's mum is this lady?! I swear to god I'm going to go crazy.
"Hello hello everyone," A massive grey haired guy says, kissing Kuroo's mum on the cheek and hugging Kuroo.
The last guy to greet them is a tan guy with a buzz cut, and he does the same as his friend before.
"So Kuroo, when di'ja get yourself a girl, huh?" The grey haired guy asks, looking offended that he didn't know before now.
I raise my eyebrows as Kuroo just smiles guiltily. He introduces me to his friends and I wave hello, as they all begin to introduce themselves.
The grey haired guy says his name is Lev and that he's half Russian. A weird detail to include but interesting I guess.
The light brown haired man introduces himself as Yaku, and says that he was Kuroo's senpai back in high school.
"Yeah a demon senpai," Kuroo mutters in reply. My smile quickly turns into a grimace as Yaku jumps on him and they both start brawling on the floor, making a loud ruckus. A loud thumping can be heard from downstairs as Mrs. Suzuki starts to lose her mind and continues to bang the handle of her broom to her ceiling.
"Ugh, you morons upset Mrs. Suzuki! She's going to talk my ear off next time I see her..." I complain, grabbing a cushion and throwing it at the boys.
They flinch at my anger and quickly get up, muttering a quick apology. My glare softens as mohawk introduces himself as Yamamoto, and the tan guy says his name is Kai whilst vigorously shaking my hand.
"It's very nice meeting all of you. Dinner will be ready in a bit so please just make yourselves comfortable," I announce, making my way back into the kitchen.
The boys, all sporting grins, make their way to the living room and sit on the couches, man-spreading and slouching all over the place, one person taking up the usual spot for two.
I sigh, focusing on the dumplings in front of me.
I stiffen as I feel large hands on my waist, and a presence behind me. Visibly relaxing once I realise it's Kuroo, I turn around, his hands still resting on my hips, and his face nestled in the crook of my neck.
"Please just go along with it. We have to act like a couple if they're going to believe us," he mutters, his hot breath causing shivers to run up my spine.
I simply nod, instinctively placing my arms around his neck and running my fingers through his hair, something I've wanted to do since that day.
He groans into my neck, and I find myself holding my breath as I continue my hand movements.
"OI LOVEBIRDS! MUM SAYS THE DUMPLINGS ARE GONNA FUCKIN' STICK! Ow! Oh, sorry," I snatched my hands back from Kuroo, pushing his chest, my cheeks flushing in embarrassment.
What the fuck am I doing?!
I turn around back to the stove, mixing the dumplings in the boiling water as my thoughts race.
That felt too real, too much like a real relationship.
And way too addicting, apparently, since I already miss his close proximity.
The warmth on my waist disappears as I hear Kuroo running back into the living room.
"SHUT UP YOU MORON, THE DUMPLINGS ARE FINE!" I hear him scream, and then a loud thud as he presumably tackles whoever yelled at us to the ground.
I sigh as I hear Mrs. Suzuki's muffled thuds from downstairs in record time.
"You know I'm going to have to make Mrs. Suzuki some kind of apology cake because you boys can't sit down and act like adults," I complained, my arms crossed and an unimpressed expression on my face.
Lev and Yamamoto are on the floor playing some kind of Connect 4 game I've never seen before, while Kai looks to be having a deep conversation with Kuroo's mum, who is perched on the single arm chair like the queen she is.
Kenma is hogging the tv playing some kind of video game on Kuroo's ps5 (which I've hogged on more than one occasion), and Kuroo on the other hand has Yaku in a headlock.
He immediately lets go and apologises, and so does Yaku, who even bows in his regret.
I roll my eyes and shake my head at his mum, who just laughs, and I make my way back into the kitchen, setting food on the table and calling them in to eat.
After dinner, I find myself showered in compliments and not a bite of dinner leftover for tomorrow's lunch. Damn I'm good.
I served up cake I had already prepared from earlier along with fruits I washed and set on plates, and watched as that was eaten and finished before I even sat down. Kuroo's mum scolded the boys for poor manners, and they all apologised. Well, all except Kuroo, who just wiggled his pierced brows and winked at me.
I sit down on the floor next to the couch, since it was all occupied, and hear a dissatisfied sound coming from Kuroo's mum.
"Now, now, sweetheart. You don't have to be shy around me, just go on and take your usual seat next to Tetsuro," she says, nudging her head in Kuroo's direction, where the only vacant spot was literally his lap.
I look at her with wide eyes, even Kuroo seems taken aback by her suggestion, and all the boys are immaturely ‘oohing’ loudly as they laugh and make fun of us.
Kuroo makes a gesture for me to come next to him, so I hold back my heavy sigh, try my best to hide the flush on my face, and walk towards him, awkwardly perching on his knee.
He chuckles as he grabs my waist and pulls me flush towards his chest, my butt in the corner of the couch and my legs resting diagonally over his, so that my head is directly in the crook of his neck.
I hate to say it, but this is actually really damn comfortable.
Conversation has started up again, but it becomes secondary to the beat of his heart right under my ear, and my eyes start to get heavy as his scent and warmth lull me to a comfort that is beyond being awake and alert.
Kuroo's POV
"What a cute girl she is, Tetsu. I'm so glad you've found her. And now that you've got her, you better. Not. Let. Go." She says, slapping me on the arm with each word of her last sentence.
What is it with women and slapping me?
"Ok, ok, I know mum, I won't stuff this up. I promise," I respond, smiling at her.
"Ok, well, I'm staying over at Kenma's house. Ah, no objections. You've already got your hands full, and I don't want to be in the way of young love. Plus, I'd rather listen to Kenma's midnight streams than you two in the middle of the night," she says, not accepting my objections and giving me a knowing look. My face warms to what she's insinuating, and I mutter a quick, "it's not like that," as I duck my head into Y/n's shoulder.
By this time the boys have all left, Kenma's downstairs waiting in his car for his mum to come, but she insisted on staying back for a few minutes to talk to me.
Y/n fell asleep a while ago now, still nestled on my lap, her head on my shoulder and her figure keeping me warm.
"I know exactly how it is, my darling. I've seen how you two act, pretending to be in a relationship just so we don't ask any uncomfortable questions. I won't meddle in your life, I never did, Tetsuro. But I will give you advice I expect you to consider. Don't let her go. Neither of you were pretending about your feelings towards each other, let me tell you that much." She says, knowingly looking at me.
I look up in alarm, which quickly morphs into a nervous laugh. She's good, I'll give her that much.
But, can Y/n really mirror my feelings?
"Ok darling, better not leave Kenma waiting any longer. I'll visit again tomorrow, or you can come over to Kenma's, whichever you prefer as long as she comes along too. I want to get to know my future daughter-in-law better!!"
With that, the woman who took me in and treated me like her own left my home.
I look down at my roommate, taking in the way her lashes are long enough to brush against her face, the way her brows are just a tad bit asymmetrical, the stroke of her nose and the bend of her cupid's bow.
I can't help but bring my hand up to caress the side of her face, content to stay here forever.
Mum would've loved her.
This thought broke the dam that held back my tears since middle school, and as they fell down my face I couldn't help but think of my own mother, coming in and hugging her, making her famous pie that I can't remember the taste of anymore. A sob racks my figure and I all of a sudden find a pair of e/c eyes staring up at me, my tears having dampened some parts of her face.
Wordlessly, she straightens herself and wraps her arms around my neck, running her fingers through the back of my head, stroking down towards my nape and up again. I cry into her shoulder, tears that I've bottled up, emotions I've ignored because I've had my dad, my grandparents and the Kozume's. Later, I even had the team, and they all followed me to the racing gig, a place where I can express my emotions through the reckless driving that could claim my life any second. I should have been grateful. Instead, the pain of her absence never ceased.
I clutch the back of her sweatshirt as I cry and cry and cry, eventually tiring myself out and running out of tears.
With dry sobs still racking my body every few minutes, she finally leans back, cupping my face in her gentle hands.
"What's the matter, Kuroo?" She whispers, looking up at me with tears shining in her own eyes. "You can tell me anything, or you can say nothing at all. Either way, I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you," she says, touching her forehead to mine and closing her eyes. She stays here for a moment before moving to get up and drag me up too.
"Come on, let's get you into your pjs and into bed. It's getting late."
Your POV
Now in his usual shorts and singlet, I drag him to his massive bed, opening the neatly made bed and gently sit him down.
His hazel eyes follow me as I go to close the curtains, his lashes still wet from the countless tears he shed, his body still hiccupping with dry sobs.
Once I've put his blankets around him, I go to leave, muttering a goodnight as I leave.
"Y/n," I hear before I close the door. I peek my head in, "please stay."
Without a pause to think about his request, and already in my own pyjamas, I go next to him and crawl into his open arm as if I've been doing it every night, snuggling into his shoulder once more and wrapping my arm around his chest.
After a few moments of silence, he begins to speak in a raspy tone, "she's not my real mum. She's Kenma's mum, and I've... I've called her mum since I was around 7," he takes a deep breath before continuing. "I moved in with my dad and grandparents next door to the Kozumes when I was 6. I was nervous and shy back then. You wouldn't even recognise me because of the 180 turn my personality's taken. Kenma was even more social than I was. He was my first friend, and when I got him into volleyball and we met Coach Nekomata. That man inspired me to be the man I am today, and was the main reason why I joined the volleyball team in high school, and made friends with the guys. He did what my mum should've, supported me and gave me the confidence to live my life," he says, his voice cracking with the last word. I hug him tighter, knowing not to say anything as of yet.
"I just wish... I wish she didn't go. I wish she could've met you, Y/n. She would've loved you even more than Kenma's mum does," he confesses with a chuckle, sniffling and turning towards me to look me in the eyes.
"She would've seen the way I was around you. The different man I become. You make me a better person, Y/n. I find myself wanting to be better for you. I could never thank you enough for that. Please, never leave. Just stay with me, and I'll always be here for you," he says, repeating the same words I said to him earlier.
I can't help the smile from taking over my features and I lean in to kiss his nose, his eyes, his cheeks and finally I press my lips against his, something I have been wanting to do for a very long time.
"I will, Kuroo Tetsuro. I'll always stay with you."
A/n: So, I don't actually know if his mum passed away or if she left them, so I kind of just,, did both ?
Taglist: @3daa & @itsgiorgiaz
Notes, interactions and reblogs are highly appreciated <3
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favefandomimagines · 4 years
Join the Club (b.b.)
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Summary: two ticking time bombs find solace in each other 
AN: had my self a little Captain America triple feature today and I miss bucky barnes so enjoy lol also since we haven’t met any of the other marvel universe characters, the reader has Magneto’s powers, do with that what you will
taglist: @amourtentiaa
There were many words people used to describe you. Asset, liability, crazy, tortured. The list went on and on and those were words you were accustomed to hearing for so long. 
Growing up as an enhanced individual made you a social periah from the get go. You always thought you were a freak and that there was no one else like you.
You thought there was nowhere or no one that made you feel wanted until you met a small mob family in New York City. They told you you’d be the number one asset and ‘part of the family.’ But they used you. Used you to kill people and if you showed any hesitation, they’d torture you with various weapons. None of them metal so you couldn’t fight back.
The only way to escape was killing them all. And again, you were back to feeling like the outcast and now a murderer.
Until Tony Stark himself recruited you for a ‘mission’ of sorts. 
He showed up at your apartment and asked for your help. And who were you to say no to Tony Stark? 
“I’m nothing special, Mr. Stark. I’ve done some really bad things.” You told the man. The billionaire was sitting across from you on your living room couch as you fiddled with the tea cup in your hand. “On the contrary, Y/N. You have the ability to anything with metal in it. That’s a gift. You did what you had to do to survive. I know all about your past.” Tony said. 
“You’re probably the first and only person who thinks that.” You said. “I need your help. Captain Rogers and I had a falling out and I need you to help me stop him from making a huge mistake. And then you can come work for Stark Industries.” The man told you. 
You looked at him for a moment when you realized you had nothing left to lose.
From that day on, being at the Avengers compound had made you feel like a little less of an outcast. You had Wanda, who you sparred with a few times. Using your powers of course. Clint made you laugh and had a paternal sense about him that you could tell came from having three children. He was obviously a natural at it. 
You played pranks on Steve and Sam, giving their signature shield and flight suit were made out of metal. And then there was Bucky Barnes. The infamous Winter Solider that you have heard numerous stories about. 
You felt bad for him. He was used as a pawn in someone’s screwed up game and faced the consequences for it every single day. You could relate to that on a lot of levels. You were quite the insomniac and had issues falling asleep so you ran into him in the kitchen on a few occasions. 
He told you about the night terrors and how every time he closed his eyes he saw all of the terrible things he had done. Every single thing HYDRA had him do and every person they had him kill. From that point on, you and Bucky had formed a bond. A bond that soon surpassed the levels of friendship and blossomed into a romantic relationship.
Bucky had told you that you sleeping next to him seemed to be the only thing that stopped his past from haunting him in his sleep and you soon spent many nights in his bed. 
You and Bucky had went to bed like it was any normal night. You showered and laid in bed for a few hours before the both of you had drifted off to sleep. But your insomnia struck again and you slowly got out of the bed and made your way to the kitchen. 
After making a small cup of tea, you stepped back into the dark bedroom, cup in hand. You assumed Bucky was still deeply asleep but were quickly proven wrong when you felt a hand wrapped around your throat and your body was pushed against the wall.  
The cup left your hand and shattered to the floor but the sound wasn’t enough to knock Bucky out of his trance. “Bucky.” You croaked out. 
“Bucky, it’s me.” Your voice strained, trying to pry Bucky’s hand off of your neck. You looked down at your free hand and used all of the strength you had left to focus on Bucky’s metal arm and soon you felt the oxygen hit your lungs as he was thrown across the room. 
But oxygen wasn’t enough to keep you awake and alert. You fell to the ground and completely lost consciousness. 
When you woke up, you were back in your own bedroom. Steve was sitting in the chair in the corner asleep, in a position that looked rather uncomfortable. 
“Steve, wake up.” You tried to say, your voice coming out hoarse. The man stirred and woke up, seeing that you were awake as well. “Y/N, how are you feeling?” He asked. “What happened?” You asked. “Bucky, he, uh, had a night terror. He must have been startled and he tried to kill you.” Steve explained. “No, no I know that. Where is he?” You questioned. 
“We don’t know. After he came to get Nat and I he just took off. Said that he was too dangerous to be around you.” The man answered. “I have to go find him. He didn’t mean to hurt me.” You said, moving to stand up. “Are you sure? You were completely drained of energy.” Steve rebutted. “Yes, I’m sure. Bucky thinks he’s a monster and now he probably feels even worse.” You explained. 
Steve sighed as he also rose to his feet. “I’ll help you find him. You’re important to him and if anyone can talk to him it’s you.” He said. You gave him a grateful smile as he helped you stand. 
You hacked into every traffic and public camera you could and discovered that he had taken a Greyhound bus to Washington DC. “Why would he go to DC? That’s a five hour bus ride.” You asked Steve. “The Smithsonian. They have an exhibit there and he has his own display.” Steve answered. “Then we’re going.” You ordered. 
Five hours later, Steve dropped you off at the museum and you began your search for Bucky. And it wasn’t too difficult to find the exhibit on Captain America. You wandered around and examined the photos and read the plaques when you stumbled upon a man standing directly in front of the exhibit for James Buchanan Barnes. 
You noticed that he had been standing there longer than most of the patrons and you could sense it was Bucky. Approaching him slowly, you maintained your distance as you stopped next to him. 
“You look good with short hair.” You commented, looking at the photo. Bucky looked over at you with a pained expression before you finally made eye contact with him. 
HIs gaze shifted downwards towards your neck and he clenched his jaw upon seeing the dark purple bruise around it. 
“How’d you find me?” He asked.  “Well, I found out you took a bus to get here and Steve connected the dots.” You answered. “Why are you here, Y/N? After what I did?” Bucky questioned. “Because it was an accident. You didn’t mean to have night terrors.” You said. 
“I could have killed you. I’m a monster.” Bucky said. “Join the club.” You replied. “You’re not the only Avenger on a redemption arc, Barnes.” You added, slightly agitated as his self loathing. “What do you mean?” Bucky asked. 
You looked at him for a second before looking back at the picture of him. “I killed my mom. It was an accident but I did. We were arguing on me not wanting to go to Saturday detention at school. I refused to get in the car and I got angry. So angry, my powers went out of control and I crushed the car with my mind. It was so bad my aunt told the police it was a hit and run. I had to stage my mother’s death because I was the one who killed her. Then I joined a mob family as their personal hit man because it was the only way I could survive. Even then, if I didn’t comply they’d torture me with plastic weapons because then there was no way I’d be able to fight back. I killed all of them the second I could.” You confessed. 
You hadn’t told anyone but Tony about the real reason you had been on your own since you were 16 and your own past demons. You didn’t tell Bucky but you always told him you understand how it felt to be out of control. 
“You didn’t mean to do it.” Bucky spoke. “I know. Just like you didn’t mean to hurt me. You weren’t in control because you still thought you were the Winter Soldier. It wasn’t your fault.” You said. 
“There will always be a part of us that emulates our past whether we like it or not.” You added. “I just, I can’t risk hurting you again.” Bucky replied. “I know you’re afraid but you’re not going to hurt me again. Not if you don’t let what they did to you control you. You’re stronger than them, James and you’re the one in control now. Not HYDRA.” You said.
Bucky looked at you with a sense of adoration. No one had ever treated him with such compassion before. Steve and Sam used the tough love tactic and Tony would just show him zero pity. But you treated him with care and love and no one had done that before since he escaped HYDRA.
“You’ve never told me about your past before.” Bucky finally said. “Because I was afraid. You’d find out I wasn’t the clean and shiny Y/N you thought I was when we met. That you’d not want to be with someone with a damaged past.” You explained. “I love you because you’re you not because I thought you were clean and shiny.” He said.
Your head snapped up from the floor to look at him with wide eyes. He had never told you that before and you didn’t know if you were hearing things. You had told him you loved him and you knew he wasn’t ready to say it back. You understood. Those feelings don’t come lightly after one has the past Bucky has had.
“W-What did you say?” You asked. “That I love you.” He confirmed. “You’ve never told me that before.” You said. “But I mean it. I haven’t felt this way for anyone before.” Bucky said.
You stepped closer to Bucky and wrapped your arms around him tightly. Whatever tension Bucky was feeling instantly melted away and you felt his body soften.
“You’re gonna be okay, Buck. I promise.” You whispered.
Bucky held on to you like a lifeline and you held on to him and for the first time since Bucky escaped HYDRA, he truly believed he was going to be okay.
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