#uses of a word processor
gideonisms · 7 months
hello gamers is slay the princess good/playable if you're horrifically bad at most video games/will it require me to download any programs that will fry my computer. It looks like the type of thing I'd enjoy but I'm allergic to games with the exception of choose your own adventure stuff that doesn't require too much walking around aimlessly
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glorious-spoon · 9 months
spoon learn how to name your documents something other than 'untitled document' challenge: fucking failed
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sysig · 2 months
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I invite you to imagine (Patreon)
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ikemenomegas · 1 year
do you have any favorite headcanons for omega kakashi? love your blog -3-
Cooking Kakashi (insert cooking mama ver kakashi icon... which is a game I would play the hell out of. I want him to like me so bad...)
I love that Kakashi can canonically cook very well and that he likes cooking for his loved ones. Even though the first of those people are no longer here, it brings him a lot of peace to cook for his Alpha.
He likes that he made something with his own two hands that contributes to the joy and health of his loved ones. It’s also an act of living that makes him feel more human and cooking tasty food for himself was one of the things he used to ground himself during his worst moments or when he was alone after missions (a good weapon needs to be able to at least function -> (eventually) I am a person and it's okay to enjoy things because I deserve it).
He was not originally much of an experimenter, but he learned enough about the basics that he was able to start improving upon recipes. His recipes are full of annotations because even though he's got a stellar memory, he's old enough he knows there's only so much space up there. However, half of these notes only make sense to himself. Good luck trying to replicate those dishes...
He's not much of a "collector", anti-clutter Kakashi
So his preferred method of receiving affection is not gift giving.
However, Cooking Kakashi™️ might accept a few things. Recipe books are a little hard because Kakashi has to be interested in more than just two or three things in the book. He typically prefers to decide on these himself. He likes to work through everything in the book and pick out his favorites. If you tell him you want to buy it for him though, he'll let you. A bookshop date, anyone?
The one thing he does love is the cooking supplies you buy him. High quality ceramics, one of a kind glassware, accent-like cups or bowls. If you're careful about only buying a piece here and a piece there, it doesn't build up clutter, and it becomes a nice special occasion kind of gift. Hot pot is not his most favorite meal ever but he loves the donabe you got him.
He also doesn't have a lot of spare nesting materials, but if you can talk him into letting you take him to a nesting supply shop, he'll usually buy something (because he thinks you think he needs more soft things, which makes him feel cared for but can also get overwhelming on occasion).
Overall though, quality time and some physical touch are his preferred ways of receiving affection.
Cat person who has dogs Kakashi
Kakashi shows up whenever he wants or perfectly on time, prefers only certain people and usually small gatherings or being alone (although being alone with his Person doesn't really count as company), has a lot of very, let's call them specific, habits, is incredibly particular about certain things... and is also something of a prankster.
In a way it's very funny because he's the pack leader of his ninken.
Very respectful but incredibly kinky Kakashi.
Consent is sexy and Kakashi is the sexiest because he's the kind of person who won't act without permission. He's also the kind of person who's almost too shy to even think of his Alpha in an explicit way. This isn't a purity thing. It's just a him being shy and feeling undeserving thing. Have to be careful because he's the kind of sub to say "you can do anything to me, I don't mind" and mean it, and part of a long term relationship with Kakashi is teaching him about his own boundaries.
I'm a big fan "yes he does wear that many layers" Kakashi
Part of it is a feeling of security. But it makes me wonder if he just tends to run cold for some reason. Bundle him up in blankets and feed him soup.
The hospital is very grateful for Kakashi's mate. He tends to run away less if his mate is allowed to either stay with him while he recovering and there's a few times where he's been very happy to get discharged home earlier because Tsunade knows someone responsible and capable of getting Kakashi to sit still while he's getting better.
Lazy Kakashi
Kakashi doesn't hate being a ninja. I get the sense that he thinks ninja are necessary in the world, and he's seen both the good and bad that shinobi missions can do. He doesn't hate it, but he's tired of it.
There's a difference between working hard because you have to and because you want to. I'm a huge fan of lazy Kakashi, no work Kakashi! he doesn't want to go on tiring missions anymore and he certainly didn't love being hokage! don't make him! Let him stay at home every day and do whatever he wants to do, let him spend all day in bed with you and a book and his puppies if he wants!
That said, he's been a shinobi so long, he would miss the athleticism if he ever had to leave, he likes being skilled. That's why he goes back to doing non-combat and teaching jobs after retiring. But he leaves plenty of space for well earned leisure time.
Hobby Husband Kakashi
He's used to having somewhat structured time, so sometimes he has trouble picking something to do on his day off. After the war, he also has to figure out how to fill additional hours since he doesn't stare at the memorial stone all the time.
He actually does like to just try new things. He's the type who naturally ends up pretty good at almost everything he tries though so there's not much he pursues more than one or two times. Once he settles in with his mate, he likes to do things with you. It's more fun and fulfilling than doing activities alone. His favorite hobby is reading though. Reading usually gives him an idea of what he might want to try next.
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stellerssong · 4 months
the experience of doing all your fic in the native mac os notes app runs something like this: you finish a fic. you copy-paste it into the rich text field on ao3. you watch your formatting disappear. you sit there for a second and you're like "well what if i just gave up fanfiction entirely and leaned really hard into my new interest in native regional flora instead." and then you legitimately spend a month considering that as a viable option instead of posting
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frommybookbook · 5 months
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Perry in full business cat mode is me on this Friday afternoon. No thoughts, brain empty, blindly tappy typing away.
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jimmyandthegiraffes · 11 days
Due to an unfortunate incident I recently lost almost all of the 5th doctor fic I was working on. Don’t forget to back up ur writing kids especially if u use a means of writing that requires internet to function properly
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bmpmp3 · 2 months
i was watching a music video for a japanese song and it had built in youtube english captions so i went to turn those on but then i saw that there was like an option for "English" and then a second option for "English (Canada)" and i realized in a few seconds it was just a workaround to having two sets of english captions, one with colour changes in the lettering and one without for accessibility (the canada one was the non-fancy lettering) but for a moment i was living in a world where they were making dedicated canadian english translations for things..... measuring temperature in celsius and height in feet...... paying with loonies and toonies... going to the WASHROOM
#pencil crayons for colored pencils is a favourite but its mostly just an ontario thing tho from what ive heard LOL#calling electricity hydro is another good one. although that also depends on province <3 ontario and i think BC? and maybe more#sorry im ontarian. you can make fun of me for it its okay.#you know sometimes i think about attempts at 'canada english' settings in word processors and stuff#they always suck ass. because every person in this god damn country uses whatever word and spelling they want LOL#like theres some general likelihoods like colour and favourite are common. but centre or center? its like 50-50#i personally use both. depending on i dont know. context? the phase of the moon and stars?#theatre and theatre i see both as well and also personally use both but i have like specific rules for myself for some reason#i use theatre for playhouses and theater for movie theaters. i dont know why#and dont get me started on measurements. thats another combo of context and personal preference#people who work more in like trades switch a lot because of product labels but tend to lean more imperial#people who work in like i dunno. chemistry or something probably use a lot of metric#the average person working in neither? honestly they'll probably say both in the same sentence at least where i live#when installing art basically everyone uses both inches and cms depending on which ones more convenient on the ruler LOL#our drivers licenses in ontario say our heights in cm but literally no one can picture it with the cm measurement because#colloquially everyone says heights in feet and inches. its fine. its fine#edit: WAIT i got so distracted by measurement bullshit i forgot to mention the song. it was insomnia by eve#good tune as usual of eve and also a really beautifully animated and emotionally intense music video
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griffworks · 8 months
Whatever. Beni info dump
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tejoxys · 7 months
something that I miss is when computers worked, like, you pressed a button and the thing turned on and then you did things with it, instead of, you press a button and the keyboard lights up but nothing else happens, and while you've turned around to pick up your tea, the sign-in screen appears for thirty seconds and then decides you're gone forever and goes dark again just as you turn back around so you tap madly on the touchpad until it lights back up and lets you sign in and then, oh sorry, last time you were using it, it interrupted what you were doing to "update" itself without your go-ahead to make completely undetectable but no doubt crucial "improvements" and has now forgotten how to have a cursor :) and it will do this every time you're inspired to work on your WIP
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your--isgayrights · 1 year
I'm so mad because mentally I feel like I'm on such a role and she ( Google docs) is just not here for it
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scionshtola · 7 days
i wish i had the longfic writers temperament
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aurorawest · 1 month
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Why do both Scrivener and Pages (this is Pages) constantly flag my use of 'than?' Am I using it incorrectly? Do I not understand how to use 'than' in a sentence? Am I about to be schooled on some basic rule of the English language by tumblr?
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the-gamling-dog · 11 months
NaNoWriMo Has Begun
and good god google docs, get it together with your dogshit suggestions I mean jesus christ it feels like it took longer to mark all your suggestions wrong than it did to write 1600 words i've done so far in this essay i will
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absolutelybifurious · 2 months
so i was using a text editor and lost 5k words of the fic i was writing and now ive finally caught back up to where i was but i'm so convinced its not as good and this is going to haunt me until i die
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astramachina · 3 months
i really love my fancy new keyboard but man does it hurt my wrists to type for long periods of time.
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