#using my lunch break well
thestalwartheart · 1 year
First and pov for a wip of your own choosing pretty please 🙏
From the no excuses writing meme.
Thanks for asking, Alex! These are from the next installment of my black dog series. It's going to be the first story in that series to feature Bond dealing with depression.
You’ve reached James Bond. Leave a message and— Q taps the button to end the call with more force than usual.
POV (Bond's because the fic is written in Q's):
Bond turns around. Q is standing only in his underwear, soaked through. Bond has no idea how long he's been there, though it must have been a couple of minutes at least because his body is pink with the shower's heat. At the sight of him, a fog begins to lift. "Take those off," he murmurs, nodding at Q's pants. "You're tired," argues Q. "You need—" "I'm not asking for sex." The very thought of getting hard at the moment is laughable. His whole body aches as if it's been put through a meat grinder. "Just come here," Bond insists. "I want to feel you, that's all."
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sharptoothed-gaze · 29 days
Okay guys I know everyone is mourning rn, but I can't resist the call of analysis and overarching lore. So yeah what the fuck!
Apparently to move and keep people in a world, out of the one they originated from, it takes energy. Like,, a fucking lot of it. Fit has only been allowed to stay on quesadilla island for so long because Madagio has been using the remains of Vaccus island to do so.
That power requirement is fucking insane when you think about it. Fit's lore shows that it takes the remaining power of a whole other world, which the Federation destroyed into becoming a battery, for enough power to cover a single one year trip for one human.
Cutting Fit's journey short shows that Madagio places a lot of value in this power source. Nothing can be wasted. Moving world's/dimensions is an incredibly high risk and expensive thing.
WITH ALL OF THAT IN MIND - My question now is... what the fuck have the other big entities, like the Federation, been using to tie down other qsmp characters??
Like we know damn well qPhilza, qFoolish, and qBad don't come from this world. Some dimensional or timeline fuckery is happening with them at the very least. My first thought is maybe their deities were involved with sourcing their travel, and that makes sense for some, but certainly not for everyone.
I'm willing to bet that many of these characters and people on the island come from entirely different worlds/servers. If that's true, that means Quesadilla Island a project that requires a vast amount of energy and purpose to fund.
The Federation was, for some reason, willing to spend its energy to move all of these specific people and that's interesting!!! I'm so curious about their selection process too, because these islanders got tickets /sent/ to them, some of which were personalized.
I think the Federation had a purpose for selecting, transporting, and trapping these people, much like Madagio had a purpose for Fit. After all, the reason Fit /needed/ Madagio to get on the island is because he didn't have a ticket from the Federation.
It's possible that the Feds covered the cost of at least some of these chosen islanders to hop dimensions. If that is the case, then WOW I'm incredibly interested in how they manage that. Maybe they’ve always used islands like Vaccus for that very purpose. Maybe its something we haven't seen before at all. Either way, that process clearly takes a fuck ton of energy to do.
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dreamlightofyourway · 4 months
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bagea · 9 months
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Toni Kensa from @deanthe 's flop sqaud comics
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barkingangelbaby · 5 months
I feel like such a broken fucking person lol
I talked way too much in the tags don't read them
#fighting off the ideation like my life depends on it!! bc it does!!!#been good about not thinking certain phrases but F U C K am i feeling it. i want to turn into a pile of dust#i am so desperately trying to work on myself and change my patterns and bad habits and perspective but it feels like i always fall short#i try not to talk about it online but I'm just. having a very hard day with N because we experience our feelings in different ways#i isolate myself bc i struggle with regulating my reactions and tones when im having an episode but she needs me to talk through things and#i sometimes just. can't. bc I'm not done experiencing the negativity and am not in a place to have a productive convo bc shame spirals etc#we just spent a long time talking and being patient and i thought i was understanding and explaining myself well but i just. idk.#i don't know how to explain that of course i love her even if I'm isolating myself. of course i love her although I'm nonverbal today. i jus#t can't *make* myself talk when I'm like this i don't want to be nonverbal i don't want to isolate i don't want to be a distant partner i do#n't want to fall back into these patterns related to my grief i want to be better i am trying to be better i am working so fucking hard on#being better. i just feel so defeated bc this all spiraled from me not wanting to decide what to get for lunch n using a poor tone about it#I'm about to talk with her some more but I just. kinda don't want to exist right now. fuck dude. it feels so fucking awful when i upset her#like i love her so much she is so important to me and it breaks my heart that our entire day is shot bc i was tired and cranky#i just don't understand how that equates to me not loving her bc she is my whole world dude. I'm going to throw up#i also don't know how to explain to her that scrolling on tumblr is comfortable to me I'm not ignoring her it's just the SM that i scroll on#like we're hanging out watching tv together I'm gonna scroll a little bit. it's just not insta or anything#idk my mind is scrambled I'm crying I just want to be a better person who can calmly communicate my thoughts and emotions#today has just beat my fucking ass dude. i isolate so those feelings don't get translated into my interactions with others#i don't even know what i typed in these tags I just don't want to off myself or think about it I'm fighting myself so much 2day#rAMbles
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bataranqs · 25 days
10 Happy Things
May 26, 2024
Sermon today was so good (as always, this pastor never misses!)
Got lunch with some other uni students from church <3
Got microwaveable mac and cheese for dinner and let me just say. Live is worth living.
Bought some Cheesecake Factory Brown Bread from my normal grocery store for only $5 and it's so insanely good. Ate two slices on the walk home and I am strongly religious so believe this is no exaggeration when I say it made me thank God that the science of bread and our tastebuds exist. It's divine tasting and if you have not tried it, I highly recommend and am very sorry I cannot give some to everyone through this screen.
Drank water today yayyy
Finished memorizing the first chapter of Ephesians let's gooooo!!!
The way the ITSV score is done so beautifully. Daniel Pemberton deserved all the awards
A random old lady at church was talking with me by chance and she was like "I watched this movie Friday in theatres called Sight" and I was like "WAIT I WATCHED THAT YESTERDAY WITH A FRIEND" let's talk about how small the world is and how easily community can be greater than you can imagine
My body is working super duper good today! I am able to breathe and eat and smell and walk and think with hardly any interference!!! Wow!!!
I have the hope of seeing everyone I miss and that's just a very great treasure to have. What luxury, to love and have loved ones within an arm's reach (see: girl misses her mum, literally gonna see her in 4 days)
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deoidesign · 1 year
#vent#man I need to scream about this so bad...#so just like ignore the tags if you dont wanna see me venting about the abuse and ableism and biphobia my bf and i are facing#A year ago me and my bf moved out together#for reference we were 24 and 25 at the time and wed been dating 8 years#my bfs parents absolutely flipped out. like complete meltdown#his mom called me and yelled at me calling me all kinds of names and saying she thinks im manipulating her son#screaming at me and anything I said just made her get more mad#His dad also hid his keys so me and my sister had to drive him to work#she called my parents too to try and have them break us up#which just made my parents say my boyfriend is welcome to stay with us if he feels unsafe#which ive never heard them offer to someone so it was BAD bad#well we moved out anyways and my bf has been way happier and healthier since leaving his parents#well new year comes around and they call him and have this huge conversation about how theyve realized they were wrong#and how they want to apologize to me and how theyre proud of him and they think he did the right thing#well my bf finally agrees to talk to them again after a year of no contact so he and his mom go to lunch#and immediately his mom says actually no i dont want to apologize to deo#she's weird and her art is weird and I dont like her#and i think she's taking advantage of you because she cant drive#she insulted my family and said he should break up with me because I'm disabled#she said i have no right to draw gay people and that it's weird I write gay stories#just. incredibly mean.#and the worst bit is that she's abusing my bf like this in my name#saying she wouldnt be like this if i were different. a different girl or a different person or less 'weird'#its been horrible and I'm so tired. at least we're moving again so she wont know where we live#a year of this shit man#delete later#sorry to the people who already know about this I'm just really struggling with it and having a hard time moving past it
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gxtzeizm · 4 months
in other hand, here are (not so) randomness from me today, i barely survived going outside for almost 12 hours (yup the entire day) together with my family and thank god i was able to return home few minutes before the race started lmaoooooooo
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aridavid · 4 months
my managers took over the break room so i have to take my lunch at THEIR desk and my coworker i hate is trying to talk with me GIRL LEAVE ME ALONE.
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noisytenant · 1 year
I like challenging the idea of hope as fragile but I don’t connect with the idea of hope as some kind of gritty fighter.
I think hope is more like the sun: A force of life that is always present, but not always visible.
Despite the clouds and rain, night and winter, the sun is the central source of energy on earth, and evidence of its presence is always there in our continued existence.
Even when we’re layering jackets in the coldest night of the new moon, the promise of unconditional warmth and light fuels us to seek it out where we are.
And in this way I think the reason hope comes across as fragile is because our grasp on it is fickle; In its rawest form it can be overwhelming and even painful to the point that we can’t hold it in our gaze. We have to experience it at a distance, filtered, through proxies to sense it at all, and so often lose sight of it, and approach it cautiously.
But I think it is worth fighting for. As living beings we are motivated by hope but complicated by context, and the challenge is to believe in hope while recognizing the struggles we undertake to bask in its warmth, including the times we turn away from it.
In essence, I don’t think hope fights for us, but we fight for it ☀️
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thedreadvampy · 9 months
mad about work but nobody to vent to 🥲
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toburnup · 2 years
my life is messy in a way that's perfect for fanfiction inspiration tbh. i'm seeing a concert this weekend and i just got the email with the list of openers. and of course one of them is the band with the guitarist who was a childhood friend AND someone i hooked up with back in 2018 lsdkflsdjflsdkj
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lemememeringue · 2 years
per my last reblog, I wanna let everyone know abt an adblocker option for mobile called blokada, which I use for my android but it appears to be available for ios as well.
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[id: from the website, "Download Blockada. Blokada is available for several platforms, choose yours." platforms listed are Android, iOS, and Other. /end id]
the way it works is by filtering traffic essentially through a vpn (it is Not a vpn! that is a paid feature and my price range is Free Only). you can choose which apps you're comfortable having it check, so you can choose to exclude your banking app or whatever if you're concerned abt that.
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[id: two screenshots of the app.
first image shows blokada is active and has blocked 290723 ads and trackers.
the second image shows the activity page, with most activity blocked. /end id]
this has greatly improved my tumblr experience by blocking impossible-to-scroll-past videos and the *checks notes* ...corpse images... that are being advertised. unfortunately it doesn't block sponsored posts, but that means you'll still be able to see blazed posts as well.
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[id: two screenshots of my tumblr dash.
the first image shows a blank white "Sponsored" placeholder where an ad should be.
the second image shows a sponsored league of legends ad, which isn't blocked because the source is an actual tumblr blog. /end id]
highly recommend you give it a shot if the ads are bothering you. it's fairly easy to set up and p customisable.
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brittlebutch · 2 years
can finally no longer put off the whole ‘workplace accommodations’ convo, so wish us luck with that one
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the-trans-dragon · 1 year
Me using humor to disguise the fact that I am telling them how to do it correctly because customers can get so defensive if I point out they don’t know how to use their card’s new tap feature, and I kinda have to say something because they will get frustrated and start jousting at the reader with their card, and we just got new card-readers that actually work and I am not about to let someone break my brand-new easy-to-use card-reader just because they don’t want to admit that they have no idea how it works and need to be helped at least once to figure it out: “It’s more of a sit that a tap, haha.”
#my autism gets overly attached to tools. especially ones that are overlooked or damaged or need maitenece.#I maybe accidentally named one of our broken shopping carts Hamburger (cos hes smashed but he’s still okay-ish) and it’s#still referred to as Hamburger and when it goes missing people say ‘who fucking took hamburger again.’#one time I found hamburger way in the very back of the warehouse (not with the Too Broken To Use carts; it was just left in the back with#some stuff in it someone forgot to put up) so on my lunch break I went and put up the stuff and then wheeled ol Hamburger all the#way to the back room where I kept it. I did use it! there’s always one or two shopping carts back there for moving product around. I just#had a peculiar one that I befriended and perhaps there was a time when my mental capacity to not quit was indeed held together only by Hamb#Hamburger’s rusty and squashed frame.#ANYWAYS. I love my card readers 🥺 I love the broken ones and the new ones.#the new ones have a very fatal flaw: older cards are a little thicker so they need a tiiiiny extra nudge to fully insert. and oh my god.#I have to walk on eggshells to explain that. because if i don’t explain they will decide to shove the card like they think it’s a carnival#game of ‘how hard can you push this? are you strong enough to win the stuffed cat for your girlfriend?’#so far it works if I just…very…slowly…hover my hand over to their card…and very lightly nudge it. and then I make SURE to say.#‘I appreciate you being gentle with it#it’s new and actually works really well compared to our old ones and I don’t want someone to break it pushing too hard; so thank you.’#and I’m so sympathetic to the card reader 😭 like DAMN. I couldn’t read your card either if you slapped it against my eyeball for half a sec#like it needs a moment to scan. like an eyeball. just set it in range and it will beep when it’s finished. it’ll take a full second or maybe#even two or three. but it’s going to take even longer if you start whacking your card on it and then give up and put the chip in and then it#has to show the errror message and then reset and then try to scan the chip and hopefully you found some patience for that otherwise you#took your card out already and are now staring at me like I’m an irresponsible Card Reader Handlef#for not properly training my equipment to work.#sorrrrrry for rambling!!!#sorenhoots#wait this is my post. not sorries.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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tfw you’re a walking disaster
#prolly loooooooong and incoherent rant incoming pls stand b y#so like… i very stupidly embarrassed myself to the point of tears at work today. but it wasn’t even my fault i s w e a r#a bunch of us ordered food via this delivery app for lunch bc the food options around the workplace kinda suck#but then this person who ordered a similar order to mine ate my food by mistake ಥ‿ಥ#and bc i have no impulse (and volume) control… i… immediately ran out of the break room to voice my complaint to the dude who ordered it#unfortunately for me… the big boss of the workplace was ✨right there✨ as well and she popped in to 👀👀 in on the situation too#thanks to that… my complaint of disbelief got way out of hand (with the boss plotting to exchange my food with someone else’s and stuff…)#the dude who ordered the food also repeatedly offered to buy me something else instead which was big aaaa i’m s o sorry for blowing this up—#and so i… got so embarrassed that i cried. i think my face remained bright red for an entire hour. which made it even more embarrassing…#as for the coworker who stole my lunch… i extorted the price diff and offered to enact ✨physical violence✨ (read: i cracked my knuckles)#so i’m content… maybe. (ʘ‿ʘ) my grudge will never disappear. (ʘ‿ʘ)#but then one of the interns screwed up biiiig time a couple of hours after that so maybe(?) this incident won’t remain in my boss’s memory?#i hope so at least… lol. _(:3 」∠)_#it is suiyoubi my dudes#(using my wednesday tag bc half an hour is pretty insignificant as a whole)
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