#ur art style is GORGEOUS HELLO
sacredxnight · 1 month
hello!! i just wanted to say that i absolutely adore your beautiful artwork - your style is gorgeous, from how you paint clothing and your colors, your most recent modern au stuff makes dimitri look like the love interest from a romantic drama show with how handsome u draw him 🥺🫶 i get so excited whenever i see uve posted new art (im the person who said i sounded like a deflating helium balloon seeing ur most recent artwork in ur tags.. sorry for the essay LOL) and how beautiful ur art is is rly inspiring!! hopesmitri's hair in particular is so hard to wrap my head around despite being my fave, and u draw him so wonderfully!! thank you for sharing your beautiful art with the world, i hope you have a wonderful day 🫶
Hi!! Thank you so much for the wonderful ask, sorry for getting back so late! Your helium balloon tag made my night when I saw it, it was really sweet!! I'm very humbled that you're inspired by my art ahhh, I wanted to show my thanks by drawing you a super quick timeskip Dimitri (sorry for the scratchy quality!!) -- much better art is coming soon!! 🫶 thank you again 🩵🩵
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sabh0 · 2 months
uhhh hey can you call off your fanbase they’ve been groveling at my feet for about half an hour asking for me to befriend you so uh. i think we should do that. so they’ll leave me alone. it’s not like…..i think your art is absolutely fucking gorgeous and your chuuya is sexy asf and i actually go insane when i see your work bc of the colors and the style and your animations add years to my lifespan and uh………………yeah. whatever. mutuals? i guess? if you want? i’m holding my hand out
HELLO IM SO SORRY FOR THE TROUBLE OH MY. THIS FEELS SO AWKWARD IDK WHAT MADE THEM 'ATTACK' U LIKE THIS 😭😭 guys y'all r getting a detention, no skk art for a month
EITHER WAY THANK U UMMM idk shakes ur hand while still crying bc i really have no idea what's happening and my mom is asking me if im okay
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chihirolovebot · 2 months
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Coming back once a year just to throw you lore, Dainsleif we all say in unison 🗣️🗣️🗣️
i swear every time u send me art im blown away by how much your style changes and diversifies like this is so stunning and my favourite piece youve ever sent me its literallyso dynamic and gorgeous the colours are STUNNING !!!!!!!! really really love the halo thingy behind ur phys ( also obligatory mention abt how much i love ur phys design and i go bonkers every time i see them ) AND THE BLOOD FROM THE LETTER OPENER LIKE BLEEDING ONTO OUMAS HEAD >??? UR SICK . and ouma holding the notebook with the script ...my eye just twitched
this is seriously so so beautiful ,, sorry it took me a minute to get to this but i wanted to answer it properly and i literally have been so busy with uni work and cleaning the house for inspection so :> i hope ur doing good my lovely and thank u so so so much again . the mind boggles this is so pretty . i love ur art so much .
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duckytree · 1 year
sorry if this was asked before. how did you learn to draw? also I'm so in love with your style like I've never seen anything like it. It's so beautiful. There's something about the eyes. they're always so full of emotion. and the way you make hair flow, and how the mouths move feels just so real. You can capture emotion insanely well. every line and scribble adds to it. It inspires me. I hope I can one day also convey this well
hello! thx for the ask
i’m self taught so i sorta just figured things out lol. i don’t have a lot of technical abilities since i rely on observation and practice so i mainly draw for fun
around 12 i was obsessed with the idea of developing an art style and would go thru youtube and find one i like, imitate it, and try to draw everything with it. word of advice: art styles are fluid and change as you get better at art. rn i don’t feel like i have a style, but you guys seem to find my art distinctive which is great.
this is art from when i was maybe 11 (i’d just gotten into anime and fell in love with tomoe from kamisama kiss so all my characters where white foxes haha) vs 16 (id stopped playing genshin at around 15 but i saw itto and fell in love again)
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emotions are tricky and i don’t know what i’m doing half the time, so i just adjust until it looks right. best advice is to mess around and don’t be scared to make things ugly. here is my favourite bird for reference:
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other artists are good studies and milestone goals to aid you in your art journey, but ur art is ur own, so don’t use us as a measure of what constitutes as good.
i know u didn’t ask for advice but some other people have been asking me this as well so i figured i’d share. a lot of you will even surpass me and i’ll be looking to your art for reference one day. the fanart i get is absolutely gorgeous
i believe in you!
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missterious-figure · 1 month
Hello! Just came by to say that your art is so pretty!!! I love your art style and how you draw mers!
I also kinda wanted to show my art for mermay
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I tried to make Void a lionfish, it kinda sucks but I might try to make her an orca next time
(AAWWWWW! STAWP!!! UR MAKING ME BLUSH!!!!! Thank you!!!!)
YAY!! Void looks so cool!!!! I LOVE all the beautiful stripes!!!! SHE LOOKS GORGEOUS!!!! Thank you for sharing!!!
(Sorry I've been so slow with the role-playing)
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sapphicnsh · 6 months
hello! i hope you have a lovely birthday. ^^ just found out about it, so good timing on my part! have a little nsh. <3 your rot au looks very fun!
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iztea · 4 months
hello i just wanted to tell you that i adore your art so much, it has such an interesting texture to it and your colors are just. hnngg. angel and fem skk r so gorgeous in your style. especially dazai being all losergirl girlfailure… she is so perfect
i honestly would love to see how you would draw fem akiangel just bc im a lesbian and must make all of my ships yuri. and they’d be so pretty in your style. i think you mentioned having commissions in another ask? thinking. strongly
ahh thank you so much for the kind wordss i really appreciate them and yeah i feel u sometimes you just gotta yuri beam all your faves
my commissions are closed at the moment, i still need to finish a few so if you make up ur mind about wanting a comm i can add you to a waitlist for whenever i open them again, i'd love to draw fem akiangel actually haha
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junewi02 · 30 days
wheee hello hello! i was honestly a bit surprised to see u followed me ksadfghjkl AND UR ART IS ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS. LIKE ITS STUNNING ITS ADORABLE AND AMAZING AND PRETTY AT THE SAME TIME DJFHHDHDBDHDHID do you do them traditionally or digitally? bc i feel like your sigma one is done digitally but the other ones, esp dazai and fyodor, give me the feeling of pen/pencil
anyways your art style is literally GORGEOUS for lack of better words ksgshshshh give me tips pls /hj <333
Hi!!!!! Hello!!!!! Haiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're too kind 😯😯😯!!! Your bio was so cute, it made me want to be one of your mutuals as well 💗
Uhmmmmm to answer your question — I do both! The first drawing of Sigma, Fyodor, and Dazai are traditional ☺ the other ones are drawn digitally, though I still like to keep a kind of "sketchy" look 😯
But once again, thank you sooooo much you're literally the sweetest ever, this made my day!!!!
(this is like one of my first interactions with anyone here.. kinda nervous......!!!)
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katsurolle · 2 months
hi katsu! thank you so much for following me! ^^ i just perused your art tag and your princess tutu tag and OH MY GOSH your art style is so beautiful. your fakiru art makes me so happy! your colors are stunning and vivid, the way you draw/create atmosphere, scenes, and anatomy is gorgeous and #artgoals, and your fakirs are so handsome and wonderfully stylized. seriously, i'm blown away. you're so awesome!!! hehe. just wanted to say hello!
oh my god thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i saw ur ahirue art once and i fell inlove immediately too... the ptutu art u have posted is so lovely 2 look at.. <33
thank u sm for the kind words!! that means alot coming from u!!!!! hope to see u around the ptutu tag...!!!
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ryemackerel · 10 months
found u bc of ur fnaf art, i don’t even like dsmp
ur art style is STILL GORGEOUS HELLO?? ur dsmp art is so pretty omgomg
WAHHH THANK YOU THANK YOU <3333 its completely cool if u dont like dsmp! im very happy you still enjoy the art regardless, its so nice having folks like you who still appreciate it :) lotsa love to you <3 <3
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m1shapanda · 1 year
hii we’ve never interacted but you’ve crossed my dash via rin’s blog before + i saw you hyping up trash of the count’s family so you have to be a cool person <3
also your art is so gorgeous!! the style and the colours have me in awe!! :>
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mommytimmy · 1 year
Hi hello i know this is out of the blue but i need you to know that i just. Absolutely adore your art. All of it. Its so so gorgeous and delicate in just. An incredible way and if i could id print out every single piece and consume it like a 5 course dinner. Your tim is so so gender and the way you draw him is beautiful. Genuinely, your style makes me so so happy to see
omg 🥺🥺 I took a while to answer this because I couldn't think of an answer that wasn't (incoherent screaming).
I really like drawing pretty people and pretty men, and Tim is so special because he also brings a youthfulness to it, like his cheeks are soft and still a bit baby fat despite his Self Care Choices I think fljskahdjklsahd (if I were to age him up, I'd definitely keep the kind of looks that have people carding him to buy alcohol) 🙈
I keep thinking of the balance of drawing a pretty androgynous guy without relying on over-feminization, and I don't know! I think as a character Timmy should be confident in how he presents himself and therefore does absolutely deranged stuff with his fashion choices LMFAO like his Sticking Up Hair from old comics with the Gotham giants magenta shirts LMFAO I haven't drawn that, but it lives in my head rent free, he has so much range. OR how in GK he tucks his pants into his socks oh my god I want to shove him into a locker????
Tim doesn't know how cute he is even when he hasn't washed his sweater for 2 weeks fr... But definitely, I feel like I've drawn him when he's "produced" himself for the public (taking notes for future drawings)
Another super nice thing about getting into comics is that legitimately I can do whatever I want with Tim's design? If you look at my first drawings on this account, definitely the way I have been settling on drawing Tim has changed, and I keep thinking of ways to live my best life while also having Tim look like himself, and it's still a bit of a learning curve heheh I think the goal would be having people recognize him from a lineup of his siblings (which I have to get to btw, I really want to draw the Robins but crash into the wall of "I don't draw handsome people as well as I do pretty people" fjsahdjklsad)... which comics don't do btw, it's embarrassing how many times I've confused Tim and Dick? They should color code them like the power rangers jfc
I'm also glad (laying on the floor crying) to learn more anatomy even though I never actually show it lmfao I still draw it like some clown before drawing clothes over it, but drawing superheroes is SUCH a chance to learn how to draw!
All this to say, I draw ultimately to make myself happy, and I'm lucky enough that with a couple days of resting the eyes, I can look at my own drawings like someone else made them LOL it also makes me really happy other likeminded people can enjoy the drawings I make (while I also enjoy the fanworks they make; I love ur writing!) I'll keep doing my best to keep learning how to draw so we can have more things to enjoy together! 😤
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dutchwinter · 11 months
re the on anon thoughts : i have thought that ur art style is so cool and gorgeous and i love how stylized it is :3
omgg im drawing rn and was i feeling bad abt my art hello. youre really sweet... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS ATTACKS YOU i love you hii.
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xixisin · 2 years
damn got me all flustered, it's a natural response i cant even think straight on what to respond u in text HELP BUT, thanm you so much?!?!?!?! I LOVE YOUR STUFF TOO, i think i saw your cwp fanart first, i adore your style, it looks so soft and eye pleasing to look at, your coloring is so warm, i love warm palette, overall what you did is making me happy to see, idkkk your art gives comfort n happy feeling <3<3<3
i also surprised to see u on my notif, as i said, i love your stuff and expect more gorgeous art from u, i love your mc btw gorgeous boy 💜💜💜
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zariyen · 2 years
Hi hi! I'm fairly new to the fandom but is fully aware of JP updates (and thank goodness I found your art, they're gorgeous!!) soo for the kin game… I'll give you my first impressions of you ;v; You seem to give off a mix of ♣️, ⚔️, and… 🔥 cuz you seem pretty cool and grounded when around people heheh
twst kin game
ah !! hello ricki 🥺🥺 thank you sm for taking the time to send a message, i hope you're having fun in the fandom! i'm really glad you found my art too because i also really love yours and think it's gorgeous as well ( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )!
ohh !! trey, sebek and idia....!! such cool characters 😳😳 omg i'm so honoured to come off as cool and grounded to u AHAHA pls keep this side of me in ur memory and not the one that occasionally dips into clown town
for my first impressions of you...!! a lot of it relates to your art style actually www do you know Yoshitaka Amano? 🥺 he's well known for drawing art for the Final Fantasy series, and i think your line work and colouring gives the same feeling as his! so i think 🐲 for the elegant/traditional and fairytale-esque vibes ^q^ but also 🌟 bc from your msg i think you're very friendly and kind!
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garoujo · 1 year
HELLO??? i am literally screaming crying throwing up over you and nagi!!!! that comm is SOOOO precious soooo beautiful!! the art style is immaculate omg you two are gorgeous 🤧 i can’t stop staring at it!!! ToT
omigoshhhh???!!! ૮꒰ྀི⊃⸝ ⸝ ⸝⊂꒱ྀིა FANK UUUUU!!! wth im totes blushing at this ask rn~ the comm is literally sooo amazing i so agree!!! the art style is actually soooo hot i loooove it sm <333 snifle i am so glad u love it!!! legit every time someone likes the post i gotta stare at it a little longer >.< UR SO SWEET FANK U! FANK U! im giggling lahakaaka!!!
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