#uploading this trying to get it on the actual day feels like uploading an assignment at the last minute jskdjfjksdjf
manebioniclegali · 2 years
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Egotober, Day 9: Shatter
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could you write kate missing reader's birthday party ?? pls and thank u
i bet it stung [K.Bishop]
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pairing: kate bishop x reader
summary: kate tries her best to be there for everyone but sometimes, she messes up.
warnings: angst with happy ending; mutual pining, friends to lovers; kate's a mess but she's trying her best; allusions to sex + mentions of hickeys; NOT proofread
wordcount: 1.7k
a/n: HEY GUYS! i've been spending most of my time working on polishing vampire!kate and trying to figure out an upload schedule for new chapters BUT i suddenly got hit with inspiration to tackle this request and now it's here. i actually really liked how this turned out, sorry to the anon who requested this because it took me a RIDICULOUS amount of time to write it 😅 as always, thanks for the love, support, and patience. hope you enjoy <3
* * * * * * *
You didn't want to think the worst of your best friend.
You wanted to be kind and patient and understanding and not give her the silent treatment like she deserved. But what else were you supposed to do after she broke yet another promise to you?
Maybe it was stupid, maybe you were being overdramatic, or maybe you had a damn good reason for feeling so disappointed.
It wasn't the biggest deal in the world, you knew that, but that didn't stop you from wanting to shut down and hide in your room. You couldn't do that, though, since you were still in the middle of your living room, celebrating your birthday.
Well, celebrating is putting it nicely.
It's more like you're sitting on your couch, surrounded by people who know and love you, and trying to act like your heart isn't sinking down into your stomach and making it churn with something akin to anxiety. What's bothering you isn't anxiety, though.
It's the fact that Kate looked you right in the eye and promised she would be there before the end of the night. Your birthday wasn't exactly the best day for the archer to go off on a complicated mission but it wasn't like she had a choice.
At least, that's what she had said before running out the door with that breathtaking smile on her face.
You had believed her at that moment but then night came and Yelena showed up at your apartment with a bottle of unlabeled vodka in her hand and no awkward archer at her side. It would have been fine if the blonde hadn't mentioned she had no idea where Kate was even though she had told you Yelena had assigned the mission to her.
You didn't want to make a scene, though, you were supposed to be enjoying your day and getting slightly too drunk with your friends while eating ridiculously expensive cake.
Your change in mood didn't go unnoticed by the Russian or the rest of your friends.
"She'll be here," Peter says, offering you a small smile. "She's just a little late."
"Yeah!" Kamala joins in, giving your knee a reassuring squeeze. "When has Kate not been late to something, right?"
Yelena opens her mouth to answer but the glare you send her way makes her rethink her words. "She is…awful at time management."
You snort, lifting up your cup. "Cheers to that."
Your friends join in and you down the rest of your drink, thankful that the bitter taste of the alcohol distracts you from your bitter feelings.
The rest of the night looks the same with drinking and crappy jokes and far too many slices of cake. Your friends leave a few hours later and it's not until you turn the music off and silence engulfs you that you remember your disappointment.
More than that, it suddenly dawns on you that you're alone.
That Kate still isn't back.
It hurts more than it should.
You know she didn't lie but she still chose not to tell you she wouldn't make it. She promised she'd show up and she didn't.
You're in the middle of cleaning up the kitchen, doing your best to hold back your tears because you are not going to cry on your birthday, when you hear the sound of the front door opening.
It takes a lot of self-restraint to stay instead of running away like you want to. You already know you'll end up forgiving her for missing your party, no matter how stupid the reasoning she gives you is.
The simple sound of her voice is almost enough to get you to break. You're determined not to break down this time, though, and certainly not in front of her.
You take a deep breath before turning around to face her. Your eyes instantly fall on the badly wrapped present and the almost crumpled bouquet of flowers in her hands. Any other day, you would have found it cute.
It's hard to break your habit despite how upset you are and you find yourself scanning her for any clear or severe injuries.
It doesn't take you long to notice the marks on her neck. You assume they're bruises, that her messy hair and disheveled appearance are part of whatever trouble she ended up getting herself in tonight.
But then you look closer.
And suddenly the room feels far too small, the air too thick to let you breathe.
Kate instantly takes notice of what's stolen your attention, placing the flowers down before her free hand comes up to nervously rub at her neck. You're not a genius but you know all her tells by heart.
"You didn't," you say, your voice barely above a whisper but brimming with danger.\
"It's not- I didn't-" She cuts herself off with a sigh.
You know exactly what that means. She doesn't even have an excuse. No stupid explanation to make you feel better. If anything, that makes her guiltier.
Of what? You're not too sure. You just know your best friend was out getting laid when she was supposed to be here with you.
Your unspoken feelings for her only make her betrayal worse.
"You're fucking unbelievable, Kate."
You see a flash of hurt stain her usually bright eyes but you don't care. You can't. Because all of you've done since you met her is care and it's gotten you nothing but heartache.
The soft tone she uses tugs at your heartstrings and yet you force yourself to keep going. To walk away and put enough space between the two of you so you don't have to keep staring the truth right in the face.
Kate doesn't love you. Not the way you want her to. And even though you love her, you can't keep letting yourself get hurt like this.
Not anymore.
So, you walk away.
Unfortunately, you still live together which makes your plan to ignore her for at least a few days practically impossible. Maybe it's immature but the only thing you can do is stay in your room and avoid interacting with her as much as possible.
Avoiding her does little to soothe your hurt feelings, though, and hearing her pace outside your locked door like a scolded puppy makes things even harder. All you can do is remind yourself you already know what her excuses will be anyway so what's the point of letting her in just to be hurt again?
It's a good plan but it doesn't take into account how…persistent Kate can be.
You assume she'll end up doing something to catch your attention but you never once think she'll climb the fire escape and knock on your window.
That's exactly what she does, though, which leaves you pretty much unable to ignore her.
You think about it for a second but then your eyes meet hers and you get up before you can stop yourself.
It's stupid, you know that, but that knowledge doesn't stop you from opening your window. You don't let her in even though it's ridiculous to make her stay outside.
"Do you need something?" You ask.
"Yeah, to talk to you," she replies, her eyes nervously searching your face. "I need to apologize."
"You don't have to, you-"
"Yes, I do and you have to let me in." She seems just as surprised as you are by her words.
You momentarily think about shutting her out and yet somehow, for whatever stupid reason, you don't. You take a step back and allow her to climb in through your window like all those times before. At least this time she's not bleeding.
An awkward silence settles over both of you as she stands in the middle of your room. You regret not cleaning up a little before making your way to the window since now she's subjected to all your haphazardly thrown tissues and incredibly messy bed.
"What now?" You question, already fidgeting with your fingers while you wait for her to talk.
"Now…I tell you how sorry I am and how big of an idiot I am."
"Kate, we've been friends for years, I already know you're an idiot," you say with an eyeroll that holds way too much affection.
"True," she says with a chuckle. "No, I um…I really messed up but not in the way you think. I did miss your party but I…I didn't hook up with anyone. Not really, I-"
"You really don't have to explain this to me." You rush out, not at all wanting to hear those kinds of details from her.
"Yes, I do." She takes a step toward you and it takes all your restraint to not step away from her. "I don't want you to think I went out and slept with someone else on your birthday-"
"Kate," you try again. "You're an adult, you can do whatever you want."
"I want to do that with you!"
There's an edge of desperation to her voice that makes you pause. More than anything, her words confuse you.
"What are you talking about?"
A groan escapes her lips and before you know it, she's getting rid of the space between you and gently taking your face in her hands. She tilts your head until you're looking right at her and your breath gets caught in your throat from the proximity.
"I. Want. To. Be. With. You." Kate whispers every word into the small space between your lips. "I did get caught up on a stupid mission but I didn't sleep with anyone else. I just had to get creative and I took a page out of Natasha's book. I didn't think I'd end up with a massive hickey, though."
It's absolutely ridiculous.
It honestly borders on stupid.
So much so that you laugh.
You laugh until the weight you've been carrying for who knows how long falls off your shoulders.
Until finally, finally, you're able to lean in and kiss the girl of your dreams.
Kate may be an idiot who always gets herself in the worst kinds of troubles but…she's your idiot.
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perfectlovevn · 5 months
Perfect Love Dev Log #24
I was going to upload this yesterday actually, but the recording system I was using didn't want to work, so today it is. I've been pretty busy hanging out with friends for my birthday ad me rushing to do a bunch of birthday stuff, so I haven't been working on it as hard as I should. Plus I've been like obsessed with people's fanart of this game because you guys are way too good at drawing and finding things out, I'm getting like fanart every day I'm so happy.
Anyways, like mentioned in the previous devlog, this is Emil, Desmond's best friend and person he won't shut up about. I finished making all of the sprites and expressions for him, though I had to go back and forth because I had to resize one of the sprites, and then I had to add in even more expressions and stuff. He has a bunch of the little effects like sparkles and emotes that I spent way too much time animating. I found out about different types of easein and out functions so that get me hooked on transformations again. Like it was way too much time trying to figure out how to get things to move up and down or disappear in a way I want them to. He only shows up in this one scene, so I'm not sure why I'm putting so much effort into it. It's because he's fun to write is why probably, haha.
For his route, I'm going to change up his nametag (the thing that says Emil in it) as well as if you try to quit out since I think it would be cool to have a different guy floating for the extra scenes specifically.
I have to remind myself to rewrite part of the picnic scene with Eris since I feel like Eris's dialogue is a bit wonky. That and some other things like adding in more nicknames/names for things. I think my process will still be doing all the sprite assignments and then working on the sfx/music like I did before. After this scene, I'm going to work on Desmond's scene with his girlfriend, Iya.
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soobieedoo · 12 days
Formula of Love CH. 7 - failed disguise (written)
word count: 683
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finding out that the guy who you purposely cut out of your life, now goes to the same school as you was NOT on your bingo card this year.
you’ve now become even more cautious. Wearing a hat and a mask in hopes of hiding your identity, glancing side to side in the hallways. It’s a bit ridiculous really, he respected the way you wanted to end things despite your lack of reason and it’s not like you insulted him either…at least not that you know of. But still, there’s something dangerous about lee donghyuck and you’d rather not venture into that territory... again. You liked your routines, you talk to the same people everyday, you go to classes, you did NOT need him to ruin that.
letting out a heavy sigh you didn’t know you were holding, you make it to the door of your chemistry class, you feel someone tap your shoulder as you try and open the door. With your heart beating you slowly turn around to see Jeno, Professor Kim’s TA who, according to everyone in class, is the hottest TA they’ve ever seen. Most of the time he just sits at the front of the room or hands out tests and assignments with a smile. You used to think it was annoying, he’s handing you hell on paper with the sweetest smile. But, you’ve grown to like it as there really is something comforting about it.
“um hi?” jeno says taking you away from your thoughts.
“hi?” you’re a little confused as to why he’s talking to you, thinking you’ve done an assignment wrong or failed the quiz professor kim gave the other day, you instantly start to panic.
“Y/N right?” jeno asked taking you away from your thoughts again.
“yeah, did i do something wrong?”
“oh nono! nothing” jeno smiles at you “actually i wanted to ask something! um i have a friend. He recently transferred to NCityU and is looking to speak to a fellow pharmacy student. I know you’re taking this class as a requirement for the degree so-“ an arm wraps around jeno’s shoulder taking him by surprise.
your breath stops.
as you look at him, your heart starts to beat. you pray he doesnt recognize you under the mask or the hat. Already preparing to decline jeno’s offer, he suddenly steps away from jeno and closer towards you.
“hey y/n, how’s it going?” you stay silent at first, frozen, words stuck in your throat. “hello?? earth to y/n” haechan says waving a hand in front of your face.
“s-sorry, hi…i’m fine how are you?”
“good! doing better now actually” he smiles at you, a small dimple showing up.
God you hate this. “i have to go i’m sorry class is starting soon it was nice seeing you donghyuck” “wait y-“ too late. You walk into the room, as haechan stares through the window watching you practically run to your seat.
“dude i had that in the bag, i was going to get her contact info for you. you freaked her out” jeno sighs from the side.
“i’ll get her contact info myself thanks”
“how? she can barely even look at you, i’ll give u 10 bucks if you manage to actually hold a conversation with her” jeno’s smug expression makes haechan laugh.
confident he stares through the window watching as you silently type away at your phone “well u better give me that 10 bucks now. i managed to get her to like me before and i never even met her in real life. what more now that she gets to experience all THIS in person.” he winks at jeno who gives him a disgusted expression in return.
“that might be the reason why she liked you in the first place, because she never actually MET you in real life.” jeno laughs preparing to enter the room.
haechan flips him off as he walks away.
with a slight skip to his walk, he smiles at his decision to move to this university. Determined, he sets a goal for himself.
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note: currently preparing to travel to america for the first time to see dreamies!! so i apologize for late uploads coming up! ive been out and about doing last minute things :/ but! still hope u guys enjoy this written chapter :)
taglist: @bloomyroses @lionzyon @ourbeautifulaffair @yewshi @injunnie-lemon @nessaassen02 @dudekiss3r
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dogtoling · 1 year
What is art fight? Do all you artists just. Punch in face
ok it's slightly better than that. As a quick introduction, Art Fight is a website with a yearly event that takes place every year in July. Very simply put, you make an account there, upload whatever OCs you have and want to display on there, and then just sit and wait around until July pops up. A week or so before the event starts, there is a theme reveal (this year the teams are Vampire and Werewolf), and people may choose a team to join, or be randomly assigned to a team after the event starts.
For the event itself, the objective is to "attack" artists that are on the opposing team by drawing their OCs. Attacking people on the other team nets your team points, which are tallied at the end of the event. But to be honest I feel like no one cares about which team actually wins. That might be "the objective", but really the objective is doing gift art and trades largely with strangers on the internet and making their day, and maybe getting surprise art in return!
When you attack someone, people might attack you back by drawing your OC, which begins something called a revenge chain! So that's when you're doing art trades (for people who have never heard the term art trade before because i've realized deviantart isn't hip or mainstream anymore, an art trade is an occasion where two artists draw a thing for each other). Not everyone does revenges though and ESPECIALLY not chains, so the main draw of the event is gift art. In general expecting stuff back tends to set people up for disappointment, especially if attacking the same team. Drawing OCs from your own team counts as "friendly fire", and while your team still gets points for it, you get DRAMATICALLY less points than you would for drawing for the opposing team. Either way it is a thing that you CAN still do.
The amount of points you get from an attack depends on the medium (which include stuff that isn't just drawing!), level of finish and polish, the general complexity of the art, the amount of characters in the piece et cetera. You determine these categories yourself while posting your attack, so it can be a bit daunting if you're not sure on things.
Art Fight recently introduced tag search, which lets you tag your OCs with specific tags (for example, "splatoon", "furry", "pokemon" or whatever) and search for characters with those same tags if you have preferences on what you want to draw. It also has some nifty other things, like the ability to customize your profile sometimes to insane degrees if you want, the ability to set permissions for characters (what people are and are not allowed to do with them), a storage for hiding characters if you want to retire them for a specific year but don't want to delete and re-add them later, the ability to link stuff to character profiles such as their toyhouse or full reference sheets, fields for crediting artists for the design or art if you got it from somebody else... et cetera. It also has some achievements, if you're into that kind of stuff.
The barrier of entry is really kind of low and the event is very versatile - you can go the whole fight making pixel sprite attacks, you can do 3D models, you can do halfbodies, you could even just do sketches and call it a day and that's all very valid and usually always fun. Personally I find Art Fight really fun because not only do you get to pick characters to draw that you might never have seen otherwise, but also have a completely good excuse to draw other people's characters and make their day. I usually spend a lot of Art Fight trying out different art styles and dabbling in stuff I normally do less, and don't have much motivation to do with my own characters - for example, last year I did digital art, painting, pixel sprites, pixel animation, 3D modeling and 3D animation and yeah I wouldn't have done any of those without the Art Fight excuse of "yeah why not draw this guy's OC". So it's also a really good way to step out of what you usually do with your art, and try different styles or mediums just to see what it's about.
And of course, the most important tidbit: the site is always, and I mean always, EVERY year, down at the start of the event. Every year the first week of Art Fight the site is completely unusable. The good news is, you can join Art Fight even in the middle of the event, and joining the site doesn't require you to partake in every upcoming Art Fight or even to pick a team. You can simply spectate and not partake one year, then come back the next and pick a team. TL;DR it's fun.
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pinkcannibal · 1 year
Can you pls give us a small (or long, I won’t complain) list of small things you think reader finds attractive/sexy about Marilyn, and vice versa. Specific things like, the way reader doesn‘t kill spiders but instead tries to release them into the outdoors. Or the way she licks her lips whenever she’s trying to focus on an assignment. You get my drift? Also sidenote sorry, but which day do you think your new chap of your fic will be released? No pressure, just want to set a mental reminder for myself :)
oh this is actually so soft hi 😭 of course i can im vibrating at a frequency only dogs can hear at this ask do u know what you've done to my brain with this. (and new chapter will be out today! probably around 6pm EST. like im finishing it and editing it now as we speak but wont be able to upload til later in the day <3)
- reader loves when marilyn rolls her sleeves up while teaching. like it's such a simple, attractive quirk but she swoons watching marilyn gesture with her hands when she gets really into a topic during class
- same w her glasses fixing quirk. reader finds it so cute and charming <33 esp when she's gardening and they fall down her nose and she has to use her wrist to push them up bc of her gloves
- she adores that marilyn genuinely says goodmorning to her plants. and means it. like this milf waters them in the morning and not as a joke greets them like friends 😭
- finds it so hot when marilyn strap packs. like sorry i haven't added that to my fic yet but trust reader is indeed a slut for it to insane degrees
- reader loves how gentle marilyn is w like. everything. yes she's very dominant and controlling! but also she greets every stray cat on the street and says "oooh big stretch" and reader is like. heart eyes at it. and marilyn genuinely cares for her students and their education and gets so upset if a student of hers is failing or finding the workload hard (esppppp w readers education ofc like its so important to her) and that trait of marilyns is so attractive to reader
- reader lovessss marilyns laugh lines and hands. she is OBSESSED w marilyns hands like she finds them so pretty and attractive how veiny they are, and marilyn used to be self concious abt it but ever since reader first sighed wistfully "i love ur hands sm" marilyns learnt to love them more <3
- if reader thinks abt marilyns muscles for more than 3 seconds she'll fall to her knees. like girl get up!!! but she loves biting them softly during sex and feeling marilyns biceps flex while holding her. who knew this short plant teacher was so jacked. (reader didn't and she's so weak for it now)
- like u said in ur ask its real to me marilyn will literally get so distracted in class if reader bites her lip in concentration while working. sometimes nibbling on the tip of her pen and frowning adorably. marilyn lovessss it
- reader is so attentive and eager to learn abt what plants/potions marilyn makes even if its just them in her dorm. like reader takes notes Seriously as marilyn explains what she's doing and her genuine interest has this woman extremely heart eyes
- reader in a skirt does in fact make marilyn thornhill.exe stop working and I'll die on this hill
- loves that reader can't go to bed or fall asleep without saying "goodnight, I love you" like one time she forgot and woke marilyn up at 3am panicked like "oh god i didn't say i love you" and marilyns just like omg ur so cute.....
- reader does in fact pick up marilyns quirk of saying goodmorning to her plants and the first time she hears reader do it she feels her knees weaken <33
- marilyn loves how easy it is to make reader blush. and adores it when reader will tuck her hair behind her ear bashfully. it's so cute and endearing and such a small quirk but marilyns weak for it
- im trying to make this ask sfw but sorry i failed. marilyn loves that when they're having sex reader always has to be fisting marilyns hair or touching it. like it's canon in my fic reader loves her hair and how silky it is but to marilyn there's something so attractive to her that even when being fucked reader has to touch it <33
- ur so right for the bug thing 😭 reader always gently removes them from marilyns indoor plants and puts them outside. probably names them too. marilyns like "god i love u i'd kill for you. ask me to kill for you <333"
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ziskeyt · 2 years
Ziv's GanLink Fic Rec List
I miss the days of actual reclists passed around communities, so I'm making one of my own. All of these are fics I've read, liked, and think you may also like if you like Ganondorf/Link. This is not exhaustive, of course. Please feel free to reblog and add your favourites!
Long Fic (80,000+)
no matter what by wouldyouknowmore Rated: E Words: 81,825
The return of the Calamity has been foretold. And while the peoples of Hyrule are united in their preparations to oppose it, there are some who believe the current king of the Gerudo would best be kept under watchful eyes, if for no other reason than his name. Fearing for his people’s wellbeing if he doesn’t comply, and all too familiar with the legends of his ancient predecessors, Ganon willingly places himself in Hylian protective custody until the threat of the Calamity has passed. He’s resigned to a lonely, unpleasant stay at Hyrule Castle, until he meets the Hylian royal guard assigned to protect him. Sir Link surpasses his every expectation from day one, fiercely loyal and courageous to a fault, uncaring of the suspicions that surround Ganon—not to mention incredibly charming. But as they grow closer, Ganon can’t help but wonder if their fates will tear them apart again before this is all over.
Ziv's Thoughts: This is a fun fic with some really excellent and delightful characterizations of both Ganon and Link. It's dealing with an interesting "What if" premise of the world pre-calamity in BotW, and delivers it well. The weight of what might happen to him is heavy on Ganondorf, but the relationship he builds with Link is just so, so sweet. *Update: The sequel is currently being uploaded:
What Remains by wouldyouknowmore Rated: E Words: WIP
A hundred-year sleep and a complete loss of memory aren’t enough to keep Link from finishing the job he’d left undone. The Calamity is sealed. The worst is over. They’ve even managed to come out of this ordeal without grievous injury, Link and the princess both—even Ganondorf, whose survival should have been impossible. They’re here now, though, and safe. But as Link very quickly comes to understand, safe doesn’t necessarily mean whole. His head’s a jumbled up mess these days, but he’s determined to push through it all the same, to figure out this whole After situation. It’s just, getting swept up in Ganon’s very intense presence isn’t really conducive to him thinking straight…
Sands of Time by tirsynni Rated: T Words: 103,445
Link awakens in the desert with no idea how he got there, to encounter his worst enemy…except it was the King of the Gerudo, not the King of Evil, he faced.
Ziv’s Thoughts: An excellent read. Link wakes up in the desert many years after the events of Majora’s Mask and Ocarina of time, only, he’s in a different time yet again. The story has a very fairy tale-esque feeling to it, which is quite fun to read. There are a lot of references to different Zelda games, and different Links, and it’s pretty cool how they are implemented. Ganondorf here is pretty compelling as a King trying for the best for his people in what feels like an increasingly impossible situation. Link is also just a wonderful little gremlin who only talks when he decides it is needed, and has fun with keeping quiet otherwise a number of times.
Medium Fic (20,000 - 80,000)
Little Souls in Blistered Light by hedgerowhag Rated: E Words: 58,970
The battle between the Calamity and the Princess's knight never took place. The Master Sword remains with Link, waiting to complete their shared duty. Five years pass and Link meets a stranger who is also searching for the Calamity to finally bring this story to an end.
Ziv's Thoughts: This story is just so, so good. I loved the journey they went on together, how Ganon is trying so hard to keep Link at a distance in the beginning, and how that changed entirely in the end. The character and world building in this is just delicious. I love Link here so, so much. And, of course, Ganon as such a sad guilty man. He tries so hard. There's some really beautiful messaging throughout and I loved the way Hedge wove it through so consistently. What is not to love from the GanLink salesman himself? amid sand and stone we stood by Eremji (handsfullofdust) Rated: E Words: 30,086
Ten thousand years ago Hylia and the Warrior of Light raised an army to defeat Ganon. Link means to finish the job once and for all. The beast dies on the grassy plains, leaking ichor into the dirt. It stinks powerfully of death, as though the very end of all things has been distilled down into one being that’s been left to rot in this fallow field.
Ziv's Thoughts: This reads like a fairy tale. It reminds me of how I felt when I read Deathless by Cat Valente for the first time. Kind of like being transported to this other place sideways of here and misty and full of possibility. It’s just a wonderful journey, and the conclusion feels right and kind of ethereal. It fits very well with the general setting of the games, but almost gentler and yet the pain is more visceral at the same time. I love the strength of love in this, it’s just so much, so beautiful.
one hundred years past 🔒 by tciddaemina Rated: E Words: 38,545
He wakes a blank slate, a living body in an empty tomb. Water laps at his skin, glowing ever so faintly, pooled around him on the dais, and as he opens his eyes it slowly begins to drain away, the blue glow fading from the room second by second until it is dim and dark. (Something is wrong.) Link wakes up a century early. It changes everything.
Ziv's Thoughts: I really enjoy this fic, and yes you do need an Ao3 account to read it. It's a fun adventure into what might happen if Link were to awaken in the desert somehow, barely any memory but he recognizes Ganondorf and eventually gets more and more memories back. It deals with a growing corruption, the building toward Ganon falling into evil. Good read. A note, if you're like me and dislike this trope, it is mentioned that Ganon has increased stamina as the Gerudo men were upon a time supposed to father a new generation. But it's a passing mention and not an actual thing in this story.
signs of radiance 🔒 by tciddaemina Rated: E Words: 24,883
There is a feeling of profound calm, as Ganondorf steps into the temple. He should be feeling something like terror, maybe even something like anticipation, a mixed dread and desperate hope that would threaten to make his breath catch, make his hands curl tight at his sides. There's none of it. He takes one deep breath, and then another, slow, even, taking a slow step forward. He's past being hopeful, he's past being desperate, and the doom he's trying to avert is too ruinous a thing to make him fear any price he might have to pay. Weeks, months now, he's been searching for the entrance to this temple, scouring scrolls of rotting papyrus for even the hint of its existence, for the faintest chance it might even be real.
It is real, and he's found it.
Ganondorf makes a deal with a creature that might be a god, and then he does it again, and then again.
Ziv’s thoughts: In this story, Ganon knows that there is a curse upon his kingdom, and he can feel coming seemingly for him and he goes to seek out help. Link is Link, but also a creature, a godling, something more. The story actually doesn’t have much Link in it in terms of the action, this is a Ganondorf-centric story and it’s a good read. Again, tciddaemina’s fics are locked to users so just log in.
Short Fic: (up to 20,000)
a kiss for luck by wouldyouknowmore Rated: M Words: 9,279
Vah Naboris is all that stands between Link and his final showdown with the Calamity, and at long last, he’s found a way into Gerudo Town. It just involves posing as his own great-something-granddaughter, the plucky little heroine intent on finishing what her ancestor, the fallen Hylian Champion, had started. And lucky for him, King Ganondorf believes it. Now he just has to survive his last Divine Beast, and he’s set. … Well. He supposes also has to survive the charming, attractive Gerudo king’s (very welcome) attentions without blowing his own cover, but surely he can manage that, too, right? (So, yeah. He’s fucked.)
Ziv’s Thoughts: Link’s voice in this is just a delight to read, he’s such a disaster but he’s trying his best — Ganon just has no qualms with making him flustered and playing up on an understandable misunderstanding. This one works with the idea of what if Breath of the Wild, but there’s a Ganondorf who is also King of the Gerudo while the calamity is raging? Though, it is much more about the character study/misunderstanding between him and Link.
The Crown Jewel by Nicxan Rated: G Words: 5,028
A Gerudo that makes jewelry for a living is shocked when a Hylian man moves into a Gerudo Village.
Ziv's Thoughts: This is a really cute fic. It is not set in any particular timeline/game. Just an adorable story of a Link who finds his way to Gerudo town and Ganondorf falls for him, but through the eyes of a jewellery merchant in the city. It's a nice perspective.
Let Me Hold You, Like a Hostage by hedgerowhag Rated: E Words: 12,071
It almost seems obligatory that the Princess must be kidnapped. It would be a shame if her decoy was captured instead.
Ziv's Thoughts: If you're looking for a fun, shorter, raunchy fic this one has you covered. It's another pre-calamity fic, and this time Link is taken hostage by the Gerudo under the mistaken impression he is the princess. They hold him to get information and, in the process, he ends up sleeping with Ganon a number of times and is an entire gremlin about it.
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desire-mona · 3 months
randomly assigning house md characters internet moments / videos / memories / whatever i remember based off nothing at all (i did i dps version too) (also links for everything i talk about will be provided) (also also this isnt made to make fun of anyone involved in any of this)
house - mr beast and his OLD OLD youtube videos, like circa 2015? i think? he used to make cringe compilations essentially where he just made fun of kids' youtube intros. face and all like nothing was blurred for privacy, and then he'd call them cringe and make drinking bleach jokes. like a LOT. i binge watched those back in like 4th grade i think? maybe 5th? so thats kinda all i associate him with now. he also made videos where he would say a word like a thousand times, sometimes WAY more (like 100k+). or like. count to that number, he did both. anyway rip house you wouldve loved making fun of kids' youtube videos
wilson - does anyone remember the evian baby commercials? i think the whole shtick was like "this water makes you feel young again" I THINK? the one i linked was the one where the reflection on a building makes ppl babies, but theres one where babies are on roller skates or whatever too. this isnt entirely an internet moment as much as it is just a memory, cuz i remember my mom and my aunt DYING laughing at these commercials. idk what it was they were just in tears. theres something so 2007-2015 about dancing babies. wasnt a dancing baby the first internet meme? just googled it and yes it was.
cuddy - onision's shitty spoken word songs PLEASE tell me someone remembers them. onision really shouldve stopped trying to make music after the banana song bc the rest really suck shit. this is NOT based on vibes i gotta get that out there, i was like hmm cuddy has a kid. you know who else has a kid? YOU KNOW WHO LET THEIR KID FALL OUT OF A WINDOW? cuddy would fucking HATE onision. ALSO OH MY GOD PAUSE EVERYTHING ONISION JUST UPLOADED A SONG. I NEED TO MAKE A SEPERATE POST ABOUT THIS RIGHT NOW WHAT THE HELL. anyway dont watch it. i linked strange æon's video on his music just bc i really dont wanna direct u to anything of his directly. did u know i dont like onision?
foreman - the most insane youtube poop ive ever seen in all of my 19 years of living, i sent this to maddie specifically when i made my initial "like for a rando internet moment!" post but i really need to share it with the general public. general warning for youtube poop-ness; flash, loud noises, overwhelming, etc. i am actually begging you to watch this because it tops every other ytp ive ever seen, like actually blows it out of the water. i also has no idea ppl still made ytps after 2014 tbh.... btw this is probably the only ytp that i'll ever recommend LMAO
chase - OH MY GOD KYLERLOVESJESUS. so basically this one eboy influencer type on tiktok back in 2019 Found God and went on rants about how abortion is wrong and gay marriage is bad and blah blah blah. there was this moment on one of his lives where he went "i love gay people, i would be best friends with a gay person. do i support it? no." which was the FUNNIEST shit back in the day. i would quote it on the daily. btw the editing of the video i linked is VERY of the time so beware LMAO
cameron - cutie the kitten (sans' wife and gf) + the killing videos sans fan girls would make. i actually cant link anything bc the channel doesnt exist anymore but! basically back in 2016ish there was this one girl who had such a crush on sans and she had a whole ocxcanon situation with sans and her pink cat oc Cutie. a lot of ppl hated her + the ppl who had ocs shipped with sans but looking back its truly not a big deal. what is a big deal is that she (? maybe?) and other sans fangirls would make animated slideshow videos of their ocs using powers or whatever to kill other sans fangirls. like brutally. it was a wild time i wish cutie's channel was still up so i could prove thats a real thing, but ask an undertale fan from back then and odds are theyll know. heres a sans fangirl cringe compilation so you kinda know what im talking about, but fair warning it is a cringe compilation so. it wont be nice.
thirteen - TW INCEST!! this one hamilton animatic i saw back in forever ago to the song 'helpless'. usually animatics to that song use eliza and hamilton (im not a hamilton fan this is very surface lvl knowledge btw) but the one i saw was eliza and ANGELICA. like as in HER SISTER. big surprise someone in a big fandom ships incest wow I KNOW its tame compared to other shit, but it was i think my first exposure to anything like that circa 2017ish, so it kinda stuck in the brain. also the video i linked isnt the og its a phil collins mashup, the og got taken down. hamilton always makes an appearance in my house posts doesnt it, be lucky i didnt give kutner this one bc ppl were turn up abt hamilton fan kutner.
taub - WHAT DO YALL KNOW ABOUT MIKE AND MELISSA ⁉️⁉️ basically mike and melissa is this animated passion project this guy made to show himself (or his persona? or maybe just some guy) falling in love with his fursona that comes to life. this was the only episode this guy uploaded and i think he kinda disappeared after. the plot is kinda hard to follow and its not TERRIBLY animated but its certainly not professional looking. there's a video about what happened to him uploaded like 5 months ago, but i havent watched it. when i first heard of mike n melissa i fully thought it was a mid 2000s family sitcom but it definitely Is Not That.
kutner - undertale sans au christmas party comic dub. i probably dont need to give an explanation as to what sans aus are but idk how many ex or current undertale fans follow me so i'll do it anyway. making au's for undertale was a pretty common practice back in its early days, and usually the most popular character in any undertale variation is sans. who sans is shipped with was always up in the air, so much like the onceler, ppl ended up shipping sans with other au versions of himself. this christmas party comic is in my mind the undertale fandom equivalent of camp weehawken. i think there was also a sans au comic where all the sans' except for like 2 were toddlers at daycare? i dont remember who the adult sans' were but also i think the creator got into hot water? dont remember why.
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acaplaya-musings · 6 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Hellfire
As IF I was ever going to skip over this video!!!!
Voiceplay's cover of Hellfire was released on the 7th of October, 2023 (being their Halloween upload for the year), and, fun fact, it was the first Voiceplay video I watched after a sort of personal "hiatus" of 1-1.5 years, where they had somehow fallen off my radar for a while (which can happen when A, you weren't originally subscribed to them and mostly just relied on the Youtube algorithm/recommended section, and B, you previously only watched videos for songs you were already familiar with (I know better now though, obviously), plus a few other random factors). Geoff's cover of Jack's Lament was the first from his channel I had seen in quite a while (thank you YouTube algorithm for actually being helpful!), and I stumbled upon Hellfire the following day. And man what a video to bring me back into the fold!
Both video and arrangement were done Layne, and although this is another "guest feature" for J None (he did 5 full-length videos with Voiceplay in 2023!), he's only a backing vocalist for most of this one. Who took lead vocals? Geoff! Apparently Layne was wanting Voiceplay to do a cover of Hellfire for quite a while, and had always envisioned Geoff as the main singer for it, but Geoff, for a long time, said no. I don't know/can't remember what his exact reasoning was; whether he just thought the song was too dark or he thought he wouldn't be able to do it justice, but obviously Layne eventually managed to persuade him (made him an arrangement he couldn't refuse, I'm guessing, because seriously this arrangement is STUNNING), and quite frankly I am forever in Layne's debt for it!
I have no estimate of how long this post might be or how much I'll actually have to say about the screencaps I share, but I'll try to make this worthwhile, and so without further ado, let's get into this!
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Pretty "basic"/"simple" visuals here, but honestly that's all that's needed for this one! For one thing, the vocals/arrangement are amazing enough to shine on their own (kinda like with Nothing Else Matters), and for another thing, this may be a Disney villain song, but at the same time it's not really a "Disney Song", y'know? This ain't Friends On The Other Side, or Poor Unfortunate Souls, or Be Prepared; this is a song about deep internal conflict, "burning desire", and attempts to suppress said burning desire, which only leads to more trouble. This is a villain song taken completely seriously, and boy oh boy do Voiceplay nail it!
(I feel like I should also mention that I've never actually watched The Hunchback Of Notre Dame, but I know the characters, I know the story, and this song speaks for itself tbh.)
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I mean of course all the guys understood the assignment for this one but Cesar really Understood👏The👏Assignment!👏
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I can't believe I'm having one of my "hang on a minute-" moments on freaking Hellfire of all videos, but somehow I never noticed the purple gemstone ring that Eli is wearing here before now! (And Cesar is wearing a red gemstone ring as well, which I only just spotted in a previous shot).
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Yep, Layne's got a gemstone ring on as well!
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I'm guessing J has got a matching ring as well, but I'm fairly certain Geoff doesn't, because he's got this gemstone necklace instead, which of course helps to further identify him as the lead vocalist/"main character" in this one.
(And even though Voiceplay seem to wear black/dark colours a fair bit (and Geoff does a lot), I still really freaking love the costuming in this video. They all look so good!!!!!)
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Yep, there it is! J has a ring as well!
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((If you've been reading/paying attention to all my Voiceplay Visuals posts, you might have picked up that usually, Geoff is the only one who gets bold font for quotes, but I'm more than willing to make an exception this time, because goddamn))
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"This fire in my skin"
The way he looks down at his hands and arms as if feeling himself changing, as if there really are flames coursing right underneath the surface of the skin!!!!
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"This burning desire, is turning me to s i n"
Not here to make fun or tease this time, certainly not! Geoff did a fantastic acting job in this one, and his delivery of every single vocal line was just absolutely *chefs kiss*
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Everyone else was brilliant in this too, and Cesar absolutely had some attention-grabbing moments of his own! 😄
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The "it's not my fault!" section of the song is really cleverly done here imo. (it's technically visual as well! I can talk about it!) It gives other members a bit more of a chance to shine, in a song which (aside from the Latin chanting in the background) is only meant to be a one-man performance. And the video (arrangement included) does this by turning Layne, J, Eli, and Cesar into a sort of Greek Chorus, or more specifically, a "singing chorus" (yes, that's a real thing, which I learned about when I was double-checking to see if I actually remembered the correct meaning of Greek Chorus). Singing choruses are sometimes incorporated into musical theatre and grand opera, and are "used frequently to interpret the mental and emotional reactions of the principal characters, after the manner of a Greek chorus." And while Eli and Cesar are taking over the lead for this bit here, Geoff becomes a little bit more subdued, head slightly bowed, just doing some little self-conducting hand movements as he holds down the bassline (I'm assuming, though I can't really hear him at all in the background until his arpeggios(?) when J takes over (look, sometimes you really can't fully describe/talk about what's happening on screen without talking about the audio that goes with it!!!))
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Cesar with the sick air guitar! (Not all reactors seemingly noticed this moment, which is a damn crime tbh (you can actually see him doing it in the group shot just a few seconds before this too, though that part I myself didn't pick up on till just now))
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I can't remember seeing a single reaction video (out of the ones I've watched at least) that actually figured out who the Guard was, even though it's in the description of the video! (Though I guess those who were watching from Patreon have more of an excuse). It's Tony! (Also, this means that this video featured 4 "generations" of Voiceplay baritones - Layne, Tony, J, and Cesar!)
I've heard one or two reactors say they wish they could have seen the guard's face, but nah, I don't think it's necessary. He's there to provide Relevant Information for progression of the plot/song/scene, and that's it! His identity is irrelevant!
(But still, shoutout to Tony!)
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"what" (hhhhhh)
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"I'll find her,"
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"I'll find her and I'll find her if I have to burn down all of PARIS!"
(He did so well! <3 <3 <3)
At first when I watched this video I was like "wow I really love this video, but should I like this video so much? Considering the context/meaning behind the song and all that?" That lasted for like maybe a week maximum. I adore this cover and this video and I make no apologies about it!)
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Very cool flame effect in the eyes! According to one reaction video I watched, that likely was not easy to do, but it's a great addition to the already-very-awesome video!
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The zoom-out on Geoff is done brilliantly for dramatic effect here as well!
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Do I even need to say it at this point? 😂😅
Well anyway, obligatory "he's so pretty!" comment
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(Here's a slight shot of Cesar's ring btw)
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Man I love it when he belts <3
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Firstly, the absolute power and feeling that Geoff put into this, like it's absolutely amazing to watch and it delights me to no end. Secondly, I wasn't going to include that third pic above, but turns out Geoff is wearing a gemstone ring as well! (maybe more than one?) I knew he was wearing rings in the video, but I just assumed they were his wedding/engagement rings, as he pretty much always wears them in videos (unless he can't for costuming purposes), one on each hand, but now I wonder if he was in fact wearing them at all in this video?
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Excuse me while I just- *muffled yelling into pillow*
As I type this, Voiceplay's cover of Hellfire is just 4,700 views away from reaching one million hits on YouTube! I hope it gets there, it certainly deserves it (and more!). (UPDATE: As of the morning of the 20th of February (AEST timezone), it's now at one million views! Can I hear a wahoo!?!) (SECOND UPDATE: and it's now at over 1.1 million, as of the 25th of March!)
It's not exactly a typical Halloween-type video for Voiceplay, no super-elaborate character costumes or coloured face/body paint, but just like practically everything Voiceplay did in 2023, this was EPIC!
But anyway, I'll be skipping over Whiskey In The Jar, and I'm not doing any posts about Christmas videos (for now), which means that I'm finally onto the first two full-length uploads of 2024! (And I really would have expected there to be a third 2024 upload by this point, but it seems we're just gonna have to keep on waiting.) Stay tuned!
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stellahikaru · 7 months
State of The Starry Path Hotel #2 (February 16th, 2024)
Hi, it’s Stella Hikaru again and I’m back to give another State of the Union Starry Path Hotel. I’m back at it again for the second week in a row and hopefully I can maintain this consistency. As I stated before, the main point of this blog is to hold myself accountable about my content creation journey and keep track of my progress and growth over time. This post is going to be a lot shorter than last week’s blog (and hopefully will take less time to write up) so now let’s get started!
Mini Life Update
I need to be honest: school is kicking my ass. I’m getting to the point of the semester where I tend to be the most stressed. Exams and assignments are piling up and it feels like I’m falling behind more and more. It does not help that the most important assignment of the most important class I’m taking is due next week so I am stressing over that. In addition, I am actively looking for a full time job for after graduation so I can pay for my own expenses. 
Besides being active on Twitter, I haven’t been really doing much in terms of content creation because of my schedule. I really need to limit my time on Twitter because I do not want to become a VTweeter and honestly that time is better spent doing more productive tasks like making videos.
Content Creation Progress Update
On the topic of content creation, I didn’t finish all of the goals I set out for myself this week but I did finish one: I made myself a VOD channel and uploaded my past VOD. No I did not make a spelling mistake, past VOD. Remember when I said I downloaded all of my VODs? It turns out that clicking the download button on a VOD in the video producer doesn’t automatically download them and I was too tired to notice! So several of my VODs are lost forever! Oh well, to be honest I feel like my earlier streams are not very good so I guess I’ll have less to be embarrassed about later? I’ll just be more careful next time and download them once I finish my stream for the day. 
This Week’s Goals
Make a Carrd for Twitter and Bluesky: I wanted to do this last week and I did try to start making one on my stream last week. Then I abandoned it and I figured I would get to it later in the week. That did not end up happening but I will make sure that this gets done this week.
Make ideas list for YouTube videos: I have ideas for what I want to make for YouTube videos. I just need to write them down. This week, I’m going to take some time to make a list of ideas I want for YouTube videos and choose one I want to make first. 
 Limit the time I spend on Twitter to 1 hour per day maximum: I have noticed that I am spending a lot of time on Twitter on the guise of ‘vtuber activities’. While I need to maintain an active presence there to grow, I’ve noticed that I have been spending WAY too much time on the site. So starting this week, I’m going to start limiting my time on Twitter to 1 hour per day maximum so I can spend more time doing stuff that is actually productive.
This Month’s Goals
Make 1 YouTube video (or prepare to start making videos next month): Based on the way things are going in terms of school work, it is very unlikely that I will make a YouTube video in the remaining time in February. However, even if I don’t end up making a video this month, I can still set myself up to start making videos next month by brainstorming ideas, learning how to record and edit, writing scripts, etc.
Look into ways to take donations: I did some cursory research into donation methods and I’m leaning towards Ko-Fi. Also apparently Ko-Fi and Buy Me a Coffee are different platforms. The more you know. I still need to do more research about fees, privacy, and stuff though. Once I build up a little bit more of an audience, I’m thinking of setting up a Throne as well.
Continue streaming once per week and try to do guerilla streams: I currently stream once per week on Saturdays and I want to maintain this consistency. However, I want to see if I can do some guerilla streams during the week since I will need to stream on 7 different days in a 30 day period to get Affiliate on Twitch and with my current schedule, I fall short of the requirements. (Yes I copied this from last week don’t HBomb me). I don’t think I can do guerilla streams this week but I’ll try to incorporate them in the future. 
This Year’s Goals
Get monetized on YouTube: I want to eventually make money off of my content so I’m hoping to get monetized on YouTube this year. This is going to be a tall order, but I hope I can keep working towards this with my weekly and monthly goals!
Become an Affiliate on Twitch: I think this goal is a bit more achievable compared to getting monetized on YouTube but I still need to meet the requirements. I will also be working towards this with my weekly and monthly goals! 
Gain 100 followers on any social media besides YouTube or Twitch: I actually am over halfway to 100 followers on Twitter as of writing this, but I still don’t get a ton of engagement on my post. In addition, most of the followers I have gotten are those annoying GFX bots and it’s a little bit disheartening. I also want to build up a following on Tumblr and Bluesky as well! 
Make a community Discord server: Once I build up a community, I want to create a Discord server for people to hang out in. However, I want to wait until there is a demand for a Discord server. This goal is lower priority compared to the other goals but I hope that this does end up happening this year!
Final Thoughts
Schoolwork may be eating up most of my time, but I’m still going to keep running the hotel! I’ll keep working towards my goals and hopefully I can accomplish more this upcoming week. I’ll be live on Saturday at 2 PM EST! If you like what you see, make sure to reblog this post and follow me! I would also appreciate it if you follow me on my other social media, especially on Twitch and YouTube! I will be streaming on Twitch tomorrow at 2 PM EST! I hope your stay was bright and your journey is filled with light!
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cynicalstudy · 1 year
Big shoutout to my silly lil friends on the Persona 5 Giant/Tiny server for giving me the courage to upload these headcanons! If you like g/t I’d recommend joining :D the person who has the link is @andtheyreonfire AKA Waffle!😊
So I really liked the idea of Persona 5 G/T and I actually have a lot of headcanons for Danganronpa too! I’m gonna share the ones I have for V3 in this post as a change of pace from my art content.
(Also, none of this is canon to any story. I’m also not basing it off of canon besides their personalities so! Please keep this in mind💪)
🖤Shuichi Saihara - He could go both ways! If he was a tiny, he’d definitely be super respectful and quiet. Almost to a point where you’d get nervous if you couldn’t hear him and you’d think you accidentally stepped on him by mistake. If he was a giant, he’d take very good care of tinies. He’d even put them on his hat so they could stay with him.
🩷Kaede Akamatsu - She’d be the cutest tiny or the gentlest giant. She’s so lovable as a tiny that Shuichi constantly fawns over her whenever she does something. She has one of those mini pianos (like from Spongebob hehehe) that she plays whenever possible. As a giant, she’d protect any borrowers from whatever they needed. She’d cuddle with them too to make them feel better after a long day.
💚Rantaro Amami - He’s 100% a giant, no questions asked. He’s so friendly to tinies and he protects them from everything. If you sit on his head, his hair smells like coconut or strawberry shampoo. He’ll cook lunch and feed you by hand until you’re full. His voice is loud and deep, but it’s not scary; rather, it’s very comforting. He’s super gentle when handling you, and he seems like the type to slip you into his pocket to keep you warm. I have so much to talk about regarding giant Rantaro pls someone ask PLEASE /J
💜Kokichi Oma - A very mischievous and chaotic tiny for sure. There’s an assignment due tomorrow? You’ll wake up to find mini handprints all over your paper. You’re asleep? He’ll take the opportunity to draw on your face. Little things here and there will “vanish”. If you pick him up by the back of his shirt he’ll taunt you as you reprimand him.
🩵Tsumugi Shirogane - Could go either way! I could see her absolutely fangirling over tinies and going, “you must be a borrower like in The Secret World of Arietty!” She ADORES tinies and sews little clothes for them to wear. If she was a tiny herself, she’d probably go into dollhouses and borrow the clothes from them. Maybe she’d even modify them for herself :))
🩶Kirumi Tojo - She’d probably be either or, it really depends. She’d tidy up your room as a tiny and leave lil notes around, specifying exactly what it was she cleaned. She’d help you cook like Remy from Ratatouille by sitting on your head. If she was a giant, she’d take such good care of tinies. She’d make them feel comfortable for sure.
🧡Korekiyo Shinguji - I can’t really see him as anything other than tiny. He’ll be reading books in his lab. He’d admire his classmates from afar, envious of humanity but still liking to see their behavior. He likes to sneak up on people and listen to them to continue his research. He’s on the dining room table and salt is nearby? He’ll conduct a mini seance and scare the living daylights out of Kaito.
💖Miu Iruma - She’s definitely a tiny herself. She borrows dozens of scrap metal parts and objects to create her gadgets. Kiibo holds her up to the others so she can present her latest ideas. She flies around on her lil hovercraft around campus.
💛Angie Yonaga - Tiny lil painter in your pocket kinda person. She’ll doodle all over your hand during class for sure. She loves leaving little handprints on your papers too.
❤️Maki Harukawa - A very angry tiny with all this rage, but she can’t even reach where she’s trying to get to. She’s super skilled at parkour and navigating the giant world. She’s borrowed countless weapons like toothpicks and staples to use against others. If you pick her up, she’ll try to escape any way she can. She’ll retreat to her lil borrower home at night and go out searching for things in the morning.
💙Ryoma Hoshi - Not gonna lie, I don’t really have much for Ryoma, but I feel like he’d be a tiny. He could probably ride around on his cat across campus (granted he has the cat in the first place LMAO)
🤎Gonta Gokuhara - Pretty obvious, but definitely a giant. He’s got plenty of experience with bugs and other forest creatures to know how to properly handle tinies.
🤍Kiibo - He’d be a super awkward giant for sure, but in the cutest way possible. He’s super careful with them and always does his best to make sure tinies are ok.
💜Kaito Momota - Definitely giant, he has the energy of one. He’ll find Maki and Shuichi and take them to do training with him in his room on the desk. He often forgets to be careful with tinies and tends to grab them roughly, though he always apologizes.
💚Tenko Chabashira - A giant for sure, she loves tinies/borrowers. She’s super fond of female borrowers and has little rest stations set up in her room for them. She especially adores Himiko and gushes over her any chance she gets because of how cute she is.
❤️Himiko Yumeno - She’s probably a tiny. She’ll do little magic tricks and everyone will love them. She’s got her own custom deck of miniature cards and her little staff was created from a toothpick.
And that’s all! If people want, maybe I’ll make more :D
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yuyuonabeat · 1 year
Heart Without a Brain Pt.1
Pairing: College!Student!Yunho! x College!Student!Afab!Reader
Synopsis: Its been a couple days and you’ve been trying not to have inappropriate thoughts about your friend Yunho. Only thing is he makes it a little harder to deal with since he’s always near you. One day you decide to write a letter to your brain(it’s metaphor) explaining your behavior.
A/N: This fic started in Spanish but I’m changing it since half of the people here speak English and I don’t want people to miss out on this. Hope you like it and please do let me know if you want a third part since the second part to this is already written I just have to upload it.
<Afab: assigned female at birth >
Thursday May 24th thoughts
Hi there. I hope I’m not bothering you with my loud thinking. You know, I depend a lot on my thinking. On how it helps my life. On how it defines me. On how it controls me.
Sometimes I feel like I may be crazy. Oh I don’t know, let’s see. How sometimes I put myself in someone else’s shoes and wonder what they would think of me. Of my life, of the way I act and of the crazy things I sometimes may do.
Anyhow. I won’t keep you for long because I know you may be falling asleep already, or at least getting tired of thinking.
Today was a bit rough. Don’t you think, dear Brain? I overthink it a lot and I can’t stop using you. I don’t let you think for me and act for me. I’m the one that has to use you like a steering wheel and give you twirls because if not, neither of us work correctly. And if I can be honest with you, I don’t think we make a good team.
For one part, I want to think about the good and the right. The sane and what’s real. But for the most part, you my dear Brain. You want me to think of the impure and the sick. The impossible and the bad. Look, I know that I said I wasn’t going to keep you for long but I actually want to talk to you about something, or well. Rather someone.
Do you remember Yunho? If you do then, know I think of him everyday. To be honest I can’t shake away the way he looks at me, the way he talks to me. Or the way he talks about me to his friends. The way he smiles so brightly, how he laughs with me, how he’s so handsome and intelligent. So so generous. A literal angel.
I sometimes think I’m crazy for that. He’s just so nice and kind to me and I think there’s times in which he acts a bit too nicely. Like when he pays for my lunch for a whole week because I have no money. Or how he picks me up before and after school every day. Or how he lets me stay at his house a lot of the times when my parents fight at home. Or maybe just the way he always makes sure I’m dressed nicely. Tucking my hair behind my ears, lending me his jacket when it’s a bit cold, tying my shoe laces so I don’t trip over and het hurt. When he fixes my jeans so they are neat. That one time I didn’t expect my period to come and had stained my pants, he came to me and wrapped his hoodie around my waist so it could cover the stain. Smiling at me while reassuring me everything was going to be ok. How he after school was done, bought ice cream and chocolates and just cuddled with me in his room.
I’m not sure if I should consider him a friend. He just acts like as if we were dating and he was my loving boyfriend. Or maybe I’m getting a bit delirious and am mistaking his generosity and kindness with him having feelings for me. That could just be his love language. The way he treats his loved ones. That’s the reason I started thinking of him more and more.
Like it or not, he will always occupy a space in my head next to you. Because you’re my Brain, but you’re not my Heart. Now, Do you know why he has a space in my head and not in my Heart? Well that’s because I still can’t put a ring to what I feel for him. Ok I do feel butterflies in my stomach whenever he’s nearby. I sometimes even think I may be going crazy since I’ve started to see things that I’m maybe just imagining.
Him winking at me at random times, that he blows kisses at me. Perhaps that’s just what you want me to see. I’d like for you to tell me the truth. Do I have a crush on him or do YOU have a crush on him? Because be honest, the one that gets goosebumps and feels the hair on their arms tense up whenever he’s around is me, because you don’t even have hair.
Sorry I think that was a bit mean. I try not to offend you but you make it so hard not to. I just want to scream at your face but wait you don’t even have a face. Sorry, sorry I apologize again. Ok enough of joking around. Now tell me Brain. What do I do?
Let’s see if you can tell me since Heart went AWOL on us. Acting like a traitor leaving me to develop feelings when the three of us had agreed on focusing on school and work. Only thing Heart is good at, is beating and pumping blood to keep us alive as a system. But Heart needs to do its job.
I want to know if what I feel is real or if it’s just to fill the void in me. A fantasy or something I don’t know! I just want an answer please! Whatever it is I’ll accept it. If I like him I’ll accept it. If I don’t I’ll accept it. I just need an answer.
Well anyways tomorrow I need to go to the supermarket with Seonghwa and I don’t know if I should tell him what’s wrong with me. He could help me figure out what I feel. Maybe he’ll give me some advice.
Also am a little nervous since we have school after and every time I’m near Yunho I can’t help but stare at him. Dying on the inside while wanting to tell him how I feel. The way I want to kiss his soft lips so badly. But how can I do that when I don’t even know exactly what I feel.
Whatever. This is the end of this letter from me to you. Oh and thank you for listening, I know I can be a lot sometimes….well all the time but thank you. It’s nice knowing that you’re still up there in my head. Sleep well and take care.
With love, Y/N.
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spook-e-snail · 1 year
Okay so!! As of right now the site is down so I can't provide screenshots and I'm going off of memory so please bear with me. Also I don't know what you need help with specifically so I'm just gonna go over the basics and if you have any other questions feel free to ask :))
Just to make sure everyone is on the same page, art fight is a yearly event where you upload your own characters and are assigned a team. You attack people to gain points for your team, and attacking people is basically just drawing their oc.
And just a heads up, while I'm not too sure this will happen this year, almost every year so many new people join art fight and try to upload their attacks on the 1st of July the sites server's get overwhelmed and site goes down alot. It happens. I recommend saving a few refs before the games begin and draw them after July 1st (you aren't allowed to draw anyone's characters before the 1st, keeps things fair). Like I said, it happens. Sometimes the site is only down off and on during the first few days and is fine the rest of the month, sometimes it's down so long they add an extra week to the games. It really just depends lol. Like I said save refs now so you can actually start on the 1st.
You can have up to 100 active characters and as far as I know there isn't a limit to how many characters you can attack. Your artistic media doesn't matter, you can be a traditional artist and still participate, you can be a digital artist and still participate, hell you can be exclusively building physical sculptures of folk's characters and you're still allowed to participate.
You can find other users to attack a variety of ways, ranging from searching through tags or through spamming the random character button until you find one you like, you can also just ask around here on Tumblr and see if anyone is participating this year:))
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Not everyone has a little card like this but here's mine! It has my username and my favorite/featured characters on it. Again you do not need to have one of these but if you want to find people on artfight you might wanna be on the lookout for cards like these.
As for uploading your characters, I'm gonna use my boy Smudge as an example.
You can only upload 7 pictures per character. Usually folks don't need many more than 3. I recommend having a full body ref
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As nice as this drawing is, if anyone wants to draw him they need to see more.
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Something like this is alot better, it shows what he looks like without his costume and again gives the potential attacker a better idea of who they're drawing.
You have the option to upload a description of your oc, alot of folks tend to leave it blank and honestly I don't recommend doing that. You don't need to put your OC's full 129 page google doc backstory in there but you should at least give a basic description of their personality and any important information (it might also be a good idea to put their pronouns, I have on multiple occasions accidentally misgendered a few characters because their pronouns weren't in their description)
Permissions are different than a description. Permissions basically means what you are and aren't okay with. For Smudge here I prefer if he keeps his costume. You generally don't have to specify to not draw gore of a character as I've only gotten gore of a character once since like 2017 (and I put that I would love to see some gore in their character permissions).
Uploading attacks is pretty simple. Like I said before you can attack others regardless of how you make your art. Traditional art tends to get less points than digital art. You get more points depending on what you do (ex. A digital headshot sketch would get less points than a fully lined fully colored and shaded traditional drawing, a colored simple animation gets more points than digital line art, ECT). Obviously don't lie about what you're making to get more points. From what I've seen other folks don't tend to lie so don't be a dick lol. And even if some does lie about what they did, I believe you can flag art and report it. Plus a week after art fight is over a bunch of mods go through the art and make sure everything has been properly marked (if you think you marked something wrong though don't worry!! You aren't gonna get in trouble or anything, worse case scenario you'll just lose a few points for your team).
I know this is a lot and I know I definitely forgot something but again feel free to ask if you have anymore questions :3
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dreadnotau · 2 years
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This is probably not the post any of you wanted to see.
Before anyone panics, NO, Dread Not is NOT cancelled, and NO, I have NOT given up on it. It’s just being put on another hiatus, though I’m not sure how long this one will last.
TL;DR - when your “passion project” feels less fulfilling as an art activity than your college assignments do, you’re doing something wrong.
As some of you may know one person alone has been working on the art and management of the Dread Not accounts, the server, and most importantly the comic itself. That unlucky fucker is me. Managing it all used to be a lot more exciting, I guess, but nowadays it’s become a looming deadline and a chore. By purely my own fault, might I add. I’ve boxed myself into a lot of arbitrary things and now making this comic isn’t nearly as fun as it used to be, hooray. Coupled with the fact that meowchela, the co-creator of the au, the one who helps write it and spellcheck it (even if neither of us are good at it), and also my moral support and the only reason I started posting the comic in the first place, hasn’t even been into deltarune for the past half year. It all stacks up to a very tired and unhappy Kooki.
Now, most of you don’t give a shit about this melodrama, and that’s valid. You’re here to see my drawings of cute monsters in distress going through several kinds of midlife crises, and also baby Kris, and that’s good because that’s what I want out of this comic too. But right now? I am NOT in the mental state to be meeting my own arbitrary deadlines for a comic a lot of people don’t directly engage with. This isn’t to say that any of you are obligated to care, or reblog or like or whatever. It’s just the way the internet works. It’s extremely hard to engage in a productive or proactive way, and I think that’s why I have more fun with my art college assignments, nowadays. Because the art, whether it be good or bad and no matter the technique, immediately gets feedback both from my professors AND my colleagues!
Some of you who aren’t as involved in art making might not know that negative feedback is some of the most valuable feedback an artist can get back (when it’s given in good faith, of course), and as Dread Not as an art project was set up specifically to help me improve my art, it’s kind of a shame I haven’t been getting a lot of negative feedback from people unless I ask directly. It’s like the internet actually took the idea of “if you don’t like it don’t look at it” to heart, which is great! But not for me and this comic, sadly. Going forward (aka whenever I have the strength to start uploading weekly again), I might drastically simplify the visuals of the comic, maybe even change some style things because it feels like I’ve really stagnated with the art of the comic.
I talked about this with meowchela recently, I had a very specific style in mind when I first started the sketches for this comic, and when I finished the first page, it wasn’t quite what I wanted it to be. The truth is, I didn’t have the skills to execute the style I wanted for the comic, and to an extent I still don’t, so instead of the tedious and not-quite-what-I-wanted current style, I might just change it up to be completely different and less time consuming, because either way it won’t be what I want. (And, for the record, most of this drivel is about the backgrounds, the text boxes, and aesthetic choices, and not about the character art, because I’m decently happy with that)
And to the dedicated readers, I have to stress that this isn’t the end. Dread not is a story I care about, even if its amateurish and was basically made by accident. I WANT to tell this story, if only because I know a past version of me was yearning to tell it but lacked the bravery to even try (again, meowchela is the only reason this comic exists, and I basically owe her a life for getting me to start upload the ludicrous au idea I had so long ago). The story and comic WILL continue one day, just not soon. Call it an indefinite hiatus if you want, but it’ll come back one day, stronger than ever, and hopefully better organized. I feel a strange mix of melancholy and relief finally putting this beast down for a nap again.
If I may go a little bit into the behind the scenes, my creative process is hardly a coherent process at all, and is mostly a hodgepodge of spur of the moment ideas immediately put to paper without much thought. Days, weeks, months, or years later, I have to face the consequences of those split-second decisions, and that’s the process that’s been the status quo for this comic’s creation. Sometimes it’s good, like a core symbol to the story coming from what was originally a one-off gag (a-la early homestuck), but most of the time its bad, with hours spent reformatting and redrawing sketches in order to actually make it look competent, which just results in a lot more time that I feel I’m wasting because it’s hardly a part of the finished page itself.
All in all, Dread Not is my baby, my first large-scale project, and I’m not going to abandon it because of one really bad burst of art block. I’ve had other projects I’ve been slowly chipping away at (most of them deltarune related as well) that’ll also be put on hiatus too… not that anyone will really notice because I hardly upload them. But there’s also a lot of personal projects and OC stories I’ve been meaning to work on but just couldn’t get in the right frame of mind to, so maybe I’ll finally start work on those while I take a proper vacation from Dread Not. This whole hiatus thing, however, also means I’ll stop responding to messages, both on Tumblr and in the Discord server, as frequently. Some of you may have already noticed my decline in activity on both fronts. This break has been a long time coming, I’ve just been in denial about it.
And finally, thank you all, again, for reading and enjoying this comic. You probably enjoyed it more than I have! And I mean everyone, from the people who only read and don’t interact with any of the posts, to the people who reblog nearly every page that comes out (I see you guys, and I love your tags), all of you kept me going and I wish I had more to give for the support you’ve shown. I’ll take my time off to really put myself in the right place mentally and physically to bring you the best comic I can. And hey, if you stick around long enough, maybe you’ll even see the end of it! I know I will.
Stay tuned!
PS - If anyone wants lore to chew on while the comics on hiatus, have this bit of trivia I’ve been meaning to share: the current events that are unfolding were originally (and technically still are) only the backstory for the plot I wanted to tell from the beginning. It’s why Kris is so young compared to their deltarune self, it’s why a lot of locations are bare-bones and placeholder, it’s why we aren’t seeing many characters involved right now even though a lot of characters have appearances planned. What I’m trying to say is, this is only the beginning, and I’d love to see someone try to predict where things will go from here, because this status quo won’t stay for much longer, that’s for sure :)
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lume-nosity · 11 months
never thought i’d ever make this post, but here we are. this is just an update since i haven’t been very active here (this blog specifically)
i’ve realized that i haven’t been writing anything for the course of 5+ months because i’m more focused on school, trying to adjust to young adulthood, and thinking about what other careers/hobbies i want to pursue in so it kinda drew me away from sitting down to write something. along with burnout, so that’s… yeah. sorry all.
the thing is i was really trying to get back into writing something but that’ll be once in a blue moon most likely. perhaps something not fandom related or something, but who knows? other than that i just wanted to say this for those who did follow me solely for my fics and such, so you’re free to unfollow if you fall along those lines.
as of late i haven’t been feeling like writing at all, and yet writing is the reason why i’m here via tumblr. but i’m probably going to be ia for the time being until i feel like writing again. (if that ever happens) though i’ll probably be lurking most of the time, so if you see me interact with your post or pop in your inbox then hello :3!! also mutuals if you want to get in contact with me in some way outside of tumblr you can ask for my disc or game users (via genshin, pjsk, hsr, roblox)
so what’s the takeaway? i think i need to step down from social media and not feel forced to post fics or anything. maybe that writing motivation i’ve been longing for will come back naturally, even if it takes a few months or even years. so i wouldn’t really say i’m “quitting” it’s more like a “half-vacation.” if you get what i mean. even when i say this, it’s most likely that i’m going to upload a shitpost or anything along those lines on my spam/main depending on how i feel at the moment, just saying.
if i were to really leave writing behind me, and for you guys to say that you get inspiration from me or you just enjoy my works, then thank you for giving me a chance to try to warm your hearts in the form of writing, as cheesy as that may sound. i’ve enjoyed doing it a lot! i really do. but now i need to slowly transition into adulthood and actually have that “adult” mindset. (s i g h)
so yeah! this is all i wanted to say for a long time. thanks for reading. i love each and every single one of you <3
also we’re keeping the lumine theme for some time because i’m too lazy to change it (and besides lume is very similar to lumine so it’s cool) and sorry that i haven’t been answering asks here omg
edit: sooo i decided to just leave my navigation as is just so if there’s anyone that wants to look at my old stuff via: writing, edits, etc. so they’re safe and they won’t get deleted, dw!
the only difference is that i won’t write as much or at all anymore. (burnout, boredom, thinking about what i’ll do after graduation, slowly transitioning to adulthood, etc..) i’ll try to be active on this blog more often, but it’s mostly for interactions and stuff along those lines.
also as for how active i’ll be, that’ll depend on the day/week. sometimes i’m free, sometimes i’m not, so it entirely depends. midterms/finals are when i’ll be ia no exceptions, but if i have absolutely no work/assignments then i could pop in here. if i feel as if i want to take a day or so off of tumblr then that’ll happen as well.
basically, i’m in and out, but i lurk often. that’s the best way i could put this in.
i’ll probably make a pinned for these things just so all of this is out there
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musiccomicnerdperson · 16 minutes
How in the ever-living fuck do I have 20 fucking assignments that I need to get done late/current. How the shit am I supposed to get this done. I have 9 fucking essays I have to try to write for this fucking week. It would be so much easier to just say fuck it to my sleep schedule and pull an all nighter just trying to function off of caffeine until I inevitably crash but I fucking can't because I have to drive to fucking campus tomorrow which is an hour away!!! I can't even fully blame myself like always for putting myself here because even if I was a magic robot who only ever did fucking school work and gymnastics I would still be behind on a few assignments! The worst thing is that it's only going to keep piling up because my History of the Vietnam War Through Film class is averaging 3 FUCKING ESSAYS PER WEEK and my psychology has an anal deadline policy where you can't even make an attempt after the fucking deadline!!!! Unfortunately for me I also have to worry about studying for 2 FUCKING EXAMS NEXT WEEK that I'm totally going to get fucked on because it feels like there is no way I am going to get done with all of this before this weekend and study for two classes that I am barely getting by in and if I bomb these exams my grade becomes TOTALLY FUCKED. On top of this I'm supposed to do actual fucking reading from the text book for my fucking psych class. BITCH I'M FUCKING LUCKY IF I EVEN GET THE FUCKING ASSIGNMENTS DONE ON TIME! I'VE STAYED UP WAY LATER THEN I SHOULD HAVE FOR EACH FUCKING IN CLASS TASK BECAUSE OF OTHER SHIT THAT NEEDS TO GET DONE! I'm not actually shocked I have to actually read a text book for a class despite most text books being useless in the class for most classes I've previously taken, it's just a lot to try and manage! What is fortunate is that my Vietnam War professor gave everyone amnesty on assignments because there were some at the beginning of the semester where he didn't upload them until the day before it was due but yet again this class is averaging 3 ESSAYS PER WEEK so I need to CATCH UP OR GET FUCKED!!!! ONE WAY OR ANOTHER I'M FUCKED EITHER BECAUSE I WON'T SLEEP OR BECAUSE I WON'T BE ABLE TO GET ENOUGH DONE IN TIME!!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!
For the record all my professors are really nice people. I could have a better relation with my psych professor if I actually communicated with my professor with it being an online class and shit but I just haven't because I kept telling myself I need to get all this other shit done and here I am fucking ranting about said shit that needs to get done.
If anyone read this I'm sorry, I just needed to let this out.
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