utaesthetics · 1 year
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amorphous-materia · 2 years
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olddelhiheritagewalk · 5 months
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wondrousnovels · 1 year
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“To have someone understand your mind is a different kind of intimacy.”
- urbanrealism
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dataanalysisinfo · 3 months
Exploring Global Longevity: Analyzing Life Expectancy and Urbanization Trends Across Nations
I would like to know more about the relation between climate change and urbanization and how this affects people’s lives all around the globe. For this reason,  I selected the database from the Gapminder codebook {Gapminder codebook (.pdf)}
Specifically, my Research Question is: Does life expectancy associated with urban rate per country?
So, I decided that I am most interested in exploring environmental factors of urban rate, in this case CO2 emissions and residential electricity consumption, that affect life expectancy dependence.
Sub-research Question: Do environmental factors like CO2 emissions and residential electricity consumption impact life expectancy in urban areas?
The variables of the research questions derived from the Gapminder codebook: co2emissions, lifeexpectancy, relectricperperson, urbanrate. (You can see the image in the end that I created an Excel shit with only these variables).
I have two hypothesis based on the results I found:
1.  That the more people are gathered in urban centers, the higher the technological development and the higher the industrialization rates, and this ultimately increases pollution that affects life expectancy in urban areas.
2. A positive relationship between CO2 emissions and life expectancy in West Africa. CO2 emissions may indirectly contribute to improved life expectancy through mechanisms such as enhanced healthcare infrastructure and increased access to medical services facilitated by economic activities associated with CO2 emissions, notably industrialization.
My hypothesis is based on the following literature review:
Elevated CO2 emissions in urban areas are expected to negatively impact life expectancy due to increased pollution. Prolonged exposure to high CO2 levels can result in respiratory and cardiovascular health problems, thereby reducing life expectancy. Additionally, electricity rates may indirectly affect urban CO2 emissions by shaping energy consumption behaviors.https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352550921001950
Reducing exposure to ambient fine-particulate air pollution led to notable and measurable enhancements in life expectancy in the United States.https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMsa0805646
The detrimental impact of CO2 emissions on agricultural output, they might indirectly contribute positively to life expectancy in West Africa. Possible explanations for this unexpected relationship include enhancements in healthcare infrastructure and accessibility to medical services driven by economic activities linked to CO2 emissions.https://ojs.jssr.org.pk/index.php/jssr/article/view/115
The study highlights that CO2 emissions negatively impact life expectancy in both Asian and African countries, potentially due to increased urban pollution and deteriorating air quality. Economic progression has a mixed impact on life expectancy, with a negative overall effect but a positive influence observed in the highest economic quantile. This suggests that while economic growth may enhance life expectancy under certain conditions, it can also lead to negative health outcomes in urban areas due to pollution and lifestyle changes.https://ojs.jssr.org.pk/index.php/jssr/article/view/115
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freddie-data-analysis · 6 months
Assignment #1: Getting Your Research Project Started
Is greater urbanization associated with higher rates of suicide?
With my academic majors being Economics and Government, I was drawn into perusing the dataset and codebook from Gapminder, as it offered several variables describing the development status of 213 countries which felt most relevant to my academic interests. The variable that caught my attention first was ‘urbanrate.’ This variable measures the proportion of a country’s population that resides in urban areas. Since the measurement in the dataset, which was in 2008, the world population has increased by over 1 billion people according to the United Nations (UN, 2022). As the global population grows, urbanization will have to increase to make room for more people. This effect will be most prominent in low-income developing countries. By studying what effects urbanization might have on the wellbeing of the population, we can better guide the development of new cities to ensure its citizens the greatest possible prosperity. The second topic that I would like to explore is mental health, specifically Gapminder measures suicides per 100,000. I am curious to see whether urbanization introduces new stressors which lead to difficulties with mental health, and ultimately suicide, or if urbanization brings greater security and therefore decreases such actions.
There have been numerous studies conducted that look within individual countries, to compare suicide rates across counties of different levels of urbanization. A dominant finding is that rural areas tend to have higher rates of suicide than in urban areas, particularly in developed nations such as Japan (Otsu et al., 2004), the United States (Kegler et al., 2017), and the United Kingdom (Saunderson & Langford, 1996). However, researchers have proposed several different factors that may cause urban residents to have a lower risk of suicide than their rural counterparts. Firstly, those who live in rural areas experience geographic isolation, which in turn can often contribute to social isolation (Otsu et al., 2004; Kegler et al., 2017). Simply being surrounded by fewer people can make rural residents feel more alone and have fewer people to turn to in times of psychological distress. Those living in rural areas also tend to have poorer access to psychiatric care (Kegler et al., 2017), meaning that mental health issues often go untreated.
Economic uncertainty affects suicide rates across the entire population. Lower socio-economic status and increased risk of unemployment results in higher suicide risk regardless of urbanization (Saunderson & Langford, 1996). However, rural residents tend to have less protection from economic downturns and therefore their finances can be volatile. This uncertainty about the future raises stress and contributes to higher suicide rates in rural areas.
One study which opposed these views took place in Denmark, finding that suicide rates were higher in urban areas than rural. The author of the study cited greater access to psychiatric help in rural areas as a key factor to reducing rural rates of suicide (Qin, 2005). They also find that psychiatric disorders tend to be more common in urban cases of suicide. This may be because those living in more densely populated areas are likely to be exposed to social stressors at a higher frequency than those living in less populated regions (Qin, 2005).  Urban areas are also likely to house more ethnic minorities who experience discrimination, a significant stressor which can increase risk of suicide (Saunderson & Langford, 1996).
All the studies I consulted took place in wealthier developed nations. My research will aim to see if the dominant trend observed within these countries, that rural areas experience higher rates of suicide than urban areas, continues across the globe. I hypothesize that despite the increased psychological stress that urban living can cause, countries with a higher proportion of its population living in urban areas will have lower rates of suicide because urban residents are more likely to have greater access to mental health services as well as better opportunities for social inclusion and socio-economic mobility.
Kegler, Scott R., Deborah M. Stone, and Kristin M. Holland. “Trends in Suicide by Level of Urbanization — United States, 1999–2015.” MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 66, no. 10 (2017): 270–73. https://doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm6610a2.
Otsu, Akiko, Shunichi Araki, Ryoji Sakai, Kazuhito Yokoyama, and A Scott Voorhees. “Effects of Urbanization, Economic Development, and Migration of Workers on Suicide Mortality in Japan.” Social Science & Medicine 58, no. 6 (2004): 1137–46. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0277-9536(03)00285-5.
“Population.” United Nations, 2022. https://www.un.org/en/global-issues/population#:~:text=Our%20growing%20population&text=The%20world’s%20population%20is%20expected,billion%20in%20the%20mid%2D2080s.
Qin, Ping. “Suicide Risk in Relation to Level of Urbanicity—a Population-Based Linkage Study.” International Journal of Epidemiology 34, no. 4 (2005): 846–52. https://doi.org/10.1093/ije/dyi085.
Saunderson, Thomas R., and Ian H. Langford. “A Study of the Geographical Distribution of Suicide Rates in England and Wales 1989–1992 Using Empirical Bayes Estimates.” Social Science & Medicine 43, no. 4 (1996): 489–502. https://doi.org/10.1016/0277-9536(95)00427-0.
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monuonrise · 1 year
Running a k-means Cluster Analysis:
Machine Learning for Data Analysis
Week 4: Running a k-means Cluster Analysis
A k-means cluster analysis was conducted to identify underlying subgroups of countries based on their similarity of responses on 7 variables that represent characteristics that could have an impact on internet use rates. Clustering variables included quantitative variables measuring income per person, employment rate, female employment rate, polity score, alcohol consumption, life expectancy, and urban rate. All clustering variables were standardized to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.
Because the GapMinder dataset which I am using is relatively small (N < 250), I have not split the data into test and training sets. A series of k-means cluster analyses were conducted on the training data specifying k=1-9 clusters, using Euclidean distance. The variance in the clustering variables that was accounted for by the clusters (r-square) was plotted for each of the nine cluster solutions in an elbow curve to provide guidance for choosing the number of clusters to interpret.
Load the data, set the variables to numeric, and clean the data of NA values
In [1]:''' Code for Peer-graded Assignments: Running a k-means Cluster Analysis Course: Data Management and Visualization Specialization: Data Analysis and Interpretation ''' import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import statsmodels.formula.api as smf import statsmodels.stats.multicomp as multi from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split from sklearn import preprocessing from sklearn.cluster import KMeans data = pd.read_csv('c:/users/greg/desktop/gapminder.csv', low_memory=False) data['internetuserate'] = pd.to_numeric(data['internetuserate'], errors='coerce') data['incomeperperson'] = pd.to_numeric(data['incomeperperson'], errors='coerce') data['employrate'] = pd.to_numeric(data['employrate'], errors='coerce') data['femaleemployrate'] = pd.to_numeric(data['femaleemployrate'], errors='coerce') data['polityscore'] = pd.to_numeric(data['polityscore'], errors='coerce') data['alcconsumption'] = pd.to_numeric(data['alcconsumption'], errors='coerce') data['lifeexpectancy'] = pd.to_numeric(data['lifeexpectancy'], errors='coerce') data['urbanrate'] = pd.to_numeric(data['urbanrate'], errors='coerce') sub1 = data.copy() data_clean = sub1.dropna()
Subset the clustering variables
In [2]:cluster = data_clean[['incomeperperson','employrate','femaleemployrate','polityscore', 'alcconsumption', 'lifeexpectancy', 'urbanrate']] cluster.describe()
Standardize the clustering variables to have mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1
In [3]:clustervar=cluster.copy() clustervar['incomeperperson']=preprocessing.scale(clustervar['incomeperperson'].astype('float64')) clustervar['employrate']=preprocessing.scale(clustervar['employrate'].astype('float64')) clustervar['femaleemployrate']=preprocessing.scale(clustervar['femaleemployrate'].astype('float64')) clustervar['polityscore']=preprocessing.scale(clustervar['polityscore'].astype('float64')) clustervar['alcconsumption']=preprocessing.scale(clustervar['alcconsumption'].astype('float64')) clustervar['lifeexpectancy']=preprocessing.scale(clustervar['lifeexpectancy'].astype('float64')) clustervar['urbanrate']=preprocessing.scale(clustervar['urbanrate'].astype('float64'))
Split the data into train and test sets
In [4]:clus_train, clus_test = train_test_split(clustervar, test_size=.3, random_state=123)
Perform k-means cluster analysis for 1-9 clusters
In [5]:from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist clusters = range(1,10) meandist = [] for k in clusters: model = KMeans(n_clusters = k) model.fit(clus_train) clusassign = model.predict(clus_train) meandist.append(sum(np.min(cdist(clus_train, model.cluster_centers_, 'euclidean'), axis=1)) / clus_train.shape[0])
Plot average distance from observations from the cluster centroid to use the Elbow Method to identify number of clusters to choose
In [6]:plt.plot(clusters, meandist) plt.xlabel('Number of clusters') plt.ylabel('Average distance') plt.title('Selecting k with the Elbow Method') plt.show()
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Interpret 3 cluster solution
In [7]:model3 = KMeans(n_clusters=4) model3.fit(clus_train) clusassign = model3.predict(clus_train)
Plot the clusters
In [8]:from sklearn.decomposition import PCA pca_2 = PCA(2) plt.figure() plot_columns = pca_2.fit_transform(clus_train) plt.scatter(x=plot_columns[:,0], y=plot_columns[:,1], c=model3.labels_,) plt.xlabel('Canonical variable 1') plt.ylabel('Canonical variable 2') plt.title('Scatterplot of Canonical Variables for 4 Clusters') plt.show()
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Begin multiple steps to merge cluster assignment with clustering variables to examine cluster variable means by cluster.
Create a unique identifier variable from the index for the cluster training data to merge with the cluster assignment variable.
In [9]:clus_train.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
Create a list that has the new index variable
In [10]:cluslist = list(clus_train['index'])
Create a list of cluster assignments
In [11]:labels = list(model3.labels_)
Combine index variable list with cluster assignment list into a dictionary
In [12]:newlist = dict(zip(cluslist, labels)) print (newlist) {2: 1, 4: 2, 6: 0, 10: 0, 11: 3, 14: 2, 16: 3, 17: 0, 19: 2, 22: 2, 24: 3, 27: 3, 28: 2, 29: 2, 31: 2, 32: 0, 35: 2, 37: 3, 38: 2, 39: 3, 42: 2, 45: 2, 47: 1, 53: 3, 54: 3, 55: 1, 56: 3, 58: 2, 59: 3, 63: 0, 64: 0, 66: 3, 67: 2, 68: 3, 69: 0, 70: 2, 72: 3, 77: 3, 78: 2, 79: 2, 80: 3, 84: 3, 88: 1, 89: 1, 90: 0, 91: 0, 92: 0, 93: 3, 94: 0, 95: 1, 97: 2, 100: 0, 102: 2, 103: 2, 104: 3, 105: 1, 106: 2, 107: 2, 108: 1, 113: 3, 114: 2, 115: 2, 116: 3, 123: 3, 126: 3, 128: 3, 131: 2, 133: 3, 135: 2, 136: 0, 139: 0, 140: 3, 141: 2, 142: 3, 144: 0, 145: 1, 148: 3, 149: 2, 150: 3, 151: 3, 152: 3, 153: 3, 154: 3, 158: 3, 159: 3, 160: 2, 173: 0, 175: 3, 178: 3, 179: 0, 180: 3, 183: 2, 184: 0, 186: 1, 188: 2, 194: 3, 196: 1, 197: 2, 200: 3, 201: 1, 205: 2, 208: 2, 210: 1, 211: 2, 212: 2}
Convert newlist dictionary to a dataframe
In [13]:newclus = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(newlist, orient='index') newclus
105 rows × 1 columns
Rename the cluster assignment column
In [14]:newclus.columns = ['cluster']
Repeat previous steps for the cluster assignment variable
Create a unique identifier variable from the index for the cluster assignment dataframe to merge with cluster training data
In [15]:newclus.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
Merge the cluster assignment dataframe with the cluster training variable dataframe by the index variable
In [16]:merged_train = pd.merge(clus_train, newclus, on='index') merged_train.head(n=100)
100 rows × 9 columns
Cluster frequencies
In [17]:merged_train.cluster.value_counts()
Out[17]:3 39 2 35 0 18 1 13 Name: cluster, dtype: int64
Calculate clustering variable means by cluster
In [18]:clustergrp = merged_train.groupby('cluster').mean() print ("Clustering variable means by cluster") clustergrp Clustering variable means by cluster
Validate clusters in training data by examining cluster differences in internetuserate using ANOVA. First, merge internetuserate with clustering variables and cluster assignment data
In [19]:internetuserate_data = data_clean['internetuserate']
Split internetuserate data into train and test sets
In [20]:internetuserate_train, internetuserate_test = train_test_split(internetuserate_data, test_size=.3, random_state=123) internetuserate_train1=pd.DataFrame(internetuserate_train) internetuserate_train1.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True) merged_train_all=pd.merge(internetuserate_train1, merged_train, on='index') sub5 = merged_train_all[['internetuserate', 'cluster']].dropna()
In [21]:internetuserate_mod = smf.ols(formula='internetuserate ~ C(cluster)', data=sub5).fit() internetuserate_mod.summary()
OLS Regression ResultsDep. Variable:internetuserateR-squared:0.679Model:OLSAdj. R-squared:0.669Method:Least SquaresF-statistic:71.17Date:Thu, 12 Jan 2017Prob (F-statistic):8.18e-25Time:20:59:17Log-Likelihood:-436.84No. Observations:105AIC:881.7Df Residuals:101BIC:892.3Df Model:3Covariance Type:nonrobustcoefstd errtP>|t|[95.0% Conf. Int.]Intercept75.20683.72720.1770.00067.813 82.601C(cluster)[T.1]-46.95175.756-8.1570.000-58.370 -35.534C(cluster)[T.2]-66.56684.587-14.5130.000-75.666 -57.468C(cluster)[T.3]-39.48604.506-8.7630.000-48.425 -30.547Omnibus:5.290Durbin-Watson:1.727Prob(Omnibus):0.071Jarque-Bera (JB):4.908Skew:0.387Prob(JB):0.0859Kurtosis:3.722Cond. No.5.90
Means for internetuserate by cluster
In [22]:m1= sub5.groupby('cluster').mean() m1
Standard deviations for internetuserate by cluster
In [23]:m2= sub5.groupby('cluster').std() m2
In [24]:mc1 = multi.MultiComparison(sub5['internetuserate'], sub5['cluster']) res1 = mc1.tukeyhsd() res1.summary()
Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD,FWER=0.05group1group2meandifflowerupperreject01-46.9517-61.9887-31.9148True02-66.5668-78.5495-54.5841True03-39.486-51.2581-27.7139True12-19.6151-33.0335-6.1966True137.4657-5.76520.6965False2327.080817.461736.6999True
The elbow curve was inconclusive, suggesting that the 2, 4, 6, and 8-cluster solutions might be interpreted. The results above are for an interpretation of the 4-cluster solution.
In order to externally validate the clusters, an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was conducting to test for significant differences between the clusters on internet use rate. A tukey test was used for post hoc comparisons between the clusters. Results indicated significant differences between the clusters on internet use rate (F=71.17, p<.0001). The tukey post hoc comparisons showed significant differences between clusters on internet use rate, with the exception that clusters 0 and 2 were not significantly different from each other. Countries in cluster 1 had the highest internet use rate (mean=75.2, sd=14.1), and cluster 3 had the lowest internet use rate (mean=8.64, sd=8.40).
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arijit123 · 1 year
Data Management and Visualization Assignment 1
My name is Arijit Banerjee and this blog is a part of Data Management and Visualization course on coursera. The submission of the assignments will be in the form of blogs. So I choose medium as my medium of assignment.
Assignment 1
In assignment 1, we've to choose dataset on which we've to work for the whole course. The five law books are given through which we've to elect a subcategory and two motifs/ variable on which we want to work.
STEP 1 Choose a data set that you would like to work with.
After reviewing five codebooks, I've decide to go with “ portion of the GapMinder ”. This data includes one time of multitudinous country- position pointers of health, wealth and development. I want work on health issue is the main reason to choose this text. In moment’s world, the average life expectation is increased. But some intoxication cause early death.
STEP 2. Identify a specific content of interest
As I want to explore the average life expectation including some intoxication, I would like to go with alcohol consumption and life expectation. As the alcohol consumption is so pernicious to health I would like to aim this issue to how important it’s dangerous. So I ’m considering how the alcohol consumption will prompt to health and other parameters or which parameters are related to to alcohol consumption.
STEP 3. Prepare a codebook of your own
As, GapMinder includes variables piecemeal from health( wealth, development). So then I ’m considering only incomeperperson, alcconsumption and lifeexpectancy as variables.
STEP 4. Identify a alternate content that you would like to explore in terms of its association with your original content.
The alternate content which I would like to explore is urbanrate. While looking at the codebook, I allowed that there might be possibility that civic rate is connected to alcohol consumption. We can see in civic area, people are less apprehensive of their health and consume further toxic.
STEP 5. Add questions particulars variables establishing this alternate content to your particular codebook.
Is there any relation between civic rate and alcohol consumption?
Is there any relation between life expectation and alcohol consumption?
Is there any relation between Income and alcohol consumption?
The final Codebook
STEP 6. Perform a literature review to see what exploration has been preliminarily done on this content
For the relation between urbanrate and alcohol consumption, I search so much on google scholar but there isn't a single paper on it. When I had hunt on google itself, I got to know that there's nor direct relation between this two. The relation as in terms of stress and culture. Those can be in megacity and civic are also. So I do n’t have to consider this term( urbanrate). For the relation between life expectation and alcohol consumption, I got lots of papers on it so do with income and alcohol consumption. Then are many papers and overview of their content.
1. Continuance income patterns and alcohol consumption probing the association between long- and short- term income circles and drinking( 1)
Overview In this paper, authors estimated the relationship between long- term and short- term measures of income. They used the data of US Panel Study on Income Dynamics. They also gave conclusion like the low income associated with heavy consumption. “ Continuance income patterns may have an circular association with alcohol use, intermediated through current socioeconomic position. ”( 1)
A Review of Expectancy Theory and Alcohol Consumption( 2)
According to their study, “ expectation manipulations and alcohol consumption three studies in the laboratory have shown that adding positive contemplations through word priming increases posterior consumption and two studies have shown that adding negative contemplations decreases it ”( 2)
2. Alcohol- related mortality by age and coitus and its impact on life expectation Estimates grounded on the Finnish death register( 3)
In this composition, the author studied presumptive results on the connection between alcohol- related mortality and age and coitus. Then are many statistics, “ According to the results, 6 of all deaths were alcohol related. These deaths were responsible for a 2 time loss in life expectation at age 15 times among men and0.4 times among women, which explains at least one- fifth of the difference in life contemplations between the relations. In the age group of 15 – 49 times, over 40 of all deaths among men and 15 among women were alcohol related. In this age group, over 50 of the mortality difference between the relations results from alcohol- related deaths ”( 3)
STEP 7. Grounded on your literature review, develop a thesis about what you believe the association might be between these motifs. Be sure to integrate the specific variables you named into the thesis.
After exploring similar papers, they're enough to establish the correlation between alcohol consumption and life expectation and also with Income( piecemeal from these three). After certain observation, following are my thesis
• The alcohol consumption is largely identified with life expectation.
• The social culture, group of people associated with person, stress and Income have direct correlation with alcohol consumption.
• Civic rate isn't directly connected to alcohol consumption.
Final Codebook
Cerdá, Magdalena, etal. “ Continuance Income Patterns and Alcohol Consumption probing the Association between Long- and Short- Term Income Circles and Drinking. ” Social Science & Medicine,vol. 73,no. 8, 2011,pp. 1178 – 1185., doi10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.07.025.
2) Jones, BarryT., etal. “ A Review of Expectancy Theory and Alcohol Consumption. ” Dependence,vol. 96,no. 1, 2001,pp. 57 – 72., doi10.1046/j. 1360 –0443.2001.961575.x.
3) Makela,P. “ Alcohol- Related Mortality by Age and Sex and Its Impact on Life Expectancy. ” The European Journal of Public Health,vol. 8,no. 1, 1998,pp. 43 – 51., doi10.1093/ eurpub/8.1.43.
#arijit#Data Management and Visualization#coursera
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sreyakotagiri · 2 years
Choosing a dataset, developing a research question and then creating a personal codebook
Dataset chosen:Gapminder
Research Question:Is co2 emissions associated with the urban rate?
I would like to study how the co2 emissions affect the urban rate. The variables documenting to this topic are co2 emissions and the urbanrate.
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varshadarimadugu · 2 years
Choosing a Data set, developing a research question and creating a personal codebook
Data Set chosen: Gapminder
Research Question: Is the Co2 emission rate associated with urban rate.
I would like to study how the Co2 emission rate affected by the urban population rate. The attributes I would like to consider are urbanrate and co2emissions.
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sidslash918 · 4 days
Data Analysis Tools - Week 4 Assignment
We are using the Gapminder dataset in our assignment. We will find out the association between the variables listed below:
incomeperperson 2010 Gross Domestic Product per capita in constant 2000 US$. The inflation but not the differences in the cost of living. 
alcconsumption 2008 alcohol consumption per adult (age 15+), litres Recorded and estimated average alcohol consumption, adult (15+) per capita consumption in litres pure alcohol.
oilperperson 2010 oil Consumption per capita (tonnes per year and person).
hivrate 2009 estimated HIV Prevalence % - (Ages 15-49) Estimated number of people living with HIV per 10.
employrate 2007 total employees age 15+ (% of population) Percentage of total population, age above 15, that has been employed during the given year.
polityscore 2009 Democracy score (Polity) Overall polity score from the Polity IV dataset, calculated by subtracting an autocracy score from a democracy score. The summary measure of a country's democratic and free nature. -10 is the lowest value, 10 the highest.
Syntax of the code used:
Libname data '/home/u47394085/Data Analysis and Interpretation';
Proc Import Datafile='/home/u47394085/Data Analysis and Interpretation/gapminder.csv' Out=data.Gapminder Dbms=csv replace; Run;
Data Gapminder; Set data.Gapminder; Format IncomeGroup $30. PoliticalStability $20. Urbanization $10. Alcoholism $10.; If incomeperperson=. Then IncomeGroup='NA'; Else If incomeperperson>0 and incomeperperson<=1500 Then IncomeGroup='Lower'; Else If incomeperperson>1500 and incomeperperson<=4500 Then IncomeGroup='Lower Middle'; Else If incomeperperson>4500 and incomeperperson<=15000 Then IncomeGroup='Upper Middle'; Else IncomeGroup='Upper';
If polityscore=. Then PoliticalStability='NA'; Else If polityscore<5 Then PoliticalStability='Unstable'; Else PoliticalStability='Stable';
If urbanrate=. Then Urbanization='NA'; Else If urbanrate<50 Then Urbanization='Low'; Else Urbanization='High';
If alcconsumption=. Then Alcoholism='NA'; Else If alcconsumption<3 Then Alcoholism='Low'; Else If alcconsumption<=6 Then Alcoholism='Medium'; Else Alcoholism='High';
/* Testing a Potential Moderator / / ANOVA Studying the association between PoliticalStability (Explanatory Variable) and Hivrate (Dependent Variable) factoring in the confounding variable Incomegroup */
Proc Sort Data=Gapminder; By IncomeGroup; Run;
Proc Anova; Class PoliticalStability; Model hivrate=PoliticalStability; Means PoliticalStability; By IncomeGroup; Where PoliticalStability ne 'NA' AND hivrate ne . AND incomeperperson ne .; Run;
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Since, the p value<0.05, it signifies that there is an association between Political Stability and Hivrate only for countries in "Upper Middle" income group with mean value for hivrate being 2.55 for politically unstable and 0.40 for stable countries. In an nutshell, hivrate is more for politically unstable countries with incomeperson in the range $4500 and $15000.
/* CHI SQUARE Studying the association between Incomegroup (Explanatory Variable) and Alcoholism (Dependent Variable) factoring in the confounding variable PoliticalStability */
Proc Freq Data=Gapminder; Tables Alcoholism*Incomegroup / CHISQ; By PoliticalStability; Where PoliticalStability ne 'NA' AND Alcoholism ne 'NA' AND incomeperperson ne .; Run;
/Post Hoc Test with Bonferroni Adjustment (p value is 0.05/6 = 0.00833333333)/ Proc Freq Data=Gapminder; Tables Alcoholism*Incomegroup / CHISQ; Where Incomegroup IN ('Lower', 'Lower Middle'); Run;
Proc Freq Data=Gapminder; Tables Alcoholism*Incomegroup / CHISQ; Where Incomegroup IN ('Lower', 'Upper Middle'); Run;
Proc Freq Data=Gapminder; Tables Alcoholism*Incomegroup / CHISQ; Where Incomegroup IN ('Lower', 'Upper'); Run;
Proc Freq Data=Gapminder; Tables Alcoholism*Incomegroup / CHISQ; Where Incomegroup IN ('Lower Middle', 'Upper Middle'); Run;
Proc Freq Data=Gapminder; Tables Alcoholism*Incomegroup / CHISQ; Where Incomegroup IN ('Lower Middle', 'Upper'); Run;
Proc Freq Data=Gapminder; Tables Alcoholism*Incomegroup / CHISQ; Where Incomegroup IN ('Upper Middle', 'Upper'); Run;
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Interpretation: Since the p>0.00833, there is no association between alcoholism and incomegroups Lower Middle and Upper Middle countries. for politically stable countries. As per the data, as the income rises so does the alcoholism.
/* Pearson Correlation Studying the association between employrate (Explanatory Variable) and oilperperson (Dependent Variable) factoring in the confounding variable IncomeGroup
Proc Sort Data=Gapminder; By IncomeGroup; Run;
Proc Corr Data=Gapminder; Var employrate oilperperson; By IncomeGroup; Where IncomeGroup ne 'NA' AND employrate ne . AND oilperperson ne .; Run;
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Since the p <0.05 for all of the income groups, we can conclude that there is no association between employrate and oilperperson.
0 notes
Peer-graded Assignment: Making Data Management Decisions
#Import necessary libraries
import pandas as pd import numpy as np
#Load the dataset from a CSV file
data = pd.read_csv("gapminder.csv")
#Convert specific columns to numeric type to ensure they can be analyzed correctly
columns_to_convert = [ 'incomeperperson', 'alcconsumption', 'armedforcesrate', 'breastcancerper100th', 'co2emissions', 'femaleemployrate', 'hivrate', 'internetuserate', 'lifeexpectancy', 'oilperperson', 'polityscore', 'relectricperperson', 'suicideper100th', 'employrate', 'urbanrate' ]
for column in columns_to_convert: data[column] = pd.to_numeric(data[column], errors='coerce')
#Handle missing values: fill with the mean of the column (alternative strategies could be used)
data.fillna(data.mean(), inplace=True)
#Function to print frequency distributions for selected columns
def print_frequency_distributions(columns): for column in columns: value_counts = data[column].value_counts(sort=False) normalized_counts = data[column].value_counts(sort=False, normalize=True) print(f"Frequency distribution for {column}:") print(value_counts) print(f"Normalized frequency distribution for {column}:") print(normalized_counts) print("\n")
#Generate and print frequency distributions for chosen variables
chosen_columns = [ 'incomeperperson', 'alcconsumption', 'armedforcesrate', 'breastcancerper100th', 'co2emissions', 'femaleemployrate', 'hivrate', 'internetuserate', 'lifeexpectancy', 'oilperperson', 'polityscore', 'relectricperperson', 'suicideper100th', 'employrate', 'urbanrate' ]
#Select specific columns and rows for further analysis
#Here, we'll select columns related to economic and health metrics for countries with high income per person
selected_columns = [ 'country', 'incomeperperson', 'lifeexpectancy', 'co2emissions', 'alcconsumption' ]
#Define a threshold for high income per person (e.g., income greater than 40,000)
high_income_threshold = 40000 selected_rows = data[data['incomeperperson'] > high_income_threshold]
#Display the selected data
selected_data = selected_rows[selected_columns] print("Selected data for further analysis (countries with high income per person):") print(selected_data)
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perimichael · 12 days
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Read the dataset
data = pd.read_csv('gapminder.csv', low_memory=False)
Replace empty strings with NaN
data = data.replace(r'^\s*$', np.NaN, regex=True)
Setting variables you will be working with to numeric
data['internetuserate'] = pd.to_numeric(data['internetuserate'], errors='coerce') data['urbanrate'] = pd.to_numeric(data['urbanrate'], errors='coerce') data['incomeperperson'] = pd.to_numeric(data['incomeperperson'], errors='coerce') data['hivrate'] = pd.to_numeric(data['hivrate'], errors='coerce')
data['country'] = pd.to_numeric(data['country'], errors='coerce') data['alcconsumption'] = pd.to_numeric(data['alcconsumption'], errors='coerce') data['lifeexpectancy'] = pd.to_numeric(data['lifeexpectancy'], errors='coerce') data['employrate'] = pd.to_numeric(data['hivrate'], errors='coerce')
Descriptive statistics
desc1 = data['alcconsumption'].describe() print(desc1)
desc2 = data['employrate'].describe() print(desc2)
Basic scatterplot: Q -> Q
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) sns.regplot(x="alcconsumption", y="hivrate", fit_reg=False, data=data) plt.xlabel('alcconsumption') plt.ylabel('hivrate') plt.title('Scatterplot for the Association Between alcconsumption and HIVRate') plt.show()
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) sns.regplot(x="lifeexpectancy", y="employrate", data=data) plt.xlabel('lifeexpectancy') plt.ylabel('employrate') plt.title('Scatterplot for the Association Between Life Expectancy and Employment Rate') plt.show()
Quartile split (use qcut function & ask for 4 groups - gives you quartile split)
print('Employrate - 4 categories - quartiles') data['EMPLOYRATE4'] = pd.qcut(data['employrate'], 4, labels=["1=25th%tile", "2=50%tile", "3=75%tile", "4=100%tile"]) c10 = data['EMPLOYRATE4'].value_counts(sort=False, dropna=True) print(c10)
Bivariate bar graph C -> Q
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) sns.catplot(x='EMPLOYRATE4', y='alcconsumption', data=data, kind="bar", ci=None) plt.xlabel('Employ Rate') plt.ylabel('Alcohol Consumption Rate') plt.title('Mean Alcohol Consumption Rate by Income Group') plt.show()
c11 = data.groupby('EMPLOYRATE4').size() print(c11)
result = data.sort_values(by=['EMPLOYRATE4'], ascending=True) print(result)
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My data shows little correlation between alcohol consumption ahd HIV Rate but, When life expectancy is lower employment rate is higher which is probably because people retire as they get older. Finally, I found that in each income group the average alcohol consumption rate down as people make more money
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dataanalyst75 · 22 days
Peer-graded Assignment: Testing a Logistic Regression Model for the association between Gross Domestic Product per capita and urban rate adjusting for potential confounding factors
With regard to the association between the primary binary explanatory variable • People living in urban areas with an urban rate of 35% and the binary response variable • Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita of 1036 US$ hereinafter what found in reference to the matter whether or not there is evidence of confounding for the subject association. it is the turn to assess whether there are any potential binary confounding factors among • life expectancy of 67 years at birth • armed forces personnel of 1.2% of total labor force.
Starting from adjusting for life expectancy of 67 years at birth, people living in urban areas with an urbanization rate higher than 35%, are now 25.0 times more likely to have an income per person higher than the low-income threshold. And this with a p-value less than 0.0001 and a confidence level that ranges between 6.0 - 104.1 (95% CI). The association among the two binary variables is is still positive significant.
Besides, after controlling for armed forces personnel of 1.2% of total labor force, people living in urban areas with an urbanization rate of 35% keeps its significant association with a GDP per capita of 1036 US$ (p < 0.0001), such that odds of having an income per person higher than the “low income” threshold is more than 25.3 times (OR= 25.3) higher for people in areas with urban rate higher than 35% than people in area with less urbanization rate (95% CI = 7.980 -79.992). As a result, there is no evidence of confounding for the association between primary explanatory variable - people living in urban areas with an urban rate of 35%and the response variable and repose variable - Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita of 1036 US$. Hereinunder the SAS code to run the Logistic Regression Model test above described.
/Program for GAPMINDER data set/
PROC IMPORT DATAFILE ='/home/u63783903/my_courses/gapminder_pds.csv' OUT = imported REPLACE; RUN; DATA new; set imported; /* the gapminder csv dataset being uploaded and imported to the SAS - the dataset is being read and prepared for use */
LABEL incomeperperson = "Gross Domestic Product per capita in constant 2000 US$" /* incomeperperperson as repsonse quantitative variable to be binned into a binary response variable for conducting the Logistic Regression Model test */ urbanrate="urban population (% of total)"
/* primary quantitative explanatatory variables to be binned into a binary explanatory variables for conducting the Logistic Regression Model test / lifeexpectancy="life expectancy at birth (years)" armedforcesrate="Armed forces personnel (% of total labor force)"; / cofounding factor candidates (quantitative explanatatory variables) to be binned into binary explanatory variables for conducting the Logistic Regression Model test */
data new2; set new;
IF incomeperperson EQ . THEN categoricalincomeperperson = .; ELSE IF incomeperperson LT 1036 THEN categoricalincomeperperson = "0"; ELSE IF incomeperperson GE 1036 THEN categoricalincomeperperson = "1";
/* incomeperperpeson binned into a binary categorcial response variable with 2 levels: income per person lower than 1036 US$ and income per person greater or equal than 1036 US$, where the latter is the value representing the “Low Income” designation defined by the World Bank as all countries with a gross national income per capita less than 1036 US$ */
IF urbanrate EQ . THEN categoricalurbanrate = .; ELSE IF urbanrate LT 35 THEN categoricalurbanrate = "0"; ELSE IF urbanrate GE 35 THEN categoricalurbanrate = "1"; /* urbanrate binned into a primary binary explanatory variable with 2 levels: urban population referring to people living in urban areas lower than 35% and urban population referring to people living in urban areas greater or equal than 35% */
IF lifeexpectancy EQ . THEN categoricallifeexpectancy = .; ELSE IF lifeexpectancy LT 67 THEN categoricallifeexpectancy = "0"; ELSE IF lifeexpectancy GE 67 THEN categoricallifeexpectancy = "1"; /* life expectancy at birth (years) binned into a potential confounding factor (explanatory two categorical variable) with 2 levels: life expectancy at birth (years) lower than 67 years and life expectancy at birth (years) higher or equal than 67 years */
IF armedforcesrate EQ . THEN categoricalarmedforcesrate = .; ELSE IF armedforcesrate LT 1.2 THEN categoricalarmedforcesrate = "0"; ELSE IF armedforcesrate GE 1.2 THEN categoricalarmedforcesrate = "1"; /* armed forces personnel (% of total labor force) binned into a potential confounding factor (explanatory two categorical variable) with 2 levels: armed forces personnel (% of total labor force) lower than 1.2% and armed forces personnel (% of total labor force) higher or equal than 1.2% */
Logistic Regression **;
if categoricalincomeperperson ne . and categoricalarmedforcesrate ne . and categoricalurbanrate ne . and categoricallifeexpectancy ne . ;
/* Testing logistic regression model with regard to the association between all of explanatory variables and response variable. Statistical results (odds ratios, p-values, and 95% confidence intervals for the odds ratios) are being returned*/ Proc logistic descending; model categoricalincomeperperson = categoricalurbanrate categoricallifeexpectancy categoricalarmedforcesrate; run;
/* Checking via Logistic regression test whether or not results support the initial hypothesis for the association between primary explanatory variable and response variable */ PROC LOGISTIC descending; model categoricalincomeperperson = categoricalurbanrate ; run;
/* Checking whether or not there is evidence of confounding for the association between primary explanatory variable and the response variable by adjusting the primary variable for the other potential confounding one by one */
/* adding first categoricallifeexpectancy into logistic regression model test */ Proc logistic descending; model categoricalincomeperperson = categoricalurbanrate categoricallifeexpectancy; run;
/* adding secondly categoricalarmedforcesrate into logistic regression model test */ Proc logistic descending; model categoricalincomeperperson = categoricalurbanrate categoricalarmedforcesrate; run;
0 notes
week4lesson · 3 months
Moderation, also known as statistical interaction, describes the relationship between two variables that is moderated or dependent upon a third variable (the moderator).
I started to study the correlation between the quantitive variables residential electricity consumption (independent variable) and income per person (depende variable).
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Based on the generated scatterplot, we can see that a positive linear relationship between residential electricity consumption (kWH per person) and income exists.
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When computing Pearson's correlation coefficient from pearsonr function in scipy.stats, we get r = 0.65 with a significant p-value close to zero (meaning we can safely reject the null hypothesis of no relationship between the two variables in study). When we square r, we get 0.42 which means that if we know the residential electricity consumption, we will be able to predict about 42% of the income per person variability.
We can now check if urban rate is a moderator of this relationship, or in other words, if urban rate affects the strength of the relationship between residential electricity consumption and the income per person.
For our analysis, we divided urban rate into two levels: countries where urban rate is below 50% and countries where urban rate is above 50%
Urban rate < 50%, r = 0.89 -> strong positive linear relationship
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We see, for lower urban rates we have a lower residential electricity consumption and therefore lower income per person, but the relationship between the two is stronger than the subgroup of countries where urban rate is above 50%.
We can then conclude that urban rate is in fact a moderator for the relationship between electricity consumption and income per person.
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import os import statsmodels.formula.api as smf import statsmodels.stats.multicomp as multi import seaborn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy
#set working directory
wdir = os.chdir(wdir)
#read gapminder data
data = pd.read_csv(wdir+'gapminder.csv', low_memory=False)
#subset data to get just the interest columns
sub1 = data[['incomeperperson', 'relectricperperson', 'urbanrate']]
#replace empty cells with nan and drop them
sub1.replace(' ', np.nan, inplace=True) sub1 = sub1.dropna() sub1 = sub1.apply(pd.to_numeric)
#set working columns to numeric
sub1['incomeperperson'] = pd.to_numeric(sub1['incomeperperson'], errors='coerce') sub1['relectricperperson'] = pd.to_numeric(sub1['relectricperperson'], errors='coerce')
scat1 = seaborn.regplot(x="relectricperperson", y="incomeperperson", fit_reg=True, data=sub1) plt.xlabel('Residential Electricity Consumption') plt.ylabel('Income per Person') plt.title('Scatterplot for the Residential Electricity Consumption and Income Per Person')
#divide urban rate in rates below 50% and rates above 50%
def urban_rate_group(row): if row['urbanrate'] <= 50: return 'urban rate below 50%' elif row['urbanrate'] > 50: return 'urban rate above 50%'
sub1['urban_rate_group'] = sub1.apply(lambda row: urban_rate_group (row), axis=1)
sub2 = sub1[(sub1['urban_rate_group'] == 'urban rate below 50%')] sub3 = sub1[(sub1['urban_rate_group'] == 'urban rate above 50%')]
print ('association between residential electricity consumption and income per person by lower urban rate') print (scipy.stats.pearsonr(sub2['incomeperperson'], sub2['relectricperperson'])) print (' ') print ('association between residential electricity consumption and income per person by higher urban rate') print (scipy.stats.pearsonr(sub3['incomeperperson'], sub3['relectricperperson'])) print (' ')
scat2 = seaborn.regplot(x="relectricperperson", y="incomeperperson", fit_reg=True, data=sub2) plt.xlabel('Residential Electricity Consumption') plt.ylabel('Income Per Person') plt.title('Scatterplot for the Residential Electricity Consumption and Income Per Person (Urban rate below 50%)')
scat3 = seaborn.regplot(x="relectricperperson", y="incomeperperson", fit_reg=True, data=sub3) plt.xlabel('Residential Electricity Consumption') plt.ylabel('Income Per Person') plt.title('Scatterplot for the Residential Electricity Consumption and Income Per Person (Urban rate above 50%)')
0 notes
Machine Learning for Data Analysis
Week 4: Running a k-means Cluster Analysis
A k-means cluster analysis was conducted to identify underlying subgroups of countries based on their similarity of responses on 7 variables that represent characteristics that could have an impact on internet use rates. Clustering variables included quantitative variables measuring income per person, employment rate, female employment rate, polity score, alcohol consumption, life expectancy, and urban rate. All clustering variables were standardized to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.
Because the GapMinder dataset which I am using is relatively small (N < 250), I have not split the data into test and training sets. A series of k-means cluster analyses were conducted on the training data specifying k=1-9 clusters, using Euclidean distance. The variance in the clustering variables that was accounted for by the clusters (r-square) was plotted for each of the nine cluster solutions in an elbow curve to provide guidance for choosing the number of clusters to interpret.
Load the data, set the variables to numeric, and clean the data of NA values
In [1]:import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import statsmodels.formula.api as smf import statsmodels.stats.multicomp as multi from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split from sklearn import preprocessing from sklearn.cluster import KMeans data = pd.read_csv('c:/users/greg/desktop/gapminder.csv', low_memory=False) data['internetuserate'] = pd.to_numeric(data['internetuserate'], errors='coerce') data['incomeperperson'] = pd.to_numeric(data['incomeperperson'], errors='coerce') data['employrate'] = pd.to_numeric(data['employrate'], errors='coerce') data['femaleemployrate'] = pd.to_numeric(data['femaleemployrate'], errors='coerce') data['polityscore'] = pd.to_numeric(data['polityscore'], errors='coerce') data['alcconsumption'] = pd.to_numeric(data['alcconsumption'], errors='coerce') data['lifeexpectancy'] = pd.to_numeric(data['lifeexpectancy'], errors='coerce') data['urbanrate'] = pd.to_numeric(data['urbanrate'], errors='coerce') sub1 = data.copy() data_clean = sub1.dropna()
Subset the clustering variables
In [2]:cluster = data_clean[['incomeperperson','employrate','femaleemployrate','polityscore', 'alcconsumption', 'lifeexpectancy', 'urbanrate']] cluster.describe()
Standardize the clustering variables to have mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1
In [3]:clustervar=cluster.copy() clustervar['incomeperperson']=preprocessing.scale(clustervar['incomeperperson'].astype('float64')) clustervar['employrate']=preprocessing.scale(clustervar['employrate'].astype('float64')) clustervar['femaleemployrate']=preprocessing.scale(clustervar['femaleemployrate'].astype('float64')) clustervar['polityscore']=preprocessing.scale(clustervar['polityscore'].astype('float64')) clustervar['alcconsumption']=preprocessing.scale(clustervar['alcconsumption'].astype('float64')) clustervar['lifeexpectancy']=preprocessing.scale(clustervar['lifeexpectancy'].astype('float64')) clustervar['urbanrate']=preprocessing.scale(clustervar['urbanrate'].astype('float64'))
Split the data into train and test sets
In [4]:clus_train, clus_test = train_test_split(clustervar, test_size=.3, random_state=123)
Perform k-means cluster analysis for 1-9 clusters
In [5]:from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist clusters = range(1,10) meandist = [] for k in clusters: model = KMeans(n_clusters = k) model.fit(clus_train) clusassign = model.predict(clus_train) meandist.append(sum(np.min(cdist(clus_train, model.cluster_centers_, 'euclidean'), axis=1)) / clus_train.shape[0])
Plot average distance from observations from the cluster centroid to use the Elbow Method to identify number of clusters to choose
In [6]:plt.plot(clusters, meandist) plt.xlabel('Number of clusters') plt.ylabel('Average distance') plt.title('Selecting k with the Elbow Method') plt.show()
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Interpret 3 cluster solution
In [7]:model3 = KMeans(n_clusters=4) model3.fit(clus_train) clusassign = model3.predict(clus_train)
Plot the clusters
In [8]:from sklearn.decomposition import PCA pca_2 = PCA(2) plt.figure() plot_columns = pca_2.fit_transform(clus_train) plt.scatter(x=plot_columns[:,0], y=plot_columns[:,1], c=model3.labels_,) plt.xlabel('Canonical variable 1') plt.ylabel('Canonical variable 2') plt.title('Scatterplot of Canonical Variables for 4 Clusters') plt.show()
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Begin multiple steps to merge cluster assignment with clustering variables to examine cluster variable means by cluster.
Create a unique identifier variable from the index for the cluster training data to merge with the cluster assignment variable.
In [9]:clus_train.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
Create a list that has the new index variable
In [10]:cluslist = list(clus_train['index'])
Create a list of cluster assignments
In [11]:labels = list(model3.labels_)
Combine index variable list with cluster assignment list into a dictionary
In [12]:newlist = dict(zip(cluslist, labels)) print (newlist) {2: 1, 4: 2, 6: 0, 10: 0, 11: 3, 14: 2, 16: 3, 17: 0, 19: 2, 22: 2, 24: 3, 27: 3, 28: 2, 29: 2, 31: 2, 32: 0, 35: 2, 37: 3, 38: 2, 39: 3, 42: 2, 45: 2, 47: 1, 53: 3, 54: 3, 55: 1, 56: 3, 58: 2, 59: 3, 63: 0, 64: 0, 66: 3, 67: 2, 68: 3, 69: 0, 70: 2, 72: 3, 77: 3, 78: 2, 79: 2, 80: 3, 84: 3, 88: 1, 89: 1, 90: 0, 91: 0, 92: 0, 93: 3, 94: 0, 95: 1, 97: 2, 100: 0, 102: 2, 103: 2, 104: 3, 105: 1, 106: 2, 107: 2, 108: 1, 113: 3, 114: 2, 115: 2, 116: 3, 123: 3, 126: 3, 128: 3, 131: 2, 133: 3, 135: 2, 136: 0, 139: 0, 140: 3, 141: 2, 142: 3, 144: 0, 145: 1, 148: 3, 149: 2, 150: 3, 151: 3, 152: 3, 153: 3, 154: 3, 158: 3, 159: 3, 160: 2, 173: 0, 175: 3, 178: 3, 179: 0, 180: 3, 183: 2, 184: 0, 186: 1, 188: 2, 194: 3, 196: 1, 197: 2, 200: 3, 201: 1, 205: 2, 208: 2, 210: 1, 211: 2, 212: 2}
Convert newlist dictionary to a dataframe
In [13]:newclus = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(newlist, orient='index') newclus
105 rows × 1 columns
Rename the cluster assignment column
In [14]:newclus.columns = ['cluster']
Repeat previous steps for the cluster assignment variable
Create a unique identifier variable from the index for the cluster assignment dataframe to merge with cluster training data
In [15]:newclus.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
Merge the cluster assignment dataframe with the cluster training variable dataframe by the index variable
In [16]:merged_train = pd.merge(clus_train, newclus, on='index') merged_train.head(n=100)
100 rows × 9 columns
Cluster frequencies
In [17]:merged_train.cluster.value_counts()
Out[17]:3 39 2 35 0 18 1 13 Name: cluster, dtype: int64
Calculate clustering variable means by cluster
In [18]:clustergrp = merged_train.groupby('cluster').mean() print ("Clustering variable means by cluster") clustergrp Clustering variable means by cluster
Validate clusters in training data by examining cluster differences in internetuserate using ANOVA. First, merge internetuserate with clustering variables and cluster assignment data
In [19]:internetuserate_data = data_clean['internetuserate']
Split internetuserate data into train and test sets
In [20]:internetuserate_train, internetuserate_test = train_test_split(internetuserate_data, test_size=.3, random_state=123) internetuserate_train1=pd.DataFrame(internetuserate_train) internetuserate_train1.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True) merged_train_all=pd.merge(internetuserate_train1, merged_train, on='index') sub5 = merged_train_all[['internetuserate', 'cluster']].dropna()
In [21]:internetuserate_mod = smf.ols(formula='internetuserate ~ C(cluster)', data=sub5).fit() internetuserate_mod.summary()
OLS Regression ResultsDep. Variable:internetuserateR-squared:0.679Model:OLSAdj. R-squared:0.669Method:Least SquaresF-statistic:71.17Date:Thu, 12 Jan 2017Prob (F-statistic):8.18e-25Time:20:59:17Log-Likelihood:-436.84No. Observations:105AIC:881.7Df Residuals:101BIC:892.3Df Model:3Covariance Type:nonrobustcoefstd errtP>|t|[95.0% Conf. Int.]Intercept75.20683.72720.1770.00067.813 82.601C(cluster)[T.1]-46.95175.756-8.1570.000-58.370 -35.534C(cluster)[T.2]-66.56684.587-14.5130.000-75.666 -57.468C(cluster)[T.3]-39.48604.506-8.7630.000-48.425 -30.547Omnibus:5.290Durbin-Watson:1.727Prob(Omnibus):0.071Jarque-Bera (JB):4.908Skew:0.387Prob(JB):0.0859Kurtosis:3.722Cond. No.5.90
Means for internetuserate by cluster
In [22]:m1= sub5.groupby('cluster').mean() m1
Standard deviations for internetuserate by cluster
In [23]:m2= sub5.groupby('cluster').std() m2
In [24]:mc1 = multi.MultiComparison(sub5['internetuserate'], sub5['cluster']) res1 = mc1.tukeyhsd() res1.summary()
Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD,FWER=0.05group1group2meandifflowerupperreject01-46.9517-61.9887-31.9148True02-66.5668-78.5495-54.5841True03-39.486-51.2581-27.7139True12-19.6151-33.0335-6.1966True137.4657-5.76520.6965False2327.080817.461736.6999True
The elbow curve was inconclusive, suggesting that the 2, 4, 6, and 8-cluster solutions might be interpreted. The results above are for an interpretation of the 4-cluster solution.
In order to externally validate the clusters, an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was conducting to test for significant differences between the clusters on internet use rate. A tukey test was used for post hoc comparisons between the clusters. Results indicated significant differences between the clusters on internet use rate (F=71.17, p<.0001). The tukey post hoc comparisons showed significant differences between clusters on internet use rate, with the exception that clusters 0 and 2 were not significantly different from each other. Countries in cluster 1 had the highest internet use rate (mean=75.2, sd=14.1), and cluster 3 had the lowest internet use rate (mean=8.64, sd=8.40).
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