#update: cleaned it up a bit~
cosmosnene · 4 months
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Riku and sunflowers ❤️🌻
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rejamart · 5 months
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you want another fifty percent, you bleed. that's why it's called a bleed bonus.
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poomphuripan · 3 months
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Week 5 - My Stand-In News from YYDS Entertainment
Police arrest a skilled man who secretly zoomed in and took photos of a luxury condo. He confessed that he made a profit from auctioning off images on illegal websites.
The blockbuster movie "9 Swords" has an auspicious time to start filming the second part. Hoping to continue success Starting with the original team, complete set. Shooting in the same location brings back memories of legendary fencing scenes. Starring Tong-Tinkarn Lead actor Tong-Tinkarn revealed that he has been exercising his body to prepare for filming the second part. By attending a heavy action workshop with a team of professionals. Even though many years have passed, I still remember the precise fencing moves. Don't worry you won't be able to compete with the first part. Because everyone gave their best to the best.
Mike-Methiyuth Chairman of the Board of Directors of Akara Yothar Group revealed that the subsidiary is developing light filter products for buildings, houses, condos, and offices using new technology imported from the United States. It is believed that it is beneficial to business expansion for the Akaryothar Group. Because the group has estate market according to the latest ranking. If they become the leader in the region, glass film will be installed on every glass of the building that the group has developed. It will be a good result, especially in terms of privacy.
The villagers shouted loudly. The filming crew of an unidentified fighting movie burned all day long. Excessive release of black smoke causes air pollution. Moreover, the filming was taken beyond the time allowed by pemission. Because the filming didn't go according to schedule. Create noise and chaos for residents near the filming area. They have requested officials to investigate. An extra from the filming set revealed the reason. It is assumed that the actor's care team released the wrong queue, causing a special guest actor to walk into the scene at the wrong time. It caused reshoot on the scene. Therefore, the entire scene had to be reshot.
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arwenkenobi48 · 1 month
Wish Upon A Star: Plot Breakdown (Wish Rewrite Project)
It starts out practically the same as the original, except Asha is telling the origin story of Rosas to Valentino, who is her familiar, as she’s already Magnifico’s apprentice. (Asha has the rare ability to talk to animals.)
Welcome To Rosas is sung from the citizens’ POV and is generally very upbeat, with them all singing the praises of Magnifico and Amaya. It becomes a little sad towards the end, as Asha gets her own verse about how she feels like her magical powers make her an outcast and even though she has the privilege of being Magnifico’s successor, she still longs to fit in with everyone else.
Magnifico is introduced, rushing about and getting everything ready for the ceremony, with a number of well-meaning but clumsy servants providing a little comic relief.
When Amaya is introduced, along with her pet Sphinx cat (haven’t thought of a name for him yet), she’s shown to be a vain and jealous woman, envious of all the positive attention her husband receives from the kingdom. She always pretends to be innocent whenever Magnifico or Asha is around, although Valentino can sense something off about her, frequently getting into scuffles with the cat. (Haven’t figured out what sort of animal familiar Magnifico will have yet.)
Asha is incredibly excited, as this is the first time she’ll be partaking in the wish-granting ceremony. Magnifico also lets her see the wishes for the very first time, reminding her that she’ll soon be responsible for all of them.
Much like in the original, Asha and Magnifico argue about their different viewpoints on granting all of the wishes vs only granting some of them.
Asha, in an act of defiance, decides to grant a wish that Magnifico didn’t approve of at the ceremony and it predictably ends in disaster. Asha feels deeply ashamed of what she’s done and the fact that she let down her mentor and her future kingdom.
She runs away in the middle of the night, with Valentino by her side. Singing This Wish, Asha looks up at the stars, recalling the days when she was younger, when Magnifico used to tell her all sorts of wonderful stories about them and the ancient magic they hold. She basically prays for guidance, for someone to understand her and to help make amends.
In a blaze of light, a star descends from the sky. The people of Rosas are amazed and excited. Magnifico, on the other hand, is terrified of the blinding light, as it triggers a flashback to when his home was destroyed. Even in such a vulnerable state, he still worries about Asha.
Asha finds herself face to face with a handsome young man with bright eyes and glowing golden hair. They’re both fascinated by one another and when Asha asks him who he is, he explains that he’s a star. Both Asha and Star are, well, starstruck, even more so when Asha finds out that Star can understand Valentino. She thought she was the only one and as they travel through the forest, Asha feels comforted, knowing that she’s not alone.
Meanwhile, Queen Amaya is secretly delighting in all the chaos that’s been happening. She sees this as the perfect opportunity to steal the limelight from both Magnifico and Asha. She conspires to essentially poison Magnifico against his apprentice, wanting all his attention to be on her and nobody else, even though it’s already been established that Magnifico loves her deeply and hasn’t been neglecting her at all.
Amaya’s evil monologue is interrupted by Magnifico, who confides in her about how worried he is and how he feels like he’s losing control of the situation. “I can’t find an answer in any of my books!” “Well, there is one you haven’t tried…yet.” Amaya refers to the grimoire. Magnifico is horrified at the prospect of using it, but Amaya just laughs it off as a joke, pretending that she’d never consider using it. Magnifico decides to take his best knights with him to the forest to find out what’s going on and bring Asha home.
Meanwhile, in the forest. Asha and Star are learning more about one another, with Star being incredibly curious about the human world in the same way that Ariel is in The Little Mermaid. When Asha speaks so highly of Rosas, Star wants to travel to the kingdom and see it for himself, but Asha sadly explains how she messed things up at the ceremony and how she feels like she can’t go back. Star comforts her and assures her that everyone makes mistakes and the important thing is that she learned from it. They dance around the forest and sing At All Costs. Their magic combines and spreads throughout the forest, making everything beautifully vibrant and colourful and giving humans and animals the ability to understand each other.
Magnifico and his knights come across the beams of magic and are initially frightened, with Magnifico trying not to panic, but the talking animals assure him that they won’t hurt him. They can tell he’s got a lot weighing on his mind and sing I’m A Star to cheer him up. Magnifico calms down and feels safe, realising that he doesn’t need to be afraid of something he doesn’t understand.
Meanwhile, back at Rosas, trouble is stirring. Queen Amaya, after going through her villainous plan with her cat and Dahlia (who has been her long-suffering maid for most of the story) in the form of This Is The Thanks I Get?, has decided to address the people and is using the dark magic from her grimoire to corrupt the citizens, turning them against Magnifico and Asha.
Admittedly I got a bit stuck here, but essentially Magnifico is forced to return to Rosas, only to find the people up in arms and determined to dethrone him. He turns to Amaya for help and she lies to him, telling him that Asha was the cause of the anarchy, that the people never loved or trusted him. When he asks her if she does, the evil queen simply laughs in his face, breaking his heart. Magnifico tries to stand his ground, but Amaya targets all of his insecurities, including the fact that he never had his wish granted (his wish for a child). Magnifico falls into despair and Amaya has him possessed by the grimoire.
Asha, Star and Valentino return to Rosas, determined to set things right, only to be greeted with a sight of ruin and despair. Dahlia, who has managed to sneak away from Amaya, hides the trio in a secret room, where she explains what’s happening and they all resolve to save Magnifico and the citizens from Amaya, while singing Knowing What I Know Now.
Dahlia briefly mentions that the evil spell Magnifico’s trapped in can only be broken by true love. At first, all seems to be lost, but then Asha realises something; it doesn’t have to be romantics love that breaks the spell. It can be familial love, too. She basically has an epiphany, realising that not only is Magnifico the father she always needed, but that she’s also basically his daughter. In other words, his wish was granted without him even realising it. This revelation gives her and her companions a new burst of courage.
Star uses his shapeshifting abilities to confuse/distract the castle guards as the heroes try to locate Magnifico and Amaya. They are unfortunately captured and taken to the tower, where the final battle takes place.
The possessed Magnifico attacks Asha, who fends him off with Star’s help and tries to get through to him. Amaya traps Star inside the mirror-topped magic staff. Just when all seems to be lost, Asha sings a reprise of This Wish, as she explains to Magnifico that his wish was granted. Amaya’s arrogance crumbles as she sees the spell weakening. Magnifico breaks free from Amaya’s control, Star is released from the mirror and Amaya is pulled into it, vanishing forever.
The people of Rosas are freed and everyone rejoices. Magnifico and Asha reconcile, admitting they were wrong and accepting that they’ve both still got a lot to learn from one another. Asha and Star embrace, while Magnifico has a proud dad moment.
At the very end, Star is asked what he could possibly wish for and he replies that he wishes to be human. He’d rather spend a finite life with Asha than be immortal and alone. Magnifico grants Star’s wish, then passes the mantle of Wish Granter to Asha. Star and Asha kiss and Magnifico concludes the narration that opened the film, saying: “And we all lived happily, ever after.”
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what-the-fuck-khr · 5 months
GOOD NEWS EVERYBODY IM BACK I HAVE ANSWERS so we looked at my teeth etc and I’m not gonna die of sepsis bc despite all the shit my toothache caused me there’s no infection. so what was it, Bronwyn? good question!
wisdom teeth
#LMFAO#my wisdom teeth are……… so poorly angled. 100% impact on all four#and the left one is tryna make moves so it’s swelling my gums which is raising my molar#and jacking up my bite while the tooth is sensitive in sensitive gums#¯\_(ツ)_/¯#so he suggested just. get rid of them. take the wisdom teeth out. all 4 bc of the possible impact from them#and if I didn’t I’d just periodically have this crazy ass pain come and go and come and go and fuck THAT so. removal it is#👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻#I have no idea what that’s gonna cost lmfao so we’ll…. we’ll see#and today basically the pain hasn’t been nearly as severe. the swelling has gone down significantly. so I think the pain/problem is#subsiding for a bit. I hope. lol. so they’re referring me to the dental hospital teehee#and then we did a clean of my teeth bc I have crazy plaque buildup and thus bacteria and thus making the issue worse. apparently. so#which isn’t a surprise. depression and adhd means I don’t brush my teeth as often as I should. and floss is scary#while doing that he seemed to have no problems with any of my fillings so I assume they’re fine atm too#all those side effects bc my wisdom tooth wants to play up…….. attention seeker#also between that molar and the gums where the wisdom tooth is. there’s a pocket. apparently. and stuff is getting stuck in there apparently#a pocket……. head in hands. and obviously that’s difficult to clean so that’s also bothering my gums and thus my tooth. GOD#ooc#anyways that’s the dentist update. tldr; I’m fucking fine it’s just wisdom teeth fucking it all up
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turboemmy · 9 months
oh my god if you did electric dreams merch i am so there i absolutely love the stuff you made for 2001!!! holo stickers and sticker sheet both sound fun, i would personally love a keychain and lanyard too
>:-] hehehe, i already have the stickers in production and i have a charm design soon to be made too that im really excited for.. i might do more of like the key fob thing than a whole lanyard.. but we'll see!!! I usually use a full lanyard for my ID for work so im a lil torn.. but i think the lil keyfob with a charm would be soooo cute.. hard to decide 😳
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greydoesthearts · 3 months
I love drawing my blorbos cuddling 💚💚💚
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mrpenguinpants · 1 year
but uh yea i think ur like cool or whatever
pspspsps you're too sweet anon. I'm glad you like the Dottore fics because he keeps my foot inside the Genshin rabbit hole. I like him a lot and I will convert as many people as possible over to my side.
My biggest weakness is having someone say that they would kill for me. The dirtier, the better. My favorite AO3 tag is psychopaths in love if it wasn't obvious. I tend to write fluffier and lighthearted fics, but Dottore is the one character I can actually go hard on. That's probably why I don't write him very often (unless asked for, ahem ahem), even though he's my favorite character because it'd be really out of place. So it makes me happy to hear these things.
So if genshin makes him into a redeemable character, I will weep in my grave over what could have been.
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arolesbianism · 5 months
I'm starting to see ppl talk abt updating their artfight pages and at first I was like what why it's still months away and then it hit me that by months it was two months and now I'm just silently sweating as my anual side project to remake the eternal gales refs and give them all icons comes back to haunt me
#rat rambles#oc posting#well I mean the good news is that all the staliens are already done and Ive already started on the human kids#the bad news is that theres still 5 more refs for me to remake and 9 icons if I decide to commit to that#the only one Ill probably force myself to do is sprinkles since shes the only stalien that doesnt have one and I dont want to leave her out#the human kids might just not get them tho especially since theres other characters Id like to make refs and icons for too#not as many newbies to the field this year which is a good thing since I do not have a lot of space left for new characters lol#Im probably going to take it easy this year in terms of my goals for artfight since last year I crashed and burned Hard#hopefully Ill have the time and motivation to draw a decent amount but if I dont Ill try not to be too broken up about it#especially since Ill probably burn myself out a bit doing the last minute ref rush lol#its not necessary especially since all the guys who needed the new refs most got theirs but Id like for them to be on the same page#I also went ahead and cleaned up my page a lil bit to make my life easier in the future#I should probably update bios and stuff but I dont feel like it Im too tired#tomorrow Im definitely going to need to clean some more as I have been for nearly every day#I mean guess thats why Im here in part#last week of pet sitting tho so soon Ill be back home again#Im not sure if Im excited or dreading it cause while I miss my family I also have been rly enjoying a house to myself#like its not necessary easy to do all the chores and stuff but it's a lot easier to do said chores when Im alone#and Ive actually been waking up at reasonable times too like not having my mom floating around is doing wonders#its almost making me rethink my insistence that I couldnt live alone but I definitely think itd get to me in the long term I need people#I just wish there was a better middleground since having people constantly in the house stresses me out so bad#it leads to me hiding out all day in my room and that's just not good for me#but its not like I could live by myself even if I wanted to#at this rate I dont think Ill ever move out but lets not think abt how much worse that could be for me thats future me's problem
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the-boiler · 6 months
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losing my mind at this comment i got on my neocities website (which contains my boiler fanpage)
im guessing they have very little knowledge of TTR considering how they described the boiler as a "random very undetailed boss" LOL (that is NOT meant to be an insult, it is just personally amusing to me. plus im glad that my boiler obsession has reached non-toontown fans as well!!!)
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witchblade · 6 months
im really glad the sunless sea / cultist simulator / book of hours trifecta exists i would not be able to take it if there was only one of these games that make me feel whatever that feeling is. book of hours less so.
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astramachina · 6 months
i enjoy looking at the stats for this specific fic because it makes me think that, potentially, there is someone out there catching the tiny nuances and obscure references i keep slipping in there. and i'm not talking game lore, i'm talking "old enough to recognize this minuscule musical reference and its thematic relevance".
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licca-archive · 8 months
🥤o(=3=)o🍿 where did you people come from
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mitta-likes-moths · 8 months
Just interacted with some discord friends after being separated for like a week, eating a celebratory ring pop aka I found an unfinished one with only a bit left
dude dude would this be fucked up if I was a troll like WOOOO just interacted with my friends on call playing gartic phone and going insane time for some celebratory hard drugs
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spinebuster · 1 year
you ever see a cat come into a room from a fight and they just look like
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dickfuckk · 2 years
season 1 bts google drive
I was gonna make a part 2 to my season 1 bts video, where I added the videos I missed + all the photos, but the likelihood of me ever making that part 2 is just very small.
So, if you, like me, are feeling very normal about the gay pirate show then you might be interested in this google drive I made with all the bts stuff I've found
And if you haven't seen my bts video, then you might also be interested in that lol
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