#v: trapped in avalon
thesoulspulse · 1 year
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Don't let his simple attire or young appearance fool you, for Albion is a powerful spirit who controls fog and mist to protect the sacred land of Avalon. He also assists King Oberon, ruler of the Fair Folk, and the Lady of the Lake, Nimue, as well by preventing unworthy/evil mortals from finding their domains...
Anyone caught in his mists can either suffer a number of terrible fates or find themselves exactly where they need to be through Albion's gentle guidance. Some are lost in it forever, tormented by visions of the things or people they desire always out of reach. Others find themselves in uncharted lands where there's no hope of returning to their homes ever again or in worse cases in the middle of enemy territory. And finally, if all else fails, they are trapped in an eternal slumber as their mortal bodies grow weaker and weaker until all their strength is gone.
As for those with good hearts and a noble spirit, Albion will help them find their way to the other side of the mist through visions/dreams/illusions, taking great care to make sure they don't get lost like so many others. Sometimes he'll even appear before them directly which is a great honor. Albion is a calm and serene being who does not harbor any resentment towards humans. In many cases, he pities them and tries to end things quickly if they are deemed a threat. Otherwise Ablion prefers to confuse any intruders and misdirect them so they end up right back where they started, eventually giving up on whatever venture led them to try to cross the barrier of fog and mist meant to keep such mortals away.
Albion was even there when Morgaine brought the dying King Arthur to Avalon where his body was laid to rest. And whenever he's not fulfilling his duties to uphold the barrier between the mortal realm and theirs, Albion enjoys traveling all over the world, observing its natural beauty. Sometimes, when he's feeling a bit playful he'll use his power to mess with wayward travelers in forests, near lakes, across open fields, or high up in the mountains but it's usually all in good faith so no one gets hurt. Not unless said traveler turns out to have some nefarious purpose for being there because then all bets are off.
Song Inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NcgP7b-EAk
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xprojectrpg · 6 months
This Day in X-Project - April 7
2015: Kevin encounters Warren on the roof and is less than impressed and makes no attempt to hide it.
2016: Garrison points out that as it is both International Beer Day and International Beaver Day, he’ll be having a parade in his own honour down to Harry’s. Matt emails Clint asking if there’s anything he should know about Natasha, as he just ran into her in the city.
2018: Ready or Not: The kids prepare to go into the game; once inside, things go wrong very quickly, and they realize they can't escape; a news report drops about the game going haywire; Wade texts Doug about the game problem; another reports says they're looking for an engineer who was on the game, and is suspected of tampering with it; in the game, the GenX kids find another player and team up; the kids team up to fight the game and break free; one last news report updates on the final death count, the players being freed, and Marcus Seed being in custody; the real mastermind behind the game malfunction contemplates the events of the day; Clea asks Doug about finding the friend they made in game. Reed posts about wanting to speak with one of the survivors. Maya declares she'll never play another VR game again.
2019: Clarice posts music.
2020: Alex announces he’s cleaning out closets and apologises for inadvertent laundry theft.
2021: A Fistful of Nanites: On a nature hike, Maya suddenly collapses in pain and Arthur calls in Clarice; in the medlab, Clarice has to restrain Maya and give her morphine to calm her down; Clarice posts to the medlab staff about Maya’s condition and that it seems to be related to her cochlear implants; in the Danger Room, Garrison and Kitty are overseeing a mixed group training; the group begins with Plants v Zombies, but something goes wrong when Garrison and Kitty realise they’ve been locked out of the controls; Garrison lets the teams know the DR is malfunctioning; inside the Danger Room, Artie and Sue are in a space station, Wanda and Betsy are in the Wild West and Alex and Alison are in a musical - all three groups are being attacked by the Danger Room without restraint; Garrison and Molly try to open the doors manually, but Garrison’s omni-skin reacts to something and he loses his clothes while Molly identifies the problem - very familiar nanites; back in the Danger Room control room, Garrison and Kitty contact the untested Danger Room AI in order to fight the nanite invasion; Gabriel, Kurt and Sooraya have to break into the Security Rooms to shut down systems and trigger the evacuation alarm; Darcy posts to reiterate the need to evacuate immediately; Nica runs into Natasha and they go down into the labs to help, finding Matt and Bobby there already; they manage to slow down the creation of a robot in the labs and Nica discovers she can see the nanites with her powers and she and Natasha track them to the lake; Scott and Logan discover the Blackbird has been targeted and Scott is joined by Jean-Phillipe and Arthur in an attempt to EMP the jet’s systems in flight to prevent the plane being used against them; as the jet has a crash landing, Emma, Angelo and Meggan rush to the aid of those on board; Hope A., Stephen and Ty keep the nanites out of Avalon; Marie-Ange gives Jubilee a dangerous package to get out of the mansion asap; Nica posts en route to the lake about her discovery; Darcy and Laurie are evacuating the medlabs when Laurie’s arm is infected and attacks Darcy, who has to tase them both to remove it; Terry helps Jean to prep supplies in a hurry and Clarice uses a portable EMP to de-nanite Maya and get her out of the medlab; Nica and Natasha are joined by Kyle, Topaz and Molly and do their best to keep the villain - the Fixer in a robot body - from getting into the mansion and its tech; with the help of Viv, the Danger Room AI, those trapped in the Danger Room are able to join forces and break their way out (with Garrison and a prybar on the other side of the door); Doug refuses to evacuate and instead attempts to merge with the nanites and use his powers to reprogram them; Marie-Ange texts Emma and Jean from Doug’s phone to warn them he’ll need emergency aid; Emma telepathically assists Doug even as she heads to the Blackbird crash; Doug manages to override the Fixer’s control of the nanites, but loses half of his arm in the process; Jean is there to assist when he comes out of the labs; Felicia posts to Instagram about being evacuated; Topaz posts an update to the teams, explaining she was able to break the psionic connection between Fixer - who is somewhere else - and his robot body, and asks for super-sensed people to help track down the last of the nanites; Kyle, Logan and Matt clean up any remaining swarms, with the Cuckoos assisting telepathically from the safety of a hotel room, Fixer returns to Zemo with the bad news, which is not well received.
2022: Sarah and Darcy have a nice moment outside. Pytor posts regrets about training and drinking with Kyle.
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[🤪] what is your muse’s sense of humour like? are they known for being joking, or serious? (for Merlin)
Ever since he was a kid, Merlin has always deflected talking about personal topics by cracking jokes and pulling pranks. Sometimes it's dumb puns, like "lettuce leaf" instead of "let us leave" or advice given as cryptic puns like "You don't always bloom where you're planted."
He also uses illusion magic not just for serious reasons, but also to play around, like making copies of himself for the point of a joke. Because his real self is trapped in Avalon, he has to cast projections through his mirror, which occasionally leads to the sort of pranks a ghost would get up to, when he's bored and lonely, which is often.
He has a magical condition where occasionally he coughs up flowers if he talks about Arthur, so whenever people notice that and ask questions he goes straight for the flower puns instead of explaining.
Often his jokes are deflections and he will genuinely find himself funny, but it's more laughing at himself. Yet he enjoys it when he does successfully make others laugh.
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amadgirltm · 5 years
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Attempting to hold myself accountable to do these as soon as my muse comes back:
Here’s a LIST of all my drafts currently, I will tag URLS & give a sentence summary of the drafts, plus how old they are just so that way y’all can yell at me about it XD They’ll be in age order, so if you’re waiting on a lot you’ll be tagged a few times
@honourbcrned - 21 days - Avalon & Zuko meeting 
@rogueprinceconsort - 15 days - Alice threatening Eugene / Saporian AU
@peripathetiic x 2- 15 days - Two asks that I wanna continue 
@alchemyready - 15 days - Varian trying to tell his dad
@ahtohallanfound - 13 days - WIR verse
@varianvariant - 13 days - replacement rapunzel meeting 
@varianvariant - 13 days - The prince discussion 
@opalchosen - 13 days - Alice is v upset
@wendyfulmother - 10 days - Alice protect 
@alchemyready - 10 days - time travel thread
@stray-itallian-greyhound - 10 days - wirt is attempting to be funny 
@maskedmuses - 10 days - Rapunzel is stealing alice 
@sparkadream - 10 days - Harley and the cliff 
@alchemyready - 10 days - Alice is gonna kill him for real this time
@alchemyready - 9 days - Alice is v worried about bby boy 
@wcrldlyadventures - 9 days - Hot cocoa w/ varian
@ofhangmanstree - 8 days - Slightly & Alice 
@alchemyready - 8 days - ANGST , we have no thread limits
@nightxobserver - 7 days - Burning 
@moonstonetm - 6 days - alice is trying to stop cass
@manspiider - 6 days - ask im gonna respond too: hoodie
@fleurdesxleil - 5 days - ask im gonna respond too: alice is small with no money
@alchemyready - 5 days - tower trapped alice 
@pilgrimms - 4 days - jesus wont help
@pilgrimms - 3 days - Alex and alice are gay as hell
@plasticsouled​ -2 days - jabb teaches alice how to use gun 
@alchemyready​ - 2 days- qurins being weird 
@plasticsouled​ - 2 days - Nivy isnt happy 
@shebelongselsewhere​ - 1 day- Six and alice get food 
@nightxobserver​ - 0 days - Corona’s fuckin nuts 
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wrckhvck · 5 years
                      icb  gaby  really  said  fuck  all  of  c’s  rights.
🍁 what inspired you to write/create damon
     he  was  the  character  i  connected  with  most  in  tvd,  and  i  was  shook  that  he  was  open.  i  jumped  on  it  so  quickly.  i  had  actually  been  linked  to  the  rp  previously  but  damon  hadn’t  been  open  then  and  i  was  in  another  rp  so  i  passed.  i’m  so  glad  i  gave  it  a  second  look,  obviously.   (  bonus  )   i  was  inspired  to  change  damon’s  fc  to  ben  by  a  few  different  people.  i  was  having  some  issues  with  ian  because  his  resources  were  shit,  he  tbh  looks  way  too  old  to  pass  for  27,  and  he  has  said  so  many  problematic  things  in  the  past  that  it  was  becoming difficultt  to  overlook  them.   while  ian  as  damon  was  iconic,  ben  barnes  will  always  be  my  damon  salvatore.  thank  you  and  goodnight.
🍁 what inspired you to write/create daniel / levi
    he  was  a  revamp  of  a  previous  character  named  kiki.  i  knew  i  wanted  to  play  one  of  klaus’  hybrids  and  i  wanted  to  play  crystal  reed  so  —  two  birds,  one  stone.   i  was  having  muse  issues  with  kiki,  bc  she  didn’t  feel  properly  developed,  so  i  bounced  some  ideas  off  alana  about  bringing  in  a  brett  dalton  fc.    we  kept  the  same  plot,  but  really  added  some  nuance  and  motivation  to  the  original  idea  and  honestly  i’m  so  happy  with  how  it  all  turned  out.   horrified  and  traumatized  a  little,  bc  i  know  it  won’t  end  well,  but  narratively  it’s  chef’s  kiss.  
🍁 what inspired you to write/create  v
      v  was  inspired  by  harry  hook.  ish. i  was  inspired  to  use  his  fc  because  of  descendants  but  that’s  about  where  the  comparison  ends.   we  decided  to  bring  in  the  fairies  and  i  thought  it  would  be  a  fun  twist  to  have  a  demon  actually  be  possessing  the  fairy  from  avalon.   from  there,  it  was  a  snowball  effect  and  v  really  took  on  a  life  of  his  own.   rip  ever  elsey.  
🍁 what inspired you to write/create arlo
         technically  arlo  was  created  for  another  rp.   i  had  planned  on  joining   a  friend’s  hp  rp,  but  there  was  some  ~drama~  so  i  ended  up  not  doing  it.  i  had  a  pinterest  board  though,  and  some  general  inspo,  so  i  decided  to  bring  him  in  here.   we  decided  to  make  him  penelope’s  cousin  to  sort  of  give  him  a  link  to  canon  and  his  dumb  bitch  energy  came  along  later.   originally  he  was  supposed  to  be  cool  —  more  like  au!arlo,  but  he  told  his  dad  to  pound  sand  and  the  dumb  bitch  energy  came  spilling  out.     and  i  oop.
🍁 what inspired you to write/create zain
       this  one  is  easy.   dominic  opened  as a  fc,  i  love  him,  and  we  didn’t  have  any  reapers  so  it  seemed  like  a  fun  idea.
🍁 what inspired you to write/create finn
      everyone  universally  agreed  that  finn  was  the  worst  so  i  decided  to  prove  them  right.   or  wrong.   i’m  not  sure  what  i  accomplished.
🍁 what inspired you to write/create cami
yo  have  you  seen  the  kids  at  the  salvatore  school  ?  they  need  all  the  help  they  can  get.   besides,  when  the  mikaelsons  implode,  who  better  than  to  try  to  keep  them  all  from  tearing  each  other  apart  ?
🍁 what inspired you to write/create luke
       this  one  is  completely  on  sam.  i  was  talking  about  an  old  character  i  had  with  a  chris  wood  fc  and  how  i  missed  him  and  sam  said  the  magic  words;   if  you  ever  wanted  to  bring  in  a  second  chris  and  we  could  logic  it,  i’d  support  you.   thus,  luke  trapped  in  a  kai  body  was  born.   i  love  my  gay  disaster  and  i  don’t  regret  anything.   i  will  say  though,  he  and  i  are  both  happy  he  has  a  new  body.  he’s  ready  to  live  his  best  life.
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rexinferorum · 5 years
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( thomas doherty, unknown, he/him )  welcome to  san francisco, VURAS.  rumor has it they are a DEMON / KING OF HELL, but only they could tell you the truth! when i close my eyes, i think of them and imagine RED EYES AND SHARP TEETH, A KING ON HIS THRONE, AND A HEART WITH BARBED WIRE WRAPPED AROUND IT.
vuras ( or v as he prefers ) is a v v v old crossroads demon  therefore  he has RED demon eyes instead of black ones.  he’s been above  ground before various times over the last few centuries but this is probably the longest he’s stayed in awhile.
vuras is not currently in his ~true~ vessel and is possessing the body of a fairy named ever elsey.  ever originally lived in avalon but decided he wanted to live in the outside world.  honestly bad choice given, y’know, he’s currently possessed by a demon.  but it DOES mean that v has his demon powers and his new fairy abilities bc of the vessel.  he also has their weaknesses too which pisses him off.  
ever  elsey  was  the  prince,  son  of  king  evander  and  queen  elsa.  when  he  left  avalon  it  was  a  huge  scandal  and  his  parents  basically  said  he  was  on  his  own.  when  v  took  over,  he  murdered  the  elsey’s  --  so  idk  who  is  royalty   in  avalon  now  bc  they’re  fucking  dead.  
v currently lives with aidy  silvermist’s  brother, who is also a fairy. ever and this  character left avalon together and v has assumed his identity to live among humans in secret.  he has a running bet with another  demon  on whether or not he can keep the charade up without being discovered.  so far he’s doing okay. all things considered.
as a crossroads demon, he can be summoned or station himself somewhere to essentially give people what they desire most in exchange for their soul.  he also has a hellhound that is always with him, though mostly invisible.  its name is simply z.   he basically works his demon duties like a 9-5 job and the brother thinks he’s a janitor or something else mundane.  blood on his shirt? must have worked in a hospital that day.  washes his hands as soon as he gets home? a germaphobe.   y e a h.
 v is two people.  he’s v around other demons, or people who won’t ever trace back to the  brother.  he’s cruel, vindictive, and enjoys the misery of others.   he’s ever around the brother,  or anyone who might be in his vicinity.  he’s kinder,  more patient, and apparently the most boring person in the world.  if anything, when v’s done with this vessel and disposed of it,  ever can thank him for livening up his life.  
update march/april 2020
over  the  months  he  spent  in  san  francisco,  trapped  by  the  barrier,  v  has  been  living  his  best  life.  he’s  been  making  deals,  keeping  up  his  ‘  employee  of  the  month ’  aesthetic  by  bringing  in  as  many  souls  and  deals  as  he  can.   he has  goals  you  see  and  he’s  working  towards  them.  move  over,  current  king  of  hell.  v’s  coming  for  your  throat  and  your  throne.
over  the  months  they  lived  together  in  the  city,  v  became  booboo  the  fool  and  actually  started  developing  feelings  for  the  brother.  this  all  came  to  a  head  when  someone  he’d  sent  his  hounds  after  (  who  had  run  out  the  clock  on  their  deal  )  survived  thanks  to  an  annoyed  god.  the  would  be  victim  made  an  arrangement  with  one  of  his  enemies  that  led  to  the  procurement  of  the  demon  killing  knife.  the  man  broke  into  v’s  house  and  stabbed  him  with  it.   he  would  have  died  had  the  brother  not  killed  the  victim  and  saved  his  life.   the  wounds  healed  and  their  bond  was  cemented  for  good.  now  they’re  your  regular  psychotic  sid  and  nancy  and  everything’s  great.  
i  bet  you’re  wondering  —  hey,  how  can  things  be  great  when  ever’s  still  kicking  around  in  v’s  head?   good  question.   so  after  the  brother  accepted  v  for  who  he  was,  who  he  really  was,  he  sort  of  ...   decided  he’d  Had  Enough.   he  started  fighting  for  control,  trying  to  end  his  life  so  his  suffering  would  stop.  v  always  managed  to  stop  him  but  it  was  starting  to  get  old.   in  the  end  ever  did  get  his  wish  and  he  was  murdered  by  father  silvermist.   yes,  the  brother’s  father.  v  had  told  him  once  that  he  was  a  demon,  that  he  was  corrupting  his  son  and  together  with  him,  and  that  he  was  telling  him  the  truth  because  he  knew  no  one  would  believe  it.   when  a  blanket  of  sinly  feelings  fell  over  the  city,  papa  silvermist  gave  into  his  wrath  and  murdered  ever.   v  yeeted  to  let  him  do  it,  finding  it  funny,  and  while  he’s  annoyed  about  using  a  dead  vessel  he  was  able  to  fix  it  and  go  back  to  his  regularly  scheduled  plans.   does  he  miss  ever?  fuck  no.  
given  he  didn’t  need  to  pretend  to  be  ever  anymore,  v  acclimated  to  being  himself.  he  bought  a  huge  house  with  a  swimming  pool  and  the  sportscars  to  match  and  started  living  the  life  he  wanted.  he  used  a  real  estate  scam  to  convince  hundreds  of  humans  to  sell  their  souls  in  a  matter  of  weeks.  you  tell  a  GEN-Z  they  can  have  the  house  of  their  dreams  with  no  down-payment  and  you’d  be  surprised  how  willing  they  are  to  part  with  their  souls.  it  was  almost  too  easy.  
v  also  started  getting  his  affairs  in  order.  he  called  in  old  favors,  called  on  people  he  trusted,  and  started  putting  pieces  in  motion.   he  staged  a  coup  for  hell’s  throne,  taking  it  for  himself  and  killing  the  existing  king  of  hell.   maybe  he  should  be  worried  about  sam  winchester,  who  once  vowed  there’d  never  be  another  king  of  hell,  but  as  far  as  he’s  concerned?  bring  it.   he  won’t  hide  in  hell  like  the  former  king.   he’s  still  hanging  out  in  san  francisco  with  an  entrance to  hell  in  the  basement  of  harlow’s  club.   he  has  his  own  little  throne  room,  as  a  king  does,  and  his  guillotine  is  on  full  display  —  AS  IT  DESERVES.   no  more  gathering  dust  in  storage  containers.  (  MAKE  BEHEADING  GREAT  AGAIN.  )
TLDR?  v  is  the  new  king  of  hell,  he  made  aidy  and  harlow  his  knights  of  hell,  and  he  is  honestly  thriving  and  loving  his  new  life.   he  moved  on  from  the  brother.   maybe  he  left,  maybe  he’s  dead,  maybe  he  couldn’t  take  not  being  the  center  of  v’s  world  anymore.  whatever  the  reason,  he’s  gone  and  v’s  fine.   he  didn’t  need  love  anyway,  not  when  he’s  got  power.  they  say  you  can’t  have  your  cake  and  eat  it  too  but  he’d  have  to  disagree.
- someone who owes him a life debt and now he’s come to collect.  they’d be his errand boy, someone he uses to spy on people he thinks might be a threat to his throne. - co-conspirators that helped him in his plot to overthrow the previous king of hell. - the wanted connection for his enemy.  another demon who he believes destroyed his old vessel (one he’d been using for 200 years) although they didn’t actually do it. - knights of hell (2/4) harlow valentine & aidy silvermist. - chaotic book club, bc of course he would be in a book club filled with true crime junkies
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avallcnis · 6 years
This? This is going to be long. I haven’t talked about Merlin’s relationship with Nimue/Vivian and the tower, but this is going to cover both. If you prescribe to the idea Nimue is an innocent waifu this isn’t the headcanon for you; I’ll be following traditional English views on the fae (spoilers: they’re generally not nice by human standards and, as a rule, are exceptionally vindictive).
Merlin was at a very different point in his life when he met Nimue. He, canonly to Garden of Avalon, did emote. Openly expressing distress at what he realised he’d done to Arturia, arguably expressing genuine love toward her in addition. He wasn’t quite to the stage of life where he’d viciously repressed his own emotions, which leads into whether or not I think Merlin loved Nimue. To which yes, I do. Merlin spent a great deal of time with her (initially he was her tutor in magic), which with Merlin is the primary prerequisite for getting him attached to you. He values time and compassion given to him above anything else, to which I think she gave him both of those things because as enchanting as she is Merlin is equally so in his elegant inhumanity.
Things would have been fine for a time, to the point I think they were in what was likely a fairly committed relationship over a reasonable amount of time. Merlin loved her in earnest, in the way a human loves another. Which, sadly, was the mistake. Nimue is not human, she is something else entirely and fae fall into the grey area between ‘good’ and ‘bad’. They covet and obsess to the point they steal children because they can-- there are so many warnings in old English literature about fae, about them whisking children away from otherwise loving homes and replacing them with their own.
Problems arose when Nimue began to obsess, attempt to control, when she became overtly possessive. Merlin’s emotions, even then, were delicate and fragile to the point his reaction to this was not... ideal. He started putting distance between them, started cheating on her, started trying to drive her away as she became more and more domineering and manipulative in her efforts to keep him to herself. They both made vast mistakes, though his came more out of retaliation against what she was doing.
Did Merlin know it would end this way? Yes, but the heart wants what it wants and for a time they were happy. Genuinely happy. He thought he could avoid it ending the way it did, but equally he knew it had to end this way. All roads for Merlin led to Avalon, to Cath Palug.
Eventually it reached the time where Fate deemed he had to flee and abandon Arturia, which he did. He fled to her so called prison knowing exactly what she was doing, but with his back so far into the corner there was nothing else he could do.
This, naturally, brings us to the garden and tower. Merlin knew Nimue was going to try and trap him, just as he knew well enough how to leave as he pleased; for he can; the fact Gil ‘summons’ him in Babylonia and then Merlin directly leaves Avalon during the same singularity is telling of this. As is the fact he allows himself to be ‘summoned’ now. Merlin was never trapped by Nimue, she was simply the one who constructed his prison. 
Merlin’s reasons for not leaving are twofold. On the one hand with Arturia stuck in her awful limbo, one he had caused in his actions. Merlin knows this; he knows her suffering is entirely his fault, and so commits himself to watch her languish in penance for his sins against her. In addition Merlin knew he would find Cath Palug in Avalon and, knowing well what he is, knew his meeting Cath Palug would be paramount to avoiding Primate Murder attaining a true form.
Merlin could, in theory, have left Avalon whenever he pleased, yet arguably he couldn’t. Not under the weight of his own guilt, and not before it was time to give Cath Palug to the world to find the beauty which would soften Beast V. People seem to think Merlin kicked Cath Palug out an eternity ago but that’s not the case, it was 10 years at most.
He spent over 1,500 years alone with a Beast, and whilst what we see of said Beast in FGO is tame and placid it’s not the human interaction/emotional connection a person needs to thrive. Merlin then spent another 10 years entirely alone.
In a particularly famous study on Rehsus Monkeys it was found that after 12 months the animals social capacity was near irreparably destroyed. After 7 days in enforced isolation humans will seek to escape the situation; would begin to hallucinate, would begin to suffer severe adverse effects. I am not saying has these symptoms because Merlin himself is very different, he had Cath Palug, and he had his Clairvoyance. What I am saying is isolation has severe effects on people, that isolation for the sheer amount of time Merlin endured it is damaging at best. 
I’ve said before and I’ll say it again; Merlin has emotions, he is capable of them and feels deeply in the parts of him he hides from himself. His adamant denial of having them, of calling himself a monster, is far easier to handle than the damage of being alone from that. Than the hurt of knowing what he did to Arturia, the hell he put her in. Than accepting his love of two people ended so badly in different ways. It is easier to deal with a ‘lack of emotions’ than accepting the one person you loved somewhat freely turned on you in such an ugly way.
I go on about Merlin being scared of Vortigern, and in a way he is; in the way a child fears a monster under their bed. It is a fear that is irrational and childish. Nimue? Nimue will get genuine distress and upset out of him if you put her in front of him, and nor will he openly talk about her as a rule.
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darthbloodorange · 6 years
My ‘Cap-Iron Man Tiny Reverse Bang’ Masterlist
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[Warning! Some of the following works may contain; Adult Content, Mental Health issues, Violence etc. Each work should be tagged with warnings. For full tags, please visit my Dreamwidth for my extended masterlists.]
~Round 1~
“Ransomed Goods“ Artwork – Inspired by Samy-Arts(Salable_Mystic)’s art 'тражен’  Rating - Teen and Up Warnings – Implied/Referenced Torture Characters - Tony Stark, Steve Rogers Parings - Steve x Tony [Established Relationship or Pre-Slash] Universe -  No set universe. But more MCU or 616 Summery -  Tony and Steve are captured by a bounty hunter
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“Iron Effort”     Artwork – Inspired by MassiveSpaceWren’s art 'What a great Cosplay!’  Rating - Pg Warnings – None Characters - Tony Stark, Steve Rogers Parings - Steve x Tony [Pre-Slash] Universe -  No set universe. But more MCU AU Summery -  Tony has a run in with a very enthusiastic fan.
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“Dinner Interrupted”     Artwork – Inspired by Araydre’s art 'Together’   Rating - Pg Warnings – None Characters - Tony Stark, Steve Rogers  Parings - Steve x Tony [Established Relationship] Universe - MCU or Avengers Assemble Summery - Steve and Tony's dinner date was interrupted by AIM
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~Round 2~
“Lightyears From Home”     Artwork – Inspired by Dophne’s art 'Lost Together With You’  Rating - PG Warnings – None Characters - Tony Stark, Steve Rogers Parings - Steve x Tony [Established Relationship] Universe -  No set universe. But more MCU or Avengers Assemble Summery -  Tony is chosen to act as an ambassador to an alien race. He is light years from Earth and homesick.
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“Moving Up In The World”     Artwork – Inspired by Fluffypanda’s art 'Barefoot’  Rating - Pg Warnings – None Characters - Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, James Rhodes Parings - Steve x Tony [Pre-Slash] Universe - Marvel Noir Summery - Steve goes to a party he doesn't want to go to for networking, but meets someone who makes it worth the stress.
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“If you need me, I’ll be there”     Artwork – Inspired by Gil-Estel(Gilestel)’s art '14 Years’  Rating - PG Warnings – None Characters - Tony Stark, Steve Rogers Parings - Steve x Tony [Pre-Slash] Universe -  MCU AU Summery - Tony gets an unexpected, but expected, visitor.
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~Round 3~
“The Worst-Case Scenario”     Artwork – Inspired by Rowantreewrites​(Rowantreeisme)’s art 'Avalon’  Rating - Teen and Up Warnings – Major Character Death Characters - Steve Rogers, Tony Stark Parings - Steve x Tony [Established Relationship] Universe -  No set universe. But more MCU AU Summery - They had talked about the possibility of this happening, but Steve hopped it wouldn't.
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“A Mewment Like This”     Artwork – Inspired by Meatball42’s art 'All's Fur in Love and War’  Rating - PG Warnings – None Characters - Tony Stark, Steve Rogers Parings - Steve x Tony [Pining -> Get together] Universe - No set universe. But more MCU or Avengers Assemble Summery -  Tony is jealous of Steve's cat, thinking that Steve loves her more
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“Home”     Artwork – Inspired by dksartz​(DragonK)’s art 'Home sweet home’  Rating - PG Warnings – None Characters - Steve Rogers, Tony Stark Parings - Steve x Tony [Established Relationship] Universe - No set universe. But more MCU Non-powered AU Summery - Steve has a surprise for Tony, one that have both been dreaming about for years.
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~Round 4 ~
“Sacrifice”     Artwork – Inspired by Mirthandstar(Distancerun)’s art 'Victory/Defeat’  Rating - Teen and Up Warnings – Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Kind of character death(?- up to interp) Characters - Tony Stark, Steve Rogers Parings - Steve x Tony [Pining] Universe - No set universe. But more 616  Summery -  Tony takes a hit meant for Steve
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“Trapped and Bound”     Artwork – Inspired by Winterstar95(Winterstar)’s art 'Look at Me’  Rating - Explicit  Warnings – Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Implied Torture, Attempted Rape/NonCon Characters - Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, A Nameless Guard  Parings - Steve x Tony [Established Relationship] Universe -  No set universe. More 616 or MCU Summery -  Steve has been held captive for weeks, he has managed to anger many of his Guards. But one feels Steve should make it up to him.
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“But He's My Tony!”     Artwork – Inspired by Cat-Solari(Catsolari)’s art ‘Cap IM Tiny RB Round 4: ARMOUR’  Rating - PG Warnings – None Characters - Tony Stark, Steve Rogers Parings - Steve x Tony [Established Relationship] Universe -  No set universe. But more 616 or EMH Summery -  An accident in the lab creates a mini!Steve. Tony finds him adorable, the Steve(s) don't like the competition.
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~Round 5~
“Lingering Memories” Artwork – Inspired by Jayjayverse‘s art ‘Home’  Rating - Pg Warnings – None Characters - Steve Rogers Parings - Steve x Tony [Past/Pining] Universe - 616 AU (Or EMH) Summery - Steve remembers when they were young and looking for an distraction from the world around them
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“The Iron Commander” Artwork – Inspired by Enkiduu‘s art ‘24:00’  Rating - Pg Warnings – Slight hints of future DubCon Characters - Tony Stark, Steve Rogers Parings - Steve x Tony [Pre-Slash] Universe - No set universe. But leaning towards MCU AU Summery - He is Tony Stark, the Iron Commander. And he is the futures only hope. (Villain! Tony Stark)
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“Nomad“ Artwork – Inspired by Liondragon‘s art ‘Flashlit’  Rating - Pg Warnings – None Characters - Tony Stark, Steve Rogers  Parings - Steve x Tony [Pre-Slash] Universe - No set universe. But more of a 616 AU Summery - Tony meets a new hero
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~Round 6~
“Fashionably Late” Artwork – Inspired by SirSapling​‘s art ‘Director’  Rating - PG Warnings – None Characters - Tony Stark, Steve Rogers Parings - Steve x Tony [Established Relationship] Universe - No set universe Summery - Tony is getting ready to attend the gala, Steve is not helping
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“Loving You Softly“ Artwork – Inspired by Maniibear/adarksweetness (chayaasi)‘s art ‘Home’   Rating - PG Warnings – None Characters - Steve Rogers,Tony Stark Parings - Steve x Tony [Established Relationship] Universe - MCU Summery - Tony has been working hard recently and Steve wanted to do something for him to help him relax
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“A Broken Promise” Artwork – Inspired by Skyeedom‘s art ‘What If’  Rating - Mature Warnings – Graphic Torture, Major Character Death Characters - Tony Stark, Steve Rogers Parings - Steve x Tony [Established Relationship] Universe - No set universe. But leaning towards MCU or 616 Summery - Sometimes in life, a lot of times, you don’t get what you want. You can plan and wish all you want. But dreams will be shattered and promises broken
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~Round 7~
“The Couples Costume” Artwork – Inspired by Selofain​‘s art ‘It’s time for Dr. Zone!’   Rating - PG Warnings – None Characters - Steve Rogers, Tony Stark Parings - Steve x Tony [Established Relationship] Universe - No set universe Summery - Steve expected something strange when he let Tony be in charge of their Couples Costume, but this was a little stranger than what he imagined. 
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“Pariah of the Shadows” Artwork –  Inspired by One-And-Five-Nines​‘s art ‘Cap IM TRB 2018’  Rating - PG Warnings – None Characters - Tony Stark, Steve Rogers Parings - Steve x Tony [Pre-slash] Universe - No set universe [Angels/Demons AU] Summery - Knight Tony Stark crosses paths with a demon unlike it’s kin. 
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"Making The World Of You” Artwork – Inspired by Haylu(hayluhalo)‘s art ‘Cap IM Tiny RB Round 7: REACTOR’  Rating - PG Warnings – None Characters - Tony Stark, Steve Rogers Parings - Steve x Tony [Established Relationship] Universe - No set universe (But more MCU or Avengers Assemble) Summery - Steve wants to show Tony something he made for him, but Tony is tired after a long day. 
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~Round 8~
“Confiding In The Bottle” Artwork – Inspired by sunnyzhp(Sunnyzhp22)‘s art ‘victory/defeat’  Rating - Teen and up Warnings – Alcoholism/Drinking Characters - Tony Stark Parings - Steve x Tony (Pre-Slash/pining) Universe - No set universe Summery - After a particularly hard mission, Tony goes down to his lab and drinks. 
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“Intense Shave” Artwork – Inspired by Phoenixmetaphor‘s art ‘Sit Down And Stay Awhile’  Rating - Teen and up Warnings – (Slightly dubious shaving?) Characters - Tony Stark, Steve Rogers Parings -  Steve x Tony [Established Relationship] Universe - No set universe Summery - Steve helps shave Tony. 
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“Late Night Visitors”     Artwork – Inspired by Dirigibleplumbing’s art 'Combinatorics’  Rating - Explicit Warnings – Fivesome (M/M/M/M/M), Swearing, NSWF Characters - Tony Stark(2), Steve Rogers(3) Parings - Steve x Tony [Established Relationship] Universe - MCU Summery -  Tony walks into his bedroom to see a very unusual sight...
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rokstamusik · 3 years
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NOW BOOKING ANYWHERE IN THE US! Artist previously Toured/Opened with: Afroman Lupe Fiasco Luniz Dipset Wyclef Bone Thugs N' Harmony Mickey Avalon Rich Homie Quan Lil' Flip DJ Yella Krizz Kaliko Lloyd UBI Joey Cool Jarren Benton Twisted Insane Party Favor Slim Thug Jimi Hendrix 50th Anniversary And many more... https://youtube.com/watch?v=qR7r-ulrnEY Instagram.com/mrroksta Facebook.com/mrroksta 👽 #Roksta 👽 #Roksta ▪ • ° ☆ ▪ •  °  . ° • ▪  ☆ ▪ •  °   . ° • ▪   ☆ ▪ • °  .  ☆ ▪ •  °  .  ☆ • ▪ | Facebook.com/MrRoksta | ▪ • ° ☆ ▪ •  °  . ° • ▪  ☆ ▪ •  °   . ° • ▪   ☆ ▪ • °  .  ☆ ▪ •  °  .  ☆ • ▪ | Twitch.Tv/RokstaMusik | ▪ • ☆  °  .  ☆  °   .   ☆ °  .  ☆  °  .  ☆ • ▪ | Instagram.com/MrRoksta   ▪ • ☆  °  .  ☆  °   .   ☆ °  .  ☆  °  .  ☆ • ▪ | Twitter.com/RokstaMusik  ▪ • ☆  °  .  ☆  °   .   ☆ °  .  ☆  °  .  ☆ • ▪ #EDM #Alien #Electro #Electronic #DeepHouse #TechHouse #Trap #ElectroHouse #Hardstyle #Trance #Dance #Dubstep #RokstaMusik #MrRoksta #Techno #Bar #DanceMusic #Rap #HipHop #Pop #Venue #Rockstar #EDMLIFE #Musician #BassHouse #Bass #DNB #DJ #Music https://www.instagram.com/p/CQzuWYaL3nc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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alterna2mag · 5 years
Nuestros top del Sónar 2020
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Guiomar Fernández
Hace ya unas semanas Sónar desveló el cartel para su edición de 2020 en Barcelona. Este año el festival vuelve al mes de junio, celebrándose del 18 al 20 de ese mes. Aún queda tiempo, pero desde Alterna2 queremos recomendarte algunas actuaciones que a nuestro juicio no debes perderte. 
Un Sónar by Day con electrónica fresca, A/V y French touch
Nombres como Lindstrøm o James Murphy ya son habituales en Barcelona y Sónar, por lo que no nos detendremos en alabarlos, aunque por supuesto son parada fija en el recorrido por Sónar 2020.
Ineludibles son los experimentales Telefon Tel Aviv, sobre todo después de su esperado regreso con el largo “Dreams Are Not Enough” (2019, Ghostly International). 
âme no necesitan presentación. El dúo alemán es uno de los atractivos del Sónar by Day. Kristian Beyer y Frank Wiedemann llevan revolucionando las pistas de baile desde 2001. Sólo por darlo todo con su temazo "Rej" ya vale la pena verlos en directo, pero es que además su amplio repertorio certifica una evolución que va más allá de los derroteros del house y el techno.
Si hablamos de âme, tenemos que destacar también Howling, pues Frank Wiedermann, la mitad del dúo alemán, es también parte de este proyecto junto al cantante y compositor australiano Ry Cuming (Ry X). Ambos conforman un tándem perfecto cuyas actuaciones superan las expectativas. Este año regresan a Sónar.
El galés afincado en Glasgow, Koreless, interesa por partida doble. Por un lado por sus hipnóticas composiciones, y por otro por el show visual creado junto a su habitual colaborador Emmanuel Biard.
Ryoichi Kurokawa presentará “Subassemblies”, un directo audiovisual impresionante que muestra elementos arquitectónicos en relación con la naturaleza. Su espectáculo ya ha pasado por el L.E.V. en su edición madrileña en Matadero, y pasará por la de Gijón este 2020.
No podía faltar un poco de french touch. Y este llega de la mano de Polo & Pan. Paul Armand-Delille y Alexandre Grynszpan se postulan como una opción refrescante y muy bien elegida para el Sónar by Day. Su largo debut “Caravelle” (2017, Hamburger Records) da buena muestra de que su ecléctico estilo tiene todas las papeletas para triunfar en el festival.
La variedad al poder
Fiel a su tradición, Nos encontramos en el Sónar by Day con una amalgama de estilos que van del rap, al hip-hop y el trap, a la música clásica, pasando por la electrónica en todas sus formas. 
Hay espacio por lo tanto par  bandas como Dead Normal, con su noise y sonido industrial. Si te van las emociones fuertes, este es tu directo. Mario G.Ferrer, Zoë V y Oriol Rosell han pasado por el sello británico Harbinger (Sleaford Mods, Consumer Electronics, Circuit Breaker) y fueron teloneros de The KVB en una de sus visitas a Barcelona.
Nos encontramos a Lous and the yakuza, belga de origen congoleño que nos trae pop con trazos de trap y r&b; o Manara, Dj de londres que mezcla el grime con toques bollywoodienses. Nu guinea live band, o lo que es lo mismo, el directo de Nu Guinea, se presenta como una gran oportunidad para bailar con los ingredientes exóticos, disco o electrónicos de este dúo formado en Nápoles y afincado en Berlín.
También recomendamos en el Sónar by Day:
Princess Nokia, que regresa al festival con nuevo disco. sama', una de las figuras de la escena del underground palestino; Lost souls of saturn, proyecto de Seth Troxler con el ingeniero Hil Moffa; el post-rock de Battles; Carles Viarnès & Alba G. Corral, una maravillosa combinación de piano y audiovisuales; Chentai Tsai - Baobae, que no es otro que Putochinomaricon; Dj Marcelle / Another Nice Mess, la Dj holandesa experimental que pincha sólo vinilo en tres platos; Egosex, el trío barcelonés que destaca por su electrónica afrofuturista; los incombustibles Hidrogenesse; o los proyectos de Nara is Neus y Reykiavik606.
Sónar by Night con viejos conocidos
Los años ya nos van pesando. Quizá por eso nosotros somos más "carne de Sónar by Day". Aunque seguimos adentrándonos en las entrañas cavernosas del recinto de Fira Gran Vía para dejarnos llevar por la debacle nocturna, sobre todo si la encabezan The Chemical Brothers.
Una de las actuaciones que se está convirtiendo en imprescindible es la de Arca. Irreverente y transgresora, ella es capaz de dejarnos boquiabiertos con cada uno de sus shows. Esta vez pasa a la cita de noche, y seguro que no se queda atrás en su propuesta. De hecho ya hemos paladeado un poco de lo que puede ser, con el estreno del corte "@@@@@”, artefacto experimental de 62 minutos.
Max Cooper presentará el LP “Yearning for the infinite”, un compendio de temas de electrónica metafísica de gran calidad. Evasión total para nuestros oídos y seguramente para nuestros ojos, gracias a los visuales de otra galaxia que suelen acompañar a Cooper.
Los franceses The Blaze ofrecerán en Sónar by Night el único concierto en el mundo de 2020. Por esto y porque son una de las mejores propuestas electrónicas de los últimos años, deberías acudir a su llamada.
Mura Masa. Su LP debut contó con colaboraciones de la talla de ASAP Rocky, Christine and the Queens o Damon Albarn, por citar algunos. Además fue nominado en tres categorías en los premios Grammy. En Enero ha sacado “R.Y.C.” (Universal Music), de nuevo bien rodeado. Para muestra, el tema "Teenage Headache Dreams", en el que participa Ellie Rowsell, de Wolf Alice.
No podemos dejar de nombrar a DESPACIO, esa experiencia inmersiva que ya ha triunfado en dos ediciones del Sónar by Day. La música de baile, hitazos disco y maravillas en vinilo por descubrir nos esperan a los adeptos a esta fórmula que reúne a James Murphy con los hermanos Dewaele (más conocidos como 2manydjs).
En el capítulo de Djs van por supuesto los hermanos belgas. Otros asiduos como The Black Madonna o Laurent Garnier no podían faltar. También la germana Helena Hauff, el sueco Eric Prydz o el holandés Job Jobse, residente de la mítica sala Trouw de Amsterdam.
Será una buena oportunidad de disfrutar de la sesión de la aclamada Avalon Emerson, y de otros nombres interesantes como La Fleur o Lucient. Pero Sónar 2020 es mucho más. Explora el cartel completo y demás actividades en la web del festival.
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xprojectrpg · 1 year
This Day In X-Project - April 7
2015: Kevin encounters Warren on the roof and is less than impressed and makes no attempt to hide it.
2016: Garrison points out that as it is both International Beer Day and International Beaver Day, he’ll be having a parade in his own honour down to Harry’s. Matt emails Clint asking if there’s anything he should know about Natasha, as he just ran into her in the city.
2018: Ready or Not: The kids prepare to go into the game; once inside, things go wrong very quickly, and they realize they can't escape; a news report drops about the game going haywire; Wade texts Doug about the game problem; another reports says they're looking for an engineer who was on the game, and is suspected of tampering with it; in the game, the GenX kids find another player and team up; the kids team up to fight the game and break free; one last news report updates on the final death count, the players being freed, and Marcus Seed being in custody; the real mastermind behind the game malfunction contemplates the events of the day; Clea asks Doug about finding the friend they made in game. Reed posts about wanting to speak with one of the survivors. Maya declares she'll never play another VR game again.
2019: Clarice posts music.
2020: Alex announces he’s cleaning out closets and apologises for inadvertent laundry theft.
2021: A Fistful of Nanites: On a nature hike, Maya suddenly collapses in pain and Arthur calls in Clarice; in the medlab, Clarice has to restrain Maya and give her morphine to calm her down; Clarice posts to the medlab staff about Maya’s condition and that it seems to be related to her cochlear implants; in the Danger Room, Garrison and Kitty are overseeing a mixed group training; the group begins with Plants v Zombies, but something goes wrong when Garrison and Kitty realise they’ve been locked out of the controls; Garrison lets the teams know the DR is malfunctioning; inside the Danger Room, Artie and Sue are in a space station, Wanda and Betsy are in the Wild West and Alex and Alison are in a musical - all three groups are being attacked by the Danger Room without restraint; Garrison and Molly try to open the doors manually, but Garrison’s omni-skin reacts to something and he loses his clothes while Molly identifies the problem - very familiar nanites; back in the Danger Room control room, Garrison and Kitty contact the untested Danger Room AI in order to fight the nanite invasion; Gabriel, Kurt and Sooraya have to break into the Security Rooms to shut down systems and trigger the evacuation alarm; Darcy posts to reiterate the need to evacuate immediately; Nica runs into Natasha and they go down into the labs to help, finding Matt and Bobby there already; they manage to slow down the creation of a robot in the labs and Nica discovers she can see the nanites with her powers and she and Natasha track them to the lake; Scott and Logan discover the Blackbird has been targeted and Scott is joined by Jean-Phillipe and Arthur in an attempt to EMP the jet’s systems in flight to prevent the plane being used against them; as the jet has a crash landing, Emma, Angelo and Meggan rush to the aid of those on board; Hope, Stephen and Ty keep the nanites out of Avalon; Marie-Ange gives Jubilee a dangerous package to get out of the mansion asap; Nica posts en route to the lake about her discovery; Darcy and Laurie are evacuating the medlabs when Laurie’s arm is infected and attacks Darcy, who has to tase them both to remove it; Terry helps Jean to prep supplies in a hurry and Clarice uses a portable EMP to de-nanite Maya and get her out of the medlab; Nica and Natasha are joined by Kyle, Topaz and Molly and do their best to keep the villain - the Fixer in a robot body - from getting into the mansion and its tech; with the help of Viv, the Danger Room AI, those trapped in the Danger Room are able to join forces and break their way out (with Garrison and a prybar on the other side of the door); Doug refuses to evacuate and instead attempts to merge with the nanites and use his powers to reprogram them; Marie-Ange texts Emma and Jean from Doug’s phone to warn them he’ll need emergency aid; Emma telepathically assists Doug even as she heads to the Blackbird crash; Doug manages to override the Fixer’s control of the nanites, but loses half of his arm in the process; Jean is there to assist when he comes out of the labs; Felicia posts to Instagram about being evacuated; Topaz posts an update to the teams, explaining she was able to break the psionic connection between Fixer - who is somewhere else - and his robot body, and asks for super-sensed people to help track down the last of the nanites; Kyle, Logan and Matt clean up any remaining swarms, with the Cuckoos assisting telepathically from the safety of a hotel room, Fixer returns to Zemo with the bad news, which is not well received.
2022: Sarah and Darcy have a nice moment outside. Pytor posts regrets about training and drinking with Kyle.
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bachelor’s button (for Merlin)
BACHELOR’S BUTTON :   does your muse actively seek romantic companionship ,   or cherish the liberties of being single ? For Merlin, I'd say the former and partially the latter as well. It takes him a really long time to move on from Arthur, yet he still craves a romantic relationship, and will sometimes try to seek it out. But since his true body is trapped in Avalon, it's hard to retain relationships, and since he's incredibly lonely, he goes for whatever sort of relationship he can get (which is usually friendships instead of relationships, or relationships that ultimately end up breaking his heart all over again.)
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eeraygun · 8 years
000 Autechre - elseq 1-5 001 ADR - Throat 002 Kevin Gates - Islah 003 Perfume - Cosmic Explorer 004 Kanye West - The Life of Pablo 005 Animal Collective - Painting With 006 Young Thug - JEFFERY 007 Lorenzo Senni - Persona 008 M.E.S.H. - Damaged Merc 009 Rihanna - Anti 010 Zuli - Bionic Ahmed EP 011 Ling - Attachment EP 012 D.R.A.M. - "Broccoli" 013 Lone - Levitate 014 Yves Tumor - Serpent Music 015 Desiigner - "Timmy Turner Freestyle (XXL Freshman a Capella Version)" 016 Gonora Sounds - "street performance, zimbabwe" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XWjW5EHZdE 017 Demdike Stare - Wonderland 018 Sam Kidel - Disruptive Muzak 019 Sote - Hardcore Sounds from Tehran 020 Bored Young Adults - Shy Dancers On Bungalowdorf Beach 021 Second Woman - Second Woman 022 Bjarki - Lefhanded Fuqs 023 Amnesia Scanner - AS EP 024 Voiski - I'll Be Your Maple Pecan Tonight 025 Paul Jebanasam - Continuum 026 Randomer & Cadans - Pyramid/Anchor 027 Alicia Keys - "In Common" 028 Charli XCX - Vroom Vroom EP 029 Maja S.K. Ratkje - Crepuscular Hour 030 Sendai - Ground and Figure 031 Various Artists - Doing It In Lagos - Boogie, Pop & Disco 032 Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Skeleton Tree 033 Jeremih - Late Nights: Europe 034 Helm & Decimus - We Will Meet At Other Human Parties 035 Lanark Artefax - Glasz 036 Arca - Entrañas 037 Struction - Gefüge 038 Babyfather - 'BBF' Hosted By DJ Escrow 039 Various Artists - Music of the Bahnar People From the Central Highlands of Vietnam 040 Dae Dae - "Wat U Mean" 041 Marcelline & TRNSGNDRVHS - The Feminine Wrath 042 Yen Towers - Bidders Must Justify Their Price 043 Leather Towel - IV 044 Bwana - Opening the Gate 045 Abra - Princess 046 Shapednoise - Deafening Chaos Serenity EP 047 Sky H1 - Motion 048 Radiohead - "True Love Waits" 049 $$$TAG$$$ - Crowd Surfing 050 Graham Lambkin - Community 051 VATS - Green Glass Room 052 John T. Gast - Invocations II (The Obelisk of TJ) 053 Lil Uzi Vert - Lil Uzi Vert Vs. The World 054 Equiknoxx - Bird Sound Power 055 Carly Rae Jepsen - EMOTION Side B 056 Peder Mannerfelt - Controlling Body 057 Carl Stone - Electronic Music from the Seventies and Eighties 058 Dawn Richard - Redemption 059 Young M.A - OOOUUU 060 Basic Rhythm - Raw Trax 061 Fis - From Patterns to Details 062 Travis Scott - Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight 063 Keith Fullerton Whitman - OTO Redactions 064 Con-Dom - How Welcome is Death to I Who Have Nothing More To Do But Die 065 Anna Zaradny - go go theurgy 066 Frank Ocean - "Nikes" 067 N-Prolenta - A Love Story 4... 068 Grischa Lichtenberger & Jesse Osborne-Lanthier - CSLM 069 Beyoncé - "Formation" 070 CSA & Lucindo - Compact Cassette 1 071 Sampha - "Timmy's Prayer" 072 Anohni - Hopelessness 073 Ash Koosha - I AKA I 074 Zayn - BeFoUr 075 I Hate Models - Warehouse Memories 076 Jenny Hval - Blood Bitch 077 Lexachast - lexachast.com 078 Polzer - "Static Rectifier" 079 Gaika - SPAGHETTO 080 Kamaiyah - A Good Night in the Ghetto 081 Rain Text - 1 082 Mark Ernestus & Ndagga Rhythm Force - Yermande 083 PYUR - Epoch Sinus 084 Leonce - Shadows EP 085 EASYFUN - Easy This Easy That 086 People Skills - Gunshots at Crestridge 087 Valerio Tricoli - Clonic Earth 088 Lee Gamble - Chain Kinematics 089 Joey Purp - "Girls @ (feat. Chance the Rapper)" 090 Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith & Suzanne Ciani (2016) - FRKWYS Vol. 13: Sunergy 091 Trim - 1-800 Dinosaur Presents: Trim 092 Kiddy Smile - "Let A B!tch Know" 093 Special Request - "Reset It (Head High Dirt Mix)" 094 Shirley Collins - Lodestar 095 Massimo Toniutti - antidocument-groundwork 096 Riton - Rinse & Repeat 097 Andy Stott - Too Many Voices 098 UMFANG - Riffs EP 099 Selector Dub Narcotic - "Hotter Than Hott" 100 Gate - Saturday Night Fever 101 A001 - Nyctophobia 102 serpentwithfeet - Blisters 103 Michael E - Teenage Hammer 104 Various Artists - Mambos Levis D'Outro Mundo 105 Jean Schwarz - Erda / Suite N 106 Chino Amobi - Airport Music for Black Folk 107 Giacinto Scelsi, Chris Watson, Joe Browning - Scelsi EP [SN Variations, 2016] 108 M.I.A. - AIM 109 Danny L Harle - "Super Natural" 110 Young Greatness - "Moolah" 111 DJ S - Neva Done This Before 112 KABLAM - Furiosa 113 Mistress - DREADFILE 114 Francesco Cavaliere - Gancio Cielo 2: Il Gruppo Respingi Comete 115 Virginia - Fierce For The Night 116 XDCVR - Cold Slab 117 Charles Barabé & Roadside Picnic - National House Milk 118 Blood Orange - Freetown Sound 119 Daniel Menche - Raw Cello Sessions 120 Pris - Love, Labour, Loss 121 Yo Gotti - "Down In The DM" 122 SHXCXCHCXSH - SsSsSsSsSsSsSsSsSsSsSsSsSsSsSs 123 LSDXOXO - FUCK MARRY KILL 124 No Intention - Rabelais 125 Kobang, Tate - Oh My 126 Kilner - Walk Type 127 Avalon Emerson - "The Frontier" 128 Rashad Becker - Traditional Music of Notional Species Vol. II 129 The Caretaker - Everywhere at the end of time 130 Jock Club - Untitled Album 131 KWC 92 - Iran 132 Brassfoot - Realms 133 Gilmer Galibard - A Baker's Shit Ton EP 134 Eli Keszler - Last Signs Of Speed 135 Tom White - Automated Evangelism 136 A Tribe Called Quest - We got it from Here... Thank You 4 Your service 137 LOFT - Turbulent Dynamics 138 Roly Porter - Third Law 139 Stanislav Tolkachev - "Don't Be Surprised" 140 Dave - Wanna Know Remix 141 Zeitkratzer - Reinhold Friedl: Kore (Live) 142 Mark Pritchard - Under The Sun 143 Lee Bannon - Reflections 2012-2016 144 Lil Yachty - Lil Boat 145 Fox - Musik EP 146 NHK yx Koyxen - Doom Steppy Reverb 147 Pita - Get In 148 German Army - Te Ano 149 D. Glare - 68 Samples At 68 BPM For Phased Heads 150 Ascion - Joy Dexon Club 151 Yaleesa Hall - Woodall 152 Blawan - Communicat 1022 153 Huerco S. - For Those Of You Who Have Never (And Also Those Who Have) 154 Tom Hang - The New World 155 Paranoid London - Give Me The 156 Marcel Fengler - Kyu 157 Marco Zenker - "First Feeling"
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beatwithhookblog · 5 years
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swipestream · 7 years
WARGAME WEDNESDAY: Avalon Hill’s The Battle of the Bulge (1981) – Part V
Play 4 | Allies – Dad/Axis – Me | Outcome – Overwhelming Axis Victory (Allies concede Antwerp Victory as inevitable)
This playthrough we used the following:
No roll for Paratroopers
No roll for 150 Commando
2x SS Panzer Divisions can participate in morning Blitz
In some ways this was very similar to my strategy in Play 3, but in other ways, I tried doing things very differently. I also had a very lucky opening turn.
First turn, the Sixth Pz scored several overrun victories, achieving massive odds by concentrating attacks on a single point along the road, which would open the board for me on turn two. The Seventh Army did its thing, basically keeping the early van of Patton’s forces off the map. Fifth Pz lucked out with some really good rolls. Over half of the attacks turn one were exchanges, meaning I could sacrifice one 3-3 wehr inf for a 4-4 light tank or 5-4 infantry. At a point in the game where the Allies are hurting for numbers, an exchange is a huge blow. The best outcome for Allies turn one is getting a retreat result that will put them in a city where they can dig in. That will delay the Germans for at least one more turn. With an exchange result, there’s just nothing between the German tanks and the Meuse for several turns and they get to run to the tables on the Allies.
The biggest difference in this playthru was I went all out against the north. Once the Fifth Pz broke through, instead of sending them toward the Meuse, I sent them north to help the flanks of the Sixth Pz’s advance. Sending infantry from the LXVII through the woods at the north, the Sixth was able to trap most of the forces around Elsenborn Ridge between infantry to the north and SS Panzers to the south, while the LVIII & XLVII Pz circled up capture the supplies at Spa and Stavelot.
I had enough free mechanized units to take the towns on the northern Meuse while hammering the Allies on the ridge. Allied airborne reinforcements were able to isolate a few pockets of troops along the Meuse, but couldn’t capitalize on it. By the end of the 19th, I’d managed to do the unthinkable—I’d consolidated the German Northern Flank; if the German player can take certain objectives from Eupen to the bridge north of Spa, the Fifteenth Army will move on Aachen, canceling all of the Allies Ninth Army reinforcements. My dad says this is the first time he’s ever seen that happen. One of the reasons why this is huge, the cancelling of the Ninth Army reinforcements means that the Germans can reroute virtually all of their troops from the North edge of the board between Liege and Eupen and redirect them towards the Meuse. So, these troops were able to deal with the handful of airborne troops south of Huy cutting off the Panzers along the Meuse. Sheer lack of numbers meant that the Allies couldn’t cover all supply routes, and an armor division that had been rampaging around north of the Meuse between Namur and Huy was able to trace to Bastogne.
About a day and a half before Montgomery was going to arrive, most of my panzer divisions were either surrounding crushing airborne brigades, punching into Liege, or marauding north of the Meuse. I’d consolidated my divisional artillery, so I could hit just about any battle with 20+ and get the heavy bombardment bonus. If we’d continued, I’d be able to move off my 12 mechanized units, cancelling all of the British reinforcements while still having enough to mop up the Allies on both sides of the Meuse. Figuring that the three divisions Patton was going to show up with were not going to be enough to cut supplies to the Sixth Pz Army while dealing with a fully intact Fifth Pz and Seventh Army, my dad conceded that I’d won an Antwerp victory without playing it out.
  The opening was similar to the previous game. I made certain to eliminate all resistance in the south and center as quickly as possible.
The biggest difference, however, was instead of sending forces southwest and center, I sent as many troops as I could, artillery especially, north to join in the push against Elsenborn Ridge. While I did make certain I had troops to meet the airborne reinforcements, I instead went all out to be certain to capture supply dumps then see the 15th Army offensive was launched, cancelling a boatload of reinforcements. However, to avoid crowding bad terrain, mobile units pushed towards the northern Meuse. Massive artillery fire let me make big pushes northward, and the Panzer armies from south and center worked to pick off the airborne troops.
The game was done before Patton even arrived in force. I’d had a TON of guys guarding a couple key points, with just enough mobile forces to create massive problems for the troops trying to encircle Bastogne. I encircled and destroyed most of the troops north of the Meuse, and the troops west of the Meuse were trapped. Infantry were pushing their way west toward Liege, and I could bring tons of artillery on most attacks. I was about to cancel all British reinforcements, and even with four armored divisions off-board, there was no way that Patton alone would be able to challenge my supply lines in time to cancel an Antwerp victory.
WARGAME WEDNESDAY: Avalon Hill’s The Battle of the Bulge (1981) – Part V published first on http://ift.tt/2zdiasi
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