#v; a storm is coming (the 90's)
unabletoforget · 3 years
continued from here with @canisstella
     His words were harsh, and part of her didn’t blame him for that. He was an innocent man who had been convicted of a crime he didn’t commit, a crime that had led to the death of their best friends, a crime that was the true fault of someone they had once considered family. She knew he must have felt pain at knowing he was blamed for it all and a large part of her felt for him in that regard. But just as strong of a part of her was enraged. Why did Remus get to be forgiven and she didn’t when Remus had believed Sirius to have betrayed them just as she did? In fact, he had believed it quicker. 
     Remus and Sirius had been at odds with each other for months before James and Lily ever even died, both of them suspicious of the other. They had been at each other’s throats worse than they ever had been in school until they were both silently accusing the other of being a traitor behind their backs, something Jillian had to try to deal with because she refused to choose sides between one of her best friends and the man she loved. He had believed Sirius to have betrayed James and Lily without a second though, where as Jillian was in denial for several months before she ever let herself admit to what had happened. Why didn’t she deserve to be forgiven but Remus did?
     “No, you can fuck yourself, Sirius. I’m not leaving. We need to talk and we need to talk now. You can’t keep avoiding me at Order meetings and making snide remarks behind my back and thinking I am just going to take it. So either you can let me in or I will force my way in-your choice.”
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sinkix · 4 years
- What your fav Haikyuu!! Character says about you│Karasuno edition -
Obviously these aren’t meant to be taken too seriously lol. I’ll probably make this into a series at some point where I include the other teams idk this took me way too long to do JWIDJQENWKJQFN WE’LL SEE. ENJOY! <3
2D men are infinitely superior I said what I said.
A sucker for motivational speeches or quotes and they always get you hyped up.
Very ambitious and positive despite frequently getting lost in life
Not as innocent as you seem but still a cinnamon roll lololol
You probably eat fruit as a regular snack n ppl judge you for it
Highkey a dumbass but in a very endearing way so people can’t help but like you
Summer is probs ur fave season
Definitely own several plushies and definitely get defensive about it
The friend people go to when they need cheering up.
You either go to bed at 8pm or 3am no in between.
Your texting style consists of several messages as opposed to one paragraph/sentence with the use of MANY emojis.
You 100% fuck with pineapple on pizza. 
Got your head stuck in a cat flap that one time.
Have a hella low alcohol tolerance or don’t drink at all.
Hella clueless when it comes to people flirting with you, they have to hold a neon sign in front of you for you to get the message
“Oh you were flirting with me?” “I was every day for 5 months but thanks for finally noticing”
Definition of a tab hoarder, your pc/laptop frequently crashes because it can’t handle that many but you refuse to get rid of any.
Always get toothpaste stains on your shirt no matter how careful you are.
“Wait we had homework???”
You often get random bursts of energy outta nowhere or at 2am and have no clue how to handle it 
You can’t help but head bang and scream the lyrics to your fav songs.
Probably have a hella diverse music taste.
Likely an active/outdoorsy person who either does sports or wants to.
Vvv loyal, type of friend you can call in the middle of the night and you’ll be there.
Chaotic good or Chaotic neutral.
You’re either one of the most responsible people in the room or one of the most fuckin chaotic and irresponsible lmao no in between it just depends on your mood.
Frequently pull all nighter’s and doesn’t even feel guilty about it
Chug soda like it’s water.
An extrovert or one of those introverts that are bat-shit once you actually get to know them.
You have zero shame, can and will run across the street stark naked for a cheeseburger and a can of sprite.
Like fuck yeah who wouldn’t for a burger and some sprite y’know??
Despite being a whirlwind you are actually a hella chill person to have as company.
You own a skateboard or want to.
Own at least one pair of converses or vans.
Probably have a bucket list or tons of future plans for travelling/adventures stored in your head.
You really want a dog and would call it something like Dexter or Human Destroyer 9000.
Likely have had several hair colour phases.
A slut for doritos.
You ate glue once as a kid and it was kinda okay and that fact still haunts you.
Listen to rap more than any other genre and ur playlist is fire
Punched dry wall that one time
Probably have several piercings and plan on getting more
Prefer sports bras to regular ones.
Intimidates outsiders but your friends don’t take you seriously in the slightest lmaoaoaooa
Ppl find it hard to approach you but you’re actually super chill so you get sad 
Definition of that Kanye meme “before you talk to me” >:( “after you talk to me” :)
Probably don’t trust people easily
Type of person that once you’re challenged/dared to do something they WILL do it regardless of how stupid bc you hate being called a pussy.
Went through a phase where you only listened to Eminem.
Probably is/was the class clown or wished they were.
You have virtually no patience and a pretty short temper lmao.
You’re a go-getter and hate being told you can’t do something
Definitely snuck out the house several times as a teen.
Walks barefoot outside a lot bc fuck shoes lol
The pairs of shoes you do own are mostly worn down sneakers you refuse to swap out.
You’re that asshole that wears socks with holes in for the sport of it and it doesn’t phase you in the slightest. (dw I do too lmaooao)
Could probably bench press someone’s dad
Enjoy’s drinking coffee.
Such a picky eater bitch god damn.
Usually hella hydrated and judge people that don’t drink enough water.
Eats spoonfuls of chocolate nesquik powder when no one is looking I said what I said
You like stoic and Tsundere guys who have the outer emotional capacity of a brick wall.
You’re probably the same in that sense and don’t enjoy letting people know what you’re thinking/feeling
Poker face 90% of the time
Type of person to pretend not to find a joke funny but then crumble and start crying with laughter.
Probs an introvert
Once when someone asked you what you wanted for Christmas you responded “to be left the fuck alone” and it still applies to this day.
like fr you just wanna be left alone man but ppl keep bothering you.
You HATE it when people tell you to smile and quite literally take it as an insult.
Your bedtime is 9pm and you stick by it religiously 
Always smell really good like damn what you got on??
The most you do with your hair if it’s long enough is throw it in a pony tail and call it a day.
Either have really nicely manicured nails or you’v chewed them down to the nub no in between.
You hate to admit it but you doubt yourself a lot and it really frustrates you.
Probably wet the bed a lot as a kid and you’re still salty about it.
lololol bed-wetter Kags lover
Audibly snorted typing that I’m sorry.
Probably had a ._. face reading that since ur usually hella unamused.
Cute awkward dork though behind that facade it’s just most people don’t see it.
So critical of yourself like chill
An earth sign or an Aquarius idc.
Do not know how to reciprocate a hug but desperately need one
When people flirt with you you somehow manage to make them intimidated with your responses and scare them off.
You called your teacher “mum/dad” once and you get Vietnam flashbacks to this day.
You probably have a daddy kink and lowkey daddy issues with it
Very supportive friend who has a lotta patience
Hella determined and humble.
Mostly wear black because it’s just much easier than colour coordinating and plus you just prefer the simplicity, but you’re pretty vibrant as a person.
The one who stays sober at parties to drive the others home.
Probably haven’t been in many relationships but still do enjoy romance.
seems stern but is actually very friendly and enjoy company bc you don’t like spending too much time by yourself.
Honestly just wants to chill out, go to bed and read a book.
A coffee connessieur but mostly just drinks instant bc ur too lazy to make it properly and just drink it black.
Very reliable.
Often get stuck with most of the work during group projects lololol
People frequently ask you for the answers to the homework/assignment and it really depends on your mood and how charitable you’re feeling as to whether you’ll lend it to them
Low-key a sadist.
100% Old soul
Despite this you are a fuckin dork and have quite an immature but really funny sense of humour.
You have a thigh kink. 
Def grew up reading wattpad smut and most of ur sexual knowledge stems from that
probably prefer manga to animated versions
Absolute pro at winged eyeliner and looks v good in it.
Probably give lectures even without realising it.
Shamelessly watches the nature channel for hours on end and what of it.
Honestly just done with everyone’s shit lmao
Either are the mom friend or the one the mom friend has to look after.
You vibe with pastel colours
Your fav season is either spring or autumn.
oversized hoodies and knitted sweaters are your vibe.
Enjoy drinking herbal tea
Likes the smell of rain and will purposely step outside after a storm and S N O R T the smell of damp concrete. (srry if ur from some dry ass place like nevada lmao it rains alot in the UK soooOOOoO)
Quiet but have a really creative imagination and has one HELL of a loud voice when they’re pissed off
like,, I wouldn’t dare get on ur nerves ion want my ear drums bursting damn.
Hoards flavoured chapsticks and scented lip gloss
Either did or still have your Harry Potter house in your bio and it was probably Hufflepuff.
Gives people advice that they are fully aware also applies to themselves but doesn’t follow it LMAO.
Listens to K-pop and several Korean and Japanese genres.
Played a dating sim once and you enjoyed it but ur still ashamed and refuse to ever talk about it.
Smells like lavender or something hella floral
Probably reads a lot of Yaoi and no one else knows but you.
Would 100% own a chinchilla
Read Killing Stalking and it messed you up for weeks.
The one who was trying to flirt for months and the other person never got the hint
Probably a really pretty crier and vibe with the mascara running aesthetic.
You tear up easily lol.
Probably a water sign.
Low-key a bad bitch though 
Looks really good in red lipstick
That one person who’s v attractive but completely unaware and v insecure.
That one friend who seems so soft and innocent but can turn into a banshee when need be.
Crying is your therapy.
You overthink a LOT and it often stops you from achieving what you want.
Actually have a lot of willpower despite ur sensitivity.
Was def a pushover as a kid and still have a chip on your shoulder about it.
Hella artsy and day dreams a lot.
You attract broken souls and often get turned to when people’s problems need fixing yet you’re a total mess yourself
Listens to Girl in red while questioning your sexuality
which you do a lot.
You hate being put in a box or labelled.
Gave up on that hobby that one time and you really wanna get back into it.
Always have at least one hair tie on your wrist that’s basically an accessory at this point.
Own a phat ass fish tank with hella pretty fishes bro it’s such a vibe say hi to Nemo for me.
Too scared to ask for extra ketchup packets so you get your friend to ask instead.
Probably have anxiety.
The time you stuttered once when introducing yourself frequently gives you cringe attacks.
Major animal lover and prefers them to people.
Talked to a tree once and it was a pretty cool experience.
Wear a lot of pink or cute colours and radiate babi energy.
Likely wear skirts 
Wear those aesthetic planets necklaces and your tumblr is filled with space related art and themes.
Enjoy staring up at the clouds and figuring out what animal they are.
Has a lot of secrets that they probably tell to their cat.
dw ur cat isn’t a snitch they got you covered.
yeah they definitely didn’t just try to reveal ur deepest traumas to your cousin.
If you don’t have a cat you probably would want one and would call it Mittens or sumn.
You’re whipped for freckles and anyone that has them instantly becomes 1000x more attractive to you
Either like 5′2″ or 5′10″ no middle ground
Definitely own a turtle or rabbit and if you don’t then you should.
Forgets your assignments but the professor lets you off because you’re so nervous they can’t scold you.
Oversleeps at least 2 times a week
Will not get up before 1pm on a weekend
Wall flower at parties but people still approach you bc you are so friendly and kind.
Social anxiety intensifies.
Always get’s called on in class when you haven’t been paying attention and it really troubles you.
Has a minimum of 3 blankets on your bed that you cocoon yourself in.
Your attracted to snarky assholes.
Sarcasm and insults are your form of flirtation and you get immediately turned off if they can’t take it or get upset.
Probably shy away from your feelings
Random flashbacks to embarrassing events frequently keep you up at night
Judge peoples fashion choices as they walk past you but actually have a really good eye for what works and what doesn’t.
You look like you have your shit together and you kinda do for the most part.
The quiet kid in class that’s listening to some loud ass screamo or rock n roll’ but ppl have no idea.
Definition of the glinting anime glasses pushed up your nose bridge cliche.
When you make a mistake you question all your knowledge and abilities but no one else knows that about you
Refuses to cry since you view your emotions as a personal weakness
If someone hugged you you’d get VERY uncomfortable.
Physical contact is not your forte
Probably a 5′0″ demon.
Would peg a man to assert dominance but you’re actually a lil bitch.
Knows the answer to the question they can’t solve.
Doesn’t study as much as they should but somehow still gets good grades.
Really likes french fries and the taste of strawberries.
Just wants to be left alone
The one friend that gets talked over and it really pisses you off but you’re too nice to say anything.
Seems really passive but can actually be hella confrontational when they wanna be
No tolerance for peoples bullshit 
Really stable and just an overall reliable person.
People often forget you’re in the room lmao but it’s okay you’d rather listen anyway.
Actually has a really interesting mind and a lot to say but mostly keep it to yourself unless they’re your friend
Answered for someone else in attendance a few years ago and it still bothers you.
People often come to you to vent and you’re chill with it
Don’t stand out much but honestly it doesn’t bother you
Can and will get through an entire book/series in a matter of 3 days.
Quite a minimalist and organised for the most part
You look like you have your shit together and you def do.
Have a controversial taste in pizza.
You have more acquaintances than friends but the ones you do are a v tight knit circle.
Will re take a quiz several times till you get the character you wanted
Radiate Virgo and Libra energy.
Type of person to say “step on me” as a way of complimenting and you mean it literally.
Both a sadist and masochist
When someone tells you their not interested it just makes you want them 100x more and it frustrates you why are you like this.
Doesn’t compliment often but when you do it’s really heartfelt.
Looks like your silently judging people but in reality you really couldn’t care.
Just kidding you low-key judge them anyway.
Very picky when it comes to partners.
Independent but has random hella clingy moments.
Despite being quiet, you are capable of roasting a bitch alive if they test your patience.
Like I would NOT wanna get on your bad side
You could deadass send them to therapy, their emotions fenna need some aloe vera for that burn.
Just really calm and relaxed tbh so people enjoy being in your company even though you don’t talk much.
When you do though it’s usually something really interesting or funny.
You just don’t see the point in talking if what your saying doesn’t hold any value??
You hate small talk and would rather slingshot yourself off a skyscraper than partake in it.
Your face is easy to read and you make no effort to hide it.
If your in a bad mood they WILL know.
Look like your plotting someones demise or questioning life’s theories but in reality you’re really just thinking bout what you want for dinner.
Honestly just a sweetheart tbh.
Low-key have a staring problem.
Has really neat and cursive handwriting like who tf taught you that.
Frequently says something then panics that it could be misinterpreted 
You overthink literally everything you have ever said and the actions you haven’t even committed yet
Really likes the taste of sherbet 
Could cut a bitch if they needed to
You spend most of your money at Urban Outfitters and don’t regret it.
have an assortment of colouring pencils that ppl always try and borrow and never give them back.
You highlight the shit outta your papers and never read them again.
Really like the smell of peaches
Probably have a v interesting earring collection.
Hoard water bottles in your room and you feel majorly guilty about it.
The taste of honey disgusts you but you eat it anyway for some reason.
Somehow managed to burn rice and solidify soup.
You shouldn’t be trusted in the kitchen but you try your best regardless.
I feel like that applies to most things in your life
Like yeah you fucked it up but like you’re trying your best lol cmon
V tolerant of people but have zero time for fuckboys and shut them down instantly.
You frequently get the shakes from caffeine or anxiety
Or both.
You give really encouraging hugs.
Have no clue what you wanna do in life but it’s ok bby it’ll work out.
You’re a very underappreciated and underrated person and I love u
Probably an English/languages major
Really kind and outgoing but high-key mysterious
Actually has a phat fucking temper like damn where did that come from.
Won’t take no for an answer when you want to achieve something.
That one person people don’t realise is there listening to your conversations but you definitely are and now know Becky’s deepest darkest secret.
Fuck you, becky.
Wore contacts once and forgot to take them out for 3 days.
You wondered why your eyes were so itchy.
Your music taste does not match your appearance.
Probably watch a lot of crime shows and imagine you’re an investigator
Aced physics and chemistry.
More than likely an introvert with extrovert tendencies when you feel like it.
Actually quite temperamental but it’s okay since you’re a v genuine person.
Often debate getting a sugar daddy bc that income looking real tempting rn.
Honest to a fault at times but it’s something people come to appreciate about you.
Just really wanna sleep for 15 hours and sit in front of your laptop with some hot coco.
You like older men
The smell of tobacco and coffee low-key comforts you for some reason.
Peed in a bottle that one time while on a road trip and forgot to throw it out until you found it a week later.
You’re a slut for dyed hair and dudes with piercings.
You once got drunk and passed out on a spinning round-a-bout in a park and your friend still has pictures that you refuse to acknowledge.
Bi-curious and just radiate big Bi energy
Would experiment but you’re too hesitant.
Hates the taste of beer but drinks it anyway.
Just wants to be loved man I stg is that too much to ask.
Often wonder if your friends actually like you then realise you don’t really care anyway lmao.
You still love them though.
Tired of working over time and just wanna catch a break.
Amazon Prime is your best friend.
Random ass parcels comin thru’ each day and it feels like Christmas.
A very lonely and one-man party Christmas.
Stop spending your fucking paycheck.
Have a pretty dark/cynical but really funny sense of humour and you often make people laugh.
Have a big ass temper and people KNOW it.
Often fantasised about dropping out and becoming a stripper bc your patience was being TESTED.
Really likes money but who doesn’t tbh.
You radiate Chaotic Evil but keep it under wraps.
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meggie-stardust · 3 years
You guys get a triple episode this week! You’re welcome, bitches.
45. Signs of the Final Battle
There’s that space crew working again. I hope they support the position of White Fang...
Quatre: I no longer need the ZERO system; I’ve absorbed it
Howard: You guys gotta rest, it’s happy hour somewhere *flips on Margaritaville*
Does Treize think he can win in space? Yes. Yes he does, obviously 
Can a launch be “very successful” or just successful or unsuccessful 
Oh, hey, Hilde, Whats up?? I forgot about Noin!Lite
CANS is a bit wishy washy. Oh no, don’t blow up the earth. Oh, hey we need to blow up all the gundam. Only we can have a gundam. 
Those minidisks are back. Usually I forget this was made in the 90s.
Whey would my brother start a fight when they could just talk? Relena didn’t you read the tags: Friends to enemies to lovers, slow burn, 300K, major character death
All the “girlfriends” are having a secret meeting. 
Hilde is delivering plans about a weakness in a battleship... Interesting... 
This isn’t a kids game; are you sure CANS???
Wufei is like I’m just gonna jump in for Duo here, since he sucks at Chess
Duo: Hey, Heero you wanna play 5 person chess? This is how we do it on L2
The alarm goes off and they’re all doing cool Flying V formation like the mighty ducks. 
Wow we could have had this the WHOLE TIME if they just TALKED TO EACH OTHER??? We were robbed.
I have questions about the structural integrity of a mobile suit in space. Hilde isn’t waring a space suit, and her mobile suit is compromised… Wearing a helmet seems to be an aesthetic decision only.
Can we talk about the glint in Deathscythe’s eyes? Because it’s so badass.
Duo can tell that it’s Trowa and Heero just by how they pilot… interesting… (Is my 1x2x3 shipper showing??)
It’s canon: Duo is better than Heero and Trowa combined. 
Don’t get me wrong, I like Hilde, but if the show had balls they would have killed her Rogue One style
The pilots new flight suits are A+ 
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46. Milliardo’s Decision
$10 Milliardo’s decision is to put his helmet back on and become Space!Zechs
OOOH Tallgeese II has entered the battle
Treize: I built a Gundam before, but I just want to pilot the same mobile suit as my boyfriend so I also build the Tallgeese II
Oh hey, Wing keeps showing up... I wonder what’s gonna become of it this time....?
I don’t even know what what’s happening here with them all hanging out, but I am here for it. 
Trowa: be nice to women; Wufei’s flexy arm thing breaks
Duo about Heero: he makes mistakes just like the rest of us; the rest of the pilots are all silent not because they disagree, but because they are thinking of all the fucked up shit they’ve seen Heero do in the past. 
To quote Brand New/Taking Back Sunday, Heero is as subtle as a brink in the small of my back
Heero’s a little short of a storm trooper...
Either Relena is just super excited to see Heero or they are slowly reducing the oxygen in her holding cell
Hilde brought them the data, and then Heero doesn’t even leave it with the other pilots, he literally brings it back to LIBRA??? WHERE IT CAME FROM
The closed caption just said [mysterious charm] AMAZING
Zechs: Guys I have a really cool idea, but I need your help to move my desk to the observation deck for ~the aesthetic~
IDk what look Heero is going for when he’s sneaking on the libra, but it’s not half bad, and it comes with a neckerchief 
What is this amazing pose of Tallgeese II standing on the shuttle. AMAZING. Treize is such a BOSS 
Wait. Zechs was a hologram the whole time?! That’s so extra, I love it.
How are all these people magically connected. How does Une immediately wake up when Treize is about to do something crazy
Did Une just take Wing?! I have no memory of this
Zechs: CANS restrain Dorothy; CANS:  FINALLY my moment has come!
Wow I have no memory of this
Wing Gundam pushing Treize out of the way and Dorothy losing her mind
OMG IT WAS Lady Une the whole time?!
Way more badass than any of us gave her credit for. Going from being in a coma, to launching a Gundam into space, to taking the brunt of a beam canon. Lady Une is the MVP of this episode.
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47. Collision in Space
Heero: I’m just gonna have a little nap right now, and then when Treize fails, I’ll go ahead and blow up the Libra
Howard: Which side should we root for guys? Whats the over under on White Fang? 
Sally: OK, we’re gonna side with Treize, ok guys? Hope you agree because this is gonna get crazy.
CANS: Why do the Gundams hate us even tho I just gave the orders to destroy them last episode?? 
Well, last episode Duo was the superior pilot. This time, not so much... 
Treize: I would thank the Gundams, but I think my silence is better, they’ll totally get what I’m going for 
Dorothy: Wait, you can’t move the libra? I have to view of the battle #priorities
Peacemillion is just the right side to fly in and destroy Libra. How convienent.
Noin folds like a lawn chair, but so does Zechs
Peacemillon’s plowing into us… it’s the only thing that’s gonna plow into you
CANS: How could this happen?! 
Treize is so proud of the ships
God Relena, do we have to spell everything out for you about what’s happening right this second
Heero: I need Wing Zero. Good thing it just crashed into this ship
Trowa about Wufei fucking off: He’s fulfilling an old promise. That means Wufei and Trowa did talk when they bro’d downed at the circus
Treize: that pilot has to be that kid… play it cool. Don’t him know you remember his name.
Heero said butt
This is what I’m here for; Duo infiltrating everything. 
Trowa is the best. Just do a double spin out of the way and a bow. Ta da!
DorothyxQuatre duel. This is the only Quatre ship I’m here for. 
I was just wondering what happened to the scientists.
We built an error into the canon… interesting, where did you get that idea
Duo looks so badass threatening the scientists. More of this please. 
Epyon standing there like a Gargoyle 
Crushing blow??? GET IT???? GUys do you know what he’s gonna do next?????
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I am glad that @mpanighetti and I decided to do these 3 episodes as a group, and then finish out the series with the last two episodes together. 
I had very little memories of some of the details here, and I get why... honestly, these are weird kinda filler episodes. When a series is only 49 episodes, we don’t get a lot of time for nothing to happen, but the writing is getting looser at the end of the series, and if this arc had happened in the first 1/2 all of this would have probably happened in 1 episode, and instead we get 3. 
There are a lot of badass moments here: Duo, Une, Treize.... but the rest of the episodes feel a little flat... 
What I think I remember for the next episode(s):
I have so many memories of the penultimate episode (which i will make a whole post about separately) but we get an epic battle between Treize and Wufei, and I honestly forget how things fully wrap up during the last episode, so I am so excited that we’ve made it to the end. I can’t wait to write up my final thoughts and then rewatch Endless Waltz.  
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fearsmagazine · 3 years
V/H/S/94 - Review
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SYNOPSIS:  V/H/S/94 is the fourth installment in the horror found footage anthology with segments from Simon Barrett - THE EMPTY WAKE, Timo Tjahjanto - THE SUBJECT, Jennifer Reeder - HOLY HELL, Ryan Prows - TERROR and Chloe Okuno - STORM DRAIN. In V/H/S/94, after the discovery of a mysterious VHS tape, a brutish police swat team launches a high intensity raid on a remote warehouse, only to discover a sinister cult compound whose collection of pre-recorded material uncovers a nightmarish conspiracy.
REVIEW: There are few outlets for emerging talent in the short film horror genre. Many short films are limited to genre festivals or a few platforms that also offer shorts among the numerous features they program. Even then, they get little to no publicity.
The V/H/S anthology series, which debuted in 2012, has exposed audiences to many talented filmmakers working in the independent short film medium. This fourth installment, V/H/S/94 features four new tales and a wrap-around story from five visionary filmmakers, offering five unique genre tales that cover a variety of themes, styles and scares.
I have many good things to say about the film, but first let me get this off my chest. The VHS filter applied to these films is at times a distraction but also figures into some of the narratives and adds to the edginess to the stories. In the age of 4K, I wonder how these shorts would look, or work, if the effects were not added.
Overall, I enjoyed all the narratives. The warp-around story, HOLY HELL, feels a bit superficial and I felt the resolution was a bit of a cheat and an easy out. Still, it was a decent premise as far as a wrap-around for an anthology film. It was well made, but not the best of the collection.
Timo Tjahjanto’s THE SUBJECT has this feel like the computer game “Doom,” and is as bloody and graphic. I appreciated the theme of the government and religious themes in the tale. There are some excellent special and visual effects, and the film has a lot of atmosphere. It’s gritty, raw, and gory. The actors do an excellent job of selling the story. If you’re a gamer you’ll bot enjoy and be impressed by what Timo achieves in this short
Simon Barrett’s THE EMPTY WAKE has this tone reminiscent of Arch Oboler’s classic radio drama “Lights Out.” It features some excellent special effects that are enhanced by the VHS filter. It’s a simple yet effective tale. The lead actress does an excellent job of drawing the reader in and selling the scares. There is an aspect to it that feels like a “punked” reality show.
I like Chloe Okuno’s take on urban legends in the STORM DRAIN. The story has a nice internal logic that culminates in a special effect climax reminiscent of “The Howling,” and in fact the entire short has that feel. The film also touches on some timely issues such as homeless and women in the media. The lead actress is a natural as the news reporter covering local stories. The short features some interesting creature designs and locations.
Ryan Prows’s THE TERROR is an interesting thought piece. This militia has figured out how to weaponize the weakness of a supernatural entity and they plan to use it to conduct an attack on a government facility. While the story is set in the 90’s it clearly shadows events that have recently taken place. The story brings in many themes that ultimately, along with their hubris, lead to their plans going awry. The production values are solid and the cast is extremely believable. There are some scary moments that have nothing to do with the supernatural elements that make this a unique and memorable piece.
There are numerous aspects to V/H/S/94 that make this an impressive anthology collection. For me, what stands out the most is that the four central tales are solid stories that don't overtly try to be a homage to a classic genre film or filmmaker. There is a fresh quality to these films that make it well worth the view. There is the goofy commercial segment that feels a bit out of sync with the rest of the films and the wraparound segment could have been a bit better, but none of that should deter you from viewing this fourth installment. Also, I wish the credits in the film and in the press notes could have been a bit more complete as I would have liked to have shared that with you. V/H/S/94 delivers all the glorious horror and gore a die-hard horror fan could want. Absolutely a good reason to subscribe to SHUDDER this month. I’m eager to see what comes next from all of these filmmakers.
CAST: Anna Hopkins, Steven McCarthy, Dru Viergever, Tim Campbell, Kimmy Choi, Thiago Dos Santos and Kevin P. Gabel CREW: HOLY HELL – Director/Screenplay, Jennifer Reeder; / TERROR - Director/Screenplay, Ryan Prows; Cinematographer - Benjamin Kitchens Editor - Brett W. Bachman / STORM DRAIN - Director, Chloe Okuno; / THE EMPTY WAKE - Director/Screenplay, Simon Barrett; Screenplay - David Bruckner / THE SUBJECT - Director/Screenplay, Timo Tjahjanto; / Producers - Brad Miska, Josh Goldbloom & Kurt Harder; Cinematographers - Andrew Appelle, Jared Raab & Benjamin Kitchens; Visual Effects - Justin Martinez; Special Effects - Patrick Magee & Chris Bridges; Score - Greg Anderson. OFFICIAL: N.A. FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/VHSfilm TWITTER: N.A. TRAILER: https://youtu.be/9kPArD6r-qM RELEASE DATE: Exclusively On SHUDDER On October 6th, 2021
**Until we can all head back into the theaters our “COVID Reel Value” will be similar to how you rate a film on digital platforms - 👍 (Like), 👌 (It’s just okay),  or 👎 (Dislike)
Reviewed by Joseph B Mauceri
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azems-familiar · 3 years
2, 4, 19, 39 for that pairing ask thing, for revan/alek/bastila of course
2) how’s their team work? do they share well?
so this Really depends on what era/verse of the gang but in 90% of them Alek and Bastila have this Silent Petty Rivalry going on for ages while Revan is utterly oblivious because holy shit Two Whole People. Revan is not smart. given that i write them as a V (haaard headcanon Bastila as a lesbian), Alek and Bastila utterly refuse to admit they’re friends for ages - oh my god the rivalry in the hp au is especially hilarious - but they Band Together the moment anyone threatens Revan. there are petty contests over who gets to get the closest seat next to Revan and many other things, it’s objectively hilarious, especially since they’re all completely awful at communication.
they do eventually get their shit together though and end up a good, solid team. there are a lot of things Revan shares with Alek that Bastila just can’t in the end understand, especially related to the war in my canon verse (i could give you a whole other set of paragraphs about them in the hp au ask me on discord if you really want that ramble), but post Star Forge there’s also a lot that Revan can only really talk to Bastila about - re the Council, the mind wipe, and Bastila understands the fall and return a lot better given that Revan post-Reveal went a little off the deep end into the Dark Side before realizing that oh, she doesn’t actually Want That. so they manage to find their footing and a good dynamic because Alek and Bastila both love Revan a lot and so are able to put aside their differences for her. (although there’s a whole lot to work through immediately post-SF re Bastila’s whole. imprisonment. which is a bit of a mess. but that’s another subject i’m rambling OOPS)
4. first impression of each other? was it love at first sight?
Revan and Alek met in the creche when Revan was five and Alek six. they Instantly Bonded. Alek’s realization of oh shit i’m in love happened the night they were knighted - Revan was nineteen and Alek twenty, and look he knew he’d had feelings but he’d been trying to avoid them, but then they went out and stole a speeder together and took it for a joyride and Revan was laughing into the wind and oh. oh no. then he spent four YEARS suffering in silence because she was too stupid and oblivious to pick up on it or realize her Own feelings until midway through the first war.
meanwhile, Revan’s first impression of Bastila was her fighting Brejik after the swoop race. Revan watched her and went oh no and Carth, who had previously been rebuffed because “i don’t do romance”, went “yeah i think i’m just not your type”. he was very right.
Bastila on the other hand has had a sort of hero worship crush on Revan since midway through the Mandalorian Wars, when she would hide bootleg holos of Revan’s fights under her mattress and even though she had no idea what Revan actually looked like it was a Whole Thing. meeting Revan as Shala did not help this crush in the slightest.
19) what do they fight about? what are their arguments like? how do they make up?
Actual Arguments are pretty rare; most of the times their fights are about incredibly small, stupid, petty things and they’re just bickering. all three of them bicker with each other as a form of affection. the Real Actual arguments tend to come over things like Revan deciding to abandon a planet to save Alek’s life during the war (because oh Yeah does that come out at some point post-amnesia) or about Revan’s sacrifices in general or about Revan running off to do something incredibly stupid alone because clearly that’s her best plan.
Revan and Alek get extremely sharp and cutting with each other if it’s bad, or they just get snappy in general because Revan is Determined and Alek is equally determined because he’s worried, damn it, Revan, and then Revan storms off and there are shields for like. a few hours. HOURS max. they’re too codependent to be apart longer than that especially with the bond. post SF it’s a bit different but i haven’t quite worked out all the details of their relationship there yet. they generally make up with a lot of silent apology and promises of affection across the bond and a lot of cuddling. Alek is almost always the one who gives in first.
Revan and Bastila’s arguments are a lot more explosive because Bastila also has a temper, they are vaguely less codependent, they tend to say things they’ll regret later and then Revan will go complain to Alek about it and he’ll get very annoyed. (on the Hawk it’s Jolee who plays relationship counselor. he is so tired. s o  t i r e d) eventually Revan finds a way to apologize without actually apologizing and generally attempts to like, do something thoughtful or bring Bastila something nice to help. Bastila, who is less ridiculously proud, can actually say the words “i’m sorry” without having an allergic reaction.
Alek and Bastila.... well. they can go for days on end without speaking to each other, while remaining perfectly unified on Revan’s Behalf. is this a healthy dynamic? perhaps not. but when has this triad ever been healthy.
39) who initiated the relationship? who kissed who first? when did they realize they were in love?
oh my god you’re hitting me with ALL the juicy questions today. SO.
i’ve already written a little of this and in the answers above, Alek realized he was in love with Revan on Coruscant when they were both knights, but he and Revan have a Force bond so clearly she Knew and thus if she Felt The Same she’d do something about it, and she never did, so clearly his feelings weren’t reciprocated, so it’s F i n e, clearly, he suffers in silence until a year into the war - i have written this scene! - at which point Revan kisses him while they’re back on Coruscant for her promotion to Supreme Commander. she’s going to figure out that she’s in love with him (as opposed to just loving him) either after Fett injures him on Lantillies or during the whole. Clefar shenanigans, i don’t know the specifics, i haven’t written it yet and i didn’t think they’d get together this early in the war so there’s that. they don’t actually Talk about being in a relationship like, at all, ever, they just don’t talk about this Thing between them, because there’s the war and then there’s Vitiate and then there’s the Sith and then there’s another war and then-
they do end up talking about it post-SF at Bastila’s encouragement because Revan finally gets most of her memories back and is Clearly Moping and Alek is Also Moping. god i’m going to have to write that aren’t i.
with Revan (should i say Shala?) and Bastila, hmm. i’m honestly not so sure on this one in my canon verse? it’ll make itself more clear as i write that fic, but i know that Shala has a hell of a lot of realizations post-Leviathan and i feel like this is one of them. i really want to say their first kiss is in the fucking, submarine thing on Manaan on the way back post-Star Map, because that was a Hellish experience, and then they do things Bastila regrets (except she doesn’t except she does except-) on the Hawk after, and then ofc the Leviathan happens. Bastila definitely kisses Revan first and i think she might realize she’s a little in love on Kashyyyk when Revan does the whole free the Wookiees thing? hmmm i’m going to have to poke at that more. 
anyway they have this whole scene at the temple of the ancients which is one of the few things from the kotor fic i have visualized in my head because it’s the moment Revan decides she’s going to choose the Light over the Dark and it’s massively important character-wise and i’m actually super super excited to finally get there so i can write it. post-SF they’re actually dating because they finally have a Sort Of Talk about it.
oh my god this got so long but i’m Not Sorry and i have approximately 30k more words to say on the subject especially related to the HP AU but i will shut up now lol. thank you for the questions!
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Final Fantasy IX Review
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Year: 2000
Original Platform: PlayStation One
Also available on: PC, Android, iOS, Steam
Version I Played: PlayStation One
Zidane Tribal is a thief whose troupe is hired to kidnap princess Garnet Til Alexandros XVII. The world is in the midst of a war, and Garnet is pleading with her mother, Queen Brahne, to stop it.
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Final Fantasy IX returns to more traditional gameplay. Active Time Battle. Each character has a unique ability. Summons come in the form of “eidolons.” Limit Breaks are now called Trance Modes.
There’s also a mini card game called Tetra Master – which is super fun. Final Fantasy VIII also had a card game named Triple Triad, which I think gamers like more, but I never touched it.
 I have very fond memories of Final Fantasy IX, both in gameplay and story. I devoured this game throughout my entire junior year of college. As such, I associate this game with many fond memories. I finished this game on literally the final day of junior year as people were packing up to leave.
This game as often been referred to as the prime example of Final Fantasy – again, both in gameplay and story. It has the highest metacritic score of all the Final Fantasy games. Yet at the same time, it’s sorely underrated. Not many people talk about it. 
The difficulty wasn’t hard to grasp – at least for me. I didn’t die until the penultimate battle. I would suggest it as an option for a beginner.
Imagine Final Fantasy VII but way more defined. Square returned to the cartoonish world and left the realistic world from Final Fantasy VIII alone. The graphics and style are awesome. Each town is so pretty and cozy.
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Final Fantasy IX wraps up the series for the PlayStation One – and it’s a blast. It went all out with the system’s capabilities.
Final Fantasy IX goes back to the basics after Final Fantasy VIII. It’s also quite refreshing. Final Fantasy VIII was written so bland and without depth, whereas Final Fantasy IX is alive with colors, characters and stories. It has the most diverse cast in the series – just look at these dudes:
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All of them have something to offer. The fan favorite is typically the black mage Vivi – whose backstory is memorable for the philosophical questions it poses.
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The story is a perfect example of how tropes can still feel refreshing because of how the story is told. I like how the story’s biggest themes deal with the nature of a soul. Out of all the Final Fantasy games, the existential crisis here hits the hardest, like a thesis for a philosophy class.
Zidane hearkens back to the friendlier protagonists rather than the standoffish, brooding types seen in Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII. However, while Bartz from Final Fantasy V was a goofy drifter and Locke from Final Fantasy VI was a charming rogue, Zidane introduces the cheeky and H O R N Y protagonist. This can make you roll your eyes as he constantly tries to hit on the main female lead, Garnet. This one scene in particular didn’t age well. 
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The romance between him and Garnet is the exact opposite of the romances in Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII. Instead of the female lead flirting with the male lead, being the one to change his life, the male lead flirts with the female lead. Zidane's role as a romantic is to “show her the world” á la Aladdin and Jasmine. Zidane is a devil-may-care thief with his band of rogues, wishing to show Garnet an exciting life by his side.
It was unclear to me at the time why Final Fantasy IX fell into the more underrated side of Final Fantasy. In retrospect, Final Fantasy VII still took the world by storm, and Final Fantasy VIII still came off as a lot “cooler”. Some critics complain how the main villain, Kuja, is the least threatening villain of the entire series. Kuja’s bishonen level is over 9,000. Look at this guy. He belongs on the cover of Vogue or something.
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Gamers at the time probably felt that Final Fantasy IX wasn’t as amazing or intriguing since it returned to the tropey elements of the series, after we had seen two big games set in a modern technological world.
But like I said, Final Fantasy IX manages to use these tropes and make them entertaining. Vivi’s character arc? Oh man. I really don’t want to ruin it. It’s that good. They say Final Fantasy IX is the closest to how the developers originally envisioned the world of Final Fantasy. The definitive version of Final Fantasy.
Surprisingly, the music is the weakest part of the game. When I thought about what to write about for the music section for this game, I stared into space as crickets chirped in my head. I can only think of the title theme (”The Place I’ll Return to Someday”) and “Melodies of Life”, another pop song.
I like “You’re Not Alone” but I didn’t pay attention to it until I listened to the orchestrated version on the Distant Worlds album.
The answer then hit me as to why the soundtrack flew under my radar – the score takes an almost purely instrumental route, drawing inspiration from classical music. Most of the inspiration is specifically from medieval music, given the setting of the game. It’s not a bad thing, but Nobuo Uematsu’s signature progressive rock style is notably absent in everything except the battle theme. As such, nothing struck out at me. Nothing told me, “WOW. You just HAVE to listen to THIS!” I hate to say it, especially because Uematsu himself has stated that this soundtrack is his favorite work and the one he is proudest of.
The next time I play this game, I will pay more attention to the soundtrack.
Notable Theme:
As I said before, I associate Final Fantasy IX with fond memories of my junior year in college. “Melodies of Life” gives me all the feels. It has that late ‘90’s slow-dance feel.
Great game. Underrated. I can sum it up by saying - it doesn’t do anything new per se – it just shines as a Final Fantasy game using all of the series’ classic elements. It doesn’t do anything crazy, but it creates a lush vibrant world of pure medieval fantasy, and its characters go through a lot of depth.
Direct Sequel?
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ctrlkctty · 3 years
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          *turns the bass to max and blasts monsta x’s rodeo* howdy crazy kids, i’m opal and i reside in the good ol gmt timezone ( which seems to always make me like the odd one out in rp where did all u brits go sjdjd ). i use she/they so honestly either is fine !! i’m v excited to be here, it’s been a while since i’ve seen an rp around that has a supernatural element without it being like intense and dramatic plot wise. it’s nice to see a slice of life incorporate it for once !! anyway kit has a pinterest board you can check out here to get a sense of his general persona and his stats page is here ( he does not have a bio yet but his stats do kinda delve into that area briefly enough for now ) and below the cut i will give u the run down of him !! just heart this bad boy up and i’ll come to u for plotting i don’t like to lay things out in a like set super elaborate way so i’ll pop some general ideas down at the end of this intro but rlly we can just form connections off what our muses have in common and how their personalities would gel !! : 
so kit is a music production major student and his love for his craft is immense. music is without a doubt the passion in and love of his life. he’s never felt like he really connected to much else in the world like he has done to and with music. it’s almost like a living entity to him because he has this chemistry and harmony with it which seems to always mean that he excels at whatever he tries out in the musical field. 
he’s also a professional level violinist. he plays in competitions as well as concerts, pretty much always places first. i imagine it’s immensely annoying for anyone whose up against him. but kit doesn’t have bad sportsmanship, nor is he greedy. there’s just nothing he pours his soul into quite like his music. 
has recently formed a band. he plays guitar in it. it’s more of a hobby and a for fun thing then it is anything serious but they all enjoy it and have a good time just making melodies and stories with the instruments. they’re crazy good though. sometimes they will do some competitions or gigs. there is nothing that compares to the adrenaline rush of being on stage for kit in this whole world. ( by the way this is totally open for connections i think it would be super fun to have his band members be other muses ! ) 
think like the anime given and like day6, the rose etc in terms of kit’s vibes and inspiration. he mostly is inspired by the character of ugetsu murata if anyone has seen given. 
his mom passed away during childbirth but obviously kit is too young to remember all of this so he’s not traumatized by it or anything, he has an amazing and lovely adoptive family who he’s always seen as good as being biological. he does have that slight feeling of being unwanted though, since his biological father never wanted anything to do with him and he didn’t have the out of death interfering so he’s a little bitter about that. 
he was raised in busan and he has a younger sister and an older brother. he actually does have a really close relationship with his whole family but it isn’t in the conventional way where they’re super open and warm. not a lot of them are good with emotions, mostly that is down to his parents and sister. but it works out since they also make kit more in touch with his sentimental and loving side. 
he’s not like... a fuckboy per se but he’s a bit of a charmer and a minx. he does sleep around like a lot and spends half his life flirting up a storm, very into his casual intimacy. you can often locate him hooking up in really unconventional places on campus and he’s like hardly ever in his own dorm room. 
remembers strange facts about music like all the time, kind of just one of the perks of being a music major but he will randomly blurt them out and think that like this works as a form of comfort like if you’re worried about putting off something for your studies, he’ll tell you some weird fact about how much mozart or whatever used to procrastinate to make you feel better cause he’s terrible at being emotionally responsive :-))))
he’s really into like his fashion, bit of an 80′s fanatic so he loves like the whole aesthetic of that era in terms of fashion and music. i mean you can just go to his pin section on style but you’ll see it’s very much 80′s and 90′s inspired. 
has a sweet tooth so if you want a quick way for him to like you then i recommend just giving him baked goods or biscuits of any variety because he is a fiend for that. and it’s hard to impress kit on a regular day so you may want an easy way into getting him to actually notice you. 
he’s not mean, he’s just really unobservant. like he’s so focused on his music and study that he literally almost is obsessive so he finds most things boring that don’t relate to music somehow since it’s the one thing he feels he truly connects with but he’s trying i swear. he’ll improve. you just gotta prod him a bit and he will interact meaningfully. 
he’s playful, mischievous, fun loving despite sometimes seeming intimidating because he can regularly be found brooding over his desktop trying to sort out a backing track or something, just powering his way through a pack of cigarettes and drinking far too much caffeine. he loves to gossip and he’s pretty funny with the irony and dry-wit and smart ass vibes despite being so in his own world all the time. 
he’s lonely deep down underneath like all of his bravado. like ugetsu he is kind of one of those characters who has that hidden emotional complexity, on the surface he may just seem like a self-absorbed asshole but in reality he’s just a little bit lost and lonely and he actually does want to find a whole army of soulmates in friends and a ‘special’ someone that he can connect with. he’s kind of just trying to figure out who he is outside of his music without losing his drive for it. 
these are all just super loose general ideas, we do not have to do any of these and we can totally just brainstorm what comes naturally from our muses shared interests, backgrounds, persona’s etc. honestly i’m pretty much open to anything !!
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theterrornoise · 4 years
Music Reccs. Pt2.
“The Trilogy of the most underrated Swedish band: Breach what is your hardcore?
So to explain Breach we have to take a step back and start talking about Swedish Hardcore, cause most of you are awere of Swedish Crust or D beat, Mob 47,Anti-Cimex,Totalitar,Wolfbrigade\Wolfpack,Disfear,Skitsytem and Nasum (even if they are more on the Grind side of the thing). But in the 90′s something new was rising influenced by the new sound of Victory records and more Metal giutars, especially in Umea and Lulea (for example Refused,Fireside and Raised Fist) Breach were always the more aggressive and darkest sounding band, clear Crust inspiration and New York Hardcore at first, but with some edge to experimental vibe and in their first two ablum “Outlines” (E.P. 1994) Friction (1995) and .But in 1997 Swedish Hardcore started to change (Refused were almost collapsing under the pressure of their ambitious masterpiece Shape Of Punk To Come,Fireside started flirting with a more melodic direction and Raised Fist were the next big thing and Swedish skate\pop punk was growing in populariy with acts such Millencolin,Not Fun At All and Satanic Surfers) in this landscape Breach came out with a record that still to this day is impossible to describe “It’s Me God” an album that starts with what will set the tone for the rest of the record ground breaking guitar, sonical landscape where you wait for the next move, a voice that that strikes trough the layer of noise, an always persistent almos tribal drum. This album is not an expirience is a call to army there’s not a single secod where you know what to expect and what to ask for, song like Deadheads or Clot sounds so desperate and yet so energetic and you realize that you still have almost 30 minute of this record in front of you. The flow of this album is incredible we start seeing their first shift in a more Post-Hardcore\Post-Metal inspiration, there’s a clear Neurosis inspiration with a bit of early american metalcore some Convorge and some Unsane blend in, the desperate sound of Breach hits you with those absurde wall of sound that and those unstoppable rythmic section backed up by abrasive guitar, Presume The Forgotten take you of the road just when you start to understand how those guys think electronic noises and a stady guitar start the song, then the tribal drum and distorted guitar its you in a lo-fi mix, than the audio goes back up and it its you with this confused almost out of tempo rythm and almost thrash metal guitars, before fading into a into a melodic session and hit you up again and then,faiding again into glooming electronic noises, At this point you realize Breach don’t work only for their sound and energy but for how much they can play around with it and still leave you hooked up with fast tempo changes, dark melodies and such an imposing bass. “It’s Me God”  is the showcase of what Breach were able of doing ,in 1999 they relesed “Venom” which not only expand on the formula that breach created but challeged themselves to do more , expecially with some more decise doom oriented track like “Heroine” which take is time to grow and explode, But also fast and more frenetic track like “Murder” and “Common Day”, With song like “Diablo” and “Black Sabbath” we start seeing some attempt at instrumental tracks , the band was getting more caotich too, expecially on the bass on track like “Game of Vain” sound like “Plesuredome” and “Hell is my witness” is the final salute to the old-Breach and I say that because “Penetration” (the last track) is an admonition to the future of Breach an almost post-rock\post metal tracks. Venom was the first record to cough various attention from the critcs outside that small undergound community good reviews form Kerrang!,touring with Entombed and Neourosis and they also added another drummer for what will be their last and kinda prophetic title “Kollapse” (2002) the album starts with this kinda positive post-rock melody that kinda remainds of band like Isis the track is “Big Strong Boss” and it goes into this big and energic crescendo sorrounded with strange synth sounds in the background and the voice explode in the second track “Old Ass Player” fully embracing a metalcore attitude and a the voice distort itself all-over the track after two instrumental the more atmospheric “Sphincter Ani” and more violent and straight to the point “Alarma” we are hitted by some clean voice out-of-nowhere in “Lost Crew” a very danceble(?) and yet so deep song,before it abruptly slow down before hitting you back up with a wall of heavy metal guitar and guttural voice to remaind you that you should never joke with Breach. Then therese “Teeth Out” a full on kinda-psychedelic 9 minute instrumental masterpiece ,Before getting back in the fight with “Breathing Dust”, Mr.Marshall comes next (my favorite track on this record) delayed and bizzare almos mumbly vocals,a slow and distroted guitar that crash down into the ground followed up by some slow drums slowly growing back out of that ground,then a distroted bass go thru the mix of this record blurying evreything else then the guitars follows next building a wall of dissonant noise until the track collepse on itself leaving just the bass fuzz on the background. after that “Seven” whispered voice,tribal drums in form of bongos and beautiful guitar in clean some keybords a confused warm song in the middle of a destructive storm, “Murder Kings And Killer Queens” is the last glimpse and maybe goodbye of the violence of Breach,the album close with “Kollapse” psychadelic like “Seven” with no voice, full synth are used, that fenomenal bass fuzz comeback, some delayed and distorted voice, an pressing rythm and beautiful what assume I assume is a xylophone close the album.Breach ended there,just to reuinite 5 years later and destroyed their instruments at their final show cause they were done forever,never to be seen again (at least together).
Breach are a band that will never happen again, so much to learn from this guys, their sound their willingness to try everything out for one quest: The search of a sound, cause describing Breach trhu other band is impossible Breach were themeselves, so when you ask yourself what’s your sound ask to yourself what I’ve to do to search for that sound.
Thank you guys, if you see any errors or you have some more detail hmu.
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dark-and-kawaii · 4 years
Kiwiiii =_= ive been waiting to see if you ever write for any of the kuroko boys again and here we are. As Kiyoshi Senpai would say, let's all have some fun! How would our bad boys feel when their fem s/o asks to do their makeup 🐞
Awh, I’ve honestly missed writing for my basketball babes (^w^)
 EHEHE!!! Kiyoshi is right! Let’s all have some fun, yeah??? This request is making me feel so many things since I myself am a makeup artist!!! Thank you so much for sending this in love bug!!!
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Bless his heart, because this boy is the absolute best. 
Kicking open his bedroom door -makeup pallets in hand- your eyes are practically glowing with so much passion as you run towards him. “Yams!!! Look!! Look!!!” Pressing your pallets against his face he already knows the next thing you’re about to say… “I just got some new pallets!!” -twirling around your skirt lifts ever so slightly and our sweet bad boy is smiling with how cute you are with all your excitement.- “I already have makeup on…. ~sooooo could i please use your face as my canvas?!” 
Yamazaki will of course say yes. He’s mainly curious to see what you can pull off and he’s never had makeup on before so he’s also curious as to how it feels…. 
Will sit as still as he possibly can but his nerves kick in and his knee begins to bounce around which isn’t the best for you since you’re trying to do his mascara… 
You definitely end up poking him in the eye with mascara since he won’t stop bouncing his knee.. And when you try to reapply it he leans back every time while squinting at you… It’ll take years for him to ever trust such a product again, especially in your hands…
Will sit and make kissy faces at you when you apply the lipstick / cracks jokes about how the team would be gay for him.
When the process is all over and you’ve finished his makeup, Yamazaki can see how sad you look since you were having so much fun with him and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t enjoying this time with you as well… Picking up one of the pallets you seemed most interested in, Yamazaki will stand from where he was sitting and tell you to sit down. “I want to try doing your makeup, ___.”
Yamazaki will gently wipe off the makeup you had on previously and once its all wiped off he will then attempt to apply makeup to your face…. 
Just as you did to him… He did to you with the mascara… You and Yamz will never trust one another with mascara ever again.
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Hara just pops his gum as you sit in front of him silently wide eyed awaiting his reply… He pops another bubble… And you can’t take it anymore. “So!? What’s the answer Hara? Will you let me play with my new makeup with you or not?? It should be at my place by now and i really think it would be fun for us!”
Hara makes an annoyed sound as he pops yet another bubble, “Sure, but only if you give me a blow job after.” You can hardly believe it…. that’s a lie… you can believe he would say something like that…. With disgust written all over your face you get up from your desk and begin to storm out while harshly saying, “FINE! I’ll find someone else!! Someone who doesn’t need or want anything in return except fun memories!”
It takes only 2 minutes before Hara is sitting up from his very own desk going after you. Maybe that was a bit too harsh, you’re always doing for him and unlike his previous girls he wants to keep you around.
Eventually finds you on your front steps holding your new Jeffree Star lipsticks and pallet. Taking one of the lipsticks out of your hand he opens it and applies it best he can before pressing his lips together making a popping noise. Smiling at you he pulls back his bangs from his face and asks you if you can help make him a pretty girl.
Turns out to be a fun night with Hara. Applying makeup to him is easy thanks to his smooth skin and him being patient with you. 
Asks if he’s getting anything in returned like sex or a BJ, you just smack him upside the head though. 
Hara surprisingly likes the feeling of eyeshadow being applied to his eyes, your brush is extremely soft and the smooth swiping motions on his eyes is quite calming. Will ask you questions about what does what and what the purpose is… It’s not that he cares it’s just he really wants to make up for how he acts at times -lowkey hopes it scores him points with you-. 
Once his makeup is complete he will tell you to stay in the bathroom as he goes into your room and raids your panty drawer. No no no. It’s not what you think. Once he’s done doing what he wanted, he will come back to your bathroom and there standing before you is one tall ass basketball player wearing your V-string and sport bra… Popping his gum Hara smirks at you, “Mommy is ready for her punishment daddy ____.”
Hara is cringe. 
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Seto is so chill my god. 
At first Seto isn’t the biggest fan of the idea and he does tell you no the first two times you ask. However as you lay on his chest looking up at him with teary eyes begging him to let you apply makeup to him he can’t help but smirk. “Someone’s quite persistent, aren’t they?” Placing his hand atop your head he tousles your hair and says fine, but only if he can sleep through most of it. 
Sitting up on his chest you peck his nose and agree to this! Most of the makeup can be applied with his eyes shut and it’ll be easier to apply the eyeshadow! “Thank you Seto! I will even hide that mole of your forehead since you hate it so much!!!” You say with one of the sweetest tones he’s ever heard. 
It’s honestly a win win for the both of you. 1st you’re getting to put makeup on your very tough looking boyfriend who is deemed a bad boy in your school. 2nd He loves the feeling of you straddling his chest as you apply the makeup and he’s gotta admit… the powder brush feels pretty damn great.
Once you’re all finished you hand him your glittery mirror and say “BOOM THATS THE POWER OF MAKEUP BABY!!!” His mole is concealed and the pink eyeshadow you applied pops thanks to his darker skin…. His eyes are wide with a bit of concern, he’s heard horror stories of neon shadow staining eyelids…. which guess what… it did…. And the next day he’s going to school with pink eyes and the guys all laugh. However, Seto shrugs it off. It made you happy and that’s what’s important. 
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Staring out his bedroom window you watched as the rain continued to tap against his window. Between the roaring thunder, Furuhashi’s soft voice, and dark sky, you were slowly starting to doze off… Until your elbow was harshly nudged by another. Furuhashi was gazing at you with his iconic dead fish eyes… He had been trying to help you study but he just couldn’t keep you focused long enough, “____, if you don’t want to study why did you ask?” 
It’s not like you didn’t want to study, honestly. You were falling behind in your language class and he was the best person to ask… and also the only person he’d be okay with you asking since deep down Furuhashi was a bit possessive… Poking his cheek softly with your sanrio pen you asked in your most angelic voice, “~Ko, could i please apply my makeup to your handsome face? It would help wake me up and change the mood in the room.” Adding the puppy pout you looked so pathetic, it made him want to hurt you… 
With a great big sigh, Furuhashi finally caved. He hated makeup being on his face and this wasn’t his first rodeo which is exactly why he always gave you a blank stare and walked away when you asked in the past. His young sister has done this to him in the past and he absolutely hates the way it feels on his face, not only that but it gives him anxiety. 
Doesn’t look thrilled 90% of the time you’re applying your makeup on him. Will look curiously at certain products and arch his eyebrow at you as you dip your brush into the odd looking product in your hand. Asks questions and will grab your wrists when he sees a color he isn’t too fond about -reminds him of the time his younger sister did it and it stained-. 
Will smile ever so gently at you when you’re turned around reaching for a new product as you ramble on about how it works better than the other brands. Furuhashi actually finds you quite adorable at the moment, he’s amazed you’re so passionate about makeup. And as he turns around to look in the mirror -with you still turned around- he’s even more amazed at just how talented you are at it. It makes him want to continue to protect you so you can accomplish your beauty dreams without any interference, though he’ll never admit that openly to you. 
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Hanamiya has never been so damn annoyed or tired in his entire life, and he’s been through quite the irritating situations before. However as you continue day in and day out asking him… no, scratch that… begging him if you can put makeup on his pasty face his eyes grow more tired and exasperated. 
Eventually snaps on you and makes you cry by calling you an annoyance and that you’ve been nothing but a pest the past week. Give it about an hour though, deep down he knows he messed up and with a click of his tongue he’s off to find you. 
“Hanamiya! I challenge you to a basketball game!!” With unstable quivering legs, you stood as tall as you can as you throw the basketball at the back of Hanamiya’s head…. Ah yes, this is why he loved you and kept you around, not only were you always pulling dumb stunts around him but you also tried to act as if you weren’t afraid of the consequences. Turning around with a devilish smirk, hanamiya replied to you as he picks up the orange sport ball, “Oh? And what might my little ____ want if she wins?” He knew you didn’t have a chance but this was too much fun seeing you have so much hope just so he could take it away.
“I-If i w-win I get to ap-apply my makeup to you… I- I-” Looking down with sullen eyes your voice became low and Hanamiya could hear the deep dejection in it… “I’m just really nervous because this Salon got ahold of me and asked if i could come in a show them my skills… Th-that they are interested in having me there with them… but i wanted to practice on an actual person… i- This was dumb, gomen’nasai Makoto…” 
Before you could even walk away the basketball had made contact with the back of your head this time. Twirling around holding the back of your head you saw that Hanamiya’s eyes were concealed with his jet black hair but his signature grin was fully on display, “Oi oi, who said you could walk away from me? Let’s play.”
It took a solid two hours but you finally managed to beat Hanamiya… Not that you won by pure skills or anything, Hanamiya had let you win. 
Applying his makeup actually ends up being more fun than you thought it would be, though there were a lot of times where he was making it difficult for you -surprise-. Hanamiya will “accidentally” knock a brush out of your hands here and there along with blowing the eyeshadow right off your shadow brush. You don’t know what overcame you but in the heat of the moment you decided to just dump your loose glitter all over his head since he wouldn’t stop acting out, and with a booming laugh you hold your stomach as you die from pure joy after seeing his face.
The atmosphere in your bathroom has changed drastically and his presence is menacing… “Ha-Hanamiya… i- I-im so sorry i just.. I thought it wou-” 
Grabbing you by your throat Hanamiya pins you against the sink as his mouth gets dangerously close to your ear. You can feel his hot breath as he whispers in your ear, “I think it’s time you learned your place, pet.” You’re frightened and unaware of what to do until you feel loose face powder his your face, “BAAAAKA!” Sticking his tongue out at you Hanamiya proceeds to coat your face with loose powder.
122 notes · View notes
awpcomics · 4 years
Small press Shack stock update 1
I'm opening up an online store soon and here's a look at the current stock of titles available. if interested in any of the books let me know. shipping costs vary.
Small Press Shack  comic stock listing (by Company)
36k  studios
Tru vibes
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
2000 A.D.
Scarlet Traces
vol. 1 $25
vol. 2 $25
N-Guard # 1 $5
# 7 $5
Unsacred TPB 1 $25
Unsacred vol. 2
# 1 $5
Abstract Studio
Motor Girl # 1 $10
Rachel Rising
# 13 $4
# 14 $4
#15  $4
#16  $4
#17  $4
#18  $4
# 19 $4
# 20 $4
# 21 $4
#22  $4
# 23 $4
#24  $4
# 25 $4
#26  $4
# 27 $4
#28 $4
# 29 $4
#30  $4
# 31 $4
#32  $4
# 33 $4
#34  $4
# 35  $4
#36 $4
# 37 $4
#38 $4
# 39 $4
#40  $4
# 41 $4
#42  $4
Academy Comics
Robotech 2  The sentinels
book 4
# 13 $5
Action Lab
Adventure Finders vol. 2 #1 $5
TPB 1 (small ) $80
part 2
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
#3 $5
part 3
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
#4  $5
TPB $15
part 4
# 1 $5
#2 $5
#3 $5
#4 $5
TPB $15
part 5
#0  $5
#1  $5
#2  $5
#3  $5
TPB $15
part 6
TPB $15
part 7
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
# 4 $5
# 5 $5
TPB $15
part 8
#1 $5
#2 $5
#3 $5
#4 $5
TPB $15
part 9
TPB $15
Raven : The Pirate Princess
# 1 $5
#2 $5
#3 $5
#4 $5
#5 $5
#6 $5
#7 $5
#8 $5
#9 $5
#11 $5
Action Lab- Danger Zone
Vampblade vol. 3 # 11 $5
ALC Publishing
Works vol. 1 $10
Alpha-Wave Productions
Ben Dunn Shorts
vol. 1 $20
Vol. 2 $40
Derp Dragons
vol. 1 $20
vol. 2 $20
Jenna & Ninja High School  TPB $15
Mighty Tiny: Lost Tails TPB $15
Ninja High School: Ultimate Perfect Memory $15
Ninja High School : Salusian Chess TPB $15
Quagmire U.S.A. TPB $20
Silver Cross TPB $15
Small Bodied Ninja High School TPB $30
vol. 1 $15
vol. 2 $15
vol. 3 $15
Tales From Quagmire U.S.A. TPB $20
Tiger-X TPB $20
Zetraman TPB $25
A.M. Works
# 1 $4
# 3 $4
#5  $5
#8  $5
Antarctic Press
Gold Digger
Gold Digger # 1 (35th anniversary special )  $15
collected gold digger vol. 3 $5
collected gold digger vol.4 $5
collected gold digger vol.6 $5
collected gold digger vol.8 $5
vol. 3 (color series)
# 3 $10
#4 $10
#13 $4
#14 $4
#15 $4
#17 $4
#43 $4
#56 $4
#60 $4
#62 $5
Gold Diger Gold brick # 6 (#'s 76-100) $50
#98 $2
#100 $5
#101 $2(fcbd ed)
#103 $5
#200 $5
#202 $5
#211 $5
#213 $5
#214 $5
#215 $5
#216 $5
#222 $2
#236 $5
#245 $5
#256 $5
#261 $2
#262 $5
#268 $5
#269 $5
#271 $5
#272 $5
#273 $5
#274 $5
#275 $5
#276 $5
#277 $5
GD – 18
# 1 $5
Gold Digger Perfect Memory
# 2  $10
Gold Digger Annual
#5 $4
#10 $4
#15 $5
#16 $5
#20 $5
Peebo Tales
# 2 $4
# 3 $4
#4 $4
# 2 $4
# 2 $4
#9 $4
Holidays Special
# 19 $4
X-Mas Special
# 2 $4
#3 $4
#6 $4
#7 $4
#11 $5
#12 $5
Ninja High School
# 3 1/2  $4
#35 $8
#36 $25
#37 $50 (first warrior nun)
#39 $5
#40 $5
#41 $4
#42 $4
#44 $4
#46 $4
#47 $4
#48 $4
#50 $10
#66 $4
#68 $4
#71 $4
#75 $4
#76 $4
#77 $4
#78 $4
#79 $4
#80 $4
#83 $4
#89 $4
#90 $10
#91 $4
#94 $4
#95 $4
#96 $4
#97 $4
#98 $4
#99 $4
#102 $4
#104 $4
#130 $4
#149 $4
#177 (clr) $5
#177 (B&W) $3
#178 $5
Furry NHS
# 1 $50
# 2 $25
Ninjas vs Aliens
# 2 $5
NHS in Color
# 3 $5
#6 $5
NHS Indie Wars vol. 1 $40
# 1 $5
# 4 $2
#10 $2  
#12 $2
# 3 $8
Jenna & NHS
# 2 $10
Hitomi & Her Girl Commandoes
#1 $5
part 2
#5 $5
#6 $5
NHS Annual
# 1 $10
#4 $5
#7 $5
#8  $5
#9 $9
#10 $5
#11 $5
#15 $5
Girls of NHS
# 1 $10
#2 $5
#3 $5
#7 $5
NHS/ GD Maidens of Twilight
TPB  $10  
NOT Ninja High School
# 1  $100
# 2  $100
# 3  $100
Perfect Memory
# 3 $10
# 4 $15
NHS Swimsuit
# 1 $20
#3 $10
#4 $5
#7 (2001) $80 (first art by Dan Mendoza- Zombie  Tramp)
Quagmire USA (Dave Matsuoka)
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
#2 $5
# 3 $5
NHS Spotlight
# 1 $5
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
part 2
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
Absolute Zero # 1 $20
Airboy: Deadeye
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
# 4 $5
Albedo #1 $25
Alley oop # 1 $4
B.A.D.A.S.S. # 1 $15
Blackhops: hare Trigger # 1 $10
Box office Poison # 6 $4
Cat Shit One
# 1 $20
Creature # 2 $4
Cybertronian guide # 3 $15
Enter the zombie # 1 $5
Exciting Comics
# 1 $10
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
# 3B $15
# 4 $5
# 5 $5
# 6 $5
# 7 $5
100 page special $15
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
# 4 $5
#5 $5
#8 $5
#12 $5
Gobs # 1 $4
Jungle Comics
# 2 $5
# 2B $15
# 3 $5
H-Bomb # 1 $50
Hit The Beach # 2 $60
Horror Comics
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
How to Draw Manga #8 $10
Kamen America # 1  $15
# 2 $5
# 6 $4
Konnichiwa Kaiju Kun # 1 $5
#2 $4
#4 $4
#5 $4
Legend of Sleepy Hollow # 1 $5
Littlest Zombie # 2 $5
Luftwaffe 1946
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
vol. 2
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
# 4 $5
# 5 $5
# 6 $5
# 7 $5
# 8 $5
#9 $5
#10 $5
#11 $5
#12 $5
#13 $5
#14 $5
#15 $5
#16 $5
Macabre # 1 $4
vol. 1
# 2 $5
vol. 2
# 7 $5
#11 $50 (First Gold Digger)
#12 $30
#13 $20
#40 $3
Manga Titles (Antarctic)
Change Commander Goku # 2 $5
Gojin # 3 $2
Hurricane Girls # 1 $4
Iczer 1
# 3 $5
# 4 $5
# 5 $5
Stainless Steel Armadillo # 6 $2
Vampire Miyu
Ashcan $5
Mighty Tiny
# 1 $10
# 2 $10
# 3 $10
# 4 $10
# 5 $10
Mischief & Mayhem winter fun # 1 $4
Mythtresses # 1 $5
# 5 $4
Part 3
# 1 $4
part 4
# 3 $4
# 4 $4
Nine lives of Herbert Noble # 1 $2
Patriotika # 1 $5
Pirates vs Ninjas
# 1 $10
# 2  $5
Annual # 1 $5
Planet Comics
# 1B $15
# 2 $5
Plush # 1 $5
Political Comics
Incredulous Trump # 1 $50
Sarah Palin Rogue Warrior # 1 $10
She-Trump # 1 $20
Prince of Heroes
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
part 2
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
# 1 (FCBD) $5
# 6 $5
Rags # 7 $5
Robin Hood # 1 $5
#4 $5
#5 $5
Vermilion # 3 $5
covert Ops # 2 $5
Shanna The Firehair
# 1 $8
# 1B $15
Shanda The Panda
# 1 $50
# 2 $40
# 3  $30
# 4 $20
# 8 $15
# 10 $10
# 11 $10
# 15 $10
Sidewinder # 1 $5
Steampunk titles
Edge of Empire
# 1  $5
# 2  $5
Girls of Steampunk
2014 $5
Immortal Wings
# 1 $4
# 2 $4
# 3 $4
# 4 $4
Little Match Girl  $5
Sherlock Holmes  steam Detective # 1 $5
Sherlock Holmes  steam Detective :five napoleons # 1 $5
Steam Hunters # 1  $5
Time Lincoln # 1 $5
Time Lincoln TPB  $20
super tiny Dragon arms # 1 $5
# 1 $10
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
# 4 $5
Tigers of Terra
vol. 1 (Mindvisions)
#9 $50
vol. 2
# 1 $20
#2 $20
#4 $10
#5 $10
#8 $5
TPB vol. 3 $50
TPB vol. 4 $50
vol. 3
# 1 $4
# 3 $4
Technical Manual
# 1 $10
# 2 $10
# 6 $10
# 3 $10
# 1 $5
# 1 $4
# 4 $4
# 5 $4
# 6 $4
# 1 $4
Ultrabot go go  go ! # 1 $5
Valhalla # 1 $10
Velvet Touch # 1 $50
Warrior Nun Areala
vol. 1
# 3 (no CD) $10
vol. 2 (Rituals)
# 1 $10
#2 $10
# 3 $10
# 4 $10
#5 $5
vol. 3 (Scorpio Rose)
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
# 4 $5
vol. 4
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
#4 $5
# 5 $5
#6 $5
# 1 $5
# 4 $5
#5 $5
#14 $5
#15 $5
#16 $5
#17 $5
#19 $5
vol. 7
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
# 4 $5
# 6 $5
# 7 $5
# 8 $5
# 11 $5
# 13 $5
# 14 $5
# 21 $5
# 22 $5
Annual # 1 $5
Black & White
# 1 $10
# 2 $10
# 3 $10
# 4 $5
# 5 $5
# 6 $5
# 7 $5
# 8 $5
# 11 $5
# 14 $5
# 15 $5
# 17 $5
# 20 $5
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
# 0 $10
# 2 $4
No Justice  # 1 $5
Rheintochter # 1 $5
# 1 $5
# 3 $5
Shotgun Mary
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
vol. 2
# 1  $5
blood Lore
# 3 $4
#4 $4
Shooting gallery
Silver Cross
# 1 $10
# 2 $8
# 3 $5
Vs Razor
# 1  $10
Zombie Killustrated # 1 $5
Apple Comics
Space Ark # 5 $4
Clockwork Girl # 3 $2
Aspen Comics
Potal Bound # 0 $2
Archie Publishing
TMNT : April O'Neil # 3 $8
Avatar Press
Warrior Nun  Dora
# 3 $10
Witchblade the manga  $30
Benitez Productions
Lady Mechanika : Sangre
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
# 4 $5
Marry me
vol.1 $50
Boom Studios
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
# 6 $5
# 7 $5
Buffy: Every Generation  # 1 $10
Heartbeat # 1 $5
Kong on Planet of the apes # 1 $5
Mega man Fully Charged # 1 $8
Ronin Island # 1 $10
Ruin World # 1  $5
Unkindness of Ravens # 1 $5
Welcome to Wanderland # 1 $5
Wicked Things # 1 $5
Wynd # 1 $8
Bongo Comics
Mylo Xyloto
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
# 4 $5
# 5 $5
# 6 $5
Caruso Comics
Crossroads # 1 $4
CPM Manga
Lodoss War : grey witch #4 $2
Lodoss War: Lady of Pharis # 4 $2
Princess Prince
# 1 $10
# 2 $5
Project A-Ko # 2 $5
Wormworld Saga vol. 1 $15
Dark Horse Comics
Bill & Ted are Doomed
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
Dominion : no More Noise # 6 $4
Elf Quest final quest # 2 $6
vol. 11 $25
soldier of love TPB $20
Soldier of love # 3 $5
High School Hell
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
# 4 $5
Flaming Carrot
# 18  $4
# 19  $4
# 20  $4
# 23  $4
# 24  $4
# 25 (TMNT) $10
# 27 (TMNT) $10
# 30 $4
Giants # 1 $5
Girl in the Bay # 1 $5
Mystery Science Theatre 3000
Ashcan $10
Shadow Lady
# 21 $4
# 22 $4
# 23 $4
Dangerous Love
# 1 $4
# 2 $4
# 3 $4
eyes of a stranger
# 2 $4
# 5 $4
Super Mario  Encyclopedia $40
Devils Due/1First comics
Larks Killer # 1 $5
Double Diamond Press
Hepcats # 7 $4
Army of Darkness vs. Reanimator
# 1A $10
# 1B $10
Nancy Drew # 1B $5
Eclipse Comics
Black Belt Hamsters # 2 $4
Black Belt Hamsters  3D # 4 $4
Cutey Bunny # 5 $10
Fusion # 1  $4
Zooniverse # 1 $4
Entity Comics
Stargate # 3 $4
Stargate: one nation under Ra # 1 $4
Zen intergalactic ninja # 2 $4
Epic Comics
Memories # 1 $5
Eternity Comics
Blade of Shuriken # 3 $4
Eternity triple action # 3 $4
Robotech 2 the sentinels
# 1 $10
# 2 $10
#4 $4
#11 $4
#12 $4
#13 $4
#14 $4
#15 $4
#16 $4
Book 2
# 5 $4
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
# 4 $5
# 5 $5
# 6 $5
Malcontent Uprisings
#8 $4
# 9 $4
wedding special # 1 $10
Tom Corbett space cadet # 4 $4
Lust  vol. 1 $20 (AO)
Ogenki Clinic vol. 1 $25 (AO)
Event Comics
here come the Big people # 1 $4
Fanboy  Entertainment
Spellbound # 1 $4
Infinite Punishment #1 $10
Critters # 11 $8
GG Studios
Gore # 5 $4
Mediterranea # 4 $4
Grind Studios  (all titles are AO)
BDSM & You vol. 1 $15
Changes Omnibus 1 $50
“More” Changes
Vol. 5 $20
vol. 6 $20
vol. 7 $20
vol. 8 $20
vol. 9 $20
Complete Island of Submission TPB $20
Lagomorpha vol. 1 $15
Welcome to Yurika TPB $25
Reform School Ninja Girls # 1 $4
Transformers Animated : Rise of Safeguard $10
Heavy Metal Comics
Taarna # 1 $10
Vol. 1 $10
vol. 2 $10
Protoculture Addicts # 1 (2nd print)  $8
Angel: After the Fall # 2 $5
Highest House # 1 $10
Jem & the Holograms
# 6 $4
Jem & the HoloGrams: the Misfits
# 1 $4
# 2 $4
Jem & the holograms Annual
# SUB $8
Kill Shakespeare # 3 $4
Sword of Ages # 1 $5
Transformers / Back to the Future # 1A $5
Adventureman # 1 $10
Bitter  Root # 1 $10
BlackBird # 1 $10
Dark Fang # 1 $5
Exorsisters # 1 $5
Flaming Carrot Comics  Special # 1 $5
Flavor # 1 $10
Ghost Station Zero # 1 $5
Isola # 1 $10
Ludocrats # 1 $5
Marked # 1 $5
# 1 $10
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
# 4 $5
# 5 $5
# 6 $5
# 23 $5
# 24 $5
Monstress: Talk Stories # 1
NO.1 with a Bullet # 1 $10
Nomen Omen # 1  $5
Normal Man / Megaton Man  $5
Prism Stalker # 1 $5
Scales & Scoundrels # 1 $5
Skyward # 1 $10
Strangers in Paradise  
# 1 $5
# 8 $5
Twisted Romance # 1 $8
Unnatural TPB 1 $15
Walking Dead TPB 1 $10
Impact Theory
Hexagon # 1 $5
IronCat manga
Dragon Wars # 5 $4
Ironcat Sexy Fruit
I Love You # 3 $5 (AO)
# 1 $5 (AO)
# 2 $5 (AO)
JQ Enterprises
Cutey Bunny
# 3 $10
# 4 $10
# 5 $10
JY Manga
W.I.T.C.H.  Vol. 19 $20
Dreamless #1 $10
Kenzer & Company
Knights of the Dinner Table # 116  $8
Kitchen Sink  Comix
Omaha the Cat Dancer (AO)
# 6 $4
#7 $4
#15 $4
vol. 2
# 3 $2
Lead Publishing
Golgo 13 $5
Pacific Rim: Tales from year Zero TPB $15
Kookaburra K TPB $15
Lords of Avalon TPB $15
# 1 $10
# 2 $10
# 3 $5
# 4 $5
# 6 $5
Spider-Man legend of the spider-clan
# 1  $5
# 2  $5
# 4  $5
X-Men Ronin
# 2 $4
# 3 $4
Rise of Ultraman
# 1 sketch cover $100
# 1 $10 (Alex ross)
# 1 $10 (spider-man)
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
Transformers The Movie (86) # 1 $10
Buckaroo Banzai # 1 $10
Narwain Publishing
Tales from a forgotten planet # 1 $10
Mal & Lot
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
Printed Matter Comics
Renegade Rabbit # 3 $4
Radio Comix
Ahlea # 1 $4
Edge Guard
# 1 $4
# 2 $4
TPB $20
# 54 $4
# 144 $5
Red Five Comics
Bodie Troll # 2 $4
Dragon Whisperer # 1 $5
1001 # 1 $4
Scout Comics
Kyrra Alien Jungle Girl # 1 $5
Princess Revolution # 1 $5
Seven Seas Manga
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid  vol. 9 $15
Shanda Fantasy Arts
In The Zone Special $15
Demongate # 3 $4
vol. 1 (french) $25
vol. 2 (french) $25
Source Point Press
Dead Duck & Zombie Chick # 1 $5
Skylin # 1 $5
Steeldragon Press
Omaha the Cat Dancer # 2 $20
Legacy of Mandrake  the Magician
# 1 $5
# 2 $5
Shades of Gray # 1 $4
Tavicat Comics
Vampurada # 1  $2
Th3rd World studios
Finding Gossamyr
# 2 $5
# 3 $5
# 4 $5
Thoughts & Images
Zell Sword Dancer # 1 $10
Titan Comics
# 1 $8
# 2 $8
Blade Runner 2019  # 1A $5
Season of the snake # 1 $20
Under # 1 $20
Magic Knight Rayearth
vol. 1 $10
vol. 2 $10
vol. 3 $10
Manga Sutra vol. 1 $25
Pixie  vol. 2 $5
Twilight Tangents
Soul Chaser Betty vol. 1 $15
Venus Comics
Cheetah pop scream queen # 4 $2 (AO)
Emblem # 5 $2 (AO)
Genus # 21 $25 (AO)
No-No UFO  (AO)
# 1 $2
# 3 $2
Devilman # 2 $5
Wingbird B&W Bondage $20 (AO)
A.D. Police  vol. 1 TPB $40
Fushigi Yugi
vol. 1 $10
vol. 2 $10
vol. 3 $10
Macross 2
# 4 $4
# 5 $4
Transformers the manga
vol. 1 $35
vol. 2 $35
vol. 3 $35
Robotech : Love & War
# 4 $4
# 5 $4
# 6 $4
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writingwhosthat · 4 years
100+ Books
In the past day or two, I posted online asking my friends and family to send me book recommendations. Along with their suggestions, books I had heard about and wanted to read, and some classics, I have made a list of around 106 books that I am going to read hopefully in the coming year. 
This blog is meant to detail the books I read, if I liked them, my favorite quotes or parts, and what I got out of them. I also might post things that I write if I feel like it. Note that I will not be reading the books in order as I have better access to some than others (although I will read series on this list one after the other if all the books are on the list). I will link my posts about each book as I write them. Let the journey begin!
Here’s the list of all 110 books (so far) that made the list:
1. One Door Away from Heaven- Dean Koontz
2. Half Broke Horses- Jeanette Walls
3. Lock and Key: The Initiation- Ridley Pearson
4. A Darker shade of magic- V. E. Schwab
5. A Gathering of Shadows- V. E. Schwab
6. A conjuring of Light- V. E. Schwab
7. The Darkest Minds- Alexandra Bracken
8. Never Fade- Alexandra Bracken
9. In the After Light- Alexandra Bracken
10. Illuminae- Kaufman and Kristoff
11. Gemina- Kaufman and Kristoff
12. Obsidio- Kaufman and Kristoff
13. Ember in the Ashes- Sabaa Tahir
14. A Torch Against the Night- Sabaa Tahir
15. Reaper at the Gate- Sabaa Tahir
16. Shatter Me- Tahereh Mafi
17. Unravel Me- Tahereh Mafi
18. Ignite Me- Tahereh Mafi
19. Shadow and Bone- Leigh Bardugo
20. Siege and Storm- Leigh Bardugo
21. Ruin and Rising- Leigh Bardugo
22. Cinder- Marissa Meyer
23. Scarlet- Marissa Meyer
24. Cress- Marissa Meyer
25. Winter- Marissa Meyer
26. 1984- George Orwell
27. Lord of the Rings- J. R. R. Tolkien
28. Little Women- Louisa May Alcott
29. Fahrenheit 451- Ray Bradbury
30. The Catcher in the Rye- J. D. Salinger
31. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn- Mark Twain
32. A Wrinkle in Time- Madeline L’Engle
33. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy- Douglas Adams (John)
34. Where the Sidewalk Ends- Shel Silverstein
35. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer- Mark Twain
36. The Fault in Our Stars- John Green
37. Catch-22 – Joseph Heller
38. Ender’s Game- Orson Scott Card
39. Great Expectations- Charles Dickens
40. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes- Arthur Conan Doyle
41. Robinson Crusoe- Daniel Defoe
42. Invisible Man- Ralph Ellison
43. Leaves of Grass- Walt Whitman
44. A Tale of Two Cities- Charles Dickens
45. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn- Betty Smith
46. Brave New World- Aldous Huxley
47. The Alchemist- Paul Coelho
48. Matched- Ally Condie
49. Crossed- Ally Condie
50.  Reached- Ally Condie
51. Daily Rituals- Mason Currey
52. The Power of Habit- Charles Duhigg
53. Stuff Matters- Mark Miodownik
54. Outliers: The Story of Success- Malcolm Gladwell
55. Sense & Sensibility- Jane Austen
56. Persuasion- Jane Austen
57. Emma- Jane Austen (Sarah C)
58. Northanger Abbey- Jane Austen
59. Mansfield Park- Jane Austen
60. Player Piano- Kurt Vonnegut
61. The Sirens of Titans- Kurt Vonnegut
62. Mother Night- Kurt Vonnegut
63. Cat’s Cradle- Kurt Vonnegut
64. Hush, Hush- Becca Fitzpatrick 
65. Crescendo- Becca Fitzpatrick
66. Silence- Becca Fitzpatrick 
67. Finale- Becca Fitzpatrick 
68. The Art of War- Sun Tzu
69. The Way of Kings- Brandon Sanderson 
70. Words of Radiance- Brandon Sanderson 
71. Oathbringer- Brandon Sanderson 
72. Rhythm of War- Brandon Sanderson 
73. The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov 
74. Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black 
75. The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee 
76. Flygirl- Sherri Smith 
77. The Song of Achilles 
78. Stargirl- Jerry Spinelli 
79. The Plague- Albert Camus 
80.  Uprooted- Naomi Novik 
81. The Three-Body Problem- Liu Cixin 
82. Gone with the Wind- Margaret Mitchell 
83. The Rent Collector- Camron Wright 
84. This is Where It Ends- Marieke Nijkamp 
85. The Big Picture- Sean Carroll 
86. Delirium- Lauren Oliver 
87. I’ll Give You the Sun- Jandy Nelson 
88. Winter Study- Nevada Barr
89. Everything Everything- Nicola Yoon 
90.  The Sun is Also a Star- Nicola Yoon 
91. Sleeping Beauties- Stephen and Owen King
92. It- Stephen King 
93. Nothing- New Scientist 
94. There There- Tommy Orange 
95. Let’s Pretend This Never Happened- Jenny Lawson 
96. Every Soul a Star- Wendy Mass 
97. Lolita- Vladimir Nabokov 
98. Grapes of Wrath- John Steinbeck 
99. Frankenstein- Mary Shelley 
100. The 13 ½ Lives of Captain Bluebear- Walter Moers
101. Loki’s Wolves- Armstrong and Marr 
102. The Screwtape Letters- C. S. Lewis
103. The Handmaid’s Tale- Margaret Atwood 
104. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo- Stieg Larson
105. Dominicana- Angie Cruz 
106. Call Me By Your Name- Andre Aciman 
107. Set This House In Order- Matt Ruff
108. Vessel- Sarah Beth Durst
109. Girl On The Train- Paula Hawkins
110. Me Before You- Jojo Moyes
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dat2ndaccount97 · 5 years
What’s Left on my Doll Wishlist (as of 12-12-19)
 As I was waiting for the game awards I started thinking about dolls I wanted, I thought about making this post, now 4 hours later after that Depressingly Awful Game Awards Here’s what’s left on My doll Wish list, a list of specific Dolls I want, some of which are holy grail dolls. Over this 10 years of being into dolls and almost 7 years of collecting, I Built up this ever growing list and started getting some of the ones I really wanted Like My Holy Grail Silver Label Supergirl Barbie, My TNT Barbies, My Disney Store Ariel doll, and others. But There’s still plenty on the list, and here’s what’s lefy (In Mostly no particular order):
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- Those Mid 00′s Marvel Barbies. Always Kinda wanted these for the longest time as a Guy who’s really into comics and really into dolls. Also Funny Story I almost Went as Reed Richards for halloween in like 7th grade because I thought that would’ve been an easy way to get that invisible woman doll but passed because I figured it probably wouldn’t work. 
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- The Toy Biz Spider-man Collectors Series Mary Jane Doll: Another Marvel Doll, and another red head. Basically in the mid 90s Toy Biz made a bunch of “12 Inch collector Figures” of Various Marvel characters from some of their marvel lines, They made Wolverine, Storm (who I do want for her clothes), and Rogue From the X-Men, Ghost Rider Spider-Man, Spectacular Spider-man/Scarlet Spider, and Mary Jane From Spider-Man, with Reg. Spider-Man and MJ being based off the Animated Series. The Female characters were just Off Brand barbies, but have a weird charm to them, plus i’m diggin’ MJ’s Not barbie face.
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- Bath Time Fun Ariel: One of My Holy Grail Dolls. She’s V E R Y Impossible to find Rare. I absolutely love Her Insanely Long Red Hair.
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- This Curvy Barbie with Dark Purple Hair, Really like this face combined with her cool Dark Purple Hair
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- Pepsi Spirit Barbie: Love her crimped hair and how much of an unapologetic Pepsi Shill she is.
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- Pizza Party Skipper: Love this Face, Love Pizza, and I Like Pizza hut for the most part, as far as the big chains go they’re pretty good, and I usually dig the weirder pizzas they come out with.
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- The Superman Returns Superman and Lois Lane Barbies: Have a strong nostalgia Spot for this movie (not that bad honestly, and Routh Killed it recently on crisis) and I really like hoe these dolls Look.
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- The other 3 2008 DC Comics I don’t Have (Especially Batgirl). While the 2008 Silver Label Supergirl was always the #1 Holy grail doll for Years I also really wanted batgirl and later on the other 2, as both a comics fan and as a Doll guy. I love how these look! (save for Batgirl’s Cowl and the painted glove hands)
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- Holiday Angel Barbie: Not quite a holy grail doll but she is a little rare. Saw her a my local thrift store on day some years ago, Immediately loved her, not knowing who she was, and was about maybe $10, but I didn’t get her (Don’t remember if it was lack of funds in that moment or deciding weather or not to spend $10 on a thrift doll). Later that week I think I came back she was gone and I super regret not getting her and/or not coming back sooner.
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- Feelin' Groovy Barbie: Love the outfit, Love the Steffie Face Mold with the Jet black hair with the bangs. Big Big Love her and super want her!
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- 25th Anniversary Totally Hair Barbie:  Really like how we finally got a repro 90s barbie, really liked this repro turned out, really like the Long Crimped hair of TH barbie, and would probably look greta on a MTM Body
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Those X-men Barbies from this year: Same reasons as the previous Comic Barbies I mentioned, They Look great but the painted glove hands and not being articulated as a MTM doll kinda kills it a little for me. Hopefully they go down in price or on sale Some point.
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- This KOTOBUKIYA ACTIVE STYLING Doll/Figure of Athena from The King of Fighters: I don’t talk about it here but I’m super into Fighting Games, and am always happy to find out some of those characters I like have dolls of them even if they’re kinda rare japan only dolls.. King of Fighters is a great game series with a great Cast of characters, and one of those characters I main is Athena. She doesn’t have rooted hair but I still really like How she Looks and how articulated she is/looks
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The KOTOBUKIYA ACTIVE STYLING  Doll/Figure of Yuri From King of Fighters: Same reasons as athena, though I really don’t main her outside of KOF 14 and maybe Capcom vs SNK 2.
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- the Takara Real Bout Fatal Fury Mai Shiranui doll: One more SNK Doll. Love Mai and love how this doll looks. It looks pretty accurate to her design and has a certain 90s charm to it.
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- The Blonde and Brunette Earring Magic Barbies and (Another) Earring Magic Midge. Adore 90s barbies so much, love how these dolls look overall, the always classic superstar facesculpt, the crimped hair, and I really dig these outfits. I did get EM midge recently But I do wanna get a new one New in box, and I wanna get the other 2 new in box (I take my dolls out of the box But I still want them new lol)
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- a Dollikin/Action Girl Doll: Really like her face, her cute hair, and her surprising amount of articulation for a doll her age, she’s from the early 70s I think.
Lastly here’s the The Rest of My Holy Grail Dolls The One’s I R E A L L Y want:
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- Jewel Hair Midge: I Love Red heads, Love 90s barbies, and I  Really love 90s midge. I know the hair on the JHM dolls becomes a problem almost immediately out of the box but I Just love the 90s midge face sculpt with her insanely long red hair and the blue outfit she has.
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- The Super Excellent Series Vampire Savior Morrigan Doll from Marmit: Morrigan’s a character who i’ve always mained and has been on the waifu list forever, and always really really wanted a doll of her. I even tried giving my dolls bangs and coloring their hair green with marker back when I was a dumb teenager. It never turned out well. This is the closest I’ma Get to the Morrigan Fashion doll I always wanted. There is another japan only morrigan doll, but she Looks Bad.
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- 2009 Barbie Fashionistas Glam. The other Original Holy Grail Doll I wanted since Day 1 next to supergirl. Love her outfit, her hair, and always get nostalgic for that late 00′s/early 2010′s Barbie Face.
Last but not least
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- Red Head/Titan Hair Twist N Turn Barbie: Next to 80s/90s barbies and late 00′s/early 10′s barbies TNT Dolls are my ABSOLUTE Favorites. I have 2 Vintage TNT Dolls and a Repro Hair Fair Doll. I also REALLY like Red Heads and Love the Red Head/ Titan Hair TNT barbie. The red Hair Just Looks so Good with this face!!
And I think That’s all of them For now.
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mhisadj · 4 years
For better or for worse, I have a job that is exempt - to a great degree - from the widespread need for isolation (in the world of news radio, the show must go on). However, I do get days off and thank goodness for that because my brain can only take so much constant pandemic talk.
So! I offer up ‘the ultimate music list’, something I started doing on YouTube last year. Maybe earlier. It’s a living list, it will never be complete. Anyway, listen to the way my music mind rambles! All songs listed on the other side of the keep reading line (not linked, you gotta do some of the work):
Seinabo Sey - I Owe You Nothing Janelle Monáe – Django Jane Janelle Monáe - PYNK Janelle Monáe – Make Me Feel Sudan Archives - Come Meh Way Sudan Archives - Come Meh Way & Wake Up | A Take Away Show St. Beauty - Not Discuss It Japanese Breakfast - Boyish St. Beauty - Caught Kali Uchis - After The Storm ft. Tyler, The Creator, Bootsy Collins Kali Uchis - Tomorrow (ft. Tame Impala) Kali Uchis - Dead To Me Kali Uchis - Body Language (Intro) Kali Uchis - Just A Stranger Kali Uchis - In My Dreams Kali Uchis - Flight 22 Sigrid - Strangers King Princess - 1950 Sigrid - Don’t Kill My Vibe Sigrid - Plot Twist Moonchild - The List Amber Mark - Way Back The Internet - Girl DeJ Loaf - Changes Erykah Badu - Window Seat Erykah Badu - Afro Blue M.I.A. - Matangi M.I.A. - Double Bubble Trouble M.I.A. - Paper Planes A Tribe Called Red - The Light II Ft. Lido Pimienta A Tribe Called Red - Sisters ft Northern Voice PRINCESS NOKIA - BRUJAS PRINCESS NOKIA - TOMBOY Solange - Cranes in the Sky Solange - Don't Touch My Hair ft. Sampha SZA - Broken Clocks SZA - Drew Barrymore SZA - Go Gina SZA - Prom SZA - Pretty Little Birds Sade - Flower of the Universe Sade - The Sweetest Taboo Sade - Paradise Sade - Turn My Back On You Sade - Smooth Operator Sade - Cherish the Day Erykah Badu - On & On Jill Scott - A Long Walk Erykah Badu - Tyrone (Live) Janelle Monáe - I Like That Christine and the Queens - Girlfriend Humble the Poet - H.A.I.R. Lush - Desire Lines Lush - Never-Never Rachel Sermanni 'Take Me Out' - Franz Ferdinand Cover Memory House - When You Sleep (Yours Truly Session) Sumner McKane - The Turncoat Nothing Matters When We’re Dancing - The Magnetic Fields (Sense8 Remix) (feat. Zoe Wise) Julia Holter - I Shall Love 2 Dua Lipa - New Rules [Initial Talk 80s Rules Remix] Lady Gaga - Venus (80s Synthwave Version) Ruelle - Take It All Kraak & Smaak Ft. Parcels - Stumble Calvin Harris, Dua Lipa - One Kiss Timecop1983 - Girl (feat. SEAWAVES) Aretha Franklin - Mary, Don't You Weep (Live at New Temple Missionary Baptist Church, Los Angeles, January 14, 1972) Sarah Vaughan - Misty (Live from Sweden) Ellie Goulding - My Blood (Kastle Remix) Darksynth Paradise - A NewRetroWave Mix | 1 Hour | Retrowave/ Darkwave/ Electro | Sudan Archives - Nont For Sale Christine and the Queens - 5 dollars Christine and the Queens - Doesn’t matter Christine and the Queens - The walker Christine and the Queens - Damn (what must a woman do) Christine and the Queens - Goya soda Christine and the Queens - The stranger Lone - Poltergeist Screamin’ Jay Hawkins - I Hear Voices Lost Years - Pressure Windows 95 Start-up remix Windows 95 Startup Sound (Slowed 4000%) Seoul - Silencer Blackwater Holylight - Willow Her's - Low Beam Here We Go Magic - Alone But Moving John Maus - Bennington AC Temple - Yield Lana del Rey - Summertime Sadness (SxAde Synthwave Version) Ariana Grande - "Into You"  80′s Remix Demi Lovato - Cool for the Summer   80′s Remix Fifth Harmony - Sledgehammer   80′s Remix Lady Gaga - Perfect Illusion   80s Remix Ariana Grande - Greedy [Initial Talk "90s state of mind" Remix] Happy Hippie Presents: Miley Cyrus & Ariana Grande - Don't Dream It's Over Mariah Carey - Touch My Body [Initial Talk 90s Splash! Remix] Dua Lipa - IDGAF (Initial Talk Remix) 憂鬱 - Sun Lady Gaga - Joanne (Where Do You Think You’re Goin’?) Robyn - Honey Dolly Parton - Here You Come Again Floating Points - Nuits Sonores Sade - The Big Unknown Amanda Shires - Leave It Alone Crockett - City of Ghosts [Full Album] Toni Harper - "The Velvet Hammer" (stereo), 1959 Cristina - "Things Fall Apart" Dexter Gordon - What’s New Warren Zevon - Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead - Rochester, 1994 Le1f - Wut Katie Herzig - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of These) Raymond Scott - "Boy Scout In Switzerland" - Quartet San Francisco (arranged by Robert Gilmore) Jan A.P. Kaczmarek - Aimee & Jaguar Main Theme Toni Harper - "The Other Woman"  Toni Harper - The meaning of the blues Vanessa - Upside Down Anna Ternheim - Summer Rain feat. Nina Kinert, Ane Brun, First Aid Kit and Ellekari Larsson of The Tiny Ella Fitzgerald & Bill Doggett ~ Rough Ridin' Eraldo Bernocchi, Harold Budd,Robin Guthrie - South Of Heaven (Winter Garden) Slum Village - Fall in Love (Instrumental) Shonen Knife - Twist Barbie Dave Berry - This Strange Effect Sarah Harmer - Basement Apartment The Original Stroll - February 1958 Gertrude Lawrence - My Sweet Gustav HOLST: St. Paul's Suite (III. Intermezzo, IV. Finale) Rumskib - Secrets Caterina Valente - Stranger In Paradise Borodin - Prince Igor - Polovtsian Dances Darshan Ambient - Mirage Girl Crisis - Smooth Operator Girl Crisis - Paranoid Mulatu Astatke's "Mulatu" Vivien Goldman - Launderette Jonatha Brooke - West Point Lesley Gore - You Don’t Own Me Matthew Schoening - Emotional Clockwork Molly Nilsson - Hey Moon Kate Bush - Cloudbusting (The Organon Mix re-edit) Stravinsky conducts Stravinsky FIREBIRD COMPLETE The Carter Family - Wildwood Flower Grimes - Vanessa Kenneth Bager Fr. one (...and I kept hearing) Land of Talk - It’s Okay Nite Jewel - Artificial Intelligence Geneva Jacuzzi - Clothes On the Bed Thom Yorke & Jonny Greenwood - Karma Police | Glastonbury Festival, Pilton UK (8/9) Maps of Norway - Traffic Simian Mobile Disco - Cruel Intentions Aerosmith - Crazy Bruce Kaphan - Undeserved Ending The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart - "Everything With You" Thao with the Get Down Stay Down - Body Janelle Monae - "Tightrope" 5/18 Letterman Simian Mobile Disco - Hustler Ladyhawke - My Delirium Marion Cotillard & Franz Ferdinand - Eyes of Mars Ladytron - Destroy Everything You Touch (live) Kate Bush - Army Dreamers Tegan and Sara - Living Room Kate Bush - Cloudbusting Beatrice Eli - Girls NewRetroWave End of 2017 Mix - (The Future Beckons) - [80s/ Retrowave/ Outrun/ Retro Electro] Vaporwave / Chillwave - Ultimate Mix The Chordettes "Lollipop" & "Mr. Sandman" Sufjan Stevens - Tonya Harding Taylor Davis - Stranger Things Violin Medley STRANGER THINGS MEETS CLASSICAL GUITAR Grace Sings Sludge - Difficult To Love Satchmode - Happiness Part 1 River Whyless - Life Crisis Stefano Barone - Batman - Alexander Supertramp Bebel Gilberto - "Aganjú"(Ao Vivo) - Bebel Gilberto In Rio Katie Melua - Diamonds are Forever  Carly Rae Jepsen - Run Away With Me Beulahbelle - You Only Live Twice (Living Room Version) Grimes - We Appreciate Power Meshell Ndegeocello - Sensitivity Kodacrome - Buckets Röyksopp - Remind Me Lizzo - Juice Lizzo - Truth Hurts Lizzo - Good As Hell Electrelane - To the East Electrelane - I only always think Sean Paul - Get Busy 憂鬱 - Azure Day (Full EP) 憂鬱 - Slow Suzanne Vega - Luka | The story behind the song Seoul - Real June Broken Social Scene on House of Strombo Show Big Boi’s Favorite Verse: Kate Bush’s “Running Up That Hill” Cherry Glazerr - Nurse Ratched  Jan A.P. Kaczmarek - Aimée & Jaguar Mister Rogers Remixed | Garden of Your Mind Grant Green - Idle Moments Hole Reunion after 15 yrs. Teeth - Care Bear ST. VINCENT covers BIG BLACK at BOWERY BALLROOM NYC May 22 2011 Broadcast - Man is not a bird (Teac A-4010 s Reel to Reel) Billy May - So Nice (Samba De Verão) Pogo - Mellow Brick Road Anna Calvi - Jezebel (Attic Sessions 5) Anna Calvi - Joan Of Arc (Attic Sessions 4) Anna Calvi - Surrender (Attic Sessions 3) Anna Calvi - Sound & Vision (Attic Sessions 1) Anna Calvi - Wolf Like Me (Attic Sessions 2) Clementine - ALL BLUES Skip James - Hard Time Killin’ Floor Blues Anna Calvi - Suzanne And I Total Slacker - Thyme Traveling High School Dropout Siouxsie & The Banshees- Metal (Elizabethan Suite 1977) Second Chorus (Charlie North Remix) The Castaways - Liar Liar Alex Gaudino Feat. Christal Waters - Destination Calabria Loose Ends - Hangin’ On a String Pizzicato Five - The Audrey Hepburn Complex Edie Brickell & New Bohemians - What I Am The Bangles - Walk Like an Egyptian The Human League - Love Action (I Believe In Love) The Human League - Don’t You Want Me The Human League - (Keep Feeling) Fascination Wang Chung - Dance Hall Days PJ Harvey - Hanging in the Wire PJ Harvey - Rid Of Me PJ Harvey & Thom Yorke - This Mess We’re In PJ Harvey - We Float PJ Harvey - This Wicked Tongue PJ Harvey - A Place Called Home The Sundays - Here’s Where The Story Ends Flock of Seagulls - Space Age Love Song The Psychedelic Furs - Love My Way Hall & Oates - Out of Touch Hall & Oates - I Can’t Go For That (No Can Do) Toto - Rosanna Toto - Africa Fleetwood Mac - Little Lies Tears For Fears - Head Over Heels Philip Bailey, Phil Collins - Easy Lover Spandau Ballet - True Tears For Fears - Shout Sigrid - Don’t Feel Like Crying Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - Souvenir The Jesus and Mary Chain - April Skies The Ocean Blue - Between Something and Nothing No Joy - Hollywood Teeth Tamaryn - Last Tamaryn - Softcore Tamaryn - Cranekiss Ashrae Fax - CHKN Echo & the Bunnymen - A Promise Ashrae Fax - Intexus The Motels - Only the Lonely Other Colors - Dark Things Bauhaus - All We Ever Wanted Was Everything George Clanton - It Makes the Babies Want to Cry Ben Howard - Nica Libres At Dusk Elton John - Bennie and the Jets Elton John - Don't Go Breaking My Heart (with Kiki Dee) David Bowie - Life On Mars? Elton John - Someone Saved My Life Tonight  St Vincent Breaks Down Her Most Iconic Songs Pharoahe Monch - Simon Says (instrumental) Death Valley Girls "Disaster (Is What We're After)" A Tribe Called Quest - Electric Relaxation Tame Impala - The Less I Know The Better Childish Gambino - Redbone De La Soul - A Roller Skating Jam Named Saturdays Choir! Choir! Choir! Sings David Bowie - Heroes Kishi Bashi - This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody) Talking Heads - This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody) The 6ths - You You You You You Squirrel Nut Zippers "Put A Lid On It" Joni Mitchell - Help Me Pat Metheny, Joni Mitchell, Jaco Pastorius, Michael Brecker - "Shadows And Light" Joni Mitchell - All I Want Joni Mitchell - Free Man In Paris Joni Mitchell - California Joni Mitchell - In France They Kiss On Main Street Joni Mitchell - Amelia Joni Mitchell - People’s Parties Joni Mitchell - For the Roses Joni Mitchell - The Hissing of Summer Lawns Joni Mitchell - Black Crow Joni Mitchell - Hejira Joni Mitchell - Coyote Joni Mitchell w/Peter Gabriel - My Secret Place Joni Mitchell - Down To You Joni Mitchell - Refuge of the Roads Joni Mitchell - Slouching Towards Bethlehem  Joni Mitchell - Shades of Scarlet Conquering Joni Mitchell - Cool Water (with Willie Nelson) Joni Mitchell - The Jungle Line Joni Mitchell - Song For Sharon Joni Mitchell - Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire Joni Mitchell - Night Ride Home Joni Mitchell - Taming the Tiger Joni Mitchell - Snakes & Ladders Joni Mitchell - Raised on Robbery Joni Mitchell - Jericho Joni Mitchell - Lakota Joni Mitchell - The Beat of Black Wings Joni Mitchell - You Turn Me On I’m A Radio (Live) The Delfonics - Ready or Not Here I Come Funkadelic - Maggot Brain Incredible Bongo Band - Apache The Stylistics - People Make The World Go Round Manual - Crockett’s Theme Jessica Pratt - This Time Around Jessica Pratt - Poly Blue Jessica Pratt - Baby, Back Jessica Pratt - Aeroplane Tony Allen - Stick Around Basia - Promises Basia - New Day For You Basia - Cruising For Bruising Basia - Drunk On Love Basia - Third Time Lucky America - Tin Man Weyes Blood - Andromeda Ladytron - Far From Home Ladytron - Deadzone Ladytron - The Island St. Vincent & Dua Lipa | Masseduction / One Kiss | 2019 GRAMMYs Janelle Monáe - Make Me Feel (LIVE at the 61st GRAMMYs) Still Corners - The Trip Still Corners - Strange Pleasures FM-84 - Bend & Break Robyn - Send To Robin Immediately The Ultimate Kate Bush Experience - Shambush Kate Bush - Wuthering Heights Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill Kate Bush - Hounds of Love [Full Album] Kate Bush - Babooshka Kate Bush - The Sensual World Kate Bush - Hammer Horror Kate Bush - Love and Anger Katie Lee - Stay as Sick as You Are America - You Can Do Magic Blonde Redhead - Magic Mountain Harry Nilsson - Gotta Get Up In These Streets Lorelle Meets the Obsolete - Unificado Sneaks - Ecstasy Linear Movement - Way Out Of Living Alex Lilly - Pornographic Mind Caribou - Melody Day (Four Tet Remix feat. Luke Lalonde Adem and One Little Plane) Def Leppard - Hysteria Sigrid - Sight of You The Charlie Steinmann Orchestra And Singers - It's Such a Good Night (Scoobidoo Love) Alice Coltrane - Blue Nile Les McCann - Roberta Pharoah Sanders - Astral Travelling  Pure Bathing Culture - Scotty Jamila Woods - EARTHA Patricia Barber - Too Rich For My Blood Mary Jane Girls - All Night Long LL Cool J - Around the Way Girl Keep Shelly In Athens - Bendable Absolute Jest: I. Beginning · John Adams · San Francisco Symphony · St. Lawrence String Quartet · Michael Tilson Thomas Tears For Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule the World Futurecop! - Fade Away (feat. NINA) Steve Gunn - New Moon Moving Panoramas - ADD Heart Elizabeth Barraclough - Don’t TV Me Klymaxx - Meeting In the Ladies Room Salt Cathedral - Go and Get It feat. Big Freedia & Jarina DeMarco Brian Eno - Ambient 1: Music for Airports [Full Album] Calexico and Iron & Wine - Midnight Sun Cate Le Bon - The Light Cate Le Bon - Daylight Matters Jack White at Château de Fontainebleau I A Take Away Show Tammy Wynette - Your Good Girl’s Gonna Go Bad Stella Donnelly - Die Portishead - Sour Times Portishead at Roseland New York City Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Cheated Hearts Warpaint - Disco//Very - Keep It Healthy  Jessica Pratt - Fare Thee Well Jessica Pratt - Here My Love Alvvays - Saved By A Waif Alvvays - Dreams Tonite Alvvays - Forget About Life Alvvays - Plimsoll Punks Tame Impala - Patience Godzilla: Old Rivals - Bear McCreary( Godzilla: King of Monsters Soundtrack) Alloy Tracks - Somewhere Over the Rainbow | Godzilla: King of the Monsters (Beautiful Trailer Theme) Girl Crisis - The Sign Siouxsie and the Banshees - Captain Scarlet Boards of Canada - Macquarie Ridge Tōth - Practice Magic And Seek Professional Help When Necessary (Full Album) Wyatt - Attention Fontaines D.C. - Hurricane Laughter (Darklands Version) Matthew and the Atlas - Counting Paths Matthew and the Atlas - Old Ceremony Sufjan Stevens - Love Yourself Computer Magic - Hudson Grizzly Bear - Mourning Sound Lana Del Rey - Doin Time Chastity Belt - Trapped Kero Kero Bonito - Make Believe Eberhard Weber - T. On A White Horse Endre Hegedus - VI. Golliwogg's Cake-Walk, Debussy: Children's Corner / Suite Bergamasque LCD Soundsystem - oh baby Dominique Young Unique - Throw It Down Leikeli47 - Money Santigold - Look At These Hoes Handsome Boy Modeling School - Holy Calamity (Bear Witness II) Perfume Genius - Slip Away DJ Shadow - "Nobody Speak" feat. Run The Jewels St. Vincent - Fast Slow Disco Marion Cotillard and Metronomy - Is She Really Going Out With Him Patti Smith - Gloria King Princess - Cheap Queen Ingrid Michaelson - Best Friend Kindness - Hard To Believe Kim Petras - Clarity Kim Petras - Another One Cowboy Junkies - Dreaming My Dreams With You Rihanna - Same Ol’ Mistakes Screaming Trees - Nearly Lost You Sailors of Neptune - Car Song Photay - Outré Lux (feat. Madison McFerrin) Ella Fitzgerald - I’ll Never Be The Same Timecop1983 - My First Crush (feat. Trevor Something) Toro Y Moi - Cola The Cinematic Orchestra - Wait For Now/Leave The World (feat. Tawiah) Charli XCX & Christine and the Queens - Gone Hayley Kiyoko - I Wish Jambalaya Brass Band - Tumbao Frosty and the Diamonds - Destination Mars Plumb - Blush (Only You) Evanescence - Anywhere Courtney Barnett - Avant Gardener Christine and the Queens - Need You Tonight (INXS Cover) Dua Lipa - Be The One (80's Power Ballad Remix) Bomba Estéreo - Corazón Zola Jesus - Wiseblood (Johnny Jewel Remix) The Bangles - Going Down To Liverpool Trills - Hush King Princess - Prophet Emily Wells - I’m No Heroine Ariel Pink - Bubblegum Dreams Missy Elliott - Throw It Back Missy Elliott Performs 'Get Ur Freak On', 'Lose Control' & More | 2019 Video Music Awards Miranda Lambert - Way Too Pretty for Prison Miranda Lambert - The House That Built Me Miranda Lambert - We Should Be Friends Miranda Lambert - Mama’s Broken Heart Maya Hawke - To Love a Boy Flowers (Eurydice's Song) - (Anaïs Mitchell - Hadestown) Young Ejecta • Welcome To Love Kelis - Bossy ft. Too $hort Lindsay Lohan - Bossy Natalie Cole - Lush Life Grimes & i_o - Violence The Highwomen - Redesigning Women Lana Del Rey - Season Of The Witch Anita Carter - Ring of Fire Jack Hylton - Wedding of the Painted Doll Earth, Wind, and Fire - Fantasy DJ Boring - Winona DJ Boring - Goodbye Michael Rob Reich - Shimmytown Shuffle Sarah Vaughan - Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most King Princess - Playboy School of Pop Broken Social Scene - Anthems For A Seventeen-Year Old Girl Jenny Hval - Lions (feat. Vivian Wang) Minny Riperton - Les Fleurs Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov ‒ Procession of the Nobles Firebird - 13. Infernal Dance Of All Of Kashchei's Subjects Kylie Minogue - Dancing Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - All Hail Dracula! Jana Hunter | You Belong Here Bat For Lashes - The Hunger Bat For Lashes - Laura Zero 7 - Swimmers Tame Impala - It Might Be Time Hannah Williams & The Affirmations - Woman Got Soul Galantis & Dolly Parton - Faith feat. Mr. Probz The KLF - 3am Eternal The KLF feat. Tammy Wynette - Justified & Ancient Pet Shop Boys - What Have I Done To Deserve This Pet Shop Boys - Always On My Mind Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls Til Tuesday - Voices Carry St. Vincent - Laughing With A Mouth of Blood Spice Girls - 2 Become 1 Tennis - Runner Giles Reaves - ‎"Sowelu (Wholeness)" Taeko Ohnuki - Sunshower (Full Album) 80s Japanese Fusion Summer Mix (Fusion Jazz, City Pop, Funk, Soul...) Tamaryn - Dreaming The Dark (Full Album) Swing Out Sister - Breakout Ayane Yamazaki - 眠りの理由 "Women Of Country Performance" | Live from CMA Awards 2019 Reba McEntire - "Fancy" | Live from CMA Awards 2019 Seal - Crazy Seal - Violet Tame Impala - Posthumous Forgiveness Richard Wagner - The Flight of the Valkyries The Black Angels - Yellow Elevator #2 Bonnie Raitt - Unnecessarily Mercenary Norah Jones - Flipside Genesis Owusu - WUTD Lana Del Rey - Mariners Apartment Complex 10,000 Hz Legend - Don’t Be Light Air Miami - See Through Plastic Kitchens Of Distinction - Margaret's Injection Sebastian Böhm - Blue Monday (Official "Wonder Woman 1984" Trailer Music) Primitons - All My Friends Heavens To Betsy – Waitress Hell Romania - Planes Dionne Farris - I Know CeCe Peniston - Finally Robin S - Show Me Love La Bouche - Be My Lover Stilz - Wavelength Tennis - Need Your Love The Fixx - One Thing Leads To Another The Fixx - Saved By Zero The Fixx - Red Skies The Fixx - Stand Or Fall Kajagoogoo - Too Shy Nik Kershaw - Wouldn't It Be Good Howard Jones - Like To Get To Know You Well Jane Child - Don't Wanna Fall In Love Information Society - What’s On Your Mind (Pure Energy) Icehouse - No Promises The Spiral Starecase - More Today Than Yesterday Caroline Rose - Feel The Way I Want Frank & His Sisters - Mwanangu Lala KIRLIAN CAMERA - Blue Room Look Blue Go Purple | Cactus Cat Look Blue Go Purple | Circumspect Penelope Look Blue Go Purple - I Don't Want You Anyway The Bats | North By North Best Coast - Everything Has Changed Best Coast  - For The First Time War And Peace / Gab Is Stabbed · Joseph LoDuca Tashaki Miyaki - I Only Have Eyes for You (the Flamingos cover - Little Big Planet 3 OST) Angel Olsen - Who’s Sorry Now Anna Calvi - Love of my life | Empty Space #5 The Flamingos - I Only Have Eyes For You Supergrass - Moving Supergrass - Late In the Day Supergrass - Richard III Panda Bear - Sequential Circuits Computer Magic - Be Fair Computer Magic - Fuzz Computer Magic - Spaces The Amazing - Tell Them You Can’t Leave Anna Calvi - Hunter Anna Calvi - Swimming Pool Carly Simon - Nobody Does It Better Duran Duran - Rio Duran Duran - Save A Prayer Duran Duran - My Own Way Anna Calvi - Eden Anna Calvi - Indies or Paradise She & Him - I Can Hear Music Soloist Mari Silje Samuelsen - Antonio Vivaldi - "Summer" from four seasons Vivaldi Four Seasons: "Winter" (L'Inverno), complete; Cynthia Freivogel, Voices of Music  Para One · Arthur Simonini-La Jeune Fille en Feu (Bande originale du film) Agnes Obel - The Curse (Berlin Live Session) St. Vincent - Los Ageless Billie Ellish - No Time To Die King Princess - Hit The Back (Dance Video) Men I Trust - Show Me How Lady Gaga - Stupid Love Agnes Obel - Fuel To Fire Beach House - Space Song Sufjan Stevens - Visions of Gideon Agnes Obel - Broken Sleep snarls - Walk In the Woods Dixie Chicks - Not Ready to Make Nice (Live from MMXVI Tour) Dixie Chicks - Gaslighter Conspiracy of Owls - "Ancient Robots" Conspiracy of Owls - A Silver Song Sigrid - Home To You Tierra Whack – Unemployed Jenny Hval - Accident Caroline Polachek - So Hot You're Hurting My Feelings
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a-manes · 5 years
Pls rank the taejin fights from most to least insane: 1. Choreo spring day fight 2. Rj vs Tata bt21 creation fight 3. Batshit fake GO THE FUCK HOME fight + 90 second apology hug thanks
AS U WELL KNOW i’m drunk
but here is my defintiive answer
the story: BACK IN YE YONDER DAYS jin has to run at tae during the performance of spring day idk and one then they turn around and jin has to run back to the group while tae follows him
one day fucking 15 mins before the performance tae is like jin u old bitch u don’t run fast enough and i’m gonna trip over u
and jin is like lol ok
and tae is like hold on no don’t laugh at my struggle
and then they get into a FULL BLOWN FIGHT even though they’re literally about to go on stage bc tae doesn’t feel like jin is listening to his concerns and jin is like bitch what
they literally fight and then namjoon has to be like BITCHES WE ARE ON IN FIVE CHILL IT
And then they walk to the stage but tae literally breaks down crying about it and namjoon has to give him a lil hug and it’s all v fraught
and then they have to call a whole ass fucking team meeting about it where they’re like TALK ABOUT UR SHIT AND HUG IT OUT and tae and jin absolutely do not hug it out but tae does give jin a lil back stroke when everyone else has left and honestly angst left right and centre
and this is literally about choreo and it’s insane but it’s the least insane of all three taejin arguments purely bc the other two are fucking batshit
SO the lads are creating horrifying little characters to represent them and TAE
jin meanwhile is drawing this cute ass lil alpaca called rj and he’s like yes the people will connect to the cuteness
and jin is just sitting there like i literally just drew a cute alpaca
and tae is standing up and ready to deck a bitch over the artistic integrity of this literal sponsored joint venture of creating cartoon characters even though he’s literally just drawn a heart with legs
have the confidence in life of tae creating his bt21 character is2g the #inspo
if jin has decked him right there and then on a table full of professional designers no one would have questioned it
i can’t express the LEVELS of passion tae expressed in the bt21 meetings no one has ever cared about something more
he’s like literally there muttering nonsense and drawinf 7 heart leg beasts frantically in the space of 30 seconds it was both horrifying to watch and all i ever needed in my life
and the crew absolutely has tae’s bag with his passport in and shit
but they’re like
l o l
and they tell namjoon to play a prank on tae and pretend the bag has been lost so namjoon needs to call an embassy of some kind and make sure tae can still continue this trip
so tae is naturally like OH FUCKING GOD WHERE IS MY SHIT and namjoon is like u stupid fuck i’m calling the embassy so how do i spell hyung
and all the other members are at this point in on the joke
including jin
and tae is like aaahhh so JIN
anyway plot twist turns out tae knew immediatley that his bag was not missing because all of bts are fucking awful actors and the only person who wasn’t acting suspicious was hobi and that’s just because stared ahead and didn’t move
so tae knows
that jin knows
that tae didn’t lose his bag
and that jin is faking this argument for the lols
and then tae sits back down and they’re all like
sorry for making u think u lost ur passport
except jin absolutely does not say sorry
despite the fact that in jin’s mind
tae thought that fight was real
lol rmr when i told u to leave the fucking country x
literally if i was tae jin would be a pile of bones in the dirt by now what the actual fuck
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
Hollywood Reporter, November 13
I’m out of tabloids until Monday afternoon, but my OCD remains :)
Cover: Actress Roundtable -- Laura Dern, Lupita Nyong’o, Jennifer Lopez, Renee Zellweger, Awkawfina, Scarlett Johansson 
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Page 4: Contents 
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Page 6: Contents 
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Page 13: The Report -- Streaming TV’s ‘Black Box’ and the coming Guild War 
Page 16: Disney’s ‘FX on Hulu’ Plan Snubs Pay TV to Boost Digital Battle, Viacom Makes ‘Agressive’ Play to Remake Its Leadership 
Page 18: Can NBC Halt Jimmy Fallon’s Long Ratings Tumble?, Amazon Takes Netflix’s Theater Playbook 
Page 20: Box Office, Broadcast TV, Cable TV, Billboard Hot 100, Billboard 200, Closer Look -- LGBTQ’s TV Visibility Grows 
Page 22: Awards Season -- Documentary Feature -- Apollo 11, Prosecuting Evil: The Extraordinary World of Ben Ferencz, David Crosby: Remember My Name, Best Actress -- Charlize Theron, International Feature Film -- The Traitor (Italy), Lionheart (Nigeria)/Joy (Austria), Makeup/Hairstyling -- Rocketman 
Page 24: 7 Days of Deals -- Chernin Readies ‘2.0′ Media Fund: $700M to Shower on ‘Quality’ Buys, At AFM There’s the Best and Then Not Much Else, Rights Available -- Dangerous Alliance by Jennieke Cohen, Girl Serpent Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust, Film -- Colin Farrell and Andy Serkis are in talks to join The Batman as the Penquin and Alfred Pennyworth, Adam McKay, Emma Stone and Brad Pitt, Vanessa Hudgens and Alexandra Shipp
Page 25: Tenoch Huerta, Sadie Sink, Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber, Television -- Kate McKinnon, Ava DuVernay, Mary-Louise Parker, Courtney B. Vance, Digital -- Zoe Saldana and Reese Witherspoon, Adam Scott and Ben Stiller, D’Arcy Carden and Abbi Jacobson, Kaitlyn Dever and Jonathan Tucker, Will Graham, Kristen Bell, Michelle Wolf, Real Estate -- Oprah Winfrey and Jeff Bridges, Rep Sheet -- Wesley Snipes, Hong Chau, Swizz Beatz, Chris Lowell, Adrien Brody, One to Watch -- Rachel Gao 
Page 27: About Town -- Jane Fonda and the ‘Ticking Existential Time Bomb’ in D.C. 
Page 28: ‘One of Michael Crichton’s Most Iconic Pieces of Work,’ THR Confidential -- Hollywood history questions answered -- Which Agent Shot Another Agent in the Groin? Walter Wanger, Joan Bennett and Jennings Lang 
Page 30: Yes I Did Say That! -- Reed Hastings, Katie McGrath, Kent Alterman, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Joy Behar, John Legend, Amy Robach, Chris Jack, Flashback -- Kelsey Grammer 
Page 32: Patron of the Artists Awards -- David Oyelowo and Ava DuVernay, Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston and Lisa Kudrow, Courtney B. Vance and Norman Lear and Willem Dafoe, Cynthia Erivo, Olivia Wilde, Mark Ruffalo and Laurence Fishburne, Awkwafina and Constance Wu, Gabrielle Carteris, Greg Berlant and husband Robbie Rogers, JoBeth Williams and Paul Rudd, Leonardo DiCaprio, Chrissy Metz and Diane Warren, Esai Morales and David Harbour and Julia Garner 
Page 33: American Cinematheque Awards -- Charlize Theron and Seth MacFarlane, Kristen Stewart, Jason Reitman, Adam Aron and wife Abbe and son David and Les Coney, Donna Langley and Seth Rogen 
Page 34: Baby2Baby Gala -- Gwyneth Paltrow, Kelly Sawyer Patricof and Kate Hudson and Jessica Alba and Chrissy Teigen and Kelly Rowland and Katy Perry and Norah Weinstein, Kobe Bryant and wife Vanessa, Camilla Belle and Molly Sims and Monique Lhullier and Jordana Brewster, Nikki Reed and Gina Rodriguez, Frozen 2 -- Idina Menzel and Kristen Bell, Bob Iger and Sterling K. Brown and wife Ryan Michelle Bathe, Jeremy Sisto and Jason Ritter, Jonathan Groff and Evan Rachel Wood and Josh Gad, Jennifer Lee and boyfriend Alfred Molina 
Page 36: Rambling Reporter -- Chuck Lorre’s ‘stupid’ Scientology phase, agent Nick LoPiccolo survives ‘horror film’ car crash by inches, Twinning with Christian Bale and Matt Damon, Power Dining -- David O. Russell, Indya Moore, Jeremy Zimmer and Rich Paul, Mariah Carey, Goldie Hawn, Tom Ford, Pete Davidson, Henry Winkler, John Lasseter, Bob Iger, Frank Marshall, Barry Josephson, Marvin Levy 
Page 38: Hitched, Hatched, Hired 
Page 40: The Business -- Howard Lee 
Page 42: Guest Column -- A ‘Disgrace’?! Netflix Should Avoid Wasting Money in Theaters 
Page 44: Digital -- Stars in Games: It’s More Than a Paycheck -- Keanu Reeves, Norman Reedus, Jeremy Davies, Angela Sarafyan 
Page 50: Behind the Screen -- Crafting a Scene-Stealing Cat in Captain Marvel 
Page 51: The Race -- Oscar Contenders Reckon with Fact Versus Fiction 
Page 56: Style -- Watches ‘to Impress and Express’ -- Niles Fitch, Aldis Hodge, Henry Golding, Chris Pratt 
Page 56: Marlon Brando’s Rolex Hits the Auction Block 
Page 58: Peak TV as Pop-Up Eateries: ‘It’s a Whole New Business Model’ 
Page 62: Cover Story -- The Actresses Roundtable 
Page 73: The Secret Past of a Hollywood Futurist -- Yves Bergquist, Alexis Debat 
Page 76: Awards Season -- Animated Feature -- Toothless, Elsa and Woody’s Three-Way Fight -- It’s a perfect storm with three giant franchises -- from Disney, Pixar and DreamWorks -- all competing against one another for the first time, and a slew of other films (including Netflix’s first original animated movie) aiming to earn a nomination slot 
Page 77: Animated Short 
Page 78: Makeup & Hairstyling -- crafting a ‘handmade’ joker, Production Design, Costume Design 
Page 80: Song & Score 
Page 82: The Making of Ford v Ferrari 
Page 87: Reviews -- Tina: The Tina Turner Musical 
Page 88: Dollface 
Page 90: Social Climbers -- Actors -- Kevin Hart, Marlon Wayans, Scripted TV -- Game of Thrones, TV Personalities -- Maria Celeste Arraras 
Page 92: Backlot -- ‘We’re Kicking Down the Doors’ -- Queen & Slim helmer Melina Matsoukas on pushing culture forward 
Page 96: 90 Years of THR -- High School Musical was an instant smash in 2006
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calorieworkouts · 4 years
The 10-minute beach workout Halle Berry`s trainer swears by
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Halle Berry is best understood for her Academy Prize-winning job on the huge screen. (In 2002, she made history as the first as well as only black lady to win a Best Actress statue, for her duty in Monster's Ball.)
But recently it's been the 51-year-old ( and also seemingly timeless) starlet' take-no-prisoners turns-- as butt-kicking Storm in the X-Men collection and in mom-on-a-mission setting in Kidnap in 2015-- that's caught my eye (as well as has me eagerly waiting for John Wick 3). Unsurprisingly, she looks outstanding the whole time. Just how does Berry remain so fit as well as so fierce IRL?
Enter Nat Bardonnet, Berry's 'exercise pal' as well as trainer for the past seven years who's plainly featured in the starlet' beachside #fitspo Instagram video clip seen 'round the world.' Every client I deal with has a customized exercise,' Bardonnet (that has 2 black belts and has educated in boxing, aikido, jujitsu, and a lot more, NBD) says. 'I'm known for developing long, lean, sexy muscular tissues and also making use of a great deal of tightening and expansion.'
' The sand makes everything a little bit harder, so it shocks your muscle mass.'-- Nat Bardonnet, star trainer
Bardonnet might appear like she's all company-- and Berry's super-strong bod is evidence the method functions-- but she's no drill sergeant. 'My customers might call me crazy since I'm constantly developing brand-new moves, yet I maintain the exercises fresh,' she states, including, 'My exercises are fun, and also we always have songs and also maintain moving.'
Part of what maintains it # 99DaysOfSummer-friendly? Taking the sweat session outside. ' I like exercising on the coastline,' claims Bardonnet. 'First off, that does not such as the sun and the ocean? Second, the sand makes everything a bit harder, so it shocks your muscle mass. You're compelled to utilize a lot of tiny muscular tissues when you're barefoot in the sand. And of training course, a little sun and vitamin D benefit you.'
Want to function out like Berry? Attempt this 10-minute, beach-ready workout produced by Bardonnet-- perk points if you employ a buddy to join you.
Nat Bardonnet's Beach Workout
Locate a bench at the beach, and obtain out your three- or five-pound weights. After that, prepare to obtain gritty (and strong).
• For 30 seconds: Alternating standing knee elevates. (' Slow and regulated,' Bardonnet says.)
• For 1 minute: Do one squat, after that one front kick (alternating legs).
• Do 10 push-ups.
• Do 12 tricep dips using a bench. (Keep the shoulders turned back, Bardonnet states.)
• For 1 minute: Alternating back lunges, with tricep extensions. Tip one leg back into a lunge, do a tricep kick-back with both arms (holding a 3- or five-pound weight in each hand), after that return to standing and repeat on the various other side.
• Do 10 single-leg step-ups on a bench, on each leg. Position your left foot on the bench and also raise your right knee up and come to a standing position on top of the bench, with your right heel at your left knee. Step back with your right foot pull back to the ground. After 10 representatives, switch over sides and also do 10 more.
• Do 20 "pinkies to indexes." Holding 3- to five-pound weights in each hand and maintaining the joints curved at a 90-degree angle, touch your pinkies to the front of your hips, then raise the arms to touch the index fingers to your head.
• For 30 seconds: Bicycle twists.
• For 30 seconds: Russian spins. Rest on the ground (or in the sand!) with your knees bent at 90 degrees, feet level on the ground and also your top body leaning back at a 45-degree angle. Clasp your hands in front of your upper body (or, to make it harder, hold something hefty) and also twist your upper body as much as you can to the right and then to the left, keeping the 45-degree lean.
• For 30 seconds: V-ups. Lie on the ground with your legs straight and your arms extended expenses. Keeping your limbs straight, lift your toes as well as your fingertips toward the skies to satisfy each various other, crunching your top body.
• For one minute: Plank.
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