#twst kin game
hanafubukki · 5 months
So Hana; I came across a post talking about unpopular twst opinions and was wondering if you had any.
Hello Violet 🌸💚🌷
I hope it’s okay for me to call you Violet 💚🌷
This is a rather interesting question 🤔 and I had to think on it a bit. I honestly don’t know if some of what I say is unpopular or not, so I guess I’ll express a few of my opinions that I have. ☺️🌺
I guess before I list them I should say that this is my opinion only. I don’t mean to hurt anyone by expressing them nor am I calling out anyone. Literally just my thoughts. You’re allowed to agree or disagree✨✨
Normally, I would assume I wouldn’t have to put a disclaimer such as this because everyone has their own opinions and we should all have an open mind but I’ve seen the internet lol and wowza on how some act to such things lol 🌺🙏
I hate the guest room. Personally, I’m not into that kind of mechanics in gaming. It’s not for me. The fact that we have to do it to level up friendship levels irks me. And it’s a complicated system too which is another annoying aspect. I also kind of blame the guest room function for personal stories being lowered since those have been replaced with furniture. It’s just an extra chore that I’m not really into.
Event wise: I think we have too many octa (+ ortho and ace) in them. My diasomnia bias aside, I don’t think the other characters get enough spotlight. When was the last time Ruggie was in an event? Cater? Riddle? Jack? Kalim? Rook? Deuce? I know octa make them money but still, give the others more spotlight? I don’t count the beach or Halloween event either. Because Halloween, half the cast is in it and beach event was similar. Even New years I don’t count, because eventually, we will get them all in new years outfit. The usually four character events is what I’m speaking of because that’s when you get proper screen time and development for each character. I can literally go on lolol
I don’t know why this would be unpopular but it seems it might be? But I don’t hate RSA. They have a lot of potential story telling wise and their side of things. And I know there’s biasness with NRC and we wanting them to win, but I feel there’s more to RSA than we know. Like how we shouldn’t judge villains, we shouldn’t judge the “heroes” either.
Jp schedule wise I don’t think they are too slow as many believe. I think for the working female class, which the game is aimed at, the scheduling is perfect since it was made for them after all. It gives them time for daily life and twst gaming. Doesn’t mean I don’t get impatient either lolol
On the other spectrum, EN is going too quick. With events and main story. Slow down. What are you trying to accomplish except burn out your fanbase?
I don’t want an anime. We will get one. There’s a high chance and I’ll watch it obviously. But I honestly don’t care for one. The issues that an anime will bring…is a lot.
I don’t think the gameplay is boring. As mentioned before, the game was made for the female working class. So the gameplay is to the point, and depending on the event, can be challenging. But grinding wise and all that? It’s pretty working class friendly. If I didn’t have the auto lessons and battles, I wouldn’t be playing it. It’s because of those mechanics that I am. Thats what stops me from playing many mobile games. The constant forced to play and keep track. Hence part of why I’m not into Hoyoverse games.
I don’t really care for “this place in twst = this place in IRL.” to me, it’s a game in a fantasy world. Is it interesting to see some of the influences? Yes, of course. But that’s it. I’m playing this game for the fantasy setting, the magic, the story, and the characters. I don’t really care to add, realism, I guess you could say? (I’m trying to escape reality okay? Why would I want it in my games?? 🤣🤣)
I wish we had more magic in my magic world. And I think it mainly applies for book 7 for me personally and how “wow, tech is going to beat malleus and save the day” but I kind of wish that isn’t the case. Yes, it makes for fun story telling and memes. But, for a magic based dorm, I want a magic based solution. That and the fact, I don’t care for the implication how magic is slowly being taken over by technology. Kind of hits close to home you know?? With all the AI shenanigans.
I hope two certain popular theories aren’t true and I’ll leave it there. My personally thoughts on them is, I hope it’s not that predictable and I had hoped for a different route for such characters/events.
I’ll stop there before I make a whole essay for you to read lmao 🤣🤣 I have more thoughts that I could share but this is already so long 😆
I don’t know if this was a “unpopular opinion” or more me rambling but I’ll let you decide that Violet 🙏💞☺️
What about you? What are some of your thoughts?
Would love to hear other’s opinions as well ☺️🌺
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bonpocalypse · 1 year
can you please tell me your headcanons for the nationalities of the twst boys pretty pretty please 🥺 also any other headcanons you have!!!
I love love love nationality headcanons, they're so fun to think of!! A reminder that these are my headcanons, I'm not here to start arguments. If anything does come across as offensive/innapropriate please let me know! I'll gladly fix it :)
For the most part, I based the Twst Character's nationalities off of where their stories take place (I'm not all that skilled in headcanons, apologies!!)
Alright, going in dorm order here:
Riddle Rosehearts: Icelandic/Britsh
I have him as Icelandic purely because of LeafSheep's "Begin at the Beginning," the King Said!! Nordic Heartslabyul has my heart. and ofc since Heartslabyul is based on Alice in Wonderland, he's half-British in my headcanons
Ace Trappola: British
Alice in Wonderland :)
I don't have much to say about Ace, I kinda don't think about him all that much
Deuce Spade: Irish
In coming up with nationality headcanons, I wanted to explore more areas in the British Isles for the Heartslabyul students and eventually decided on Deuce being Irish! I had more reasonings but its 5 am and I cannot think for the love of me.
Cater Diamond: American with English/German heritage
I see myself in Cater. He's one of my highest kins, so he's 100% from West Coast USA. It also makes a lot of sense he'd be American looking at how similar some nations in the Twisted Wonderland universe are to nations in our own world! Pyroxene is really similar to the United States from what I've researched, and Cater's valley accent in the English version of the game really hits the mark :)
As for his heritage, he's English because of Alice in Wonderland and German because I feel it fits him very well
Trey Clover: British
I don't think about Trey often enough sorry :(((
I love him though he's so silly
Leona Kingscholar: Kenyan
The Lion King takes place in the Kenya area, and so I put him there!
Jack Howl: American with Kenyan/French heritage
Another Pyroxien!
Kenyan because Savanaclaw was based on the Lion King and that's set in Kenya
French because I have a sneaking suspicion Jack is based on the wolves from Beauty and the Beast
Ruggie: South African
Ruggie was hard to find a headcanon for, but I eventually just took someone else's headcanon that said he is South African
Azul Ashengrotto: Italian/French/Danish
All come from where the Little Mermaid is set in both the movie form and the Hans Christian Andersen form. The movie itself was set in the Mediterranean Sea, and I headcanon Azul's family to be from around the Nice, France area of the Mediterranean
Danish comes into play from the original source material for The Little Mermaid and the fact that the Coral Sea in Twst gets cold. Also to note, the Coral Sea on the map of Twisted Wonderland is close to the coast of the Queendom of Roses, which is pretty far north!
Jade and Floyd Leech: Danish
Putting these two together because twins
Pretty much the same reasonings as Azul, the book's settings and the Coral Sea :)
Kalim Al-Asim: Saudi Arabian
I'm going to be so honest, I don't think about Scarabia like... at all. So for Kalim, I'm going straight out of where Aladdin is supposed to be set
That also came as a problem, because the movie has a habit of mashing Middle Eastern cultures together. Though I did find that the movie takes place in the Arabian Desert which narrows where Aladdin was filmed to a myriad of countries, one of which is Saudi Arabia
I decided to go with Saudi Arabia since a majority of the desert does reside within that country.
Jamil Viper: Saudi Arabian/South Asian
Same thing as for my headcanons with Kalim, and I got the South Asian headcanon from a mutual on TikTok
Vil Schoenheit: American with German heritage
Hollywood star here, folks!
German heritage because of Snow White's setting :)
Epel Felmier: Finnish
Ok for this headcanon I went off of the Harveston event
(hey future Bon edit here when its not 5 am and running off of no sleep)
Rook Hunt: Australian
This headcanon is for shits and giggles
It's a running joke between me and my friend that Rook is not French and is faking the accent to sound more "beautiful"
I don't know why we chose Australia specifically but it came to fruition
He can't speak proper French he's literally calling Vil the King of Fish
Idia and Ortho Shroud: Greek
Hercules is set in Greece!
Malleus Draconia: French
For Diasomnia I went off of movie settings once again, and Sleeping Beauty is heavily implied to be set in France!
I really feel like I should explain more but that's really most of my headcanons for them, where their movies are set
Silver: French
Silver is tough to pin down since we don't know if he's even originally from the Briar Valley, but I went with French as well
Sebek Zigvolt: French/German
(Bon please please please come back to this)
Lilia Vanrouge: French
I actually have so many nationality headcanons on this dude its not even funny
I imagine him as French, Romanian, and Dutch
And for funnies:
Royal Sword (and Rollo) (excluding the dwarves)
Neige LeBlanche: American with German/Finnish Heritage
Che'nya: British/Russian
Rollo Flamm: French
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nerdazzler · 1 year
✨What I think you act like based on your favorite twst dorm✨
(This is all for shits and giggles people. None of this is meant to be taken seriously it’s just my opinion.)
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You either simp for riddle, Or kin him. No in between 
You’re a pretty upbeat and cheerful person
You’re really cheerful and yet are also pretty shy and don’t talk to a lot of people, you have good friends though!
Okay I get it you like riddle 🥲 (god damn 😭)
50/50 y’all can bake (teach meeeeee)
Y’all can be pretty weird sometimes (dw me too 😌)
How them mommy issues workin out for ya? 😀
Ayo…any..any deuce kinnies looking for an ace kin wanna hmu 👀🤙 (jk jk…unless 👀 we can be friends 👉👈)
I’ll take a trey kinnie too (he says in riddle and cater kin ☺️🫶)
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Either Leona simps,Stans, or kins
Where tf are all the jack ppl?!
Y’all think ruggie is a skrunkly and you love him to bits
Y’all are the more cool laidback type (funny considering the amount of jocks in the dorm)
Very knowledgeable and wise about things, I like that about you guys!
You guys are also pretty funny, I like y’all!
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you Kin azul. No questions.(Me too, bestie. me too.)
I love you guys, y’all are like SUPER chill.
You either have at least some knowledge of a random sea creature or have an interest in marine biology 
How many of you ship JadeAzul? Because I’m sensing a good majority
Jade fans y'all in there too.
I like y’all, you’re really laidback yet funny as shit
Some of the octavinell fans need to calm tf down (they are Minors 😨!!)
Wut you planning 🤨
Y’all be weird as shit sometimes (love it tho 🫶)
Show me ur art 👀
If you kin Floyd I as a riddle kin automatically fear you /j
Any jade kins wanna talk? (*poses in azul kin*😎👌)
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I love y’all too! You guys are so fun to chat with
Y’all are the deep thinking type or the impulsive idea type
Jamil or Kalim. pick one, and you can’t say both. 😡
Y’all can sometimes be a lil unhinged I will admit-
How many Jamil apologists and defenders y’all got up in there? 🤭
#letkalimbesad fr 
Where my fellow Kalim kin’s at!? (Dm meeee I wanna be friendsss 😚✌️)
…I’m also a Jamil kin too,,,(but more of a Kalim kin ☺️)
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I barely see y’all wtf 😨 (I Have literally never met a pomforie fan in my life so all of this is from observation)
You like vil. That’s all ima say.
Yeehaw boy fans stand up.
You definitely have a cute looking artstyle. It’s cute but is hella well detailed.
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be my friend pls 🥹🙏
Y’all smart 
You guys are so sweet 
Can you share some of ur snacks pls 👀🤲 (I know you got a snack hoard.)
How many plushies you got🤨?
Y’all either actually like gaming, drawing. Or both (Mainly drawing tho.)
I’m assigning all the idia fans the song “Emo Boy” by Ayesha erotica (I do not support her) and you can’t tell me I’m wrong. BECAUSE I KNOW HOW SOME OF YA’LL BE ACTIN 🤨
Ortho fans where 🤔 (no I don’t mean simps*nastyass-* I mean people that genuinely like ortho’s character)
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y’all shy or really chill and barely talk to people and yet are some of the most interesting people to talk with 
I don’t see a lot of you! Where y’all at?!
You either like malleus a lil too much or Lilia No in between.
Sliver Stan’s idk where y’all at 😟
You. Nice, Amazing, Beautiful, Talented Human Being. Gimme a hug 🫂 
I can be the Kalim to your silver *lip bites* /j
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fruixtii · 1 year
hey a little tag game i want to try!!! order your favorite twst dorms from least fave to favorite!
Scarabia: their characters on their own are good but seeing them together makes me extremely uncomfortable?? it’s probably because the orientalism plus people shipping together..it’s not jamil and kalims fault but i have a complicated relationship with scarabia
Octavinelle: idk they just don’t stand out to me. jade is neat but i feel like the tweels are overhyped. don’t really have an opinion about azul
Savanaclaw: again the characters are great but. as a whole they don’t stand out to me. i love jack and ruggie but leona 😬 if you got rid of the sarcasm and smug expression he would be a cool character (i kin him more than i would like) but i feel like he’s wasted potential. also book 2 was the hardest to get through because it was so boring it really did them dirty
Heartslabyul: the card guys!! don’t really care much about them either..i usually like alice in wonderland vibes but their dorm uniforms are the worst things i’ve ever seen. WHY DO THEY WEAR T-SHIRTS?? other than that i don’t have much to say about them.
Pomefiore: THE GAYS okay they’re awesome. this is mostly because of rook i just really like rook. and rookvil. epels great to actually. also on the complete opposite note their dorm uniforms are amazing (maybe even my favorite) i would totally wear them myself. but even though they’re in the top three i don’t really think about them more than any of the other dorms.
Ignihyde: okay of course my second favorite dorm is the cute family. what did you expect. but also they are so interesting?? book 6 has been the best book so far especially with all the lore. also ortho is best boy AND LITERALLY A ROBOT. how can you not like precious robot boy who loves his brother. also their designs are cool the hades hair and teeth are very gender.
Diasomnia: you already knew this was coming. my beloved dark romanticism found family dorm<33 i am literally obsessed with them okay. not only are their designs peak gender but they’re WRITING is so. augh. just the contrast between them. we got two faes who are centuries old and have experienced years upon years of hardship. war. suffering. and then we have two (one and a half) humans who have never experienced loss. or grief. they are honest and hardworking and loyal, they represent youth and joy!! and yet they all have so much LOVE and TRUST for eachother it makes me go INSANE!!!! also you can never miss with gothic aesthetics and fairies…literally the greatest thing out there
anyways in conclusion i think any dorm that isn’t diasomnia and doesn’t have tragedy and fate weaved inside them are plain and boring. if i placed your favorite dorm low feel free to tell me why im wrong and why they are the best!! i would love to hear :)) (also feel free to include ramshackle too)
tagging: @rayroseu-reblogs @ethanwinterfan69 @drdepper @shrimpyjustwrites @llondonfog @wondergeek @frogeloise @morays @hxneylavendxr @teslathelame @the-v-lociraptor @anotherlavendergay @chaoticsnacc @aloodonut @valsol-909 if you guys would like<3
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w4nnabehistorian · 28 days
𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐢'𝐬 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!!
𝑪𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒊 / 𝑹𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒆 ♡
Trans!! 🏳️‍⚧️ - They/he/it/she (they/he pref but pls use all!!) - Lesbian aroace
English, Spanish, Minecraft enchantment table, learning German!!
Christian (not super religious though)
#1 Kamisato Ayato kisser + Sayori and Malleus Draconia's real canon wife
#2 Barbmon shipper (#1 + the CEO of it is @kokomisbiggestkinnie) + #1 Mizuruitoya fan
#2 Robinhill hater (#1 is Sunday)
Dni if you hate on m/f vbs ships cause I don't think we would get along
Also dni if you're homo/transphobic, an Israel supporter, or a proshipper pls!!
────── ꒰🍬꒱ ──────
Top kins!!:
Yuri (DDLC)
Monika (DDLC)
Kaveh (Genshin)
Collei (Genshin)
Fischl (Genshin)
Sucrose (Genshin)
Leviathan (Obey Me)
Belphegor (Obey Me)
Celestia Ludenburg (Danganronpa)
Literally all of N25 (esp Ena) (PJSK)
Fav games: Minecraft, PJSK, HSR, TWST, OM
────── ꒰🍬꒱ ──────
(For requesting!!)
1. I won't write cheating!! I can make one of the characters THINK the other is cheating and that's it!!
2. No incest
3. No p3d0. (Includes Qiqi and Nahida, idc if they're older)
4. No r@p3 / s@. It makes me uncomfortable. I can put mentions of it though
5. I can attempt to write smut
6. No vocaloid x pjsk character
7. I won't write ships/xReaders for canon aroace characters (Alastor from Hazbin Hotel)
8. No lesbian x a man (Robinhill idc) or gay x a woman
9. No weird kinks like poop pls
────── ꒰🍬꒱ ──────
𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭
💌 - Ships only
🍬 - Ships and xReaders
🍬 Obey Me
🍬 Twisted Wonderland
💌 Project Sekai
🍬 Vocaloid
🍬 Genshin Impact
🍬 Honkai Starrail
💌 Pokemon
🍬 Hazbin Hotel
💌 Demon Slayer
────── ꒰🍬꒱ ──────
𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭:
☆ Headcanons
☆ Smut
☆ Fluff
☆ Ansgt
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janahanooo · 1 year
No one asked, but have my kin list from twst
N.1 Idia - the amount of anxiety I have, also I have no limit in games, I mean, not that crazy, but still
N.2 Jamil - I'm a bit manipulativ and I HATE BUGS. Also have dealt with dumbasses way too many times. (Side eyeing my bro)
N.3 Leona - now, don't come at me saying that is so basic. I know. I could have choose to write laziness to Idia, but then again... the nap king has a No.1 place in my heart
Honorable mention(s)
Ace+Deuce: I'm dumb, do I need to say anything else?
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shytastemakerthing · 2 months
Hello! May I have a matchup for Enstars/Twst/FNAF/Poppy Playtime please? (One of the four, of your choice because I can't decide 😅) I'd like it to be romantic.
I'm an INTJ and I kin Shu+Kanata
I really like mint-flavored things and have a high spice tolerance.
I really like Lolita style and dollcore. I sew but I keep losing motivation to finish my projects 😔
I also draw, but only bjds. I am crap at drawing anything else.
I listen to Vocaloid (mostly Kikuo), Vivaldi, and Enstars songs most often.
I find it hard to communicate with people so I make squeaking/chirping noises instead, which have been described by my mother as catlike.
I daydream a lot and I'm not too good at listening to people talk since I zone out a lot.
I can speak English, Mandarin, and Cantonese fluently. I can also read Japanese, but not speak or write it. I translate Enstars stories and fanfics for a friend sometimes.
I like singing and used to play piano and violin. Most of my time is spent on playing video games and reading fanfiction.
I don't understand internet vocabulary very well and get confused when people reference memes. I've been told that my writing style makes me seem like an old lady.
Also I live with four cats: Tohru, who belongs to my brother, Fräulein, Boo, and Billie. I am kind of a cat magnet? Fräulein and Boo do not cuddle up to anyone but me. In fact, Fräulein runs when people other than me go near her.
Regardless of whether you take this request or not, thank you for reading this, Shy. Have a wonderful day.
A/N: Hello and thank you so much for your request and for your patience as well, it has been very much appreciated! I chose to do an Enstars match-up for this request so I hope that you like it! Have a wonderful day/night!
Request: Romantic Match-up, Enstars chosen
I match you with.........
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Shu Itsuki
As someone whose favorite characters happen to be both Shu and Kanata, this was very hard for me to choose between the both of them, but Shu ended up being our winner!
(Also, can we take a moment to appreciate just how beautiful Shu looks in the Acanthe outfit??? Like, darling please)
First things first, be prepared to be a model for anything that he happens to be making at the time, everything about you is just perfect for it
Especially after seeing your usual type of style
.....it is only merely coincidence that some of the clothes he is now making are more catered to your style
.....Yes.... coincidence indeed
Listen, you just look so wonderful in them and seeing each creation adorning your figure only adds to the drive to make even more of them
Meaning he will also help in any way to get your creative drive going once again should you find yourself in a slump
How about a nice trip to Paris?
You are sure to find wonderful inspiration there, he certainly has
Will absolutely spoil you
Look, he never thought that he would have a partner one day. Between his work and duties with his unit, it never really crossed his mind
He might be a little overwhelming at first but he's learning, just help him out a little here and he'll have it down pretty quick
He could (and has) listen to your voice for hours on end
It is just so soothing to him, especially after a rather long day
Sing him a lullaby and he'll fall right asleep, man works himself way too hard
Perhaps you'd like to appear in Valkyrie from time to time?
Mika will 100% come to you when Shu is too into his work and hasn't eaten or taken a break
You're the only one he listens to with that
Just show up at the doorway and he already knows
Time to tuck the overworked and exhausted boy into bed.... chances are you're there too, he clings in his sleep (as much as he refuses to admit to it)
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Thank you so much for your request!
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Hello, meet the condensing but passionate vice captain of her school spell drive? Imira!
She’s the Twst Iago.
Full Name: Imira Fairouz
Age: 17
Personality: fiery, judgemental, serious, sometimes reckless, always full of rage energy
Friends: Ab’s and Alaina
Enemies: families and her old idle
Likes: flying and practice
Dislikes: people touching her wings
Favorite Food: salty food
Dislikes: crackers
School: Swift and Drift Academy
- parents
- older brothers and sisters
Backstory: Imira was with her family who work beside the royal advisor. However, Imira was always striving for recognization, to be validated from someone. Her brothers and sisters have so much while she is subtly mentions so little. Somehow, she found comfort of her father boss. Who always treated her like his own kin, always praising her and teaching her so much more. He even took her in as his apprentice then her siblings. Something she have some power over them, then she was slowly growing greedy. Selfish. And deceitful. She was rude to her family, and was such an ‘Angel’ to her real bosses. The prince and sultan. However, what she didn’t knew. She was just a pawn to someone game. She was used by the person who gave her the validation she craves. All because she is the same age as the prince. The advisor wanted someone to be in control, but it all water away when Alaina showed up. Rescuing the prince and taking the glory, many events change, so much of Imira spying. But she learns something, humility. This common girl. This girl, she didn’t like being a princess. Let alone like the prince anymore. When the time came, Alaina had declined. And that’s when Imira felt an awakening. Someone is real, and she couldn’t help but follow her. Imira ran away from the Palace. Her family. And followed Alaina. And suddenly, she was best friends with her. This was what she wanted, and she got a true best friend at the end.
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind @skboba-stars @nproduction626
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daemonwritesstuff · 10 months
Short (No, LONG) introduction of your favorite writer (Me, Jaxrel) behind the screen! ╰(*´︶`*)╯
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My name(s): I’m usually called Jaxrel or Jax, but I also love being called by Himawari, Rin, Eden or Luke too! Whatever nickname is easy for you to call me by then go wild!
Identity: I use he/him pronouns, but I’m also cool with people using they/them pronouns on me as well, but I do like using more masculine pronouns for my comfort :,)
I have been professionally diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, BPD, Schizophrenia and OCD, I am a little bit more severe with my Autism (but not so high, ifykwim) so I may not understand a lot of social cues or tones in words or voices and etc, so just be mindful of this please and be kind to me and also everyone :)
I am a trans man, im pansexual, polyamorous, aromatic & asexual, I have a preference towards men more than woman (:
I’m Polish, Middle Eastern (Iraqi), & Filipino with some Scottish, I currently live in Baghdad, Iraq, I also live in America too.
Likes: Anthropology, zoology, pathology, theology, astronomy, writing, history/science, soccer, basketball, volleyball, art(painting, pottery, digital art, sketching, etc), cats, sharks, anime/manga, vocaloid/UTAU, k/j-pop, vkei, plushies, figurines, stuffed animals, puppetry, tabletop RPGS, gaming, rhythm games, documentaries, youtube, twitch, skateboarding, sweets, asian cuisine, iced coffee, boba tea, dancing, cleaning, musicals, collecting many things, rain, horror, and so much more!
Dislikes: hot weather, bitter tastes or smells, feeling restricted, pessimism.
Favorite Video Games: I do have a lot I play but here are the ones I really enjoy playing… Persona5(more), Danganronpa, OMORI, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Honaki Impact 3rd, Zenless Zero Zone, NieR: Automata, Hollow Knight, Final Fantasy 7, TWST, Obey Me!, Tears Of Themis, Mystic Messenger, Sally Face and more!
Favorite Animes: Neon Genesis Evangelion, Bungo Stray Dogs, Vanitas no Carte, Jujustu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, Blue Lock, Black Butler, Death Note, Chainsaw Man, Tokyo Revengers, TBHK, Toradora, Oshi No Ko, A Silent Voice, Doukyuusei, JJBA, Sk8 The Infinity, Food Wars, Assassination Classroom, Hunter X Hunter, Devilman Crybaby, Banana Fish, Serial Experiments Lain, Monster, Soul Eater, Magical Girl Madoka, Akudama Drive and more
Favorite Movies/Shows/Cartoons: Mean Girls, The Great Gatsby, Breaking Bad, Any Marvel Movies, AlRawabi School For Girls, Girl From Nowhere, Alice In Borderland, Stranger Things, Heartstopper, Breaking Bad, Total Drama Llama, South Park, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls & More
Other Media: Heavens Offical Blessing, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Cherry Crush, Creepypasta, The Mandela Catalog, SCP Foundation, Flicker (Roblox), Sanatorium (Roblox), The Walten Files, The Evillous Chronicles, Homestuck, Eddsworld, Nijisanji EN & more
Top Kins: hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld), eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), shu itsuki (enstars),miyamura izumi (horimiya), micheal afton (FNAF), lolbit (FNAF), mangle (FNAF), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), geto suguru (jujustu kaisen), minami kotobuki (oshi no ko), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa), hua cheng (TGCF), ame-chan (needy streamer overdose), k-angel (needy streamer overdose) and more....!
Favorite Characters: Toji Fushiguro (Jujustu Kaisen), Gojo Satoru (Jujustu Kaisen), Mondo Owada (Danganronpa 1), Leon Kuwata (Danganronpa 1), Blair (Soul Eater), Goro Akechi (Persona5), Jumin Han (Mystic Messenger), Malleus Draconia (Twisted Wonderland), Mushitaro Oguri (Bungo Stray Dogs), Chuuya Nakahara (Bungo Stray Dogs), Qi Rong (Heavens Offical Blessing, SORRY), Belphegor (Obey Me), Aponia (Honkai Impact 3rd), Mitsuri Kanoji (Demon Slayer), Enmu (Demon Slayer), Wriothesley (Genshin Impact), Neuvillette (Genshin Impact), Raiden Shogun/Ei (Genshin Impact), Takanobu Aone (Haikyuu), Willam Afton (Five Nights at Freddy’s), and more
Favorite Artists: ATEEZ, Stray Kids, LOONA, TXT, SHINee, Orange Caramel, Red Velvet, NewJeans, BIGBANG, (G)-IDLE, TWICE, Enhypen, LE SSERAFIM, Itzy, Wonder Girls, Perfume, Gackt, ATARASHII GAKKO, Yoasobi, BABYMETAL, Fuji Kaze, King Gnu, Arashi, Ado, Eve, Miki Matsubara, Tophamhat-kyo, Gulu gulu, Malice Mizer, DADAROMA, The GazettE, Kaneto-Juusei, Mejibray, Madmans Esprit, BUCK-TICK, X Japan, Korn, System Of A Down, Oingo Bingo, Puzzle, Strawberry Guy, Tyler The Creator, Lemon Demon, The Mountain Goats, Mitski, Mac Demarco, The Cure, The Smiths, The Garden, AJJ, TV Girl, Bôa, Current Joys, Eyedress, Car Seat Headrest, My Bloody Valentine, Alex G, Marina, Weezer, Radiohead, Cage The Elephant, Tame Impala, Playboi Carti, Deftones and more
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I’ll update this whenever I can! Hopefully you guys enjoy getting to know more about me (:
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orphicmutt · 6 months
Request Info
[ Dividers used in this post made by @/chocoperrito ]
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Request Types:
Stimboard - Please include themes, what to include/exclude, etc etc!
Moodboard - Please include themes, what to include/exclude, etc etc!
Icons (Pride included!) - Feel free to specify colors, shapes, themes, flags, etc!
Positivity - Can be specific about what kind of positivity you're looking for (affirmation, comfort, etc)!
NPUTS (Names, Pronouns, Usernames, Ttitles) - Feel free to specify if you want masc, femme, neu, etc etc!
Graphics (Selective!!!) - Feel free to specifiy colors, shapes, themes, etc etc!
Kin Tips - Include if theres anything you are unable to do, or anything you don't want included!
Playlists - Please include what kind of music you like, otherwise we will default to our own music tastes.
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Literature, Songtives, Songkins, MCGA, Otherkin, Mutt/Hound Themes, Horror Sources, Concepts/Aesthetics (yes including for graphics), TWST, MLP, Creepypasta, Hades Game, Plays/Theater Productions, Mythological Sources, Warriors, Pokemon, ATLA & LOK, FNAF, Will take media not listed here just ask!
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vxnrouge · 1 year
3, 4 and 6 for the ask game? ^^
3. A character you grew to like
Leona. Hear me out, when I first start to play the game I HATED Leona, like I wanted to throw my phone every time he appears on screen. The reason being he reminds me a little too much of myself lol but I gradually began to like him more after I understand his character better. The more I see him as his own character and not a representation of my most hated traits the more i like him. Imo he's one of the most complex characters in the entire cast and I desperately wish book 2 was more well-written and fleshed out like later chapters.
4. A character you relate too
Cater's my #1 twst kin. I'm not even gonna say anything else.
6. Favorite name
I think it's a tie between Riddle Rosehearts, Azul Ashengrotto and Lilia Vanrouge except i like Lilia's name a bit more than the others because I'm biased lmao. There's no particular reason other than I like the way they sound and they roll off the tongue really well. Lilia Vanrouge especially reminds me of a luxury fashion brand for some reason.
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llondonfog · 2 years
Hi hi! ヾ(*'▽'*) For that TWST anniversary ask game, I'd love to hear your answers for #1 and the question I made up for #20: What draws you to Silver so much?
Twst Anniversary Ask Game 🎉
How did you get into Twst?
The twst pipeline for me was so out of context,,, one of my friends and I were writing together last summer and we were looking for character refs when Malleus kept popping up on pinterest for the scenes we had in mind. I really loved his design and I dug deeper to find what property this character was from only to discover twst :') It actually took me a while to commit to downloading the game out of interest (I finally did in the fall) because I'm not a disney proponent lol but once I did, I was completely hooked by the quirky writing that was actually making me laugh out loud, and the beautifully unique character designs (which, once I found out it was YANA who was behind everything, it made so much more sense lolll black butler haunts me)
20. (Make up a question!) What draws you to Silver so much?
MM this is kind of a two part question; I think first, Silver was so different from the rest of the twst cast, he felt like a breath of fresh air? I have very few favorites outside of diasomnia, and his calm, composed, and peaceful personality felt like a magnet with how brash and high-tempered a lot of the other characters can be. But once I started to dig around a bit in his vignettes and voice lines, I felt more and more strongly that he's one of the most complex characters in the twst universe, and not many were appreciative of that. Where a lot of the characters are very self-centered and greedy for success/recognition, he's consistently thoughtful about those around him and earnestly devoted to his family, without a malicious or ulterior motive to be had. He's constantly struggling with his sleeping 'curse' and no one takes the time to understand him or help him, and he shoulders that burden on his own and tries his best to improve himself! Even when given the opportunity to be selfish in the Wishing Star event, he takes that chance and instead makes a wish for the continued health and happiness for his father, who, by the way, is not his blood relative and not even the same species as him. Like, it just astounds me that Silver knows this fae is hundreds of years old, he knows that Lilia has more strategy knowledge in his pinky than anyone could hope to obtain and can physically overpower many who would oppose him, and yet he STILL!! wishes for Lilia's longevity, health, and happiness!! (and now that I think about it, what an actually selfish thing to do Silver, to damn him to a life without his son when you inevitably die of old age while he's still alive)
Which brings me to part two lol I really don't ship much in twst (i have like, two,,,) but you can set me off screaming all day long about the father and son relationship between those two. I am permanently WRECKED by the knowledge that Lilia spent eons battling Silver's very kin, only to find this abandoned baby in the woods and decided to raise him as his own. The concept that Lilia only knows of true, unconditional love through Silver, that this child is the only proof he'll leave behind that he existed in this world is more than I can handle. And then to counter that, the knowledge that Silver fully understands the limits of his own mortality AND STILL DECIDES THAT HIS WORTH WILL BE TO LAY HIS LIFE DOWN FOR THESE OVERPOWERED FAE IS JUST AHHHHHHHHHHHH
Their family dynamic is going to be put to the TEST in ch7 and I'm both fully here for it and fully terrified about it.
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izvmimi · 1 year
I did not know you played TWST and ESPECIALLY kin Malleus
kin??? no i'm trying to smash lmfaoooo
so i played like super briefly a while ago (like october/nov last year) cuz tbh the gameplay really sucks for me personally and i struggle with games anyway cuz i don't actually have very much time to play them but i loved the char designs and the lore back then and tbh i'm revisiting old stuff that i discussed with friends and the new chapter translations!!!
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merakiui · 2 years
[for the twst kin ask game]
🦑 - the way you write in the tiniest details that come back later on gives off sm azul vibes!! also the effort you put into writing, from making sure your characterization is entirely on point to keeping all the potential loose ends tied up
😈 - i can't rlly explain this one! y'all's vibes are similar :D
👑 / 🏹 - you have a great eye for detail and keeping things polished! also back to characterization - you're really good at nailing down what a character would do in so many different situations!! both of these remind me of both pomefiore upperclassmen 🤩
Omg thank you!!! I'm honored to be kinned as the beloved tako. I'm also so happy you think my characterizations are on point! Aaa that's such a high compliment. Thank youuuu!! <3 I've written so many stories with hidden and recurring details that it's gotten to a point where I do it without even realizing it, and then I'll read over the draft and realize the Chekhov's guns I've written in.
I think Lilia and I would get along well! My blog theme currently matches his aesthetic (the bats aaaaa the bats are too cute) and I adore the Victorian/gothic lolita styles!! I mourned when I found these shoes and realized it had been a long while since pre-order had closed. T^T
Aaaaa this makes me happy to read!!!! I'm also very honored to be kinned as Vil and Rook. I will continue working hard to write the best portrayal of the characters in various settings!! Currently I'm writing a very self-indulgent au for Rollo. I just wanted an excuse to write something with a gothic atmosphere lol. I think Rook would be pleased with it because there is plenty of filth. ψ(`∇ ´)ψ
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Hey hey bee! Miya's here with some questions!!
1) Who's your favorite pjsekai character?
2) What is your top 3 anime?
3) What other game do you play other than pjsekai?
4) Who do you kin the most in pjsekai?
For me:
1) I absolutely adore and love toya (unfortunately only have three 4* cards of him)
2) Assassination Classroom,Blue Lock and Bungou Stray Dogs
3) Genshin, enstars, obey me, tears of themis, a3!, twst, hypmic, bandori, helios rising heroes and pokemon ( too much ik and there's more that doesn't got played much)
4) Akito akito akito akito(he also loves me sm like i have six 4* cards of him ._.)
That's all!!! You could ignore this smh i just wanna type something sksks
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Omg no worries I totally can answer these!
1. My absolute favorite is definitely An!! Although Rui is right after her!
2. I absolutely LOVE Happy Sugar Life, Made in Abyss and No Game No Life
3. I also play Genshin Impact (although a little less now), Honkai Impact, Stardew Valley, Osu! and I totally have Obey Me phase right now!
4. And I would say I mostly kin Nene and Shizuku!
And omg welcome Akito kinnie! I just love Akito kinnies! (except one *cough* his name starts on Me *cough*)
And games that you have on your phone but don't play are so real!! I remember I had so many games that just collected dust bur I had to delete them for some space...
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pianocat939 · 2 years
Omg I just saw your fandoms,who's your fav twst character? Mines ruggie 🤭🤭
I kin him so much. Like…Way too much.
Plus, we have the same hair colour!
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