#v. all the love i just couldn’t let go. ( the avengers au )
natromanoffsgfs · 2 years
Field Trip
‘We’re going on a field trip,’ Peter said, not wanting to finish the statement. ‘To?’ Happy asked. ‘Stark Tower.’ Peter whined, covering his face with his hands. ‘This is going to be a nightmare.’ Happy winced. ‘Yeah, if Boss finds out, you’re screwed.’ ‘Ned said the same thing,’ Peter said miserably. ‘And you know as well as I do that he’s gonna find out.’
Welcome to my fanfiction stew! We have a huge variety of tropes, so get ready for: - The field trip to SI - Avengers meet Peter - Movie night - Loki + Peter and Shuri + Peter friendship - Cursed Roombas - YouTube and Vines - Fluff, whump, e v e r y t h i n g
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This is basically domestic Avengers and Peter Parker, with a slight smattering of the Field Trip trope thrown in. It's really just domestic Avengers though.
Peter really wasn't at 100% the day he fell asleep in class. And when he gets sent to the Principal's office and suspended, he expected to spend a nice weekend home at the tower, without anything to think about.
However, when the entirety of his Physics class shows up in the middle of Hair Club, he isn't too sure what to do. He is forced to interact with them, and had to deal with some rather invasive questions as to his presence at the tower.
Will he manage to keep his secret? Hopefully Is Tony Stark not as heartless as he wants everyone to believe? Yes Does Iron Man really love his Spider Son? Without a doubt.
Honestly, its tagged as field trip but it's just so domestic Avengers...
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Peter is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Or more literally, he's stuck between the will of ten other teenagers and the knowledge that if anyone finds out he's living with the Avengers he can kiss his normal high school life goodbye. Can he keep it a secret from his classmates that he's living with the world's loudest superheroes? And can he keep it a secret from the Avengers that he's accidentally bringing his classmates home for a field trip?
And once he starts hiding things, keeping secrets, and lying, will he be able to stop?
And even more importantly: willNedbe able to keep his mouth shut long enough for Peter's secrets to stay a secret?
At least MJ can be trusted to keep a lid on things
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“No way,” Flash said, when he heard. “Stark Industries doesn’t even hire high schoolers.”
Peter shrugged, schooling his face to remain unbothered. “Yet here I am.”
So the rumour spread that Peter Parker, top of the class and the only competent member of the track team, had a Stark Industries internship. That made it more difficult when Miss Adler, the Chemistry teacher, announced their field trip there.
It's the Stark Industries Field Trip AU and I know we're all here for this one
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“What exactly do you see here?”
It is a calculated question. Jim Morita, Principal of Midtown Science and Tech High, is more than capable of answering. But he let his mind wander for a bit.
He sees his students, five years gone in a flash. All dark clouds, and bad grades, and empty smiles.
And when Jim Morita looked into the eyes of that one student, the one who seems the most harrowed by it, that kid, Peter Parker, he couldn’t just stand by anymore.
He knew he had to do something.
Or, Peter’s school goes not only on a field trip but also on a two-day camping trip to the Stark Tower and Avenger’s Compound upstate, a year after the events of Endgame.
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Peter Parker has just accepted that his peers will never believe in his Internship. Really, lately he has just been trying his best to keep his life in balance between all his daily responsibilities that tug at him for his attention, but then his class comes to his place of work without him knowing about it. Peter should never underestimate his 'parker luck'.
A.k.a I threw my hand in this ring because I love this trope
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Begrudgingly reading paperwork that Steve’s made him do, Tony Stark finds a pattern… apparently there’s one kid won’t stop showing up after the Avenger’s battles. And when it’s his turn to meet him, suddenly the boy pops up in every part of his life.
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When Peter's Teacher announces that his Graduating Class's Senior Trip is going to be to Stark Industries, the place where Peter has an internship, and where he spends so much of his free time, he is... less than enthused. No one believes his Internship is real and frankly, he just doesn't want to deal with it, but between May and Mr. Stark, he doesn't really think he's going to get much of a choice. He's going to have to go At least Ned is excited about it. And hey, he has a month till the actual day, maybe he'll fall into a pit or get carried away by a stork-themed villain or fall into a Coma or something before the dreaded Field Trip
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Against all odds, Peter Parker is a senior in high school, along with his best friend, Ned Leeds, and his kind of scary girlfriend, MJ. Now he just has to survive the year and get into MIT without letting his extended family drive him crazy. The Avengers might be superheroes, but they're mostly super-sized pains in Peter's ass. Spoiler, he loves them anyway. Juggling school work, college applications, Tony Stark's 'how to be heir to a multibillion dollar company' boot camp (patent pending), and Spider-Man duties is harder than it looks.
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Peter Parker, Spider-Man, new Stark Industries intern. Codename: “The Kid.”
After an attempted kidnapping by HYDRA, Peter finds himself under protective house arrest in the Avengers Tower. But as Tony introduces the other Avengers to “The Kid,” HYDRA is planning another attempt, this time on the tower itself.
Throw in an ill-timed field trip to Stark Industries by Midtown’s decathlon team, an odd habit of taking breakfast foods for a walk, and an overprotective team of Avengers who’ve fallen in love with the mysterious “Kid,” and you get a showdown at the Avengers Tower, a bit of Spidey-whump, and a rescue.
Will Peter be able to keep all his identities secret?
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0 notes
buckyownsmylife · 3 years
Is she with you? - Bucky Barnes smut
The one where Bucky isn't used to being in the spotlight, but you're a welcome distraction
Warnings: celeb!bucky, slightly dominant reader, breeding kink, smut, praise kink, reader reminding bucky that he’s not a monster while believing her hips can cure him, (yes we all know what he really need is therapy), p in v, words of reassurance, crying during sex (but only like, two tears)
Word count: 1k
A/N: thought this would be a fun change for those of you who don’t read RPF! In a world where the Avengers are seen as celebrities, here’s how Bucky adapts to it ✨ Special thanks to @sinking-in-mercury​ for giving this a read for me!  This was written for my own birthday celebration challenge! Like I explained here, I was trying to fill every single AU I listed with the characters I picked for the challenge, and these fics would be posted randomly, as I finished them, instead of on Thursdays, which are my usual one-shot posting days. This is one of the last ones I had ready to post. Hope you guys like it!
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Bucky’s P.O.V.
Sighing as soon as the limousine’s door closed, I rubbed my face in an effort to get rid of all the noise and the white flashes that blinded me. I didn’t know why I kept going to these events. It’s not like I couldn’t just threaten Tony to leave me out of all of it.
But still, I persisted. Maybe it was Steve’s soft encouragement, maybe it was the fear of making myself more of an outcast by being the only one who refused to participate. I honestly didn’t know.
What I did know was that at the end of the day, there was one good thing about all of those fancy galas and celebrity events. And that was her.
Seeing her all dressed up was always a given. Well, any day I got to spend by her side was a given, but getting to take her as my date to those fancy events, seeing her eyes widen at getting to meet the people she admired, it all made my heart grow twice its size.
God, I loved her. I loved her, and I couldn’t believe she was all mine.
“How are you feeling?” She asked once I was able to relax back against the seat. I looked to the side to find her smiling patiently at me, her eyes denouncing just how worried she was.
She knew better than anyone how these things affected me, so when I reached out for her hand, she came willingly, settling over my lap after glancing at the partition to make sure the driver wouldn’t see our new position.
“I’m better now that I’m between your legs.” Her answering giggle had my heart jumping, skipping a beat when she bit her lip and looked up at me from under her eyelashes. “Have I told you that you look fantastic tonight?” She really did. Her golden gown had a slit on the right that allowed me to palm her thigh, squeeze it to hear her adorable little surprise gasp.
“Yes, you have,” she informed me. “Countless times.” The little addition had my lips twitching up, amusement clear in my features. Tilting my head, I thought about teasing her, asking her if she was getting tired of my endless comments, but I refrained from doing that.
There was something much more important in my mind. Somewhere I needed to be, urgently. With that in mind, I chose to remind her, “You’re the only thing that makes this entire thing worth it,” while unzipping my slacks and pulling her underwear to the side. Then I was inside the warmest, most perfect tightness I’d ever felt.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I tightened my grip on Bucky’s shoulders, silently pleading with him to wait for a bit as I adjusted to his thickness. Even after so many times of having him, the first invasion still hurt me - but I adored the pain. The stretch was as close to heaven as I believed I could get, so I took every opportunity I had to relish in it.
When I opened my eyes again, it was to find his eyes darkened as they stared at me, always reflecting his state of mind. He could never hide it from me - not his demons, not his nightmares, never the way he felt about himself.
I always knew what was going through his head, which is why I knew what he needed from me right then. “You know no one hates you anymore, right?” I asked as I started to undulate my hips on top of his, clinging to the lapels of his suit as I set out to ride him with all I had.
If I couldn’t make my words settle deep in his brain, the very least I could do was fuck his brain stupid, leave him pliant and soft underneath my fingertips for every word of praise I had to give.
“Everyone knows you were one of the victims, Bucky,” I reminded. “You’re a good person, baby. And I love you. I love you so damn much.” He panted at my words, head falling back against the seat as I kept on rising my hips and letting them meet his once more. Goddamn, I was so fucking wet.
Only Bucky could get me like that. So I’d do anything for him. I tried to cure all the injuries his soul had sustained with each roll of my lips, leaving him breathless, hoping to make him want me even more.
Because that’s what he did to me.
“You’re never gonna leave me?” He asked, breathless and sweaty, but eyes still fiery as they met mine.
“Never,” I reassured him, not stopping my movements for even a second. “I’ll be yours forever, honey. I never want to live without you.” My words had him groaning, teeth carving patterns on his bottom lip as he struggled to contain himself - or so I thought.
“Does that mean you’ll let me cum inside of you?” He asked, bright eyes searching mine for any indication as to what my answer would be. “Give me a family? Show everyone that you’re mine and mine only?”
The idea was so surprising it lit a fire inside of me, adding to the one of desire that was always burning whenever Bucky was near. I gasped and moaned, trying to plead with him so he wouldn’t make me say it, hoping he’d understand what I wanted and needed without any words, but he wasn’t having it.
“Tell me, baby,” he insisted. “Tell me you want to have my baby.” His words were my undoing, but not only because of the meaning behind them. His tone also did something for me, the way they came out all whiny, like he was a little kid begging me for a treat.
I’d give him anything he wanted.
“Yes, Bucky,” I relented. “Give me your cum. I want to give you a child.” I knew he was cumming even before I felt the warm ropes shooting inside my sensitive channel. Tears - of relief, or maybe it was pleasure, I couldn’t really tell - ran down his cheeks as he slowly moved me on top of him, milking his own orgasm until he had nothing to give anymore.
“You take my cum so well,” he complimented after our eyes connected, a boyish smirk on his face that I was quick to kiss away.
“It’s ‘cause it belongs inside of me.”
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delfiore · 3 years
delfiore’s masterlist
i don’t take requests anymore sry :(
last update: april 7 ‘22
wanda maximoff
i sunk in all the memories
after a mission gone horribly wrong, you are haunted by the weight of your failures, and wanda can only stand aside and watch. that is until you make her a heartbreaking request, forcing wanda to choose between your release and her own desire to be with you.
golden affairs (tumbie for best au)
[15th century nobles!au]
[part i] [part ii] [part iii] [part iv] [part v]
a gradual decline of the family banking business lead you to seek peace with the neighboring duchy for more trade routes. the price? a union with the duke’s sister.
better than losing you
your ability to see into the future couldn’t stop what you didn’t want was the inevitable.
when the hennessy’s strong, all i see is you
you play a dangerous game when you let your closest friend, wanda, into your bed.
there is light in us
[au in which the other half of the universe was snapped]
[part i] [part ii]
following the aftermath of the blip, you and your fellow avenger, wanda, find comfort in each other.
i’ll be the rain and you’d be tomorrow
[part i] [part ii]
as a former HYDRA assassin, you begin to atone for the things you did under their hypnosis, starting with wanda maximoff, the twin sister of the boy you murdered.
warming her pearls
as you develop an intimate relationship with the daughter of the family you work for, her set of pearl necklace bonds you to her in ways you could never forget. (based off of carol ann duffy’s poem of the same title)
prompt request #1
“she didn’t even try to save me.”
natasha romanoff
i need you so much closer
nat has been working hard to research the stones. you catch a moment with her late at night.
don’t let me go
S.W.O.R.D. requested your assistance in taking down the westview anomaly due to your close friendship with wanda. once you arrive, though, a familiar face throws you off your objective as you say goodbye for the last time.
learning to warm cold hands
when you’ve known death and destruction like natasha has, the warmth of a loved one seems inconceivable and undeserving.
prompt request #1
“there will never be a place for you here anymore.”
it was always you. no matter how much i’ve disagreed, it was always you.”
prompt request #2
“please, just stay a little longer.”
yelena belova
where she was
you didn’t really had a relationship with yelena, only because you kept the only thing that bonded you hidden, buried under your own grief.
chewing cotton wool
you watch over yelena.
prompt request #1
please, just stay a little longer.
please don’t cry.
prompt request #2
“you know i wouldn’t call i wasn’t in pain.”
kate bishop
a thousand lifetimes
you exist for one mission and nothing has ever deterred you from it, until you meet kate.
prompt request #1
“don’t make me fall in love again.”
“i thought i didn’t miss you, but then i saw your photo.”
leigh shaw
for a while
you get your last chance when leigh comes to get the last of her things from your place.
amy march
take my hand, wreck my plans
[part i] [part ii]
in paris where amy learned the manners of a proper lady is also the place where she opens her heart to you, a free-spirited traveler who’s only ever here for a good time.
prompt request #1
“don’t wish me the best. you were my best everything.”
“it was never up to me.”
prompt request #2
“i deserve better than this.”
“you can keep pretending, but you’ll never be happy.”
elizabeth olsen
home to you is atrocity in the town
in your newfound fame as an actor, you sign onto a crime thriller with elizabeth olsen, as lines between fiction and real life blur.
florence pugh
before sunrise
after having quit your 9-to-5 job, you’re wandering new york city with no real destination in mind when a mysterious woman at the bar leaves you captivated and keeps you company all night.
don’t wanna stop when we dance like this
the world fell in love with the actress, you just fell in love with the girl who loves to cook and dance.
heart shake, bend and break
a careless mistake forces florence to be hospitalized for food poisoning, where she meets you, her doctor, and she just can’t seem to get her heart steady enough to be discharged.
prompt request #1
“i never thought i’d love you this much.”
prompt request #2
“am i going to die?”
“don’t look at me like that. i don’t want your pity.”
prompt request #3
“don’t make me fall in love again.”
prompt request #4
“i really think it’s easier for people when i’m not around.”
prompt request #5
“all i can do is love you!”
“don’t say anything else, just stay.”
prompt request #6
“how many times has he said he doesn’t love you?”
“i was hoping his flight would be canceled, but miracles don’t happen.”
hailee steinfeld
can’t give you my soul ‘cause we’re never alone
at a party you didn’t want to attend to begin with, you encounter an ex whom you wish you had treated better.
prompt request #1
“please don’t cry.”
prompt request #2
“why are you still with me?”
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multific · 3 years
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Hydra!Bucky AU
Summary: James Buchanan Barnes, the most powerful man in the whole wide world, but even the most dangerous and influential people had to have a weakness. 
Inspired by THIS video.
Bucky was an intelligent man, a very intelligent man.
After his escape, he took over Hydra and became the most powerful man on Earth, yet he was still not satisfied. 
The problem with power and money is once you have a little taste, you won’t be able to stop. And this was the same with Bucky. Although he used to be disgusted with the people who were like that, he became the very thing he swore not to become, a power and money-driven person.
After his escape, he wanted to disappear, he didn't want to do anything with Hydra, but then he realized.
If he took over, he could save so many people like him from going through the same as he did. After contemplating for a long time, his goal was clear.
He needed to get to the top and he had the skills for it.
So, he killed every person who was in his way and in charge of Hydra.  Bucky knew he wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing that it is in the hands of someone.
He thought he would be satisfied, that he would be done once and for all as soon as he has Hydra in the palm of his hand, but no. 
Soon after he made sure every person who had anything to do with his kidnapping and brainwashing was dealt with, Bucky wanted more. He became a power-hungry man.
So, after he made them regret everything they have done to him and others, he felt lost.
There was no clear vision for him. No goal in mind. No goal, but to get more power.
And then, you came along.
You were just a simple girl who caught his eye as you walked down the street. He passed you in his car, seeing you just walking down, he knew there was something about you.
Something that captivated him.
And he needed to know what that something was exactly. 
In about an hour later, your file was in his hands, family, education, previous and current jobs, everything. 
And so, the next day, he went into your job. Finding you smiling and talking with a co-worker. 
Your smile took his breath away.
And suddenly, he had a new goal.
You on the other hand, only realized the handsome stranger coming in after a co-worker pointed him out. You were too occupied with your work. 
But once your eyes locked with his, it was over for you.
The statement that he was handsome didn't do any justice to him. But you noticed, he rarely smiled. He was always very serious. He always wore a suit with a matching tie. It was no question in your mind that he was a rich man.
Of course, you were surprised when he came over to you and started talking with you. He was genuinely interested in you, but something deep inside told you to run away. Avoid him. He was bad.
But you didn't listen.
And just how glad you were that you didn't. 
Because, once you got to know him, it was all worth it. You no longer saw a man who didn't smile, no, now you saw Bucky who had been through so much pain yet still survived and now was there with you. 
To the world, he was the feared leader of Hydra, but to you, a loving and caring husband.
Bucky asked you to marry him after one year of dating. You said yes, of course. 
Bucky could buy all the diamonds in the whole wide world, but you still loved him and only him, not the money, not the status. But you had to agree, there was something about the fact that whenever you entered a room, everyone knew exactly who you were and not to mess with you. Bucky, he carried you like you were the most precious gem, and to him, you were. Even after he confessed his past, and he told you about who he became, you were still there with him, loving him, caring for him as no one has done in a long time. 
The house you lived in was more like a palace. Huge garden, plenty of rooms, hallways that you could easily get lost in up to this day and a gorgeous garden with fountains at the back.
Bucky made sure his property is safe at all times, gates, guards and cameras littered the whole place. Because he wanted to be assured you were safe when he wasn't at home with you. 
He often sat in his office, thinking if it's creepy to look at you through the cameras. But he could tell that you knew he was watching. Of course, you did. You often sent kisses to the cameras, knowing he would see them.
You loved him with all your heart. And he loved you just as much if not more.
Whenever he arrived home, he loved watching you wait for him, staying up late just so you two can fall asleep together. It gave him a sense of safety which he didn't feel in a long time.
The fact that you accepted him for the man that he is with his past was something he would never forget. He was a killer, a machine created to murder, and now, he wasn't any better, according to him, he was the same, just with better clothes a mansion and a wife.
"Bucky?" you yelled down the long hallway.
"Yes?" as soon as you heard his voice you followed it and soon you found him in a room close to your bedroom.
"What are you doing here? I thought we were going to have lunch?"
"Oh, you do a lot of that." you smiled as you went out to the balcony, he followed you. "This is one of my favourite rooms, the view is just amazing." Bucky came around and hugged you from behind, placing his head on your shoulder.
"I was thinking we could have someone in this room." his statement puzzled you a little.
"Steve?" you asked with a confused voice. Although Steve was his only friend, you weren't sure why Bucky wanted for him to live with you.
"No. Someone small," he said.
And it clicked. He wanted to have a baby.
"Really? You know babies are a lot of work and more."
"Yes, but the thought of a little person running around who is just like us is everything I could ever ask for." 
"I will think about it," you ended up saying as you were not sure if you were ready for a child just yet.
"Of course you can always say no. I was just...thinking."
"I promise I will think about it, okay?" you turned around in his arms, putting yours around his neck, you smiled at him as he leaned down to kiss you. After he pulled back you smiled at him again. "Now, let's go and have lunch."
Bucky followed you like a puppy followed their mother. 
He couldn't deny that you had him wrapped around your finger, not that he wanted it any other way.
Bucky used to be a miserable man, sitting alone, late at night in his office drinking expensive whiskey, thinking about his past.
Now, he was sitting down to eat lunch with his beautiful wife, thinking about the future.
Part 2
Taglist: imreadinggoaway @fleursirvart​​ v-2bucky ehsebastian crunch-time-sports  @pxstelrainbow​​ ablogbypeteparker liamssmiler smexylemony @greenarrowhead​​ feelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace​​ @sincerelyfan​​ @theoneanna​​ @aestheticsandmarvel​​ @rororo06​​ @castellandiangelo​ @avengers-r-us​ @destynelseclipsa​   @spilledinkindumpster​​ celebsimagine @capsiclesdoll​​ snoopy3000 @firstangeldragonranch​​ @puknow​​ crazzyter  @alwayshave-faith​​​ @soleil-dor​ @alex12948​​ scream-kiwi79  @lxdyred​​ @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​​​
My taglist is open!
Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank You for reading my story!~
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mx-barnes · 3 years
Soulmate Au 2/?
Bucky x F!Reader
Summary: When you turn 18 you get the name of a song on your wrist. That is the song you and your soulmate share. It is also how you can communicate with them.
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: None really.
A/N: Sorry I know it’s short. I have been experiencing a lack of ambition to write. I also felt like I had a duty to post something cause I haven’t posted in a while. Ok I also know the song wasn’t out in the forties but idc ok it’s an amazing song and it reminds me of Bucky and if I am having trouble sleeping I listen to it. Feedback appreciated. All my own writing. Gif not my own
Chapter 1 Masterlist
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The alarm clock on your end table reads 6:30 am 30 minutes from before your alarm is supposed to wake you up. It’s not that you didn’t welcome the fact that you were up early than usual but you silently curse yourself hoping to fall back into the pleasant dream you were having. Although you had wanted to meet him in real life, not just the dream world you knew that it wouldn’t happen. If he had stayed hidden from you for this long don’t think you are going to find him in a day. You wish you just had something to go off of. Pulling you out of your thoughts is your cat needling into you. Although he was annoying Alpine loved you. You remember the day you got him. It was soaking rain and you had found a box on the side of the road. You decide to pull over to pick up the garbage lying around on the ground. You pull over the road and go to lift up the box and it was unusually heavy you check inside. To your surprise, there was a small white kitten looking at you with blue eyes. From that day on he was the only man in your life he probably senses that your soulmate is in the picture now so he is being an even bigger attention whore.
You may want to go back to the dream realm but your adult life calls. You roll out of your bed and wrap a small blanket you had at the end of your bed because although you had to get up it didn't mean you didn't have to be warm. You treck your way out of your bedroom and into the kitchen. With your blanket draped over your shoulders you silently make your breakfast. A simple bowl of cheerios. Nothing too extravagant but a simple meal. People may say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day but you have always disagreed with that statement. Give you some coffee and you are good to go. Although that was very particularly healthy you started eating actual food at breakfast. Once you finished your bowl you put it in your sink to be later washed. You walk back into your bedroom and enter your bathroom. You strip and step into the shower. Ket the warm water flows down around your back as you listen to music and sing along. Quietly f course even though you wanted to scream the lyrics. Once you had finished your shower you exited wrapped in a towel and changed.
Slipping into a white low v cut shirt and some beige pants. Walking back into the bathroom quickly dry and straighten your hair leaving just a little bit of wave because you can't fully straighten it. You pull your hair back into a high ponytail leaving two pieces out to frame your face. Quickly, you grab your purse, phone, and keys. Turning to wake towards the door you lock the door and leave to work.
It wasn't a long drive to your job. You worked at Stark Industries. It wasn't the same after Tony died but you still appreciated working there. You and Pepper had become quick friends after bumping into each other in the hallways one day. You were ecstatic for her when she got promoted to CEO. Almost as her first act, she had you instated as her assistant. She gave you fair hours and you didn't mind. There wasn't ever any awkwardness in be between the two of you. Pepper never acted like she was better than you and thank god for that. She was one of the best people you knew she was having a hard time dealing with Tony's death but that was understandable. She had lost her husband and became a single mother. She had the avengers and Happy but it wasn't the same. She had offered for you to meet them time and time again but every time you declined. It's not that you didn't want to meet them. It's just sometimes it's better to never meet your heroes.
By the time you got to the office Pepper was already locked away in her office. You knocked lightly on the door.
"Come in," a voice from behind the door says.
You walk in and notice Pepper sitting at her desk as she normally does but her cheeks are tear stained and her eyes are red. "Hey, you are not supposed to be here before me. You should be at home with Morgan."
"Happy has her. I just couldn't be in that house anymore. Hell, I can't even be in New York without thinking about him. He saved this city. He saved the world. I know that it's silly and selfish of me to hide away from my daughter but I just... I look at her Y/n and I see him. I see his smile, his curiosity, I see the playboy he was before he settled down. All I see is him in her and I-"
"Hey, we can get through this together. Me and you." You walked up to her and hugged her. She hugged you back her arms not letting go. You rub her back soothingly. "It's okay it's all gonna be ok."
"You're right. You're right I just got to get this done. Power through this. This feeling I am experiencing will pass."
You hesitate not knowing what to say. Finally, you figure you should tell her. "I saw him."
"Him? Who him?" She straightened up as she questioned.
"My soulmate. I don't know what made me. I was even planning on it but then I got this feeling that I should try it and well I saw him."
"What'd he say?"
"He said he was sorry. He was sorry but he couldn't love me first. I was desperate so I tried again the next night last night. He said..." You were on the verge of tears "He said he was sorry. That he didn't want to hurt me. That he would agree to see me. Only in the dream realm for right now but it's better than nothing. God, he was gorgeous. His eyes sparkled like ice. I just wish I wish I could prove to him how much I love him even if he doesn't want to let me in. I want him to know he deserves all the love in the world.”
“Y/n you got to tell him. You remember how I was when I found out that my boss was my soulmate,” Pepper's eyes dropped sadness filling her eyes. “Listen it doesn’t matter how cold it closed off he seems you need to make the decision if you want to keep him in your life. If all he wants is the dream world then you move on you’ve got to be the one to make the first move.”
“Your right. I should be allowed to be happy.”
You were a dream come true. After he pushed you away from you you accepted gratefully back into your arms.
Bucky would spend the rest of his life making it up to you. He couldn’t believe his luck. Back in the 40s when he first tried he couldn’t find you then he was shipped off to war so he decided not to try again just encase but here he was almost 80 years later with this gorgeous soulmate. God, he was a sap. He was ready to change for you.
He had told you that you couldn’t meet him yet and that he only could see you in the dream realm for right now. He knew it was the right call even if it hurt him. Even if he wanted to hold you in the real world but he couldn’t not yet. He needed to fix himself before he let you in. He couldn’t let his past hurt you. You were far too important to him. That’s what he did.
He started taking his court-mandated therapy seriously. He needed help and he couldn’t do it on his own. So when he went to meet you that night he told you about it. He went over to his record player and search for the record. Finally, he found it. A picture of Harry James on the cover he slid the disk out of its paper case. Carefully get placed on the record player and dropped the needle. He knew there were better ways to play the song but he found comfort playing it on vinyl like he had many many years ago.
He practically ran back to his little spot on the floor where he slept and slowly the feeling of falling began to happen.
Once the feeling stopped he looked around to find his childhood home once again. He called out still a bit queasy “Hello,”
No response. That was weird. So he called out once again “Hello,”
Again no response he started to panic. Maybe you didn’t come tonight. Maybe you decide he wasn’t worth it.
A voice broke the anxiety building. “Hey, sorry it took me a bit longer today.”
“Yeah no that’s fine I understand.” He smiles slightly.
“So how was your day?” You asked. God, there was something so intoxicating about your voice. It was smooth and angelic. He could listen to it for the rest of his life.
“I mean it was good. I decided to start taking my therapy more seriously I want to get better for you. How was yours?”
“That’s great. My day was ok I guess I mean I was real busy at work.” You moved closer to him his heart picked up.
“Yeah, yeah I guess it good,” Bucky stuttered. I mean you were incredibly gorgeous but he felt safe in your presence not wanting to lose a second of time with you. Slowly his head started spinning and being brought back to reality “Listen I don’t have much time left we meet here again same time tomorrow. Deal?” His voice hopefully searching your eyes for any sign of rejection to his great fortune there wasn’t any.
“Deal.” you stepped up closer to him kissing him on the lips before he was rudely pulled back into reality. He sat up with a start (like gif).
Groaning and grumbling about how it was too soon to be pulled out of and if he only had more time with you.
Chapter 3
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missmonsters2 · 4 years
Between the Lines || X
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PAIRING: Steve Rogers & Fem!Reader (Platonic) / Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader / Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader / Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader x Wanda Maximoff
Summary: Vampire AU. Life has changed drastically since the 1600s. Things are always on the move, and you’ve been very careful to not get on SHIELDs radar. Living on the down-low owning a café, you’re content to live out a quiet existence. That is until the Avengers enter your life.
[Set after the New York Invasion, in CAWS, and goes up to AoU. Canon divergent after.]
Warnings: This series will contain smut(**), poly-relationship, and dark themes.
Note: Oof I came back and DELIVERED 👏👏 it’s really long I’m sorry. I legit said we’re ending this arc today LOL
Count: 11,007
There's something about the way the golden sky hits the horizon of this quiet countryside field.
It's quiet.
At least in comparison to the city.
You like the tall grass that surrounds the stand-alone home. The air is cleaner, crisper. There's a serene peace that settles in the area, and it makes you nostalgic for things you haven't had.
You can hear children running around inside, and the sink running in the kitchen along with food sizzling. Looking over at Natasha, there's a softness that has fallen over her face, a look you're somewhat familiar with, but in a different context.
This might be home for her, too, you realize.
"A safe house?" Tony tilts his head as everyone stares at the farmhouse.
"Let's hope," Clint mutters as everyone enters into the house. "Honey, I'm home!"
You tilt your head, curious when the woman you assume to be Clint's wife walks into the kitchen. You knew she was carrying based on the conversation you overhead, but you were still surprised to find her heavily pregnant.
She was due soon.
"Hi, company," Clint says in a rush as he gives her a kiss on the cheek. "Sorry, I didn't call ahead."
"Hey," the woman replies as she kisses Clint. You hear Tony make a comment to Thor about the strangeness of this, but you were focused on her stomach.
You tilted your head as you could hear its heartbeat.
"Gentlemen and gentle...women," Clint stares at you and Natasha. "This is Laura. My wife."
"I know all your names," Laura smiles while everyone looks at her rather awkwardly because no one but Natasha, you and, David knew about her.
David seemed the most curious, but he has always loved kids and got along with them easily.
"You're due soon," he tells Laura with a smile as he sneaks around you to stand closer to inspect Laura respectfully.
"You can tell?" Laura looks down at her stomach as David nods.
"Yes," he says. "A couple months at the most."
"How can you tell?" Laura asks as you hear tiny rumbling footsteps running towards this room.
"We can smell it," David informs her.
"Incoming," Clint says, kneeling down as his son and daughter excitedly burst into the room.
"Dad!" His daughter jumps in Clint's arm. Clint picks her up as he stands and kisses his son's head.
"Tinier agents," Tony blinks at the scene while Steve looks completely flabbergasted.
"This is Lila and Cooper," Clint smiles softly.
"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" The little girl says, and Natasha turns as she smiles.
"Why don't you hug her and find out?" Natasha starts to walk while Lila runs into her arms.
Natasha picks her up with ease, holding her close as she kisses Lila on the cheek. She comes back to you and tense ever so slightly before you relax.
Of course, you spent a lot of time with Allison as you took care of her, but sometimes, being around young kids would cause just a quick flashback of the ones you couldn't save.
Natasha smiles at you, and you return it lightly.
"This is Lila," Natasha introduces you to her and then telling Lila your name.
"Is she your friend?" Lila asks as she stares at you, and Natasha laughs.
"Yes, she's...my special friend," Natasha looks at you with a smirk to which you roll your eyes gently in response.
"I like your braids," you tell Lila softly, who smiles shyly at you in thanks.
"Sorry to drop by in like this," Steve says to Laura.
"Yeah, we would've, but we were too busy not knowing you existed," Tony chirped in.
Clint smiles as he stands next to his wife and has his hand on Cooper's shoulder.
"Yeah, Fury helped me set this up and kept it off SHIELD's files. I'd like to keep it that way, I figured this is a good place to lay low."
Laura laughed suddenly, and everyone turned to see David giving family photos to her.
"Okay, as low as we can," Clint corrects.
Natasha sets down Lila as she drags you closer to Laura.
"Ah, honey, I missed you," Laura pulls Natasha into a hug before giving you a kind smile.
Your nose twitches as you get closer, and you can smell Laura's pregnancy in more detail.
"And how's little Natasha?" Natasha coos as she bends down to touch Laura's stomach gently.
"You mean Nathaniel?" David snickers and you elbow him in the rib.
"What?" Natasha says as she stands up, looking at David before she turns back to Laura.
"Sorry," Laura gives her an apologetic look that confirms what David said.
Natasha leans back down to Laura's stomach, "Traitor."
"Thor," Steve calls out.
You turn your attention as Thor leaves the house with Steve following him.
You hear Thor say how he saw something in his dream and how he won't find his answers here before flying off.
Everyone seems to have reached their limit and wants to get some rest. You, Natasha, and David decided to stay in one room since the two of you don't sleep. David said he'd be out working on a lot of other things anyways.
"Mind if I shower first?" He asks you and Natasha.
"Go for it," Natasha nods.
"If you use all the hot water, I'll kill you," you tell him, and David just pretends to look offended that you would even insinuate he would before walking off.
You could hear Clint and Laura talking in the next room where he's updating her on the mission and what he'll do once this mission is done. You try to drown it out as you turn and focus on Natasha before you.
"How are you feeling?" You ask softly as you lift your hand to her face.
Natasha presses more firmly into your hold. A part of her wishes she could feel the warmth of your actual hand, but she doesn't want to push you, and you were clearly nowhere ready to touch her with your bare hands.
It didn't stop her from fantasizing about it, though.
"Better," Natasha rasps, "I've stopped hearing the lingering voices."
You nodded, using your thumb to stroke her cheek.
"How was it?" Natasha asks, breaking the silence, and you know what she's referring to.
Slowing dropping your hand, you went to sit at the seat beside the window.
"It was..." you sighed, "I don't know. Hard."
Natasha takes a seat next to you, combing her fingers through your hair, and your eyes fluttered at the serene feeling.
"Talk to me," Natasha softly says. She knows you've probably been refraining from trying to talk about it with her after that night. You must think she may not like it.
But Natasha doesn't care about such things like that. Tatyana was a big part of your life, and even though you haven't said anything about it yet, Natasha knows Wanda will be too.
In what capacity will depend on what you'll allow, what you think Natasha will allow.
"I suppose...I didn't expect her to look so much like Tatyana," you smile weakly. "Looking at her is like nearly looking at a spitting image. Pietro has similar features, being twins, but it's easier to ignore that he's a descendant."
Natasha nods, understanding as she continues to comb through your hair.
"I'm still working on confirming something," you tell her honestly.
"And if what you suspect is true?" Natasha asks.
You purse your lips.
"Then, we have a new set of problems."
The day continues on, and everyone, for the most part, has freshened up. You leave Natasha to her own devices with showering even though earlier she had given you a look that suggested that they could save water if they showered together.
You had felt a hot liquid pool form in your lower stomach as you licked your lips.
But now was neither nor the time to engage in such activities, though you did give her a languid kiss before excusing yourself.
You could hear Tony and Steve talking--passive-aggressively arguing outside. You were about to go out to break it up when your eyes honed in on something.
"Just great," you huffed under your breath as you headed out to the field where there was a tractor.
"Thank you, Laura," a deep voice spoke as he caught your eye as you came up to them.
Laura greeted you, and you nodded in response as she slipped out to do her task.
"Maria tell you to come out here?" You asked, looking at Nick Fury.
"She thought it would be best for me to assess the situation," he shrugs. "I wanted a little word with Stark, anyways."
You shake your head. "Your words will mean nothing to him, you know."
"Then perhaps I should talk with you," Fury redirects. "I hear you're quite involved with this case."
You remain silent, not taking his bait.
"What do you suggest I do?" Fury says, curious about what you'll say.
Before you could answer, you hear Tony approaching, catching the two of you after looking at the tractor.
"Ah, Mrs. Barton, that little minx. What are the two of you doing here? Did Maria call you?" Tony asks as he turns to look at Fury.
"Artificial intelligence, you didn't even hesitate," Fury cocked his brow at Tony.
You tune out the two of them talking as you focus your attention elsewhere. You could hear Steve a little ways away, still ripping woods apart with his bare hands. Inside the house, you could hear the water being turned off, indicating that Natasha was done with her shower, and you decided you would go in soon to shower yourself before helping where you could.
"--you didn't," you catch the end of what Fury said before the man walked off, leaving you alone with the genius billionaire.
He was frustrated--annoyed, you could tell by just looking at his face. The light grimace and pinch between his eyebrow were a clear indication.
Tony catches you staring at him, looking miffed as he peers at you.
"Well, I suppose you have something to say, too, huh?" Tony mutters.
You take a long minute to stare at him, his conversation with Fury not lost on you.
"Not really," you say in the end. "Nothing I haven't already told you, anyways."
"Right, like my ego being too big, and I'm not the be-all, end-all."
You shrug. "No one is the be-all, end-all. If the world had to only rely on one man, we would've gone extinct before cavemen even had the chance to evolve."
"And I'm the man that's going to cause that," Tony persisted.
"No," you shook your head. "You know as well as I do that it was only your fear being shown to you."
"Do I?" Tony scoffed. "All I know is that I saw all my friends dead, and I caused it because I couldn't save them. Who are you to say it's not the future I saw?"
"Because she can't show you the future!" You burst at him, grimacing at your own outburst. You sigh, closing your eyes and pinching the bridge of your nose. "That's not what her power is. In the best-case scenario, she can use telepathy to read your mind to experience your memories and thoughts, and then using that to project hallucinations onto you. In the worst-case scenario, she can use her powers to alter reality to make what she wants to come true. I don't think she's there yet."
"And how do you know all that?" Tony asks, narrowing his eyes at you.
"You know that I came on this mission for my own personal reasons."
"And what? That Maximoff girl is your personal reason?"
"They both are," you tell him. "Her powers aren't entirely unfamiliar to me. Different, yes, I imagine from the scepter, but not unfamiliar."
"I don't see the difference between her powers and my future." Tony blinks at you.
You grumbled, sighing as you try to explain. "It means, dumbass, that Wanda either doesn't realize that she can alter reality or that she doesn't have enough control of her powers to do so yet. I'm betting it's a mix of the two. I felt it when I fought with her. She's chaotic, and her powers are unrefined. Because of that, she can only snoop into your mind and then send you your worst fear in the form of a hallucination. You weren't shown the future, Tony, you were emotionally exploited."
You wanted Tony to understand, not so sure why you were so concerned with it. Tony, like everyone else, was a complex person with a multitude of different faces and layers. On the surface, he was a nonchalant, cocky dickhead (though, you were also sure some of that was truly him on the inside too), but he was also someone who cared.
A lot.
And people who tend to care a lot always overdid everything to protect everything and everyone they care about.
Tony was already hurting.
And Wanda was making it worse.
It was a painful reminder that Tatyana had hurt people too, and you couldn't stop her.
"How do you know that isn't the future for sure? How can you confirm that's not my legacy?" Tony murmurs quietly, looking at the sky as if the low volume would allow him to admit his fear without you hearing.
You stare at him for a long minute, biting your tongue before you draw a long sigh that gets Tony's attention.
Tony watches you, taking off one glove, pressing your lips together as you do so.
You hold out your hand to him.
"If you tell Natasha I touched you before her, I'll break your dick."
Dinner is a pleasant affair. You had gone back into the kitchen swiftly after finishing your talk with Tony. Laura was starting to make dinner, and you let her know not to worry about you and David as the two of you don't eat.
You had taken a step out with David while everyone was bustling around before dinner. It had been a while since you last fed, and you had a feeling things were going to start happening back to back, and you needed to be prepared for it.
The two of you headed into town to the nearest hospital, compelling a nurse to bring you both a blood bag to feed on and forget.
It wasn't a lot, but it would be enough to get through the mission without damage, hopefully. You didn't want to end up taking too much from the hospital and causing a problem, even though the two of you were too far from your own stash.
It would've been better to go to a blood bank, but this town was so small they didn't have one.
You were sitting closely next to Natasha as she ate her dinner, your arm around her, and you fought the urge to hide your face into her neck.
"You should head to NEXUS in Oslo to pick up JARVIS," David tells Tony.
"Is that where he is?" Tony hums. "Smart guy to head to the fastest internet hub on the earth. I'm such a proud dad," Tony pretends to tear up.
"Great, you got one good kid and one fuck up, classic!" You say over Natasha's head while Tony scrunches his nose at you.
"Why did I come?" Fury muttered rather loudly. Seems like all the information he was bringing was already brought up by David.
"For a good time, boss. But you wouldn't happen to have anything else, would you?" Natasha pulled a piece of her bread apart.
"I have you," Fury shrugged. "We ain't got nothing but our wit and our will to save the world. So stand up and take out that platinum bastard."
"Steve doesn't like that kind of talk," Natasha teases.
"You know what, Romanoff?" Steve jokingly threatens while she smiles mischievously at him.
You had been only half-focusing on the conversation at hand, jumping in here and there to throw in remarks. You were thrumming your fingers at your side quietly.
There was something about that first night you had all encountered Ultron.
"So, what does he want?" Fury asked.
"To become better. Better than us. He keeps building bodies," Steve licked his bottom lip.
"Person bodies. We're outmoded, biologically speaking, but he keeps coming back to it," Tony leaned back in his chair.
"He wants the human race to evolve; therefore, he needs to evolve himself," Banner mused.
"I don't think evolving the human race is his goal," David muttered.
"How's he going to do that?" Fury asked.
And then it occurred to you.
"Has anyone talked to Dr. Cho?" You pursed your lips.
There was a lot of noise as everyone was getting ready to leave the Barton household.
Thor was still out on his own, so no one held high hopes he would be coming back for this one.
"Alright, I'll head to you guys as soon as I collect JARVIS from NEXUS," Tony, lets everyone know.
"I'll take David and Banner to the Stark Tower," Fury said. " "Mind if I borrow Miss Hill?"
"All yours," Tony nodded. "What are you gonna do?"
"I don't know, something dramatic, I hope," Fury shrugs.
"Alright, everyone else goes with me," Steve attached his shield onto his back.
You nod as you stood next to Natasha.
"You know, I miss the days when I was the weirdest thing science created," Steve mused.
"What do you mean?" You looked at him with a smirk. "You still are."
"I swear to God--"
"Swearing is not good, Steve," Natasha joined in on the teasing.
"I hate you both," Steve shook his head with a good spirit.
There was something that rubbed you the wrong way when you entered the laboratory.
Sparks from exposed wires filled the air, and you could smell blood and hear the shallow breathing of a woman.
You recognized the scent.
"Dr. Cho is in there," you say quietly for Steve to hear, and the two of you race in to see that she was sitting on the floor, resting against a cabinet as she was clutching her stomach tightly. She had blood dripping from her head and lips, but she was still alive.
"Dr. Cho!" Steve called out as he race to her, bending down to see if she was okay.
"He's uploading himself into the body," Dr. Cho heavily breathes. "You can't just destroy the cradle. You need to get it to Stark."
"I got to find it first," Steve tells her.
"Go," she nods in the direction of outside. He purses her lip at her, but she nods to let Steve know she'll be okay.
He starts to head out but then looks at you.
"I'll catch up," you say offhandedly as you bend down to assess the doctor.
She was bleeding profusely through her stomach, where Ultron shot her. Dr. Cho had done her best to stop the bleeding, but it started to soak through the cloth. You looked around to find her technicians dead, and you frowned.
"Maybe I will get your venom after all," Dr. Cho says with a smirk, bringing your attention back to her.
You cocked your brow at her with a smile. "It's quite the risqué position. I don't know if my girlfriend would like that."
"I'm sure she won't mind you helping a frail, dying girl," Dr. Cho jokes but winces in pain shortly after.
You snort at the word frail but lick your lips nonetheless. "Listen, Doc, I don't wanna catch you doing experiments on yourself after getting my venom, alright?"
She nods, and you lift her hand away along with the cloth. You lower herself down her body, feeling the venom pool in your mouth.
You hear her breath hitch, and you're not sure if it's because she's in pain. You remind yourself you need to be careful. While you could drink the blood that was pouring out from Dr. Cho, you opted not to.
Dr. Cho realized this as you were carefully licking her wound, feeling something amazing happening on her skin under your mouth as she was being healed.
"What a loyal girlfriend you are," Dr. Cho mutters.
"I'm always picking up after you boys," Natasha grunts as she Steve's shield and gives it to you to hold.
You were on your way to Steve when Natasha dropped from the sky on a motorbike, and you found yourself hopping on the back of it as she passed you.
"Seriously, Steve, I've seen people treat their trash better than how often you drop this thing," you joke.
"Little busy, guys," Steve grunts back, "wouldn't say no to some help."
As you get closer to the truck where Ultron and Steve are, you whip his shield to him, and Steve uses it to knock Ultron's arm off of him. Ultron falls, catching sight of you two and uses his power to lift a piece of the ground up to stop Natasha in her tracks.
"Go!" Natasha tells you, and you get up on the motorbike before using your strength to propel yourself onto the truck as you leap.
Ultron sees you and immediately uses his ability to manipulate gravity to launch himself towards you.
But if Pietro was too quick for him, you were just a step behind. You blur to the side, back kicking him with a brute amount of force as Ultron passed you.
The strength of the kick alone had done a lot of damage. Your foot had impaled him halfway as he passed, bolts, and gears falling out of the hole you created.
"Look at us," you look at Steve, "we're a dream team."
"I always wanted to tag team with you," Steve smiles.
"Of course you do," you say as if it was obvious, "I'm your favorite."
"Ugh!" Ultron screams as he flies into Steve's direction this time, but Steve uses the momentum to take them both into the train that was moving next to them.
You followed as you spoke into the intercom, "We're taking the party elsewhere. The truck's all yours with the surprise inside, baby."
"I love when you leave gifts for me, so romantic," Natasha cooed.
"Please stop, or I will vomit," Clint says.
You snort as you follow through the hole Ultron and Steve created when they crashed into the train. You land with grace, noticing there are passengers on the cart.
Steve hits Ultron with enough force to send him flying, and you move as fast as you can over to a young teen to force her lower onto the ground from her seat to avoid being crushed.
"I guess I've got civilian-watching duty," you say almost glumly.
"I'd be happy to trade," Steve huffs as he stands up straight.
You could hear Natasha and Clint talking through your earpiece, and for a second, you wished you had stayed with your girlfriend when you hear that the truck is airborne, but you knew she could handle it.
"No, you seem like you got it," you shake your head with a smile. Luckily with a psychotic robot and turbulence on the train, it was too hard for anyone to grab their phone and record.
Ultron barrels into Steve, knocking him into the corner before Steve uses his foot to kick back.
"Of course," Steve puffs.
Even though you had said that you still helped out when you could, with the narrow pathway the train provided, the two of you had to be careful of making sure civilians didn't get hurt.
Ultron was extremely diligent in keeping you at a distance from him, realizing you were nearly as fast as Pietro and much, much stronger.
But then you heard it.
The light footsteps atop the train at first, then then your eyes easily adjusted to a blur that went past you, knocking into Ultron.
It was Pietro.
Your eyes easily found their way to Wanda as you turned around. She was looking at you, unsure what to think when your eyes met.
Ultron turned back to start towards Pietro, but two metal railings were bent to prevent him from doing so. Ultron turned back to see Wanda, and it was clear on his robotic face that he was hurt, but he also knew he couldn't best Wanda.
"Please, don't do this," Ultron's tone soft and pleading.
"What choice do we have?" Wanda's thick accent hung in the air, and you bit your tongue.
Ultron stilled for a millisecond before he turned around, shooting a blast out from his hand. Everyone dodged, and the explosion shot straight through to the train's front where the conductor was. Taking the momentary distraction, Ultron bolted out of the train and flew away.
With the conductor out, the train started to sway unsteadily, everyone losing their footing, and no one could go after Ultron.
Steve hopped up, heading to the front to check if the conductor was okay, but she was out cold. "We've lost him! He's headed your way."
The train flew off its railing, and everyone hung on the best they could as it kept going even on concrete and dirt.
"Nat!" Clint shouted through the intercom. "Cap, do you see Nat?" His voice was panicked and strained.
You looked out the window of the train in the sky. You could see Quinjet, but Natasha was nowhere in sight.
"What the hell do you mean, Clint?!" You shouted.
"I got the cradle, but Ultron grabbed her the last second we got it. Do you have eyes on her?!" Clint asked, his head moving jerkily as he looked around out the windows.
"If you have the package, get it to Stark!" Steve instructed. "Go!"
You heard Clint frustratedly curse an expletive before he flew the Quinjet away in the other direction.
Warning bells were already going off in your head as you were about to take off the train and see if you could locate Natasha, but Steve's voice stopped you.
"I need you to help stop the train, or these people might die," Steve's jaw was tight, and you knew that he didn't want this either. If he could stop the train on his own or trusted the two twins enough, he would want you out there looking for Natasha too.
You looked around, seeing the humans' petrified faces, all sorts of people on this train, no doubt children too.
You clenched your jaw, swallowing painfully, but you resolved to trust that Natasha was okay and could take care of herself. She had been long before you, you reminded yourself.
"Alright," you breathe out in a huff.
"Civilians are in the path," Steve told Pietro, who rushed off.
"I need you to help me stop this train," you turn to Wanda.
She stares at you but nods once firmly.
You make your way to the front of the train, hopping over the conductor and a few feet away from the train, turning as it approaches you.
Steeling yourself by digging your feet into the ground as you get into a stance with your hands out, the train collides into you. Instead of crushing you like it would an average human, your body hardens to take the shock, and the train pushes you back, gravel and dirt flying everywhere.
It slows down slightly, but it won't come to a complete stop before the train would barrel right into a building. You can see Pietro working around you, and Wanda uses her power to stop the wheels from turning.
The train comes to a full stop smoothly with all three of you, and no one was harmed.  People began to exit the train, and Steve came out to check on you while Wanda checked on Pietro.
"I'm fine, just need a second," you breathe, hearing Pietro say something similar to Wanda.
"Did you get the cradle?" Wanda asks, her eyes floating to you. Your eyes caught hers for a moment, but you turned quickly to your intercoms.
You had tried to contact Natasha, but it was obviously a bust as she didn't answer back. Your next contact was with David to tell him to start searching.
"Stark will handle it," Steve tells Wanda.
"No, he won't," Wanda looked distraught.
"You don't know what you're talking about, you don't know him," Steve defended Tony while Wanda looked more upset as the seconds passed.
"He will do anything to make it right," Wanda says, knowing what she saw in his head. "Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and killing it...where do you think he gets that from?"
Steve pursed his lips because as much as he didn't want to admit it, the girl had a point, and Steve was still miffed about how Tony had kept all this artificial intelligence stuff a secret.
"Stark, anyone, come in?" Steve said into his comms, but it was silent.
You turn around, jaw clenched as you were upset about Natasha taken.
"It'll be fine," you tell the three of them, the confidence in your voice that made everyone quiet. "We need to head back."
You were pissed.
And everyone could tell.
Natasha was taken, and no one knew where Ultron may have taken her. You understood at the time that Steve needed you there to help him, but it didn't help that Natasha was gone.
You were mostly pissed at yourself.
"Well, she's not dead," Tony says as if in an attempt to make you feel better. "If she were, Ultron would be rubbing it in our faces."
You didn't say anything in response, jaw still clenched tightly.
Wanda watched from the other side of the room, looking at you peculiarly with her head slightly tilted and arms crossed together just under her chest. She had gathered that you and Natasha were together, and from the information she got from reading other people's minds, it seemed that it was still relatively a new development.
There was something in Wanda's chest that flared annoyingly at the sight of you so...so worried over the redhead. She didn't quite understand it herself or what was the underlying cause of it. But you looked different with that expression on your face.
"You think Natasha might've left something for you outside the internet? Any old-school spy stuff?" Tony asked as he turned to Clint.
"I can cast some nets to see if I catch anything," Clint pressed his lips together, also eager to find his friend.
Your eyes were glowing red angrily as you tried to control your emotions. David came up to you, putting his hand on your shoulder to try to ground you.
"I'll find her," David promises you.
You were gripping a countertop as you were slightly hunched over it.
You needed air.
Suddenly, the edge of the countertop snapped under your grip, crumbling into smaller pieces, and you let it go as you stood straight.
"Find her within the hour," you tell David, walking briskly out of the room.
When you came back, everything was in chaos.
Everyone was arguing about the body in the cradle and what to do with it. You could see from the corner of your eye that Bruce was angry with Wanda and picking a fight with her.
It was escalating so fast. All of a sudden, Pietro took off as he started destroying lab equipment.
"No, go on," Pietro stood next to Bruce, but the next second afterward, the glass floor shattered underneath him, and he fell through where Clint was.
"Pietro!" Wanda went to help her brother, but then Bruce grabbed her from behind.
Tony and Steve were fighting each other, and you blinked before clenching your jaw.
You blurred over, and just before Steve and Tony were about to collide again, you intercepted, grabbing both their wrists and twisting.
"Ah!" They both yelled as they staggered, almost kneeling on the ground.
The room stilled as everyone look at you.
"We do not fight each other," you snarled at them, looking at Steve and Tony pointedly. "Keep this up, and I'll snap both your wrists."
You grip just slightly tighter in warning before letting them both go, and they stumble a little as they stand up straighter.
"Jesus Christ, I could feel the armor just about to give," Tony says, holding his hand up to inspect his suit while Steve rubs his wrist gingerly.
You then blur over to where Bruce and Wanda to separate them, shoving Bruce a little harder when he refused to let go of Wanda.
Wanda stumbles into your arms when Bruce is forced to let her go. You steady her with your hand on her back. Your scent fills Wanda's nose, and she's almost reeling at how it invades her.
"I get that you're beyond pissed, and what she did was not okay," you tell Bruce, eyes flickering to meet Wanda's for a second before looking back at him. "But clearly the situation has changed, and for now, she's with us. Steve brought them here. This isn't the time. Focus on the mission at hand, figure it out with her after."
"You want me to forgive what she did?" Bruce said incredulously.
"No," you shake your head, "I want you to be an Avenger and put it aside for now because your teammate has been captured, and there's still a maniac robot out there hellbent on making humans extinct."
Your words hit Bruce and seem to sober him from his anger, and he relaxes his clenched jaw as he sighs and nods. You pat him on the shoulder twice before you walk away, leading Wanda with you.
Best to not tempt it again if they're too close together.
Wanda looks at you as you walk with her. The words, 'are you upset with me?' want to leave her mouth, but she forces them in. Of course, you'd be upset with her. She had done so many things to the Avengers, including harming your girlfriend with hallucinations.
Wanda looks away and grits her teeth because she shouldn't care if you're upset with her or not.
But then she feels a light pat on her back.
Wanda looks at you. You aren't looking back at her, there's no indication that you had done that as you keep your head straight ahead.
Wanda had understood the gesture regardless, hearing your voice in her head.
'It's not okay, but I understand. You will get a chance to make it up to Bruce, and he will forgive you. Give it time.'
Before Wanda could say anything, Tony and Steve were at it again, but this time using their words.
"Tony," Steve's face daunt and tight in disapproval, "shut it down!" Steve demanded.
"And I'm telling you, this is will work!" Tony shot back as he caught you coming up to them.
"Tell them!" Tony looks at you, drawing Steve's attention to you as well. "Tell them what you--"
You shoot Tony a warning look, getting him to shut up.
Sighing, you looked at Steve. "Trust me when I say that it will be okay."
"You want him to bring another android to life?" Steve said in disbelief. "We haven't even defeated the first one yet!"
Before you could argue some more, Thor flew in, bringing his lightning hammer on the cradle, bringing the body to life.
"Wait!" Bruce yelled, but it was too late.
For a moment, it was silent, but suddenly, the body smashed out of its cradle.
Glass flew everywhere in its surrounding area. You immediately grabbed Wanda, pulling her to shield her from the flying glass as you used your hand to protect her head.
You felt a piece of glass slice through your cheek on the surface, momentarily stinging before it mended itself.
When everyone stood straighter as the glass settled, there was a giant red android standing in his naked glory, and a giant yellow stone plastered into his forehead.
You had known this was coming when you touched Tony's hand. You had seen quite far ahead;  everything from this, to the fight with Ultron in Tony's perspective, and even a little after that.
When the government and the United Nations wanted to be involved in the Avengers' affairs.
That would be a tricky one to navigate, and you wanted more time to think about it.
When you had relayed what you had seen back to him on the farm, you reassured him that he doesn't kill anyone in the next while, but you didn't exactly tell him what he will do in the future in detail as it could cause counterproductive results and change the future again.
All you could tell Tony was that he was on the right path, he was going to create something to help win the battle, and a heat seal would come in handy.
But back to the matter at hand, you knew this was coming, and yet, actually seeing the giant red walking toaster rubbed you the wrong way, and you weren't quite sure why.
He was floating and quickly flew towards Thor, who easily deterred the android away.
Thor raised his hands as Steve and Clint were ready to fight. Pietro came back, looking at you with a quirk of his brow when he saw you still holding Wanda.
You let go awkwardly because you were distracted, forgetting that you were still protecting her.
Why Pietro was staring at you like that, you didn't know. It's not like Wanda stepped out of your arms, either.
"I'm sorry," the android came back, sounding very similar to JARVIS. "That was odd...thank you," he looked at Thor.
"Thor, you helped create this?" Steve said as he eyed the being before him.
"I had a vision. A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life and at its center is that," Thor says, pointing to the stone in the android's head.
"What? The gem?" Bruce clarified.
"It's the Mind Stone. It's one of the six Infinity Stones, the greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities," Thor explained.
"Then why would you bring it to life..." Steve pursed his lips, even more suspicious of the new being.
"Because Stark is right," Thor says, almost looking pained to admit.
"That's just gonna unnecessarily inflate his ego," you mutter while Tony was accessing what he helped bring to life.
"We can't defeat Ultron," Thor says, but then catches David entering the room. "Okay, well, maybe he can, but he seems like he has a lot to do."
"Help is good," the android tilted his head.
"Why does your 'vision' sound a lot like JARVIS," Steve's brows furrowed.
"We...configured JARVIS' matrix to create something new," Tony explained.
"I think I've had enough of the new," Steve pursed his lips, never taking his eyes off the android.
The android looked over to Steve. "You think I'm a child of Ultron?"
"You're not?" Steve countered back.
The android shook his head. "I'm not Ultron. I'm not Jarvis...I am...I am." Since he had yet to name himself, and due to Thor's vision, everyone decided that's what his name would be.
Wanda looked at Vision suspiciously. Her eyes narrowing at him. "I looked in your head and saw annihilation."
"Look again," he prompted her, staring at her intensely, and you resisted the urge to curl your lip back.
Wanda does what he says, a curious look on her face.
"Yeah, her seal of approval means jack-shit to me," Clint says.
You watched as everyone goes back and forth, with Vision ending with a long, windy, talk about himself and that they need to go. You resist the urge to roll your eyes.
"Sokovia. Natasha's there too," David answered, giving you a look when everyone questions where they were going.
"Then let's go," you lick your lips.
The ride back to Sokovia feels long, even with Tony flying the Quinjet as fast as possible.
You stand in the back, looking out the window as the clouds pass by. You hear someone come up to you, but you don't move.
The smell of cinnamon and orange blossom floats you're way, so you don't have to know who it was.
The two of you stand in silence, appreciating the view outside.
"Sometimes...sometimes I can see a glimpse into your head," Wanda says quietly, so the others don't hear.
Your eyes peer over to her before slowly looking back out.
"It's not polite to snoop," you say equally as quiet.
"I can't exactly control it..." Wanda mumbles.
"Even so, you should at least pretend you don't know," you moisten your lips.
It's quiet for a moment before Wanda speaks up again.
"I...saw someone. Things I can't explain," Wanda says unsurely, and you know what she's talking about.
Even though you know she can't help it, you can't help but also feel a little miffed.
You knew that Wanda had a right to know, and yet, you didn't say anything.
"You were looking for me..." Wanda realizes.
"And Pietro," you add, giving her a look, almost laughing when she scrunches her nose.
"We're...connected," Wanda slowly says, turning to face you more.
You swallow as you turn to face her as well.
Wanda's staring at you intensely as if drawing in every little detail about your face and committing it to memory. There's a tight feeling in both her stomach and chest, and she doesn't understand.
She doesn't understand you.
You nod softly.
"Will you tell me about it?" Wanda asks.
"After everything has settled," you tell her.
Wanda swallows.
"You want me to stay?"
She says it so softly, you're surprised such a tone can come out of her when lately she's been an angry bull.
With the time you have, you take in her features. Her long dark hair behind her ears, round face, with define cheeks and jawline was familiar. Her long lashes framed her eyes, and her dark eyeliner and the lighting inside the craft dimmed the color of her eyes.
She looked at you with an intensity that made you dizzy.
"Yeah," you rasp. "How else will you make it up to Banner?"
Natasha hears you calling her name as you run-up to her cell. She stands up, meeting you on the other side, her hand touches yours.
"You okay?" You ask her, accessing her thoroughly for any kind of injuries.
"Yeah," she tells you, smiling a little at your protective behavior, and once you're satisfied that she's relatively unharmed, you look back to her face.
"We gotta get going, team's already out there, and we're missing all the action," you say, liking the way Natasha smirks.
"Don't suppose you found a key just lying around on your way in, did you?"
You tilt your head, looking at the built-in lock on the cell door. Placing your hand over it, you yanked with a substantial amount of strength, forcing the metal underneath to give way.
You threw the hunk of metal behind your back and looked at your girlfriend. She smiled at you as she slides the door open, jumping into you to hug you briefly.
"Let's go," she says as she pulls back.
The two of you navigate your way through, but the ground begins to shake as you're almost out of there. The two of you stumble slightly before steadying yourselves.
"What's the situation?" You ask into the comms.
"Ultron's got Vibranium under the city. We're up in the air," Tony advises.
"Shit, we need to get out here," you say, turning to Natasha. "We're not going to make it on foot, so I'm going to carry you on my back."
Natasha nods, and you turn around, lower yourself so she can get on. Once she's secured on with her legs wrapped tightly around your waist, you adjust here once more before you're satisfied.
"Keep your head down and close to me," you tell her, feeling her following your instructions. The speed you'd be going at could accidentally break her neck if you weren't careful.
With that, you race out, quickly reaching the outside. Everything seems to be crumbling at you begin to maneuver onto the rocks, leaping onto another one as they fall. Eventually, you reach the cliffside wall, using your hands along with your feet to climb up.
When you reach safe ground, Natasha gets off.
"Didn't even break a sweat, huh?" She says to you.
"I have great stamina," you joke, but Natasha raises her brow at her, quirking her lip on one side into a seductive smirk.
"I'll be sure to test that out one day."
You feel awful.
Sokovia is falling apart, people are screaming and crying, and it's a war zone out here.
You separated from Natasha, warning her to not get kidnapped again because you don't think you could live with that kind of worry. She merely kisses your cheek before she races off to go help Steve and Thor.
You met up with David, who was huddled up with one of Ultron's robots, and a laptop next to him. The robot was powered down by David, who had his hands on its chest intensely.
"What are you doing?" You ask, looking at his laptop screen to see he was uploading something.
David didn't break his concentration or even open his eyes, but he answered you. "I'm trying to reprogram this bot's mainframe. The Vision is deleting Ultron off the net, so if I can do this, then I can turn this bot over to help us, and then spread it over to all Ultron's other bots."
"That would definitely turn the tide on this," you say, crushing a flying robot towards David.
"I...I got it!" David exclaimed, powering up the robot in hand. It stood up, accessing you, and you stood on guard, but it started to attack its own kind as a threat in the next moment.
"I just need to finish uploading the software to be spread," David picked up his laptop. "I'm going to take cover to finish this, and then find The Vision. I'm good here, you should go."
You nod at him before you take off at high speed. On your way, you bumped into Clint and Wanda. They were being overpowered as they tried to help civilians out of the area.
A group of bots begin to close in. It seems David is still in the process of uploading the software, so the attacks haven't ceased. You notice a bot hellbent on self-destruction as it plummets towards the ground.
Clint is already moving towards Wanda, shouting at her to move. You rush towards the two of them, jumping and pushing them through a building window just as an explosion hits. There are shots still being fired even as the three of you take cover.
Clint's already sitting up, alert as he tries to look at the situation outside without getting shot. Wanda crawls towards the wall, gasping and whimpering.
"How could I let this happen?" She's so distraught.
"Hey, hey, are you alright?" Clint asks, but you put your hand on his shoulder.
Clint looks at you. The situation outside still needs to be handled, and he seems like he doesn't have the time to try to give her a pep talk. You nod at him, and he nods back. Getting up, Clint readies his arrows before he kicks open the door.
"This is all our fault," Wanda cries quietly.
You grab her face, getting her to look up at you. "Look at me," you tell her. "It doesn't matter whose fault it is. It's your fault, my fault, it's everyone's fault. Regardless, this is happening."
She looks at you, breathing harshly as she blinks rapidly.
"I know you're hurting, but this is your homeland, and it's up in the air. Literally. Hopefully, if David manages, we won't be fighting an entire army of robots, but we still got one bad guy to fight," you swallow before hearing something approach as you push and move Wanda out of the way just as a shot fires through the wall.
Wanda looks even more frightened, and she's hanging on the front of your jacket as you readjust to move away from the wall.
"We can't change what we've done, we can only try to fix it going forward. I don't care about anything you did or who you were before this."
"I can't fix this," she bellows to you.
"Yes, you can," you backfire immediately at her. "If you scared and want to let everyone else clean up your mess, I'm fine with letting you do that. You'll be safe here, and Pietro can come to get you. But you can't sit here and tell me that you're okay with letting your fear control you. You can do this, I know you can."
Wanda stares at you, eyes shaking as bites her tongue, letting the silence fall.
"Why do you believe in me so much? Care about me so much?" Wanda asks quietly, feeling something stir in her stomach.
You look back at her, noticing that Wanda seems calmer. Maybe because you feel like you're looking at someone so similar to Tatyana in many ways. That Wanda feels like she's the villain who had caused this.
Perhaps thought she had wanted to be a villain at the start.
But it wretches your gut painfully.
"If anyone could become a hero, it'd be you."
"David, please tell me you're almost finished," you say into the comms as you, Wanda, and Clint fight the rest of the robots in your area.
The three of you need to work your way to Steve and the rest of the gang when Pietro flew in to take Wanda.
"Keep up, old man!" He teasingly says as he darts off.
"I hate him so much," Clint breathes deeply.
"If you want, I can carry you," you shrug.
"I both want to and hate the idea," Clint scrunches his nose but allows you to carry him.
"I'm really close guys, just hang tight!" David tells everyone.
"The next wave is going to hit any minute," Steve says. "What do you have, Stark?"
"Working on a heat seal," he tells everyone.
"We don't have the time," Thor says, "Ultron is trying to get to the core. We need to make a choice."
"That's not a solution," Steve firmly says.
"There's no math here, Steve. Everyone up here versus everyone down there?"
"I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it," Steve doesn't budge.
"I'm not saying we should go," Natasha counters back, nodding her head back and forth as she considers something. "There are worse ways to go. Besides, where else am I going to get a view like this?"
"I have at least fifteen other places that have better views than this."
Natasha looks over to see you had shown up with a disapproving look on your face.
"I think we might have to settle," Natasha gives you a self-deprecating smile that shows all too much that this is the only way.
"I don't settle."
With that, another voice comes on the radio.
"Glad you think the view is nice, hopefully, you think this is much better," Fury comes in with a Helicarrier in view. "Nice, right? I pulled her out of the mothballs with a couple old friends. She's dusty, but she'll do."
"Fury, you son of a bitch!" Steve says with a smile.
"Ooh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Fury replies in teasing.
Natasha looks over to you, smiling as you come up to her.
"Did you know?" She asks, and you shrug, not wanting to tell her that you touched Tony.
"If Fury decided to show up at the farm with actually nothing else planned, I think we would have to vote him off the island," you offer instead.
"That's comforting," Fury sarcastically said.
"Anytime," you reply.
Within seconds, lifeboats are deployed, and everyone is helping with the evacuation.
"The odds aren't looking too great here," Thor interrupts. "The core is getting bombarded."
"Rhodey, get everyone on the Helicarrier!" Tony says as he flies towards Thor to help.
"This is exactly what I wanted. All of you against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?"
"Like the old man said," Tony looks at Steve. "Together."
The bots begin to rush towards everyone, and you swallow.
"Wait, guys!" You hear David through the comms. "I...got it!"
Just like that, the bots stop dead in their tracks and power down before powering back up again.
This time, they turn their attention towards Ultron.
"Are you kidding me?" Ultron grumbles as the bots rush towards him, firing shots away that Ultron easily deflects.
Because The Vision burned him off the net, Ultron has no way of accessing the software David created to try to change the bots back to his side.
The Hulk rushes towards Ultron, punching him square in the chest and sending him flying miles away.
Everyone turns to look at each other as David blurs into the area with his laptop.
"I feel like we missed a very epic battle scene," Tony says, "like a defining moment in a movie."
"Oh, I'm sorry," David says sarcastically, "if you want, I can totally fix that for you."
"Nope, we're good," Steve says quickly. "We still need to get the stragglers, but if Ultron comes back to the core, we're doomed."
"I'll protect it," Wanda interjects, looking at you as she does. "There's no one better than me."
You nod as Clint looks at Nat.
"Nat, let's go," he nods outside. She looks at you, and you nod at her as it would be faster for you to find civilians on your own.
You look at David. "Alright, nerd, you're going with me. I think you had enough alone time for today."
"You are so ungrateful, oh my god."
"I love you," you smile.
Tony is using the extra bots to help push the rock further into the sky. If they can get it into space, using the heat seal would cause the least amount of damage to Sokovia.
"I can't believe I'm going into space again," Tony mumbled, glad he had made the adjustments to his suit so it would be suitable to go into space better this time.
He had been prepared since the alien invasion.
"Maybe you chose the wrong career path and should've become an astronaut instead," you joke, getting a low chuckle in return.
You had run the perimeter with David, seeing that there were no civilians left.
Natasha volunteered to try to convince The Hulk to either change back or get his ass on the Helicarrier. You would've volunteered, but you don't think The Hulk would be happy to see you, and you can't keep biting the man to force him to change back either.
"I think I can hear a woman screaming," David mumbled. "I'll go check."
He takes off, and you are about to head back when you hear shots fired in the distance. You turn and speed over.
You felt your stomach dropping when you approach the scene. Everything seems to happen in slow motion.
Ultron in his jet, shooting down at Clint, who has a little boy in his arms. You turn your head to see Pietro.
He looks at you, giving you a smirk that feels all too familiar like it's his last one.
Pietro is a step faster than you, he probably always will be. But that doesn't stop you. You force yourself to run. Run faster. Run harder. The sheer amount of force causes a sickening crack in your legs, but you make it just in time.
Pietro only gets shot once through his stomach before you push him out of the way and cover Clint and the child.
The shooting stops as Ultron flies away.
The silence settles, and Clint looks up to see you standing straight before him. You've been shot all over, multiple times in multiple areas.
You suddenly puke up blood as you fall to your knees.
Pietro immediately gets up from the ground rushing over to you, catching you in his arms.
"Why did you do that?!" He yells at you, hands over your body, but he doesn't know which areas to stop the bleeding.
"You idiot," you tell him. "Can you heal from being shot? I don't think so."
Though you say that, the only thing that healed, even though rather slowly, was the crack in your leg.
"You're not healing," Clint says, his tone urgent. He looks at you as blood pours out. "Why aren't you healing?"
"She doesn't have enough blood in her system."
Clint turns over to see David, looking horrified. He kneels down, taking you from Pietro's arms.
"I told you, you fucking idiot, that we should've just taken more blood bags from the hospital," David scolds you.
"This is hardly the time for, 'I told you so,'" You reply weakly.
"Get the kid onto the boat," David looks at Clint and then looks at Pietro. "You need to go collect your sister. There are no more civilians, and we're reaching the stratosphere soon."
"What about--"
"I got this," David says as he bites into your neck. You hiss at the sudden pain. Clint and Pietro have more questions, but they do as David says and take off.
"You better pray to God that we make it back in time," David purses his lips as he pushes your sleeve up to bite in various places.
The damage to Sokovia is still devastating. It's not entirely obliterated, and people will be able to rebuild their country.
The Hulk, unfortunately, had taken off on his own in stealth mode. He didn't want to be found.
It seems The Vision has taken care of completely destroying Ultron, taking this chapter to an end.
It's not the perfect ending, but it could be a lot worse.
There was only one problem left.
You were dying.
Or at least, on your way to either going completely feral for blood to help you heal or going to a deep slumber until you were fed.
Either one was on the table at this point.
"What do we do?" Natasha asks David sharply as they're still in the air being transported back.
They were on the Helicarrier in their own private section away from the people as they didn't know what you were going to do.
"I only temporarily closed her wounds to stop the bleeding," David tells everyone, explaining why he bit you earlier. He was injecting his healing venom. "Venom doesn't quite work the same way on vampires as it does on humans. She still has a lot of internal bleeding that won't stop, and the only thing that can stop it is if she drinks blood."
"We don't have any blood bags on here!" Steve says as he looks at you, full of worry.
"We could...we could cut and drain our own blood," Natasha looks at you before looking back at David. "She can drink the blood as long as she's not biting us, right?"
David purses his lips as if to consider it but then shakes his head. "She's too badly wounded, it won't be enough. Plus, none of you are in the state to lose any more blood, even if you guys all donate. I can heal your wounds, but I can't make your body produce more blood."
"Then what do we do?" Natasha wants to scream. She can't lose you. She just can't.
At that moment, Pietro and Wanda come in. Pietro can hardly stand up himself, so Wanda is supporting him. They had heard part of the conversation as they came in.
Pietro looks at you, face full of anguish because you're only like this because you saved him.
You're tense on the table, occasionally arching your back up in pain and need. David is holding you down by your arm in case you suddenly get a burst of energy and massacre everyone in this room for blood.
Wanda looks at you, jaw clenched.
The feeling of loss is threatening her on her doorstep. You had saved Pietro, God knows if she could survive to lose her only family.
But Wanda was not ready to let you go either.  
It has occurred to Wanda that outside of Pietro, the only person in this world that may understand her, believe in her, protect her, care for her...would be you.
There was something there, something undefined and frightening. Wanda was sure you felt it too with her, though ignoring it for Natasha.
David looked at Wanda. He knew that he shouldn't.
Yet before he could even stop himself, Wanda looks sharply over at him, catching his thoughts.
You would be entirely beyond pissed at him.
It would cause a whole new set of problems for everyone.
He was sure you would rather die.
But David wasn't willing to risk the chance of you going feral, which was almost guaranteed at this point, or your death.
He just wasn't.
"She can drink my blood," Wanda says, drawing everyone's attention. Wanda was the only person who hadn't sustained any significant damage or got shot. She could afford to lose blood.
"What?" Steve looks at David, who has his lips pursed.
"It would work, wouldn't it?" Wanda also looks at you, your eyes glowing a red she's all too familiar in seeing in herself. "It would be even better than drinking from a blood bag to feed directly from me."
Wanda doesn't fully understand what you are, or the concept of vampires, but she catches pieces here and there from everyone around the room.
And there's a feeling of intrigue and possession that flutters knowing that she was the only one you could drink blood from, aside from her brother.
Pietro grips his sister's arms tighter, torn because if you could drink her blood, you could drink his, but he was also in no shape to lose any more blood.
Wanda pats his arms to assure him she'll be fine. Pietro leans against the wall as Wanda comes closer to you.
"It...would, but..." David's eyes shift over to Natasha.
Natasha clenches her jaw.
The words about how feeding can be an incredibly intimate and private act come back to her.
It's not that Natasha is particularly jealous of Wanda in that way. She's more jealous that she can't do anything to help you herself.
Natasha can't muster the words out of her mouth, so she tersely nods.
With that, Wanda stands right next to your lying body on the bed.
"Everyone, stand back," David says, trying to keep you still, but it's like you can smell how close to feeding you are.
The burst of energy does come, but you use to break out of David's grip as you fling him across the room.
"Shit!" David yells, convinced that you're going to kill Wanda to drain her blood. He stands up, reading to try to fight you even though it would be a losing battle.
But he stops.
You merely stand before Wanda, her face in your hands as you tilt her head up to expose her neck.
You press your nose against her neck, taking a long inhale as you purr at the scent.
Wanda can hear alarm bells in her head that tell her you're a predator, and she's your prey, but she doesn't tremble. Instead, she brings her hands up to hold your wrists as if to keep them in place.
You chuckle throatily, attitude nothing like your usual self, "How brave."
Wanda swallows slowly, the action very visible as the muscles in her neck move.
"It was you who taught me that I could be a hero," she says quietly as if it's only for your ears.
The words seem to trigger something in you as you sink your teeth into her neck, a mouthful of blood rushing into you.
It's been too long, you almost forgot what it was like.
It was hot in your mouth, as fresh as it was.
You could feel a warm body being pressed you, hear a heart beating, and smell the arousal.
A deep moan left Wanda's mouth, unable to control it. A hot, liquid fire shot down to her lower stomach, pooling in her gut.
Wanda couldn't describe how it felt, what she was experiencing, but you were doing something to her as you drank from her, holding her close to you.
You suddenly lift her into the air, wrapping her legs around your waist as you blurred over to the drawer cabinet against the wall, pushing Wanda up on it roughly. Your hands held her possessively.
Wanda was pressed to the wall as she sat on the cabinet, her legs still wrapped against you tightly as she fisted her hand into the back of your hair.
Everyone watched in astonishment of the act, David biting on his tongue as he looked at Natasha, who had no expression on her face to indicate what she was feeling.
Blood was rushing into your mouth, and it was delicious, making you delirious, but that didn't stop you from realizing there was a crowd in the room watching you feed, watching Wanda unravel.
You released your mouth from her neck.
"Leave," you demanded lowly and roughly, hardly coherent before you resume sinking your teeth back into Wanda.
Natasha stared at you, you seemed lost in your own world as you fed, and Natasha knows that you are only like this due to how injured you are.
As everyone leaves the room, Natasha looks at the two of you once more. Wanda's hand is buried in your hair while she's arching into you.
As she exits the room, Natasha catches Wanda's eyes, staring at her intensely with an unknown meaning in them before her eyes flutter close just as the door shuts.
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is-it-madness · 4 years
Pastries and Pain
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A/N: This is for @fanfictionaries​ Classic Tropes Writing Challenge. Congrats on the 300 darling!!! 🥳🎉🥳 The prompt I chose was Fake Dating!AU with the charming Loki. And thank you to my darling beta @wowjeena​ I LOVE YOU 💜💜💜
Word Count: 6K+
Warnings: Mentions of abusive relationship, abuse, sexual innuendos
Pairing: Loki x reader
Summary: Nat and Wanda keep setting you up for dates. You need to figure out how to avoid them.
“You did what?!” You glare angrily at Natasha and Wanda. 
They don’t even bother hiding their looks of amusement. 
“We set you up on a blind date,” Nat tells you with a smirk.
“You said you wouldn’t do that anymore!” Last year, after they discovered you hadn't been on a date since you broke up with your abusive ex a few years ago, they felt obligated to find you a suitable boyfriend. Blind date after blind date. The dates were all just okay. Nat and Wanda made sure not to let you go out with anyone creepy, which helped, but none of the dates sparked your interest. After a few weeks of repeated fails, you asked—no begged them to stop. They only agreed when you swore you would find your own partner.
“Honey,” Nat begins, “did you ever end up finding a date for yourself?”
You glare at her in response.
“You promised us you would! You didn’t and it’s been months,” Wanda scolds you.
“I’m just too busy to be emotionally invested in someone right now, okay?” At least that was true. What with helping out on missions and working in the lab, you were always exhausted by the end of the day. You never saw anyone anymore, besides your team, and sometimes you would even go days without seeing them. You would be holed up in the lab or out in the field—you just didn’t have time to throw your emotions into the mix.
“Well not tonight,” Nat says triumphantly.
“Tonight?!” you squeak.
They both give you a wicked smile and drag you back to Nat’s room to get you ready for the evening. 
You argue with your so-called friends about the date. You plead with them.
“I’ll find my own date, you guys! Just please don’t make me do this!”
Wanda laughs and shakes her head while Nat reprimands you.
“Are you seriously gonna stand him up? That is so not like you.”
You sigh. Nat is right. Of course. So you begrudgingly slip into the soft, dark green dress they laid out for you. The halter neck and deep V decolletage lead to the cinched waist showcasing your figure and the skirt reaching just above your knees. You put on some light makeup and pull your hair back into two cute buns with a few pieces framing your face. Nat and Wanda sit fussing over you, before they finally let you out of the room.
They walk you past the living room to the elevator, but you stop in your tracks when Tony calls your name. You turn to see the rest of the team lounging around. This is the first Friday in weeks where everyone’s at the Tower, not having to rush off to missions or save the world.
“Where are you guys going?” Tony asks. He gives you a double-take. “What’s with the dress?”
When he asks that, the rest of the team turns to look at you. You immediately feel the heat rising to your face.
“Nat and Wanda thought it would be a good idea if I went out for a bit,” you mumble.
“Did you two set her up for another date?” Steve questions them knowingly.
Nat smirks and Wanda nods happily.
“Well, you look wonderful,” Thor beams at you and you return the smile. “Would you not say so, brother?”
The God of Mischief sitting next to Thor gave you a once over.
He gives a single shoulder shrug and says, “Unsightly.”
You smile sweetly at him. “Oh, thank goodness! I was worried you were going to say I look as grotesque as you.”
“Alright boys, you can give your fashion critique later,” Nat says, putting a hand on your shoulder. “We have a date to get to.”
His name is Michael. He was very sweet, albeit nervous when the two of you sat down for dinner. You learn he works in the IT department for Stark Industries, he runs a hand through his short, brown hair when he’s nervous, and his deep blue eyes sparkle when he tells you about his interests.
“So, you’re part of the Avengers, right?” he asks, carding a hand through his locks.
“Yeah, I guess you could say that,” you tell him with a laugh.
“What made you decide to start dating again?”
You shake your head in amusement. “My friends are very convincing.”
The rest of the night goes along smoothly with the conversation stuttering only a few times. 
When he walks you to your car, he runs a hand through his hair before placing a soft kiss on your cheek. He tells you good night and hurries back to his car.
You sigh, slightly exasperated, before sliding into your car.
“So, how’d it go?”
You release your hair from its hold and it cascades around you. “It wasn’t bad. He was nice.”
Nat smiles. “So are you gonna see him again?”
You contemplate her question. Were you going to see him again? Sure he was nice and not bad looking, but just like all your previously failed dates, there was… nothing. You didn’t feel a connection when you spoke, the both of you kept the conversation basic. You didn’t feel a spark when he kissed you. It was no different than the friendly kisses Thor would give you as greetings.
“No, I don’t think so. I’m sorry, Nat.” 
“Don’t worry about it, babe. Wanda and I will just keep looking for you.”
“It’s okay, Nat. You really don’t have to do this.”
She waves you off. “What kind of a friend would I be if I didn’t help you?”
“That’s just it, Nat! You don’t have to help me. It’s not a big deal.”
But she isn’t listening.
A week goes by and so do five other dates. You had to cut the last one short because you were just too exhausted. You couldn’t keep doing this. It was too much. But you knew Nat and Wanda were relentless. Nothing would make them stop until you had a boyfriend.
You pace around your room, coming up with excuse after excuse to try to skip the impending date they have planned for you. You come to the conclusion that the only way they would leave you alone is if you were in a relationship. You abruptly stop pacing. Maybe if you had someone fill the position. Maybe… maybe someone could pretend to be your boyfriend—at least for a short time. Just to get the girls off your back. You start formulating a plan. But for this plan to work, you needed someone cunning, someone who could keep a secret, someone who was stealthy, and preferably, someone already on the team.
A name comes to you and you immediately head to the library with a smirk on your face, but the whole time your mind is screaming that THIS IS A BAD IDEA!!!
You find the God in his usual seat, his legs spread wide, and a book in hand. He sits in the far corner of the library, which also happened to be your spot too. 
“Loki! I need you.”
He smirks and looks up from his book, “In your bed or mine?”
“I don’t have time for your smart mouth right now! This is serious!”
He quirks a brow.
“I need you to go on a ‘date’ with me,” you say, putting up air quotes.
He stares at you for a good thirty seconds before he gives you an eloquent response. 
You feel yourself turn bright pink. “Please, Loki! I can’t take Nat and Wanda setting me up on blind dates anymore, it’s just too much. Please? If I find my own date, they’ll leave me alone,” you explain to him, internally begging him to agree to your plan.
“I’m not sure I follow,” he tells you slowly. “You wish for me to court you, but not as a real courtship?”
You nod hastily. “Exactly.”
He squints at you. “No.”
You’re shocked. “What? Why not?”
He smirks at you. “Firstly, your team will not take lightly to the matter of us courting. Secondly, there is not a chance they would believe you have fallen for me, even with my good looks and charm,” he continues to tick off. “Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, how long would you allow this to drag out? One week? A month? A year? So no, I do not think I wish to partake in your foolish endeavor.”
“But you wouldn’t need to worry about any of that!” You continue adamantly. “I’ve already thought it out!”
He gives you an amused look. “Alright, I’ll listen to your hairbrained scheme.”
You glower at him. Maybe you should’ve picked someone else for this, but it’s too late now. He already knows what you’re planning.
“One, I won’t tell the team who I’m seeing, we can just meet up somewhere outside the building. And if I act like I’m in love with someone, and we stay… y’know, mean to each other, they won’t get suspicious. Your second point is irrelevant, because they won’t know it’s you that I’m ‘dating.’” His nostrils flare and his jaw ticks but you plow ahead. “And lastly, we won’t have to keep this charade up for long. I’ll just say you ‘broke up with me’ and I’ll be too ‘heartbroken’ to consider dating for a while.”
He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs deeply. “Out of the goodness of my own heart, and the desire to only create mischief… fine.”
Your eyes widen, “You’ll do it?”
“I suppose I have nothing more exciting to attend to. And besides,” he looks up to give you a smirk. “I am eager to see this come crashing down around you.”
“I was thinking for your next date, you should go to the park,” Nat tells you a few days later.
You smile at her. “I don’t think that’ll be necessary.”
She glares at you. “You’re not getting out of this. How many times do I have to tell you? I’m going to keep finding you dates until we find the right one.”
You shake your head and laugh. “It’s not necessary because I found my own date.”
Her spoon falls with a clatter into her bowl of cereal. “I’m sorry, I thought I heard you say you found your own date?!”
“I don’t understand why that’s so unbelievable, Nat.” You place a hand on your heart. “I’m hurt.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” she apologizes with a laugh, but her eyes sparkle with glee. “So what’s his name?”
“It’s a secret.”
“What?! You can’t not tell me!”
“Well, this is our first date. So what’s the point of putting a name to a face if I’m not sure if this’ll work out?”
“Okay fine,” she pauses. “Well, where’d you two meet?”
“Oh, you know,” you say with a small smile and a shrug. “Around.”
She folds her arms. “I need info so I can run tests on him,” she chides. “Need to make sure he’s not a threat.”
“Don’t worry, he’s no threat.”
She sighs and throws her hands in the air. “Fine, I get it. You don’t want to talk about him yet. But if anything sketchy happens, you need to tell me immediately.”
“I promise.” 
She takes her bowl to the sink and starts washing her dishes. 
“And no stalking us!”
She sends you a smirk over her shoulder. 
Early afternoon, the next day, you wait for Loki at a nearby cafe for your ‘date,’ but he’s nowhere to be seen. Sure, the two of you didn’t exactly get along, with his snark and your sarcasm, you would usually wage verbal wars against each other. But you didn’t think he would just leave you, he said he wanted to see your plan fail, so you thought for sure he would be waiting for you. Your smile falters a bit, but you shake your head. You don’t need him. You’ll just do this on your own. You decide to leave and head to the park instead, since it’s a pretty day out. 
“Considering this was your plan, I did not assume you would leave without me,” you hear a silky voice behind you say.
You turn around to see Loki walking behind you with a smirk.
You huff. “For your information, I thought you left without me.”
“Why would I do that?”
You fold your arms. “Well, you weren’t down here. I figured you agreed to this just to make me look like a fool.”
His smirk only grows. “I would not do that, especially not when you are so desperate.”
“Are you sure you didn’t show up late just for kicks and giggles?”
“If you must know, since you’re so adamant on believing that I would just leave you, I went to purchase these for you.” He conjures a bouquet of flowers and hands them to you. You thank him sheepishly. 
He nods. “I felt like it would seem strange if you returned home without a gift, as you usually returned carrying a gift from your possible suitors.”
“That’s... thoughtful of you.”
He gives you another curt nod.
“Well, let’s get this over with, shall we?”
“So, what do you wanna do?” you ask him. “You’ve never had a chance to explore when you came back from Asgard, we could see whatever you want.”
“I could not care less where we venture to, as long as we hurry up. I have reading to get back to.”
You roll your eyes. Just when you thought he was starting to be friendly, he goes and says something like that.
“Well, if you really don’t want to be here, I'll just go on a walk on my own. You’ve done your part.” You gesture to the flowers. “And you gave me evidence, so I guess I’ll see you later.”
He stares at you, emotionless. 
“Enjoy your book.” You clutch your flowers, trying to reel your emotions back in and start walking in the direction towards the park. 
He catches up to you and releases an audible sigh. “I suppose I could spend some time out of that helhole. It has become rather monotonous. Perhaps you would be suitable entertainment.”
You just shrug, not trusting yourself to not retort back with a scathing comment.
“So, where are we headed?”
“Preferably somewhere I won’t have to pay attention to your existence,” you snap.
His green eyes flash dangerously and he grabs you by the arm, forcing you to face him. “Listen here, mortal,” he seethes. “It may have slipped your notice, but I have done not one, but two favors for you.”
Your cool demeanor snaps in a fiery explosion. “Oh really? Is the favor you being rude to me? Or is it the fact that you can’t find it in yourself to say one, just one, polite thing to me. Oh, I know! It’s probably your side remarks that you love to make, or the fact that you say the most hurtful things to me, because apparently, you seem to think I don’t have emotions. Have you ever considered the weight of your words, even once?!” Tears begin to prick the corner of your eyes, but you refuse to cry in front of him, you refuse to give him something else to hold against you. “Have you ever thought twice about calling me ugly, or useless, or slow, or weak. Well, guess what.”
He releases his hold on you and takes a step back.
“I get it, okay?! I get it! I’m ugly? Great! You’re not the first person to tell me that! I’m useless? People who were close to me, would tell me that constantly. That’s old news to me! I’m slow? At least I stay alive during our missions! I’m weak? Okay then! I don’t know what else to tell ya buddy! I’m sorry I’m no super soldier!” Your chest is heaving from your outburst and Loki opens his mouth to speak, but you cut him off. “You know what?” You begin quietly. “I’m absolutely not as strong as the rest of the team, but I’ve been through stuff that’s made me a stronger person. I’ve learned things the hard way, and I’ve learned that I don’t need hurtful people like you in my life.”
Loki stares at you, mouth slightly agape. You spin around and toss the flowers in the trash. “Have fun reading.” You don’t look back as you continue to walk through the streets.  
You return to the Tower later that evening. After your temper, you spend the most of the day in the park. You wander through the city and stumble upon a quaint little bookstore, sandwiched between a diner and a clothing store. You buy several books before heading home.
The elevator gets closer to the common floor and you take a deep breath. The elevator dings and you force a smile on your face.
“Hey beautiful!” Nat calls to you from the couch. 
The entire team, sprawled around, looks up.
“How’d it go?” Steve asks you.
You internally breathe a sigh of relief. So Lo—so he didn’t blow your story. Good. The man in question was currently paying no attention to you.
“It was great!” you fib. “We went to the park, and we found a cute bookstore not far from here,” you say with a nod to the stack of books in your arms.
Wanda’s face splits into a grin. “Will you be seeing him again?” she asks eagerly. 
You see Thor’s brother, in your peripheral vision, subtly turn to look at you, but you refuse to acknowledge him. 
“Yeah I am! I’ll be going out for breakfast tomorrow, at the cafe. ”
“The one with the chocolate pastries?” Nat asks you.
“Yup. And no following me, Nat! I know what you’re thinking!”
She huffs and crosses her arms.
“Well, I’ve had a long day and I’m exhausted. I’ll see you guys tomorrow, yeah?”
The team bids you good night and you head down the hall to your room. You can feel the God of Mischief watching you.
Early the next morning you drag yourself out of bed and start getting ready. The reward? Pastries. You shower then hop, wiggle, and shimmie into some jeans and pull on a dark blue blouse before making your way to the elevator.
You make it outside without running into anyone. You walk a few blocks to the cafe with your favorite chocolate sweets. You discovered it a while back and later introduced it to the team. As soon as you step in, you inhale the heavenly goodness of coffee roasting, bread baking, and chocolate melting. The little old lady behind the counter recognizes you and prepares your order for you before you have a chance to say anything. You thank her and pay before you find a table in the corner of the store to sit at. You watch the world pass by through the large glass windows. It was still quiet out—or at least quiet for New York—and you close your eyes, relishing in the peace that was sorely lacking while you were in the Tower.
“You do realize it is rude to leave your date behind, yes?” Someone asks you.
You snap your eyes open to see the raven-haired god sitting across from you, the smirk as present as always.
You glare at him. “Why the hell are you here? I don’t recall inviting you.”
He conjures a dagger and splits your pastry in two. He takes a piece and sinks his teeth into it. His eyes flutter close, lashing splaying out across his sharp cheekbones and he moans slightly at the warm confection. You feel a heat rise to your cheeks and your stomach flips. This is the first time you’ve heard him make such an obscene sound. You didn’t expect it to make you press your thighs together.      
“On the contrary, you did invite me.” He pauses to open his eyes, only to be met with your flushed face. He gives you a smirk. “Is something the matter?”
“No,” you scowl at him, quickly composing yourself. “And like I said, I don’t remember inviting you.”
 “Oh dear, have you forgotten about your own scheme?”
“No, I haven’t,” you bristle. “But that doesn’t mean you have to be here.”
He chuckles. “Yes I do. I am fulfilling my promise I made you.”
“How gentlemanly of you,” you reply, rolling your eyes. “You made it quite clear you didn’t want to do this.”
He leans forward and folds his hands. “Listen, in light of recent events, I have taken into consideration our previous conversation. And although we do not have the, ah, best attitude towards one another, I agreed to assist you in your time of need. And I will see to it that your plan continues along accordingly.”
“Well, you’re wasting your time, ‘cause I don’t need you.”
He pinches the bridge of his nose. “At least allow me to attempt to be your faux suitor. To make up for my ghastly behavior towards you.”
You continue to glare at him with your arms crossed. You wait to see a glint of mischief in his emerald eyes, or the tell-tale sign of a smirk, but his face remains solemn.
You let out a sigh of defeat. You knew you wouldn’t be able to keep this guise up for long if you did it alone. 
“Fine,” you agree reluctantly.
He sits up straight and snatches the second half of your pastry. “Excellent.”
“What?” he asks innocently, already biting into your breakfast. “I am absolutely famished.”
You just grumble as he licks his fingers clean. Again, your stomach decides to flutter, without your permission.
“Hello, dear.” You look up to see the older lady has approached you and Loki. “Can I get anything else for you?”
You smile back at her. “No thank you.”
She gives a questioning look to Loki. “And who is this? I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of meeting you, young man.” 
Loki flashes her a charming smile. “Greetings madame.” He stands, gently takes her hand and places a soft kiss on her knuckles.
“This... is my boyfriend,” you tell her through clenched teeth.
She turns to look at you. You detect the slightest tinge of pink to her cheeks. 
“Well, you certainly are lucky to have such a gentleman.”
You barely restrain rolling your eyes, while Loki chuckles and gives a slight shake of his head.
“I hate to contradict madame, but it is I who is the lucky one.” He sits back down and takes your hands in his. He looks at you softly. You look back at him, confused. 
“The first moment I set eyes on her, my heart nearly stopped. And her smile… her smile sent me straight to Valhalla. I never believed the Fates would allow me to meet someone so kind, so gentle, so beautiful. I am grateful to have the honor to call her my beloved. She means more to me than any riches imaginable.”
You blush as the old lady places a hand to her heart and sighs.
“He’s a keeper,” she tells you. “Much better than the last one. This one won’t lay a hand on you.”
You feel Loki staring hard at you, his grip on your hands tighten ever so slightly.
You stand abruptly, Loki still refusing to let go. “Well, we really should be going. We have a few plans today.”
“Yes, of course,” Loki says.
Both of you thank the old lady. You can’t get out of there fast enough. 
The sunlight hits your face as you step outside, but you can’t help the shiver that courses through you. Your past hits you in flashes. Bruised and bloodied skin. Hands raised, only to be brought down against your body with rage. Long sleeves and concealer were a must if you went out. Nights spent huddled in bed, silently crying from pain.
You dimly realize someone is shaking you by your shoulders, calling your name.
You look up to see Loki watching you intently, his brow furrowed.
“What did she mean?” he asks you, his voice a deadly calm.
“It’s nothing,” you brush him off. “It’s not like you’d care anyways,” you mumble under your breath.
Whether he heard you or not, he didn’t show.
He gives you a hard stare for another second before dropping his hands.  
“What would you like to do?”
He sighs. “For our outing. Where would you wish to go?”
“Oh. Yeah, right. Um. Maybe we could go to the bookstore I found?”
“Done.” He holds out his arm for you and you tentatively slip your hand in. “Lead the way.”
A smile pulls at your lips and you tug him in the direction of the bookstore.
After you both buy several books, you spend the rest of your day taking Loki to your favorite spots around the city. You take him to a garden in Central Park and he tells you about his mother’s garden. He buys you ice cream because ‘I suppose you deserve it after I took your breakfast.’
The next few weeks, you and Loki alternate taking the other places. Loki takes you for lunch, you take him to the movies. He takes you to a museum and you take him to dinner. The two of you begin bonding and slowly the animosity begins to fade. After the second month, you realize that you actually like being in his company. You made each other laugh and were able to discuss things to great lengths that you couldn’t do with anyone else on the team. The two of you would always be careful, leaving the Tower separately, coming home separately. You both also agreed to continue your banter at home, lest anyone become suspicious. But there were days when Nat would have to snap you out of your daydreams—er thoughts, and she would give you a little smirk. She never asked what you were thinking about, but the pink staining your cheeks would give her the answer she needed.
The nights you spend tossing and turning in bed become more frequent.
I’ll tell him tomorrow.
Tomorrow’s the day.
I’ll end this tomorrow.
You kept postponing the termination of this… relationship you had with Loki. Sure it would’ve been easier to do after the first week you put your plan in motion, but that would have only spurred Nat further. You didn’t need that. So you simply kept putting it off and chose to ignore it as days became weeks. Surprisingly enough, you found a kindred spirit in Loki. He wasn’t as bad as you had originally believed. He made you laugh and think critically and roll your eyes at his dramatic flair and antics. You can’t help but feel as though you and Loki connected. You can’t help but feel as though you’re falling for him. With his sparkling eyes, mischievous smile, and surprisingly, his kind heart. It shocked you at first. You always saw him as Thor’s maniacal and evil younger brother. But now that you’ve spent more time with him, you discover that it was just a facade that he put up. He didn’t want people to get close to him, he knew what they thought of him, so that’s what he showed them. It broke your heart when you found out how hurt and abused he was. Just because he never told you outright, doesn’t mean you didn’t see it. You felt awful though, for only barely realizing this. You should have paid more attention to the way he sometimes flinched or the way his eyes would slightly widen with fear at the mention of fire, or when someone on the team would mention abuse. 
If only he knew about your past relationship. You never brought it up after the slip in the bakery and Loki didn’t pry, which you were extremely grateful for. You weren’t sure you could discuss it, it was too harrowing and you wanted to leave your past there. In the past. But you should have known it would rear its ugly head one of these days.
You had promised Loki you’d take him back to the little slice of Valhalla that he so fondly nicknamed the bakery.
“Please!” he practically begs you as the two of you walk down the street, hand in hand. “How else do you expect me to survive in your company? I require payment!”
“Payment?!” you repeat incredulously. “Payment for what?”
He sighs dramatically. “For having to endure your nonsense.”
You laugh. “I should be the one getting paid for having to put up with you!” 
He gives you a smirk. “Come now darling, you know you love me.”
Your heart gets caught in your throat at those words. You give Loki a shaky laugh, hoping he doesn’t realize how close to the truth he was.
“Fine,” you sigh exasperatedly. “We’re heading in that direction anyways.”
He gives you another smirk and your heart flutters again. You really need to get your emotions under control. You didn’t have it in you to deal with a heartbreak, it was obvious Loki hadn’t fallen for you. 
“How about you wait out here, darling?” he asks when you two reach the bakery. “I’ll be just a few moments.”
You nod and he gives you a small smile before making his way inside.
You groan slightly and rub your temple. You are not supposed to be falling for him! This shouldn’t be happening. You need to get your emotions in check, otherwise… well, you didn’t want to think about what would happen if you didn’t.
You’re lost in thought when you hear your name being called. Before you have a chance to turn around, arms wrap themselves around your waist, pulling you into a hug from behind.
Your heart drops. You knew that voice, that hug that used to give you butterflies, but now made you nauseous. When he releases you, you hurriedly take a few steps away and turn to face your ex.
“Hey, baby!” he said with a cheerful grin. “How ya been?”
“Fine,” you say, even though you’re feeling far from it.
His eyes rake over you, and you physically had to hold down your vomit. “Well, you look good, baby.”
“Please don't call me that.”
“Listen,” he says solemnly. “I’m sorry for everything that happened between us, but I miss you. I need you back. C’mon, baby. We can be together again, don’t you want that?” he places his hands on your waist, making you tense.
You try taking a steadying breath. “No, Chase. I already told you before. I don’t want to be with you.”
His grip on your waist tightens and bites into you, and he gives you a look you were all too familiar with.
“C’mon, babe,” he says, a slight growl in his voice. “I know you’re not stupid. You already broke my heart once. Don’t do this to me again.”
Tears begin to well up. “I-I already told you. I don’t want to be with you anymore.”
He glares down at you and you feel yourself shaking despite the warm day.
“You really don’t have a choice, do you?” he grabs a hold of your wrist and yanks you, not hard enough to fall, but a reminder of what he was capable of doing.
“Chase, let me go!” you try to free yourself, but he yanks you again, making you stumble.
“Don’t make a scene,” he hisses. “I know we both remember how that turned out for you last time.”
You flinch. That day… that was one of the more violent days. He pulls you along with him.
“Chase stop!” you sob desperately.
That’s when he decides to backhand you. You fall to your knees, cheek stinging fiercely as hot tears stream down your face. A rough hand is placed on your shoulder, but it’s quickly pulled back. You cradle your head between your hands, trying to protect yourself. You hear Chase yelling behind you, which is soon replaced by moans, and then the sound of someone running unsteadily across the pavement.
A gentler hand is placed on your shoulder, but you can’t help but wince away. They retreat their hand and crouch in front of you. You hear a familiar, more soothing voice, calling your name softly. You release your grasp on your face and slowly look up. It was Loki. He was watching you with such sorrow and concern, his lips tight and his brows creasing.
“That’s what she meant, wasn’t it?” he asks quietly.
You nod minutely. He offers his hands out to you and you shakily take them. He helps you to your feet, his worried face never faltering. He pulls you into a tight embrace and that’s when you completely lose it. You fist his shirt as sobs wrack through you. He doesn’t say anything to you, he just lets you release your tears.
Loki walks you back to the Tower with a protective arm around your shoulder. Miraculously you don’t run into anyone. He leads you to your room. You don’t even think to question how he knows where your room is. The burning in your cheek receded, but there’s still an intense stinging.
“Wait here, darling,” Loki says, giving you a reassuring squeeze.
You sit on your bed, eyes downcast, as he heads to your bathroom. You hear the faucet running and then shut off as he returns and sits next to you. He places a finger under your chin, tilting your face up, making you look at him. He starts tending to your abused cheek, wiping it with a cool washcloth.
He growls. “That halfwit left marks on your face.”
You try for a watery smile. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”
He stops his task to look in your eyes. “I swear this will be the last.” He looks down for a moment before looking at you again, his eyes holding something different. “I… I would never hurt you.”
He looks at you so softly you nearly start crying again. You’ve never had anyone look at you with such a heartfelt gaze; it takes your breath away.
He clears his throat. “Listen darling… I realize that your plan was to keep you from having to court anyone, but… I fear I have fallen for you.” 
Your eyes widen at his confession and he quickly looks away.
“I understand if you do not feel the same… no one can love a monster.”
You take his face in your hands and force him to look at you.
“Do you mean it?” you whisper, not daring to believe it.
He stares at you long and hard. You nearly drop your hands because the silence is too overwhelming. 
“I do.”
A smile splits across your face and you crash your lips to his, taking in the feel of his soft lips, his steady arms, his comforting scent of lavender and bergamot. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into his lap, holding you close.
You pull away to rest your forehead against his. “Well I guess that’s a good thing because I’ve fallen for you, too.”
His eyes sparkle before pulling you into another, more passionate kiss.
Later that evening, during dinner, Nat and Tony nearly lose their minds at the bruise on your face.
You tell them what happened. You explain what your ex did, which only caused the rest of the team to blow up too.
“It’s okay!” You reassure them. “My boyfriend took care of him.”
Your eyes flicker to Loki, and even though he’s paying close attention to his food, you don’t miss the slight smirk on his face.
That seems to calm them down.
“At least he seems like he’s a good guy,” Wanda says thoughtfully.
“Yeah, he’s great,” you say with a small smile.
An idea occurs to you. You stand and walk around the table to Loki. You take his face in your hands, brushing your thumbs across his jaw. He looks at you, mouth slightly open in shock, unsure of what was happening.
“He’s amazing,” you whisper, before capturing his lips with yours.
The team collectively blew up for the third time tonight. 
Pastries and Pain Taglist: @what-just-happened-bro​​ @bbarnestan​​ 
Main Taglist: @thehumanistsdiary​​ @astheworlddturns​​
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css1992 · 3 years
Guilty Pleasure
[Porn AU]
Summary: Peter and Beck used to be a power couple in the porn industry, but after Beck dumps him, Peter is forced to start over. With no money, no family and nowhere to go, he doesn’t have much choice other than to keep doing porn, so he joins Just4Fans to get back on his feet and then one day he gets a very generous tip from someone under the username of YKWIM.
All the warnings listed on Part I apply.
Read on AO3
Part I / Part II / Part III / Part IV / Part V / Part VI / Part VII / Part VIII / Part IX / Part X /  Part XI / Epilogue
As it turned out, Tony did make great pancakes. Peter woke up the next day to the smell of them, and shyly headed in the general direction it was coming from, until he reached the kitchen. Tony was standing there, wearing impeccable gray dress pants, a crisp white shirt and a green tie, as he added batter to a frying pan. Peter supposed that was what heaven would look like when he died.
“Oh, hey, kitten, you’re up.” He grinned at him, who smiled in return, nodding. He had put his clothes from the night before back on, and he was glad he did, because Tony was dressed to the nines and it would have been awkward if he had shown up in just his boxers or something. “Sleep well?”
“I did, thanks.” And it was surprisingly true. Peter hadn’t had such a good night’s sleep in a while, he supposed he missed sleeping next to someone. He did share a bed with Beck for two years, so it felt awfully lonely to sleep by himself. “Are you headed to work?” He asked as he sat on a stool by the kitchen island and Tony nodded guiltily, fixing two plates of pancakes.
“I’m so sorry, I tried to make arrangements to get the morning off, but duty calls.” To his credit, he did look genuinely sorry, so Peter thought maybe it wasn’t just an excuse to get rid of him. Maybe.
“It’s okay, I have to be home soon, or my friends will worry.” Which wasn’t exactly true, but not exactly a lie either. They wouldn’t notice he was gone until lunchtime, since they both had work or class in the morning, but when they did notice, they would freak out.
“I thought you lived by yourself?” Tony sounded interested as he sat beside him by the kitchen counter and pushed a plate his way. Peter thanked him, taking a bite of the surprisingly good pancake.
“I do, but we live in the same building, so we’re always checking in on each other.” Tony hummed, nodding, and they were silent for a little while, until the older man spoke up again.
“Can I ask about your relatives?” He felt his eyes on him and knew that, much like the night before, he was testing the waters, making sure Peter was comfortable with that subject.
“Sure. I don’t have any, though. I’m an orphan, I’ve lived in foster homes for most of my life.” Peter didn’t really mind talking about that period – it was basically all he knew. He was too little when his parents died and was only ten when Ben and May passed away, so the foster homes were where he made most of his memories.
“Oh. I’m so sorry to hear that.” Tony winced, maybe thinking he had touched a sensitive subject after all, but Peter smiled and shrugged.
“It’s okay, it was a long time ago. My friends are like family to me now, so I’m good.”
“I’m glad you have them.” Again, he gave him that genuine smile that made Peter believe he was actually glad to hear that. Like he actually cared. “So… Can I see you again? Or was this just a one time thing?” The older man turned his body to face Peter, who froze for a second with the mug held to his lips, mid-sip.
“Oh, uhm…” Peter almost chocked on the coffee, not quite believing his ears. He honestly thought that the older man would slowly disappear from his life. Or maybe not even that slowly. Peter figured he had gotten what he wanted, so why would he stick around? “I mean, sure. If you want.” He said, like an idiot, and Tony raised a brow.
“I really do, but I don’t mean to pressure you, so if you want to say no and just go back to what we had, that’s okay. Or not even that, if you prefer. Just say the word and I’ll get out of your hair.” He sounded honest enough, but Peter quickly shook his head, eyes wide.
“No, it’s okay, I definitely wanna do this again.” He assured him, and Tony seemed satisfied with his answer, expression softening as he nodded.
After breakfast, the older man insisted on driving him home and when they arrived at his building, he felt a little awkward as to how to say goodbye, but Tony made it easier by simply leaning in and kissing him softly on the lips, one hand stroking his knee in a gentle caress.
“I’ll call you later, kitten.” He promised and Peter just sighed quietly, feeling dizzy.
He was a little out of it for the rest of the day, both Ned and MJ asked what was wrong with him in separate occasions, but he just said he was tired from his new routine. They had dinner together and when he went back to his apartment that night, he was just mildly surprised that he actually got a call from Tony. It was an innocent, sweet phone call, too. He did not expect that, to be honest, they had been sexting for two months and they had actual sex the previous night, so he kind of expected Tony to just go for it.
But no.
He asked about his day, about his friends, he told him about his own day, then somehow they ended up talking a little bit about Peter’s childhood, his parents, aunt May and Uncle Ben, it was just a really nice chat, which he appreciated. Not that he didn’t enjoy talking dirty to Tony, but the fact that he called just to have a normal conversation with no second intentions was, well. Nice.
He didn’t really know where they were going with that, probably nowhere, really, Peter was an ex-porn star, Tony was an A-list celebrity, a billionaire and a fucking Avenger, so there was literally zero chance they could evolve to something else. They would probably just go out a few more times, have mind-blowing awesome sex, and then go their separate ways. And Peter was okay with that.
It was fine. Really. It was just fine.
And it was for the best, otherwise how would he explain to Ned and MJ that he was dating Tony Fucking Stark? It would be a nightmare. MJ would kill him and lecture him on how big corporations like Stark Industries were destroying their way of life and Ned would pass out – and possibly die – so, yeah. It was a good thing they had no real future together.  
That didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy it while it lasted, though. Tony was really nice, a true gentleman, a good conversationalist, a great kisser and an amazing lay. So whatever he could get out of those moments they had together, he would. Everything was perfectly fine and under control. And did he mention fine?
The next morning, he woke up early and went for a jog around the block. He had been experimenting with different types of workout routines, but he thought he might stick with jogging and yoga for a while, he was even looking for a yoga studio close to his building so he could start training more seriously. When he got back, he took a long shower, made breakfast and spent a few hours answering people on Just4Fans, then posted a few pictures there, linked it to his twitter account and let people know on Instagram.
Tony texted him mid-morning and Peter blushed like a teenager when he read his message.
“Just saw the new pics, you look stunning as always, baby, but I have to admit I’m spoiled now, pictures are not enough. Can’t wait to see you again. Dinner tomorrow?”
“Flattery will get you everywhere, sir, keep it coming.” He smiled to himself and bit his lower lip, excited by the prospect of seeing Tony again so soon. “Tomorrow sounds great, where are we going? Should I start stressing about the dress code?”
“I was thinking you could come over. Did I mention that I’m a great cook? Pancakes aren’t my only specialty.” Peter felt butterflies in his stomach. It was stupid, of course, but he just found it endearing that Tony wanted to cook for him.
“I’d love to. I’m curious about your cooking, your pancakes did taste fantastic.” Just the thought of that morning and, more importantly, the night before that, made his mind wander, as a quiet sigh left his lips.
“Prepare to be blown away.”
“You’re so humble, I love that about you.” The young man smiled to himself.
“Thank you, kitten, it’s one of my many qualities.” Peter laughed at his antics.
They settled on a time and Tony insisted on picking him up, even though it was obviously inconvenient since they were having dinner at his place, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer, so Peter gave in. They talked a little more, but soon Tony had to go back to work and now that the younger man knew exactly who he was, he imagined it was a lot of work.
He went on with his Saturday – in the afternoon, he took a few pictures and videos with different sets of lingerie he bought with MJ when they went to Victoria’s Secret, and that should be enough to last him at least a few days. At dinnertime, he went down to his friends’ apartment, as usual, and they were both home.
“What’s up, nerd,” MJ greeted from the couch, but didn’t raise her eyes from her phone.
“Hey, Pete, dinner is almost ready,” Ned called from the kitchen island.
“Want me to set the table?” He walked over to where Ned was fishing a plate out of the microwave.
Peter knew his way around the kitchen, so he got to work, placing the plates and cutlery on the small, square table by the counter.
“Hey, are you up for a Star Trek marathon tomorrow night? I don’t have any classes next Monday morning, we can stay up late.”
“Oh, uhm. I –“ Fuck, he hadn’t really thought of an excuse for why he wouldn’t be having dinner with them. “I can’t, because…” He noticed that MJ had finally raised her eyes from her phone, only to stare at him suspiciously. “I have this thing, uhm, on my Just4Fans… Tomorrow night.”
“Can’t you just schedule the posts?” MJ asked from the couch, because of-fucking-course she knew about that.
“Uhm, yeah, I can, but – uhm. It’s a live stream. I’m live streaming tomorrow for the first time. It’s good for tips and stuff, so. Yeah. I’ve already let everybody know, I can’t cancel.” He gave them an apologetic smile, trying to look convincing, but he was pretty sure he just looked like a nervous wreck.
“Oh. Ok, then.” Ned shrugged and didn’t seem bothered at all, but MJ kept staring at him from the couch, like she could smell his bullshit from a mile away. She didn’t say anything, though, for which he was grateful.
The next morning, he woke up early and decided to skip his usual jog around the block and just did a short yoga session in his living room, warmed by the morning sun that flooded his apartment at that time. He had lunch with his friends and spent the afternoon with them, but left early with the excuse that he had to get ready for his “live stream”.
When the older man texted to say he was waiting outside, Peter was already showered and dressed and skipped downstairs two steps at a time. He didn’t know what he was supposed to wear to a billionaire’s house, but he decided casual was probably fine, so he put on a pair of light blue jeans and a light pink, thin sweater.
Tony was driving a low-profile, black SUV and he got out of the car when Peter stepped outside the building. He had a baseball cap and tinted glasses on, dark blue jeans, a Metallica t-shirt and sneakers, and if Peter didn’t know it was him, he would never have thought that was actually Tony Stark.
“Hey, gorgeous, looking good.” Tony didn’t think twice before reaching out to pull him closer by the hips, stealing a chaste kiss from his lips. Peter blushed and completely forgot he should be worried that Ned or MJ might see them if they came downstairs for something, or even if they looked out the living room window. He wrapped his arms around the older man’s neck and deepened the kiss.
“Thanks, but you should get your eyes checked.” He joked as he let go, taking a small step back.
“Yeah, I think so too, I think constantly staring at such beauty is taking a toll on my eyesight, I’m an old man, after all.” Tony pulled him by the chin and stole yet another kiss. When he pulled away,  Peter shook his head and laughed.
“Oh my God. Seriously, do you practice these lines in the mirror or something?” He had a feeling that if it was anyone else saying half the things Tony said to him daily, he would find it corny and possibly annoying, but somehow the older man made everything sound charming, sweet, sexy, endearing – hell, everything at once. And he always knew what to say to make Peter’s knees go weak, it was unnerving sometimes.
“No, you just inspire me daily, baby.” He gave him a charming smile, as he opened the door and gestured for Peter to get in the car.
The ride to Tony’s place was filled with the sound of the older man humming along to the music playing. Peter didn’t recognize any of the songs, it was a classic rock playlist, but then he heard a familiar beat and thought it was a great opportunity to stick his foot so deep inside his mouth he almost choked.
“I love Led Zeppelin!” He didn’t exactly love Led Zeppelin and he was quite sure he had just heard a cover of that song, not the original version, but he thought he’d sound cool if he said that. When he looked over, though, Tony was laughing his head off. Peter blushed a deep crimson, eyes widening as he realized he must have said something incredibly dumb.
“Oh, you’re not joking.” Finally seeming to realize that the younger man wasn’t laughing along with him, Tony turned down the volume, as they approached Stark Tower’s garage entrance. “That’s Back in Black by AC/DC, kitten. But hey, I love Zeppelin, too, who doesn’t?” He smiled warmly, looking at him sideways, and Peter nodded.
“Oh, right. Yeah. Of course.” Fuck his life. Of course he had to make a complete fool of himself right at the beginning of the night. He wanted to jump out the window from embarrassment, but it would only add to his humiliation, since Tony had already parked and got out of the car.
The older man opened the door for him and Peter avoided eyes contact, as he led him to the elevator. He could still feel his cheeks burning on the ride up, his head was starting to hurt from shame. Was that a thing?
“Hey, don’t be like this.” Tony pulled him into a loose hug, kissing his temple with a soft smile on his lips. “It was an honest mistake. Besides, I wouldn’t be able to identify whatever it is you kids listen to these days.”
It was oddly comforting to hear that. Even though he knew Tony wasn’t trying to be mean to him back in the car, it was hard not to feel attacked in situations like that. Beck always tried to make him feel dumb, inferior and juvenile whenever he got the chance.
So he rested his head on Tony’s shoulder and nodded slowly. He was going to say something like “don’t worry, I’m fine” but it got lost somewhere in the back of his throat when the older man held him a little tighter and stroked his hair.
The whole interaction lasted merely a few seconds, soon the elevator doors opened to the familiar sight of Tony’s living room, looking just as impeccable as it did a couple of nights earlier. The older man gestured for Peter to lead the way and he did, paying closer attention to the details, since he was a little too nervous to do it the last time he was there.
What he realized when he took a look around, was that the penthouse didn’t look lived in at all. It was all glass and metal, shiny floors and sophisticated furniture, black and gray decoration – it looked ready to be featured in one of those shows that listed the most beautiful houses in the world, but it didn’t look like a place he would like to go back to at the end of the day.
“You don’t spend a lot of time here, do you?” Peter asked, as Tony led them in the direction he remembered the kitchen and the dining room were.
“That obvious, huh?” The older man winced and Peter flushed, realizing he might have been a little rude in his observation. “But yeah, when I’m home, I spend most of my time down in the workshop.”
“Ah, the famous workshop. I suppose if I were to visit right now there would be pictures of me hanging on every wall?” He joked, remembering that Tony had once told him that he would hang his pictures in the workshop and never get any work done.
“I mean, not every wall…” He turned to him and winked, leaving the younger man a little unsure if he meant it or if he was just messing around. Sometimes it was hard to tell with the man’s sarcastic sense of humor. “I’ll give you a tour after dinner.” He promised, when they finally reached the dining room.
The table was set in a simple manner, for what Peter was glad, it made him feel more comfortable and at ease. Tony pulled out a chair for him then headed to the kitchen, which was separated from the dining room only by a long, wide counter, where the had breakfast the other day.
The man came back with wine, pouring two glasses for them, then he started placing the dishes on the table. There was mashed potatoes, grilled veggies and roast chicken, and the smell was to die for, Peter’s stomach rumbled and he wasn’t even that hungry.  
“Voilà. This was my favorite meal as a kid, my grandma used to make this for me all the time when I spent summers with her.” He took a seat across from Peter, looking at him expectantly. The younger man found his enthusiasm amusing, so he fixed a plate under Tony’s eager supervision. “Tell me what you think. But be nice, I haven’t cooked this in a while, it might be a little dry.”
Peter took a bite of the chicken first, and it took him a few moments to feel the explosion of flavors on his tongue. The meat was tender and juicy, cooked to perfection, and the seasoning tasted inexplicably like home – it didn’t taste like something he could order at a restaurant, let alone a frozen meal he could buy at the supermarket. He then tried the mashed potatoes along with the grilled veggies and almost cried.
“Tony, this is so good, have you considered dropping everything and starting a restaurant?” he gushed, taking another bite of the chicken only to confirm that, yes, that was probably what paradise tasted like.
“Don’t exaggerate. I already like you plenty, kitten, you don’t need to flatter my cooking skills.” Tony smiled, shaking his head lightly, and if Peter didn’t know any better, he might think he was blushing.
“I’m not, this is seriously the best homemade meal I’ve ever eaten,” he insisted and Tony cocked his head to the side, with a confused smile and a frown
“What the hell have they been feeding you, kid?” He asked and Peter chuckled.
“Well, I spent most of my life in foster care and I was never lucky enough to end up in a family that liked to cook.” The families he stayed with weren’t bad – not compared to some of the horror stories he heard from other foster kids he met in the past – they just weren’t good. They provided him with the bare minimum for survival, so water and enough food to avoid starvation. “And uncle Ben and aunt May, dude… They couldn’t cook for shit.” He laughed, remembering Aunt May’s date loaf, which was probably the worst thing he had ever tasted in his life.
“Well, now I feel obligated to feed you properly,” Tony announced, and Peter quickly shook his head, feeling his face grow red for the hundredth time that night.
“Oh, no, you don’t need to, I wasn’t–”
“I want to, if I’m your only source of good, homemade food, then I’m taking this seriously, kitten.” He pointed a fork at him as he spoke. “And you can help me cook, what do you say? That way I can teach you a thing or two so you won’t starve to death.” Again, the idea that Tony wanted to cook for him was too sweet. He was an incredibly busy guy who probably didn’t even cook for himself, but he was willing to waste that kind of time on Peter. It just–
“Sounds amazing.” He smiled, nodding, and the older man’s face softened when their eyes met.  
“Good.” He took a sip of wine and topped off both of their glasses. “Did you tell your friends you were coming here today?” That seemed like a polite way to ask if they knew about him, and Peter wasn’t sure what kind of answer he was expecting.
“No, they think I’m home.” He watched the man’s face, waiting for his reaction, but there was none, so Peter felt like he should explain himself further. “After my ex – they’re just a little too overprotective, so, you know. I just don’t want them to worry.” Tony raised his eyebrows and Peter’s eyes widened, realizing what that might have sounded like. “Not that I think you’re my – that we’re – I mean, I’m not assuming anything, I just meant –“
“Hey, it’s okay, I know what you mean.” He reached across the table to squeeze one of his shaking hands. “Your friends sound like good people, by the way. You’re lucky to have them.”
“Thanks.” Tony smoothly changed the subject and started talking about his summers with his grandmother and how she taught him everything he knew about cooking. He said that was the reason why his repertoire consisted only of comfort food and Peter thought that was the sweetest thing he had learned about him so far.
Once dinner was done with, Tony kept his promise and gave him a tour. The place looked like a labyrinth made of glass and steel, there were five floors, several rooms with various purposes, but everything seemed sterile and impersonal, like nobody ever stepped foot in any of those places, which somehow made them look lifeless and even a little scary – like a ghost town of sorts. Peter couldn’t help but think that his tiny, mostly empty apartment felt more like a home than all five floors of Tony’s.
Well, all except for one.
“And this is the workshop,” Tony declared with a flourish when the glass doors slid open, revealing a wide, open space filled with worktables, holographic screens, robots, cars, Iron Man suits, and so many other things he had never seen before in his life. “Sorry about the mess.” He didn���t sound sorry, though, he sounded happy and proud, and Peter thought it was the only place in the penthouse that felt weirdly cozy and homey. To his relief – and secret disappointment –, there were no pictures of him in lingerie hanging on the walls.
“This is amazing…” Peter breathed out, realizing that that was Tony’s actual home. There was even a kitchenette in a corner, and next to it there was a small, cozy couch in front of a reasonably sized TV and a fluffy rug. He supposed Tony took naps there, too, because there was also a blanket draped over the back of the couch.
He walked over there, followed closely by the older man, and took a seat, sinking into the soft pillows.  
“I think this is my favorite room.” He blinked up at Tony, who regarded him silently for a few moments, and Peter started to think he had fucked up again. “What?” He whispered, but his answer came in the form of a kiss. He immediately melted into it, all worries flying out the window as he opened his mouth to taste him better.
Tony pushed him gently until he was lying on the couch with his larger body on top of him, and he’d be lying if he said that wasn’t the best feeling in the world.
It was a tight fit, but they made it work, as pieces of clothes were thrown to a pile on the floor; as skin met skin and made the room feel unbearably hot; as hands explored and mouths danced together and teeth left secret claiming marks on eager necks; as he felt, once again, full and sate and whole, and then spent and lax and dazed in the best of ways.
Suddenly, what had been frantic and passionate became slow and soft, what had been loud and messy became quiet and wholesome.  
The room was silent then, as their bodies slowly cooled down. Tony was lying on his back on the couch and Peter was lying on top of him, chests flush together, breathing in and out in sync. He felt a blanket being draped over his shoulders and he all but melted into the body underneath him.
“Can I ask you a question?” He whispered quietly into Tony’s neck, after several minutes, not sure if the older man had fallen asleep, his breathing was slow and constant.
“Baby, you could ask me anything right now, there’s no way I’d say no to you.” He answered right away and Peter giggled, pushing himself up on Tony’s chest to look down at him.
“Why did you want to meet me? For real?” Tony, whose eyes had been closed until that moment, opened them to gaze at him. He was quiet for a while, as one of his hands found the small of Peter’s back under the blanket and started rubbing circles on his skin.
“I liked talking to you.” He answered quietly, eyes locked on his. At first, Peter thought that was all the answer he was getting, and he would have been fine with that, but Tony kept talking. “You made me feel alive again.” His heart raced and his breath hitched in shock. He blinked down at the older man, who raised his free hand to tuck some of Peter’s curls behind his ear. “You see, things were… rough. After Thanos.” He remembered the funny story Tony told him in the restaurant a few nights earlier and was surprised to see such grief in the man’s eyes. “I had these nightmares. Anxiety attacks. Couldn’t sleep most nights.”
Peter reached out and ran a finger across the man’s forehead, trying to smooth down the frown that had formed there. Tony smiled, grabbing that hand to give it a little kiss.
“Pepper wanted me to give up the suit for good, said it was killing me and she wouldn’t stand by and watch it happen. On top of that, my relationship with some of the Avengers was strained, to say the least. I thought retiring from the Avengers would be enough to solve most of my problems, but I was wrong and everything just kind of snowballed from there. So what I mean to say is that by the time I met you, I was… Fucking exhausted.”
“Tony...” He frowned, heart clenching, because he could hear the pain in the man’s voice and how much he meant every word and it was devastating.  
“I looked forward to talking to you every night, you know. Still do. I don’t why you got under my skin like that, but you did. So when I said I needed to meet you, I meant I needed to meet you.” He smiled and Peter’s heart skipped a beat. The whole confession was almost too much to handle, too much to believe. At the same time, he knew what Tony meant because he had also been in a very dark place when they met and, somehow, talking to him brought some light back into his life. “My turn?”
“Sure.” Peter smiled, entwining his fingers on Tony’s chest and resting his chin on top of them, looking at the older man’s face.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to answer, I have a feeling this might be a bit of a touchy subject for you.” He cautioned, and Peter gulped. He knew what was coming and he thought about not answering, but Tony had been honest with him, so he took a deep breath and nodded.
“How did you end up doing porn? Not that it’s bad or anything, you just sounded so uncomfortable the other night... Like you’re ashamed of it, or regretful.” Tony asked carefully, one of his hands was still rubbing soothing circles on the skin of his back.
“Hm… Well. It’s complicated. I guess the short answer is: I was young and dumb and my older boyfriend convinced me it was a good idea. Then he left me and took all the money and everything we’ve ever built with him and – and now the only thing I know how to do is porn, so… Yeah.” It was a very short version of what happened, but very accurate as well. Tony frowned, raising an eyebrow.
“What do you mean he took everything?”
“He told me to pack a bag and leave. Whatever I couldn’t fit in my bag stayed behind, as well as the social media accounts, the channel, the money… He locked me out of everything.” Peter’s voice grew weaker as he spoke, because he felt so fucking ashamed. Of everything. Of admitting he let a man like Quentin into his life, that he made so many terrible decisions just so he could stay with him, only to be treated like that in the end. It was fucking humiliating.
Tony sat up in a haste, forcing him to do the same, until they were both facing each other on the couch. The older man’s eyes were wide, he looked so shocked it was almost funny. Almost.
“Peter, that’s – why – wait, and what do you mean he convinced you to do porn? Is it not something that you want to do?” Peter dropped his gaze for a second, not really sure what the true answer to that question was. If he was honest with himself, most times he just avoided thinking too much about what he was doing.  
“Well… I don’t hate it anymore, I guess,” he settled on that, after a few minutes of silence. “Sometimes I even enjoy it now, like… Like when we talk,” he mumbled the last part, raising his eyes again to look into Tony’s warm ones, and the older man looked back at him with – what? Worry? Regret? Guilt?
“So you hated it? Before?” He insisted, and Peter knew he could still choose not to answer if he wanted to, Tony wouldn’t force it out of him, but still – Peter wanted to tell him. He wanted Tony to know.
To know him. All of him. Even the parts that hurt.
“I did.” He whispered, holding back the tears that filled his eyes when the confession left his lips, because that was something that he never wanted to acknowledge. It took all he had to hold Tony’s gaze and not look away in shame. “I just felt… kinda shitty sometimes. Like… I wasn’t even human, just an object to be used and abused and disposed of.” He continued, swallowing a lump in his throat. He couldn’t read Tony’s expression, but his eyes were gentle as always, there was no judgment there. “I didn’t feel like my body belonged to me anymore.” Saying that aloud came almost as a surprise to Peter himself. He always tried so hard not to think about those feelings he almost believed they didn’t really exist, even though they were always there at the back of his mind.
“Pete...” Tony cupped his face in both of his hands, he looked so torn, it almost made Peter regret telling him.
“I’m doing okay now, I promise. I’m in control of my body, my choices, my money. I’m fine now, really,” he vowed and Tony pulled his head closer and pressed their lips together – it wasn’t even a kiss, just a caress.
“I can help you.” He offered with determination, holding his face in his hands, looking straight into his eyes and they were burning with anger, but Peter knew it wasn’t directed to him. “I can help you get everything back, I can make his life a living hell for doing that to you, I can –“
“Please, don’t,” He winced, shaking his head firmly, lifting his hands to hold Tony’s wrists, feeling his pulse and how fast his heart was beating. “Okay? It’s in the past. It’s over now. I don’t want to – relive it, I just want to forget.” His heart raced when the older man closed his eyes and started shaking his head. “Tony?”
“Peter, you can’t ask me to –“
“I am asking you leave it alone.” He insisted, a little desperately, but Tony’s face was locked in a frown and panic started creeping up on him. He couldn’t bear to think about confronting Beck, having to see him again, maybe talk to him again, he just wanted to move on, to forget he ever existed. His eyes burned and he closed them, trying to get his breath under control, but he could feel his hands shaking. “Please, please, don’t make me –“
“Hey, no, no, no.” Tony gathered him in his arms, rubbing his shoulders in a soothing way. “I’m sorry, no, I would never force you to do anything, okay? It’s your choice.” He cupped his face in his hands again, peppering kisses on his cheeks and forehead. Peter started calming down slowly, and even laughed a little when the man’s beard tickled his nose. “You know that I see you, right? And I mean I see you, Peter Parker, not the persona in the videos or the pictures, and you sure seem pretty fucking human to me, kid. You know that, right?” Tony kept holding his head in between his hands, forcing Peter to look back at him, which wasn’t necessary, he couldn’t look away if he tried.
He smiled, nodding slowly, leaning in to kiss his lips. The older man lay back down, pulling him along, until they were back to their original position. He rested his head on Tony’s chest and closed his eyes, sighing in relief.
He felt Tony wrap his arms around his waist, holding him tight, and he thought to himself that if heaven looked like Tony making breakfast in the morning and tasted like his cooking in the evening, it certainly felt like holding him at night.
Tag list (please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from the list):  @sadachmesarthim @iamnotparticularlyproud @staticwhispersinthedark @bluestarker
Sorry for the long chapter, guys, it really got away from me 🥴 Only four more chapters to goo ✨✨
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sunflowersteves · 3 years
𝒇𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒃𝒇 ❅ 𝒃𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒔
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𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: you needed someone to be your partner to make the holidays with your parents bearable, and bucky was just the man for the job. 
author’s note: ssks im rlly don’t like this v much but i had no idea what else to write for fake dating au, i hope you all like it tho sjsjs
warnings: fluff, a little bit of angst, bad parents
holiday prompts m.list
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Your leg bounced up and down, making soft noises against the padding of the passenger seat. Bucky let his eyes off the road for just a second, his eyes trailing up and down your nervous state. His attention goes back to the busy highway before speaking. 
“Hey, you’re going to be fine.”
You roll your eyes, “easy for you to say, you’ve never met my parents.”
He chuckles, the deep and low sound vibrating against his chest. You could’ve sworn your stomach did summer salts, your heart beating faster by the second. Despite being insanely nervous about Bucky meeting your parents and them finding out it is all a ruse, there was a large part of you that was scared beyond belief about him being your pretend partner. 
You had originally asked Sam to be your fake boyfriend instead, but he had to go back home to see his mom, and Bucky immediately offered his services. You knew he didn’t like you in the way you liked him, so the thought of being his girlfriend for a day terrified you. 
And so here you were, legs bouncing up and down, heart palpitating, sweat forming in the passenger seat of Bucky’s car. He looked over at you once again, his ocean eyes meeting yours for just a split second. There was a kind of look on his face that you couldn’t quite comprehend, a storm brewing in his head. 
“Are they really that bad, doll?”
Your heart fluttered at the little nickname, and you shifted in your seat, trying to ignore the way it made you feel. A sigh left your lips as your head turned to stare out the window, eyes following all of the places you would go to as a kid. 
“They had their whole life planned for me and would always tell me that if I didn’t follow their every footstep, I wouldn’t be allowed back home. There was always a joking hint to what they were saying, but I knew there was truth to what they were saying. I don’t even remember the last time they have talked to me without mentioning money, or even an ‘i love you.’”
Bucky’s hands gripped the steering wheel as he thought about the pressures that your family had put you through; all of your insecurities that you laid upon each other during long nights had all come together. 
Before you could say anything more, Bucky pulled up into your parent's driveway, “we’re here.”
He had given your thigh a small squeeze in support before the two of you got out of the car. You held in a deep breath as he softly knocked on the door, and a hand came to wrap itself around your waist. He felt you tense under his touch, and he gave your love handles a little squeeze.
He whispered into your ear, his breath fanning up against it, “we’ll be okay. I’ll be right beside you, okay?” 
You felt yourself slowly nod, and your eyes trialing up to look at him. Your mother opened the door and smiled, immediately ushering the two of you in. You took off your jackets and followed her into the living room where your father sat reading a newspaper. 
“Welcome home.” 
Her eyes snapped over towards Bucky beside you, a smirk rising as she saw the expensive suit. You all tried to spread out in the small space; your body was practically on top of Bucky on the sofa. A certain warmth spread through your body as Bucky took his hand in yours; the pads of his fingers skating onto your hand made you shiver.
“Who’s this?”
The air was thick with tension as the silence rose beneath the walls of the house. There wasn’t a single sense of warmth that you felt from your parents, just a cold welcome home. Every single time you had come home for the holidays, it was always the same.
They would ask you how your job was, and if you were following the path they set for you, they would cook dinner and eat in silence, prompting them to pat you on the back and sending you away again. The Avengers felt more like your family than your own family ever did. 
Your father didn’t even look up from reading when he spoke; you had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes. Bucky could sense your discomfort and squeezed your hand, his thumb swiping back and forth in support. 
“This is my boyfriend, Bucky.”
You could see from the corner of your eyes that your mother tensed; it was quite visible. Your hand subconsciously squeezed Bucky’s; your eyes danced in between your parents as they shared a look.
“What an odd name.”
He just chuckled beside you, and you were about to open your mouth, but he beat you to it. 
“It’s a nickname, miss. My first name is James.”
She pursed her lips in disapproval still, your eyebrow-raising slightly at her behavior. You haven’t been here for five minutes, and you already wanted to dart out the door. If you were being honest, you would have been perfectly content spending the holidays with just Bucky and Bucky alone. 
“What do you do for a living, Bucky? I noticed your exquisite tailored suit. Maybe a CEO perhaps?”
There was another beat of silence as you wanted to roll your eyes again. You leaned against the coffee table to grab a glass of eggnog, taking a few large sips. This was going to be a long night. 
“I’m a part of the Avengers, I work to protect global stability and peace.”
Your father almost choked on her vodka, the name Bucky Barnes now popped into frame. He knew that name was familiar and he finally understood why. He set his drink down and gently wiped his lips with a napkin. 
“Really? That’s not what the news said, isn’t that right, dear?”
He turned towards your mother, a slight gleam in his eye that was set with a hard look. 
She nodded, “You’ve been on the news for terrorism. That doesn’t sound like global stability to me.”
You felt Bucky go still next to you, his face falling in despair. You felt your blood boil and your heart race against your chest in such ire. But before you could say anything, your mother spoke up again. 
“Sounds like you are nothing but trouble to me. How do we know you’re not here to kill our daughter? You’re a murderer, and yet you think you’re good enough to date my daughter?”
Your parents stare at you wide-eyed at your outburst. Your hand that wasn’t intertwined with bucky’s had tightened into a fist. 
“If you had paid attention, mother, you would’ve found out that he was being controlled by Hydra. Bucky is the sweetest—nicest person that I have ever met. He is such a goofball, but he’s the smartest person I know. He’s attentive and sweet; he takes care of me when I’m sick and a coughing mess. He stays up late when I can’t sleep, trying to entertain me,” you pause, your face turning towards his for just a second, his eyes wide and searching your face for any lie. He found none. 
“He’s more family to me than you two will ever be. Now if you’ll excuse us, we’ll be leaving now.”
You don’t waste a single moment before dragging Bucky out of there and trying to gather your things as quickly as possible. Before getting into the car, you stop him by gripping his wrist. Your eyes well with tears as you thought about what your parents had said to him. 
“I’m so sorry, Buck. I should’ve never brought—”
Your eyes widened in surprise as you felt a pair of soft lips on yours, large hands cupping the apples of your cheeks. Your lips melded with his, and you started to relax, letting out a whine at the fiery sensation. Your hands move down his chest, nails dragging against the coarse material of his dress suit. His tongue is devouring your mouth, his heart pounding against yours in a loving embrace. 
“I’m never letting you go, sugar.”
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marvel: @harrysthiccthighss @fandomsandxfiles @rebekahdawkins @purselover23
bucky: @harrysthiccthighss @rebekahdawkins @marvelous-capsicle @purselover23
permanent: @captainchrisstan @angstysebfan @teenagereadersciencenerd @rebekahdawkins @hailmary-yramliah​ @stardust-galaxies @wiccanmetallicrose @keithseabrook27
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aliwritesfic · 3 years
Our Black Hearts (F!Reader x Jack 'Whiskey' Daniels)
Summary: Jack Daniels had long given up on avenging his murdered wife, instead choosing to travel west through the ruins of the United States to a small town called Deepwell. It's a fresh start, where nobody knows him. The thought of vengeance was almost out of mind until he found out about the towns book club and the gossip trade that happened there. So he joins, and figures it can't hurt to keep an ear out for news of the man who killed his wife.
Overall warnings: Death, violence, a lot of swearing, drinking, trauma, PTSD, angst
Warnings for this part: Drinking, mention of dead loved ones, smut, P in V sex, oral (F & M receiving), somewhat rough sex
Wordcount: 2.4k
Tags: Post-apocalypse AU, casual lovers, revenge
Part 2 (coming soonish)
The book club was a group of the only twelve people in the town who could read more than the few basic words that were usually taught. It wasn’t like an old-world book club, were people would gather to discuss the books they read – it was more of a book exchange, but the members preferred the word club. Of course, there were discussions, but they were seldom about books. They met once a week, usually on a Wednesday but sometimes on Fridays, and mostly talked about news they had heard from passing traders, letters given by couriers from family. This was how Jack got most of his information.
Jack Daniels was the newest member of this club. He was the newest resident of the Deepwell township, having come through one scorching hot Tuesday afternoon on the back of a trader’s caravan. He had taken one look at the dingy little town with its long-abandoned homes and decided that this was as far as he was willing to travel. Of course, he had to speak with the self-appointed Mayor, Lucy Jonas-Green, so she could assess his “suitability”. The interview had been a short one, consisting of only four questions, the grizzled old woman glaring at him through narrowed grey eyes.
“You good at shootin’?” Question one.
“Best I know.” It wasn’t a brag if it was true, Jack reasoned.
“Got any skills?” Question two.
“I’m good at buildin’ shit, I can stay awake for two days if I need to, I can read and write some stuff . . . I’m pretty good with a whip.”
“Why here?” Question three.
“Got sick of travelling.”
“What’s your name?” Question four.
Lucy Jonas-Green had deliberated for exactly one minute, during which time Jack grew increasingly uncomfortable under her gaze. He felt like she could see directly into his soul, like she was deciding exactly how shit-stained it was. The only indication of her approval was a slight nod of the head. At that, a young boy, probably no older than thirteen, rushed over to greet him. The kid was chatty, but harmless.
It was through this kid that Jack first found out about the book club. He hadn’t been interested at first – just because he could read didn’t mean he liked to read. But at the mention of it being the towns main source of news from across the Fallen States, the chance of hearing something about the group that attacked Black Ridge was too good to pass up.
So now, he sat with the book club, a yellowed, mouldy copy of 1984 in his hands, ears pricked for any mention of a merc group led by a man with one eye and eleven fingers. A few months before he had finally settled in Deepwell, he had given up on his search and his quest for revenge. There had been no mention of him anywhere along the eastern townships, so Jack had headed west, deciding to leave the cruel memories of his wife behind. Now, he figured it couldn’t hurt to just listen.
But for weeks now, nothing. Whatever hope had rekindled itself in his chest was dying away, making room for cruel acceptance. Another meeting concluded, and Jack tucked the book carefully in his jacket. As much as he didn’t enjoy reading, he had a healthy respect for the leader of the book club and the threat of slitting his throat should something happen to the books she shared with the group.
The sun was low in the sky as he stepped outside, casting long shadows on the cracked pavement. People were beginning to move as the sunset, the harshest of its rays now dulled by the horizon. Electric streetlights slowly flickered on; the entire town was powered by recommissioned solar panels that someone much smarter than Jack had rigged up a decade ago. Jack considered his options for the night: either he could go back to the house he shared with a small family and scrounge up a meal of whatever was left in his room before a trader came through town tomorrow night, or he could go to the only bar in town, order several of whatever alcohol was in stock and a bowl of the ‘stew of the day’ which was usually just a root vegetable and some unidentified meat. Jack chose the bar.
The bar was the largest building in Deepwell, three stories tall and enough beds to sleep the entire population of the town twice over. The place smelt of stale booze and dust, a smell that seemed to be common over the entirety of the Fallen States. A jukebox in the corner played old world tunes on a loop.
“Evenin’, Jack.” The owner of the bar, Marcus, nodded his head in Jack’s direction. Jack nodded back and took off his hat – an old-world style that someone had once called ‘cowboy’. “Just the usual?”
“Yep, and keep the drinks coming,” Jack sat down at a small table close to the exit, his body always slightly angled to run at a moment’s notice, an old habit that he couldn’t seem to shake. A bowl of steaming stew was set down in front of him, along with a glass of murky amber liquid.
That’s when he noticed he was being watched. A woman sat in the corner, staring at him over a half empty glass of whiskey. Jack raised a brow and realised his recognised her. She was in the book club, too, but he didn’t remember her name. Everyone seemed to call her Chase. Jack was surprised she didn’t break her gaze when his eyes met hers, and against his better judgement, he put his hat back on, picked up his bowl and glass and walked over to her.
“This seat taken?” he asked. Without waiting for an answer, he set his food down on the table and sat.
Something about Jack Daniels intrigued you. Maybe it was the hat, or the facial hair he somehow managed to keep contained to a thick, neat moustache. Or maybe it was just the most annoyingly handsome person to ever come through Deepwell. Now he sat across from you, sipping on bathtub whiskey.
“Chase isn’t it?” he said after downing his glass.
“That’s what they call me,” you said. “What do they call you?”
Jack smirked. “Depends who you ask. Some like Dirty Bastard, others Motherfucker. For a while I was known as Whiskey. But you can call me whatever you like.” He finished with a wink.
“Jack it is,” you said with a roll of your eyes, but you would be lying to yourself if you weren’t a little charmed. “So, what brings you to book club, Jack?”
“Why, my love of old-world literature, of course.”
You leant back in your seat and tilted your head. He was lying, that much was obvious. But why? What was the point of lying? You looked into his eyes, a deep brown, and wondered if he was worth the trouble. He might be worth it for the night, you thought.
“Let’s pretend for a moment that I believe that,” you said, and Jack looked mildly surprised. “What’s taken you so long to come up and introduce yourself? You’ve been in town what now? Three months?”
“Two and a half,” Jack corrected, “and what gives you the impression I don’t care for literature?”
“Answer my question and I’ll answer yours,” you countered. Was this flirting? You hadn’t done it in so long, and the most practice you had was when you were working in the town garden, daydreaming about the heroes of the romance novels you kept in a safe in the corner of your room.
“Well, well, well,” Jack leant forward on his elbows, his gaze unreadable underneath his ridiculous hat. “I don’t have a reason for you, doll, but if it makes you feel better, I haven’t introduced myself to most people here.”
You settled for this explanation, knowing that Jack had been somewhat of a recluse around town since he had arrived. You decide to answer his question. “I know you don’t give a shit about books. It’s obvious you care more about the goss. Your ears practically twitch. What are you listening for?”
Jack deliberated for a moment; you could see on his face that he really was conflicted about telling you. He finished his mystery stew and finally speaks. “I’m looking for a man, have been for a few years now. He killed my wife, and I wanna kill him.”
“A simple revenge,” you said. “What makes you think you think news will turn up in Deepwell?”
“I didn’t,” Jack said, “I’d given up when I first came here. Figured it was best for my soul to do so – but then I heard about this club, and I guess it can’t hurt to keep an ear out for rumblin’s of a man with eleven fingers and one eye.”
“Eleven fingers?” Your stomach dropped, but you kept your face neutral.
“And one eye,” Jack nodded.
“Did you find out his name?” You asked. Maker don’t let it be Elijah. Don’t let him be alive. Jack shook his head.
“Naw, but eleven fingers and one eye, how many people could be runnin’ ‘round the Fallen States like that?” Jack shrugged, something akin to grief flittered briefly across his face, and you realised he was right. Having only one eye wasn’t unusual, a lot of people were missing some body part or another, but eleven fingers . . . you couldn’t deny the coincidence.
“Anyway,” Jack smirked at you, “you haven’t asked the most important question of all.”
You raised a brow. “Oh? And what’s that?”
“Are we takin’ this back to yours or mine, doll?”
~ Jack’s body is hard against yours, a sharp contrast to the softness of his lips. His shirt is off, discarded on the floor of your small bedroom. He kisses hungrily down your neck, his tongue darting along your collarbone. A moan escapes your lips as he slides his calloused hands along the bare skin of your stomach, roughly tugging at the frayed waistband of your jeans. His fingers find your wetness, easily finding your sensitive clit with his thumb. You groaned, head lolling forward into his sweaty neck.
“You like that?” he whispered into your ear; goosebumps raced along your body. His thumb made careful, slow circles along your clit. “Tell me you like it.”
“I like it,” you whined, bucking your hips in pleasure. A low groan escaped Jack’s throat at your words, spurring him on. He forces your pants off completely and discards them in the growing pile of clothes on the floor. He drops to his knees and pulls you closer, lips trailing delicately along your inner thighs. Then without warning, his tongue is lapping up the wetness of your clit, two fingers pumping your tight hole.
“Jack,” you whimper, the need for more sending you crazy. His dark eyes met yours over the top of your stomach, his tongue still working your clit. You’re hungry for him, the look of pure lust in his eyes spurring you to places you had never thought about. You sit up and place a hand on his shoulder, shuddering as another wave of pleasure rippled through your body. The look in your eyes must’ve told him what you want to do, because he stood and stepped back, allowing you room to get on your knees in front of him.
He undid his belt buckle with fingers still slick from your pussy and pulled his pants down. His cock sprang forward, making your mouth water with how fucking big it was. The head glistened with a bead of pre-cum. You leant forward and licked it off, before taking as much of his length in your mouth as you could. He groaned, his fingers tangling through your hair.
“Fuck, deeper,” his voice was husky with desire, and you happily obliged, taking him so you could feel him almost at the back of your throat. His fingers in your hair tightened, a pleasant pain on your skull. He groaned and pulled your head back, staring into your eyes. “I need you.”
You tugged him towards the mattress, pushing him on his back. You climb atop, feeling strangely dominant. His cock slid against the wetness of your hole, head entering before you pulled your hips away, a teasing smile on your lips. You go on like this, letting him enter a little further in you each time, enjoying the tortured look on his face, enjoying it even more when his eyes snapped open as you let him in completely. He moaned loudly, holding onto your hips tightly.
“Doll,” his word was muffled by his mouth on your tit, teeth latching onto your nipple. You rocked back and forth, clenching around his cock as an orgasm threatened to rip you from your body. Jack seemed to realise this, and flipped you both so you were on your back and he was standing, still inside you. He pulled you so your ass was off the mattress, your legs wrapped around his waist.
“Maker, you’re so fucking sexy,” he fucked you hard and rough, his dark gaze never leaving yours. His thumb was on your clit again, teasing you as an orgasm ripped through you. You moaned his name, your pussy clenching tightly around him. He grinned devilishly down at you, leaning forward to kiss you as he continued to thrust. He tasted of you, driving his tongue into your mouth. You met this eagerly, whimpering against his lips as yet another orgasm moved you.
“I can’t hold on,” Jack groaned, and before you could say a thing, he pulled out of you, hot cum spurting onto your stomach. He slumped next to you, obviously spent.
“Holy shit,” you muttered, scanning the room for something to wipe the cum up with.
“Holy shit is right, doll,” Jack said. Sweat beaded along his brow and he cracked open an eye to watch you wipe up with a shirt that was so full of holes it was unwearable. Silver moonlight filtered through the dirty window, casting shadows across his beautiful face. You laid down next to him, feeling a small shiver run through you as he curved his warm naked body against yours.
You would tell him, you decided. You would tell him you knew who he was looking for, and that you might know where to find him. But in the morning, so as not to mar the beautiful just fucked haze that enveloped your mind.
Tagging @sharkbait77 because she's lovely and I'm nervous about this one.
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emonaculate · 3 years
Swindle (I)
❥ AU: Modern!Mafia AU
❥ Genre: Future Smut / Angst / minor Violence
❥ Rating: 16+
❥ Pairing: Eren Yeager x Black!Reader
❥ Word Count: 1.9K
❥ Warnings Include: Domestic abuse, Profanity, Mentions of Rape, Murder, Violence, Corruption
Summary: Y/n L/n has been a world-renowned detective-turned-lawyer who has never lost a case, well that is until the criminal she is going up against, the notorious Eren Yeager, a man who just so happens to run one of the most dangerous mafia clans known to mankind, the Yaegerists. Will Y/n manage to beat this case too or will she fall to Yeager's charm and power?
Once her black heels connected with outside concrete, Y/n felt the flashing light of paparazzi taking her picture obsessively. She held onto her file folder and walked urgently into the federal courthouse. Y/n pushed her shades up, smoothed out her white button-down blouse and her black pencil skirt before entering the courtroom to see the jury and judge already being seated.
"I guess it's time to get this show on the road." She spoke to herself as she made her way to her seat.
Y/n sat down and checked the watch on her wrist, seeing that defendant was late. Her glossed lips remained in a respectful smile as she waited for the trial to begin. This case meant a little bit more to her than the usual ones; countless women and men have been going missing only to turn up dead or worse. While there was no real evidence of what was happening to them, all the data and clues lead back to international playboy Eren Yeager. Just his name alone carried enough weight that no one else from her firm even wanted to take the case.
The dark-skinned woman opened up her file case and looked over photos and evidence gather by the incompetent police force, she had a hunch that they were well aware of Yeager's ties to the crimes but had been paid off. No matter though, Y/n took down others with even less evidence, this was going to be a breeze. A light gleamed in her dark brown eyes as her smile grew wider, she had found the perfect loophole to get him before the trial even began.
"All rise!" She heard a loud voice announce meaning the trial had finally begun.
Y/n looked up, stood, and turned her head to see the nonchalant Eren Yeager leaning back in his seat, he didn't even look prepared to go to court. His long brunette hair was pulled up into a horrible-looking man-bun, the white button he wore was untucked and slightly wrinkled, pink lipstick marks littered his neck and Y/n couldn't help but roll her eyes in annoyance.
"You may be seated. And now we will commence the trial, Eren Yeager V..."
The woman stood up and moved out of her seat heading to the floor to speak; she walked past the male without a spare glance despite feeling his turquoise eyes greedily take in her form.
"I'd like to call on the defendant to speak. I just a few questions." The smile on her face was as polite as it was sinister.
"Mr. Yeager?" The judge looked at Eren and his lawyer.
"Sure." He shrugged and stood up heading to the floor as well.
Once Eren sat down, Y/n begun throwing her questions at him with the intent of getting him to slip up.
"Mr. Yeager, the first victim I'd like to bring up is your ex-girlfriend. Historia Reiss."
"Oh? You think I killed my ex?" He said slightly amused by her claim.
"Getting to that but first; as you know, all the evidence I have was given to me by Military Police, and it's no secret that evidence mysteriously disappears within their hands. So, I took it upon myself to do research."
"Well aren't you, a good little girl?" Eren hummed as he leaned over the banister.
"There's nothing little about me, however, I do pride myself on being a good girl." Y/n matched his banter whilst remaining professional, there was no way she'd allow him to get under her skin today, after all, she needed to avenge those poor souls.
"Back on topic, You and Miss Historia were a public couple for two months and then you just broke it off correct?"
"Correct. Mutual break up."
"So you had no problem seeing her with your brother just two days afterward? You felt no type of jealousy or anger?"
"I felt nothing at all. She was someone that lived in the moment. One day her favorite color was red, the next it was blue."
"Are you saying that Historia was just a fling?"
Y/n's smile wavered for a moment and she bit her lip, knowing that what she was going to say next could throw the case from her side. It was risky but given how calm and collected Eren was currently looking, she knew she needed to get the jury antsy or at least stir something in the male to make him break or crack just a little.
"When Miss. Reiss's body was found, did you know she had been sexually assaulted moments before being shot to death? Her autopsy showed signs of struggling."
"..." Eren's eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at the woman.
"Miss. L/n.." The judge warned cautiously.
"My apologies. I have no further questions." Y/n turned prepared to walk back to her seat.
"I heard. I heard what happened to her. But no I had no part of it." Eren coolly breathed out.
Y/n looked back at him as she sat back down knowing that now it was time to bring out the big guns. She knew that there was no way in hell that he had anything to do with the death of Historia, but it was still a necessary blow to get him to crack and it certainly worked its magic. Even though the crack was no more than a small slither, it was enough for Y/n to slide through.
She took a sip of her water to wet her tongue as she listened to multiple victims' families break down and cry in front of Eren as they questioned the whereabouts of their loved ones' remains. Despite all of that Eren insisted he had no idea or part in any of it. Y/n stood back up prepared for round two, feeling confident enough that she was going to break him.
"As previously stated by others, most of the victims died in the same way and were women. I couldn't help but notice one fact."
"And that might be?" His guard was up, no longer holding onto that flirtatious persona, he had dawned earlier.
"They all rival the murder of your mother Karla Yeager."
And there it was, the mask that his face held came crashing down straight to the floor. Y/n's smile disappeared as well, nothing left but a solemn look as her brown eyes held a serious gaze with his rage-filled turquoise ones.
"My mother?" He sounded pissed and had begun to slightly shake.
"I told you, I did my homework. The autopsy for the late Mrs. Yeager, she was gunned down in midday light and no one saw anything, well know one but you. Am I correct?"
"Miss. L/n." The judge's voice boomed as he stared down at the woman in disbelief.
"Just a moment. Eren when your mother died, you were a young boy. So no one believed you when you protested about the 'titans' that took away your mother. And everyone that has been murdered besides Historia Reiss had a connection to 'Titans', excuse me, I mean the Marleyan Mafia." Y/n concluded not noticing Eren's face morphing into one of complete and utter rage.
"Now I have no further question-"
Y/n's words were cut off by the sound of an explosion, the commotion and debris sending her to the floor. The courtroom door burst open as Y/n began to sit up, the sound of gunshots rang off in her ears.
Screams and cries soon began to follow, Y/n's eyes widened in horror as she watched the body of the judge fall from his bench, blood splattering against the ground and oozing out of the open wound against his split opened head.
Eren stepped down from his stand and moved towards Y/n who shook on the floor. His face calm and collected again, despite the chaos that was raging. He gripped Y/n's arm harshly and tugged her up off the ground despite her struggle and stumbling.
"Drop the act, Y/n. The majority of the section has been cleared out." He finally said.
With his words, Y/n stood up straight as a smile formed on her face as she shoved him away from her.
"About time. I don't think I could sit through any more sob stories."
"That was a low blow about my mother, don't think you're getting off easy." He frowned gripping her wrist again.
"Oh? I did what I had to do. But consider it payback for all the other dirty work, I've had to do for you."
"You like getting dirty for me." His hand trailed up to her face as he squeezed her jaw tightly.
"Not when it involves me dealing with those perverted pigs at the station. Now let's go, I'm sure Armin is waiting for us."
She shoved him away again and turned on her heel walking past the fresh corpses toward the back exit that had been cleared completely out, Y/n gave Eren a blank look pausing in her steps.
"You owe me a new pair of shoes by the way."
"You keep giving me attitude and we'll see who owes who," He warned as he pulled out his phone to call Armin. "Blow this shit to hell."
Y/n watched him give commands over the phone and bit her lip, it was making her feel some type of way. God, it had been too long, a year without any real contact to ensure that this latest plan would work. Most of the jury had been people with ties to the Marleyan gang that Eren had been plotting to take out. The only way to get so many of them in one place was to have a trial and make it look as if it was certain Eren was going to jail.
"You know that if you come with me, you'll be a wanted woman." Eren voiced having hung up on Armin.
"Come on, you going soft on me Yeager? What happened to the only way out is death?"
He walked up to her and placed his forehead on hers silently. Y/n knew what he was trying to say, he had a superstition that if he admitted he loved her vocally, she would wind up dying just like everyone else he loved.
"I'm not leaving you. Now let's go before we get blown the fuck up." She mumbled softly as she pressed a soft kiss to his lips.
He laughed and held onto her hand as she made her way to the car that had been planted for them to escape in. The model was an old and retro mustang with a classy red paint job.
"Connie?" Y/n questioned as she slipped into the car.
"He thought it would look badass if we drove away from an exploding building with a mustang." Eren rolled his eyes whilst getting in as well as revving the engine.
"I gotta admit, it does sound hot."
Eren rolled his eyes and began to count down from ten, continuously revving the engine waiting for the explosions to begin. Y/n leaned back in her seat with a crazed smile on her face, the thrill of living life on the edge was getting to her again. Out of nowhere, the planted bombs began to go off one by one. Eren stepped on the gas and sped away from the sounds, the car jumping and bouncing from the debris of the explosions hitting against the car. Y/n held onto her seatbelt and laughed whole-heartedly as she looked at her boyfriend whose eyes were trained on the road, and that's when she knew she meant what she said.
She would follow him until the day she died.
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peachyteabuck · 4 years
of freedom ~ act i, “if we ruled the world”
summary: a sort-of non-avengers au where everyone has their powers and absolutely no one is in a highly powerful mob (or, at least, that’s what the feds think). 
or, a commission in three parts for anonymous, who asked for a series about wanda x natasha x reader.
pairing: wanda maximoff x natasha romanoff x reader (focusing on wanda maximoff x reader)
words: 3,521
trigger warnings: wanda using her powers during sex, fingering, dom/sub dynamics, paranoia mention, 
ask box / masterlist / commission info / ko-fi
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“Baby,” you sigh. Your voice is slow, desperate not to scare her away – desperate to make sure she feels safe. If you spoke too loudly you’re worried she’d jump, skitter away like a feral cat in an alleyway – and just like when you’d try and trap one of the animals who roamed the streets of New York without a home, you have to coax her into her refuge under the thick, heavy blankets. Come stay with me, you want to whisper. I can keep you safe, protect you. Some days you’d try and be a little more aggressive in your efforts, maybe any other time you’d make kisses at her and try to entrap Wanda in your arms.
Today, though, you lower your voice and expose your tummy and pat the covers. Today, you lure her into the safety of your arms without becoming frustrated and giving up. Today, you don’t try to trick her. “Come back to bed.”
Wanda inhales deeply, still not meeting your gaze. She did wake up earlier than necessary, she’s got a good few hours before she has to leave. You know that, know her schedule better than she does. But, she’s also nervous for her meeting – and you know that, too. “I don’t know if I have the time,” she mumbles.
“Wanda,” you can see the muscles in her back tense with every inhale. It pains you to watch such a feeling course through her like that.  “Come back to bed.”
There’s a beat of silence, but then she gives in - sighs and slips back under the warmed covers with you. She’s only in panties – a soft grey pair from some designer you’d probably mispronounce if you tried to say it aloud. They’re high, framing her narrow hips and flat stomach. Bruises from the night before are becoming more prominent by the minute, the V you formed with your teeth and tongue nearly purple as night. Without a top, you can see where they trail between her breasts then up and long each collarbone but where, carefully, you stopped wherever her sweater can’t cover.
Memories from then flash in front of you as she curls her legs around yours.
Her pussy in your mouth with both her hands tangled in your messy hair. Her fingers deep in your cunt as you moan into her mouth. Her legs, shaking, as you came together for the fourth time that night. Deep pleasure you can feel in your muscles each time you move – moans that come from somewhere even deeper.
“You’re like a koala,” you whisper into her skin, smiling deep and wide. You kiss at where her hand intertwines with yours. It almost hurts – your heart and your lips and your cheeks. It almost hurts to be this happy and tender in a bed you share in an apartment you share with the woman you love. If the world outside was crashing, you doubt you’d make any move to safe yourself.
Wanda peppers tiny, featherlight kisses across your shoulders – you can feel her smiling, too. “And you’re like a stuffed animal.”
Silence settles over you both like the dust in the room settles on your windowsill – the one that has been superglued shut since you moved in (Wanda originally claimed it was because the burglary rate in the neighborhood was unnaturally high. Now, though, you know better).
Your lover can’t stay still, though, and soon she’s swirling a sunset of colors between her nimble fingers. It’s beautiful, the hues of pink and orange and hints of red and the yellow of the sun from the curtains making it even more so. It’s distracting, so much so don’t notice when you can’t move your hands.
You furrow your brow, thinking your arms had fallen asleep. It isn’t until Wanda flipped you on your back and was pulling a clean strap and dildo from your velour-lined sex toy drawer that you understand/
“Lay back, baby,” Wanda coos. You abide, even when she lets you go to pull the strap on over her hips and adjust it.
You’re still wet from the night before – how could you not be? – so while one hand keeps you still Wanda slips two fingers from the other into your dripping heat. All you can do is whimper, your throat sore for the same reason.
“Fuck, you’re so wet,” Wanda moans, grinning when she finds that spot inside of you that makes you cry out. “You’re gonna soak my sheets, baby girl.”
“Our sheets,” you correct. A captain goes down with their ship; you will go down with a half-smile and a glint in your eye that shines brighter than a mid-day sun.
“Mm,” is all Wanda says back, smiling as she crooks her fingers in just the right way. “My apologies, darling. How will I ever make it up to you?”
You want to bite back with an equally sarcastic response, want to push her down and make her come until she’s begging for you to let up. You can’t, though, because even if you’re not leather- or rope- bound Wanda’s got you pinned to the bed. Stupid powers. You try and break out of invisible binds, do your best to squirm and fight and reach for the woman just above you.
It doesn’t work though, nothing works. A part of you you’ll never admit exists, a part of you that Wanda knows lives and thrives deep in a secluded corner of your brain, is glad you can’t break from your hold. What would the fun be if you didn’t try, though? What would this game be if Wanda couldn’t bite her bottom lip as she watched you struggle in her hold?
“Gonna ride you face, baby,” Wanda coos. “You want that? You wanna be a good little girl for me and make me come all over that pretty little face of yours?”
You mmm and nod, biting your bottom lip and beaming up at her. “Yes, Ma’am.”
Wanda smiles back as she crawls her way up your body. She stops next to your head, kissing your temple, your cheek, your lips. “Good girl.”
She swings her leg over your body and moves to straddle your face. Her pussy, likes yours, is absolutely dripping with her, with her thick, heady scent that makes you moan the second your tongue meets her center. You take long, deep drunk from her nectar as you trace over her folds.
“Fuck,” she gasps out, struggling to speak. “How are you so good at this? Fuckin’ love your mouth.”
Her deep accent, one that had eroded to a slight tinge overtime, coats her words like caramel over a crisp Granny Smith apple. It’s one of the best parts of having sex with Wanda: you love seeing the parts of her she’s hidden from the rest of the world. She has to be serious at her job, stoic and cold and controlling and conniving. Her literal job is to manipulate whoever her boss wishes, and (even though Wanda is very adamant about being very good at what she does) it can be quite draining. You can see it when she comes back after a long day, or even sometimes after a short one.
All of that seems to melt away when you’re with Wanda, as if within the four walls of your bedroom (or kitchen, or shower, or living room floor, or…) she can molt the snakeskin she has to rebuild every time she gets called in. Her accent – one she locked inside her long ago – is only revealed when the exoskeleton is left at the door.
You moan again, deep in your chest, when you feel your pussy being stretched and filled. You can see one of Wanda’s hands and the red-purple electricity swirling around her fingers, the other hand’s tangled in your hair.
Somehow, knowing it’s her powers that are fucking you makes it that much better, makes your pussy that much wetter as some phantom force rails you within an inch of your life. Each thrust into you makes you groan into Wanda’s pussy, which makes her hands tighten into fists and strangled moans leave her plush lips.
You’re close, and so is she, when Wanda pulls off of you and leaves you panting and empty. You’re about to whine and cry and beg for something, but then Wanda’s back on your face – this time, facing away from you. Before you can understand what’s happening you feel Wanda’s mouth on your own pussy, her own fingers (her real fingers and mouth) stretching you open. Your own hands, now free, grab at Wanda’s hips to hold her to you.
One of her arms wraps around one of your legs, letting her pin you down as she sinks two fingers into you.
You can practically hear her smiling, her fingers leaving you for a moment as she sits back up. You whine into Wanda’s pussy at the emptiness and she giggles, circling your clit absent-mindedly as she mocks you.
“Aw, don’t worry about it, slut, I’ll have you filled up soon, alright?”
You mmhmm into her sweet cunt, the noises quickly turning into deep moans when her fingers enter you once more.
It’s good, so good and you’re nearly bursting from the pleasure. Your heels kick, trying to find purchase so you can buck you hips. It’s impossible, though, Wanda sees all from her vantage point and makes it so your feet always just miss the sheets.
“Just give up, baby,” she coos. “You know how well I have control, how easy it is for me just,” she flicks her hand and whatever’s inside of you grows and pumps inside of you. She laughs as you cry out. “exercise how much dominance I have over you.”
You into her pussy once more before she starts to grind down on you. She nearly growls when she speaks next. “Now make me come.”
You take your order with valiance, tongue making broad, sloppy strokes against her pussy when you’re not panting and moaning desperately. Wanda takes pity on you, releasing one of your hands from her hold so you can reach up and sink two, three fingers in to her and curl them until she’s crying out, too, grinding against your face once more until your face is covered in her juices.
She continues to ride your face as the aftershocks of the orgasm flow through her body like waves, her hips moving in a similar fluid motion.
Wanda takes a moment to catch her breath, and to let you catch yours; when she moves to sit next to you – for a moment you think it’s over, you’re done, you’ve satisfied her.
But no, of course not. Wanda Maximoff, the woman you love, is never satisfied – especially not when it comes to sex with you.
Within the blink of an eye she’s staring down at you, wicked smile plastered on her face as she sits above you, hands at resting on her thighs while her powers pin you down and fuck into you.
“You like that, baby,” she asks, voice dripping with sadistic delight. “You like how I fuck you so well without even having to lift a finger? Do you like how good I can make you feel without touching you?”
You nod furiously, unable to form any intelligible words but still desperate to please her.
Wanda leans down to whisper in your ear, the feeling in your pussy never letting up. “Do you like how much power I hold? Do you like how easy it is to make you submit?”
You bite your bottom lip before giving a small nod.
Wanda grabs at your chin, making your eyes meet hers as she hisses through grit teeth. “Say it.”
“I love how power you have,” you nearly scream – a stark contrast from your previous silence. Wanda loves when you’re vocal – adores how loud you can get. She’s lucky the walls are thick, or else she’d be getting complaints from her neighbors at least every other day. Part of her, though, wonders if that’d be so bad…a wave of arousal hits her as she imagines claiming you knowing everyone could hear how good she fucks you, how loud you are. “I love how easy it is for you to get me under you!”
Wanda smiles wide as she stares down at you – skin covered in a thin layer of sweat as you moan and writhe on the bed. It’s the most beautiful sight she’s ever seen. Fuck all that high-scale art mob bosses love so much, those expensive paintings that are perfect for hiding bugs in, for covering up secret safes and whatnot.
Wanda could watch you groan and cry out around nothing for the rest of her natural life (and whatever comes after that). She has the urge to film it so she can watch it every day forever – but that would require tearing her eyes away for the few seconds it would take for her to find her phone. How could she waste these precious moments staring at you, admiring you, loving you? You come again, and again, and again just like that – under her spell or whatever it is she does with whatever it is she has.
Wanda lets up, eventually, gives you a moment – allows everything to recede. You whimper at the empty feeling in and around you and you don’t know why you craved being released from her grip for so long. Why did you ever wish to be free of her – even if it meant feeling like your body was a live wire? How could you have ever wished such a thing?
You’re still recovering, still waiting for your vision to clear up, when Wanda produces a Hitachi out of thin air and positions her hips just above yours. You moan when you understand what’s happening, the deep noise quickly becoming high-pitched and desperate at Wanda turns the vibe on. You’re already sensitive, like Wanda, and it only intensifies as you both begin to grind into the soft silicon. As such, it doesn’t take long for you both to come for a final time – room quiet except for your breathy moans and the vibrations.
Wanda collapses next to you, each of you panting heavily. She curls around you, pulling you to her so your back presses into her bare chest.
She leaves light kisses along your shoulder, the crest of your ear.
“You good,” she whispers. It’s not accusatory, not worried. Like many times before, she’s just checking in.
“Of course,” you say back – voice equally low. “You don’t have to worry, all the time, you know.”
Wanda huffs out a loud laugh. “Oh baby, of course I do.”
She eventually detangles her limbs from yours, the sun becoming too hot on her skin and the patience of her boss wearing thinner by the minute.
You don’t whine when she leaves you like you did before, understanding she really needs to go this time (like, for real), but you still sigh and roll over to her side of the worn mattress. When you inhale you can smell her – her deodorant, her body wash, her cunt. It’s heaven.
“Miss you already,” you say into the sheets, ready to return to sweet slumber once again – even if you have to do it alone.
Wanda laughs lightly, pulling on your least-dirty shirts, a dark pair of jeans, and a deep-maroon sweater. As she puts her hair up into a loose ponytail with one of the many hair ties littering the floor, you can see her looking for her shoes. You sigh and roll your eyes.
“Under the dining room table, babe,” you call from your incredibly comfortable position.
She scoffs, looking under the bed again with increased fervor. “Why would my shoes be under the dining room table? Who puts their shoes under the dining room table? Who am I? Not a person who puts their shoes on the dining room table, that’s for damn sure.”
“Babe, you didn’t ask me why your shoes are where they are-“
“I didn’t ask you where they are, either!”
You can hear her footsteps becoming quieter as she pads into the kitchen. Judging by her huffing and not saying goodbye before the door slams, her shoes were – in fact – under the dining room table, just as you knew they were.
You’re in love with an idiot. An absolute idiot. And, God, this is the happiest you’ve ever been.
Wanda’s present at the meeting…mostly. She checks the clock on the wall behind her boss’ desk once every, ten? Fifteen seconds?
The P.I. Natasha hired to track a possible mole doesn’t notice – something Natasha picks up on the fourth time she sees Wanda’s eyes flick three feet above Natasha’s eyeline. The woman makes a note on her desk calendar to fire the guy ASAP, and to more strictly enforce Natasha’s policy on hiring only women freelancers.
(This dude is supposed to be the best in the business and can’t notice that a woman literally two feet from him isn’t paying attention to whatever he’s saying. Jesus Christ, they’re giving licenses to fuckin’ anybody these days.)
The man leaves, eventually (though, much, much past when social convention would dictate). Once the door has closed and Natasha is sure no one can hear them, she questions the woman in front of her.
“Why in God’s name are you checking the time so often?” she inquires, eyebrows furrowed. “Is something wrong? Oh God, are you supposed to do a drop off? Is someone threatening you?”
Wanda’s wide eyes get even bigger, her hands flat out in front of her. “Oh no! Nat, what the fuck? Chill out. No, it’s just…”
Natasha relaxes a little (just a little), but still watches her friend like a hawk.
“Sorry, it’s just. It’s just my g-,” Wanda coughs and corrects herself, trying to pass off her actions as clearing her throat. Natasha sees this obvious remediation but does not comment. “I just promised a friend I’d see them today. At a coffee shop. Today. This afternoon. At a coffee shop. After the lunch rush.”
Natasha narrows her eyes and slams both her hands down on the dark-oak desk in front of her. “Wanda whatever-the-fuck-you-middle-name-is Maximoff, I swear to God if you have a girlfriend and did not tell me I am going to behead you.”
Wanda looks fearful for a moment, but then the widest smile breaks out on her face. “I am! She’s amazing! The best! We’ve been dating officially about six months but- “
“Six MONTHS!?” Natasha nearly yells, slamming her hands onto the desk once more.
“But we’re taking it very slow because she says she just got out of a relationship and stuff. Like, last night was one of the few nights she’s stayed over and didn’t run off before the sun rose.”
Natasha mms, nodding her head in understanding. “Is she cautious, or are you?”
Wanda glares at her boss-slash-friend, but doesn’t disagree with the thinly veiled criticism. “She’s great, though. Do you wanna see a picture?”
Natasha rolls her eyes and snorts. “Of fucking course I want to see a picture!”
They both giggle as Wanda pulls out her phone and scrolls through the less-than appropriate photos of you to find your date from yesterday afternoon – the one where you two got flatbread pizza and cheap beer and laughed so hard Wanda was sure she gained a six-pack by the time you returned. You’re smiling big, hair pulled back; dressed in a soft grey shirt Natasha recognizes as Wanda’s and black leggings and worn sneakers. That’s not all Natasha recognizes.
“You okay?” Wanda asks. Her concern is genuine, but so is Natasha’s fear.
Natasha nods. “Yeah, tell me more about her. What’s she like?”
Wanda’s eyebrows relax and she smiles again, flipping through photos and telling stories. The first photo is of Wanda and someone…someone Natasha recognizes? Somehow? She’s can’t place it, but – she swears she’s seen that face before, that smile, those teeth.
The next photo is Wanda and the same someone sharing a meal. The way the someone’s smile crooks, the way their teeth shine in the light and how their hair looks in a sleek bun…
The third photo is when it clicks for Natasha, seeing the someone and Wanda in coordinating outfits for a date to an art museum. It’s…shocking, to Natasha. This is the first time in a while, since the last time she saw that someone, that she’s felt like her world is crashing down around her. And that feeling – one of doom and disaster – is one she does not like.
It’s not too long after that Natasha finds a reason to cut the conversation short, showing Wanda out.
“I’ll see you later!” Wanda calls. “Oh, maybe I can introduce you!”
Natasha nods and smiles, saying something about “how that would be nice” and “I’ll see you later.”
There’s only so much she can do to avoid the judging eyes of her bodyguards, but she ignores them nonetheless. This is something she needs to think over alone.
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marvels-writings · 4 years
It’s Just a Little Crush
Carol Danvers x Reader, Highschool AU
Requested by Anon: Can I request a carol x reader highshool fic where carol is the cool girl who has a huge crush on the reader the shy reserved girl. Her friends (the avengers) always tease her about her crush and put her in situations where she has to interact with her crush. Despite being the cool girl she gets so flustered around her crush and doesn’t know how to act normal, she’s pretty sure she’s in love and she had barely had a full conversation with her. Please make it as fluffy and romantic as possible.
Word Count: 1,532
A/N: Love highschool AU’s, here you go!
“I swear to god I hate algebra.” Carol groaned, slamming her head down on the desk, the sleeves of her letterman jacket scratching her face a little.
Her friends next to her laughed at her behavior before continuing on their homework. Natasha elbowed Carol’s side and she looked up at the redhead with a frown.
“What?” Carol whined, Natasha smirked, which was never a good sign.
“Your crush is walking over here,” Natasha commented, then pretended to get back to her work.
“And why would she do that?” Carol whispered urgently, trying to act normal and glaring at Natasha while fixing her jacket and brushing off her leggings, fixing her short hair and pulling out a few strands to dangle in front of her eyes before nervously pushing them back.
“Because Clint is calling her over.” Natasha winked at the blonde and got back to her algebra paper.
Before Carol could say anything back to Natasha, you walked over to her and asked the redhead if she needed any help, since Clint had practically been begging you for help earlier. Natasha grinned at you and said she didn’t, but Carol might.
“You really should move to our table, Carol’s hopeless at math,” Natasha remarked, you laughed as Carol elbowed her side lightly, subtly looking at you.
You wore a grey cardigan, a fav/color v-neck t-shirt, smoke grey ripped jeans, and black puma shoes. It was a simple outfit, but it looked gorgeous on you, your hair was let down, the soft hair/color hair falling onto your shoulders.
“That hopeless?” You asked, a shy smile on your face, Natasha nodded and lifted Carol’s paper to show you.
“It’s blank.” You commented the blonde glared at Natasha behind the paper before she set it down.
“Point in case, Clint already dragged your chair over here anyway.” Natasha shrugged, you turned around to find your bag slung on the back of a chair which was set up right behind you, you laughed and sat down, leaning over the desk to help Carol.
“Well, the first question isn’t that bad.” You said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and leaning back in your chair to look at Carol who looked completely stunned.
“Do you want me to give you the answers or explain it?” You asked Natasha leaned back in her chair, her head popping up behind Carol’s shoulder.
“If you explain it she might not need to copy the answers from us later.” She gestured to the rest of the team behind her, you laughed and went back to the paper, burying one hand in your hair and pointing the pencil to some of the numbers while explaining.
Carol was half focusing on what you were saying, most of her attention was on the way you bit your lip when you concentrated, the small strands of hair falling in your face which you kept pushing back, how you smiled and the way your eyes sparkled when you figured out the answer. You asked her in the middle of your explanation if she was understanding, Carol nodded, but at the end when you asked her what the answer was after explaining, she had no idea.
You raised an eyebrow, “You’re serious? I just explained it.”
“Yeah, well, I’m just not that great at math,” Carrol confessed, rubbing her neck bashfully, you rolled your eyes and started explaining again when the bell cut you off.
“Next time then.” You sighed, moving to pack up your things and put the chair back, Carol couldn’t help but be disappointed when you left.
“Y/n, you should come with us,” Tony shouted from across the room, you turned to face him, your bag slung over your shoulder.
“Really? But I told Peter I’d go get a bite with him.” You answered, walking out of the classroom doors with them.
“Peter said he was planning to hang out with us after, might as well come,” Natasha stated, smirking when she saw Carol’s blush.
“Might as well.” You shrugged nervously, biting the inside of your cheek and inhaling sharply as you followed them towards their lockers.
Their group was one of the most popular on campus, they called themselves the Avengers, Peter hung out with Tony a lot and invited you sometimes. You mainly knew them because you let them copy your work often and because Carol tried to talk to you often. But you’d never really been invited to hang out with them before, you mostly opted to talk with Ned and MJ.
Once they got to their lockers, Peter joined you and clapped you on the back while grinning and eating a burrito. Tony pulled out a speaker out of nowhere and started plugging it in with Peter’s help, ‘Crush’ by Jennifer Paige started playing through the speakers.
“This song is so old,” Carol muttered, leaning back against one of the lockers, you stood next to her, nervously fidgeting with your hands.
“It’s a classic, the remix by Campsite Dream is also decent.” You thought aloud, you and Carol started talking about music when you Tony started playing ‘Iron Man’ by Black Sabbath.
“I seriously doubt it’s worse than this,” Carol commented, gesturing to the speakers, Tony glared at her before backing away.
“Bet,” You grinned and went towards the speakers, finding the song you’d just mentioned before playing it.
Tony frowned when you changed the song, but it transformed into a grin when he realized what song you were playing. Peter recognized it instantly, the rest of the group took a few seconds to realize but smirked when they recognized the song. You shyly smirked and blew a kiss to Carol before increasing the volume
‘See you blowin' me a kiss
It doesn't take a scientist
To understand what's goin' on baby’
Carol blushed and shrunk into the lockers, pulling her letterman jacket around herself. You were about to leave to put your things in your locker but Natasha stopped you, demanding that you stay and talk to Carol. You complained about the cold a little, pulling your cardigan tighter around yourself.
‘If you see something in my eye
Let's not over analyze
Don't go too deep with it baby’
Carol noticed how cold you were and shrugged off her jacket to reveal a white NIN t-shirt under it, offering you the jacket with a bit of hope in her eyes. You looked at her but shrugged and accepted the jacket, taking off your cardigan and shoving it inside your bag before putting on her jacket and tugging it around yourself, it smelt amazing.
‘So let it be
What it'll be
Don't make a fuss and go crazy over you and me’
The rest of the break was left with both of you talking while the music played softly in the background, Carol said the vocals were a bit choppy but the music itself was pretty good. Though she wouldn’t admit it, this was the first decent conversation she had with you. She couldn’t help but smile the entire conversation at the sight of you wearing her jacket.
‘Here's what I'll do
I'll play the wuss, not like we have a date with destiny’
Natasha noticed both of you and whispered something to Wanda, the brunette grinned at her and headed over to both of you, changing the conversation.
“Are you both free on Friday at 7?” She asked, you shrugged and nodded, Carol did the same, a light frown ghosting her face.
“Good, enjoy your date!” She said, grinning and walking off.
“Did she just…” You trailed off, Carol’s face was a bright red when she turned to face you, stuttering over her words before moving to chase after Wanda, when you stopped her by her wrist.
“If you want to, you don’t need to stop her.” You said softly, Carol’s eyes widened and she grinned at you, moving to lean back against the lockers, heart beating fast when she noticed you hadn’t let go of her wrist yet.
‘It's just
A little crush
Not like I faint, every time we touch’
Carol swore her heart was going to beat out of her chest when you motioned for her to sit down, still holding her hand. The blonde gently put her hand on top of yours as you nervously played with her fingers while talking about how boring the math teacher was.
‘It's just some little thing
Not like everything I do
Depends on you’
The bell rang, you got up and moved to take the jacket off and give it back to Carol when she stopped you.
“Just wear it, I don’t have practice anyway, do you want to hang out after school?” Carol asked hesitantly, hazel eyes staring at the floor nervously.
“I’d love to.” You grinned at her, tucking a strand of her short hair back into place before walking towards your next class, leaving Carol staring.
She made a mental note to cancel her practice later on, you were more than just a little crush
Tag List: @capcarolsdanver, @versdan, @lesbian-girls-wayhaught, @lovebotlarson, @dhengkt, @5aftermidnight, @hstoria, @natasha-danvers, @veryfunnyal, @xxxtwilightaxelxxx , @ophelias-heart  , @never-didbefore , @justarandomhumanhere, @the-most-unicorn-of-them-all , @thatssocamryn , @lesbian-x-blackwidow , @marvelbbyx , @wlw-imaginesss let me know if you’d like to be in any of my tag lists!
A/N: Thoughts?
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sterekshaven · 4 years
Ohhh, can I combine for the fluffy asks? If so, numbers 23 and 17, please and thank you! ♥️♥️♥️
I hope you want some sap because that’s what you’re getting xD Thank you for prompting me, and I hope you like this tooth-rotting thing =D ♥ (for the Fluffy Holiday Prompts)
A good tradition ao3 - pillowfort
1914 words | Gen characters: Stiles, Derek, Claudia, Sheriff Stilinski, Laura, Talia, Peter, Cora, Original Hale Characters tags: Fluff, Sappy, Christmas, Christmas Fluff, Everyone Is Alive, AU - Childhood Friends, Tooth-Rotting Fluff
Claudia cupped Stiles’ cheeks.
”Relax, honey,” she said, and Stiles took a deep breath, tried to relax. ”You’ve met them a million times, it’s just Talia and her family.”
”I know,” Stiles said. ”That doesn’t make it less terrifying, I know them, I know how protective they are of him.”
”And you know that they adore you,” Claudia said. “You know they trust you.”
Stiles nodded and took another deep breath as John came up behind Claudia and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Talk some sense into our son,” Claudia said and grinned when Stiles huffed.
“Don’t worry about it,” John said, and he sounded so genuine. “Talia might be one of the most powerful alphas on the west coast and known to be ruthless when it comes to protecting her family, but your mom is right, she does adore you. Just don’t fuck up and you’ll be fine.”
“I hate you, dad, so much,” Stiles said, smiling.
The doorbell rang, and Claudia pulled Stiles close to press a kiss to his forehead.
“You’ll be fine, honey,” she said softly, and Stiles smiled at her.
“Thanks, mom.”
“Call if you need me to come to arrest anyone,” John said. “And I promise I’ll avenge you if they kill you.”
“Still hate you, dad,” Stiles said as he hugged him.
He hurried to the door, took another deep breath before opening it. His smile was immediate when he saw Derek standing there, dressed in a button-down under his leather jacket, smiling nervously.
“Hi,” Stiles breathed.
He didn’t know he’d ever get used to dating Derek. He had known him since they were kids, had been in love with him for something like ten years when Derek haltingly and shyly asked him out just a couple of months ago.
“Hi,” Derek said softly. He looked over Stiles’ shoulder. “Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Stilinski.”
“Hi, sweetheart,” Claudia said. “See you tomorrow.”
Derek gulped and nodded. Seeing him look absolutely terrified of the prospect of celebrating Christmas with them actually relaxed Stiles, and he stepped into his shoes, pulled on his jacket, and picked up the bag with gifts, then he smiled at Derek.
“Ready?” Derek asked.
“Let’s do this,” Stiles said.
Laura opened the front door as Derek parked, her smile huge, and Stiles swallowed nervously.
“Ignore her,” Derek said. “She’s gonna be annoying today.”
“I can’t really ignore her,” Stiles said. “She’s gonna be my alpha.”
“Yeah, in like ten years, you can ignore her today,” Derek said.
“Ugh,” Stiles said, and Derek smiled at him and took his hand.
“It’ll be fine,” he said, “they already love you.” He looked at Laura, or, glared really, and she beamed at them from the door. “Even if they’re annoying as fuck.”
“I’m super nice!” Laura yelled loud enough for Stiles to hear, and he laughed.
“Whatever you say, Lulu,” Stiles said, and Laura’s snarl had him laughing more. “Okay, I think I’ll be fine.”
“I know you will,” Derek said. “Ready to go inside?”
“Might wanna wait for Laura to not be pissed at Lulu anymore,” Stiles said. It was a nickname she had when she was a kid that she for some reason started to hate in her teens. Using it even when she was 27 had her frowning and huffing about it. Stiles looked at Derek and took a deep breath, and Derek squeezed his hand encouragingly. “Okay, let’s do this.”
The ten seconds later that they got to the door, Peter, Cora, Eric, and William had joined Laura there.
“Wow, quite the welcome committee,” Stiles said, his voice a little weaker than he would have liked.
“I thought I told you all to be nice today,” Talia said as she came walking from the kitchen, her sister Celia and Derek’s youngest sister Nova trailing after her.
“I was just welcoming him, it’s not my fault everyone else is here,” Laura said.
“We just want to welcome our future emissary,” Peter said.
“I’m so sorry for my family,” William said. “Welcome, Stiles.”
Stiles liked William. He was the nicest person Stiles had ever met, Stiles was surprised he wasn’t constantly run over by his family, but despite being human in a family of mostly werewolves he had a very strong presence and an even stronger authority, not just because he was the dad to most of them. Even Peter listened when William used his Voice™. Talia mostly just sat next to him looking smug, because he never aimed it at her. 
“It’s lovely to see you,” Talia said. She leaned in and pressed a kiss to Stiles’ temple, and he smiled.
“You too, thank you for having me,” he said.
He put the bag down and pulled his jacket off, then Laura grabbed his hand.
“Okay, come on,” Laura said. “Time for traditions.” She looked Derek over and frowned. “What the fuck are you wearing?”
“I met his parents,” Derek hissed.
“Aaw, loser,” Cora said sweetly.
Stiles barely got his shoes off before Laura started to tug him along to the living room, and Stiles looked at Derek.
“Help me,” he mouthed, smiling.
Derek just rolled his eyes and followed them, carrying Stiles’ bag.
“Okay, here.” Laura let go of Stiles’ hand only to shove a soft Christmas present against his chest. “Open.”
Stiles took the present, looked at it in confusion, then at Laura and Derek. “What.”
“Just do it,” Derek said, and he was unbuttoning his shirt as he rolled his eyes at Laura. “It’s tradition.”
Stiles blinked at him. “Why are you getting undressed?”
“I’m getting changed,” Derek said. “Not undressed, I promise, no weird naked werewolf stuff.”
Laura snorted and Peter laughed softly from where he was standing in the door.
“Okay, if you say so,” Stiles said. He carefully opened the present and was presented with a deep red knitted… fluff. A lot of fluff. Soft fluff, he wanted to cuddle it, but instead he tried to lift it up to see what it was, and two smaller fluffs fell to the floor. “Oh.” He picked them up and realized they were socks, and when he looked at the bigger fluff he saw it was a sweater. “They’re so soft, thank you.”
He looked at Laura and smiled, only to realize she was wearing a similar sweater and fluffy fuzzy socks. He looked at Peter. How had he not noticed they were all wearing big fluffy soft sweaters and matching fluffy fuzzy socks? In his defense, they weren’t the same at all, different colors and styles, some with patterns and some not, but they were all knitted in soft yarn.
Peter’s was black, big but in a way that somehow clung to his body, the v of the neck deep, making him look mostly like his usual and slightly creepy self, while Laura’s was a dusty pink and long enough that coupled with the leggings she was wearing it looked more like a dress, Cora’s was a moss green with a loose turtleneck, long too but not as long as Laura’s.
Derek had gotten his button-down off, and he pulled on a dark purple sweater over the v-neck t-shirt he was wearing. He looked cozier than Stiles had ever seen him, and that was saying something considering he had nicknamed him Cozy two years before they started dating.
”Oh god,” Stiles complained quietly with a groan.
His cheeks heated up when Peter laughed and Laura snorted again.
”Stop staring at Derek, you have the rest of your lives to do that,” Laura said. ”Try them on.”
Stiles grinned at her, even as his cheeks were burning. The rest of their lives, he liked that. He unbuttoned his own shirt, then he pulled the sweater on over his t-shirt and patted it. “It’s so soft,” he groaned. “God, it’s lovely, thank you.”
He sat down and pulled his socks off so he could put the new ones on, and Derek’s smile was so pleased as he watched him.
”You look nice,” he said, and Stiles beamed at him.
”So do you, Cozy.”
Derek put a hand on Stiles’ shoulder and leaned down to press a kiss to his temple, and Stiles sat there and smiled stupidly at him until Laura laughed.
“You two,” she said, and Stiles looked at her with burning cheeks. She was smiling softly though. “I’m happy you finally got together, both your pining was getting unbearable, but it’s a little nauseating watching you gaze lovingly at each other, so I’m gonna go see if they need help in the kitchen.”
“Shut up,” Derek grumbled.
“Love you, little brother,” Laura said and grinned as she jogged off to the kitchen.
”Ignore her,” Derek told Stiles, who grinned and stood up to wrap his arms around Derek.
”The pining, huh?” he asked and Derek looked away, down then to the side. Stiles brushed a kiss to his pink cheek. ”I knew I was pining, but she did say both.”
“Shut up,” Derek said, but he smiled as he tucked his face against Stiles’ neck.
“Aaw, Cozy,” Stiles said and pressed kisses to the side of Derek’s face.
Christmas with the Hales was loud, chaotic, messy, and absolutely wonderful. Derek was quiet compared to the rest of his family, had always been—though it did get worse after Kate’s abuse and attempt to murder his whole family—but he sat in the middle of it all, constantly touching Stiles, either holding his hand or with an arm around him, or, when he couldn’t do either of those, sat close enough that their arms brushed, and he smiled and looked so happy as everyone talked around him.
Stiles loved the Hales, had since he was just a kid, and he could be as loud and chaotic as any of them, but he found himself looking at Derek most of the time. Derek smiled when he noticed, leaned in for a kiss on the cheek or a little nuzzle, and Stiles smiled helplessly. He was so gone on Derek it was ridiculous.
When the food and presents and then dessert were done, they all gathered in the living room. Stiles found a corner of a couch and quickly nabbed that, then he pulled Derek down next to him. He wrapped his arms around Derek, who leaned against him, looking content and soft in his big purple sweater and matching soft fuzzy socks.
”I like this tradition,” Stiles said against Derek’s cheek.
”Hm?” Derek asked.
”The soft knitted sweaters and socks one,” Stiles said.
Derek smiled and tucked himself even closer, he was nearly up in Stiles’ lap. ”It’s nice,” he said. ”I’m glad you’re here for it.”
”Me too,” Stiles said.
”And we didn’t even scare you away,” Laura said, grinning at them.
”I’ve known you basically my entire life,” Stiles said. ”I’m to be your emissary when you’re the alpha. I might have been nervous, meeting you all as his boyfriend, but scare me away? Yeah, no, that’s not gonna happen, you’re stuck with me.”
Laura leaned against Derek, smiling at Stiles as she reached over to stroke her hand over his cheek. ”And you’re stuck with us.”
”I think I can live with that,” Stiles said. 
Derek smiled and squeezed Stiles’ hand as he wrapped his other arm around Laura to tug her closer, and Stiles looked at the Hales, all of them smiling and happy and soft in their sweaters and socks. Yeah, he could live with that.
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yami-yomiel · 4 years
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REN AND PIX KILL A MAN AND WOMAN BRUH CONTROL YOURSELF DietyUlala killing shadow with a sword is also very medusa/renaissance-ese so OHOHOO..
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I shouldn’t have laughed but HAHAKASLHAKSASLKALKAMWK
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so a demon, a child, a dnd character, and so many others just got game ended SMH,also i thought thorn would live because were-wolf man type guy
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Anaripsa( aka Ana): Pam getting lost is definitley in character Me: MAIE JUST KILLS HER BROTHER WITH OUT HESITATION
Me: pix Ren and Shion singing songs together will make me ugly sob but also wholesomly sob
also Ulala’s gonna die im CALLING IT, 
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me:  NICOLE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, ALSO JAGUAR KILLS HIS OTHER SELF I MIGHT DIE Ana:  THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE JAGUAR me:  also the image of this teeny decebal (assuming Planemo is HUMONGUS somehow) scaring Planemo just by looking at him is FUNnie 
(we then go off saying how Tenshi mistakes Ulala O. for being the dead Ulala in his universe and we tag it with vines)
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Diety!Ulala didn’t have enough protection and Twinks died
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also Brooke and Planemo,,wholesome
the jaguars are the same but also different,,crying themselves to sleep(fun fact, ‘Jaguar’ is Dandelion’s jaguar aka their dad)
(in response to pix and ren) Ember:Gay rights prevail but only a little Ember:  Im glad planemo and brooke get to have a nice night :) Ana: yeah it’s wholesome me: big sister brooke time Ana:  everytime something wholesome happens i always expect the worst to be next me: YEAH ME. this dang game:
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Ana:  SHION YOU {redacted by brooke lol}
Ember: we love 2 different purges in Chase,Trust no one especially not yourself
(Decebal and Tenshi rlly did say https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6oQUDFV2C0 )
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ya’ll get a screenshot of my reaction because reasons
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Ana:  shout-out to the drama involving the gays— i mean, fiore and tenshi Ana:  jaguar my man don't get close to that moth [redacted by brooke] and they said and quote “ really unfair that event horizon is still alive but ren just died “
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Fiore this is the 2nd time you’ve questioned your sanity is everything ok?
fun fact Jerome is like 17, so a 17 yrold just beheaded nicole, powerful,..
ana says “ see jaguar i told you you couldn't trust that mothman son of a [redacted]” also a little musical number from me:  PRESSURE, PUSHIN DOWN ON PAM PUSHIN DOWN ON MAIE
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 Akira 🤝🏽 Dandelion 
tripping into an acidic puddle Tenshi 🤝🏽 jérôme 
dragging your killer to hell with you
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If planemo wins, he’s doing it for Pix and Ren, they passed the torch onto Planemo..
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Dial was opened with the opportunity to kill a god and she turned it down everyone agrees that Dial is powerful, but does only uses her power if nessasary. also She killed decebal but didn’t even bother to save pix what is her ISSUE
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 im so angery at that pit rn you DIDNT HAVE TO BE THERE???? BUT YOU CHOSE TO BE THERE also Jaguar will just end himself if no one does it for him.. smh Piremo united in heaven..:’)
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Maie im sure that Fiore is like WAYYYYY older than you, but everyone is so cuddly... in some way ember says “touch starved space pals” and i agree..
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Maie really said “We’ve cuddled now LETS CUT TO THE CHASE >:D” also Diety jaguar acting like an animal lets gooooooo
also this is like the 3rd jaguar that’s falllen out of a tree and died do you know guys know how to climb..but also Diety jaguar with a spear got ana going 👀👀👀👀👀
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i am mean to my own OCs..
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diety jaguar needs to C H I LL,,someone give him a HUG
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Avengence and death..
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Everyone agreees that Fiore lived surprisingly long so good for him
 but all Brooke had to say was:
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(usually i’d draw smth for this but uhhhhhh my tablet isn’t acting right atm, so maybe later smh)
(also there could be some missing pics because tumblah mad dummy with formating)
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mamichigo · 5 years
bless your soul for giving me the excuse to write this, this is why you’re my best friend
Title: love arrow (1.5k)
It was quite the pleasant day out, the kind that made lying down on the warm grass a tempting thought, which was exactly what Asahi did. A break would do him well after an entire day of working on the fields, he decided.
It couldn’t be too long since he laid his head on a soft patch of flowers and closed his eyes, soon joined by the fluffy weight of one of his sheep, snuggled up against his side. He was just starting to fall into the beginnings of a dream when a sudden change in the light made his eyelids flutter, wondering if the weather had taken a sudden turn for the worse.
He didn’t open his eyes entirely right away; he could see a shadow above himself, but was still too drowsy to be alarmed. Then, something soft brushed his cheek, and Asahi was about to doze off again to the touch of it, but the gentleness was dropped way too soon, and Asahi startled awake when he was slapped right on the nose with a loud smack.
Sitting up brought him face to face with a mouthful of white feathers, which he carefully removed from his tongue. “Nishinoya!” He groaned, coughing at the taste of feathers still lingering in his mouth.
“You’re finally awake, Asahi-san!” The small angel said in cheerful greeting, hovering a few centimeters off the floor like he always did. “What are you doing, sleeping such a nice day away?”
“I’m sleeping because it’s a nice day…” Asahi explained under his breath, not putting too much effort into it, knowing all too well that Nishinoya would just ignore him.
“That’s such a waste of your youth, Asahi-san!” Nishinoya pointed an accusing finger at him. “You should be running across the hill, feeling the wind blow… You should let your spirit be free and enjoy yourself to your fullest, before you get too old for it!”
Asahi chuckled. “What am I, a repressed child?” Nishinoya just kept glaring at him, so Asahi let the subject go. He sat up straighter to brush some grass off of his clothes, careful not to dislodge the still slumbering sheep beside him. Then, he took a moment to check on Nishinoya’s attire, his eyebrows raising at the sight of it. “Are you on duty today?”
Nishinoya hummed and looked down at himself. “Oh, this?” He pointed to the quiver full of arrows hanging from one shoulder, and the longbow hanging from the other. His face split into a grin, and he made a v sign to Asahi. “Yup! Lots of people to make fall in love, you know how it is.”
Not really, but Asahi had seen Nishinoya shoot one of his magic arrows before, so he had a good idea.
Asahi let his gaze linger a few seconds on the familiar sight of exposed legs that the small, white toga Nishinoya wore left on display. Then, it fleeted down to the gold sandals wrapped all the way up to just below his knees; Asahi tilted his head, amused.
“You even remembered footwear today,” he commented lightly.
Nishinoya snorted at the same time he wiggled his toes. “I gotta look like a proper cupid sometimes, right?”
Asahi looked up at the bright smile on Nishinoya’s lips, his piercing and yet kind eyes, shining almost gold-like in the sunlight, and the always pristine white feathers fluttering about as he kept himself in the air. He had to avert his eyes a second later, feeling like he might blind himself with too much exposure to this kind of dazzling display.
“I don’t think anyone could say you don’t look like an angel,” Asahi finally replied, coughing into his fist to mask his embarrassment. Nishinoya had a wild, all-knowing air to him that made Asahi doubt once or twice if he was actually a cupid. “…Though, you do look more like an avenging angel, instead.”
Nishinoya froze, his feet hitting the ground as even his wings stopped moving. Asahi glanced at him at the same time Nishinoya leaned down to stare at his face, bringing them much closer than what Asahi was comfortable with. He had half a mind to think of dragging himself backwards, away from Nishinoya’s heat, but the rest of his brain was brought to a halt by the intensity of the angel’s eyes, and so he stayed rooted to the spot.
“Do you mean that?” Nishinoya asked.
Asahi could feel himself sweating, his fingers twisting in the grass nervously. “I, uh, yes? You have this, uhm… Really intense aura, like you could take down anyone in your path.”
“Is that so?”
“You’re kinda doing it right now, you know…” Asahi admitted, hoping he didn’t sound as intimidated as he felt–going by the amused glint in Nishinoya’s eyes, he failed miserably.
For five seconds, all of which Asahi continued to hold his breath, Nishinoya doesn’t let up, and just as the thought running away crossed his mind, Nishinoya laughed and flew a couple steps away. Asahi put a hand on his chest and exhaled a relieved sigh.
“It must be my manly aura!” Nishinoya decided, striking poses in midair. “Good of you to notice, Asahi-san! Of course, you couldn’t not notice it, since it’s pretty obvious.” He made a point of gesturing to himself, which Asahi ignored for the sake of his own sanity.
“Nishinoya,” he cut off the angel’s monologue, “aren’t you supposed to be working? Lots of people to make fall in love, right?” He repeated Nishinoya’s earlier words and watched as he eyes widened in realization.
“Ah, shit, you’re right!” Nishinoya screamed and tugged on his own hair, drowning out the sound of Asahi’s soft “Nishinoya, language”. “Why did you let me get distracted, Asahi-san?!”
“Didn’t you come here out of your own volition…?”
“Well, whatever.” Nishinoya put his hands on his hips. “Since I’m already here, how about falling in love, Asahi-san?”
Ah, there he went again.
“The answer is the same as always, Nishinoya,” he replied calmly.
“Oh, c'mon! Don’t you want to know what it’s like, that kind of all-consuming, passionate love? And even if you don’t stay together, you’ll look back on it and think ‘ah, that was such a good time’. Isn’t that nice?” His wings fluttered about restlessly as Nishinoya looked like he wanted to bounce up and down. “Don’t you want that kind of unforgettable love?! At least you’ll have a story to tell in the future!”
Asahi sighed. “My answer still hasn’t changed.”
“It won’t even hurt or anything, I’ll just take this out…” He started, taking out his bow and pulling back the string without an arrow in it, pointing directly at Asahi’s heart. Then, as the string snapped back in place, he winked at Asahi. “Bam! That’s it, you’re in love.”
Asahi had to swallow down the surge of emotion rising in his chest, because he had always been weak to that kind of Nishinoya would make, all playful and charming, more so than Asahi even knew how to deal with. He blamed those overwhelming feelings for his next words, which came out of his mouth unbidden:
“Maybe I’ll shoot you through the heart, instead.”
The sheep that had been slumbering until then lifted her head to give them a suspicious look. Nishinoya was frozen again, though his wings were still keeping him up. Asahi clenched his fists and, unable to take it anymore, lowered his beet red face.
“W-Why are you blushing, shouldn’t I be the one doing that?!” Nishinoya yelled. “You can’t just go blurting out stuff like that!”
Asahi took a tentative look at Nishinoya, gasping when he saw his cheeks were indeed  a peachy pink–much more subdued than the color on Asahi’s, but there all the same. Not only that, but he was flying in quite an odd way, looking like a nervous insect as he fluttered about in circles.
When Nishinoya noticed Asahi was looking at him, he launched himself at Asahi with a battle cry, who tried to get away a little too late. At least the sheep had escaped safely.
“Don’t look!” Nishinoya ordered, pressing his (small) palms to Asahi’s eyelids. “Don’t look, you hear me?”
“…Are you embarrassed?”
That earned him another wing slap, this time to the ear. Asahi winced and went quiet. Nishinoya grumbled to himself for a good minute while he pressed something into Asahi’s palm, closing his fist around the thin object.
Then, Nishinoya stepped back, and he heard the sound of his wings, which startled Asahi into opening his eyes.
“Nishinoya…?” He called out uncertainly. The cupid never left without saying goodbye first.
He looked down at his hand, not really understanding the meaning of what he was holding at first. He stared at the bright red heart on one side of the gold arrow.
“Why would Nishinoya…?”
Then, remembering his own words before Nishinoya’s abrupt departure, Asahi shot to his feet, restless with realization.
He pressed the heel of his palms to his eyes, face burning, but a broad smile hanging on his lips.
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