#upside down smiley face emoji
birdbrainstudies · 4 months
hi gamers i have 2w of conferences next week and 0m of presentation prep SO my agenda for tomorrow is
(1) get sweet treat caffeine drink for myself otw to office (8am)
(2) FINISH the first presentation I have to prep (9am-3pm)
(3) meet w my kind and patient advisor (3-5?pm)
(4) STAY late to draft poster (5-7pm)
(5) DRAFT second presentation
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anneapocalypse · 2 years
Gently. Respectfully. Before you reblog a post I wrote saying that I should have mentioned something, maybe check the post again to make sure that I did not, in fact, mention that thing. Or spend paragraphs talking about it.
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megglepie · 2 years
fortunately, i'm pretty shameless so i don't get embarrassed easily but unfortunately, that means when i do get embarrassed, it really sucks and makes me really upset
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swankpalanquin · 1 year
surprise! my dad is visiting today!
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corporalsnark · 2 years
anyway if you’re worried about how I'm doing the answer is “not good” because peas probably cause heart problems in dogs and the only food that doesn’t give my puppy explosive diarrhea is grain free food and guess what they use instead of grains?? 
so now I have 3 bags of dog food that I'm trying to blend together to find a balance between explosive diarrhea and causes a condition that my puppy is already predisposed to because of his size/breed but one is basically garbage (second ingredient is fucking corn) and the other is a tiny step above garbage (second ingredient is chicken meal which means it could come from roadkill but they’re not saying) and the third might kill him (first two ingredients are chefs kiss but the third is peas). 
so i’m. y’know. trying to see if that insanely expensive basically human grade dog food could fit into my budget if I ate garbage.
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nukenai · 2 years
Weird that people online are like “there’s a word for if your brain just can’t work with numbers and math well and it’s totally fine to have that, but if you’re that same way about art, you’re just not trying hard enough and should practice more, literally everyone can draw forever!”
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assriot · 8 months
been feeling extra tired and weak lately. lets hope its nothing.
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hues3ra · 1 year
made solid money today but finished my other nails and they came out bad and then got in a fight so yay!!!!
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razorsadness · 2 years
So like Orpheus, I bowed and went far underneath the firmament My harp strings broke, my voice was spent, I kissed my lady's hand and sent My two weeks notice with my rent And she grew cold and softly said That I am not your lover I'm the map you use to find her I am not your lover I'm just a map you use to find her
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heilos · 6 months
Hey can anyone give me some cool tunes and vibes right now in the replies section on this post cause my hockey team just had a massive melt down in the 3rd period and i'm about to lose my shit and need a distraction.
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musical-chick-13 · 4 months
Tumblr media
Oh, worst take I've seen this week goes to this comment.
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zozo-01 · 11 months
[is shocked that people like spicy tings]
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zorlok-if · 2 years
Bob the arcane warrior
I'm at work, sitting at the front desk, and had to desperately try to conceal my smile because the moment I read this a patron walked by and said "hi" (spoiler alert: I failed to conceal it, I just looked really silly and eager to see them).
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computer-wizard · 1 year
i think someone just blocked me over sending a "(:" in response to a ":)". if you see this i want you to know. i was about to send clarification "they are facing each other" sorry dude if it was bad or offensive i have autism i couldnt tell
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padawanton · 2 years
being a true crime girlie really sheds light on just how incompetent the justice system is
There are dozens of stories that basically go like this: "Randall "The Baby Eviscerator" Johnson was convicted today for the evisceration of 5 babies and sentenced to 69 life sentences" Then a week later, "Randall "The Baby Eviscerator" Johnson was released from prison today for being a good noodle" and the next day, "Randall Johnson has eviscerated 37 babies. Who could have seen this coming?"
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suncalls · 2 years
sun-queen alina writing a journal that’s just entirely letters to mal, who is dead. 
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