#us asgore headcanons
fma03envy · 2 years
The idea that Mettaton knows about the amalgamates and that's why he and Alphys aren't friends anymore drives me insane and it's an interpretation no one can change my mind about
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Happy Form Change Friday!
This man is being forced to confront some things
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snailpastaenjoyer35 · 6 months
Okay random music headcannons for undertale characters:
Toriel - classical piano, orchestra, and ballad lover. She loves Christmas music. When listening to music she doesn't like, she'll very subtly note that she doesn't like it but will always listen to it regardless. Doesn't care for profane or modern music (post 2010s).
Papyrus - likes music but doesn't really have his own taste. He doesn't actively go out of his way to listen to music but enjoys songs when they're played. Probably likes musicals though.
Alphys - Kpop, Jpop, and various anime openings. I feel like she'd be the kind to listen to "LoFi beats to chill and relax to" when she needs to get stuff done. Likes video game soundtracks, loves the Stardew Valley soundtrack in particular.
Undyne - tbh I'm not sure, it might be a little on the nose but maybe instrumental metal music? She likes intense music a lot, but can find herself listening to piano music on off days.
Asgore - orchestral, classical, instrumental, opera music. Idk why but it fits that he'd like classic country (pre-2000s country, i.e. Toby Keith, Kenny Rodgers, George Strait), I know this one's a little far-fetched though 💀. He's also super open minded to music, even profane stuff (though he's not the biggest fan).
Asriel - indie rock and 2000s rock. Probably likes Nirvana and 3 Doors Down.
Sans - likes 70s, 80s, early 90s hits. I feel like he'd listen to disco bands like Fleetwood Mac, Wild Cherry, and Shalamar. Likes Jazz and blues. I can't really see him listening to that much music though, maybe he's more of a podcast enjoyer when he wants background noise.
Mettaton - LIVES for musicals. Likes his own music that he puts out. Upbeat dance music, like dance pop. His music needs DRAMA, whether it's slow or upbeat doesn't matter. Likes meaningful lyrics.
Okay that's enough of that, feel free to disagree with me and let me know what you think they'd like 😍😍
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stainedglassthreads · 2 years
Much like many others in this fandom, I enjoy assigning the colored soul traits to monster characters. But I also have a headcanon that someone’s soul can change color. It sometimes happens very very slowly over several years or even decades, as someone’s personality or worldview shifts, but sometimes it happens very quickly. Usually when under immense amounts of stress or trauma which force you to adapt to cope. 
I like to imagine that Toriel used to have an Integrity Soul, and Asgore used to have a Kindness Soul. But as the war progressed, Toriel was forced to loosen up on some morals for the sake of survival and protecting her loved ones, while Asgore was forced to confront anger and cruelty in the world. Toriel’s soul shifted from Integrity and Perseverance as she honed her will to endure and survive, while Asgore’s soul shifted from Kindness to Justice. 
Of course, no one has a singular personality trait, and playing the game those two are still driven by their old virtues. Toriel puts her pride and personal ethics over the desires of the rest of monsterkind, while Asgore is known for being a charismatic, friendly, and personable king, who does stuff like give a child Undyne one on one training to defeat him. 
But Toriel goes through a great a deal. She loses two children in a single night, is betrayed by a husband, turns her back on her people. She goes through years of isolation and loneliness, losing one child after another. And it hurts, and sometimes she just falls to pieces. But then another child falls, and she pulls herself together again, and she becomes their friend and guardian. Caretaker of the ruins. For them, or from spite, whichever, she endures. She doesn’t have the healthiest coping mechanisms, but until she finds a friend in Sans, she pushes onwards. 
And Asgore can never really return to who he was before the war, either. Yes he’s the much-beloved King Fluffybuns to his people. But when his children die, he’s also the one perfectly in tune with his people’s desire for vengeance. Until their desire outlives his own. But he can’t take back his word. He promised them Justice, he will deliver Justice. Until he looks a child so similar to his own in the eyes, and finally crumbles because this isn’t justice. He can’t ever see his family again, but isn’t it just to ensure this child who still has hope in their eyes can? 
Not to mention... I think Justice should not just be about administering punishment, but should also be about knowing when to administer mercy and healing, and stopping a tragedy from ever repeating. Chara and Asriel tried to free monsterkind and collect seven souls. Alphys may not have shown Asgore the tapes... but it’s poignant that instead of collecting the seventh soul and finishing what Chara tried to start through their death, he instead decides to save the life of the child who it’s all but stated reminds him of Chara. 
His encouragement to stay determined couldn’t save Chara. But maybe he can act out how he wished he could save them, through Frisk. 
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allesiathehedge · 11 months
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My headcanon is that, in Timetale, Snowdin used to be ruled by a young King. He died in battle before monsters were sealed in 1391. After that, Asgore took over Snowdin and granted small control to a mayor.
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the-unrelated-theorist · 10 months
Some Undertale gamer headcanons:
Someone said that Toriel would be the world Tetris champion, and I'm not sure why, but I agree with that. And not just Tetris, but bubble-poppers, match 3, marble-shooters, all of those kinds of games. She's the new Candy Crush mascot.
I've also seen people say sans would be into rhythm games, and... no. Why would you think he would be into something that takes that much effort? Seriously, come on. What sans is into is farming sim games. He's written dozens of online strategy guides for Stardew Valley, all of them under different pseudonyms.
Papyrus is into online multiplayers. All of them, any genre- Fortnite, Apex Legends, Fall Guys, Elder Scrolls Online, Runescape, you name it. He sucks at all of them, but none of his online friends is willing to tell him how bad he is because he's so darned innocent and nice. Nobody really wants him on their team because he'll always make them fail the mission, but he's so upbeat and uplifting that no one has the heart to tell him they don't want him.
Undyne loves Souls-like and dungeon crawlers, but she struggles with anything that requires stealth, she just doesn't. do. stealth. She says it's stupid to have to sneak up on enemies, she should just be able to barge in with guns or swords or spears blazing in any and all circumstances. Don't ever even suggest Metal Gear to her. Or Breath of the Wild- she rage-quit after the Yiga Clan Hideout quest (although it did leave her with the impression that bananas give you strength in battle, so she now always keeps a bunch of bananas on hand).
Blooky plays solitaire and Mah Jongg, and even those stress them out.
Maddie plays casino and slots games. On an unrelated note, she's always broke.
Mettaton is the rhythm games master. You will not change my mind on this.
Alphys is HEAVY into JRPG's. The more anime it looks, the more she loves it.
Asgore has no idea what a video game is. Well, ok, he has some idea, his kids both played games, but he never could figure them out. He thinks Sonic and Crash are both Mario characters and that Link is a girl- you get the idea. But he did used to play card and board games with Toriel. Especially chess (she totally owned his ass in every match). Ever since Toriel left, he can't bring himself to play chess. He plays checkers a lot, tho. He usually loses (he plays against himself).
Asriel and Chara were into action/adventure games. Asriel's favorite characters were Yoshi and Link, while Chara's favorites were Samus and Shadow the Hedgehog. What? No, I'm not projecting my favorite games onto the Dreemurr kids. What are you talking about?
Frisk has only ever played the hit indie game Undertale. About 500 times. Always Pacifist, they've never even tried a Geno run. They've been thinking about playing that Deltarune game, too, but they kinda wanna wait until the whole thing is released.
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bonesofvaldis · 8 months
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The Universe
The famine is actually something that has happened before, way in the past when monsters were first trapped in the Underground. A lot of the knowledge of how it was overcome was lost with Asgore and Toriel however, and a lot of the older monsters were either too young to remember or were the first to fall down when it resurfaced again.
The famine is actually caused by an overabundance of magic. When the monsters were first sent into the underground they brought all of their magic with them, it soaked into the ground, rocks and water. The new density of magic caused any crops to become 'overripe'. The Core failing did the same thing, sending a new intense wave of magic through the Underground. If they had gotten the Core up and running the way it used to, it would regulate magic once more.
The only reasons Reuben's magic was able to restart the Core briefly was because it has the same magical signature as Gaster, it has nothing to do with power level or anything like that. When Gaster fell into the Core his magic became interwoven in its mechanisms, a significant boost of a similar magic (either from Reuben or Dagwood) would have been enough to restart it.
In my headcanon, Toriel was also defeated by Frisk. This is because I believe this 'run' was someone's first and only, someone who gave up trying to talk it out, someone who didn't bother to go back and get the 'best possible ending'.
Not that many humans have actually fallen down during the second great famine, at least not enough to affect anyone who has eaten them. Most of the changes that have happened to monsters are because of the extra magic, it changed them to help them survive tougher conditions. For example, making them taller/bigger, sharper teeth, improved vision etc. In some cases, this has affected their mental state as well.
Both Reuben and Dagwood's teeth and size are a result of the extra magic that the Underground got flooded with. Most monsters have been affected physically in some way by it. Their bodies changed to be able to handle that amount of magic. There was some emotional struggle since monster souls are so in tune with magic, so it was harder for them to keep their emotions and magic in check. But over time it has become easier as they adjust to their new reality.
They both know sign language, as Reuben sometimes finds it hard to speak verbally.
Horrortale Sans
Nickname: Reuben
Height: 6'4
Magic: Pinkish Red
Style: He likes dressing in cosy winter gear. Big jackets, jumpers, big grippy boots, etc. He almost always wears his matching yellow gloves and scarf, although sometimes he'll swap it out for something else Dagwood has made for him.
Other facts and info:
Reuben can cook, but he's not as good as his brother.
He loves spicy food.
Reuben has four pet chickens that he loves very much. Their names are Spoon, Knife, Fork and Ms Ice-cream Apple Pie.
Reuben likes to take care of the groceries and any other short errands around town. He'll often take one of his chickens (usually Spoon) with him if he has the opportunity.
Reuben loves to savour his kisses, much preferring soft lingering kisses and being closer to you. He likes if you take the lead as he's perfectly happy to get lost in it.
He 'doesn't dance'.
Reuben would like to work with animals, perhaps in some sort of petting farm or animal daycare.
His favourite colour is yellow.
Horrortale Papyrus
Nickname: Dagwood
Height: 7'5
Magic: Pale Green
Style: He likes light coloured clothing and he likes to look smart. He often wears button-ups, dress shoes and long coats. He's never seen without a pair of gloves, as his bones are heavily scarred and he prefers not to look at them.
Other facts and info:
Dagwood is a very skilled cook. He made it a priority to properly learn once they made it to the surface, taking advantage of the wider variety of foods available compared to underground.
He cooks mostly savoury things but he loves sweets. He's still not the best at making them though since he likes to make sure everyone eats healthy first.
Likes spicy food.
Dagwood is very outspoken, partially stemming from his brother's selective mutism. He's not afraid to speak up for others who need it.
He's very protective of those weaker than him, and keeps up a consistent workout routine to make sure he's always in fighting shape (the boost of magic from the core exploding in their au makes this very easy for him).
He likes to knit in his spare time too, although it's not something that he openly shares. The scarf and gloves that Reuben wears are a past birthday gift from him.
He was the main one that monsters in Snowdin went to if they needed help and that need to take responsibility never went away. He would melt if someone went out of their way to take care of him.
Because of the shape of his teeth, Dagwood's kisses are usually very gentle and precise. He'll usually take the lead and hold your face to direct you. Both because he likes the act of control and because he doesn't want you to accidentally get poked.
He really loves kids. If his partner also wanted kids he'd probably want at least two so that they'd always have a friend/someone to rely on. He'd also be open to adopting/fostering older kids who need a home.
About his relationship with Undyne. There were a lot of tense feelings at the start of the famine, a lot of magic going haywire, so their relationship was very rough for a while after his brother got hurt*. It's been a few years now and they've worked on and rebuilt their relationship as they've worked together to help the remaining monsters.
*It happened during an argument where her magic got out of control. She meant to summon one spear as a show of power but accidentally ended up summoning multiple.
He loves any kind of dancing with a partner.
Dagwood would love to be a teacher of some sort. Probably somewhere around the preteen level.
His favourite colours are pastels, but specifically blue.
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mousebone-s · 3 months
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Redesigns of my patience soul design (her name is Wynn). Headcanons / info under the cut:
- 9 yrs old
- LV 3 (was occasionally manipulated into harming monsters by Flowey)
- she/her
- likes: toys, playing pretend, animals, puzzles, mysteries
- dislikes: bullies, being alone, spiders
- has juvenile arthritis, Chron’s disease, and generalized anxiety disorder
- bullied heavily for her timidness and perceived weakness before falling
- extremely shy, had very few friends aside from some teachers and Hero (bravery soul)
- parents were strict and overprotective, partly because of her chronic illnesses. Father was always working and rarely interacted w/ Wynn. Mother was sometimes smothering and emotionally manipulative, sometimes cold and distant.
- often went to Mt Ebott to play. One day, bullies saw her heading to the mountain and followed her. They pretended they were going to throw her in, and one of the bullies dangled her over the edge. The ground beneath chipped, and the bully stumbled to keep their footing, accidentally dropping Wynn into the hole.
- after falling, felt apprehensive about returning home because of how kind Toriel was, but ultimately didn’t want to hurt her best friend and parents.
- Wynn discovered her soul power (she would not take damage as long as she stayed still) and used it to avoid harm long enough to spare monsters. When she got to Asgore, though, she was so afraid upon realizing he would not accept mercy that she tried to run, allowing Asgore to deal one fatal blow.
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mysteriousbp · 1 month
Why didn’t Integrity just load their last save when they died to Axis? (Headcanon)
Some of you may say is because Flowey had control over the saves… That’s impossible.
Because Flowey didn’t exist yet.
Alphys True Lab entry 6 says that she receives the bodies of the fallen down monsters.
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Meaning that Kanako just arrived at the lab.
That also means that Asgore has already 5 souls because we see that in Chujin’s office that he kept track of the human souls.
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And there’s markings for the 5 souls meaning that they died before Chujin died.
And we know that flower that became Flowey was given Determination after Alphys receiving the bodies of the fallen down monsters because Alphys talks about finally choosing a candidate to test her theory of what would happen if something without a soul gets the will to live in entry 8 meaning that happens after entry 6.
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So if Flowey wasn’t a thing yet. Why couldn’t Integrity save?
Well. Only the being with the highest Determination can save and reset…
What if… Patience or Bravery have a higher Determination than Integrity? And that’s why Integrity can’t save. After all those two are still technically alive because their souls aren’t shattered.
That’s at least my explanation in my AU.
In my AU Patience couldn’t defeat Asgore no matter the route. So they did a last pacifist run before giving up. Bravely gave up their soul like Clover and not wanting to undo the good that they did Bravely accepted their fate. But in my AU Bravely has the second highest Determination behind Frisk. Meaning that Integrity, Perseverance and Kindness couldn’t save or reset.
That’s why Integrity did what they did. Because they couldn’t save, they couldn’t heal from save points. So when they HP was low and they run out of items they started to use self defense to try to survive.
I hope my explanation was good enough…
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anemoarchonhoe · 3 months
Greetings! Writing commission details:
Commissions: Closed.
Fandoms I will write for:
Genshin Impact, Undertale, Deltarune, Undertale Yellow, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (I only watch the anime, so-), my own OCs
AUs I will write for:
Genshin: SAGAU, modern au
Undertale: Underfell, Underswap (I prefer TS!US' version so I will write for it in default unless you want the original), Flowerfell, Farmtale, Underplayer
Genshin: Venti, Xiao, Wanderer, Aether, Xingqiu, Gaming
Undertale/Deltarune: Papyrus, Sans, Napstablook, Mettaton, Muffet, Mad Mew Mew, Asgore, DR!Asriel, Dalv, Starlo, Martlet, Ceroba
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End: Frieren, Himmel the hero
My OCs (pictures below, in order): Vee the purple witch, The Janitor, Elwin the elven rogue, Eye of the Storm (has a name instead of them being Reader-insert, Genshin, no pics sorry)
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Will write: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, mildly suggestive, selfship (reader/canon), OC/canon, friendships, yandere character/reader
Won't write: Homophobia, pedophilia, incest, gore, smut, self harm, anything nsfw
Rules (sorta):
If you want me to write for your OC, please give me detailed information about them. I wouldn't know how to write them if you don't. Character sheet and/or a picture would be nice. If you don't have a written personality for them, we can quickly discuss how you at least imagine them to act in the fic in DMs. I can also just give it my own interpretation if you wish, but I will charge you $2 for the extra effort. Keep this in mind.
For reader-insert, I usually write the Reader to be strong and determined, so if you want a more subdued personality, please let me know or I will default to this one.
For 500/1k word fics, love letters, and headcanons, please give me a scenario to work on. I only write one shot fics for commissions, so don't try to ask for a multi-chapter, please. I am busy with college, so one shots are all I can afford to write.
And tell me if you are okay with me posting the commissioned piece on Tumblr or if you'd like to keep it for yourself.
You can ask me for updates on your commission. But please understand I have a life outside of social media that I gotta prioritize (like my studies) so it may get delayed a little depending on how large your commission is. I also prioritize smaller/less wordy commissions so I can give them out immediately, so don't be mad.
I reserve my right to reject a commission if I feel like I couldn't do it.
Languages I can/will write in: English and Filipino
For my Filipino friends, I accept both Paypal and GCash. I'd like it more if it was Paypal/ko-fi, though.
For overseas commissioners, Paypal/ko-fi only.
You can pay me the full amount as soon as we finalize your commission or you can pay me the full amount once I finish your commission. I'd appreciate it if you do the first option but I won't hold it against you if you choose to do the second. Everyone doesn't want to get scammed.
However, if you do not pay and ghost me, I will modify the work to my taste, post it on my ko-fi page, and then block you from my Tumblr/Discord.
Now that you're done reading, reply to this post immediately to get a slot and if you make it, I will DM you my Discord handle for further discussion. I have a small slot for now because I don't wanna get overwhelmed. I will reopen immediately once they're done, though, so don't worry if you miss out!
First come, first serve.
Slots: 3
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adhdbisexualramblings · 6 months
Regressor FLOWEY headcanons!
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-Involuntary and trauma regressor. Enough said.
-He cries a lot. He was an extremely sensitive child, and the extra things he’s gone through (and did himself) don’t make that better.
-It’s not so much regression as it is…acting his age? Flowey doesn’t really ‘act’ like a child at all. When he lets himself do so, he can be more tolerable and sweet. I guess he’s be closer to an age dreamer, then.
-But give him a pacifier and he will slip into a much younger headspace. We’re talking toddler to infant.
-Regression means he doesn’t have to think about RESETs or timelines or anything past the present moment, but he’s also a really big crybaby.
-His regression fluctuates a lot. He could switch from infant to little kid at the flip of a coin. It’s hard to track what headspace he’s fully immersed in.
-The only ‘gear’ he has is a pacifier Papyrus gave him one timeline (which he has subsequently stolen every other timeline). He cherishes it and panics when he loses it. It’s pastel orange with a red race car on the front.
-The only people he’s felt comfortable with were Papyrus, Sans (Papyrus left them alone together one time and they have actually formed positive bonds some timelines) and, later, Frisk (though that’s only on extremely rare occasions when neither of the skeletons are available).
-When he was alone, to shut down his regression - which was often confused with memories and sentimentality - Flowey would just…kill things until it went away.
-Either that, or shoot bullets at whatever he could find that wasn’t a monster.
-He hates when Toriel or Asgore try to do anything with him while he’s regressed. It’s partially because it brings back dangerous memories and partially because neither of them are what he needs or wants most days.
-He can be very quiet and shy one second or fussy and demanding the next. It really depends on who’s taking care of him.
-Can and has sobbed about multiple of his old genocide runs out of the blue.
-Regression is almost like traveling to the past for him, which has a 50/50 chance of ending horribly. He doesn’t understand where his older sibling is or why he’s not being called by his name some days, which freaks him out.
-He’ll respond to ‘Asriel’ absentmindedly.
-Regression is strange to him. It’s like reaching for a memory you know used to be there. He can act as lovey-dovey and sweet as when he was Asriel, but whether that’s genuine is debatable. After he gets back into a more sensible headspace, Flowey wonders about his lack of a SOUL every time. It feels genuine, sure, but why? Memories, going back to a time where he was happy, shouldn’t be enough to alter his physical state. He’s SOULless, and therefore can no longer do things like that properly.
-He has auditory processing disorder and prefers hiding under thick clothing like sweaters if he’s being carried around. It muffles noise.
-Papyrus is his main caregiver. Or Sans, if they’re on good enough terms.
-Flowey despises the very feeling of regression. Every. Time. It just makes him angry when he notices it. Asriel is dead, should be dead. So why is he still just some kid? Why does he still crave what he decided was meaningless RESETs ago?
-When Toriel was sleeping in the RUINS, he would pop out of the floorboards occasionally to watch her or, if he felt particularly uneasy, rest with her in bed.
-Asriel was an extreme people pleaser. He was taught to be kind, which led too often to him being a doormat. Regressed Flowey is similar, and won’t like outwardly saying what he needs.
-Sans once found out Flowey was Asriel one timeline and called him ‘little prince’ when the flower regressed at his house. Flowey has attempted to erase all remnants of that RESET to no avail.
-Sans will also call him little prince/prince by instinct, which Flowey feels mixed about.
-He loves coloring and plush toys. However, the sharp thorns on his vines makes crayons and stuffed animals difficult to grab without hurting them, so he…doesn’t get many opportunities.
-There are times where he regresses for a full day and does nothing but sleep. He’ll fall asleep in the patch of golden flowers and panic when he wakes back up.
-Papyrus understands that his friend doesn’t like being public with his thing-Sans-also-does (Sans is a flip but shh that’s another post), so he tries very hard to take care of Flowey privately when he can. When they were in Snowdin, Flowey would stay in Papyrus’ room.
-Only Papyrus, Frisk (and by extension Chara), and oddly enough Toriel consistently know he regresses. Others have forgotten across SAVEs.
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meloethelavendeer · 3 months
Some of my Kris headcanons because they are my second favorite character
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And also just cause I need to get these down on to paper (?)
Favorite colour is grey
Some other colours they like are blue and pink
15 years old
Loves halloween
Eyes are naturally red
Their knife is a gift from catti
Sort of struggles with being human, wishes they were a monster
Loves psychological horror games, especially indie ones
Their favorite animals are rats and cats
Looooves the aesthetic of plague doctors and masks in general
Nonbinary, this is quite obvious but still
Struggles with dysphoria a bit, alot of people see them as quite masculine when they just want to be androgynous
Some outfits include all black ones with fishnets and stuff, a cute pink and blue striped dress and a some neat accesories
Has alot of outfits in their wardrobe, just reaaaaally attached to that one sweater.
100% has tried to cosplay their dark world form
Fucking hates the government
Favorite drink is apple juice
Ex Christian (or whatever castle town follows), now an athiest (maybe pagan)
Likes emotional music and classical music.
Has pulled some pretty crazy pranks before, some even getting in the local papers
"A message written in toilet paper has been found in the middle of the road this morning, it spells LIGMA"
Figured out they were nonbinary with the help of monster teen, they were quite good friends.
Loves the moon and night
100% would be bullied and called a furry in human society
Right handed
Surprisingly agile, tries their best to keep athletic but doesn't really work out
Would absolutely adore ultrakill
Just says stuff sometimes, utters random phrases that don't make much sense
Big anxiety huge anxiety suffering anxiety
Enjoys doing stuff with both their hands and feet, has learnt to play games and write using their feet.
They use this to bully noelle for having hooves (light-heartedly, of course)
Paints their nails black
Tries to do make-up but fails miserably and it makes them really fucking sad.
Loves messing with people, irritating them. One might say trolling them
Their voice is quite unique. It's rather deep but they try their best not to have it sound masculine. They often talk quietly so it doesn't really have that gravel to it.
Oh btw amab kris
Grew up on Windows seven
And the ps3 as well
As a older sibling idk how younger siblings work so like no kris and asriel headcanons
Chill with most people unless they are assholes or problematic.
Trying to grow out their hair or at least make it a bit bigger.
Really really wants piercings but toriel refuses to let them have any (asgore has promised he will do his best to get them some for their 16th birthday)
Really jealous that they can't do magic, learnt magic tricks as a result
Gets more real world crushes then fictional crushes
Says really morbid things sometimes as "fun facts"
Wanted to be possessed by a demon and constantly joked about it
Now that it has happened they do not enjoy it at all , and nobody believes them when they talk about it. Except maybe susie.
They do appreciate it when the player tries to do best by them. Which is rare.
They still want us gone though.
Always talks about being evil but doesn't really want to hurt anybody, they care alot about their friends.
Yeah, that's all. A lot of these are projections, tbh but I'm glad I got it down.
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freakbullet · 4 months
so this video (it's pretty good, worth a watch) basically saved me having to clean up the big word salad post I was drafting but I'm gonna reiterate a few points -
firstly, this isn't mentioned in the video but I think it's so, so important: unlike the valentine author, Gaster has never, ever used a single contraction. Toriel is another character who never uses them, no matter how casual the context. for something like this to suddenly change for no reason makes no sense. Toby is meticulous. I genuinely believe this is a HUGE strike against it being Gaster, yet almost no one mentions it. next, the valentine author speaks as if they don't know us: "you seem reliable", "you are very odd". and as we know, Gaster's well acquainted with us by now, so it'd make no sense for him to speak to us this way. (but what it does lend credence to is this being a character we either haven't met before, or haven't extensively interacted with.) additionally, in all instances so far, Gaster's been keen, focused, sharp. why would he suddenly be so addled and confused? the author saying they forgot who they're supposed to help, and it possibly even being themself, doesn't point to Gaster either - in fact, just the opposite - because the idea of him being forgotten is pure fanon. the game explicitly states that Asgore took so long to hire a new royal scientist because Dr. Gaster's brilliance was irreplaceable. how would the king know that if he didn't remember? fictional characters, by their very nature, are presented to us in a deliberate and finite way; our interactions with them have specific purpose. this means that when we try to hold them to real-world standards like "I, a real live person, write differently depending on the occasion", it won't always hold up. we have to go by what precedents have already been set by the creator, in the context in which these characters exist. on occasions when characters in UT/DR have spoken in a different way than usual, the fundamental, anchoring traits of their speech still remain intact (see: contractions), which would not be the case if Gaster were the valentine author.
(and of course, this doesn't even touch on the Japanese translation highlighting how wildly different the speech styles are, which I personally put more stock in than they do in the video.) the last 3rd of the video is more opinion/headcanon-oriented but he makes his point well. even if you disagree with his perception of Gaster (I do to an extent), it's true that there's already no shortage of whimsical, silly, lighthearted characters in UT/DR, and surely, if Gaster were meant to be one of them, Toby wouldn't reveal it in a way that's so out of left field. I love silly goofy wingding man as much as the next guy, but I also agree that attributing this personality to him out of nowhere, when it's incongruent with everything we've seen so far, would only serve to undermine his character and the uniqueness of it. none of this is to knock anyone whose opinion differs from mine! I'm just laying my thoughts out, for whatever that's worth. I've seen an unfortunate tendency in the community to lump the valentine in with the tweets and gonermaker text as all being on the same level of "obviously Gaster", and then tout it as proof that their headcanons are real. (we all have our headcanons! just don't be a dick about it eh?) at the end of the day, personally, I try to absorb and cling to as much canon evidence as possible, scant though it may be. because what I really really want, is to know who Gaster is. in the truest sense, as he is intended to be by his creator.
(but isn't it wonderful how much we all love this character, no matter how differently we may see him? I mean ultimately if we're not having fun here, then what's the point, right?)
but yeah, give the vid a watch! it goes into more detail and makes more compelling points than my sleepless brain can atm. :p
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thebelugawhalefriend · 5 months
Asgore x Reader Headcanons (Platonic)
CW: King Fluffybuns posting!
Note: Please remember to keep replies and reblogs kind! I find Asgore to be one of my favorite characters (behind Toriel) and I think he could use a few more fics about him ^^
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Asgore is one of the best and kindest friends to have!
He'll keep in mind if you want to be touched or not. If you do, he'll cuddle and hug as long and as often as you want! That fuzzy tummy of his makes it all the more soft to hold him
Asgore to me doesn't come across as the "Where's my hug" kind of guy. He's very much tame in his affection
Unlike the skeleton brothers, Asgore is a VERY protective friend and won't hesitate to keep you behind him if someone is bothering you
You might think he'd try to flirt, but he really doesn't want to. He sees you as someone to protect and keep close rather than someone to date
Not to say he doesn't find you beautiful/handsome. Actually, he thinks you're great inside and out!
He will help you with the little things. Your hair, your tie/hair tie, your shirt- anything that you ask of him
He's the best man to lean on when you're going through a breakup. Asgore knows better than anyone else in the main cast how it feels, and empathizes with your pain
Garden with him! He loves a helping hand and someone to tell stories to
Now, Asgore regrets having to do what he did when he was king. He wanted to please his citizens, but that's no excuse to have slaughtered six children to keep their souls. He does appreciate it, however, that you don't hold it against him
You're SHOCKED to learn what happened, but given the war? Yeah, you would be a devastated ruler too if it happened. Ultimately, he's a better man and you find it in your heart to stay by his side
The kind of guy that isn't afraid to cry, but won't want to open up unless you actually want him to cry to you
Overall, he might be a little overbearing, but he's a genuine man who genuinely wants the best out of this friendship
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wickjump · 3 months
Everyone sleeps on Undyne! I love my fish queen and she’s so underrated😩😩 pls give your hc on her
OHOHOHOHOHOHO….. i love undyne like sm. i have so many thoughts on aus that feature her BUT NOBODY LIKES TO HEAR ABOUT HER. SO FOR NOW THIS IS JUST CANON UNDYNE HCS
i LOVE HER. i hc that she comes from a family of great fallen guards. as a kid, she was taken in by gerson, the retired captain of the royal guard. her whole life she dreamed she would live up to the standards of her family before her, and worked so goddamn hard to do it.
that’s why she has such a resolve to kill frisk too, she had a goal she worked her whole life to achieve and she had sacrificed so much to get there already. she had the complete mindset of ‘this is my job, this is my purpose, this is what i need to do’, allowing her to separate herself from her actions more easily, as asgore did.
it’s easier to kill when it’s for the people, or for a cause you believe in so strongly. she does everything for monsters, for the people, or at least what she thinks is for them. her opinion of what’s best isn’t always what the public believes, but because SHE believes it, she’s determined to make sure it happens.
she trained with gerson a lot in her childhood before she fought asgore and began training under him. she grew up hearing tales and legends of monsterkind and humankind alike, and she wanted so much to be a part of that history.
I ALSO HEADCANON THAT SHE HAS DETERMINATION. i hc that she was used as a test subject (willingly) when gaster was there, and was part of the initial determination experiments. gaster, alphys, and sans were messing around with the concept of combining determination and monster souls to work on studying the barrier and what can and can’t cross it, and undyne stepped up.
undyne was injected with small doses of determination, and because she already had a determined and strong spirit, her body was able to handle it more naturally, giving gaster, alphys, and sans more confidence in using it. after gaster fell into the core and his memory was erased from everyone, undyne doesn’t remember the determination being injected into her, because gaster was a primary part of those memories.
she has faint memories of a lab but not much more, and alphys only has the files stating that a monster could handle small doses of determination, giving her more confidence to use it in future experiments.
that’s why undyne is able to survive after being killed by frisk in the genocide route, and why she melts when dying again, similar to the amalgamates. this wouldn’t have happened were it not for the determination in her soul, combined with her spirit and resolve to survive and find justice. that’s also part of why she was drawn to alphys, she felt like she was meeting up with an old friend when she found alphys in the dump one day, even though she didn’t remember meeting her before.
i also think that undyne sees herself in frisk after they became friends. a strong spirit determined to do what’s good, to help others, to bring justice to the world. she doesn’t get why frisk doesn’t hurt others who deserve it, ie flowey, or even herself. she sort of admires frisk for that, but just hasn’t said it aloud.
speaking of justice, i ALSO hc that she was a young kid (maybe 7?) when the justice human came down underground, and she briefly encountered the human before being taken away. this was sort of a formative experience for her, and she felt a mix of rage for her fellow monsters, the curiosity of a child, and an odd sense of admiration.
xtale undyne is also so so so important to me but ill talk about her later 🙏
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
9. worst part of canon
10. worst part of fanon
are the ones i'm interested in
i daren't dredge through the oceans of horseshit to find THEE worst fanon take of all. but to remain on a more general note, I'm exhausted that the rabid need for more and more content to consume has caused a huge section of the fandom to spliter off and like... basically inbreed itself into the horizon with zero interest in meaningfully engaging with the original material, if at all. it's like... it's not bad, as in it's not harming anyone, but i have as much consideration for it as i have for furry artists outside the fandom who occasionally drop by to draw mommy porn of toriel because they think her design is hot. sure, slay. do your thing. but doesn't it get kinda boring? you have a game this good and you're going for... this? not to mention how it entirely took up all of the game's canonical tags, ESPECIALLY on ao3.
as for canon WELLL. that's a hard one, i don't exactly hate anything about undertale's story and/or worldbuilding. my main criticism, i guess, would be undyne's burning hatred for humans being a bit of a leftover from before asgore's personality overhaul (he used to be pretty cold and ruthless, toby only made him a goofball later), because nothing in the world around them would justify THAT much blind hatred. asgore, gerson, the other monsters' attitude towards humans in general. it's nothing near her level, and there's not really a reason for it? it's something toby could've smoothed out a bit more. maybe by explicitly giving undyne history with humans that would justify her stance.
like the way people often headcanon that one of the fallen humans killed her parents! (which, while you can support it with canon, i'm not entirely sure was intentional on toby's part)
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