#upcoming dramas
gunsatthaphan · 2 years
no one asked for this but here are my thoughts on the announced shows from today (in order of announcement, BLs are marked with a 🏳️‍🌈, personal favorites are marked with a 🌟):
Enigma: The days where I’m genuinely intrigued by a plot about a mysterious school are over. I’m not a fan of neither Win or Prim so I’m gonna pass on this one.  .
A Boss and a Babe (🏳️‍🌈): I did not expect ForceBook to come back twice next year lmao but I’m not upset. This would be the first series I see with them since I didn’t see Enchante but I really like their chemistry. I’m not a fan of boss-employee romance plots but I will give this a shot. Also the rest of the cast is amazing. Thumbs up!  .
Find Yourself: I did not see the original so I can’t say much about it but the trailer did not intrigue me. next.  .
Double Savage: This looks like a tragic but very interesting story I think, also Ohm and Perth seem to be an S-tier casting choice for this. These characters in this setting fit them extremely well imo. It’s a bit too much violence for my taste but I will take a look nonetheless.  .
Hidden Agenda (🏳️‍🌈🌟): FIRST HIGHLIGHT OF THE DAY!!!!!! This looks absolutely amazing. The cast is A+++ and I’m SO excited that JoongDunk are actually coming back. I was hoping they would. The story is right up my alley and it definitely fits them. Joongs character seems very similar to Kluen but I’m okay with that lol. These are the kind of roles that fit him the best. Also we’re finally getting AouBoom 🥺 And is PoddGuy gonna be a thing too? If so then sign me up even more lmao. So excited for this one!!!!!! 💜  .
23.5 Degrees (🏳️‍🌈🌟): I cannot put into words how happy I am about this. We’re not only finally getting MilkLove but we’re finally getting a GL. This couldn’t be better. This looks so precious and so endearing, also GeminiFourth as the sides definitely makes this the most adorable project out of all. I absolutely love this. This is huge. Thank you gmm 🥺  .
Because You are My First Love: DewPrim seems to be a good match but I’m not really feeling it. Next.  .
Cooking Crush (🏳️‍🌈🌟): WELL WELL WELL. What do we have here. Still can’t believe it lol. I love shows about cooking and this looks fun, but to be completely honest I’m not sure how I feel about OffGun bl no. 5 lol. I love them but isn’t it time to move on lol. Also why did they say they were done. Idk. Obviously I’m gonna watch it but I think I would’ve preferred seeing Gun with Tor. Just to shake things up a bit. But oh well. Not complaining anyway ✌🏻  .
Wednesday Club: This looks like a messy version of Club Friday lmao. Not sure. Could be interesting but could be a flop. I think I’ll pass. Next.  .
Last Twilight (🏳️‍🌈): Hmmm..... If I took my glasses off I would probably think this was Vice Versa season 2 lol - I’m hesitant when it comes to shows portraying disabilities so I’m a bit reluctant about this one. I love JimmySea and I really hope they get this right. But I’m not 100% convinced.  .
Loneliness Society:  This looks boring, unoriginal story and a meh cast. Next.  .
Only Friends (🏳️‍🌈🌟🌟🌟): FUCK. ME. UP. This looks amazing. I was hoping for a Jojo series in the style of friendzone and my prayers have been answered. And not only that but with my babes FirstKhao???? And ForceBook and NeoMark????? Christmas came early this year lmao. I absolutely love that FK are going into a completely different direction for their second project. This looks spicy and messy and chaotic - exactly my cup of tea lmao. BRING IT.  .
Faceless Love: The plot around the face blindness is a very interesting concept but I’m not a fan of the main couple. Not sure.  .
Dangerous Romance (🏳️‍🌈🌟): YES I LOVE THIS. I wasn’t feeling it the first time I saw it but after rewatching it a few times I’m really into it. Yes, it’s yet another school setting (sigh) but I’m very much digging the PerthChimon pairing. I didn’t think they would actually get their own show but I’m happy. The trailer is giving Bad Buddy and 2Gether vibes which I hope won’t dominate the actual series lol but I’m intrigued nonetheless. Yay!!!!! .
The Jungle: Sorry but this looks awful. The cast is good but the story seems so weird to me. Hated every second of that trailer. Next.  .
Midnight Museum: This looks,,,,, interesting? I’m a bit creeped out lmao I was expecting to get TorGun and I’m not sure if they will actually be a pair here but we shall see. It looks very abstract which is intriguing but also has me a bit hesitant because it’s giving slight The Blue Hour vibes. But we shall see. Gun and Tor are gonna slay either way.  .
Cherry Magic (🏳️‍🌈): I have no words for this lmao. Like what---. I did not expect TayNew to actually make a comeback and I sure did not expect them to adapt THE cherry magic lmao? I generally find adaptions interesting but I’m not sure if this will work. TayNew are highly experienced so I guess they will do these roles justice but idk. cherry magic is so fundamentally different from thai bls which is one of the reasons why it was so phenomenal so I’m curious how they’re gonna do this. But for now I’m not putting it on my favorites list.  .
Our Skyy 2 (🏳️‍🌈🌟): YES I’m excited for this one!!!! Never in a million years would I have thought that there would be another season to this show lmao but here we are. I’m taking this as a final goodbye to these pairings which is a bit sad but I think it’s a good way to end these eras. I’m excited to see what they have in store for each of them!!!  .
Beauty Newbie: Absolutely hate this one. I’m sick and tired of these shows trying to sell me the idea that beautiful girls are ugly and then some handsome dude comes along and tells them otherwise like what century is this??? Win fits in there though because his characters are almost exclusively conservative snobs. No thank you. .
The Interest: Couldn’t care less about this one lmao. Bye. 
conclusion: 2023 seems to be the year of comebacks lol which I’m not mad about since I love all these pairings, but I do wish we had gotten more new ones. Also I was expecting to see more new faces (besides Title and Great). A few surprises like the ones we got last year would’ve been nice. However I am happy with what we’re getting, especially the fact that MilkLove is finally happening. Incredible. I’m glad they toned it down a bit with the number of shows and also that the event was shorter. A lot of their big shots were either absent or merely booked which was surprising; I was expecting to see people like Bright more frequently but maybe that’s for the best. 
My personal highlights are Only Friends, 23.5 Degrees, Dangerous Romance and Hidden Agenda. 
Can’t wait for 2023! 💜 
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Podcast #235 - Spring Brings Great Dramas
We look at what Kdramas are coming out in April and May. Come find out which shows we are looking forward to, and which still need to gain our interest. Continue reading Podcast #235 – Spring Brings Great Dramas
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gillianthecat · 2 years
I think I’m intrigued by The Warp Effect? The beginning of the trailer got me worried that it would like one of those terrible misogynistic and homophobic raunchy sex comedies the US churned out in the 90’s and early aughts, but then it got more interesting. Multiple queer couples! Open and explicit conversations about sex! It could still be too much cringe humor for me to handle, but I will at least check it out.
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pinkpolkadotflower · 10 months
Recent news has just cemented my opinion that I should not watch cdramas unless they are fully aired and not to be excited for a drama until it has an air date and has fully aired
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komunyoung · 2 years
reveal your watch & rewatch drama list
I was tagged by @goyurim, thank you love!
Currently watching:
Sh**ting Stars: a friend texted me last night and said “every time they bring up Africa I like the show a little less” and that’s a real mood. I’m mostly invested for the lawyer/reporter dynamic right now but I do enjoy the chaos of the main couple.
Love All Play: I’m so behind right now but this one is soft and lovely.
From Now On, Showtime: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, they should have cast someone with actual charisma for the male lead. I’m really enjoying this drama and it’s actually pretty good but every time Park H*e J*n is on screen he sours it for me.
Lovely Horribly: I am an episode and a half into this one... reserving judgement, but it feels like a bit of a mess already.
I’m not rewatching anything right now but I’m keen to rewatch Vincenzo, Run On, While You Were Sleeping, Touch Your Heart, and I recently rewatched Mystic Pop Up Bar which was a genuine delight the second time around.
Looking forward to:
Link: Eat Love Die, i love u moon ga young
Jinxed at First, Alchemy of Souls, and Minamdang. I love supernatural romcoms so I may truly be blessed this June!!! But also I genuinely enjoy Hong sisters dramas (despite their flaws) so I’m especially keen for Alchemy of Souls. Fingers crossed Lee Jae Wook’s character isn’t done dirty this time!
I’m going to tag @deokmis @seawherethesunsets @cuddlybitch @fydramas @musicdramalove and the rest of the @kdramaladies fam: @orangesyellow @kateknowsdramas @haengah @kdramaxoxo @dubudoughnut if they’d like to do it.
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buldakdrama · 10 months
Ji Chang Wook and Wi Ha Joon together!? Aaaaaahhhhh I can't wait!!!!!
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ghafahey · 1 year
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I want to stand with you in front of all the Daturma Ox things to come.
JESPER FAHEY and WYLAN HENDRICKS in Shadow and Bone ( 2021- )
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heretherebedork · 1 month
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The Heart Killers
JoongDunk and FirstKhaotung get to be gay and do crimes in this crime-based romcom and I need this the same way I need oxygen, thank you very much. (And Oxygen is one of my favorite BLs!) Cannot wait, am in love, please give this to me and let them be criminals the way they deserve to be. @absolutebl They gave us a gift!
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rayandgay · 1 month
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I'll give you some special attention.
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preciousqiqi · 15 days
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Cheng Yi as WangQuan FuGui in Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Sword and Beloved
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
Aside from Only Friends news I think JoongDunk posted something regarding Hidden Agenda? I didn't see it clearly I was too obsessed over Only Friends and the cast looking Fine as hell! Do we have news on that front?
Do you have any news over other GMMTV shows? both BL/GL and Lakorns
here's what I have gathered about the upcoming shows (sorted by estimated air date):
Home School: wrapped - EAD: May 29th (replacing Double Savage)
The Jungle: wrapped - EAD: June (replacing Our Skyy2)
Find Yourself: wrapped - EAD: June/July?
Because You Are My First Love & Enigma: Filming in process - EAD: July?
Dangerous Romance: Fittings + workshops - EAD: August
Faceless Love: Fittings - EAD: September
Hidden Agenda: Fittings - EAD: September/October
Only Friends: Fittings - EAD: October
23.5: Shooting will supposedly start in a few weeks - EAD: October
Cooking Crush: in pre-production - EAD: November
Cherry Magic: Apparently they're filming already? idk I'm confused lol - EAD: November/December
Last Twilight, Wednesday Club, Loneliness Society: no info
Beauty Newbie: moved to 2024
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February Patreon - Upcoming Dramas and Casting Rumors
We look at all the upcoming dramas in February and March and share with you our honest opinions… our opinions after only looking at the trailers and synopsis anyway. Come find out what shows we are looking forward to and what casting gossip has excited us the most. (more…) “”
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aurelim · 3 days
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Genres: Slice-of-life, coming of age, comedy, drama, romance, parody
Status: No public demo, outline written, release date November 2024
Rating: 15+
Content Warnings: Violence, language, bullying, depression + depiction of other mental illnesses, manipulation, tba
Inspired by those Disney Channel movies (you know which ones) and The Parent Trap.
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As a 17 (soon to be 18) year old senior, you are anxiously awaiting for the day you graduate, pack your bags, and ditch Sunnyview, the sleepy, incredibly boring, town that you have grown up in all your life. It has been your dream for as long as you can remember—sometimes you can almost taste freedom on your tongue, so close yet so far away.
But one day, all of that changes when the filming for a movie is announced near your hometown. Not only is it a Stephen Zuckerberg, but it stars the recent award-winning actor Taylor Victory. Their presence stirs great interest and excitement in your small town. You did not care much about the actor beyond your keen interest in Stephen Zuckerberg movies, or at least, you thought you did not.
Until you have a chance encounter with the one and only Taylor Victory, and you notice the eerie facial similarities you share with them. Thus, a deal is struck between you.
You will swap places with each other—Taylor will experience a normal week of high school as you, and you will live the life of an actor in their place. Plus, their offer of money doesn't quite hurt, and with it you would have enough to leave Sunnyview.
Oh, how little did you realize how much trouble you were about to get yourself into.
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↬ customize your name, nickname, gender, looks, personality, etc.! however you will think of yourself as a "regular, ordinary" person living a boring life.
↬ taylor's gender, pronouns, and looks will be identical to yours (with a few modifications)!
↬ take the place of a famous teen actor and perhaps get to film a few scenes. lie, cheat, gaslight, manipulate; whatever it takes to convince others that you are who you say you are. otherwise...
↬ fall in love with your best friend, the popular kid (aka your crush), your "co-star," or no one. break or make your relationships with them.
↬ celebrate your 18th birthday as taylor and all by yourself.
↬ attend prom as yourself. or taylor? you aren't quite sure what it is yet.
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Taylor Victory (gender based on MC) → The Identical Twin
The actor who became well-known for their lead role in the romcom movie "High Love" and won awards for it. Ever since Victory entered the entertainment industry at the age of 5, they have never been able to live a "normal" life. Until, that is, they meet you. They are charming, suave, and everything that you imagine an actor to be. Especially their cockiness.
Maxie Yang (gender selectable) → The Best Friend
You have known them ever since you were in diapers; your sweet, quirky, and incredibly reliable best friend since forever. They have always cherished you and you to them, acting as your shield when you used to be heavily bullied in middle school. They have a remarkable passion for art and is a total geek for mythology. Years later, Maxie remains the same as ever, though sometimes you catch their adoring gaze at you. Do they...no, probably not.
Tropes: friends to lovers, unrequited pining (on their part)
Kelsey Lovelock (gender selectable) → The Crush
Kelsey Lovelock is one of the popular kid at school...and has also been your longtime crush since 8th grade. You don't remember when it first began, but they have always treated you nice enough even if their friends are assholes and made your life hell the years before and during. Charismatic and currently in the running nominations for Prom King/Queen. They likely do not feel anything for you considering how little you have talked to them in your final year of high school…and they are dating someone else.
Tropes: acquaintance to friends to lovers, unattainable
Peyton Ryans (gender selectable) → The Co-star
Taylor's co-star in their upcoming movie together. And for whatever reason, they seem to hate Taylor with a passion. Unfortunately, they play as the protagonist (that's Taylor)'s love interest, so you often have to make contact with them. Perhaps you could try to persuade them to see a "different" side of Taylor and change their view. It all depends on how you play the game—just hope they don’t find you out.
Tropes: enemies to lovers, coworkers
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danmeigirl · 1 month
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This looks so good!
Adapted from the web novel "Wo You San Ge Long Ao Tian Zhu Ma" (我有三个龙傲天竹马) by Yi Dai Xue (衣带雪).
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dramashii · 9 months
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