#v4 flower save me
v4low3rtsuka2a4an · 5 months
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i said id be here with her so here she be!!!11111!11!!!!1!11!1 :3c. Sorry if she looks rushed my art is not arting but i wanted to show my love to vflower so happy bday gorl!!!11111!1!!11!1
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Okay so “Game mechanics” part 1. Cevio is good at Convincing People, specifically getting them in a scenario where the spores can spread. V4 and Talk would mimic eachother, but only Talk spreads spores. V4 makes it very clear she's after the victim so they run away and right into Talk. V3 is the *Original* original, so she emits a fuck ton of spores and is the hardest to take down (her disadvantage would be she has flowers growing on her so is Visibly dangerous) -🌟
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(hope you don't mind me just putting them all like this and answering in one go for clarity/organization oop-)
I LOVE THESE IDEAS SO MUCH i can visualize these peeps almost like boss battle encounters in my head godd...
ik they'd all prob kill me but i want to pet all of them on the head they sound like such great peeps, idk what u mean by murder smh... i want to hold them gently like hamburger (HSKJDHGKJ)
b/c im feral im esp imagining like, the boys respectively being a group encounter or smthn, with each one being a separate phase or something 👁️👁️
assuming since we talked abt len being The Final Girl, that would make him the main playable character lmao??? he's gonna need a lot more than just bananas to restore that hp he is gonna get 👏 FUCKED 👏UP 👏. save banana boi
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nexyra · 3 years
I got an ask for Qrow Branwen so here it comes !
My fav ship(s) for the character
I think my favorite ships for Qrow are Cloqwork and Fair Game ! Cloqwork lacked screentime in terms of canon content of course, but I love the potential here. I also have a things for shipping the sad men together xD There are a lot of REALLY great Cloqwork fanfics out there and I love seeing people write about these two <3 It's in the details but I think there's something interesting here. With Qrow who is convinced to be a curse, who came from such a harsh background... And with Ozpin who is so convinced of humanity's inherent goodness and that anyone deserves a chance. At the same time they're both very complicated people who I think would interact in cool ways. Ozpin is wise but does have a mischievous streak that I think also helped in making them both get along. Qrow is much more perceptive than he appears and that's also good for dealing with someone as secretive as Ozpin.
Fair Game also had a very good start ! The relationship was admittedly a bit tilted toward Qrow's recovery in the show, but they were nice to see together. Clover was perceptive & caring as well as patient. All great qualities for a relationship with Qrow, who has a hard time breaking down his walls and a shot mental health. At the same time, Atlas is very professional, straight-to-the-point and I think Qrow is a real breath of fresh hair in that environment. He brings a different viewpoint to the table, he's very loyal & caring and it's clear that his sass amused Clover greatly. We didn't get to learn enough about him, but Clover's VA hinted that Clover's trust was a fragile thing and he wasn't a fan of showing vulnerability. Qrow, who gives everything he has in all his relationships, would have been a great balm for that uncertainty. So yeah !
My least favorite ship(s) for the character
There are, of course, any & all ships between Qrow & the kids or Qrow & Salem's team. But outside of these obvious "nope", I'll have to go with Jailbirds. This is COMPLETELY personal but I have a really hard time liking Robyn's character as of V7 end/V8 so I'm barely interested in her dynamic with Qrow. I did appreciate her talking down Qrow from revenge because he was only doing it for his own sake but... That's about it. I find her way too abrasive (hidden behind her shiny Robinhood looks). And whereas Clover (imo) was pretty good at getting Qrow to face his issus head-on & building him up, I feel like Robyn relies more on humour & deflection... Which is an art Qrow is already acquainted with, and not the best coping mechanism for him. Aaaand I just feel like she put Clover down several time in order to lift Qrow up. That, plus the queerbaiting controversy, plus her having indirectly participated to Clover's death... The ship makes me a bit uncomfortable.
My fav & least fav platonic relationship(s) for the character
My fav platonic relationship for Qrow is his bond with Ruby ! I really hope they bring it back because these two were GREAT together. Ruby's admiration was adorable. Qrow's nonchalent but clearly protective streak. They care about each other A LOT and I really loved them together. I hope they can have more moments together like back in V3-V4 or V6.
I'm not sure what my least liked platonic relationship would be. Saying Robyn again feels like beating on a dead horse but I don't really have a problem with any other ones. They're all, if not kind & good for him, at least interesting (like Raven)
My favorite thing about the character
The combination of his sassy/cynic personnality and how loyal & caring of a person he actually he is. Qrow is rough around the edges, leans easily into banter but he cares so damn much. He fit so easily next to Ruby's peppy enthusiasm in Vol 1-3, and then he was just an incredible badass and yet so damn vulnerable human in Vol 4-6. I liked that about him. How all the pieces fit together
My biggest criticism for the character
Well I have 2 things to say about that. First : V7C12 With Friends like these. What the fuck was this episode qkfazkfhkgh Qrow's brain was nerfed SO DAMN HARD, I was genuinely pissed while watching the episode. This was just a string of dumb decisions from everyone except Tyrian. But I digress -
In a more general sense, I'd say... putting Qrow in the sidelines. Him falling further into depression was a sound decision. It was interesting and fitting of his character imo. But I feel like they tied "Ruby having enough of his alcooholism" and "Ruby growing away from adults" in a way that kind of.... just put Qrow to the side and doesn't allow him to do much. In V6 finale, Qrow expresses understandable concerns about their plan to steal an airship, but instead of dealing with that Ruby's frustration with his cynicism is aired out and... the timing kind of makes the whole thing weird becaus Qrow isn't allowed to disagree with their plan ("we'll do it with you or without you") and then has to trust Ruby and let her go which AGAIN is a great moment in itself. But all that put together just like... rid Qrow of his function as a parental figure because Ruby is the leader now and he's just... kind of following along.
When was their writing at the peak according to me (ex : best season)
Okay for this one Q, I'll have to go with Vol 4 and Vol 6 for very different reasons. V4 was great because we really got to get to know Qrow. His complicated relationship with Raven. How BADASS his encounter with Tyrian was I freaking loved it. What his semblance and how it shaped his life. And it also let him be vulnerable through the poison & seeing Ruby repay his care was very nice.
Vol 6 for fleshing out, taking his issues & drinking more seriously. Showing more hopelesness and cynicism, and that he had a real drinking problem and he wasn't just a fun drunk. Plus the loss of faith in Oz showed how much Qrow needs stability and secure certainties to orbit around despite his nonchalant personnality. But I like it a bit less because it was the starting point of putting him on the side kind of.
A song I think fits them & why
Ship in a Bottle (Steffan Argus) ➸ A song about being alone in your fight, in the sense that your life is like a sail on the ocean and you are the only captain, the only one who can choose what to do with it. At the same time, there are several mentions of a "captain" as if the singer/Qrow adresses someone else. It's reminiscent of his relation with Ozpin or Clover : speaking of a deal, of being honest and sharing what's on your mind. Qrow thinks too much, he's scared and he sinks more & more as he delves into his cynicism (V6). Qrow cries, things get worse, the mention of the glass echoes his struggle with alcooholism. And the Scarewrow loses his brain, "lose touch with all the things that made [him] feel sane."
+ Problem child (Simple Plan) The Star song (Amanda Palmer) Would anyone care (Citizen Soldier) Wasted (8 Graves)
A headcanon to make up about them
Qrow didn't have the most normal childhood and because of that he had to learn a lot for Ruby & Yang. Notably, Qrow had absolutely 0 notion of what was an appropriate presents for young girls. As a result, he tended to simply bring back from his travels whatever shiny thing might have caught his attention. Could be a weird flower. Could be a pretty knife. Or even junk that his corvid brain latched upon.
Tai designed a look(Tm) that Qrow learned to recognize as "No, not appropriate." After a while, Yang learned to mimick it (but rather at random, she didn't really recognze what was appropriate and what wasn't). Ruby always liked his presents though.
What I would change about them if I was making a re-write
I CLEARLY would rewrite V7C12 so that Qrow & Clover keep their brains kzjhfkqhzk There were ways to reach the same conclusion without like... having a Qrow-Tyran team-up which was REALLY weird
I see 2 main possibilities to stick close to canon content - After the crash, Tyrian gets free but he keeps playing dead for a bit. Since there is no 3rd menace, Clover and Qrow's argument devolve into a fight as seen in canon. At one point, Clover manages to briefly disarm Qrow. They discuss for a bit, you can even put the exact same dialog as in the ep. Then Tyrian takes action, moving out of the shadows to kill Clover with Qrow's discarded weapon. Braincells saved. OR - Instead of having Qrow & Tyrian outright team up, Tyrian just... keeps instillating doubts in their mind. Qrow & Clover are temporarily allies in taking Tyrian down but because of this, they don't TRUST each other which cause missteps and make them less effective. At one point, Qrow tries to attack Tyrian who is behind Clover. But because neither Qrow nor Clover really have faith in the other at that moment (and because Tyrian is poisonning their mind), Clover automatically steps back or aside. He doesn't entirely trust Qrow. Because of this small hesitation, Qrow's attack fails. Tyrian manages to disarm him. Tyrian uses Qrow's weapon to kill Clover. There could even be some message here about the lack of Trust & letting Salem divide friends... something of that caliber in any case 🤔 It can even parallel V3 where Qrow did the same thing with Ironwood & Ironwood refused to stand aside even if he thought Qrow meant to attack him... Could lead somewhere ! Like, in V3 Qrow had faith that Ironwood wasn't to blame. Only Ironwood feared that Qrow blamed him, but Qrow knew & trusted that Ironwood wasn't to blame. In other words, Salem didn't divide them. Here, Qrow & Clover let Tyrian get into their head. And as a result Clover dies. "Together we stand, Divided we fall"
My guess for their MBTI/Enneagram
I'm still mulling on it right now but I think he might be some kind of ISTP 416. He has some weird 7ish behaviour but his need to orbit around someone/a goal, his relationship with Oz, how close he stuck to Tai & Summer sounds closer to 6 fix. He wants people to go home to. Certainty and security. His independance definitely is there but seems emphasized moreso out of necessity.
One aspect that I think would be nice to delve deeper into ? (optional)
I'm not sure mhmmm maybe his relationship with Summer ? It would be both cute & interesting. As well as finally giving us insight into who Summer was
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nights-lament · 4 years
RWBY Volume 8, Chapter 1 Thoughts and Opinions
HELLO, INTERWEBS!!! At long last, we are back with more RWBY, and with it, more RWBY Thoughts and Opinions! After the absolute roller coaster that was Volume 7's cliffhanger finale, I can not imagine the insanity that awaits us this Volume. So, without further ado, here are my various thoughts and opinions on Chapter 1 of RWBY Volume 8, "Divide"
Hmm, starting off with a mysterious woman scrubbing floors, and...wait, is that...no...
I really like the way they juxtapose Cinder scrubbing with her scratching the chair. Very symbolic.
Yick, something about organic architecture just gives me the willies. I mean, is the whale aware that they double as a building complex? Can they feel the diabolical ongoings of it's rib cage? Creepy stuff.
Oof, outright taking credit for grabbing the relic, Cinder? Yeah, no way that's going to bite you in the ass.
Oh my. Mercury, Emerald, AND Hazel have new looks this season. I'm sure I'll warm up to them eventually, but right now Emerald's and Hazel's aren't really doing this. For Hazel, the outfit is all right, but the hair is a bit boring compared to his originals. Mercury's is ok, but is it just me, or is he basically wearing Yang's V4-6 outfit? I mean, it works, but still.
"Without you, I am nothing." That...didn't sound like the first time she's said that. It almost sounds like something Salem's drilled into her head for years. Cinder may be irredeemable in my opinion, but I do love a good tragic backstory.
You know, I guess would make sense for the crater to be the slums area. Can't imagine living directly under a floating landmass would be considered prime real estate.
Ooh, this old man has badger paws. I don't think we've seen that kind of Faunus trait yet.
D'aaww, Nora gave Oscar a soft hug rather than her usual glomp. So cute ^-^
I'm interested in how Oscar not telling them about Oz is going to play out.
Ok, their is a lot going on in this bar-base worth talking about, but for some reason I am fascinated by the picture of (i'm assuming) the founders in the background. What interesting designs they have. I feel like they have a story, and I would like to hear it.
Penny's dejected demeanor is giving me all of the feels Q_Q
Not sure how I feel about the rift forming between RWBYJNRO, though I guess we'll have to see where it goes. At least we have people like Jaune playing mediator.
I will say, though, I look forward to seeing Ren and Nora apart. As much as I love them as a couple, I'd very much like to see them operate as individuals.
God, Ironwood trying to manipulate Penny like that.
And there it is. Ironwood has truly revealed his true feelings, and his motivation for his attempt to launch Atlas. He isn't making a tactical retreat in order to form a new plan altogether. He's abandoning the fight altogether, leaving Remnant to die so that he and Atlas can live. It's funny, he wanted to avoid becoming Lionheart, but he was a coward too.
"Everything that follows will be on your hands". That motherf-
You know, we don't see a lot of corpses on this show, do we? Penny got better, Amber's screentime ended as she died, Roman got eaten, Pyrrha got an express viking funeral, etc, and a lot of others were only corpses for seconds before we never saw them again. They did a good job selling how proper dead Clover is here.
Ok, I don't know squat about Hospital layouts. Is it normal to have the morgue right outside of an emergency room? I mean, I guess it saves some travel time should things go wrong, but still, seems like a great anxiety generator for the patient, especially with both rooms having windows. "That's where I'll be going next."
I like the new metal arm. The fact that you can see all of the internal stuff makes it feel like it was quickly put together for the sake of urgency, while still looking cool.
Man, that rendition of "Hero" in the background. Chilling.
Is Winter getting a new look already? I must say. I like the look of the braces, and the ponytail is a vast improvement over the bun.
What really interests me is everyone's reactions. Elm and Marrow are incredibly shocked, Harriet and Winter share their little look of doubt, and then there's Vine who just...doesn't react at all. Either that or it's all in his eyes, which we can't really see from here. Either way, not a huge reaction from him. Methinks the Ace-Ops and Winter might be starting to doubt the horse they bet on.
I find it interesting that Salem doesn't know how the Relic works, but then I suppose it makes sense, seeing as Oz probably placed them into the vaults almost immediately after finding them, so this is probably the first time she's even seen one in person..
Ok, OP time, and buckle up, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals, because this one is going to be a doozy.
-First off, the song sounds pretty good, but it seems like it's going to go through the same cycle as the rest where it doesn't do too much for me at first, but has me headbanging like a metalhead by the end of the volume
- Mantle glitching out between peaceful and wartorn is a wonderful effect. Definitely fills you with a sense of dread.
-The individual shots of Team RWBY are absolutely gorgeous. Conceptually, it's the standard "where we started and where we're at", but the composition is worthy of a chef's kiss. I think I've found my new wallpaper.
-The Ace-Ops appearing on Clover's pin is nice, but what I find interesting is Harriet and Qrow appearing back to back, especially with Harriet looking so angry. Is Harriet going to double down on her loyalty to Ironwood and go after Qrow?
- It seems Robyn is going to be Qrow's main source of support this season, though the bars seem to suggest they might be in custody for a while.
-Oscar seems to be in Salem's stronghold, which doesn't bode well for our farmboy, also, WHY DOES SALEM HAVE DEMON WINGS!? Emerald's Volume 5 illusion wasn't this scary looking!
-I feel like their's symbolism showing Team RWBY's weapons paired together like that, but I feel like it's too early to say what of. Looks pretty, though
-Ren and Nora standing so far apart. It hurts my soul! Interesting how, while Ren looks away, Nora actually turns towards him.
-I didn't notice Winter's change of expression/outfit before passing by Weiss. She went from looking confident and slightly condescending to full with doubt.
-Not a lot to say about the quick shots of Whitley and Willow other then the fact that they both look worried. The image of the Schnee Snowflake shattering, however, is VERY interesting.
-I'm always a sucker for some good ol' chess symbolism. I find it interesting that while Salem's pieces dissolve into creatures of Grimm, Ironwood's simply dissolve, leaving him alone. Perhaps shooting a fellow councilman in the face right in front of his inner circle doesn't play out as well for him as well as he thought it would.
- Speaking of the classics, also gotta love me some reflection artwork. Watts seems to be working behind Pietro's back while Pietro (presumably) works to get Amity running, while secretly worrying about Penny, whose reflection cracks, possibly symbolizing her resolve. I worry for her.
- The snowflake turning into a flower petal in Ren's hand, while a similar petal passes Nora by. I don't know what this means, but I'm intrigued.
- It seems Ruby and Yang won't be completely be at odds, judging by the look they give each other before going into the action shot.
- Hmm, while Cinder pulls a Za Warudo on the fight scene, you can see a dejected Emerald and a pissed off Neo, still moving, among the heroes. Interesting...
-Almost as interesting as Cinder grasping her Grimm arm before being engulfed in flames. Perhaps Salem pulled a Wormtail's Silver Hand with that arm.
-Is this the first time we've seen the Staff of Creation in it's entirety? I remember wanting to include it and the Lamp in my RWBY Vol 7 spritesheet, but couldn't find any images of it's bottom half. I like the little jewel on the bottom.
-Wow, CRWBY went full Kingdom Hearts with the heroes falling through the ice, and I absolutely LOVE IT! This op has some of the most gorgeous visuals the series has ever seen.
-HAPPY EVER AFTER HAPPY? NEVER AGAIN Daaaaaaamn, that's awesome. It kind of reminds me of a line from Red Like Roses Part II, "This bedtime story ends with Misery Ever After". It's incredibly haunting.
-Almost as haunting as the sketchy art style that flashes in between the words, particularly the part that shows Penny's eyes going red before the rest of her does. Did we predict Watts hacking Penny a volume too early?
-The final shot of Crescent Rose alone stuck in the snow. Damn. The theme of this op seems to be "foreboding as all hell"
Damn. Damn! DAMN! This was, without question, the best OP RWBY has ever had. By, like, a lot. The visuals were some of the best the show has ever had to offer, the foreboding is through the roof, and the symbolism is incredibly clever. I don't envy them when it comes time to make Volume 9's, because this will be a very tough act to beat. I am so happy to have RWBY back, and I am both excited and terrified to see what this show is going to do next.
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shadows-twilight · 4 years
RWBY Volume 8, Chapter 1 Thoughts and Opinions
HELLO, INTERWEBS!!! At long last, we are back with more RWBY, and with it, more RWBY Thoughts and Opinions! After the absolute roller coaster that was Volume 7's cliffhanger finale, I can not imagine the insanity that awaits us this Volume. So, without further ado, here are my various thoughts and opinions on Chapter 1 of RWBY Volume 8, "Divide"
Hmm, starting off with a mysterious woman scrubbing floors, and...wait, is that...no...
I really like the way they juxtapose Cinder scrubbing with her scratching the chair. Very symbolic.
Yick, something about organic architecture just gives me the willies. I mean, is the whale aware that they double as a building complex? Can they feel the diabolical ongoings of it's rib cage? Creepy stuff.
Oof, outright taking credit for grabbing the relic, Cinder? Yeah, no way that's going to bite you in the ass.
Oh my. Mercury, Emerald, AND Hazel have new looks this season. I'm sure I'll warm up to them eventually, but right now Emerald's and Hazel's aren't really doing this. For Hazel, the outfit is all right, but the hair is a bit boring compared to his originals. Mercury's is ok, but is it just me, or is he basically wearing Yang's V4-6 outfit? I mean, it works, but still.
"Without you, I am nothing." That...didn't sound like the first time she's said that. It almost sounds like something Salem's drilled into her head for years. Cinder may be irredeemable in my opinion, but I do love a good tragic backstory.
You know, I guess would make sense for the crater to be the slums area. Can't imagine living directly under a floating landmass would be considered prime real estate.
Ooh, this old man has badger paws. I don't think we've seen that kind of Faunus trait yet.
D'aaww, Nora gave Oscar a soft hug rather than her usual glomp. So cute ^-^
I'm interested in how Oscar not telling them about Oz is going to play out.
Ok, their is a lot going on in this bar-base worth talking about, but for some reason I am fascinated by the picture of (i'm assuming) the founders in the background. What interesting designs they have. I feel like they have a story, and I would like to hear it.
Penny's dejected demeanor is giving me all of the feels Q_Q
Not sure how I feel about the rift forming between RWBYJNRO, though I guess we'll have to see where it goes. At least we have people like Jaune playing mediator.
I will say, though, I look forward to seeing Ren and Nora apart. As much as I love them as a couple, I'd very much like to see them operate as individuals.
God, Ironwood trying to manipulate Penny like that.
And there it is. Ironwood has truly revealed his true feelings, and his motivation for his attempt to launch Atlas. He isn't making a tactical retreat in order to form a new plan altogether. He's abandoning the fight altogether, leaving Remnant to die so that he and Atlas can live. It's funny, he wanted to avoid becoming Lionheart, but he was a coward too.
"Everything that follows will be on your hands". That motherf-
You know, we don't see a lot of corpses on this show, do we? Penny got better, Amber's screentime ended as she died, Roman got eaten, Pyrrha got an express viking funeral, etc, and a lot of others were only corpses for seconds before we never saw them again. They did a good job selling how proper dead Clover is here.
Ok, I don't know squat about Hospital layouts. Is it normal to have the morgue right outside of an emergency room? I mean, I guess it saves some travel time should things go wrong, but still, seems like a great anxiety generator for the patient, especially with both rooms having windows. "That's where I'll be going next."
I like the new metal arm. The fact that you can see all of the internal stuff makes it feel like it was quickly put together for the sake of urgency, while still looking cool.
Man, that rendition of "Hero" in the background. Chilling.
Is Winter getting a new look already? I must say. I like the look of the braces, and the ponytail is a vast improvement over the bun.
What really interests me is everyone's reactions. Elm and Marrow are incredibly shocked, Harriet and Winter share their little look of doubt, and then there's Vine who just...doesn't react at all. Either that or it's all in his eyes, which we can't really see from here. Either way, not a huge reaction from him. Methinks the Ace-Ops and Winter might be starting to doubt the horse they bet on.
I find it interesting that Salem doesn't know how the Relic works, but then I suppose it makes sense, seeing as Oz probably placed them into the vaults almost immediately after finding them, so this is probably the first time she's even seen one in person..
Ok, OP time, and buckle up, guys, gals, and nonbinary pals, because this one is going to be a doozy.
-First off, the song sounds pretty good, but it seems like it's going to go through the same cycle as the rest where it doesn't do too much for me at first, but has me headbanging like a metalhead by the end of the volume
- Mantle glitching out between peaceful and wartorn is a wonderful effect. Definitely fills you with a sense of dread.
-The individual shots of Team RWBY are absolutely gorgeous. Conceptually, it's the standard "where we started and where we're at", but the composition is worthy of a chef's kiss. I think I've found my new wallpaper.
-The Ace-Ops appearing on Clover's pin is nice, but what I find interesting is Harriet and Qrow appearing back to back, especially with Harriet looking so angry. Is Harriet going to double down on her loyalty to Ironwood and go after Qrow?
- It seems Robyn is going to be Qrow's main source of support this season, though the bars seem to suggest they might be in custody for a while.
-Oscar seems to be in Salem's stronghold, which doesn't bode well for our farmboy, also, WHY DOES SALEM HAVE DEMON WINGS!? Emerald's Volume 5 illusion wasn't this scary looking!
-I feel like their's symbolism showing Team RWBY's weapons paired together like that, but I feel like it's too early to say what of. Looks pretty, though
-Ren and Nora standing so far apart. It hurts my soul! Interesting how, while Ren looks away, Nora actually turns towards him.
-I didn't notice Winter's change of expression/outfit before passing by Weiss. She went from looking confident and slightly condescending to full with doubt.
-Not a lot to say about the quick shots of Whitley and Willow other then the fact that they both look worried. The image of the Schnee Snowflake shattering, however, is VERY interesting.
-I'm always a sucker for some good ol' chess symbolism. I find it interesting that while Salem's pieces dissolve into creatures of Grimm, Ironwood's simply dissolve, leaving him alone. Perhaps shooting a fellow councilman in the face right in front of his inner circle doesn't play out as well for him as well as he thought it would.
- Speaking of the classics, also gotta love me some reflection artwork. Watts seems to be working behind Pietro's back while Pietro (presumably) works to get Amity running, while secretly worrying about Penny, whose reflection cracks, possibly symbolizing her resolve. I worry for her.
- The snowflake turning into a flower petal in Ren's hand, while a similar petal passes Nora by. I don't know what this means, but I'm intrigued.
- It seems Ruby and Yang won't be completely be at odds, judging by the look they give each other before going into the action shot.
- Hmm, while Cinder pulls a Za Warudo on the fight scene, you can see a dejected Emerald and a pissed off Neo, still moving, among the heroes. Interesting...
-Almost as interesting as Cinder grasping her Grimm arm before being engulfed in flames. Perhaps Salem pulled a Wormtail's Silver Hand with that arm.
-Is this the first time we've seen the Staff of Creation in it's entirety? I remember wanting to include it and the Lamp in my RWBY Vol 7 spritesheet, but couldn't find any images of it's bottom half. I like the little jewel on the bottom.
-Wow, CRWBY went full Kingdom Hearts with the heroes falling through the ice, and I absolutely LOVE IT! This op has some of the most gorgeous visuals the series has ever seen.
-HAPPY EVER AFTER HAPPY? NEVER AGAIN Daaaaaaamn, that's awesome. It kind of reminds me of a line from Red Like Roses Part II, "This bedtime story ends with Misery Ever After". It's incredibly haunting.
-Almost as haunting as the sketchy art style that flashes in between the words, particularly the part that shows Penny's eyes going red before the rest of her does. Did we predict Watts hacking Penny a volume too early?
-The final shot of Crescent Rose alone stuck in the snow. Damn. The theme of this op seems to be "foreboding as all hell"
Damn. Damn! DAMN! This was, without question, the best OP RWBY has ever had. By, like, a lot. The visuals were some of the best the show has ever had to offer, the foreboding is through the roof, and the symbolism is incredibly clever. I don't envy them when it comes time to make Volume 9's, because this will be a very tough act to beat. I am so happy to have RWBY back, and I am both excited and terrified to see what this show is going to do next.
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
RWBY Musing #84: Geography Lesson. What if…Salem will be the Geographer Character in Oscar’s Little Prince story?
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Someone asked “What if the Fox is Ozpin?”
Squiggles Answers:
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I was torn between making this response post into a musing or a Pinehead headcanon. In the end, I went with both.
To answer the anon-ninja who sent me this question, well from my perspective, Oz feels more like Oscar’s Pilot.
@miki-13​ first introduced me to the concept and this eventually led to me falling in love with the prospect of both Oscar and Oz sharing the pilot role in their respective stories.
In the Little Prince story, the Pilot also doubles as the Narrator and is the character through which we learn of the Prince’s travels based on his time with the Prince lost out in the deserts. Much like Ozpin is to Oscar currently, the Pilot holds significance to the Prince since he was the last companion that the Prince meets in his journey far from home. He is the last person to befriend the Prince before he was “killed” by the snake. I use that term loosely since the reader was left unclear of the Prince’s fate.
I mean, if the showrunners wanted, I guess I can see Oz playing a double role in Oscar’s Little Prince story---both as his Pilot and his Fox. The Fox Character is the last companion that the Prince meets before finding the Pilot. The Fox holds meaning since it is through his encounter with this character that the Prince learns the meaning of his rose to him. The Fox aids the Prince in validating his love for his rose and what’s also interesting to note is that the Prince meets the Fox following a moment of doubt and hopelessness for the Prince.
From reading some spark notes on the Little Prince, I’ve come to see that of all the characters the Prince meets in his travels, the following hold the most importance in his development:
The Geographer (or the Scholar/Author), the Rose Garden, the Fox, the Pilot and lastly the Snake. I’ve talked about the meaning behind the Fox and the Pilot in the Prince’s story before but not so much the Geographer.
At the start of his travels, the Prince first visited six asteroids (325 to 330) one by one. The Geographer Character is who the Prince meets on the very last asteroid before arriving on Earth. It is this character who points out the ephemerality of the Prince’s Rose to him. When the Prince told the Geographer of his Rose, the Geographer perceived the rose as unimportant given the flower’s short life span. 
Since the Prince’s love for his rose hinged on her reliance on him to care of her, the Geographer highlighting the pressures of time and the inevitability of death caused the Prince to value his rose more than he did before. 
Because since the Rose will ultimately die one day, it gave the prince a bigger drive to love her while he still could. So you can say that the Geographer sparked the Prince’s dedication to his rose through indicating her fragile morality which made her more significant in his eyes.
But while his time with the Geographer made the Prince value in his Rose, this feeling would ultimately be snuffed out by the time the Prince arrived on Earth and found the Rose Garden. 
When the Prince discovered the Rose Garden, it made him lose the importance he once harboured for his rose since finding himself standing amongst many roses who all looked exactly like his rose made the Prince’s Rose feel common to him---less special---especially since the Prince’s rose told him that she was unique. This thought deeply hurt the Prince and it upset him to the point of tears.
It was after being in the Garden where the Prince then met the Fox. It is the Fox that renews the importance of the Rose to the Prince through its teachings of taming the heart and being responsible for what you tamed. Moreover the Fox’s lesson about love and responsibility helps reaffirms the love and devotion the Prince held for his Rose so he would never forget the meaning of his rose ever again like how he did in the Garden.
So that by the time the Prince does return to the Garden, he no longer saw his rose as like the others. To him, she was unique. His one true rose.
In the case of Oscar and his Little Prince story, it’d be interesting to see who will be the Geographer for his story. Most of all, I wonder how the Rose Garden will be incorporated into Oscar’s travels. Ironically enough Rosegarden is the name of Oscar’s pairing with Ruby but simultaneously it was also the location in the Little Prince story that caused the Prince to reconsider his feelings about his rose.
Do you know what would be interesting?  What if…the Rose Garden will be a location somewhere in Solitas that Oscar would have to pass through on his way back to Mantle? Moreover, what if…the character to represent Oscar’s Geographer will be Salem?
Here in the Garden
Hear me out on this one. 
What if…at some point in his journey, Oscar and Oz end temporarily taking shelter in a small area in Solitas inspired by the Rose Garden. For the sake of my theory, I’m going to refer to this place as the Rosengarten---another farming settlement much like Brunswick Farms back in V6. 
Let’s say…the Rosengarten is owned by family who all share the surname of “Rose”. So basically, Oscar finds himself staying with other Roses who make him think of his Rose (Ruby).
Perhaps…on the Rosengarten Settlement, Oscar even meets one Rose relative who is almost the spitting image of Ruby.  Or rather, her very appearance and presence makes Oscar think a lot about Ruby during his stay with the Roses; much to Ozpin’s keen observation as the girl sparks conflicting feelings within Oscar that Oz takes notice of. Though Oz attempts to question Oscar on the meaning of those feelings, he is barely able to get a clear answer from the young little prince as Oscar is just as confused by his own emotions as Oz.
Since it was indicated back in V6 that Salem is fully aware of Oz being reincarnated, what if…she sends an entire swarm of Seer Grimm to track down Oscar and Ozpin.
Ultimately the Seers find the Man with Two Souls on Rosengarten. Since V7CH11 highlighted Salem being able to project a replica of herself from her Seers, let’s say…Salem uses on of her Seers to speak to Oscar and Oz.
In the Little Prince story, the Prince’s love for his rose corresponded with how much he cared for her back on his home planet. In a similar fashion, one can almost imply that Oscar’s love for Ruby is hinged on his profound belief in her. 
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Time and time again, the series has highlighted how much Ruby inspires Oscar because very often the two are on the same page of wanting to achieve the same goal---stopping Salem and protecting humanity. Ruby’s devotion to doing what she can to help save the world is what inspired Oscar to do the same; both of his own fruition and in support of Ruby.
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It is for this reason why I think Salem would be perfect as Oscar’s Geographer. Much like the character from the book who considered the Prince’s Rose to be unimportant given the flower’s ephemerality, I can picture Salem mocking Oscar the same way---reminding both Oscar and Oz that their little “spark of hope” that they’ve placed so much faith in is just as fragile and breakable as any other human that Salem has slain.
I can even picture Salem using Summer Rose---Ruby’s own mother as an example of just how fickle the Silver Eyed Warriors are in spite of their godly power. 
As mentioned by Watts way back in V4, Salem and her forces have dealt with the Silver Eyes before and could partially be held responsible for why so many of them remain to be nothing but legends. 
This point was further proved by Maria Calavera who unfortunately managed to survive death at the expense of her silver eyes when Salem’s forces were sent to hunt her down in her time.
Much like what she did with Ruby in V7CH11, I can picture Salem using the image of both Summer Rose and Ruby Rose to emotionally break both Oscar and Oz.
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I can see Salem boasting about Summer’s death---going into full depth on how she succeeded in killing the former Silver Eyed huntress and pupil of Oz in excruciating detail---even going as far as to talk about her screams and how much she cried out for her loved ones during her final moments.
I can picture this being painfully uncomfortable for both Oscar and Oz. 
I can even picture Oscar being floored with many emotions, both his own as well as Oz. Since Summer was Oz's student, I can only imagine that Salem describing how she had succeeded in killing her would be very tough for Oz to take especially since Qrow remarked in V7CH4 that not even Oz knew what really happened to Summer after she left for her final mission.
Then again; Salem just telling Oscar and Oz how she killed Summer Rose doesn’t sound as impactful as I would expect from a potential moment like that.
Instead I like the idea of one of the Seers ensnaring Oscar in its tentacles, forcing him to see the past---see Salem's memories of killing Summer Rose in all its horrific bloody detail. All the while Oscar is just frozen in place while the Seer proceeds to choke the life out of him and snap his neck.
If it wasn't for Ozpin intervening--- taking control from Oscar long enough to jam the end of the Long Memory straight through the Seer, Oscar would be dead. But naturally, just killing the Seer doesn't stop Salem. All it does is make her mock the two souls more, her laughter cryptically echoing from the remains of the dead Seer as her essence faded away. 
To further mess with Oscar, let's say...the young prince returns to Rosengarten to check in on the Rose Family following the attack only to discover a horrifying sight. 
Let’s say…all the while Oscar was engaged with Salem, the remaining Seers had managed to kill the whole settlement before simultaneously combusting after their Alpha had been destroyed by Oz.
All that was left was a bloody heap of corpses waiting in the grass for Oscar to find. 
A garden of dead roses.
No one had survived. Not even the Rose who reminded Oscar of his Rose. It was her body that Oscar found first. And as the young prince gazed upon the deceased girl---her lifeless grey eyes staring into his in a permanent portrait of pain, Oscar suddenly finds his mind bombarded with the haunting image of a bloody Ruby Rose, lying dead in his arms because Salem had killed her. 
This was the fate Ruby would succumb to should she dare to challenge Salem. This was how her story would end and this was the message Salem wished to imprint in Oscar’s head.
It’s exactly like her monologue in the V3 Finale read:
“...A smaller, more honest soul, It's true that a simple spark can ignite hope. Breathe fire into the hearts of the weary. The ability to derive strength from hope is undoubtedly mankind's greatest attribute. Which is why...I will focus all of my power to snuff it out.
 How does it feel? Knowing that all of your time and effort has been for nothing. That your guardians have failed you. That everything you've built will be torn down before your very eyes.
Your faith in mankind was not misplaced. When banded together, unified by a common enemy, they are a noticeable threat. But divide them, place doubt into their minds, and any semblance of power they once had will wash away. Of course, they won't realize it at first. Like you, they'll cling to their fleeting hope. Their aspirations. But this is merely the first move. 
So you send your guardians...your huntsmen and huntresses,  And when they fail and you turn to your smaller soul,  Know that you send her to the same, pitiful demise.
This is the beginning of the end Ozpin, And I can't wait to watch you burn....'
It is in the Rose Garden where the little Prince lost the value he once had for his Rose. And I can definitely picture something similar happening for Oscar where Salem “killing the Rose Garden” and using their deaths as well as Summer’s to indicate her intentions for Ruby and what lies for her in the end should she dare to oppose Salem like her mother once did.
It is made clear from his brief encounter with Salem in the garden that death is the only thing that awaits Ruby at the end of her battle with Salem. Since Oscar’s growing feelings for Ruby were born from his belief in her, I can see Oscar becoming more frightened for Ruby’s life and the thought of her dying just like her mother, the Roses and any other Silver Eye she had slain in the past.
It was the Geographer Character that caused the Prince to value his rose when he realized how short his time with her will be but it was the Rose Garden that killed that feeling when the Prince realized that his Rose was no different than any other Rose in the garden.
Oscar has always believed in Ruby. But if Salem shows him that his Rose is no different than any other Rose or Silver Eyed Warrior who died trying to stop her, then how was Oscar supposed to believe in her anymore? 
Much like his fairy tale counterpart, I can imagine Oscar losing hoping---losing faith in Ruby’s unquantifiable spark and indomitable spirit because of her fragile mortality that Salem made sure to exploit before his eyes---striking him where it really would hurt. The heart. After all; the hearts of man are easily swayed.
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However…it is only with the heart that one can see rightly since what is essential is invisible to the eye.
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A quote that was made by the Fox.  It is here where I can picture Oz possibly coming in as Oscar’s Fox.
A Mother’s Wish
The more I think about it, the more I’m starting to lean towards the idea considering that at the moment Oz is Oscar’s only companion and making him the person through with Oscar learns the Fox’s lesson just adds an extra layer of importance to building his and Oz’s relationship.
One thing I'm expecting for V8 is the season hopefully expanding on Oz and Oscar's bond; providing more opportunities to show Oz as a voice of guidance to Oscar. That being said, I also have a hunch that V8 might just be the final season that Oscar; and essentially we as the audience, spend with Ozpin.
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I get the feeling that V8 will show a greater push for Oscar and Oz growing closer together; finally growing to understand each other and coexist in harmony as they should. 
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So that by the time Oz is ready to “change” or “return to the heavens”, it will be Oscar left to be the one to carry on Oz’s story and legacy as part of his own.
At the end of V8, I believe Oscar will become the Pilot of Oz’s story which will be synonymous with him taking up the mantle of the Wizard of Light as his successor. 
While I’m not sure if we’ll get to see Oz actually reconcile with the team, I do like the idea of him and Oscar at least making peace. 
I can even see Oscar being the one to tell the group of his time spent with Oz just as how the Pilot was the one who told the reader of the Little Prince’s story and journey far from home. 
Oz might disappear but his memories of the past and his time spent with Oscar, especially on their journey together will become a part of Oscar and will remain with him for as long as he lived. 
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With Oscar on his own, V8 will hopefully focus on him and Oz learning to coexist. And with Oz becoming a guide to Oscar, this is where him being his Fox plays off nicely. If Salem is to be Oscar’s Geographer as I interpreted then it would make sense that Oz is Oscar’s Fox.
The lesson that the Prince learnt from his time with the Fox helped reaffirm what he gained from his time with the Geographer. It was the Fox that made the Prince see the importance of his rose to him which helped him to confirm the love and dedication he felt for her.
This is a lesson that I can definitely picture Oz passing down to Oscar and helping him with. As we know, Oz had made more mistakes than any man, woman or child on Remnant and he’s been forced to learn from those many past experiences. 
Oz is also the only direct person outside of Qrow who personally knew Summer Rose.
Consider this theory for a second. What if...in the past, Summer Rose had proposed that she and Oz fight Salem together. This was after Raven had already left and Team STQR had disbanded. 
With her original team gone and the birth of her daughter Ruby, imagine if...Summer got a bigger motivation to try and stop Salem from Ruby. Desiring to not have her daughters growing up in a world where a great evil like Salem still existed especially when she possibly had a power than can stop her.
What if…Summer proposed one last stand against Salem and the first person she attempted to get to stand with her is Ozpin. However Oz refused to confront Salem again even with Summer, remembering what he had learned from Jinn that he was powerless to stop Salem.
What if... Oz is the one Summer told that she was going to fight Salem on her own and she made him promise to keep her secret for it. 
Imagine if...at some point during their journey together, Ozpin shows Oscar his memories of Summer Rose? 
Despite disclosing to Ruby that Oz didn't know what became of Summer after she left, Qrow also hinted that Oz had more secrets that probably tied into Summer. 
Going back to my example theory about the Rosengarten...let’s say Oscar loses hope in being able to stop Salem, being traumatized by the thoughts of losing Ruby to Salem or something along those lines. 
This causes Oz to come forward and try to help renew Oscar’s hope by showing the young prince his own memories of a time he personally spent with someone close to Ruby---her mother.
What Oz reveals to Oscar isn’t just any memory. It was a secret. A secret that contained a lie and wish from a mother who knew fully well that she was never going to return.
A Summer Rose secret that Oz never told a soul because its secrecy was a solemn promise he made to Summer.
What if...Summer met with Oz one last time before her mission. She didn't tell Oz what she had planned to do but somehow in his heart of hearts, Oz knew what Summer was going to do. He even tried to stop her. Warned her not to go through with it. 
But Summer was stubborn. Her mind was already made up. She made a choice and she was going to go through with that choice whether Oz liked it or not. 
I can even picture Summer extending a hand to Oz, asking him to fight with her. Perhaps this way, the two working together might stand a chance against Salem somehow. 
But when Oz refused to fight Salem again even with Summer, instead of becoming furious with him, Summer understood. 
Instead Summer made Oz promise that he would never tell a soul of what she was about to do. She told him to lie to keep her secret---a feat she was fully aware he could do.
What if...Oz agreeing to have Ruby attend Beacon Academy wasn’t a mere coincidence. Imagine if...Summer had also made Oz promise to watch over Ruby (especially since she shared her mother’s eyes) and Oz has been secretly observing Ruby’s development as she grew up. 
Or perhaps…Summer made Oz promise to tell Ruby the truth of her sacrifice and why she chose to make that sacrifice when the right moment comes.
I know these are only ideas but it’d be interesting if there was some truth to them since they can shed some light on Oz’s relationship with Summer. 
And Oz’s past with Summer could ultimately lend to Oscar’s future with Ruby. 
Let’s say…seeing the living memory of Summer Rose and how much she reminded him of Ruby is what helps Oscar rekindle his hope. More than that, learning of Summer’s sacrifice sparks Oscar’s desire to protect Ruby and do what he can to help her stop Salem. Or something along those lines.
Love and Responsibility
In the Little Prince, the Prince cared for his rose. His love for her was based on the time he dedicated to catering to her needs and looking out for her. The prince became responsible for his rose since she had tamed his heart from the time they shared together just as he had tamed her heart.
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According to the Fox’s lesson to the Prince, you are responsible for what you tame since love blooms from the time spent building that connection.
I've always viewed Oscar as a pillar of support for Ruby and vice-versa. Ruby has always been someone who looked out for Oscar's well-being. She protected him. Inspired him. Made him feel secure and gave him the strength to keeping pushing through. 
At the end of his journey, I can picture Oscar taking up a bigger supportive role to Ruby. 
I feel like he's going to be more protective of her but not in a smothering kind of way. What I love about Oscar’s characterization is his understanding of Ruby as a person. While he’s acknowledged her strength and he supports her positive influence over others, Oscar has also taken note of Ruby’s more vulnerable side which she rarely shows since often at times, Ruby appears to act rather nonchalant about her own qualms and insecurities.
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The plot has shown Oscar coming to Ruby's aid; reciprocating the same protective nature toward her whenever he finds in a vulnerable position. Like I said, Oscar knows that Ruby is strong but he also understands her fragility.  
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Salem once coldly remarked that she will do everything in her power to snuff out Ruby’s spark of hope which is all the more reason for me to believe that Oscar will do everything in his power to keep Ruby’s spark alive and burning bright.
By the time his journey with Oz ends, Oscar will become a different person than he was when we first met him. Not only is he shaping up to become much wiser, braver and stronger but I can additionally see him becoming more responsible for safeguarding Ruby’s life.
If Ruby is indeed destined to play an important role in Salem's eventual defeat, then I can definitely see Oscar being one of the people to stand by her side; using his might and magic to protect her out of his love and devotion to her.
Whatever is that Ruby will need to do to stop Salem, you can bet your bottom dollar that Oscar will be right there by her side; willing to give everything he has to see to it that she succeeds.
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 If Ruby is Oscar’s one true rose then Oscar is Ruby’s little prince who is responsible for her. Caring for her always with his love.
This makes me curious if Oscar’s signature move will be his magical barrier that he can bubble around himself and others as a shield of protection. Definitely cannot wait to see the day he uses it to protect Ruby. You know he's gonna do it eventually. 
The little prince protects his rose. Always. For as long as they both shall live.
So in conclusion…
Okay, I think I've talked enough on this subject. Somewhere during this long response post, I pray that I actually answered your question anon-chan XD Enjoy! 
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 More Squiggles’ RWBY Content
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~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)
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mx-mystic · 7 years
RWBY Volume 5 Chapter 4
​Honestly, as a psych student, this episode is really good. I'll even separate it into categories and put it under a readmore for spoilers/length.
Tl;dr from a fan's perspective: the Yang fight was badass, the Semblance Talk was really insightful and makes me think that Yang may have more control over her damage thing (ie not having to get hit first) because she's changed as a character so much, and the ending was actually the cutest thing in this show besides Zwei!
Yang's fight:She's so calm and collected! And graceful! I'm proud of her progress for having new strategies besides "hit it til it stops moving"! (Sidenote: the Wild West/RVB remix of Armed & Ready is the best) That's really all there is to say about that.
Training: They really flipped the whole "male character knocks female character down and feels bad when she starts tearing up. female character then smiles, revealing that this was her intention, and knocks him out" thing. Ruby just kept it up like it was just another fight. No trickery or anything. That being said, Oz really must like being in a tiny body again cuz the smile on his face when he headbutts her is actually kinda adorable? Also, being your own teacher is impossible IRL, so imagine what it's like for Oz to try to train Oscar and vice versa. They're not just Oscar's own mental notes, so it must be really distracting for him hearing a voice giving him advice mid-fight! So, since Oz has been doing this for who knows how long, he's obviously built up some good tactics (giving tips before a fight not during and teaching through experience probably apply here) and I'd like to know more about what he's learned through the years of having this "curse".
Also fighting is really hard and exhausting, even if you've been lifting heavy stuff on a farm every day for years. It's a different set of muscles and RT knows that.
Semblance Stuff: It seems to me a Semblance is like a thing you stumble upon when you need it. Ren needed to hide his emotions from Grimm, who are only attracted to negative emotions. Ruby needed to be faster for training. Nora...explained it herself (Also the Thursday thing was real subtle RT. Nice one.) That makes the Glyphs being hereditary make a lot of sense. "What power do we give the family who has everything? The ability to make more things!" Anyways, Ruby diffusing what Jaune was about to say about himself ("I can't do anything.") and instead substituting a kinder option that made him feel less alone made me happier just to watch! You can see on their faces that look of "I might not be there yet, but look at this guy! He's not there yet either, but he's still really good! We can both work on it and get stronger!" Also, I like that Ren said "a common philosophy" and then a few of the sides Fan-Theorists have taken in regards for what Semblance is.
Raven and Yang: Raven does actually seem proud of Yang at the beginning! Even through the sarcasm, the look she has at the beginning gives it away. She knew someone was showing up, but didn't know it was going to be Yang. Yang's arm shaking... my guess is she saw the mask, the sword, and the colours and was reminded of Adam.  She's been hoping her daughter would come to her at some point, but when she finds out why she's really there, she feels so betrayed! I wonder how many times family has done that to her before... Though the "Family. Only coming around when they need something." line sounds a little...Ironic? Hypocritical? Anyways, Yang has really become a master tactician! Saving time and the Remnant equivalent of gasoline by going to mom instead of driving around an entire continent? Avoiding fights as much as possible to conserve ammo? Controlling her anger to make an example of one of the goons? Is this even the same Yang?? I also wonder what Raven knows about Oz. I get why she doesn't want her going with Qrow, with the whole Semblance thing, but Oz? I wonder what he did... And she really does miss having family, no matter what she says. The end gives it away. She's the closest she's probably ever gotten to begging for Yang to stay with the...clan? Tribe? She does put safety before anything, though, which I can respect.
Weiss and Yang: Now this is the part I’m super interested in, psychologically speaking. I also feel like I need to say some of these things due to many calling it ‘ship bait’ or ‘shoehorning stuff in’. And if that is the case, which I’m not sure it is, I’m actually kinda proud of RT for going against three very popular ships (Bumblebee/by, White Rose/Ice Flower, and Monochrome/Checkmate)
It makes so much sense that they meet first! I mean, obviously the Raven thing, but they were both the most distraught about being away from the rest of their team, after all. Ruby has JNR, Qrow, and Oz, Blake has her family and Sun... The only people who were kind to Weiss and Yang were Klein and the guy driving the airship and Tai and his occasional teacher guests respectively. Other than that, they've been effectively alone and traveling in dangerous conditions for the past however long and, while there can be kind people on long journeys, it's pretty safe to say that they're pretty few and far-between. Yang also, as we've gathered from this episode, hasn't been getting the letters Ruby was sending and Weiss almost definitely had no contact with anyone she actually cared for besides Winter who isn't exactly into being the Poster Woman for Sympathy/Empathy. ​They had basically one person that they left to search for everyone else and may have found one or two people along their journey that were kind to them. They've been on practically parallel journeys (leaving their fathers to search for their sisters in an unforgiving environment and getting mixed up with the exact same crowd) so before you start complaining that the ending is 100% purely for the fans and shipping and whatever, take where they've been and what they've been through into account. I get it, 'they used that same music with the Renora reveal', and 'the way they're hugging definitely isn't how people without crushes on each other hug' but still. Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% onboard that ship if RT decides that's the one that'll set sail, but humans are complex creatures with complex emotions. If you were to be forcibly cut off from civilization and friends you'd been through so many life-changing experiences with for an undisclosed amount of time (probably upwards of 8 months based on the events of V4) and made to feel like a prisoner and criminal, you'd probably hug the first one of your friends you come across like that, too.
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jeoseungsaja · 3 years
⭐️⭐️⭐️ - for Yeoshin? 🥺 v4, unless you'd prefer canon ;333333
@mythvoiced ♚ from x.
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Send ⭐️ (or multiple) for a headcanon about our muses.
⭐️ Yeo used to draw and paint during the Goryeo era. When his Kingdom dissolved and he escaped from his initial, painful fate as King, the wish to pursue such an interest of leisure dissolved. He practically left hobby on the backburner, for he had to deal with other things, such as taking a firm hold of his abilities as a gumiho and simply survive on his own. Nevertheless, the itch to draw and paint returned when he started developing feelings for Kim Shin. He needed more than his memories to remember things about Dokkaebi, and so he picked up a sketchbook (sometimes he misses silk canvases, but he guesses small notebooks with several pages are more practical) to start drawing anything Yeo deems memorable about their times together. As such, Yeo has several pages with charcoal and watercolor sketches, all of them related to Shin in one way or the other. From cherry blossoms, to forbidden roofs upon high buildings; from bouquets of flowers with heartwarming notes, to the gorgeous face he desires to see frequently, they're all saved upon paper sheets. Some of the drawings even have notes, little quotes that resonated with him, or things he'd like to say out loud, but doesn't. Maybe, if Kim Shin were to ever discover this book, he'd find out how enamored Wang Yeo is of him. ⭐️ All these centuries, and Yeo's kept his past to himself. He does this as to protect himself, as to keep part of his weaknesses close so no one else can barge in and take them. Shin is no exception to this rule in the beginning, when they initially meet, Yeo tucking olden stories away --- especially from someone as powerful as Goblin, for he does not know his intentions once they cross paths. However, as sentiments flourish and he gets to acknowledge more of Shin, he begins to have the need to open a space to tell him about what he's done, to tell him why he sees the open mouth of danger and enters into the cave despite sharp teeth waiting. There's a bit of hesitation about this, not because there's not trust (Yeo's actually learned to trust him so much, especially after Shin being the one to take care of his wounds when he's too weak to do it himself; after Shin seeing him so vulnerable and deciding cloak him warmly rather than further expose frangibility), but because he's afraid this might push Kim Shin away (Yeo's being a fool here, but it is what crosses his mind). He keeps making questions in his head, like: what will he think? Will he still accept me after I tell him what I've done? Will that look in his eyes change once he knows who I was, what I'm doing? Despite this, Yeo also feels Shin has the right to know...so, based on this, I sort of...imagine them having a conversation, possibly outside; looking out toward vastness of sky, just in the serenity of it all...and them opening up about their past, about what wounds them still, about the scars which still feel fresh regardless of acquiring them eons ago. ⭐️ Excuse me, but, Yeo will absolutely make up any excuse (especially during the times their feelings aren't so clear or direct; he'll make up any sort of justification, even if most of them sound silly) to end nuzzled up against Kim Shin's chest, and here are some of the reasons: a) Shin's scent always brings him utter comfort and peace, b) his warmth is unlike any other and gumiho wants to bask in it for as long as he can, c) he sleeps much better when Shin's close. Yeo'll even wrap his arms around Shin's waist and appear smaller in height if needed; curling up against Goblin. Even...uh...may I say...once feelings are, out there and they're...possibly...bolder with their relationship...Yeo will also take this as an opportunity to press lazy kisses on Shin's neck and jawline--- BONUS HEADCANON BECAUSE I CAN'T HELP MYSELF: ✨ Kim Shin possibly taking Yeo to new gardens and forests around the world? Yeo hasn't traveled outside Korea, but Shin has (? please correct me if I'm wrong, since this is a different verse than main, so it's completely understandable as well, if you feel that some things are different in this verse), so this (along other factors) would make Goblin more well-versed in acknowledging nature (and other spots) outside main territory. And just...the thought of Shin seeing Yeo distraught for some reason, enough for Shin to take his hand, open the closest door, and transport them somewhere Shin thinks Yeo might enjoy? 🥺 Or, just taking him there because the topic popped up, or because Shin remembered a specific location and wishes to take Yeo there? IT'S JUST---A THOUGHT----also friendly reminder that Canada has about 9% of the world's forests, so I---👀
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
Is it me, or has Ren been purposely distant/annoyed with Nora lately. I've caught on multiple occasions (Mostly CH 1,3,4 and now 5) where Nora will do something and Ren will ignore it, shake his head at her, or just bluntly call her out. It seems to me that RT might be setting up a possible conflict with Renora where Ren might actually snap at Nora for not taking something seriously and be all "Why cant you take anything serious?!" I'm very curious about this--What do you think?
Hmm…well to be fair anon-chan; while seeing Ren flat out turn down Nora’s compliment about his new outfit, much to her disappointment, was annoying to see as a Renora-shipper, outside of that, Ren’s behaviour with Nora doesn’t seem that much different. At least to me.
We’ve seen Ren make dry remarks in response to Nora’s animated outbursts in the past. But for the most part Ren has always been quite patient with Nora; allowing her to be as loud and outspoken as she wants to be and a part of me would like to think that Ren’s unyielding patience with Nora stems from their time surviving on their own together particularly the night Ren protected Nora from the Nevermore.
Nora used to be so scared and soft spoken when we first saw her as a little girl back during the Kunoyuri episode. It’s almost hard to believe she evolved into the exuberant young woman we know her to be. And I think part of that is due inpart to Ren always encouraging her to be that way with him.
The only times Ren’s sudden change in behaviour toward Nora stood out to me the most was in V7CH1 where Ren took off in combat without Nora, much to her clear annoyance and of course their moment in CH3. 
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Since Ren was seen being trained personally by Elm (and getting his ass clobbered) in V7CH5, I’m curious to know if this will become a routine thing for him. 
Constantly training, particularly with Elm as part of his regiment when he isn’t on mission or doing team training with Nora, Jaune and perhaps Oscar too from time to time. 
Though that montage with Ren and Elm was short, it was enough for me to take note of it. Why? Because it ties into my theory for Ren’s strange behaviour for this season. As I once told another anon-ninja, I chucked up Ren’s sudden distance of Nora as his way of giving himself some space so that he can grow stronger as a fighter and huntsmen.
Despite starting off as a seemingly weak-minded, scared little girl, Nora has evolved into a powerhouse. She’s definitely become a stronger person than she was before when she met Ren. 
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So much so that my idea was that Ren must’ve compared himself to Nora and Jaune and realized that he may be the weakest link within his team. Nora has always been a raging force of nature not to be messed with while Jaune himself has shown immense improvement over the seasons.He’s been especially impressive for this season so far.
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Of the JNR trio, Ren is the one to have grown the least in terms of battle prowess. I remember how quickly he would get winded out in a fight after using his aura. Not to mention that another habit I’ve noticed of Ren in the line of combat is getting himself knocked out too easily during a fight and needing Nora to come save him.
It happened back in V1 when Ren jumped on the Death stalker’s back and got himself flung into a pillar leading to Nora coming in to avenge him alongside Pyrhha and Jaune in their first team fight when JNPR was forged.
It happened back in V2 when Yang knocked him down during the RWBY vs JNPR food fight leading to Nora tagging herself in for him.  
It happened in V3 during the JNPR vs BRNZ fight at the Vytal Festival where Ren got taken out by Nolan leading to Nora coming to his defence once again.
It happened back in V4 when he nearly got himself killed by the Nuckelavee if Nora hadn’t intervened. 
It happened in V5 when Hazel took him out, leading to Nora to come to his rescue and send the Juggernaut flying straight through the front door. 
It even happened again in V6 with Ren getting himself taken away by Cordovin leading Nora to fire after the mechazord to get him back. Not to mention that Ren’s stunt left him unable to help defend and/or protect the rest of his team on the ground.
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So yeah, as you can tell by my recap, Ren doesn’t do so hot defending himself on the battlefield despite being a competent fight. Nora coming to his aid all the time really has become a glaring habit.
Though the PLOT hasn’t given me much proof to this, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Ren has probably done some self-assessment within recent times and has now made up his mind while the group is in Atlas to strive to improve himself and get stronger, not just for himself but for his teammates, especially Nora.
Now that I think about it, Neon’s quick jab at Ren during the JN(P)R vs FNKI battle from V7CH5 could be used as further justification for my theory:
“…Wow, your boyfriend’s actually holding his own.”
Neon saying that reaffirms my earlier point about how much Ren fumbles in a fight on his own. And I think that’s the reason for his current mood. 
While I do think you might ultimately be correct too in the PLOT setting up a potential fight or tension between our favourite Flower Power pair, for me I feel it has less to do with Nora not being able to take things seriously and more on Ren needing to get stronger. Or hey, maybe both of our theories are correct?
What would make this even more interesting is if Ren’s sudden desire to become stronger ties into what he and everyone recently learnt regarding Salem. 
It would be cool if the whole truth about Salem has secretly been weighing on Ren since Argus and it just occurred to him that if any of them were to attempt to go up against the Wicked Witch—even without her immortality, Ren wouldn’t stand a chance against Salem. He wouldn’t even be able to hold her back in his current shape.
Perhaps…this might even force Ren to think back to the RNJR encounter with Tyrian Callows back in V4 and remember how useless he made himself appear up against a formidable opponent like that who proclaimed himself as a servant of Salem. 
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If Ren couldn’t even hold his own against one of Salem’s forces then how can he even call himself a warrior? Shoot, he didn’t even stand a chance against Hazel---another confirmed member of Salem’s forces. 
How was he supposed to defend himself against them, let alone his friends? Let alone his girlfriend and closest companion.
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And Ren taking the upcoming fight against Salem moreseriously while Nora isn’t could tie into your hunch regarding his frustration over Nora’s nonchalance? Who knows? It’s another idea for the table of possibilities.
All this being said, a part of me is really hoping for a prospective JNPR 2.0-centric episode for V7.
I want to know what their thoughts on Ruby’s actions in V7CH2 were like. Thus far we have only covered what RWBY thinks with Weiss, Blake and Yang basically playing follow the leader and siding with Ruby. However we don’t know how Jaune, Ren and Nora took the news. We haven’t seen them antagonize Ruby or any of the RWBY girls at all.
One the contrary, JNR behave just as normally as they ever did with RWBY which says they’re fine with the way things are for now.
I find that to be a little odd given how strongly JNR reacted to the truth about Salem back in V6CH8. Perhaps their all hiding their true thoughts for the sake of friendship with Ruby and Team RWBY. 
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But I wonder how JNR will think about the matter once they hear it from the perspective of someone who doesn’t share in Ruby’s approach—another smaller, more honest soul who the trio have gradually been growing closer to. 
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It’d be interesting if we got Oscar approaching JNR for support with him possibly going forward and unveiling the truth to Ironwood. Or at least back him up when confronting Ruby again on the subject.
For me, I mostly want an episode that focuses on Ren and Nora confronting the growing strain in their relationship while potentially leading into a discussion of their past together but from Nora’s point of view this time.
I also wish for an episode like this to show Oscar conflicted on the right approach while confiding in Jaune.
@megashadowdragon​ shared with me their theory on Jaune telling Oscar about the time he forged his admission papers to get into Beacon Academy. I can see Jaune talking to Oscar in regards to his feelings while using himself as an example in morality.
I have a strong feeling that this WILL surely happen down the line. While we got a teaser of Oscar training with Ironwood in CH5, it is to be noted that Oscar’s training was assigned to help him jog Oz out of his mind.
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Though things are reasonably friendly between Oscar and Ironwood at the moment, it wouldn’t surprise if down the line James starts to grow wary when he acknowledges that the training regimen hasn’t been successful in bringing Oz back. 
While it’s definitely assisted in Oscar’s improvement as a huntsman, as I said, the purpose of the training was to bring back Oz. So if nothing happens in that regard, James will start to get suspicious. He might even start to probe Oscar for more information on his current predicament which could potentially poke holes in Ruby’s swish cheese of an alibi from V7CH2.
Perhaps…even the talk of aura experiments will finally be brought up from this. Imagine if…Ironwood eventually makes the proposition for Oscar to allow Atlas to run tests on his aura as another alternative to forcing Oz to return…unless Oscar gives him a valid reason while he shouldn’t let him undergo experimentation—meaning the truth.
Perhaps…it’ll be a case where Oscar becomes frightened regarding the thought of undergoing experimentation. It’s basically a prospect where Ironwood has unknowingly backed Oscar into a corner based on Ruby’s lie; so to speak. So either the truth comes out or…Oscar gets experimented on for no reason?
And we all know how nice those Atlesian Aura Experiments go for their subjects, right? I know Jaune certainly remembers how great it was for Pyrhha back in V3. 
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I dunno. I’m only bringing this concept up since I’m curious to know when the PLOT will reintroduce Atlas’ experimental aura technology and research that was revealed back in V3. I still have a feeling that’s going to come back somehow. Either it’ll be part of Oscar’s story for V7 or be savoured for the subplot with our revealed Winter Maiden: Fria.
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As an alternative, Oscar could just eventually start to feel pressured by keeping the truth from the General, seeing how kind he and his lieutenants have been to him and the others. 
Oscar becomes conflicted on what the right thing to do should be. He knows that the Relic of Knowledge is in his possession since Ruby trusted it with him. But at the same time, the little barn prince is also fully aware that one question still remains with the lamp—a question that could be used to unveil the whole truth to Ironwood. The problem is will Ruby want to do that?
Oh! What if…we got a JNPR parallel to RWBY in V7CH2 where Oscar confides in JNR that he wishes to reveal the truth to Ironwood using the Relic of Knowledge but is conflicted about it? One of the JNR members then prompts Oscar with the question on whether he spoke to Ruby regarding his decision.
This now brings me to my Pinehead headcanon where Ruby and Oscar meet alone and get into one big argument over their differing sentiments on trusting Ironwood with the whole truth. 
In the end, Oscar begrudgingly returns the Relic to Ruby before parting ways with her implying that he was going to leave the team because of her; or something to that liking. 
My rationale for wanting a plot point like this is due to its connection to the Little Prince story where the Prince left his home planet after growing frustrated with his rose. 
Since the Prince left because of his rose, I considered something like that happening with Oscar where he decides to either leave the team again or just Ruby in general out of his disappointment and frustration with her recent choice of actions and attitude towards such actions. 
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So the little barn prince takes himself out of the equation and abandons his little red rose, returning the Relic to her because he wasn’t prepared to be the one to do to Ruby what she did to Ozpin back in V6. 
Nor did he have the heart to watch her become someone else he didn’t recognize. Or something alone those lines.
 As I’ve said before, I don’t wish for Oscar to go behind Ruby’s back and tattle on her to the General. I would actually hate it if the PLOT made Oscar do that to Ruby since, I don’t think Oscar would ever do that to her. We all saw how shattered Oz was following the ordeal and I’m certain Oscar felt his pain and sadness in that moment too despite not being in control. 
So forgive me if this squiggle meister just can’t fathom Oscar putting Ruby through that. In my mind, he would NEVER. Not to her. 
Instead what I’m banking on is a chain reaction of events that result in Oscar convincing Ruby that coming clean about the whole truth to their Atlesian Allies about Salem is the right call so that she could reveal the truth herself. 
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Ruby is the one responsible for planting the group in potential hot water with James after she lied the first time; possibly on Oscar’s behalf which was admittedly bold of her since Oscar didn’t exactly ask her to do that for him.
 If the truth is to be revealed, it has to come from Ruby. Heck, perhaps …she and Oscar can both tell the General the truth together since, as I said, the Rosebuds are the drivers of this subplot. 
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It still really bothers me how the heroes (most  of them anyways) really believe that lying to James—the man confirmed to be paranoid about being betrayed by those closest to him—- is a good call especially after the events of V6.
I’m even more stunned at Qrow. Qrow knows James probably a lot better than Ruby does and after what happened with Oz back in Argus, it honestly baffles me how complacent Qrow is being about keeping the truth from James especially after he went through an ordeal where he was devastated by truth after being unaware of it for years. It just doesn’t make sense to me at all.
But going back to Ren and Nora now, as I’ll reiterate I think Ren’s behaviour is about growing stronger. 
Back in V5, Ren was the one to question how the heroes were going to win the fight against Salem if she can’t be killed. That was mainly his reaction to the truth while Jaune and Nora most responded in anger.
“…If Salem can’t be killed, then how are we supposed to win this?” 
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Seriously, we haven’t seen such a fire in Ren’s eyes since V4 against the Nuckelavee and his whole history with the beast that killed his family and destroyed his home village. So I’m assuming his key story for V7 will be bettering himself as a warrior for the people around him and for the upcoming war with Salem and the chaos that will happen once the truth comes out to the General and the rest of Remnant.
Those are my thoughts on that for now.
 ~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
I don't think JNR will fight Neo because that fight doesn't seem balanced. Like Neo could probably handle two of them but not all 3, 4 considering Oscar is there.
…Uhm…you say that like the number ofpeople versus their opponent actually matters in a battle between heroes andvillains, anon-chan. Especially whenit involves the safety of one of their own.
I mean it wasn’t exactly a ‘balanced’ fight either when TyrianCallows challenged the RNJR team back in Mistral and Tyrian still managed tooverwhelm all four huntsmen despite being outnumbered.
That being said, I think seeing Neo face off against JNR would be aninteresting battle to see. It’ll be the first hero versus villain fight for JNRin a long time. Not to mention that it’ll also be our first fight with Neosince V3. I’m sorry anon but this squigglemeister is gonna have to disagree with you on this idea.
I’dactually LOVE to see this fight playout and given how today’s episode left off, with RWBY squaring off against theAce Ops, this leaves JNR as possibly ouronly hope at finding and saving Oscar before Neo gets far with him. As muchas I would’ve preferred to see Ruby Rose save Oscar, I wouldn’t mind if JNRsaves Oscar instead since #SQUAD! I’dlove me some more JNPR 2.0 moments.
Someone over onTwitter---@EDragonLink---even shared the idea of Neo donning Pyrhha’s form tofight JNR. I dig that idea. I think that would be pretty cool too.
But for me, I can more picture thematch playing out like Ren and Nora workingtogether as the power couple they are to stop Neo while Jaune tries to freeOscar who is off subdued somewhere. So to appeal to your theory, anon-chan,let’s say…it’s actually Flower Power versus Neo while Jaune rescuesOscar. Speaking off…
CrazyIdea Time
Since the allusion since V6 is that Neo will do something bad that’ll upset theFNDM, imagine if…the super badthing that Neo does is kill Nora?
Like let’s say…during their dual, Neo tricks Ren by disguising herselfas Nora and overpowers him. But just as Neo is about to deal a killing blow toRen, Nora jumps in front of Ren and shields him, with the tip of Neo’s bladepiercing Nora right in heart. Ifigured Nora being stabbed through the heart would be symbolic since she’s always been a character whose love and devotionto the people she cared about has endeared her throughout the series.
With JNPR 2.0 distracted by Nora,Neo makes her but still leaves empty-handed.
But unlike Weiss in V4, Jaune isunable to save Nora this time. Her injury was so damaging that not even Jaune boastingNora with his aura was enough since…there was no longer any aura for him toaccelerate to help heal her. Nora wasalready dead.
So Nora ends up dying in Ren’s armsas he starts crying over her dead body, finally professing his love for herrepeatedly in a desperate attempt to get her to come back to him.
Imagineif…in a similar moment to Jaune in V4, Oscar unlocks his semblance at that momentand his semblance turns out to be what saves Nora from death. And sincethis is an imagined scenario that I’mgoing with here, imagine if…by somestruck of a miracle, Oscar’s semblance turns out to be Revive.
 Like his true power is theequivalent of a Phoenix Down andthrough sacrificing some of his aura, Oscar is able to resuscitate Nora. Ifaura can be used to give life to a synthetic being like Penny then what’sstopping Oscar from being able to revive others from death by sacrificing partof his aura (which is mixed in with the magic of the God of Light that blessedOzma with reincarnation) with it actually making sense within the establishedcanon of RWBY?
I actually think that could’ve been aninteresting power to have. Revive your team members from death at the expenseof some of your aura---your own life force. It’s an interesting ability sinceit automatically gives Oscar a limit and his own life is his limit. That shot from V7CH7, where Pietro showed Weiss,Ruby and Maria his splintered aura that had missing portions as a result of thehim giving part of his life to create Penny got me thinking about this since itshowed me it was possible. As a matter of fact, it reminded me a bit ofFullmetal Alchemist with the equivalent exchange rule.  
Since Oscar represents theembodiment of rebirth, him possessinga semblance that enabled him to save lives at the expense of some of his owncould’ve been a compelling and surprisingly fitting power for Oscar’s characterto have. Because:
Firstly, like I said, he is theliving embodiment of life and reincarnation.
If Oscar is added to Amity Arenaafter V7, him having a Revive semblance would make him an Oscar-worthy asset in the game. I haven’t played Amity Arena as yet(waiting for my boy to be added, to be honest) but I can picture Oscar’ssemblance as a power up in the game. Y’know have “Best Boy Oscar revive you or one of the members of your party” typeof deal (seriously never played AA so forgive me if I’m very wrong about the in-gamemechanics).
Oscar possessing a resurrection typeof semblance could be seen as another nice little call-back to his VA: AaronDismuke who was Alphonse Elric from FMA.
Then again, this could mostly beseen as a crack concept. Like a crackPinehead headcanon, basically. Idoubt that any of my ideas shared here might become canon. Especially the partabout Oscars’ semblance being Revive.But still wanted to toss it out there since it could’ve been a little cool.
All in all, getting back ontrack---I dunno anon-chan; I don’twanna knock the JNPR 2.0 versus Neo potentialfight. Like I said I don’t think it’ll be unbalanced at all. As a matter offact, it would be pretty cool to see Neo take on three to four fighters at thesame time since we just saw Tyrian Callows fight three on one against Robyn,Qrow and Clover just this episode.
Wehaven’t seen JNR have a cool team fight since V3. I mean, sure we had FNKI thisseason but that wasn’t exactly a concentratedfight. It was spread out over four individual one and one fights. Havinganother 3 on 1 fight against a villain but with JNR would be awesome for them.I’m sorry but I personally want to see that especially if it leads into JNRsaving Oscar.
Itwouldn’t even mind if Oscar ends up sitting out this fight to let JNR shinesince I want to see these guys fight and work as a unit again. And if Oscarends up getting free and joining them in the end in cornering Neo just like howthey did with Neon in their FNKI battle, I’d love it even more.
LikeI’m picturing JNR fighting Neo and backing her into a corner where she thinksshe’s won only for a perfectly free Oscar Pine to blindside Neo and knock her downwith the Long Memory (payback for kidnapping him). I don’t expect Neo to bedefeated so easily. I’m definitely expecting her to escape but stillempty-handed since JNPR 2.0 managed to defeat her together. Yeah, I like thatidea. I like that idea a lot =) But that’s just me.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)
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