#uwah she's so sweet >.>
sunshine-overload · 2 months
[BSTS] Sin Summer 2024 4* Card Story
THESE CARDS MAN— (note: Kei organised for W to stay and perform at a fancy resort, team K will arrive at a later date)
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chapter 1 -resort restaurant-
saki: (Hm? On that chair over there, isn’t that Sin-san’s jacket? He must have left it behind, I’ll bring it to his room for him.)
-saki walks to sin’s room-
saki: (Oh, the door is slightly open.)
-she peeks into the room-
saki: Sin-san, are you there? Is this jacket—
saki: Ah.
sin: ……. 
saki: (Oops, he’s in the middle of getting changed… I’ll just leave his jacket hanging on the door.)
-next day, resort pool-
saki: Thanks for inviting me to hang out with you at the pool, Sin-san.
sin: When the still water’s surface is disturbed the rippling waves sink beneath. Slipping out of sight to the bottom of the pool, unnoticed by all.
saki: (Yesterday I just left Sin-san’s jacket on the door and left but I wonder if that was ok? Maybe I should have said something—)
sin: Saki. The unmarked traveller brings a mirror to the deepest depths of the abyss. What is it that was reflected in that fragmented mirror? …Yesterday, I found my jacket hanging on my room’s doorknob. Were you the one who brought it there?
saki: …Yes, that’s right.
sin: Thank you. Though, it appears you must have caught me in quite the improper state. Allow me to apologise.
saki: Oh no, I should be apologising too. I showed up at a bad time.
sin: It is fine, I am grateful you brought me my jacket. The Goddess has earned herself a rest between the swaying and crashing waves.
saki: A rest…?
sin: I think spending some quiet time here would be nice, would you like to join me?
saki: That sounds good! I want to see what relaxing on that beach chair is like. 
sin: I see… Then, do as your heart wishes.
-time pass-
saki: Whew… So this is what living in luxury feels like.
sin: I suppose.
saki: (Sin-san is reading a book in one of the hammocks… I probably shouldn’t bother him.)
sin: …Hm? Has the hammock caught your interest? If so, then you should join me.
chapter 2 -resort pool, day-
saki: You don’t mind if I lay in the hammock with you?
sin: I do not. Here, grab on and pull yourself up from there. As long as you don’t make any reckless movements you won’t fall out. Just take it easy.
-saki gets in the hammock-
sin: …How is it?
saki: Fufu, it’s fun! So this is what being in a hammock feels like.
sin: I see… Let me know when you’d like to get out.
saki: Ok, thank you.
saki: (Laying next to Sin-san like this… It feels so warm and safe. The sound of the ocean waves… The summer breeze… It all feels so calming…)
sin: …….. (smiling softly)
-time pass-
-resort pool, night-
saki: …Nn…Hm…?
sin: —Are you awake?
saki: Huh? S-Sin-san!?
-saki shakes the hammock-
saki: Uwah!? I’m going to fall—!?
-sin catches her-
sin: I would not let that happen. I’ve got you… Sorry, did I surprise you?
saki: N-no, it’s ok. Thanks to you being here I was able to sleep this whole time without falling to the floor.
-flashback to sin changing-
saki: (Seeing him like this… I’m reminded that Sin-san really is very…)
-flashback end-
sin: The moon reflected atop the lake’s surface carelessly forgets the blessing of the ouroboros. In the blink of an eye, it has been consumed at the bottom of the lake.
saki: Um…?
sin: …If you sleep beside a beast you may be devoured. I advise you to be more cautious in the future so that does not happen.
saki: …!? Y-yes, of course…
sin: The free spirited light is no different from an alluring sweet nectar. Those that lust over it would not allow a single drop to go unnoticed… I couldn’t just leave you on your own, as long as you permit it, I would like to protect you. Although, that depends on whether you regard me as someone that is worthy of your trust.
saki: That’s… Of course I do.
sin: (smiles) …I see. In that case I must live up to that trust.
saki: Sin-san…?
sin: The beast is shackled. You can sleep peacefully without a care tonight. —However I cannot say for sure that the shackles will still be fastened next time.
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startagainaprologue · 6 months
Hello there I am back with more thoughts!
(Bonnie loops au)
So how would the friendquests go?
I assume odiles would be much the same, barring a few lines of dialogue here or there
Miras is probably the same quest, just much more complicated. Since, you know, child. Mira would probably be EVEN MORE APPREHENSIVE about Bonnie looking at her papers, and they'd have a hard time comforting her after she admits she doesnt like romance or sexuality
Isa and frin I can only speculate.
Frin probably would probably either be siffrin teaching them woodcarving or something of the like, or bonbon trying furiously to get sif to just ACCEPT GOD DAMN HELP.
Isa would probably find some task he can distract them with
im still!! struggling a bit with the friendquests... they have been difficult so i dont rlly have anything specific.. i do want to change Mira's though,,
idk if id make it a friendquest thing but UWAH thinking of frin teaching bonnie woodcarving would be so sweet..
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bluiex · 1 year
Here’s the fluff <3
Mumbo walked down the dirt path of the park, smiling up at the stars. Scar was right, he really did need to take more time off. He yelped when he nearly tripped over what he thought was a rock but, on closer examination, was a small grey cat.
“Oh, hello.” Mumbo murmured, crouching down. “Who do you belong to?”
The cat purred, rolling onto her side at Mumbo’s feet. “Well, aren’t you a sweet little thing?” He hummed, “you don’t seem to have a collar..” Mumbo carefully reached out to stroke the cat’s fur, fingers gliding over her soft coat. He glanced around the dark to see if anyone could own this cat- no one seemed to be around. He sighed softly. “You seem pretty comfortable with people.” Mumbo said, voice warm. “Do you have an owner? A home?”
The cat meowed and blinked up at him, offering no further explanation. Mumbo sighed with a smile and sat down fully, scratching her behind the ears.
“hey mumbOWHAT IS THAT” Scar jumped back, having just teleported over.
“… a cat?” Mumbo held up the stray
Scar tentatively reached a hand out. “Woaahh” he whispered, “you mortals make the best things.”
The cat meowed and rubbed into Scar’s hand.
“This is so weird. Why is she squishy. And soft. Oh my gosh I think I’m in love. Mumbo, I'm replacing you.” Scar had never seen a cat before. “We’re keeping her. She’s soft like jelly. Her name is Jellie.” He nodded with finality, looking up at his mortal.
Mumbo couldn’t help but chuckle. “Yeah?” He laughed, shaking his head. “Come on, love. You can’t replace me that easily.” He teased, “But I’m glad you like her. She seems to have taken a liking to you as well.”
Mumbo walked home next to Scar, rolling his eyes affectionately as the demon rambled on and on about the kitten.
“She’s perfect, Mumbo. Look at her!” Scar held her up, her green eyes glinting in the low light of night. “She’s adorable.”
“She’s got you wrapped around her little paw, huh?” Mumbo chuckled
Scar gave a sharp-toothed grin, holding Jellie up to his face to kiss her nose. She licked his face. “You don’t understand, darling. Did you hear how she purred when I scratched behind her ears? Music to my rotten soul.” He hummed.
Mumbo smiled again, shaking his head in amusement. “I’m glad you two have hit it off so well. I didn’t expect you to be such a fan of cats!”
Scar looked at Mumbo with mock indignation. “You learn something new every day, my dear! And today we have learned that cats are the most wonderful creatures in this mortal realm.”
“Mumbo you’re officially my second favourite mortal.” Scar announced as they laid in bed. Jellie was taking a nap on the demon. “My daughter is going to be horrible. She will level cities and bring her wrath down upon the innocent.” He held her up.
Jellie meowed, upset at being woken up
“My little demonling” he cooed. “You’re going to kill so many when you grow up big and strong.”
She bapped his face with her paw.
“See?” Scar giggled. “Evil. I love it.”
"You mortals make the best things"
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rasshu-benaiokny · 11 months
〚 Scrawny Debt Collector 〛MDNI
• An inspired Gyutaro x OC (Rasshu) NSFW Fic + Pic (at end)
• Based off of the Unfinished "The New Girls Boots" fanfiction
• NSFW: Non-con, Intimidation, sex at work, closed hours, intoxication, virgin.
• Both featured characters are 20+
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〚 Setting & Feel 〛
A modern AU where a new lady has been hired at the busy office building; Rasshu Benaio. She is lively and sweet but she hides her positive traits under a veil of aggression if she's scared. Unfortunately, she is scared of the ugly tall man who collects debts for the business; Gyutaro.
〚 Uwah, Lets Go! 〛
It's been a good 6-8 months since Rasshu started working at this nice place. She's a part of the marketing crew as she's in charge of designing ads for Kimetsu events along with Tengen; one of the flashy mascot-like men for such a huge business!
Watching the stars pour out into the black-blue sky outside her window, Rasshu furrows her brows as she nearly finishes her work for today. Working a bit after hours isn't anything new for this lady as she barely can get any meaningful work done when Tengen, Mr. Rengoku, and Inosuke of all people are her co-workers in this hectic office! Typing about on her laptop, she jots down ideas that flesh out Tengen's already existing ideas for the upcoming Halloween special! She's adding context to his idea trying to rope them all together for when the others review it but her time is dwindling as her alarm creeps up on her, scaring her stiff!
With a feint smile, she rubs her jaw and lifts up her mask once more as she fills up her satchel, ready to take her belongings home. It's 11PM sharp and she knows that she's usually the last one to be here at this time so Mr. Rengoku expects her to clean up anything on the way out.
After making her desk look decent for tomorrow morning, Rasshu lets out the smallest of sighs as she locks up the marketing office. Light footsteps echo with every step the woman takes walking down the long dark, daunting hallways alone as she starts to hum a random tune, trying to keep her paranoid mind unassuming for the moment. The quiet has always unnerved her after all. But, as she walked out into the open floors of the lobby she began to see big muddy prints going outside! Letting out an audible groan, Rasshu already seemed to know whose footprints these were; the damned debt collector's, Gyutaro Shabana!
He's a rather messy man that reaks of self-hate and misogyny... He was the only one who actively antagonized her weekly, throwing little jabs at her, making fun of her mask habits, and even spreading rumors that she steals when she's working late! At first, Rasshu thought it was a race thing but he treats everyone like shit when they start, it's just... Rasshu kept taking his crap to heart.
Looking at the footprints in front of her, she instantly believes that he just made a mess so people would think it was her fault since she is the only one who consistently leaves after the janitor does. It's a stretch but she can't help it, Gyutaro has always been out to get her. So with a mean snarl, she shakes her head and unlocks the janitor's closest mumbling to herself as she brands a clean-looking mop!
Rasshu: That Scrawny ass Debt Collector... trying to set me up like always... if he wants me fired so much, why doesn't he just fuck'n fight! I bet I could gut him so damn fast that Sonic wouldn't even be able to see what was coming to that bitch...
After a few minutes, Rasshu finally cleaned up the footprints that plagued the shiny white floors of Kimetsu. With a smile, she put up the mop and swung her satchel around her shoulder, feeling a bit proud about her tiniest deed until she heard something, or more accurately, someone.
With all of the lights already cut off, Rasshu froze as she saw a huge silhouette blocking her in the closet but before she could even begin to fight this intruder, a large pair of hands insnared her as the closet door slammed with both of them in it! Writhing with rage, the woman groaned and bit the intruder's hands until a mocking voice rang out! The Intruder was Gyutaro and he wasn't too happy after hearing Rasshu mock him.
Gyutaro: "Scrawny ass Debt Collector" "Bet I could gut him" Heh... big talk for someone squirming around like the pathetic piece of crap she is... So damn annoying too... Kek...
Immediately , the man shoved Rasshu into the wall behind her stunning her! She couldn't believe what this man was doing! He would always berate her verbally but nothing like this, she was honestly shocked by what he was doing, did he actually hate her this much? but as she was stuck in thought, she was quickly disoriented as Gyutaro turned on the bright closet lights. Instantly, Rasshu's eyes took in the sight as she realized what was happening... That subtle smell of alcohol on his rancid breath, that blush flushing his dirty skin, and the way he couldn't contain that malicious smile while he looked at her. The damned man was drunk off his ass, but why here! Instantly, with a surprising amount of concern, Rasshu angrily berated the man before her!
Rasshu: Mr- MR SHABANA?! Are you OUT OF YOUR DAMN MIND MAN!? Drunk? At WORK?! I know it's after hours but you can still get in trouble! Damnit and to think your smaller sister is the sane one for once... Address now, I'll call an Uber or a taxi before you make more of a mess than you've already...
The angry woman started to trail off and Gyutaro started to scowl as he walked up closer to her... He seemed worse for wear but Rasshu was already getting a bit nervous as he got almost nose-to-nose with her. Most of the time she was able to hold her own against this bully of a man, but tonight his demeanor was something else... and finally, confirmation of what was of his mind dribbled from his haunting words.
Gyutaro: Hey... Now... where's that big brave act you be putting on for me so much? Eh... Are we afraid of what the Scrawny Debt Collector can dish out? Because from what I know... I'm PRETTY DAMN GIRTHY where it counts...
Lifting up his baggy shirt, he slightly reveals the base of himself. Seeking a reaction, he leans in more until his breath stings Rasshu's eyes as she begins to internally freak out, looking for anything to put down this man as fast as possible but it is too late.
Lunging at her, the ragged man digs his dirty nails into Rasshu's waist as he pulls her body into his caved-in form! Fighting and throwing strong-armed punches, Rasshu roars out to Gyutaro, threatening him more and more until it turns into death wishes, and then to pleads! The man tanks kicks, punches, bites, and nearly anything waiting out her stamina until she was weak enough to finally stop. Rasshu pants under her mask as she is on the verge of tears as she looks at the ugly man with complete and utter rage, asking why... why her? Rasshu was so damn confused that it was physically hurting her just to wrap her head around this until Gyutaro gently, pulled down her mask.
Finally laying his eyes on the complete picture, Rasshu's face was fully in view; never truly seen by anyone else before. Her jaw was riddled with small scars. Her gritted teeth showed that the right side of her teeth were messed up! Unfortunately, that seemed to be her last straw as her frustration slowly turned to humiliation... with tears streaming down her cheeks and dripping down her neck, she cried believing that Gyutaro would use this against her. Why wouldn't he?
Still restraining her, Gyutaro pinched her chin and stole a kiss, holding her there for as long as he wanted. And just seeing the disgust and confusion etched on her face when he was done was enough for his crooked smile to contort into a sinister one.
With his biceps flaring up, he grabbed one of rasshu's legs and hoisted it up to her limit, forcing her to stretch her legs wide open as her other foot struggled to keep herself from falling! He held her there as he listened to her frantic pleas for mercy, but he wasn't here to play nice. Gliding his free hand down his pants, he took out a sharp pocket knife as he flicked it open, and dangled it in front of Rasshu's face. Knowing the context, Rasshu inadvertently clammed up as the man proceeded to glide the blade down her leg slowly, stopping at the small mound just below her stomach. Rasshu glared at the man one last time, hoping that it would be enough to hinder his actions but her eyes widened when the sound of splitting fabric filled her ears! Gyutaro vigorously cut himself an easy-to-access hole in her pants revealing a black pair of panties. They were a simple kind, with no one to impress, which was normal for someone as single as Rasshu.
Gyutaro didn't even care to look at her face as he put his palm directly on her panties, imagining how her secretive area looked. As he groped her, he listened to her frantic heartbeat just as well as he rubbed the nook of her panties, seldomly dipping into her pussy's wet crevice from time to time. After prodding her with just his two fingers, he pressed his weight against her as he took a fist full of her panties and ripped them clean from the hole in her pants! Feeling the cold bitter air on her bare pussy, Rasshu squealed but no one was in a large building, and wouldn't be for hours on end... Her breath ecelerated and she almost felt like she was going to pass out but Gyutaro made sure that he paused for long periods of time, listening carefully until her heartbeat went back down.
After Rasshu was calming down again, Gyutaro made sure he was face to face with her as he began to rub his rough fingers between her glossy folds... He knew how to work a woman's body, its what he was used to with how ugly he was anyway, so it was no different with this woman. Rubbing Rasshu's clit, she shut her eyes from the piercing blue gaze of the devil himself. Gyutaro seemed to feast on her reactions after all and Rasshu was simply the most reactive one who worked at Kimetsu, it was always easy picking her out from a sturdy crowd. Rubbing in circles, Rasshu seemed to relax slightly but she wasn't giving in to Gyutaro in the slightest so he devilishly plugged his two longest fingers deep into her, milking a squeak from the woman that was barely standing at this point.
At this point, Gyutaro knew that Rasshu's body wouldn’t be able to give much resistance now and that was all he really needed now as he picked her up. Hoisting her other leg up above his shoulders followed suit by the other! Rasshu wasn't ready at all as she tried to push herself off of Gyutaro but with a bit of taunting, Gyutaro would feign like he was about to drop her, causing her to latch on to him for safety. It was a nice sight to see the annoying worker he bullied often, holding on to him like this in such a manner, even if it was rather unfair... Rasshu started to talk a little louder, trying to sway Gyutaro's morals once more but then with the flash of a knife, she pipped down once again. Reluctantly, Rasshu used her arms to hold herself to the wall that she was being pushed against as the man positioned himself. dropping his baggy pants, his member sprang and bounced a bit, allowing his hard tip to bump against Rasshu's rear, making her flinch...
grabbing his shaft, Gyutaro played around as he rubbed his tip between Rasshu's folds as he watched tears run down her face occasionally... toying with her feelings, toying with her virginity. Without a moment's notice, Gyutaro forcefully cups his palm over Rasshu's mouth as he fully thrusts himself into her causing her to squirm and squeal in distress! Getting the hard part over with, Gyutaro slams himself fully into her as a mix of her blood and slick begins to coat his dick with each lustful pound. Not letting her rest, he gets his fill of pleasure until he pulls out, causing a pop sound to echo. lifting his saliva-covered palm from Rasshu's mouth, he reluctantly says sorry to her. Sniffling from what seemed to be the worst pain she'd ever been awake for, Rasshu avoids Gyutaro's glare as he puts himself in again! Fortunately, this time Rasshu's taking him rather well as he pounds just a bit more passionately than before. Seemingly allowing her to finally adjust to him.
Taking full advantage of this moment, Gyutaro digs his nails into her plush skin and starts to adjust himself slightly. And then pulling her arms into his grasp he performs a reverse full nelson of sorts?! Gritting his crooked fangs, he growls something under his breath as he begins to thrust vigorously but something's different! Rasshu begins to arch her back slightly with each thrust as something in her clicks! Shutting her eyes again, she begins to feel warm as her body feels this indescribable tickly feeling. After resisting for so long, Gyutaro's brows perk up as he hears small moans coming from his prey! Finally, he found her spot! Filled with determination, Gyutaro bites down on the nape of Rasshu's neck to keep her still as he speeds up his thrusts, milking her for the most long-awaited reaction he could get! Working up a sweat, Rasshu's legs jolt up as Gyutaro jams his hand down between their bodies! Followed by a choke-up, Rasshu nearly gags on her moan as Gyutaro yanks on her clit. Tightening up her core until she couldn't anymore and then with a failed attempt to stop herself, Rasshu shamefully squirted on herself, covering Gyutaro's lower half as she began to cry again... Her face was red hot and gyutaro pumped himself more and more until he snatched himself out, spilling his cum all over the wall and floor near him.
Crouching down, he let Rasshu's body slide down the wall to the floor onto his lap as he waited for Rasshu to finally look at him directly. It took a while, maybe 20 minutes for Rasshu to acknowledge him despite being in fear of what he would do next. Her red disappointed eyes finally, reached his blue droopy cold eyes for half a second before she looked away. Gyutaro let out a frustrated sigh as he reached his hand out and over Rasshu's head, resting his palm in her fluffy soft hair... He seemed a bit, conflicted as he watched the coworker that annoyed him, be so worried. Rasshu wanted to run away but she was just frozen laying within the man's lap as he thought to himself and then he finally spoke.
Gyutaro: Hey... Rasshu... I gotta ask you. Do you hate me? Keh, what a dumb ass question was that... I just swooped you up, took your V card, and expect you to NOT hate me?... Stupid... keh. I just wanted to know since you always seem to avoid me all the god damn time. Hell, you even hang out with that weird Uzui guy so much. I just thought you liked mean men and stuff. Rasshu: I... I... Mean men? I-I wouldn't hate you if you didn't hate me you damn man whore! Fuck! Like, who does this drunk? You can't tell me that you had some semblance of respect after humiliating me like this and now you're just gonna tell everyone that I'm just a slut or something... Finding anything to down me. Gyutaro: GNAH! Dont get loud with me! You can't expect me NOT to take you when you keep egging me on! Acting all offended when I tease you for any little thing! Acting all tough around your friends like you aren't teasing me with your cute ass! Hell, You can keep my name out of your mouth You Know?
Rasshu: THATS BECAUSE YOU ARENT TEASING, your insults hurt... and-and... how the hell am I teasing you?
Gyutaro: Dont act stupid you prude, I remember the first time I heard you. You were with that Uzui guy and y'all were pointing and laughing at me. Hell, each time yall pass me in the damn hallway, you do it! SO DONT ACT ALL HIGH AND MIGHTY Rasshu: YOU DUMB WHORE- ON MY FIRST WEEK UZUI WAS PICKING ON ME YOU DUMBAS BITCH- WE WAS TALKING ABOUT WHO WE THOUGHT WE WOULD WANT TO TAKE HOME AND WHEN I POINTED YOU OUT, UZUI FUCKIN- Gyutaro: wait- you chose me?...
For anyone who read this all or who totally skipped everything (cuz ik i would) Here
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ashipiko · 3 months
For some reason when u talked about Yuu!Ashi's birthday it didn't occur to me that it was your birthday as well?? Like????💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 IDK WHAT HAPPENED IM DUMB... SO AS COMPENSATION HERE'S A SMALL SKETCH OF DAISY AND ASHI (feat Grimmy!!) FOR U
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I apologize I'm a terrible mutual tsk tsk 😔 /j
No but seriously sorry for not realizing 😭 I hope u enjoy this tho!!!! And hope that Yuu!Ashi likes pumpkin pies🥲
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“Uwah?! Daiiisy, you totally shouldn’t have…! Gosh, I’m totally bombarded by a sea of deslish treats this time— You’re way too sweet!” Ashi cries, gratefully taking the pie from Daisy’s hands. She pats Grim on the head a couple times too, cracking a few remarks of how she’s surprised he pulled this off as well. Are you sure you didn’t just piggy-back off of Daisy…? Things like that.
After safely putting the pie away and saving it for later, Ashi gets back to the blonde, “Say, I think this is SO grounds for a cute pic! Say, one, two, three!” Seemingly out of thin air, a flash noise is heard from across the room.
…Huh. How did Ashi just know it was there…?
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revasserium · 1 year
Hello sweets
How are you? I really hope you are doing well!
Can you please if I'm not bothering you have number 8 with Wakatoshi?
reqs are open :)
8. larger than fiction
ushijima; 1,283 words; fluff, one-sided love, but it's literally not angst. just trust me on this one lol.
when you think of superheroes, you do not think of him.
you do not think of the way his raw strength and power might be a blessing from the gods. you do not think of how his absolute trust and knowledge in his own abilities might be thrust upon him by some careless divinity. you do not think he was chosen or birthed into this world with his one purpose already pressed into the curves of his body, the lines of his hands.
“uwah… wakatoshi-kun is really blessed, isn’t he?”
you blink, looking up from your sideways phone, propped up on your desk, playing the newest mv of the latest boyband debut.
“he is?”
this time, its your friend who blinks back at you, stuttering.
“you… you don’t think so?”
you quirk your lips, eyes sliding back to the mv, where a boy with cherry lips and fire-engine hair is winking at the camera.
“no. not really,” you say, taking a long sip of your half-finished strawberry milk, thinking back to the events of the past summer.
b-bam! thump-thump-thump. b-bam!
“out,” you say, squinting at the place where the ball had landed, just a hair’s-breath beyond the line. by the time you look back up, he is already standing back, another ball in his hands.
“one more,” he says, as he tosses, his heels rocking back for a second before he takes his first step, and then another. you watch as he jumps, his entire body a defiance, a motion against the pull of the earth, the laws of gravity — he reaches up with a hand drawn behind his head and when he swings it forward to meet the falling arc of the ball, you swear the earth beneath you shudders.
ushijima lets out a breath, looking up at you from the other side of the fluttering net, and you wonder briefly if you were to map out all the different parts of him onto a gridded scale, parse him out into perfect squares, which bits might be the ones that contain all that strength, all that perseverance. and then, you laugh to yourself, nodding as you shoot him a thumbs up to signal — good, this last one was good.
he smiles, nods, and walks back to the baseline.
what a stupid question, you think, because the answer is, and has always been, obvious —
all of him.
in the hallway, the bell rings.
“ah… isn’t it a little sad?”
“what, that that volleyball-idiot ushiwaka doesn’t even realize that the prettiest girl in our year is in love with him?”
“yeah… i mean, really — how thick can he be? poor girl.”
you finish your strawberry milk and click off your phone.
“nee — you wanna come watch a movie with us tonight?”
you flash your well-meaning friend a smile, but you shake your head.
“sorry. i’ve got plans.”
b-bam! thump-thump-thump. b-bam!
“again,” he says, already picking up another ball.
outside, the sun has long since set, and the moon and stars have shed their cloaks of silver-kissed clouds. the night is deep and dark and laden with the sweet promises of youth — out there, teenagers just like you are laughing, eating popsicles, trading texts, watching movies, chatting about the latest manga updates, but here, it’s just you and him and one more ball.
briefly, you think of the walk home later, of how he’ll diligently walk on the outside of the sidewalk, of how he’ll watch to make sure you close the door before he’ll turn and leave. you think of how the following morning, he’ll be there at 7:45am right on the dot, and how he’ll bow to your mom as she thanks him for taking care of you.
b-bam! thump-thump-thump. b-bam!
“and… that’s one hundred!” you say, smiling wide as you reach out to pick up the scattered volleyballs around you, tossing them at him one at a time, watching as he diligently returns each to the large blue ball-bin with a dig. the ones he misses, he picks up to toss back to you, so he can try again.
“thanks,” he says, when the two of you have finished locking up the gymnasium, turning towards the main road where the bus stop is. out here, girls giggle in pastel pleated skirts, lips glittering with strawberry-flavored gloss. out here, boys gather in clusters to hype each other up before shoving one of them towards a group of giggling girls. out here, the summer ebbs and flows, crests and crashes against the jagged reefs of oncoming adulthood, and ushijima walks beside you, one hand on his sports bag, the other tucked into his jersey pocket.
“no problem,” you say, as you get to your front door and he stills to wait for you to walk away. you grin, waving a hand over your shoulder, “same time tomorrow?”
you do not turn to check if he’s still watching.
months later, when they lose to karasuno, you don’t tell him you’re sorry, or that he did the best he could.
because both of you know that his strength and power comes not from the gods, but from uncountable hours of condition-training, and that his absolute trust and knowledge of his own abilities comes not from divinity, but from an entire lifetime of trying and failing, and trying again until failure is no longer a word in his dictionary.
because neither of you think that he was chosen for this, because you know that this is the choice, and that he is the maker. and that every morning, he wakes up to make it, again, and again, and again.
because he is not a superhero, so this losing is not a tragedy.
because he is not a superhero, and this is just one more tally on the calluses and tick-marks that mar his hands from the number of times he’s fallen and gotten back up again to find that you were right there by his side.
“tonight,” he says on the bus-ride back to school, where goshiki is sniffling next to a perplexed tendou, where shirabu is methodically un-taping each of his fingers, he turns to you with a steady, hard-lined look in his eyes.
“we practice a hundred more spikes.”
you nod, leaning against the back of your seat with a soft smile.
“alright,” you say, you don’t need to look to know that he’s smiling too.
“thank you,” he says, when, after some unnamable hours of spike-practice, you’re finally locking up for the day.
“yeah, of course,” you say.
“you… you’re my best friend,” he says. on your usual walk home, the main street is quiet for once, because it’s so damn late. you wonder if your parents will be worried, but then again, they know who you’re with, so they’ve no reason to be anyway.
“yeah,” you say, “i know.”
you turn to find him looking at you, and you wonder if you were to parse yourself into perfect squares, which bits of you ushijima would be most afraid of losing. and the answer comes, obvious, as the stars that shine bright in the night —
all of you.
because he is not a superhero, and you have never needed anyone’s saving.
because he is just a boy, who’s first and only love is the sport he plays. and you’re just a girl, who wouldn’t have him any other way.
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princess-angel101 · 5 months
Like grandmother, like grandson. (TWST AU)
So for context: In my AU, Maleficent is Malleus's grandmother. She once had a relationship with Stefan, but he betrayed her in my AU when the Great Seven were still active.
When Stefan cut off her wings, his actions had a big impact. Even though he was forced to, that was an act of assault on a fae royalty, which would spark war as a consequence. Not to mention, cutting off a fae's wings is a massive violation and considered a crime, in fae culture. This is because a lot of fae wings are spiritually and physically part of one's body. So yeah, not only did Stefan spark the turmoil between the fae and humans, he lost the trust of Maleficent. The only reason she forgave him was because she knew he was forced at hand and calmed down because of his baby girl Aurora, who cried from the noise.
My AU! Maleficent, appearing at Aurora's christening: HOW DARE YOU STEFAN!
Cue lightning crashing, and at Stefan, who dodged.
Stefan: Uwah, that was close.
Ace: Oi! What the?!-
My AU! Maleficent: How dare you cut off my wings. Because of you, our kingdoms are in turmoil with each other, because you decided to cut the wings of me, the fae queen! YOU IDIOT!
My AU! Maleficent: Fools! *strikes the guards who once tried to seige her castle.* Morons! My AU! Maleficent: *strikes at the Senators who had the audacity to help Richard.* My AU! Maleficent: Imbecile! *strikes at Stefan but spares him as she knows he was forced to, but is still mad.*
Baby Aurora:*fussing and crying from the noise.*
My AU! Maleficent: *turns from raging to motherly in a snap.* Aw, is that too loud, sweet one? There, there, that's a good girl. *picks up the baby girl and cradles her.*
The TWST cast, who got accidentally sent to the past and witnesses this:... Ace, to Malleus: So THAT's where you get your temper from.
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petri808 · 2 years
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Nalu Yakuza Au *cover art by @jmoart214 💜
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
*Special holiday chapter*
Lucy’s excited giggle pierced the cold night air as she held out her hands to catch the snow falling around her. It’s not very often that Tokyo receives snow, maybe a couple times in a season and rarely enough to blanket the ground. On the sidewalk around her, other tokyoites scurry past uninterested in a young girl’s childish antics for it is two days before Christmas Eve and there are errands to run. She grinned at Natsu before looking towards the sky and closing her eyes for a moment while the cold little drops of snow flurries touched her skin. He merely chuckled as a warm smile graced his lips. It never failed to amaze Natsu each time the woman did something to make him fall in love all over again. But here she was, her face bathed in the artificial glow of store signs looking like an ethereal angel. 
This was their first winter after graduating from high school when nothing was yet set in stone and the rest of their lives laid before them. Once Natsu turned 20, he already knew that his father wanted him to succeed as the Oyabun, but he wasn’t ready to be a boss of their yakuza group just yet. He’s still young! And as he watched his girlfriend catching snowflakes, it only steeled his desire to focus on love not business… especially because Lucy is opposed to him becoming the boss. He held back a sigh and put on a smile as she grabbed his hand again to continue walking down the avenue. 
“Did you order the meal from KFC?” Lucy queried.
“Of course,” Natsu lifted their conjoined hands, kissing the back of her knuckles. “I even ordered your favorite cake from the patisserie.” 
“Mmm,” she bounced up placing a quick peck on his cheek. “You take such good care of me,” she cooed and snuggled to his side.
‘I’d kill for you,’ Natsu mumbled in his head. “I wanna give you everything kitten. I’ll always protect and take care of you.”
He knew that she knew exactly what those words meant… and it only added to her opposition. It wasn’t that Lucy was against him being the boss, what she’s really annoyed with is the whole boys club aspect of the yakuza. Natsu didn’t blame her for feeling the way she did, hell one of the things that attracted him was her strength. People often assumed Lucy was just another pretty girl who traded on her looks and lacked in intelligence, but they’re dead wrong. Picture it. The woman who was just minutes ago childly catching snowflakes was always in the top 10 percent of exams and was accepted into Tokyo University, one of the toughest universities to get into for business. Beautiful, brilliant, and feisty. He loved her so much… It’s because of that love that he didn’t want her joining the yakuza. 
Time to change the subject.
“Hey, I was thinking we should go to an onsen after visiting the shrine for New Year’s.” Natsu suggested. “We haven’t visited one in a while.”
“That would be nice, a trip before I start college.”
Natsu kissed her temple. “I’ll book a room with a private onsen.” 
The couple spent a sweet and savory Christmas Eve together at Natsu’s apartment, cuddling under the covers for most of the evening. He lived in a one-bedroom flat on the 26th floor of a high-rise apartment building where the nighttime views of Tokyo were beautiful. Outside the picture window, snow flurries fell and swirled through the air, catching on the light coming from the apartment before disappearing into the darkness. A few scattered buildings around the city were lit up for the holiday season making them stand out in the skyline. These really were the best times, when they could forget the world and all the responsibilities of life that lay beyond the front the door. Here in their own little heaven, where they made the rules, it was always sad to leave it. 
The next morning, Lucy went home with plans to hang out with her best friend Levy because Natsu had to deal with some end of year matters for the organization. No matter, it’s just five days until they’ll leave for their trip. He really hated being apart from her for more than a couple days, but he knew he better get used to it. Once Lucy started school, there will be times she needed to focus on projects and exams that may keep them apart for weeks at a time. He too may have problems that pop up that he needed to deal with. As the current first lieutenant it’s his responsibility to take care of matters before they escalated and required the boss to get involved. 
Finally, the 30th arrived. Natsu picked Lucy up from her apartment and they headed out in his car to an onsen located in the Saitama region. It’s about an hour’s drive, but the route is scenic once they leave Tokyo with forested land flanking many sections of the highway. During the autumn, the colors… all the reds, yellow, and orange leaves are pleasing to the eye, now those trees lay barren, and the pines are blanketed with piles of snow. Mountains of white wintergreens gleaming in the mid-afternoon sunlight.         
The ryokan Natsu chose was a mid-sized inn tucked away from the nearby city. Its design featured traditional Japanese style accommodations from tatami floors to pillowy futon mattresses, complimentary yukata robes, and in-room dining services. There are sliding shoji doors that led to a private deck and covered onsen bath that’s open to the outside. It’s a perfect hotel if you’re looking for a cozy, intimate getaway, and that’s exactly what Natsu wanted to spoil his girlfriend with before school stress began. Let Lucy start off the new year relaxed and sated. 
“Of course, I’m being clingy,” Natsu teased as they walked towards the guest room after check in. “It’s been a week.” He wrapped his arms around Lucy’s waist making it difficult for her to walk, but as much as she grumbled through gritted smiles, he won’t let go. The poor attendant carrying their luggage must’ve been so uncomfortable. 
The moment the door closed behind them… “Okay! Okay!” Lucy shrieked and clawed at the arms cinched around her waist. “So embarrassing!”
“Oww! Oww!” Natsu laughed as he finally let go. “Sorry kitten, I’ll leave the affection for behind the scenes.” Lucy rolled her eyes though there’s no malice in her expression, so Natsu still considered it his win. He kissed her cheek. “I’m just happy.” He kissed her cheek again. “Can you blame me?”
Lucy’s cheeks flushed. “No…” 
Yup, definitely his win.
The couple changed into the more comfortable yukata robes and hapi coats before venturing outside. For the three hours before the dinner service would be served, they spent it walking around the hotels zengarden and tea house. It’s a beautifully maintained garden replete with a koi pond that had a wooden bridge that crossed it, several intersecting pathways to follow, benches along the way to rest, and a couple of gazebo structures to enjoy the tranquility of nature. There’s a very light snow fall during the walk, but without much of a breeze the chill factor is tolerable. Natsu couldn’t remember the last time he’s been in a garden like this one. It might have been during a school trip. Had he held hands with Lucy then like he’s doing now? Possibly. Oh well, now there’s this memory to add to the collection.
Because the hotel is smaller it doesn’t have a sit-down restaurant, so meals are delivered to the rooms by request. Guests were also allowed to order specialty menus at the time of reservation, which is the route Natsu chose. He knew Lucy’s favorite dishes and made sure they were included. For dinner he’d chosen a mix of options. A chirashi bowl of sushi rice covered in a variety of fish, scallop, shrimp, and eel sliced thin in sashimi style. Braised pork belly coated with a sticky teriyaki sauce. Red miso soup with wakame seaweed, tofu, and scallion. Shrimp and vegetable tempura, and lastly for dessert, strawberry mochi ice cream drizzled with sugar glaze and kinako powder. The resident sake master included a top line junmai daiginjo sake to go with the meal. Everything was delicious. 
Now that their bellies are full and the sake has mellowed them, it was the best time to relax away the rest of the evening. They took turns taking a quick bath before slipping into the onsen. Natsu went in first. 
“Finally,” he teased from the steaming waters. “I was starting to worry you fell asleep in the bathroom.”
Lucy kneeled next to the edge with the towel wrapped around her body and her hair tied up in a loose bun. “I have a surprise to show you first.”
“Oh?” Natsu shifted his body to rest his elbows on the edge.
She turned around, still on her knees, then let the towel drop down to her waist to reveal her back. “I got it on the 26th so it’s still healing.” Lucy twisted her neck so she could see him. “What do you think?” Then before he started to respond, she let go of the towel and joined him in the water. 
Natsu prompted Lucy to sit with her back to him so he could look at it closer. “It’s a beautiful tattoo, fits you perfectly.” He ran his fingers over the soft, fluid line work that graced her upper back. Top to bottom it covered half of her back, perfectly centered over her spine with the wingspan stretching over her shoulder blades. He couldn’t quite place the style, a touch of whimsy, fantasy, maybe even tribal and the design was part butterfly, fairy, and angelic in its beauty. “Very delicate, perfect for a woman, but why wings?”
Lucy turned back to him. “Because you often call me kitten or angel, so when Levy and I visited the tattoo shop and I saw this design I decided to go with it.” She caressed his cheek and placed a pressured lingering kiss on his lips. “Now I’m forever your angel.”
Natsu pulled her onto his lap so she’s straddling his legs, wrapping his arms around her waist with hands draping over her lower curves. The steaming waters chased away the winter chill, while Lucy’s lithe body is framed by the lightly falling snow behind her and the overhead light created a haloed glow around her blonde hair. Just, breathtaking… and it’s all his. He grinned and returned the kiss in kind letting his forehead rest against hers, “Damn right your mine, and I’ll never let you go.” 
Snap Snap Snap “Boss? Oi Natsu, why the hell are you staring at the kids?”
“Kids?” Natsu’s eyes blinked and slowly readjusted from daydreaming. That’s right, the restaurant they ate dinner at was across from a park decorated with lights for the holiday season. He was waiting outside while Gray settled the bill when he noticed a young woman bathed in lights looking at the sky while two children, presumably hers, were laughing a few feet away as they made snow angels in the snow. Did he just flash back to a decade-old memory? The second he realized where he was, he turned around to address Gray. “I um, was just remembering how we used to make snow angels too as kids. Remember, Gray?”
Gray’s brow raised in suspicion, “not really, but whatever. I paid so let’s go.”
“Right…” Natsu glanced back to the park one last time before falling in step with his lieutenant. He’d almost forgotten that memory, but how could he. “My angel,” he muttered under his breath and gained another weird look from Gray. 
With the shinnenkai end of year celebration party coming up in a couple more weeks, Natsu had been too busy preparing to notice all the Christmas seasonal decorations around the city. Though a western thing, it was becoming more and more accepted as a secular holiday, especially in the bigger cities. But that wasn’t the issue of the moment. He really loved it when Lucy got that tattoo because he thought that it meant she’d accepted a future with him— Oh, how wrong he’d been because that was the year they broke up and ten years later he still wasn’t exactly sure why.  
“You go on in Gray, I’ll be in shortly.” They’d arrived back at the office building, but Natsu wasn’t ready to go in just yet. 
Natsu pulled the collar of his coat tighter to his neck to brace against a small gust of chilly wind. Lately his and Lucy’s current relationship as rivals was starting to wear on him mentally and it was getting harder and harder to control his emotions surrounding her. Guess ten years of pining really will drive a person insane. He closed his eyes and tilted his head to the sky to allow the little white flurries to chill his skin. Somehow, some way he’ll win his angel back and finally fulfill the wish he’d made at the shrine all those years ago. ‘I said it didn’t I Luce,’ he smiled to himself. ‘I’ll never let you go…’
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Original title: 彼女の聖性
Source: Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN Vol.2: Kino-hen
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Tomoaki Maeno
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
*Rustle rustle*
“…Ugh…Ugh…Ahー It’s no use. It won’t charge. This is the latest model on the market, you know? It’s your fault it’s broken now. I dropped it into the bathtub because you gave me a scare with your actions.”
You apologize.
“If all crimes could be fixed with a simple ‘sorry’, the entire police force would be unemployed by now. Honestly…You do the craziest things. How will you make it up to me?”
You try to defend your case. 
“You want to know whether they’re safe or not, huh? I’m sick of hearing that same question at this point. …You’re crazy. I can’t believe you’d jump down to the second floor for something like that. …Hey, I can’t imagine this to be the case but…Do you like those guys?””
You nod.
“Uwah…You actually do? That goes beyond my comprehension.”
You explain.
“So as long as they’re not truly bad people ‘deep down’, you’ll allow someone to put you through any kind of humiliation and can grow to like them?”
Kino approaches you.
“You really are something else. …Although, I suppose that’s good for me as well. I mean, I’m about to put you through hell after all.”
He grabs hold of your wrist and squeezes down.
“Come here…”
*Rustle rustle* 
“Ughー! …Well then, it’s time for your punishment.”
“Ah, by the way. I’m actually a pretty nice guy, you see? I definitely wouldn’t call myself evil to the core…So kind little Eve-chan will forgive me, won’t she?”
“Now I can punish you without having anything to worry about.”
Kino runs his fingers across your skin.
“Ahー You’re covered in scratches. ...Maybe think twice next time you jump from the window. You’re surprisingly reckless, aren’t you? Sure, you might be the chosen Eve, but you’re still a human in the end, so you could have ended up dead. You did sustain pretty serious injuries after all.”
You ask about the Sakamakis again. 
“You’re sounding like a broken record…Considering the situation you’re in, perhaps you should say something to please me instead?”
“Like I said earlier, I’m a good guy after all. …Depending on your attitude, I wouldn’t mind doing some things for you. In other words, I might even give you the information you want so badly.”
“So try and charm me.”
You ask him what you should do.
“Hmー Let me think…Why don’t you start by kissing me? …Easy enough, isn’t it? On the lips, of course. …Ah. Actually, I wouldn’t mind if you kneel down in front of me and kiss my feet instead either. I don’t dislike the thought of that.”
You obey.
“Fufu…~ Seems like someone is motivated. …Exactly.”
“Your lips taste vaguely of blood. …I guess it’s because you’re wounded?”
You look at him with a hopeful expression. 
“What’s with that look? If you think that was enough to get on my good side, then you’re being a little too naive.”
“Go and try to really get my heart racing. …There’s more than one way to do so, no?”
You ask why he is being so mean to you.
“...Hah. You’re giving me so many reasons to pick on you, it’s kind of difficult to choose just one. Well…I guess the biggest driving factor is my hatred for you. …Anyway, unless you satisfy me, you won’t be able to confirm whether those guys are alive and well or not. ーー So, what will you do for me?”
You struggle to come up with something. 
“Tsk…Ah, godー Can’t you just get straight to it? The list of things you’re capable of is not that long, is it? Just give me…your blood already!”
He pins you down. 
“I’m sick and tired of how slow you are.”
Kino bites you.
*Gulp gulp*
“Hm…? It hurts? Duh. I’m biting directly into one of the wounds after all. Fufu…Rest assured. I’ll make it even more painful. …Hahn.”
*Gulp gulp*
“Hah…Your blood really is so sweet…I can’t get enough…of the taste. It makes me crave more and more…Even though I hate you, I love this blood of yours.”
“I could keep on drinking it forever. …Fufu…Mmh…”
*Gulp gulp*
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viatrixtravels-a · 10 months
Hands Lumine a totally not suspicious potion that gives you fox ears and a tail.
Give my muse an item and see how they react!
"What's this? A drink?"
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The Traveller slowly removed the lid, bringing the bottle closer to her face to take a whiff of the liquid inside. It smelled vaguely sweet, like some kind of juice or lemonade.
"Blueberry...? No...Strawberry flavor?"
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"Paimon wants to try it too!"
The Pixie approached, trying to snatch the bottle away from Lumine - who knew she would have no chance at trying any of it if Paimon got her little hands on it, so she decided to quickly down the drink herself.
"...Bleh. It doesn't taste nearly as good as it smells. A little bitter even."
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(Art credit)
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"Hm? Paimon? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"L-Lumi, you..."
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sourweather-fics · 1 year
im gonna sound like a broken record but GOD i love how you write Nigel!!! i'm Literally on the verge of tears. How he always smells of cinnamon chewing gum, and cigarettes. How gentle and understanding he is with Adam. How cool, relaxed but deeply caring he is in the coming of age stories. i love him i love him i love him
WA I need to you understand that when I read this i squealed with delight because!!! you noticed the cinnamon gum!!!!!!! I like to make little head canons really consistent throughout my work hehe, like the gum, or how wills Favorite food is always blueberry pancakes, or how Hannibal is often associated with citrus <3<3<3 they're like little signatures i leave in my stories uwah
actually, my best friend reads a LOT of my work, and she's gotten to the point where she'll call me out if I mention anything about Will smelling of coffee and cedar, because she's heard it so many times 🤭🤭🤭
anyway YES since so much of what happened to make Nigel who he is happened during his adulthood, I want to believe that a young version of him is a lot softer in the middle <3 just as brash and cocky and fiercely devoted but a lot more warm, more earnest and tender <3<3<3
oop I'm rambling ah but thank you for the sweet message it made my night<3
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parasocialitevn · 2 years
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g0ttal0ve101 · 11 months
Note: mwahaha 😈…writing prompt week heheh. tw: self harm, implicated abuse
Prompt: Scars
Ship: Riam
Blood leaked from the broad bold letter carved into her flesh, dripping down the side of her thigh as a result. She watched intently as the blade dug further inside, pivoting with every curve of the alphabetic symbol.
It didn’t hurt as much as the first one. Her eyes locked in on the movements displayed in his fingers, clenching onto her sleeve as a result of the pain that coursed through her leg. Her expression remained motionless.
The more blood that spewed from her body, the merrier. Riley couldn’t help but smile when seeing the final product of his artwork, letting out an adoring sigh whenever he wiped away all the blood from her skin. More formed quicker than he could wash off, causing him to reach for the medical kit he had prepared beforehand. The smile on her face faded. She wanted to examine it for a little longer.
“It’s fine, Sam. Don’t bandage it up.”
“N-No, I have to.” He stammered, his eyes fixated on her precious skin. Obsession was a perfect way to describe his gaze. With pupils the size of black holes in the Milky Way galaxy, his attention was on nothing else but to stop the bleeding. Riley was flattered by the amount of compassion he had for her. “I made you h…urt…hurt.”
“Does it look like I’m hurt?” Riley questioned with a sly grin, planting her hands deep with Sam’s thick locks of hair. He washed it only twenty minutes beforehand, each strand still damp to the touch. It suddenly made sense why his hair wasn’t as fluffy and curly as it usually was. “That was nothing. I didn’t even flinch.”
That was true. Riley had gone through way harsher things, way more painful experiences, and yet Sam wanted nothing more than to continue the path of catering to her like a princess. He grabbed the disinfectant and carefully stroked her gaping wound, causing her to scrunch up her face. It stung like a bitch.
“I want it to scar, Sam. Stop that.”
“Uwah…but…!” His voice trembled for a moment before smoothing out again. “…Alright.”
Stabilizing his balance, Sam stood from the floor and grabbed the towel for his hair, trying his hardest to put his mind at ease. He scrubbed his head as Riley lovingly analyzed the signature without a care in the world. He knew how to use a damn knife, that’s for sure. Not a single hiccup in the cursive lettering.
With a sweet hum, Riley gripped the knife and twirled it around between each finger. “Have you ever seen my collection?”
The question was out of the blue. Sam tilted his head like a curious kitten and reproached the girl, this time sitting beside her with a slight frown. The freckles on his cheeks were absolutely adorable up close. “What collection?”
“My scar collection. I never showed you them all, have I?”
Before he could answer, she was already stripping off her shirt. His eyes practically bugged out of his head before straying away his eyes. “UWAH, R-R-R-R-!”
“Oh, quit it. You act like this is your first time seeing me shirtless.”
With covered eyes, Sam blushed profusely. “I don’t des…erve to. You’re so p-pr…p…”
Dropping the shirt onto the mattress, she got a hold of Sam’s wrists and yanked them downward so he could see. He was hesitant to examine her frame at first but after a few moments of awkward silence, he decided against fighting it. His ivy green eyes swept up and down her body, suddenly feeling lightheaded when realizing just how pretty she was. Riley wasn’t all too flustered at first but seeing the loving sparks in her boyfriend’s eyes, her stomach couldn’t help but float.
“Sam, you’re the only one I want to show. You’re the only one that would understand anyway…” She muttered, running her hands down the scars she had on her bare body. Sam could feel himself start to get worked up when imagining where they came from. “You gave me the prettiest one, haha…! All these other ones aren’t so sentimental.”
Rubbing his thumb against her collarbone, he spotted a scar that was unfamiliar compared to the other ones. A burn mark - Someone had snuffed the cherry of their cigarette on her. Sam couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Telling by the look on his face, Riley knew it was a good idea to change the subject off of that particular incident.
“What about you, Sammy? Do you have any scars?”
Those words caught him off guard. Hesitating, he nodded slowly while backing away. He figured he should follow her footsteps to assure her that she wasn’t alone. With a shaky start, he lifted his shirt and pulled it over his head, revealing the scarring he had. Riley’s eyes suddenly glow upon the realization that she had never seen him this way before. He was more built that she figured he would be.
“I’m th-the same way,” he assured her with a grin that showcased his dimples, “don’t feel bad about it. My arms are f-fucked up too. And look how b-big my top scars a…are. I don’t hold a candle up to you, Rie. You’re so p-p…p…p…you’re so p-…”
“Y-Yes…!” He squeaked, making himself smaller instinctively. Riley thought it was adorable. “Uwah, I’m n…not really nice t-to look at…”
Riley placed her hands against his chest, running her fingers along the scarring of his top surgery. Sam blushed heavily and watched her curiosity glisten. It was an innocent gaze of pure intent and wonder.
“These are so cool, Sam…! You shouldn’t hide them all the time!”
“Y-You think…so?”
A smile arose onto his lips as he avoided her kind eyes. “…Okay. I’ll keep that in m-mind.”
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sumire-bride · 1 year
"Is this what you want? Heeh.. Dirty girl, aren't you supposed to be pure? A women who sells her soul to god. I should make you whisper all your sins to me all night. No more of that father crap, you're mine forever."
"..Shuu-sama... Is all I want.. I would sell my very soul to the devil and watch as my whole faith of god is crumbled to the ground... Just to spend one second with you... All my faith is Shuu-sama.. How I love you..."
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"I find it so so peculiar.. How you sit and stare, no one gets out alive, no one..."
The church was for the most 'empty'. Nothing but the echo's of breath and the feeling of coldness to whisper sweet paranoia in your ears. No light besides the full moon shining through the windows, a light and dark blue hue staining every object in the room. The door slowly creaks open, the noise spreads through the whole room.
"—A-ah.. Hello?" Said the young boy, who seemed to be in his 20s or perhaps younger. He was a new comer, a boy who would help with the masses cleaning and so on. How faithful he was to his 'virtues'. He couldn't help but think though, this 'church' he was sent to was quite strange. He takes a step inside, the candle in his hand looking at every wall his eyes passing through the mosaic glass pieces on the walls. It wasn't until his precious ears caught a glimpse of a.. Whine? A whimper? A women in distress. "Uwah...! Sister Sumire, what are you doing here all alone?" The boy questions, a hint of empathy as well as sweetness in his voice.
"..Sniff... Uu... Kuh.." Sumire at the very end of the church, sitting right above the steps her beautiful gown, veil and hands covering her face as she groaned in distrust, though the sounds of her cries were quite pleasant. "..Uu.."
"Sister Sumire, please do tell what's the matter? Come now I can not leave a beautiful women here in tears." He walks closer to her, walking up the steps he puts a hand out reaching for her shoulder. "Why don't we take a walk..? To help you cool down..—" He was stopped when she quickly put something.. In his stomach. A knife, twisting it her emerald eyes watching in delight as she watched the blood come out. Her ears were being fed well tonight, as they got to listen to him choking on his own blood.
"..Forgive me.. But father Shuu can not accept you into our organization... You simply are not fit.." She whispered. Digging the knife deeper into him, gently putting him into her arms holding him as he fell breathing heavy for air. "The blood in you, is not clean.. Do not worry my child... I will silence you... Hush now..." She soothes, holding his head to her chest. Doing her best to comfort him as he lays dying in her arms. "..Be quiet... I can not cleanse you if you are not silent.. Rest now..." She knew it was over when he finally grew silent, nothing but the droplets of his blood falling to the floor beneath them. And the foot steps of a man that made her turn her head quickly.
"Do you really need to hold them? It's bothersome watching you hold another man with such care like that." In a tired, jealous tone her beloved Shuu walks out of the shadows. "Let go of him, he was already all over you when he was breathing." He orders. Almost like something snapped within her, she pulls the knife out from his body running towards Shuu. Holding the knife in her hands she shows him.
"..Have I done good...? Look...!" She holds the knife as well as her blood stained hands to show him. "..I killed him in one go... Just like Shuu-sama asked... Now the church is one step closer to being cleansed from these impure people..." He takes her bloody hand, his thumb rubbing it as he begins to get closer to her, she drops the knife to hug him.
"That doesn't matter anymore, in the end all life is filled with sins. That's just humans." He lifts her veil up, lifting her face to look up into his ocean eyes the ones that look at her with pure adoration. "You seem to be the only one that I bare.. Nn.." He brings her lips to his, kissing her passionately in the dimly lit church, hands on her lower back. "Your hands.. Nn.. Are staining my clothes with that guys blood. You're only digging yourself further into the first chair in hell.. Nn, mwah.." He teases.
"If that is where Shuu-sama is going.. Then take me even further... You are my god.. My saviour... I wish to be with you forever, even in death..." She whispers in his ear. Before laying a light kiss on his cheek.
"It's like you say sometimes... Till death do us part.. But even then.. Not even death—" Her tone quiet, but the her love for this man was clearly the loudest thing in the room.
"——Will keep me away from you." He squeezes her harder.
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♱  DIABOLIK LOVERS: Haunted Dark Bridal ー Sakamaki Reiji | Maniac 5½  ♱
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⌜ Scene: School Science Lab ⌟
Yui: Pour it in here?
Reiji: Correct.
Yui: And then, um… What was next?
Reiji: Good grief, is your attention span truly so short that you cannot remember even the simplest of instructions?
Yui: I’m sorry.
( I just don’t want to mess this up! )
( It’s a special poison, Reiji-san said. And for some reason, he asked for my help with making it today, at school. )
Could you just remind me once more…?
Reiji: Sigh. After you have poured these together, you are to gently stir the mixture by swirling the beaker until the froth dissipates into steam.
From there, you should also notice a change in colour.
Then, you will know that it is ready for testing.
Yui: Right!
ー Yui does just that. ー
Uwah! Just like you said, Reiji-san, it changed colour.
Reiji: There is one final step. Test the scent for me, what is it reminisent of?
━─┉┈◈ Selection ◈┈┉─━
  ❈  That's suspicious...
Yui: ( Whenever Reiji-san wants me to “test” something, I should be wary… )
…Can’t you test it?
That way… Y-You’ll be sure if it’s right or not.
Reiji: …Could it be that you’re suspicious of my intensions?
Yui: Well… don’t you usually test these things on me? 
Reiji: You are already testing my patience, so please do not test my cordiality; I simply ask that you bask in its fragrance a moment.
  ❈  Are you sure? ( ♥ )
Yui: …Are you sure that sort of thing is safe to do?
Reiji: Your faith in me seems to be lacking; I would not have entrusted this task to you if it would cause you harm, would I?
Yui: ( …Would you? )
I… Guess not, Reiji-san.
Reiji: I cannot blame you for being cautious, fufu. And yet, it is harmless request.
So, do entertain me.
Yui: Well, it’s…
Flowery, and… Mm, sweet!
( For some reason, I can’t stop myself. It is such a pretty fragrance! )
Reiji: Then it has, indeed, worked.
???: Playing with your lab rat once again, are we?
ー Ryuuto walks into the room. ー
Yui: Ryuuto-san?
( Woah, suddenly my legs feel like jelly. And my stomach is… )
( Uu… butterflies, whenever I look in Ryuuto-san’s direction… )
( Has he always been that handsome? )
( …! Wait, what am I thinking!? )
Reiji: A shake in the knees, dilated pupils, a flushed expression…
At least, from the looks of you, Yui, this drug has worked.
Alas, I was hoping I would be able to experience your effects first-hand. However, with Ryuuto’s interruption, I am only an observer.
Yui: W-Worked? But, I didn’t even…
Ryuuto: An inhalant, Reiji? How sly of you.
I’d thought you would be too proud to trick your prey into drugging herself up.
Yui: Inhalant? You mean, just from taking in its scent, I…
Ryuuto: These “side-effects”…
 ー Ryuuto gets closer to Yui. ー
Yui: ( O-Oh no…! If he gets any closer, I feel like I might just explode! )
ー Suddenly, she clings to him! ー
( M-My hands! They clutched onto him without me thinking! )
I… I…
Ryuuto: …Fufu, it is an infatuation drug.
Yui: E-Eh?
Reiji: I am surprised someone such as you so quickly deduced that.
Ryuuto: Come now, is that any way to speak to your older cousin?
If anything, I am surprised you had hopes to be the victim of this infatuation; Could you not have simply bought the girl some dinner~?
Yui: ( Reiji-san… wanted me to feel this way about him? )
Reiji: Good grief… No, you are rather mistaken.
It is not that I desire this response from her. It is that she belongs to me and, therefore, it would be unthinkable to have any other “victim”.
It was simply your misfortune that her attention happened to be cast your way upon your arrival, and thus she was drawn to you…
Be grateful that the drug is only temporary. 
Yui: ( Despite how nonchalant Reiji-san seems… his eyes look angry. )
( Like it’s my fault for glancing Ryuuto-san’s way…! )
Reiji: You truly have a talent for being in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Not unlike our uncle.
Ryuuto: Well, curiosity did kill the cat, as they say.
However… Once our Pet can fathom letting me go, I’ll leave you two be.
─────── ≪ °♛° ≫ ───────
←  [ ✥ Maniac 05 ✥ ]⎥ [ ✥ Maniac 06 ✥ ]  →      [ ✥ Ecstasy 3½ ✥ ]
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iuteamstarcandy · 1 year
[NEWS] 151023 IU chats with her same age peers.. in ‘A Bunch of Twenty-three’
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The dress code for the CHAT-SHOW was ‘flower’ as flipping the number 2 to look like an ‘S’ and adding a ‘3′ to it looked like a flower. The title of the event was also ‘A Bunch of Twenty-three′
“Just writing the number 23, it looks like flower petals. Doesn’t it? Am I the only one that thinks so? It’s in the lyrics for ‘Twenty-three’ too. It goes like ‘a bunch of twenty-three~’. I think the age of 23 is just like a flower.”
“I’m in a really good mood right now. More people are listening to my songs than I thought and I tell them that too. My songs are doing really well. Am I being arrogant right now? It’s the first album I’ve done producing for, so the sense of responsibility I have for it is really different from before. I searched it up at 1am and was like, oh, I made it! I was really thankful. Really, I thought to myself that I have to live as a good person from now on (I guess she means for good karma). I’m being really excited right now, isn’t it?”
“I wrote all the lyrics. There were a lot of things I wanted to say. Also, the topics were not light ones. These are songs that contain some of my serious concerns. Originally I thought of having an ordinary album title like ‘People’. Or ‘Purple’ as an extension from ‘People’. I didn’t want to make it sound so serious for everyone. That’s why I put a layer of protective film on the album title. ‘These are not serious words, but just my idle talk (which is where the ‘CHAT’ in CHAT-SHIRE comes from).’ Like this.”
The title song ‘Twenty-three’ is inspired by the cheshire cat from ‘Alice in Wonderland’. When Alice gets lost, the cheshire cat appears in front of her and she asks, ‘Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?’ to which the cheshire cat replies, ‘That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.’
"I don’t know what’s real, really. An article about me appears on a web portal. On some days, it puts me in a good mood? Uwah, I’m just staying at home, but there’s an article on me? But on some days I think to myself that I just want to hide somewhere. I don’t know for sure what I really want and all I have are short moments. Is it like that for you guys too?”
IU sang ‘Zeze’ for a fan with relationship issues. It’s a song that uses the motif of the main character, Zeze, from ‘My Sweet Orange Tree’, which is about an angelic boy with a gentle heart who is at the same time a devil and incorrigible.
“It’s the most fun song I’ve written. I thought Zeze’s temper was sexy. Despite his two sides, I was supporting Zeze and fell in love with him as I read the novel. I become the Minguinho (tree) and the song contains my message for Zeze. I left a lot of things open to interpretation as I was writing this song, so if you read the lyrics, you’ll find it quite interesting.”
To a fan with family issues, IU said, “I hope you know that you’re being really cool” and sang ‘Red Queen’ to the fan as a gift. This is a song about the Red Queen in ‘Through the Looking Glass’. A woman everyone hates, a story about a time she was pretty. IU got her inspiration from a picture that f(x)’s Sulli drew.
"I went to Sulli’s house to play, saw the picture and thought of the Red Queen so I wrote this song. ‘That woman’ is mentioned a lot in the lyrics, but to everyone a different person would probably come to mind. Although I called her a ‘woman’, you can think of the person as a man too. Actually the lyrics to this song are rather bitter. So I tried to sing it as cunningly as possible. In order for my voice to sound cunning in talking about that woman, people listening to the song might find the woman quite poor thing and take her side. Did I manage to pull off the cunningness well?”
To a fan troubled about career and aspirations, IU sang ‘Knee’. This song was written on a sleepless night because of how much doubt she felt about herself and she missed the times when she lay in her grandmother’s lap and could sleep without any worries.
"I feel the same way. I’m 23 now, but why have I not adapted to life yet? Spending each day clumsily like an amateur. ‘Knee’ is song I love the most on the album. I think it’s the first time I almost felt like crying while recording. I was feeling so sad that I couldn’t take it.”
IU won’t be promoting this album. From November onwards she’ll start her nationwide concert tour. “This year, I was involved in all kinds of activities. Other than for my concert, I think I’ve spent all the rest of my energy. I wouldn’t want the emotions I felt while producing this album to mix with those while doing broadcasts. I just want to end on a happy note. That’s what I wish for.”
Sad to part with the fans, she said she would create such opportunities for them again. IU went down from the stage and took a group photo with the audience and promised to post it on her Instagram.
“I’ve got to go and work now. Today was really fun. It’s such a pity, I find it a pity too. Two of my ex-classmates are here. You guys are my true friends. I really really had fun and thank you for coming. Get home safely. It’s a burning Friday, so go have fun somewhere. Don’t just go straight home. Annyeong~”
Source: Newsis
Translated by squishy with love
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