#usually i get the usual stuffy nose itchy eyes
maxellminidisc · 9 months
My seasonal allergies need to chill the fuck out, I dont think hives are an additional reaction necessary to have over some fucking plant jizz!!!
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descaladumidera · 2 months
Okay, so. For about ten years (give or take one or two) I've had allergy like symptoms. I just didn't know they were allergy like symptoms if you catch my drift. It's just a runny nose and a lot of sneezing and I always thought allergies were worse, like, itchy, teary eyes, rashes, swelling, etc. Not saying that the runny nose and the sneezing isn't bad. Like, it's pretty fucking debilitating by now (some days I go through five packs of tissues in the span of an hour or so (that's 50 tissues), and once I start sneezing or my nose gets stuffy, I can't keep sleeping, leading to me getting even less sleep than usual).
Now, I also sometimes get an itchy throat and itchy inner ears, but I didn't know those were allergy symptoms as well. Until someone mentioned it. And then I thought, "Ah, shit, this is an allergy, after all! I should get tested and get some help managing it." So I went ahead and got an appointment for an allergy test (after lots of crying and panicking, 'cause fucking phone calls as only a handful of doctors here are offering to make an appointment online via their website—not this one, though).
Well. I do not have an allergy. I do not know what I have. But the ENT physician's reaction was simply, "Well, it's good it isn't an allergy. Don't take freely available nasal sprays, 'cause they can make you addicted. Goodbye."
Uhm. Yeah. Thanks, I knew the latter and I don't agree with the former. 'Cause, like, if it was an allergy, I would at least have options to try?? Right now I'm in limbo and there was no further offer of testing or anything, just the dismissive "yep, lucky it's not an allergy, now leave".
So. I still don't know what's wrong and I'm so fucking tired and why should I even try. I'm so fucking tired of doctors just going "tough luck, now live with it" on me. This isn't the first time and I'm done trying.
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babybearsnz · 1 year
Hey, I love the way you write!! Can I ask for a fanfic in which Felix (skz) gets sick and some fan on live told him that he sneezes too loudly, so Felix tried to keep his sneezes in the whole illness. The members scolded him for it. I can’t think of a denouement, I hope you manage to come up with it, sorry ..
That’s ridiculous
Sickie: Felix
Caretaker: Chan
Relationship: Platonic
Felix’s pov:
I was on a live talking to Stays when I felt an itch in my nose.
“Hold on guys, I have to sneeze.” I leaned out of frame and brought a fist to my mouth. “hHASHuuh! hESSHhuu!” I sniffled. “Oh, excuse me.”
A few Stays said ‘bless you’ in the comments and I thanked them. I read another comment; “‘Your sneeze hurt my ears, it’s too loud.’” I blushed. “I’m sorry,” I mumbled.
********end of flashback********
I guess my itchy nose from yesterday meant I was getting sick. The first thing I did when I woke up was realize I could barely breathe through my nose. I looked across the room and Chan was sitting on his bed.
He looked up at me and smiled. “Hey, Lix, you’re pretty stuffy, huh?”
I sat up and blew my nose, making it tingle. But a Stay told me yesterday that I sneeze too loud. “HAHNGXT! HEHNGXT! HAHNGXTtchh! O-Oh!”
It wouldn’t stop and Chan rushed over. He sat next to me and rubbed my back. “Bless you, Lix,” he exclaimed. “Oh my, let it out, buddy.”
“HEHNGXTtchiee! Ugh.”
Chan put his arms around me. “Bless you, are you okay?”
I nodded and sniffled. “Thank you,” I whispered.
“You don’t usually sneeze like that.” He cocked his head. “What’s wrong?”
I shrugged. “Didn’t want to wake the other members.”
He hummed in understanding, squeezed my shoulder, and stood. “Well that sounded painful,” he stated. “I’ll go get you some meds.”
“Thank you.”
********time skip********
Chan handed me a few pills and a glass of water. “The members are awake now so don’t worry about being quiet.” I followed him into the kitchen. “What do you want to eat?”
“Whatever you’re making,” I replied. “Not very hungry.”
Chan cooked me some breakfast and sat beside me. “Eat up, sickie.”
I thanked him and took a few bites. The spices and steam made my nose itch. “HAHNGXT! HIHNGXT! NGXTtchh! HAHNGXT! heh— h-hih!”
“Oh Lixie, bless you,” Chan cooed. “Breathe, it’s okay.”
The sneezes kept coming. “HUHNGXTtchuu! HAHENGXTtchh!”
When he was sure I was done, Chan handed me some tissues. “Lix, you need to let them out.” He tilted my head so I was looking at him. “It clearly makes you sneeze way more and way harder when you hold them in like that.”
I sniffled harshly. “I’m sorry,” I mumbled. “A Stay told me I sneeze too loud so I was trying to be quieter.”
Chan rolled his eyes. “That’s ridiculous,” he chuckled. “One, your normal sneezes aren’t that loud. And two, you’re hurting yourself doing that.”
I shrugged and rubbed at my nose. “I guess you’re right.”
“And who cares either way,” he added. “I mean, Hyunjin causes an avalanche every time he sneezes.”
I laughed, stopping when it made me cough.
“Woah, take it easy.” Chan giggled.
I hugged him. Sure, I’m clingy when I’m not feeling well, but he always knew how to phrase things. But the moment was over too soon when I had to pull away. “hHATCHhuu! TCHUU!”
“Oh, bless you again.” Chan cooed. “That’s more like it.”
“Bless you, Felix-hyung!” Jeongin yelled from the other room.
“Thank you!”
Chan smiled and put an arm around me. “Plus, now you’re loud enough for I.N to hear. He likes blessing people lately, I don’t know.”
I grinned back. “Yea, you’re a good teacher.”
He kissed my forehead. “What are the odds you’re even sweeter when you’re sick?”
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So this has happened twice now and im not really sure how to phrase the question to Google it so im just gonna pose this to my fellow ibs sufferers on tumblr cuz its fucking weird and idk if its actually related to ibs or if its just a weird coincidence
So normally I just deal with constipation. Not fun. But whatever. But sometimes I go through phases of having diarrhea instead and sometimes both at the same time
Twice now when I've had diarrhea that doesnt wanna come out ive had this....allergic reaction????? Like mouth and throat start itching/burning, eyes get all red and puffy and start watering, nose gets stuffy and I start sneezing.
I'm allergic to things but not usually to that extent. I get contact dermatitis from bandaid adhesive, break out in hives when I touch certain plants, get a lil congested from dog dandruff and certain types of pollen but I never experience the itchy face/throat thing.
The only 2 times its happened is while I was having diarrhea. Once its over the reaction dies down. It doesn't happen EVERY time which is why im not sure its related but I have no idea what else it could be.
I dont usually have allergic reactions just being in the bathroom for an extended period of time. The foods I ate were different both times. The first time I thought I was maybe having an allergic reaction to something on my new comforter but it never happened again and its been almost a year and the comforters been washed multiple times since then anyway.
Anyone else experienced this? I'm not super worried about it but its weird enough I feel like I need to ask someone about it. Also if you have experienced it do you know whats causing it?
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pxison · 2 years
@ikkaku-of-heart because we be thinking about balls n’ shit
Attending these stuffy events were always low on Ichiji’s enjoyment list. Their father expected them to behave and as the eldest son on par with Reiju in terms of responsibilities, he was to ensure their more troublesome siblings were in line.
Which would likely be hard to do given how he predicted this night would go. They would be announced to the attendees by their most gracious host; some rich scum he didn’t bother remembering the name of, and then expected to tolerate the presence of anybody interested in either doing quiet business with Germa, or even as he loathes to think on it, the potential courtship certain parties would propose to them each.
Fixing up his tie and tightening it to a near suffocating degree, Ichiji felt he was ready to go. There was not a single unsightly wrinkle to be found in his suit tonight. Dark as a starless sky and pleasantly accented by the crimson cravat he had tucked into his collar, all that was left to do was to sit the sparkling red masquerade mask on the top of a perfect nose. Casting a brief glance at his shades, those too were tucked away in a pocket and out of sight.
He only slightly turns his head up as he hears the howling whines of his other two brothers in the background, only to be silenced by the gruff voice of Judge quelling their rebellious spirits. So tonight was to be one of those nights... Great.
Reiju gave him little more than a nod and virtually ignoring her in favor of putting on a mask of a grateful guest, slapped a fake smirk visible just below the mask curving over his nose.
Passing through the curtains and into the main room where a long table sat with a convenient number of seats for their family to sit in, their host pops up to greet them, his hands rather disgustingly clammy but for appearances sake, Ichiji makes no comment.
They are seated when the guy scrambles for a snail run mic to announce their presence already noticed by the masses. The number of eyes on them makes him feel itchy but he does not react, made even easier by the lack of care he has for these fools. Hopefully tonight would go faster than the usual ball.
“Ladies and Gentlemen! I am pleased to introduce our biggest guests to tonight’s party! The vaunted Germa royal family!”
Loud clapping ensues and yet Ichiji still can’t find himself to care. Just merely raises his glass in time with the rest of his family before taking a sip to get the edge off. If this place knew anything about them, then there better be barrels full of alcohol waiting in the wings.
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minteacutie · 2 years
1, 9, 8, 15, 16 for steddie werewolf!au sorry that’s a lot! in my defense, I wanted to ask for them all, so 😅
No problem I’ll take as many of these as I can get they’re fun to answer!!! 🤣
1.What's the worst possible snz scenario for your OC and why? Steve's sneezes are so loud that probably just being anywhere quiet and needing to sneeze is a nightmare for him, but also having to sneeze while holding something probably wouldn't be fun either, lol. Eddie doesn't mind sneezing in front of other people, but I feel like he can get a bit irritable when his allergies set him off. Might get a bit snappish, being blessed especially since Steve habitually blesses people after they sneeze. 8. Does your OC have a "pattern" to their snz? Does that pattern ever deviate for any reason? I feel like Steve sneezes so rarely that there isn't really a chance to notice a pattern in his sneeze, but when his allergies really get going he sneezes in doubles. Sometimes they tumble over each other to get out, so it sounds like a lot more. I feel like I agree with most of the fandom that Eddie sneezes in threes, they get really itchy and rapid when his allergies are particularly bad. 9. What does your OC's pre-snz face look like? I feel like unless it's allergies Steve spends a lot of time in the pre-sneeze period, just hitching. You can see his expression get hazy, as he starts to lose focus and Steve's mouth drops open against his will as he hitches. I can also see him using his hand to fan his face, like he's trying to get the sneeze to come. Can actually loose his train of thought if he's in the middle of a sentence. Eddie doesn't spend a long in the pre-sneeze period. Usually his sneeze are over with quick before he even realizes that he even has to sneeze. I feel like when he does end up hitching, he talks through the need to sneeze, scrunching up his pink nose and wiggling it. Lots of flaring nostrils, and his eyes can get a bit watery. 15.Other then allergies, is there a special circumstance that would result in your OC having a drawn out fit? Steve happens to get stuffy when he gets colds, so his fit get more drawn out and hitchy, leading to a lot stuck sneezes. Eddie has a sensitive nose, so honestly if you poke around long enough you could probably get him going into a pretty good little fit or two, lol. 16. What is considered an excessive number of sneezes for your OC? I feel like Steve isn't a particularly sneezy person, so any number of sneezes above zero is excessive for him, lol Eddie on the other hand has a wicked list of allergens and is just a sneezy person in general. I feel like it starts gets alarming when he comes into contact with an allergen, just multiple little fits in a row all blending it with each other. Anything that last longer than a minute and a half is concerning lol.
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disownedbytiime · 10 months
I take my allergy medicine at 8-9am and 9-10pm. Today I had to wake up much earlier than usual so I didn’t take it last night bc I knew it would be harder to wake up. And I though: what much difference can one pill make?
Yeah. Today I couldn’t take it in the morning because I got pretty busy and forgot, and as the hours passed I started to feel my nose getting stuffy, my eyes getting itchy, my lips getting red spots, my hands swelling. Like, everything, everywhere, all at once indeed! At this was at like, 11am. (So around 26~ hours after my last pill).
Anyway, yeah I guess in my case one pill can really fuck me up
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wooahaes · 2 years
so this is love
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pairing: non-idol!prince!vernon x fem!reader
prompt: disney cinderella au BABEYYYY this ones for ME bc i was sad
word count: 4.4k
warnings: abusive stepfamily since it’s a cinderella au. love at first sight, pretty much. fairy godparent!shua, seungkwan is a mouse, mingyu is a dog. jeonghan gets to be a horse. good for them. intentional lowercase + no proofreading.
daisy’s notes: ok pretend i didnt just spend the last two hours writing this when  ihave a doctors appointment today. i wanna do a second part for this later btw thats a modern au which is part of the reason i used hansol instead of vernon. shh. just take love at first sight fic that i wrote to make myself feel better.
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all you wanted was one night for yourself. one night to just go to the ball and maybe have the chance to see royalty for yourself.
the ball itself was meant to celebrate the king’s daughter’s birthday, and she wanted a masquerade with an open invitation to everyone in the kingdom (you’d always liked her: even if you knew there’d be guards everywhere to keep the royal family safe, she at least gave people the chance to come see them and escape their daily lives for once). your family--your step-mother and sisters--had given you your usual list of chores with another stacked atop it, and ever the diligent daughter, you took to working hard for the day. if you finished everything, you could go. that was the deal your step-mother had made you. your dress had been unfinished last you checked, and the later it became, the more likely you knew that you’d be left at home for another silly party of nobles.
then you returned to your bedroom at the top of the manor, downtrodden until the mice and birds you would talk to (they were much better company than your family, that was certain) had somehow managed to finish your dress for you. kindness truly would always be rewarded with kindness--that had been what your father said before his passing. the world needed more kind people, and you promised him you would always stay as warm and loving as he and your birth mother had been.
even when your dress was ripped to shreds, you kept your trembling fists at your side and retreated out into the remains your mother’s garden. all that was left were the food you’d grown there, pumpkins and tomatoes and the like, that you could use for meals now. you’d always missed the pretty flowers. but the carriage took off with your step-family inside, and you were left alone to sob to yourself.
you missed your parents. your mother would have gently stroked your hair and told you there’d always be another ball. your father would have stood up for you himself, like he always used to when your step-siblings stole your toys when you were children. then again, you wouldn’t even be outside crying. you’d be in that carriage, off to escape the dreary day to day life you knew. even if you were still running the house, your father would have granted you one night to yourself. you were positive of that.
“it’s just no use,” you sobbed aloud, face buried in your arms. your hair was in disarray, the fabric seemed far more itchy now than it’d been before. once you were calm, you’d change back into your everyday clothing and forget about all of this. “it’s just so pointless...”
“pointless?” a hand stroked your hair gently. “i don’t think so at all,” he said gently. “dreams are good, after all. you’ll be okay if you keep dreaming.”
“why should i?” you refuted, not caring to look up. “look where it got me...”
“dreaming made you into the person you are today,” he said. “and i think she’s stronger than this. chin up,” he chuckled. “i promise you’ll be fine.”
... who were you crying on, actually?
you drew back, looking up, only to gasp and recoil away at the face of a kind man with pretty, gentle brown eyes dressed in pale blue robes. “who are you? this is private land!” you pulled yourself together as best as you could, despite a tear-stained face and a stuffy nose. “i’ll...” you trailed off. no one human was home, but you had gyu. “i have a dog and he’ll bite.”
the man laughed at you, light and airy. “i know how this might look,” he stood, dusting himself off. “but i promise i’m only here to help you. after all... i wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you dreaming.”
you stared at him. “so... i’m asleep?”
“not at all,” he said. “but we don’t have time to talk, do we? you want to go to the ball, don’t you?”
you nodded eagerly. “more than anything,” you said, and then looked down at the tattered remains of your dress. “but... i don’t have a way to go.”
he walked over to you, hands cupping your face. “it’ll be okay,” he said. “i’m here. consider me your fairy godparent, here to make your dream come true.”
... he could? you looked at him with hope in your eyes, and he pressed a gentle kiss onto the crown of your head.
“let’s see...” he paused, pulling a wand out of thin air. “you’ll need a carriage, won’t you? now let’s see...” he walked away from you, poking through the pumpkins. “you sing to them, don’t you?”
“i...” you felt your face heat up.
“i can tell,” he smiled. “how about this one?” he gently tapped one with his wand, and you gasped when it stirred from it’s position. the vines seemed to snap themselves from the ground as it pulled itself up with a lug, crawling away from where it’s once sat. it felt surreal to watch the vines extend, almost as though stretching from a long slumber, and barrel away.
with a wave of his wand, the man sent sparkles after it that spiraled around the pumpkin and made it grow larger with each bounding steps. vines curled into pure white wheels, the orange overtaken by white and gold. windows seemed to carve themselves out, disappearing into thin air as the muck inside of the pumpkin turned into soft curtains that were drawn.
it almost made you say something unladylike, that was certain. instead, you turned back to the other pumpkins, almost questioning whether they all had that potential.
“it takes a bit of magic,” he hummed, “those are still normal as something grown with love can be. now let’s see... we’ll need a driver, won’t we?”
you watched him turn his sights on gyu, who’d been sitting near the door, watching this whole thing go down. the dog perked his ears up when your fairy godparent met gaze with him. he walked over, giving the dog a gentle pat on the head.
“you’ll play your part, don’t worry,” he said reassuringly. “but for someone to drive the horses...” he turned his attention to hannie, your horse who’d been watching from a safe distance. “someone who knows the roads.”
with another wave of his wand, you watched as hannie was lifted with ease by magic. sure enough, he was transformed into a man who was easily lifted over and into the driver’s seat of your carriage. he gave you a smile and a wave after taking a moment to look over his body.
“and for horses...” he turned to where the mouse had been sitting with curious eyes. “you’ll do.”
another wave of the wand and you watched the four trying to scatter be turned into three horses of varying shades--and you saw your fourth, little kwannie, trying to dart away.
“oh, dear,” you said, hurrying over to gather him. he darted into your hands, squeaking quietly. “do you have to?”
“don’t you want to help her?” your fairy godparent said to the mouse. “it’ll only be for tonight.”
kwannie squeaked again. “good,” the man said in response, palm exposed as the mouse scrawled into his hand. “thank you, little one.”
he set his hand back to the ground, mouse scurrying away as he cast another spell. soon enough he had joined the rest, neighing proudly at his new, large state. your stepmother’s cat should see him now--you’re sure the rotten old thing would be scared into taking the baths he loathed despite getting himself dirty so often.
“what else do we need...” he mused to himself. “how would you like to be a footman?” he turned back to gyu, who began wagging his tail as he perked up. “just the job for you, hm?”
he waved his wand once more, and you watched your loyal companion be turned into a tall man, dressed in fancy white clothing.
“oh, gyu,” you cooed, reaching up to straighten him out a little more. “you look wonderful!” kwannie let out a whiny, and you giggled to yourself as you stroked his mane. “you all do, silly.”
your fairy godparent turned back to you, chuckling quietly to himself. “i can see why they love you,” he said. “and now it’s your turn,” he said, walking over. “stand still for me, love.”
you did as he told you, watching as he took a few steps back. with a deep breath, you braced for the impact of a spell to hit you: and soon enough, it did. you felt your gown shift and change around you, snug and cozy as could be, and the slippers you’d been wearing shifted as well. you opened your eyes, looking down at the pretty white fabric that you now wore. you’d miss the dress you were wearing beforehand--before it was destroyed, at least--because it’d been in your favorite color, but this was beautiful in its own right. you twirled, skirt flaring out around you as you giggled to yourself and hurried to take a look at your reflection in the fountain.
“the slippers are a gift,” he told you. “i know you look wonderful, but you should go,” he gently pulled you away and toward the carriage. “have a good time, my love. the magic wears off at midnight,” he pressed another kiss onto the top of your head. “and one final thing...”
one gentle tap at your temple, and a mask appeared over your eyes.
“no one would have recognized you without it, but it is a masquerade ball,” he teased you gently. “can’t forget that, can we?”
you hugged him tight, feeling his warm arms wrap around you. “thank you so much,” you whispered.
“your welcome,” he said. “now off you go,” he helped you step up into the carriage.
you waved farewell to him as hannie set the horses off, gyu sitting across from you with the dopiest smile on his face. he looked at you as everyone else did: with the love of someone who’d been loved in turn, kindness in your actions against them. even when you had to scold him for chasing your stepmother’s awful cat around. with the horses at full gallop to get you to the ball on time, you merely sat back and watched the scenery. how long had it been since you’d gone into town not on business for your family? too long, certainly. you were living primarily supported by your father’s money, things he’d gained for being a war hero before his passing, but you were primarily in charge of all financials related to food. as frustrating as it was for your step-family to waste what they could, you made things work. maybe one day you’d come out into the town and visit the baker again. seokmin always had something sweet for you, free of charge because you’d helped him a few times out of your own need to care for people.
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guards were lined up everywhere at the palace, and you didn’t blame the royal family for being cautious. gyu helped you out of the carriage, and you were left to wander up on your own since the party was already in full swing. a guard had pointed you in the right direction, though, the ballroom just up ahead. yet you were too fascinated by how luxurious life must be in the palace. you could hear names being read off in the distance, the royal family likely greeting the nobility of the kingdom. your step-sisters were likely among them. if you were lucky, you’d maybe catch a glimpse of the royal family. that’d be something you could gossip with the tailor’s son, minghao, about for weeks when you had to see him. no doubt one of your family would need something new, and his family always had the best work.
unknowingly to you, hansol had spotted you from within the ballroom. being forced to greet every single person that he knew was secretly vying for his hand was frustrating. yes, it was his sister’s celebration, but he overheard the way his parents were set on having every eligible maiden in the kingdom come. he was of marrying age, after all. to have him betrothed to someone noble would help strengthen their ties, even if he had this (perhaps foolish now, considering he was a prince) romantic idea of finding someone he could love. he stifled a yawn halfway through the list, apologetic in how rude the action would be. but it was all so dull, even with his sister gently teasing him. noblewoman after noblewoman bowing as low as they can, some explicitly trying to catch his gaze with low-cut dresses that felt far too scandalous to wear in front of royalty.
and yet there you were, wandering outside without a care in the world. the last name had been read off, the music already beginning to start up, and hansol excused himself to find you. he knew his father’s steward would have spotted him on his way over, and likely would have stopped him if he hadn’t politely ducked through the crowd fast enough to not be stopped.
“is this your first time in the castle?” he asked, and you gasped as you turned to face him. “i’m--sorry,” he chuckled, “you looked lost.”
“i’m just...” you looked around. “i suppose i am a little lost,” you giggled, genuine and adorable in your starstruck reaction.
“are you here for the princess?” he nodded toward the ballroom.
you smiled at him. “to celebrate her, yes. but i’m afraid i don’t see myself meeting her--or any of her family, for that matter.” you looked back inside. “i wouldn’t be so lucky.”
“would you?” he smiled. “why is that?”
“all i wanted is a nice night,” you admitted. “being able to celebrate the princess is wonderful, but i wouldn’t want to intrude on her or her family. i can’t imagine how much stress all of this must be. to invite everyone here?” you met his gaze. “and being responsible for greeting them? i can only imagine how hard it must be.”
hansol felt something in his chest stir at that. genuine compassion for another person, and you didn’t even seem to know who he was. “would you like to dance?” he extended his arm to you.
and oh, that pretty smile would make every single thing he dealt with tonight worth it. “i’d love to.”
hansol never believed in love at first sight. but guiding you back out into the ballroom, knowing that you had no clue who he was and were treating him lovely nonetheless... it made his heart skip a beat. holding you in his arms did, too. for the rest of the night, he didn’t need anyone else there. let his parents see you with him. their plan to use his sister’s party to find him a bride could be considered a success if you were truly the warm person you seemed to be.
“do you want to get out of here?” he asked you at one point, and you smiled at him. “yeah you do,” he chuckled, taking your gloved hand in his own. “let’s go.”
you were happy to escape with this stranger. he was no prince (although, truly, you thought he was better than a stuffy prince would be with that pretty twinkle in his eye as he stole away with you outside), but he was charming in his own right. he told you he loved music, speaking to you about the works of lee jihoon with unrivaled passion. no one else bothered you as the two of you listened to the distant sound of the string quartet inside. was it silly to be so fond of someone who was so kind to you already? perhaps so. but he was lovely. you wanted to dance with him again, and he was content to hold you close and gently hum along to the songs inside.
and perhaps it was silly, but when he drew back to look you in the eyes...
“may i kiss you?”
you wanted nothing more than that. his lips were about to brush yours when the clock struck, ringing out twelve times. 
oh no. your timing was awful and you knew it, but you tore away from him. “oh--”
he stared at you, dumbfounded considering how close you’d been. “i’m sorry?”
“no! i just--” you took a breath. “i haven’t seen any of the royal family,” you said. “and my family is leaving soon, so i must go--”
you took off, slipping through the crowd as quickly as you could. you could hear your dashing stranger calling out for you to wait, to stop and talk to him, but all you could focus on was getting out. you descended each step as quick as you could, nearly tripping as one of your slippers came loose. with a gasp, you turned to try and grab it, only to see someone else rushing after you--the king’ steward, seungcheol, who had brought you the invitation in person. you abandoned it instead: it’d disappear in time, most likely, and you needed to get out now. gyu had helped you climb back into the carriage, horses taking off the moment the door was almost completely shut.
you breathed a sigh of relief. that had been close, and even though you knew your time was running short before the magic completely disappeared, you at least had a start back home. gyu perked up, and you realized you could hear horses as well.
had you done something wrong? you squeezed your eyes shut, praying that you hadn’t. all you did was dance the night away with a handsome stranger with a love for music. that wasn’t a crime, was it? you hadn’t even had your chance to see the prince or any of the rest of his family.
oh well. at least you had the memory of almost kissing that man. surely he was nobility in his own right. perhaps you’d get your chance to find him again someday when life treated you more kindly. even after your carriage fell apart, your horses and coachman and footsman all turned back into their normal form, you were happy. your dress had disappeared into the torn strands of fabric it’d been before, but it took barely taking a step for you to realize you still had your other slipper. you held it out for your little mice friends to climb into, kwannie looking up at you with a sniffing nose with joy in those little eyes.
“it was wonderful,” you told him. “let’s go home. stepmother won’t be home until the party ends, most likely.”
despite having to walk the rest of the way home barefoot, you were happy to recount the night to your companions. they held no responses save for the happy yip or whiny or squeak, but that didn’t stop you. you took care of what you could when you returned home, cleaning up the ripped fabric and spilled beads from your dress before returning to bed. you’d fall asleep happy that night, and you hoped you’d dream of pretty brown eyes and a completed kiss.
meanwhile, hansol was positive he felt something for you that he hadn’t felt for anyone else. and if his parents wanted him to marry soon, then so be it. but he’d only marry the girl who fit that slipper. it’d only meant to be his way of stalling, truly--if it fit someone else, he knew what you looked like... mostly. his sister apologized for choosing a masquerade before teasing that she never expected him to find his true love there.
and, of course, his parents both took the bait. seungcheol would be sent out to find the girl who fit that slipper, and hansol had his time to figure out what to do next. he’d given the description of what you looked like as best as he could. he’d find you again someday, even if all he could do was sit in the castle and wait.
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you’d been excited when the news came, even if it had been through what your stepmother had been telling your stepsisters. the prince had been looking for someone who fit a glass slipper.
you’d been dancing with the prince.
the prince wanted you.
the dreamy look on your face had said everything, and despite the gut feeling you had to stay downstairs, to stay where you could stay free, you felt a need to change and be presentable for company. your stepmother locked you in your room despite your cries to reconsider, that you would make sure she was taken care of if the prince found you. she seemed convinced you’d leave and never look back. perhaps that was a sign that your kindness would never be met in turn, but that wouldn’t stop you from trying even after you heard her disappear down the stairs. there was no fairy godparent to save you from your tears then as you heard the horses whiny outside, the steward likely having arrived. even if you called to him, he wouldn’t hear you from your window. you almost wished you had the sheets to tie together to scale the outside wall.
so you pulled yourself together. this door was nothing compared to someone who wanted their happy ending. your stepmother had put you in this room when you were barely a teenager, letting you cope with everything that came with that by yourself. while she and your stepsisters lived their comfortable life downstairs, you happily put up with the draft and the dust and the rotten wood here and there. you’d do it again if it meant you could fight for this ending.
one instance of throwing yourself into the door hadn’t been enough, and neither had two. but you could hear the wood cracking, the metal of the door threatening to give way if you hit it one last time. so you did, shoulder slamming hard into it. you had to catch yourself on the railing, nearly crying out in victory. doing so much physical labor around the house had paid off in one way, hadn’t it? but you paused, turning to glance at yourself in your little mirror before taking a deep breath. you retrieved your glass slipper, tucking it away carefully as you descended the steps.
“are you sure you don’t have any other daughters?” you could hear the steward ask your stepmother. “the prince was insistent on every maiden, my lady.”
“please wait!” you called out, rushing down the steps. you met seungcheol’s gaze, taking just a moment to catch your breath now that he’d seen you.
“she’s just a servant girl,” your stepmother coldly said. “a child. she wouldn’t have been there last night. do not entertain her delusions--”
“the rules were every maiden,” he stayed firm, smiling at you. almost as if he knew it was you.
but fate wasn’t completely kind: your stepmother’s cat darted out in front of him, and you watched him gasp, losing grip on the slipper he carried. it flew through the air, landing on the ground and shattering into pieces. you could see his hopes shattering, too, as he panicked. you could see the anger in his face as he wanted to say something, to argue that her awful cat had done that on purpose.
“please don’t worry,” you told him as you made your way to the bottom of the steps. “you see... i have the other slipper,” you pulled it out, surprise evident on everyone’s faces. they’d been a gift, after all: gifts weren’t meant to be taken back.
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hansol paced the corridor as he waited for you. they’d find you, wouldn’t they? even if he had to go out and search every house, he would find you and bring you back if you’d allow him. all he wanted was someone kind as you to stand at his side. he’d told his parents that you hadn’t recognized him as royalty and treated him lovingly--that meant something, hadn’t it? that you were so kind regardless of a person’s status? that was something he’d want in a queen, if he were to take the throne one day. if not a queen, then a wife. a partner in general, truly. seungcheol had promised him he’d do everything in his ability to find you, your description committed to memory. but as time ticked past, he grew more antsy. 
the doors finally opened. the steward stepped in, announced your name, and he knew. he knew it was you before you even stepped in, that dreamy look in your eyes. others would have politely waited for him to summon them, or would have walked over politely and curtsied, but not you. he saw relief in your eyes as you rushed over to him, and he caught you in his arms and held you tight. not even a full day and he’d craved your embrace again.
“it’s you,” he said quietly. “good.”
“do you truly think you want me?”
“i don’t think,” he said. “i know,” he held your face in his hands. “may i kiss you?”
you smiled at him. you had time to get to know him properly, but if he was going to be this sweet to you... you had a feeling you’d love him. “yes.”
“are you going to run away this time?” he teased.
he loved the way you giggled at him in response. “would you chase me?”
“yes,” he said. “a thousand times over.”
you smiled at him once more and then leaned in to press your lips against his own. sealed with a kiss, you had found your happy ending with nothing but kindness in your heart and a blossoming love between the two of you. perhaps it was important to hold onto dreams: dreaming brought you joy, and that brought you to hansol. if you could go back and do everything over again, you would keep it the same if you could always have this ending. a happy ending in life wasn’t just that: it was the start of a life to be lived well and loved with every ounce of your being.
so hello, happy ending day one. you were ready to greet it.
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ur-catboy · 2 years
title: mess, mess, n more mess
user: urcatboy
length: 6:18
description: the pollen count has been so high lately... n i'm so tired n sneezy... u wouldn't mind if i jus let it all out, would u?~
[contents] so much mess omg, noseblows throughout, stuffy snz, uncovered snz
“hey,” urcatboy begins the video sitting at his usual setup. he sniffles, the congestion already making it evident that he’s been sneezing well before the video.
“i’m so itchy right now,” he continues, sniffling once again. "so i'm gonna warn you th-tha'tshh! mm...snf...i'm gonna let it all out..."
as if on cue, he lets out a few spaced out, uncovered sneezes while looking at the camera. you can clearly see his nose flare out with each release.
"h'tshh! ....snf....hp'tshh!"
gradually, the sneezes seem to pick up a little with the sniffles following getting more and more urgent. he's rapidly sniffling back after each one to try and keep everything inside.
"hap'tshh! oh...it's s-start—hp'tshh!"
it's clear that his modesty won't last for long now. his hand is wavering in front of his nose to try and block it from view.
it wasn't until a sudden violent sneeze ripped out of him that it all went to shit.
a sizable string dangles from his nose as he hitches with his mouth parted open.
he shifts his body to lean forward and let the congestion hang over the towel away from his face.
even more mess adds onto the string's length now. he coughs weakly as more laboured breaths puff out of his mouth.
he looks up at the camera worriedly. his expression flashes concern and slight dread. closing his eyes, he ducks as another particularly messy double set rocket out of him, a straggling one following briefly behind. despite the ever growing string now breaking off and landing on the towel, he whines pitifully as a new section of mess hangs from his nose. he's unable to do much.
"god, they're so messy," he whines, plucking off a handful of tissues to blow his nose into. he somewhat cleans himself up, sniffling stuffily.
"the pollen has just been so high," he begins to explain to the camera, his consonants melting and bumping together due to his blockage. "it's impossible to even hold them back."
he scrunches his nose as his eyes flutter shut once again. his eyebrows encroach closer together, his hand rising to his nose before pinching it shut.
"h'cght! h'chggt!"
the first two stifles bubble underneath his fingers, but his pinch is hard enough to keep everything inside. he begins to pant a little more urgently now.
his failed stifle has lead to a complete explosion on his face and hand. panicking, he quickly pulls his hand away before a set of itchy, full out releases make the situation even worse.
the congestion has built up to the point that it's encroaching onto his top lip. still battling with the itch burning inside his nose, he clumsily grabs a wad of tissues and attempts to wipe it away by crumpling over his nose and mouth. he unleashes more of his fit.
"e'tsght! h'rshhew! 'h'tsghew!"
desperately, he quickly attempts to blow his nose to try and curb the fit. instead, he instantly doubles over from triggering the fit by irritation.
tears can be seen streaming down his cheeks as he continues to violently sneeze into the quickly deteriorating tissue. for some reason, this fit just doesn't seem to let up.
after allowing a few more sets to be unleashed and fighting through a coughing spell, he shakily reaches for another group tissues before harshly blowing his nose for a second time. this go around, his body seems to grant him a break.
he takes time to catch his breath, collapsing back into his pillows. he uses the back of his hand to wipe away the tears that still managed to cling on during the flurry.
“that was insane,” he breathes out, sniffling to try and alleviate the stuffiness in his voice. “there’s just something about pollen just makes my sneezes…”
he hesitates, slightly embarrassed by his following choice of words.
“…gush out.”
throwing the used tissues in his hand off screen, he replenishes them with new ones. “can you believe i still…h-have…to…”
another intense sneeze jerks his body forward and hands up to his nose. he pauses before pulling away the tissue to reveal the damage it caused.
with a sharp breath, he quickly brings it back to catch another.
his eyes close with annoyance as he lets out a sigh. wiping his nose with the rest of the tissue, it’s already filled with two sneezes. it’s clear he’s thoroughly done with how high maintenance his sneezes have become.
suddenly, his body twitches from a sudden spike as his breaths rapidly become pant like. pulling his t-shirt collar up, he hurriedly buries his nose inside before another multiple hit him.
you can just hear how messy these sets are. he urgently tries to sniffle everything back like he did at the beginning, but his instant sneezes just reverse anything sniffling could’ve achieved.
pulling up from his t-shirt, he reveals strings of mess not only decorate his nose but have landed across his cheek as well from the angle he was in.
“god…i’m g-gonhhna st—tst’cshh! …stop,” he struggles to close the video, shivering from the sensation of the congestion on his face.
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angelbaby-fics · 3 years
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Summary: Your daddies comfort you before and after a big surgery.
Word Count: 860
Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x Little!Reader (fem terms used)
A/N: This is a very special fic for @mariefischer!! I hope you have a quick & easy recovery & hopefully this can bring you a little bit of comfort 💕💕
“I know, peanut, I know. Just take deep breaths.” Bucky whispered into your hair while Steve held your arm in place. Getting the IV put in was one of the hardest parts for you. Your daddies used to try to distract you, joking and playing with your stuffies while the nurse tried to find just the right spot for the needle, but it hardly ever worked. Now their main way of keeping you calm during this time was just to comfort you and keep you feeling as safe as possible until the IV was safely inserted. You squirmed in the bed. 
“Don’t wanna do it… just wanna go home…” You whined, reaching out to Bucky’s metal arm as you knew it could withstand your frightened grip. The pinch in your hand let you know the IV was now in.
“What a brave little girl you two have!” The nurse said with a smile. You felt a rush of pride at their words but still refused to smile, too stubborn. “I’ll leave you three for a minute.”
You looked up at your dadas.
“They’re right, you know. You are brave, pumpkin.” Steve said before pressing a kiss to your temple. 
You weren’t allowed to wear your dog tags into surgery, so Steve and Bucky each wore their respective tags, promising to take care of them while you were in the operating room. Your favorite stuffy wore a matching gown to you and had its very own wristband, and you kept him snug and safe in the crook of your elbow. 
“You are, sweetpea, so brave and so strong.” Bucky said.
“As strong as you?” You asked both of them.
“Are you kidding?” Steve asked with a laugh. “You’re waaayy stronger than us! Why do you think there’s two of us and only one of you? We need two super soldiers just to keep up!” 
This made you laugh, momentarily forgetting your worry until the nurse returned.
“Alright, ready to go?”
You stared up at your daddies with pleading eyes, but you knew you couldn’t stall the inevitable. They each kissed your cheeks, repeating over and over how much they love you, how strong you were, and how they couldn’t wait to see you when you get out. 
When you woke up, the first thing you noticed was your chest. Everything felt weird, it was painful, tight, and itchy. Still affected by the meds you were on, you weren’t really aware of much besides the discomfort. You started to panic, your breathing strained by both the tightness in your chest and your confusion over where you were and what was happening. That is, until you felt a pair of strong hands on your cheeks.
“Hey baby… hey baby its okay, its okay. Daddy’s here.” “Daddy?” You whimpered.
“That's right, sweetie. I’m right here.” Steve brushed his thumb over your cheek as you slowly opened your eyes. The combination of the stress and the meds had you littler than you usually were. The words weren’t coming to you very easily. “Don’t like it!” You whined. 
“Oh baby I know. Shhh, you gotta breathe for me, okay?” Steve reassured you. “Can’t!” You cried out, your stress only frustrating you, making you stress even more in a quickly growing spiral.
“Yes you can baby, I know you can. Look, do it with daddy, alright?” He took deep breaths in and out, taking your hand in his as he encouraged you to do the same. 
Big breath in.
Hold it while daddy kisses your left cheek, your right cheek, your forehead, nose, and chin. 
Daddy kisses.
Your breathing finally starting to regulate, you looked blearily around the room, empty besides you and Steve.
“Mmm where's Baba?” You asked, groggily.
Before Steve could answer, Bucky came into the room, his arms piled high with bears, chocolates, flowers, and balloons. 
“Is that my sleeping beauty awake already?” He set the goodies on the table in your room before joining Steve at the side of your bed, leaning over to kiss your cheek.
“You did such a good job, sweetheart. Daddy and I are so proud of you.” Bucky said. “Our strong little girl.”
“Still sleepy….” You half whined, half whispered. 
“Of course you are, baby, you did so much today.” Steve said, petting your hair. “Get some rest darling. We’ll be right here, always.” Bucky added. “And look what I got!” He reached into his pocket and pulled out your favorite paci. He took it over to the little sink and rinsed it off with warm water before popping it into your mouth.
“Sleep with daddies?” You asked, voice slightly muffled by the paci, but they knew what you meant.
“Oh, babydoll, I don’t think we’ll both fit in the bed. Tell you what, how about Stevie naps with you now, and the next time you get sleepy it’ll be my turn, okay?” “Yeah, okay.” You reached out your grabby hands to Steve as he maneuvered into the bed, wrapping you first in your blankie, then in his arms, the warmth pulling you into a safe and comfortable slumber as your breathing finally evened out.
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Taglist: @stevebuckyplzfuckme @babybatdani @cherryynoir @chiyongberry @simpingbutch @xxxqueenlaufeysonxxxxo @mogaruke​ @leialittleone @stuckysgirl27 (idk why its not letting me tag u guys 😖)
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dontfeeltoohot · 2 years
YT please!!
Eddie loves Chrissy. He loves her like the little sister he never had. They’ve been through so much together, they’ve lived together, they’ve experienced loss together. So Eddie isn’t ashamed of himself when he starts to argue with the strawberry blonde over the phone the night before she’s set to come visit.
“I already tried, she’s out of town too. And Colin’s already got prior commitment stuff,” Chrissy’s voice comes through his phone.
“Chrissy, you kn-“
“I know, I know. But I can’t just put her in a boarding facility! How sad is that? She’ll hate me!”
Eddie groans, already knowing this is a losing battle. He looks around at his place, spotting the few things he needs to put up high so the mongrel won’t get into anything.
“Fine. But! You have to brush her before you come here, and I need proof, or I’ll personally pay for her to be boarded.”
“Yes! Yes I promise. Thank you so much Eddie. And you know you love her, don’t deny it.”
“Of course I love her. But she’s a husky, it’s summer and I’m allergic.”
“Take an extra allergy pill. It’s only a few days. Love youuuu.”
“…love you too you little jerk.”
They hang up and Eddie sighs, rubbing his face. Wonderful. He’s just moved in and this husky is going to get hair everywhere.
A knock on wood alerts Eddie that his company is here. Smiling to himself, he opens the door and Chrissy launches herself at him, hugging him tightly. Holiday barks and her tail wags furiously. The guitarist hugs back then leans down and gives some pets to the dog, scratching behind her ear.
“Come on in.”
As if she owns the place, Holiday wanders in and sniffs around, stopping at a little box by the couch that has some brand new toys. Chrissy spots it too and beams.
“You got her toys?”
“Better to chew on a bone than my new wall,” he shrugs.
Eddie shows the woman the guest room, the one room that’s fully complete mostly because he’d worked his ass off getting an extra bed and new sheets and dresser before Chrissy arrived. He’s even got a little dog bed, the perfect size for Holiday, laying in the corner.
Once settled, they end up on the couch, Holiday laying between them, her head on Eddie’s lap as he lazily pets her velvety soft ears. His nose is already starting to get itchy, which isn’t really surprising, not with how allergic he is. He’s taken two Claritin pills, and how he’s not unconscious is beyond him, usually they knock him out.
“ihhGKshEW! h’igKtCHuhew! hh! snfsnf! eh’ihgKShhew!”
“Bless you.” Chrissy smiles, patting his leg.
“Ugh, you’re not e-even so-snf! sorry,” Eddie sniffles, rubbing the rough fabric of his sleeve cuff against his irritated nose.
“I am, but we also both know you’re kind of into it,” she smirks, and fuck, ok, sometimes he forgets Chrissy knows.
“Yeah but with other people, not myself,” the guitarist rolls his eyes, rubbing at them after.
“I know you’ve probably dreamed about yourself like this getting all taken care of by your knight in shining armor.”
Eddie’s mouth drops open slightly, eyes wide.
“What the fuck…”
Chrissy just laughs and leans over, ruffles his hair.
“Just saying, maybe cuddle with Holiday before we go see Steve tonight. Because we are definitely going, I wanna meet him and Robin.”
“I’m not going to make myself miserable and embarrass myself in front of him. Besides, he’s probably grossed out with this stuff like most people are,” he glares, rubbing his nose again, feeling it get runny.
“But he could take care of y-“
“iiGKktch’EW! hihkshh’uhEW ihKxtchuhEW!”
“-ou. Bless you.”
Holiday looks up at Eddie when he sneezes, then nuzzles his arm.
“Ugh, you’re lucky you’re sweet,” he grumbles towards her, already rubbing his nose again. Fuck it itches.
“ihnGKtCHuhew! hihIKshh’EW! iiGkshuhEW! Oh my god,” the sniffle is soupy and stuffy and Chrissy winces.
“You’re the reason this is happening Chrissy,” Eddie huffs, grabbing his bandana from his pocket to wipe at the mess he can feel around the divot under his nose. Three more days and he’ll be free from the dog.
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venuslvv · 2 years
sweetness of june
one shot. eddie munson x reader
June 21st. Last day of spring, when I met him.
June was synonymous with cold drizzles, cloudy days and waves of humidity. Stuffy noses, allergies, and picnics. There was something comforting about finally getting away from this itchy season, although there was really no difference, just a personal feeling.
The sweetness of June dissolved on the tongues of all those who witnessed it like cotton candy. The colorful flowers died and dried and were pioted by giants, the fruits became sour and the people darker.
If the last day of spring had a characterization, it would be him. The first day I saw him (because I saw him many times before my mind could attach a voice to him) was at the last basketball game, when Lucas Sinclair scored the winning point. He was one tier below me, with Wheeler and Henderson and a conversation more interesting than the game in front of his eyes. His hands moved frantically in awkward gestures, his eyes went wide every time he tried to prove a point, and his curls danced with every movement.
The second time my eyes detected her presence was in the last Thursday class, which, surprisingly, we shared. A few seats away, a strong scent of wet earth invaded room 452, where the Calculus class was held. In his hand he had a black pen with which he was scribbling something on the bench where he was sitting, something that unfortunately my eyes could not distinguish. He was wearing a jean vest covered in patches of bands that my limited knowledge of music failed to recognize, black jeans that were too torn, and this time his curls were plastered to his face, damp and frizzy.
"Munson, to detention now."
The last day of spring wasn't proving to be much different than the others, gray clouds danced between bits of sky threatening mortals with fat drops of water every now and then. Hawkins Municipal School was looking scarier than usual, the hallways were empty and profoundly silent, a slight icy breeze chilling the bones as I made my way to the restroom. It was the last hour of a class I had skipped, they were always the last things-of, which was funny because our first times were always the last.
"This is the girls' bathroom," I said.
"You're a boy"
"How observant you are sweetheart."
A lingering silence settled in as he lit a cigarette, part of his features were illuminated by the small flame. His eyes flicked to you before abruptly lowering himself from the sink where he was sitting.
"Excuse me, where are my manners? Eddie Munson" he said, handing you his hand in a cordial attempt.
Not knowing why, you took it "I know you" you said "And this is still the girls' bathroom".
He was the first to withdraw his hand, yours instantly suffering the absence of his. "Do you want me to leave?
You shrugged, nonchalantly "I don't know. But the girls' bathroom is the one closest to the vent that exits to the window of the principal's office" You replied, staring at the joint resting between his fingers.
"Oh, shit, right" he said, quickly pressing the cigarette against the old marble of the sink "Thanks."
You nodded, heading for the farthest sink and dipping your hands into the icy water, an instant shock to your brain.
"Did you ever go into the boys' room?" you shook your head "Come on."
"Why would I want to go into the boys' room?"
"I don't know."
And he grabbed your arm. His rough fingers kissed the skin of your arm as your feet tried to keep up with his clumsy, hurried walking. The icy breeze seemed to have disappeared with his touch, the warmth radiating from his body hugging yours warmly. Her hair bounced with each step, exposing patches of skin on her neck.
"Here we are" he said, the two of us entering the men's room, his fingers freeing your arm.
"Cool" you said "It's nasty".
"It is"
"Now I understand why you're going to the girls' room."
He let out a laugh that echoed through the bathroom and down the halls of your mind, loud enough that you couldn't forget it. "You see?
He was the beginning and the end of something. The end of spring and the beginning of fall was marked by his presence, a great fork in the calendar between two dates where he dwelled. After that first encounter, Eddie seemed to be everywhere (in your mind)
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korstudying · 3 years
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Semester 2 week 3 vocabulary
I decided to share the vocabulary I have to learn every week. So if you want to study in Korea, this might be a fun little challenge for you to try and keep up! This is the actual pace, so a great way to get into the Korean study vibes.
All the vocabulary can be found on memrise.
콧물 = snot
땀 = sweat
목 = neck
마스크 = mask
착용하다 = to wear
황사 = yellow sand
목감기 = sore throat
환자 = patient
근처 = neighborhood / around here
약국 = pharmacy
외국인등록번호 = foreign registration number
잠시만 = moment
불편하다 = to be uncomfortable
열이 나다 = to have a fever
약 = medicine
처방하다 = prescribe
처방전 = prescription 
증상 = symptom
적다 = to write down
붓다 = to be swollen
낫다 = to recover 
놀라다 = to be surprised
급하다 = to be urgent
멈추다 = to stop
부딪치다 = to hit / bump into
넘어지다 = to fall down
조금도 = the slightest 
엉엉 = bawling sound
이것저것 = this and that
감사 = gratitude
진찰 = check-up 
깁스 = cast
입원하다 = to be hospitalized
심심하다 = to be bored
연락을 하다 = to connect with
병문안 = to visit a sick person
슈퍼맨 = superman
나타나다 = to appear
움직이다 = to move
부러지다 = to break
뼈 = bone
아쉽다 = to lack
갑자기 = suddenly
강원도 = Gangwon-do
건강하다 = to be healthy / strong
건물 = building 
감사 = governer / gratitude / inspection 
글씨 = handwriting 
급하다 = to be urgent
깨끗이 = clean
내과 =  physician / internal medicine
넘어지다 = to fall down
놀라다 = to be surprised
노르다 = to be yellow
다치다 = to be hurt
답답하다 = to be suffocating / stuffy
데다 = to burn 
멈추다 = to stop
모기 = mosquito
모임을 가지다 = to hold a meeting / party
물리다 = to get bitten / to return / to be fed up
미워하다 = to hate / dislike
변비 = constipation
부러지다 = to break / fracture
붙이다 = to stick / attach
비밀 = secret
삐다 = to sprain
사진 = picture
상의 = consultation
속 = inside
쇼핑하다 = to shop
술 = alcohol
싫어하다 = to dislike
심하다 = to be severe / heavy
안과 = eye doctor 
얼음찜질 = apply an ice pack
연락처 = contact info
옆집 = next door
음식 = food
이비인후과 = ear-nose-and-throat department
인스턴트 = instant
잠시 = for a moment
접수처 = reception desk
지르다 = to yell
착용하다 = to wear
체하다 = to have an upset stomach
치과 = dentist
치료 = treatment
파스 = (pain relief) plaster
파티 = party
평소 = usually 
푹 = well 
피 = blood
피부과 = dermatologist
하루 = day
화 = anger / disaster
감기에 걸렸어요 = caught a cold
기침을 해요 / 기침이 나요 = to cough violently
콧물이 나요 = to have a runny nose
열이 나요 = to have a fever
배탈이 났어요 = to have a stomachache
목이 부었어요 = to have a swollen throat
다리를 삐었어요 = to have a sprained leg
다리를 다쳤어요 = to hurt the leg
이가 아파요 = painful teeth
팔이 가려워요 = itchy arm
정형외과 =  orthopedics
안약을 넣다 = apply eye lotion / drops
감기약을 먹다 = eat cold medicine
알약을 먹다 = eat a tablet
두통약 = headache medcine
멀미약 먹다 / 붙이다 = eat / put on anti-sickness medicine 
소화제를 먹다 = eat digestive medicine 
해열제를 먹다 = eat fever reducer
연고를 발라요 =  to apply ointment 
파스 붙여요 = apply a plaster
접수를 하다 = to apply
주사를 맞다 = to get a shot
처방전을 받다 = to receive a prescription
처방전을 내다 = to give the prescription 
치료하다 = to treat
딱딱하다 = to be hard / firm
약을 처방하다 = to prescribe medicine
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babybearsnz · 1 year
Breakfast and gin rummy
Sickie: Yoongi
Caretakers: Bangtan
Relationships: Platonic
Yoongi’s pov:
I knew my allergies were acting up as soon as I woke up. My eyes were burning, my nose itched and was stuffy, and my throat was scratchy from post-nasal drip. I was first to get out of bed, as usual, but I wasn’t the only one awake. Across the bedroom, Jungkook was lying in bed while scrolling on his phone.
He looked up at me and silently greeted me with a smile while I opened the curtains. The sun shining brightly through the windows made my eyes flutter and my nose itch.
“hihNGXT! hehNGXTuh!” I stifled a couple of sneezes into my hand. “‘scuse me.” I cleared my throat.
“Hyung,” Jungkook tossed me a bottle of antihistamines. “And bless you.”
I thanked him and sniffled before swallowing a tablet and hopping in the shower.
Within 10 minutes, the steam from the hot shower started to loosen up my congestion.
“hahNGXTtchh! NGXTtchiee!” I groaned and started washing my face.
“Bless you, hyung!” I heard Jungkook call.
I didn’t get the chance to thank him before I had to sneeze again because of rubbing cleanser on my face. In the process of washing, my fingers had grazed over my sinuses, irritating them. Keeping my eyes closed to avoid getting soap in them, I placed a hand on the shower wall so I wouldn’t hit my head. After all, I couldn’t see the wall with my eyes shut.
“hahNGXTtchieew! Ugh.”
Kook yelled again, “Bless you, bless you!”
“Thank you!” I called back. I began drying off and muffled a few more sneezes into my towel, hoping the meds would kick in soon.
Once I had finished washing up, I met Jungkook in our bedroom once again. My eyes and nose were an itchy shade of pink. The maknae, being his sweet self, pouted at the sight of me and pulled me into a tight hug. His embrace was warm and comforting and I grinned.
“Breakfast?” He asked.
I nodded and rubbed at my nose and the two of us made our way down the hall to the kitchen.
I took my spot at the stove and started cooking while Jungkook worked on the coffee.
“What’s on the menu?” I looked up to see a curious Jin and a sleepy Taehyung.
“Kimchi jjigae,” I responded and sniffled. The spices I was adding were beginning to anger my overly-sensitive nose.
I ducked into my elbow. “hihNGXTuh! Spicy.”
Tae laughed.
“Bless you, Yoongs,” Jin offered.
Jungkook made his way over having finished making the coffee. He had two glasses in hand, one for him and one for me, and fed me a sip as I continued cooking.
********time skip********
The seven of us sat around the kitchen table, feeling content with a meal in us. Jimin cleared the table while a few of the members chatted about plans for the day, our day off. I brought a hand up to my face, feeling the tickle in my nose resurface.
“hehNGXT! NGXTtchh! NGXTtchiee!” I sniffled. “Sorry, ‘scuse me.”
“Bless you, hyung,” A few members said. Jungkookie who was sitting beside me put an arm around me and Hobi offered me a box of tissues.
Namjoon spoke up, being the worried leader he is. “Allergies bothering you?” He asked.
I shrugged and nodded. “I took meds,” I assured him. “I’ll be okay.” Jungkook leaned his head on my shoulder and I patted his hair. He always knew how to make me feel better.
“Suga-hyung!” Tae hugged me from behind. “Can we play a card game?” He pleaded.
He was adorable. “Sure, TaeTae,” I replied. “Go grab a deck.”
He skipped away and I smiled. Jin rolled his eyes at me. “He’s like a little kid,” he said. “How do you never get tired of playing with him?”
I merely shrugged, but with one shoulder. Kookie had dozed off on the other.
Pretty soon, I felt another sneeze coming. I tapped Jungkook’s leg frantically and he lifted his head just in time.
“hahNGXTtchu! huhNGXT!”
“Bless you,” he mumbled tiredly.
“I just had to sneeze again,” I said. “Sorry, buddy.”
He hummed in acknowledgment and placed his head back on my shoulder.
“Do you want to play, Kook?” Tae asked.
Jungkook opened his eyes. “Play what?”
“Gin rummy.”
“Is there actual gin involved?” The maknae asked.
Taehyung shook his head.
Jungkook shut his eyes again. “Then no.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “Kook-ah!” I scolded. “It’s 9 in the morning!”
The members and I spent the rest of the morning playing various games. I continued to sneeze periodically but Jungkook was somehow able to find a way to nap. And he did eventually wake up and play with us, despite the lack of alcohol.
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straightupsickfics · 3 years
@softersteve said sick steve + puppy so 🥺🥺🥺
“Steve?” Tony nudges Steve with a gentle hand, surprised to find him sound asleep on the couch, Dorian sleeping peacefully beside him.
“Mmm? Tony?” Steve asks, eyes fluttering open, his voice tired. “When did you get home?”
Tony smiles, leaning down and running a hand through Steve’s hair. “Just now. The real question is, how long have you been home?”
“Most of the day? Umb…. What time is it?” Steve asks, struggling to sit up and look at his phone. Dorian huffs a little sigh before curling up in an even tighter circle and going back to sleep on Steve’s chest.
They'd found the dog on the last mission they'd been on together, a little more than three months ago now, and despite the short amount of time, Tony knows that neither of them can imagine life without him now. Steve, though, is the clear favorite between them, and Tony pretends not to be jealous of this fact as he watches them lay there, sleepy and comfortable as can be.
“Almost four,” Tony tells him, reaching over to pet the golden retriever’s ears. “Did you keep daddy company today? Hmm? You’re so good, yes you are…” He trails off, smiling when Dorian wags his tail a few times, even half asleep.
“All day, then,” Steve admits. He rubs a finger under his nose, like he knows he’s going to start sneezing soon and is trying to buy himself enough time to prevent it. He clears his throat a few times, too, eyeing the tissue box beside him on the floor as if wondering how soon he’s going to need it.
Steve’s wearing one of Tony's old MIT hoodies, and his eyes and nose are pink enough that Tony knows he must’ve finally come down with the cold Tony himself had a week and a half ago. He’d spent the majority of it draped over Steve in bed, sniffling and sneezing and apologizing enough that Steve had finally made him promise to stop.
“Well, that’s probably my fault,” Tony says. He gives Steve a sympathetic smile. “I’m sorry, I’m not used to being patient zero. Usually it’s the other way around,” he adds, tapping the flushed pink tip of Steve’s nose.
This earns him a sleepy smile, though Steve's face quickly turns more bleary and irritated than fond.
“C-cand you, grab h-himb… ? Steve gives his head a shake, turning away from Tony and Dorian, eyes filling with irritated tears as the itchy-ticklish feeling in his sinuses builds and crests. “Hdt! IItshh! Huh-Utshhuh! EeeiishhiEW!” Steve manages to aim the sneezes down at the blanket, unable to free his arms to muffle the fit in time.
Tony, puppy now cradled safely in his arms, makes a soft, concerned sound in the back of his throat. “Steven,” he says, “god bless you.”
“Thandks,” Steve sighs. “Don’t know why I keep getting sick like this, shouldn’t the serum make mbe…. Immune or something?” His voice has a distinctly stuffy, congested sound to it, and Tony wants nothing more than to hug him.
“I thought so, but Bruce and Dr. Cho think otherwise,” Tony tells him. “At least you had great company while I was at work?” Tony really does feel bad for infecting Steve, even though he knows Steve wouldn’t have left him to suffer on his own even if he knew this would be the outcome.
Steve nods, looking blearily between Tony and the puppy cradled in his arms. “Yeah, but…” He blinks up at Tony even as he trails off, and Tony knows exactly what he's thinking.
He can’t help but smile at the soft, slightly needy look on Steve’s face. “I missed you, too,” Tony says. “Let me just get changed, then I’ll come keep you company myself, yeah? Do you need anything while I’m up? Meds? Water? Tea?” He tries to think of anything else that Steve might need while he’s dealing with his cold, but his boyfriend just shakes his head.
“Just you,” Steve says, his eyes falling shut again.
Which, really, sounds perfect to Tony. He changes quickly, smiling as Dorian trails along, his collar jingling as he traipses around the room behind him, sniffing at Tony's discarded clothes and ankles all the while.
“We come bearing blankets,” Tony announces when he’s back in the living room, Steve already half-asleep on the couch. “That didn’t take very long, sleepyhead."
“M’tired,” Steve admits. He looks comfortable laying there, his large frame curled beneath a soft, knit blanket that Bucky had made them once upon a time. “Glad you’re home, though.”
“Me, too,” Tony agrees. He puts Dorian down on Steve’s chest again, where he wastes no time curling up and settling in against Steve, who smiles tiredly, petting his ears.
“Good boy,” Steve murmurs.
“And to think, that used to be reserved for me,” Tony teases, sliding in beside them on the couch. Steve looks so comfortable there beneath the blankets, somehow more tired and sick than Tony remembers feeling when he had the same cold, that he feels a little helpless. He wastes no time curling up beside him, scooping Steve into his arms and pressing soft, warm kisses agains the soft nape of his neck.
“Really did miss you all day,” Tony says. “I’m sorry I got you sick.”
Steve mutters something unintelligible, his face tucked into his pillow, hand still resting on Dorian’s head. “Just glad you’re here.”
Tony sighs, breathing deeply, taking in the warmth of Steve, and the blankets, and Dorian. “Yeah,” he says finally, just as Steve curls into him, his nose damp and soft against his shoulder. "Me, too."
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serenescribbles · 3 years
For Timari January Free Day
I am back with another work in this series. There will be more to come in the future.
Thank you to Mic for beta reading this!
Oh, and also, Tim and Marinette are in the 11 - 13 year old age range. Take that information and do what you want with it.
I hope y'all enjoy!
AO3 | Masterlist | Part One of the Series | Part Three of the Series
When Tim had accidentally gotten dunked in the Gotham Bay during the night while trying to follow Batman and Robin, he hadn’t thought much of it. Sure, he had kept his wet clothes on and still went after the dynamic duo but it wasn’t anything to worry about, right?
Okay, maybe taking a dip in the Gotham Bay during the winter when the water was nearly freezing wasn’t the best idea. And the idea of trudging around in the snow with clothes that did nothing to protect him from the cold probably wasn’t his brightest either.
But at least he took a shower and changed into dry clothes the moment he got home and threw his wet ones into the washing machine! Tim had even curled up next to the fireplace for an hour as he worked on his homework and studied the pictures he had taken. He had gotten a lot done during that single hour, and Tim was proud.
Tim supposed his nose did feel a little stuffy as he prepared to go to bed but that happened sometimes. Everything was completely normal. And if he happened to go to bed with more blankets than usual, well, that wasn’t anybody else’s business but his.
During the night, Tim continued to twist and turn, tangling himself in his bedsheets. It was so hot being covered in all of these blankets. Had someone turned the temperature up? But that wasn’t possible. The only one in the Manor was him . And he always kept the temperature at a steady 68℉.
And whenever he tried to kick the blankets off of him, Tim immediately took them back, because without them it just felt so chilly . It was too hot with the blankets and too cold without them. He couldn’t stop himself from shivering, despite bundling himself up tightly in the blankets.
Making himself into a blanket burrito did make it harder for him to twist and turn so that was a win. But moving his head around so much had given him a headache and everything looked so unstable. He wanted to muffle his ears, to stop all of the shaking and the loudness but he couldn’t move his arms because they were trapped.
His throat also craved a glass of water but Tim didn’t have the energy to untangle himself from his blankets and trudge all the way downstairs to the kitchen to get some. His head kept throbbing and all he wanted was for someone to hug him. Would Marinette hug him? She had promised she would. Everything was spinning and he couldn’t fall asleep. Eventually, though, Tim was too exhausted to fight anymore, and he finally succumbed, falling into a restless and unsatisfying slumber.
“ Achoo 一 A-a- achoo !” Tim sneezed into his elbow and groaned.
Hot. He was hot . His throat was hot and itchy and on fire . He couldn’t see anything and when Tim tried to open his eyes, everything was just too bright and unbearable . Every inch of his body was sore and hurting as if he’d just gone through a whole body workout.
“ Why do I do this to myself?” He asked, to no one in particular.
Rolling over on his bed, Tim found himself tangled in bedsheets and too tired to get himself out of it. Nestling himself into his bed, Tim could feel the claws of sleep sink back into him right before he remembered something. Suddenly sitting up, and groaning and clutching his head for moving too fast, he realized he still had to go to school!
What even was the time right now?
Fumbling around for his phone, he squinted at the screen, trying to get a good look at it.
Eight-fifteen!? School was supposed to start at nine !
Now fully alert, but still with an aching body, it took a lot of effort for Tim to get out of bed and open his closet to take his Gotham Academy uniform off the coat hanger and put it on. The buttons irritated him to no end and eventually, Tim gave up on them.
Walking down the stairs as fast as he could, he made it to the kitchen where he had to pause for a moment because all of that action made his head spin. He also took out an empty glass and poured some water into it to soothe his throat. For a moment, Tim felt better, but then the itchy feeling came back at full force, maybe even worse .
There was no way he would be able to go to school today. Forget that. He wouldn’t be able to even get there in this state! How would that affect his attendance?
Well. Actually , missing a day wouldn’t be so bad. It’s not like he had any previous absences. It would be fine, right?
With his mind made up, he no longer needed to rush anymore. Tim took his time opening the fridge and finding something for him to eat. After doing that, he took his plate to the sink and rinsed it before placing it in the dishwasher.
Before he went back upstairs to his bed, he took out a water bottle and filled it up with water. That way, if he got thirsty, he wouldn’t have to go all the way downstairs to the kitchen.
And, fumbling around in the cabinets, Tim found some cold medicine. Reading the instructions, he took the appropriate amount, downing it with water. Now, he was ready to go upstairs again. Oh, the treacherous climb!
It was torture climbing up the stairs. Every time he lifted his leg to take a step, Tim felt like he lost a bit of his energy. By the time he finally made it up, he was panting and his back felt sweaty.
Normally, if he wasn’t sick, he would go up the stairs without needing to spare any effort at all!
Walking into his bedroom, Tim closed the door behind him and made a move towards his bed. However, he hadn’t paid attention to where he was going and tripped over a blanket that had fallen off the bed.
Down he went, without any resistance at all. Tim was just so tired and sore . He didn’t have the energy to get up. Besides, the floor wasn’t so bad. He was right by the window, and light streamed in, making it feel warm despite how cold it actually was. Grabbing the blanket that he’d tripped on, Tim rubbed his eyes blearily and yawned, before closing his eyes and snuggling into the floor.
He really didn’t get why the floor got such a bad rep. It was so comfy and cozy and一 Zzzzz!
Thunk ! Thunk ! Thunk !
“ Hrghhff ,” Tim groaned, lifting his head slightly.
Why was it so bright ? Oh, right, the stupid window.
Rolling over, he gave himself quite a shock when his face hit the floor.
“Owww!” Tim exclaimed, rubbing his nose.
Why was he on the floor ? When had that happened?
Whatever. He yawned again. Sleep .
He slouched back down on the floor and was just about to get comfy when一 Thunk !
Tim nearly jumped up because of the sound. What was that? Was it coming from the window? But, windows can’t make sound, can they? Then, the thunk happened again, causing him to scoot away from the window. He stopped when the back of his head hit his bed.
Casting an evil eye over at the window, Tim watched warily when the thunk -ing nose continued. With his blanket wrapped tightly around him, he crawled towards the window, trying to keep himself as small as possible.
If you can’t see it, it can’t see you.
Finally, he made it, and he crouched just under the window sill, with his back to the wall. Counting to five in his head, Tim slowly poked his head out and looked through the window.
For the record, he was not prepared at all for the huge chunk of snow aiming straight for his face. Scrambling backward in fright, Tim clutched his face fearfully.
But when he took another look, Tim realized the snow hadn’t hit him. The window had blocked it! Oh, right. That was a thing.
Going back to the window, he poked his head out again and saw a pink and blue blur standing outside in the snow. It was fuzzy, and Tim strained his eyes to get a good look at it, before he realized the pink and blue blur was Marinette!
He watched as she bent down and took some snow, rolling it around in her hand, before turning in the direction where he was looking from. Marinette looked like she was readying herself, almost like she was throwing something? And then, all of a sudden, thunk !
His heart almost leaped out of his chest and Tim stopped looking through the window, feeling very surprised.
Why was Marinette here? How’d she even find out where he lived? He never told her, ever!
Well, he should probably go let her in. With the blanket still wrapped protectively around him, Tim decided to simply scoot down the stairs. Meaning he sat down at the very top step and slid down a step one by one.
It was just like going down a slide! A very bumpy one, that is.
When he got to the bottom of the stairs, Tim pouted ever so slightly that his ride was over. But, he got up and trudged over to the front door, which is where he began the excruciating process of unlocking the door.
Seriously, he wasn’t feeling like doing that at all right now! Why couldn’t the door just open without doing anything? Oh, wait. That was so intruders couldn’t get in.
But it wasn’t like anyone else lived around these parts, except for the Waynes but they were like, a mile away.
At last, Tim fiddled around and managed to unlock the door. What greeted him was a surprise. Marinette had gone up to the door too and as soon as he opened it, Tim felt like the living daylights were knocked out of him!
Really! Marinette had pounced on him, wrapping her arms around him fiercely, giving Tim no time to do or say anything. He had been so shocked that his blanket fell to the ground.
Snaking his hands around Marinette, Tim awkwardly patted her back, and he mustered up the energy in his throat to hoarsely whisper, “ Marinette ?”
The only response to that was an even tighter hug.
“Oh, Tim! I was so worried about you when you didn’t show up to school! I thought something bad had happened to you! I missed you the whole day! I brought the notes from our classes today and the homework that we need to do! Are you okay? Actually, you don’t look okay, your face is very red and you look tired. Have you eaten anything today? I can go make something for you if you want!”
Tim faltered for a moment. He couldn’t understand half the things Marinette was saying, and she was still rambling on. Resting his chin on her shoulder, he mumbled, “ Marinette, ”
But she didn’t hear him. This time, he tried a little louder, “Marinette,”
Ignored. Fine, if that was the way she wanted to play it. Finally, Tim gathered all of his energy and whisper-yelled, “ Marinette! ”
Immediately after, he burst into a coughing fit. His throat was still scratchy, and it had been hard to talk. Him yelling her name and then coughing seemed to do the trick. Marinette stopped rambling.
Gesturing to his throat, Tim mouthed the words, “ I’m sick, ”
Marinette nodded in understanding. She closed the front door and led him to the kitchen table so he could take a seat. She brought the fallen blanket, too. And then, Marinette did something strange. Digging into her backpack, which he only just noticed was there, she got out a small pad of paper and a pen.
Seeing the questioning look he shot her, she explained, “It’s so you can tell me what you want without having to talk,”
Nodding, Tim grabbed the pen and scribbled on the paper, “ Thank you. How did you find out where I lived? ”
Showing it to Marinette, he watched as she fiddled with the zipper of her jacket and said, “I called the school and asked for your address.”
Ahh, so that was it. Smart.
Just then, his stomach grumbled, catching both of them off guard. Tim’s cheeks turned even redder than before and Marinette simply chuckled.
“I can make some chicken soup for you if you’d like? Maman taught me how to,” she offered.
Scribbling a “thank you” onto the notepad and showing it to Marinette, she grinned and rolled up her sleeves.
Tim watched her while she worked. First, Marinette washed her hands, then took out the cutting board and a knife. A huge pot was taken out, too. She was chopping up some vegetables. Somewhere in between Marinette filled the pot with water and put it on the stove to boil.
And then… and then… Tim must’ve lost focus and dozed off then because when he opened his eyes again, a bowl of chicken soup was set in front of him, along with a napkin and spoon.
Glancing over to Marinette, he saw she had a bowl of chicken soup, too. Picking up the spoon, Tim took in a deep breath and was immediately filled with the scent of delicious chicken soup. The kitchen had never smelled so wonderful.
After both he and Marinette had finished eating, she took their bowls to the sink to wash. Tim took the pad of paper to write “thank you” to her again. She simply smiled.
When Tim tried to get up from the chair, he wobbled and had to hold onto the table for support. He had sat down for too long. Marinette helped him though. With him giving her the directions, she guided him up the stairs to his bedroom.
He felt a little embarrassed when Marinette entered. No one else but him had ever been in his room before. It was sort of messy right now, but when his parents were home, it was squeaky clean.
It was awkward for Tim to lay down on his bed while Marinette was there, but she insisted he did.
“You’re the one who’s sick!” she scolded. “You should be in bed resting!”
Marinette propped up a few pillows for him and Tim leaned his head back into them. He covered himself with his blankets. Staring up at the ceiling, he thought about how grateful he was to have Marinette as his friend. She came all the way over to his house by herself and even made chicken soup for him.
Speaking of that, Tim tapped Marinette’s shoulder. She turned her head to look at him. He pointed to what he’d just written on the pad of paper. “ Do your parents know you’re here? ”
All of a sudden, Marinette’s face went pale. “ Mon Dieu ! I completely forgot to tell them! Thanks for reminding me! I should go call them!”
Tim nodded. While it was nice Marinette was here for him, he didn’t want that to get her in trouble. She went outside his room to take the call.
Despite the wall muffling their conversation, Tim could still hear bits and pieces.
“ Maman , Papa ! I’m fine!”
“Are you sure honey? Where are you? How come you aren’t home from school yet?”
“I’m at my friend Tim’s house. You know, the boy I told you about. He didn’t come to school today because he was sick and I was worried.”
“You should’ve told us as soon as you were going! We would’ve driven you there! It’s snowing outside right now! Do you want us to come and get you?”
“No, Papa , it’s okay. I’ll be fine. Thank you,”
He heard Marinette reassure her parents some more. And then she hung up on the call. The door to his bedroom creaked open and in walked Marinette.
“ Everything alright? ” Tim asked on the piece of paper.
“Yeah, it is,” Marinette replied. “Now didn’t I say you should get some rest?”
Tim blushed. Immediately, he laid back down on his bed. Marinette sat on the edge.
He sure was lucky to have Marinette, wasn’t he? She was a great friend.
Unknowingly, he smiled. Yawning a little, Tim quietly murmured, “Hey, Marinette, can I have a hug ?”
Marinette extended her arms and Tim leaned into her hold. He felt warm. He felt happy. He felt loved.
It had been so surprising to see Marinette waiting outside his door. He hadn’t even thought about Marinette at all, but she’d thought of him. She had even made him chicken soup.
She’d gone to such an extent to look after him. No one had ever bothered to do that for him before. No one ever cared so much. That is, until now.
Hugging Marinette tighter than before, he mumbled, “Thank you,”
Thank you for being there for me. Thanks for doing all of this for me. You’re the greatest friend I could ever have.
To which Marinette only responded by gently patting his back and deepening their hug. Tim couldn’t see it, but he was sure Marinette was smiling, too.
“Of course Tim, of course,”
Tim later wakes up feeling much better but still sick. It turns out Marinette is sick now too. He's now freaking out over that, and only realizes that he's been in his pajamas the whole time in front of Marinette some time later. The Dupain-Chengs come to pick both Marinette and Tim up to go back to the bakery, where they have a sleepover and bond over feeling miserable.
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