#Used my lunch break for this one
sharptoothed-gaze · 4 months
Okay guys I know everyone is mourning rn, but I can't resist the call of analysis and overarching lore. So yeah what the fuck!
Apparently to move and keep people in a world, out of the one they originated from, it takes energy. Like,, a fucking lot of it. Fit has only been allowed to stay on quesadilla island for so long because Madagio has been using the remains of Vaccus island to do so.
That power requirement is fucking insane when you think about it. Fit's lore shows that it takes the remaining power of a whole other world, which the Federation destroyed into becoming a battery, for enough power to cover a single one year trip for one human.
Cutting Fit's journey short shows that Madagio places a lot of value in this power source. Nothing can be wasted. Moving world's/dimensions is an incredibly high risk and expensive thing.
WITH ALL OF THAT IN MIND - My question now is... what the fuck have the other big entities, like the Federation, been using to tie down other qsmp characters??
Like we know damn well qPhilza, qFoolish, and qBad don't come from this world. Some dimensional or timeline fuckery is happening with them at the very least. My first thought is maybe their deities were involved with sourcing their travel, and that makes sense for some, but certainly not for everyone.
I'm willing to bet that many of these characters and people on the island come from entirely different worlds/servers. If that's true, that means Quesadilla Island a project that requires a vast amount of energy and purpose to fund.
The Federation was, for some reason, willing to spend its energy to move all of these specific people and that's interesting!!! I'm so curious about their selection process too, because these islanders got tickets /sent/ to them, some of which were personalized.
I think the Federation had a purpose for selecting, transporting, and trapping these people, much like Madagio had a purpose for Fit. After all, the reason Fit /needed/ Madagio to get on the island is because he didn't have a ticket from the Federation.
It's possible that the Feds covered the cost of at least some of these chosen islanders to hop dimensions. If that is the case, then WOW I'm incredibly interested in how they manage that. Maybe they’ve always used islands like Vaccus for that very purpose. Maybe its something we haven't seen before at all. Either way, that process clearly takes a fuck ton of energy to do.
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lady-raziel · 2 months
If you want to know how Washington DC is dealing with the Biden dropout announcement, when I got off the Metro this morning there were people in Washington Post vests standing around selling physical newspapers featuring the BIDEN DROPS OUT headline. Like literally some EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT shit. You know it’s big when people start doing Newsies in 2024
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spacenintendogs · 10 months
rose if ur doing requests I’d actually die to see more toothless I ADORE how you draw dragons (toothless doing a silly art project)
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K love u bye bye
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hiccup: that doesn't look ANYTHING like me
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tj-crochets · 2 months
So it turns out there's a big craft guild organization thing only a few hours from where I live (I saw an ad for their craft fair), and I got like half my holiday shopping done on their website, and the box arrived today! The thing I was most excited to see in person is fragile, though, and it's really well wrapped in bubble wrap and I don't want it to break when I mail it to the friend it's for, so I am not unwrapping it, but oh man the temptation is there lol I also got myself a little metal bug made of a bottle cap and some wire. It lives on my little corkboard where I put postcards and thank you cards now
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robottheodorlasso · 1 year
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Get yourself a man who can do both (give you vibes of “I want to dissect you” and “I can’t wait to dissect you :D!”)
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mellowmaidenhairs · 2 years
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cecil’s radio booth
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amygdalae · 4 months
Forgot abt the joys of turning a V8 into a virgin bloody mary
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nameless-is-nameless · 7 months
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Decided to paint some antagonists from my current DnD campaign! On the left is Titania, faerie Queen who hasn't been entirely unhelpful, on the right is Apiat, undead fae bug creature who has a bad habit of hoarding the souls of the dead to torment them for eternity.
Couldn't pick b/w the one with the eye glow and without so you get both I guess! There's a matching piece of the good guys here!
Shout out to our dm @wethekeegsta for making them very cool and terrifying
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scholarhect · 6 months
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one of those tweets i’m just going to be thinking about forever
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I soooo don't wanna go to work this week, the kids at this school are a fucking nightmare. I was talking to one of the Japanese staff last week and she was saying she covered classes there and she was genuinely shocked at how badly behaved they are.
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ao3dorian-gay · 5 months
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some sketchy sketches
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dalishthunder · 4 months
Hiked almost 4 miles much at a steep incline/decline and my legs are jelly but it was gorgeous and I very much enjoyed it
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baladric · 4 months
hmm. fortuitously offered job interview for a low effort receptionist position at a place a 10-minute walk from my house. but to go to it, i will have to sneak away from training for an entire hour.. seems? bad?? unwise??? but they can't fit me at any other time, and i really can't be saying "hey employer who's training me at great cost right now, i have to leave for an undisclosed reason for an hour, on the same day i already left for half an hour for a doctors appointment :) " like. hrm...
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vixvaporub · 3 months
Working in a hospital is such a surreal thing
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gardenianoire · 4 months
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my one lunch break is my one break and this is the coworker that was "helping" me in my class yesterday. And by help I mean she sat and a chair and left me to do everything by myself
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night-dark-woods · 2 months
5, 7, 15 for the fic asks!!
thank you!!! this got extremely long.
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
oooh hm. idk about Never, but ive been rotating the idea of Chalco and Aunor interacting bc the different ways they orbit around Ikora FASCINATE me, and the things that have been asked of them are very different. it would have to be epistolary i think and while i DO think i have enough primary sources to get their voices and values alright (letters from Aunor etc, and then WQCE my beloved), im not confident in my ability to do epistolary, & also i'd need something specific for them to argue about (that i also am interested enough in to litigate thru character POVs).
i've yet to decide if I'm accepting the TFS ending cutscene panel where Ikora is using strand, bc im suuuper ambivalent on Ikora using any darkness subclass- i need to re-listen to a bunch more post-campaign stuff to see how i feel about it, bc i know she talks to Mara a LOT in mission voicelines, and i think a lot of their past conflict has been over Mara's antipathy towards the Light & focus on balance over sheer faith in the Traveler (not religious Faith-faith, as we've talked abt before, bc i dont think Ikora sees the Traveler as a *god* like Zavala does- it's like gravity or thermodynamics its simply *true,* and can be explained. its not something that requires faith or sacrifice.)
but if i decide to accept that as canon then i think that would make a FASCINATING argument because Aunor has been Ikora's hunting dog for YEARS, cold-blooded killer putting down guardians who fall to darkness, and i think the sheer betrayal (from Aunor's POV) of Ikora changing her position on that would cause SUCH a crisis of faith for Aunor (what does that mean for what she's done in Ikora's name? what does that mean for how she can live with the weight of it?), and i think constrasting that with Chalco being Ikora's right-hand man (her silly rabbit / does she call you that / no) BUT without the blind loyalty that Petra has for Mara ("you are not the queen and i am NOT one of her cadre") could be sooo fun bc it wouldn't be a simple "Aunor mutiny Chalco loyal." i just dont know if Actually Writing it will provide more enrichment for me than just rotating the concept in my head.
that got long!!! and also ive partially convinced myself to work on it eventually lol.
anyway. that's the main one that i can think of, that isnt a "this scenario sounds hot BUT i dont want to write it bc there isnt enough character work to make the logistical nightmare of writing porn worth it" LMFAO
7. How many ideas for fics do you have right now?
- Elsie&Amanda (nicknamed "horsegirl movie but its a robot with dysphoria") where Elsie needs help fixing some part of her body and she can't do it by herself for some reason and then has to deal with the fact that Amanda regards her body with a simple honest appreciation that Elsie will NEVER feel for herself bc of when and how she became an exo!!! her own mother calls her body a "walking lazaretto" and she watched her father die horribly for this technology!!! god!!!
- Ikora's fight with Madhir & how she let him eat her ability to want anything. god. Ikora Rey woman that you are. also inspired by the way the demon works in dunmeshi bc i think the Ahamkara should work more like that. fuck monkey's paw genie trick wishes, getting exactly what you wished for and in doing so losing part of Who You Are is so much better. the Ahamkara aren't evil tricksters they are PREDATORS they are the very tippy top of the food chain and as dunmeshi says. to eat is the sole privilege of the living. there is no moral weight to that no matter how violent and that makes the violence of it far more interesting!!!
- somewhere between 3 and 5 high-concept porn fics, 2 at WIP stage and several that may or may not get written, all Petra-centric bc i (and Jackie) love to put that dyke in situations (all have Mara/Petra/Sjur as a given established relationship, the two WIPs are focused on Mara/Petra and Petra/Sjur & the ones that may just stay as ideas have bonus Petra/Amrita(/other corsairs) & Petra(/Sjur)/Amanda)
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
song lyrics mostly!!! often the one i was listening to a lot while writing/thinking about it, or one that makes me feel like that post thats like "song that reminds me of my favorite character comes on and i make the most unwell expression known to man."
the problem is i want the vibe of the whole song to mostly fit which means i've recently become aware that i nearly exclusively listen to sad music, apparently, bc i could not find a Single Song i like that fit the very fluffy/conflict-free Amanda/Sloane fic i wrote recently, so instead its both a line from the fic and a bit of a pun on the content lol: follow-through (impact play)
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