#used to be whumper
valcaira · 1 year
Attention Whump Community!
Clogging disability tags is a massive problem that we need to address. Many tags, especially those surrounding permanent injuries, paralysis, vision loss and certain illnesses have become unusable due to being flooded with unrelated things. Yes, that includes your writing. Those tags are not for you. It's isolating, frustrating and depressing to try finding a community and other people who share your issues but all that comes up is whump, fandom shit, gifs, headcanons, etc.
I'm newly paralyzed. I have looked at many tags surrounding paralysis, trying to find support, a community, anything of people struggling with the same thing. Nothing. There's barely anything for us in the general disabilty tags. I am BEGGING you to understand and recognize how AWFUL it is.
So, I have a proposition. A tag you can and should use exclusively for disability content in whump writing. Not any other tag surrounding disability, lest you'll clog it up.
#disabled whumpee
It's tempting to use more specific tags, I get it. Due to being in the whump community myself I know #medical whump is already a tag. You have those tags. Use them. Don't use the disability tags. Don't clog up the few spaces us disabled people have.
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loonybun · 5 months
hi whump community let me tell you about a drug called datura!! because boy is it a doozy.
datura is a deliriant, which means it is a hallucinogenic drug capable of causing serious and often terrifying delusions and hallucinations that are literally indistinguishable from reality in the user’s mind.
It is poisonous and part of the nightshade family, and the dosage used to get high off of it is actually very close to the lethal dose. it is also not only entirely legal in most places but also very accessible. it’s grown as a house plant, actually. most people who trip off of it only do it once because of how awful of an experience it is. also trips last like a long time (anywhere from 12 hours to 3 days if i remember correctly?)
the hallucinations that come with this drug are incredibly horrifying, making it literal nightmare fuel. also the more long term effects from it can include permanent psychosis and lingering delusions. fun stuff.
common hallucination experiences from this drug include the following:
- heavy gore
- seeing corpses
- feeling like you’ve been transported to an alternate dimension (hell)
- seeing people or entities you know (but a little fucked up)
- parasites and bugs
- feeling as though your organs are falling out of your body
- shadows in the back of your vision
- smoking phantom cigarettes or eating phantom food (phantom in the sense that they aren’t really there)
- torture scenarios
all in all, i think it’s a rlly interesting thing that can definitely be used in whump. like imagine a whumper lacing someone’s tea with that. the whumpee wouldn’t even be aware that something was done to them due to the fact that they physically cannot tell the difference between delusion and reality. real fun stuff. probably need an immortal whumpee though just cuz if someone takes this there’s a high chance of them getting hospitalized.
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the-forsaken-princess · 8 months
Ok but. Using barbed wire as restraints. Keeps whumpee bound and causes pain at the same time.
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uriswhumpchamber · 3 months
Whumpee looking at the camera, mouthing "you hear this guy?" in the middle of one of Whumper's rants.
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foundfamilywhump · 5 days
see like the thing with 'carewhumpers' as a concept to me is it just like... i know this is prrrrobably not really how it's meant but something skeeves me out about the idea that kindness or caretaking mixed in with hurting someone can somehow meaningfully complicate or dilute the harm done to the point of making that character no longer a 'whumper' whereas someone doing the same 'bad' things but not ever being gentle or caring for them would just be a straight-out whumper. when like... that's how 90% of irl abuse dynamics work? so i just... don't really get the point, i guess. like to me it implies something about the 'care' provided somehow mitigating or combating the harm done that. i just do not personally appreciate or enjoy.
#gav gab#just thinking out loud#like i don't think that's 'nuance' or 'grey characters' i think that's just an extremely common and typical dynamic of abuse#someone breaking your nose and then cleaning up the blood and tucking you into bed is not less like#violent or abusive or harmful than someone who just stops at breaking your nose yk#and i think that it can successfully be summarized by any number of other ways?#carewhumper is just not useful or meaningful shorthand to me the way caretaker/whumper/whumpee are#it implies that the word 'caretaker' or 'whumper' encompasses 100% of a person's constant behaviour#in a very flattened and simplistic way#please do not come at me about this im not saying this is how everyone means it this is just#how i personally feel about it#due to the way i approach these words#and im not trying to say anyone CANT write about very typical abusive dynamics#im just saying the elements of like. 'good' behaviour or 'kind' treatment#doesn't make the Bad Part any less real or bad#the way that 'carewhumper' being set as a different or distinct thing than 'whumper' implies to me#i just feel insane whenever i see people using the term tbh like this is probably a me thing#a very stupid distinction to get hung up on#but i just. im always like isn't that just a whumper who's nice sometimes#what is the utility of this word if not to imply that#someone being nice sometimes meaningfully combats how cruel they are other times#what part of 'whumper' means they always have to be violent and awful 24/7#and do not take this to mean caretakers are never allowed to fuck up#or do anything wrong or get frustrated#or anything like that but that is like#very distinct from being a whumper of any kind at all#like the idea that a 'whumper' can only be 100% a sadist who means to cause harm and intends to cause harm every time is like#cmon now
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pyrepostings · 7 months
whumper who gets their pet whumpee a chew toy to dehumanize them, mildly baffled to find whumpee actually using it. It says they're ""stimming"".
Whatever, as long as it appreciates all the gifts whumper gives them.
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den-of-whump · 3 months
Whumpee can't face the things they see in their dreams, so they refuse to sleep. Caretaker tries everything to get them to rest for once, but nothing works. So they make them a cup of tea and add a bit too much Benadryl to it without telling them.
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whump-queen · 2 years
good idea: whumper tying their whumpee up and forcing them to cuddle
whumper’s arms wrapped tight and possessive around whumpee’s injured form—too strong to be fought off, or perhaps whumpee is just too weak by this point.
a softly murmured "behave” into the crook of whumpee’s neck while spooning
whumper digging their nails into fresh cuts, getting a whine and hiss in response—but they stop struggling, and whumper leans in close to their ear with a growling murmer— “mmn. good boy.”
whumpee feeling slow kisses pressed into the side of their neck that make their skin crawl
maybe whumpee gets their hands bound in front of them this time, so they can fit in closer against whumper. and its more comfortable too. “shh, let yourself enjoy this.”
whumper cuddling with their hand around whumpee’s throat, not squeezing or anything, just… resting there.
knowing that if they tried to pull away, that hand would tighten instantly and squeeze until whumpee was dizzy and writhing back against them
and size difference… their throat, so small and soft and delicate under whumper’s rough fingertips
the way whumper’s hands would fit around their waist— the way they could press in under their ribs until whumpee is choking and their chest is spasming
whumpee shivering when they feel low whispers in their ear. just… so sticky and possessive
whumpee waking up with sore aching muscles from being kept in the same uncomfortable position all night. they sleepily try and flex their muscles and move around—then they’re hit fully awake with a jolt of cold panic when they realize where they are—and that they still can’t move at all.
waking up with whumper’s arms still tightly wrapped around them and trying desperately to squirm away, before they feel whumper’s hold tighten around them and hear a sleepy possessive growl in their ear, “mnn… no. you stay.”
just… any of the ‘tied up and kept like that’ tropes melt my fucjfen brain
(shoutout @unorganisedalienrubbish for helping inspire today’s episode of terrible sticky intimate whumper shit)
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shywhumpauthor · 1 year
Nothing better than a Whumper who wears thick, heavy rings backhanding a Whumpee across the face, the rubies that decorate their fingers splitting a gash across Whumpee’s cheek
And the little gasp that follows the impact
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writereleaserepeat · 8 months
Whumper always played music while they did their evils. It rattled throughout whumpee's prison cell, reverberating in their ears, the melodies mixing with their blood as it dripped to the floor. Long after their rescue, whumpee still fears going out to the store, or even to a cafe, lest they be playing a song that sends them right into a flashback.
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abhainnwhump · 9 months
Pet Whumpee has been so good for their dear Whumper, that they get a warm blanket and can sleep on the couch, as long as their head is laying on Whumper and they don't refuse any touch.
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unforgivenn · 4 months
Failed escape/rescue attempts
Y'know, there's just something about failed rescue attempts or escape plans gone horribly wrong that just gets to me. It's not just the adrenaline rush of the chase or the thrill of the near miss, although those are definitely part of it. Being someone who's definitely more into psychological and trauma whump, It's the raw emotions, the sheer horror etched on the face of whumpee, when they realize that everything they hoped for is crumbling right before their eyes.
Picture this: you've got this poor soul, trapped in the clutches of their tormentor, clinging to the faint hope that someone out there cares enough to save them. Maybe they've been planning their escape for weeks, maybe even months or years mapping out every detail, every possible scenario. They've decided how to deal with the worst-case scenario and if they do get caught. They've played it out in their mind a thousand times, imagining the moment when they finally break free, when they taste sweet freedom once again. They keep dreaming about it, about how they'll greet and probably cry when they see their family. They think about what all things they'll do when they're free. They haven't been to a karaoke for a very long time.
But then, just when it seems like everything's falling into place, when they're on the verge of breaking out, it all goes to hell in a handbasket. Maybe the rescuers get ambushed, taken out brutally and mercilessly right in front of them. You can see the horror in whumpee's eyes when they see blood gushing out and covering their loved ones who decided to rescue them.
Whumpee screaming and shouting out their rescuer's names trying to get them up. Anything for them not to close their eyes. Whumpee's crying, their sobbing as whumper holds them back by their arms, not letting them run to their loved ones. They don't fucking care about what'll whumper do to them for showing this attitude. Right now, their world was just revolving around the near dead bodies on the ground. Maybe they even faint from the shock.
You can practically see the hope draining from their eyes, replaced by a bone-deep despair as they realize that their chance at freedom has slipped through their fingers. They feel so guilty. It's all their fault. All of it just like whumper said. If they weren't alive then the others would've still been alive. It's all their fucking fault. They feel guilty for even thinking of freedom because there's no way they deserve even a minute of it. The moment from the night keeps playing over in their mind making them break down more than just once.
Or maybe it's even worse. Maybe they're just seconds away from freedom, fingertips brushing against the promise of a new life, when it's all snatched away from them in an instant. It's like a gut punch, that moment when they realize that their fate is sealed, that they'll never escape the clutches of their tormentor.
And then there's the aftermath. The punishment for daring to dream of a life beyond their suffering. Maybe the whumper takes out their frustrations on the one they were trying to save, doling out punishment with a cruel and merciless hand. Maybe they're told, in no uncertain terms, that no one is coming for them, that they are utterly and completely alone in their misery.
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loonybun · 2 months
I like to imagine faerie magic that’s used on humans has similar vibes to the myth of the lotus eaters if that makes any sense. Just a divine sense of sweetness and peace that makes you forget any worries you’ve ever had. In fact, it makes you forget a lot of things. Why go through the trouble of thinking when you don’t need to? You’re at peace now, after all.
This would probably be specifically after giving a faerie your name, not before. They can only really start to affect people based on how much power they hold over them, after all. And if they want to put your mind at rest, there’s no better way to do it. You feel taken care of, safe, and blissful.
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captain-bo-bob-bobby · 11 months
Obsessed with the idea of a Caretaker having spent years rehabilitating multiple Whumpees until somehow, one day, they got the one and only Whumper in their hands.
And so they proceed to give them the taste of their own medicine... or rather, the entire medicine bottle.
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letitbehurt · 5 months
Whumper forcing Whumpee to get drunk.
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pyrepostings · 3 months
Interrogation setting where whumpee won't stop mouthing off and antagonizing whumper, so they get gagged during the session and only get the chance to talk after.
And of course, if they continue to be a smartass the gag goes back in between sessions too :)
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